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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
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To get started with this blank TiddlyWiki, you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
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<<option chkRegExpSearch>> RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> EnableAnimations

Also see AdvancedOptions
recorder: Philips DCC170 
microphone: Realistic 33-1065 

a very good audience recording
recorded by Songhunter
Enjoy !

-65:29 minutes-
transfered by a Philips DCC 951 - optical - PC - EAC - FLAC6 - You 

01 Intro / Phyllis Ruth
02 Sac of Religion
03 Haw
04 Black Soul Choir
05 Harm's Way
06 Splinters
07 Clogger
08 Brimstone Rock
09 Low Estate
10 I seen what I saw
11 American Wheeze
12 For Heaven's Sake
13 Fire Spirit

more info: http://www.16horsepower.com/crossingborder98.html
Lineage: fm>cas (1st gen>Soundblaster>wav>shn

Announcer (1:30)

Roberto Plano - Piano

Villa-Lobos   Ciclo Brasileiro: Impressoes Seresteiras (6:14)

Announcer (0:13)

Ginastera   Danzas Argentinas, Op. 2

Ning An - Piano


Debussy   Preludes, Book II:
   La terrasse des audiences du clair de lune (4:49)
   Ondine (3:18)

Announcer (0:11 + 0:23)

Maria Mazo - Piano
Tchaikovsky-Pletnev   Concert Suite from The Nutcracker(9:28) 

Ying Feng - Piano
Brahms Variations on a Theme by Paganini, Op. 35, Books I and II
Announcer (0:10)

Total Time: 57:38
Lineage: fm>cas (1st gen>Soundblaster>wav>shn

Joyce Yang - piano

Announcer (4:27)
Carl Vine: Piano Sonata No. 1 (1990) (17:32)

Announcer (0:56)
Dvorak: Piano Quintet in A major, Op. 81 [with Takacs Quartet]
I. Allegro ma non troppo (10:30)
II. Dumka: Andante con moto - Un pochettino piu mosso (7:49)
III. Sherzo (Furiant): Molto vivace - Trio: poco tranquillo (10:46)
IV: Finale: Allegro (7:58)
Lineage: fm>cas (1st gen>Soundblaster>wav>shn

Announcer (3:00)
Alexander Kobrin - Haydn: Sonata in E-flat major, Hob. XVI:52 (15:00)

Announcer (1:00)
Sa Chen - Liszt: Spanish Rhapsody (13:02)

Announcer (0:34 + 3:05)
Joyce Yang - Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37 (35:14)

Announcer (0:20)
Joyce Yang - Liszt: Reminiscences de Don Juan (17:47)

Announcer (1:05)
Alexander Kobrin - Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43 (24:35)

Announcer (0:30)
Giles Collins Wallace McDonald Jakszyk
2CDs 107min Sharp MD-SR60>Sony ECM-DS70P>WAV>FLAC

Walk On
A Man A City
Cat Food
Let There Be Light
Cadence And Cascade
Court Of The Crimson King
Ladies Of The Road

Catleys Ashes
Formentera Lady
Sailor's Tale
I Talk To The Wind
21st Century Schizoid Man

(*unless any CJ3 gigs were captured, this may be the last performance of Ian Wallace recorded by fans.  

(**Missing Encores: Starless, Birdman

disc 1
1. Fanfare for the Common Man
2. Desde la Vida
3. Lover to Lover
4. You Do or You Don't
5. Hoedown
6. Talkin' Bout

disc 2
1. Creole Dance
2. On My Way Home
3. Runaway
4. Standing in the Shadows of Love
5. America/Rondo/Drum Solo
6. Eight Miles High
The wiki will be under startup construction for a bit. My goal is to have it up to date by July 1, 2006.

I'm also working on an RSS feed, so you can just subscribe to updates.
Crazy Eights
Mysterious Conversation
Ursula in Summer
Drifting into the Attack
Theme from an Imaginary Western
Uptown Breakdown
Sleight of Hand
Bloody Mary
Something in B Flat

Jack Bruce - bass, vocals
Billy Cobham - drums
Allan Holdsworth - guitar
Didier Lockwood - violin
David Sancious - keyboards

Trade history
jazzvines: offered 2007-08-04

Sound: A
Show: A
Take These Hands and Throw Them in the River
American Motor Over Smoldered Field
Mountains Made of Steam
On Silver Mt. Zion (movie never made)
God Bless Our Dead Marines
(some fucking car with gull wing doors)
Ring Them Bells (freedom has come and gone)
The Triumph Of Our Tired Eyes
Hang On To Each Other

Lineage: Mic (Sony ECM-DS70P)> Uncompressed recording (iRiver H120 - 16/44 WAV)> SoundForge (EQ, slight compression, some declipping)> FLAC v1.1.2a (Q5)
Taped by: Etienne Blythe
Transferred by: Etienne Blythe

Fly on the Wall
Back in Black
Shake Your Foundations
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
You Shook Me All Night Long
Sin City
The Jack
Shoot to Thrill

Highway to Hell
Sink the Pink
Whole Lotta Rosie
Let There Be Rock
Hell's Bells
For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)
Lineage:  CSBs > Edirol RO9 > Soundforge (edits)
Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone - conductor, Sonia Prina - Contralto

A France Musique recording

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741): Forgotten Arias

: (from) La Ninfa infelice e consolata (1732)
01 - Sarai qual padre mio 03'19"
: (from) La Silvia Rv734 (1721)
02 - Abbia respiro il cor 06'09"

: Concerto for violin in Bb major for violin, strings & basso continuo ??
03 - I 04'37"
04 - II 02'54"
05 - III 04'23"

: (from) Teuzzone Rv736 (1719)
06 - Vedi le mie catene 02'38"
: (from) La Verita in Cimento Rv739 (1720)
07 - Mi vuoi tradir, lo so 02'58"

: Concerto in A minor opus 3/6 for violin, strings & basso continuo Rv356
08 - I Allegro 03'16"
09 - II Largo 01'53"
10 - III Presto 02'19"

: (from) Teuzzone Rv736
11 - Per lacerarlo 02'40"
: (from) Tito Manlio Rv738 (1720)
12 - Tu dormi in tante pene 09'42"

: Concerto in A minor opus 3/8 for 2 violins, strings & basso continuo Rv522
13 - I Allegro 03'20"
14 - II Larghetto e Spirituoso + III Allegro 06'39"

: (from) L'odio vinto della costanza (1731)
15 - PerchŽ lacero il foglio 04'29"

: (from) Concerto for two violins No 5 opus 3 Rv519
16 - III Allegro 02'46"
total 64'32"

FM Radio Broadcast (Musiq3 (RTBF) july 20th, 2007) => Onkyo T-401 (analogic) receiver => Audacity 1.3.2 (Creative Commons: SourceForge.net) 32 bits 44100 Hz => Flac 16 bits 44100Hz with PowerPC G4/533 Mhz Digital Audio Apple MacIntosh => Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
=> Please do not encode to MP3 or other lossy file format except for personal use !!! for trade only, Please do not sell !!! enjoy !!! FA2007-140

Writing on the Wall
Walk around the World
Young Lions
Beat Box Guitar
I Remember How to Forget
Elephant Talk
Big Electric Cat
Matchless Man
Of Bow and Drum
Frame by Frame
Future Vision
Three of a Perfect Pair
Inner Man
Thela Hun Ginjeet

Sound: B+
Show: A
Writing on the Wall
Future Vision
Walk Around the World
Young Lions
Beat Box Guitar
I Remember How to Forget
Matchless Man
Elephant Talk
Big Electric Cat
Of Bow and Drum
Frame By Frame
Three of a Perfect Pair
Inner Man
Thela Hun Ginjeet

Sound: B
Show: A
"After Genesis"
Alessandro Cavicchi - pianist, arranger e composer.
Alberto Bocci - first contrabass for prestigious orchestras.
Andrea Baggio - digital sound.

Title: The Cryme of Selling Lambs 

Date: 05. 08. 2003
Venue: Giardino di Sant'orsola, Prato
Country: Italy
Source: DAT 
Quality: A+  
Media: 1CD-R 

Note: Trio of Prato composed from orchestra masters,
than to of recent published a disc of reworks of music of the Genesis for
contrabass, piano and loop vocal.

Track # Track Name Track Length 
1.1 Firth Of Fifth - 11:46 
1.2 Medley: 12:13
      For Absent Friends
      Seven Stones
1.3 Harold The Barrel - 4:16 
1.4 The Lamb Medley - 34:11
1.5 Harold The Barrel (encore) 4:35 

Total Running Time : 67:03 

1. High On Sunday 51 
2. Goodbye Caroline 
3. You're With Stupid Now 
4. You Could Make A Killing 
5. Save Me 
6. Video 
7. One 
8. Little Bombs 
9. Lost in Space 
10. It's Not Safe 
11. 4th of July 
12. Medicine Wheel 
13. Nothing is Good Enough 
14. You Do 
15. Frankenstein 
16. Invisible Ink 
17. Red Vines 
18. Humpty Dumpty 
19. Wise Up
Party in the Park II

1. [10.17] Alien Chase on Arabian Desert
2. [11.23] Senor Mouse
3. [06.16] Egyptian Danza
4. [08.44] Al Di's Dream
5. [03.22] Beyond the Seventh Galaxy
6. [02.43] Dinner Music of the Gods
7. [14.13] Race with Devil on Spanish Highway
8. [01.09] DJ Outro

Sound: A
Show: A
Disc 1
1 Sirius/Eye In The Sky
2 I Wouldn’t Want To Be Like You
3 Can’t Take It With You
4 Old And Wise
5 Money Talks/La Sagrada Familia
6 Days Are Numbers (The Traveller)
7 Prime Time
8 Limelight
9 Time
10 Turn It Up
11 Standing On Higher Ground
12 Blue Blue Sky II
13 I Can’t Look Down
14 So Far Away

Disc 2
1 Fall Free
2 Cloudbreak
3 Brother Up In Heaven
4 (The System Of) Dr. Tarr & Pr. Fether
5 Psychobabble
6 Don’t Answer Me
7 Band Intro/You’re Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned
8 Games People Play
Transfer: CD-R from trade > EAC > FLAC Level 8 > you 
Sound Quality: A in my rating and ears.... 

Disc 1  66min    
1 Magical Mystery Tour
2 Open My Eyes
3 Sirius/Eye In The Sky 
4 Crazy On You 
5 My Wife 
6 Hello It’s Me/Don’t Answer Me
7 You’re The Biggest Part Of Me
8 How Much I Feel
9 Bang On The Drum
10 The Real Me
11 Games People Play
12 Dreamboat Annie
13 Barracuda/My Generation

Disc 2  75min
1 Back In The U.S.S.R. 
2 Lady Madonna
3 I’m Down
4 The Fool On The Hill 
5 While My Guitar Gently Weeps
6 Here Comes The Sun
7 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
8 You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
9 Everybody’s Got Something To Hide....
10 Revolution
11 Day Tripper
12 I Want To Hold Your Hand/Blackbird
13 Rain
14 Let It Be
15 Ticket To Ride
16 Hey Jude
17 Birthday
18 Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End

Alan Parsons: Guitars, Vocals & Keyboard 
Todd Rundgren: Guitars & Vocals 
Ann Wilson: Vocals & Flute 
John Entwistle: Bass & Vocals 
David Pack: Guitars & Vocals 
Godfrey Townsend: Guitars 
Steve Loungo: Drums 
John Beck: Keyboards 

Nice recording from A Walk Down Abbey Road Tour -  a tribute to The Beatles.
Out of a frequency analysis I did of I’m Down, I guess a MiniDisc recorder is used.
Since I got this in a trade I dont have any info
about lineage, taping equipment etc. 

This is intended for free trade only. Do not buy or sell!!
Transfer: CD-R from trade > EAC > FLAC Level 8 > you 

Disc 1 
1 Magical Mystery Tour 
2 Sirius/Eye In The Sky 
3 Barracuda 
4 Hello It’s Me 
5 You’re The Biggest Part of Me 
6 The Real Me 
7 Back In The U.S.S.R. 
8 Lady Madonna 
9 I’m Down 
10 The Fool On The Hill 
11 While My Guitar Gently Weeps 
12 Yesterday 
13 Here Comes The Sun 
Disc 2
1 Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
2 You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
3 Maybe I’m Amazed
4 Rain
5 Blackbird
6 Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey
7 Revolution
8 Day Tripper
9 Ticket To Ride
10 I Want To Hold Your Hand
11 Hey Jude
12 Birthday
13 Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End

Alan Parsons: Guitars, Vocals & Keyboard 
Todd Rundgren: Guitars & Vocals 
Ann Wilson: Vocals & Flute 
John Entwistle: Bass & Vocals 
David Pack: Guitars & Vocals 
Godfrey Townsend: Guitars 
Steve Loungo: Drums 
John Beck: Keyboards 
Intro/I Robot
Damned If I Do
Don't Answer Me
The Raven
What Goes Up
Return to Tunguska

More Lost without You
I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You
We Play the Game
Don't Let It Show
Prime Time
Sirius/Eye in the Sky
Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether
Old & Wise
Games People Play
VHS transfer (Madrid)
Pro-Shot (Spain)

    I Robot  instrumental

    Can't Take It With You vocals: P.J. Olsson

    Don't Answer Me vocals: Alan Parsons

    Breakdown / The Raven vocals: Steve Murphy / P.J. Olsson

    Time vocals: P.J. Olsson

    Psychobabble vocals: Steve Murphy

    I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You vocals: John Montagna

    Damned If I Do vocals: P.J. Olsson

    More Lost Without You vocals: P.J. Olsson

    Don't Let It Show vocals: P.J. Olsson

    Prime Time vocals: Godfrey Townsend

    band intros

    Sirius / Eye In The Sky vocals: Alan Parsons


    (The System Of) Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether vocals: P.J. Olsson

    Games People Play vocals: Alan Parsons / P.J. Olsson


This concert was sponsored M80 Radio in Madrid.


    ALAN PARSONS: Acoustic Guitar, Keyboards and Vocals

    P.J. OLSSON: Acoustic Guitar and Vocals

    GODFREY TOWNSEND: Lead Guitar and Vocals

    STEVE MURPHY: Drums and Vocals

    MANNY FOCARAZZO: Keyboards and Vocals

    JOHN MONTAGNA: Bass Guitar and Vocals
Minidisc MZ-NH700 & Coresound Binaural Mics >> Sonicstage wave >> Audobe Audition >> WAV >> Traders Little Helper >>Flac level 6
MD5 file created with Traders Little Helper

01 I Robot
02 Damned if I do
03 Don’t answer me
04 Breakdown
05 Lucifer
06 Day after day (the show must go on)
07 La Sagrada familia
08 Time
09 Psychobabble
10 I wouldn’t want to be like you
11 We play the game
12 Don’t let it show
13 Prime time
14 Sirius / Eye in the sky
15 Can’t take it with you
16 Old and wise 
18 Games people play
19 (The system of) Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether


Aldo Romano - drums
Louis Sclavis - clarinet, sopranosax
Henri Texier - bass

01 Daoulagad (Texier)
02 Standing Ovation (for Mandela) (Romano)
03 Entraves (Texier)
04 Les Petits Lits Blancs (Sclavis)
05 (unknown)

FM > cassette > CDR > EAC > WAV > Audacity (minor track editing) > FLAC
CoreSound Binaurals > BeyerDynamic MV100 > Sony TCD-8

Track Listing:

1.	Intro
2.	Short Order
3.	Blue Trout
4.	Lay this Body Down
5.	Cumulus Rising
6.	Inverness
7.	Angel
8.	Sweet William
9.	It Ain't Necessarily So
10.	Intro
11.	St. James Infirmary
12.	Shortnin' Bread
13.	The Water Garden
14.	Down Below
15.	Single Girl
16.	Sleepytime
17.	Goodbye Porkpie Hat, Last Steam Engine Train
18.	Tuning
19.	Turning, Turning Back

Allan Holdsworth - guitar
Alan Pasqua – keyboards, piano
Jimmy Haslip – electric bass
Chad Wackerman – drums


CD 1
1. Radio Intro [1:08]
2. Track02 [9:48]
3. Track03 [10:06]
4. Track04 [16:59]
5. Track05 [8:34]
6. Track06 [3:41] (fade out Radio Announcer)
7. Track07 [10:06]
8. Track08 [11:03]

1. Track01 [14:44]
2. Track02 [6:32]
3. Track03 [9:08] (fade out)

Statesboro Blues
Don't Keep Me Wonderin'
Done Somebody Wrong
One Way Out
In Memory of Elizabeth Reed
Midnight Rider
Hot 'Lanta
Whipping Post
You Don't Love Me

Trade history:
2007-08-12 received in trade

Taped and transferred by Lee Hart
leehookem21 at yahoo dot com 

Source: AKG 483 (DINa @7') > Warm Mod UA5 > Jb3 on ice (SVU-1)
Transfer: JB3 (firewire) > Creative Playcenter > Soundforge 7.0 (fades) > CDWave (tracking) > flac level 6

03 Anecdote
04 Heavy Lifting
08 Primitive (The Way I Treat You)
09 Sugar Pill
11 encore
12 Yoga Means Union

Amy's set:
1. [tuning up]
2. Shopping Around
3. Cynically Yours
4. Beer & Kisses
5. Are We Ever Gonna Have Sex Again
6. Summer of My Wasted Youth
7. Keep It to Yourself
8. I Hate Every Bone in Her Body
9. Magicians
10. Til the Wheels Fall Off (w/ Todd Snider)
11. Balls
12. 20 Questions

Todd's set:
1. Easy Money
2. 45 Miles
3. [Devil's Backbone intro]
 Ballad of the Devil's Backbone Tavern
4. D.B. Cooper
5. [Moondawg story]
 Moondawg's Tavern
6. Doublewide Blues > Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw (Jimmy Buffet)
7. [Moondawg's funeral]
 Can't Complain
8. Beer Run
9. Class of '85
10. Waco Moon
11. [Tillamook County Jail story]
 Tillamook County Jail
12. [End of Tillamook County Jail story]
 Keep Off the Grass
13. Vinyl Records
14. What's Wrong with You
15. Alright Guy
16. Illegal Smile (John Prine)
17. Freebird > Sideshow Blues

1. [Skip story]
2. Satisfaction (Rolling Stones) (w/ Amy Rigby)
3. Satisfaction Guaranteed (w/ Amy Rigby)
4. Somebody's Comin'
5. I Believe You/Amazing Grace
1. Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra 
2. Time And A Word / Owner Of A Lonely Heart / Teakbois  
3. Clap  
4. Mood For A Day  
5. Wakeman Solo 
6. Long Distance Runaround / Bruford Solo  
7. Birthright  
8. And You And I  
9. I've Seen All Good People  

1. Close To The Edge  
2. Themes
3. Levin / Bruford Duet  
4. Brother Of Mine  
5. Heart Of The Sunrise 
6. Order Of The Universe  
7. Roundabout  
8. Starship Trooper  

The Young Persons Guide intro was extended, probably because Jon was late getting to the stage.

The Meeting was dropped for this show.

Taped by Kevin Hall & Carl Morstadt 

Sony WM-D6C Professional Walkman recorder
2 Beyer M-700 microphones
Maxell metal cassettes

Mastered and FLAC'ed by Carl Morstadt (dantalion8@yahoo.com)
Master Cassettes -> 
Aiwa AD-WX808 cassette deck -> 
M-Audio Firewire Audiophile 2496 -> 
CDWAV 24-bit/96-KHz wav files ->
Goldwave (normalizing and crossfades) ->
CD Wave (track breaks) ->
FLAC Front End (FLAC 8)

No EQ'ing.

A 16-bit/44.1-KHz flac16 version of this show is also available.

1. Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra 
2. Time And A Word / Owner Of A Lonely Heart / Teakbois  
3. Clap  
4. Mood For A Day  
5. Wakeman Solo 
6. Long Distance Runaround / Bruford Solo  
7. Birthright  
8. And You And I  
9. I've Seen All Good People  

1. Firebird Suite  
2. Close To The Edge  
3. Themes (nice Quad effects)
4. Levin / Bruford Duet  
5. Brother Of Mine 
6. The Meeting  
7. Heart Of The Sunrise 
8. Order Of The Universe  

1. Roundabout  
2. Starship Trooper  

This show was still early in the tour (the fourth show), and finds the band experimenting with setlist and sound effects.  This may be the only show with the Firebird Suite, which drops right into the opening jam of Close To the Edge.

They were also experimenting with quadrophonic sound, with stacks of speakers on the lawn handling those effects like at old-style "azimuth coordinator" Floyd shows.

We moved to the lawn for the second set to better capture the quad effects, and found a nice spot near one of the speaker stacks.  During Themes especially you can hear the sound moving in and out of the lawn speakers.

 Taped by Kevin Hall & Carl Morstadt 

Sony WM-D6C Professional Walkman recorder
2 Beyer M-700 microphones
Maxell metal cassettes

Mastered and FLAC'ed by Carl Morstadt (dantalion8@yahoo.com)
Master Cassettes -> 
Aiwa AD-WX808 cassette deck -> 
M-Audio Firewire Audiophile 2496 -> 
CDWAV 24-bit/96-KHz wav files ->
Goldwave (normalizing and crossfades) ->
CD Wave (track breaks) 

dBpowerAMP Audio Converter (24-bit/96-KHz wav files converted to 16-bit/44.1 KHz wav files) ->
FLAC Front End (FLAC 8 with sector boundary alignment)

No EQ'ing.
There have been a number of different versions/remasters of this show floating around for some time. A number of those versions have no lineage and/or come from higher-gen copies. This post is not a rehash or reseed of those versions. 

This is a brand new transfer direct to cd-r from the metal cassette masters and it comes to us courtesy of BF. This show is well-known because Tony Levin collapsed a short time after the concert due to illness. The next night's concert at the Dallas Starplex was cancelled. This Houston gig is a very tight performance by the band and a fine recording as well. Song samples provided. Enjoy!

Metal cassette master tapes>cd-r>Bias Peak Pro 5.2.1>Xact>flac

Setlist: Disc One (78:57)
1. Time And A Word/Owner Of A Lonely Heart/Teakbois
2. Clap
3. Mood For A Day
4. Wakeman Solo
5. Long Distance Runaround/Bruford Solo
6. Birthright
7. And You And I
8. I've Seen All Good People
9. Close To The Edge
Disc Two: (67:09)
10. Themes
11. Brother Of Mine
12. The Meeting
13. Heart Of The Sunrise
14. Order Of The Universe
15. Roundabout
16. Starship Trooper

Never, Never Sell This!
Lineup	:	
Jon Anderson	 (Vocals)
Bill Bruford	 (Drums)
Steve Howe	 (Guitars)
Rick Wakeman	 (Keyboards)
Julian Colbeck	 (Keyboards)
Tony Levin	 (Bass)
Milton McDonald	 (Guitars)

Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra
Time And A Word/Owner Of A Lonely Heart/Teakbois
Mood For A Day
Wakeman Solo
Long Distance Runaround/Bruford Solo
And You And I
Levin/Bruford Duet
Brother Of Mine
Tombo No Megane
The Meeting
Close To The Edge
Order Of The Universe
Heart Of The Sunrise
I've Seen All Good People
Audience > DAT > 1st copy > eac > wave > flac frontend 

Disc 1 :

01. Intro (2:50)
02. Stella (7:18)
03. Angoh! / Band Introduction (10:05)
04. New & Unreleased (3:14)
05. Dancing With The Lion (5:28)
o6. Cor Do Amor (4:26)
07. Passionata (7:05)
08. Under One Moon (7:30)
09. Belladonna (3:44)
10. Morgana Palace (12:57)

Disc 2 :

01. Behind The Garden (13:15)
02. The Secret, The Candle And Love (3:28)
03. Moon Dance / Geastrum Coronatum (10:15)
04. First Free Improvisation Encore (11:15)
05. Second Free Improvisation Encore (5:53)

Andreas Vollenweider - Electric Modified Pedal Harp, Vocals
Walter Keiser - Drums, Percussion
Andi Pupato - Percussion
Daniel Küffer - Keyboard, Saxophone, Flute, Percussion, Akkordeon
Andrew Hill-p
Scott Colley-p


Program: In the Moment
Presenter: Jim Bennett
KCSM FM 91.1 San Mateo CA

Intro: 3:26
Nichodemus 12:54
blah :40
Image of Time 12:31
blah :10
Bayou Red 19:38
blah :14
Malachi 7:44
Outro: 1:24

Andrew Hill Quintet:

Andrew Hill, piano
Charles Tolliver, trumpet
Marty Ehrlich, tenor saxophone
John Hebert, bass
Eric McPherson, drums

This is for Ron Lyles who has given me so much music I am glad to be able to return the favor! Enjoy.
Bill D.

FM broadcast > Philips CDR765 > Adobe Audition 2.0 > dBpowerAMP Music Converter 11.5 

Andrew Hill (p)
Scott Colley (b)
Nasheet Waits (d)

1. Medley: But not farewell / Nicodemus  33:45
2. Medley: Smooth / Golden sunset  20:54

TT 54:39

Taped & Transferred by peterw
Late Show

This tape was given to me by the person who recorded it. Neither one of us can remember if this is the master or a 1:1 copy generated at real-time. The taper wishes to remain anonymous, but wants me to convey greetings to Ms. Haslam.

"Hi Annie!"

The equipment was probably a Sony D-3 with the stock microphone. The recorder was very close to the stage.


Carpet Of The Sun
Black Flame
Intro to Ocean Gypsy
Ocean Gypsy
Still Life
Intro To Reaching Out
Reaching Out
Intro To The Willow Song
The Willow Song
Annie Has A Good Laugh
Let It Be Me
No Beginning, No End
Annie Talks About New York
Mother Russia
Band intros
Encore: (unknown song)

Please supply track corrections!

Tape: Maxell Epitaxial XLII-90


A DoinkerTape
w/ Lassad Hosui, Barbaros Erkoese 
01 Introduction
02 Sur Le Fleuve
03 Le Voyage De Sahar
04 L'Aube
05 Les Jardins De Ziryab
06 Nuba
07 E La Nave Va
08 Cordoba
09 Halfaouine
10 Eté Andalous
11 Vague / E La Nave Va
12 Zarabanda
13 Outro

Anouar Brahem - oud
François Couturier - piano
Jean Louis Matinier - accordion

Omroep Radio 6
Astra 1G DVB @ 256kbps
11 September 2007
no set list

lineage: fm>?>cd-r>eac>flac(6)
FM>???>CDR>EAC>FLAC 6 (w/sector align)

1. Bahdra
2. Kashf
3. Talwin
4. Uns
5. Kernow
6. Hizam Al Dhabbi

Anouar Brahem     -oud
Dave Holland      -bass
John Surman       -sax
1975 or 1976
SBD > cassette > Total Recorder > HDD > CDR

1. Alto saxophone 14:16
2. Clarinet 6:35
3. Flute 8:12
4. Bass clarinet 11:53
5. Alto saxophone 2:46
6. Alto saxophone 5:38
7. Encore: I Remember You (Words & Music by Johnny Mercer & 
Victor Schertzinger, 1942 First recorded by Jimmy Dorsey, 1942) 10:49

Anthony Braxton - alto saxophone, clarinet, flute, bass clarinet
Dave Holland - bass

received in trade
Disc One:

01) Intro (John Bell)
02) Fixin' To Die
03) No Egos Underwater
04) Shoeless Joe
05) Yield Not To Temptation
06) Planet Earth
07) Time Flack
08) Salty Dog
09) Ain't Nothing You Can Do*
10) Compared To What
11) Trondossa
12) Workin' On A Building

Disc Two:

01) Zambi>
02) Space Is The Place/Rocket #9> Drums> Space Is The Place>
03) Jazz Bank>
04) Davy Crockett
05) Cheese Frog
06) E:) Time Is Free
Compared to What?
Time Flack
Working on a Building
Black Bottom
Planet Earth
Fixin to Die>
Time is Free
No Egos
Cissy Strut$^
Yield not to Temptation$^%
Basically Frightened $^%
Down By the River(*)$%(#)
Zambi $%(#)&
Space is the Place$%(#)&

(*) with Luther Dickinson - guitar/guitar & vocal on 'Down By The Riverside'
$ with Skerik - sax
^ with Eric Krasno - guitar
% with Jeff Coffin - sax
(#) with Eric Levy - keys
& with Fareed Haque - guitar (joined in towards end of 'Zambi')

Source: AKG 483 > warm mod.UA-5 > Kind Kables Digital Pathcbay > Hosa ODL-276 > JB3 (DFC-30')
Lineage: JB3 > Firewire > CDWave > FLAC16
Taped by: MojoWill
Transferred by: Bennett Schwartz

Sound: A
Show: A
Neighborhoods #1 (Tunnels)
Crown of Love
Neighborhoods #2 (Laika)
No Cars Go
Headlights Look Like Diamonds
I?m Sleeping In A Submarine
Vampire/Forest Fires
In the Backseat
Neighborhoods #3 (Power Out)
Rebellion (Lies)
Encore Break
Queen Bitch [with David Bowie]
Wake Up [with David Bowie]
Wake Up
Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
No Cars Go
Headlights Look Like Diamonds
Sleeping in a Submarine
Five Years
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) > Rebellion (Lies)

Taper: krsb99 (gvataper@gmail.com)
Equipment: Beyerdynamic MC930--> Oade ACM Marantz PMD 660
Location: centre 50 "rows" back


1. Black Mirror

2. No Cars Go

3. Haïti

4. Poupée de Cire

5. Neighborhood #2 (Laïka)
6. (Antichrist Television Blues)
7. Intervention
8. Ocean Of Noise

9. Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)

10. Neighborhood #3 (Power Out) -> Rebellion (Lies)
11. Keep The Car Running

12. Wake Up (with Björk's brass band)
FM>Cass>???>CDR>EAC>FLAC 6 (w/sector align)

1. Outhouse
2. Bake´ 
3. Main Man
4. Little Song
5. If you look far enough
6. Gardsjenta

Arild Andersen     b
John Abercrombie   g
Pierre Favre       dr

Lester Bowie,tp 
Roscoe Mitchell,reeds 
Joseph Jarman,reeds 
Malachi Favors,b 
Famadou Don Moye,dr	

CD1: 41:50
1 Titel 41:50

CD2: 59:35
2 Titel 52:18 
3 Titel 3:46 
4 Titel 3:32

Lineage: audience > cdr on trade > flac > dime

Sound Rating: Audience A/A-
Source:  HEBs (DPA 4061s) > CS batt box > Edirol R-09 (line in, 24/44.1)
Lineage:  Wav file > Sound Studio > 16/44.1 >  xACT > FLAC (level 8)

Taping location:  Thirteenth row, in line with left speaker stack
Taped & transferred by:  TT

Asia lineup:

John Wetton:  Bass, vocals
Steve Howe:  Guitar, vocals
Geoff Downes:  Keyboards, vocals
Carl Palmer:  Drums

DISC 1: 
Intro music
Time Again
Wildest Dreams
One Step Closer
Without You
Cutting It Fine
Steve Howe solo-Clap
Fanfare For The Common Man

The Smile Has Left Your Eyes*
Don't Cry*
In The Court Of The Crimson King
Here Comes The Feeling
Video Killed The Radio Star
The Heat Goes On / Carl Palmer drum solo
Only Time Will Tell
Sole Survivor
Ride Easy*
Heat Of The Moment

(*)performed acoustically

Intended for free distribution and trade only!! 
The Four Original Members of Asia

Source: SP-CMC-8 (AT943 cardioids) > SP-SPSB-10 > Edirol R-09 (line in, 24/48)
Lineage: Wav file > Sound Studio > convert 16/44.1 > xACT > FLAC (level 8)
Taping location: Row 10, 2 seats off center
Taped & transferred by: TT

Asia lineup:

John Wetton:  Bass, vocals
Steve Howe:  Guitar, vocals
Geoff Downes:  Keyboards, vocals
Carl Palmer:  Drums

DISC 1:  54:56

01 Intro
02 Sole Survivor
03 Wildest Dreams
04 Roundabout
05 Time Again
06 Steve Howe solo: Intersection Blues
07 The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
08 Ride Easy
09 Fanfare For The Common Man
10 Without You

DISC 2:  44:33

01 In The Court Of The Crimson King
02 Here Comes The Feeling
03 Video Killed The Radio Star
04 The Heat Goes On > Carl Palmer drum solo
05 Only Time Will Tell
06 Don't Cry
07 Heat Of The Moment

Source : EX+ quality 1st gen. FM tape 

Lineage : traded 1st gen. Maxell XLII cassette tape  ->  Nakamichi Dragon dolby off for playback -> Pioneer PDR 609 stand alone CD burner  -> EAC -> Goldwave for tracks -> Flac Frontend ->  FLAC level 8 align on sector boundaries.

01.Sky High (5:23) 
02.Back up against the wall (5:17) 
03.Truckin' in my blood (4:12)
04.Angel (6:20) 
05.? (4:08)
06.So into you (6:52) 
07.Another man's woman (22:22)
08.Mixed emotions (3:50)

Total time 0:58:24  

Seeded by finkployd49

Love Your Life
Same Feeling, Different Song
A Love Of Your Own
McEwan's Export
Your Love Is A Miracle
She's A Dream
If I Ever Lose This Heaven
Pick Up The Pieces

Alan Gorrie - Guitar, Vocals,
Hamish Stuart - Bass, Vocals
Onnie McIntyre - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals
Roger Ball - Keyboards, Alto Sax
Malcolm Duncan - Tenor and Soprano Sax
Steve Ferrone - Drums, Percussion
01. Steve Reich: Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices, and Organ
02. Michael Gordon: Love Bead
03. Announcer
04. Lou Harrison: Concerto for Organ and Percussion. I
05. Lou Harrison: Concerto for Organ and Percussion. II
06. Lou Harrison: Concerto for Organ and Percussion. III
07. Lou Harrison: Concerto for Organ and Percussion. IV
08. Announcer
09. John Adams: Scratchband
10. Announcer
11. Philip Glass: Facades
12. Frank Zappa: Dog Breath Variations - Uncle Meat
13. Frank Zappa: Get Whitey
14. Frank Zappa: G Spot Tornado
15. Frank Zappa: Moggio

Ensemble Modern
John Adams, cond.
Hermann Kretzschmar, organ

Track 01: Teac FM Tuner > TDK SA (?) > Aiwa Cassette Deck > Dolby NR > Pioneer CD Recorder > CD-R > EAC > wav > FLAC level 6
Tracks 02 - 15: FM Tuner > cassette > Line-in > Audiograbber > Wav > FLAC
This is my Wiki for Booting the System, my collection of unofficial live recordings.

Everything Merges with the Night
Burning Airlines Give You So Much More

Brian Eno: Music for Airports 
When we first heard Music for Airports in the late seventies/early eighties it was like a door cracking open. This record-long piece was mesmerizing, dreamy, intense and meant to be played in or thought of as fitting into a specific environment. It was a redefinition of how we relate to music in our everyday lives. Brian Eno was exploring the question of where music could go. Could its home lie somewhere outside of the muzak of elevators and dentists' offices and outside of the concert hall as well? Could it exist somewhere in between? Eno was essentially defining Ambient music. Twenty years ago there were no Ambient departments in record stores. There were no New Age or techno sections, no chill rooms. Music for Airports kicked off a whole web of musics that hadn't existed previously. But the unique factor about Eno's work was that although it could and can exist in the background of everyday life it is music that carries a potency and integrity that goes far beyond the incidental. It's music that is carefully, beautifully, brilliantly constructed and its compositional techniques rival the most intricate of symphonies. What Eno didn't imagine was that his piece would be realized with live musicians. In his analog studio, methodically stringing out bits of tape and looping them over themselves, he hadn't anticipated that a new generation of musicians would take his music out of the studio and perform it on live instruments in a public forum. Over at Bang on a Can we have always searched for the redefinition of music, exploring the boundaries outside of what is expected. This recording represents a further step in this exploration. After 20 years where does this landmark piece fit into our ever expanding definition? The effect has only begun. The Music for Airports revolution is just beginning to unfold. The live realization of Music for Airports stays close to the source. To the core group of the Bang on a Can All-Stars we've added voices, brass, winds and pipa, filling out the orchestra of sound that emerged in our minds from Eno's original synthesized recording. We have had the great pleasure of sharing the project plans with Brian Eno along the way. We are indebted to him for giving us the experience of getting inside and out of this monumental work. - Michael Gordon, David Lang, Julia Wolfe 
source : assistive Listening Device
taper : benchboy 
transfer  : markp

Hollywood Bowl Orchestra (Edwin Outwater conductor)
Cheap Trick
Ian Bell (Gomez)
Joan Osborne
Aimee Mann
Rob Laufer
Al Jourgensen (Ministry)
Sin Quirin (Ministry)
Richard Lloyd

Disc One:
01 Star Spangle Banner (Orchestra)
02 Medley (Orchestra) 
03 cheap trick intro
04 Magical Mystery Tour (Cheap Trick)
05 conductor banter 
06 intro of ian bell
07 Strawberry Fields Forever (Ian Bell) 
08 intro of joan osbourne
09 Lady Madonna (Joan Osborne)
10 The Long and Winding Road (Joan Osborne)
11 intro of rob laufer
12 Norwegian Wood (Rob Laufer)
13 intro of aimee mann
14 Blackbird (Aimee Mann) 
15 Eleanor Rigby (orchestra) 
16 intro of cheap trick
17 intro of al jourgensen & sin quirin
18 I Want You (She's So Heavy) (Al Jourgensen)
19 Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/End (Cheap Trick)

Disc Two:
01 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Cheap Trick)
02 With a Little Help from My Friends (Cheap Trick)
03 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (Joan Osborne)
04 Getting Better (Cheap Trick)
05 Fixing a Hole (Aimee Mann)
06 She's Leaving Home  (Cheap Trick)
07 Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite! (Ian Bell)
08 Within You Without You (Rob Laufer) 
09 When I'm Sixty-Four (Cheap Trick)
10 Lovely Rita (Aimee Mann) 
11 Good Morning Good Morning (Cheap Trick)
12 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) (Cheap Trick)
13 A Day in the Life (Cheap Trick)
14 crowd
15 All You Need Is Love (Cheap Trick)
BEN FOLDS, voc, p, b; 

can't say much about this recording except that it is NOT the online stream but the real thing. the show was professionally edited, 'gone' is gone (hah!), along with some banter and chat from ben. enjoy!

01 in between days
02 there's always someone cooler than you
03 jesusland
04 bastard
05 still fighting it
06 all u can eat
07 you to thank
08 landed
09 prison food
10 bitches ain't shit
11 zak and sara
12 brick
13 fred jones part two
14 one down
15 the luckiest
16 army
17 trusted
18 carrying cathy
19 rockin' the suburbs
20 late
21 philosophy
22 emaline
23 not the same
24 one angry dwarf and 200 solemn faces
Sunny's Song
My Pet Goat
Best Reason To Buy The Sun >
Welcome Red
The Beltless Buckler (Gabba La La)
Mike's Song
Spider Monkey
Tom the Model
Autumn Leaves
Funny Time of the Year
Candy Says
Spider Monkey
Tom the Model
Sand River
Funny Time of Year
Candy Says
|Created by|SaqImtiaz|
|Version|0.5 beta|
A replacement for the core timeline macro that offers more features:
*list tiddlers with only specfic tag
*exclude tiddlers with a particular tag
*limit entries to any number of days, for example one week
*specify a start date for the timeline, only tiddlers after that date will be listed.

Copy the contents of this tiddler to your TW, tag with systemConfig, save and reload your TW.
Edit the ViewTemplate to add the fullscreen command to the toolbar.

{{{<<timeline better:true>>}}}
''the param better:true enables the advanced features, without it you will get the old timeline behaviour.''

additonal params:
(use only the ones you want)
{{{<<timeline better:true  onlyTag:Tag1 excludeTag:Tag2 sortBy:modified/created firstDay:YYYYMMDD maxDays:7 maxEntries:30>>}}}

''explanation of syntax:''
onlyTag: only tiddlers with this tag will be listed. Default is to list all tiddlers.
excludeTag: tiddlers with this tag will not be listed.
sortBy: sort tiddlers by date modified or date created. Possible values are modified or created.
firstDay: useful for starting timeline from a specific date. Example: 20060701 for 1st of July, 2006
maxDays: limits timeline to include only tiddlers from the specified number of days. If you use a value of 7 for example, only tiddlers from the last 7 days will be listed.
maxEntries: limit the total number of entries in the timeline.

*28-07-06: ver 0.5 beta, first release

// Return the tiddlers as a sorted array
TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddlers = function(field,excludeTag,includeTag)
          var results = [];
          if(excludeTag == undefined || tiddler.tags.find(excludeTag) == null)
                        if(includeTag == undefined || tiddler.tags.find(includeTag)!=null)
                   results.sort(function (a,b) {if(a[field] == b[field]) return(0); else return (a[field] < b[field]) ? -1 : +1; });
          return results;

//this function by Udo
function getParam(params, name, defaultValue)
          if (!params)
          return defaultValue;
          var p = params[0][name];
          return p ? p[0] : defaultValue;

window.old_timeline_handler= config.macros.timeline.handler;
config.macros.timeline.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler)
          var args = paramString.parseParams("list",null,true);
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          var includeTag = getParam(args,"onlyTag",undefined);
          var tiddlers = store.getTiddlers(sortBy,excludeTag,includeTag);
          var firstDayParam = getParam(args,"firstDay",undefined);
          var firstDay = (firstDayParam!=undefined)? firstDayParam: "00010101";
          var lastDay = "";
          var field= sortBy;
          var maxDaysParam = getParam(args,"maxDays",7);
          var maxDays = (maxDaysParam!=undefined)? maxDaysParam*24*60*60*1000: (new Date()).getTime() ;
          var maxEntries = getParam(args,"maxEntries",undefined);
          var last = (maxEntries!=undefined) ? tiddlers.length-Math.min(tiddlers.length,parseInt(maxEntries)) : 0;
          for(var t=tiddlers.length-1; t>=last; t--)
                  var tiddler = tiddlers[t];
                  var theDay = tiddler[field].convertToLocalYYYYMMDDHHMM().substr(0,8);
                  if ((theDay>=firstDay)&& (tiddler[field].getTime()> (new Date()).getTime() - maxDays))
                     if(theDay != lastDay)
                               var theDateList = document.createElement("ul");
                               lastDay = theDay;
                  var theDateListItem = createTiddlyElement(theDateList,"li",null,"listLink",null);

Soul for Every Cowboy
Kensington Line
Dinner with Ivan
Turn the Light Out
Secret Mission
Ellis Island
It's Alright
Please Don't Tell Her
Runaway Train
Resignation Superman
Again and Again
City on Fire
Sister Sweetly
Vincent of Jersey > The Leaving Song
Crazy Mary
Freedom Fighter
Broken Hearted Savior
Disc 1

Beautiful World
Dirty Juice
Crazy Mary
Secret Mission
Lets Get it on*/ Sister Sweetly
Moose Song
Friend of the Devil%
Peacemakers Blues/ Broken Hearted Savior

Disc 2
Geography of a Horse Dreamer
Vincent of Jersey/ The Leaving Song
Come On Come On
Love Transmission
In the Morning
Resignation Superman
crowd before encore
Monument in Green
01 - Hells Bells
02 - One Of A Kind
03 - Sample And Hold
04 - Feels Good To Me
05 - Beelzebub
06 - The Sahara Of Snow
07 - Forever Until Sunday
08 - Back To The Beginning
09 - Goodbye To The Past
10 - Five G

Allan Holdsworth-guitar, Jeff Berlin-bass, Bill Bruford-Drums, Dave Stewart-keys
Hell's Bells
Sample And Hold
Fainting In Coils
Forever Until Sunday
One Of A Kind Part 1
One Of A Kind Part 2
Travels With Myself, And Someone Else
The Sahara Of Snow Part 1
The Sahara Of Snow Part 2

Disc I:
01. Hell's Bells
02. Joe Frazier
03. Land's End
04. The Sliding Floor
05. Drum Solo > Gothic 17
06. Fainting in Coils (w/ Back to the Beginning)

Disc II:
01. Palewell Park
02. Plans for JD
03. Age of Information
04. Five G
05. Beelzebub
06. Gimme Some Lovin' > Sunshine of Your Love

Bruford is:
Bill Bruford - drums
Dave Stewart - keyboards
Jeff Berlin - bass
John Clark - guitar
Lineage: FM > ? > CDR > EAC > wav > CDR (mine) > EAC > wav > dBpowerAMP > flac (L7)

unknown venue, Chicago, IL

1. Thud 
2. Ikebana
3. Pressure 
4. Up North 
5. Improvisation 
6. It Needn't End In Tears 
7. Emotional Shirt

Studententsenteret, Bergen, Norway 

8. Band Introduction
9. It Needn't End In Tears
10. Bridge Of Inhibition

Bill Bruford - drums & percussion
Django Bates - keyboards, horn, trumpet
Mick Hutton - bass
Iain Ballamy - saxophones
No Truce with the Furies
If Summer Had Its Ghosts
Some Shiver, While He Cavorts
A Part, and Yet Apart
Footloose and Fancy Free
Dewey Eyed, Then Dancing
Original Sin
 FM>tape>CDR(Philips CDR 570)>wave(EAC)>flacf(8)

 I saw this really great show in Cologne and I was very happy,that
 the complete show was broadcasted next monday at the german 
 radio station WDR 1.First 80 min complete,for the encores I 
 had to change the tape so track 10 fades in and track 12 fades out.
 Bill Bruford was very nice and friendly this night and after 
 the show he came to the bar and answered all questions from the 
 audience.I had the luck and sit direct to BB and had a 20 min 
 conversation with him about his work and for sure about
 King Crimson.

 Earthworks :
 Tim Garland: Tenor and soprano saxophones, flute, bass clarinet. 
 Steve Hamilton: Piano 
 Mark Hodgson: Bass 
 Bill Bruford: Drums, log drum. 

 Setlist: I`m not 100% sure with the name of the songs,any help 
 is more than welcome,thanks booomboom.

 CD 1 : 

 01 Revel without a pause       11:29
 02.Triplicity                  10:10
 03.Hale Life                   08:57
 04.Come to dust                08:21
 05.Modern Folk                 07:18
 06.Where sleep may saftly rain 05:31
 07.Footloose and fancy free    09:04
 08.The wooden man sings and the stone lady dances   09:34
 09.Bridges of Inhibition       09:30

 CD 2 :

 01.Teaching Vera to dance      05:15
 02.Never the same way once     05:31
Recorded by anonymous (SONY MDR55 minidisc)
Mastered by TheTooleMan, July 2002

An EXCELLENT recording made in a small jazz club in North London. The taper was kind enough to 
ask me to master his recording, which I did in July 2002. Very little improvement was needed 
other than boosting the high and low frequencies for a little more presence, raising the levels 
of some of Bill Bruford's comments to the audience, reducing the audio level of clapping, and 

I have never circulated this recording, and as far as I know, neither as the taper. But that's all 
going to change now, and well it should, as it deserves to be heard. 

July 2007


Bill Bruford: drums, percussion
Tim Garland: saxophone, bass clarinet
Steve Hamilton: piano
Mark Hodgson: bass

Tracks, Disk 1

Bill Bruford's Comments #1
Bajo del Sol
Tim Garland's Comments
Modern Folk
Bill Bruford's Comments #2
The Wooden Man Sings, and the Stone Woman Dances

Tracks, Disk 2

Come to Dust
Bill Bruford's Comments #3
Blues for Little Joe
Bill Bruford's Comments #4
Bridge of Inhibition

)*Help with track titles will be appreciated.
Set I
Piano/Sax Intro
Revel Without a Pause
Bajo del Sol (intro)
Bajo del Sol
Turn and Return
Come to Dust
Seems Like a Lifetime Ago
One of a Kind
The Wooden Man Sings, and the Stone Woman Dances
Footloose and Fancy Free
Bill Bruford: drums
Tim Garland: sax
Steve Hamilton: piano
Mark Hodgson: Bass
Source: Audience Sony WM-D3 (XL-IIS) + Core Sound stealth cards > Soundblaster Live > Soundforge 4.0 > shntool > dbPowerAmp > FLAC

Early show + 45 minutes of late show

Bill Bruford: Drums
Tim Garland: Sax
Henry Hey: Piano
Mike Pope: Bass

Sound: B
Show: A
Mr. Memory
Blues for LA
Keep Your Eyes Open
Rain, Rain
Lookout for Hope
Egg Radio

Big Shoe
Poem for Eva
Lookout for Hope #2
Keep Your Eyes Open #2
My Buffalo Girl

Cadillac 1959
That Was Then
The Pioneers
Poem for Eva #2
Mr. Memory #2
Big Shoe #2 
from WOWOW Jazz File TV broadcast. Excellent quality.
The Stranger
Somewhere Along The Line
Summer, Highland Falls
Piano Man
Scenes From An Italian Restaurant
Travelin' Prayer
Movin' Out
Still Crazy After All These Years
Just The Way You Are
Prelude / Angry Young Man
New York State Of Mind
The Entertainer
Root Beer Rag
She's Always A Woman
I've Loved These Days
Miami 2017 (Seen The Lights Go Out On Broadway)
The Ballad Of Billy The Kid
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Captain Jack
Say Goodbye To Hollywood
Only The Good Die Young
Get It Right The First Time

WLIR Pre-FM #14
Master Audiance Recording

CSB -> Sony MZR30 MiniDisc -> M-Audio 24-bits Soundcard into WaveLab (Low Shelf @35Hz, slight compression with Waves C1)
-> .wav -> .flac

1. Earth Intruders
2. Hunter
3. Pagan Poetry
4. Immature
5. Jóga
6. The Pleasure Is All Mine
7. Unravel
8. Army Of Me
9. Innocence
10. I Miss You
11. Anchor Song
12. Bachelorette
13. Five Years
14. Wanderlust
15. Hyperballad
16. Plútó
17. Encore Break & Band Introduction
18. Oceania
19. Declare Independence 

Tomorrow's Dream
Sweet Leaf
Killing Yourself To Live
War Pigs
Sabbra Cadabra
Supernaut Part 1 (Improvisation)
Supernaut Part II(Bill Ward's Drum Solo)
Supernaut Part 3
Iron Man
Guitar Solo(w/Orchid, Sabbra Cadabra[reprise])
Embryo/Children Of The Grave
Chase The Dragon CTD 005, a/k/a/ "Cannibas Confusion" aka Bagdad  (GR032)

California Jam: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Jam
1. "DJ Into" (1:12)
2. "Black Sabbath intro" (2:20)
3. Children on the Grave" (5:05)
4. "Hot Line" (5:01)
5. "War Pigs" (7:30)
6. "Iron Man" (8:59)
7. "Zero the Hero" (7:46)
8. "Heaven and Hell" (8:42)
9. "guitar solo" (8:42)
10. "Digital Bitch" (3:51)
11. "Black Sabbath" (7:52)
12. "Smoke on the Water" (5:18)
13. "Paranoid" (3:51)

This bootleg was taken from "Captured Live", a US radio promo, so the sound is excellent for a bootleg. Classic recording of Sabbath featuring a smokin' version of "Smoke on the Water", a song many Sabbath die-hards felt was blasphemy for Sabbath to be playing. Gillan sounds a bit strained on a few songs here, especially on "Heaven and Hell". However, when he goes into those high, falsetto screams, he sounds fantastic! The line-up for this tour was Tony Iommi (guitar), Geezer Butler (bass), Ian Gillan (vocals), Bev Bevan (drums) and Geoff Nicholls (keyboards).
Transfer: CD-R from trade > EAC > FLAC Level 8 > you 

1 Blackfield
2 Open Mind
3 The Hole In Me
4 Glow
5 Pain
6 Lullaby
7 Epidemic
8 Waiting
9 Summer
10 Where Is My love?
11 Cloudy Now
12 Scars
13 Hello
14 Feel So Low
15 Blackfield (again)
=79 min of pure luck!!
Open Mind
The Hole In Me
Cloudy Now
Miss U
The Hole In Me
1,000 People
Thank U (Alanis Morissette)
Some Day
Set II
Open Mind
My Gift Of Silence
Where Is My Love
End Of The World
Cloudy Now

Source - Sony minidisc MZ-R55 with a Sony Microphone ECM-939 LT - PC - cdr - eac - flac (level 8)

01. Blackfield
02. Open Mind
03. Hole In Me
04. Glow
05. Pain
06. Lullaby
07. Summer
08. Where Is My Love ?
09. Cloudy Now
10. Scars
11. Hello
12. Feel So Low


Steven Wilson - vocals, guitars, additional keyboards
Aviv Geffen - vocals, keyboards, additional guitars
Daniel Salomon - piano
Seffy Efrati - bass guitar
Tomer Z - drums, percussion
lineage/transfer: DAT master @ 48KHz/16bit > digital output(optical) > Edirol UA-3FX > USB 1 > Power Mac G4 > Sound It! 3.0(aiff @ 48KHz/16bit > sampling frequency down conversion to aiff @44.1KHz/16bit, track splitting) > xACT(SBE fix, flac compression level 8) > flac 

track list

01. Opening SE : Susatissimo
02. Dome Epais Le Jasmin A La Rose S'Assemble from "Lakme"(by Sister of The
03. Way to Mandalay(intro) - Cartouche
04. Queen For A Day
05. Under A Violet Moon
06. Minstrel Hall
07. Past Time with Good Company
08. Soldier of Fortune
09. - Earthquake -
10. Praetorius(Courrante)
11. Diamonds and Rust 
12. Durch Den Wald Zum Bach Haus - Violin Solo(incl. Japanese Folk Song
13. Home Again - Woman from Tokyo - Home Again(rep.)
14. Fires at Midnight
15. Nur Eine Minute
16. Hanging Tree

01. Renaissance Faire
02. Hurdy Gurdy Solo - The Clock Ticks on
03. I Still Remember

04. All for One
05. Rainbow Blues
06. Difficult to Cure - Self Portrait
07. Blues
08. The Temple of The King
09. Purple Haze
10. Since You Been Gone

11. Sixteenth Century Greensleeves
12. Piano Solo(incl. "Chopin's Revolutionary") 
13. Violin Solo "Swan Lake" - Writing on the Wall - Burn
    - Writing on the Wall(rep.)
14. The Times They are A Changin' - Mid-Winter's Night - Dandelion Wine

Txt file:

This is the 2nd show in Tokyo and the last performance in Japan in 2004 tour. The band experienced a big typhoon in Nagoya in fact, then an earthquakes during the show on the last night in Tokyo(you'll hear it in track 09 of disc-1).  The carried on after a few minutes of break while staff checking gears.  As you may see from the setlist, Blackmore finished acoustic set earlier, then did lots of rock stuff, which was quite nice surprise!  I was in about tenth row, facing right PA speaker, so the sound quality of my DAT master is quite listenable, guys right next to me were a little too noisy, though(they are not to blame, of course).

Sound: B
Don't Tell Me
What's Your Problem?
That's Love That It Is
Don't You Love It All?
Why Don't They Leave Things Alone?
God's Kitchen
Lose Your Love
Paradise Is
Other Animals
Game Above My Head
Living On The Ceiling
I've Seen The Word
Blind Vision
source 2:  mbho 603a/ka500hn (hypercardioid) > edirol r4 (24/96) (sleepypedro and the_meekster)
soundforge 8.0 (dither, resample, tracking, fades) > shntool > flac

So Here We Are
Positive Tension
Blue Light
She's Hearing Voices
This Modern Love
Two More Years
Like Eating Glass
Little Thoughts
Party in the Park II

1. [02.18] ?
2. [03.12] She's Got a Big Boyfriend
3. [03.58] Scream
4. [02.43] Gimme the Girl
5. [03.05] We Are the Now-Tones
6. [04.28] I Wanna Be a Lifeguard

Sound: A
Show: A

SOURCE: Aux SBD mix + Nak 300 CP3 (0mnis) > Mackie 1404 Mixer > DA-P1. Mics hung over stage and ran into snake to SBD and out to Mackie. 

LINEAGE: DAT > DAT via 1 analog cable generation for computer remastering by Brad Sarno. DAT > Audiophile 24/96 > Wavelab 5 (fades, resample) > CD Wave (Track) > Flac Frontend.

TAPED BY:  Steve Brothers & Brad Sarno
TRANSFERRED BY: Steve Brothers


Disk 1 (1st Set - part 1) (50:04)

01: 5 & Dime			05:30
02: Log Jam	 		06:01
03: Nao				07:24
04: Dev's Sidestep		07:13
05: Half The Time		03:47
06: Mississippi Jack		09:11
07: Sleeping Beauty		06:09
08: Dead Flowers		04:46

Disk 2 (1st Set - part 2 + 2nd Set - part 1) (30:17)

01: Get On The Road		12:27		
02: Cripple Creek		05:23
03: Playin' With Fire		07:11
04: Kid Charlemagne		05:14
05: Good Lovin'			08:01
06: Wishing Stone		08:43
07: Late In The Evening		04:27
08: Come A Stranger		06:45
09: Walk Awhile			06:12
10: She Said, She Said		04:02

Disk 3 (2nd Set - part 2)

06: Werewolves Of London > 	08:12
07: Welcome Back My Friend	17:17
08: Nothing But Flowers		13:32
09: Blue Line			13:03
10: Love Light			12:32

11: Whisper In The Night	07:28
12: Let It Bleed		05:43
Allen Woody - guitar, bass & vocals
Matt Abts - drums
Marc Ford - guitar & vocals
Johnny Neel - keyboards, harmonica & vocals
Berry Oakley - bass, percussion & vocals

Source:  AKG 461 > Lunatec V2 > SBM-1

Set 1:
Disc 1:
01. Sheep
02. Hey You
03. Fearless
04. In The Flesh
05. Cymbaline
06. Breathe >
07. Us And Them >
08. Any Colour You Like >
    Use Me >
    Any Colour You Like

Disc 2:
01 Young Lust >
   Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 2
Set 2:
02. HAL >
    Echoes >
    The Trial* >
03. Echoes
04. Drums >
05. Bass/Drums >
    Mountain Jam >
06. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun >
07. Interstellar Overdrive >
08. Wish You Were Here >

Disc 3:
01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond >
    Loan Me A Dime >
    Shine On You Crazy Diamond
02. Have A Cigar
Set 3:
03. Apocalypse Now intro >
04. Whiter Shade Of Pale
05. Seamus
06. Odds and Ends
07. Red House >
    How Blue Can You Get

Disc 4:
01. Money** >
    Fever** >
    Baby Please Don't Go** >
02. Crossroads*** >
03. Spoonful** >
04. Another Brick In The Wall**

(* w/ Brian Farmer on vocals
(** w/ Warren Haynes on guitar
(*** w/ Warren on guitar & vocals

Downloaded from Furthurnet ?2000? SHN > WAV > archive CDR
CD > EAC > WAV > FLAC (Level 6 verified) by robemichel on 05/25/2006
questions/comments: robemichel@yahoo.com

The Red & The Black, Transmaniacon Mc, Screams, O.D'd On Life Itself, Wings Wetted Down, 7 Screaming Diz-Busters, Buck's Boogie, Workshop Of The Telescopes, Cities On Flame With Rock & Roll, It's Not Easy
Soundboard>?(some editing)>CDR(trade)>Flac7>Free to Trade

1. Dominance and Submission
2. Astronomy
3. ME262
4. Stairway To the Stars
5. Transmaniacon M.C.
6. Born To Be Wild
7. Buck's Boogie

Soundboard of Blue Oyster Cult's New Year's Eve show 
(Iggy & the Stooges and Kiss opened for B.O.C.)
It's a great bootleg!
Lineage: CD-R (trade)>WAV>FLAC Level 8>Free to Trade

Disc One
1. Intro...
2. The Red and the black
3. O.D'd On Life (Life Itself)
4. Career of Evil
5. Harvester of Eyes
6. Dominance and Submission
7. Astronomy
8. Flaming Telepaths

Disc Two
1. Buck's Boogie
2. Cities on Flame
3. ME262
4. Hot Rails to Hell
5. I Ain't Got You

from TokeMaster Chris
First seeded July 2006 on dime
intro tape
Stairway to the Stars
Harvester of Eyes
Cities on Flame with Rock and Roll
Morning Final
Flaming Telepaths
Then Came the Last Days of May
Dominance and Submission

Buck's Boogie
This Ain't the Summer of Love
5 Guitars
Born to Be Wild
(Don't Fear) The Reaper

For hard-core collectors only. ME-262 is incomplete, and the recording of D&S is botched. This also includes a very gratuitous drum solo.
R.U.Ready To Rock
Cities On Flame
Hot Rails To Hell
This Ain't The Summer of Love
Born To be Wild
Don't Fear The Reaper
Early Show*

Stairway to the Stars
Your Not The One
The Great Sun Jester
Cities on Flame
Maserati GT(I ain't got you)
The Last Days of May
ME 262
Dr. Music
Hot Rails to Hell
Born To Be Wild
Arthur Comics Blues Jam (Band just riffing around the Arthur Comics Song)
Harvester of Eyes
Dominance and Submission

Second Encore Missing**


Flac's cut on sector boundries

Notes about this show:

We believe this is the earlier of two shows that night at the Old Waldorf. The announcer is the same as the announcer on the known second set with slightly different wording. The track listing for the later set is also somewhat different.

There is a glitch in Maserati GT in the middle of the song where the recorder accidently stopped.

According to the taper (Harry Lime):

"I just spoke to my brother who was with me that night. It is possible that
there were two shows that night. He recalled it being light out when we  were waiting in line.
 I am positive of the date since I wrote it on the tape label that night .
 Back in those days the Old Waldorf often had and early and a late show. 
BTW, I think there was a 2nd encore that night, but I put it on another 
 tape that i have been unable to find for years. "

from LLD_139 (different source?):
Soft White Underbelly a.k.a. Blue Oyster Cult
March 17, 1979  
Old Waldorf  San Francisco, California 
Early Show

Eric Bloom - vocals, guitar and percussion
Albert Bouchard - drums, vocals and percussion
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser - guitar and vocals
Joe Bouchard - bass and vocals
Allen Lanier - keyboards, vocals
               and guitar

Recorded 3 months before the release of Mirrors,
one can only speculate the boys wanted to try out
the new material. A couple of Irish-American kids
on St. Patrick's Day, set out to see their favorite
Rock group. I thought this would be an appropriate
theme for this bootleg. I hope you enjoy it as much
as I have.

 Due to limitations of the tape,
Astronomy and The Reaper were compromised.

1. Crowd/Intro Music (3:51)
2. Intro/Stairway To The Stars (4:30)
3. E.T.I. (Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) (6:22)
4. You're Not The One (I Was Looking For) (4:00)
5. The Great Sun Jester (5:43)
6. Cities On Flame With Rock And Roll (4:54)
7. Maserati GT (I Ain't Got You) (10:49)
8. Gun (6:13)
9. Astronomy (9/11) *

1. ME 262 (4:18)
2. Dr. Music (3:09)
3. Hot Rails To Hell (6:57)
4. Godzilla (6:33)
5. Born To Be Wild (6:53)
6. Harvester Of Eyes (4:31)
7. (Don't Fear) The Reaper (4:48) *





1:  DJ Intro/Dominance and Submission
2:  Dr. Music
3:  Mirrors
4:  Cities on Flame
5:  The great sun jester
6:  The Vigil
7:  ETI


1:  Astronomy
2:  ME262
3:  Godzilla/Drum Solo
4:  Hot rails to Hell
5:  Bass Solo/5 Guitar Jam
6:  Born to be Wild
7:  OD on life itself
8:  Don't fear the reaper
Dominance & Submission
Dr. Music
Cities On Flame With Rock 'N Roll
The Great Sun Jester
Buck's Boogie
The Vigil

ME 262
Hot Rails To Hell
Bass Solo
5 Guitars
Born To Be Wild

The recording is a bit dated, but the stereo separation is fantastic, and the performance is great (esp. BB). Astronomy features a different solo than usually played. We'll even forgive the electric tom toms in Dr. Music. Listen for the motorcycle Eric rides onto stage at the beginning of BTBW.
Dr. Music
Lips in the Hills
Unknown Tongue
Cities on Flame
The Marshall Plan
Hungry Boys
Divine Wind
Hot Rails to Hell

Black Blade
Bass Solo
Five Guitars
Born to Be Wild
Don't Fear the Reaper (incomplete)

Mastered a bit too high & fast. Likely a SBD or Pre-FM
Dr. Music
Lips in the Hills
Unknown Tongue
Cities on Flame
The Marshall Plan
Divine Wind
Last Days of May
It's Not Easy

Black Blade
Five Guitars
Born to Be Wild
Arthur Comics
Roadhouse Blues
Don't Fear the Reaper

Performing as Soft White Underbelly
Dr. Music
Burnin' for You
Fire of Unknown Origin
Cities on Flame
Joan Crawford
Flaming Telepaths
Veteran of the Psychic Wars
Hot Rails to Hell

Heavy Metal
Don't Fear the Reaper
Born to Be Wild
Five Guitars
Roadhouse Blues
Dr. Music
Burnin' for You
Fire of Unknown Origin
Cities on Flame
Joan Crawford
Flaming Telepaths
Veteran of the Psychic Wars

Hot Rails to Hell
Born to Be Wild
Heavy Metal
Don't Fear the Reaper
Roadhouse Blues

Quite simply one of my favorite concerts of all time.
Dr. Music
Hot Rails to Hell
Cities on Flame
Joan Crawford
Burnin' for You
Seven Screaming Diz-Busters

Veteran of the Psychic Wars
bass solo
Born to Be Wild
(Don't Fear) The Reaper
Roadhouse Blues
Audience recording (I rate it 7/10 cause of the noisy audience. Sometimes it's amusing. But believe me, it's a very enjoyable concert! It's Worth donloading
for some very rarely performed tracks.

Lineage: CDs got in a trade, converted directly to FLAC using DBpowerAMP (4° grade compression)


Cities on flame
Before the kiss
Hot rails to hell
Take me away
Shadow on California ("Where's my wallet";-))
Joan Crawford
Shooting Shark
Born to rock


(Don't fear) The reaper
Bass solo
Feel the Thunder
Born to be Wild
Let go
Burning for you
Roadhouse blues

Eric Bloom
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser
Allen Lanier
Joe Bouchard
Rick Downey

Amazing concert. 5 songs from "The Revolution by night". 
Shadow on California and Feel the thunder the real gems of the show.


FLAC > dbpoweramp > WAV > CD Audio > DBpoweramp > FLAC files

Audience recording, very good (9/10). 

Only the first half of R.U. Ready to rock has few high frequences, and at the end of the show Cities on flame and Roadhouse Blues has the same problem, a prove that the original was a tape:-)


R.U. Ready 2 Rock
Dominance and submission
White Flags
Take me away
Veteran of the psychic wars
Dancing in the ruins


Joan Crawford
Shadow warrior
Burning for you
(Don't fear) The Reaper
Cities on flame
Roadhouse blues

Eric Bloom
Donald (Buck Dharma) Roeser
Joe Bouchard
Tommy Zvoncheck
Jimmy Wilcox

BOC are on top of the form here! The only italian concert in their history!
Fantastic one!!! A must!

Stay 'o Cult!

Before The Kiss A Redcap, Cities On Flame With Rock & Roll, Eti, Harvest Moon, Buck's Boogie, The Vigil, Live For Me, Flaming Telepaths, I'd Like To See You In Black, Then Came The Last Days Of May, In Thee, Burnin' For You, Godzilla, (Don't Fear) The Reaper, Golden Age Of Leather, Dominance & Submission
1.  R. U. Ready 2 Rock
2.  White Flags
3.  Take Me Away
4.  Dancin' In The Ruins
5.  The Shadow Warrior
6.  Burnin' For You
7.  Godzilla
8.  Wings Of Mercury
9.  (Don't Fear) The Reaper
10. Born To Be Wild
11. Let Go
12. Shooting Shark

Released in 1993 by the "International Broadcast Recordings" 
label.  Recorded at the Civic Auditorium in Santa Monica, CA on 
3/27/1986.  However, the last 3 songs on the CD are actually from a 
2/14/1984 show at the Hammersmith Odeon in London.  The California 
portion of this recording (often incorrectly referred as being from Los 
Angeles) was broadcast on "The King Biscuit Flower Hour" on 7/13/1986.  
This show was rebroadcast by King Biscuit on 8/31/1998, and sent to 
radio stations on CD (the last 3 songs were not part of the King Biscuit 
broadcast, and therefore not on this radio-only CD).  "Wings Of Mercury" 
is credited as written by Donald Roeser, Eric Bloom, and Albert 
Bouchard.  However, according to Bolle Gregmar, the song was actually 
written by Dream Syndicate (Karl Precoda), and given to BOC to use (both 
Dream Syndicate and BOC were managed by Sandy Pearlman, and Tommy 
Zvoncheck plays keyboards on at least one Dream Syndicate album).  It 
was planned to be played by BOC on the Hear 'n Aid project (a heavy-
metal album project organized by Ronnie James Dio to raise money for the 
hungry -- the album featured a group of stars singing one song, plus a 
number of tracks by some of the artists), but was not used.  "Wings Of 
Mercury" was actually played as the first encore of the Santa Monica 
show, but was inserted in-between "Godzilla" and "(Don't Fear) The 
Reaper" for the radio broadcast.  The recording of "Born To Be Wild" 
appears to have been edited to remove the "Texas Chainsaw guitar duel".  
The second verse of "Shooting Shark" is not on the recording -- either 
the band did not perform the second verse, or it was edited out of the 
mix.  The name of this release no doubt comes from the Celtic Frost song 
of the same name.  
01	RUReady 2 Rock
02	Dominance & Submission
03	ETI
04	Buck's Boogie
05	Beat 'em Up
06	Take Me Away
07	Veteran of Psychic Wars (cut)
08	Dancin' in the Ruins (fades in)
09	TZ's Piano Improvisation
10	Joan Crawford
11	Shadow Warrior
12	Burnin' For You
13	Godzilla
14	(Don't Fear) The Reaper
R.U. Ready 2 Rock
Dominance and submission
I am the one you warned me of
Buck's boogie
Take me away

In the presence of another world
Flaming Telepaths
Cities on flame
Joan Crawford
Burnin' for you
This ain't the summer of love
Golden age of leather

R.U. Ready 2 Rock
Dominance and submission
I am the one you warned me of
Buck's boogie
Take me away


In the presence of another world
Flaming Telepaths
Cities on flame
Joan Crawford
Burnin' for you
Godzilla (Drum solo)
(Don't fear) The Reaper

This ain't the summer of love
Golden age of leather
The red and the black
Stairway to the Stars
Dominance and Submission
Before the Kiss (A Redcap)
Buck's Boogie
Take Me Away
Cities on Flame
Career of Evil

Unknown Tongue
Burnin' for You
Don't Fear the Reaper
This Ain't the Summer of Love
The Red and the Black
CD >> DBpoweramp > FLAC (4 compression)
Audience recordiong: Very good (9/10)


Stairway to the stars
Dominance and submission
Before the kiss
Demon's kiss
Power underneath despair
Take me away
Cities n flame
When the Horsemen Arrive


Still Burnin'
Harvest Moon
Burning for you
(Don't fear) The Reaper
Cold grey light of dawn
The Red and the black

Great concert! Many new songs played. 
"Demon's kiss" and "When the horsemen arrive" are absolutely classics!
A great mistake has been wasting them for a B-movie soundtrack as Bad Channels.

"Power underneath despair", "Still Burning", "Harvest moon" and "Cold grey light of dawn" are the announced new tracks
for the upcoming new CD. But we had to wait another 6 years to hear them in "Heaven Forbid" in 1998.

Stay 'o Cult!

samples below

Well, as we found out through the unfortunate banning of the original torrent,
this is a "band recorded" Soundboard recording, as opposed to a fan or sound-guy
An amazing show and recording. Sounds like the band is having fun.


Stairway to the Stars
Dr. Music
Dominance and Submission
Before the Kiss (A Redcap)
Demon's Kiss
Teen Archer
Joan Crawford
Cities on Flame
Still Burning
I Love the Night

This Ain't the Summer of Love
Harvest Moon
Burnin' for You
(Don't Fear) The Reaper
Golden Age of Leather
The Red and the Black



4:  ETI



Recorded using a Sony D8 and core sound binaural mics.
Stairway to the stars
Dr. Music
Od'd on life itself
Harvest moon
Before the kiss
See you in black
Joan Crawford
Flaming telepaths
Cities on flame

In thee
Lips in the hill
Burnin for you
(Don't fear) the Reaper
Dominance and submission
The Red and the Black

Eric Bloom
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser
Allen Lanier
Danny Miranda
Chuck Burgi
CD got in a trade

CD > dbpoweramp > FLAC(4) Files

Audience recording very clear. A little cold, audience very low.

This is the official Heaven Forbid tour! At last the "upcoming" record has been realised!!


Before the kiss
Cities on flame
Harvest Moon
Buck's Boogie
Od'd on life itself
The Vigil
Live for me
Flaming Telepaths

See  you in black
Last Days of may
In Thee
Burning for you
(Don't Fear)The Reaper
Golden age of leather
Dominance and submission

NOt one of my favourite. Eric's vocals isn't in good shape. And I can't imagine a BOC's show without Joan Crawford!
One of the first performance of Live for me. Interesting also for the rebirth of The Vigil, In Thee and Last days of may.
Apart from this...why the fantstic "veteran of the Psychic wars" has been played only on two tours? Fire of unknown origin's and Club Ninja's. The ETL version is absolutely amazing!! Masterpiece!

Eric Bloom
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser
Allen LAnier
Danny Miranda
Bobby Rondinelli


Stay 'o Cult!

Coresound Binaurals -> Sony D100 DAT -> 
Edirol UA-3 -> CDWave(tracking)
Encoded to level 8 flac using traders Little Helper

Set List:

Burnin' For You
Cities On Flame
Harvest Moon
Take Me Away
Buck's Boogie
Joan Crawford
Live For Me
Flaming Telepaths
See You In Black
In Thee
(Don't Fear)The Reaper
Lips In The Hills
The Red And The Black

Artwork Included
CD > DBpoweramp >FLAC files (4° compression)
Audience recording: Excellent 9.5/10


This ain't the summer of love
Teen Archer
Joan Crawford
Cities on flame
Golden age of Leather
Burning for you
Harvester of eyes
The Subhuman
Buck's Boogie


Take me away
The Old Gods Return
(Don't Dear) the Reaper
Dominance and submission

Eric Bloom
Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser
Allen Lanier
Danny Miranda
Bobby Rondinelli

This concert is definetely one of my favourite! 
A killer set list. The sound is very clear and Eric's voice is in very good shape.
I think this is one of the few concert where was played "The Subhuman" (another favourite of mine) after the 1975 tour, 
and it's 2001!!!
The recording is made few months before "Curse of hidden mirrors" was realized.
"The old Gods return" is a strong track. 
I will post another couple of recent gigs where they play also "Pocket" and "Dance on stilts".
What else? Joan Crawford, Golden age of leather, HArvester of eyes, Take me away, Astronomy, Dominance and submission...
What can I ask more?;-)

Stay 'o Cult!

wav files > dbpoweramp > flac files

Broadcast recording 9.5/10

Dr. Music
This ain't the summer of love
See you in black
I love the night
Tatoo Vampire
Shooting Shark
Divine Wind
Black Blade
Guitar intro
(Don't Fear) The Reaper
Golden age of Leather


Stay 'O CUlt

Dr. Music
This Ain't The Summer Of Love
See You In Black
I Love The Night
Tattoo Vampire
Shooting Shark
Divine Wind
Black Blade
Bucks Boogie
(Don't Fear) The Reaper
Golden Age Of Leather

Westwood One Superstar Concert Series
Dr. Music
Dance on Stilts
Harvester of Eyes
Burnin' for You
Tattoo Vampire
Shooting Shark
Divine Wind
Golden Age of Leather
Cities on Flame
Don't Fear the Reaper
Dominance & Submission

Horrible. Just Horrible. D-
Disc 1 (67:34)
01 intro tape / audience      04:24
02 Dr Music                   04:03
03 Before The Kiss (A Redcap) 05:34
04 Pocket                     04:35
05 Harvester Of Eyes          04:10
06 Burnin' For You            04:50
07 Joan Crawford              06:38
08 Shooting Shark             08:34
09 Divine Wind                06:34
10 Lips in the Hills          04:57
11 I Love The Night           07:30
12 Golden Age of Leather      05:46

Disc 2 (34:28)
01 Godzilla / Bass Solo >     08:47
02 Drum Solo >                02:20
03 Godzilla                   01:50
04 Buck's Intro to ...        03:17
05 (Don't Fear) The Reaper
   audience                   11:04
06 Black Blade                07:11

Sony ECM-DS70P omni mic> Vivanco battery box pre-amp> Sony MZN710 Minidisc
recorder>  Hercules Fortissimo 2 (optical digital link) > Polderbits (editing, track marking) > CD > SHN

Set list:

Disc one:

1:  Red and the Black
2:  Teen Archer
3:  Burnin` for you
4:  Transmaniacon MC
5:  Shooting Shark
6:  ME262
7:  Cities on Flame

Disc two:

1:  Last Days of May
2:  Godzilla
3:  Don't Fear the Reaper
4:  Black Blade
5:  Hot Rails to Hell

Recorded using Sony MZR-55 MD with core sound binaural (CSB) mics.

Taped by bcledfoot.
Taped By: Farve4
Catalog: Nickeh Productions 012
Format: SHN
Discs: 2CDR
Lineage: ecm-719 > Sony tcm-200 > Maxell UR MAS CAS | Maxell UR MAS CAS > Sony TC-FX211 > Line-In > Rec. w/ CEP > Hiss Reduction w/ CEP > Track Split w/ CEP | WAV > SHN using DBPowerAmp
Source: AUD
Disc One
1. Intro (2:29)
2. Joan Crawford(5:48)
3. Cities on Flame (6:18)
4. Burnin' For You (5:18)
5. ETI (5:21)
6. I Love the Night (7:43)
7. Buck's Boogie(7:36)
8. Harvester of Eyes(4:20)
9. Golden Age of Leather (7:00)
10. Astronomy (9:59)

Disc Two
1. Godzilla (15:07)
2. Guitar Solo (3:02)
3. Don't Fear the Reaper (7:16)
4. Crowd Noise (1:45)
5. Black Blade (6:27)
6. Seven Screaming Diz-Busters (8:18)
Overall a decent show. Not the best, but definatly listenable. The only editing done was hiss reduction. The band is very energetic, and talkative, and put on a good show.

Please do not sell this recording, or trade it in MP3.

Nickeh (www.nickeh.com)
LIneage:  Sony ECM-719 to Sony TCD-D7===Sony DG90P===Tascam DA 20 MKII

1.  This Ain't the Summer of Love
2.  OD'd on Life Itself
3.  Burning For You
4.  Shooting Shark
5.  Cities on Flame with Rock N Roll
6.  Last Days of May
7.  Godzilla
8.  Don't Fear the Reaper

Taper:  Farve4
Disc One
1) Introduction 
2) This Ain't The Summer Of Love
3) OD'd On Life Itself
4) Burnin' For You
5) Harvest Moon (w/Fight Sequence)
6) ?
7) Cities On Flame With Rock And Roll
8) Perfect Water
9) The Golden Age Of Leather/The Red & The Black
10) ?
11) Then Came The Last Days Of May
12) Godzilla
13) Don't Fear The Reaper
14) ?

Total Running Time: 89:51  

Equipment-Sony MZ-R-700 Minidisc with Audio Technica Pro-24 Microphone
Recorded and posted by Kipco (original taper)

Sony MD>Computer hard drive>flac>you

This was an interesting evening. BOC was playing at "Ribfest", an annual downtown 
Kalamazoo happening wherein the local restaurants and Port-A-Pit operators set up and 
compete to see who has the best ribs in town! The Arcadia Creek Festival Place is an open
air site in the heart of downtown Kalamazoo. The air at this show was a mixture
of seared pork, barbeque sauce and beer, with the occasional faceful of cigarette smoke.  

I almost didn't get in as the site was filled to capacity and not enough people were leaving
so there was a delay in getting in but I finally managed to get a spot on the left side of the
stage and set up to tape.  The very vocal crowd was a constantly shifting mass of people
as can be heard on the recording. As a result there are a few phasey spots where people got
between my mic and the band, but fortunately they are brief. I also managed to capture, in 
her full ignorant glory, some lady talking on her cellphone in between songs! (you can hear
this wonderful moment just before track 5!)  Why people talk on cell phones at concerts
is totally beyond me. 

The night's most interesting crowd incident occured when a big muscle bound guy (obviously 
very drunk) started pushing his way through the crowd to get down front. He nudged me on his
way up and seemed to be taking the attitude of "out of my way, puny humans!" In other words, 
a real asshole. He got a little ways up ahead of me when someone took offense to being shoved 
around by this guy and stood his ground. Muscleman didn't like that and shoved the guy into 
a crowd of people. A security guy spotted what was happening and headed down into the 
crowd to take care of it, calling for backups on his headset on his way to the floor. He 
hung with the guy until his backups came and they told Muscleman he had to leave. Well, 
Muscleman wasn't having any of that and he started shoving the security guys! Quicker
than shit they were on him and had him pinned to the ground, but during the scuffle the 
crowd shifted and knocked me back into some people who were sitting in folding chairs. 
Someone in front of me dumped a beer down my leg during the big push as well. Meanwhile, 
the security guys had Muscleman pinned down on the concrete with his arms extended, one 
security guy on each arm and one with a knee on his neck while Muscleman was yelling 
"Get off me". Someone in the crowd (not me, I swear) yelled "Beat his f*cking ass" to the 
security guys.  In the meantime, two more really big security guys had arrived, and at the end 
of the song, they picked him up and took him away to be arrested and taken to jail. I captured
the whole event while recording, you can hear it during the song "Harvest Moon". The rest of
the show seemed to proceed without incident except for a couple lame attempts at crowd surfing.  

Recording quality on this show is excellent, considering some of the conditions I was taping
under. As the show progressed I worked my way up closer to the stage until finally I ended up 
three people away from the barracade. Still, there was a lot of crowd movement, people cutting
in front of me to go here or there, lots of chatter, etc. As I said, there are a few phasey spots were
people were cutting in front of me but it's still a nice sounding show and I haven't 
seen any other complete BOC shows posted here from this year. 

I had to do a LOT of tweezing with the volume levels to balance them out and eliminate some clipping, 
but NO EQ was involved whatsoever! I don't normally post my own recordings but I thought since BOC 
put on a good show, I'd put it up for the fans and hopefully someone will hear it and go see them if they 
come nearby to their town, which helps out the band. Rudy Sarzo is playing on this tour and is on this 
recording. I also changed discs during the drum solo so there's about 20 seconds missing there, but if 
I hadn't I would not have been able to get all of "Reaper". 

Do not sell for profit, circulate in lossy formats or post on other torrents sites (I'd prefer to do that
myself!) Since I am not a diehard BOC fan, there are a few songs I need help with on the setlist so
help out if you can! 

Disc 1:
2.The Star-Spangled Banner
3.Love & Greed
4.Amber Awaits
5.Crash Burn >
7.The Mountains Win Again
8.Freedom >
9.Can't Win True Love >
10.NY Prophesie

Disc 2:
1.Ivory Tusk >
2.Run-Around >
3.Sadly A Fiction >
4.The Devil Went Down To Georgia
5.E:Band Intros
6.She Isn't Mine
7.But Anyway>
8.Save His Soul >
9.Carolina Blues

Taper:Yossi Pollak
Source:Neumann KM184(aimed at stacks)>Canare Star Quad cables>Edirol UA-5>PDAudio(coaxial)>Dell Axim X50v>SD card
Location:Dead Flipping Center FOB-30 feet from stage
Normalized to 100% with WavePad
Track splits and conversion to FLAC with CDWAV
Checked for SBE's with shntool-no errors reported.
bmaddock   a t   gmail  d o t   com
Source: "North Wind Blowing" Kiss The Stone /  KTS 578/79
more informations: http://www.bobsboots.com/CDs/cd-n29.html

no LB-Number for this one

very good sound


Disc one

(01) Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat
(02) Man In The Long Black Coat
(03) All Along The Watchtower
(04) Positively 4th Street
(05) Most Likely You Go Your Way
(06) Silvio
(07) Tangled Up In Blue
(08) Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll

Disc two

(01) Ballad Of Hollis Brown
(02) Absolutely Sweet Marie
(03) Ballad Of A Thin Man
(04) Highway 61 Revisited
(05) Girl Of The North Country
(06) Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
(07) My Back Pages 

from http://www.bjorner.com:

Concert # 806 of The Never-Ending Tour. Concert # 22 of the 1996 Europe Summer Tour. 1996 concert # 50.
Concert # 350 with the 9th Never-Ending Tour Band: Bob Dylan (vocal & guitar), Bucky Baxter (pedal steel guitar & electric slide guitar), John Jackson (guitar), Tony Garnier (bass), Winston Watson (drums & percussion).
7-9, 13, 15  acoustic with the band.
1, 7, 13, 15  Bob Dylan harmonica.
9  John Jackson (banjo).
6, 10, 14  John Jackson, Bucky Baxter (backup vocals).

(after band credits before Highway 61 Revisited) I want to say hello to my friend Eric Anderson, who's here tonight. Eric, how are you doing? I know you're out there somewhere. He's a great ballad singer. I think he lives here now.

12 new songs (80%) compared to previous concert. No new songs for this tour.
Taper: "Bach"
Lineage: Neumann AK40 > MTX 191 A > Sony DAT TCD-D100 > WaveTerminal > WaveLab 6.01 > dBpower AMP Music Converter > MD5summer 

01.	Introduction
02. 	Maggie's Farm
03. 	Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
04.	Cry A While
05.	Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
06.	It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
07.	To Ramona
08.	Things Have Changed
09.	Highway 61 Revisited
10.	Man in the Long Black Coat
11. 	Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again

01. 	Mr. Tambourine Man
02. 	Honest With Me
03. 	Every Grain Of Sand
04. 	Summer Days
05. 	Cat's In The Well
06. 	Like A Rolling Stone
07. 	All Along the Watchtower

Maggie's Farm
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Lonesome Day Blues
Mr. Tambourine Man
It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
Po' Boy
Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again
Love Sick
Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum

Saving Grace
Honest with Me
Ballad of Hollis Brown
Summer Days
Like a Rolling Stone
All Along the Watchtower

taper: Streetcar Visions
Source: Schoeps CCM 4V > Lunatec V3 > Sony M1
Transfer: Sony D8 > Emagic 6/2 > Peak 4.12 > xACT
First Evening
Crystal Cat  787-788

London, England
Brixton Academy

November 20, 2005
Disc 1

1. Rumble (insturmental song by Link Wray) (incomplete) 
2. Drifter's Escape (Bob on harp) 
3. Señor (Tales Of Yankee Power) 
4. God Knows 
5. To Ramona  
6. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 
7. Queen Jane Approximately 
8. 'Til I Fell In Love With You 
9. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again 
10. New Morning 
11. Highway 61 Revisited 
12. Man In The Long Black Coat 
13. Honest With Me 

Disc 2

14. Desolation Row 
15. Summer Days 
16.  Don't Think Twice, It's All Right 
17.  All Along The Watchtower 

Sing Me Back Home  08/03/05
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35  08/03/05
It's All Over Now Baby Blue  14/03/05
A-11  14/03/05
Folsom Prison Blues  18/03/05
Saving Grace  11/04/05
Tough Mama  15/04/05
Tomorrow Is A Long Time  15/04/05


Second Evening
Crystal Cat  789-790

London, England
Brixton Academy

November 21, 2005

Disc 1
1. Rumble (insturmental song by Link Wray) (incomplete) 
2. Maggie's Farm 
3. The Times They Are A-Changin' 
4. Million Dollar Bash 
5. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)  
6. Moonlight 
7. Down Along The Cove 
8. Boots Of Spanish Leather 
9. Cold Irons Bound 
10. Mr. Tambourine Man 
11. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum 
12. Visions Of Johanna (acoustic) 
13. Honest With Me 

Disc 2

14. Waiting For You 
15. Highway 61 Revisited 
16.  London Calling (incomplete - 1 verse) 
17.  Like A Rolling Stone 
18.  All Along The Watchtower 

Lenny Bruce  16/04/05
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat  17/04/05
****I Believe In You  17/04/05   ****Available On bobdylan.com  not uploaded
It Takes A Lot To Laugh, It Takes A Train To Cry  17/04/05
The Wicked Messenger  20/04/05
To Be Alone With You  29/04/05
Hazel  29/04/05
Not Dark Yet  29/04/05


Third Evening
Crystal Cat    CC791-792

London, England
Brixton Academy

November 22, 2005

Disc 1
1. Rumble (insturmental song by Link Wray) (incomplete) 
2. Maggie's Farm 
3. Love Minus Zero/No Limit 
4. Lonesome Day Blues 
5. Positively 4th Street  
6. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) 
7. Cold Irons Bound 
8. Girl Of The North Country (acoustic) 
9. I Don't Believe You (She Acts Like We Never Have Met) 
10. John Brown (acoustic) 
11. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again 
12. Mississippi 
13. Highway 61 Revisited 

Disc 2

14. Waiting For You 
15. Summer Days 
16.  Like A Rolling Stone 
17.  All Along The Watchtower 


Po Boy  30/04/05
I'll Remember You  26/05/05
Tombstone Blues  29/06/05
You Win Again  04/07/05
Trying To Get To Heaven  10/07/05
I Shall Be Released  16/07/05
I Want You   20/07/05
One Too Many Mornings  21/07/05
Down In The Flood  20/10/05


Fourth Evening
Crystal Cat 793-794

London, England
Brixton Academy

November 23, 2005

Disc 1
1. Rumble (insturmental song by Link Wray) (incomplete) 
2. Maggie's Farm 
3. She Belongs To Me 
4. Cry A While 
5. Shelter From The Storm  
6. Down Along The Cove 
7. Positively 4th Street 
8. High Water (For Charley Patton) 
9. Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) 
10. Million Miles 
11. Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again 
12. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 
13. Honest With Me 

Disc 2

14. The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll (acoustic) 
15. Summer Days 
16.  Blue Monday (song by Fats Domino & Dave Bartholomew) 
17.  Like A Rolling Stone 
18.  All Along The Watchtower 

Tears Of Rage  24/10/05
Never Gonna Be The Same Again  26/10/05
Tangled Up In Blue  29/10/05
Shooting Star  30/10/05
You Ain't Going Nowhere  30/10/05
Things Have Changed  04/11/05
If Dogs Run Free  04/11/05


Fifth Evening
Crystal Cat 795-796

London, England
Brixton Academy

November 24, 2005

Disc 1

1. Maggie's Farm 
2. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You 
3. I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 
4. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 
5. Positively 4th Street  
6. Down Along The Cove 
7. Girl Of The North Country (acoustic) 
8. High Water (For Charley Patton) 
9. Just Like A Woman 
10. Highway 61 Revisited 
11. Every Grain Of Sand 

Disc 2

12. Honest With Me 
13. Sugar Baby (acoustic) 
14. Summer Days 
15.  London Calling (incomplete) 
16.  Like A Rolling Stone 
17.  All Along The Watchtower 

Ring Them Bells  06/11/05
Can't Wait  06/11/05
Simple Twist Of Fate  07/11/05
This Wheel's On Fire  08/11/05
Standing In The Doorway  13/11/05
My Back Pages  13/11/05
A MILEHIGH recording (audience) 
DPA 4061's > SPBB > SONY SBM-1 > SONY D-8 

Disc 1	73:42
1.	Introduction	1:14
2.	Things Have Changed	6:32
3.	The Times They Are A-Changin'	7:12
4.	Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum	5:34 
5.	To Ramona	5:45
6.	Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again	9:00
7.	Love Sick	5:45
8.	I'll Be Your Baby Tonight	5:48
9.	Ballad Of A Thin Man	6:38
10.	I Don't Believe You	6:48
11.	Cold Irons Bound	6:56
12.	Lay, Lady, Lay	6:26

Disc 2	21:41
1.	Cat's In The Well	5:17  	 
2.	Encore			2:51
3.	Like A Rolling Stone	7:02
4.	Band Introductions	0:46
5.	All Along The Watchtower	5:45
Band Members
Bob Dylan - keyboard, harp
Stu Kimball - rhythm guitar
Denny Freeman - lead guitar
Donnie Herron - violin, electric mandolin, pedal steel, lap steel
Tony Garnier - bass
George Recile - drums
CD 1
1. intro
2. Cat's In The Well
3. The Times They Are A-Changin'  
4. Watching The River Flow 
5. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 
6. When I Paint My Masterpiece 
7. Rollin' And Tumblin'  
8. Workingman's Blues #2  
9. 'Til I Fell In Love With You 
10. A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall  
11. Tangled Up In Blue  
12. Spirit On The Water  

CD 2
1. Highway 61 Revisited
2. Nettie Moore 
3. Summer Days 
4. Masters Of War
5. Thunder On The Mountain  
6. band intros
7. All Along The Watchtower 

(CD 1 = 72:31 / CD2 = 41:22)

Recorded and torrented by audiowhore 

Lineage = SP-CMC-8 > Samson PM-4 > Denecke phantom power > Minidisc (Sony MZ-NH1 Hi-MD) > Adobe Audition > FLAC > Dime 
As Columbia Records once advertised, "Nobody Sings Dylan Like Dylan." Still, I always love to hear Dylan covers. Whenever one pops up, at a show or online, I listen attentively for something new the singer might bring to the song. For the last few years, I've been collecting them via bit torrent with an eye toward making a compilation. Here is the first volume of what may be many, if there is interest, and if I can find the time and energy. For now, I've avoided the Dead, the Byrds and some other usual suspects, but they may appear later. I have sequenced this for flow; total running time is 78:00. I've put the two longest tracks at the end, so those of you who don't like jams or have short attention spans can avoid them. I haven't done any artwork, but if there are any frustrated album cover designers out there, I would love to have some.

Due to the many different sources, I am not including lineages; soundboards and FMs have an asterisk, the rest are very good to excellent audience recordings. I have done nothing to the original files but normalize the levels and fade in and out on each track (using Cool Edit). Thanks, of course, to the tapers, and to the original uploaders. Enjoy! JS

1. Everything is Broken - Neil Young (10-28-89, Shoreline Amp., Mtn View, CA)
2. Dark Eyes - Alejandro Escovedo (10-1-04, Texas Union Hall, Austin, TX)*
3. When the Ship Comes In - Billy Bragg (9-26-05, Talking Bob Dylan Blues The Barbican Theatre, London)*
4. Hard Rain - Big Country w/Eddi Reader (5-31-99, Glasgow SECC, Glasgow, Scotland)*
5. Ring them Bells - Warren Zevon (10-13-96, The Bluebird, Denver, CO)
6. The Groom's Still Waiting at the Alter - Steve Wynn (7-27-05, Molly Malone's Irish Pub, Los Angeles)*
7. When I Paint My Masterpiece - Elvis Costello, Emmylou Harris, and Gillian Welch (10-6-06, Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival, Golden Gate Gate Park, San Francisco, CA)
8. Girl From the North Country - The Eels (5-9-05, Morning Becomes Eclectic, KCRW - Santa Monica, CA)*
9. Love Minus Zero - Ron Sexsmith (10-24-97, The Milky Way, Amsterdam)*
10. Highway 61 Revisted - World Party (7-12-93, Summer Stage, Central Park, New York)
11. Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again - Soft Boys (October 27, 2002 ,The Mercury Lounge, New York City) 
12. Fourth Time Around - Calexico (7-9-03 Zeltival am Tollhaus, Karlsruhe, Germany)*
13. Positively Fourth Street - X (8-2-86, The Ritz, New York City)*
14. Queen Jane Approximately - Mojave 3 (4-17-96, Morning Becomes Eclectic, KCRW - Santa Monica, CA)*
15. Hurricane - Phish (8-16-97, Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, ME)*
16. Blind Willie McTell - Mick Taylor (9-16-00, Jack Legg's, Nashville, TN)*


Disc One:

The Zimmerman Home Tape, 1958:

Hey Little Richard
Buzz Buzz Buzz
Jenny Jenny
We Belong Together

The Wallace Apartment Tape, May 1960:

Nobody Knows You
The Great Historical Bum
Mary Ann
Sinner Man
Abner Young
Muleskinner Blues
One Eyed Jacks
Columbus Stockade Blues
Go Down Ye Murderers
This Land Is Your Lan
Rockabye My Sara Jane

Dylan Apartment Tape, September 1960:

Red Rosey Bush
Johnny I Hardly Knew You
Jesus Christ
Streets Of Glory
Kc Moan
Muleskinner Blues
I’m A Gambler
Talkin’ Columbia
Talkin’ Merchant Marine
Talkin’ Hugh Brown
Talkin’ Inflation Blues

Gleason Home Tape, February 1961:

San Francisco Bay Blues
Jesus Met The Woman At The Well
Gypsy Davey
Pastures Of Plenty
Trail Of The Buffalo
Jesse James
Riding In My Car
Southern Cannonball
Bring Me Back My Blue Eyed Boy
Remember You

Gooding Apartment Tape, March 1962:

Ballad Of Donald White
Rocks And Gravel
(It Makes A) Long Time Man Feel Bad
Ranger’s Command

Disc Two:

Beecher Apartment Tape, May 1961:

Ramblin’ Round
Death Don’t Have No Mercy
It’s Hard To Be Blind
This Train Is Bound For Glory
Harmonica Solo
Talkin’ Fish Blues
Pastures Of Plenty
This Land Is Your Land
Two Trains Running
Wild Mountain Thyme
Riding In My Car
Don’t You Push Me Down
Come See
I Want It Now
San Francisco Bay Blues
Young But Daily Growing
Devilish Mary
Railroad Bill
Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Man Of Constant Sorrow
Pretty Polly
The Butcher Boy
James Alley Blues
Why’s You Cut My Hair?

Hollow Horn records
Received on vinelist Oct 2007
Bob Stenson - p
Christof Lauer - sax
Anders Jormin - b
Jon Christensen - d

1. My Man's Gone Now/Moon and Sand
2. NOT
3. The Enlightener
4. ?
5. ?
6. Descent
7. ?
9th Festival di Cultura e Musica Jazz

Bobo Stenson - piano
Christian Spering - bass
Jon Fait - drums

1. Vers le top (Vladimir Visotzky) 14:17
2. Tonus (Bobo Stenson) 13:29
3. Melancholy (Duke Ellington) 12:01
4. untitled (John Coltrane) 8:01
5. El Major (Silvio Rodriguez) 9:23
6. There Comes a Time (Tony Williams) 9:55
7. Race Face (Ornette Coleman) 7:20
Sound quality A+
Source is Radio Broadcast
CDR > HD > FLAC level 6 

First Set (of two): 
1. The Warmth Of The Sun (Brian Wilson)
2. Paranoid Android (Radiohead)
3. My Ideal Ballad (Whiting, Chase & Robin)
4. Think Of Love (Thelonous Monk)
5. Mother Nature's Son (Lennon & McCarthy)
6. My Heart Stood Still (Rodgers & Hart)

Brad Mehldau; piano
Brad Mehldau - Piano

Disc 1
1. CCTune - 5.08
2. Wall's Tune - 5.50
3. Junk - 7.25
4. Los Angeles - 5.26
5. Think Of Me - 7.43
6. I Concentrate On You - 4.33
7. Martha My Dear - 4.10

Disc 2
1. From This Moment On - 5.49
2. Paris/Portrait in Black & White - 10.29
3. Someone To Watch Over Me - 11.41 
4. Riverman (Encore) - 6.59
5. Cry Me A River (2nd Encore) - 5.17
Tape recorder>CD recorder>CD-CA Extractor & Converter>Flac
Sound A (Possible FM hiss - no noise reduction used)

Brad Mehldau	Piano
Darek Oles	Contrebasse
Jorge Rossy 	Batterie

01-	Lament For Linus		06:14 	(Brad Mehldau)
02-	Ron’s Place			08:38	(Brad Mehldau)
03-	The Way You Look Tonight 	16:56
04-	I Fall In Love Too Easily	11:12
05-	Nobody Else But Me		13:27
06-	Carrière & Delmas conclusion	01:59

Total time:	58:31
Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Leon Botstein

Announcer (5:39)
Schumann: Manfred Overture from "Symphony No. 4 in D Minor, Op. 120" (11:52)

Announcer (1:52 + 2:30)
Joachim – Concerto for violin and orchestra (In the Hungarian Style), Op. 11 feat. Daniel Kossov - violin

I. Allegro Un Poco Maestoso (25:47)
II. Romanze: Andante (9:31)
III. Finale Alla Zingara: Allegro Con Spirito (11:37)

Announcer (0:35 + 4:34)
Brahms: Symphony #1 in C minor, Op. 68 (40:34)
I. Un poco sostenuto - Allegro
II. Andante sostenuto
III. Un poco Allegretto e grazioso
IV. Adagio - Piu Andante - Allegro non troppo, ma con brio

Announcer (0:13)

Total Time: 114:48
01 Study 16
02 Study 17
03 If A Bell Became A Drone...
04 Campion Bells
05 Bell Study With Distant Delays

16:31 minutes

This one is very rare. In 2003 to promote an Italian wine (Pellisero) a promotional CD was sent to wine distributors. This promotional CD included 5 unreleased Brian Eno tracks.

berndkretzschmar -at- web.de

Dime download>CD Burn>EAC>FLAC
12.7.2006 from 14:45 to 15:15

iRiver iHP 120 WAV 44,1Khz
-Core Sound Binaurals

total length 33:27 minutes. 

The recording itself is quite good, the music played is a variation of `Ikebukuro`- a piece Eno has used for various installations in the past.

The venue itself is very noisy (you can hear a lot of noise from outside and the restaurant nearby). However, this adds a certain something to it (IMO)- there you have the outside hectic `reality`and at the oposite the very quiet, static installation recording.

This very installation is on tour right now, starting off in Tokyo, and will be set up (slightly altered) in various European cities such as Madrid to promote the new dvd rom release `77 Million Paintings`which I can highly recommend. If you run it you have your own mini Eno installation at home (with paintings permutating/changing permanently on your PC screen)

Tracks from generative music: 

1.Komarek (3:33)
2.Platform 292 (7:46)
3.Supporting Circle (2:38)
4.Klee 4.2 (5:13)
5.NS-9001 (5:11)
6.Rhotko Doric (5:15)
7.Tintoretto (7:47)
8.Seed Reflector (2:41)
9.Methane IV (7:56)
Total Playing time 48:03 

these tracks were created with KOAN software. If you have thisa software and the right soundcard you will literally hear a different version of the very tracks each time played as they are permutating (this is a fascinating thing by the way). Thus these versions were recorded once but (unless kept as recordings these very version wouldn`t be heard ever again (because there are millions of possible permutations). 

Even though there were several versions of these very tracks already uploaded here as stated before: these are different versions. 

In case you are not tired of it I have two more CDs of Eno Generative Music that I can upload. (I still depend on other Eno collectors for these because I do not have the right soundcards in order to play the software properly).

By the way: watch out for Eno`s new dvd rom `77 million paintings`which do the use the same idea visually, mixing and permutating graphics on your pc screen (which is like having an Eno installation at home)
Original txt file:

Brian Eno- More Generative music II

in case you missed it:
Brian Eno- More Generative music

01 - Brian Eno - Densities III            5:09
02 - Brian Eno - Microcosmology           5:06
03 - Brian Eno - Methane II              14:04
04 - Brian Eno - Pulse Ie                 5:05
05 - Brian Eno - Babylon Papillaris      18:59     
06 - Brian Eno - Organa II                5:10
07 - Brian Eno - Lysis (Tungsten)        46:43

these tracks were created with KOAN software.

software info:


If you have this software on your computer and the right soundcard you will literally hear a different version of the very tracks each time played as they are permutating (this is a fascinating thing by the way). Thus these versions were recorded once but (unless kept as recordings) these very version wouldn`t be heard ever again (because there are millions of possible permutations).

Even though there were several versions of these very tracks already uploaded here as stated before: these are different versions.

In case you are not tired of it I have two more CDs of Eno Generative Music that I can upload. (I still depend on other Eno collectors for these because I do not have the right soundcards in order to play the software properly).

software info:


Soundcard Minimum requirements

Windows PC and Creative Labs AWE64 /AWE32 / SB32 Soundcard (100% compatible) or SBLive! + LiveWire 2 / Audigy soundcard (90% compatible with standard SBLive! GM Soundfont bank, or 100% compatible with additional AWE GM SoundFont Bank). Without the right soundcard this title will not sound as intended.

By the way: watch out for Eno`s new dvd rom `77 million paintings`which uses the same idea visually, mixing and permutating graphics on your pc screen (which is like having an Eno installation at home)

Enjoy ;-)

DISC #1 - Set I

01) Interlocking Intro Jam w/ QST ->
02) I Might Be Wrong ->
03) Machine -> #
04) Astphadel ->
05) Interlocking Outro Jam w/ QST

DISC #2 - Set II

01) Interlocking Intro Jam w/ QST ->
02) Who Really Runs the Planet ->
03) Bottlecap ->
04) Who Really Runs the Planet
05) Crowd/Banter
06) Catharsis
07) Crowd/Banter
Encore (with QST)
08) Boy

microtech gefell sms2000/200 > ps2 > ad20 > d8
d8 > dio2448 > cdwave > shn
(# 3:25 - 9:20 segment of d1t03 is AT3528 -> PS/2 -> AD-20 -> D8
 to replace dropout caused by low ps2 battery)
tape and transfer by steve sanford - tracking by andrei marinenko
Set 1 

Let's Start A Gang -> Inside The Tinman -> Celebrity -> Catharsis -> Inside The Tinman, State Police -> Catharsis

Set 2 

Dead Clowns -> Machine -> Too Late To Call -> Machine, Leave The Light On -> Fascination Street -> A Wonderful Day -> Fascination Street

E: Getaway Somehow -> A Wonderful Day
Set I
Leave The Light On ->
One Rabbit Race ->
Forget You Know Me ->
Monsters Come Out At Night
Let's Start A Gang ->
Year Of The Horse ->
Everything Must Go ->
Year Of The Horse

Set II
Can You Keep A Secret?
Simple Gift Of Man ->
Celebrity ->
Simple Gift Of Man
What's On Your Mind? ->
Too Late To Call
The Ceiling ->
Everything Must Go ->
The Ceiling

State Police ->
One Rabbit Race

Source: DPA 4022(DIN, extended 3' from right side of SBD on balcony)->V3->M-Audio FW410->Toshiba 1905->Wavelab 5(24/96)
Lineage: UV22HR(16/44.1)->CDWave->FLAC
Taped by: Scott Schneider
Transferred by: Scott Schneider

Sound: A
Show: A-
DPA 4027 (split 2.5' / 100deg DFC/front rail) > V3 > JB3 > CDWave > FLAC

Taped and transferred by Scott Schneider

Simple Gift of Man > 
Too Late to Call >
Simple Gift of Man 
Words Like Weapons >
Getaway Somehow >
Squeeze >
Who Really Runs the Planet >

Ghost in Me 
Bitches and Candy >
Love Will Tear Us Apart >
Bitches and Candy
Bottlecap >
Tired Sigh >
Who Really Runs the Planet
encore break
Night Villians
Source - (Multitrack - 8 track source recorded with a Tascam DA-88)
Transfer - Tascam DA-88 -> Tascam PCI822 - > Nuendo

all mixing done in Nuendo
all mastering done in wavelab

Tracks recorded:
1 - kick drum
2 - drums L
3 - drums R
4 - bass
5 - guitar
6 - keyboards
7 - organ/laptop
8 - vocals

Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Rich Steele

Set 1
Disc 1

01 - Lunar Cycle
02 - Inside the Tinman
03 - Forget You Know Me ->
04 - Can You Keep A Secret
05 - banter
06 - Shut Up* ->
07 - Lines On Our Hands**
08 - Shut Up

Set 2 
Disc 2 

01 - Anvils
02 - Year Of The Horse ->
03 - Getaway Somehow ->
04 - Year Of The Horse
05 - Bitches and Candy
06 - banter
07 - Leave The Light On ->
08 - A Wonderful Day
09 - crowd/banter
10 - Life On A Boomerang

*  - with keyboard player from RAQ
** - with guitar player from RAQ
Taper: John Dewey (hammerhorror) 
Uploader: John Dewey (hammerhorror) 

Source: Neumann KM140's  (DIN) > Hydra Mic Cables > Lunatec V3 > Marantz PMD671 @ 24/48, digital spdif in - (Dithered down to 16/44.1 for this download).

Conversion: NEXTO OTG > Adobe Audition > CD Wave Editor > FLAC Frontend 


01. Jam > 
02. Let's Start A Gang* > 
03. Boy 
04. Too Late To Call  > 
05. Inhale > 
06. Who Really Runs the Planet >
07. Fascination Street (The Cure)
08. State Police > 
09. Forget You Know Me >
10. Who Really Runs the Planet

Please enjoy this great show and recording. Please keep seeding for as long as you can. NEVER sell any recordings. Do Not Trade MP3 Versions of this show. Please let me know your comments on the show and recording.
Sony ECM-MS907 - Sony PCM-M1 - Sound Forge (normalized and some volume adjustments to reduce
clapping between songs) - TRacks - CDWAv - FLAC (level 6)

Taped from Row B (front row) center. Super Stealth!

Taped and transferred by musicjaime

Bruce had caught a cold and it shows in some of his vocals. He was obviously under the 
weather. As a result, there was only one encore. Still a great show!! Enjoy.

Disc 1 (Set 1):
1) *Rouler Sa Bosse
2) Going to the Country
3) Silver Wheels
4) Mighty Trucks of Midnight
5) *King Kong Goes to Tallahassee
6) Wondering Where The Lions Are (encouraging audience to sing)
7) If A Tree Falls (beautiful version)
8) *Elegy
9) Wait No More

Disc 2 (set 2):
1) *Water into Wine
2) All the Ways I Want You
3) Put It in Your Heart
4) Intro to "This is Baghdad"
5) This is Baghdad
6) To Tell the Universe
7) After the Rain
8) Last Night of the World
9) *End of All Rivers
10) Messenger Wind
11) Crowd


12) *Mistress of Storms
13) Mystery

(* Instrumental
Solo show


Disc 1:
01. Wavy Gravy Into (edited)
02. Rouler Sa Bosse
03. Goin' To the Country
04. Open
05. If I Had a Rocket Launcher
06. Live Short Call Now Intro
07. Life Short Call Now
08. Beautiful Creatures
09. Put It in Your Heart
10. Tell the Universe
11. This Is Baghdad

Disc 2:
01. After The Rain
02. Different When It Comes To You
03. Last Night of the World
04. The End of All Rivers
05. Wondering Where the Lions Are
06. Mystery
07. King Kong Goes to Tallahassee
08. If A Tree Falls

4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
New York City Serenade
Spirit In The Night
Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
You Mean So Much to Me
Opening Comments
Tenth Avenue Freeze Out
Spirit in the Night
Then She Kissed Me
Growin' Up
It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
Intro to the E Street Shuffle
The E Street Shuffle
When You Walk In the Room
She's the One
Born to Run
Thunder Road

Intro to Kitty's Back
Kitty's Back
Encore Comments
Quarter to Three
Closing Comments

Kitty's Back
The E Street Shuffle
Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City
Thunder Road
When You Walk In the Room
She's the One

From the liner notes:

August 15, 1975 - High Temp in NYC 85, Low 65, Wind 10mph avg, gusts to 15mph. No precipitation.

A breezy midsummer night in NYC, where all the heat was concentrated on the
corner of West 4th and Mercer in Greenwich Village, NY.

Lots of Springsteen fans (me included) couldn't get into the Bottom Line - it usually seats 400, but there was
a larger than usual number of music industry seats reserved for these 10 shows (two shows each night
August 13-17.)

WNEW-FM broadcast the early show Friday night.

I've been searching for a complete copy of this broadcast since that night, when
the mono reel to reel tapes I made had many missing pieces due to lots of different reasons.

All of the bootlegs released by the profiteers were incomplete in some way, minor or major.

Finally, in March 2004, nearly 29 years later. I found it. It is not the final word on
this show in terms of sound quality, but it is the COMPLETE broadcast, without anything missing.

Turn it on and listen to it just like you would have back in August 1975. All the station
breaks and DJ chat and such are there.

Thanks to the many people involved in this project, from the tape source, to those
who let me borrow reel to reel decks to get the dub to DAT, to others who gave advice on
mastering procedures or supplied alternate sources. Your kindness will not be forgotten.
Disc 1
1. Badlands
2. Streets of Fire
3. Spirit in the Night
4. Darkness on the Edge of Town
5. Independence Day
6. The Promised Land
7. Prove It All Night
8. Racing in the Street
9. Thunder Road
10. Meeting Across the River
11. Jungleland

Disc 2
1. Kitty's Back
2. Fire
3. Candy's Room
4. Because the Night
5. Point Blank
6. Not Fade Away
7. She's the One
8. Backstreets/Sad Eyes
9. Rosalita

Disc 3
1. 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
2. Born to Run
3. 10th Avenue Freeze Out
4. Detroit Medley
5. Raise Your Hand
CDR Trade>EAC (Secure)>WAV>FLAC (level 8)

Disc 1:

 1. Good Rockin' Tonight (3:46) 
 2. Badlands (4:55) 
 3. Spirit In The Night (9:33) 
 4. Darkness On The Edge Of Town (4:46) 
 5. Independence Day (7:14) 
 6. The Promised Land (6:05) 
 7. It's My Life (5:38) 
 8. Thunder Road (6:03) 
 9. Jungleland (10:31) 
10. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town (5:21) 
11. Fire (3:02) 
12. Candy's Room (3:20) 

Disc 2:

 1. Because The Night (7:17) 
 2. Point Blank (9:18) 
 3. Kitty's Back (14:04) 
 4. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) (11:46) 
 5. Born To Run (6:25) 
 6. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out (5:27) 
 7. The Detroit Medley (10:07) 
Disc 1:

   1. High School Confidential
   2. Badlands
   3. Spirit In The Night
   4. Darkness On The Edge Of Town
   5. Sweet Little Sixteen
   6. Independence Day
   7. The Promised Land
   8. Prove It All Night 

Disc 2:

   1. Racing In The Street
   2. Thunder Road
   3. Meeting Across The River
   4. Jungleland
   5. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
   6. Fire
   7. Candy's Room
   8. Because The Night
   9. Point Blank
  10. Kitty's Back 

Disc 3:

   1. The Fever
   2. Incident On 57th Street
   3. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
   4. Born To Run
   5. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out 

Sound: A-
Show: A
Great Dane Records 9221
Excellent Soundboard

From the Boots.Net "Top 55" 
Disc 1:
1. Tunnel Of Love
2. Be True
3. Adam Raised A Cain
4. Two Faces
5. All That Heaven Will Allow
6. Seeds
7. Roulette
8. Cover Me
9. Brilliant Disguise
10.Spare Parts
12.Born In The USA

Disc 2:
1. Tougher Than The Rest
2. Ain't Got You
3. She'S The One
4. You Can Look But You Better Not Touch
5. I'm A Coward
6. I'm On Fire
7. One Step Up
8. Part Man Part Monkey
9. Backstreets
10.Dancing In The Dark
11.Light Of Day /

Disc 3:
1. Born To Run (Acoustic)
2. Hungry Heart
3. Glory Days
4. Rosalita
5. Have Love Will Travel
6. 10th Avenue Freeze-Out
7. Sweet Soul Music
8. Raise Your Hand
9. Little Latin Lupe Lu (first time since 1977)
10.Twist And Shout 

Notes: This is another show where we are very lucky to have a soundboard recording, this one taken from
the video feed. The Tunnel of Love Express Tour turned a corner in late April, when Bruce, according to
Dave Marsh in Glory Days, told Julianne Phillips that he had started seeing Patti Scailfa, a member of the
E Street Band. At the same time, Bruce's performances on-stage improved, and the set list started changing.

In addition to a strong performance on the regular set,the show featured the first E Street Band performance
of "Little Latin Lupe Lu" since 1977 and the first "Twist and Shout" of the tour. Available on the CD "Roses
and Broken Hearts." 

Following this show, Peter Gabriel talked to Jon Landau and Bruce about joining Amnesty International's Human
Rights Now! Tour, which was to mark the 40th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.
original Doberman discs (SBD) > EAC(Secure) > WAV > seekable SHN

Disc One:-

 1:- The Rising
 2:- Lonesome Day
 3:- The Ties That Bind
 4:- Night
 5:- Empty Sky
 6:- You're Missing
 7:- Waitin on a Sunny Day
 8:- No Surrender
 9:- Worlds Apart
10:- Badlands
11:- She's The One
12:- Mary's Place

Disc Two:-

 1:- Counting on a Miracle
 2:- Thunder Road
 3:- Into the Fire
 4:- Where The Bands Are
 5:- Glory Days
 6:- Born To Run
 7:- My City of Ruins
 8:- Born in the USA
 9:- Land of Hope and Dreams
10:- Dancing in the Dark
Bonus Disc:

St. Lukes Church Night
2005-05-09, St. Lukes Church
London England

Crystal Cat 801-803

Original Silver Discs --> EAC (Secure) --> Waw --> Flac Level 6 & Align --> ABMS

101. Intro
102. O, Mary Don't You Weep
103. John Henry
104. Johnny 99
105. Old Dan Tucker
106. Eyes On The Prize
107. Jesse James
108. Cadillac Ranch
109. Long Black Veil
110. Eire Canal
111. My Oklahoma Home
112. How Can I Keep From Singing?
113. Mrs. McGrath

201. Intro
202. How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live?
203. Jacob's Ladder
204. We Shall Overcome
205. Open All Night
206. Pay Me my Money Down
207. My City Of Ruins
208. Buffalo Gals
209. You Can Look
210. When The Saints Go Marching In
211. Devils & Dust *

(* Oslo 2006-05-20

301. Intro By Johnny Walker
302. John Henry
303. O, Mary Don't You Weep
304. How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live?
305. Mrs. McGrath
306. My Oklahoma Home
307. Jacob's Ladder
308. We Shall Overcome
309. Pay Me My Money Down
310. Interview By BBc DJ Johnny Walker
Original silver discs ( CC 760-761 ) -> EAC ( secure ) -> WAV -> FLAC

Disc 1

1. Intro
2. My beautiful reward
3. Reason to believe
4. Devils & Dust
5. Lonesome day
6. Long time coming
7. Silver palomino
8. The river
9. Real world
10. Part man, part monkey
11. All the way home
12. Nebraska
13. Reno
14. Racing in the street
15. The rising

Disc 2

1. Further on ( up the road )
2. Jesus was an only son
3. Leah
4. The hitter
5. Matamoros banks
6. Ramrod
7. I'm on fire
8. Land of hope and dreams
9. The promised land
10. Dream baby dream
11. Audience
12. Empty sky ( 5-5-2005 )
13. Two faces ( 5-5-2005 )
14. Paradise ( 11-5-2005 )
Sony ECM-717 > Sony D8 > Philips CDR-880 >
Extracted w/ CD Creator > CD Wave > 
Cool Edit Pro for level adjustments >
FLAC Frontend

Disc One:

Prove It All Night
Reason to Believe
Devils & Dust
Empty Sky
Long Time Comin
Black Cowboys
4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
Leap of Faith
State Trooper
Maria's Bed
The Line
When You're Alone
You're Missing

Disc Two:

The Rising
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Jesus Was an Only Son
If I Should Fall Behind
The Hitter
Matamoros Banks
Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
My Best Was Never Good Enough
The Promised Land
Dream Baby Dream

Sound: B
Show: B+
Set I
Prove It All Night
Reason to Believe
Devils & Dust
Empty Sky
Long Time Comin'
Black Cowboys
4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)
Leap of Faith*
State Trooper
Maria's Bed
The Line

Set II
When You're Alone
You're Missing
The Rising
Darkness on the Edge of Town
Jesus Was an Only Son
If I Should Fall Behind
The Hitter
Matamoros Banks

E: Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?
My Best Was Never Good Enough
The Promised Land
Dream Baby Dream

listed as audience/IEM matrix
From Section 114, row G, seat 11

AT853 > battery box > Nomad Jukebox 3 (WAV, 44.1) > USB digital transfer to PC

Remaster from original tapes - the volume on the original release was very low, and 
there was an imbalance between the Left and Right channels. To present this show in 
its best quality, the following steps were acheived:

1. Cool Edit: increase volume in right channel 4.5db
2. Cool Edit: Hard Normalize to increase overall volume by 8db without clipping.
3. CD Wave for tracking and splitting waves.

Flac Frontend to create FLAC files and check for SBE

Disc 1:
   1. Into The Fire
   2. Reason To Believe
   3. Devils And Dust
   4. Empty Sky
   5. Long Time Comin'
   6. Highway 29
   7. The Promise
   8. All That Heaven Will Allow
   9. The River
  10. State Trooper
  11. Nebraska
  12. Maria's Bed
  13. Reno
  14. Nothing Man
  15. Racing In The Street

Disc 2:
   1. Lost In The Flood
   2. The Rising
   3. Spare Parts
   4. Jesus Was An Only Son
   5. If I Should Fall Behind
   6. The Hitter
   7. Matamoros Banks
   8. Ramrod
   9. Bobby Jean
 10. Land Of Hope And Dreams
 11. The Promised Land
 12. Dream Baby Dream 

Sound: B
Show: B
If I Should Fall Behind
Reason to Believe
Devils & Dust
Lonesome Day
Long Time Comin'
All That Heaven Will Allow
Tougher Than the Rest
Intro to Part Man, Part Monkey
Part Man, Part Monkey
All I'm Thinkin' About
Galveston Bay
Valentine's Day
The River
The Rising
Darkness on the Edge of Town

Intro to Jesus Was an only Son
Jesus Was an only Son
Two Hearts
The Hitter
Matamoros Banks
Waitin' on a Sunny Day
Wild Billy's Circus Story
The Promised Land
Dream Baby Dream
Audio-Technica AT853 > Sony TCD-D8 > 
Adobe Audition 1.5 (re-EQ, amplitude adjust, fade in/out, track splitting) >
CD Wave > FLAC Frontend

Disc One

Lift Me Up
Reason To Believe
Devils & Dust
Lonesome Day
Long Time Comin'
Back in Your Arms
For You
State Trooper
One Step Up
When You're Alone
Valentine's Day
Lost in the Flood

Disc Two

The Rising
Further On (Up the Road)
Jesus Was an Only Son
Two Hearts
The Hitter
Matamoros Banks
Bobby Jean
The Promised Land
Dream Baby Dream

Package includes artwork

Enjoy the show!


Rode NT5's>Sound Devices MP2>SBM1>D8
Transfer via Sony PCM-R500>HHB850>
Sound Forge (Fades & Tracking)

Disc I

1. Oh Mary Don't You Weep
2. John Henry
3. Johnny 99
4. Old Dan Tucker
5. Eyes on The Prize
6. Jesse James
7. Cadillac Ranch
8. Erie Canal
9. My Oklahoma Home
10. If I Should Fall Behind
11. Mrs. McGrath

Disc II

1. How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times & Live
2. Jacob's Ladder
3. We Shall Overcome
4. Open All Night
5. Pay Me My Money Down
6. My City Of Ruins
7. Buffalo Gals
8. You can Look ( But You Better Not Touch )
9. When The Saints Come Marching In
For those who have been curious as to what Bruce is doing these days here
it is. A fun time for all so get out and buy those tickets. I think this tape will help.

Sound: 9/10
Taper: Kathleen (Core Sound stealth cardiod mics -> Core Sound Mic2496 Pre-Amp/A-to-D Convertor -> Dell AximX50v w/PDAudio-CF S/PDIF digital audio interface card) -> flac -> Wav -> Adobe Audition 3 db sound boost -> CDWav -> flac

I started this recording way ahead of the concert (in the bathroom) so as not to attract the attention of the ever present security guards.  Unfortunately it was almost an hour before the concert actually started and my Axim lost power during the encore. See the setlist for what is missing.  Sorry - I did the best I could with the conditions at hand.  When I got home, the flac file that I recorded was damaged due to the Axim losing power so I first had to repair the file before editing and cutting into tracks.  Otherwise this would have been up earlier.


Jesse James
Oh, Mary, Don't You Weep
Johnny 99
John Henry
Eyes on the Prize
Old Dan Tucker
Cadillac Ranch
Erie Canal
My Oklahoma Home
If I Should Fall Behind
Mrs. McGrath
How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?
Jacob's Ladder
We Shall Overcome
Open All Night
Pay Me My Money Down


Turn! Turn! Turn! (Cut)
Buffalo Gals (missing)
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch) (Missing)
When the Saints Go Marching In (missing)
CoreSound Binaurals w/ bass roll-off >
Sony D8 > Philips CDR-880 > extracted w/
CD Creator > CD Wave > FLAC Frontend

Disc One

Long Black Veil
O Mary Don't You Weep
John Henry
Johnny 99
Eyes on the Prize
Adam Raised a Cain
Old Dan Tucker
Cadillac Ranch
My Oklahoma Home
Mrs. McGrath
How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?

Disc Two

Jacob's Ladder
We Shall Overcome
Open All Night
Pay Me My Money Down
If I Should Fall Behind
Buffalo Gals
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze
Flynn Remaster of the Original Dime-Posted Recording

I boosted the levels, evened out the spots where the levels
went up or down, added some high end, and boosted the 144 
frequency.  I also fixed the track markings.

Track listing:

Disc 1
1. Intro
2. O Mary Don't You Weep
3. Intro
4. John Henry
5. Johnny 99
6. Intro
7. Old Dan Tucker
8. Eyes on the Prize
9. Jesse James
10. Intro
11. My Oklahoma Home
12. Intro
13. Mrs. McGrath
14. Intro
15. How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?
16. Jacob's Ladder
17. Intro
18. We Shall Overcome

Disc 2
1. Open All Night
2. Pay Me My Money Down
3. Intro
4. My City of Ruins
5. Buffalo Gals
6. You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
7. Intro
8. When the Saints Go Marching In

Original Information from the Taper/Poster

Source: Schoeps MK4>R-Box>SBM-1>M1
On 7 foot stand 150 feet back from stage right

Transfer: Pansonic 3700 into stand alone HHB burner

CDR ripped using EAC

Note that the last track on disc 1 cuts off 15 seconds before 
ending, but is complete on disc 2 track 1

I am posting this, because it brought the crowd to tears (read any 
of the reviews of this performance) - it was the first public debut 
of this 17 piece group, and they were on fire! 

I have not seen this show posted anywhere else, and I thought DIME 
members deserved to hear it first!

This concert was uploaded a couple of weeks ago. It was a nice one. But this upload is from ANOTHER SOURCE. The sound quality of this one is, in my humble opinion, so good that, maybe, it is a candidate for the best 2006 recording of Bruce. Perhaps not the best one but at the least  IT'S AN ABSOLUTE TOP RECORDING OF AN EXCELLENT CONCERT!  That's the reason why I wanna share it with you: it's a clear upgrade.
The music comes out very well: bright & clear. The vocals are very near by and audible. There's an almost perfect balance between the music and the audience: almost no talkers, no singers and/or handclapping by the public in the music. Just like everybody wishes a good recording must be.

recording details:
recorded from a VIP-box with Sennheiser cardoid mikes MKE-40 > custom made power unit > Sony TCD-D8 DAT

editing/mastering details (for the techno-freaks):
Tascam DA-40 > analog > Yamaha 2x31 equalizer (some low boost only) > SPL Vitalizer (some small changes in the low/mid range) > Layla 24/96 > digital > Sound Forge 7 (fade in/out, normalising, some dynamic equalizing, click & crackle, editing) > WAV
(Don't let this all scare you. It didn't ruin the original recording. It just gave the recording some extra drive & power and the things you don't wanna hear were suppressed or removed. This is the complete concert and NO essential parts were deleted! The editing is done with a well-trained musical ear! )

WAV > FLAC Frontend (level 8, verify, align on sector boundaries)

101 intro
102 O Mary Don’t You Weep 
103 John Henry
104 Johnny 99
105 Old Dan Tucker
106 Eyes On The Prize
107 Jesse James
108 Cadillac Ranch (w Mystery Train)
109 Long Black Veil
110 Erie Canal
111 My Oklahoma Home
112 Mrs. McGrath

201 intro to >
202 How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live?
203 Jacob’s Ladder
204 We Shall Overcome
205 Open All Night
206 Pay Me My Money Down
207 My City Of Ruins
208 Ramrod
209 You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
210 introduction band
211 When The Saints Go Marching In
212 Buffalo Gals
Taper : 2mas

cdr from taper -> EAC -> Wav --> Flac (level 8, align border sectors & verify)


01.John Henry
02.O Mary Don't You Weep
03.Johnny 99
04.Old Dan Tucker
05.Eyes on the Prize
06.Jesse James
07.Adam Raised a Cain
08.Long Black Veil
09.Erie Canal
10.My Oklahoma Home
11.Bring Them Home (If You Love Your Uncle Sam)
12.Mrs. McGrath


01.How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?
02.Jacob's Ladder
03.We Shall Overcome
04.Open All Night
05.Pay Me My Money Down
06.My City of Ruins
08.You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
09.When the Saints Go Marching In
10.Buffalo Gals

Enjoy The Show,

Taper: SparkJockey
Recorded from the left side of the stage, 5 rows behind the pit

SP-CMC-19 > SP-Microtrack Mic Power > Microtrack (16/44.1 Wav.)
Transfer: Microtrack > PC > Flac level 8 > Nero 6 > DVD+R

Mastering: Flac > Cool Edit Pro (amplification/equalization/editting for 
clapping) > CDWAV > Nero 7 > CDR

Disc 1
01 Intro 
02 Atlantic City
03 John Henry
04 O Mary Don’t You Weep
05 Johnny 99
06 Old Dan Tucker
07 Eyes On The Prize
08 Jesse James
09 Erie Canal
10 My Oklahoma Home
11 Intro (Froggie Went A Courtin’)
12 Froggie Went A Coutin”

Disc 2
01 Mrs McGrath
02 How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live?
03 Jacob’s Ladder
04 We Shall Overcome
05 Open All Night
06 Pay Me My Money Down
07 PSA
08 My City Of Ruins
09 Rag Momma Rag
10 You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
11 When The Saints Go Marching In
recording: dpa4061 mics > sony tcd 100
transfer: DAT > s/pdif in m-audio Audiophile> CD wav
mastering: Audacity to amplify, CD Wav for track splits

Disc 1 (74:11)
1 O Mary Don't You Weep
2 John Henry
3 Atlantic City
4 Old Dan Tucker
5 Eyes on the Prize
6 Jesse James
7 Johnny 99
8 Erie Canal
9 My Oklahoma Home
10 Long Black Veil
11 Mrs. McGrath

Disc 2 (76:58)
1 intro to Poor Man
2 How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?
3 Jacob's Ladder
4 intro to WSO
5 We Shall Overcome
6 Open All Night
7 Pay Me My Money Down
8 Bring Them Home
9 Rag Mama Rag
10 You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
11 When the Saints Go Marching In
12 Buffalo Gals 
disc one:
American Land
John Henry
O Mary Don't You Weep
Johnny 99
Old Dan Tucker
Eyes on the Prize
Jesse James
Atlantic City
Erie Canal
My Oklahoma Home

disc two:
If I Should Fall Behind
Mrs. McGrath
How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?
Jacob's Ladder
We Shall Overcome
Open All Night
Pay Me My Money Down

disc three:
Bring Them Home
My City of Ruins
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
When the Saints Go Marching In

AT853 Hypercardoid > Microtrack 24/96 (24 bit/44.1 kbit)
Section 202, row E
mics in hat, 17cm sep., 70 deg
Taped by Scoper
Recorded from the left side about 
5 rows back.

CoreSound Binaurals w/ bass rolloff >
Sony D8 > Philips CDR-880 > Extracted w/
CD Creator > Cool Edit Pro for some level
adjustments and high end boost > CD Wave >
FLAC Frontend

disc one:

American Land
John Henry
O Mary Don't You Weep
Old Dan Tucker
Atlantic City
Long Black Veil
Jesse James
Long Time Comin'
Erie Canal
My Oklahoma Home

disc two:

If I Should Fall Behind
Mrs. McGrath
Devils & Dust
How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Times and Live?
Jacob's Ladder
We Shall Overcome
Open All Night
Pay Me My Money Down

disc three:

My City of Ruins
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
When the Saints Go Marching In
The Man on the Flying Trapeze

bonus track :
Maria's Bed (6/24/06, recorded from lawn)
 CDR from master(got it in a trade)>wave(EAC)>flacf(8)
 I think it`s FM or SBD or a really,really great audience tape,
 but the quality is in my opinion too good for an audience tape.
 It`s wonderful  music from some great artists.


 Bill Bruford - drums.
 Chris Botti - trumpet.
 David Torn - guitars, loops, electric bansuri.
 Tony Levin - Stick, bass, NS Electric Upright

 01.Etude Revised   14:29
 02.Original Sin    08:52
 03.Cerulean Sea    08:06
 04.Deeper Blue     06:27
 05.A Place of Pearls(on a Blade of glass)  05:40
 06.Cracking The Midnight Glass     05:44
 07.Band Introduction    01:15
 08.3 Minutes Of Pure Entertainment   08:35 
 09.Fin de Siecle     06:15
 10.Cobalt Canyons    07:42
Late show

East Coast Tour	

Bruford Levin Botti Torn

3 Minutes Of Pure Entertainment
Original Sin
A Palace Of Pearls
Cerulean Sea
Cracking The Midnight Glass
Oud Solo / Improv
Etude Revisited
Cobalt Canyons
Source: TV Broadcast> Low Generation VHS> NTSC DVD

1. Introduction by Steve Allen
2. Unknown
3. Unknown
4. Unknown
5. Unknown
6. Channel One Suite
7. Birdland
8. Interview with Steve Allen and Billy Taylor
Original notes:

Date unknown, est. 197x

Source: Unknown; but reported to be taped at the venue, not a braodcast
Transfer: Unknown
Current status: Medium generation CDR from a most probably lossless format lineage. After transfer from master to CDR only CDR generations to my knowledge. No compression, no lossless formats as far as known.

01 Time Out			06:59
02 Best Coast			04:50
03 Party Time			06:08
04 Round Midnight		06:51
05 No Jive			06:10
06 Sophisticated Lady		05:28
07 The Summer Knows		04:33
08 Channel One Suite		17:08
09 Norwegian Wood		03:42

Notes: Very rare recording from Germany in very good sound quality. Passed on among pro musicians in Germany playing in big bands themselves. Not identical with other Buddy Rich recordings from Stuttgart. Never been released officially or as bootleg, so far never seen posted anywhere on trading platforms to my knowledge.   

Any help sourcing the exact origin and date appreciated. Any help cleaning up the recording appreciated as Buddy's band gives one of the best performances that I have heard so far. The recording captures the band at the 110% Buddy Rich always demanded. The band is just perfect, precise, spot-on and the recording would deserve the best audio quality possible. If someone could improve the already very good sound quality, I'd be happy to see it re-posted.

Taper: Christopher Jones <jones.chris@gmail.com> 
Source: DPA 4022 Compact Cardioid > Sound Devices 722 Hard Disk Recorder (@ 24-bit / 96 kHz) 
Location: Directly in front of bar, DFC.  Mics ORTF at 8'.
HD > .flac: Sound Devices 722 Hard Disk Recorder > Apple Power Mac G4 MP800  mHz / 512MB > T.C. Works' Spark XL 2.8 > xACT 1.4b28 

Resampled and dithered using T.C. Works' respective highest quality resampling and Ultra-Noiseshaping functions.  A 24-bit / 96 kHz version of this recording exists in .flac24. 

t01 Introduction					01:17.39
t02 Porchlight						05:10.23
t03 Summer						04:22.53
t04 Mineral						06:06.06
t05 Butterscotch					03:46.57
t06 Torch Singer					03:45.32
t07 Three Easy Pieces					06:22.24
t08 Crutch						06:16.03
t09 You'll Never Catch Him				05:20.29
t10 Clobbered						04:01.63
t11 Under My Thumb ^					07:14.33
t12 Wiser						05:38.43
t13 Tangerine						05:27.70
t14 Kitchen Door					03:34.58
t15 Frozen Lake						05:27.71
Gare du Nord
disk 1 - 51:41

02. A Minor Swing
03. The Bullfrog Shuffle
04. > The Jig Is Up
05. Natchez Trace
06. Tony solo
07. BŽla solo
08. Killer Bees On Caffeine
09. The Sunta
10. -tuning
11. Cripple Creek > Earl's Breakdown

disk 2 - 56:20

01. Classical Medley 
02. Happy Birthday to Margaret 
03. Cheese Whiz
04. Elzic's Farewell > Green Willis > Whiskey Before Breakfast
05. Beatles Medley: You Won't See Me > I Feel Fine > You Never Give
	Me Your Money > Sun King > Here, There & Everywhere > Michelle >
	Drive My Car
06. -thanks for coming outÉ
07. John Hardy
08. -crowd 
10. Foggy Mountain Special > 

Source: DSBD DAT from Sean Hawkins
Transfer: Casio DA-7 > Tascam CD-RW 700 (pass through) >
M-Audio 24/96 > @ 24 Bit to Wavelab > to 16 bit CD WAVE > FLAC 
Transfers, Remastering and Seeded to bt.etree.net by Bill Koucky February 2007 

Source: FOB Neumann KM-140 > Beyerdynamic MV-100 > Sony SBM-1
Transfer: (2006-05-13) master DAT > Panasonic SV-3700 > TC-Electronic Finalizer+ (bypass, electrical>optical) > Macbook Pro > Amadeus 3.8.6

01 intro
02 Vix 9
03 Throwdown at the Hoedown
04 E Guitar
05 Big Country
06 And Why Not?
07 Funk E.
08 Who's Got Three?
09 Almost 12
10 The Big Blink >
11 Stomping Grounds
12 crowd
13 Ramblin' *
14 outro

(*) w/ John Medeski and Chris Wood
Throwdown at the Hoedown
Intro > 3/4
Off the Top
Vic solo
Am Latin

Futch solo
Futch with Béla
Big Country
Dm 5/4
Mars Needs Women
Earth Jam
Béla solo
Disc 1

01 Intro				01:10.49
02 Next					07:43.03
03 Bil Mon					08:14.53
04 Band Intros				02:21.03
05 Latitude					05:36.24
06 Scratch					11:09.26
07 Vic Solo > Vic/Bela			18:35.39
08 Off The Top				08:36.24
09 Futch Solo > Futch/Jeff		13:18.04

Disc 1 Total: 76:45.00

Disc 2

01 Christmas Medley			08:52.65
02 Snatchin'				07:35.42
03 Pineapple Heart			05:52.19
04 Costa Brava				12:50.65
05 Bela Solo				17:47.59
06 Throwdown				09:32.08
07 Sleeping Dogs				04:45.36

Disc 2 Total: 67:16.69
Disc One
01: Intro
02: Next
03: Sex In A Pan
04: Latitude
05: Band Intros
06: Bill Mon
07: Futch Solo
08: Futch/Bela
09: Off The Top
10: Something

Disc Two
01: Vic Solo
02: Vic/Jeff
03: Sleeper
04: Am Latin
05: Bela solo
06: Moment So Close

Source: {onstage} AKG ck61 > Active Cables > JK Labs DVC > Canare Starquad Interconnects > Apogee Mini-Me > Powerbook G4 @ 24/48
Lineage: Spark XL v2.8 to record, resample, dither, and track. xACT v1.3 to fix SBE's and create shn's
Taped by: Jon Ice (ice@justdmb.com)
Transferred by: Jon Ice (ice@justdmb.com)
From: http://www.archive.org/details/bfft2004-04-06.ck61.shnf

Sound: A+
Show: A
Earth Jam
Cheeseballs in Cowtown
Lover's Leap
Futch solo
Futch & Béla
Big Country

Vic solo
Vic & Jeff > Throwdown at the Hoedown
Extra New Guitar
New G Tune
Blu Bop
New South Africa
Béla solo
The Sinister Minister
Sleeping Dogs
1: Intro
2: Wash
3: The Ride, Part II
4: Service & Repair
5: Tulsa Telephone Book
6: Fade
7: Minas de Cobre
8: Ballad of Cable Hogue
9: Canción del Mariachi
10: El Picador
11: Frontera/Trigger
12: Hey Baby, Qué Paso
13: Stray
14: Cascabel
15: Crystal Frontier

Source: SBD/AUD Matrix (Multitrack)> Master DAT > Mastering (custom - analog & digital - 10/02/04) > CDR(m) > FLAC
Lineage: CDR(m) > EAC (secure) > WAV > FLAC [7]
Disk 1

1: Pepita
2: Across the Wire
3: Quattro
4: Frontera/Trigger
5: Dub Latina
6: Sunken Waltz
7: El Picador
8: Not Even Stevie Nicks
9: Fade
10: Fatal Spring >
11: Close Behind
12: Woven Birds
13: Minas de Cobre
14: Spokes
15: Stray
16: Corona
17: Güero Canelo

Disk 2

1: Black Heart
2: Falling Rain*
3: Alone Again Or*
4: Cancion Del Mariachi
5: Crystal Frontier
6: Attack El Robot! Attack!

Source: SBD/AUD Matrix (Multitrack)> Master CDR(PreFM)>Mastered via SADiE w/ 24 bit Drawmer Masterflow Processing (05/03)> CDR
Lineage: CDR(m) > EAC (secure) > WAV > FLAC [7]
Taped by: Recorded by P3 Live (Sweeden)
Transfered by: Mastered by Jim Blackwood - Official Calexico Archivist
Source: Audience
Master: CSB mics>Sony PCM-M1 @44.1kHz 

Transfer: DAT @44.1kHz (Sony PCM-M1)>Zefiro ZA2>CoolEdit>WAV>EAC>FlacFrontend>Flac

Artwork included 

Disc 1:

01 Yours And Mine
02 Cruel
03 Across The Wire 
04 Stray 
05 Dub Latina
06 Bisbee Blue
07 Deep Down 
08 Not Even Stevie Nicks
09 Minas De Cobre
10 Lucky Dime

Disc 2:
01 Roka
02 Sunken Waltz
03 Letter To Bowie Knife
04 Alone Again Or

Encore 1:
05 Panic Open String
06 Nom De Plume
07 Guero Canelo

Encore 2:
All Systems Red
not for trade - commercial release
Set 1 (cd1)

Iron & Wine
01 - Sodom, South Georgia
02 - Cinder And Smoke
03 - Resurrection Fern
04 - An Angry Blade
05 - Trapeze Swinger
06 - On Your Wings
07 - Freedom Hangs Like Heaven
08 - Evening On The Ground
09 - Free Until They Cut Me Down
10 - Woman King
11 - Teeth In The Grass

Iron & Wine with Calexico
12 - Red Dust 
13 - Prisoner On Route 41
14 - Sixteen, Maybe Less
15 - Burn That Broken Bed

Set 2 (cd2)

Salvador Duran
01 - ??
02 - ??
03 - ??

Calexico (cd3)
01 - Yours And Mine
02 - Cruel
03 - Across The Wire
04 - Stray
05 - Not Even Stevie Nicks
06 - Deep Down
07 - Ballad Of Cable Hogue
08 - Panic Open String
09 - El Picador

Calexico with Salvador Duran
10 - Roka (Danza De La Muerte)

11 - Letter To Bowie Knife
12 - Alone Again Or
13 - Black Heart
14 - Sunken Waltz
15 - All Systems Red

16 - Bisbee Blue

Calexico with Iron & Wine and Salvador Duran
17 - He Lay In The Reins

Calexico with Iron & Wine
18 - All Tomorrow's Parties

Great Show.  Three hours of solid music.  A few Notes.  The volume levels were adjusted between sets 1 & 2, as the
recording level was close to clipping in Set 1. The first song of Iron & Wine's set is slightly spoiled by two loud 
chatterers. Luckily after this they were told to shut up so no problems from then on.  If anyone knows the name of the 
three Salvador Duran songs and the Instrumental please post. 

Source - Audience recording. Left Of Stage Front Row
Audio Technica 831b>SONY PCM-M1 DAT>Audacity>Wav>Flac

Files received as 48000Hz Flac files.
Additional lineage: Flac>Wav(Flac 1.1.2/shntool)>Resample to 44100Hz(Audacity)>Wav>Flac & Fix SBEs (Flac 1.1.2/shntool)
Recorded by Dazzer3435.  Dazzer3435 recording Number 41
Visit www.from1fan2allothers.com

1 Aristillus 1:28
2 Song within a song 7:27
3 The Great Marsh 1:48
4 Rhayader 3:18
5 Rhayader Goes to Town 5:39
6 Air born 5:00
7 Chord change 6:45
8 The White Rider 8:20
9 Lunar Sea 9:24
10 Preparation 3:25
11 DunKirk 5:57
12 Another Night 6:45
Total Disc 65:16

Broadcast on WSAN -FM San Francisco

Peter Bardens : Keyboards
Andrew Latimer : Guitar, vocals
Mel Collins : Flute, Saxes
Doug Ferguson : Bass
Andy Ward : Drums, Percussion

	Coming off the successes of Mirage and Snow Goose, 1976 saw Camel release another 
masterful work called Moonmadness. Each member of the band contributed compositions to the 
album which reached #15 in the music charts. 
Camel had an extensive tour of the United Kingdom in March and April of 1976 to coincide with 
the release of this new album. The addition of Mel Collins on Sax and Flute had changed the 
Camel sound. His inclusion in the band at the beginning of this tour had given Camel more of 
a jazz feel. This was also the first time that Camel had used film as a visual component of 
their shows. As Andy Latimer told Melody Maker,  "This is the first time we've used films, and 
I don't want us to get into it too much. ...We're not a very bopping band, so it's nice for 
the audience to have something to watch". A short break followed the 17 concert, U.K. tour 
after which Camel came to California for a performance in San Francisco at the Boardinghouse 
on June 26th. This was their first US performance in over a year and their last until February 
of 1979 when they again returned to play in California.
Six of the seven new Moonmadness album songs were played that night. The concert begins with 
two of the new entries. The audience is then told that they are about to get, "a little slice 
of the Snow Goose". The first three songs of that all instrumental album are then played with 
received with great enthusiasm. The band returns to Moonmadness material playing Air Born and 
Chord Change. They then proceed to The White Rider from Mirage, Lunar Sea from the new album, 
two more from Snow Goose and then a final selection from Moonmadness.  Overall, a great 
performance hitting all the highlights of the band's material to that point.

Notes from the Re-Master
	This was generally a good quality recording of a radio broadcast, only a minor degree 
of noise reduction was necessary to remove hiss which was distracting during quiet segments and 
solos. However, major variations in volume occurred throughout the show and were quite 
noticeable. In the remastered version, these are corrected. The last 25 minutes of the show also 
displayed an imbalance between the two channels which was fixed. Pops and Clicks were also 
removed and a little tonality adjustment was made in some places because of a "muddy" sound; 
the result of insufficient treble.

Helping Out
Please help get this show circulated. Visit http://from1fan2allothers.com for details.
Taper:                Avi Sareen (Supernash@vt.edu)
Source:                Earthworks SR-77 > Sound Devices MP-2 > Graham Patten ADC-20 > M1
                7 feet DFC

DAT > CD Conversion:        Avi Sareen (Supernash@vt.edu)

Equipment: Tascam DA-30 mkII > Monster Coax > Sek'd Prodif Plus >
        Samplitude v5.5 > Cool Edit Pro > MKW Audio Compression Tool

** No DAE - DAT > .WAV > .SHN

Disc 1
01 - Paradise City !                                        07:18.502
02 - Shine                                                04:01.127
03 - The Boxer                                                05:00.843
04 - Keyboard Intro -> Life Less Ordinary                04:50.196
05 - Torn To Tattered                                        07:20.856
06 - Mountain Music @                                        04:41.362
07 - 7 Brides For 7 Sinners                                03:17.475
08 - Raise The Roof                                        08:54.229
09 - Sympathy For The Devil #        ->                         08:57.058
10 - American Tale (Train Outro)                         04:24.400
11 - Sloop John B ->                                        01:51.657
12 - Home                         04:40.895

Disc 2
01 - Desperation Song                                        08:08.475
02 - Paloma -> Percussion Jam -> Paloma                        08:24.445
03 - Days Gone By                                        06:42.514
04 - Get Busy $                                                04:11.613
05 - I know the Reason                                        15:29.572
06 - Mary Mac Intro ->                                        02:21.570
07 - Mary Mac                                                05:44.457
08 - What About Everything?                                06:26.505
09 - Time %                                                07:58.522
Tom Sawyer ^                                                05:17.331

! Guns 'n Roses Cover
@ Alabama Cover
# Rolling Stones Cover
$ Sean Paul Cover
% Pink Floyd Cover
^ Rush Cover

- Entire show with Kevin Davis on percussion and Carlos Chaffin on Keyboard/Accordian
- The wind can be heard towards the end of the show between tracks. Those who were there know why

Compiled by Avi Sareen 8/4/03 
Taped By: Farve4
Catalog: Nickeh Productions 009
Format: SHN
Discs: 2 CDR
Lineage: ecm-719 > Sony tcm-200 > Maxell UR MAS CAS | Maxell UR MAS CAS > Sony TC-FX211 > Line-In > Rec. w/ CEP > Hiss Reduction w/ CEP > Track Split w/ CEP | WAV > SHN using DBPowerAmp
Source: AUD
Disc One
1. Intro (1:47)
2. Peter Gunn (8:51)
3. Hoedown (4:34)
4. Enemy God (4:31)
5. Trilogy (8:53)
6. L.A. Nights (6:35)
7. Jam Session (14:29)
8. Romeo and Juliet (4:00)
9. Tank (4:41)

Disc Two
1. Bullfrog (6:53)
2. Toccata (9:25)
3. Canario (4:38)
4. Eruption/Aquatarkus (8:00)
5. Fanfare For the Common Man (21:35)
6. Carmina Burana (6:10)
Here we have The Carl Palmer Band having a great time. Carl seems happy to be alive in this recording. Speaking for minutes between songs happily moving from one topic to the next and then putting his all into the music.

The recording itself is not supurb, but definatly listenable. Was recorded to casette, transferred by me, and the only editing done was a low level run of hiss reduction. Is a complete show minus a quick tape flip between Tank and Bullfrog.

Please do not ever sell this show. Also, please never trade this show in MP3 format. And PLEASE, do enjoy this recording.

Nickeh (www.nickeh.com)

Peter Gunn
The Barbarian
The Enemy God
L.A. Nights
guitar solo
bass solo

Romeo and Juliet
Fanfare for the Common Man
Carmina Burana
SP-CMC-8 (Cardoids) -> Battery Box (no bass filter used) -> Sony D-7 DAT -> 
Maxell HS4/90s -> 7 Pin -> Creative Audigy 2 -> CDWAV -> FLAC Level 8 

Seat Location: 15 feet from stage, DFC, sitting with another taper to my right

Carl Palmer - Drums & Master of Ceremonies
Stuart Clayton - Bass
Paul Bielatowicz - Guitar

Disc One: 
01 Intro/Peter Gunn Theme/Barbarian 
02 Hoedown
03 The Enemy God
04 Trilogy
05 Solo Medley
06 Romeo & Juliet
07 Tank

Disc Two: 
01 Bullfrog
02 Toccata 
03 Canario 
04 Tarkus
05 Fanfare for the Common Man (inc Carl's drum solo)
06 Carmina Burana
Source Info:
Volume boost in Cool Edit Pro, no other editing done

DFC 10 rows front stage
David S.

Disk 1
1. The Barbarian
2. Hoedown
3. Enemy Guard
4. Trilogy
5. L.A. Nights
6. Solo Medley
7. Tank

Disk 2
1. Bullfrog
2. Toccata
3. Canario
4. ?
5. encore clapping
6. Romeo & Juliet
Performance Date Unknown
Broadcast Date - 2005-10-19

Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Announcer (0:59)
SCHUMANN Piano Trio No. 2 in F major, Op. 80 (27:38)
Sehr lebhaft
Mit innigem Ausdruck
In massiger Bewegung
Nicht zu rasch

Harumi Rhodes, violin; Gary Hoffman, cello; Adam Neiman, piano

Announcer (1:43)
BRAHMS Piano Trio in C minor, Op. 101 (19:41)

I. Allegro Energico
II. Presto Non Assai
III. Andante Grazioso
IV. Allegro Molto

Cho-Liang Lin, violin; Gary Hoffman, cello, Andre-Michel Schub, piano 

Announcer (0:19)

Total Time: 50:22
Charles Lloyd - tenor saxophone 
John Abercrombie - guitar
Marc Johnson - bass
Billy Higgins - drums

01 The Blessing   12:43
02 Dwija   9:59
03 Blues For Duke  and "Swee' Pea"   9:57
04 Abercrombie Solo   4:36
05 Unknown   11:58
06 Song   11:42

Total Time: 60:55

Lineage: FM > ? > flac > editing with Adobe Audition 2 > flac > Dime

I downloaded this (I can't remember where), but it came without a lineage and with no setlist.
There were some radio announcement in the original where I got some of the song titles from. Some
announcements were cut of. So I decided to get rid of these announcements and leave just
the pure music. I removed some mini gaps between songs (during the applause) and did some
minor fade-outs at the end of the applause to remove the speaker. The music was not effected from my 
editing, because it was excellent already and there was nothing to improve.

The radio programme was called "Sunday Night Sweets" from KCSM and KRML

Uploaded on Dime 2007-08-22 by jaype
Cover Art by jaype
no setlist available

Ch. Lloyd - saxes
Geri Allen - piano
Robert Hurst - bass
Billy Hart - drums
Source: FM>Tape Deck>Metal Audio Tape>trade>CDR>EAC Secure Modus>Flac Frontend Level 6>Flac
Sound: A-

Charlie Haden: bass
Dewey Redman: tenor sax
Mick Goodrick: electric guitar
Paul Motian: drums


1) unknown 23.52
2) unknown 21.17
Two discs of improvised jams.
aka Groundtruther. Two improvised sets.
Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Announcer 1:48
Rabbath - Iberique Peninsulaire 4:56
Opland Speaks 2:39
Vivaldi's (transcribed and edited by Francois Rabbath) Concerto in F for double bass and piano (Three movements)

Announcer/Opland 2:17
Gershwin Medley 
But Not for Me 3:45
Embraceable You 4:44
Summertime 3:24
They Can't Take That Away From Me 2:55
Opland Speaks 0:14
Our Love is Here to Stay 3:03

Bradley Opland, double bass; Frank Winkler, piano, vocals

Total Time: 38:52
Source: FOB, 10ft left of center - Marshall2003's w/Royer Mods>V3@24/48>Tascam HD-P2
sf8:normed,fades>16/44.1 tracked in CDWave, flac front end
Thanks to Gib Matchand for the setlist!

1.  intro
2.  Senorita
3.  Waltse for Abby
4.  Children's Song No. 6
5.  Joban Dna Nopia
6.  Mountain
7.  The Enchantment
8.  Spectacle
9.  encore:  Sunset Road


"Whenever Chick Corea and Bela Fleck take to the stage, genres always fly fast
and furious. Performing 
together, these two master musicians weave duets out of staggering
virtuosity creating mind-blowing magic performances. Says Béla: “every time Chick and I
have played together it has been an extraordinary experience. I have to go beyond my best
to hang with Chick!” Chick Corea's groundbreaking band Return To Forever launched the fusion
era of the '70s. His work with flamenco great Paco de Lucia led to the formation of Touchstone,
a band whose fiery Latinismo music has bridged the world of flamenco and jazz. His Piano
Concerto No. 2 headlined the Vienna's Mozart Celebrations this year. Chick's whole career
is the stuff of jazz lore, an amalgamation of influential, limit-stretching, genre-bending
musical experiences that have garnered him 12 Grammy awards and legions of fans worldwide.
Béla Fleck, considered the premiere banjo player in the world, lives to improvise and loves
to work with unexpected musical fusions. Fleck has won 8 Grammys and is the only musician to
be nominated for Grammys in jazz, bluegrass, pop, country, gospel, composition and world
music categories." (from the Planet Bluegerass Website)
Introduction by Jez Nelson (1:04)
Mistress Luck - A Portrait / The Party (Corea) (9:27)
Johnny's Landing (Corea) (15:17)
Introductions (0:56)
CTA (Heath) (19:14)
Got a Match? (Corea) (21:19)

Chick Corea - keyboards
Eric Marienthal - saxophone
Frank Gambale - guitar
John Patitucci - bass
Dave Weckl - drums
Set I

Chick Corea - Keyboard
Frank Gambale - Guitar
Eric Marienthal - Sax
John Patitucci - Bass
Dave Weckl - Drums
Taper: unknown

1		9:49
2		12:46
3		11:48
4	Dr. Watson	9:26
5		6:44
6	Is It Nature's Rock 'n' Roll?	9:17
7		6:28
8	(fade out)	13:32

Txt file:
Source: soundboard (possibly soundboard+audience matrix) > standalone CDR recorder > master CDR > CDR clone (Johnny Vidacovich's copy) > CDR clone (my copy)
Transfer: CDR (TAO) > MATSHITA CW-8121 (*) > Macintosh Powerbook G4 > X Audio Compression Toolkit 1.5b1 (Cdda2wav rip function) > Bias Peak 4.14 (TAO gaps removed; recording retracked and split into individual songs at sector boundary points) >  xACT 1.5b1 > flac (level 8 compression)

Disc 2 same details, except CDR (TAO) > PIONEER DVR-106D > Macintosh Powerbook G4

Note: Show is apparently incomplete. This appears to be the first 80 minutes.

Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>Nero WaveEditor (+6db only)>flac 

Conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas

Disk 1
Announcer 3:16
Copland: Suite from Our Town 11:34

Announcer 2:22
Tilson Thomas Introduction 4:36
Copland: Symphonic Ode 18:33
Total Time: 40:24

Disk 2
Announcer 1:09
Beethoven: Symphony No. 3 in E flat Op. 55 "Eroica" 	

Allegro con brio 14:11
Marcia funebre. Adagio assai 15:46
Scherzo. Allegro vivace 6:05
Finale. Allegro molto 11:49
Total Time: 49:01
Source: Cable TV broadcast > MD > CD-R > FLAC

One I Love
Don't Panic
Everything's Not Lost
I See You Soon
God Put a Smile Upon Your Face
The Scientist

In My Place
Life Is for Living
Lips Like Sugar

Sound: A
Show: A
FM >> Adobe Audition >> Flac Quality 8


01 - Intro
02 - Square One
03 - Politik
04 - Yellow
05 - Low
06 - Speed of Sound
07 - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
08 - A Warning Sign
09 - Everything's Not Lost
10 - White Shadows
11 - The Scientist
12 - The Best Band In Camden Speech
13 - 'Til Kingdom Come
14 - Right Said Fred (Band Introduction)
15 - Don't Panic
16 - Clocks
17 - What If
18 - DJ Chat
19 - In My Place
20 - Goodbye Chat
21 - Fix You
Colorado State University Symphony
Colorado State University combined Choruses
Teens In Harmony Chorus
Cynthia Vaughn, Soprano
Todd Queen, Tenor
Lynn Dixon, Baritone

We attended this electrifying presentation of Carl Orff's (1895-1982) popular, "Carmina Burana", to see our nephew who is one of singers in the CSU Concert Chorus.  As my brother-in-law surmised after the performance, where else, other than in a university setting, could you see this rousing piece performed in its entirety by a full ensemble of instruments and voices?  Not very many places to say the least.  And they did not disappoint. One could not desire a more professional production in a state-of-the-art concert hall.  

According to the concert program, the piece was initially "condemned by local critics" when it premiered in Frankfurt in 1937 only later to be embraced by the Nazi regime as a celebration of early Aryan culture.  The music has great manipulative power and has been used and misused over the decades.  In reference to Leon Botstein's warning on the power of the music, CSU musicologist Jane Pollack writes, "the same emotional responses that Carmina Burana triggers in us today were part of the cultural fabric of an abhorrent regime.  We must not give in to cultural amnesia, for to do so would be to ignore the complexity of the music, to falsify its history, and to reduce the brilliant Carmina Burana to so many soundtracks characterized by the cliché's of mass culture, passivity and uniformity".  Very well said.  

There were no microphones on stage for the benefit of the musicians or singers.  All sound recorded was produced naturally in the beautiful Griffin Concert Hall.  I was sitting stage right just off center in row 7.  Lineage appears, below.  I did not edit the reproduction other than setting tracks according to the program.  In the concert program, the tracks were listed in Latin, High Middle German and English.  At slightly more than 62 minutes, the performance will fit nicely on one CD should you choose to burn it.  


AT 831s (SP CMC 2 Cardioids) > Reactive Sounds SPA-2 Boost Box Pre-Amp > Sony MZ RH10 > Linear PCM WAV files uploaded USB2 through Sony SonicStage > Minor editing in Cool Edit 2000 included only tracking, sector boundary alignment, conversion FLAC Frontend 4.1.1.

Original HI-MD audience recording by Poor_Yorick.  Lavalier mics on my lapel in an xy cross pointed at the stage.
Lastly, thank you for not selling this music or reproducing and distributing it in a lossy format such as MP3. 

Carmina Burana

01. Orchestra Tuning, Fortune, O Empress of the World
02. I Bemoan The Wounds of Fortune
03. The Merry Face of Spring
04. The Sun Warms Everything
05. Behold The Pleasant Spring
06. Dance
07. The Woods Are Burgeoning
08. Shopkeeper, Give Me Color
09. Round Dance
10. Were All The World Mine
11. Burning Inside
12. The Roast Swan
13. I Am The Abbot
14. When We Are In The Tavern
15. Cupid Flies Everywhere
16. Day, Night and Everything
17. A Girl Stood
18. In My Heart
19. If A Boy With A Girl
20. Come, Come, Oh Come
21. In The Balance
22. This Is The Joyful Time
23. Sweetest One
24. Hail, Most Beautiful One
25. O, Fortune
26. Applause, calls

Total Time: 62:17

Bob (P_Y) 

01. Instrumental Intro
02. Good Rockin' Tonight
03. What's the Matter Now?
04. Truck Driving Man_ (Official Track Deleted)
05. Four or Five Times
06. Down and Out
07. Mama Hated Diesels
08. Little Sally Walker
09. Ain't Nothin' Shakin'
10. Daddy's Drinkin' Up Our Christmas
11. Beat Me Daddy Eight to the Bar
12. HRL intro
13. Hot Rod Lincoln
14. Rave On
15. Rock That Boogie
16. Jailhouse Rock
17. Mean Woman Blues
18. Lost In the Ozone Again

A very great show from CCAHLPA,with a wonderfull setlist.
Sorry Folks ,one track must be deleted.

Thanks for the first seeder.


Misguided Angel
Dragging Hooks
I Don't Get It
Cause Cheap is How I Feel
Bread & Wine
A Common Disaster
Dreaming My Dreams With You
No Birds Today
Come Calling (His Song)
Seven Years
Anniversary Song
Tired Eyes
Black-Eyed Man
Leaving Normal
Highway Kind
Miles From Our Home
Sweet Jane

Sound: A
Show: A
Miles From Our Home
Cause Cheap is How I Feel
I Don't Get It
This Street That Man This Life
A Common Disaster
Dreaming My Dreams With You
Me and The Devil
Come Calling (His Song)
Seven Years
Good Friday
Leaving Normal
Tired Eyes
Black-Eyed Man
Dragging Hooks
Misguided Angel
Sweet Jane

Sound: A
Show: A
Schoeps CCM4's > PCM-M1 DAT
Recorded from 15th Row Left of Center, FOB

Disc One 
1 I'm So Glad 
2 Spoonful 
3 Outside Woman Blues 
4 Pressed Rat and Warthog 
5 Sleepy Time Time 
6 Tales of Brave Ulysses 
7 N.S.U. 
8 Badge 
9 Politician 
10 Sweet Wine 
11 Rollin' & Tumblin' 
12 Stormy Monday 

Disc Two 
1 Deserted Cities of the Heart
2 Born Under A Bad Sign 
3 We're Going Wrong 
4 Crossroads 
5 Sitting On Top Of The World 
6 White Room 
7 Toad 
8 Sunshine of Your Love 

Disc 1 
01. Senior Ballz Intro
02. ??
03. ??
04. Shag
05. T-Ski
06. A Love Supreme
07. BH Goes To A Freak
08. Red Eyed Wonder
09. Chatter
10. ??
11. ??

Disc 2
01. Orbatron Intro>
02. Orbatron
03. Security Scuffle
04. Orbatron
05. Sr Ballz Releases "The Claypool">Jam>
06. Crazy Train Tease (Ozzy Osbourne)>
08. Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)>
09. Thela Hun Ginjeet tease (King Crimson)>
10. Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)>
11. Jerry Was A Race Car Driver (Primus)>
12. ...???>
13. Yellow Submarine (Beatles)>
14. When Johnny Comes Marching Home (Traditional)>
15. Crazy Train Tease (Ozzy Osbourne)>
16. Immigrant Song Reprise (Led Zeppelin)
17. Flouride
18. ??>
19. bass jam>
20. Winona's Big Brown Beaver Tease (Primus)>
21. ??
22. The Family And The Fishing Net (Peter Gabriel)

Disc 3
01. Chatter
02. Tomorrow Never Knows (Beatles)
03. Chatter
04. Don't Fear the Reaper (Blue Oyster Cult tease)
05. Whole Lotta Rosie (AC/DC tease)
06. Mount Blasta
07. Introduction of Maurice "The Leopard" Caldwell, Jr
08. Maurice's Rap "I know You Hate my 98"/Mike's Rap Everybody's Gonna Get Small
09. Iron Man Tease (Black Sabbath - lyrics only)
10. My Name Is Mud (Primus tease - lyrics only)
11. ??
12. Burundi
13. Goodnight Now (Cheap Trick)

Source: SBD>DAT + Shure VP88 (onstage)>DAT + Neuman TLM 103 (room mics)>DAT (all at 48k)> Digidesign 888|24 I/O > Pro Tools (for edit & sync)> CDR. Les Claypool on 2nd Set
Northern Cross
Fall On Me
Shades of Gray
I Know What Kind of Love This Is
Ten Year Night
Are You Happy Now
Speaking with the Angel
Cold Missouri Waters
Ballad of Mary Magdalene
Auld Lang Syne
Cry Cry Cry
Sound Professional BMC6-mics (AT803b, omni-directional) -> SP batterybox -> Nomad JB3 (48.0kHz WAV, line-in, zero gain) -> USB -> Bias Peak -> few edits -> SHNTool -> SHN.

CD 1:
1. Still water (8:47)
2. The maker (8:26)
3. Slow giving (5:52)
4. Fire (4:30)
5. The messenger (3:56)
6. Rockets (4:53)
7. JJ leaves LA (4:25)
8. Sometimes (2:31)
9. Jolie louise (3:59)
10. Where will i be (6:29)
11. May this be love (6:17)

1. chat (1:09)
2. Power of one (6:25)
3. intros (0:56)
4. ?? (solo song with Daryl Johnson) (3:06)
5. The collection of marie claire > Drifting (with blood in my eyes) (7:56)
6. Transmitter (6:05)
7. ?? Cool ?? (7:05)
8. Sweet soul honey (6:34)
9. Brother L.a (6:58)
10. Sleeping in the devils bed (2:28)
11. Rocky world (2:41)
12. Space kay (4:16)
1. ?
2. Gator Strut
3. Down in the Willow Garden
4. The Big Man from Syracuse
5. Gostosinho (Tasty)
6. Fiddle Trio Medley
7. Queequeg's Big Adventure
8. ?
9. Couscous

Sound: A+
Show: A
Darol Anger - fiddle, cello
Sara Watkins - fiddle, vocals
Scott Nygaard - guitar
Tristan Clarridge - cello, fiddle

Taper:      spyboychoir (spyboychoir@gmail.com)
Source:     Peluso CEMC6/CK-4 (cards, DIN, center, 15' back, 6.5' high) > Kind Kables > Edirol UA-5 (bm2p+ mod) > Creative Nomad Jukebox 3
Conversion: JB3 > xNJB (USB) > Sound Studio 3 > WAV > xACT > FLAC (level 8)
Format:     16bit, 44.1kHz
Editing:    Sound Studio 3 (tracking, fades, applause compression 4:1 above -18dB)

DISC ONE (65:30)


01. (Intro)
02. Melt The Teakettle
03. When You Go (Djulaikta Waltz)
04. Lost In The Loop
05. Andre De Sabato Nuovo
06. Polska Upstairs
08. Higher Ground
09. Old Dangerfield

DISC TWO (40:45)


01. (Intro)
02. Death Be Mine
03. Angel's Waltz
04. Runaway Fiddle
05. Maurice
06. Father Adieu


09. Darling Corey


Level adjustments in d1t01

Sound: B
1.  Penelope (Douglas)  18:50
2.  Caterwaul (Douglas)  6:09
3.  The Frisell Dream (Douglas)  6:02
4.  Unison (Björk)  38:47
5.  The Infinite (Douglas)  6:33

Total   76:21

Dave Douglas: tr
Rick Margitza: ts
Uri Caine: e-p
Jame Genus: b
Clarence Penn: dr
Source:  BBC FM broadcast > CD-R recorder (Pioneer 609)
Editing: None other than Fade in / out
Transfer: >EAC > Flac Frontend (level 6) > you
Quality: A++ with very little FM hiss

This set was originally posted last February by member 'dirdel', with whose agreement and
help this BBC Jazz on 3 recording, FM direct to CD-R, is posted as a sonic upgrade.

To my ears at least, this is a really varied and enjoyable performance with more muscular
and energetic playing than some of his own more recent straight ahead groups.

Quality of recording is one of my very best, made on a night with very low FM hiss, so this
should be of interest both to listeners new as well as those who would appreciate a sonic

Dave Douglas - trumpet 
Seamus Blake - saxophone 
Jamie Saft - keyboards 
David Gilmore - guitar 
Ikue Mori - electronics 
Brad Jones - bass 
Derek Philips - drums 

09.53 Freak In
16.16 Culver City Park
08:28 November
15:53 Black Rock Park 
10:53 Eastern Parkway
07:52 The Great Schism
00:25 Applause > station announcer
FM>???>CDR>EAC>FLAC 6 (w/sector align)

1 7/4 Kids Zoo (MJ,b) 9:20 
2 Love Theme From Spartacus (MJ,b) 4:00 
3 Homecoming (DH,b) 5:30 
4 Vassarlean (DH,b) 6:30 
5 Jumpin' In (DH,b) 3:40 
6 Walkaway 4:40 
7 C17 5:00 
8 Sunrise / Chanson Pour La Nuit 8:00 
9 Mr PC 5:35

Dave Holland,b  
Marc Johnson,b
Dave Holland (double bass,cello)

FM>Cass>CDR>EAC>FLAC6(w/sector align)

1 Combination
2 Under Redwoods
3 Hooveling
4 Flurries
5 Derwish Dance
6 Last Moments
7 Solar
Dave Holland (b, cello)
FM>Cass>CDR>EAC>FLAC6(w/sector align)

1 Combination
2 Under Redwoods
3 Hooveling
4 Flurries
5 Derwish Dance
6 Last Moments
7 Solar


analog sat > pc > nero wave editor > shn tool > cdr

a sampler broadcast featuring Dave Holland & E.S.T. (separately)

01 Looking Up - DHQ
02 Juggler's Parade - DHQ
03 Serenade For The Renegade - EST
04 Car Crash - EST
05 Dodge The Dodo - EST
06 Dave talking about Miles Davis - DHY
Robin Eubanks - trombone
Chris Potter - saxophones
Steve Nelson - vibes
Dave Holland - bass
Billy Kilson - drums

1. Prime Directive (Holland) 7:20
2. Herbacious (Holland) 9:07
3. Metamorphose (Eubanks) 14:35
4. Looking Up (Holland) 16:48

TT: 47:51

Sound: A/A-

Lineage: FM > Minidisc > analogue to HD > 
GoldWave > FLAC (8)(asb)

Source: DLF Broadcast / prob. 2000
Dave Holland: contrabasso 
Chris Potter: sax
Robin Eubanks: trombone
Steve Nelson: vibrafono
Billy Kilson: batteria

CD1/ 73:35

01 band introduction 01:34
o2 Unknown title 11:47
03 The Blues 13:56
04 unknown title 19:15
05 Shifting sands 09:03
06 Full circle 17:46

CD2/ 32:19

01 Amotor silenti 08:53
02 Free for all 13:53
03 Unknown title 09:25

TT: 105:54
Pro-Shot DVD
Broadcast date: 7 August 2007 on Spanish TVE2

Lineage: dvb program stream -> TMPGenc DVD author -> Dimeadozen

Video Attributes:
  Video compression mode: MPEG-2
  TV system: 625/50 (PAL)
  Aspect Ratio: 4:3
  Display Mode: reserved
  Source picture resolution: 720x576 (625/50)
  Frame Rate: 25.00
  Source picture letterboxed: Not letterboxed
  Bitrate: 3.7Mbps

Audio Attributes: 
  Audio Coding mode: MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 without extension bitstream
  Sampling Rate: 48kHz
  Audio application mode: Not Specified
  Number of Audio channels: 2.0
  Number of Audio streams: 1

Dave Holland Quintet:
Chris Potter, sax
Robin Eubanks, trombone
Steve Nelson, vibraphone
Dave Holland, bass
Nate Smith, drums

No menu.
Setlist unknown. Chapters at every song break.

SOUND: A+ (perfect FM, listen to mp3 sample)

Dave Holland: bass
Kevin Eubanks: guitar
Mino Cinelo: percussion

1. 13.53
2. 07.44
3. 17.30
4. 07.26
5. 01.22
6. 15.07
7. 11.54
8. 10.39
Only You & I Know
Searchin' for a Feelin'
Pearly Queen
Every Woman
So Good to be Home
We Just Disagree
So High (Rock Me Baby & Roll Me Away)
Let it Go, Let it Flow
No Doubt About It
Takin' the Time to Find
All Along the Watchtower
Share Your Love
Warm & Tender Love > Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow

WLIR Pre-FM #38
Taper: Ned Ryerson
Source: Schoeps CMC5(modified)/MK41 > Apogee MiniMe (@16/44.1, Soft Limit On) > Sony D8
mods on CMC5 bodies: capacitors, transistors, and jfet changed. caps=Wima MKP2, transistors=2SA1085, jfet=j305.
Location: FOB, DFC
Conversion: Fostex D5 > Audiophile 2496 > Sound Forge 7.0 > CD Wave > MKWact

Disc 1

01 Intro.. 03:03.16
02 Dodo 07:33.63
03 Trouble 07:27.69
04 Up and Away 05:43.29
05 Solsbury Hill 05:00.61
06 Intro to.. 01:48.10
07 Stay or Leave 04:37.19
08 Save Me 05:32.43
09 Oh 03:43.73
10 Up On Cripple Creek 06:19.19
11 Some Devil * 06:32.11
12 Dancing Nancies + 07:48.45
13 Thing ~ 06:57.03
14 Tell Me Something Good 07:46.68

Disc 2

01 Gravedigger 04:45.27
02 Grey Blue Eyes 03:50.18
03 So Damn Lucky 06:50.55
04 Too High 07:35.00
05 Fire 04:25.10
06 Hey Bulldog 09:38.73
07 Waste Ä 06:01.31
08 Everyday Ä -> 03:47.46
09 Bathtub Gin Ä -> 05:48.00
10 Thank You 20:20.49

* Dave Solo
+ Dave And Tim
~ Dave, Tim and Brady
Ä Dave And Trey
Source: ASBD>CD?

CD>WAV>FLAC: Mike Belkin <MJBelkin@Uwm.edu>
 All songs encoded using EAC Secure Mode, All tracks 
 ripped had 100% quality.

Disc One:

01: Dancing Nancies * 03:53.35
02: I'll Back You Up * 03:21.12
03: The Maker * 03:40.12
04: Cry Freedom * 04:13.38
05: Song That Jane Likes * 03:03.68
06: Warehouse ^ 06:12.52
07: Jimi Thing 09:03.30
08: One Sweet World (Instrumental intro) 06:05.44
09: Lover Lay Down 05:45.74
10: True Reflections 05:05.28

Disc Two:

01: Angel From Montgomery 04:10.12
02: Tripping Billies 06:05.49
03: Recently 08:14.51
04: People People 06:45.26
05: Satellite # 04:59.38
06: Exodus $ 11:36.62
07: Typical Situation @ $ 06:44.22

^ - Mostly Jibberish type lyrics, no real form to them
$ - Featuring Daryl Rhodes on Percussion
# - Earliest known recording
'* - Dave Solo
@ - Extended Boyd and Leroi Intro

'*Most of the info from this show is unkown but safely assumed. It was found in a recording
 studio in Charlottesville Va by a college student recording with her college a capella group.
 She asked the studio guy if she could have it and he said yes. The Original was in the form of
 2 discs and were labeled with the date 11.27.1991 and they said they were recorded at Trax. 
 The current disc 1 was also labeled disc two and visa versa however it is obvious that they were 
 accidently switched or mislabeled. She gave the CDs to Marcus Graham who is responsible for helping
 us get this excellent show out.
Don't Drink the Water
American Baby
Anyone Seen the Bridge
Too Much
The Stone *
Best of Whats Around *
Raven *
Crush *
Pig *
The Idea Of You [Live Debut] *
Bartender *
When The World Ends *
Hunger For The Great Light *
What Would You Say 
Lie In Our Graves *
Too Much *
Pantala Naga Pampa *
Rapunzel *
Sister +
40[Tease] *
Ants Marching *

Show Notes:
(*) Rashawn Ross on Trumpet
+ Dave Solo
Disc 1

01 Intro 01:43.33
02 (Proudest Monkey) 00:28.46
03 Satellite * 06:03.04
04 JTR * 07:43.09
05 Pig * 07:52.35
06 Where Are You Going 04:27.43
07 Hunger For The Great Light * 04:35.28
08 Everyday * 09:01.36
09 Bartender * 21:02.13

Disc 2

01 Grey Street * 06:16.16
02 Grace Is Gone 15:10.52
03 Kill The King * 05:28.24
04 Raven * 07:08.06
05 Tripping Billies * 07:45.09
06 The Idea Of You * 05:17.34

Disc 3

01 Crash 06:54.40
02 Louisiana Bayou * 08:26.00
03 Encore Break 08:02.44
04 Sister + 05:19.55
05 Dreaming Tree * 13:50.29
06 Ants Marching * 07:35.01

* Rashawn Ross on Trumpet
+ Dave Solo

Taper: Crumbo
Location: Lower Pavillion Left, Row E, Seats 11 & 12
Source: AKG 480/ck63 (DIN, ~13') > V3 (analog out) > SD 722
Conversion: SD 722 > CDWav 1.94.4 > Wavelab 5.01b (resample, dither w/MegaBitMax) > xACT 0.5.7 (Level 6) > foobar2000 
Taper: Timothy Brown (timothydavidbrown@gmail.com)
Location: 5th Row, Right Stack
Source: SP-C4's (Cardioids, X/Y,  ~13')->PS2-AD20->JB3(Optical In)
Transfer: JB3->Firewire->Sony VAIO
Processing: Fade in and fade out applied using SoundForge 8.0
Conversion: CDWav 1.93.3 for track splitting; FLAC frontend 1.7.1 for Flac16 Conversion @ level 5

Disc 1 
01. Intro
02. One Sweet World *
03. Pig *
04. Grey Street *
05. Where Are You Going
06. Joy Ride *
07. Big Eyed Fish * ->
08. Bartender *

Disc 2
01. So Much To Say * ->
02. Anyone Seen The Bridge? * ->
03. Too Much *
04. Dancing Nancies * ->
05. Drive In Drive Out *
06. Hunger For The Great Light *
07. Break Free *

Disc 3
01. Louisiana Bayou *
02. Stay *
03. Sister +
04. American Baby Intro * ->
05. Two Step *

(*) with Rashawn Ross on Trumpet
+ Dave solo

Thanks to Drew M. for the tickets.
Thanks to Chris H. for driving and for the use of his stand.

Compiled on 6/22/06 on 95 North
Taper: Timothy Brown (timothydavidbrown@gmail.com)
Location: 5th Row, Just inside the Right Stack
Source: SP-C4's (Cardioids,-10db pad,A/B,~13')->PS2-AD20->JB3(Optical In)
Transfer: JB3->Firewire->Sony Vaio
Processing: Normalized to -1.0db (SF8.0), fade in and fade out applied (SF8.0)
Conversion: CDWav 1.93.3 for track splitting; FLAC frontend 1.7.1 for Flac16 Conversion @ level 5

Disc 1
01. Intro
02. Intro to...
03. Don't Drink the Water *
04. When The World Ends *
05. Pig *
06. Proudest Monkey *
07. Satellite *
08. Crash Into Me

Disc 2
01. Lie In Our Graves *
02. Hunger For The Great Light *
03. So Right *
04. Jimi Thing *
05. Grey Street *
06. Break Free *
07. So Much To Say * ->
08. Anyone Seen The Bridge? * ->
09. Too Much *

Disc 3
01. The Idea Of You *
02. Louisiana Bayou *
03. Sister [Dave Solo]
04. Dreaming Tree * ->
05. Ants Marching *

(*) with Rashawn Ross on Trumpet

Thanks to Allan Lee for the tickets.
Thanks to Erin for driving.
Thanks to Chris Howell for use of the stand.
Thanks to Jeff Mewbourn for use of the C4's.

Compiled on 6/28/06
Source: AKG 393s (DINa @ 10') > Segue Dogstars > Oade digi-modded UA-5 > optical > JB3 (> Segue Dogstars > SVU-2)
Location: Section 206 Row P Seat 27
Transfer: JB3 > 2.0 USB > Audacity > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > Flac (level 5)
Taped, Transfered, and Uploaded by: Kush

Disc 1				Length
01. Naga Pampa* ~> Rapunzel*	09:06
02. Granny			06:00
03. American Baby*		06:00
04. Where Are You Going		04:52
05. The Idea of You*		06:09
06. Grey Street*			05:08
07. Lover Lay Down* ~>		07:22
08. Lie In Our Graves*		15:29
			Total:	60:12

Disc 2
01. When the World Ends*		04:09
02. Hunger for the Great Light*	04:35
03. Grace Is Gone			15:37
04. Last Stop*			11:27
05. Digging A Ditch*		06:43
06. Everyday* ~>			09:00
07. Ants Marching*			07:41
08. Encore Break			05:38
09. Can't Stop			04:52
10. Louisiana Bayou*		07:58
			Total:	77:47

(* - w/ Rashawn Ross on Trumpet
Even though it consists of two CDs and a DVD, the latest live album by Dave Matthews is actually a teaser in a sense. Not that that's a bad thing. The Gorge, recorded over three nights in 2002, is easily Matthews' finest officially released live outing, even if you can get the entire run in a six-disc set for a very reasonable price through the band's website. This baby just whets the appetite. But does it ever. Matthews and company lay out 14 tracks, many of them less obvious choices than on previous outings. The music here comes from Before These Crowded Streets (a beautiful opening medley of "Pantala Naga Pampa" and "Rapunzel"; "Ants Marching" doesn't appear on the CDs at all, just the DVD footage!), "The Song Jane Likes" from Remember Two Things, and tracks from Busted Stuff, Crash, Everyday, and even Some Devil. The jams are tighter and rowdier; there's less hippie stuff and more honest to goodness musicianship and groove. And the version of "Gravedigger" here is as moving as it is on the studio outing. The singalong at the beginning of "Everyday," featured in a medley with "No. 36," is quite beautiful, not annoying like some similar moments on live records are. The more song-oriented first disc juxtaposes nicely with the more jam-oriented second, which features a smoking version of "Kit Kat Jam" and "Lie in Our Graves." The DVD showcases not only concert footage, but the "Grace Is Gone" music video and a documentary on the making of it, as well as an intimate look at the Gorge itself, a piece of environmental architecture that is an astonishing music venue and makes Red Rocks look paltry in comparison. Fans will have to have it, to be sure, but this might serve to turn others on to that particular brand of Matthews magic as well.

Doinker's notes:

David Bromberg and John Sebastian Soundstage in Chicago ca 1975, reel-to-reel audio from live TV broadcast 24 Bit Mastering at 48Khz *the best performance of Nobody's*

With some of the nice John Sebastian recordings now floating around, I thought I would include this one with David Bromberg. Tracks 1-7 are Bromberg with Sebastian, the rest are Sebastian with Bromberg.


Horrible John
Don't Put That Thing On Me
She Beg And She Mourn
I'm A Hog For Ya Baby
Guitar and Harmonica Duet
Friends Again
Instrumental With Harmonica
Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind
You Didn't Have To Be So Nice
Do You Believe In Magic
Summer In The City (very end cut)

Lineage: First Generation Sony Trinitron TV -> Reel to Reel through stereo headphone jack ->Akai GX-400D SS ->Sound Forge 6.0 lite noise reduction and hum removal ->Flac Frontend level 6.


A DoinkerTape
Intro/Fiddle Medley
Roll On John
Fiddle Jam
Jugband Blues
Long Afternoons
Mr. Bojangles

Six Days on the Road
Tennessee Waltz
Mississippi Blues
Pink Snake Blues
Statesboro Blues
A Little Tenderness
Mr. Blue
Diamond Lil
When First Unto this Country
Intro/Da Doo Ron Ron
Key to the Highway
I Like It Like That
One Good Man
Fiddle Medley
I'll Keep Movin' On
Rock and Roll Millionaire
As the Years Go Passing Passing By
Send Me to the 'Lectric Chair
Danger Man
Yankee's Revenge Medley
Helpless Blues
Hit the Road Jack

Dennis McNamara announces that this is the last WLIR live broadcast of David Bromberg.  In fact, Bromberg was broadcast a few days later, August 23, 1980, at the Belmont Party In the Park (to be released separately).  

David Bromberg - Guitar
Jeff Wisor - Fiddle
Andy Stein - Fiddle
Rachel Gladstone - Vocals
Paula Lockhart - Vocals
John Firmin - Saxaphone
Peter Ecklund - Trumpet, Coronet
Curt Linberg - Trombone
Lance Dickerson - Drums
Danny Count - Bass
Party in the Park II

1. [07.32] Dennis McNamera Intro
2. [02.32] Cocaine Blues (Luke Jordan)
3. [06.30] Statesboro Blues/Churchbell Blues
4. [07.57] Travelin' Man

Sound: A
Show: A
Get Up and Go
Fiddle Tune
Demon in Disguise
First I Look at the Purse
Dying Crapshooter's Blues
Hey Hey Mama
Long Tall Mama
I'm a Fool for You
Will Not Be Your Fool
It's Over
Statesboro Blues

schoeps mk4's(ortf)>kcy>schoeps vms02>v3>dat
sony r300>spdif>terratec ews88mt>samplitude>cdwav>cdr/flac
normalized to 95% in samplitude 5.20

Disc 1:
01  Introduction
02  Don't Let Your Deal Go Down > Fiddle Tune Medley
03  I'll Take You Back
04  Sloppy Drunk
05  Make Me Down A Pallet On Your Floor
06  Fiddle Tune Medley

Disc 2:
01  If You Don't Want Me Baby  
02  Driving Wheel  
03  Statesboro Blues
04  Summer Wages  
05  New Song? > New Lee Highway Blues
06  Helpless Blues 
07  I'll Rise Again


Nancy Josephson, Gillian Welch, Emmylou Harris - Vocals
Jerry Douglas - Dobro
Sam Bush - Mandolin, Fiddle
Tim O'Brien - Mandolin

(2) Schoeps CCM5 > Lunatec V3 > Digigram VX-Pocket > Sony Vaio > 24bit/48k WAV

-mics run ORTF/FOB center on 7'stand and 25' in front of SBD area 
-source files resampled, dithered, edited and converted to 16bit/44.1k FLAC
WXRT broadcast

FM > low gen tape > wavelab > flac

01 Once in a lifetime
02 Making flippy floppy
03 The gates of paradise
04 Take me to the river
05 Fuzzy freaky
06 The listening wind
07 Dance on vaseline
08 A soft seduction
09 Miss America
10 Back in the box
11 Road to nowhere
12 Psycho killer
13 I zimbra
Title : Dreamer On An Island (from master DAT)[recorder 5]

Recorded by Dreamer
Extracted and mastered by Fresh
Artwork by Sir "Dali" Flying Pig

Lineage : Source : SONY DAT TCD-D100 > SOUNDMAN OKM-IIr

		     [Resampled via Motorola converter//EQ//Tube Simul//Multiband Compressor//Normalize]
	  	   > Protools 7 > WavLab [ EQ Waves //L2] > Wav > Audition 2 EQ for bass > TLH Flac 8 (ASoB) 
		   > Flac

Disc 1 :

	101 - Castellorizon.flac ( 3"44 )
	102 - On an Island.flac ( 7"55 )
	103 - The Blue .flac ( 5"55 )
	104 - The Great Gig In The Sky.flac ( 5"18 )
	105 - Happy Birthday.flac ( 0"46 )
	106 - Red Sky At Night.flac ( 3"29 )
	107 - This Heaven.flac ( 4"31 )
	108 - Then I Close My Eyes.flac ( 7"32 )
	109 - Smile.flac ( 5"00 )
	110 - Take A Breath.flac ( 6"40 )
	111 - A Pocketful Of Stones.flac ( 6"36 )
	112 - Where We Start.flac ( 7"43 )
		Total duration : 1'05"09

Disc 2 : 

	201 - Shine on You Crazy Diamond (interrupted).flac ( 8"48 )
	202 - Shine on You Crazy Diamond.flac ( 8"24 )
	203 - Band Introduction.flac ( 2"11 )
	204 - Wot's... Uh The Deal.flac ( 5"36 )
	205 - Wearing The Inside Out.flac ( 7"48 )
	206 - Fat Old Sun.flac ( 6"06 )
	207 - Breathe.flac ( 2"59 )
	208 - Time.flac ( 5"22 )
	209 - Breathe Reprise.flac (1"24 )
	210 - High Hopes.flac ( 9"10 )
		Total duration : 0'57"48

Disc 3 :

	301 - Echoes.flac ( 23"16 )
	302 - Wish You Were Here.flac ( 5"42 )
	303 - Comfortably Numb.flac ( 8"31 )
		Total duration : 37"29

Comments : 

	First of all many many thanks to Dreamer himself. This recorder made a preview release of his
recording two days after the show in lossy format. After having grabbed his lossy set, I decided to look for 
this taper on the internet because his original TXT mentioned the recording source was a DAT recorder. After 
a few hours of searching, I finally found him on a forum he used to go. This guy just did this recording for 
his own pleasure, as he's basically not a Pink Floyd geek like us. However, after a nice first contact chat 
on a messenger, he accepted to share the wav files. The extraction included a few problems because the DAT 
extraction was made a bit in a hurry, with the DAT plugged directly in an integrated soundboard. The 
recurrent problem was a big out of phase problem which created a sort of overhelming echoes around DG's 
vocals, keyboards and deep bass sounds. He sent me first his own extraction in wav form but the problem was 
the same as for the MP3, always that big out of phase problem.

	Explaining him the problem, Dreamer finally sent me directly the DAT itself, so I could proceed to 
another extraction with some dedicated hardware. This step of the making of was a rich experience for me, as 
I learn a lot too for my own. I would like to thanks a lot my friend Franck for everything he explained to 
me during that process too. As soon as that new transfer was done, I immediatly understood that Dreamer's 
first capture was bad, as the out of phase problem nearly completly disappeared. No more of that sort of 
numerical echo surrounding the recording, I was amazed and happy.

	I was present at this show, and I know there was a really annoying problem with the Olympia sound 
mastering: the bass was omnipresent during all the shows, and so was the main goal of a slight mastering. As 
you may have noticed in the lineage, the extraction hardware and filtering was outstanding and the rendering 
in the studio was nearly perfect. But as we are few to have such an audio hardware to correctly play this 
recording, the bass level remains too high for an enjoyable listening experience. Using Audition 2, I just 
Eq it a little more to drop down the bass level and cut the tracks. Mastering could have been deeper, since 
there are still light clicks remaining here and there, and near distorting sounds on the outstanding Echoes, 
but one of my first aims was to leave Dreamer's boot as raw as possible. Dreamer himself did not want me to 
make some changes in the spirit of his job, and was reluctant just for the bass drop. Being not that 
familiar with audio editing tools, I'd like to thanks all guys down the hubs and other places who give me a 
hand to understand basics of those tools.

	I totally have respected all the numerical chain with this mastering, and no lossy form was used 
during the process. I really hope all of you will enjoy it as much as I enjoy the fact to give something to 
this fabulous Pink Floyd community which made and still makes me discover such PF materials day after day. 
Thank you all for supporting me during that period (cheers to all "beta-listeners" for their advices).

	  	1 	  	Until We Sleep 	Gilmour 	 
  	  	2 	  	All Lovers Are Deranged 	Gilmour, Townshend 	 
  	  	3 	  	There's No Way Out of Here 	Baker 	 
  	  	4 	  	Short and Sweet 	Gilmour, Harper 	 
  	  	5 	  	Run Like Hell 	Gilmour, Waters 	 
  	  	6 	  	Out of the Blue 	Gilmour 	 
  	  	7 	  	Blue Light 	Gilmour 	 
  	  	8 	  	Murder 	Gilmour 	 
  	  	9 	  	Comfortably Numb 	Gilmour, Waters 	 

1.1 Until We Sleep 7:03
1.2 All Lovers Are Deranged 6:28
1.3 Love On The Air 6:11
1.4 Mihalis 10:19
1.5 Cruise 8:34
1.6 Short And Sweet 8:00
1.7 Money 12:07

2.1 Out Of The Blue 4:05
2.2 Let's Get Metaphysical 6:32
2.3 You Know I'm Right 8:27
2.4 Run Like Hell 7:24
2.5 Blue Light 9:32
2.6 Band Introductions 2:27
2.7 Murder 9:49
2.8 Comfortably Numb 10:20

David Gilmour - Lead Guitars and Vocals
Mick Ralphs - Guitars and Backing Vocals
Mickey Feat - Bass Guitars and Backing Vocals
Gregg Dechart - Keyboards and Backing Vocals
Raff Ravenscroft - Saxophones
Jodi Linscott - Percussion
Chris Slade - Drums


David Gilmour began the About Face tour with a brief appearance on British Television on March 30th, 1984, playing just two songs from his new 
album. This was followed the next day by the first full concert in Dublin, Ireland, at the National Stadium. Gilmour’s set consisted of a collection of the best songs from his two solo albums and, inevitably, a few Pink Floyd songs as well. The European leg of the tour consisted of 23 performances including 4 nights at the Hammersmith Odeon in London during which a concert video was recorded featuring a surprise guest appearance by Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason. The group then went to North America where 48 more shows were played. Beginning in Quebec on May 9th, this part of the tour took the troop across the United States to California, back East to Florida and ended with a final performance on July 16th in New York City.

The show we bring you here was recorded in San Diego on June 20th, 1984, their first day in California. With an open air venue the sound will be a 
bit different than most audience recordings presented by PRRP. However, we feel that this performance shows David Gilmour and his solo band to be polished, versatile and a musical force in its own right; no small feat given the reputation of a band like Pink Floyd. The taper of this show remembers it well and provided us with the following details of that performance, “As for the mix, the way I taped that show was with a stereo Sony that had built in microphones. I used to hang it around my neck and let it hang around my chest area to get good lines with the speaker. If security would arrive, I would slightly lean one way or the other to keep the recorder out of view. You can hear the sound shift when I did that, but it is only brief and occasional. Since I was in the second row, I most likely got a bad mix anyway, monitors mostly, the PA system was too far on the sides to get the full blast of the mix. I remember that I had a great time. The show was phenomenal. Jody Linscott was just starting to show her pregnancy and Mick Ralphs just tore up his solos. My buddy went up and placed a one dollar bill on the stage right in front of David Gilmour as he was wailing away on (the song) Money, he broke his concentration briefly, looking up at our group and smiling with the head nod, it was a hi-five all around. To stand in front of Gilmour, 3 feet away, and watch this guy for two hours was a dream come true”.

There were those who were concerned that the departure of Roger Waters from Pink Floyd would leave that band without a stable musical driving
 force. With this year of solo work, David Gilmour answered those concerns and showed that even without Waters, Pink Floyd was still well endowed with musical talent and that they could carry on despite the loss of one of their most noted members. 

Notes from the Re-master

This show comes to us as a master cassette tape. It was digitized using 32-bit format and 24-bit resolution. Analysis revealed music signal up to 
11,000Hz. The complete show is here so no patches were necessary but the tape flips and change from tape 1 to tape 2 needed to be mixed. The taper provided us with the details regarding his location in the audience as noted above. Hiss was a moderate problem that was reduced using selective techniques. Crackle was also present throughout the show and needed separate techniques to be reduced. Given the frequency response of the recorder, the midrange was too harsh so filters were applied to reduce this excess. An imbalance between the two channels was present and a 12% correction was necessary. The mix does change through the show. During the first few songs the sound, and in particular the vocals are a bit distant even though we know the taper was in the second row. This improves by the time Cruise is played. Applause was attenuated where necessary and other noises such as feedback, clicks and pops were removed. The show was then tracked, converted to 16-bit and placed in audio format. 

-PRRP Staff

David Gilmour  	a01  	Until We Sleep  	0  	 	 	 	Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a02 	All Lovers Are Deranged 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a03 	Love On The Air 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a04 	Mihalis 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a05 	Cruise 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a06 	Short and Sweet 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a07 	Money 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a08 	Out Of The Blue 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a09 	You Know I'm Right 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a10 	Run Like Hell 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a11 	Blue Light 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a12 	Murder 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a13 	Near The End 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	a14 	Comfortably Numb 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	b01 	Deep in the Blues 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	b02 	Ah Robertson, Its You 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	b03 	Why Do Fools Fall In Love? 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	b04 	Walk Like A Man 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	b05 	Dont Ask Me 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	b06 	Big Girls Dont Cry 	0 				Lyrics
	David Gilmour 	b07 	Beutilful Delilah 	0 				Lyrics
Excellent FM stereo broadcast

1. Bob Harris intro
2. Castellorizon
3. On An Island
4. The Blue
5. Take A Breath
6. Smile
7. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
8. Wearing The Inside Out
9. Comfortably Numb
10. Bob Harris outro
11. Intro
12. Smile
13. Where We Start

David Gilmour - guitar, Phil Manzanera - guitar, Rick Wright - keyboards, Dick Parry - saxophone, Jon Carlin - keyboards, Guy Pratt - bass, Steve DiStanislao - drums

Tracks 11-13: Gilmour & Manzanerra, BBC 2, March 4, 2006
With special thanks to Dan Lynch who graciously permitted me to use his fine recording as a
patch for the first four songs that I missed when the box office kept me waiting over an hour to
locate my "missing" but paid for tickets.  I like the sound of Dan's recording as do some 1500+
of you.  I have not edited these tracks, nor played with their sound in any way.  I did this so you
will notice the difference when the recording switches at the start of track 5 from Dan's core
sound mic's to my Schoeps.  You will note some noise within the first ten seconds of Track 5 ...
that is me setting up my mic's as I arrived at my seat ... you are going to have to remember this
was a "stealth" recording, but you will not hear much hiss or crowd noise on my recording.

My second special thank you to my friend (who will remain nameless here, but he knows who he
is) who set me up with excellent seats 9 rows in front of the soundboard, directly on the center
line. You will definitely hear the stereo separation of channels on my recording.  Moreover, the
crowd was extremely mature and cooperative where I was sitting, thus there are very few unruly
disturbances in this recording.

This is a whole new world for me, thus the delay in getting this uploaded here at the Dime.  I've
invested in a whole bunch of new equipment, making the best sound I knew even better.  I've
moved up to the Sound Devices 744T hard drive recorder.  For those who don't know this is a
four track hard drive machine that records in 24 bit at 96 KHz.  What this means is that I have a
master recording that captures far more sound and quality than standard 16 bit recordings which
we are all accustomed to.  The downside is, that the quality of my new recordings exceed the
capacity of my old studio's computer, so I had to acquire a whole new computer for the studio
with which to process the recording.  This in turn led to a whole new learning process with
updated versions of software I had used for years ... (why can't they leave things somewhat
similar when you upgrade) ... anyway, after about two weeks of playing around, I have finally
figured out most of it and can now take the 24/96 recording and mix it down to a 16/44.1
recording for use in almost all consumer CD players, and most importantly, for upload here at the

(What I still don't know is how to make use of the 24/96 recording, other than to save it as data
on a DVD for my archive, as a backup.  My computer will not burn a 24/96 DVD, though I am
told it will make a 24/48 DVD that can play high quality sound on a consumer DVD player or a
computers DVD drive.  For those tech people still reading I need advice/suggestions on software
that will index/track & burn 24/96 or 24/48, for DVD listening, and so that I may also upload
such 24 bit tracks for those capable of using it  - please PM me with your ideas, suggestions, etc.)

Anyway here's the lineage:

CD1, Tracks 1-4:  Core Sound Cardiods > M-Audio Microtrack 24/96 > 16bit 44.1 .wav file >
Soundforge > CDWave (tracking) > Flac Frontend (level 7, align sector boundaries) > flac 

Recorded, Extracted and Edited by danlynch 2006-04-04 & downloaded by taperadvocat from
the Dime.

CD1, Tracks 5-11 & CD2: Schoeps CCM4's > SD744T > firewire to hard drive of dedicated
music only computer > Bit Conversion and re-sampled with Sound Forge 7.0 > indexed in Sound
Forge 4.5 > CD set up with CD Architect 4.5 > CD burned with CD Architect 5.0 onto 
Mitsui Gold CD > Extracted to Internet Capable Computer with EAC > FLAC

Recorded 9 rows FOB & DFC.

Recorded, Extracted and Edited by TaperAdvocat, uploaded to the Dime on April 15, 2006.

Hope you all enjoy this recording as much as I do.  Please let me know what you think.  And
most importantly, share it freely with your loved ones and friends. 

May those who try to sell or otherwise profit from my recording be cursed with all the bad karma
that you justly deserve.  This means you Middle Valley, VGP & all you other scum sucking
bootleggers who profit from my recordings.  We will find you and we will put you out of


Set One: 
01 Castellorizon 
02 This Heaven 
03 Smile 
04 Red Sky at Night 
05 Take a Breath 
06 Then I Close My Eyes 
07 On An Island* 
08 The Blue* 
09 A Pocketful of Stones 
10 Where We Start 
Set Two: 
11 Shine on You Crazy Diamond* 

12 Wearing the Inside Out 
13 Dominoes 
14 Fat Old Sun 
15 Breathe 
16 Time 
17 Breathe (Reprise) 
18 High Hopes 
19 Echoes 
20 Wish You Were Here 
21 Find the Cost of Freedom# 
22 Comfortably Numb 
This Heaven
Red Sky at Night
Take a Breath
Then I Close My Eyes
On an Island
The Blue
A Pocketful of Stones
Where We Start

Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Wearing the Inside Out
Fat Old Sun
Time/Breathe reprise
High Hopes

Wish You Were Here
Find the Cost of Freedom
Comfortably Numb

PinkRoioShn - CDR-001 (PRS-CDR-001)

Master Audience Recording
Orchestra Row G Seat 707

Core Sound Cardiods > M-Audio Microtrack 24/96 > 16bit
44.1 .wav file > Soundforge > CDWave (tracking) > Flac 
Frontend (level 7, align sector boundaries) > flac

This recording is dedicated to the members of the Pinkroioshn direct connect hub.  
These collectors represent the most knowledgeable and generous fans of the music 
of the Pink Floyd.  They share their precious time, energy and experience to bring 
the free share of live audio and video to collectors worldwide.  Of special note are the 
three excellent hosts that Pinkroioshn has had in its 5 years of existence: madcapjv, 
orangemaze, and Arnold_Layne.  Among the many valuable members of this Hub are 
the producers of the following fan labels:  Household Objects, Pigs On the Wing, 
Antmoon5, FurryAnimal [FA], Highest Hopes, CS Productions, Wojtek's Page Of 
Bootlegs, MB-DVD, beerlover, LS, Relics Records, FOP, The AK Revision Series, 
buffalofloyd releases, The Fireman's Tapes, and many others.

Pinkroioshn is also the home base of the founder of the primary Pink Floyd bit torrent 
tracker on the web: yeeshkul.com

Special Thanks also to the generous members of the In Floyd We Trust Hub 
(IFWT) - pinkfloydhub.no-ip.org, for their share of all the Europe shows of this tour.

Recorded, Extracted and Edited by
danlynch 2006-04-04
David Gilmour
Core Sound Cardiods > Sound Pro. Preamp > Gmini 402 > Pc

Soundforge 7 & cdwav for editing and fades etc...

Disc 1 - Set 1:

01. Castellorizon [4:00]
02. On An Island [7:57]
03. The Blue [6:02]
04. Red Sky at Night [3:37]
05. This Heaven [4:35]
06. Then I Close My Eyes [11:35]
07. Take a Breath [7:14]
08. Smile [4:35]
09. A Pocketful of Stones [6:41]
10. Where We Start [7:53]

Set 2:

01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Pt.1-5 [12:07]

Disc 2:

02. Wearing the Inside Out [8:57]
03. Coming Back to Life [7:04]
04. Dominoes [5:27]
05. Breathe [3:17]
06. Time [5:25]
07. Breathe (Reprise) [1:29]
08. High Hopes [9:55]
09. Echoes [25:03]

Disc 3 - Encores:

01. Wish You Were Here [5:42]
02. Comfortably Numb [9:33]

I removed some of the audience noise before the encores to fit on 2 Discs.
Taped/Transferred/Seeded By:

FOB > ROW HH Center > Neumann Ak40/lc3/Km 100's (DIN) > 
Sound Devices MP 2 w/80khz Bass Rolloff > Sony M1 @ 48k

Sony M1 > Vx Pocket 440 > Toshiba 3480ct > 
Wavelab 4.0 (Resampled to 44.1) > Cd Wave > FLAC

Disc 1/Set I:
1. Breathe >
2. Time >
3. Breathe Reprise
4. Castellorizon
5. On An Island 
6. The Blue
7. Red Sky At Night
8. This Heaven
9. Then I Close My Eyes
10. Smile
11. Take A Breath
12. A Pocketful Of Stones
13. Where We Start

Disc 2/Set II:
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond pt.I-V
2. Wearing The Inside Out
3. Fat Old Sun
4. Arnold Layne  
5. Coming Back To Life
6. High Hopes
7. Echoes

Disc 3
1. Wish You were Here
2. Comfortably Numb

01. Speak To Me >
02. Breathe >
03. Time > Breathe Reprise
04. Castellorizon
05. On An Island
06. The Blue
07. Red Sky At Night
08. This Heaven
08. Then I Close My Eyes
10. Smile
11. Take A Breath
12. A Pocketful Of Stones
13. Where We Start


01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
02. Wearing the Inside Out
03. Fat Old Sun
04. Arnold Layne
05. Coming Back to Life
06. High Hopes
07. Echoes


01. Wish You Were Here
02. Comfortably Numb

Nuemann KM140s (fob/floor) > Sound Devices MP2 > Sony SBM1 (48k) > Sony D7
DAT master > HHb CDR830 > EAC/wavlab > FLAC
SOURCE: Schoeps MK41 > actives > NBox > (Oade mod) SBM-1 > D100
TRANSFER: D100 > Teac RW-CD22 > hard drive > Sound Forge 8.0 > CD Wave > FLAC Frontend
LOCATION: Center Mezzanine, Row D
RECORDED BY: "Josephine" 

Photographs taken and kindly provided by my buddy "boots4me" (Copyright Eddie Spinelli).


01. Breathe
02. Time
03. Breathe (reprise)
04. Castellorizon
05. On an Island (w/ David Crosby & Graham Nash on backing vocals)
06. The Blue
07. Red Sky at Night
08. This Heaven
09. Then I Close My Eyes
10. Band Introduction
11. Smile
12. Take a Breath
13. A Pocketful of Stones
14. Where We Start



01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (I-V) (w/ David Crosby & Graham Nash on backing vocals)
02. Wearing the Inside Out (w/ Richard Wright on vocals)
03. Fat Old Sun
04. Arnold Layne
05. Coming Back To Life
06. High Hopes
07. Echoes



01. Wish You Were Here
02. Find the Cost of Freedom (Capella version with David Crosby, Graham Nash & David)
03. Comfortably Numb

~ Dedicated to my son Jack ~
Sonic Studios DSM-6>PA6-XP>Microtrack>Sound Forge>CD Wave Editor>FLAC Level 8

1. Breathe>
2. Time>
3. Breathe (Reprise)
4. Castellorizon
5. On An Island (with David Crosby & Graham Nash)
6. The Blue (with David Crosby & Graham Nash)
7. Red Sky At Night
8. This Heaven
9. Then I Close My Eyes (with Robert Wyatt)
10. Smile
11. Take A Breath
12. A Pocketful Of Stones
13. Where We Start

1. Shine On 1-5 (with David Crosby & Graham Nash)
2. Wot's...Uh The Deal
3. Intros
4. Wearing The Inside Out
5. Coming Back To Life
6. High Hopes
7. Echoes

1. Wish You Were Here
2. Find The Cost Of Freedom (with David Crosby & Graham Nash)
3. Arnold Layne (with David Bowie)
4. Comfortably Numb (with David Bowie)
Sound Professionals CMC4 - battery box - SB Audigy 2 ZS - CDwave 48khz, 24 bit

Set 1:

01.	Breathe
02.	Time
03. Breathe reprise
04. Castellorizon
05. On An Island
06. The Blue
07. Red Sky at Night
08. This Heaven
09. Then I Close My Eyes
10. Smile
11. Take a Breath
12. A Pocketful of Stones
13. Where We Start

SET 2:

01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
02. Astronomy Domine
03. Dark Globe
04. Fat Old Sun 
05. Coming Back to Life
06. High Hopes 
07. Echoes
08. Wish You Were Here 
09. Comfortably Numb

It was an excellent concert and here is an excellent recording for you.

Unfortunatelly I was busted during the first set by security. I had to take off my mics at the end of "Then I Close My Eyes", but
the recording was not stopped. I moved to an another position during the begining of Smile and positioned again my mics.

This release was first shared simultaneously on YEESHKUL tracker and PINKROIOSHN hub. 
Thanks to those communities that share the live PF sound for free!
http://pf-db.com/signup.php (pinkroioshn)
A collection of live performances and concept videos around the time of the 1984 solo album release of David Gilmour. Quality varies a bit, but overall is excellent for material of this vintage. Running time is 75 minutes, and features the following tracks:

There’s no way out of here
So far away
No way
I can’t breathe anymore
Rockestra rehearsal
Dave’s ski trip
The Tube ‘84
ET Tour ‘84
Love in the air outtakes ‘84
Les Paul tribute
Lie for a lie promo clip

This region-free DVD-R is in NTSC format and will play on most PS2 systems and DVD Players made since 2000, and comes in a FULL SIZE DVD case, with cover art and track listing.

	1 	  	Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Pts. 1-5 	Gilmour, Waters, Wright 	 
  	  	2 	  	Terrapin 	Barrett 	 
  	  	3 	  	Fat Old Sun 	Gilmour 	 
  	  	4 	  	Coming Back to Life 	Gilmour 	 
  	  	5 	  	High Hopes 	Gilmour, Samson 	 
  	  	6 	  	Je Crois Entendre Encore 	Bizet 	 
  	  	7 	  	Smile 	Gilmour 	 
  	  	8 	  	Wish You Were Here 	Gilmour, Waters 	 
  	  	9 	  	Comfortably Numb 	Gilmour, Waters 	 
  	  	10 	  	Dimming of the Day 	Thompson 	 
  	  	11 	  	Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Pts. 6-8 	Gilmour, Waters, Wright 	 
  	  	12 	  	A Great Day for Freedom 	Gilmour, Wright 	 
  	  	13 	  	Hushabye Mountain 	Sherman 	 
  	  	14 	  	Dominoes 	Barrett 	 
  	  	15 	  	Breakthrough 		 
  	  	16 	  	Comfortably Numb 	Gilmour, Waters 	 
David Gilmour
Live From Abbey Road PAL DVD

Abbey Road Studio

Recorded 29th August 2006
Broadcast 6th March 2007


Interview #1
Take A Breath
Interview #2
Interview #3
On An Island

Lineage: DVB Digital Terrestrial TV -> PC DVB-T Card -> HD -> DVD 

Hauppauge Nova-T DVB-T Card 
MyTheatre Record Stream
PVAStrumento to demux original stream
Cuttermaran 1.66 To Edit
DVD Lab Pro To Author

Video: 2.8Mbit/s (avg) 704x576 16:9 PAL MPEG-2 (original broadcast bitstream) 
Audio: 192kbps/48Khz Stereo MPEG-1, Layer II (original broadcast bitstream) 
Pro-Shot or Audience shot : Audience
Stand Alone or PC : PC
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Sample Rate: 8 MBps VBR
Audio: LPCM
Menus : PC Authored
Artwork: n/a
Video Quality: 6
Audio Quality: 7

To launch his new 'David Myers Plays MORE Genesis' CD, David Myers
(keyboard player for The Musical Box) and Martin Levac (drummer for
The Musical Box until 2007 and back with his band Turn It On Again)
performed a wonderful evening of Genesis music in this intimate
setting. Please show your appreciation by supporting these artists
through their performances and products.

davidmyers.ca turnitonagain. com themusicalbox. net

A BTN (Better Than Nothing) Production. The first minute was affected
by dirty heads (?). Low light and obstruction gave auto-focus
continual grief; fortunately I was able to adjust as the show
progressed. Rev A: filter out the noise during the first minute.


Medley (Lamb/Cage/Battle/ Colony
/Anyway/ TMB/ Back in NYC/ Squonk/ Seven
Stones/ Grand Parade/ Hogweed/ Anyway 2/ Supper's/ Supper's 2/ Get Em
Colony 2/ Behind The Lines/ Hogweed 2/ Where The Sour/ Lamia/ time
Apocalypse/ Can Utility)
Firth Of Fifth
Blood On The Rooftops
Robbery, Assault and Battery
Burning Rope
Follow You, Follow Me
One For The Vine


Watcher Of The Skies
After The Ordeal
Fountain Of Salmacis
Mad Man Moon
Trick Of The Tail
Cinema Show
Evidence Of Autumn

John Ramsey Signature Series Binaural Microphones (audioreality. com)
+ Canon Elura 100 (SP, 16:9, 16-bit audio) -> Firewire -> Nero Vision
4 capture (DV Type 1 AVI) & export (8 mbps VBR, LPCM) -> Sonic DVDit 6
(8 mbps VBR, LPCM) 
David S. Ware ts
Matthew Shipp p
William Parker b
Whit Dickey dr

1) 32:02
2) 19:01
3) 05:48
4) 13:37 Aquarian Sound
5) 31:536
6) 13:56 Autumn Leaves

Lineage/Source: Sony ECM155 – Sony DAT – Denon CDR 1000 – HD – flac - dime 
David S. Ware- (Tenor Sax), 
Matthew Shipp (piano), 
William Parker- (Bass), 
Susie Tbarra- (Drums)

01. Into 2:27,  
02. Preseulation 36:49, 
03. Autumn Leaves 23:48, 
03. The Liberaba 7:03



Great sound, great playing.  I don't know if What Means Solid Traveler or Tripping Over God
are still in print, but if you like those you'll love this.

Disc 1
Red Beast

Disc 2
In The Flesh?
The Thin Ice
Another Brick On The Wall Pt. 1
The Happiest Days of Our Lives
Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 2
Goodbye Blue Sky
Empty Spaces
Young Lust
One Of my Turns
Don't Leave Me Now
Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 3
Goodbye Cruel World

Disc 3
Hey You
Is There Anybody Out There
Nobody Home
Bring the Boys Back Home
Comfortably Numb
The Show Must Go On
In The Flesh
Run Like Hell
Waiting For The Worms
The Trial
Outside The Wall

Disc 4
I See You Baby (Shakin That Ass)
Daves Nightmare
Not So Sober
Burnin Down The House
L. A. Woman

Steadier Footing
A Movie Script Ending
For What Reason
We Laugh Indoors
Why You'd Want to Live Here
Information Travels Faster
Company Calls
Coney Island
Pictures in an Exhibition
Here Comes the Rain Again
Blacking Out the Friction
Fake Frowns

We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes
Company Calls Epilogue

Sound: A-
Show: A
Lollapalooza show

A Movie Script Ending
The New Year
Title and Registration
Soul Meets Body
We Laugh Indoors
I Was a Kaleidoscope
Crooked Teeth
Expo '86
Company Calls
Styrofoam Plates
The Sound of Settling
encore break
Tiny Vessels

Taped by Richard Simms. There is some bleedthrough from the Widespread Panic show on the other end of the park. There is moderate crowd noise, and a crappy mix from the board.
[[On Ratings]]
Higher Love
Policy Of Truth
Walking In My Shoes
I Feel You
Never Let Me Down Again
In Your Room
Personal Jesus
Enjoy The Silence
Everything Counts

Either FM or Soundboard

Sound: A
Show: A-
Got to Get Better in a Little While
Key to the Highway
Tell the Truth
Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad?
Blues Power
Have You Ever Loved a Woman
Bottle of Red Wine
Presence of the Lord
Little Wing
Let It Rain

Eric Clapton ~ guitar, vocals
Bobby Whitlock ~ keyboards, vocals
Carl Radle ~ bass
Jim Gordon ~ drums
Lineage: bootleg CD-R > EAC > xACT(flac  compression level 8, verification, fingerprint creation) > flac

Seventh Wave
Bad Devil
Hide Nowhere
Velvet Kevorkian
All Hail the New Flesh
Home Nucleonics
Oh My Fucking God
In the Rainy Season
Far Beyond Metal
Fake Punk
Happy Camper

additional track - Suckerpunch w/ the Wildhearts at Akasaka Blitz, Tokyo on Oct. 22, 1988
Unknown venue & tracklist

Received in trade
Source: Soundboard > Denecke AD-20 > Marantz PMD670 > Compactflash Card

Transfer: Compactflash Card > Audacity > CD Wave Editor > Flac Frontend


01. New 1 (no title yet)
02. Qunnl
03. The Smallest Chilean
04. Plankton and Krill
05. What is Your Landmass?
06. Song You Hate
07. Maria, Which Has Had Her Heart Completely Fucked Up
08. Colby
09. Lone Tree Point
10. New 2 (no title yet)
11. Puma
12. Antars Beauty Supply


13. Building a Playpen
14. At the Mercy of the Mustang

Sound: A
Swedish FM broadcast > Philips CDR765 > Adobe Audition > dBpowerAMP Music Converter 11.0

Didier Lockwood (violin)

Mads Vinding Trio;
Olivier Antunes (piano)
Mads Vinding (bass)
Morten Lund (drums)

1. unknown tune by John Abercrombie  12:16
2. Someday my prince will come  15:13
3. What is this thing called love  11:19
4. (Song dedicated to NHOP)  12:45
5. Flat blues  12:48

TT 64:23
Dino Saluzzi, bandoneon
Anders Jormin, b


1. And He Loves His Brother Till The End
2. Alfoncina y el Mar
3. Gorrión
4. Lustrin
5. Rado de Nube

TT: 43:07

Source: Digital Satellite -> raw data to HDD -> ProjectX -> TMPGEnc DVD Author -> Video_ts;
two audio tracks:
primary: 2 channel MP2@256, secondary: AC3@384

No conversion of any kind - this is the actual very hq broadcast signal! 
Wakarusa Music & Camping Festival - Sun Down Stage
Source: DPA 4011 > V3 > D8 (FOB-DFC-DIN) Lineage: Conner CTD8000 > DAT2WAV > SoundForge > Samplitude > CDWave > FLAC16 Taped by: Steven Propp Transfered by: Eric Foelske; 

Charlie Dee 
It Ain't Whatcha Think
Remember When
We Got Robbed
Use Your Brain
Pet De Kat
Big Chief
Feet Don't Fail Me Now 
Taped By: George Ewing (gewing@tapers.org)

Source: Sansom c02 > M-Audio Pre > Dell D800 > Sound Forge

Set I (Disc 1)

1. Banter
2. Commercical Amen
3. Jigsaw >
4. 42
5. Crystal Ball
6. Home Again

Set II (Disc 2)

1. Banter
2. Overture
3. Vassilios >
4. The Great Abyss >
5. Jigsaw
6. Spacebird
7. Reactor

(disc 3)

1. Encore Break
2. Have a Cigar * (Encore)
3. Bernstein and Chasnoff (Encore)

* Pink Floyd cover
Reviewed by Jerimiah33
Taper: John Dewey (hammerhorror)
Uploader: John Dewey (hammerhorror)

Source: Neumann SKM140's DIN  > LC3 Active Cables > KM100's  > Sound Devices 702 @ 24/48 (dithered to 16/44.1 in Adobe Audition for this upload) 

Conversion: Sandisk Ultra II 8GB Compactflash Card > Sound Devices 702 firewire out > Adobe Audition > CD Wave Editor > Flac Frontend

01. Introduction
03. I Agree..... No!..... I Disagree
04. Mmmmm Acting, I Love Me Some Good Acting
05. And And And, He Lowered The Twin Down 
06. New Song
07. June Is Finally Here
08. New Song
09. Palm Trees In The Fecking Bahamas
10. Cold Knees (In April) 

Enjoy the show...
Florida Vacation
Murdering Oscar
Whiskey And You
Rob Me Blind
The Range War
I'll Play Angel
Back In The Woods
Uncle Disney
Long Black Veil
Heavy And Hanging
The 4:05
Soothe Me
Black Creek Water
Nine Bullets
Why Do Lonely Men And Women Want To Break Each Other's Hearts?
Uncle Raymond
Back Of A Bible
Cocaine Parties
Goddamn Lonely Love
Only Daddy That'll Walk The Line
I'm In Love With A Girl
Strange Faith
My Sweet Annette
Both Our Towns
Werewolf Moon
Puttin' People On The Moon
White Lies, Blue Tears
Bulldozers And Dirt

Tsunami Relief Benefit
Don Chambers - banjo, guitar, vocals
Patterson Hood - guitar, vocals
Dave Marr - guitar, vocals
John Neff - pedal steel guitar, vocals
Brad "The EZB" Morgan - snare drum


Philip McArdle - guitar
Jason Isbell - guitar, vocals
Mike Dillon - vocals
Shonna Tucker - guitar, vocals
Source: SBD > D8
Transfer: D8 > Edirol UA1D > SF50 > CDWAV >FLAC

Taped, transferred by Jason Espie


01 Way Back When
02 Living in Babylon
03 Funkyside
04 Diamond in the Rough
05 Love and Gasoline
06 40 Days & 40 Nights
07 I Don't Need a Riddle
08 Positive Friction
09 Family Picture
10 Everyday
11 Rock of Ages
12 Killing a Man


01 Blue Sky
02 Rocking Horse
03 Broken Record
04 These Are Better Days
05 Pancho & Lefty
06 New Tara (Debut) (I'll Move On or I'll Get By?)
07 Mystic Water
08 No Place Like the Right Time
09 On Our Way On (Jeb, Tara, Kathy)
10 Part Time Lover
11 If You Only Could

Movin' On
Living In Babylon
Positive Friction
Tides Of Time
Push Comes To Shove
Rock Of Ages
Pretty Boy Floyd
Don't Leave Me Behind->
Family Picture
Big Parade
The Mill
This Goes
Blue Skies
40 Days & 40 Nights
No Place Like The Right Time
Me & Depression
Two More Bottles Of Wine
Life's A Ride
Conscious Evolution
Like The Coming Sun
Part Time Lover
In This Life
Tides Of Time
These Are Better Days
Ancient Arms
Conscious Evolution
Blue Skies
Tonight The Bottle Let Me Down
Tee Black
Positive Friction
No Place Like The Right Time
40 Days & 40 Nights
Pancho & Lefty
Family Picture
Greatest Love Of All
Voice In My Head
Rock Of Ages
Funky Side

Give Me Just A Little Time 

Sound: A-
Show: A-
01) Zip City
02) Lookout Mountain
03) Decoration Day
04) Winter Wonderland
05) Love Like This
06) Too Much Sex, Too Little Jesus
07) Outfit
08) Where The Devil Don't Stay

01) Murdering Oscar
02) When The Pin Hits The Shell
03) Do It Yourself
04) Danko/Manuel
05) George Jones Talkin' Cellphone Blues
06) Uncle Frank
07) Goddamned Lonely Love
08) The Company I Keep
09) Little Pony And The Great Big Horse
10) Never Gonna Change
11) The Day John Henry Died
12) Tales Facing Up
13) Bulldozers And Dirt

Private show for DBT family and friends (acoustic)
Taped and transferred by Chris Pennington
Where the Devil Don't Stay, Sinkhole, Decoration Day, Give Pretty Soon, Careless, Sounds Better in the Song, Daddy's Cup, Lookout Mountain, Lonely Love, Day John Henry Died, Sweet Annette, Demonic Possession
Set 2 

Marry Me, Carl Perkins Cadillac, Dead Drunk and Naked, Guitar Man Upstairs, Never Gonna Change, Boys from Alabama, Cotton Seed, Outfit, Women w/o Whiskey, Let there Be Rock
Set 3 

Encore: Wrong for all these Years, Zip City, Play it All Night Long, Plastic Flowers, Buttholeville, Sandwiches for the Road, Putting People on the Moon

SBD + AKG c2000 > MP2 > DA-P1 (Roy Shuler) 
Disc One:
Buford Stick
Never Gonna Change
The Tough Sell
Sounds Better In The Song
Sink Hole
Decoration Day
Goddamn Lonely Love
Marry Me
Carl Perkin's Cadillac
Sands Of Iwo Jima

Puttin' People On The Moon
Daddy's Cup
Company I Keep
The Day John Henry Died
Living Bubba
Lookout Mountain
Grandaddy (New Song, Patterson alone)
(full band back onstage) Play It All Night Long
The Outfit
Zip City
Let There Be Rock
source: SBD > [matrix XLR outs] > Apogee Mini-Me (16-bit/48 kHz) > Sony PCM-M1
transfer: Sony 59ES > M-Audio USB > Dell Inspiron 5100 > Wavelab 4.01 > CD wave 1.91 > flac 1.1.2

Set I:
01. tuning..intro...
02. Sink Hole
03. The Buford Stick
04. Where the Devil Don't Stay
05. Dead Drunk and Naked
06. Guitar Man Upstairs
07. Decoration Day
08. Putting People On the Moon
09. Pizza Deliverance
10. Goddamn Lonely Love
11. Outfit
set II:
12. Daddy's Cup
13. Zip City
14.Life In the Factory
15. Lookout Mountain
16. Bulldozers and Dirt
17. Tails Facing Up
18. Women Without Whiskey
19. crowd
01. crowd
02. The Living Bubba
03. Never Gonna Change
04. Marry Me
05. Nine Bullets
06. Carl Perkins' Cadillac
07. Let there Be Rock
08. Shut Up and Get On the Plane
Source: schoeps mk2s>kc5>oade m118>mme>da-p1 
Location: front of TS/DFC split 5'
Transfer: dap1>stand alone>eac>cd wave>flac
Taped by: Ricky Skaggs
Transferred by: Craig Davis

One Set
Disc 1:
01 Intro/tuning
02 Lookout Mountain
03 Gravity's Gone
04 Never Gonna Change
05 Tales Facing Up
06 Daddy's Cup
07 Feb. 14
08 Decoration Day
09 Putting People on the Moon

Disc 2:
01 Space City
02 Bpx of Spiders
03 Easy on Yourself
04 Aftermath USA
05 Women Without Whiskey
06 Outfit
07 World of Hurt
08 Shut Up and Get on the Plane
09 Let There Be Rock
(clamped to the balcony rail) Neumann U89i (subcard, split 4ft, -80h)>
V2> Minime> ODL-312> JB3.

JB3> (firewire) Cool Edit Pro 2 (fade in/out, hard limit)> CD Wave 
(tracked)> Flac.

Recorded by Ed Guidry 
Help I'm a Rock
Hungry Freaks Daddy
Let' Make the Water Turn Black
Florentine Pogen
Pygmy Twylite
The Idiot Bastard Son
King Kong Variations
Don't Eate that Yellow Snow
St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast
Father O'Blivion
Inca Roads
The Black Page

Peaches en Regalia
Village of the Sun
Echinda's Arf
Zomby Woof
Sofa No. 2
Camarillo Brillo
The Orange County Lumber Truck
More Trouble Every Day
A Token of His Extreme
Cosmic Debris

possibly the best-sounding audience recording i've ever heard. beats a lot of broadcast and soundboard sources. incredible.
Disc 1 
01. Imaginary Diseases
02. Hungry Freaks Daddy 
03. Let’s Make the Water turn Black 
04. Florentine Pogen 
05. Pygmy Twylite 
06. The Idiot Bastard Son 
07. Cheepnis 
08. King Kong Variations 
09. Don’t Eat that Yellow Snow 
10. St. Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast 
11. Father O'Blivion 
12. Inca Roads 
13. Eat That Question 

Disc 2 (62'36") 
01. The Black Page # 2
02. Peaches En Regalia 
03. Montana 
04. Village of the Sun 
05. Echinda’s Arf 
06. Zomby Woof 
07. Chunga’s Revenge 
08. Oh No 
09. Son Of Orange County 
10. More Trouble Every Day /A Token of His Extreme 
11. Sofa #2

Audience recording: Sennheiser MKE2>Sharp MT290>Soundforge>Flac

Source:  M[DAT] > FLAC
Length:  164  minutes   

Recording Information:  Sony ECM-719 > Sony TCD-D7
Location:  Section A, Row L, Seat 3  
Transfer:  Sony DTC-A7 > Digital Coax > M-Audio Audiophile > Firewire > CEP 2.1 > WAV

Recorded at 16/48.  Downsampled to 16/44.1 using CEP 2.1

FLAC Conversion:  WAV > TLH FLAC 8  > FLAC

Mastering and editing performed using CEP 2.1 and CDWAVE 1.95

Recorded by sydb

DAT transfer, mastering, and FLAC conversion by sydb

101  Improvisation
102  My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
103  City Of Tiny Lights
104  Montana
105  Carolina Hardcore Ecstasy
106  I Am The Slime
107  Advance Romance
108  Dumb All Over
109  What's New In Baltimore?
110  Pygmy Twylyght

201  Dupree's Paradise
202  Rudy's Going To A Concert
203  Uncle Remus
204  Willie The Pimp
205  Joe's Garage
206  Wind Up Working In A Gas Station
207  San Ber'dino
208  Illinois Enema Bandit
209  Wild Love
210  Yo Mama

301  Cosmik Debris
302  G-Spot Tornado
303  Muffin Man

Having now seen this band twice in the past year, and hopefully again on Halloween, I can now say I have become a fan of Frank's music.  Dweezil and his band do a fantastic job of representing Frank's compositions.

The show it self was fantasic.  Highlights for me were 'Pygmy Twylyght' and all of the songs where the effortlessly synched up with audio and video footage of Frank playng and singing along with the band.  But to be honest this show is worth it for just 'Pygmy Twylyght.'  Dweezil absolutly does an amazing job with his solo for this, lasting nearly seven minutes.  He would have made his dad proud.

The band played on a slowly rotating stage which is referenced a few times during the show.  Thankfully there were speakers placed all around the top of the stage and my mics were pointed almost directly at them.  The recording turned out great, perhaps my best ever.  The crowd was very quiet and cooperative around me.  A few drunkards can be heard in between songs from other areas of the theatre, but they do not ruin this recording in any way.

Enjoy the show!

Special Guest Ray White on tracks 103-110, 201-208, 301-302

Frank Zappa on vocals and lead guitar on tracks 104, 108, 301, and 303

Artwork courtesy of my friend beerlover

Sound:  EX+
Overall:  9/10 


SOURCE: SBD MASTER>Reel Machine>Master Reel>trade>CD>EAC Secure Modus>Flac Frontend Level 6>Flac
SOUND: A (overall hiss is present…otherwise great sound, listen to mp3 sample)

Eberhard Weber: bass
Rainer Brüninghaus: piano, synth
Charlie Mariano: ss, as, fl
John Marshall: drums

1. Eyes That Can See In the Dark (Weber) 20.11
2. Seriously Deep (Weber) 16.52
3. Bali (Brüninghaus) 12.37
4. Sandglass (Weber) 20.34

01. Often In The Open (aka "Workshop I") [24.17]
02. Maurizius (aka "Kotulla") [14.53]
03. Death In The Carwash (aka "Workshop II") [20.06]

Eberhard Weber: bass
Bill Frisell: guitar
Paul McCandless: reeds
Lyle Mays: piano
Michael DiPasqua: drums

Circulates as 03/26/83, but this date is correct.

Studio 10, Funkhaus des NDR, Hamburg, Germany. 
This concert and broadcast was held at the conclusion of several days of workshops, 
part of the series (no. 168) held by Norddeutscher Rundfunk. 
The concert concluded with 3 more pieces not on this recording: 
Sand, Tod In Der Waschstrasse & Yellow Fields. 

Titles are declared by Eberhard Weber as "St?cke, die noch keinen Titel haben." ("Compositions without titles")

The compositions were performed and recorded one month later again, for 'Later That Evening' on ECM (ECM 1231).
(NDR Jazz Workshop)
SOUND: A+ (Excellent FM, listen to mp3 samples)

Eberhard Weber: bass
Paul McCandless: ob, fl, ss, eH, bcl
Bill Frisell: el-guitar
Lyle Mays: piano
Michael DiPasqua: drums
Mario Castronari: perc
1. Workshop 1: 23.10
2. Mauritius: 14.32
3. Workshop 2: 19.50 (fade out by Radio Announcer Michael Naura)

1.  0:00:00  Track 1
2.  0:12:41  Track 2
3.  0:24:25  Interview E.Weber/R.Brüninghaus (german)
4.  0:31:48  Track 3
5.  0:53:02  Track 4
6.  1:00:35  Interview H.Robertson/D.Bargeron (english w.german voice-over)
7.  1:04:25  Track 5
8.  1:10:46  Track 6

Eberhard Weber - b
Rainer Brüninghaus - keyb
Herb Robertson - tp
David Bargeron - euphonium

TV (Cable) -> VHS (1.gen.) -> DVD-Burner (HDD->DVD)
good, sometimes very good quality - no major faults

No title menu
This show was b/c live on french radio at the time. Bernard Lenoir  (now famous for his 'black sessions') 
hosted the show called 'feedback'.
I have not removed all the french comments...although it's quite annoying...i got that tape circa 1993 / 1994 
and made quite few copies to people i was trading with...
It's a good show probably featuring the first french Echo performance...??

Lineage info
Master tape (LVN taped this program) > my tape (tdk sa) > analog cables > soudforge 6.0 > wav > flac

01 Pride
02 Over The Wall
03 Rescue
04 Zimbo
05 Heaven Up Here
06 Pictures On My Wall
07 Villiers Terrace
08 All That Jazz
09 Happy Death Men
10 Crocodiles

overall lenght = 42m
67 degrees
Suffocating the Bloom
As the World
The Cheese Stands Alone
Sweet Thing
Never the Same
Carpe Diem
Were opening act for Transatlantic

1.  Intro - Mr. Oxy Moron - Brittany
2.  Gray Flannel Suits
3.  Human Lottery
4.  The Cheese Stands Alone
5.  Swingin' The Axe
6.  Texas Dust
7.  American Vacation Tune
8.  A Little Nonsense
A SwissBird , SimplexSimplicissimus & superMAX release: 

Soundboard > DAT > 1st copy > eac > wave > flac frontend 
(align on sector boundaries Level 8) > 
torrent on www.dimeadozen.com

Size : 527 MB 
(incl. artwork)

Setlist :
...as you can see...you see not much !
We need your kind help to fullfil the back artwork.

Disc 1 :

01. Piano Intro       (1:28) *
02. ?                (13:28)
03. ?                (20:00)
04. ?                (16:40)
05. Listen Here       (8:38)

Disc 2 :

01. ?                (10:11)
02. ?                (14:39)
03. ?                 (9:24)
04. ?                 (6:01)

Eddie Palmieri - Piano, Lead
Joe Santiago - Bass
Craig Handy - Tenor Saxophone
Conrad Herwig - Trombone
Giovanni Hidalgo - Congas
Horacio "El Negro" Hernandez - Drums
Brian Lynch - Trumpet

(* on the first track (Piano Intro) are some minor noise,
  sounds like a mobilephone searching for satellite connection.
Dark Moisture
Porcupine Night Walk
Lost and Found I
Lost and Found II

Eivind Aarset - Guitar, electronics
Nils Petter Molvaer - Trumpet, electronics
Audun Erlien - Bass
Run Arnesen - Drums 

received in trade
1. Dark Moisture
2. Porcupine Night Walk
3. Lost and Found I
4. Superstrings
5. Lost and Found II

Eivind Aaset - Guitar, electronics
Nils Petter Molvaer - Trumpet, electronics
Audun Erlien - Bass
Run Arnesen - Drums
Szene 74 German TV Show

42 Minutes
VHS/DVD Shrink/Hardrive
No Artwork
No Menu but Chapters at each song


01   Day Breaker                       (4'10'')
02   Interview with Band               (5'15)
03   Show Down                         (4'25'')
04   Day Tripper                       (6'20'')
05   Orange Special Blossom            (3'10'')
06   Ma Ma Ma Belle                    (4'30'')
07   In The Hall Of The Mountain King/
     Great Balls Of Fire               (7'50'')
08   Roll Over Beethoven               (5'00'')

Band Members:
    * Jeff Lynne - Vocals, lead guitar
    * Bev Bevan - drums, percussion
    * Richard Tandy - keyboards, moog, mellotron
    * Mike de Albuquerque - bass guitar, backing vocals
    * Mik Kaminski - violin
    * Mike Edwards - cello
    * Hugh McDowell - cello
01 - Poker
02 - Nightrider
03 - Showdown
04 - Can't Get it Out of My Head
05 - Poorboy (The Greenwood)
06 - Illusions in G Major
07 - Strange Magic
08 - 10538 Overture
09 - Do Ya
10 - Evil Woman
11 - Ma Ma Ma Belle
12 - Roll Over Beethoven

(Audio only archived on LLD_056)
JEMS Master
Advent Dynamic Mics>Sony 153SD Cassette Deck(Dolby B)>
Advent CRO2 Cassettes>Nakamichi Playback deck>
Nakamichi outboard Dolby B Unit>Wavelab>Flac

Disc One:
 1 Fire On High
 2 Poker 
 3 Nightrider
 4 Ocean Breakup/King Of The Universe 
 5 Bluebird Is Not Dead  
 6 New World Rising/Ocean Breakup Reprise  
 7 Hugh McDowell's Cello Solo W/Flight Of The Bumble Bee
 8 Showdown 
 9 Eldorado Overture
10 Can't Get It Out Of My Head
11 Poor Boy (The Greenwood)
12 Illusions In G Minor 
13 Eldorado  
14 Mik Kaminski's Violin Solo/Orange Blossom Special

Disc Two:
 1 Bev Bevan's Intro
 2 Strange Magic 
 3 10538 Overture
 4 Do Ya
 5 Evil Woman  
 6 Ma-Ma-Ma Belle
 7 Let's Spend The Night Together/The End
 8 Roll Over Beethoven

JEMS blows the dust off more cassettes in the basement and we come up 
with a great ELO Show from Cobo Arena in Detroit.   This may have 
been ELO's first arena show judging from their onstage comments.   
Certainly it was their biggest show in Detoit up to that point.   
This features a rarely played cover of The Rolling Stones "Let's 
Spend the Night Together" and "The End" from The Beatles.    
Fire On High
Night In The City
Turn To Stone
Eldorado Overture
Can't Get It Out Of My Head
Cello Solo
Telephone Line
Strange Magic
Sweet Talkin' Woman
Evil Woman
Livin' Thing
Do Ya
Ma Ma Ma Belle
Roll Over Beethoven

Source: Unknown audience cassette > DAT@44.1kHz> CD Wave>Samplitude>CD>FLAC

Sound: A-/B+
Show: A- (Dude, YOU try recreating that sound live on stage!)
1. Granada TV Studio 1972 - "Set At Six" - (cool to see Roy Wood on this one)
a. Queen Of The Hours
b. Jeff's Boogie No. 2
c. Whisper in the Night
d. Great Balls of Fire

2. Live on US TV 1973 (This Clip Has Been Shown On UK VH-1)
a. Roll Over Beethoven

3. Midnight Special 1973
a. Roll Over Beethoven

4. Top Of The Pops 1973 (As Shown On Top Of the Pops 2)
a. Showdown

5. Midnight Special 1973
a. Showdown

6. Midnight Special 1975
a. Strange Magic
b. Evil Woman

7. Midnight Special 1976
a. Rockaria!
b. Livin' Thing
c. Do Ya
d. Telephone Line

8. Various Promo Videos:
a. Wild West Hero. (Animated Version) 1977
b. It's Over. 1977
c. American Commercial For - The Big Night Concert
d. Twilight. 1981
e. Shine A Little Love. (Studio Version) 1979
f. Shine A Little Love. (Stage Set With Shades Version)1979
g. Here Is The News. 1981
h. Last Train To London. 1979
   1. Poker
   2. Nightrider
   3. Showdown
   4. Can't Get It Out Of My Head
   5. Poorboy (The Greenwood)
   6. Illusions in G Major
   7. Strange Magic
   8. 10538 Overture
   9. Evil Woman
  10. Ma-Ma-Ma-Belle
  11. Roll Over Beethoven

transferred from VHS
1) Introduction
2) Standin’ In The Rain
3) Night In The City
4) Turn To Stone
5) Tightrope
6) Telephone Line
7) Rockaria!
8) Wild West Hero
9) Showdown
10) Sweet Talkin’ Woman
11) Mr. Blue Sky
12) Do Ya
13) Livin’ Thing
14) Roll Over Beethoven

not for trade - commercial release (2006 remaster)
Elvin Jones - drums
Sonny Fortune - alto/tenor/sop sax
Pat Labarbera - tenor sax
James Williams - piano
Chip Jackson - acoustic bass

1. announcer (0:29)
2. Is There a Jackson in the House? (14:00)
3. Doll of the Bride (22:59)
4. George 'n Me (11:32)
5. Elvin Jone's Blues# (5:20)

Total Time: 54:22 

CBC-CBOF fm "Jazz Sur le Vif" airdate 03/02/91

FM> TDK-HS 120> JVC-D830-U Stereo Hifi VCR> RealtekAC'97 soundcard> Polderbits sound recorder> Polderbits sound editor> wav> flac(7)(asb) 

360 MB flac 
Armed Funk Tour - Soundboard

1. Goon Squad (fades in)
2. Opportunity
3. Oliver's Army
4. Busy Bodies
5. Two Little Hitlers
6. (I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea
7. Green Shirt
8. Moods For Moderns
9. No Dancing
10. Sad About Girls
11. Big Tears
12. Motel Matches
13. Accidents Will Happen
14. Big Boys
15. Party Girl
16. Lipstick Vogue
17. Watching The Detectives
18. Pump It Up
19. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding
20. Radio, Radio 

Txt file:

Source:  Soundboard > Unknown > cdr trade > EAC > Sound Forge 6.0 > CD Wave > 1flac/1cd-da

Editing Comments:  Normalized volume after tape flip at beginning of T16.  Smoothed transitions
between T18/T19 and T19/T20.

Sound Quality:  Very good to excellent stereo soundboard although there is some tape hiss,
which is most noticeable during the (relatively few) quiet moments.  Overall, I'd give this 
show an "A-/A" for sound quality.

Performance:  Terrific.  20 songs in 65 minutes.  10 songs from "Armed Forces."  Several rarely 
played songs including "Busy Bodies," "Moods for Moderns," and "Sad About Girls."    

ALS, August 2005
 The Mystery Dance
The Angels Wear Red Shoes
The Beat
Radio, Radio
Less Than Zero
Waiting For The End Of The World >
No Action
Pump It Up
You Belong To Me
Lipstick Vogue >
Watching The Detectives
I'm Not Angry *
Miracle Man

This show was performed in a lecture hall or small theater at the C.W. Post Campus, because "The Dome" had recently
collapsed in a snowstorm. It was not held in the Tilles Center (which probably didn't exist then).

According to Peter Hedeman, who recorded the show for WLIR, the band arrived late due to snow, and ran into the building, following the microphone snake. They followed it the wrong way and burst into the area where the WLIR truck was located. "It was pretty funny, the shocked look on their faces." At the end of track 4, EC apologizes for being late, and explains that the door fell off their bus, so they arrived by car and had no time to do a soundcheck.

The encore is dedicated to the band's driver, the "Miracle Man."

This version was taped off the radio, and is not a pre-FM
Goon Squad
Oliver's Army
Busy Bodies
Two Little Hitlers
I Don't Want to Go to Chelsea
Green Shirt
Moods for Moderns
No Dancing
Sad About Girls
Big Tears
Motel Matches
Accidents Will Happen
Big Boys
Party Girl
Lipstick Vogue
Watching the Detectives
Pump It Up
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love & Understanding
Radio Radio
(Spinning Songbook Night)

source : aiwa cm-30 > sony wm-d3 
transfer from master cassettes
taper  : little guy
transfer : markp

Disc One:
Watching The Detectives (I)
Ferry Cross the Mersey > Tiny Steps > Ferry Cross the Mersey
Less Than Zero
You Belong To Me
Everyday I Write The Book
Honey Are You Straight Or Are You Blind
Hi Fidelity
Blue Chair
The Only Flame In Town
Radio Sweetheart
King Midas In Reverse
American Without Tears

Disc Two:
Pretty In Pink
Red Is The Color
Miracle Man
Strict Time
Watching The Detectives (II)
Radio Radio
Help Me
(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace Love & Understanding
Pump It Up
In 2002/2003 Elvis Costello was given the title "Artist in Residence" at UCLA.  For whatever reason, he apparently ended up not doing a whole lot,  but repaid the honor with two stand alone shows at Royce Hall on March 28 and 29, 2003 with the Imposters.  Two great, interesting, and very unique shows.  Both opened with Everybody's Cryin' Mercy - an apparent comment George Bush's nine day old Iraq War - and continued on an eclectic and subdued path.  Lots of obscure tunes.  Few hits.

Excellent sound.  Excellent mix with clear vocals.  A (mostly) respectful crowd.  Taped from the 10th row center.  In 2003, I made a few discs and sent them to only handful of people, but the show could have made it around a bit.  This is a complete remastering from the original DAT, and in my opinion a major improvement.  So it you have the old one, get this one and throw your old one away.  I'll post the March 29th show in a few days.

Sonics>Sony D7 DAT>ProTools (for level adjustment, compression, eq, and song separation)>flac

Taped and mastered by JB.  Please don't sell or convert to lossy format.

CD 1 (69:37)

01. Everybody's Crying Mercy
02. My Dark Life
03. In The Darkest Place
04. Clubland
05. So Like Candy
06. Spooky Girlfriend
07. Dust
08. I Wanna Be Loved
09. Love Field
10. High Fidelity
11. Man Out Of Time
12. Still Too Soon To Know - EC does the off-mic thing
13. Indoor Fireworks
14. All This Useless Beauty

CD 2 (63:42)

15. The Long Honeymoon
16. Toledo
17. Tart
18. Deep Dark Truthful Mirror / You Really Got A Hold On Me
19. Favourite Hour - EC on piano
20. That Day Is Done - EC on piano

Encore 1
21. Watching The Detectives
22. Almost Blue
23. God Give Me Strength

Encore 2
24. Shipbuilding
25. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?
26. I Want To Vanish
Core Sound Stealth Cardoids > Sony PCM-M1 DAT > Philips CDR 870 >
EAC > WAV > Nero Wave Editor (fades) > CD Wave (track splitting) > FLAC


Disc 1
01. 45
02. Green Shirt
03. Brilliant Mistake
04. Shot With His Own Gun
05. This House Is Empty Now
06. You Left Me In The Dark
07. Someone Took The Words Away
08. Home Truth
09. Little Triggers
10. No Wonder
11. Unwanted Number
12. You Turned To Me
13. Fallen
14. God's Comic
15. Sleep Of The Just
16. Girls Talk
17. (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding?

Disc 2
Encore 1
01. Either Side Of The Same Town
02. When It Sings
03. Still
04. Can You Be True?
05. Inch By Inch / Fever
06. Watching The Detectives
Encore 2
07. The Delivery Man
08. Country Darkness
09. Needle Time
Encore 3
10. Almost Blue
11. Let Me Tell You About Her - EC on piano
12. The Scarlet Tide - EC on ukelele
13. You'll Never Walk Alone
14. Pump It Up
15. The Dark End Of The Street

A very nice audience recording of a great show.
CD1  (78:56)

1)    Temptation 
2)    Clown Strike 
3)    Every Day I Write the Book 
4)    Monkey to Man 
5)    Country Darkness 
6)    Needle Time 
enter Larry Campbell 
7)    Waiting for the End of the World 
8)    There's A Story in Your Voice 
enter Emmylou Harris 
9)    I Still Miss Someone         
10)  Sleepless Nights              
11)  One of These Days        
12)  Indoor Fireworks         
13)  My Baby's Gone                
14) Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down 
15)  Nothing Clings Like Ivy 
16)  Red Dirt Girl 
17)  Heart Shaped Bruise
18)  Luxury Liner 

CD 2  (69:21)

exit Larry and Emmy 
1)  The Delivery Man/The Butcher's Boy  
2)  Chelsea              
3)  Clubland w/I Feel Pretty       
enter Larry Campbell                                              
4)  Alison/Suspicious Minds        
5)  Mystery Dance             
6)  Why Don't You Love Me 
7)  Pump it Up w/Ain't That a Lot of Love
Encore 1 
w/Emmylou and Larry 
8)  Wheels 
9)  Wild Horses 
10) Pancho & Lefty 
11) Gathering Flowers for Her Masters Bouquet 
12) Love Hurts 
13) When I Paint My Masterpiece
14) (What's So Funny About) Peace Love & Understanding?
Encore 2
15) The Scarlet Tide 

Sound: B
Show: A
Doc's notes:
Hey friends, here´s something unusual, an amazing recording from ELP, off a superrare Double Vinyl Boot
from the early German "Palms" label!
I´m not too familiar with the ELP scene, but side one of this Vinyl set, is just plain beautiful !
Be sure that the whole show is a great performance!
The overall sound quality of this recording is  one of the best vinyl boot recordings from that period!

The strange thing with this Show is, that the "Palms" release is definitely the first issue, 
in great stereo sound, but all crowd noise between songs cut out,
but a few years later another Boot company released  a second Bootleg vinyl set consisting of 3  single LP´s, in MONO only, and overall worse sound and very likely  from different tape, but complete.......
Unfortunately I have only Vol. 1 & 2 of this Mono Set, but in really bad shape, but I will see what I can do after the record fair season started here in September!

In any case, the "Palms" release which I´m posting here, is so much better in Quality than the second release, that anybody will be glad to have it anyway!

The Gnome
Promenade > The Sage
The Old Castle > Blues Variation (fades out)
Blues Variation (conclusion)> Promenade > The Hut of Baba Yaga > The Curse of Baba Yaga (fades out)
Tarkus (fades out)
Rondo > Drums > Rondo (fades out)

Time ca. 65 mins

Vinyl-Thorens TD 126 MK3-Goldring 1042 pickup-
Dynavektor 505 Tonearm-Restek Vektor Preamp
-Pioneer PDR05 CD Recorder-Eac-CoolEdit Pro-Flac
T's notes:
This CD-r release is from a cassette tape that I got in trade many years ago.  It is an audience recording.  There is a radio interivew with the band at the end

Mics and Recorder unknown >
Cassette generation unknown >
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR  > WAV >CD Wave Editor > FLAC

I removed a gap which was a result of tape flip and made a slight speed correction.  I also removed a few other bad edits, gaps and a short repeated segment.  Some of the songs are incomplete.

  1.  Hoedown
  2.  Tarkus (including Epitaph and In The Hall Of The Mountain King)
  3.  Take A Pebble  (part 1)
  4.  Lucky Man
  5.  improvisation / Take A Pebble  (part 2)
  6.  Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
  7.  Pictures At An Exhibition
  8.  Rondo
  9.  (interview)
Works Orchestra and Choir conducted by Godfrey Salmon

Unknown mics>Uher Cr 34 Cassette Master>DAT   110 min. 
Transfer:  Nak BX2>Tascam Da-P1>Pioneer PRD555>EAC (Xact)>aiff>.flac

From the Collection of orangeboy
Transfer by orangeboy
Released on thetradersden, August 10, 2006

CD #1
Karn Evil 9, 1st Impression, Part 2
The Enemy God
From the Beginning
C'est La Vie
Pictures At An Exhibition
tape flip
Piano Concerto #1 1st Movement
Piano Concerto #1 3rd Movement
Closer To Believing
Lucky Man

CD #2
Knife Edge

Fanfare For The Common Man incl. Rondo

After the massive Brain Salad Surgery tour of 1974, ELP took almost 3 years off from performing live. Keith recorded a piano concerto and Greg did a bunch of songs with an orchestra, as did Carl. At some point, they decided that instead of putting out 3 solo albums, that they would put out a double album with a solo side each and a group side, which also featured an orchestra. Works Vol. 1.

They decided to go out on tour with a 57 piece orchestra and a 6 person choir, each instrument individually mic'd. The whole thing was a massive undertaking with a tremendous overhead. From the beginning, they knew that it could be financially disastrous. Because of union contracts with the classical musicians, they could only play 3 or 4 shows a week and couldn't travel more than 100 miles a day. Everything had to go right for them to merely break even. But they so believed in what they were doing that they went ahead anyway. They knew it was mad but they didn't care, to them it was all about art, not finance.

As it turned out, things didn't end up going so well. They were relying on 3 massive outdoor shows to cover the costs of the rest of the dates of the first leg of the Works tour. The concert in Chicago was a great success, but another was cancelled because of a Led Zeppelin riot and the other because of poor ticket sales. They were bleeding money. I guess they were losing millions, in 1977 money.

The entire tour with the orchestra lasted only 12 dates. This is the final date. This is the day that the dream died. Before orangeboy shared this with us, there were only 4 recordings of this first part of the tour that have surfaced, and one of those is incomplete. This is by far the best recording of any of them.  You can really tell that the sound of this concert in the auditorium was fabulous.

ELP took a week off from touring in Fort Wayne, Indiana and rehearsed intensely as a three piece again, then went back out on the road for the rest of the summer.  They did keep paying the classical musicians during the time they were out recouping their losses (quite successfully) and they did bring the orchestra  back for 3 shows in July in New York and a final triumphant concert in Montreal at the end of August, but this night in Des Moines Iowa is really the end of the orchestra tour.

This concert is extremely important not only in the history of ELP, but in the history of rock.

This is massive.  Thanks orangeboy!!  You are a complete star!

By the way, the classic ELP song From the Beginning (from 1972) was only ever performed in the 70's at these 12 concerts.
T's notes:
This release is from cassette tapes that I got in trade many years ago.  It is an audience recording. 

Mics and Recorder unknown >
Cassette generation unknown >
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR  > WAV >CD Wave Editor > FLAC

I removed the gaps caused by tape flip and change.

disc 1

1. Karn Evil 9 (1st Impression, Part 2)
2. Hoedown
3. Tarkus
4. Take A Pebble /  Piano Concerto / Take A Pebble
5. Still, You Turn Me On
6. Knife Edge
7. Pictures At An Exhibition

disc 2

1. C'est La Vie
2. Lucky Man (cut)
3. Tank
4. Nutrocker
5. Pirates
6. Fanfare For The Common Man / Rondo / Fanfare
7. outro
disc 1

1. Karn Evil 9, First Impression, Pt. 2
2. Hoedown
3. Tarkus
4. Take a Pebble
5. Piano Concerto
6. Take a Pebble II
7. Still....You Turn Me On
8. Knife Edge
9. Pictures at an Exhibition

disc 2

1. C'est La Vie
2. Lucky Man
3. Tank
4. Nutrocker
5. Pirates
6. Fanfare/Rondo

Sound: B+
Show: A+ Killer version of Nutrocker

Keith Emerson - Keyboards
Greg Lake - Bass Guitars-Guitars and Vocals
Carl Palmer - Drums and Percussion
Fanfare For An Uncommon Band

   1977 was a year of huge change for Emerson, Lake and Palmer, change that would, sadly, signal the beginning of the end for the celebrated trio.  After the groundbreaking 1973 album ‘Brain Salad Surgery’, considered by many to be the band’s crowning achievement, the colossal world tour that followed, taking in 75 shows, left the band drained of all energy.  They elected to take a well-deserved break and spend time with their families. Eventually, the three musicians began working on solo projects which, coincidentally, all involved the use of orchestral arrangements.  The band, it seemed, were about to embrace an entirely new musical direction, filled with new challenges and great expectations. But this new and so-called ‘orchestral crusade’ would also bring more than its fair share of problems for ELP.
   Carl Palmer remembers: “Originally, what happened is we all went off and recorded the pieces of music we each wanted to do. And after about six months we got together and played through the individual stuff and suddenly it all clicked. Everybody had used an orchestra, had something with brass and strings and woodwinds.” At first, the project would see all three musicians releasing separate solo albums which would be followed by an album of band material but this idea was soon deemed to be an unwise move, as Palmer recalls: “We knew the problems about releasing individual albums. If you release them too close to each other, one takes the sales from the other.” Finally, band manager Stewart Young came up with the idea of packaging the whole thing as a double album with each of the first three sides separately dedicated to each musician’s best solo music and the fourth side featuring brand new band-written ELP material.
   The band adjourned to Montreux, Switzerland, and set about recording this vast amount of new material. The decision to record in Montreux was, in Keith Emerson’s words “…the worst we’ve ever made! It was like living in a padded coffin. There was nothing to do and nowhere to go to rave it up. Being there made us feel so isolated!” Carl Palmer: “The thing that kept us going in Montreux was the quality of the studio.” Yet the band stuck to it and out of these difficult recording sessions came the album ‘Works’, the like of which had never been heard in popular music before or since. The album was presented in a lavish three-way gatefold, with one of the discs at each end. As a visual sign of the change in the musical approach, the entire artwork was designed in black and white, very distant in concept from the colourful layouts of earlier albums such as ‘Tarkus’, ‘Trilogy’ or ‘Brain Salad Surgery’.
   The new album was released in March 1977 and, after the initial shock of hearing the band’s new orchestral approach, it soon gained rave reviews from the press and fans alike. Much to everyone’s surprise, the album was marked as ‘Volume One’, which evidently led the fans to believe that a second album of similar magnitude and power was waiting in the wings for release at a later date. As will be explained later, the fate of ‘Works – Volume Two’ would take quite a different turn.
   The next step was to bring the new album to the stage. This would be the biggest challenge of all and would, in the end, precipitate the downfall of ELP. From the start, all three band members were convinced that the ambition inherent in ‘Works – Volume One’ was worth the risk. The album was proving to be a huge success worldwide but taking the mammoth show on the road, complete with orchestra and the necessary back-up crew – a touring party of over 160 people – ruined the band financially.  Although they would later recuperate some of their losses, this was the first sign of ELP’s imminent disintegration.  The band had spent part of the winter and spring of 1977 rehearsing their demanding set at the Olympic Velodrome in Montreal.  By that point they had been away from the stage for nearly three years so they really needed a quiet rehearsal space, away from the mob of British reporters intent on following their every move. Rehearsals went well and the band regained much of its usual confidence but the upcoming live dates still worried them.
   The tour started with an aura of good will but the enormous cost of keeping so many people on the road soon proved too much of a strain. For a tour of such magnitude to work financially, ELP would have had to perform to full houses at every venue, which was simply impossible to guarantee.  Too many shows were scheduled in too little time for it to work. The orchestra had to go.
   Keith Emerson recalls: “There were a lot of unforeseen things that made us jettison the orchestra. One was a ruling by the union that musicians can’t travel more than about 100 miles every day. But the thing is that people travel that far these days to see concerts. So we were packing places one night and then we’d travel 100 miles to the next place and we’d only have half the house filled. And a lot of other things started piling up to put us behind. From then on, it was impossible to catch up with the finances so we just had to stop and go out as a three-piece.” ELP’s reluctant decision to only use the orchestra in the very large venues also brought financial disaster. After two final appearances at Olympic Stadium in Montreal, the first of which was both recorded and filmed for posterity, the orchestra was dropped for good and the tour limped on without it.
   Ultimately, only 14 concerts were performed with the orchestra.  By the end of the tour, ELP were physically exhausted, approaching bankruptcy and completely disillusioned about the whole thing. Still they had to pick up the pieces and try to recoup some of the financial losses. It became apparent that only a full tour as a three-piece could help accomplish that.
   As the fans had surmised, the original idea behind the ‘Works – Volume One’ album was that there would be a second volume of the same kind.  The disastrous outcome of the orchestral tour had changed the band’s plans entirely.  From then on, everything that ELP would do or release was done with only one goal in mind: to set the ELP ship afloat again. The band needed to pull themselves out of a very deep financial hole and taking extravagant risks would surely not do that.  Hoping to bring in some fresh money to finance the much needed new tour, the band released the hastily assembled ‘Works – Volume Two’ album, a single LP that featured earlier singles, B-sides and rejects. The result, a very bland album unworthy of the band’s past accomplishments and reputation, proved a dismal failure and a huge disappointment for ELP fans. The band was walking along a tightrope and nothing, it seemed, could prevent them from taking that last fatal step.
   But no matter what has been said or written about the infamous ‘Works’ tour, and despite the huge amount of problems that surrounded it, Emerson, Lake and Palmer still very much enjoyed performing together and the extensive amount of official and unofficial recordings from that particular period stands as staggering evidence to that effect.  ELP were at the peak of their performing skills and to see them perform live was to remember them forever.
   From 16th January 16 until 13th March 1978, ELP once again toured North America as a three-piece band. But even if the tour was successful enough to save the band from the financial anarchy of the orchestral tour, this would be the end of an era. The advent of punk rock and disco music had brought on a general reaction against progressive rock and the ‘dinosaur’ bands of the seventies had to either adapt or simply disappear into oblivion. 1978’s ‘Love Beach’ album was ELP’s attempt at a compromise between the two musical worlds.  There were still some interesting avenues to explore but their heart wasn’t in it anymore. The band didn’t even tour in support of the new album, deciding instead to call it a day. Fans would have to wait another 14 years to see Emerson, Lake and Palmer together again on a live stage.
   But even if the ‘Works’ era signalled the start of ELP’s downfall, the difficult 1977 tour was by no means a total waste. Audiences who attended either the orchestral or the three-piece concerts were treated to some of ELP’s most stellar live performances ever. Such was the case with the show which we now bring you, recorded on the first of two nights at the Boston Garden in July 1977. This was one of the many nights where ELP performed without the orchestra but, as you will hear, the band was on fire that night, each song as energetic and spectacular as the next. The absence of the orchestra forced the exclusion of some songs such as ‘Abaddon’s Bolero’, ‘The Enemy God’ and ‘Closer To Believing’ but the incredible performance of all the other numbers more than makes up for that. Enjoy ! 

PRRP Staff 

Notes from the Re-Master 

            This show was sourced from a CD version of a 1st generation cassette tape. The man who provided photographs of the event was sitting right near the taper and recalls the set-up:

“I wasn't taping that time but I sat behind a guy (from Providence I think) who had a Nak 550 (recorder) with Nak CM-100's and CP4 shotgun mike capsules, so there's a good chance that he was the source. He was up front and had to be stealthy, so he kept his shotgun mikes well below head level, aimed almost straight up at the PA. I never liked that setup. I thought the CP1 cardioid capsules sounded better and I always kept them above head level in order to get sound from the stage monitors. It was worth the risk of getting shut down. I would have traded backward several rows to get a better position. “

            In any event, the quality of the sound is outstanding with clear signal up to 17,000Hz. The most obvious problem with the show was the tonality. The sub-bass components were very excessive. Additional adjustments to the bass section were also needed to balance the tone. Small adjustments in the mid-range and treble sections were made to enhance detail. Hiss was also a problem and its reduction allowed more subtle sections of the music to be better appreciated.
            Audience noise was a big problem. Applause was excessively loud and whistlers seemed to congregate around the taper. Permanent hearing loss could be the result of listening to the raw version of this show through headphones due to the volume of these whistles. Lots of time was taken to reduce the whistles and other audience noises. Cuts in the recording did occur but were only found during applause sections. Mix-pasting fixed this minor flaw and allowed a continuous listening experience. Finally, the discs were re-balanced to roughly equalize the amount of music on each disc.
Disc 1

01 Introductory Fanfare
02 Hoedown
03 Tarkus
04 Take a Pebble
05 Piano Concerto No. 1: 1st Movement
06 Maple Leaf Rag
07 Take a Pebble
08 C'est La Vie
09 Lucky Man
10 Pictures at an Exhibition

Disc 2

01 Tiger in a Spotlight
02 Watching Over You
03 Tank
04 Drum Solo
05 The Enemy God
06 Nutrocker
07 Pirates
08 Fanfare for the Common Man 

best. ELP. show.

 Tarkus/ Knife Edge
Paper Blood
Romeo & Juliet
Piano Improvisation
Creole Dance
Still...You Turn Me On
C'est La Vie
Maple Leaf Rag
Touch & Go
Pirates (Slight cut at end)
Set II
Pictures at an Exhibition
Lucky Man
Fanfare for the Common Man

Quality: B
Knife Edge
Paper Blood
Black Moon
Piano solo
Creole Dance
From the Beginning
C'est la Vie
Lucky Man
Honky Tonk Train Blues

Touch and Go
Pictures at an Exhibition
Fanfare for the Common Man/America/Rondo

not for trade


not for trade
Opening set of the 1996 Jethro Tull tour.  Unfortunately missing the first 3 songs (I only remember one was Touch And Go) because the stupid venue made them start early.  Show time was 7 PM but they began as I was in line at 6:45.  I started taping mid way through the third song, but omitted half a song from the final product.  Still a great set.  Enjoy!

Files Included:

01 Take A Pebble 
02 Hammered Out
03 Still You Turn Me On
04 Tarkus - Eruption
05 Tarkus - Stones Of Years
06 Tarkus - Iconoclast
07 Tarkus - Mass
08 The Great Gates Of Kiev
09 Lucky Man
10 Bitches Crystal
11 Rondo
With Spyboy

Source : AKG mics > Sony DAT recorder D-8 > Pioneer CD recorder > EAC > Wav > Mkw ACT > SHN

Disc 01   -   55.24 minutes

01. Where will i be
02. Orphan girl
03. Wrecking ball
04. Pancho & Lefty
05. Ain't living long like this
06. Get up John
07. Love hurts
08. Goodbye
09. Green pastures
10. Goin' back to Harlan
11. Deeper well

Disc 02    -    48.41minutes 

01. Prayer in open D
02. Abraham , Martin & John
03. Sweet old world
04. Every grain of sand
05. Wheels
06. Born to run
07. The maker
08. Boulder to Birmingham
09. Indian red
With Spyboy

Where Will I Be
Orphan Girl
Pancho & Lefty
Red Dirt Girl
I Don't Wanna Talk About It Now
I Ain't Living Long Like This
Sweet Dreams
Boulder to Birmingham
Goin' Back to Harlan
Deeper Well
Bang the Drum Slowly
Calling My Children Home
The Pearl
Hickory Wind
Get up John
The Maker
Enrico Rava tp
Roswell Rudd tb
J.F. Jenny-Clark b
Aldo Romano dr

 NOTE: This concert is played as a suite ! 

1)	53:58 King in Yellow / Lavori Gasalinghi / Out of Nowhere/Maranjao

FM - Revox A 77 (7 1/2 in/s highest domestic speed)- Denon CDR 1000 – CDR-R – flac - dime
Zigzag - SB 6

January 10, 1987:
Disc 1:
1) White Room
2) I Shot the Sheriff
3) Hung Up On Your Love
4) Wonderful Tonight
5) Miss You
6) Same Old Blues

Disc 2:
1) Tearing Us Apart
2) Holy Mother
3) Badge / Let it Rain
4) Cocaine
5) Layla
6) Money For Nothing
7) Sunshine of Your Love

January 11, 1987:
Disc 1:
1) Crossroads
2) White Room
3) I Shot the Sheriff
4) Hung Up On Your Love
4) Wonderful Tonight
5) Miss You
6) Same Old Blues

Disc 2:
1) Tearing Us Apart
2) Holy Mother
3) Badge / Let it Rain
4) Cocaine
5) Layla
6) Money For Nothing
7) Sunshine of Your Love

January 12, 1987:
Disc 1:
1) Crossroads
2) White Room
3) I Shot the Sheriff
4) Hung Up On Your Love
4) Wonderful Tonight
5) Miss You
6) Same Old Blues

Disc 2:
1) Tearing Us Apart
2) Holy Mother
3) Badge / Let it Rain
4) Cocaine
5) Layla
6) Money For Nothing
7) Sunshine of Your Love

Geetarz Comments: Great soundboard set from the folks at ZigZag who also brought you ECEC and Monotheistic Stages. Features Mark Knopfler on guitar!

Visitor Comments:
"Eric's solo on the first night during Holy Mother simply got my hair stand on end, probably the best version I've heard. Highly recommended, but the whole set is just incredible. Only shortcoming, maybe the guitar volume is a bit low on the second night recording. Overall supreme quality, check it out !!" - G.
with the National Philharmonic Orchestra, Michael Kamen cond.

Disc 1
01. Layla (orchestral intro)
02. Crossroads
03. Bell Bottom Blues
04. Lay Down Sally
05. Holy Mother
06. I Shot the Sheriff
07. Hard Times
08. Can't Find My Way Home
09. Old Love
10. Wonderful Tonight

Disc 2
01. White Room
02. Concerto for Electric Guitar and Orchestra, mvts 1 & 2
03. Layla
04. Sunshine of Your Love
05. Tears in Heaven (from MTV Video Awards, Pauley Pavillion, Los Angeles, CA 1992-09-09)
Silvers > EAC > WAV > MKW > SHN

Disc 1
Key to the Highway
Tears in Heaven
Bell Bottom Blues
Change the World
My Father's Eyes
River of Tears
Going Slow Down
She's Gone
It's Alright
Finally Got Myself Together

Disc 2
Got You On My Mind
Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
Travelin' Light
Hoochie Coochie Man
Five Long Years
Wonderful Tonight
Sunshine of Your Love
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Eric Clapton - CBE at RAH Part One

London, England - May 4, 2004 - Hoochie Coochie - TBA
Disc 1:

   1. Let it Rain
   2. Hoochie Coochie Man
   3. Walk Out in the Rain
   4. I Want a Little Girl
   5. I Shot the Sheriff
   6. Me and the Devil Blues
   7. They're Red Hot
   8. Milkcow's Calf BLues
   9. If I Had Posession (Over Judgment Day)
  10. Kind Hearted Woman Blues

Disc 2:

   1. Got to Get Better in a Little While
   2. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
   3. Badge
   4. Wonderful Tonight
   5. Layla
   6. Cocaine
   7. Sunshine of Your Love
   8. Got My Mojo Working


CDR>EAC(secure)>WAV>Flac Frontend Level 8,align on sbe, verify>FLAC
Eric Clapton - CBE at RAH Part Two

London, England - May 5, 2004 - Hoochie Coochie - TBA
Disc 3:

   1. Let it Rain
   2. Hoochie Coochie Man
   3. Walk Out in the Rain
   4. I Want a Little Girl
   5. I Shot the Sheriff
   6. Me and the Devil Blues
   7. They're Red Hot
   8. Milkcow's Calf BLues
   9. If I Had Posession (Over Judgment Day)
  10. Kind Hearted Woman Blues
Disc 4:

   1. Got to Get Better in a Little While
   2. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
   3. Badge
   4. Wonderful Tonight
   5. Layla
   6. Cocaine
   7. Sunshine of Your Love
   8. Got My Mojo Working
   9. Hey Man (*)
  10. Wonderful World (*)

Geetarz Comments:

(*) Bonus tracks recordd on EC's "Day Off" with Zucchero at the Royal Albert Hall on May 6, 2004.


CDR>EAC(secure)>WAV>Flac Frontend Level 8,align on sbe, verify>FLAC
Eric Clapton - CBE at RAH Part Three

London, England - May 7, 2004 - Hoochie Coochie - TBA
Disc 5:

   1. Let it Rain
   2. Hoochie Coochie Man
   3. Walk Out in the Rain
   4. I Want a Little Girl
   5. I Shot the Sheriff
   6. Me and the Devil Blues
   7. They're Red Hot
   8. Milkcow's Calf BLues
   9. If I Had Posession (Over Judgment Day)
  10. Kind Hearted Woman Blues

Disc 6:

   1. Got to Get Better in a Little While
   2. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
   3. Badge
   4. Wonderful Tonight
   5. Layla
   6. Cocaine
   7. Sunshine of Your Love
   8. Got My Mojo Working


CDREAC(secure)WAVFlac Frontend Level 8,align on sbe, verifyFLAC
Eric Clapton - CBE at RAH Part Four

London, England - May 8, 2004 - Hoochie Coochie - TBA


Disc 7:

   1. Let it Rain
   2. Hoochie Coochie Man
   3. Walk Out in the Rain
   4. I Want a Little Girl
   5. I Shot the Sheriff
   6. Me and the Devil Blues
   7. They're Red Hot
   8. Milkcow's Calf BLues
   9. If I Had Posession (Over Judgment Day)
  10. Kind Hearted Woman Blues

Disc 8:

   1. Got to Get Better in a Little While
   2. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
   3. Badge
   4. Wonderful Tonight
   5. Layla
   6. Cocaine
   7. Sunshine of Your Love


CDR>EAC(secure)>WAV>Flac Frontend Level 8,align on sbe, verify>FLAC

Eric Clapton - CBE at RAH Part Five

London, England - May 10, 2004 - Hoochie Coochie - TBA


Disc 9:

   1. Let it Rain
   2. Hoochie Coochie Man
   3. Walk Out in the Rain
   4. I Want a Little Girl
   5. I Shot the Sheriff
   6. Me and the Devil Blues
   7. They're Red Hot
   8. Milkcow's Calf BLues
   9. If I Had Posession (Over Judgment Day)
  10. Kind Hearted Woman Blues

Disc 10:

   1. Got to Get Better in a Little While
   2. Have You Ever Loved a Woman
   3. Badge
   4. Wonderful Tonight
   5. Layla
   6. Cocaine
   7. Sunshine of Your Love
   8. Got My Mojo Working


CDR>EAC(secure)>WAV>Flac Frontend Level 8>FLAC

Show Comments
Courtesy of http://www.geetarz.org/reviews/clapton/no-retiring-at-rah.htm

Easily one of the finest performances of both "Let it Rain" and "Hoochie Coochie Man" of the tour. "Walk out in the Rain" is certainly not EC's finest work on this particular tune, but Doyle really takes it into the stratosphere with his outro solo. Doyle also contributes some really standout slide work to "Milk Cow Blues". Show finishes with a unique performance of "Sunshine of Your Love" for this tour, at the end going back into four more bars of the "Sunshine" vamp.
Let It Rain
Hoochie Coochie Man
Walk Out In The Rain
I Want A Little Girl
I Shot The Sheriff
Me & The Devil Blues
They're Red Hot
Milkcow's Calf Blues
If I Had Possession Over Judgement Day
Kind Hearted Woman Blues
Got To Get Better In A Little While
Have You Ever Loved A Woman
Wonderful Tonight
Sunshine Of Your Love

Discs 11 & 12 of "C.B.E. at R.A.H."

Sound: B
Show: A

DIME June 2006
CDR>EAC(secure)>WAV>Flac Frontend Level 8, verify, align on SB>FLAC
Eric Clapton - Double Image 2 (Mid Valley Records)

CDR>EAC(Secure Mode)>FLAC Frontend (Level 6, verify)>DIME

Disc 1

1) My Father's Eyes 
2) Pilgrim 
3) One Chance 
4) River of Tears 
5) Going Down Slow 
6) She's Gone 
7) Driftin' 
8) Tears in Heaven 
9) Layla 
10) Change the World 

Disc 2

1) Old Love 
2) Crossroads 
3) Have You Ever Loved a Woman 
4) I Shot the Sheriff 
5) Wonderful Tonight 
6) Cocaine 
7) Before You Accuse Me (Featuring Bonnie Raitt) 
8) You Were There 
 The Rube Thing
Good Morning Susie Soho
The Chapel
The Wraith

From Gagarin's Point of View
Dodge the Dodo
Hands Off
The Rube Thing
Good Morning Susie Soho
The Chapel
The Wraith
From Gagarin's Point of View
Dodge the Dodo
Hands Off
Esbjorn Svensson piano
Dan Berglund bass
Magnus Ostrom drums

"The Rube Thing" is missing from my copy. This was apparently done to allow the show to fit on 1 CD-R.
Corrected version on LLD_493
The Message
When God Created the Coffeebreak
Serenade for the Renegade
Strange Place for Snow
Years of Yearning
Behind the Yashmak
Dodge the Dodo
analog sat > pc > nero wave editor > shn tool > cdr

a sampler broadcast featuring Dave Holland & E.S.T. (separately)

01 Looking Up - DHQ
02 Juggler's Parade - DHQ
03 Serenade For The Renegade - EST
04 Car Crash - EST
05 Dodge The Dodo - EST
06 Dave talking about Miles Davis - DHY
FM > Trade CD > EAC > Flac (6)
Seven Days Of Falling
Eighty-Eight Days In My Veins
Mingle In The Mincing-Machine
Band Introduction
In The Tail Of Her Eyes
The Unstable Table And The Infamous Fable
When God Created The Coffeebreak
Behind The Yashmak
Believe Beleft Below
A Picture Of Doris Travelling With Boris
Spunky Sprawl
Esbjörn Svensson, p
Don Berglund, b
Magnus Oestroem, dr

CD1 - 54:24

1. A Picture Of Doris Traveling With Boris
2. Viaticum
3. Mingle In The Mincing Machine
4. Carcrash
5. The Unstable Table And The Infamous Fable

CD2: - 49:47

1. When God Created The Coffeebreak
2. The Second Page
3. Behind The Yashmak
4. The Face Of Love
5. Round Midnight

source: ADR > CD-RW > Feurio > CDR > CDEX > Flac Frontend > Flac 

Note that this comes from ADR (Astra Digital Radio) which uses MPEG1 Layer 2/192 kbps.
To my knowledge there's no better recording available. 
Sound's pretty good, though.
Esbörn Svensson: Piano
Dan Berglund: Bass
Magnus Öström: Drums

Janne Hansson: Sound engineer

Recording: Two Sound professionals microphones > Bass filter 95 Hz > Archos Gmini 402 (Stereo WAV PCM 44.1 kHz)
Editing: Cool Edit Pro 2.0 (WAV PCM) > dBpowerAMP 11.5 > FLAC

Track listing 

1- Viaticum
2- A Picture of Doris Travelling with Boris
3- Definition of a Dog
4- When God Created the Coffeebreak
5- In the Tail of her Eye
6- The Unstable Table and the Infamous Fable
7- Seven Days of Falling
8- Spunky Sprawl

The first track of the concert was "I mean you" [T.Monk] but it's been omitted due to technical issues.
FM - pc - editing - cue sheet - cuesplitter -  flac8 - md5 - you - 

Removed: Station ID, mod - faded: no - cut in/out: no

Total Time...			(90:15)

01. Tuesday Wonderland  		(16:01)
02. The Rube Thing  		(12:17)
03. Definition Of A Dog   		(18:23)
04. Dolores In A Shoestand  		(16:12)
05. Sipping On The Solid Ground  	(07:55)
06. Goldwrap  			(04:25)
07. Behind The Yashmack  		(14:59)
incomplete filler aired but not included here -

Esbjörn Svensson... Piano
Dan Berglund... Bass
Magnus Öström... Drums
Esbjörn Svensson Trio (Esbjörn Svensson: p, Dan Berglund: cb, Magnus Öström: d)
recorded on the 2nd of December 2006 at Festival "Il volo del jazz", Teatro Zancanaro, Sacile
broadcasted by Italian radio station Radio 3 on the 29th of May 2007

FM -> MD -> CD-R -> flac (Level 8)

Any help with the setlist very much appreciated.

1. ??? 22:06
2. ??? 6:59
3. ??? 16:32
TT: 45:37
First Breath After Coma
Greet Death
Six Days at the Bottom of the Ocean
Have You Passed Through This Night?
Your Hand in Mine
Greet Death
Yasmin the Light
Have You Passed Through This Night?
The Only Moment We Were Alone
Soundboard > Unknown Cassette trade (1990's) > MacBook Pro > Peak Pro XT > xACT 1.59 > Flac > Dime

Disc One

01 Slip Jigs & Reels (in progress)
02 Woodworm Swing
03 Crazy Man Michael
04 There Once Was Love
05 Naked Highwayman
06 Portmeirion
07 Foolish You

Disc Two

01 The Deserter
02 A Surfeit Of Lampreys
03 Frozen Man
04 Lahha Rookh
05 Walk Awhile
06 The Hiring Fair
07 John O'Casey Jig > Tripping Up The Stairs
08 A Hard Day's Night
09 No Particular Place To Go (Snippet) 

Hadn't listened to this one in a while and broke it out today, just a great acoustic set.  Fairport's normal flawless playing...qaulity is excellent.


This tag denotes a recording that is sourced from official material but been transferred, upmixed, or otherwise "mastered" by fans.
SBD > Sony D100 > D100 > Waveterminal 2496 > Cool Edit 2000 > CD-Wave

traded by JK
Lineage : Master md Sharp/Sony ECM-TS125-microphone -> Sound Forge 6.0 -> CD-rwin burn/rip -> FLAC

Tracklist : 
1. Big wedge
2. Moving targets
3. Goldfish & clowns
4. Numbers
5. The pilgrim´s adress
6. Innocent party
7. Long cold day
8. Credo

1. Intro : La gazza ladra
2. Pseudo silk kimono
3. Kayleigh
4. Lavender
5. Bitter suite i) Brief encounter
6. ii) Lost weekend
7. iii) Blue angel
8. iv) Misplaced rendezvous
9. v) Windswept thumb
10. Heart of Lothian i) Wide boy
11. ii) Curtain call
12. Waterhole (Express bongo)
13. Lords of the backstage
14. Blind curve i) Vocal under a bloodlight
15. ii) Passing strangers
16. iii) Mylo
17. iv) Perimeter walk
18. v) Threshold
19. Childhoods end?
20. White feather
21. Fugazi
Party in the Park II

1. [02.43] Eleanor
2. [04.07] Happy Together

Sound: A
Show: B
Source: Ex- Stereo Audience Recording

01: Opening
02: Focus ‡V
03: Answers ? Questions ! Question ? Answers !
04: Focus ‡U
05: Sylvia
06: Harem Scarem
07: House Of The King
08: Birth
09: Tommy

01: Hamburger Concerto
02: Hocus Pocus
03: Hamburger Concerto Jam
04: No Hang UPS
05: Hocus Pocus(reprise)

Jan Akkeman: Guitar
Bert Ruiter: Bass, Vocals
Colin Allen: Drums
Thijs Van Leer: Keyboards, Flute , Vocals

2 hours of TV footage. No menu. 

Available Recordings, according JN:
90 min, SBD, A-  

Source: 82 min, SBD, A-
Lineage: Lower ?? Gen Cassette > CD-r > EAC offset corrected > Sonic Foundry Batch Converter (Channel Converter 
L/R Channel Swap, Waves Q-10 EQ [4db added at 8k High Shelf], Waves L3 Maximizer [ -1.5 reduction @ -3.5 db ARC]
 > Flac level 8, align on sector boundaries
Taped by: N/A
Transfered by: N/A
Edited by: erroneous
File Size: 442 MB (FLAC)

MOI '68 Nov. - '69 Aug.:

Frank Zappa
Jimmy Carl Black
Roy Estrada
Bunk Gardener
Buzz Gardener
Lowell George
Euclid James "Motorhead" Sherwood
Art Tripp
Ian Underwood


Some Ballet Music
Uncle Meat
Eye Of Agamotto
My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama
Clap + Vomit (with audience participation)
The Jelly
Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbecue (q: Teddy Bears' Picnic; Tea For Two; It Had To Be You; Octandres)
Hungry Freaks Daddy
Little House I Used To Live In
Aybe Sea
Transylvania Boogie
Help I Am A Rock
King Kong
Igors Boogie~Little Doo-Wop
SBD> 3rd Gen Maxell XLII 90min tape> Kenwood KX-W8020 Cassette Deck> Sound Blaster Awe32 PC Soundcard> Recorded To WAV And Edited With Cool Edit Pro> WAV Files Split with CDWave> FLAC

01 - Cosmik Debris
02 - Inca Roads
03 - Pygmy Twylyte
04 - Idiot Bastard Son
05 - Cheepnis
06 - Big Swifty
07 - Dickie's Such An Asshole (includes tape flip)
08 - Farther O'blivion
09 - Son Of Mr Green Genes/King Kong/Chunga's Revenge
Source: 129:01 min, A-/B+
Taped and Transfered by Arid: Aud > tape (master) > AIFF (Peak4) > CDR
Flaced and Seeded by Cosmikd: CDR > WAV (EAC) > FLAC >
Fills and Patches by Yojimbo: for 10 City Of Tiny Lights II, 18 Keep It Greasey and 23 Village Of The Sun
edited by walk: downloaded & fills from Yojimbo > Adobe Audition 1.5 (tapeside 2+3 normalized and delay of 0.3 ms on right channel of all tracks) > shntool > flac frontend (lvl 7 / 825 MB FLAC)

Frank Zappa's Band:
Arthur Barrow - bass
Vinnie Colaiuta - drums
Warren Cucurullo - guitar
Ed Mann - percussion
Tommy Mars - keyboards
Denny Walley - guitar
Ike Willis - guitar, vocals
Peter Wolf - keyboards
Frank Zappa - guitar, vocals

01 Intro Guitar Solo
02 Presentation
03 Dead Girls Of London
04 I Ain't Got No Heart
05 Brown Shoes Don't Make It
06 Cosmik Debris
07 Tryin' To Grow A Chin
08 City Of Tiny Lights I
09 Outside Now
10 City Of Tiny Lights II °°° tf1 & insert1 from ~ 2:03.6 to 2:38.3
11 Dancin' Fool
12 Easy Meat
13 Jumbo Go Away
14 Andy
15 Inca Roads
16 Florentine Pogen
17 Honey Don't You Want A Man Like Me?
18 Keep It Greasey °°° tf2 & insert2 from 0:29.1 to 0:58.4
19 The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
20 Peaches En Regalia
21 Bobby Brown
22 Conehead
23 Village Of The Sun °°° yowling Ike replaced by rapping Ike by insert3 from 2:11.4 to 2:34.2
24 Treacherous Cretins

for dessert: Orchestra Spaziale - 2005 12 29 Cagli (PU) Italy

°°° walks additions

last time played: 
Brown Shoes Dont Make It (FZ)

thanks to arid for taping and transfering
thanks to cosmikd for seeding
thanks to Yojimbo for the fills and patches

from the zappateers vault
a walk edit
enjoy !!!
111 min, SB, A+

FZ, Ike Willis, Ray White, Arthur Barrow, David Logeman, Tommy Mars.

Chunga's Revenge, Keep It Greasey, Outside Now, City Of Tiny Lights, Pound For A Brown, Cosmik Debris, You Didn't Try To Call Me, Ain't Got No Heart, Love Of My Life, You Are What You Is, Easy Meat, Mudd Club, The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing, Joe's Garage, Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?, Dancin' Fool, Bobby Brown, Miss Pinky, Stick It Out, I Don't Wanna Get Drafted, The Illinois Enema Bandit.

Transfered and edited by arid, February 2005
(infos en français plus bas)
Soundboard -> Studer reel-to-reel 38 cm/s -> Studer reel-to-reel 19 cm/s -> DAT -> Mac G4 aiff - normalized & edited w/Peak -> CDR

Flac by cosmikd
CDR > WAV (EAC with secure) > FLAC (Frontend level 8 with verify)

This is an uncirculated version, I think there are others in circulation. An edited version has been played on FM radio (without the songs that were not yet released at the time), and the master may have been stolen at the radio station. I don't know about the other versions, but this one is very good !

Some work has been done on the first track's level. The original recording started out much too loud, then went to low, so I worked on the gain to make it sound right (there's still a little distorsion in the beginning, but I think it is unavoidable).

Tracks 18 & 25 * are two pretty long sections of enthusiastic crowd noise. I left them so you get the whole concert exactly as it has been recorded. For your listening pleasure, you may want to burn a CD without these two tracks.
Tracks 11 & 12 ** (fade-out & fade-in) were added to make a more pleasurable listening experience at the end of the first CD and at the start of the second one. When listening on a computer or any media that can accomodate more than 75 minutes of music, you can simply leave these two tracks out, so you get the whole concert in one go.

Disc 01

01 Chunga's Revenge                    06:25
02 Keep It Greasey                     03:06
03 Outside Now                         08:31
04 City Of Tiny Lights                 09:56
05 A Pound For A Brown                 14:34
06 Cosmik Debris                       04:10
07 You Didn't Try To Call Me           03:40
08 Ain't Got No Heart                  02:02
09 Love Of My Life                     01:56
10 You Are What You Is                 03:22
11 fade-out                            00:27 **

Disc 02

12 fade-in                             00:26 **
13 Easy Meat                           11:49
14 Mudd Club                           02:57
15 The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing      03:08
16 Joe's Garage                        02:23
17 Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?        02:26
18 Applause                            01:40 *
19 1st Encore                          00:35
20 Dancin' Fool                        03:21
21 Bobby Brown                         02:38
22 Miss Pinky                          03:29
23 2nd Encore                          00:41
24 Stick It Out                        04:01
25 Applause                            01:26 *
26 3rd Encore                          00:44
27 I Don't Wanna Get Drafted           02:35
28 The Illinois Enema Bandit           09:44
Teenage Wind
Harder Than Your Husband
Bamboozled By Love
Pick Me I'm Clean
Society Pages
I'm a Beautiful Guy
Beauty Knows No Pain
Charlie's Enormous Mouth
Any Downers?
Easy Meat
Mudd Club
The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
Heavenly Bank Account
Suicide Chump
Jumbo Go Away
If Only She Woulda
According to FZShows:

3-Nov 1984, State University, Stony Brook, NY 
Early Show: 90 min, SBD, A/A- 

King Kong
Bamboozled By Love
In France
Drowning Witch (incl Sleep Napkins)
Ride My Face To Chicago
Deathless Horsie
Cocaine Decisions
Nig Biz
Alien Orifice
Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
City Of Tiny Lights
You Are What You Is
Mudd Club
The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
Joe's Garage
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
Cocksuckers' Ball
Dinah-Moe Humm
The Illinois Enema Bandit (q: Lohengrin) 

This version 93:14 SBD A+/A (subjective rating). File size 591 MB.
[*lineage unknown: CDR --> soundForge extraction --> WaveLab tracking --> FLAC Frontend level 7

[*this was selling on eBay a few years ago as a set of 3 discs combining both early and late shows, not a bad combination given that not a single song was repeated twice in the course of the evening. I've managed to get a copy through a trade. The two put together offer some 190 minutes of the 1984 material in pristine sound quality. I've split them back into early and late, and would like to seed the late show as well, pending some additional checkups and fills (as I am still missing the encore of the late). Some small tracking adjustments have been made, but no other changes. 

Here's the info file:
1984/11/03 (E) [93:14 SBD A+/A]: State University, Stonybrook, NY

01 Soundcheck 					1:04
02 King Kong 					5:26
03 Bamboozled By Love 				6:08
04 In France 					4:01
05 Drowning Witch (incl Sleep Napkins) 		9:17
06 Ride My Face To Chicago 			3:13
07 Deathless Horsie 				3:48
08 Cocaine Decisions 				2:51
09 Nig Biz 					6:39
10 Alien Orifice 				4:11
11 Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up 		2:45 (tf @ 00:09; small portion missing)
12 City Of Tiny Lights 				8:49
13 You Are What You Is 				3:57
14 Mudd Club 					2:50
15 The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing 		3:14
16 Joe's Garage 				2:23
17 Why Does It Hurt When I Pee? 		3:49
18 WPLJ 					1:39
19 Sharleena 					6:41
20 Cocksuckers' Ball 				1:57
21 Dinah-Moe Humm 				3:57
22 The Illinois Enema Bandit (q: Lohengrin)	4:35 (incomplete)

(times according to iTunes)
One Of A Kind
Just A Ballad For Woody (b)
I'll Remember April (a,b)
Bernie's Tune (a,b)

Freddie Hubbard - Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Kenny Garrett - Alto Saxophone, Flute
Donald Brown - Grand Piano
Ira Coleman - Double Bass
Carl Allen - Drums

a - w/ Dizzy Gillespie - Trumpet
b - w/ Woody Shaw - Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Source: audience
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals> Archos Gmini 120> usb> Wave Lab> CD Wave> Flac frontend
Taper: PT
Transferred by: newspaper

Please do not remaster or convert to mp3 except for personal use. Thanks.

Disc One
1- intro
2- Passage to Bangkok Jam
3- Fortunate Observer of Time
4- All This Time
5- King Kong
6- Abyss of Dissension
7- You're Still Sleeping

Disc Two
1- The Happy Ending Shuffle
2- Reluctant Observer

3- soundcheck

Andy Sussman- bass, vocals
James Guarnieri- drums
Nick Lieto- vocals, keys, trumpet
Bill Ayasse- violin, mandolin, vocals, triangle
Steve Uh- guitar, vocals, keys
John Lieto- trombone
Taper nycsteve
Sharp MT770 ,Soundpro mics>Goldwave> CDWave Editor

Abyss of Dissention
Fortunate Observer of Time
You're Still Sleeping
Candy Korn
Waterfall Cities
Peaches in Regalia




Gypsy Hymn
Fire Lotus
Cease Fire

Pair of cm50 cardoid condenser mics -> korg d1600 recorder

Taper: Unknown 
Source: Audience
Transfer: CD-R from trade > EAC > FLAC Level 8 > you 
Sound Quality: A- in my rating and ears.... 

Disc 1
1 The Journey/Blood On The Rooftops/Black Light 
2 Cuckoo Cocoon/Two vamps As Guests/Calmaria 
3 Cavalcanti/Andante In C 
4 Bouree/Horizons 
5 Surface Tension   
6 Mood For A Day 
7 Ram 
8 Second Initial
9 Country Mix 
10 The Clap  
11 From A Place Where Time Runs Slow
12 Jekyll & Hyde  
13 Here I Wait  
14 Prizefighters
15 Imagining 

Disc 2 
1 Hackett To Bits 
2 Spectral Mornings/After The Ordeal 
3 In That Quiet Earth
4 I Know What I Like 
5 Toe The Line 
6 Sketches In The Sun 
7 Pennants 
8 Roundabout 
9 The Hunter 
10 You Can Still Get Through 
11 Reach Out  
12 When The Heart Rules The Mind 

Steve Hackett - Guitars & Backing Vocals (ex Genesis)
Steve Howe - Guitars & Backing Vocals (ex Yes & Asia)
Max Bacon - Vocals (ex Nightwing & Phenomena 2)
Phil Spalding - Bass
Jonathan Mover - Drums & Percussion (ex Marillion for a short time)
Matt Clifford - Keyboards 

One the most famous so-called "supergroups" from the 80's (also Asia and Phenomena) 
including some great musicians. Their selftitled studioalbum is a good piece of work.
From their short tour, here is a nice concert from Birmingham. 

Since I got this in a trade I dont have any info
about lineage, taping equipment etc. 

1-Jekyll And Hyde
2-Here I Wait
4-Hackett To Bits
5-Reach Out (Never Say No)
6-When The Heart Rules The Mind
8-The Hunter

Total Time = 46:13

FM (unknown lineage) > CDR > EAC > FLAC
Stanton Moore
Charlie Hunter
Stanton Moore, Charlie Hunter, Skerik and Mike Dillon

Taped and transferred by Ethan Alpert (ethan@audio-crusade.com)

Source: AKG 393 (DIN) > V2 > AD1K > DA-P1
Transfer: R500 > AP2496 > CDWave > flac
SOURCE: FM Broadcast>unknown Recording Equipment>CD transfer>trade??>EAC SECORE MODUS>FLAC FRONTEND, LEVEL6>FLAC

SOUND: A(A+ (few FM hiss present, listen to mp3 sample)

1. Desert Air
2. Crystal Silence
3. Falling Grace
4. The Raven Speaks
5. Song for a Friend
6. Icarus

Gary Burton: vibes; 
Mick Goodrick: el-guitar; 
Steve Swallow: bass; 
Ted Siebs: drums; 
+ Ralph Towner: ac-guitar

Lineage: dpa 4060 {HEB} > mod sbm-1 > jb3
sound forge 8 > flac

Gary Burton - Vibes
Pat Metheny - Guitars
Steve Swallow - Bass
Antonio Sanchez - Drums

01. Sea Journey - Chick Corea
02. B and G - Pat Metheny
03. Blue Comedy - Michael Gibbs
04. Fortune Smiles - Keith Jarrett
05. I'm Your Pal - Steve Swallow
06. Las Vegas Tango - Gil Evans
07. Hello Bolinas - Steve Swallow
08. Como En Vietnam - Steve Swallow
09. Unquity Road - Pat Metheny
Gary Burton ~ Vibraphone
Pat Metheny ~ Guitars
Steve Swallow ~ Bass
Antonio Sanchez ~ Drums

Disc 1
01. Introduction > Gary's Remarks
02. Open Your Eyes, You Can Fly (Chick Corea)
03. Gary's Remarks
04. Ojos De Gato (Carla Bley)
05. Falling Grace (Steve Swallow)
06. Gary's Remarks
07. Question & Answer (Pat Metheny)
08. Coral (Keith Jarrett)
09. Gary's Remarks
10. African Flower (Duke Ellington)
11. Missouri Uncompromised (Pat Metheny)

Disc 2
01. B & G (Pat Metheny)
02. Gary's Remarks
03. Walter L. (Gary Burton)
04. Hullo Bolinas (Steve Swallow)
05. I'm Your Pal (Steve Swallow)
06. Como En Vietnam (Keith Jarrett)
07. Encore Applause
08. Unquity Road (Pat Metheny)

Core Sound Stealth Binaural Microphones > Sharp MD-DR480H(S) >
Sound Forge 8.0 (transfer & mastering) > CDWave > flac (level 6)

Not For Commercial Use
This Recording Is To Be Traded Freely
**** NEVER FOR SALE ****

This is the last gig of the tour.  It is also the first music concert
to be performed at "The Church" - a restored church designed by John
Selkirk in 1871, construction was completed in 1876.  The church fell
into disrepair in the 1980s, was slated for demolition in the mid 1990s,
saved by community activism, and subsequently purchased and restored by
Buffalo based artist Ani DiFranco.

There was a lot of confusion regarding both the start time and the "door"
time of this general admission show.  The majority of the crowd was under
the impression that the show was to begin at 7pm, it actually started at
8pm.  Within moments Burton, the charmer, immediately put the frustrated
crowd in good spirits.

"The Church" sounds like a church and as such is in need of an acoustic
engineering firm to dampen the lively reverb of the hall and generally
tune the sound of the room.  That said, a generous application of EQ was
required to improve the overall sound of the recording and bring out
Swallow's bass.  Being the last show of the tour, the performance of the
quartet is, in my opinion, tight and well polished.

Enjoy ~ T

SOUND: A/A- (listen to mp3 samples)

1. Sunset Bell (G.Burton)* 08.14
2. Vox Humana(Carla Bley) 09.51
3. Colors of Chloe (Eberhard Weber)>Drum Solo> Doin the Pig (Steve Swallow) 18.00
4. Las Vegas Tango (G.Evans) 06.56
5. Como en Vietnam (Swallow) 08.48
6. Syndrome (C.Bley) 07.02
7. Desert Air (Chick Corea)* 05.25
8. Turn of the Century (Michael Gibbs) 09.04
9. Sing me Softly of the Blues (C.Bley) 07.32
10. Moonchild/In Your Quiet Place (Keith Jarrett)* (RADIO FADE OUT) 03.46

Genesis live, Brussels TV Studios - 20th March 1972. 


1. Fountain of Salmacis
2. Twilight Alehouse
3. The Musical Box
4. Return of the Giant Hogweed 
   (amusingly captioned as 'Return of the Geant Hogweed'!

Taken from a master PAL VHS recording off UK ITV broadcast, 
circa late 80s/early 90s.

Bonus footage (Black and White with timecode):

Piper Club, Rome - 18th April 1972: 
Interview (starts silent) / Stagnation (small clip)

Palasport, Torino - 3rd February 1974: 
"Shoes" Interview / Various live clips

Italian newsreel footage taken from master pre-broadcast VHS tapes.

The Musical Box / Interview / Supper's Ready / Interview / Return Of The Giant Hogweed / The Knife

Disc 1 
Jan 20, 1973 (Palazzo Dello Sport - Reggio Emilia, Italy)
1-1. Watcher of the Skies 8:30 
1-2. Story of Henry and Cynthia 1:59
1-3. The Musical Box 11:32
1-4. The Fountain of Salmacis 8:43
1-5. Story of Two Ladies 1:04
1-6. Get 'Em Out by Friday 9:01
Disc 2 
Jan 20, 1973 (Palazzo Dello Sport - Reggio Emilia, Italy)
2.1. Inspiration Story 1:31
2-2. Supper's Ready 23:48
2-3. A Humorous Sketch 1:56
2-4. The Return of the Giant Hogweed 8:42
2-5. The Knife 9:34
Disc 3 
Jan 22, 1973 (Palasport - Roma, Italy)
3-1. Watcher Of The Skies 7:58
3-2. Story of Henry and Cynthia (cut) 0:42
3-3. The Musical Box 11:21
3-4. The Fountain Of Salmacis 8:09
3-5. Supper's Ready Intro 1:50
3-6. Supper's Ready 23:54
3-7. The Return Of The Giant Hogweed 8:27
3-8. The Knife 9:14

Peter Gabriel- Lead Vocals- Flute and Percussion
Tony Banks- Keyboards- Guitars and Backing Vocals
Mike Rutherford- Bass Guitars- Guitars and Backing Vocals
Steve Hackett- Lead Guitars and Effects
Phil Collins- Drums- Percussion and Backing Vocals

The Charisma Festival
If anything, Tony Stratton-Smith was a firm believer that if a band was good enough to sign, it 
was good enough to promote.  At the start of 1972, he and Charisma Records had contracted with 
three up and coming bands: Lindisfarne, Van der Graaf Generator and Genesis.  All had been 
successful that year, particularly in Italy where Van der Graaf’s “Pawn Hearts” had reached #1 
in the charts while the 1971 Genesis album “Nursery Cryme” had climbed to #4.  All three bands 
were booked for a thirteen day tour of Italy. Since they already had a major hit with the album 
“Fog On The Tyne”, Lindisfarne were chosen as the headliner for this tour, but it was one of the
 warm-up bands, Genesis, that stole the show. We were in April 1972.
                Thus began the amazing love story between the Italian fans and Genesis, a much 
privileged relationship that has lasted to this day.  This tour was only the beginning ! In 
Armando Gallo’s book, “I Know What I Like”, published in 1980, Phil, Tony, Mike and Steve all 
testified as to the importance of that very first Italian visit.  Phil, on the album “Nursery 
Cryme” being a hit in Italy – “When we heard, we were amazed !  It was strange that it should 
come from anywhere abroad, considering the amount of work we had put in England !”   Tony added 
– “It gave us confidence, and made us feel that we were covering some ground, tat it was worth 
continuing, because with the rather disappointing reaction to “Nursery Cryme” in England, we 
thought that maybe we had gone off the boil !”.
                Mike also agreed – “Italy really saved us, because they reacted to that album. 
England really gave us a hard time on it !”.  Steve Hackett also feels that this first tour of 
Italy was the start of something special; stating that the first concert at Reggio Emilia was 
one of the most powerful concerts that the band has ever played.  Needless to say, Reggio would 
become a favourite stop on later tours.  Steve adds – “The gigs there have always seemed like 
complete events, always spiritually there !”.  In any case, the huge success of these thirteen 
nights brought an enormous boost to the band’s morale and gave proof to Tony Stratton-Smith that
 he had not misplaced his trust.  Genesis would soon be rewarded by the Charisma office.  
Headliners they would become.
                Since Stratton-Smith was never one to rest on his laurels, another eight night 
Charisma Show tour of Italy was booked for August 1972, Lindisfarne taking only second billing 
this time.  In only a few months, Genesis had taken over as THE Charisma act to see. Again, that
 series of concerts proved an enormous success, strengthening even further the bond that had 
developed between them and the Italian fans.  As a reminder that Italy had a special place in 
the band’s heart, Genesis would often treat the Italian audiences with songs that they scarcely 
performed anywhere else.  Such was the case with “Seven Stones” and “Can-Utility And The 
Coastliners”, hardly ever performed in concert at all, Both played in Genoa on that tour.
                In any case, that new Italian sojourn was again a much needed morale-booster for
 the band, as well as a considerable confidence-builder.  In the 1991 Music Documentary 
“Genesis – A History”, Mike Rutherford added – “England was giving us a hard time and Italy was 
greeting us with open arms, so we felt the more time we spent there, the better !”.  The growing
 success of these Genesis gigs in Italy began to attract attention. Fans in France, Belgium, 
Germany and eventually even England began to take notice. With America as the next goal, 
Charisma booked two U.S. concerts late in 1972, but it was almost four months before the band 
returned for a more extensive North America tour.  Genesis would return to Italy one more time 
in the interim.
                With a new album under their belt, the superb “Foxtrot”, yet another European 
Charisma Show tour was booked for January of 1973.  Genesis would perform only two Concerts in 
Italy that time around, but these two nights would forever remain in the hearts of both the band
 and the Italian fans. The two concerts, billed as “The Charisma Festival”, took place at the 
Palasport in Rome on January 22nd and at the Palazzo Dello Sport in Reggio Emila on the 20th.  
In Rome, Genesis headlined their biggest concert ever, playing in front of 18,000 people.  
It would eventually take them another three years before they could achieve the same feat in 
England or North America.  But for these two very special nights in Italy, the stage was set 
for Genesis, and they most certainly did not disappoint.  In fact, many believe that the band 
was really ‘made’ on these shows.
                Thanks to two avid fans who recorded these two gigs, and to modern digital 
technology, which enables us to correct many of the defects inherent to early 70’s portable 
recording equipment, we can now bring you this very special 3 CD set that will allow you to 
re-live the magic of these two memorable evenings with Genesis.
                As you will hear, the set list for both shows was almost identical.  Only one 
number was added in Reggio that was not performed in Rome, “Get’Em Out By Friday”.
                We have attempted to restore these great recordings, to the best of our abilities,
 to bring you the best of what we believe to be a milestone event in the career of Genesis.  
We hope that you will enjoy them as much as we enjoyed putting them together.
Notes from the Re-Master

            These two shows both came to us as CD copies of the master tapes used to record the 
events. The Rome show had a great deal of hiss that needed to be reduced. Multiple techniques 
were used to achieve a satisfactory result. Multiple microphone bumps occurred and needed to be 
masked or removed. A significant asymmetry between the two channels initially existed and needed
 to be corrected. The audience was quite loud in many sections so their contribution to the 
audio was reduced where appropriate.
            Splices were probably made in the original tape because the beginning of ‘The Story 
of Henry and Cynthia’ is missing. This fact suggests that we may have a 1st generation source 
instead of the true master. We also found that the audience applause faded to zero after a few 
songs, again suggesting this was a first generation tape with components spliced out to fit on a
 cassette. Audience applause was mixed in at these points to allow for a continuous feel to the 
            The bass components below 80Hz were quite overwhelming at times and therefore reduced
. Many pops and occasional episodes of feedback occurred and were removed. Finally, a (presumed)
 tape-flip gap occurred at one point in the show and needed to be patched. A segment from the 
following night’s performance was used to fill this gap. Of course I hope that you can’t tell 
where it is so I won’t spoil your listen by pointing it out.
            The Reggio show also had quite a bit of hiss that needed to be reduced. The extremes
 of low bass and high treble were both excessive and brought into line. Like the previous night’s
 show, many claps and yells were distracting and were reduced in volume. Many pops and clicks 
occurred and needed manual removal. A buzz was present in the middle of the show and was reduced
 using an inversion-cancellation technique. A brief tape stretch artefact was found at one point
 and minimized as much as possible. Track lengths from both shows were checked and no pattern 
was found to suggest inappropriate recorder speed so no speed correction was needed.

PRRP Staff
1. Opening Credits
2. Watcher of the Skies
3. Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
4. I Know What I Like
5. The Musical Box
6. Supper's Ready
7. Closing Credits

Plus Easter Egg!

Pro-shot film, footage digitised frame by frame direct from 16mm master reel to PAL 25fps. (See below for exact details!)

Source: King Lerch and the members of MeeksGenesis

Video Transfer, Source Clean Up, DVD Authoring and other general extreme hard work : King Lerch

Audio Remastering: SAB (DanLore)

Artwork: RH Productions

Adam's Production Notes on "Genesis @ Shepperton - the 16mm film":

I originally thought I should not create an essay like this as it is rather pretentious and long-winded. I certainly don’t expect most people to read or even be interested in it. But I know that if I don’t write down the process when I am able to remember it, I most likely won’t be able to remember it at all when someone does ask something about it.

As a quick summary, this source was not perfect and suffered from some damage. Also, this is a dark 16mm film not Hollywood film quality. I did the best I could, learned a lot about the process, and never took shortcuts. A big thanks to Gunnar Thalin, the Swedish video expert who helped with great information. Several times I went back to the first step all over again to compare and get the best possible final product.

Test versions were sent to 4 testers in different parts of the world. Their suggestions were some of the best I’ve ever received and I was able to incorporate almost all of them. As one of the testers said, “This may not be the holy grail…but it is his older brother.”

It was over 6 months ago when I noticed a 16mm Genesis film was being auctioned from a NY estate sale. There was no way to be sure of the contents, quality, authenticity, or value. After discussing it with some collectors I know, I was prepared to make a high bid. But adding the costs to do a proper transfer, I didn’t know if my bid would be high enough to win.

Then I read that a small group wanted to pitch in and buy this film. Rather than bid against each other, we thought it was much better to join resources. We were able to come up with enough to make a substantial bid and help pay for the transfer as well.

It was explained that no one had any idea of the film’s condition. It could be damaged, worse than existing copies, untransferable, etc. We all took a risk in hopes we could benefit from a great film, or reduce the losses if it was not good. We won the auction, sent a huge money order, received the film, packed it up again, sent it fully insured to the lab, and hoped for the best.

The source was a 16mm film shot at 25 frames per second. It is Kodak date coded with a triangle and plus which indicates 1973. This is significant in that it is not a recent production or a copy of a copy. However, there are old Kodak films that suffer from “red shift” where the organic parts of the film change over time leaving extra amounts of red. This film was no exception.

Although I don’t remember where I got this information, I remember hearing that several copies of this concert were printed on 16mm film for distribution to schools or small theatres. It is unknown how many of these films exist or where they were used. There is no doubt in my mind that these are a professional production, and a distinct “Charisma Reel One” can be heard at the very beginning of the film.

[UPDATE: I spoke with a friend about this film and he only recently mentioned that he saw this film not just on video but in the spring of 1974 on 16mm. He is the only one I have spoken to who has actually seen this film in regular use. It was at an Atlantic Records hotel suite at a national college radio convention in NYC. They dimmed the lights, wheeled out a 16mm projector, and showed the film on the wall. Everyone thought it was amazing. More amazing is that our print from "a NY estate sale of someone in the music business" is possibly the exact same print.]

Also, there are artifacts in the film like spots, marks, etc that are on all copies of the film. These are not removable or cleanable, just a clue that all of these films have the same “parent”. Another clue that these 16mm film(s) have the same source is the audio.

16mm audio is very distinct. Not only is it rather poor quality, but because of the unique 25 fps speed it is often played at the more common 24 fps speed where the sound is 4% slow. All of the sources we have seen (correct me if I am wrong) such as the Old Grey Whistle Test, Speakeasy, documentaries, etc all have this 16mm audio. If something better than a 16mm film exists, it is not easily available.

Because the 25 frames per second film matches perfectly the PAL video standard, a 720x576 transfer was done. This has better color than NTSC, 100 more lines of resolution, and does not require any speed changes or frame blending.

The film was slowly projected 1 frame at a time directly onto the 3CCD chip of a PAL DV digital video camera. This allows corrections for brightness and color with each frame of film and gets the most detail. Instead of trying to catch 25 constantly moving frames per second, this process can examine each frame as slow as necessary.

The biggest disadvantage of the frame-by-frame transfer (other than the higher cost) is that sound cannot be captured at the same time. It must be added later. Also note that with my agreement the transfer lab did a 5% underscan of the film with a small black border around the edges. Since TVs usually overscan by 5%-10%, this keeps more of the picture viewable without zooming.

The sound from this and most 16mm films is printed along the side of the film like waveforms. This is read by a bulb in the projector so the quality is not great, somewhere around a 8.5 kHz spectrum. The sound remastering was done by SAB so I don’t know all of the specifics. I know he was able to get a great result from a mediocre 16mm source. It has a stereo simulation and increased low end which adds great depth. I corrected the sound for speed and pitch, the first time for this concert that I know of.

The first major task was to correct the color. The amount of red in the film is simply ridiculous. It washed everything else away. The color red is also the most difficult for compression and encoding software to deal with. It causes unnatural lines, compression artifacts, almost all video problems show themselves in the color red (lucky us). To see just how red the original film was, look for the DVD Easter Egg.

It appears as if on previous film transfers that this red was reduced, but much of the image details reside in the red so it cannot just be turned down. I struggled with the color for a long time and did several comparisons to A History video to get it as close as possible.

Also, the film is not 100% consistant. Some parts are redder than others, some are brighter than others, etc. So certain corrections could not be applied to fix one scene without adversely affecting another scene. And as a general rule, all changes have at least one side-effect. So a happy medium had to be reached between redness, detail, noise, brightness, darkness, etc. All color was changed with TMPGEnc.

I used a few filters with VirtualDub and AVISynth. Each filter was applied with only lossless compression (averaging 10-30GB / 15 minutes of video) so more filters did not reduce image quality. I won’t go into every filter but the most major improvement was from the Temporal Smoother.

Most films are 35mm (4 times the size of 16mm) or even larger. So when this 16mm film is expanded on large TVs, the film grain can be seen in the form of dots or blobs of color. When watching the raw film, it looks as if non-moving objects are bubbling or crawling or something. The Temporal Smoother looks for these spots that show up for only one film frame and smoothes them out. The image and structure are more visible but the effects of video noise or grain is significantly reduced.

Sound Sync
Because of the slow film transfer, sound had to be added afterward. This was a long process for several reasons. One reason is that two transfers are never exactly the same. Even a small change in speed would lose total sync by the end of the film. The other problem with this film is that it was recorded over 2 days. While the sync may look good during one part of the song, it may not exactly match another part of the song from the other day.

The first sync pass was done entirely by sight. As a double check, I examined sound frames from other real-time 16mm film transfers to verify accuracy. It should also be noted that at 25 fps, each frame of film covers 40 ms of sound. While this may not seem like much, being off by only a few frames of film can be very distracting.

I used Pinnacle Studio for the syncing and also the credits. This program is great in both features and bugs. Still I really like it. Over 100 of my rare photos were scanned to create interesting credits.

In order to work with the DVD standard, the film had to be compressed into MPEG-2 format. To do this I used the trusty TMPGEnc at a constant bitrate of 8000 MBPS. This compressed the film for DVD while retaining the closest possible result to the source. Also note that the total maximum bitrate allowable for DVDs is 9800 MBPS, more than 1500 MBPS of which is taken up by the uncompressed PCM audio. So 8000 MBPS is the true maximum for the video.

As a test I ran TMPEnc see what it “thought” the ideal bitrate would be before compression would begin to alter the image. It calculated 6500 MBPS so any differences from the DVD compression should only be a result of the MPEG-2 or TMPGEnc limitations, not bitrate.

Because many people cannot use PAL DVDs, I thought it would be best to create an NTSC version too. This will have slightly lower quality at 720x480 and a converted frame rate of about 30 frames per second, but using the source video transfer will get the best possible result, much better than converting the PAL DVD later and compressing twice.

Converting from 25 to 30 frames per second is not easy. Most hardware and software that simply duplicate frames make very stuttery video. So for the PAL -> NTSC transfer I used Canopus ProCoder. This is a highly respected transfer program that converts the frame rate, blends frames when necessary, and creates very smooth running film.

However, my personal opinion is that the MPEG-2 tools in ProCoder alter the source too much so I again sent the lossless result from ProCoder over to TMPGEnc for DVD compression at 8000 MBPS.

There are many programs to author DVDs and although I know it is not the best, I use DVD Workshop because it is very compatible and I am used to using it. I created a great custom menu with motion buttons, film motif, and background music to go with the credits.

I have worked on more than 15 film transfers and countless video transfers. Honestly, this project (Genesis at Shepperton) has taken much more time than I ever expected and had many more film problems than any I have seen. But my goal was not to have a perfect DVD nor is this possible. There are 1,000 ways to do things and it would take years to explore them all.

What I wanted was a Genesis film transfer that was significantly better than any that came before and one where I didn’t say, “I wish I would have done…” So I read a lot, did everything I knew how to do, and talked to several experts. I give you the Holy Grail…’s older brother.

- King Lerch

Original Comments: (these comments were provided with the original download.
My thanks and appreciation to the individual who provided this show).
"This is a gem in my collection. Played at the Drury Lane Theatre in London, this 
is a very complete show from the SEBTP tour; if only it had "The Knife," it 
would have nearly every song they ever played on this tour. Not only does it 
have the valuable (valuable!) "Harold the Barrel," it also features the complete 
piano intro for "Firth of Fifth." The intro story for FoF is the Tube Train 
Story, also featured on the liner notes to the Live album; this was a rare story 
for Pete to tell. In his "Moonlit Knight" story, Pete mentions the Knights of 
the Green Shield; another thing he didn't usually do. Someone in the audience 
(probably the person recording this, as they are so audible) very prophetically 
shouts for "Harold the Barrel!" right before Pete introduces that song. Part of 
the beginning of the stories for both "Box" and "Supper" are missing; in the 
intro for "Box," Peter engages in a short dialogue with one of the audience 
members. The sound quality is fairly clear, there's not intrusive crowd, and 
there's not too much noise in the way of crackles or pops. In the intro for 
"More Fool Me," Phil quips that they are "available for weddings." He seems to 
have had a different joke ready for every introduction for this song; the oddest 
by far must be his "a little less like a painter with a jacket on" remark during 
the Rainbow Theatre show of October '73 (although had I been there it might have 
made more sense).


Revised Comments:

This show was downloaded in shn format from SHNGenesis hub form Lechevalierdelalune 
(many thanks). The original shns were quite hissy and had gaps between the tracks.  
The shns were converted to wav using mkwACT 0.96f.  The tracks were then merged
using audio cleaning lab 3.0.  The gaps were removed using WaveLab Lite.  Dehissing 
and other slight restorations were performed using Pinnacle Clean.  The wav was recut 
to individual tracks using audio cleaning lab, and again slight modifications were 
made to individual tracks using Clean.  the wavs were then converted back to shn using 

The show still sounds very MONO.  I attempted to use various "stereo expanders" and 
fiddle with different ways to seperate the channels, but these methods produced way too 
much distortion of the original sound, so modifications were very slight.

TRACK LIST:       

1-01 Watcher of the Skies
1-02 Intro: Moonlit Knight
1-03 Dancing With the Moonlit Knight
1-04 Intro: Cinema
1-05 The Cinema Show
1-06 I Know What I Like (in Your Wardrobe)
1-07 Intro: Firth
1-08 Firth of Fifth
1-09 Intro: Harold
1-10 Harold the Barrel

2-01 Intro: Box
2-02 The Musical Box
2-03 Horizons
2-04 Intro: Fool
2-05 More Fool Me
2-06 The Battle of Epping Forest
2-07 Intro: Supper
2-08 Supper's Ready


1-1. Watcher Of The Skies 5:16
1-2. Story Of Britannia 2:05
1-3. The Nick And Michael Sketch 2:36
1-4. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 8:55
1-5. Story Of Romeo And Juliet 2:28
1-6. The Cinema Show 11:41
1-7. I Know What I Like 6:13
1-8. Story Of Five Dead Bodies 2:12
1-9. Firth Of Fifth 10:19

2-1. Story Of Henry and Cynthia 2:11
2-2. The Musical Box 11:35
2-3. Horizons 2:26
2-4. Story Of Old Michael 4:09
2-5. Supper's Ready 24:35

Peter Gabriel- Lead Vocals- Flute and Percussion
Tony Banks- Keyboards- Guitars and Backing Vocals
Mike Rutherford- Bass Guitars- Guitars and Backing Vocals
Steve Hackett- Lead Guitars
Phil Collins- Drums- Percussion and Backing Vocals

"An Eventful Evening"
        Genesis was on a roll. They were in the middle of the “Black Show” leg of the Selling 
England by the Pound Tour. This trip had begun on March 1st in New Jersey, taking them to 
Indianapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City and Detroit before moving on to Canada. The present 
performance features the band’s stop in Detroit, one that would be quite memorable for 
musicians and audience alike. The Motor City was always a prominent stop for all progressive 
rock bands of the time. In fact, the city had hosted the band Yes just 6 weeks earlier; a show 
that we at PRRP featured in release #013. Genesis were quite eager to make their mark there as 
         Unfortunately for the band, many problems occurred during the show. Equipment failure 
for one thing became a major problem for the guys that night. But Genesis was used to equipment 
problems, so Peter Gabriel was experienced in the art of improvising and joking around with the 
audience. In fact, there is good evidence that the telling of stories between songs originated 
as a way to allow time for equipment warm ups and tuning and the correction of problems. The 
stories would reach unparalleled length that night in Detroit! Right after the telling of the 
Story of Brittania a buzz started to emanate from Mike Rutherbord’s equipment which prompted 
Peter’s improvisation narration of the “Nick the Rodie and Michael the bass guitarist sketch”
          As Nick and Mike frantically tried to remove the offending sound, Peter made their 
job even more difficult but providing the audience with a very amusing play-by-play. Gabriel 
was just about to direct Phil Collins in the renowned ‘one-handed drum solo’ to buy some more 
time but this was not necessary as the buzz was just then dismissed. Equipment failure would 
keep on plaguing the band throughout the entire show, but the most disturbing event of the 
evening came in the form of a very rude verbal attack from a member of the audience. In the 
middle of the Story of Henry and Cynthia, someone shouts out “your mother eats shit, shut the 
fuck up”. Always quick witted and unflustered, Peter calmly assures the man that his mother 
does no such thing. Then, Phil suggests that the gentleman find the nearest bar if he wants to 
continue such behavior. To this point in their career, this was probably the most inappropriate 
audience behavior the band had ever faced. 
          Fortunately for the rest of the audience, and ultimately for us, this incident, in 
addition to all the equipment problems, did not seem to disrupt the band’s concentration. 
Genesis offered a stellar performance of each and every song that night. The set was well known 
by this time in the tour and therefore the timing and cohesiveness were quite remarkable. So 
enjoy this wonderful show. It is somewhat unusual for its many problems, but certainly note 
worthy for its performance quality.

Notes from the Re-Master

This show was taken from two, second generation cassette tapes of good quality. Viable music 
signal was found up to 10,000 Hz. Highs are crisp and clear as evidenced by the tonality of the 
flute and small cymbals during Firth of Fifth as well as the small cymbals used during The 
Musical Box. A tape flip gap of over 70 seconds was found in The Musical Box. This was patched 
to provide a complete song. Another gap was found in I Know What I Like and also needed a patch. 
The first tape ended in the middle of Supper’s Ready but tape two had the complete song which 
was grafted onto the rest of the show.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The general noise level of hiss was moderate but there was also a separate rolling 
hiss which varied in volume and also needed to be reduced. A combination of techniques was used 
to address both of these problems and reduce the level of noise to an acceptable level. 
Unfortunately for the band, the show was marred by a number of technical problems. After 
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight a buzz develops. This was left in the final version of this 
show because Peter Gabriel comments on the buzz and this leads to the “Nick and Mike Sketch” 
which we labeled Track 3. When it recurs, it was diminished as much as possible. Intermittently,
 the left channel lost volume and needed correction. Tonality within the left channel also 
needed to be corrected within these low volume sections. Occasional pops and short drop-outs 
were fixed and applause was lengthened at the end of some sections.

1. Watcher Of The Skies 6:35
2. Story Of Brittania 1:45
3. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 8:47
4. Story Of Romeo & Juliet 1:53
5. Cinema Show 10:54
6. I Know What I Like 5:24
7. Horizons 1:47
8. More Fool Me 3:21
9. The Battle Of Epping Forest 12:23
10. Story of 5 Rivers 1:57
11. Firth Of Fifth (end cut) 6:03
Disc - 60:49

The Selling England by the Pound tour began in August of 1973. Already a popular group in Europe
 after the Foxtrot album, Genesis would finally receive significant recognition in the United 
States with the tour promoting this new album. The Band focused heavily on touring American 
college campuses, referring to the white and black shows depending on the stage backdrop used at 
the time. Mike Rutherford: "We've always gone down well in the big industrial cities of the East 
Coast and Mid West (America), maybe because of the element of fantasy and escapism in our shows."
Genesis played at McGraw Hall at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois on December 3, 1973
during the white show leg of the tour and were well received. Taking time off only for the 
Christmas holiday, the band then continued with shows in Europe. By March of 1974 they found 
themselves back in the United States for the black shows and were booked to play Northwestern 
again on April 17th.  There is some controversy over the exact date of this show with some 
evidence suggesting that it occurred on April 27th. 
This CD contains part of that show. The recording is known to be incomplete and many of the songs
 here were also played by the band during their previous visit to Evanston in December. This has 
led to the speculation that the recording is actually from the December 1973 show. However, this 
is unlikely since 'Horizons' and 'More Fool Me' were not known to be performed during the earlier
 concert and they are present on this recording as back to back tracks. This track order did not 
occur often on the Selling England by the Pound tour making Evanston '74 a special show because 
of this fact.

Notes from the Re-Master
	This recording was made with audience microphones. These microphones produced both a 
baseline hiss and a high frequency, volume dependent hiss. Each had to be eliminated separately.
  Generally, the frequency response was quite good for the equipment used at the time. The 
frequency range needed some adjustment to give the recording good detail and clarity. At one 
point during 'Battle of Epping Forest' the mid and high frequencies became degraded and almost 
completely lost in the left channel. This could only be incompletely corrected. Finally, the 
last song "Firth of Fifth" fades out during the guitar solo. No complete recording of this show 
is known to exit.

1-1. Watcher Of The Skies 9:00
1-2. Story Of Britannia 1:27
1-3. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight 9:03
1-4. Story Of Romeo and Juliet 1:38
1-5. The Cinema Show 11:22
1-6. I Know What I Like 6:35
1-7. Story Of Five Rivers 1:26
1-8. Firth Of Fifth 10:17
1-9. The Story Of Henry and Cynthia 1:47
1-10. The Musical Box 11:25
2-1. More Fool Me 4:08
2-2. The Battle Of Epping Forest 13:04
2-3. The Story Old Michael 3:11
2-4. Supper's Ready 24:22

The Overlooked Night&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For Genesis, the final three months of 1973 were spent touring and promoting their latest album Selling England By The Pound. The new show had 
been warmly received in Britain but the band’s biggest challenge lay ahead as they set out to conquer the North American continent at last. Since their 
first appearance on American soil, in December the previous year at New York’s Philharmonic Hall, some 17 shows during the subsequent Foxtrot tour had 
begun to create a cult around the Genesis name and American audiences were already falling under the spell of the band’s music and Peter Gabriel’s 
bizarre onstage antics. This time, with a brand new album under their belt, Genesis were keen to draw audiences from all over the continent in an effort 
to crack the American market. They were scheduled to perform 25 shows, kicking off in the eastern parts of Canada and the US, and leading them all the 
way to the west coast with a memorable stay at the celebrated Roxy Theatre in Los Angeles, California, where they played no less than six concerts in 
three nights.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; During the short Foxtrot North American tour of 1973, Genesis had visited the city of Montreal, Canada, for the first time. The band would never 
forget this first contact with the province of Quebec and the warm welcome they had received there so they very naturally chose to play in Montreal 
again during the first leg of the Selling England By The Pound tour in the fall of 1973. They played the University Sports Centre on November 10th, to a recept
ion even greater than the previous year’s, and they made a promise to return there before too long. After a short break over the Christmas holidays, 
Genesis set out on the second leg of the Selling England tour, with a lengthy series of dates in Europe, before crossing the Atlantic again to add some 43 
new shows to their North American crusade, including two memorable evenings in Montreal. If the band members would recall the 1973 Roxy shows as 
being some of the finest Genesis performed, they would also remember Montreal’s enthusiastic response, making this city a favored stop for years to 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; By the time Genesis made good on their promise and returned to Montreal on April 20th, 1974 for a two-night stay at the University Sports Centre, 
the Selling England By The Pound tour was nearing its end. As a bonus to fans of the band, the province’s hottest rock radio station, CHOM-FM, had 
arranged to broadcast the second night’s show. With this Montreal concert being one of the only two complete broadcasts of the Selling England show 
(the other being the famed London Rainbow Theater concert from October 20th, 1973), home recordings of this show would become highly sought-after 
prizes among collectors and numerous LPs and CDs of this show have been released over the years. Nowadays, thanks to the wonders of the internet, a 
few high-quality versions have finally surfaced, one of the best of which is the FADE remaster release of 2003. At last, the fans can enjoy a recording worthy 
of this outstanding Genesis performance but should that be all we remember from the band’s memorable stay in Montreal?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 
	With the emphasis being on locating the best possible version of the April 21st radio broadcast, the previous night’s performance seems to have
 been overlooked over the years. Thanks to the efforts of a devoted fan, a recording of that first night does exist and it is this particular concert which we 
bring you here, at last in remastered form. As this was originally a much bruised audience recording, a great deal of hard work was needed to correct its 
many faults and we are sure that you will listen to this new version with keen interest. French-speaking fans will have a ball comparing the two nights as 
Peter Gabriel’s spoken French noticeably improves from one night to the next…perhaps he received some heavy coaching on the afternoon of the 
second show? And let us not forget the unknown audience member who, right in the middle of ‘The Cinema Show’, proclaimed: “This is even better than
 Pink Floyd”! Apart from ‘More Fool Me’ which was replace on the second night with ‘Horizons’, the setlist was identical for both shows, as was the 
reception from the fans. And, if, as can be expected, there are tiny differences in the performances from one night to the next, noticing these will 
undoubtedly be a big part of the fun of discovering what happened on that “overlooked night”! Enjoy!
Harold Demure
Notes from the Re-Master&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The only complete copy of this show known to exist is a 1st generation cassette. For this project, we began with a CD version of this tape. There 
were two tape flip gaps present but otherwise the complete show was captured. This is generally considered a good quality recording but with the 
limited audience microphones available at the time, it is not surprising that there is no consistent signal much above 8,000 Hz.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The first major problem that needed to be addressed was the tonality of the show. The Bass was quite excessive and needed dynamic adjustment 
because the excess varied throughout the show. The location of the taper also caused an echoic, upper bass excess that was also reduced. This helped 
to make Peter Gabriel’s stories more intelligible. At some points the tonality changed abruptly suggesting that the taper had to hide the microphones. In 
these situations, the midrange and treble were corrected as much as possible. Finally, the treble was quite hyper-dynamic but a de-esser filter was helpful 
in smoothing the response.
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The other major problem was the noise. The baseline hiss was reduced using standard techniques. The settings to reduce hiss for the last segment 
of the show were difference suggesting that the tape used to record this segment had different characteristics. There was also some peak-specific noise 
in the left channel that occurred intermittently that required selective removal. Lots of clicks and pops occurred and were removed as were microphone 
bumps and excessive claps that suppressed the volume of the show intermittently. Dynamics were adjusted both to correct these suppression problems 
and also to enhance the listening experience. A speed check disclosed no need for speed correction and at that point the show was re-tracked and 
Set I
Watcher of the Skies
Britannia story
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
Romeo story
Cinema Show
I Know What I Like
5 Rivers story
Firth of Fifth
Henry story
The Musical Box
More Fool Me
Old Michael story
Suppers ready

Set II
WBCN radi studios;
More Fool Me
Interview with Mike & Phil

The Show

This evening's performance in the middle of the 2nd American Selling England tour was frustrating and brilliant at the same time. The equipment problems that plagued this tour were particularly bad this night, and at times you can hear Gabriel and Colins losing some of their usual tolerance in the face of continual microphone problems. Gabriel comments at one point that "we'll go professional next week", and Colins; "I bet you wish you'd gone to the pictures". The intro to 'I Know What I Like' is aborted at one point. 

Never-the-less, this is a great musical performance, and one of the better recordings of a show from this tour. Firth of Fifth is given a particularly emotive performance, and Phil varies some of his vocal lines in More Fool Me nicely. 

There is also an interview with Mike and Phil, inlcuding the end of their performance in the studio of 'More Fool Me', which was broadcast on Boston's WBCN radio, and which seems to be previously unknown.

The Recording

This recording has been remastered from Steve Hopkins' transcription of his master tape, which he generously sent me. The recording was made on a Sony TC-55 with built in condenser microphone. The tape was transfered using a Nakamichi DR-2 cassette deck to Sony TCD-60ES  DAT recorder at 44.1KHz with Super Bit Mapping (which really improves the clarity of the sound), before being transfered to CD. 

The recording is mono, but clear and with significant detail. The only limitation with this tape is that it does not represent the entire show, as The Battle of Epping Forest, and possibly Horizons (if they performed it this evening) are missing. There are also a few minor edits in the recording, and one of these may have omitted Phil's one-handed drum solo, which one is tempted to think they must have performed given the amount of technical difficulties. 

This recording has been widely in circulation, most commonly through the Highland disc 'More Fool Me'. I don't have a copy of this, but my impression is that while it is a complete transcription sourced from a low generation tape, it is very bright in the upper midrange, and lacking in richness in the bass. The master tape by contrast, is more balanced overall, and with a rich bass presence.

The afternoon before the show, Phil and Mike came into Boston's WCBN studios, performed 'More Fool Me' and gave a short interview. This interview has not been previously in circulation, but Steve had a recording of it, unfortunately missing all but the last 50 secs or so of 'More Fool Me'. But at least it exists and is included in this release. 

The Remaster

I took only one channel of Steve's transcription, so as to optimise for mono. I denoised the recording minimally, mostly just to sharpen up the treble a little. Eq balance was pretty good, although I attenuated the lower midrange a little around 200Hz to compensate for a slight boxiness in the microphone. 

I have made a few small crossfade edits at points where the tape was turned on and off during some of the technical hold ups in the show to provide a little more continuity. I cannot pick the point at which Epping Forest is missing from the recording, I assume it must have been played, especially as Phil and Mike comment in the interview about the show running nearly two hours - this recording comes in at just over 90 mins. 

There are also a few squeaky noises on the master recording, which may come from the cassete recorder, or even the seating at the venue. These sounds were quite distracting, so I have removed them. There was a very noticable one at the beginning of Tony's piano intro to Firth of Fifth, and others in the opening section of Musical Box. 
Watcher Of The Skies
(Britannia Story)
(One-Handed Drum Solo)
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
(Romeo Story)
Cinema Show
I Know What I Like
(5 Rivers Story)
Firth Of Fifth
(Henry Story)
("Some In Betweens, Phil")
The Musical Box
The Battle Of Epping Forest
(Old Michael Story)
Suppers Ready

The Concert

This was the second last concert of the Selling England by the Pound tour. The band had been performing this music since October the previous year, some of it for much longer. What we hear is not only a finely honed rendition of some of their best music, but an exhilarating performance. And what adds interest for us was what plagued the Genesis crew at the time - equipment problems. Not only is Phil's One-handed drum solo routine given an amusing airing, but later in the concert, Phil leads an impromptu improvisation while covering for another running repair. 

And their equipment woes didn't end with the gig. Phil comments at one point during the concert "even the unexpected happens tonight..." Little did he know. Later that evening all the band's guitars were stolen, to be returned the next day after a little bribery, allowing the performance of the 6th May to go ahead. On that last concert of the tour, Peter describes the incident, in typically amusing fashion - however I'm sure they didn't feel that way the day before. 

From a friend who lives in New York, I have been told about the venue: "its offical name was 'Howard Stein's Academy of Music', the place where so many famous bands played, Nektar, Renaissance etc. I think it was on 14th Street. It was sold in 1976 and re-named 'The Palladium'."

In my opinion this concert may be regarded as one of the finest Selling England shows they performed, and it is a great fortune that we also have one of the best recordings of the tour to document it. 

The Recording

This audience recording is absolutely superb. Clear open detailed sound, with good dynamics and very little hiss or distortion. Given this quality of sound, the matter of it being a mono recording becomes irrelevent. 

The recording documents nearly the whole performance. However, there are two major gaps; the first, a minute and a half missing during from middle of the instrumental section of Cinema Show, and the other, the last third of Battle of Epping Forest. These would be sad losses from an otherwise great recording, if it wasn't for the existence of an almost comparable quality recording from the same venue on the 6th. This recording, to my knowledge, is incomplete, cutting the end of Cinema Show, and finishing with Epping Forest and so missing Supper's Ready. However by good fortune, it does cover those sections missing from the tape of the 4th. So I have spliced in the missing sections from this 6th May tape. 

Hence this recording gives the complete show, to the extended applause and playing of Albinoni's Adagio that conclude the concert. 

The best known version of this concert in circulation is the Highland release: 'Voices in the Academy'. Recently, a CDR 'from VHS copy of master reels' has been circulating. This new version is a huge upgrade on the Highland version, and begins to show the quality of the original recording. Highlands source by comparison is hissy, muddy and with a 'bubbly' texture (minor dropouts). 

Recently I was sent a 1st generation tape from an American collector who has had his tape for a long time. Many years ago he did a trade with a Canadian collector who insisted on a VHS dub of the tape. Comparing this 1st gen tape and the 'from VHS' CDRs, I believe it is a fair bet that the new CDRs come from the VHS tape dubbed from this tape. Certainly this 1st gen tape is clearer and more open than the CDs. 

The Restoration

This was a fairly straight forward recording to remaster, requiring little serious repair work. I began with a new transcription of the 1st gen tape, optimising for mono and giving a little boost to the bass harmonics.

I have chosen to denoise very slightly (-4Db) and also bring out the treble a little more cleanly. If you compare with the 'from VHS' CDs, you will hear the extra brightness in the top end, with marginally less hiss. The excerpts from the 6th May tape were spliced in, eq balancing and repitching that recording, as it was about a half tone flat. 

The Academy of Music is a lovely old venue that has a rich warm acoustic. I have complimented the recording with a little reverb, matched to that of the venue, and opening up the mono soundstage with some early reflections.
Label - Digital Brothers Productions
Comment - Remastered from Joe Maloney's master tapes.

CD 1 - 53:39 ; CD 2 - 70:38

1-1. The Story Of Rael (prt 1) 1:20

1-2. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 5:16

1-3. Fly On A Windshield 4:12

1-4. Broadway Melody Of 1974 0:32

1-5. Cuckoo Cocoon 2:12

1-6. In The Cage 8:09

1-7. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 3:04

1-8. The Story Of Rael (prt 2) 2:05

1-9. Back In N.Y.C. 6:12

1-10. Hairless Heart 2:14

1-11. Counting Out Time 3:42

1-12. The Carpet Crawlers 5:41

1-13. The Chamber Of 32 Doors 5:48

1-14. The Story Of Rael (prt 3) 3:06

2-1. Liliwith Lilith 2:52

2-2. The Waiting Room 6:20

2-3. Anyway 3:24

2-4. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 5:19

2-5. The Lamia 7:08

2-6. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 3:06

2-7. The Colony Of Slippermen 8:32

2-8. Ravine 1:53

2-9. The Light Dies Down On Broadway 3:39

2-10. Riding The Scree 4:24

2-11. In The Rapids 2:07

2-12. It 4:56

2-13. Story Of Henry & Cynthia 2:37

2-14. The Musical Box 12:06

2-15. After Show Music (Old Man River) 2:07

Special Thanks
This show was a true fan team effort! 
Special Thanks go to Joe Maloney and his good friend Jamie for providing the tapes and amazing photo's 
and full 
support for the creation of this show. Also Roger and Paolo "The Digital Brothers" for the 
superb re-master job. Halley "The Genesis Goddess" for creating the 
fantastic artwork. And finally head 
honcho Meek of Meeksgenesis for organizing another quality Genesis project to the fans .

Technical Notes 
on the Boston Lamb.

Here's some notes on what I've done to obtain the final 
result on the Boston Lamb: 
first, the gaps, there where two gaps that 
had to be fixed.
Flying in some material from Providence: 
an 11" gap at the beginning 
of Carpet Crawlers patched with a 25" sonically matched and 
overlapped portion, 
and a 15" gap in the ambient part of Here Comes 
The Supernatural Anaesthetist starting after 3'45" from the 
of the song (it's the point where everyone in the audience seems to 
want to whistle) patched with 
57" from The Providence recording again 
sonically matched, overlapped and crossfaded.(there actually was a 

third gap on the crowd before the encore but that never gave problems 
at all).
The major problem with this 
Boston recording regarded the fact that 
it was brutally mono; so, apart from the usual de-noising, 
pumping, brightening, limiting and ambient 
reconstruction, I faced the decision to reconstruct a believable 

stereo image which I achieved with the aid of Waves' PS22 plug-in, 
the best software to obtain a believable 
stereo image from a mono 
source (I hope that this doesn't spoil you the enjoyment of these 2 
cds, but is in 
line with my philosophy of not being concerned about 
what it sounded like back then, but being more concerned 
about what 
it should sound like now).

Digital Brothers
It's "The Lamb" live, plus The Musical Box. There are no less than 7 known recordings of this show. I'm thinking this is SAB 06.

LLD_302 is definitely SAB06
(Digital Brothers Production)
Type: Audience
Quality: A
Media: 2 CD-R

Recording comments
Although there's a tad too much noise reduction done IMO, the sound of
this remaster is fantastic, and feels like you're actually IN the hall! :)
Killer version of The Waiting Room, running over 9 minutes and departing
completely from the original theme and going into a hypnotic groove!
[Jesper Moonen]

Track # Track Name Track Length
CD 1
1.01 The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 06:15
1.02 Fly On A Windshield 04:53
1.03 Broadway Melody Of 1974 00:29
1.04 Cuckoo Cocoon 02:26
1.05 In The Cage 08:08
1.06 The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 04:59
1.07 Back In NYC 06:11
1.08 Hairless Heart 02:34
1.09 Counting Out Time 03:54
1.10 The Carpet Crawlers 05:52
1.11 The Chamber Of 32 Doors 09:33
1.12 Lilywhite Lilith 01:23
1.13 The Waiting Room 09:48
Total time 66:30
CD 2
2.1 Anyway 03:29
2.2 Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 04:32
2.3 The Lamia 07:12
2.4 Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 03:30
2.5 The Colony Of Slippermen 08:56
2.6 Ravine 01:51
2.7 The Light Dies Down On Broadway 03:38
2.8 Riding The Scree / In The Rapids 06:53
2.9 It 06:38
2.10 The Musical Box 11:42
Total time 58:26
Total Running Time :  2:04:56

1-1. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 5:16
1-2. Fly On A Windshield / Broadway Melody Of 1974 4:14
1-3. Cuckoo Cocoon (Begin)0:33
1-4. Cuckoo Cocoon 2:23
1-5. In The Cage 7:59
1-6. The Grand Parade Of Lifeless Packaging 3:12
1-7. Story Of Rael I 1:30
1-8. Back In N.Y.C. 6:06
1-9. Hairless Heart 2:35
1-10. Counting Out Time 3:54
1-11. Carpet Crawlers 5:48
1-12. The Chamber Of 32 Doors 5:52
1-13. Story Of Rael II (part 1) 3:02
1-14. Lilywhite Lilith 2:55
1-15. The Waiting Room 9:19
1-16. Anyway 3:30
1-17. Here Comes The Supernatural Anaesthetist 2:30
1-18. Interlude 1:47
2-1. The Lamia 6:56
2-2. Silent Sorrow In Empty Boats 3:18
2-3. The Colony Of Slippermen 8:58
2-4. Ravine 1:44
2-5. The Light Dies Down On Broadway 3:29
2-6. Riding The Scree 4:06
2-7. In The Rapids 2:27
2-8. It 4:29
2-9. The Story of Henry & Cynthia 3:30
2-10. The Musical Box 15:06
2-11. Watcher Of The Skies 7:24 

Notes from the Re-Master
	There are many versions of this concert available among Genesis Fans. The BBC recorded 
the show and those tapes were used to produce limited versions of this concert. This recording 
as based on an audience tape which is essentially complete. Only a couple of sentences during 
the Story of Rael part 2 are missing. This was likely when the original tape was turned during 
the show.
	The quality of this stereo recording is quite good. For some reason, the right channel 
volume was consistently 25-30% lower than the left. This was corrected. The recorder was probably 
near the front of the stage at the time of the concert. This allows us to appreciate the ambience 
of the concert hall acoustics without suffering from the "airplane hanger" effect of recordings 
made from the back row of an auditorium. This close proximity may also explain why treble was 
overemphasized in this recording and needed to be reduced. The last two songs also seem to be 
different in their tonality with even less bass and more treble. They may have been recorded 
onto a different tape, hence different characteristics. All of this was fixed. Further, the last 
two songs suffered from constant crackle, the source of which is unknown. Fortunately, it was 
easily removed. Hiss was quite prominent throughout the recording but was removed without too 
much trouble. Because it was an audience recording, removing the hiss made audience talking more 
obvious, and at some point distracting. Nothing could be done about this. Again, because of the 
audience placement of the recording device, applause was quite 
overpowering at some points and needed to be reduced. Pops and clicks were also quite frequent. 
53 were manually removed and others were corrected using algorithms. 
Peter was quite dynamic with the vocals during this performance. At some points the vocals are 
quite soft and needed enhancement. At other times they were overwhelming and distorted at their 
peaks. This was corrected as best as possible. The letter 'S' when sung loudly produced a hiss 
that needed to be reduces on many occasions. For some reason, during the last song, Watcher of 
the Skies, for about 50 seconds the volume of the Left channel drops to about one third of the 
original volume. The cause for this is unknown but this was also fixed.
The Tracking of the concert was quite curious. Disc one track placements did not correspond well 
at all to the known tracking of the Lamb Lies Down On Broadway studio version. So, most of the 
first disc tracking was reworked. On the second disc the 'Lamb' tracking was correct. The only 
change that was made was to separate the 'Story of Henry' from 'The Musical Box' within the 
"Musical Box" track, thereby adding an additional track.
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
Fly On a Windshield
Broadway Melody of 1974
Cuckoo Cocoon
In the Cage
The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
The Story of Rael Part 1
Back in N.Y.C.
Hairless Heart
Counting Out Time
The Carpet Crawlers
The Chamber of 32 Doors
The Story of Rael Part 2
Lilywhite Lilith
The Waiting Room

The Supernatural Anaesthetist
The Lamia
Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats
The Colony of Slippermen
The Light Dies Down on Broadway
Riding the Scree
In the Rapids
The Musical Box
The Knife
Visit www.from1fan2allothers.com


 1. Beloved Summer (It's Yourself) 5:40
 2. Ripples (part 1) 4:40
 3. Ripples (part 2) 4:11
 4. Robbery, Assault & Battery 6:25
 5. Los Endos 3:06
 6. Los Endos 2:47
 7. Mad Man Moon 4:14
 8. A Trick Of The Tail 4:35
 9. Entangled (inst. 1) 4:36
10. Entangled (inst. 2) 6:33
11. Dance On A Volcano 6:05
12. Squonk 6:54
Total Disc - 59:46 

“A Trick of the Outtakes”

The Sheffield brothers built Trident studios at No. 17 St. Anne’s Ct. Soho in 1967. 
This studio was the recording site for many rock albums of the 1960’s and 70’s 
including David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust and many tracks from the Beatle’s White Album. 
The Genesis sessions captured on this CD were recorded there in October of 1975 and 
then remastered to enhance the listening experience.
The CD begins with Beloved Summer which was the working title for the B-side 
release called It’s Yourself. It is one of the few songs on the CD that includes vocals. 
This is followed by an instrumental version of the song Ripples. Mike Rutherford can be 
heard counting the tempo at the beginning. A second version of the song follows. 
Robbery, Assault and Battery is next and is also in the instrumental mode. Just before 
the next song, Los Endos, Phil Collin’s can be heard counting the tempo. This song is 
separated into two tracks detailing different segments of the song. Mad Man Moon is 
then presented with piano, drums and some bass. It is, again, an instrumental version 
and suffers from poor recording but is still quite impressive. Trick of the Tail 
is then offered with vocals in a version very similar to the official release. 
Two versions of Entangled follow, again devoid of vocals. The accentuation of the 
guitars is particularly impressive during the first take while the second take is 
more involved and includes alternatives to the studio mix. Dance on a Volcano is 
the next track followed by Squonk. Both are presented without vocals and provide 
an interesting opportunity to really study the instrumentation of these songs.

Recorded at Trident Studios, England October, 1975
Tony Banks                 Keyboards, 12 String Guitar
Phil Collins                   Vocals, Drums, Percussion
Steve Hackett               Electric Guitar
Mike Rutherford           Bass, 12 String Guitar

Remastering Notes
    Most of the recording suffers from a great deal of Hiss. This was removed from 
each track separately. Bass levels were found to be excessively high on many tracks 
leading to a muddy sound quality. Bass was cut and both treble and midrange frequency 
ranges were then raised to bring out the detail within the recording. Many of the peaks 
within the songs were clipped and required software restoration. The whole recording was 
then normalized to a consistent volume level.

Helping Out
Please help get this show circulated. Visit http://from1fan2allothers.com for details.
Dance on a Volcano
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Fly on a Windshield
Carpet Crawlers
The Cinema Show
Robbery, Assault & Battery
White Mountain
Firth of Fifth

Steve's intro
Supper's Ready
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Los Endos
It/Watcher of the Skies

Lineage: SBD > FM > CASSETTE > WAV > CDR > WAV > FLAC > You
Taped By: Eeklair
Transfered By: Eeklair
Bootleg Title: Eeklair GT01 (a 2006 Remaster)

Disc 1
1.1 Dance On A Volcano (6:30)
1.2 The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (4:57)
1.3 Fly On A Windshield (3:04)
1.4 Carpet Crawlers (5:23)
1.5 Cinema Show (12:06)
1.6 Robbery, Assault & Battery (6:39)
1.7 White Mountain (8:09)

Disc 2
2.1 Firth Of Fifth (10:11)
2.2 Supper's Ready (23:18)
2.3 I Know What I Like (6:14)
2.4 Los Endos (7:14)
2.5 It/Watcher Of The Skies  (5:47)


I taped this back in 1998. I sent Mark Bataitis a copy back in 2000. I think he used it to release his Burp 04.
I felt i needed to redo this to give it a more modern mastering. And besides, it never had any business being a bURP release anyhow. Thanks to AV for letting me 'rework' his basic art design. I only affected a few small mods.

Please do an A/B comparison. you'll find this copy more pleasing to the ear than prior releases.


1-1. Dance On A Volcano 6:31
1-2. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 4:27
1-3. Fly On A Windshield 2:42
1-4. Carpet Crawlers 5:21
1-5. Romeo and Juliet Story 0:59
1-6. The Cinema Show 10:42
1-7. Harry's Robbery Story 1:02
1-8. Robbery, Assault & Battery 5:50
1-9. White Mountain 6:58
1-10. Firth Of Fifth 8:21
Disc - 52:39

2-1. Entangled 7:15
2-2. Squonk 6:41
2-3. Supper's Ready 23:09
2-4. I Know What I Like 5:09
2-5. Los Endos 7:09
2-6. It 3:57
2-7. Watcher Of The Skies 2:24
Disc - 55:32 

Tony Banks- Keyboards
Phil Collins- Lead Vocals, Drums, Percussion
Steve Hackett- Lead Guitar
Mike Rutherford- Bass, 12 String Guitar
Bill Bruford- Drums and Percussion

“Robbery, Assault and Berkeley”

Genesis first visited Berkeley California on January 22, 1975 to perform ‘The Lamb Lies Down on 
Broadway’. The band returns now on April 29, 1976 for their second visit to this part of the Bay 
area to again present old material but also to play songs from the new album ‘The Trick of the 
Tail’. This is their first show in four days, since a performance in Kansas City, and the first 
of 3 they will give on the West coast. During the previous visit to Berkeley, Peter Gabriel was 
at the microphone and Phil Collins played drums. During this visit, Phil is now singing vocals 
and Bill Bruford is leading the percussion. After the first song “Dance on a Volcano”, Phil 
informs the audience that they are going to play a collection from the prior tour which they 
have entitled “Lamb Stew”. This consists of “The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway”, “Fly on a 
Windshield” and “Carpet Crawlers”. Phil’s renditions are clearly different than Gabriel’s but 
still well received by the audience.
            Mr. Collins also continues Peter’s tradition of telling introductory stories before 
many of the songs. Though using less fantasy and magical thinking than his predecessor, Phil 
conveys humorous tales, including some local flavor, which the audience seems to enjoy. Older 
material such as “Supper’s Ready” and “The Cinema Show” take on a new sound as Bill Bruford 
works his magic at the drum set and interjects a series of new percussion instruments into the 
mix. Phil’s voice, though not as powerful as Peter’s, has an angelic quality at this point in 
his career which blends well with many of the songs presented during this show. The show closes 
with a medley of both old and new material: “Los Endos”, “It” and a shortened version of “Watcher
 of the Skies”.

Notes from the Re-Master

This show was taken from multiple sources, all beginning with an audience recording. As a good 
quality audience recording, this show has the benefit of providing the acoustics of the Berkeley 
Theater to the listener. The majority of the show is from a second generation tape source. 
General tape hiss and show noise were identified and removed. Tonality was generally good and 
therefore unaltered. Very few clicks, pops or dropouts were found. Viable music frequencies 
existed up to 12,000 Hz. Other available CD versions of this show have a great deal of hiss and 
viable music frequencies only up to 7,500 Hz. These other versions also have cut the beginning 
of the song Los Endos due to tape stretch distorting the sound. During remastering we have 
restored this segment. A source with the complete dialog between songs could not be found so 
some transitions are a bit awkward but more natural than other CD versions available.
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1-1. Sqounk 6:45
1-2. Good Evening San Francisco! 0:42
1-3. One For The Vine 10:03
1-4. The Story Of Harry 1:32
1-5. Robbery, Assault & Battery 5:58
1-6. The Story Of Myrtle 1:24
1-7. Your Own Special Way 6:16
1-8. Steve Hackett Introduces An Older Number 1:08
1-9. Firth Of Fifth 8:27
1-10. Phil Introduces The Lamb 0:27
1-11. Carpet Crawlers 5:15
1-12. Introducing Chester Thompson 1:17
1-13. ...In That Quiet Earth 4:43
1-14. Afterglow 4:36
1-15. I Know What I Like 8:56
2-1. Story Of A Failed Scottish Uprising 0:39
2-2. Eleventh Earl Of Mar 7:51
2-3. The Story Of Romeo & Juliet 1:55
2-4. Supper's Ready 24:40
2-5. Dance On A Volcano/ 4:24
2-6. Drum Duet/ 0:48
2-7. Los Endos 5:53
2-8. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway/ 5:01
2-9 The Musical Box (Closing Section) 3:08

Phil Collins - Lead Vocals- Drums and Percussion
Tony Banks- Keyboards- 12 Strings and Backing Vocals
Mike Rutherford- Bass Guitars- Guitars and Backing Vocals
Steve Hackett- Lead Guitars and Effects
Touring Member
Chester Thompson- Drums and Percussion

A Lasting Impression…Genesis 30 Years On 

            I can not believe that it’s been 30 years already…no way…forget it…and still…it is. March 2nd, 2007 and I did turn 47 a few days ago…my, how 
time flies. Yet my memories of the event are so vivid it almost seems impossible that so much time has gone by since then....
            March 2nd, 1977. I’d like to believe that I am the happiest teenager in the world right now, but I know that there are countless others, all over the 
province of Quebec, sharing the same feeling. A bunch of classmates and I are sitting on a chartered bus, en route to the Genesis concert at the 
Montreal Forum tonight. we’re all pretty anxious as a rather strong snowstorm is raging outside, but reassuring words from the seasoned, grey-haired bus 
driver soon put our minds at ease: “Don’t worry, guys, we’ll get there on time!” He has obviously seen worse, so we get to relax. Outside the bus windows,
 the wind is blowing tons of snow through leafless trees and the entire scenery is very reminiscent of the ‘Wind And Wuthering’ album cover, which makes 
for a very special atmosphere indeed. There’s a guy on the bus with a small but quite efficient cassette player who plays Genesis songs from all the 
albums, past and present, and we all find ourselves singing or humming along to countless classics. Clearly, this vehicle is loaded with rabid Genesis fans 
and everyone is having a ball…even the driver! A quick stop for a hearty meal along Auto-Route 40 West gives us a short respite from the storm, but we 
are soon back on the road for the final leg of this eventful trip.
            Suddenly, there it is…the Montreal Forum, home of the Montreal Canadiens, proud holder of so many Stanley Cup banners, and host to the finest 
entertainment acts in the world. Tonight, it will be home for Genesis and an army of 16,000 fans! I’ve been here a few times to attend hockey games with 
my brothers, but tonight is quite different – I’m here to see MY BAND!!! A quick walk around the building to catch a glimpse of the huge Showco trucks 
and in we go, heading straight for a souvenir stand. Unfortunately, they’re already out of my size in T-shirts, so I have to settle for a tour program, and a 
great looking one it is. As I get seated, I quickly thumb my way through it, marveling at all the great pictures inside. I can hardly wait to read the text, 
but my attention now turns to the stage itself and the amazingly huge lighting rig suspended overhead. I’ve seen a couple of rock shows near my home 
town, but nothing on this scale. This is HUGE, and quite impressive to a 17 year old kid. But the most staggering thought is this: in a few moments Tony 
Banks, Steve Hackett, Phil Collins and Mike Rutherford will be standing on that stage…Genesis will be there, performing their music exclusively for us. The 
anxiety is almost unbearable!      Eventually, the wait is over. The house lights are turned off, a huge roar of applause fills the building (and my ears as well!)
 and I can feel my skin crawl as thousands of trembling little flames are lit by fans all over the place. From where I’m sitting I can see the guys in the band 
walk onto the stage and take up their respective positions. The stage is set…let there be light and Genesis music! Music we will have…Phil counts up to 
four…and the Montreal Forum explodes! To anyone present this night the first few bars of ‘Squonk’ will forever be remembered as a deafening blow. The 
volume of sound that engulfs us in that moment is but one step short from total aggression, yet everything is crisp and clear and every instrument or vocal
 harmony can be heard to perfection.
            If the band wanted to grab the audience’s immediate attention, choosing this particular song as the show opener was a sure way to do it! 
Grabbed we are, and grabbed we will stay until the very last note of this incredible show. While my ears are being given a workout, my eyes are 
catching their first images at a furious pace, trying to see everything and everyone at once. Steve Hackett on the left, dressed in beige slacks with 
knee-high boots and a white loose-sleeve shirt, is playing standing up, which is quite a contrast from the old Gabriel-era pictures that I have of him, 
sitting down, hunched over his golden Les Paul.
            Mike Rutherford, all dressed in white, looks like a tower of strength with his huge Shergold double-neck guitar in hand. He has grown a beard 
since the last tour. Tony Banks, perhaps the only member of Genesis that will never change, quiet, stoic, hunched over his keyboards in concentration, 
with only a few head nods here and there to indicate that he seems to be enjoying himself. He too is all dressed in white. Chester Thompson, newcomer 
to the Genesis fold, appears to be a very discrete and efficient musician. I’ve heard him play on a couple of Frank Zappa records and was very impressed. My guess is he will impress me again tonight. And in the middle of all that: Phil Collins, dressed in white trousers and a sailor-like striped shirt. At first glance, the man appears as he really is…a huge ball of positive energy, running around the stage, smiling, clearly having a ball. His voice is in great form this night; every word can be heard clearly and seems to flow like water. I’ve never heard ‘Squonk’ played live before so the finale truly grabs me as Steve Hackett’s chilling guitar sound sends shivers up and down my spine. Wow!!
            After a huge standing ovation, Phil addresses us for the first time. Much to everyone’s delight, he has chosen to speak French for the most part. 
Since his first real brush with the French language comes from when he took over as lead singer the year before, he has to rely on written notes on a 
small stack of typing paper, a practice that (unbeknownst to me at the time) he would carry on for years to come. The next number in the set is a new 
one, ‘One For The Vine’, and will afford us the opportunity to see Phil play the drums for the first time tonight. What an amazing drummer he is! The music 
really takes off when he’s sitting behind the kit. The song also provides our first glimpse at the amazing laser effects, the best of which are still to come. 
After two more recent numbers, namely ‘Robbery, Assault & Battery’ and ‘Your Own Special Way’ (introduced in French by Mike Rutherford), the moment 
that we’ve all been waiting for finally arrives. Time for the band to dig into the older material, and Steve Hackett is the one delegated to bring us the 
good news. ‘Firth of Fifth’…what more can be said about this classic number from the ‘Selling England By The Pound’ album? It is pure magic to see 
Genesis performing this amazing song. Phil’s dynamic drumming and Tony’s masterful keyboard playing carry us to the powerful climax provided by 
Steve’s most celebrated guitar solo, which brings tears to the eyes of many, including myself.
            Another incredible high for everyone is the inclusion at this point of the song ‘Carpet Crawlers’, from ‘The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway’. Phil’s 
voice is so beautiful, and so are Steve’s guitar cries in the background, but the thing that truly gets to me is the amazing respect shown by the audience. 
Not a single sound can be heard outside of the music itself. A fly could have flown by and one would have heard it. Before playing two more of the new 
numbers, ‘In That Quiet Earth’ and ‘Afterglow’, Phil introduces special guest drummer Chester Thompson to the audience. Montreal is renowned for its 
warm welcome to progressive rock bands and musicians, and Chester soon finds out what that means. The man stands up to acknowledge the 
applause, visibly taken aback by such a prolonged standing ovation. For the Montreal audience, it is only natural to greet Chester this way, for the man 
has already proven himself worthy of entering the Genesis family.
            Time to kick up our heels and join the fun as Genesis launch into ‘I Know What I Like’ and the audience is transformed into a gigantic choir every 
time the well-known chorus comes in. Phil’s tambourine dance brings a smile to the proceedings, and I suspect that many people in the hall are too 
busy having fun to notice that Steve has just thrown in a snippet from ‘Dancing With The Moonlit Knight’ or that the music has turned, for a brief 
moment, into the ‘Stagnation’ chorus. I’m convinced that even a lot of my friends will not believe me when I tell them what I’ve heard.
            After the festive mood brought on by the last number, the band returns to the ‘Wind And Wuthering’ album for the last time tonight. ‘Eleventh 
Earl Of Mar’, the song that many thought would surely be the show opener, is instead played almost last. The rendition is superb and paves the way for 
the most exciting moment of the evening. As Phil starts telling the story of Romeo and Juliet, I have a look at my watch and think: “If they go into ‘The 
Cinema Show’ now, they won’t have time to play ‘Supper’s Ready’!” The song that I had most anxiously hoped for was now slipping away, until…Phil 
unexpectedly announces ‘Supper’s Ready’ at the end of the Romeo story, and I think that everyone’s heart must have stopped for a brief moment in 
time. Here is the song we all wanted to see and hear! Steve Hackett grabs the old 12-string acoustic guitar and sits down for the first time. The amazing 
ride is about to begin! I think no words can truly describe the feeling that one gets when seeing Genesis work through the various movements of their 
most fabulous song.
            After Peter Gabriel’s departure, the band decided to modernize the song a bit, so everything is there, so familiar and yet so fresh and new. 
Genesis were always known as a visual band, and ‘Supper’s Ready’ is about to prove this statement beyond our wildest dreams. The giant dancing 
flowers that pop up from behind the stage, the breathtaking red laser cone that fills the Forum from floor to ceiling, seemingly giving a whole new 
dimension to the place, and the amazing blue laser beam that comes down to surround Phil as he sings the final ‘New Jerusalem’ part, all of these 
leave us speechless. As the last rings of smoke evaporate from the stage, the ovation that follows the last few notes of the classic song grows to an 
amazing roar as the musicians stand there to acknowledge the applause and catch their breath. The place is simply going wild and Phil is desperately 
trying to regain control at the microphone. Finally, the applause dies down and he quickly offers us another thank you. “Now we’ve come to the last 
song” he says, and only such a statement could have brought up booing sounds on this wonderful night. The band quickly jumps into ‘Dance On A 
Volcano’, much to everyone’s delight. It comes as a bit of a surprise that this song should be performed so late into the set, but the most surprising 
moment is still to come. Instead of the usual finale, Phil and Chester launch into a quick drum duet that soon leads us into ‘Los Endos’. The amazing 
instrumental totally blows us away as Genesis are giving us every bit of energy they have left. At the climax of the number, visuals take over again as 
amazing orange laser swirls suddenly surround the entire lighting rig over the stage. ‘Los Endos’ ends in a mighty crash as we all jump to our feet once 
again. “Bonsoir Montreal!” Phil shouts just before leaving the stage. The quest for an encore starts immediately.
            If I thought the audience had been noisy before, this opinion is quickly dispelled upon hearing the gigantic roar of applause that we are now 
offering in the hope of luring the band back onto the stage. Our prayer is quickly answered as the guys come back wearing Montreal Canadiens jerseys 
and jump into ‘The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway’. At the end of it, we are taken by surprise once again as the song is brilliantly segued with the finale 
of one of their most enduring numbers, ‘The Musical Box’. With that last blast, Genesis bow to us one last time and leave the stage for good. The show is 
over…it went by so quickly, and yet I have a feeling that I will never forget a single moment of it.
            March 2nd, 2007. As I sit here 30 years on, remembering that wonderful night, I cannot help but smile at the thought that my assessment was quite 
correct. I do remember everything that I saw and heard that night. These memories are forever etched in my mind and will remain with me until the day 
I die. This was my first big show, and it featured my most beloved band of all, how can a person ever forget such a moment in time? I saw Genesis play 
live on six more different tours after that, but even though I thoroughly enjoyed all of them, they were never the same as the first one. Steve Hackett was 
no longer with the band, and a lot of the magic left with him. A few days from now, tickets will go on sale for the new and quite unexpected Genesis 
world tour. They are rumored to be appearing at Olympic Stadium in Montreal on September 14, 2007. Again, I will do my best to land the best tickets I 
can afford, and again, I will be the happiest man in the world when I do so. I know that ticket prices have skyrocketed in the last few years and that it 
will most likely cost me at least 150 Dollars to see them this time, but hey…it’s Genesis!!!
            In closing, I would like to add these few figures, only to show how things have changed since March of 1977. 
                                    Genesis ticket price:      $7.50
                                    Genesis tour T-shirt:      $3.00
                                    Genesis tour program:   $2.00 
Kind of brings tears to the old eyes, doesn’t it? Enjoy this great ‘Wind and Wuthering’ show. The band sounds every bit as good as I remember them being
 in Montreal. 

Notes from the Re-Master 
            We began with the SHN files that had been distributed via torrent just a few months ago. As was mentioned when the show was released, the 
beginning of Squonk was missing the first few notes and the Left channel was essentially absent for the first minute or two. The audience recording of this 
show was, in part, used to repair this beginning section as were other sources. The audience recording was also used to help patch a tape flip gap later 
on as noted below.
            For the show in general, multiple noise reduction techniques were used to remove tape noise where necessary. There was also an intermittent 
noise that interfered with the enjoyment of the dialogue and other quiet sections. This needed to be repaired when found and was repaired successfully. 
The balance was audibly off-center when listening to the original recording but was easily fixed for the remaster. The dynamics of the show were also 
enhanced where possible but no significant change to the tonality was made.
            A tape flip gap occurs just before The Carpet Crawlers. The gap leaves out the introduction to this song. Rather than splice in another 
soundboard sourced song introduction, we made the decision to splice in the audience recording from that night. This patch itself is incomplete 
because a gap in this section occurs in this source as well but still, we decided to use this source. The reason was two-fold. First, as an alternative source 
for that evening’s performance, using the audience recording was more accurate to represent the evening’s event. This is important because Phil jokes 
that the band will begin to play the entire Lamb Lies Down On Broadway. Secondly, this audience source does capture the beginning of The Carpet 
Crawlers and so easily completes the song.
            Probably the most important component of this remaster was the speed correction. Each disc was speed corrected separately. The tracks were 
compared with established references and a clear pattern of speed error emerged. Correction of this error improves the recording enormously, in our 
opinion. The show was then re-tracked to separate the songs from the introductions and to insure that the track points conform to established standards. 

PRRP Staff
late show

Disc 1 of 2
01. Squonk                             07:00.30
02. One For The Vine                   10:08.42
03. Robbery, Assault And Battery       07:25.51
04. Inside And Out                     07:42.48
05. Firth Of Fifth                     09:02.22
06. The Carpet Crawlers                06:23.70
07. In That Quiet Earth                04:35.53
08. Afterglow                          04:18.66
09. I Know What I Like                 08:11.40
10. Eleventh Earl Of Mar               07:56.05
                                Total: 72:45.52

Disc 2 of 2
01. Phil talking Portuguese ;)         01:29.54
02. Supper's Ready                     24:54.39
03. Dance On A Volcano                 04:14.67
04. Drum duet                          00:45.03
05. Los Endos                          06:10.12
06. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway     04:48.35
07. The Musical Box (closing section)  03:03.43
                                Total: 45:26.28
One for the Vine
Robbery, Assault & Battery
Inside and Out
Firth of Fifth
Carpet Crawlers
In that Quiet Earth
I Know What I Like

Eleventh Earl of Mar
Supper's Ready
Dance on a Volcano
Drum Duet
Los Endos
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
The Musical Box

Digitial Brothers matrix
Eleventh Earl of Mar
In the Cage
Burning Rope
Deep in the Motherlode
The Fountain of Salmacis
Ballad of Big
One for the Vine

Say It's Alright Joe
The Lady Lies
The Cinema Show
Follow You Follow Me
Dance on a Volcano
Los Endos
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Type:  Audience
Quality:  * A-

Recording Comments
From 1st Gen tape  
  Media 2CD-R 
Track # Track Name Track Length 
1.1 Eleventh Earl Of Mar 08:22 
1.2 In The Cage 08:52 
1.3 Burning Rope 08:14 
1.4 Ripples 10:11 
1.5 Deep In The Motherlode 07:16 
1.6 The Fountain Of Salmacis 09:05 
1.7 Down And Out 06:07 
1.8 One For The Vine 11:07 
2.1 Squonk 06:36 
2.2 Say It's Alright Joe 08:17 
2.3 The Lady Lies 06:27 
2.4 The Cinema Show / Afterglow 20:26 
2.5 Follow You, Follow Me 03:58 
2.6 Dance On A Volcano 04:39 
2.7 Drum Duet 01:15 
2.8 Los Endos 06:04 
2.9 I Know What I Like 09:33 
  Total Running Time :  2:16:29
Audience 1st Gen - Vast improvement on the Highland version. 
Quality: A-  
Media: 2CD-R

1.1 Eleventh Earl Of Mar 09:27 
1.2 In The Cage 08:17 
1.3 Burning Rope 08:12 
1.4 Ripples 09:35 
1.5 Deep In The Motherlode 06:42 
1.6 Fountain Of Salmacis 09:44 
1.7 Ballad Of Big 05:56 
1.8 One For The Vine 10:11
2.1 Squonk 07:21 
2.2 Say It's Alright, Joe 08:13 
2.3 The Lady Lies 10:05 
2.4 The Cinema Show / Afterglow 15:48 
2.5 Follow You, Follow Me 04:28 
2.6 Dance On A Volcano / Drum Duet / Los Endos 11:31 
2.7 I Know What I Like 07:58 
  Total Running Time :  2:13:28 
Eleventh Earl of Mar
In the Cage
Burning Rope
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
The Musical Box (closing)
Deep in the Motherlode
One for the Vine

Say It's Alright, Joe
The Lady Lies
The Cinema Show
In That Quiet Earth
Follow You Follow Me
Dance on a Volcano
Los Endos
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)

Deep in the Motherlode
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
Carpet Crawlers
One for the Vine
Behind the Lines
Guide Vocal
Turn It On Again
Duke's Travels
Duke's End
Say It's Alright Joe

Phil talking
The Lady Lies
In the Cage/The Raven
Follow You Follow Me
Dance on a Volcano
Los Endos
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)


Deep In The Motherlode / Dancing With The Moonlit Knight / Carpet Crawlers / Squonk / One For The Vine / Behind The Lines / Duchess / Guide Vocal / Turn It On Again / Duke's Travels / Duke's End / Say It's Alright Joe / The Lady Lies / Ripples (Cut) / In The Cage / Raven / Afterglow / Follow You, Follow Me / Dance On A Volcano / Drum Duet / Los Endos / I Know What I Like / The Knife (07-May-80)

Intro / Behind The Lines / Duchess / Guide Vocal / In The Cage / Slippermen / Afterglow / Dance On A Volcano / Drum Duet / Los Endos
Liverpool - 02-May-80 - Granada TV Documentary

Here at last is EFDVD's take on the classic Old Grey Whistle Test footage taken from the second night at the Lyceum Ballrooms in London - and believe me when I say that you will all be glad we left it until now!

After having only played one UK show on the previous tour (Knebworth '78 of course), Genesis "made it up" to the UK fans by embarking on a very much scaled down tour of more intimate venues.
As has been said by members of the band, this was perhaps the first tour that Phil considered himself completely as the singer and frontman, and for many people (myself included) this fact contributes largely to why this tour is so highly regarded.  For me, this tour is the pinnacle of the 3-man era - all the guys are at the absolute top of their game.
And this 40 minutes of footage from the Lyceum perfectly illustrates that - recorded on the penultimate night of the UK tour before they took it to North America, the band are on fire.
Of course, it is sad that only a portion of the concert was broadcast - but the choice of songs is perfect!

Those of you who have acquired the Kate Bush with Peter Gabriel DVD (EFDVDVA02) will no doubt be ecstatic to hear that our source for the OGWT footage is the same person, which should tell you what to expect - and yes, they are still anonymous ;-)
And again, this also benefits greatly from being worked on by TM Productions!

I have to say, listen to this as loud as you can, preferably through some decent headphones - and if it doesn't completely blow your mind, I'll give you your money back ;-)

But wait, that's not all!  Included on the DVD is a cracking upgrade of the Granada TV documentary going behing the scenes on the tour, and specifically at the Liverpool show on 2nd May.
This is taken from a timecoded DVD recording of the master tape and came to us from EFDVD's very own James Hendry :o)

Hope you enjoy this one guys - we're a bit proud of it!!!

Simon Holloway
(EFDVD co-owner)

February 2007.
Deep In The Motherlode
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (intro)
One For The Vine
Behind The Lines
Guide Vocal
Turn It On Again
Duke's Travels
Duke's End
Story of Two Characters
The Lady Lies
The Roadie's Smoke Story

In The Cage
The Colony of Slippermen
Follow You Follow Me
Dance On A Volcano
Drum Duet
Los Endos
I Know What I Like
6-19-80 CHOM-FM Interview with Tony Banks

Notes from the Re-Master

	This Genesis show was provided as a .SHN format soundboard recording. The quality is 
quite good with music signal up to 13,000 Hz but hiss and other sources of noise were found to 
be a major problem. Hiss was reduced using a number of different techniques as the characteristic
 of this noise changed between the music and dialogue sections of the show.  Miss-tracking errors
 were found and corrected during the re-tracking process. Numerous clicks, pops and small dropouts were also found and repaired. Detail and "atmospherics" were enhanced as much as possible. Two 
patches were needed to fill gaps within the show. Another soundboard recording from this same 
1980 tour was used for this purpose to match the feel and style as closely as possible. 
The other major problem with the show was the speed and pitch of the recording. The original 
version was clearly off both pitch and speed. Fixed time segments within the show were calculated
 and compared with other similar shows and the studio versions of the songs. Different speed and
 pitch versions were produced and reviewed by the PRRP staff to confirm the best sounding, final
	The amount of music on each final remaster disc was re-balanced once the decision to use
 the interview was made. The interview segment came from a cassette tape used to record the radio
 broadcast. This was generally a good recording but suffered from significant volume fluctuations
 that needed repair. Commercials and songs presented between the interview segments were removed 
as well as hiss and a transmission buzz that interfered with the dialogue. Finally, the volume of
 the interview was matched to the show for a smooth transition.
Track # Track Name Track Length 
1.1 Behind The Lines 06:09 
1.2 Duchess 06:08 
1.3 The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 06:45 
1.4 Dodo / Lurker 07:27 
1.5 Abacab 10:08 
1.6 Carpet Crawlers 05:49 
1.7 Me And Sarah Jane 08:59 
1.8 Misunderstanding 04:10 
1.9 No Reply At All 05:03 
1.10 Story 04:46 
2.1 Firth Of Fifth 11:01 
2.2 Man On The Corner 04:44 
2.3 Who Dunnit? 03:33 
2.4 Phil Plays The Trumpet 03:38 
2.5 In The Cage 08:05 
2.6 Cinema Show 03:47 
2.7 Afterglow 04:34 
2.8 Turn It On Again 05:29 
2.9 Dance On A Volcano 07:22 
2.10 Los Endos 06:17 
2.11 I Know What I Like 13:00 
  Total Running Time :  2:16:54 
Master Audience Cassette> Wav> CDR> WAV(EAC Rip)> FLAC Level 6> You

Featuring many guest performers: Earth Wind and Fire Horns, and Bill Bruford plays percussion on the encores.
Thus the title of this release, "3 drummers 4 horns."

Disc One

01 Dance on a Volcano
02 Behind The Lines
03 Follow You Follow Me
04 Chit Chat
05 Dodo
06 Abacab
07 introduction: The EWF horns
08 Paperlate (featuring EWF Horns)
09 Romeo Story
10 Supper's Ready
11 No Reply At All (featuring EWF Horns)
12 Misunderstanding

Disc Two

13 Man On The Corner
14 Whodunnit?
15 Daryl / Chester intros
16 Medely: In The Cage, Cinema Show, Colony of Slippermen (solo section)
17 Afterglow
18 Turn it On Again
19 Drum Duet/Los Endos

20 The Lamb Lies Down/Watcher of the Skies (Closing Section) (Mr Bill Bruford on Phils Percussion)
21 I Know What I Like (Mr Bill Bruford on Phils Percussion)

Phil Collins - Vocals, Drums
Mike Rutherford - Bass, Guitars, vocals (IKWIL) 
Tony Banks - Keyboards, guitar (SR), b.Vocals (Lamb)
Chester Thompson - Drums, percussion
Daryl Stuermer - Guitar, Bass

EWF Horn section ("Paperlate" and "No Reply")
Bill Bruford - percussion (2 Encores)
Dance on a Volcano
Behind the Lines
Follow You Follow Me
No Reply at All
Supper's Ready

Man on the Corner
In the Cage/Cinema Show/Slippermen
Turn It On Again
Drum Duet/Los Endos
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway/Watcher of the Skies
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)

The copy I acquired had a five second loop in "Cage", and the balance was off. I used Adobe Audition to correct these glitches.
Disc 1
Back in NYC
Dancing with the Moonlit Knight
The Carpet Crawlers
Firth of Fifth
The Musical Box
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Fly on a Windshield

Disc 2
In the Cage
Supper's Ready
The Knife
Solsbury Hill (take 1)
Solsbury Hill (take 2)
Solsbury Hill (take 3)

CDR -> EAC -> WAV -> xAct 1.4b28 -> .shn

Spectrum, Philadelphia, 26th November 1983

The transcription service "Captured Live" recorded 100 mins from the second of the three 1983 dates at the Philadelphia Spectrum. Phil's vocals are on top form: his performance on Mama is the best I have heard. A recent bootleg "Captured Live" [Flying Cat - 2CD] reproduces the radio show. 

Sourced from an original copy of the RKO Captured Live! CL 2684/2784 (23/30 July 1984) vinyl radio show. It is an excellent transfer, with only the dj  intros omitted for the release purpose.

Disc 1

01. Dodo/Lurker				07:51
02. That's All				04:46
03. Abacab				09:06
04. Mama				07:20
05. Keep It Dark			05:33
06. Home By The Sea			05:16
07. Second Home By The Sea		06:47
				 Total:	46:41

Disc 2

01. In The Cage/Cinema Show/
    In That Quiet Earth/Slippermen 	14:29	
02. Afterglow				04:34
03. Drum Duet 				03:08
04. Los Endos				06:26
05. Turn It On Again Medley		09:03
06. Misunderstanding			04:02
07. Illegal Alien			05:30
				 Total: 47:12

Total running time: 		      1:33:51
Coaster Factory

Set I
That's All
Illegal Alien
Home By the Sea
Second Home By the Sea
Behind the Lines
Set II
In the Cage/
Cinema Show/
Keep it Dark
It's Gonna Get Better
Los Endos
Dance on a Volcano
Turn It On Again
No Reply At All

Sound: A+
Show: A- (for including It's Gonna Get Better and Illegal Alien)
GENESIS: September 30, 1986
NYC - Madison Square Garden

DISC ONE (70:48)
3-Land Of Confusion
4-That's All
6-In Too Deep
7-The Brazilian
8-Follow You Follow Me
9-Chester Thompson Intro
10-Tonight Tonight Tonight

DISC TWO (73:45)
1-Audience Participation Time
2-Home By The Sea
3-Throwing It All Away
4-Daryl Steurmer Intro
5-In The Cage
6-...In That Quiet Earth
7-Supper's Ready (Apocalypse In 9/8 - As Sure As Eggs Is Eggs)
8-Invisible Touch
9-Drum Duet
10-Los Endos
11-Turn It On Again

Tony Banks: Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Mike Rutherford: Guitars, Basses, Backing Vocals
Phil Collins: Acoustic & Electronic Drums, Vocals
Chester Thompson: Acoustic & Electronic Drums
Daryl Steurmer: Guitars, Basses, Backing Vocals
Lineage: SBD -> ? -> .shn (see below)

Untreated and un-remastered soundboard transfer

1.01 Mama				08:36
1.02 Abacab				10:52
1.03 Land Of Confusion 			05:14
1.04 Thats All				06:30	
1.05 Domino				12:44
1.06 In Too Deep			05:42
1.07 The Brazilian			05:38
1.08 Follow You Follow Me		06:18
1.09 Tonight Tonight Tonight 		09:12

2.01 Audience Participation Time 	04:26
2.02 Home By The Sea 			05:16
2.03 Second Home By The Sea		06:50
2.04 Throwing It All Away 		08:45
2.05 In The Cage 			08:00
2.06 ...In That Quiet Earth 		03:59
2.07 Apocalypse In 9/8			08:27
2.08 Invisible Touch			05:07
2.09 Drum Duet				04:59
2.10 Los Endos				06:48
2.11 Turn It On Again			11:02

Total running time:			2:24:25

These files were shared on the Genesis DC++ hub as "SBD v2" meaning 
there are (at least) two versions floating around. On the Genesis
Movement website http://www.genesis-movement.co.uk/ two versions
are listed as untitled, right below the BURP version. Funny thing is,
this version does not match the track times of any of the two listed
ones, and the artwork is black as opposed to the two other listed ones
with blue and yellow art respectively. I also have the one with the
blue art and it sounds exactly the same as this one, but this one has
more accurate indexing between songs and there are some very small 
cuts that are not present on this version.

The BURP version is listed as "Low generation clone from Fisher
Lane Farm master & is complete" but in my ears this version sounds
better and cleaner, but they all have some traces of hiss and static.

Thanks to Speedy for sharing this one on the hub!

Unfortunately this show has not been remastered by anyone else but BURP,
it would be great if some of the big guns of Genesis remastering took
a shot at this at some point in the future :-D


Radio intro
Land of Confusion
In Too Deep
Follow You Follow Me
That's All

Radio intro
Tonight Tonight Tonight
Throwing It All Away
In the Cage
In That Quiet Earth
Supper's Ready
Invisible Touch
Turn It On Again
Radio outro

Land Of Confusion
No Son Of Mine
Driving The Last Spike
Old Medley
Fading Lights
Jesus He Knows Me
Home By The Sea
Second Home By The Sea
Hold On My Heart
Domino / Drum Duet
I Can?t Dance
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
Invisible Touch
Turn It On Again
Birmingham NEC 
& 02-Feb-98
Sportshall Prague, Czech Republic*

1.1 No Son Of Mine * 
1.2 Land Of Confusion *
1.3 Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 
1.4 Calling All Stations  
1.5 Alien Afternoon 
1.6 There Must Be Some Other Way * 
1.7 Domino (Part I & II) * 
1.8 Shipwrecked  
2.1 Congo *
2.2 Home By The Sea * 
2.3 Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (acoustic) 
2.4 Supper's Ready (Lover's Leap) / (acoustic) 
2.5 Not About Us (acoustic)  
2.6 Mama 
2.7 The Dividing Line 
2.8 Invisible Touch *
2.9 Turn It On Again *

Liberated bootleg CD "Live After Dividing" (Highland HL 283/284)
DAE with Roxio Easy CD Creator 5
SHN conversion with mkw Audio Compression Tool 0.97 BETA 1

Tony Banks: Keyboards, Guitar
Anthony Drenan: Bass, Guitar
Mike Rutherford: Guitar, Bass
Ray Wilson: Vocals
Nir Z: Drums

Sound: A
Show: A-

Like most of the shows from the CAS, the performance suffers from a lack of confidence. A pity, since Ray Wilson is an excellent vocalist.
No Son Of Mine
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
Calling All Stations
The Carpet Crawlers
Domino, Part 1: In The Glow Of The Night>
Domino, Part 2: The Last Domino
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
Supper's Ready (Lover's Leap)
Not About Us
The Dividing Line
Turn It On Again
Invisible Touch

This is missing Alien Afternoon  and Shipwrecked, which can be found on "Live After Dividing".
From HDTV broadcast. slight sync issues.

Genesis - The Cinema Show - Düsseldorf June 27. 2007

Satellite HD broadcast > TS (Transponder Stream) demux with ProjectX > Cut with Cuttermaran > Remux with Mplex > Authoring with Nero Vision 4 > DVD

Behind The Lines / Duke’s End
Turn It On Again
No Son Of Mine
Land Of Confusion
In The Cage / The Cinema Show / Duke’s Travels
Hold On My Heart
Home By The Sea / Second Home By The Sea
Follow You Follow Me
Firth Of Fifth / I Know What I Like

5.1 Sound

Producer/director Tony Maylam captured the band's performances at the Apollo Theatre in Glasgow, Scotland and Bingley Hall in Stafford, U.K. during the 1976 tour that resulted in the Seconds Out album. The solid direction, song selection, and sound quality put Genesis in Concert on a par with Seconds Out; the film, therefore, serves as a fine companion piece to that audio release. The 45-minute videotape is comprised of seven compositions and features an instrumental rendition of "Fly on a Windshield"/"Broadway Melody of 1974" as well as hot dual drumming on "The Cinema Show" by Collins and Bill Bruford.

not for trade

Genesis Live 1972-1974 DVD

March 20, 1972 - Brussels, Belgium - 30 Minutes
The source for this very common video is the recent German 3SAT broadcast because of better quality and bolder colors than the UK broadcast, IMO. The only downside is the 3SAT logo in the corner.
Includes Fountain of Salmacis, Twilight Alehouse, The Musical Box, Return of the Giant Hogweed

April 18, 1972 & February 3, 1974 - Italy B&W - 7 Minutes
The source is a master recording (not from broadcast) and had a timecode on the top. This timecode was removed but left a less-annoying 'blur' in its place. Video was desaturated for a true B&W picture.
Includes parts of Stagnation, misc live footage, & Interviews

January 10, 1973 - Bataclan, France - 34 Minutes
The source is the recent French TV broadcast which has the JIMMY logo in the upper right corner.
Includes parts of The Musical Box, Return of the Giant Hogweed, Supper's Ready, The Knife, and Interviews

December 20, 1973 - Midnight Special - 16 Minutes
Excellent source very close to the only recording made of this broadcast. This version had 4 dropouts where the video and audio went completely out, but this was removed so only a short skip is seen.
Includes Watcher of the Skies & The Musical Box

December 3, 1973 & April 11, 1974 - Chicago 8mm - 10 Minutes
Very nice copy of this silent footage. Some excellent live concert audio was added to make it more enjoyable. 5MBPS VBR.

All video has been encoded at a VBR of 6MBPS unless otherwise noted.

(Melody, ORTF TV Studios - 12-Feb-74) I Know What I Like / Supper's Ready - 30:14
(University Sports Arena, Montreal - 20-Apr-74)16mm Silent Footage With Dubbed Sound - 43:31
(Santa Monica, California - 21-Mar-74) 8mm Silent Footage With Dubbed Sound - 25:09
(Academy Of Music, NY - 06-May-74) 8mm Silent Footage With Dubbed Sound - 07:25


Includes the Mama Tour Live and VH1 Behind the Music

The Mama Tour Live - Feb-84Abacab / That?s All / Mama / Illegal Alien / Home by the Sea / Second Home by the Sea / Keep it Dark / It?s Gonna Get Better / In The Cage / Cinema Show / In That Quiet Earth / Colony of Slippermen / Afterglow / Drum Duet / Turn It On Again
VH1 Behind The Music - 1999
Top Of the Pops - 27-05-82 - Paperlate (Mimed)
 The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Fly on a Windshield
Broadway Melody of 1974
Cuckoo Cocoon
In the Cage
The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging
Back in N.Y.C.
Hairless Heart
Counting Out Time
Carpet Crawlers
The Chamber of 32 Doors
Lilywhite Lilith
The Waiting Room
Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist The Lamia
Silent Sorrow in Empty Boats
The Arrival
The Colony of Slippermen
The Light Dies Down on Broadway
Riding the Scree
In the Rapids

The Musical Box
Watcher of the Skies

Remastering notes from Andrew Skeoch

The Show

This wonderful stereo recording is one of the best from the audience of any Lamb Lies Down on Broadway show, and documents almost the entire gig.

The concert comes from the first US Lamb tour in 1974, and shows a few teething troubles still cropping up on stage. Tony's keyboards in particular cause problems, and loud crackles from his rig can be heard at various points throughout the set. I'm not sure, but it sounds as though at one point during Back in N.Y.C. Tony's 7/8 synth riff drops out altogether, and Hackett carries it alone with Tony filling chords on electric piano. There are also very prominent hums and buzzes from the PA that would have dismayed the band. 

Nevertheless, they put on a powerful performance, and during most of the concert, the music is as good as it gets. It is interesting to hear Phil's harmony vocals present throughout, its as though he is just singing along with the whole concert. One doesn't usually think of Genesis songs as two part counterpoint, but its there. And Phil experiments continually, for instance the usual descending harmony line in Counting Out Time is absent, with Phil weaving lines around Peter's main melody instead. 

The famous problems with the Slipperman costume and Peter's inability to get the microphone close enough are also present. Whilst Peter is mostly loud and clear during this song, there are times he drops out almost completely, and Phil carries the vocal alone. One can understand why the band were frustrated with this situation occurring consistently, and of course it is one of the reasons Peter re-recorded the vocal for the Lamb discs on the Archive box set. 

The audience make a few notable appearances as well; listen to the exuberant whistles during the interlude prior to The Lamia. It is also amusing with hindsight to hear the audience's amazed reactions to Gabriel's unexpected appearance as the Slipperman. 

The Source

This recording is outstanding, and has long been recognised as such. All the set up conditions for a great audience recording are present; good equipment, no obnoxiously loud audience members nearby, and it sounds as though the show was taped from near enough to the stage that it doesn't sound distant. The levels are good, with little hiss or overload distortion, and notably, there is not a single microphone bump during the whole recording!  All the instruments are clear and there is a great sense of ambience from the hall and audience.

The recording was reputedly originally made on reel-to-reel, although the difficulties of stealth recording with large open reel gear, and that consistent cuts occur at the 45 min flips on different cassette copies of this recording, all point to a common cassette source. Whether that is the master or just a 1st gen duplicating tape is unknown, but going on the audio quality of this recording I think the former is more likely.

The recording documents nearly the entire concert with the exception of two omissions; firstly a small section (possibly only a few seconds) between the audience applause at the end of Carpet Crawlers, and the first chord of Chamber of 32 Doors (which fades in quickly), and secondly the middle minute and a half of Ravine. These missing sequences are almost certainly absent from the master recording. While they both occur at end of cassette tape sides, I think it is unlikely that they would originate in a cassette copy somewhere along the line.

This recording is mainly known from the 'Rael Imperial Aerosol Kid' bootleg, although because of its good sound quality, bits of it appear on other releases, notably the Waiting Room/Anyway section which is used on several boots (Lamb Lives, Suppers Ready with a Little Lost Lamb, From One Fan to All Others) to bridge the missing sections of the West Palm Beach and Lakeland soundboard recordings of January 1975. 

The Remaster

This remaster has been initiated from first generation cassettes, generously contributed by a Hogweed member who knew the taper of this show in the 70s. The 2 tapes were TDK and Maxell 90s, with the show on 3 sides. While the cuts on these tapes are similar to those found on the Rael Imperial boot (indicating these cuts are on the master tape), there is a short section of crowd noise at the beginning (where Peter goes "Shhhhh"), which is on the boot but not this tape. Hence these tapes are definitely not the source for the boot. Also, the Rael Imperial boot inexplicably omits one of the best parts of the recording - the second encore of Watcher of the Skies, which is present on these tapes (hooray!), and (as far as I know) makes its public debut on this remaster.

The main difference in sound quality between the Rael Imperial boot and these raw tapes is in the midrange. Rael Imperial has a hard and brittle edge resulting from overload distortion of some kind. These tapes are bright but undistorted and smooth. Rael Imperial also has a treble cut above about 8KHz, possibly to minimise hiss, and of course the top end has gone with it. Lastly it is also weak in the bass as the original recording seems to be, there having been no attempt to balance this up. So, plenty of room for improvement....

I have as usual begun with a new transcription of the source tapes, checking pitch, which rises slightly with each tape and has been corrected. I have also passed the analogue audio through an exciter to add harmonics to both the bass and treble, so extending the frequency range.

Next I have denoised the recording *slightly* - by slightly I mean 4Db down to 4KHz, with a top end (above 7KHz) boost of 3 Db. This is really quite minimal, but enough to sharpen the tops and minimise what was a fairly minimal amount of cassette tape hiss anyway. 

The stereo on this recording is a little off-centre, as though the microphone was not pointed directly at the PA. I know what this is like from my own experience, there is a great temptation to point the mic at the stage, but a central stereo image is best obtained by pointing it at the PA itself. Whether that has happened here I don't know, it could be a tape head alignment issue in copying that has caused the imbalance. What can be heard is that the frequency response is slightly different between channels, and that there seems to be more of a hall ambience echo in one channel (left on this remaster). 

In balancing the equalisation, I have tried to correct this stereo imbalance, but it still didn't create anywhere near to a central stereo image. After a little playing around I found that the phasing of the two channels was the main cause of the problem. This would be consistent with either mic/venue or head alignment explanations. Anyway, after a little jiggling of the timing of left channel against right, the stereo image comes close to the centre, and the eq balance fine-tunes things along a bit more. So while the stereo is not perfectly balanced, it really sounds as though you are there in the auditorium, and that is what we want to hear. 

I have balanced the equalisation as best I can. The microphone used for this recording has a presence band peak around 4KHz, giving a bright sound, but was a little deficient in the bass. So I have pushed the bass a little, softened the low mids, and left the top end pretty much as it came out after the analogue exciting and denoise boost. It sounds at times as though the top end is quite bright, but I have played around with it, and found that attenuating anything just led to either a thin or dull sound. I think a part of it is that the cymbals, particularly Phil's rides, are quite loud in the mix. At least they dominate the music well down into the midrange, so it's not a case of just equalising them back a bit. What you hear probably represents the way it sounded in the hall. 

After the bass was enhanced, some low frequency (around 60Hz) hums became noticeable. Where the music has been quiet enough that they are audible, I have removed them, and in the process cleaned up any 'rumble' on the floor of the recording. 

Lastly I have edited in sections from other concerts to fill the missing gaps in this one. The first few chords of Chamber of 32 Doors come from the West Palm Beach 75 soundboard, which I chose because it matched the sound quality well, and as it was a short fill that would have sounded much the same each night, I felt that WPB was a suitable source. Ravine comes from the stereo audience recording of the 12th December 74 show from Waterbury, CT. This is also a good recording, and although the source I had access to is probably not the best available, it seems to balance in well. It is interesting to note the lack of buzzes from the PA on this Waterbury concert. Lastly a short section of the intro crowd noises (Peter's "Shhhhh", less than 10secs or so) from the 'Rael Imperial' boot was used to fill the missing splice in the source tape I used. 

The final process was to balance volumes between the 3 parts of the show, and maximise the levels. There is no reverb on this remaster.

Turn it up loud!
Two Weeks in Spain
Free Hand
On Reflection
I'm Turning Around
Just the Same
Playing the Game
Memories of Old Days
Betcha Thought
Funny Ways
For Nobody
Mountain Time

Extra Gentlle
Long Gone
Who Do You Love?
Get Back into Rockin'
I Drink Alone
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
Trouble Everyday
The Usual
Rock & Roll Man
Get a Haircut
Bad to the Bone
Rocking My Life Away

Show: B+
Sound: A
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Recorded off analogue cable using a STAudio DSP24.

Jazzmeeting WDR: Trovesi - Coscia "Roung About Weill"

Gianluigi Trovesi - Klarinette 
Gianni Coscia - Akkordeon 

Duo Thomas Heberer / Dieter Manderscheid 
Eine Aufnahme vom 14.Juni 2004 aus dem Stadtgarten Köln

01. Trailer & Anmoderation
02. Dov' e la citta? 			K: Coscia/Trovesi
03. Alabama Song 			K: K. Weill
04. Le giostre di piazza savona 	K: Coscia
05. Ach, bedenken sie Herr Jach o' Brien K: K. Weill
06. L'eres una strega, c'era una tata 	K: Trovesi
07. Mahagonny - Szene 4 		K: K. Weill
08. Culo di pasta 			K: Coscia
09. Moderation & Duo Heberer-Manderscheid - Cornette Chop Suey
10. Moderation
11. Markus Stockhausen & Claudio Puntin - "Romanische Nacht", Köln 2004
12. Moderation
13. Tango Ballade 			K: K. Weill
14. Minor dance 			K: Trovesi
15. Youkau 				K: K. Weill
16. Django 				K: J. Lewis
17. Mahagonny Szene 13 			K: K. Weill
18. Her Cab 				K: Trovesi
19. Denn wie man sich bettet, so liegt man K: K. Weill
20. Basin Street Blues 			K: S. Williams
21. Thema aus Mahagonny 		K: K. Weill
22. Sweet Georgia Brown 		K: trad
Ginger Blues
I Lu Kron
Ain Temouchant
When We Go
Straight, No Chaser 
CD Silver->FLAC

CD 1:

 1. Intro- Nic Harcourt from KCRW 'Morning Becomes Eclectic'  ( 0:26 )
 2. Get Myself Arrested  (5:03)
 3. Hangover    (4:58)
 4. Free to Run (7:24)
 5. Las Vegas Dealer (5:00)
 6. Here Comes the Breeze (8:09)
 7. Rhythm & Blues Alibi (6:14)
 8. Love is Better Than a Warm Trombone (4:38)
 9. We Haven't Turned Around (7:07)

CD 2:

1. California (11:18)
2. Whippin' Picadilly (5:36)
3. 78 Stone Wobble -> *Not Fade Away (9:39)
4. Devil Will Ride (8:56)
Source: Sony ECM-719 > Sony NF610 MD > Audacity > wav > flac

Disc 1

01. Bring it On
02. Shot Shot
03. All Too Much
04. Love is Better than a Warm Trombone
05. See the World
06. Nothing is Wrong
07. Ping One Down
08. Notice
09. Blue Moon Rising
10. How We Operate
11. Ruff Stuff
12. Hamoa Beach
13. Girlshapedlovedrug
14. Free to Run
15. Fill My Cup

Disc 2

01. Devil Will Ride
02. Chasing Ghosts with Alcohol
03. Make No Sound
04. Whippin' Piccadilly
Source: SBD > DAT > Echo Gina > SF 4.5 > CDWav > SHN
Recorded by Jim Baadshaug

Disc 1:
1) John The Revelator *
2) Thelonius Beck
3) Game Face
4) Birth Of The Mule > 
5) Damage (later renamed Thorazine Shuffle)
6) Trane >
   St. Stephen jam >
7) She Said She Said >
   Tomorrow Never Knows jam

'* Allen on mandolin

Disc 2:
1) Mule >
   I've Been Workin' >
2) crowd
3) Young Man Blues >
   Good Morning Lil' Schoolgirl >
   Young Man Blues

Original Notes:

Received in trade 12/2005
EAC > WAV > FLAC (Level 6 verified) by robemichel on 05/09/2006
questions/comments: robemichel@yahoo.com
Lineage: CD > EAC > FLAC (> etree ~ YOU Mule people)
Taped by: http://db.etree.org/shninfo_detail.php?shnid=18431#comments, thanks a lot for taping this wonderful show (one more source mentioned at db.etree.org, thank you, too)
Quality: good to very good
Title: “Brothers & Sisters”
File Size: 734MB
Length: 136:33min
More Information: http://www.mulebase.com/00a.asp
and: http://db.etree.org/lookup_show.php?shows_key=48420

Live in 9:30 Club, Washington, DC, 10th March 2000
CD1: (68:03min)
1) Hammer And Nails ~
2) Don’t Step On The Grass, Sam
3) Life Before Insanity
4) No Need To Suffer ~
5) She Said, She Said ~
6) Tomorrow Never Knows Jam
7) Wandering Child
8) Fallen Down (1)
9) World Gone Wild (2) (fade out after the song)
CD2: (68:30min)
1) Drums ~ (fade in before the song)
2) Drums & Keys (2)
3) Lay Your Burden Down (1)
4) Bad Little Doggie (3)
5) Far Away (2)
6) 21st Century Schizoid Man (2) ~
7) We’re Not Gonna Take It (1)^ ~
8) Since I’ve Been Loving You (2)+
9) Mule (4) ~ I've Been Working (2) > Mule (4)
Length: 136:33min
Warren Haynes: Vocals, Guitar
Allen Woody: Bass
Matt Abts: Drums
(1) Johnny Neel on keyboards and back-up vocals
(2) Johnny on keyboards
(3) Johnny on keyboards, back-up vocals and harmonica
(4) Johnny on keyboards and harmonica
+ first time played
^ just the "Listening To You" part
Recording Info:
SBD -> Master Reel (10 inch) -> CD -> Sonic Solutions -> CD -> EAC -> SHN
(2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs SHN)

Converted By Charlie Miller

Set 1:
d1t01 - Bertha
d1t02 - Beat It On Down The Line
d1t03 - China Cat Sunflower ->
d1t04 - I Know You Rider
d1t05 - El Paso ->
d1t06 - Sugaree
d1t07 - Jack Straw
d1t08 - Big Railroad Blues
d1t09 - Me And Bobby McGee
d1t10 - Loser
d1t11 - Playing In The Band
d1t12 - Tennessee Jed
d1t13 - You Win Again
d1t14 - Mexicali Blues
d2t01 - Casey Jones
d2t02 - One More Saturday Night

Set 2;
d2t03 - Truckin' ->
d2t04 - Drums ->
d2t05 - The Other One ->
d2t06 - Me And My Uncle ->
d2t07 - The Other One ->
d2t08 - Wharf Rat ->
d2t09 - Sugar Magnolia

d2t10 - Johnny B. Goode
Disc 1 (59:47)
01. Truckin'
02. Loser
03. Mr. Charlie
04. Jack Straw
05. China Cat Sunflower >
06. I Know You Rider
07. Run Rudolph Run
08. El Paso
09. Tennessee Jed

Disc 2 (52:17)
01. Mexacalli Blues
02. Black Peter
03. Next Time You See Her
04. Casey Jones
Set 2
05. Big Railroad Blues
06. Me & My Uncle
07. Ramble On Rose
08. Playing In The Band

Disc 3 (54:56)
01. Cryptical Envelopement >
02. Drums >
03. The Other One >
04. Me & Bobby McGee >
05. The Other One >
06. Wharf Rat
07. One More Saturday Night
08. Uncle John's Band

Despite my critics, I am seeding this show in FLAC. I received it
on CDR to CDR trade years ago BEFORE SHN was
invented, and before public trackers like DIME happened. The audio is stellar.
This show is NOT listed in The "Deadhead's Taping Compendium". Apparently
it was not discovered until after the 1st volume was printed. It is listed in
Deadbase as # 2418.
Highlights are the ENTIRE show. Amazing! Enjoy. This one is by special request from 
several DIME members. Check out the other 2 Felt Forum Shows from this run that
I have seeded so far. One more to go.

Set 2 

Original source: http://db.etree.org/shninfo_detail.php?shnid=188
Disc One patched and re-tracked by Sean Cribbs 7/2003 

DISC ONE [65:33] 
01 [00:10] "squashed" 
02 [08:48] China Cat Sunflower > 
03 [05:48] I Know You Rider 
04 [03:01] Me And My Uncle 
05 [04:59] Dark Star > 
06 [01:53] Mind Left Body Jam > 
07 [16:19] Dark Star > 
08 [15:51] Eyes Of The World > 
09 [08:41] Stella Blue 

note: first 15 seconds of China Cat Sunflower patched with 
11/20/73 Denver, CO 

DISC TWO [37:29] 
01 [05:41] Weather Report Suite Prelude > Part One > 
02 [10:59] Let It Grow 
03 [08:37] Goin' Down The Road Feeling Bad 
04 [04:47] One More Saturday Night 
05 [07:24] Uncle John's Band 

note: added crossfades at reel splices between Let It Grow and 
GDTRFB and between OMSN and UJB; removed two spots of static at 
end of Let It Grow
Source: Master Cassette > DAT > CDR > EAC Rip > SHN


01.  Promised Land > 
02.  Bertha > 
03.  Greatest Story
04.  Sugaree 
05.  Black Throated Wind 
06.  To Lay Me Down 
07.  El Paso 
08.  Ramble On Rose 
09.  Me & Bobby McGee 
10.  China Cat Sunflower > 
11.  Know You Rider 
12.  Me and My Uncle 

Disk II: 

Set 1, cont. 
01.  Loose Lucy 
02.  Weather Report Suite Prelude > 
03.  Weather Report Suite Part 1 > 
04.  Let It Grow 
05.  Mississippi Half-Step 
06.  Big River, Dark Star>Eyes>China Doll Jam on disk 3 
07.  Sugar Magnolia 
08.  Uncle John's Band  
09.  Johnny B. Goode > 
10.  And We Bid You Good Night

Disk III

01.  Dark Star > 
02.  Eyes Of The World > 
03.  China Doll
Source: "Betty Board" 7in 2-track reel w/DBX-1 @ 7.5 ips > DAT
Transfer: Tascam DAP1 > Zefiro za2 > Sound Forge > CD Wave > SHN




01 - Promised Land
02 - Sugaree
03 - Mama Tried
04 - El Paso
05 - Tennessee Jed
06 - Looks Like Rain
07 - Deal

Total Time 66:56


01 - Lazy Lightning > 
02 - Supplication
03 - Peggy O
04 - The Music Never Stopped
05 - Tuning
06 - Bertha

Total Time: 38:19


01 - Estimated Prophet
02 - Scarlet Begonias >
03 - Fire on the Mountain
04 - Good Lovin'
05 - St. Stephen
06 - Sugar Magnolia
07 - Johnny B. Goode

Total Time: 67:21


This is seeded on dimeadozen.org to commemorate the 29th anniversary of this epic show. Betty Cantor was largely responsible for the overall tonal excellence and fidelity of this recording which she made, one of many that became legend to fans for their incredible depth and overall killer sound that are now famously known as "Betty Boards". This Betty Board is no exception to that tradition. Here is another rippin' May 77 show from the Veteran's Memorial Coliseum in New Haven, CT. Enjoy! - Dub Irie - 5/5/2006


Other transfers of this show exist and are tracked differently.
Known errors:
-drops gd1977-05-05d1t05 1:02 -> 1:08 and 6:00->6:10

*Please email wallwork@uab.edu with other errors.

-Troy Wallwork
etree shnid = 7725
Soundboard Recording
Digital encoding and DBX decoding by Rob Eaton
CD editing and mastering by The Wizard - Owenbrothersvault@hotmail.com

Here is how Rob did his part:
Master 1/2 trk 7" reels @7.5ips (DBX encoded)->
PCM beta digital->Sony 2500 dat->
DB Technologies DB3000S for digital emphisis decode->
DB Technologies 924 for D->A conversion->
Dolby 361 modules W/K9-22 DBX cards for DBX decode->
Neve Capricorn Digital mixing colsole (24 bit/ 32bit floating point
processing (for level adjustment)->
Panasonic SV4100 Pro Dat recorder (master Decode Dat)->
Master Clone (panasonic Sv3700->Sv3800 via AES interlink)

Here is what the Wiz did:
Rob's DAT clone>Tascam DA-20 mkII>Digital Audio Labs Card Deluxe>WAVE>
Diamond Cut Audio DC-6 (for editing)>WAVE>CD and SHN.

Here is what was used for the AUD patches:
AudMC > DAT > Soundforge > CDWAV > SHN
Taper: Steve Rolfe Sony ECM 33P mic > TC-152 deck
A > D transfer by Noah Weiner - November, 2001
AudMC played back on a Nakamichi MR-1 > Fostex D5 (A>D only) 
Soundforge was used for normalizing and editing.

Note: US Blues encore from an unknown SBD source. DBX reel source was unusable.

Summary of editing:
Rob's decode was masterful and made my job easy.  Nothing was done to the sound
of the DBX decoded material. Just cleaned up a few issues and made AUD patches.
Cut after Peggy-O cleaned up - Aud source cut there also so no patch available...
Over the top guitar chord at start of Half-Step toned down a bit to save ears...
Two small gliches in Half-Step repaired.
Cut in Tuning after Tennessee Jed patched with AUD source.
Two small pops in Music corrected.
Tuning at start of Set Two patched from AUD source.
Small glich in Estimated repaired
Cut in Tuning after Estimated patched with AUD source.
Pop in Wharf Rat corrected.
Cut in Around and Around patched with AUD source.
Cut in Crowd before encore patched from AUD source.
About 10 bad pops removed from US Blues and it was Equalized
and gain adjusted to better match up with the rest.
All AUD patches were sonically adjusted to better match up and cross-faded
in to prevent a jarring change.

Disc One - Set One  -  73:37
01) Equipment Repairs
02) Bertha
03) More repairs
04) Cassidy
05) Tune Up
06) Deal
07) Tune Up
08) Jack Straw
09) Fennario (Pretty Peggy-O)
10) New Minglewood Blues
11) Repairs - Billy K's Birthday!
12) Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodle-Loo
13)>Big River

Disc Two Set One + Two  -  60:39
Set One
01) Tune Up
02) Tennessee Jed
03) Tune Up (Aud patch)
04) The Music Never Stopped
Second Set
05) Tune Up (Aud patch)
06) Terrapin Station
07)>Samson And Delilah
08) Tune Up
09) Friend Of The Devil
10) Estimated Prophet

Disc Three - Set Two  -  61:28
01) Tune Up (Aud patch)
02) Eyes Of The World
04)>The Wheel
05)>Wharf Rat
06)>Around And Around (Aud patch)
07) Crowd (Aud patch) - Jerry's Guitar is Broke!\
08) U.S. Blues (Alt soundboard source)
source:  SBD > MR > DAT > CDR > WAV > SHNv3  

Disc 1 - 

Set 1 
01 Deal 
02 Cassidy 
03 Jack-A-Roe 
04 Mexicali Blues 
05 Friend Of The Devil 
06 New Minglewood Blues 
07 It Must Have Been The Roses  

Disc 2 - 
Set 1 (cont'd) 
01 Lazy Lightnin' > 
02 Supplication 
03 High Time 
04 The Music Never Stopped 
Set 2 
05 Jack Straw 
06 Ship Of Fools 
07 Estimated Prophet > 
08 Eyes Of The World > 
09 Drums >  

Disc 3 - 
Set 2 (cont'd) 
01 Drums > 
02 The Other One > 
03 Stella Blue > 
04 Around And Around Encore 
05 Brokedown Palace 

thanks to bear g. for the seed. DAE: EAC (high n' secure, offset corrected) > shntool (boundaries confirmed)   > mkwact > ftp via neo_levo. 
LINEAGE:		SBD > 2-TRACK RTR @ 7.5 i.p.s. > Marin County Source 24/96 digital multi-track > SSSB
RELEASED ON:	03/29/02

OFFICIAL SHOW NOTES:  LINEAGE: SBD > GD Master RTR (7.5 i.p.s.) > Marin County Source ADAT > SSSB; any/all editing, fades, NR, hiss elimination, phase shifting, time smear correction, digital jitter elimination, EQ, and quantization noise elimination (when down-converting audio for CD-R mastering), were all performed using 24-bit / 96 kHz digital realm processing at Serafin Station Studio B using the "code name Harpoon" editing software (Beta V0.948.72 Build 103)


1977... what a GREAT year for fantastic shows, and some of the BEST sounding recordings through the decades.  This show does NOT disappoint in keeping this "tradition" going!

I was lucky enough to be able to obtain a NON-PCM version of this show from the archives...  straight from the original reels (I don't know why, but this show is being worked on by the Vault engineers;  my MC source got a transfer from the original reels, and put the audio right onto multi-track 24-bit / 96 kHz sampling rate digital tape (4 sets of 2-track audio, just for "safety reasons" in case one of the channels had a problem.  The crispness of this transfer comes shining through.  Also, without the show having the PCM (which would have been 8-bit) in the lineage, you tend to get much more of the audio detail coming through.

There's just the smallest bit of the original RTR hiss left.  If I tried to remove any more of the original hiss, the show's audio itself was becoming "corrupted".  Believe me when I say that the hiss is so minimal, you're not going to really care... and a lot of people aren't going to hear it unless you have your audio system volume cranked WAY up!

I'm going to say this show was really energetic (as it was), and very good, but it's not one of their most stellar "giving it all they've got" performances.  Don't get me wrong, it's a dream to hear the songs, how they were played, Donna Jean was in EXCELLENT voice (no "fingernails on the blackboard" for the entire show), and the mix is excellent.

Ah, the mix... if you want to know how much Weir REALLY contributes to songs, this version of this show is a prime example.  You have all the vocals panned center, Keith and Billy on the left channel, Jerry's guitar in the center, and Weir and Mickey in the right.  Sometimes, Bob's guitar slightly "drowns out" Jerry's work, but that's only due to the fact that Weir's guitar is very present, and very clean/clear, in the mix.  But there's no point where Jerry's work cannot be heard.  You like hearing Phil? He's WELL in the mix, slightly hotter than normal;  but when I perform the "phase correction" processes, Phil's slightly louder than normal mix does NOT make the overall show sound muddy at all.  Crisp and clean, and wonderful job was done on this original recording.

Since Keith's piano is not always loud, and he's not constantly playing, the engineer's took the vocals for everyone, and added the analog reverb to the left channel to "fill it in".  The result is a well-balanced mix, with enough of the "processed vocal audio" in the left channel to make up for the lack of instrument volume.

There's a LOT of dynamic headroom in this show, no compression/limiting was used except to keep the very loudest drums beats "in check".  This is important, especially during the last part of Set II, where some VERY unusual soft passages to usually always loud songs were performed.  A great change of pace, they added the right touch, making the extended versions of the songs well worth their length... never boring or "get on with it"!

Ok, on with the show/song part of the review of the show itself.

As you folks probably know by now, I am a firm believer in leaving in ANY and ALL between-song lulls, tuning, quiet banter, and so forth.  It's the "archiving" part of me that believes that if the audience heard it when it was originally performed, so should the people who are enjoying it now!  As such, the closer to Set I, Bertha, winds up being the first song on Disc 2.

Set I was very long.  Since I release all of my shows to fit on the industry-standard 74 minute CD-R media, and Set I was a touch over 75:30, I had FOUR ways of working this "problem" out:

1: Remove some of the between-song lulls, where there's no tuning, or anything but crowd noise.  Not really acceptable to me (see my statement above concerning this).  I could have easily removed almost 3 minutes of "unnecessary" lull time, but this is not how I do things here...

2: Using the "Harpoon" editing software, I could have slightly speeded up the set, WITHOUT affecting the pitch.  The problem with this is again, it didn't happen that way, but the biggest reason is that there is sometimes unwanted digital jitter introduced into the audio when doing this process, as the editing program is actually "throwing away" digital bits.  I have experimented with this with some commercial work, and it's about 95% effective.  To a "good set of ears", you could hear the "dropped" sections.  Again, this would make the final audio less than desired...

3: I could have setup Set I to use an 80 minute CD-R disc.  But since there's no industry standard for 80 minute discs, the result would be that the show may not play on everyone's audio equipment!  This was a "no-brainer"... keep the 74 minute disc choice, which makes sue that no one has any problems.

4: Cut the last song, and make it the first song of Disc 2.  This is what was done... there is the usual "10 second overlap" I use when I have to begin a new disc when there's still audio being played (this time, it was actually the crowd noise, etc.).  This also worked out better, in that Disc 2 is now longer, not really a "little bit on the short side" disc.  With the 8+ minutes that Bertha required (the Set I closer), it "padded" Disc 2 very nicely.  I did the usual 10 second 6 dB logarithmic fade out, and then left a very small bit of silence at the end, so that Samson, the opener for Set II, was allowed to come in nicely.

Set I had only "single songs", no two-song-combo's.  The Music Never stopped was a very nice opener for the show, and it set the tempo nicely.  There were only very minor mix adjustments made during that song, and you will not hear where they were made unless you REALLY concentrate.  I did not "mask" the changes, as they were very subtle to begin with, and they didn't need to be given any outside assistance.  A really soulful 14 minute Sugaree follows, and the audience knew they were going to get their money's worth this evening!  A short, but good Mama Tried is next up, and almost expected to hear a segue into another song, but there was no hint of it at all.  What WAS great was Bob's little monologue to the audience about the show starting late... there's a great joke in there, so don't fast-forward past it!

The way the engineer's mixed this recording, Donna's wonderful Sunrise really hit the mark next. Really a sweet version, one of the better one's I've heard.  Two back-to-back kick-ass songs followed, Deal and then Passenger.  Brown-Eyed Women was satisfactory, not one of their best versions.  Nothing wrong with it, but it just seemed to lack a little something.  Bobby came in with a very good Looks Like Rain, giving it just the right accents at the right time.

Jerry did a very unusual opening to Jack-A-Roe.  Almost sounding like he was just strumming to pass the time, it was "planned" by him as just a little change from the ordinary opening to this song.  I really liked this opening version better than other variations I've heard.  It's pleasant, soft, appealing, and it draws you into it.

A better than average Minglewood closes out Disc 1, and the set's closer, Bertha, does not disappoint one bit.

Set II is where the show REALLY shines for this performance.  A bright and "harsh" Samson kicks things off.  Nothing really special about this version, except that it was not mediocre.  In comes Jerry with a slow and mellow High Time.  He gave this evening's version a little more soulful sound, both in his playing as well as his vocals.  Big River, which kind of shocked me for being in Set II gave a nice twist to the performance.  I expected a segue into another song, but again, this was not to be.  This was the end of the "single song" part of the show.

Now comes the one into the next, with a mix of songs, and how they were performed, which should bring a smile to your face when you listen to it.

Jerry kicks things off with a great 10 minute Terrapin Station.  Good to hear that song, and with Donna Jean being in good voice (and having a monitor to hear herself in), it's really a pleasant version.  Here's where the "dynamics" I spoke of begin.  There's a really low volume section which you think is the segue into the next song, but they begin again with their louder volume continuation to complete the song.  Estimated Prophet is next up, and Bob gives a very good performance, again, knowing which words to accent for the "effect" of the lyrics.  This is also where a RTR change came in, but I was able to cross-fade the two sections as seamlessly as possible.  You can tell where is occurred, but it's not "glaring" and painful to hear.  The most difficult part about cross-fading is making sure you get both the percussion matched up so the song doesn't change it's back beat, as well as finding a point to cross-fade any instruments which are playing.  I had to delete close to 25 seconds of the new reel to accommodate this.  Not a lot is lost in the transition, probably less than a minute in all.  Prophet goes off into a small, but very sweet jam, and you can tell by it's tempo towards the end what song is coming up next...

Yup, you guessed it: Eyes Of The World.  A really sweet 12.5 minute version which is quite enjoyable, easy on the ears, and not a lot of overdoing it on the solo's for Jerry's guitar.  He had that knack for knowing which shows/songs needed more or less of his guitar solos, and tonight, he nailed it.

As Eyes fades out, you begin to hear Billy and Mickey start up on Drums... this is where Disc 2 ends, giving you 10 seconds of their solo percussion, and then a 10 second fadeout.

As Disc 3 starts, you get the same thing, with the "pre-fade out" 10 seconds of Disc 2's end fading in, and then the first 10 seconds of what you think is Drums.  FOOLED YA!  No, it wasn't Drums at all, but a percussion-only into to NFA.  After about 10-15 seconds of the percussion only section, you begin to distinctly hear NFA's beat coming in.  They did a wonderful job of sneaking it in slowly, but surely, nice and easy. A SIXTEEN-PLUS minute NFA is just about as good as it gets.  Again, for this night's version, they're loud and proud singing it, but then they begin fading their playing/singling volume down really to a very quiet level...  if I were' to have used any compression/limiting, it would have ruined the dynamics of this section.  They're not subtle about bringing the song's volume level back up... it hit you like a sucker punch! A real rip-rowser version, in my opinion.  They then begin the segue into (you guessed it), GDTRFB.  Again, they do the loud/soft passages routine, and they pulled it off nicely.  Just over 8.25 minutes worth (wish it would have been a little longer, and they do a good on the fly segue into Around & Around.  Johnny B. Goode would NOT have worked with this segue, and they chose the right Chuck Berry song to go into.  It's a great close to Set II, and you know he crowd wants more, but it was not to be.

Only the encore is left... Uncle John's Band rounds off the evening's performance.  Instrumentally, it was done right on the money, but almost every verse and chorus had someone screwing up the lyrics.  Not only Jerry, but Weir and Donna as well. Everyone got into the "befuddled zone" for this one.  Still, the harmonies and instrument playing make it well worth the mistakes in the words that were made.  After the song ended, the tape kept rolling, and you can hear the equipment being broken down, the audience still buzzing about the wonderful show they just witnessed, and so forth.  I kept all of this in up to the point where the tape deck was shut off.  And, of course, I did fade out the last 10 seconds, so as not to be abrupt.  But it's nice to be able to hear the audience's appreciation for the show, which is not always recorded or kept by many who taped shows.  It only seemed right to keep all of this in, with the little unplugging clicks, the equipment being turned off, etc.

I hope you all enjoy this very sweet version of this show.  And thanks to my MC source for getting me the non-PCM version. This made the sound all that much better.

PERSONAL RATINGS: (on a 1 to 10 scale with 10 being excellent)
Audio Mix: 9.7 (Weir could have been a little softer in the mix)
Audio Quality: 9.9 (the minute remaining RTR hiss is the only "minus")
Energy Level: 9.5
Show "Completeness": 10.0
Song Selection: ENTIRE SHOW 10.0
Surprises: Jerry's very different opening guitar lead-in on Jack-A-Roe, and the loud/soft passages for Set II's songs.
Recording Info:
SBD -> Master Reel (7 inch Master Reels @ 7.5ips 1/2trk) -> Dat -> CD

Transfer Info:
CD -> EAC -> Samplitude Profesional v8.0 -> FLAC
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)

Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller

Patch Info:
AKG D224 -> Master Reel (Tandberg 10XD) -> Reel -> Dat -> CD
Patch in d3t02 (St. Stephen) from 4:50 - 4:54
Patch in d3t07 (Sugar Magnolia) from 0:53 - 1:14
All other reel flips take place between songs, no patches needed.

-- This is an upgrade to all circulating copies.
-- Thanks to Paul Scotton for the source discs.
-- There are some kind of low-frequency pops in Franklin's Tower.
-- Mind Left Body tease at end of Not Fade Away.

Set 1:
d1t01 - Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo
d1t02 - Jack Straw
d1t03 - They Love Each Other
d1t04 - Cassidy
d1t05 - Sunrise
d1t06 - Deal
d1t07 - Looks Like Rain
d1t08 - Loser
d1t09 - The Music Never Stopped

Set 2:
d2t01 - Samson And Delilah
d2t02 - Funiculi Funicula
d2t03 - Help On The Way ->
d2t04 - Slipknot! ->
d2t05 - Franklin's Tower
d3t01 - Estimated Prophet ->
d3t02 - St. Stephen ->
d3t03 - Not Fade Away ->
d3t04 - Drums ->
d3t05 - St. Stephen ->
d3t06 - Terrapin Station ->
d3t07 - Sugar Magnolia

d3t08 - U.S. Blues
d3t09 - One More Saturday Night
Source: SBD > GD Master 2" 8 Track RTR 15 i.p.s. (2 decks) > GD Vault 1" Mixdown Safety RTR @ 15 i.p.s. > MCS 24 bit/96 kHz ADAT > SSSB (SHNTOOL used and verified) 
Transfer: All digital processing performed at 24-bit/96 kHz sampling rate at Serafin Station Studio B using the "Harpoon" editing software V1.084.782; 
Post release - d1t06 - CD Wave (split to 06 and 07) > SHN - Dub Irie


Disk 1:

01 - Jack Straw
02 - Dire Wolf
03 - Beat It On Down The Line
04 - Peggy-O
05 - Mama Tried > 
06 - Mexicali Blues
07 - Finiculi Finicula
08 - Row Jimmy
09 - Minglewood Blues
10 - Loser
11 - Lazy Lightning > 
12 - Supplication 

Disk 1 Total Time: 65:53

Disk 2:

01 - Bertha > 
02 - Good Lovin'
03 - It Must Have Been The Roses
04 - Estimated Prophet >
05 - Eyes Of The World > 

Disk 2 Total Time: 46:37

Disk 3:

06 - Drums > 07 - Truckin'> 
08 - Wharf Rat > 
09 - Around & Around
10 - U.S. Blues (Encore)

Disk 3 Total Time: 59:02


Here is a show that is worthy of any good collection of Grateful Dead concerts - among the great shows from 78. This board is as clean as they get, and from a classic performance. Read Jay's extensive notes for more info than you ever knew could exist about a concert... - Dub 



As the "first show released in 2003", I figured I should make it a hell of a show to what I hope will be a
hell of a year.  I hope you agree with me that this show hits the nail on the head.

This is a little-known "set of factoids" about this show, which is almost always overlooked in the major
"publications and set list" of Grateful Dead shows: this concert was simulcast over Duke's on-campus 50 watt
FM radio station!  On the date of this concert, the University's FM station (which was 94.7 MHz at that time)
broadcasted it live; it's low power transmitter allowed it to be received by FM receivers within a 0.5 mile
radius of the University grounds (per their FCC license).

Many years later, in May of 1984, Duke University "donated" their RTR copies of this show to the Grateful
Dead's Vault, when the station was undergoing renovation.  Almost all of the oldest or "worst condition"
equipment was being totally replaced with (at that time) "state of the art eight track cassette decks" and PCM
decks; a brand new mixing consoles was designed and built by their engineering department students; and even a
small, but very nicely designed, "live studio" was added, where bands could perform a song or two if they were
doing interviews (live or for future broadcasts).

To make room for all of this renovation, the station needed to "clean house" of all their archived RTR (80%) and cassette recordings (20%); these were recordings that the station personnel felt they longer were either required to keep (per FCC rules), or the large quantities of stored RTR/cassette media were no longer of any "musical and/or historical" value to the University as a whole.  There were literally 1,500 RTR and cassette total recordings which were auctioned off (to past and present Duke University students and faculty only!), to help to defray the costs of the new equipment, and the renovation and expansion; any of the media which were not auctioned off were DESTROYED, not simply tossed into a dumpster.

But, there were NO Dead/related concerts or interview recordings auctioned off!  The students and faculty who ran the station agreed that rather than destroy the media that contained this particular show (and the other GD concerts and/or interviews which were made during previous Duke performances), this media would be better off going to their "rightful owners";  they shipped ALL of these recordings to the Dead!  This was a very Kind gesture, and one which eventually led to a favor in return being done: the Phil "requested" (aka "demanded") that the Vault people clean up and send back to the University brand new copies of EVERY ONE of the donated shows!  These were made on PCM, DAT, and other "modern day media"!.  
Because of this returned Kindness gesture, Duke's radio station will play these shows each year, on the day of the actual original performance, as a "treat to the students and faculty".  This information has been verified by the both Lemieux as well as my MCS.

Mere words cannot come close to accurately describing what a phenomenal performance this was show actually was!  Just the comedic overtones alone, in many parts of the show, have to be heard to be appreciated!  Listen to the section where the Stadium's personnel were "asked to adjust the lighting"... it shows how "nice" Weir could be when asking that something be done!

This show is a COLLECTOR'S DREAM!  the size of the collection is irrelevant; just "owning" a good to high quality copy of this performance makes it invaluable to one's Show Library  You need to LISTEN to this show, and to EXPERIENCE the dynamics (the loudness and softness of the overall volume during any of the songs performed) that the Dead pulled out their "Uncle Sam's Hat" with amazing results.  There are possibly a dozen shows, over the 30 years the Dead had recorded their performances to crowds both large and small, which come close to, or possibly excel this evening's performance!  This recording showcases the talents and craftsmanship of an "experience" which allows it to be admired and enjoyed, over and over, and you'll never grow tired of this recording.  It was accomplished, not by "slight of hand", not by the people involved in the mixing and recording, not by some the guidance of some sort of a "higher power"...  this was totally and completely the Dead doing this, both collectively as well as individually!  They Boyz absorbed the energy from the audience and the venue were radiating, multiplying it to the umpteenth degree, and shot it back out, wave after wave after wave, to every atom of every individual inside the Stadium!  This show was a unique experience for the audience... being able to both audibly and visually getting a glimpse of just one part of the overall "Grateful Dead Experience" which was very rarely heard, and even rarer to be experienced first-hand!

This recording hopefully will allow you to mentally visualize what took place that night, and for you to be able to hear this most unusual version of their music and their manipulation of it.

Every single one was an excellent choice in and of itself; the order in which they were played could never have been scripted.  Every song includes everything ranging from "well above average" to excellent solos, vocals which are to die for, perfectly performed jams, and each of the segues, with a single exception, all flowed flawlessly.  Personally, I think the only song they should have played, and this concert would have been the place for it to be performed, would have been "Weather Report Suite", or at least "Let It Grow".

All in all, this is one hell of an unusual show, but definetly NOT in any negative sense; it was a mixture of immense energy, fun and frolic, hilarity, musicanship of a calibre worthy the Dead, and 100% upbeat and strong... even when the slow ballads were played.  By the SBD engineers not using the usual level of compression and limiting, in either the vocal or instrumental busses, the audience that evening, and us enjoying this classic recording today, this recording stands apart from almost every other show the band had ever performed.  Some of the Betty Board shows have come close in this respect.  And, in fact, until parts of "Drums" were peformed, or when Jerry went "vocally ballistic" during "U. S. Blues", the C&L equipment was set to "very conservative parameters", according to my MCS!

Set I is good, for the most part: Keith's grand piano is clear, but not as audible (compared to his electric piano) as it should have been for the first 6 songs; Garcia's and Weir's guitars are also well balanced throughout the show, although Set II had their mix and channel balance slightly improved.  The percussion could have been a little better in Set I, as Mickey's individual drums can just a little buried beneath everything else in the right channel... this did improve during Set II.  Billy's mix and balance was great for the entire show.

The mix for Set II had all of those little kinks and the balancing worked out; is about as perfect as one could ask for, especially for the 1977-1978 years!  

There is another version of this show in circulation, one which supposedly was worked on by a person named "J. Henry"; I will say, for the record, it is good in many respects.  There is slightly more hiss (the Harpoon editing software confirms that there is an increase of +3.86 dB hiss in that version).  I cannot tell you the reason for this, as the lineage for the "Henry" version states that it did not have any additional analog generations.  The "advantage" of my MCS version has is that it is "direct from the Vault"; and it is one of the newly archived shows which have recently been made, using analog RTR media to keep the "warmth" of the audio intact and to keep the "harsher" sound of a digital recording from altering the overall sound.  This "re-archiving" is an ongoing process the Vault personnel, with Lesh and Hart overseeing all the final details, are doing to assure that many excellent, and very rare shows, do not going to deteriorate any more than they already have.

The Dead had played at Cameron Indoor Stadium a number of times before.  There seems to be something about this venue that always brought out the somethig extra in the Dead's performance.  There always seemed to be a bit more "fun" to their playing there (I have several other shows from that venue to back up that personal statement).  Maybe it was the "college campus atmosphere", maybe it was just the audience itself that always showed up; there's nothing I can't pin it down to, except to say that there was just "something" about Duke that made it more like a festival or carnival atmosphere.

JACK STRAW kicks off this night's show, and it 1s a REALLY KIND rendition.  While this was never an uncommon opener, you immediately begin to sense that this is going to be a "different" concert in some manner; a pair of very subtle (but necessary) adjustments to the mix are taken care of by the engineers at the mixing console in the first 2 minutes (bet you can't find them!); Donna's levels in the mix are right on the money...  not too "hot", not too soft.  Phil and the SBD mixing crew, during the sound checks, got it right when she's doing her duet with Bob.  And it didn't change once the show itself began.  Weir has got that unmistakable "crystal, but slightly edgey" effect set up for his 2 guitars this evening, which makes listening to his playing just that much more enjoyable.

And you think all is well, and Jerry moves forward to the mike for his part of the song... HIS VOICE IS AWOL!  You can hear  his mike is on, as his vocals are bleeding over into the mikes picking up the stage monitor mix, but his voice is just not going out to the "house"!  The Dead appear to be unaware of what's going on, as they can hear themselves in the stage monitors just fine.  The mixing console is set up correctly; no one accidentally hit the "mute buttons" for Jerry main and vocal FX channels, and his mike is turned on.  Listen closely, and you can hear the crew switching the input cables for Jerry's mike on the mixing console (there's a little audio sound that is the unmistakable sound of a cables being (un)plugged... but the question still remains: where's Garcia's voice gone?

After JS is finished, the crew thinks they have the situation solved.

DIRE WOLF kicks off.  Still no dice; now, not only are we missing Jerry, but Donna's vocal levels lower, and now Bob is getting quieter in the mix, during the chorus.  About 38 seconds into the song, you can hear when the engineers put Jerry's vocal channel into "PFL Solo" mode on the console (which means it only allows Jerry to be heard and all other channels are muted) for a few seconds.  All this time, the RTR deck, which is being fed by the "house buss" mix" is picking everything up, including the burst when the PFL is tried.  You can hear that Jerry's voice IS coming into the mixer just fine, albeit it slightly distorted, along with the audio from the stage amps and monitors.  The "solo" mode is cancelled and the regular mix continues to be recorded.  By the 1 minute mark, there's NO vocals left in the house mix at all.  I know the crew is scurrying around trying to reroute cables and busses on the console (as that's what they're paid for!), but it's kind of funny to hear the Dead playing... and you KNOW they're singing... but the vocals that were so great in the opener have now faded away into the sunset.

Let's forget about the vocal issues for a moment, and talk about Jerry's guitar solo during Dire Wolf.  He has his FX pedals, and amplifier adjustments set just right, and it sounds exactly like he's sitting down playing a pedal steel!  This is both spooky, yet so "comfortable", to hear this unique sound that Jerry was able to obtain for many of the '77-'78 era shows.  His guitar sound, because of the effects pedals as well as his guitars' highly-modified pickups, is able to faithfully reproduce that unique "slightly twangy" sound which all pedal steel guitars are known for; you hear he is not using a slide, and you also can pick up Garcia's "trademark" fingering and playing style techniques, so you know he's not sitting down on the pedal steel's bench... he's just standing there upright, doing his little side-to-side wobble, and playing his heart and soul out on a regular old guitar.

Dire Wolf is now complete, and there's a small bit of noodling going on;  listen close, and you will hear (mainly in the right channel) one of the engineers yelling up to the stage, telling the band what's going on.  You can't quite hear what's being said.  And all the audience can do is hope that the problems have been resolved.

BEAT IT ON DOWN THE LINE snaps to attention with a 12-beat intro; Bobby's and Donna's vocals are once again back in the mix, sounding good, with their levels back just like they had during Jack Straw.  So, what's the verdict when Garcia is ready to sing his "answer phrase" during the chorus?

SUCCESS!  YIPPEE!  Garcia's voice is resurrected from the ashes, rising up like the proverbial Phoenix!  Well, ok, so Jerry's vocals are a little hotter than they should be, compared with the other vocalists singing; but at least the bearded one has his echoing throughout the entire venue, and onto the reel of tape!  His levels were adjusted during the song, very professionally done little bit by little bit, and the show keeps on sailing along.  For the 2nd verse, Bobby, Donna, and the rest of the band did a "quieter" opening portion of it, as they were trying to get this new rendition down pat.  This alteration/variation from their usual version sounds really nice; remember, this is the Dead we're talking about, and they are staying true to their never playing the same song the same way tradition.  I REALLY loved hearing this new version the moment I heard it... I wish they would have kept it for many more shows.  But it was probably Phil was the one who vetoed this "change", and after a few more times they played this song in this new way, they went back to the old version.  As Gomer Pyle used to say "For shame, for shame, for shame."

Phil, as many of us know, was the one who really pushed hard for rehearsals, trying new things to keep songs from sounding stale, and the like; he always tried to listen a "quick mix to cassette version" of a few of the most recent shows during their travels to the next venue, and even when the band had a well deserved day off.  Phil would say "let's keep this, or let's change that".  A task master sometimes, a perfectionist ALWAYS... but he was also someone who has a very good "ear" for what worked more than just one time, and what was only a "one show wonder" version.  And that still holds true at the present time, with his current bands and constant touring; his bandmates still play loose and slightly varied versions for the more than appreciative audiences, even though there is still the basic underlying sound beneath the various sound layers.

Billy broke from his traditional percussion style, and used his cowbell more than usual during BIODTL (and a number of other songs this evening; just another example of this show being "something that is more than the usual great performance".  There's something that I like to hear when a drummer/percussionist uses a cowbell, IN THE CORRECT MANNER (i.e., not going overboard or just "teasing us" with a cople of hits), that can add that "little extra something" to the correct song.  It's not a piece of percussion equipment which (when played correctly) you notice being played, and pick up on ir right away; but it's unique sound when used in the right proportion rounds out the percussion sound.  It's a matter of a drummer's personal taste or particular style of playing, and it's always something Mickey or Billy would use IN MODERATION... not like something Fleetwood Mac or the Stones (think "Honky Tonk Woman") would use to excess and not just as an adjunct in a more than just a couple of those bands' songs.

Garcia's vocals are pretty much back to where it should be by the end of the song; things are really back to their festive moods once more.  FYI: According to my MCS, the TRUE reason for JG's "missing vocals" was the EQ unit, which fed the "house mix / RTR busses", had a defective mute/bypass switch.  This is why, when you heard the little "burst" of Jerry's voice during Dire Wolf, it sounded very "flat" and unnatural (don't consider the distortion as part of the equation).  None of the techs and engineers had looked at the level indicator on the compressor/limiter unit, which the EQ unit fed.  No one looked at the little round VU meters for the input to the compressor/limiter.  That would have shown them that there was no output coming from the EQ unit in the onstage equipment rack.  That's what the yelling was all about, to tell Harry to look at the meters on that unit.  Once the switch had been "played with" (there was just dirt on the switch's contacts!), there was now audio the mixer buss.

Harry stayed at the back of the stage so that he could keep tabs on the unit, and be ready to bypass, or change the unit out if need be, without delaying the show.  This is why Jerry could be heard in the stage monitors, as well as by the venue's audience, but not the recording decks; these EQ and C&L units were not part of the stage monitor feeds.

NOTE: I was "requested to include this information" in this text file, so that anyone who wanted to know what actually happened would not have to play "the guessing game", or try to believe which of the many rumors (which are still being bantered about to this day) were true.  Some people have said it was a bad mike, a bad cable, incompetance, and even done on purpose to get back at Jerry for an incident which allegedly took place a month prior to the show!  For the last rumor, I have not heard any specifics on the alleged incident, so I have no idea where that one came from.

PEGGY-O is the next song tonight... it's so sweet to hear a "younger" Jerry singing this one tonight.  He had that "little innocent boy" sound to his voice at times (prior to his many health problems from the 80's onward), especially during ballads performed around this time.  The intertwining of Weir and Garcia's guitars in this song is a thill to listen to.  Sometimes Bob will play a short lead riff, then Jer would imitate it, and on a couple of occasions, you get confused as to who was playing what part!  Never, and I mean never, will we hear playing like this again from any band.  As the years passed by, Bob's guitar sound became less prominent in the mix, and his playing style become more "angular" (his term for the chord progressions and the runs of notes he would play that began in the early-to-mid 80's!); his guitar work became almost impossible to hear during some shows;  some people and music reviews began to call his playing "obnoxious".  The time frame from 1969 through 1981, in my opinion, was the best time to really enjoy Weir's guitar work, and to REALLY hear how excallent of a musician he actualy was!

This song, played this evening, really showcased Bob's excellence as an extrememly competant musician.

MAMA TRIED gets the house rockin' again after the really beautiful Peggy-O.  You can almost sense the energy coming from the stage before the first notes are even played.  Even following a very soft, sad, and one of the most "soulful" Peggy-O versions I have ever heard just being played, the Boyz are in a "playful mood".  You can't always make out what they're saying between songs this show... but just the noodling, Keith's little piano passages (sure wish they had him mixed louder in the left channel), Bobby's little chord playing, Phils bass run, and such, these things all "add up" and tell the audience (and those of us fortunate to own this recording) that there's a hell of a lot more to come, and that it's ALL going to be good!

During Mama Tried, you hear Garcia's 5th and 6th string low on the neck (the "tiger roar sound") run of notes, ones that he's played on many songs for many hears, and just one of his "signature riffs".  As unmistakable as the growl from Duane Allman's or Brent Mydland's Hammond B3 (think of the opening of such songs as "Don't Ease Me In"), how the organ starts low and grown higher in pitch), Jerry lets a few of these little riffs and runs blare out in the opening minute; many of us remember just how great it is to hear the "old way" many songs were played.  Durings the small solos, Jerry lets out with the "C&W bending twang" that many Southern musicians made famous in the 50's and 60's.  Damn, you can hear the versatility in Jerry's repitoire of playing styles so far durinh this show, and we're only up to the 5th song!  Keith is slightly louder in the mix now, but it almost sounds like he's banging, not just playing, on the keys in order to get the volume loud enough.  That's definetly not Keith's style, and it sound like he's pushing things a little too hard just to get noticed by the sound people; Keith always was the "riff here, riff there, fill here, etc." type of musician when he's ticking the ivories, and this just sounded like he was not happy with the current mix levels.

Everything segues right into a smokin' MEXICALI!  No doubt this one was "going to be called", rather than "Big River" being chosen.  The overall scene is just too cool, the pace is too quick, and everyone's having too good of a time to let any other song be played.  Jerry's got his "Tex-Mex" playing style going full throttle (you can hear those "signature" 5th and 6th string notes I talked about, being played "loud and proud"); Bobby "put his cowboy boots and 10 gallon hat back on" to do some sweet, fast, down and dirty 3 and 4 string power chords throughout; Mickey's got his best snare groove going (most of his other drums are still buried in the mix); Billy has got to be smiling throughout this song, not with his usual stone face, really having a blast; and Donna, who's been absent for the last 3 songs, has to be off to the side of the stage, dancing and spinning for the crowd.

Ok, this great version is finished, so it's time for a small break in the action. Wait a minute... what's this I hear?  Funiculi Funicula? Not just played half-assed version, but totally out there, in all it's glory!  Whoa!  Where'd that one come from?

"I don't know, it must have been the venue..."

(Sorry... got carried away there.  Now back to our regularly scheduled program...)

A little noodling happend, Weir steps up to the mike to make an observation about the venue's illumination.  The commentary begins to segue into a rant of sorts.  Something doesn't quite go the way Bob wants it to, and now he's becoming "irked", in a little more than a tongue-in-cheek manner.  Phil has to get into this fracus...  I'm not going to reveal any more; just listen for yourselves.  Like I've been saying, this venue brings out the "Best Of The Dead", in more ways than just music!

I do believe that the "full-blown FF" that was just played was "requested" by the sound people, so that adjustments could be made to the mix.  The reason I say this is that things changed a little bit beginning with...

ROW JIMMY.  Keith is now playing his usual laid-back style, and can be heard much clearer.  Bith his grand and electric pianos are used during this song, and they are equal in volume.  Gee, it only took a bit over 6 songs to do this (satirical mode off).  Keith's fills and runs, during ANY song, can really help make any song sound full and rich, even if every other band member is a little more "incolved" in the song.  You really do not know how much Keith's stylings can be missed until you realize they're not being heard (bad mix, or he nodded off).

Jerry really gives us, both vocally and instrumentally, a quite satisfying and soulful rendition of this song; the "unique chord pattern", which is only played once during the song, is just somehow "accented" tonight.  You always hear it being played (it's that little section right after they sing "And don't you run off no more"); but this evening, you just really "notice" this more than usual, and it kind of hits you like "Hey, this is new!".  And it's strictly due to the dynamics of the music which have been put to "good use" so far this evening.

MINGLEWOOD comes up next.  No real surprises, just a very solid performance of this "better-than-the-original-version" song.  Everyone does their part, and they're all done it "The Dead's Way".  Everyone and everything's fast-paced, from the percussion and the back beat, to both Bob & Jer's guitar licks.  Nothing laid back in this one.  And Bob is belting this one out loud and proud!

LOSER takes front and center next.  Bob had a few problems with his EFX pedals, and you can hear him hitting a cord with his foot (little clicks) to get one of them to work.  His volume then comes up to it's normal volume.  Jerry's embellishing the words, adding a few well-placed accents in just the right places, not letting this song "go down".  After the 2nd chorus, Mickey and Billy do what sounds like a "military drum beat" effect, similar to what they'd done many times during the last part of Wharf Rat.  It sound weird when you read about it here, but if you listen to how it is done, it's actually quite effective, and tonight, it works well!  As I said before, this venue brought out the best in the Dead, for whatever the reason(s). Jerry just wants to keep going when his solo comes up.  Not the usual "one verse" length, but THREE TIMES the normal amount.  And he's really working the upper part of the guitar neck like there's no tommorow.  Sit back and you can picture him not wanting to let go of this song and let it come to an end...  it sounds like he could have played "variations" on this song for the remainder of the evening.  Even when the song finally winds down, JG just doesn't want to let that last vocal note go away.  What a treat and a pleasure to sit through this song longer than normal version!

Stepping up to the plate is the dynamic duo of LAZY LIGHTNING > SUPPLICATION.  The pitcher gets the sign and he throws a smokin' fastball... the batters all take a big roundhouse swing, and connects!  Going back... way back.... they hit it out of the park!  Jerry's solo in "LL" reminds me lot of older "Slow Hand" Clapton licks: simplicity, yet with a specific flare and style and just the "perfect notes" being played!  Don't expect an "all hell breaks loose, crazy jams, fire and brimstone energy" from this version, it's just REALLY DAMN GOOD; and the use of the "dynamics" in the songs (building crescendoes, then the band suddenly going "very quiet" to really place accents during parts of songs) shows up in this song!  In fact, EVERY SONG, during set I has this happen, to some degree!

Hey, maybe this band will become popular one day :)

Some people may say that this performace sounds more like a "studio recording", and to a small degree, this argument holds water.  But in the studio, you'd be using the mixing console and overdubs to do the dynamics, where as for this performace, it's done LIVE, in your face, no doubt about it's validity; no trickery, no smoke and mirrors (well, maybe for the drug crowd!), you simply can't deny this show and all it's excellence... and this is only Set I!  And lets face it, in ALL of the Dead's studio work, their energy had never come through to any degree.  Even the releases like "Without A Net" had the compression and limiting and more effects added, which dampened the energy that their dynamics would help unleash.

I can only imagine what the audience was thinking during intermission.  You've got to understand that at this point in the Dead's career, you had the Tour Heads there in force, the Faithful who couldn't go to many shows, as well as the "uninitianted" virgins here.  I can't think of anything other than talk of "Whoa!" or "What just happened?" and "Did we just hear what we thought we just heard?", and other such collective discussions between brothers and sisters who simply loved this band going on.

Well, the house light have gone down (hopefully The Dummy got it right!), and the members take to the stage again.  Mind you, as I type these "Personal Comments", many times it's done "on the fly" as I am working on the show; this is the case with this show.  I have NOT heard "note one" from the 2nd set yet.  So, I'm in as much anticipation as anyone who attended this show was in.  Let's see what transpired...

BERTHA... ah, the old standby!  But, wait, something sounds different... hmmm... Mickey's now more in the mix, and Jerry's voice doesn't sound as flat!  Looks like the techs got the job done during the break, and now I think we're gonna get an even tastier and toastier sound!  And from the sound of things so far, I'm right.  If you listen REAL close when Disc 2 begins, at about the 15 seconds mark, you hear Mickey ask "Looks Like Rain"?... possibly meaning he's not sure what song is to be played next.  Even though Bob has been doing his "metronome" strum for a bit, and there were a few of the opening chords played softly, the tempo would have been too fast for LLR.  It's possible Mickey didn't hear Jerry playing the chords, so he wanted to be 100% certain of the song coming up.  Everyone needed to be on the "same page".  Bob hears this question asked, and then a few beats later, stops the "click strum" and begins to draw his pick along either the 3rd or 4th string (you'll hear the sound)... just to be the "Confusion Prince" and comically add to the little bit of the "what's next?" question.  The song goes off without a hitch (well, a few of the words were blown... big deal!), the mix is beautiful, and it sounds like tonight is going to continue to be one of those extra special nights!  Donna did not doing her usual "screeching" at the end!  (I knew there is a God somewhere!)

And when Bertha's over and done with, they keep things moving with a really special...

GOOD LOVIN'!  "Rock Star Bobby" is in great form tonight, not just with the excellent guitar riffs, fills, and little solos of his own (let's not forget his sometimes "cheesy" vocals), but the energy and the vibes he's giving off as well.  When Jerry goes off into his extended solo, you can hear "the leader of the band" very subtly switching back and forth between the Latin style "La Bamba" sound and that form of note progressions, and the good old American rock and roll style.  He make is so seamless, so fluent, but you still can pick out where each of these two styles begin and end.  I found it just so wonderful to hear this mixture of "cultures" from such a talented musician who kept perfecting and experimenting with his style of playing for the remainder of his short life.

IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE ROSES.  Can't beat this song to mellow out any crowd.  Soft, slow, yet still giving off a sliver of positive energy all it's own.  The opening riff, with Jerry and Bob playing that wonderful harmony, it's unmistakable as to what the song is going to be.  A love song, a good ballad, and a simple yet complex composition.  Like the Dead themselves, it's an oxymoron; you have this mix of a low-key song that still stirs some powerful emotions and conjures up some great images.  A timeless song in the Dead's repritoire, I feel it is one which has never failed to be appreciated when played.

A little lull follows, and the Boyz decide what's coming next.  No real tuning or noodling to give it away.  A single, heavy reverb, powerful dual tom-tom strike by Billy can only mean one thing:

ESTIMATED PROPHET!  Surprisingly, it begins without Keith playing.  But it still sounds good.  You know there's something missing, and you can't quite put your finger on it; but listen closely and you will only hear Billy's percussion (and Jerry's guitar, slightly lower in volume) until the first chorus.  Then Keith kicks it into gear.  My MCS say that Keith was NOT nodding out, but making some adjustments to his electric piano settings.  During the middle, when Jerry takes off on a great solo, Keith's playing imitates, accentuates, and syncopates with almost every one Garcia's notes!  People say "I miss Jerry"... well, I miss Keith's stylings and playing!  I personally believe that his keyboard playing fit the band better than anyone else's, before or after!  Sure, he didn't sing, but Donna did, and that added the other piece to the music puzzle and anomoly known as The Grateful Dead!

At about the 6 minute mark, you can picture Bobby slowly stepping back from the mike, allowing his voice to trail off naturally; the audience knows there's going to be a jam coming up, the you can hear their applause and cheering, waiting to hear what magic is going to come from everyone's flying fingers and drum sticks!

And the following jam should NOT dissapoint anyone to any degree!  Phil kicks it off with his usual adjacent/tangent riffs and runs; and you just can't wait to hear what's going to be transferred from Jerry's brain to his hands.  Garcia makes the audience wait a bit, allowing Phil to really set the mood... Jer wants to follow Phil's lead, not the other way around.  Say what you will, but Jerry was NEVER one to intentionally steal the show; it just happpens that way some nights.  But it took every other member to build the framework for Jerry to work around!

The old man begins the first few notes with his wah-wah pedal almost half way down, setting the stage, by using this "sound" in the first set of notes that unloads begins an unforgettable soaring solo.  It swells and quiets in little bursts, like a miniature ocean with it's tide rolling in and out in slow motion.

After a bit of Jerry blowing everyone's mind apart, Bob purposely begins to play slightly louder; this is the cue to begin a nice and long segue / tempo change into the next song; everyone else in the band hears Weir's "change in style", and little by little, the tempo changes... the chord progressions begin to alter... the tempo begins to get faster and faster, and now we get another chance to hear one of the Dead's "staple" songs...

EYES OF THE WORLD.  Faster than "normal" in it's tempo, not your "usual" laid back version.  Every note played, every drum beat, every little bit of this version could have been easily slowed down to a mellow and slow version, and still not lose anything.  Played at about 1.5 times the usual the tempo, just sit back listen to Jerry's solo work.  Now imagine it played at "normal Eyes speed".  The notes still would fit perfectly, and even Weir's quick-draw 3-string riffs and fills would have worked; a wonderful song, and this upbeat and quick performance seemed to be just right and fitting, not only for evening's show, but because of the venue itself.  As I said early on, this venue had some excellent past shows here (and more would come later), so this evening's concert was just another in a long line of "WOW" shows done at Duke.  During the song, the drummers begin to purposely "slow down the tempo" to the usual speed version, and by about 4 minutes in, the song is now at the beats per minute "we" normally hear it played at in most shows.

Listen at about the 7:15 mark in this song... Bob does something I have NEVER heard him do before (or since)... he begings playing the "harmonics" on the 5th, 7th and 12th frets, and with the tone settings for his guitat, it sounds just like a vibraphone (think "Lionel Hampton" for those of you who don't know what that instrument it)!  Although it's only for a few notes, but when I heard it, I could picture old Lionel up there on stage, with the 5 mallets in his hands!  This is another "effect" Bobby did only on VERY rare occasions in the late 70's... I wish he would have used it more, as it just added something to his effects repritoire and didn't require a ton of effects of MIDI samples.

This song is edited down, due to the master having problems.  Another version in circulation has many edits in this area, causing the song to NOT stay "in time", with the 4-beat per chord progression staying valid; some parts would have 2 or 3 beats missing (and this is unacceptable)!

That being said, Eyes does end quite nicely... guitars, bass, and piano fading out slowly, and you can hear the Twins begin their tribal frenzy...

DRUMS!  (Disc 3 begins here)  Ah, the "Percussion Pair" are going after each other!  Billy and Mickey try to "screw with the other one" by changing rythmns in mid-stream, but it ain't working!  3 strikes, you're in!  They finally quite the "goofing around", and they begin to just get into their individual and syncronized grooves.  Things slow down, and come down in power and volume after about a minute and a half.  Billy goes off to the side and begins playing with his other toys, and Hart winds up wreaking havoc with the equipment!  Just past 2 minutes in, Mickey hits a kick drum a little to hard, and blows out a diaphragm on one of the drum mikes.  Listen closely, and you can hear Jerry moan "Oh, there goes the microphone" in the right channel!  Hilarious stuff.  I keep telling you this was a good venue!  The techs replace it during Drums; you can hear them moving it, repositioning it, as well as turning the mike on and off a number of times.  A while later, you hear Harry yell for Mickey to play louder, just to make sure everything else is going to hold up.  And LOUDER IT IS! 

After a bit of time, each of the drummers sense that it is no longer time to "play off of each other"; so they go and begin the own unique grooves, beats, and playing on many different percussion equipment.  It can sound very disjointed at times, and really, it is.  But isn't this the whole point of a Dead show?  I don't like when they did this, as I always felt they played so much better when they were in sync and working off of each other's beat and tempo.  But other people like it when they played this way... and that's cool with me.

After a while, they both get back in sync again, and although they're playing slightly different patterns, the basic tempo is the same (syncopation).  And they must have been running arond like crazy, as you've got Billy going over and playing Mickey's steel drum set(!) at times, then going back over to his own toy set, and back and forth.  I would LOVE to see a video tape of this show, in it's entirety.  I'm sure that the AV Department of Duke has this archived somewhere.

You can also hear when the mike(s) being changed, moved, and manipulated, beginning at around 10:00.  How much equipment did they really go through this night?  I heard a few drum sticks crack, and while those are pretty inexpensive, I know that the Sennheiser and Shure percussion mikes they often are not ($100 and up at that time!).  And, just for the hell of it, Mickey reached over and bangs on one mike pretty hard with a percussion mallet (there's a really nice "thud" that put the SBD racks' compressor/limiter into overdrive!.  Hey, it's a percussion sound, isn't it?

You can hear the crowd begin to get whipped up into a frenzy as the remainder of the Boyz take the stage and begin plugging in.  Jerry and Phil were near Keith's piano for most of Drums, drinking something fro paper cups.  Slowly, the drummers begin working their way back to their own drum sets areas, seeming almost reluctant to do so... almost wanting not to let go of their playing on the steel drums and the other percussion toys.  It's a very smooth transition, worthy of a Dead show.  The segue, however, was really not smooth, as they do take close to a 10 second break.  Again, maybe one or more of the band members were unsure of the next-up song.  But once the next song begins, it's a definite winning choice.

TRUCKIN' kicks off with only a few opening chords, and then "somebody blows the whistle" on them!  Again, this is Cameron, so anything goes!  The whistle was a cue to start over, just to screw with the audience.  Either way, it was a nice way to get out of their segue flub.  Truckin' begins again in earnest, and it is a very good version... I don't think there would have been a chance that they could have picked a wrong song this evening.

And speaking of flubs, Weir once again blows the words to the first verse.  And it's so bad that even he laughs at it!  We all know that there's something about Truckin' that almost always threw Bob off and he would get at least a few words, if not an entire sentence wrong.  But you DO have to admire musicians who admit when they make mistakes like this.  I believe that this is the only song, in the Dead's very expansive repritoire, that Bob almost always had a problem with.  A lot of us think "Jerry", when asked who was really bad at not getting the words right; but Bob is a very close second as far as I am concerned.  

I believe that Weir is too "conscious of getting the words right", and that is why he made so many mistakes with Truckin' over the decades.  It's subconscious, that's al.  Hey, if Garcia could get through Visions of Johanna on 7/8/95 without a hitch (and ket's not forget Jer's triumphant "fist in the air" movement!), you'd think Weir would get this one song down!  But, it's live, it's fun, it's The Dead!

For this song, it's Mickey who "leads" the rest of the band members in their "dynamics" during the performance.  When everyone else is playing softly, Hart starts with a couple of really loud drum beats, and the rest of the band takes their cue from him.  It sounds REALLY GOOD to hear him take control for a song.  Mickey has that flair for knowing just where and when to place beats, and set the rythmic patters (not knocking Billy, as he is more than adequate when it comes to this); but Hart sometimes likes to play like a man possessed.  Hell, I've seen him use actual bones from animals as drums sticks during many late 80's shows, all the way up to their final performance; not only during Drums, but during many other songs as well which had a strong percussion presence.  Soldier Field in 1994 was a good example of Mickey using unusual drum sticks during Set II!

During this song, this night, Mickey really shows he can be very much a leader as to how songs sound, not just being one of the guys playing the drums.

WHARF RAT... man, here is one of the saddest songs the Dead ever played (outside of Loser, which is more of a desperation song).  Bluesy and ballsy in it's tempo, faith and failure in it's words, what a powerful song, even when compared to Morning Dew.  And tonight's version does this song justice; there is no doubt that the people who collaborated in this song were more than pleased when they heard this show!  Every single member of the Dead plays their hearts out, backing up Jerry 150 percent.  And Donna Jean, who had been absent for a few songs, puts her wonderful voice to good use when she does her duet sections with Jerry; she sings it in a heartfelt manner: not to loud, not to soft, and she had the knack to know how to belt out lyrics with Jer, or lay back and just be her part of the whole.  Her voice blends with Jerry's "angelic" young sounding voice (at this point in his life) in a manner than defies description.  Just sit back and enjoy these two voices and souls blending and weaving the tapestry which this tragic song is made of.

Every other band member knows that this is "Jerry's time to shine" in the show, almost more than during any other song this evening.  They're all in sync, their dynamics are totally on the mark, and even Bobby knows when to strike a harder or softer chord, or even put insert a very slow strum.  Keith does a number of one-handed fills, just loud enough to be heard but not alter the musical balance.  Mickey is alternating between snare beats and rim shots, while Bill is doing some soft tom-tom rolls.

It's almost pure perfection!

And I would be amiss in NOT stating that this song also involved the engineers at the board!  Making sure that the mix brought out EVERY little nuance, especially during this song, where the quiet passages reveal all the subtle things that this group of individuals are able to pull together so well.  I can't really call it a "team effort", since everyone on stage has their own peculiarities and styles; but we have always known the Dead can be so versatile, I don't believe there was ANY genre, or form, of music they could not perform, and be able to pull it off without compromising their individial ways (EXCEPT with the exception of "Hip Hop" music, but not the "Fire On The Mountain Rap" that Mickey did)!  From opening note to the final fade, this version of Wharf Rat is nothing short of total bliss to listen to.

Everyone knows we're coming to the end of this show, so you got to break down the walls of Cameron with a high-power closer.  They chose AROUND & AROUND to caps off Set II.

I tried my best to make sure that the necessary crossfade between Wharf and A&A was as "clean" as possible.  I opted to go for the "making sure the drum beats match up" over several other possible ways to get around the problem.  This method turned out to be the "cleanest sounding, least harsh, and more pleasing" of any of 8 versions I attempted and listened to over and over.

Yes, a few words of Around are missing, and were not at full volume, due to the process chosen.  Or would you rather just one song suddenly stop and the next one abruptly begin?  That last option was never one which I would choose to ever perform, unless it was a totally "last resort / nothing else to do / only way out" situation.  I would say that the "last resort" option may only have had to be done only ONCE in a couple hundred instances of reel changes or tape flips.   Granted, most people do not have the studio equipment (both hardware and software), nor do they have the expertise to do what I am capable of doing in my Studio; so I would not flame anyone if they went and did the "chop" option.  People can only do things with what they possess.

Bob can't resist the urge to inject a little humour into thr lyrics when he gets to the point "When thr police knocked"; again I won't spoil the surprise.  Otherwise, this is a great closer, shooting back the energy to the audience at full force.  They haven't let up with their energy levels all night long.  And even though this has been a great and enthusiastic show to this point, even if they left a little bit out, I wouldn't blame them.

THE ENCORE: U. S. Blues...

Okay, it's an "old song" by now (played SEVENTY THREE times prior to this show, and used many times as an Encore)...

And okay, probably more than "a few dozen" people decided to bolt for the exits when the first chords of this song began to be played.  It initially sounded like a "typical show closer", just being played for the sake of having something to play, and the Boyz just wanting to get it over with.

All that I can say to the people who left early is: "TOO FRIGGIN' BAD"!  When I think that they missed out on what has to be the BEST version of this song EVER PERFORMED LIVE!

EVERY single member of The Dead are still totally immersed in this inexplicable "Cameron Energy Vortex"!  They have proved that they are "A Band Beyond Description" for the past TWO HOURS AND FORTY-THREE MINUTES!  They have given the audience a performance that is aurally reflected in this recording; taking colors, which represent the many huge and many subtle aspects of performing in this show, and painted a picture which no one can describe but everyone "understands". 

The encore in this show had to have the building shaking to a point where people outside the venue may have thought that there was a 8.0 magnitude earthquake going on inside the building!

Jerry is literally going crazy on stage, like an whirling dervish who downed 2 gallons of Starbuck's finest brew!  Never have I heard him sing ANY encore with such enthusiasm and volume levels that made him appear to be a "screaming wild man" bouncing off the padded walls of an asylum!  And there's nothing that can stop release of energy that was being bottled up prior to this song... it prevails, it pulses, and it's permiating EVERY atom one each of the band members.

I know Jerry was up there on stage, grinning from ear to ear, for the entire song; Phil was off into his own universe of the cosmos; Bobby had to be doing his Rock Star act "Vaudville-style"; Keith isn't tickling the ivories, but banging on them like some guy trying to get a bartender's attention in a crowded pub; Donna's dancing her butt off, whirling and spinning near her microphone; and Mickey and Billy are just playing like 2 peas in a pod... so identical in their riffs and styles and sounds, and yet still being unique in their own ways.

Jerry's vocal and guitar playing levels, starting in the first third of the song all the way to the very last string plucked, that you KNOW the sound people are constantly adjusting his compression and limiting, not to mention the mixer channel levels, just to keep any distortion at bay!  You can hear them making adjustments once they realize what is going on.  So even though you KNOW that Jerry is screaming into his mike, the recorded sound is not as loud as you would imagine; but you certainly can tell how much he's pushing the envelope!  I'm wondering how many throat lozenges he had to toss back once they began to unwind after the show...

After U.S. Blues is complete, when the band is ready to exit the stage for good this evening, Bobby does his high-pitched farewell "Thank You"... but the icing on the cake is when Phil does an eerie (and VERY close to actually imitating the voice perfectly) "Wavy Gravy impersonation" thanking the audience and saying good night!  The Grateful Dead are finally walking off the stage for the last time this evening (actually, it's past midnight!), and one has to wonder about the audience...  I know it had to take a few minutes the experience to begin to sink in, and the people are finally realizing what just happened to them!  "Whadda hell just happened" had to be the "community thought" going through everyone's blown minds!  And luckily, we have my Marin County Source to thank for sending me this most unusual show to give to all of you; PLEASE SPREAD THIS SHOW, UNALTERED, TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW WHO IS INTO THE DEAD!

I really have no clue how to finish this Personal Review.  Right now, I am at a loss for words!  And you folks know that is a very difficult thing for me to have happen!


SSSB SIDENOTE:  Outside of the technical problems on my copy, which I overcame as much as possible, I hope you all understand why I made a few of the decisions I did, in respect to correcting them.  The U.S. Blues one is going to be talked about for a while, and I still believe I did the right thing.  Hopefully, people who are trying to learn how to properly edit and process shows will learn by listening to this version of the Vault's copy, and the "corrections" I had to make;  to see that subtle edits, crossfading, and processes like the ones I did, can be accomplished by using the built-in options which are found on many of the less expensive/free music software programs, can be done.  It takes time and it takes patience.  Sometimes it takes trying multiple versions of a "fix", and having to walk away from your work for 30 minutes, just to clear your head.

Never be in a hurry to release a show.  Take your time, take pride in your work, and if need be, ask someone who has more equipment and/or experience to lend you a hand.  Take the piece of audio that needs work, and send it to people willing to help you learn.  Quality over quantity is going to allow the shows you work on to be more sought after... this takes a while.  For me, I've been an audio engineer for over 30 years... and I am STILL learning new techniques!  Yes, having a full Studio to work with beats just having a simple DAW sitting on a desk, but everyone has to start somewhere.

The biggest point I can make is that people should never release crappy shows into circulation just for the sake of "giving back".  That is sometimes looked at as being worse than a "file leech"!  Don't be afraid to ask someone for advice on how to do things.  Many knowldgable people will be more than happy to give you pointers, tips, and sometimes will yould your hand the process(es).  Not everyone is going to agree on software, techniques, and the like... but the more options and opinions you have at your disposal, the better off you are.  Hey, my $47,000 editing software I beta test is going to blow away programs which run $40... but you would be surprised at how many of the same "options" are available in either software package.  You may be limited in what you can do, compared to what I am capable of doing, but again, you have to begin learning somewhere and somehow!

I began to edit shows using the old splicing block and Scotch tape as a way to remove error!  Hell, nobody really does that anymore, since damn near everything is in the digital realm now.  But it taught me the importance of PATIENCE, as well as knowing what exactly was needed to be done.  When us "old farts of yesteryear" made those edits using the "cut and splice" method, there was NO GOING BACK!  There was no "undo" button on a keyboard that allowed you to do things over again!  If you screwed up, you had to go and make another copy to work on!  This taught us that taking our time, and doing things right the first time, takes less time than having to do everything over again from the beginning!  A perfect recording we had worked for hours on could be easily ruined because of the final edit we performed!  I've had that happen... I've made my share of mistakes over the years.  But I have never made the same mistake twice.

E-Mail me, or others who release excellent shows to the legal music servers, and ask us for advice.  Most of us will be more than willing to help people who are willing to take out advice.  Yes, there are a handful of people who won't share their "trade secrets", and to me, that's a piss-poor attitide to take.  That's being selfish and greedy and egotistical.

. . .

Due to a media defect on the ADAT copy I received, Jack Straw had 9 small sections of diginoise which were not able to be corrected without being noticed.  I used a different copy of this song (the "J. Henry" version), and replaced about 15% of the song with this "alternate version".  I was able to match up the audio, as far as the sound quality, EQ curve [comparing it to the original version] and such, so the replacement is 98.266% identical to the original.  This percentage is what the Harpoon editing software displayed to me when it performed the 27 unique and separate comparative processes required when asked to show how close two pieces of audio are to each other.

There were also 2 spots on this song, which were, allegedly, PURPOSELY ALTERED by someone who worked on this "replacement version" earlier in it's life.  I can say this will near 100% certainty, as the alterations occur in the same riff in the same place where they appear.  These "alterations" were corrected by myself as much as possible; small, yet slightly noticable, remnants of this can still be heard.  The first one appears at 02:10 and again at the end.

If this was NOT done on purpose, then I could have easily taken the 2nd riff, and replaced the 1st one with it.

NOTE: This is very similar to a type of "alteration" which was prevelant during the heyday of DAT trading, and was done by 2 "very respected" traders!  The premise of doing the following "alteration" was to insure that only these two people (besides the Vault) would be in possession of the "complete" shows; this was to assure that these could be used as "prized trade bait".

What this pair of Un-Kind people would do is to insert about 0.1 second of silence somewhere during 1 or 2 songs (usually the opening song was chosen, and the gap would almost always appear during the 1st verse); they would then delete a different amount of the show's audio (about 0.2 to 0.3 sconds long, so the "gap" could not just be "closed" or "cross-faded" to repair without being noticed.  This "practice" quickly became highly frowned upon by many people who received these shows within about 90 days after they began to appear; most of the shows affected by this were on 1993 > 1995 high quality SBD shows.

. . .

There is a fluctuation in the RTR Deck 1's speed, from 02:11 through 03:12, where the original RTR recording sped up, which resulted in the audio being slightly "too slow" when played back.

This problem was corrected by digitally altering the speed of the affected area to match the "calibrated" speed of the recording.  The resulting fix is within 3 hertz of being "100% correct", according to both the spectrum analyzer/frequency readout of the Harpoon editing software and "an old friend", my Korg DT-1 Pro digital chromatic instrument tuner. I felt that this problem should be corrected, as the audience did not hear this problem when the show was being performed. The pitch was shifted with a 38.296 cent shift, which also properly "shrunk" the time of this affected area 0.718 seconds.

. . .

At (originally) 03:15, there was a 0.58 second occurance of diginoise (-3.4 dB in volume, and very noticable); I performed a cross-fade, 3.78 seconds in duration, and match up both the song beats as well as Jerry's guitar solo. The cross-fade is 100% seamless; it cannot be detected unless compared with another version of this show.

. . .

At 06:15, lasting for approx. 2 seconds, there is a speed fluctuation in the RTR deck.  This is from the original deck beginning to fail.  The secondary deck is NOT yet pressed into use,

. . .

At end of song, after Weir talks to the audience, there was a 20 second gap when the 2nd RTR deck is gotten ready to be pressed into service;  the lead tech vetoes the idea for right now, and the show continues on Deck 1; the cross-fade to join the 2 segments back together is not as transparent as I would have liked it to be;  it is only slightly noticable.

. . .

The RTR deck is beginning to fail again around the 01:04 mark (slight warble); it is still the decision to stay with this deck.  

. . .

The RTR deck fails (stopped recording) at approx. 08:36, and lasted for 28.17 second; I took the next "complete section" and crossfaded it in, so there's a seamless point.  In total, there is 1:07 of totally or partially blank audio on the Vault's SAFETY copy!  The GD Vault original recording is fine, but it could not be accessed again by my for the copy that was sent to me.

. . .

There was a reel change here; both the end of Wharf Rat and the beginning of Around & Around were cut; a 3.2 second crossfade was made to join the 2 sections, matching the tempo and drum beats to make it very seamless

. . .

The VAULT SAFETY COPY RTR AUDIO FEED was shut off "just prior to the band walking off stage"... only EIGHTEEN SECONDS of applause was dubbed;  the audio feed to the deck was turned back on less than 1/2 second prior to the opening note of US Blues, which is why that song sounds like it is mssing something.  I took these 2 pieces of applause, mixed them together, and gave you as much as I could; I left some of the A&A applause "fade out" into the first 3 seconds of US Blues so it would not sound abrupt.

I was told by MCS that this was done "due to the original reel having deterioration problems in this area".  This is what was written down on the dozens of sheets of paper which are included in each shipment sent to me; these notes contain verified information about the recordings, little tid-bits of sometimes important info about the recordings, as well as specific "mixing instructions" if the recordings are other than 2-track versions inside the shipment.

. . .

There is a lot of volume overload distortion from Jerry's over-energetic singing in one verse that could NOT be fixed to any degree of normality way (this is on the Vault Master copy as well).  The "J. Henry" version seems to have had some audio patched", but it did not match the audio tempo, and was "quite disturbing" at best.  With the "Harpoon" editing software, I can remove (sometimes) quite a bit of the harshness from analog/digital volume overload distortion, but once it's been recorded onto ehatever medium, it's there forever to some degree.  Rather than having the distortion ruin this extraordinary performance, I removed the two offending sentences, performed a 0.35 second cross-fade, thus making this release sound like the verse just was never played.  Yes, this was probably not the best choice to some "purists", because of my beliefs of always trying "to keep the performance as natural as possible and to let people hear what the audience heard"; but the audience never heard the distortion occur.  As such, I based my final decision on "quality vs. what wasn't heard", so the end listener would more enjoy this spectacular performance. 

. . .

PERSONAL RATINGS: (on a 1 to 10 scale with 10 being excellent)
Audio Mix: 9.8 (Mickey's snare, Keith's grand piano, Jerry's guitar (the last one was only for a short time) were too low only during Set I; Set II's mix was right on the money.

Audio Quality: 9.95 [the RTR Deck 1 problems keep this show from being a perfect 10]

Energy Level: 15 [the between-song comedy, the musical dynamics, and the Encore adds the 5 extra points!!!]

Show "Completeness": 9.8 (the reel changes at the show, as well as the "cut applause" at the end are the "-0.2")

Song Selection: usual songs for the '77-'78 era; very good song choices/order played for this show.

Surprises: the Dead's aural dynamics during their songs, which is something I had only heard in less than 5 shows I have in my Show Library, was the best surprise I could choose from;  even though 1978 is probably one of the bands' best years, as far as their music goes, the energy level from this particular venue surpasses other '78 shows; and Bobby, Phil and "The Dummy" segment rounds this rating section off.Notes: Released: 01/22/03
Recording Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master -> Dat (44.1k)

Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony R500) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude Professional v8.01 -> FLAC
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)

All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
May 2, 2006

Patch Info:
Barry Glassberg's (FOB) Nakamichi 700 -> Cassette Master -> Dat -> CD
Jack Straw (patched from 0:00 - 0:22)
It's All Over Now (patched from 6:30 - 8:51)
Tennessee Jed (patched from 0:00 - 6:30)
Scarlet Begonias (patched from 0:00 - 3:26)
Samson And Delilah (patched from 6:15 - 6:49)
Wharf Rat (patched from 0:14 - 0:37)

-- Seamless transition between Discs 2 and 3
-- There are some azimuth problems from the Cassette transfer
-- Thanks to David Gans for the SBD

Set 1:
d1t01 - Jack Straw
d1t02 - Sugaree
d1t03 - El Paso
d1t04 - Friend Of The Devil
d1t05 - It's All Over Now
d1t06 - Tennessee Jed
d1t07 - Dancin' In The Street

Set 2:
d2t01 - Scarlet Begonias ->
d2t02 - Fire On The Mountain
d2t03 - Samson And Delilah
d2t04 - He's Gone ->
d2t05 - Drums ->
d3t01 - Space ->
d3t02 - Jam ->
d3t03 - The Other One ->
d3t04 - Wharf Rat ->
d3t05 - Sugar Magnolia

d3t06 - One More Saturday Night
Recording Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master -> Reel -> Dat -> CD -> EAC -> SHN
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs SHN)

Converted By Charlie Miller

Set 1:
d1t01 - Jack Straw
d1t02 - Tennessee Jed
d1t03 - Cassidy
d1t04 - Row Jimmy -> 
d1t05 - El Paso
d1t06 - Easy To Love You
d1t07 - Althea
d1t08 - Feel Like A Stranger
d1t09 - Don't Ease Me In

Set 2:
d2t01 - Shakedown Street ->
d2t02 - Bertha ->
d2t03 - Playing In The Band ->
d2t04 - Terrapin Station ->
d2t05 - Drums ->
d3t01 - Space ->
d3t02 - Saint Of Circumstance ->
d3t03 - Black Peter ->
d3t04 - Playing In The Band ->
d3t05 - Good Lovin'

d3t06 - Alabama Getaway
SBD -> Cm -> Dat -> Samplitude 2496 v6.0 -> CD -> EAC -> SHN
(2 Discs SHN / 3 Discs Audio)

I made a set of audio discs off of my dat. I didn't make any SHN's, so when someone asked for for a set, I had to EAC the master set of CDs in order to make these shn's. In other words, there is only 1 DAE step involved, and yes, I know how to use EAC properly.

Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony R500) -> 
Behringer UltraMatch SRC2000 -> 
M-Aido Dio 2448 -> 
Samplitude 2496 v6.0 -> 

Dat -> CD -> EAC -> SHN Transfers all done by Charlie Miller

SET 1:
d1t01 - Feel Like A Stranger
d1t02 - Friend Of The Devil 
d1t03 - New Minglewood Blues 
d1t04 - Tennessee Jed 
d1t05 - Cassidy 
d1t06 - It Must Have Been The Roses
d1t07 - Technical Difficulties
d1t08 - On The Road Again -> 
d1t09 - Beat It On Down The Line
d1t10 - Stagger Lee 
d1t11 - I Need A Miracle -> 
d1t12 - Bertha 

SET 2:
d2t01 - China Cat Sunflower -> 
d2t02 - I Know You Rider 
d2t03 - Lost Sailor -> 
d2t04 - Saint Of Circumstance -> 
d2t05 - Eyes Of The World -> 
d2t06 - Drums -> 
d3t01 - Space ->
d3t02 - Iko Iko -> 
d3t03 - Truckin' -> 
d3t04 - Stella Blue -> 
d3t05 - Sugar Magnolia
d3t06 - (Encores) It's All Over Now, Baby Blue -> 
d3t07 - Johnny B. Goode 
Source: Healy SBD Ultramix Patch > Sony D5 > MSC(Maxell MX90 Type IV Cassettes).
Transfer: MSC playback on Nakamichi DR2 > gold connector shielded 3ft RCA monster cable > Audiophile 2496 soundcard /P4 2 GHz > recorded as 24 bit/48 KHz WAV using Wavelab 5.

Mastering: Wavelab 5.0 (24/48 files rendered to 16 bit/44.1 KHz using Waves L3 Multimaximizer with hi resolution CD rendering settings (threshold -2 dB / ceiling -0.1 dB / type I dither / ultra shaping) > tracking with CDWAV 1.9 > 16 bit FLAC.

Original Transfer and encoding by Chris Ladner.

EAC Rip: CD > wav (no errors)> Flac 16 (Level 6) by Dub Irie 4-21-2006


Hell In A Bucket, Loser, Me & My Uncle, Big River, Ramble On Rose, Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, Hey Pocky Way, Cassidy, Might As Well Cumberland Blues, Samson & Delilah, Ship of Fools, Women Are Smarter-> Drums-> Jam-> Truckin'-> I Need A Miracle-> Morning Dew-> Turn On Your Love Light, E: One More Saturday Night, E: Black Muddy River 
Chris Ladner's Recording Notes...
Big thanks to the provider of the MSC's who for various reasons wishes to remain anonymous.
Levels at the beginning of the first set were generally low for the first minute. I adjusted this post transfer using Wavelab.
The beginning of "Cumberland Blues" is clipped - I patched the missing 10 seconds from the FOB Schoeps source. 
Brief tape flips occured during non-musical segment between "Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues" and "Hey Pocky Way" and during "Space" and were crossfaded into audio imperceptibility using Wavelab 5.
This source does not have any skipping during "Black Muddy River".

As far as Healy Ultramixes go this one is SWEET - just the right mix of crowd and music. 
Crowd is chanting for Phil before JLTTB - listen for Phil saying "and my best friend my drummer won't tell me what it is that I dropped."
KILLER performances of "Loser" & "Ramble On Rose".

Dub Irie's Review...
Another must have for serious DeadHeads. Excellent transfer and mix by the masters. This is one mean mother of a recording. If you have a great stereo that never gets put to the test - well blow the cobwebs out of your woofers with this gem. A very special Healy Ultramix, IMHO. Smooth, natural sounding recording and for Cap Center, unprecedented ambience. It's about as good as you could ever expect from something that came off a cassette master. This is a beautiful high energy show overall. Check out how explosive this version of Hey Pocky Way is - Phil just tears it up with some ripping bass. Jerry was very up on this very grooving night - check out "Might As Well" and "Ship of Fools". A+ show.

Many thanks to Dan Healy and Chris Ladner!

Recording Info:
SBD -> Dat (48k)

Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony R500) -> Samplitude Professional v9.11 -> FLAC
(3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC)

All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
August 8, 2007

Patch Info:
SBD -> Cassette Master -> Dat (44.1k) supplies:
Start of show through Row Jimmy

-- Set 2 is seamless
-- "We Want Phil" chant after West L.A. Fadeaway
-- Thanks to Steve Rolfe for the patch source

Set 1:
d1t01 - Tuning
d1t02 - Iko Iko ->
d1t03 - Jack Straw
d1t04 - West L.A. Fadeaway
d1t05 - Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
d1t06 - Row Jimmy
d1t07 - Blow Away
d1t08 - Victim Or The Crime ->
d1t09 - Foolish Heart

Set 2:
d2t01 - Tuning
d2t02 - Crazy Fingers ->
d2t03 - Playing In The Band ->
d2t04 - Uncle John's Band ->
d2t05 - Terrapin Station ->
d2t06 - Drums ->
d3t01 - Space ->
d3t02 - The Wheel ->
d3t03 - Gimme Some Lovin' ->
d3t04 - All Along The Watchtower ->
d3t05 - Morning Dew ->
d3t06 - Sugar Magnolia

d3t07 -	The Mighty Quinn (Quinn The Eskimo)

Fix of shnid 3329

The following changes have been made to this fileset: The transition between CDs 1 and 2 is now seamless, the first two songs of set II were put onto CD 1 to allow the show to fit on 2 CDs.  The tuning track at the beginning of CD 2 has now been merged with d1t10, and shntool was used to fix the sector boundaries on all of CD2 and the last track of CD 1.  Nonseekable shns were converted to FLAC.  No need for fade tracks on this one.

Bill Tetzeli (btet@adelphia.net)

CD 1

1. Iko, Iko
2. Little Red Rooster
3. Bertha
4. Me & My Uncle >
5. Mexicali Blues
6. Built to Last
7. Picasso Moon
8. Birdsong

	Set II:
9. Foolish Heart (takes a while for whole band to kick in) >
10. Victim or the Crime

CD 2

1. Crazy Fingers >
2. Man Smart, Woman Smarter >
3. He's Gone >
4. Drums >
5. Space >
6. The Other One >
7. Black Peter >
8. Turn on Your Lovelight

9. Knocking on Heaven's Door
Fix of shnid 6678

I made the transition between CDs 2 and 3 seamless, fixed the resulting SBEs with shntool and converted the nonseekable shns to flac.  The unSHNed WAV files had noncanonical headers - since FLAC conversion strips unnecessary header information, I didn't need to use shntool's strip mode to render them canonical.

Many thanks to whomever did the DAT>CD transfer and provided the overlap that made this fix possible.

Bill Tetzeli (btet@adelphia.net)
8:52 PM 4/8/2006


CD 1 
Jack Straw 
Wang Dang Doodle 
Brown Eyed Women  
Queen Jane Approximately 
Row Jimmy  
Let It Grow  
Valley Road

CD 2 (set ii) 
Picasso Moon  
Foolish Heart  
Looks Like Rain 
Terrapin Station 

CD 3 (set ii cont.)
Drumz > Space  
The Wheel >
I Need A Miracle >
Black Peter  >
Turn On Your Lovelight
The Weight

Piped in By Steve Barbella
October 2001
Disc 1
1 Help On The Way >
2 Slipknot! >
3 Franklin's Tower
4 Little Red Rooster
5 Loser
6 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
7 Let It Grow

Disc 2
1 Scarlet Begonias >
2 Fire On The Mountain >
3 Truckin' >
4 Spoonful >
5 Dark Star >
6 Jam >
7 Drums >

Disc 3
SET2 (cont.)
1 Space >
2 Dark Star >
3 The Last Time
4 Standing On The Moon >
5 Throwing Stones >
6 Not Fade Away
7 ENCORE Werewolves Of London

Conversion: EAC(secure)>CD WAV>Cool Edit Pro>SHN(seekable)

 SET 1
 CD 1 {45:34.36}
01. Hell In A Bucket {5:55.07}
02. Jack A Roe {4:57.05}
03. The Same Thing {7:38.63} 
04. Stagger Lee {5:31.09}
05. Black Throated Wind {6:15.54} 
06. Dire Wolf {3:43.68}
07. Let It Grow {11:32.55}

 SET 2 
 CD 2 {58:54.18}
01. Scarlet Begonias-> {9:12.40} 
02. Fire On The Mountain->  {11:09.50}
03. Playin' In The Band-> {8:30.53}
04. Dark Star-> {5:31.41}
05. Terrapin Station-> {16:50.08}
06. Drums-> {7:39.51}

 SET 2 Cont.
 CD 3 {38:28.41}
01. Jam->* {11:39.15}
02. Easy Answers-> {6:47.42}
03. The Days Between-> {10:10.28}
04. Good Lovin' {6:55.43}
05. I Fought The Law {2:55.63}

* Tubular Bells

COMMENTS: D2t01 (Scarlet Begonias) Healy's mics. for the crowd mix the levels change in 
the first few seconds. After that it's fine :) D2t02 (Fire On The Mountain) Static @ 
10:34 thought 10:38 right channel. I deleted right channel and replaced with left channel. 
D2t06 (Drums) Static @ :58 throught 1:04 right channel. I deleted right channel and replaced 
with left channel. Also a cassette flip and drop out @ 8:44 removed. End of D2t06 (Drums) 
and beginning of D3t01 (Jam) there is a drop out or blank space of music that was removed 
for seemless future use. I also chose to keep D2 track 1 through 5 uncut to keep the jam's 
together. This is one 3 disks but could be place on to 2 80 minutes disks but taking D2t01 
and D2t02 onto the end of disk 1 but as you will see it would be a shame to break it up.
Shntool confirms all sector boundries.

Conversion/Edit/Seeded to Etree by T. Wiley 9/13/2002.

EAC: Secure to extract all tracks @ 100% quality no reported errors.
CD WAV: To select tracks.
Cool Edit Pro: Preformed only on tracks listed above. (see comments)
SHN: Via mkwact(seekable)
Source: Schoeps CMC441s FOB > DAT > PC > WAV > SHN

CD 1			total	[63:42]
Set 1
01. Hell in a Bucket		[07:28]
02. Row Jimmy	  		[11:56]
03. Minglewood	 		[08:44]
04. Tennessee Jed		[09:21]
05. Queen Jane			[06:23]
06. Bird Song			[13:53]
07. Promised Land		[05:54]

CD 2			total	[68:53]
Set 2 part 1
01. Scarlet Begonias		[12:26]
02. Fire on the Mountain	[18:54]
03. Corrina			[09:29]
04. Terrapin			[15:25]
05. Jam				[02:52]
06. Drums			[09:45]


CD 3			total	[42:16]
set 2 part 2
01. Space			[17:49]
02. I Need a Miracle	 	[04:48]
03. Morning Dew			[13:47]
04. U.S. Blues			[05:50]

The only source info on the DAT jcard was Schoeps CMC441s FOB. No deck or power supply info.
Wav files checked with SHNtool to ensure proper sector boundaries.

Transfer info;
DAT Clone > Sony PCM R300 > RME digi96/8pro > WAV (no DAE)
SOundforge 4.5a for recording and normalizing
CDWAV for track splits > SHN/seekable using mkwAct
Seeded to Etree by Marc Pujol on 03/17/2002.
Source: DSBD > TDC-D7 (44.1 kHz)
Transfer: TDC-D8> POC-DA12P (7pinToOptical)> Digi001 I/O > Pro Tools 5.01> Wav > Shn

Disk 1
Hot Dog
Planet of the Superkids
Get a Job
Sunday School
Hot Pants Breakdown
Tenor Man
Volcanic Acne
Toys R Us

Disk 2
II: Intro
Flood in Franklin Park
Ain't it Funky
I Got a lot of Reasons
Fire Eater
Jack Rabbit
Miss Riverside
Right On

Disk 3
Quantico, VA
E: Happy Friends

Sound: A
Show: A
DSBD: UAI > Panasonic 3700
Transfer: Panasonic SV-3800 > Monster Coax > Audigy Soundcard >
Soundforge 6.0 > CD Wave > flac

looks like most previous sources circulate with the last 3 songs missing.
This show is complete, provided there was no encore. No one on db.etree lists an
encore so I suspect there was not one. This is VERY nice. Enjoy! teddy dunski

Set I:
1. The Jody Grind
2. ?
3. Volcanic Acne
4. Let the Music Take Your Mind
5. Lady Day And John Coltrane
6. Jack Rabbit
7. Turnip's Big Move
8. The Browns At Home
9. Right On
10. ?

Set II:
1. Quantico, VA
2. ?
3. Ain't It Funky Now
4. Check Out Your Mind
5. Toys R Us
6. The Many Moods of Erik Newson
7. Taxman
8. Jam Sandwhich
Disc 1

01 GC: Stuff That Works
02 JE: All Just To Get To You
03 JH: Ethylene
04 LL: Record Lady
05 GC: Texas 1947
06 JE: Twisty River Bridge
07 JH: Perfectly Good Guitar
08 LL: Black's My Truck's Name
09 GC: Let Him Roll
10 JE: Ranches And Rivers
11 JH: Crossing Muddy Waters
12 LL: LA County
13 GC: The Cape

Disc 2

01 JE: My Baby Thinks She's French
02 JH: Memphis In The Meantime
03 LL: Some Things My Baby Don't Tolerate
04 GC: Out In The Parking Lot
05 JE: My Eyes Got Lucky
06 JH: Icy Blue Heart
07 LL: Step Inside This House
08 All: Blowin' Down This Road (Woody Guthrie)
09 GC: Dublin Blues
10 JE: Me And Billy The Kid
11 JH: Riding With The King
12 LL: The Road To Ensenada
13 All: This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie)

Sound: A-
Show: A-
75-Sept - WGTB Studios Georgetown University (40min) E-

Performed live in front of an audience (different performance from the Sounds Reasonable one)
It appears that the correct date for this show is Sept, not July-4. There is confirmation from a WGTB DJ and
a fan's hazy memory ;) - Thanks Ted. From WGTB's 2nd and final Pandermedia Fundraiser in 75-Sept.

Happy The Man

WGTB Georgetown University

Disc 1 - 39.56
1 Leave That Kitten Alone Armone 8.54
2 Broken Waves 5.54
3 Death's Crown Part 3 (Open Book) 15.49
4 Stumpy Meets The Firecracker In Stencil Forest 4.41
5 Mr. Mirror's Reflections On Dreams 4.38

Mike Beck Drums
Rick Kennell Bass
Kit Watkins Keyboards
Stanley Whitaker Guitar, Vocals
Frank Wyatt Keyboards, Wind Instruments

Recorded before a live audience, unlike the Sounds Reasonable program
on 75-Oct-30, which was a studio playback (though not of the official

Both were broadcast by WGTB and have the same woman DJ announcer.

This recording is generally listed as 75-July-4. However, it has come
to my attention from a fan who was there, a WGTB he talked to about it,
and the article from Unicorn Times (see link), that this show almost
certainly took place in September, not July-4. Based on this, I am now
going with the September date.

Welcome to the BTSwiki. You can browse by recording source or music genre (sorry) by using the menu at the left. You can also hunt for stuff (like names) using the search box at the right.

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This list is sort of mirrored at http://db.etree.org/bmaddock . Actually, this wiki is more inclusive, as etree doesn't list everything I have and I'm too lazy to add it to their database every time.

As of whatever date this entry was updated, this site lists about 20% of my collection. This means that you should feel free to inquire whether I have something you're looking for that isn't listed.

Drop me a line if you see something you'd like.

cassette > PC > wav > CoolEdit2000 > EAC > CD-R > flac

01 The Power and the Glory
02 Blindman
03 Summers Most Wanted Girl
04 Unapproved Road
05 Amazing Offer
06 Warm Sweet Breath of Love
07 Trouble with a Capital T
08 Guests of the Nation
09 Ricochet Man
10 Soap Opera
11 The Man Who Built America
12 Speed the Plough
13 Sure the Boy Was Green
14 Loneliness
15 Sword of Light
16 Dearg Doom (The Red Doom)
17 Shakin' All Over
18 New York Wakes
Spirit of the Land
Hardstone City
Give It Up
Hallelujah Jordan
Christchurch Bells
I Can See Clearly Now
Don't Go
Bean Phaidin
Down By The Riverside
Feet On The Ground

Sound: A
Show: A
I'm Sorry
An Emotional Time
Hardstone City
Thing Of Beauty
One Tongue
Don't Go
Stand Beside Me
Be Good
This Is it (Your Soul)
Feet on The Ground
Isn't It Amazing
She Moves Through The Fair/Hallelujah Jordan
Boys From Armagh (Marie from audience)
Give It Up
Banished Misfortune
Si Do Mhamo I
Good For You

1.1 Overture 4:00
1.2 Provider 1:39
1.3 Subterranea 5:29
1.4 Sleepless Incidental 5:58
1.5 Failsafe 8:42
1.6 Speak My Name 3:45
1.7 Tunnel Vision 6:49
1.8 Infernal Chorus 4:49
1.9 King Of Fools 2:16
1.10 The Sense In Sanity 4:40
1.11 The State Of Mind 2:13

2.1 Laid Low 1:33
2.2 Breathtaker 5:27
2.3 Capricorn 5:53
2.4 The Other Side 2:25
2.5 Unsolid Ground 5:03
2.6 Somewhere In Time 6:39
2.7 High Waters 2:31
2.8 The Narrow Margin 20:42

3.1 The Wake 7:11
3.2 Human Nature 11:39
3.3 Out Of Nowhere 9:50
3.4 The Last Human Gateway 22:57

Paul Cook - Drums and Percussion
Mike Holmes - Lead Guitars and Keyboards
John Jowitt - Bass Guitars and Vocals
Peter Nicholls - Lead Vocals
Martin Orford - Keyboards and Vocals


    In January 1997, IQ began work on "Subterranea", their sixth studio album 
and without doubt their most ambitious project to date. The 105-minute 2 CD set 
would form the basis for a completely new stage show. "After we'd finally managed to 
release "Forever Live", we didn't really want to release a single studio
album", explained Mike Holmes. "We felt it would have been a bit of an
anticlimax after the quality and standard of the boxed set. We also had
quite a bit of material kicking around".
    Peter Nicholls: "When we were writing "Subterranea:, I came across
loads of old rehearsal tapes with ideas that we'd never finished because
we'd got sidetracked by something else. There was an awful lot of material
there that we felt we should have another look at." The decision to build
the album around a concept was and important one for the band, as Martin
Orford remembered: With this album, it was nice to have the framework of
a story to work to so that we knew the sort of pieces we had to find for
particular sections."
    So creative wre the "Subterranea" writing sessions, though, that IQ
had no need to resort to reworking unfinished ideas. In Fact, two tracks
"The Universal Scam" and "Eyes Of The Blind", were omitted from the final
album, only being released two years later on the rarities CD, "The Lost
    Originally, we were only intending to play the middle section, "Peter
later recalled, "but then we decided to surprise everyone and do the whole track !"
    After this memorable concert, IQ returned to The Met for the final UK
"Subterranea" show and then headed off to Holland to film its last ever
performance, at the 013 in Tilgurg. This would later appear as the CD, 
video and DVD, "Subterranea : The Concert".
    Incredibly, the full "Subterranea" show was performed live only 16
times and those who saw it will never forget it. This triple CD package
captures some of the unique atmosphere in London on that special night.

Notes from the Re-Master
	This is generally a very good audience with music signal up to 
16,000 Hz. Pops and crackle were the most offending noise that needed 
to be removed. Also, The high range treble was too accentuated and lead
 to the pronunciation of the letter "S" as piercing so it was cut down.
 Applause was a bit too loud in many places so this was reduced where 
necessary. Finally, the last few minutes of the show were missing from 
the original source but we were able to track down a video of the show 
that had the missing section. We transitioned the audio from a high 
quality audience taping device to a video tape source. The transition 
works well but the reduction in quality is obvious. We felt it was 
important to include the complete show despite this reduction in 

Taper nycsteve
Sharp MT770 ,Soundpro mics>Goldwave> CDWave Editor
Expands to 2 audio
Disc 1 51:26 5Tracks
Disc 2 76:55 9Tracks

Sacred Sound
It All Stops Here
Leap of Faith
Born Brilliant
The Seventh House
No Love Lost
Widow's Peak
The Narrow Margin (middle)
Guiding Light
Harvest of Souls
Awake and Nervous
The Last Human Gateway (middle)
The Wake

Sound: C
Source: Audience Mini Disc Recording 
Taped by: SF 
Transferred by: SF 

01 Intro
02 The Wake
03 The Darkest Hour
04 Frequency 
05 It All Stops Here
06 Sacred Sound

CD 2

06 Breathtaker
07 Failsafe
08 Leap Of Faith
09 Human Nature
10 The Seventh House

remaster on 329 (?)

In A Stone Circle
In Sight Of The Minaret
In A Black Box
In The Grip Of Stronger Stuff
In Maternal Grace
In The Moneylender's Temple
In Defence Of Faiths
At Their Father's Knee
En Afrique
In The Olive Garden
In The Pay Of Spain
Bombay Valentine
Heavy Horses
Life's A Long Song
Sossity You're A Woman, Reasons For Waiting (medley)
Wond'ring Aloud
Cheap Day Return, Nursie (medley)
Dun Ringill
She Moved Through The Fair, Dust Devils (medley)
Locomotive Breath


Transfer:Unknown Handheld Mics>Panasonic DAT>Sony ES Cass. deck>Tascam CDRW4U>EAC(secure mode)>CDWav>FLAC(level 7 w/SB aligned)
Ripped from the AMJT News Group Tree release using Nero 7.
Encoded to FLAC using Trader's Little Helper.
Torrent file created with uTorrent.


Ian Anderson (flutes, vocals and acoustic guitar)
Andy Giddings (keyboards)
Chris Leslie (violin)
Jonathan Noyce (bass violin and bass guitar)


d1-1- Interview on WYNF-FM.flac
d1-2- Interview on KLSX-FM.flac
d1-3- Introduction.flac
d1-4- In A Stone Circle.flac
d1-5- In Sight Of The Minaret.flac
d1-6- Ian explains the show.flac
d1-7- In A Black Box.flac
d1-8-  In The Grip Of Stronger Stuff.flac
d1-9- In Maternal Grace.flac
d1-10- In The Moneylender's Temple.flac
d1-11-  Ian introduces the band.flac
d1-12- A Complete Pratt.flac
d1-13- In Defence Of Faiths.flac
d1-14- At Their Father's Knee.flac
d1-15- En Afrique.flac
d1-16- In The Olive Garden.flac
d1-17- In The Pay Of Spain.flac
d1-18- Sitting Right Next To You.flac
d1-19- In The Times Of India (Bombay Valentine).flac

No Step

d2-1- Heavy Horses.flac
d2-2- Life Is A Long Song.flac
d2-3- Sossity, you're a woman.flac
d2-4-  Reasons For Waiting.flac
d2-5- Perry  Noyce duo.flac
d2-6- Wond'ring Aloud.flac
d2-7- Cheap Day Return.flac
d2-8- Nursie.flac
d2-9- Dun Ringill.flac
d2-10- She Moves Through The Fair.flac
d2-11- Dust Devils.flac
d2-12- She Moves Through The Fair (reprise).flac
d2-13- Jack-in-the-Green.flac
d2-14- Bouree.flac
d2-15- Aqualung.flac
d2-16- Goodnight from the band.flac
d2-17- Encore Locomotive Breath.flac

This is an excellent recording of a show from Ian Anderson's first solo tour in support of his album "Divinities: Twelve Dances with God". The first CD is a straight run through of the album with a couple of interviews thrown in at the beginning. The second CD consists of reworked Jethro Tull tunes. A great show. Very different from a Jethro Tull show. The AMJT News Group released was mastered from a cassette I found at an East Lansing, Michigan record show. Lineage of the cassette is unknown to me. Exactly how the cassette was mastered is also unknown to me.
Taper: stephen@damohub.org
Lineage: DPA4060 > MPS6030 > JB3 line in, gain +6dB > WAV (44.1kHz)
Location: DFC, 5th row seated (~5m from stage), mics clipped to glasses
Transfer: USB > WAV > Audacity 1.2.0 (linux; normalisation and
splitting) > WAV > flac 1.1.0 (linux: "flac -V -8 *.wav")

Unfortunately the recording cut out partway through the encore.
You're missing most of 'American English', plus one more song after
that ('Goodnight').  If anyone comes across a complete recording,
please get in contact via email (above).  If you delete the incomplete
last track, the show will fit onto a single 80 minute cd-r.

Disc 1:
01  intro                             0:57
02  When I argue I see shapes         4:11
03  You held the world in your arm    4:44
04  I'm happy to be here tonight      4:00
05  I understand it                   3:51
06  Little discourage                 4:32
07  Welcome home                      4:29
08  Weight of years                   3:23
09  Not just sometimes but always     4:25
10  Live in a hiding place            4:49
11  100 miles                         3:50
12  El Capitan                        4:52
13  Quiet crown                       4:05
14  Winter is blue *                  2:52
15  Theme from "Robin Hood"           1:28
16  Disconnected                      4:33
17  The bronze medal                  3:37
18  Love steals us from loneliness    7:32
19  Self healer                       4:35
20  Too long awake                    3:04
21  American English                  0:33
                             [Total: 80:28]

(*) Vashti Bunyan cover
Franco Donatoni
01. Argot (first mvt)
02. Argot (second mvt)
Silvia Mandolini - Violino

Riccardo Massari Spiritini
03. Movimento Infinito
Saverio Tasca - Percussioni
Adriano Ambrosini - Pianoforte

Steve Reich
04 Six Marimbas
I Percussionisti di Verona

Luciano Berio
05. Sequenza 1
06. Sequenza 2
07. Sequenza 3
Ex Novo Ensemble:
Daniele Ruggeri - Flauto
Aldo Orvieto - Pianoforte
Carlo Teodoro - Violoncello

Recording/Mastering: F. Capaldi
Estratto dalle serate "Variazioni di Pressione"
Teatro Filarmonico
Verona - Sala Maffeiana
26 Sep 2005
03 Oct 2005 

Source: Sbd
Lineage: Sbd > ? > CDR
Notes: I received this in a trade some years back. The CD had 2 sec's gaps between the tracks, but these have been removed here.

01 Southside Shuffle
02 Gettin' Out
03 Musta Got Lost
05 Chimes
06 Looking For A Love
06 Serves You Right To Suffer
07 Whammer Jammer
08 (Ain't Nothin' But A) Houseparty
09 Detroit Breakdown
10 Give It To Me
11 Back To Get Ya
12 First I Look At The Purse

A Great recording, and personally I also find it interesting to compare it to the official "Live - Blow Your Face Out!" that was recorded about a year later. 
One Finger Snap
Spanish Ballad
Spanish Souza
Hand By Hand

JDJ - drums
Jerome Harris - guitar
Danilo Perez - piano
John Patitucci - bass
silver discs > EAC > WAV > FLAC

Disc 1 - First Set

1. Under The Falling Sky
2. World To Gain
3. Together Again
4. Mae Jean Goes To Hollywood
5. Last Time I Was Home
6. Jesus in 3/4 Time
7. My Opening Farewell
8. From Silverlake
9. Rock Me On The Water
10. Jamaica Say You Will

Disc 2 - Second Set

1. Together Again
2. Take It Underground
3. When You Lose Your Money
4. Our Lady Of The Well
5. These Days
6. Someday Morning
7. Shadow Dream Song
8. Song For Adam
9. Looking Into You

Jamie Janover - hammered dulcimer, percussion, effects
Michael Manring - bass
Alan Hertz - drums
Eric Levy - keys

XY Neumann KM-140 > Lunatec V2 > Benchmark AD2K+ @ 24/96
Resampled with Secret Rabbit Code 0.1.1, hp-tpdf dither

No setlist available

Sound: B
Show: B
Song of Space/Afric Pepperbird/Fountain of Tears
VIPS/Rainbow/At Det Var

Jan Garbarek - sax, flute
Terje Rypdal - guitars
Arild Andersen - bass
Jon Christensen - drums
six untitled pieces

with David Torn, Eberhard Weber, M. DiPasqua

Fixed version on LLD_493
SOURCE: SBD>Audio Tape>CD TRANSFER>trade>CD>EAC Secure Modus>Flac Frontend Level 6>Flac

Jan Garbarek: ss, ts
David Torn: electric-guitar
Eberhard Weber: bass
Mike DiPasqua: drums 

1. 13.10
2. 16.48 (fade out)
3. track 02 continues 02.22
4. 07.25
5. 06.02
6. Witchi-Tai-To 05.27

Jan Garbarek: ts, ss, fl
David Torn: electric guitar
Eberhard Weber: bass
Billy Hart: drums


1. 24.35
2. 17.40
3. 20.35
4. 11.52

1. 08.25
2. 05.24
3. 05.43
4. 02.39 (cuts)

1. ? (31:31)
2. ? (20:55)
3. ? (6:40)
Jan Garbarek - Reeds
Rainer Bruninghaus - Keyboards
Eberhard Weber - Bass
Marilyn Mazur - Percussion
As If The Sky Itself Were Too Low...

Jan Garbarek, saxophone
Marilyn Mazur, percussion
Eberhard Weber, bass
Rainer Brüninghaus, keyboard

Disc 1
01 - 21.47
02 - 26.29

Disc 2
01 - 23.31
02 - 22.12

Quality: A
Soundboard-?-CDr-Trade-EAC-Wav-Flac Frontend to Flac
Audience, 54min & 65min, 2CD.

This is the complete concert recorded from the audience using Sony D10 pro DAT recorder and Sony ECM959DT stereo mic. Jan presented with Nordic cool, while Rainer and Eberhard maintained their detached calm. Meanwhile Marilyn Mazur danced around her percussion set like a pixie in a field of spring flowers, tapping on hanging gongs, rolling across a row of drums, bending over to hit something near the floor - amazing dynamics and vivacity in her drumming. Its all here on the recording. We were slightly distant, so you hear a bit of the Arts Centre acoustic as well. 

I don't know Gabarek's music well enough to put together an authoritative setlist, so any assistance here appreciated. 

omplete Show 

Taper: bobandbruce

Lineage: okmstyle earmics – Sony MD NZ-NH700 –sonicstage - himdrenderer - Wav- nero audio editor – flac frontend – flac

Jan Garbarek, saxophones
Rainer Brüninghaus, keyboards
Juri Daniel, bass
Manu Katche´, percussion

Part 1:  The Tall Tear Trees/ Eventyr/ Paper Nut
Part 2:  Twelve Moons / Rondo Amoroso /solo Juri Daniel/ unknown
Part 3: There were Swallows/unknown /Solo Rainer Bruninghaus/ Once I Dreamt A Tree Upside Down
Part 4: Unknown/unknown /Solo MAnu KAtche/ New Bein

Voy Cantando

CD 1

Part 1
Part 2

CD 2

Part 3
Part 4


Part 5 (maybe Hasta siempre)


Eberhard Weber was replaced by Juri Daniel due to illness. 
I don't know any details of the titles on the setlist, so help me out,if you know more, it will be highly appreciated.

The Serenadenhof (Serenade Court) is inside of one of the ugliest buildings of Nürnberg from the darkest time of German history.
But it is the most beautiful location for open-air concerts I know.
Every concert including this one is a pearl!
Pre-FM Master>CDR>EAC>FLAC6(w/sector align)sbeok

Disc 1 
1] Spanish samba
2] Timeless
3] Viddene
4] Nimbus
5] Krusning

Disc 2 
1] Waterwheel
2] Backward Glance> Entering> Telegram
01) Keep Drawing Suns
02) Thumb On The Scale
03) You Should Be Changing Everything
04) Tremors
05) Far From Here
06) Toomsuba
07) The Waiting

[Athens 441]

Eric Berg - guitar, keyboards
Nick Bielli - bass
Heather McIntosh - cello
John Neff - pedal steel guitar
Brant Rackley - drums
Andy Baker - keyboards

Source: Neumann KM-184(DIN)> Lunatec V2> Graham-Patten ADC-20> Hosa ODL-276> Nomad Jukebox 3
Transfer: Nomad Jukebox 3> USB> Cool Edit Pro(DSP/SRC)> shntool> CDWave> FLAC Frontend

Recorded and transferred by Sloan Simpson
Source:sbd>744t dpa4011>v-2>744t (24/48)
Location:right side of sbd
Taped & Transfer by Steven Propp  nspwboogie@gmail.com

Disc 1
01. [08:14] Brand New Kind of Actress
02. [07:03] Decoration Day
03. [05:10] Chicago Promenade
04. [04:41] The Assassin
05. [07:08] Danko/Manuel
06. [05:16] Down In a Hole
07. [04:31] Grown
08. [06:58] Goddamn Lonely Love
09. [05:30] Psycho Killer
10. [05:47] Dress Blues

Disc 2
11. [05:14] Into the Mystic
12. [05:41] Outfit
13. [07:00] Try
14. [06:47] Jailbreak
SBD > XLR-1/8" mini > DAT(x) > CDR(x)

1. Settled Down Like Rain
2. Poor Little Fish
3. Think About It
4. Take Me With You (When You Go)
5. Big Star
6. Lost My Driving Wheel
7. Two Hearts
8. Blue
9. Dying On The Vine
10. Bottomless Cup
11. I'd Run Away
12. Trouble
13. Stick In The Mud
14. Haywire
15. The Man Who Loved Life

1. Waiting For The Sun
2. Ode To Billy Joe
3. It's Up To You
4. Nothing Left To Borrow
5. Seven Days
6. Reason To Believe
7. Sunny Side Of The Street*
8. Bad Time

*Note Dave Pirner guests (vocals)
sbd>?>cdr in trade>eac>wav>flac

Very nice soundboard recording from the first of two nights in Seattle. 

Disc One
Settled Down Like Rain
I'd Run Away
What Led Me To This Town
Waiting For The Sun
Dying On The Vine
Nothing Left To Borrow
Crowded In The Wings
I'm Gonna Make You Love Me
Bottomless Cup
Until You Came Along
Real Light

Disc Two
Five Cups Of Coffee
Queen Of The World
A Break In the Clouds
Somewhere In Ohio
All By Myself
Life's Little Ups And Downs
If I Only Had A Car
Sister Cry
Big Star
Baby, Baby, Baby

sbd>?>cdr in trade>eac>wav>flac

Very nice soundboard recording from the second of two nights in Seattle. 
Enough changes in the setlist to warrant posting both shows - and I'm too
lazy to create separate torrents. 

Disc One
I'm Gonna Make You Love Me
The Man Who Loved Life
Settled Down Like Rain
I'd Run Away
Ain't No End
Better Days
Real Light
Somewhere In Ohio
Lost My Driving Wheel
Two Hearts
You Don't Miss Your Water
Broken Harpoon
Queen Of The World
What Led Me To This Town
Waiting For The Sun

Disc Two
Sound Of Lies
Big Star
Life's Little Ups And Downs
All By Myself
Sister Cry
Bad Time
Baby, Baby, Baby


Tuang Guru
That's Retail
The Gourd
Listos Tres
Milestones in the Sunshine

Double Agent
Airmail Special
The Opera
Early Show

Black Market
Full House
The Opera
Stockholm Smokepipe

Late Show

The Phoenicians
The Milliken Way
The Collage (Monkey Butler with a Mullet)
Sabre Dance
The Gourd

Taped by Andy Hopkins
Schoeps CCML4 > Beyer MV100 > Tascam DA-P1 (mics on stage split 10 feet)

Set I
(disc 1)

Oh Yeah!

Set II
(disc 2)

Open Sesame
At The Pershing
Country Open

Set II
(disc 3)

Jungle Tango
The Gourd

e. Xenoblast
Full House
The Phoenicians
The Country Open
Jungle Tango
Stockholm Smokepipe

Open Sesame
New Song (Jamie's)
New Song (Greg's)
Mariachi Song
At the Pershing
The Milliken Way

Taped by Andy Hopkins
Taped by Andy Hopkins

Honeysuckle Rose
Dark Eyes
At The Pershing
The Milliken Way
The Country Open
E: Powderfinger
Five unidentified songs
Dark Eyes
Sabre Dance
source/transfer: (3 mic mix @ sbd) Nuemann TLM 103 + AKG C1000 (pair) > Digi002>G3 (ProTools) @ 24bit 

- Disc 1 - Set I -
01. Templars
02. Mariachi Song
03. Jughead
04. The Phoenicians	
05. Milestones > Bass solo > Milestones
06. Powderfinger

- Disc 2 - Set II -
01. Contois > Bass Solo > Contois
02. Straight Life
03. Xenoblast
04. New Song
05. Going to California > What Is and What Should Never Be
06. Oh Yeah

Jamie Masefield - mandolins, Jon Fishman - drums, Danton Boller - Upright Bass and Effects, Mad Dog - Trumpet and Keyboards 
Early Show

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow
Borkum Riff
Spicy Bombs
Cicada 17
Going To California >
What Is And What Should Never Be
Oh Yeah!

Source: FOB Neumann ak40 (DIN, 8', DFC) > lc3 > km100 (no XLR cable) > 
Sound Devices MP-2 > Oade Line Stage Mod SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D7 (@44.1)

Transfer: Sony TCD-D7 > 7-pin optical > Creative Nomad Jukebox 3 > FireWire > CDWav > FLAC

--No DAE--

Taped, transferred, and seeded by Paul Hofferkamp (gruven42ATyahooDOTcom)

Jamie Masefield - mandolins, Sean Dixon - drums, Scott Ritchie - upright bass, Maddog - trumpet and keys
(FOH/DFC) Neumann U89i (card, DIN)> Lunatec V2> Apogee Minime> 
Hosa ODL-312> Creative Labs NJB3.

Creative Labs NJB3> (firewire) Creative Play Center> Cool Edit Pro 2 
(fade in/out,hardlimit)> CD Wave (tracked)> Flac Fronted.

Recorded by Ed Guidry (tufflitestudios@yahoo.com)

Battle Hymn 
Straight Life 
Going to California/ What is and What Should Never be 

Borkum Riff 
Dickyville Grotto 
Cicada 17 

Avant intro> Sirduke> dance party> SirDuke 

Lineup: Jamie Masefield- mandolins, MadDog- trumpet, piano, keyboard, Scott Ritchie- Bass, Sean Dixon- Drums
(FM Rebroadcast, Quality A+) 

band (Hamburg):
Jean-Luc Ponty (violins)
Darryl Stuermer (guitar)
Tom Fowler (bass)
Mark Craney (drums)
Allan Zavod (keys)

Disc 1 
Hamburg Part 1 
1. Is Once Enough 9.29
2. Polyfolk Dance 8.10
3. Lost Forest 11.05
4. Aurora 18.30
5. Renaissance 8.31
6. Question with No Answers 5.05

Disc 2 
Hamburg Part 2
1. Passenger of the Dark* 10.08
2. Bowing-Bowing 9.14
3. Tarantula 3.14
4. Wandering on the Milky Way 6.26
5. Fight for Life 6.05

(*) Different, older, inferior source 
  (perhaps not rebroadcasted and put in place)


EAC (secure mode) > FLAC 1.17 VERIFY/ALIGN
2-Cosmic Messenger
4-Enigmatic Ocean
5-Band Intro
6-Ethereal Mood
7-No Strings Attached
8-Egocentric Molecules
9-New Country
1. Overture/Trans-Love Express
2. Cosmic Messenger
3. Infinite Pursuit
4. Perpetual Rondo
5. Elephants In Love
6. Cats Tales
7. The Struggle of the Turtle to the Sea(Cuts)
8. ?
9. Nostalgic Lady
10.Plastic Idols
11. Don't Let the World Pass You By
12. Open Mind

Jean-Luc Ponty - Electric Violin
Frank Gambale - Guitar
Kai Akagi - Keys 
Baron Browne - Bass 
Rayford Griffin - Drums

Source:  Stereo Soundboard 
Quality: Excellent (A/A+)
Lineage: SBD > ?? > CDr > EAC (Secure/offset corrected) > .WAV > FLAC (L5/Sector boundaries Aligned)
Taper: Unknown 
Source: Soundboard
Transfer: CD-R from trade > EAC > FLAC Level 8 > you 

Disc 1
1 The Legend 
2 Bells 
3 Je Me Souviens 
4 Dream 1: The Rock 
5 Miss Moon 
6 Oxygene 2 
7 Dream 2: The House 
8 Chronologie 6 
9 Dream 3: The Tree 
10 Equinoxe 7 
11 Magnetic Fields 2 
12 Dream 4: The Boat 
13 Millions of Stars 
14 Dream 5: The Flesh 
15 Souvenir of China 
16 Oxygene 10 
17 Dream 6: The Voice
18 intro > 
19 Umm Kulthum Tribute 
20 Dream 7: The Sky 
21 Hey Gagarin 
 (#Dream 8: The Child wasn't played) 

Disc 2
1-2 Gloria/Intro to the year 2000 
3 Millennium Countdown 
4 C'est La Vie 
5 Salma Ya Salama 
6 Dream 9: The Bell 
7 Equinoxe 4 
8 Dream 10: The Snow 
9 Oxygene 4 
10 Tout est Bleu 
11 Dream 11: The Blood 
12 Evolutions
13 Oxygene 12 
14 Dream 12: The Gate 
15 Give Me A Sign 
16 Oxygene 8 
17 Band in the Rain  
18 Rendez-vous 2

Excellent recording from JMJ's famous millennium concert in Egypt with approx 115,000 spectators present.  Since I got this in a trade I dont have any info about lineage, taping equipment etc. 
On Saturday 10th September 2005, Jean Michel Jarre performed a 35 Minutes Mini-Concert at the LinX Live Show,
an Exclusive Multi-Artist Event for the Official Opening of the Eurocam Media Centre,
containing Belgian HDTV Company Euro1080's NEW HDTV Studios, in Lint, Belgium, to an audience of 1000 Invited Guests,
including Belgian Prime Minister, Guy Verhofstadt, the European Commissioner for Media & New Technologies,
Viviane Reding, and the Mayor of Lint, Nicole Muyshondt.

Belgian Rock Group Novastar & Percussion Artist MeloRitmo performed at the LinX Live Show,
before Jean Michel Jarre performed his 6 Tracks, all presented in Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound,
accompanied on stage by Francis Rimbert & Claude Samard, assisted by the Symphonique Factory Orchestra and Choir.
Jean Michel Jarre's Tracklisting was as follows:-

[01] AERO
[02] OXYGENE 2 (With Electronic Flute Introduction) 
[04] EQUINOXE 4 
[05] OXYGENE 12 (With Circle Of Life Video)
[06] RENDEZ-VOUS 2 (With Jean Michel Jarre on Laser Harp) 

The LinX Live Event was broadcast 'Live' from 21:15-23:00 (9:15-11:00pm) (Local Time) on Euro1080's High-DefinitionTV
Channel HD1 (www.hd-1.tv).
For the first (and probably last) time ever, Jeff Beck re-visited his entire back catalogue (all the way back to the yardbirds era) on stage with some very special guests:

Main band
JEFF BECK - Guitar
TONY HYMAS - Keyboards

JH = JIMMY HALL - Vocals

Disc 1
01. Beck's bolero
02. Roy's toy
03. Rice pudding
04. Angel (Footsteps)
05. Goodbye pork pie hat
06. Blue wind
07. I'm a man (JH)
08. Ain't superstitious (JH)
09. Morning dew (JH)
10. Behind the veil (TB)
11. Savoy (TB)
12. Sling shot (TB)
13. Big block (TB)
14. Freeway jam (TB)
15. Still I'm sad
16. Train kept a rollin' (WS)
17. Ain't done wrong (WS)
18. Heart full of soul (WS)
19. You're a better man than I (WS)
20. Lost woman (WS)
21. Evil hearted you (WS)
22. I ain't got you (WS)

Disc 2
01. The pump
02. Brush with the blues
03. Star cycle
04. Rollin' and tumblin' (AD IH TB)
05. Django (JM)
06. Scatterbrain (JM)
07. Nadia (AD)
08. What Mama said
09. Goin' down (PR TB)
10. People get ready (JH TB)
11. A day in the life (TB)
12. Where were you
13. Hi ho silver lining (JH TB WS IH PR)

Source: Mini disc recorder>WAV>CDR>WAV>FLAC (aud, A-)
Source: Digital Soundboard DAT Unknown Taper
Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > Audiophile 2496 > WaveLab >
CD Wave > EAC > Flac 

Disc 1		56:19

1.	Intro
2.	Monkey Bay
3.	Our Time
4.	Big  Sciota
5.	Banter
6.	Hymn Of Ordinary Motion
7.	The Travels Of Mr. Hulot
8.	Why Don’t You Go Back To The Woods
9.	From Ankara To Izmir
10.	Early Morning
11.	Through The Gates
12.	Edgar Solo
13.	The Earl Of Hienford > Open The Present

Disc 2		41:29

1.	Pushed Too Far
2.	Open Arms
3.	A New Day Medley (Jerry Solo)
4.	Green Slime
5.	Big Bug Shuffle
6.	A Touch Of Hidalgo
7.	Emphysema Two-Step
8.	Crowd
9.	Encore: Here On Earth

Notes: Very Clean Soundboard. Discs are seamless. Trio opened for Aquarian Rescue Unit

Taper:  Unknown 
Transfer:  Adam Hudson
Email:  adhud8572@adelphia.net

SBD DAT > TASCAM DA-20 MKII > Tascam CD-RW5000 > CDR
Extracted Sony Sound Forge 7.0 > CDWAV > Flac > To You 

Jack A Row
Spring in California
Grateful Dawg
Angels Layed Him Away
Off To Sea
Friend of The Devil
Two Soldiers
So What

Russian Lullaby
Dawg Waltz
Thrill Is Gone
Old Rockin’ Chair
Arabia (A)
Arabia (B)
Eat My Dust W/ Bela Fleck
Ripple W/ Bela Fleck

My Sunday Feeling
My God
To Cry You a Song
With You There to Help Me/By Kind Permission Of . . .
Sossity; You're a Woman Now/Reasons for Waiting
Nothing Is Easy
Dharma for One
We Used to Know/For a Thousand Mothers

There seems to be some debate about the date of this show.
I've seen it listed as July 15, 16, or 17
Even the good folk at The Ministry of Information don't know for sure.

CD 1
01 Thick As a Brick (Pt. 1) (fades in during opening acoustic guitar)
This I broke into 13 tracks

02 The News and Weather

CD 2
03 Thick As A Brick (Pt. 2)
02 Geared Toward the Average
03 Let Me Help You To Pick Up Your Dead
04 Thick as a Brick (conclusion)
05 Cross-Eyed Mary
06 A New Day Yesterday
07 Aqualung

CD 3
01 Wind Up	6:20	
02 Guitar Interlude	1:34
03 Organ / Guitar Interlude	1:56
04 Guitar / Organ Interlude	1:12
05 Guitar Solo	5:53
06 Locomotive Breath	6:03
07 Hard Headed English General	2:57
08 Wind Up (conclusion)	2:23

TOTAL TIME about 28 minutes

very good

I got this in a tape trade many years ago.
Mine is allegedly a 2nd generation tape.
I've heard the "Complete Performance 1972" and to my ears, this sounds better.

audience tape > tape (unknown # of generations - allegedly 2) > CD-r > FLAC 8 via xAct

I have, or have heard, more than a dozen "Brick" shows.
This is unquestionably my favorite with the best mix of fidelity and performance,
though the Wolverhampton (3-19-72) is another great one to get.

This show has been around for years. 
It has been circulated on CD as "Complete Performance 1972" and "Thick as a Stage" (and about a half dozen other titles).

The "Complete Performance 1972" CD has an "Only Solitaire" intro that is missing from this tape. I'm guessing that the "Thick as a Stage" and this recording share the same source.

For more info on those two boots:

This is allegedly from a 2nd generation tape.
It does sound quite nice, but
Don't bet the farm on it.



Mike Nelson, world famous Sea Hunter and cinema star, known for his aquatic skills, feats of derring do, and street smarts (not to mention giving his young sons their first taste of celluloid stardom) was enjoying himself at a recent ÒrockÓ concert presented by five British boys who call themselves Jethro Tull (?), when he was paged from the stage by the lead singer. Amidst a full tilt sonic explosion of flute, guitar, bass, drums and organ, the band stopped dead in their tracks to ask if Mr. Mike Nelson was in the audience. A telephone call of the most urgent nature had been forwarded to the Òstage phoneÓ and the singer was kind enough to interrupt the performance to inform the star of the call.  Apparently their was a fish on the line. Unconfirmed reports state that it was, specifically, a Dover sole. Mr. Nelson was reportedly  very grateful. 



A concert by the Blackpool Flute and Cello ensemble was held at Koseinenkin-Kaikan, Tokyo Japan in July 1972. A sensitive and, dare one say, passionate, performance was rendered by the five musicians, but was spoilt at times by an exceedingly restless and shifyt audience. The music also included two sections of The Tycho Asavrick Suite in F Major by Delirius D. Myart  and a contemporary piece by the one-legged Russian performer, Izabetyer Lovinthisky. 
                                      - Y.Z.Y.
Label STE 027 - A/B


1.  Passion Play
2. Thick as a Brick
3 Wind Up


1. Cross Eyed Mary
2. No Rehearse I
3. No Rehearse II
4. Aqualung
5. Medley (Bouree/Living in the Past/Pop Goes the Weasel/Sea Lion)
6. My God
7. Skating Away
8. Wondring aloud
9. War Child
10. Bungle in the Jungle

Silver CD - dbpowerconverter - FLAC.  No other information regarding lineage

First 6 tracks July 20-23rd 1973
Last 6 tracks February 10 1975
Jethro Tull Live at the Oakland Coliseum 1973-07-xx Master reel-to-reel AUD Full "Passion Play", complete show

Tull's episodic career has had many swings since "This Was" premiered so many years ago. Like all great artists, the perception of his work has differed from when it was produced to the current day. "Thick As A Brick" received mixed reviews when it first premiered, but has endured to this day as my personal favorite album.

You would have to say that Tull's impression as to what a concept album is differed greatly from what was acceptable then, to what is acceptable now. Ian Anderson and co. were very far ahead of their time, both in production value and their understanding of British theatre.

I absolutely hated "The Passion Play" when it came out. It was unfriendly to listen to, morose, and did not stand up to repeated playing. The uproar over it at the time was so intense that (my memory fades here, please correct me if I don't have it right)I remember Ian absolutely screaming at the press and threatening not to work again!

Yes, parts of it *are* morose, particularly the beginning, but "Thick As A Brick" had some morose bits in it also. Not as many, though. And yes, it's a much darker album overall. But, it is brilliant and more cohesive overall.

But, now it's 2006. My Spiro Agnew watch doesn't work anymore, and my 1964 World's Fair metal flip calendar is starting to look like an antique. And when I look in the mirror... let's not talk about that!

So, I think it's time for "The Passion Play" to be revisited. Not on the LP where it came out, but on this great live show. It's an 800lb gorilla by the way, this show is. You get sucked into it regardless, awestruck, unable to move. For two hours and twelve minutes all you can do, to paraphrase Frank Zappa is to lie there listlessly, with your tongue hanging from side to side.

This show progresses from *SEE-REE-US* to absurd theatre, to rock and roll. I don't think Tull performs this way anymore. 

The Passion Play
Thick As A Brick Middle Section
Cross-Eyed Mary
Unknown Song (please help out!)
Drum Solo
Maternity Ward (is that correct?)
Applause and Crowd Noise
Band Intros

Wind Up
Locomotive Breath
Wind Up Reprise


A DoinkerTape
This is the first show from the Songs From The Wood tour.

Ian Anderson plays flute, guitar, and sings
Martin Barre - guitars, marimba
John Evan - keyboards, drums
Barrie Barlow - percussion
David Palmer - keyboards, sax
John Glascock - bass

01  Skating Away	4.05
02  Jack-In-The-Green	4.04
03  Crazed Institution	4.16
04  Fire At Midnight	3.11
05  Conundrum-ish	3.18
06  Thick as A Brick	14.13
07  Songs From the Wood	5.23
08  To Cry You A Song	2.45
09  A New Day Yesterday	10.04
10  Living In The Past	2.58

01 Velvet Green	8.21
02 Too Old To Rock n Roll 7.59
03 Bungle In The Jungle	2.15
04 Beethoven's 9th Symph 3.27
05 Minstrel In The Gallery 7.41
06 A Hunting Girl	5.17
07 Cross-Eyed Mary	3.56
08 Aqualung	8.24
09 Guitar Solo	3.11
10 Wind Up	4.59
11 Back Door Angels	5.04
12 Wind Up (conclusion)	1.59
13 Locomotive Breath	5.26
14 Grand Finale/Back Door Angels 3.27

Audience recording
Quite nice actually.
Sounds like a low gen source

audience tape > ??? > CD-r > FLAC 8 via xAct

This recording captures Jethro Tull at an interesting point in their history. During 1974-1975 Tull toured the globe presenting WarChild, complete with string quartet and Ian on sax (for the last time). They played a total of 139 concerts. 1976 brought us Too Old to Rock ÔnÕ Roll, Too Young to Die, and a mere 38 live shows. They played only a handful of songs from that release during the 12-date European tour. By the time they reached the USA two months later they had dropped all but two songs from the album they were allegedly promoting. 

After the tour ended in August the band took a well deserved break, Ian to the serenity of the English countryside, the others to their own pursuits. During their five months ÒholidayÓ that preceded the concert presented here Tull wrote and recorded Songs From The Wood, a work that many consider to be one of the two quintessential Jethro Tull albums (the other being Aqualung). 

Bassist Jeffrey Hammond left the band at the end of the 1976 tour. He was replaced by John Glascock from Carmen, TullÕs support act in 1975. Additionally, keyboardist, sax player, and arranger David Palmer became a full-fledged performing member, opening up many sonic possibilities and bringing to the live stage a rocked-up version of the 2nd & 4th movements of BeethovenÕs Ninth Symphony.

Five numbers received their live debut here. Jack-in-the-Green, Fire at Midnight, Songs From the Wood, Velvet Green and, A Hunting Girl, though fantastic on the already-recorded and soon-to-be released album, are here, a bit rough. ItÕs quite fascinating to hear the now-classic songs played rather tentatively. The band is still working out arrangements for their live performance. Listen to Bursting Out. Hear what a difference a year on the road can make.

 Enjoy this delightful evening of music, honest and real, presented to you as it happened, warts and all (MartinÕs Aqualung solo - ouch!),
with no overdubs or studio sweetenings.


I saw the band two months after this gig in Louisville and, after the 2 WarChild shows I saw in '75 (March 9 and October 1), this was without a doubt my favorite Tull tour. I've seen them about 20 times over the years. I remember waiting for Martin to hit a single chord in Thick As A Brick   (about 3 minutes in just slightly behind the beat just before "See there, a son is born...") and when he did it felt like someone had hit me in the chest. It was that loud. And in a basketball arena, that's loud

John Glascock and Barrie just worked so well together. 
Glascock, I think, really fired up the rest of the band too.
David Palmer brought a "silly seriousness" to the shows that is hard to describe.

This is a very nice show. Not their best show musically speaking, but here you see (hear) them in a more 'human' light.
This is the first show from the ÒSongs From The WoodÓ tour.

Ian Anderson - flute, guitar, and sings
Martin Barre - guitars, marimba
John Evan - keyboards, drums
Barrie Barlow - percussion
David Palmer - keyboards, sax
John Glascock - bass

01  Skating Away	4.05
02  Jack-In-The-Green	4.04
03  Crazed Institution	4.16
04  Fire At Midnight	3.11
05  Conundrum-ish	3.18
06  Thick as A Brick	14.13
07  Songs From the Wood	5.23
08  To Cry You A Song	2.45
09  A New Day Yesterday	10.04
10  Living In The Past	2.58

01 Velvet Green	8.21
02 Too Old To Rock ÔnÕ Roll 7.59
03 Bungle In The Jungle	2.15
04 BeethovenÕs 9th Symph 3.27
05 Minstrel In The Gallery 7.41
06 A Hunting Girl	5.17
07 Cross-Eyed Mary	3.56
08 Aqualung	8.24
09 Guitar Solo	3.11
10 Wind Up	4.59
11 Back Door Angels	5.04
12 Wind Up (conclusion)	1.59
13 Locomotive Breath	5.26
14 Grand Finale/Back Door Angels 3.27

Audience recording
Quite nice actually, but a little hissy


audience tape > ??? > CD-r to me > FLAC 8 via xAct

This recording captures Jethro Tull at an interesting point in their history. During 1974-1975 Tull toured the globe presenting WarChild, complete with string quartet and Ian on sax (for the last time). They played a total of 139 concerts. 1976 brought us Too Old to Rock ÔnÕ Roll, Too Young to Die, and a mere 38 live shows. They played only a handful of songs from that release during the 12-date European tour. By the time they reached the USA two months later they had dropped all but two songs from the album they were allegedly promoting. 

After the tour ended in August the band took a well deserved break, Ian to the serenity of the English countryside, the others to their own pursuits. During their five months ÒholidayÓ that preceded the concert presented here Tull wrote and recorded Songs From The Wood, a work that many consider to be one of the two quintessential Jethro Tull albums (the other being Aqualung). 

Bassist Jeffrey Hammond left the band at the end of the 1976 tour. He was replaced by John Glascock from Carmen, TullÕs support act in 1975. Additionally, keyboardist, sax player, and arranger David Palmer became a full-fledged performing member, opening up many sonic possibilities and bringing to the live stage a rocked-up version of the 2nd & 4th movements of BeethovenÕs Ninth Symphony.

Five numbers received their live debut here. Jack-in-the-Green, Fire at Midnight, Songs From the Wood, Velvet Green and, A Hunting Girl, though fantastic on the already-recorded and soon-to-be released album, are here, a bit rough. ItÕs quite fascinating to hear the now-classic songs played rather tentatively. The band is still working out arrangements for their live performance. Listen to Bursting Out. Hear what a difference a year on the road can make.

Enjoy this delightful evening of music, honest and real, presented to you as it happened, warts and all (MartinÕs Aqualung solo - ouch!),
with no overdubs or studio sweetenings.

I made this a while back and thought I'd upload it.
The front picture was taken by a friend at the Lexington, KY gig on Nov. 24, 1977.
His camera was malfunctioning and this photo is actually an unintentional  double exposure.
If you look closely you can see Ian's hand holding the balloon below the letter "U". As Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt would say, "honor thy error as a hidden intention." Kinda nice the way that worked out.
And yes, the words "it's for you" WERE on the balloon. 
They were NOT added later.

The back is a bunch of pics from the Louisville gig on March 16, 1977 that another friend took. The stage was set up to have a wing, or was it two, that stuck out into the audience. That's why you can see people in front and in back of Ian. If you look closely at the picture of Ian on the back you will see the shadow of a policeman in front of him. Looks like a state trooper's hat to me. 

Sorry about the water stain on the spine.

The programs I use to make cd art don't allow me to save as JPEGs so I scanned these in at 240 dpi. Hope it works for you.

I saw the band two months after this gig in Louisville and, after the 2 WarChild shows I saw in '75 (March 9 and October 1), this was without a doubt my favorite Tull tour. I've seen them about 20 times over the years. I remember waiting for Martin to hit a single chord in Thick As A Brick   (about 3 minutes in just slightly behind the beat just before "See there, a son is born...") and when he did it felt like someone had hit me in the chest with a sledgehammer. It was that loud. And in a basketball arena, that's loud. Gawd, I love rock and roll. I know that I'm gonna regret it when I'm old(er) - just like Pete Townshend - but I love it when I'm standing near the wall of speakers and every time the bass drum kicks in  and my hair gets blown by that moving air. (that's one reason I don't like iPods, not enough air is moving)

John Glascock and Barrie just worked so well together. 
Glascock, I think, really fired up the rest of the band too.
David Palmer brought a "silly seriousness" to the shows that is hard to describe.

This is a very nice show. Not their best show musically speaking, but here you see (hear) them in a more 'human' light.


01. Intro/Dark Ages 
02. Home 
03. Orion 
04. Dun Ringill 
05. Elegy 
06. Old Ghosts
07. Something's On The Move
08. Aqualung 
09. Peggy's Pub 
10. Jack-In-The-Green 
11. King Henry's Madrigal
12. Heavy Horses, 

Disc 2
01. Flute Solo/Bourée,Soirée 
    God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen,Kelpie, 
02. Songs From The Wood 
03. Hunting Girl 
04. Jams O'Donnell's Jigs 
05. Thick As A Brick 
06. Too Old To Rock'N'Roll
07. Cross-Eyed Mary 
08. Guitar Solo
09. Minstrel In The Gallery
10. Locomotive Breath
11. Dambusters March 
Also on LLD)_151 with slightly different track divisions and bonus interview from Stern show, under the title "Watchers on the Storm"

01 Fallen On Hard Times
02 Pussy Willow
03 Heavy Horses
04 Jack-In-The-Green
05 Instrumental
06 Sweet Dream
07 Aqualung
08 Locomotive Breath
09 Black Sunday
10 Cheerio

A friend of mine recently gave me a cassette. On side A there was totally different stuff, but side B contained this show. I know that this show was broadcast (in an edited version) on the german tv and on the german radio. All I had to do was recording it and put it on flac. The lineage is like this (sorry, not much information).

Total Time: 40:42

Lineage: FM>??>Cassette>Audacity (recording, tracking)>wav>flac
1-1. Under Wraps (Intro) 2:18
1-2. Locomotive Breath (Inst. Intro) 1:43
1-3. Hunting Girl 5:48
1-4. Under Wraps 4:55
1-5. Later That Same Evening 4:48
1-6. Nobody's Car 4:23
1-7. Fly By Night 4:13
1-8. Thick As A Brick (Medley) 8:37
1-9. Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of A New Day 2:06
1-10. Clasp 4:09
1-11. Living In The Past (W/Instrumental Variation) 3:35
1-12. Serenade To A Cuckoo 4:54
2-1. Band Introductions 2:13
2-2. Fat Man (W/Extended Instrumental) 6:35
2-3. Instrumental With Drum Solo 9:12
2-4. Black Sunday 6:42 
2-5. Songs From The Wood 1:57
2-6. Minstrel In The Gallery 1:48
2-7. My Sunday Feeling 2:59
2-8. Aqualung 7:32
2-9. Locomotive Breath 8:23
2-10. To Old To Rock And Roll : To Young To Die 5:38
2-11. Thick As A Brick (Reprise) 3:22
Songs from the Wood
Thick as a Brick/Steel Monkey
Farm on the Freeway/Heavy Horses
Living in the Past/Serenade to a Cuckoo
Hunting Girl

The Waking Edge/Wond'ring Aloud
Skating Away
Jump Start
Too Old to Rock and Roll, Too Young to Die
Locomotive Breath/Thick as a Brick (reprise)
radio announcement
The Wind Up/Bach Violin Concerto in E, 3rd mvt.

1-1. Minstrel In The Gallery/
       Cross Eyed Mary 4:21
1-2. Kissing Willie 3:25
1-3. Welcome & Interlude of Trouble 3:34
1-4. Rocks On The Road 6:29
1-5. This Is Not Love 4:20
1-6. Serenade To A Cuckoo 4:57
1-7. Heavy Horses  8:19
1-8. Like A Tall Thin Girl 3:57
1-9. The Whistler (Instrumental) 3:43
1-10 White Innocence 8:28
1-11 Living In The Past 3:49
1-12 Doctor To My Disease 4:49
2-1. My God (Flute Solo) 8:46
2-2. Paparazzi (Instrumental) 3:37
2-3. Thick As A Brick 7:11
2-4. A New Day Yesterday 
2-5. Look Into The Sun (Instrumental) 4:11
2-6 Farm On The Freeway 6:39
2-7 Jump Start 7:31
2-8 Aqualung 8:00
2-9 Band Intro & Thank You 1:55
2-10 Locomotive Breath 5:19
2-11 Instrumental Medley 2:09
2-12 Thick As A Brick (Ending) 0:52

Jethro Tull

Ian Anderson- Vocals-Flute-Mandolin-Acoustic Guitar- Harmonica
Martin Barre- Electric & Acoustic Guitars
Dave Pegg - Bass Guitar
Martin Allcock- Keyboards
Daone Perry- Drums & Percussion

"Italian Catfish" 
Since the band first came onto the rock scene in the late sixties, Jethro Tull has been through 
more line-up changes than just about any other group in history, save for King Crimson perhaps. 
And just as Robert Fripp has carried the torch of KC from the very start, Ian Anderson has been 
and remains to this day, the true spirit behind Jethro Tull. Anderson and his best friend and 
alter ego, Martin Barre (at Ian’s side since Tull’s 2nd album) have led Jethro Tull through three
 decades of musical changes. Musical styles and commercial interests may have come and gone very
 quickly during the last 30 years, but the music of Jethro Tull has survived it all by staying 
true to its roots. The band’s most unique blend of rock and roll, baroque, folk and progressive 
styles has given Jethro Tull one of the most easily recognizable sounds in the music business.             
        From milestone albums such as “Stand Up”, “Auqalung”and “Thick as a Brick” to more 
underrated works like “Songs from the Wood”, “The Broadsword and the Beast” and “Crest of a 
Knave”, Jethro Tull has always stayed true to itself and has always offered a quality product 
to an ever growing army of fans around the world. The show presented here was performed at the 
Palatrussardi in Milano, Italy. It is now called the Mazda Palace but had the former name back 
in 1991. The Palatrussardi was built in the mid-1980's, replacing another famous venue, Teatro 
Tenda Lampugnano, and normally hosts artists for audiences of 3000 to 6000 people. Jethro Tull 
had played there in 1989 promoting “Rock Island” and now returned with the new album “Catfish 
        The new album was met with mixed reviews. Andy Stout of Rock Power wrote the following 
just before this concert, "This is Tull in headless chicken mode, the occasional embryonic good 
idea sacrificed to the gods of market forces…” The Tull press considered this to be the worst 
album review in the history of the band. One month later supporters such as Chris Welch wrote, 
“Undoubtedly the most convincing and satisfying work they have produced in years. Here are songs
 rich in the Tull essentials -quick humor, melodic sophistication and diverse influences”. From 
one extreme to the other to say the least.            
        Nevertheless, showing that they were not overly concerned with criticism, Jethro Tull 
continued their tradition of playing both old and new songs during shows, much to the delight of
 their fans. From one who was there that night: “I had a place in the area reserved for the press
. It is situated right in front of the stage, behind the mixing board.... The audience, I would 
estimate at 4-5000 people, seemed to be enthusiastic and I hope this feeling is well captured in 
the recording. I found the tracks from “Crest of the Knave” really good, especially ‘Farm on the
 Freeway’ but most of us were disappointed that ‘Budapest’ was dropped from the set list. I 
remember that I particularly enjoyed ‘Kissing Willie’ and ‘Doctor To My Disease’. The old 
classics were present too, although the choices were not very different from the previous tour. 
In any case, a pretty good show indeed. It will give you a good idea of the Tull sound in 1991.” 
Ian Anderson would probably hate to have any kind of label printed to the music of Jethro Tull, 
but when a band can successfully blend so many influences in such perfect musical harmony, what 
else can you call them but ‘progressive’. Enjoy the show.!

Notes from the Re-Master

This show came to us as a CD version of the original digital mini-discs used to record the event.
 The equipment used that night was a Sony DAT with external Aiwa microphones. Three discs were 
used to capture the show so 3 tracks were provided; Two on one disc and one on the other. As a 
result, tracking each song separately needed to be done. Fortunately, changes in recorder disc 
were made during audience applause so the complete show exists here.            
        The quality is outstanding. Modern equipment and a quiet section of the audience led to 
good acoustics and very good clarity of the music. Music signal was present all the way up to 
16,000 Hz.  The left channel was about 15% lower than the right and lacked sufficient bass. 
Boosting the bass and amplifying corrected this problem. Hiss was light to moderate so it was 
reduced throughout. Audience applause was quite loud in some segments and was therefore reduced 
as well. One 90 second section during disc 2 had very harsh crackle. This was smoothed multiple 
times to minimize it without causing any damage to the music itself.             
        Shortly after the beginning of the show, the band has some technical problems which last
 over three and a half minutes. We decided to keep this segment to maintain completeness of the 
show but tracked it separately so it can easily be skipped by the listener. At the end of the 
show there is a 90 second applause and band introduction section that is also tracked separately 
for similar reasons.
Intro (not included)
Minstrel In The Gallery
Cross-eyed Mary
Kissing Willie
Rocks On The Road
This Is Not Love
Serenade To A Cuckoo
Like A Tall Thin Girl
The Whistler (instrumental)
White Innocence
Sleeping With The Dog
Living In The Past
Paparazzi (instrumental)
Doctor To My Disease
Thick As A Brick
A New Day Yesterday (including Bourée and Soirée)

CD: Manic Monster Music MMM 004

QUALITY: Excellent.

TOTAL TIME: 75:47 min.

"Intro" is a taped version of Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana". 

Notes taken from http://www.collecting-tull.com/Bootlegs/Original/WhalefishRising.html

Silver CD - EAC - dbpower converter - FLAC

mp3 segment attached to allow assessment of quality

01 Roots to Branches
02 Rare and Precious Chain
 / Out of the Noise
03 In The Grip of Stronger Stuff
04 At Last Forever
05 Beside Myself
06 We Used to Know
07 Inside the Moneylender's Temple
08 Wounded Old and Treacherous
09 Locomotive Breath

Whoever tracked this cd missed the song change between Rare and Precious Chain and Out of the Noise, so both are in track 2.
Where there should be 10 tracks, there are nine.


Excellent quailty

I always thought that the album Roots to Branches was truly one of Tull's best. The best thing they had released since Stormwatch or Songs From the Wood. Too bad it didn't sell more copies. Ian has penned some really great compositions here. Tull's world travels really show up here with lots of non-western musics jabbing through the rock and roll. Lots of different timbres, and the band sounds like a real ban, not just a couple of guys backing Ian and Martin. Martin totally rocks on RTB (and here). Some of his best work ever.

This FM broadcast showcases their new album, and it's smokin'! 
Remember when Tull played most, if not all, of their current release?
They haven't done that in 12 years, since 1995 when this was performed.
I guess that's what happens as a band ages and it's audience only wants to hear the hits and the songs they know.

They haven't sounded this alive and spunky in a long time.

Can you tell that I like this one? :-)


Ian Anderson - acoustic guitar, flute, soprano sax, vocals
Martin Barre - electric guitar, 
Jonathan Noyce - bass and voice
Andy Giddings - various keyboards
Doane Perry - drums, percussion


FM > digitally recorded silver "Velvet Flute" > FLAC via xAct > to you on DIME
02 For a Thousand Mothers
03 Nothing Is Easy
04 Thick As A Brick
05 Hunt by Numbers
06 Beside Myself
07 The Habanera Reel
08 Bouree
09 The Water Carrier
10 With You There to Help Me
11 “Bits And Pieces” - (Barre / Giddings Duet)

01 .com
03 In the Grip of Stronger Stuff
04 Dharma For One
06 Hunting Girl
07 A Passion Jig
08 Locomotive Breath
09 Aqualung
10 Cross-Eyed Mary
11 Cheerio

AUD > Sonic Mics > Sony DAT TDC-D8 @44 > RMR D100 > WAV > CDWav > FLAC FrontEnd 

LOCATION: (Front Row Centre)
Section- Front Orchestra / Row- A / Seat- 13
Excellent Sound - A+
most likely an excellent audience, but some insist soundboard

Martin Barre & Willy Porter opening act 
Disc 1
Martin Barre, Willy Porter, and Friends

 1 - Empty Cafe (Martin Barre & Willy Porter)
 2 - As Told By ( Barre, Porter, & Jon Noyce)
 3 - Spanish Tears (Barre, Porter, Noyce & Doane Perry)
 4 - Winter Snowscape (Barre, Porter, Noyce, Perry & Ian Anderson)
 5 - Big Yellow Pine (Barre, Porter, Noyce, Perry & Ian Anderson)
 6 - Unconditional (WIlly Porter)
 7 - The Potion (Barre, Porter, Noyce & Doane Perry)
 8 - DIY (Barre, Porter, Noyce & Doane Perry)

Jethro Tull

 9  - Intro
 10 - Living In The Past
 11 - Nothing Is Easy
 12 - Beggars Farm
 13 - Eurology
 14 - A Christmas Song
 15 - Farm On The Freeway
 16 - Pavane

 Disc 2

 1 - Weathercock
 2 - A Week Of Moments
 3 - Mother Goose
 4 - Misere
 5 - Songs from The Wood/Too Old to Rock and Roll/Heavy Horses
 6 - God Rest Ye Merry Gentelmen
 7 - Flying Dutchman/My God
 8 - Holly Herald
 9 - Aqualung
 10- Wind Up
 11- Locomotive Breath
 12- Protect and Survive
 13- Cheerio

A Swissbird, SimplexSimplicissimus & superMAX release

Soundboard > DAT > wave > flac frontend 
(align on sector boundaries Level 8)

Size : 591

(incl. Artwork)

Setlist :

Disc 1 :

01. Announcement (0:52)
02. Aqua Intro (0:21)
03. For A Thousand Mothers (4:49)
04. Nothing Is Easy (5:39)
05. Jack In The Green (3:08)
06. Serenade To A Cuckoo (3:56)
07. Beggars Farm (5:55)
08. Boris Dancing (3:56)
09. Weathercock (4:54)
10. We Five Kings (3:49)
11. Up To Me (4:07)
12. Boureè (6:15)
13. Mother Goose (6:39)
14. Empty Cafe (2:23)

Disc 2 :

01. Farm On The Freeway (7:07)
02. Hymn 43 (4:20)
03. A New Day Yesterday (6:09)
04. Budapest (11:25)
05. Aqualung (10:33)

Encore :

06. Locomotive Breath (5:40)
07. Protect And Survive (1:03)
08. Cheerio (2:00)

Ian Anderson / vocals , flute , guitar
Martin Barre / guitars , mandolin
Doane Perry / drums , percussion
Andrew Giddings / keyboards , accordion
Jonathan Noyce / bass
with special Guest Lucia Micarelli

Disc One   (1:01:56)

101 Life Is A Long Song
102 Skating Away...
103 Living In The Past
104 Slipstream
105 Up To Me
106 Griminelli's Lament¹
107 Sibelius Violine Concerto-Aurora³
108 Wond'ring Aloud¹ 
109 'Moz Art' Medley¹ 
110 Cheap Day Return/Mother Goose¹
111 She Is Like The Swallow²
112 Bourée¹ 

Disc Two   (1:07:17)

201 Nocturne/Bohemian Rhapsody²
202 Kashmir²
203 Cross-Eyed Mary
204 Hymn 43
205 Morris Minus
206 My God
207 Budapest¹
208 Aqualung
209 Wind-Up
210 Locomotive Breath¹
211 Protect And Survive¹
212 Cheerio

¹: Tull, accompanied by Lucia Micarelli
²: Lucia Micarelli, accompanied by Tull
³: Lucia Micarelli alone

audience recording (1st gen from MD master>WaveLab 4.0>wave>flac rontend level 8)

Source: Audience Mini Disc Recording 
Taped by: SF 
Transferred by: SF 

CD 1

01 Intro
02 Living In The Past
03 Jack-In-The-Green
04 The Donkey And The Drum (vom nächsten Album)
05 Thick As A Brick
06 Pastime With Good Company (King Henry's Madrigal)
07 Mother Goose
08 Bourée
09 Nothing Is Easy
10 After You After Me (von Martin Barres Solo-Album)
11 Aqualung (orchestral version)

CD 2

12 America (L. Bernstein; Keith Emerson) / My God
13 Budapest


14 Locomotive Breath
01. Yellow Time (Mostly Autumn)
02. Caught in a Fold (Mostly Autumn)
03. Heroes Never Die (Mostly Autumn)
04. My Sunday Feeling
05. Living in the Past
06. So Much Trouble
07. Serenade to a Cuckoo
08. Nursie
09 A Song for Jeffrey
10. A New Day Yesterday/Kelpie
11. Bouree

01. For a Thousand Mothers
02. We Used to Know/With You There to Help Me
03. Dharma for One
04. Heavy Horses
05. Farm on the Freeway
06. Thick As a Brick
07. Aqualung
08. Locomotive Breath

Set I
Disc 1
1.Alabama Chrome
2.The Wound That Never Heals
3.Handcuffed To A Fence In Mississippi
4.King Of The Road
5.Heaven Of My Heart
6.I'll Never Know
7.God Was Drunk When He Made Me
8.Hey, You Going My Way?
Set II
1.a discussion of poptomism
2.Take Me Away
3.A Perfect Day To Chase Tornados
4.The Girl From Brownsville, TX
5.You Can't Get To Heaven On Borrowed Wings
6.Objects In Motion
7.Bound To Forget
8.A Land Called Home
Alabama Chrome
The Wound that Never Heals
Handcuffed to a Fence in Mississippi
King of the Road
Heaven of My Heart
I'll Never Know
God Was Drunk When He Made Me
Hey, You Going My Way?

Take Me Away
A Perfect Day to Chase Tornadoes
The Girl from Brownsville, TX
You Can't Get to Heaven on Borrowed Wings
Objects in Motion
Bound to Forget
A Land Called Home
Jim White
October 17, 2003
The Abbey Pub
Chicago, IL 

Here's one of the greatest songwriters around these days.  He has a brand new album out and a couple before that, so as always, take a chance on this recording, then go out and buy all his stuff. 

On this tour he played alone - not acoustic guitar guy prattling on about lost love, but Electric Guitar guy with samplers, harmonicas, drum machines, loop machines and a couple of microphones for different sounding vocals.  It was really quite something to see the amount of gear one guy can use. 

The albums actually sound a lot different from this stuff, but that's what makes it so cool.  On album he has a full compliment of band members playing stuff - here it's just him, and he changes the songs accordingly.  Very fun and interesting stuff.  He's also a very nice guy who asked if I made a living doing this stuff.  After assuring him I'm only trading music he happily let me record.  Here it is - take a chance, you might find a new band you've never heard of who makes you happy!

As usual there are way too many people talking during the show.  He even mentions it at one point and people actually shut up for awhile.  Ignore them - the music is really nice.

Soundman OKM-II Rock Binaural mics with Sony TCD8 DAT recorder. DAT to CDr xfer via analogue cable to Tascam stand-alone burner. Finally, made it a SHN with xACT and uploaded with Bittorrent for MAC."
CDR > EAC > FLAC Frontend > Trader's Little Helper to create checksum files and test encoded files and SBE. 

"Stop Worshipping Me"
50:42 minutes; 511 mb wav; 245 mb flac

01. Hey, you going my way? 
02. Vegas showmanship 
03. The would that never heals 
04. Stop worshipping me 
05. That girl from Brownsville, TX 
06. Platication 
07. Take Me Away 
08. Indonesean record pirates 
09. Alabama Chrome 
10. Metaphors are good things 
11. A Perfect Day to Chase Tornadoes 
12. You Want a new one? 
13. Objects in Motion
1 Killing Floor
2 Tax Free
3 Fire
4 Red House
5 Foxy Lady
6 Hey Joe
7 Spanish Castle Magic
8 Purple Haze
9 Wild Thing# (cut off)

This show is widely available on bootleg, but this is sourced from a superior trader's CD, made from the master tape at the correct speed and including the in-between-song chatter which most bootleg releases omit.

From Chris Dixon's 30th Anniversary Series

March 19, 1998 marks 30 years since the Ottawa Capitol Theatre show.

Not only is this a good show, but one of the few soundboard tapes from this tour. Apparently taped by Jimi himself, it sounds excellent. It's the first complete North American show on soundboard since Monterey, I believe, at least until this rumored Feb. Winterland tape appears (except for 3 songs from Worcester, Mass, March 15, 1968). There isn't another soundboard until Miami (and it's only 4 songs), except of course for the infamous Scene Club and Cafe Au Go Go (March 17, 1968) jams. After that, Woburn (insert Twilight Zone theme...). Couple of highpoints of Ottawa:

Tax Free growing longer each time out- now around 10 minutes (almost half again as long as DC Hilton a week before)...

Red House much longer now (almost 10 min). Jazzier middle section now developing, and I believe it's the first outing for the interlude where Jimi 'slaps'(a drumstick?) the chords rather than strums them. The recording quality really shines on the guitar sound on this one - it's like sitting in front of the Marshalls and you can hear every detail and nuance of his blues technique and clean tones...

Spanish Castle Magic, on the other hand, has yet to become the jamming vehicle it would be in the 69 shows. Less than 4 minutes, this is only the 5th documented performance of SCM. Jimi's voice sounds great on this - maybe he can hear himself for once because he doesn't seem to be straining and the crisp recording reveals all kinds of little inflections and joking asides that would be lost in most audience tapes...

Purple Haze stretched to almost 7 minutes with free form guit ar intro and extended outro...

This show's a must have and is available on a number of boots (Gone But Not Forgotten, Canadian Club, Thanks Ottawa For The Memories., Superconcert 68, others) and of
course on tape!
12/31/69 and 1/1/70

01 Who Knows
02 Machine Gun
03 Them Changes
04 Power of Soul
05 Stepping Stone
06 Foxy Lady
07 Stop
08 Earth Blues
      (1st show: Jan. 1st, 1970)

09 Stepping Stone
10 Fire
11 Ezy Rider
     (2nd show: Dec. 31st, 1969)

12 The Wind Cries Mary
     (Top of the Pops. May 10th, 1967)

13 Gloria 
    (TTG Studios, Oct. 29th, 1968)
Jimi Hendrix
In the Studio
volumes 1-10
10CD Collector's Limited Edition of 1000 copies (This is #326)
Reclamation label, no catalog # given, 2006

CD 1:  
1. Wait Until Tomorrow (Hendrix) 3:26  
2. Spanish Castle Magic (Hendrix) 2:42  
3. Golden Rose (One Rainy Wish) (Hendrix) 3:55  
4. Ain't No Telling #1 (Hendrix) 1:52  
5. South Saturn Delta (Hendrix) 4:52  
6. Little One #1 (Hendrix) 1:52  
7. Little One #2 (Hendrix) 3:34  
8. Castles Made Of Sand (Hendrix) 2:48  
9. Ain't No Telling #2 (Hendrix) 1:51  
10. She's So Fine (Redding) (2:38)  
11. Up From The Skies (Hendrix) 2:56  
12. Bold As Love (Hendrix) 3:27  
13. Little Miss Lover (Hendrix) 2:14  
14. Waterfall (May This Be Love) (Hendrix) 3:11  
15. Have You Ever Heard (Hendrix) 3:45  
16. Dream (Hendrix) 2:06  
17. Dance (Hendrix) 1:57  
CD 2:  
1. Valleys Of Neptune (Hendrix) 5:37  
2. Lover Man (Hendrix) 4:12  
3. Machine Gun (Hendrix) 12:51  
4. Trying To Be (Stepping Stone)/Earth Blues (Hendrix) 7:16  
5. Stepping Stone (Hendrix) 4:15  
6. Untitled Guitar Improvisation (Hendrix) 5:22  
7. Keep On Grooving (Midnight Lightning) (Hendrix) 11:57  
8. Come Down Hard On Me Baby (Hendrix) 3:31  
9. Drifters Escape (Hendrix) 3:07  
10. Belly Button Window (Hendrix) 5:29  
11. Bolero (Hendrix) 5:48  
CD 3:  
1. Drifting (try out) (Hendrix) 3:52  
2. Keep On Groovin' Drifting (try out) (Hendrix) 0:57  
3. Midnight Lightnin' (try out) (Hendrix) 0:24  
4. Freedom (alternate take) (Hendrix) 4:04  
5. Cherokee Mist/In From The Storm (Hendrix) 6:31  
6. Valleys Of Neptune (instrumental) (Hendrix) 4:37  
7. Lil Dog Of Mine/Heaven Has No Sorrow (session) (Hendrix)12:50  
8. Valleys Of Neptune (session) (Hendrix) 21:21  
9. Improvisation/Drifting(try Out) (Hendrix) 3:34  
10. Had To Cry Today (Hendrix)1:27  
11. Angel (intro instrumental #1) (Hendrix) 0:27  
12. Angel (complete instrumental) (Hendrix) 4:45  
13. Angel (intro instrumental #2) Hendrix) 0:35  
14. Drifting (alternate take) (Hendrix) 3:41  
15. Angel (alternate version complete with vocals) (Hendrix) 4:21  
16. Belly Button Window (instrumental) (Hendrix) 5:11  
CD 4:  
1. Lover Man (Hendrix) 2:51  
2. Message To Love (Hendrix) 3:34  
3. Izabella (take 2) (Hendrix) 3:51  
4. Bleeding Heart (blues in C sharp) (Hendrix) 3:26  
5. Izabella (take 1) (Hendrix) 4:41  
6. Blue Suede Shoes (Hendrix)11:36  
7. Power of Soul (takes nos. 1 to 16) (Hendrix) 26:41  
CD 5:  
1. Bleeding Heart (Hendrix) 3:49  
2. Rainy Day Dream Away (false start) (Hendrix) 0:54  
3. Rainy Day Dream Away (practice session) (Hendrix) 2:19  
4. Rainy Day Dream Away/Still Raining, Still Dreaming (Hendrix) 10:23  
5. Send My Love To Linda/Live And Let Live (Hendrix) 11:04   
6. Mannish Boy/I'm A Man (Waters/Diddley) 39:55   
CD 6:   
1. Cherokee Mist (Hendrix) 7:08   
2. Jam H290 (Hendrix) 1:31   
3. Voodoo Chile (Hendrix) 36:44   
4. Ships Passing In The Night (Hendrix) 2:54   
5. Calling All Devil's Children Jam (Hendrix) 14:05   
CD 7:   
1. Jam including Stepping Stone, Sending My Love To Linda, Freedom, Here Comes The Sun, Cherokee Mist, All Devils Children (Hendrix) 23:48   
2. Closer To The Truth (Room Full Of Mirrors recital) (Hendrix) 22:04   
3. Jam Back At The House (Hendrix) 5:45   
4. Midnight, Valleys Of Neptune Arising (Hendrix) 14:53   
5. Pride Of Man (Bolero) (Hendrix) 1:26   
6. Pride Of Man (Bolero) (Hendrix) 2:18   
CD 8:   
1. Electric Church (Hendrix) 7:27   
2. Hear My Freedom (Hendrix) 16:30   
3. Honey Bed (Hendrix) 7:50   
4. Room Full Of Mirrors (Hendrix) 2:31   
5. All Along The Watchtower (Hendrix) 4:01   
6. Ezy Rider (Hendrix) 4:21   
7. Dolly Dagger (Hendrix) 4:02   
8. South Saturn Delta (Hendrix) 5:49   
9. Shame Shame Shame (Hendrix) 1:52   
10. Gypsy Blood (Crying Blue Rain) (Hendrix) 2:36   
11. Sunshine Of Your Love (Bruce/Brown/Clapton) 5:27   
CD 9:   
1. Angel (Hendrix) 3:18   
2. 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be) (Hendrix) 8:10   
3. Astro Man/Valleys Of Neptune (Hendrix) 3:20   
4. Gypsy Eyes (Hendrix) 2:38   
5. Cherokee Mist (Hendrix) 3:12   
6. Cherokee Mist/Gypsy Eyes (Hendrix) 12:12   
7. Power Of Soul (Hendrix) 7:10   
8. Long Hot Summer (Hendrix) 2:13   
9. Long Hot Summer (Hendrix) 1:50   
10. Hear My Train A Comin' (Hendrix) 1:14   
11. Hear My Train A Comin' (Hendrix) 1:08   
12. Gypsy Eyes (3rd take) (Hendrix) 3:28   
13. Gypsy Eyes (riff) (Hendrix) 0:44   
14. South Saturn Delta (Hendrix) 3:39   
15. 3 Little Bears (Hendrix) 2:15   
16. 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be - instrumental) (Hendrix) 4:27   
17. Acoustic Jam (Hendrix) 3:09   
CD 10:   
1. Hey Joe (Roberts) 3:08   
2. Purple Haze (Hendrix) 3:02   
3. Red House (Hendrix) 10:59   
4. Crosstown Traffic (Hendrix) 2:29   
5. Takin' Care Of Business (Hendrix) 3:27   
6. I Don't Live Today (Hendrix)   
7. Wind Cries Mary (Hendrix)   
8. One Rainy Wish (alternate mix) (Hendrix) 3:56   
9. La Poupee Qui Fait Non (Polnareff/Gerald) 3:31   
10. 51st Anniversary (Hendrix) 3:22   
11. 51st Anniversary (Hendrix) 5:14   
12. Can You See Me (Hendrix) 8:47   
13. Can You See Me (Hendrix) 2:38   
14. Fire (Hendrix) 2:36   
15. Fire (Hendrix) 7:38   

In The Studio – Volume 1

The recordings featured in the first of the In The Studio series cover the time period May 1967 through to early 1968. Hendrix had blazed a trail across Europe performing at many concerts where his brand of musicianship, allied to a strong sense of showmanship drew acclaim and respect in equally large amounts. More importantly Jimi had played at the Monterey Festival in the summer of 1967 where he was an unqualified success, stealing the show from bigger and more established performers.

During this period The Experience recorded two exceptional albums in Are You Experienced and Axis Bold As Love. In early 1968 he would begin work on the monumental double album that would become Electric Ladyland. This album would be the final album from the original Experience but at this point in time Hendrix had also collaborated with many other musicians and Jack Cassidy of Jefferson Airplane, Dave Mason and Steve Winwood of Traffic and Al Kooper were just some of the people who guested on this landmark album.

Wait Until Tomorrow
Recorded 26th October 1967 at Olympic Studios alternate mix using automatic double tracking on the vocal part.

Spanish Castle Magic
Recorded 27th October 1967 at Olympic Studios.

Golden Rose (One Rainy Wish)
Recorded 3rd October 1967 at Olympic Studios with overdubs on 29th October. This is a slightly longer alternate mix.

Ain't No Telling #1
Recorded 26th October 1967 at Olympic Studios this version includes rhythm guitar in a more central mix as opposed to at the side.

South Saturn Delta
Recorded December1967 at Olympic Studios with Dave Mason and an unknown drummer.

Little One #1
Recorded 30th December1967 at Olympic Studios with Brian Jones, Dave Mason and Mitch Mitchell.

Little One #2
Recorded 30th December1967 at Olympic Studios with Brian Jones, Dave Mason and Mitch Mitchell. This version has different bass parts and Dave Mason plays slide guitar on this version.

Castles Made Of Sand
Recorded 29th October 1967 at Olympic Studios this is an alternate mix.

Ain't No Telling #2
The second take of this song, which runs pretty much as the first version although with this take is slightly longer.

She's So Fine
Recorded 4th May 1967 at Olympic Studios 1967 with overdubs laid down on 30th October of that year. This is an alternate mix with different vocals by Noel Redding who wrote the song.

Up From The Skies
Recorded 29th October1967 at Olympic Studios, this is an alternate mix with the vocals on one channel.

Bold As Love
Recorded 29th October 1967 at Olympic Studios, this version has a totally different vocal take and an early fade out and does not have the phasing effect at the end.

Little Miss Lover
Recorded 1st October 1967 at Olympic Studios this is an alternate take with a wolf-whistle at the beginning of the track.

Waterfall (May This Be Love)
Recorded 3rd April 1967 at Olympic Studios, this is an alternate mix.

Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)
Recorded in January1968 at Olympic studios, this track features Jimi with an unknown musician (rumoured to be Dave Mason of Traffic) on bass. Although the song would go on to appear on the Electric Ladyland album this session took place before the real sessions for Electric Ladyland began in New York in early April.

Noel Redding penned track and featuring him on vocals. Recorded 20th December1967 at Olympic Studios, was cut as an acetate with a single in mind but was never issued.

Recorded 20th December1967 at Olympic Studios featuring Mitch Mitchell on vocals.

In The Studio Volume 2

The recordings featured on Volume 2 of the In The Studio series cover the time period April 1969 through to July 1970 less than two months before Jimi's death in September of the same year. During this period The Jimi Hendrix Experience had split at the end of one last tour following the final concert in Denver. Jimi retained Mitch Mitchell but called on former army buddy Billy Cox to play bass. These two musicians along, with guitarist Larry Lee and percussionists Jerry Velez and Juma Sultan played the legendary Woodstock festival in August 1969. Shortly after that Jimi began a new project called The Band Of Gypsys. This band featured Jimi alongside Billy Cox and drummer Buddy Miles. The band made its live debut in December 1969 at the Fillmore East, which resulted in a live self-titled album. The band however would last barely a handful of dates before falling apart in front of a large audience mid gig at Madison Square Garden. As was Jimi's practice however The Band Of Gypsys recorded much material including a track featured on this album Machine Gun. Machine Gun had been a highlight of the live Band Of Gypsys' show and the studio version is no less of a highlight here with its extended solo and "Machine Gun" like drumming from Buddy Miles.

Much of the material featured on this album was recorded in New York's Record Plant or Hit Factory although with his eye on the studio clock and the old adage of "time is money" Jimi began work on his own recording studio where he would not be bound by the constraints of either. Electric Lady Studios opened with much fanfare in August 1970. In fact the party continued until Jimi had to leave America to play what would be his final British concert date at the Isle Of Wight Festival.

One of the key tracks featured on Volume 2 of the In The Studio series is possibly one of the earliest recordings by The Band Of Gypsys. Machine Gun was recorded less than two weeks after Jimi's appearance at the Woodstock Festival. This recording also features Juma Sultan who had played with Hendrix at Woodstock.

Valleys Of Neptune
23rd September 1969 at the Record Plant which was recorded while The Band Of Gypsys were rehearsing and putting material together. This take is without any noticeable bass.

Lover Man
Recorded 6th September 1969. This is another recording to feature the Band of Gypsys. This version was recorded at the Hit Factory and was an instrumental take with Jimi's intro.

Machine Gun
29th August 1969 Hit Factory. Another Band Of Gypsys' recording. This is the first take of one of the most famous Jimi Hendrix songs which was seen as a comment on the situation taking place in Vietnam.

Trying To Be (Stepping Stone)/Earth Blues
15th September 1969 at the Record Plant. Once again another recording with the Band of Gypsys This take also includes Juma Sultan on percussion. The end of this recording segues into Earth Blues.

Stepping Stone
The basic track was laid down 3rd -7th January 1970 at the Record Plant and after much overdubbing and mixing was completed 15th February although Jimi was not satisfied and further work was undertaken right up to August 20th. This version has wah wah guitar effect coming through one speaker as opposed to the panning effect.

Untitled Guitar Improvisation
Hendrix recorded many pieces like this improvisation perhaps for work on at a later date perhaps merely for the joy of playing. The exact date of this improvisation is unknown although it is thought to have been recorded in 1970 at the Electric Lady studios, which places it sometime in late summer.

Keep On Grooving (Midnight Lightning)
17th April 1969 at the Record Plant this is a rough play through with Paul Caruso adding harmonica and Devon Wilson, Jimi's sometime girlfriend, on backing vocals. The relaxed nature of this recording would suggest that it was never considered as a final take.

Come Down Hard On Me Baby
Recorded at Electric Lady Studios in July 1970 with Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox and subsequently remixed by Alan Douglas after Hendrix's death.

Drifters Escape
Recorded at Electric Lady Studios on 17th June 1970 with overdubbing done 22nd August with Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox. This version has only one lead guitar part rather than the layered effect Jimi sometimes favoured in the recording studio.

Belly Button Window
Recorded on 23rd July 1970 at Electric Ladyland Studio with Billy Cox and Mitch Mitchell, this is an unused alternate instrumental version of the song that would eventually form part of the first posthumous Hendrix release, The Cry Of Love.

Recorded 1st July 1970 with Billy Cox, Mitch Mitchell and Juma Sultan at Electric Lady Studios. This track was also known as Here Comes The Sun.

In The Studio Volume 3

All the tracks contained in this volume of the In The Studio series were recorded at the new Electric Lady studio complex Hendrix had built in New York. Part of the money used to finance the building of the studio had been advanced by Warners on condition that the guitarist would appear in a film entitled Rainbow Bridge which was the brainchild of Jimi's manager Mike Jeffery. This he agreed to do and Warners no doubt expected to receive a soundtrack album featuring Jimi's performance captured on film in Hawaii (to date no official release of the two sets Jimi that the band played has appeared).The Electric Lady studios were intended as a solid business proposition, as, although the studios would hired out for other recording sessions, it would in theory cut down on the considerable expenses Jimi was chalking up at his favourite New York studio, The Record Plant. It was also thought that in his own studio there would be no time constraints and this would ultimately make Jimi more relaxed and creative. Whilst still not officially opened for business Jimi was regularly using the studio as soon as the equipment was installed, thus much of the studio material recorded in the final months of his life comes from sessions recorded there.

Of the many sessions that took place at Electric Lady in the summer of 1970 some of the tracks featured here such as Belly Button Window, Freedom, Angel and Drifting would eventually become key tracks on The Cry Of Love , instantly familiar to the many people who own the album. The versions presented here are of course works in progress, but the evolution of the songs (particularly Angel) can be heard in detail over the course of the three versions featured in this volume.

The session that took place on the 26th of June is interesting as Valleys Of Neptune was certainly a song Jimi wanted to include on the First Rays Of The New Rising Sun. The work that took place on this night in common with the night before, featured just Mitch Mitchell on drums and Jimi on guitar and later overdubbing bass. Subsequently however the song did not appear on any of the three albums (The Cry of Love, Voodoo Soup and The First Rays Of The New Rising Sun) that purported to represent the album Jimi was working on at the time of his death.

During the time that these sessions were recorded Jimi, Mitch and Billy were also performing regularly and while the studio didn't receive an official opening until the 26 August, Electric Lady almost became a second home for Jimi and his creative needs with sessions usually lasting well into the night. As befits the original idea of a double album, a great deal of material was recorded and some of it would undoubtedly have been included in the final running order of the First Rays Of The New Rising Sun although it is safe to assume that some of it would simply have been discarded or reworked later for other projects. We will of course never know for sure. What is fascinating is the glimpse we do get of Jimi's recording methods on this album of sessions which in addition to the music also includes chat between and during the various takes between Jimi and the engineers and other musicians.

In The Studio Volume 4

The music contained on this, the fourth volume of the In The Studio series comes from the period 7th November 1969 through to May 1970. During this period Jimi became involved in what would turn out to be the short-lived Band Of Gypsies project that featured drummer Buddy Miles and bassist Billy Cox. Billy had been playing with Jimi since the break up of the original Experience following a concert in Denver in June 1969. Many people have since claimed that The Band Of Gypsies were never meant to be a long term project but merely an opportunity to fulfil a contractual obligation. Whatever the reason halfway through an appearance at Madison Square garden in early 1970 the Band Of Gypsies broke up rather spectacularly and Jimi once again began working with Billy Cox and Mitch Mitchell.

Some of the key tracks recorded during this period would go on to appear in different forms on albums released following Jimi's death in September 1970 such as Rainbow Bridge, The Cry Of Love and Loose Ends.

Lover Man
Recorded on the15th May 1970 this recording features Billy Cox on bass and Mitch Mitchell on drums. The engineer was Eddie Kramer assisted by Tom Flye.

Message To Love
Recorded on the 19th December 1969. The band was Billy Cox on bass and Buddy Miles on drums The engineer was Bob Cotto and the 2nd engineer R. Beekman. This song was originally entitled Message To The Universe.

Izabella (reel 4 take 2)
Recorded on the 7th November 1969 and engineered by Jack Adams and Dave Ragno. With no bass player, Hendrix and Buddy Miles ran through many takes of this track which ended with technical problems. A young Tony Bongiovi was ultimately sent for to sort out the problems

Bleeding Heart (blues in C sharp)
This alternate mix comes from the session that too place on 24th March 1970. The band, which was the one to remain in place until Jimi's death in September of 1970, consisted of Billy Cox on bass and Mitch Mitchell on drums. The engineer was Jack Adams and the 2nd Engineer Dave Ragno. Only four versions of this song were ever recorded with the 4th take appearing on the Rainbow Bridge album. Originally recorded with an unknown drummer and no bassist, Billy Cox later joined the session but Mitch Mitchell's drums were recorded later at Electric Lady studios.

Izabella (take 1)
Another take from the session listed above and featuring the same line up which lends the song a different feel from the version recorded with the Band Of Gypsies some four months previously.

Blue Suede Shoes
This is the most complete version of the old Carl Perkins song. Another, shorter version of this song would eventually surface on the Loose Ends album. This version was recorded during the final days of the Band Of Gypsies on the 23rd January 1970 under the stewardship of engineer Bob Hughes and 2nd engineer Dave Ragno. The band here is Billy Cox on bass and Buddy Miles on Drums

Power of Soul (takes 1 - 16)
This work I progress was recorded on the 21st November 1969. The Band Of Gypsies were deep into recordings and rehearsals for what would turn out to be their only major appearance at the Fillmore East at the end of the year Billy Cox. The engineer was Tony Bongiovi assisted by Tom Erdelyi. The song was originally called Paper Airplanes and has appeared listed on some bootlegs under this title. Interestingly, both Tommy Erdelyi and Tony Bongiovi would work together in the ‘70s when Tony produced the Ramones with Tommy, now known as Tommy Ramone, the Ramones drummer.

In The Studio Volume 5

The only place Jimi seemed to be able to relax was in the recording studio and his studio of choice certainly in New York was The Record Plant. It was at this particular studio that Jimi jammed with many artists including Stephen Stills, John McLaughlin and many others. McLaughlin's Devotion album was also recorded at The Record Plant by producer Alan Douglas a character destined to feature prominently in the guitarist's posthumous musical legacy.

The sessions featured on this particular volume of the In The Studio series are drawn from recordings made at The Record Plant. It was here that Jimi would spend not merely hours but sometimes days just playing and finding out just what the recording studio offered, and it could be said that Jimi regarded the studio as somewhat of a sound laboratory. The recordings contained in this volume cover the period between June 1968 when Jimi was recording material that would eventually be heard on the double album Electric Ladyland and April 1970 which was post Band Of Gypsys. Throughout the performances you can hear a musician who is relaxed and enjoying the creation of music for the sake of it although, the burgeoning cost of studio time was certainly one of the considerations when Hendrix decided he wanted a studio of his own. No doubt manager Mike Jeffrey would have drawn attention pointed out the fiscal need for his own studio and also a place where he could record and play day and night of he so desired.

Starting with the opening track Bleeding Heart. This Elmore James song would eventually see a release almost two years after Jimi's death on the War Heroes album although certainly recorded at around the same time that material was being recorded for his next studio album a popular live song for the Experience who performed it live at The Albert Hall in 1969. This take was recorded on the 24th of March 1970 by Hendrix, supported by Cox, Mitchell and Juma Sultan on percussion, this version is a different mix from the master with the wah wah and vocals mixed low at the start and at the end. There is a small drum break and some snippets of Jimi just messing around on guitar

The next three tracks on this disc are versions of Rainy Day Dream Away and Rainy Day Dream Away/Still Raining Still Dreaming. All three come from an earlier session recorded on the 10th of June 1968 and eventually appeared on the Electric Ladyland album. Here we have the original run through with a false start and then the practice session. On the original Electric Ladyland album both the tracks Rainy Day Dream Away and Still Raining Still Dreaming were separate tracks but here the two tunes run together to make an extended version. A dry alternate mix of Rainy Day Dream Away/Still Raining Still Dreaming recorded 10th June 68 featuring Jimi on guitar, Mike Finnegan on organ, Buddy Miles on drums, Freddie Smith on sax and Larry Faucette on percussion.

Stephen Stills and Hendrix crossed paths on a regular basis and Stills has subsequently expressed his love for both the man and his music. There was also the story that Jimi wanted Stephen Stills to play bass in his band following his return from Germany in the autumn of 1970. Although unfortunately it wasn't to be, this jam session is a small glimpse into what they could have achieved together. Recorded around mid May 1969 we have takes 4 and 5 of Send My Love To Linda/ Live And Let Live Here Jimi is joined by Stills and Dallas Taylor who had both played on the soon to be massively popular debut from Crosby Stills and Nash. Both acts would subsequently make history when they appeared at the legendary Woodstock festival some three months later

The final track featured of this volume finds Jimi going back to his blues roots and covering Muddy Waters and Bo Diddley. Both artists held a massive influence over rock music in the late sixties and early seventies and Jimi Hendrix was equipped better than most to put a new spin on an old standard. Mannish Boy/ I ‘m A Man was recorded on the 22nd April 1970 with Billy Cox on bass and Devon Wilson and unknown guests on percussion and drums. This is a peculiar session as three sections of the tape have been found but the whole session is still incomplete, this has been deduced by some composites that have been discovered that include parts that are missing from the original tapes.
This latest volume of the In The Studio series finds Jimi relaxed and in good form which is slightly surprising as during this period he was in high demand and the pressure on him, both in terms of what the public wanted but also his own personal creative aspirations, must have been a difficult road to walk.

In The Studio Volume 6

The sessions featured on Volume 6 of the In The Studio series are drawn from recordings made at The Record Plant in New York and were made between April 1968 when Jimi was recording material that would eventually be heard on the double album Electric Ladyland and May 1969 which was around the time of the break up of the original Experience and prior to Jimi's landmark appearance at the legendary Woodstock Festival in August 1969 Throughout the performances here you can hear a musician who is relaxed and enjoying the creation of music for the sheer sake of it.

The opening track on this album comes from the sessions that spawned the Electric Ladyland album although Cherokee Mist had first surfaced during sessions for the previous album Axis Bold As Love.

Recorded on 2nd May 1968 with Jimi playing the Sitar as well as guitar and featuring Mitch Mitchell on drums. This version is a different take and almost a minute longer than the version contained on the box set.

The next track entitled Jam H290 comes from the same session that produced Send My Love to Linda/Live And Let Live which features on Volume V of the In The Studio series. This rare jam was recorded in mid May 1969 with Stephen Stills on bass and Dallas Taylor on Drums.

Another song from the Electric Ladyland sessions was Voodoo Chile. The official version released on Electric Ladyland in 1968 ran to just over fifteen minutes. Here is a version in which, although more than double the length of the original, do the musicians become complacent or the energy dips The session started in the evening of 2nd May 1968 and features Jefferson Airplane bassist Jack Casady on bass Mitch Mitchell on drums and Traffic's Steve Winwood on keyboards

The following two tracks have been drawn from sessions that have received scant appreciation from musicologists and Hendrix experts alike which is surprising when you consider the amount of recordings Jimi Hendrix made and how well these sessions were usually documented.

The first of these is Ships Passing In The Night. This was recorded on the 14th April 1969 Jimi with unknown musicians although the track is often accredited to the Band of Gypsys augmented by an a trumpeter and a pianist. The version featured here is an alternate mix. Whilst many believe this to be a Band of Gypsys number by this time the band had split following a disastrous performance at Madison Square Garden and the drummer is possibly Mitch Mitchell rather than Buddy Miles although this cannot be confirmed.

The final track featured in this volume of the In The Studio series is Calling all Devil's Children Jam Almost no information concerning this track exists save for the brief that Jimi Hendrix plays bass on this track and that it was more than probably recorded at The Record Plant at some point in 1968, possibly the same time as Look Over Yonder. As Noel Redding receives a co-credit it would seem natural to assume that he also took part in the recording although this cannot be confirmed.

In The Studio Volume 7

Between March 1969 and June 1970 Jimi Hendrix's life was frenetic on every level. During this period the original line up of The Experience split up following a concert in Denver in June 1969, a new band (Band Of Gypsys) was formed and disbanded and split the same band all within a few months (Band Of Gypsys). He was involved in a film (Rainbow Bridge) building his own studio (Electric Lady Studios), and as if all that wasn't enough, was trying to record a new studio album. The recordings featured on this album are all drawn from one of the busiest and perhaps most stressful periods of Hendrix's life.

Jam including: Stepping Stone, Sending My Love To Linda, Freedom, Here Comes The Sun, Cherokee Mist, Call All The Devil's Children
This recording was made at Jimi's apartment at West 12th Street in Greenwich Village on 1st February 1970. In truth home recording sessions like this were common place with Jimi working out alternative arrangements and ideas for new songs. This session is an acoustic one, although both Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox would drop in to add their contributions to the recordings. On this occasion it is Mitch Mitchell who underpins Jimi's acoustic jamming and can be heard clapping along and providing percussion throughout. The jam is a light-hearted affair with Jimi and Mitch singing a snatch of Be Bop A Lula at the start of the tape when they are setting up the echo for Mitch's clapping and percussive effects.

Closer To The Truth (Room Full Of Mirrors recital)
This is another home recording although this time recorded at his British base in Brook Street, London on 10th March 1969. Earlier in the day Jimi had given an interview to the magazine International Times. The recording is a basic overdubbed recording hence Jimi's recital is panned over to the right hand side of the stereo divide. Whilst some of the words seem scripted, parts are obviously off the cuff bringing an air of spontaneity. The musical backing also drops out and comes back in again around the twelve minute mark giving the whole recording an experimental sound collage feel.

Jam Back At the House
Recorded at Electric Lady studios on the 16th of June 1970. This was Jimi's first opportunity to record at his own studio Electric Lady studios. During a 3-day session, Hendrix laid down tracks (including this song) which had originally be rehearsed in the weeks leading up to the Woodstock performance in August 1969. Other musicians that had dropped by in the previous days were Traffic's Chris Wood and Steve Winwood although they don't appear on this session alongside Hendrix, Mitch Mitchell and Billy Cox.

Midnight, Valleys Of Neptune Arising
Recorded at Olmstead studios New York on the 3rd of April 1969 This session features the song Midnight which had started life in Olympic Studios on the 14th of February under the title Midnight Lightning. The shortened version entitled just Midnight would eventually appear on the South Saturn Delta album.

The last two recordings on this album are short takes of Pride Of Man (Bolero) with the second take being almost one minute longer than this first. Having moved back to New York from Woodstock Jimi was recording at the Record Plant with the Gypsy Sons and Rainbows band. Feeling the band was played out despite only two gigs (Woodstock on the 18th of August and a benefit gig in Harlem on the 5th of September) he disbanded the group following a series of sessions including the one that produced this track recorded on the 24th September 1969. A projected tour was also cancelled as Jimi felt unable physically and mentally to perform. Shortly after, however, Jimi would start to play with Billy Cox and Buddy Miles in what would become the Band Of Gypsys.

Pride of Man (Bolero)
Recorded 24th September 1969
Second slightly longer version of the above song recorded at the same session featuring Juma Sultan on percussion who featured on both takes alongside Jimi and Billy Cox.

Despite being drawn from the busiest period of Jimi's life bearing in mind that Jimi was also beginning to have doubts concerning his managerial contract with Mike Jeffery, the recordings here prove that artistically at least Jimi was still able to create music. In fact it is probably is desire and his ability to do this that kept Jimi on a (somewhat) even keel during this turbulent period of his life.

In The Studio Volume 8

The sessions featured in this volume date from between January 1968 and the sessions for what would turn out to be Electric Ladyland, the groundbreaking double album released in October ‘68 through to some of the last recordings Jimi would make in the summer of 1970 in his own Electric Lady studios.

Electric Church.
Jimi spent much of October 1968 in Los Angeles in the midst of a hectic touring schedule, recording or producing the Eire Apparent album and invariably playing one-off gigs. This song was recorded at TTG Hollywood studios 29th October 1968 with Buddy Miles & Lee Michaels on keyboards alongside Jimi, Noel and Mitch. The track is basically a jam although the Red House dies put in an appearance.

Hear My Freedom
Recorded at TTG studios Hollywood 21st October 1968 with Buddy Miles & Lee Michaels on keyboards. Jimi had hooked up with Lee Michaels earlier in the month when he dropped in to catch a Michaels' performance at the Whiskey A Go Go. This track was cut during a session which was also taken up with twenty seven versions of another song, Call All The Devil's Children

Honey Bed
Recorded at the Record Plant on 23rd December 1969 with Billy Cox & Buddy Miles for possible inclusion on the proposed Band Of Gypsys studio album which ultimately failed to materialise. The song was a full attempt at recording and features elements of another song, Bleeding Heart.

Room Full Of Mirrors Recorded at Olympic studios 26th February 1969. This is an early version of the song featuring Mitch Mitchell & Noel Redding. Further attempts were made to nail this track in April and November of the same year. The released version was recorded in Nov ‘69 with the Band of Gypsies and the Ghetto Fighters line-ups at the Record Plant.

All Along The Watchtower
Recorded at Olympic studios on 21 January 1968, this song would go on to be a huge worldwide hit and even Bob Dylan approved of the cover of one of his most successful songs. This is a basic early mix by Chas Chandler and includes contributions from Rolling Stone Brian Jones on percussion. Jimi plays bass and guitar with Mitch Mitchell on drums and Dave Mason of Traffic playing twelve string acoustic.

Ezy Rider
This is an alternative mix of a song that would eventually find release on Jimi's first posthumous release, The Cry Of Love, with this recording dating from December the 18th 1969. This particular version however features the Band Of Gypsys line up of Jimi alongside Billy Cox and Buddy Miles. Recorded at The Record Plant this take features an alternative mix with different lyrics and extra guitar although extra guitar overdubs and vocals were recorded at Electric Lady studios during the summer of 1970

Dolly Dagger
Another alternate mix. The basic track was recorded on the 1st of July 1970 at Electric Lady studios. The track was then overdubbed in mid July and again in mid August in what was possibly one of Jimi's last studio sessions before he died in September. The session featured Jimi Mitch and Billy with the Ghetto Fighters (Albert & Arthur Allen) on backing vocals. Juma Sultan also features on percussion.

South Saturn Delta
Recorded Olympic Studios January 1968 during the Axis Bold As Love sessions. The horns were added by Larry Fallon at the Record Plant in June 1969

Shame Shame Shame
Recorded 16th February 1969 at Olympic studios where a number of other songs were recorded including a prototype version of Ezy Ryder which was at the time entitled Slow. Overdubs were possibly added by Mitch and Noel in the ‘80s

Gypsy Blood (Crying Blue Rain)
Recorded on the 16th of February 1969 at Olympic studios with Mitch Mitchell and Noel Redding making this one of the last sessions to feature the original line up of The Experience. The session also featured an unknown percussionist although it may well have been Rocky Dijon who had guested with the band at the Royal Albert Hall the previous month. This song was recorded during the same session that Shame Shame Shame and Sunshine Of Your Love were recorded.

Sunshine Of Your Love
A long-time favourite of Jimi's who had also been a great admirer of Cream. Jimi decided to dedicate a spontaneous rendition of this song to Jack Bruce, Ginger Baker and Eric Clapton on a live version of the Lulu television show in January following Cream's disbanding the previous November. Perhaps it was this version of the song that made him decide to tape his own studio version of the song recording this version at Olympic Studios on the 16th February 1969.

This album once again proves that the recording studio really was the place where Jimi felt at ease and capable of creating music. The majority of the music featured here will be new to some more recent fans of the music of Jimi Hendrix but there is plenty here for the long time fan and the newcomer to savour and appreciate.

In The Studio Volume 9

It has often been said that Jimi Hendrix used to sleep with his guitar and although it is well known that he often enjoyed the company of more nubile bedfellows, it is fair to say that Hendrix was one of the most prolific artists of his generation. Many home recordings have come to light in the thirty five-plus years since his death in September 1970. Most of the recordings featured in this volume come from early 1968 when Jimi was in the process of working on the follow up to Axis Bold As Love. The third album, which was released in October 1968, was the massively successful Electric Ladyland.

The double album was packed with Jimi's best material at the time and almost half the tracks included in this volume of In The Studio would go on to be more fully realised on what is now considered one of the best rock records of the era and an album that is often cited as being Hendrix's best work.

Whilst in New York Jimi would sometimes stay at the Drake hotel and of course would occasionally write material while staying there. Generally however he used his own apartment and the majority of the material featured here comes from recordings made at that location.

The first track here is an early run through of Angel. Despite being written in late 1967 and demoed here at the beginning of the following year in Jimi's New York apartment the song would not form part of the Electric Ladyland line up. Instead it would feature on Jimi's posthumous album The Cry Of Love. This version is a straight run through on electric guitar and Jimi's solo vocal. The performance here finds the song already arranged and whilst missing the multi tracking that it would obviously benefit from in the studio the song is complete and is considered one of his best although quite why it was not considered for inclusion on Electric Ladyland is not clear.

The next track, 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be) eventually found its way on to the Electric Ladyland album. This is the first of two versions featured here and another song originally recorded as a demo at the Drake Hotel in New York. This take was possibly recorded in the days before the second version (recorded on the 1st of February 1968) and while clocking in at around five minutes shorter than the version on Electric Ladyland the arrangements are all in place. The start of the songs finds Hendrix strumming the chords on an un-amplified electric guitar although as the song progresses the guitar switches to an amplified guitar although still being played softly.

Astro Man/Valleys Of Neptune were recorded at Jimi's apartment in late August and early September ‘69 although neither song would be released in Jimi's lifetime. Astro Man would be recorded in spring of 1970 and eventually see the light on the posthumous The Cry Of Love album released in early 1971. The version Valleys Of Neptune here is just a short instrumental snippet although a more fully realised version would be recorded in May 1970. However even then Jimi was to admit at the end of that particular recording that the song wasn't finished. This version then would appear to be the first attempt at the basic structure of the song.

Gypsy Eyes was another song that would go on to be included in the running order of Electric Ladyland. This volume features three versions of the song and four if you count a medley of it alongside Cherokee Mist. The versions collected here are the very rough home demos of the song although in the first version it is merely an instrumental take in order no doubt to get down the basic structure of the song.

Cherokee Mist is another previously unreleased Jimi Hendrix song although there is a version included in the Jimi Hendrix box which was captured at the Electric Lady studios in 1970 in between takes for Astro Man. The version featured here is the rough sketch of the song which is more of a rhythmic run through than the more finished song that was recorded more than two years later. It is from some of these rough sketches that Hendrix used to build other complete songs. Cherokee Mist/Gypsy Eyes would be a case in point building on the previous version this version recorded in April is a more complete version complete with lyrics that would form part of the song Voodoo Chile. The song segues into Gypsy Eyes now complete with rough vocal lines towards the end of the song.

Power Of Soul was included in rehearsals for the Band Of Gypsys only full concert appearances at the Fillmore East over the New Year 1969-70 suggesting the song must have been written and demoed in late 1969. The song is very much in the style of the material the Band Of Gypsys would perform live and may have been considered a contender for a hoped for but never realised Band Of Gypsys studio album. Whilst an instrumental version this version musically has all the elements and arrangement in place of the familiar live version performed by the Band Of Gypsys.

The next two tracks are versions of the song Long Hot Summer. The song which formed a part of the Electric Ladyland album is featured here played on an acoustic twelve string with the song literally being written while Jimi plays it and works out the guitar parts and sings the occasional lyric. The second version stops abruptly after just under two minutes.

Hear My Train A Comin' was a song that Hendrix returned to time and again. He can be seen in the Experience movie performing the song on an acoustic guitar. The Experience also worked up an extended version of the song in Olympic Studios in early 1969. The two versions featured here date from April 1968 and are but short snippets of the song with both versions reaching just over one minute in length. The lyrics in the second version are the ones that would eventually feature on the song Voodoo Chile.

The next two tracks are two further versions of Gypsy Eyes and whilst the versions are similar Jimi was obviously working on something and was not happy to rest until he achieved what he heard in his head with the second version being a refinement of the riff that would feature in the finished song

South Saturn Delta was another song written and recorded in early ‘68 although a more polished version does exist with a full band and brass arrangement, this try out is the basic song structure.

Three Little Bears was considered a throw-away track although surfacing on many bootlegs as part of various jams and also the B side of the Christmas single Little Drummer Boy.

The second version of 1983 (A Merman I Should Turn To Be) is half the length of the first version featured on this volume. Like the earlier version this was taped at the Drake Hotel in early 1968.This version suffers a false start before beginning again with more focus, featuring just Hendrix and his electric guitar.

The final piece of music featured in this volume is an Acoustic Jam taped by Jimi at his apartment in Greenwich Village on 1st February 1970. The jam features Jimi on an acoustic guitar and he is accompanied by Mitch Mitchell who is adding percussion by what seems to be slapping his thighs in accompaniment to Jimi's acoustic playing. The tape cuts out abruptly as Jimi stops playing for whatever reason.

Whilst Jimi would spend hours in the recording studio jamming and recording or refining ideas it would seem that he was just as active as a home taper and many of his best material started off from basic home recordings some of which are featured here. What they do show is that Jimi Hendrix was an extremely prolific artist and also an artist one capable of turning even the most basic idea or riff into something rather special.

In The Studio Volume 10

As far as Jimi Hendrix was concerned England was his oyster in 1967. Transplanted from New York where he had been playing club dates to make ends meet in late 1966 Jimi was discovered by Chas Chandler and brought over to the UK in order to develop his career. What many probably didn't realise (including Hendrix himself) was that Jimi's career would become one of the most influential careers of almost anyone in the rock business. Starting with the single Hey Joe in the previous year, 1967 looked like being the year that Jimi Hendrix became a huge star the world over. Hard as it is to believe these days but Jimi Hendrix would record a string of singles and two massively selling studio albums in 1967 as well as playing countless concerts throughout the year including his career-altering appearance at the Monterey Festival.

The music featured on this album consists of previously unreleased and in some cases unheard of alternate takes of some of Jimi's music recorded and released in England during 1967

Hey Joe was of course the debut single recorded at De Lane Lea studios in late ‘66 although, it would appear on the American version of Jimi's debut album Are You Experienced in 1967. This version is obviously a vocal tracking take with Jimi ad-libbing throughout and asking early on for more of his voice to be put into his headphones and the band lowered. A different take from the single musically the intro being a little hesitant and the backing vocals by the Breakaways well to the fore on this mix.

Purple Haze was another hit single and the follow up to Hey Joe. Released early in 1967 the version we have here is an alternate take with Jimi laying down the vocals and the musical backing dropping in and out isolating his vocals which are again ad-libbed at times and somewhat more forceful during this session. Towards the end of the song you can hear a vocal overdub of Jimi repeating the phrase Purple Haze which was dropped from the eventual single release.

Red House was a popular blues song from the Are You Experienced album. This extended and relaxed version was more like the lengthy workout the Experience performed during live concerts rather than the three minutes plus version included on Are You Experienced. The song breaks down twice and Jimi can be heard talking back to Chas Chandler in the control room. Despite this breakdown of the song the band still manage to lengthen this particular take to almost twice the length of the version that originally appeared on Are You Experienced.

Crosstown Traffic featured on Electric Ladyland and the B side of the single drawn from that album All Along The Watchtower. This version is a different mix with the vocals more to the fore than on the final released mix. The backing vocals feature Mitch and Noel.

Takin' Care Of Business is decidedly old time and quite at odds with the material Hendrix and the Experience were recording at the time and they certainly do seem to be enjoying themselves. Recorded at Olympic Studios on 4 May 1967 with Mitch Mitchell & Noel Redding. The sax was recorded at the same session and although not confirmed could even be Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones. The tuba, however, was added in the ‘80s for no apparent reason.

I Don't Live Today was recorded at De Lane Lea Studios 20th February 1967. These are three takes, two instrumental and one with two lead vocal tracks with the versions here being longer than the released version on Are You Experienced. With Jimi, Mitch Mitchell & Noel Redding having recorded the basic track it was decided to add more to the finished master and overdubs were done at Olympic studios.

Wind Cries Mary was the third single to come from The Experience. This was again recorded at the studio the band favoured in the early days, De Lane Lea, in January 1967 and featured the now established line up of Hendrix, Noel Redding and Mitch Mitchell who were well on the way to rock stardom after just their second single and a series of high profile club performances. This is an instrumental backing track although not the final single version.

One Rainy Wish featured on the bands second album Axis Bold As Love. Recorded by The Experience at Olympic on 3 October ‘67, this version is an alternate mix from the released album and features wider stereo panning which is particularly noticeable on the guitar overdubs.

La Poupee Qui Fait Non is a cover of a song written by French song writer and performer Michel Polnareff. Jimi and the Experience had supported French Rock star Johnny Halliday as one of their first live jaunts in October 1966. This cover was recorded in March 1967 possibly at De Lane Lea and was presumably earmarked for inclusion on Are You Experienced. This instrumental was as far as it went however and subsequently this recording has never been officially released. As an aside, Ronnie Wood's ‘60s band The Birds did manage to cover the tune before The Experience.

51st Anniversary came from the sessions that produced the Are You Experienced album. The two versions here feature an almost finished take but different from the released version. The second take is an instrumental version that breaks down a number of times while the band is trying to refine the arrangement.

Can You See Me is another track from Are You Experienced. However the first version featured here is an almost nine minute instrumental version. The original version is a mere two minutes thirty three seconds. The second version is a different take and whilst it sounds like a finished take is again just slightly longer than the released version. The vocal take, however, sounds like a finished take despite Jimi's request to do it one more time.

The final tracks featured in this volume are more out-takes from Are You Experienced sessions. In this instance the first alternate instrumental take of Fire remains true to the original released version. The second take however is an extended instrumental version which suffers a number of breakdowns before the band kick back in and Jimi lets fly with some literally incendiary soloing.

Jimi Hendrix exploded onto the scene in 1967 and through sheer hard work and an amazing run of singles and two breakthrough albums not to mention a serious amount of live work ensured that his career sped off on an elevation that was to prove both exciting and full of highs and lows. This trajectory would ultimately end with Jimi's premature death in September 1970 but 1967 in England was where the journey really began.

Š Jon Kirkman 2006

torrent lineage: manufactured CDs--->wav via EAC--->flac level 8 via flac frontend, sectors aligned--->OINK--->you!
No set list.

Quality: B
Sources (direct from original Taper "Bob In Ohio"): 
AUD: CSB's to Sony DAT -> 2xCDR
SBD: SBD to 25db attenuators to Sony DAT -> 2xCDR

Lineage: 4xCDR -> EAC -> Wavelab(EQ) -> Audition Multitrack -> Wavelab(edit & track split) -> Nero6 -> 2xCDR -> EAC -> Flac frontend (level 8) -> Flac -> Dime

Recorded & Transferred by: "Bob in Ohio"
Matrix Mixing & remaster by: Cuztard Pi


CD 1 (67mins)

01 If 6 Was 9
02 Spanish Castle Magic
03 You Upset Me Baby
04 JB Solo
05 Blues Deluxe
06 Takin' The Hit
07 Mountain Time
08 Wild About You Baby
09 Burning Hell
10 If Heartaches Were Nickels

CD 2 (36mins)

01 Pain And Sorrow
02 Had To Cry Today
03 Heart Of The Sunrise (edit)
04 Starship Trooper (The Wurm)
Source: Audience (15 feet from centre stage, with 12 inch left/right mic separation)

Lineage: Stereo Omni Mics (9V) -> JB3 (@48kHz) -> firewire -> HD -> Wavelab -> WAV -> Flac frontend (level 8) -> Flac

Recorded by: Cuztard Pi
Transferred & Mastered by: Cuztard Pi

WAV File Size: 695MB (Flac) ( 1132MB (wav))

CD1 (65 mins)
Takin' the Hit
Walk In My Shadow
Blues Deluxe
Mountain Time
Bridge To Better Days
New Day Yesterday
Miss You, Hate You
Woke Up Dreaming

CD2 (46 mins)
Slide Solo
The River
Burning Hell
Bass Solo
Had To Cry Today
Heart Of The Sunrise (Edit)
Starship Trooper (The Wurm)
Encore -
Asking Around For You

Artwork , Flac fingerprints & MD5 files are included.
Ticket Price: £12
9th show (out of 12) of the UK tour.

Here is my recording from Joe's truimphal return to Mr Kyps, after last years "First Ever English Show" (18th May 2006) but this time with his new band:
Guitar: Joe Bonamassa
Bass: Mark Epstein
Drums: Bogie Bowles

It was a sell out, packed with a friendly, responsive but sometimes noisy crowd (as usual there is some "chat" evident during the quiet bits). It was a great show and the recording has come out very nice - I don't think you will be disappointed with this one. I score it 9 out of 10 - but hey.. don't flame me if you don't agree, ... & at least keep it friendly!! 

If you have any comments, whether positive or negative, I would love to read them ... don't be a lurker now!

For those interested - basic details of the mastering applied to my original JB3 recording (using Wavelab5) is as follows:
A: EQ/ Multiband Compression/ Limiting (-0.2dB max)/48kHz -> 44.1kHz
B - WAV split to fit on to 2xCDs (with overlap) plus fade in/out
D - Track naming & split





Enjoy - Cuztard Pi - Feb 2006

Reviews of the show taken from Mr Kyps website:

Joe Bonamassa + The Ian Parker Band  

As some of you will know, I have been waxing lyrical about Joe Bonamassa for some time now, and after catching him at his barnstorming inaugural UK gig at Mr Kyps last year, was eagerly awaiting his return. And by the looks of what must have been a sell out crowd on a St. Valentine’s night, I am obviously not the only one who has been captivated by this young blues apostle. Bonamassa’s guitar playing is undeniably sensational and with his powerful gutsy vocals, he is real proof that the blues is alive and rockin’ in the Noughties. His music is a wonderful blend of ingredients, blues-centric with a generous helping of rock and subtle dash of country. The set list revealed a mixture of strong original material interweaved with inspired interpretations of some classic tunes. With its hard rock hook, the opener “Takin’ The Hit” showed Bonamassa to be something of a maverick, pushing at and warping the boundaries of the blues with some scorching power guitar work.

By contrast “Walk In My Shadows” and “Blues Deluxe” took Joe right back to his introspective influences, the latter having him artistically wringing new sounds out of his trusty Les Paul. The excellent “Mountain Time” was, dare I say it, almost commercial and could threaten daytime radio play given chance! His unaccompanied acoustic “Woke Up Dreaming” showcased a finger-picking technique that quiet simply defies belief, whilst the powerful rework of Blind Faith’s “Had To Cry Today” was nothing short of stunning and served as the perfect vehicle with which to further demonstrate his fretboard wizardry. The set was littered with sizzling solos and exquisite bottleneck and just in case I hadn’t already been taken hook line and sinker, there was even a medley incorporating riffs from Yes songs – Marvellous! With Mark Epstein delivering some exceptional bass lines and Bogie Bowles providing quality drum patterns, JB’s accomplices proved to be key contributors to what can only be described as a knockout performance.

Joe Bonamassa’s playing is the stuff legends are made of and if the blues is searching for a new messiah, then look no further. My eternal thanks to Kyp who I know had to pull out all the stops to secure Joe’s return. The result – another blinding show from this blues phenomenon, and although we are only midway through February, my contender for gig of the year. Joe finished by saying “We will never forget Mr Kyps”, lets hope he remembers that quote when he next tours. Finally, a quick mention for Ian Parker and his band who opened the evening’s proceedings. Ian has undoubtedly been gifted with a voice and guitar style that others can only dream of and is headlining material in his own right. With the aid of some fine keyboards and backing vocals from ‘Morg’ Morgan, he delivered a performance of considerable depth and soul that was both emotionally charged and in a way, uniquely personal. All in all, a superb Valentine’s night out for less than the price of a dozen roses!

Review by: Gary Curtis
Joe Bonamassa + The Ian Parker Band  

Quite the reverse to the general Kyp's population, I found the Ian Parker Band a little difficult to get into. Brought up to the maxim that life is too short and not a moment should be wasted, my entire existence has been spent with the arse of my jeans on fire, or at least smouldering - and I like my music to race with the devil inside me! Much of Ian's music is slow gospel/blues, and on the two occasions I have seen him before, I would forever be hoping he'd get into top gear and fly. So this evening, a more laid-back and open-minded approach was adopted, and much to my pleasant surprise, his music finally slipped into my soul. Indeed, the boy sure can play, and 'In The Morning' was quite a fast one.

Ian Parker and Joe Bonamassa were perfectly matched for this double bill of slow, medium, and occasionally up-tempo guitar-wrenching blues. Joe and his band are unbelievably tight in their playing, his bassist and drummer matching his six-stringed mastery - an incredible and finely-honed unit; their individual pedigree quite astounding. Don't ask me for song titles, I can't remember any, it was simply an experience to be embraced into the glory of this guitar virtuoso evening, each and every moment a delight, finding yourself wishing time would stand still. Then, with some razor-sharp slide playing, this man whom it seems few have heard of, stamped his name firmly in the archives of guitar legends.

Perhaps like me, Joe has been cursed with this adrenaline overdrive? Left onstage in the spotlight by his cohorts, he treated us to an exceptional acoustic interlude. And if anyone dared to doubt this man's bountiful abilities, perhaps thinking it no more than amplification and effects pedals, well, he made them eat their hat. Joe completely ripped up the fretboard with a speed of playing almost faster than our astonished senses could comprehend - to which he remarked: "That was a lot more difficult than it looked!" Yes, a rip-roaring evening, and even the slower-paced blues ripped in its own way. Ian Parker is back in early April, and I feel sure the Bonamassa juggernaut will also be returning before too long.

Review by: Alan Burridge. 

Joe Bonamassa + The Ian Parker Band  

How about this for a stupendous midweek line-up! No wonder the sold out signs were up. First up were the Ian Parker Band just back from Europe as part of Ruf's Blues Caravan tour and sounding as good as ever. Ian's soulful vocals and superb guitar work earned a huge ovation from the buzzing crowd. But tonight was all about the eagerly awaited return of the young New York guitar-slinger Joe Bonamassa. About a year ago Joe played his first ever U.K. gig in Kyp's and blew the place apart with his explosive blues/rock show. Joe's short U.K. tour played to full houses, mostly through word of mouth, and earned accolades from the usually hard bitten British blues/rock mafia and press.

Joe brought a new band with him this trip with Mark Epstein on bass and Bogi Bowles on drums and they hit the stage running to a huge cheer from the expectant crowd. Joe's full on, in your face, ear bursting style connected with the worshippers immediately and from then on he could do no wrong. Several new songs from a forthcoming CD were mixed in with some old favourites like Jethro Tull's 'A New Day Yesterday'. An acoustic interlude featured 'Woke Up Dreaming' and Joe switched to slide guitar for a lengthy workout on the superb number 'The River'. The band took a short break during Joe's solo spot and Joe went off for a quick rub-down whilst the bass and drums played some funky riffs.

For one so young (late 20's) Joe has already mastered the art of connecting with his audience by his sheer energy, enthusiasm and showmanship. His soloing throughout the show was explosive, speedy and yes, flashy, but always played with passion, emotion and real feel. Joe's British influences are plain to hear and none more so than in an electrifying and crunching cover of Blind Faith's 'Had To Cry Today' which started the big finale. This was followed by a version of 'Starship Trooper' from those venerable prog-rockers Yes -an unusual choice but it sounded great. This was another triumphant gig for Joe and his new band and a fully deserved success for Kyp and his happy crew.

Review by: Dave Drury 

Joe Bonamassa + The Ian Parker Band  

Two of rock's most talented young guns offered up a St Valentine's Day treat that few in a packed Kyps will forget. Jpe Bonamassa and Ian Parker may both still be under 30, but in three hours of often sublime and breathtaking music, they served up a fascinating history lesson of rock and blues.

Kyp's favourite Ian Parker just keeps getting better every time he appears and his soulful accomplished hour was brilliantly paced, from a brave a cappella 'Power of the Gospel' - in respectful hush - through live staples 'Misfits and Fools', 'She's All Right' and 'Something More'. It was a fearless set from a performer and band whose busy year on the road has shaped and honed them into one of the best on the circuit, epitomised by Ian's remarkable eight-minute guitar solo on 'Awake at Night'. They're back headlining on April 6th and MUST be seen.

Fast turning into one of the Blues' greatest ambassadors, Joe Bonamassa picked up his first guitar when he was four and judging by his ability, he's not put it down since. Fronting a new, but tight backline, this was a set that captivated his fans with some mind-boggling fretwork, none more so than when he strapped on an acoustic for a quite astonishing ten-minute masterclass. Armed with a strong blues voice, Joe showed off all his electric guitar chops throughout a two-hour set, his technical skills and deft touches as impressive on plaintive 'The River' as the power chords on favourites like 'Taking the Hit', 'Burning Hell' and 'Had to Cry Today'. A tremendous double bill that warranted every bit of warmth and appreciation.

Review by: Neal Butterworth (Daily Echo Review)
Disc 1

1. Takin' the Hit 
2. Walk in my Shadows 
3. Blues Deluxe
4. Mountain Time 
5. Bridge to Better Days (*)

Disc 2

1. New Day Yesterday 
2. Miss You Hate You
3. Woke Up Dreaming
4. The River
5. Burning Hell
6. Asking Around for You (*) 

Guitars: Joe Bonamassa 
Bass: Mark Epstein (from Johnny Winter's band)
Drums: Bogie Bowles (from Kenny Wayne Shepherd's band)

(*) Unreleased songs from the upcoming album "You and Me"

Joe is taper friendly, please record his shows and share them freely! 

SP-CMC-8 (Cardoids) -> Battery Box (no bass filter used) -> Sony D-7 DAT -> Maxell HS-4/90s -> Creative Audigy 2 -> CDWAV -> FLAC Level 8 
No editing done to the recording other than track splits 

Taping location: seated, 10 feet from stage, DFC 
Disc 1 (49:58)

1. Takin' The Hit
2. Walk In My Shadow
3. Blues Deluxe
4. Mountain Time
5. Bridge To Better Days 
6. A New Day Yesterday

Disc 2 (42:14)

1. Miss You Hate You
2. Woke Up Dreaming
3. Solo
4. The River
5. Burning Hell
6. Asking Around For You

Disc 1 (76:16)
1. Takin' the Hit 
2. Walk in my Shadows 
3. Blues Deluxe
4. Mountain Time 
5. Bridge to Better 
6. A New Day Yesterday > Spoonful Jam 
7. Miss You/Hate You (Solo Acoustic)
8. Woke Up Dreaming (Solo Acoustic)
9. You Upset Me Baby

Disc 2 (32:45)
1. The River
2. Burning Hell
Encore :
3. Asking Around For You

01. Taking The Hit
02. Walk In My Shadow
03. Blues Deluxe
04. Mountain Time
05. Bridge To Better Days
06. New Day Yesterday > Spoonful Jam

01. Miss You, Hate You - Joe Solo Acoustic
02. Woke Up Dreaming - Joe Solo Acoustic
03. Joe Solo Electric >The River
04. Burning Hell w/ Jon Paris On Harp
05. Encore :Asking Around For You 
Source:		JW mod AKG 460/ck63 (DIN) > Lunatec V2 > 722
Location:	25' from stage ~ 6' Left of Center ~ 7' High
Transfer:	722 > Firewire > SoundForge 8.0 > CD Wave 1.94.8
Lineage:	WAV 24bit/48kHz > WAV 16bit/44.1khz > FLAC Level 6
Editing:	SoundForge: Merged Split Files; Normalized to 0db
		CD Wave: Tracking & FLAC Conversions (level 6)
		SoundForge: Resampled to 44.1kHz w/ Anti Alias, Interpol accuracy 2
		Dither to 16bit: Highpass Triangular w/ Noise Shaping: Highpass Contour

Taped and Transferred by Mikey Jones (terrapinj AT gmail.com)

One Set


01  Taking the Hit
02  Walk in My Shadows
03  Blues Deluxe
04  Mountain Time
05  Bridge to Better Days >
06  New Day Yesterday
07  Miss You Hate You
08  Woke Up Dreaming


01  The River
02  Burning Hell

03  crowd
04  You Upset Me*
05  Asking Around for You*

(*) w/ Carl Verheyen on Guitar
SP-CMC-8 (stand 9') > SP Battery Box (no bass filter) > Sony D-7 > Maxell HS-4/90 > Sony D-7 > 7 Pin 
>Creative Audigy 2 > CDWAV > Cool Edit Pro 2.0 > FLAC Level 8 > You  

Taping location: 10' from right main

Guitars & lead vocals: Joe Bonamassa 
Bass & backing vocals: Mark Epstein
Drums: Bogie Bowles

Disc 1: 
1. Takin' The Hit
2. Walk In My Shadows
3. Blues Deluxe
4. Mountain Time
5. Bridge to Better Days
6. New Day Yesterday/Spoonful
7. So Many Roads

Disc 2: 
1. Miss You, Hate You (acoustic)
2. Woke Up Dreaming (acoustic)
3. The River
4. Burning Hell

5. Asking Around For You
6. Starship Trooper (III. Wurm)

Very difficult venue to record in. If I was to be center during the recording, 
I'd be right on top of the bar the way the venue is layed out. Thus, I picked
to position myself about 10' from the right main with the sub on the floor near
the left main. Stand was set on a table so it wouldn't get knocked down. The
club was sold to capacity, 225.

Somehow during the first song, the 1/8" stereo jack came 1/2 way unplugged from the
recorder and the right channel was lost from about 55:73 - 2:44. I used Cool
Edit to copy/paste the salvagable left channel into the empty right channel,
basically mono, but listenable.  I'd rather do this than not release the full show
or do a fade-out/fade-in.

Joe is taper friendly, please record his shows and share them freely! 
Source: Neumann ak40 (ORTF) > lc3 > km100 > v3 (analog out) > 722 @ 24/96
Location: FOB, DFC, 30' from stage
Transfer: 722 > firewire > wavelab (fades, tracking, dither, resample) > flac frontend

Tape and Transfer by Brad Wolf

d1t01. Taking the Hit
d1t02. Walk In My Shadows
d1t03. Blues Deluxe
d1t04. Mountain Time
d1t05. Bridge to Better Days
d1t06. New Day Yesterday >
d1t07. Spoonful

d2t01. So Many Roads
d2t02. Woke Up Dreaming 
d2t03. The River
d2t04. Burning Hell
d2t05. Just Got Paid (Ode to Texas)
d2t06. Asking Around for You
Disc 1 (58:47)

1. Takin The Hit
2. Walk In My Shadows
3. Blues Deluxe
4. Mountain Time
5. Bridge To Better Days
6. A New Day Yesterday >
7. Spoonful
8. So Many Roads

Disc 2 (49:48)

1. Miss You, Hate You 
2. Woke Up Dreaming 
3. The River
4. Burning Hell
5. Applause
6. If Heartaches Were Nickels 
7. Just Got Paid
Disc 1 (63:40)
01. Just Got Paid
02. Walk In My Shadow
03. So Many Roads
04. Mountain Time
05. Bridge To Better Days
06. New Day Yesterday
07. Miss You/Hate You - Joe Solo Acoustic
08. Woke Up Dreaming - Joe Solo Acoustic

Disc 2 (40:40)
01. The River
02. Burning Hell
Encores :
03. Asking Around For You
04. Superstition *

*W/Carmine Appice On Drums / No Bogie
*W/Jim Kuhns On Vocals 

neumann km 184 mics > Apogee Mini Me > Coaxial Out > Oade 7 Pin > Sony Pcm 1
Disc 1 [51'43"]
01. Takin' the Hit
02. Walk in my Shadows
03. Blues Deluxe
04. Mountain Time
05. Bridge to Better Days
06. Burning Hell

Disc 2 [45'59"]
01. Intro
02. Miss You, Hate You
03. Wake up Dreaming
04. ?
05. Dazed and Confused + Moby Dick
06. Jam
07. ?

Mics: 2x DPA4061 - Record: PCM on compact flash card by Maycom HH2nd
Dynamic Eqlz: Waves C4 - Photo: Canon EOS 30D
Tape’n’pics by Capaldi - Mastered at J-Plane Records - N° JP 101 - 2007



DISC 1 :

DISC 2 :
                 ENCORES :
Source: Audience (20 feet from centre stage, with 16 inch left/right mic separation) 
Lineage: Stereo Omni Mics (Panasonic WM-61A elements) & battery box (9V) -> JB3 (@44.1kHz) 
-> firewire -> HD -> Wavelab5 -> *.wav -> Foobar 2000 (level 8) -> *.flac -> Dime 

Recorded by: Cuztard Pi 
Transferred & Mastered by: Cuztard Pi 

Title: A "Glorious" Return To Mr Kyps, Poole, UK - Friday 3rd August 2007

File size: WAV=1.02GB; FLAC=618MB

Disc 1 (61mins) 
01 Bridge To Better Days
02 Walk in My Shadow
03 'Blue Tea'		*
04 'Blue Summer'	*
05 Mountain Time
06 Another Kind of Love
07 Sloe Gin
08 High Water Every Where
09 If Heartaches Were Nickels
10 Woke Up Dreaming

Disc 2 (43mins)
11 Django
12 Just Got Paid
13 Dazed and Confused
14 Bogie's Drum Solo
15 Just Got Paid (reprise)
   Encore 1
16 Asking Around For You
17 Los Endos
   Encore 2
18 Miss You, Hate You

* Made-up title

flac tags & fingerprints & MD5 files are included. 


Ticket Price: £15.00



Band line-up:
Joe Bonamassa - Guitar/L.Vocals
Bogie Bowles - Drums
Carmin Rojas - Bass
Rick Melick - Keyboards/B.Vocals

Finally Joe returns to Mr Kyps (where he made his English debut in 2005). A new band (except for Bogie on Drums) and promoing a new record out soon: "Sloe Gin". Check out the gig reviews care of Mr Kyps' web-site below. 

If you liked my last 2 recordings of Joe @ Mr Kyps from 2005 & 2006 you will also enjoy this one. Another GREAT SHOW!! Highlight for me was "Blue Tea" (Led Zep's 'Tea for One' with 'Blues Deluxe' lyrics)

For those interested - basic details of the mastering applied to my original JB3 recording (using Wavelab5) are as follows: 
A: EQ / Multiband Compression / Limiting (-0.2dB max) 
B: WAVs edited to fit on to 2xCDRs (with overlap) plus fade in/out 
C: track split 

A note for any finicky audiophiles out there: 
Mastering has been done to polish the raw master recording with the aim of enhancing the listening experience. If you prefer virgin recordings, unspoiled by any such amateur 'dabbling' then do not join in on this one. Be warned now ... I don't want any whinging! ;-) 

But for the rest of you Dimers I recommend that you GO FOR THIS ONE ... you won't be disappointed! 
I score the sound quality as 9 out of 10 ( = A ); 
but hey! ... don't flame me if you don't agree ... & at least keep it friendly ;-) 

If you have any comments, whether positive, negative or otherwise, I would love to read them ... don't be a lurker!  




Enjoy - Cuztard Pi - August 2007 ..... PLAY IT LOUD!!!


Reviews from Mr Kyps website:


Friday 03-08-2007 
Joe Bonamassa + Martin Harley 

Whats the best way to spend a weeks holiday ? I know a week down in deepest west Dorset with loads of great walks, beahes and beer plus three Joe Bonamassa gigs in 4 days !!! The first on Tuesday was a last minute but welcome addition to his short UK tour (it just goes to show how much he likes coming to Kyps), I drove up early from Bridport to grab a good spot and managed to secure front row left bang in front of Joe's rig, magic. Bogie is on first hammering out the intro to 'Bridge To Better Days' then Joe, Carmine and Rick enter to take up their positions, Joe shouts 1,2,3,4 and we're off, Blues Rock heaven returns to Kyps. Next up is 'Walk In My Shadows' followed by 'So Many Roads' where just as he hits the solo the whole back line of amps plunges into silence. Joe makes his excuses and leaves the stage while the roadies run about trying to fix the problem, after about five minutes he's back and the band fall into exactly where they left off and he nearly brings the roof down with the intensisty of his playing, stunning.

Next Joe forsakes his trusty Le Paul for his famous Gigalotti which he lost for a couple of months after his last European tour but has now been safely returned and amazes us with 'Mountain Time' one of my favourites. Next we're onto two new songs from his new album the first I don't know the title of but the second is the title track 'Sloe Gin' an instant classic if ever there was one, a slow brooding number which builds to a tremendous intrumental climax. He encourages us to buy it when it's released at the end of August, I know I shall. It's now time to pick up the acoustic and we're treated to a new version of 'High Water Everywhere' from his last album 'You And Me' this is one to get the feet marching and the whole crowd appears to be swaying in time, brilliant. When the amps went off someone shouted 'Miss You Hate You' and he obliges, singing on his own while the band take a well earned rest, this is followed by the crowd pleasing' Woke Up Dreaming' a master class of dexterity and speed my God i think I saw smoke coming off the fret board ! this is followed by 'Django' a Jeff Beck style intrumental played on a Fender Strat with loads of note bending and whammy bar delights, where do we go after that ? It has to be the awsome 'ZZ Topp number 'Just Got Paid' which mutates into the instrumental passage from 'Dazed And Confused' by Led Zeppelin, and if that's not enough we have a powehouse drum solo from Bogie, a flurry of sticks, sweat and pounding tom tom's which brings the set to an end.

After a couple of minutes of the crowd baying for more they come back to encore with 'Asking Around For You' a lovely slow blues on which Joe plays his BB King custom and at times, if you closed your eyes it could well of been BB the tone was that close. The last couple of minutes are taken up with an instrumental passage on his Les Paul and then sad to say it'a all over, one hell of a night draws to a close. So off home with a Joe CD blasting in the car for company, one down two to go. 

Thursday and a 80 mile drive down to Tavistock, I know this has nothing to do with Kyps but I thought I would just give you a quick run down of the set list which, in fact is the same as Tuesday except 'Miss You Hate You' is replaced by an acoustic version of 'If Heartaches Were Nickels'. The highlights were 'So Many Roads', blues wailing at it's best and an absolutley stonking drum solo from Bogie, what a drummer. After the show Bogie and Carmine come down and have a chat, what a couple of nice fellers, and later Joe joins them and signs a few CD's.

Oh I almost forgot I was stage centre just behind Mike a rabid Joe fan from Kent who for some obscure reason between the support and Joe taking the stage decided to strip off his clothes and don a Batman outfit !!! For more information go to Joe's website and read Mike's review on the forum, he's a nutter in the nicest possible way of course. 

Friday, the last show and first for my 14 year old daughter, 'Does he just play guitar all night ?', 'Will I like it ?' she's not sure if she will like boring old guitar music, boy is she in for a surprise. We arrive at 8.15 and make our way to the front about four deep from the stage centre and settle in for the night, Martin Harley comes on and what a revelation he is, what a cracking start to the evening, a fantastic slide, finger picking style and a good strong voice, look out for his return.

Then onto the main event, a sell out, sweating, hyped up crowd, perfect. The show starts up as before with 'Bridge To Better Days' and 'Walk In My Shadows' then takes a strange twist, the band play the song 'Tea For One' off of You And Me but Joe sings the words to 'Blues De Luxe' and strangley it works like a new song altogether, help Joe's playing with our minds. The show progresses as before and he leaves in 'If Heartaches Were Nickels' as the night before, but then we are in for another treat, I have seen Joe a number of times now but I have never heard such an intense version of 'Woke Up Dreaming', even mad Mike (remember him 'Batman from Tavistock') who has seen more shows than anyone is raving after the show, Joe's on fire. It's obvious the band are enjoying themselves as they all look at each laughing in a number of songs, this is turning into a special night.

''Django' and 'Just Got Paid' follow and then the band leaves the stage as the crowd go wild. They come back to encore 'Asking Around For You', Rick starts on his own as the band amble back on stage and pick up their instruments, in the solo Joe brings the whole band down to a whisper as he sustains a note which is only just audable and Shusshs anyone who dares to make a noise, you could hear a pin drop, another magic moment, this time he also allows Carmine a solo on bass who mugs it up and makes Joe crack up so much that he can hardly finish the song for laughing.

The last surprise for the night is Joe comes back for another song which after the show he admits he hardly ever does, this was a solo acoustic version of 'Miss You Hate You' after which he throws his guitar strap into the crowd and leaves the stage to a wall of cheering and clapping. This was one special hair tingling night, he saved the best to last. If there is a better guitar player out there playing the clubs I have yet to see him, Joe is the king, move over Clapton there is a new God on the scene. By the way my daughter is converted, she got one of Bogie's sticks an autograoh form Joe and a picture with him to hang on her wall, not only is he the best he's the nicest guy you could wish to meet. 

Review by: John Cherry 


Friday 03-08-2007 
Joe Bonamassa + Martin Harley 

The atmosphere was electric amongst the sell-out audience at Mr. Kyps last Friday night, as they eagerly awaited the return of LA blues sensation Joe Bonamassa. As the excitement built up, support came from the now extremely popular acoustic artist Martin Harley, whose expertly handled slide guitar work and catchy blues numbers wowed the impatient crowd. Despite doing a now rare performance without his band, Harley proved that he is just as competent as a solo artist, as his songs projected all their power and energy even without their usual backing. 

As Bonamassa and his band came onstage to a storming reception, the set began with a rockier number before steadily sliding down into some classic blues. This winding up and down of the pace of the set is something which continued throughout the night, always with Bonamassa’s incredible guitar solos carrying the mood and with the keyboards providing some nice variation. 

Although his style was essentially blues, and perhaps best summed up by the Led Zeppelin songs that he covered towards the end of the evening, the variation between fast, rock-style riffs, epic sounding love songs and Stevie Ray Vaughan style blues tracks mean that Bonamassa can reach out to a wider audience than many of the other artists of his genre. His skill as a guitarist means that he can not only pull off this variation, but use it to great effect, confirming his popularity with the audience and assuring him of many sell out Mr. Kyps shows in the future.

Review by: Lisa Willmot
Bob & Ray
Like She Was a Hammer
Skin and Teeth
Want Too Much
Flower Girl
Great Lake
Curt Flood
Ohio Air Show Plane Crash

Trade History:
vinelist: offered 2007-08-04
joe talking
This Afternoon
false start
Tiny Voices
Meanest Flower
joe talking
Dirty Magazine
Edgar Bergen
joe talking
Early and Late shows

Transfered from 15ips  1/2 track reels Revox A-77 > Panasonic SV-250 DAT(internal A/D) > 
Panasonic 3700 pybck > HHB stand alone CD burner(internal sample rate conversion) > 
Apple G3 (Pro Tools editing) > Roxio Jam CDr > Xact


01 Drum Intro / One More Time
02 Wild West
03 Right And Wrong
04 You Can't Get what You Want
05 (It's A) Big World
06 Home Town
07 Chinatown (cut *)
08 Another World
09 On Your Radio


10 Drum Intro (cut *) / Shanghai Sky
11 Fifty Dollar Love Affair
12 Target
13 Be My Number Two
14 Breaking Us In Two
15 Steppin' Out


16 Drum Intro / Survival (Band Intro. 1)
17 Soul Kiss (cut *)
18 It's Different For Girls
19 The Jet Set
20 Monday Papers
21 Tonight And Forever (cut *)
22 Drum Intro / Jack You're Dead 
23 What's The Use Of Getting Sober ?
24 Jumpin' Jive
25 Band Introduction 2
26 I'm The Man
27 Drum Intro / Man In The Street


Sony MZ-R55 w/ Core Audio Bi-aural mics --> Cool Edit Pro --> FLAC frontend, encoded Level 8 

This recording captures the first of two nights the Joe Jackson Trio played New York City's Town Hall Theater. Sitting in Row Q, seat 17 I had a decent spot to record this gig where the levels were fairly good and the crowd was well behaved. Enjoy!


Disc 1:

Steppin' Out
It's Different for Girls
Too Tough *
Citizen Sane *
Another World
Sunglasses in the Rain *
On Your Radio

Disc 2:

Love at First Light
Drunk Song *
Invisible Man *
Awkward Age
Take it Like a Man
You Can't Get What You Want (Till You Know What You Want)
One More Time


Inbetweenies (Ian Dury Cover)
Is She Really Going Out With Him
Slow Song

(*) new song
Sony MZ-R55 w/ Core Audio Bi-aural mics -> Cool Edit Pro -> FLAC frontend, encoded Level 8 

This recording captures the second of two nights the Joe Jackson Trio played New York City's Town Hall Theater. Sitting in Row E, seat 5 I was closer to the band, but the vibe this night was decidedly different; more talkative, less civil and at times very strange. The presence of a security guard, a disgruntled, drunk or crazy concert-goer who says "You're in my seats" to me twice forcing a response and some distortion during this song mar what would have otherwise been a decent recording. In any case, enjoy!


Disc 1: 

Steppin' Out 
It's Different for Girls 
Too Tough * 
Citizen Sane * 
Another World 
Goin' Downtown
Rush Across the Road *
On Your Radio 

Disc 2: 

Intro to Real Men
Real Men
Love at First Light 
Invisible Man * 
Dirty Martini
Take it Like a Man 
You Can't Get What You Want (Till You Know What You Want) 
One More Time 


Dirty Love (Frank Zappa Cover) 
Is She Really Going Out With Him 
Slow Song
1973-01-01 unspecified venue, Arlington, TX

Tend My Garden
Rocky Mountain Way
The Bomber
Turn to Stone (Outro)

1981-10-11 Reunion Arena, Dallas, TX

In The City
Life Of Illusions
Funk 49
Boat Weirdos
Rocky Mountain Way
All Night Long
All Night Long Reprise
Get Back
taper : Joebeacon

at833 mics > sp-spsb-10 > sony pcm1

disc 1 : 
01-a life of illusion
02-indian summer
03-pretty maids all in a row
04-welcome to the club
05-ordinary average guy
06-in the city
08-at the station

disc2 :
01-the bomber
02-walk away
03-turn to stone
04-funk #49
05-life's been good
       encore :
06-rocky mountain way 
John Abercrombie - guitar
Miroslav Vitous - bass

1. Days of Wine and Roses (11:02)
2. I Hear a Rhapsody (11:31)
3. Alice in Wonderland (10:37)
4. Gloria's Steps (Scott La Faro) 4:50
5. Stella By Starlight > blues improvisation (18:41)
6. I Fall In Love Too Easily (6:53)

TT: 61:36

Sound: A
Source: RSI 2 (Rete Due) "Concerto Jazz" / 2006-06-11
Lineage: FM > Minidisc > analogue to HD > GoldWave > FLAC (8,asb,verify)

FM tracks:
- intro (5:03)
- following #1 (0:21)
- following #2 (1:05)
- following #4 (1:10)
- outro (1:05)
pre-FM SBD > ? > CD-R > cdparanoia III 9.8 > Peak 4 > SHNTool 1.2.3 > Shorten 3.5.2 > SHN

1. Bumabia > The Juggler's Etude 22:58
2. Beneath an Evening Sky 06:02
3. Half Past Two > Late Night Passenger 17:52
4. Timeless 09:16
5. Waterwheel 08:07
6. Nardis 05:58

TT: 1:10:13
Sound: A
Show: A
1. [22:08] Improvisation/The Juggler's Etude
2. [07:20] Beneath an Evening Sky
3. [15:47] Improvisations

1. [22:18] Untitled/Beautiful Love
2. [10:20] Timeless
3. [05:19]

FM > Cassette (2nd gen.) > Nakamichi DR-1 > Audiophile2496 > Soundforge 7.0 > WAVE > FLAC 1.7.1 (sector align mode)
1. Bass Desires (Erskine) 11:50
2. Hippityville (Abercrombie) 13:04
3. Ralph's Piano Waltz (Abercrombie) 13:01
4. Alice In Wonderland (Fain/Hilliard) 8:57

1. Night (Abercrombie) 9:55
2. Four On One (Abercrombie) 16:29
3. Stinger Tune * (Abercrombie) 4:38
4. Bessie's Blues (Coltrane) 10:51

John Abercrombie [g]
Michael Brecker [ts]
Marc Johnson [b]
Peter Erskine [d]
CDr > EAC > Flac FrontEnd

John Abercrombie - guitar
Dan Wall - organ
Adam Nussbaum - drums

Playing time: d1 - 52:13 & d2 - 41:14 
FM (BBC Radio 3) > Denon ST-SE500 > DMX6 fire > CEP > .wav > CDWave > MKW > .shn

01. On The Loose (18:09)
02. Soundtrack (14:07)
03. Convolution (17:20)

John Abercrombie ­ electric guitar
Mark Feldman ­ violin
Joey Baron ­ drums
Marc Johnson ­ acoustic bass

Broadcast 19th July 2002

Only processing done was fades at the beginning and end of the recording.

Ian McKay
21st July 2002
john abercrombie(g) 
dave holland(b) 
jack dejohnette(dr,p) 
fm flac

01 'm'(abercrombie)			10:59
02 may dance (holland)			26:10
03 back woods song (holland)		25:46
04 silver hollow (dejohnette) -cut-	09:02
01 blues in A b 			27:29
02 four winds				16:14
03 jumpin' in				22:21
04 ralph's piano waltz			07:53

SOURCE: FM>unknown lineage>trade>CD>EAC Secure Modus>Flac Frontend Level 6>Flac
SOUND: A- (few FM hiss present,  listen to mp3 sample)

John Abercrombie: el-guitar
Dave Holland: bass, el-bass
Jack DeJohnette: drums, piano

1. Short Cut 07.50
2. Calypso Falto 15.03
3. Silver Hollow 13.14
4. M. Times (Dave Holland) 14.57
5. ….Blues (T. Monk) 14.36

John Abercrombie
CDr > EAC > Flac FrontEnd 

"Gateway" with Dave Holland/bass and Jack DeJohnette/drums.

Playing time 77:03 
SBD>???>CDR>EAC>FLAC6(w/sector align)

1) Jam I
2) Jam II

John Abercrombie          -g
Jack DeJohnette           -dr,p
Nana Vasconcelos          -perc
Collin Walcott            -tablas, sitar
John Abercrombie - guitar
Marc Johnson - bass
Peter Erskine - drums

1. Free Again (Abercrombie-Johnson-Erskine)
   > Love Theme from "Spartacus" (Alex North) 17:28
2. Beautiful Love (Victor Young) 10:11
3. Big Music (John Abercrombie) 11:23
4. Announcement JA (0:20)
5. Nardis (Bill Evans-Miles Davis) 8:59
6. Prelude (John Abercrombie) 3:43
7. Solar (Miles Davis) 7:09
8. Four On One (John Abercrombie) > Band Intros JA (7:28)
9. Announcement JA (1:10)
10. My Foolish Heart (Victor Young-Ned Washington) 1:51 [inc, cut]

TT: 69:49

Sound: A/A-
Rec. eng.: Martin Pearson
Prod. by DRS
Source: Espace 2 "JazzZ" / 2005-11-28
Lineage: FM > minidisc > analogue to HD > GoldWave > FLAC (8,asb,verify)
Fireside (Bruninghaus)  15:22
Baba (Gurtu)  11:58
Timeless (Abercrombie)  14:21
Minimal 2 (Bruninghaus) 14:35
Raga Rag (Bruninghaus)  14:25

total: 70:42

John Abercrombie - Guitar
Rainer Bruninghaus - Piano
Trilok Gurtu - Percussion

LINEAGE: FM > ? > CD > EAC > FLAC (8) > Dime

Setlists from this show mention a 6th track - Four On One (Abercrombie) - but this is either missing or track 5 and 6 must be a medley.
sound: pretty excellent with slight FM hiss in quiter parts.
mean old world
walkin' blues
early in the morning
deeper shade of blue
key to the highway
long distance call
i feel like my time ain't long
worried about my baby
come on in my kitchen
hitchhikin' woman - take 1
hitchhikin' woman - take 2
shake em on down
talk to my baby
goin to louisiana (mojo hand)
boom boom boom
John campbell, solo studio recording.Little is known regarding where or even when it was recorded.
John shared a copy with friends in the early 1980's.It sounds eerily similar to the songs he recorded on the tyler sessions. So, it may have been recorded at or around the same time period.
John recorded this version directly from the master tapes to cassette.
He told friends that he was not pleased with the results and never wanted it released. Luckily, this cassette was saved because John couldn't have been more wrong about its quality.
This is great music and great Blues. John was truly a master and on this CD he demonstrates a softer side of his musical side.
Elektra records made an inhouse vhs tape of fairly low quality video, and average to decent quality sound.
The purpose of the video is unsure, BUT a copy was given to a Campbell Family member after Johns Death.
The Video was then put onto a dvd and copied to cdr from there.
Elektra tribute video (unknown generation) > vhs copy >dvd >cd wav>dbpoweramp>flac

The Tracks:

mississippi delta blues benefit
under acme
march 25 1988

1.  bluebird blues 		04.46
2.  going to dallas 		03.42
3.  white lightnin		04.06
4.  sunnyland train		02.40

Montreaux jazz festival
Geneva Switzerland
July 9 1992
(with band)

5.  devil in my closet 		08.20
6.  voodoo edge 		04.55
7.  take me down 		08.32

The shocking club	
milan, italy 
31 march 1993 
(with band)

8.  ain't afraid of midnight 	06.48 
(skips a little partway through, present on source dvd (worse on the dvd, slightly improved for this cd))

9.  person to person 		09.30
10. interview...		01.59
11. saddle up my pony 		07.20
12. interview... 		01.41
13. down in the hole		05.44
14. when the levee breaks	07.02
The Red Planet AKA Miles Mode
(Man Made Miles)
My Favorite Things (Stuff I'm Partial To)
Mr. P.C.(Mr. RCM, Jr)
Source: MG210 > Korg MR-1000 > balanced analog out > JB3 (line-in, -3db, 16bit/48kHz)
Post: WaveLab (Edit/Fades/Resample to 16/44.1) > CDWave (Tracking) > FLAC lvl 8 >
Traders Little Helper (FLAC verification/ Shntool -len/ ffp gen.)

Thanks to Kieth from Team Richmond for the patch!
Recorded & Edited by rowjimmy (rowjimmy2 AT gmail DOT com)

Total Time 96:57.09

Disc 1
01 Intro/Tuning
02 When The Levee Breaks*
03 Good Times Bad Times >
04 Bass Solo > Ramble On Jam >
05 Inner City Blues (Makes Me Wanna Holler)**
06 Drums Jam >
07 Dazed & Confused***

Disc 2
01 Banter
02 Superstitious^ >
03 Them Changes^ > 
04 It's Your Thing^~
05 Introductions

John Paul Jones - bass
Ben Harper - slide guitar & vocals
Ahmir "?uestlove" Thompson - drums

* w/ Michael Ward (Ben Harper) on Bass & John Paul Jones on second lap steel guitar
** Cissy Strut teases
***Immigrant Song teases
^with Kirk Douglas (The Roots) on guitar & vocals
~I Wanna Take You Higher teases

Set is dated June 16 as it began after 12am.
Inner City Blues is by Marvin Gaye
Superstitious is by Stevie Wonder
Them Changes is by Buddy Miles (performed by Band of Gypsies)
It's Your Thing is by The Isley Brothers

Tracked for CD-R but, both discs may be joined seamlessly for longer media.

Excellent Recording and Show. Soundboard, FM or Excellent Audience ? (You Decide) No Details.

Some slight speed fluctuations noticeable on guitar breaks, probably
due to early cassette wow and flutter.

Retracked, disc transitions (Soundforge 8) and Artwork by JTT

Disc One

Disc Two
Set I
Spanish Pipedream
Often Is A Word I Seldom Use
Angel From Montgomery
Fish And Whistle
Crooked Piece Of Time
Blue Umbrella
Illegal Smile
Sabu Visits The Twin Cities Alone
The Bottomless Lake
Sam Stone
That's The Way The World Goes Round
There She Goes
I Had A Dream
If You Don't Want My Love
Find Another Man
Band Intro/pretty Good
Bruised Orange
Set II
Hello In There
Grandpa Was A Carpenter
Ballad Of A Teenage Queen
Please Don't Bury Me
Sleepy-eyed Boy
Treat Me Nice
Sailin' Around
Mexican Home
How Lucky
I'm Not That Good At Goodbye
Saddle In The Rain
No Details, Retracked and Artwork by JTT

Disc One
01.  Intro

Disc Two
01.  Intro
04.  Band Introductions / PRETTY GOOD
08.  (Edit) PARADISE
Grandpa Was a Carpenter
Donald and Lydia
Aw Heck
Fish and Whistle
The Oldest Baby in the World
Spanish Pipedream
Illegal Smile
Bottomless Lake
Dear Abby
Sam Stone
That's the Way the World Goes 'Round
Hello in There
Please Don't Bury Me
Spanish Pipedream
Your Flag Decal Won't Get You into Heaven Anymore
Six O'Clock News
Army Fight Story
Army Inspection Story
Fish and Whistle
Grandpa Story
Grandpa Was a Carpenter
I'm Just Getting By
All the Best
Angel from Montgomery
Jesus: The Missing Years
Long Monday
Donald and Lydia
Dear Abby
That's the Way the World Goes 'Round/Happy Enchilada

Sam Stone
Bear Creek
That's Alright By Me
Ain't Hurtin' Nobody
Band Intro
The Sins of Mephisto
Hello in There
Lake Marie
Sweet Revenge
Some Humans Ain't Human
Disc 1
1. Spanish Pipedream
2. Your Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore
3. Six O' Clock News
4. Souvenirs
5. Fish And Whistle
6. Glory Of True Love
7. Taking A Walk
8. All The Best
9. Angel From Montgomery
10. Bear Creek Blues

Disc 2
1. She Is My Everything
2. Ain't Hurtin' Nobody
3. Some Humans Ain't Human
4. Lake Marie
5. Paradise

Source: Neumann u89i>Lunatec V3>Tascam DAP1

Transfer: Sony D8>Audiophile 24/96>Wave Lab>CD Wav>Soundforge 7.0>FLAC Frontend 1.7.1
Mics hypercardioid/ORTF
Fades at beginning and end of set applied by Soundforge 7.0
Taped by Igor Stravinsky
Transferred by Trey Woodruff
Tracked/Seeded by Nick Graham
Scofield Lovano Holland Foster (ScoLoHoFo)

01. O (Letter) [9:28]
02. The Winding Way [17:09]
03. Right About Now [11:40]
04. Shorter Form [9:08]
05. In Your Arms [7:26]
06. New Amsterdam [11:55]
07. Oh, I See [5:49]

John Scofield - guitar
Joe Lovano - saxophone
Dave Holland - double-bass
Al Foster - drums

Source Lineage: Soundboard > ReelToReel > DAT > 1st copy > EAC > WAVE > CDR
My Lineage: CDR > EAC > WAVE > FLAC

A SwissBird , SimplexSimplicissimus & superMAX releases info site :

Thanks to Carsten.
Set I (Disc 1)

1. Solo Improvisation (Surman)
2. Would It Be Me? (Surman/Krog)
3. Takk (Krog)
4. In Candlelight (Surman)
5. Wild Bird (Surman/Krog)
6. Running Sands (Surman)
7. Inside One and Outside Another (Surman)

Set II (Disc 2)

1. Bath Configurations, Part One (Surman)
2. Bath Configurations, Part Two (Surman)
3. Jam No. 1 (Surman)
4. Jam No. 2 (Surman)
5. Happy Birthday
John Surman: baritone saxophone, soprano saxophone, bass clarinet
Disc 1, tracks [1]-[5] with Karin Krog: vocals, Vigleik Storaas: piano, 
Terje Rypdal: guitar; 
tracks [6]-[8] with John Taylor: piano, Chris Lawrence: bass, John Marshall: drums

Disc 2, tracks [1]-[5] with: The Brass Project conducted by John Warren; 
tracks [3]-[5] with The Brass Project and Karin Krog, Vigleik Storaas, 
Terje Rypdal, John Taylor, Chris Lawrence and John Marshall.

FM recording
1. [Unknown title]                     11:13
2. Across the Bridge (Line 1, Part 2)  17:02
3. Promising Horizons > Number 6       19:51
4. Radio outro                         00:16

John Surman: saxophones, John Taylor: piano, Chris Lawrence: bass, John Marshall: drums

FM recording
John Taylor piano
John Abercrombie guitar
Mark Feldman violin
Chris Laurence bass

Excuse My Shoes (John Abercrombie)  14:42
Encore (?) (John Taylor?) 11:56
Ambleside (John Taylor) 12:31
Father Demo Square (Mark Feldman)  7:27
announcement  1:17
Jack and Betty (John Abercrombie)  7:15
(TT = 55:12)

fm > ? > cdr > eac (secure) > flac > dime
BBC Radio 3 Saturday 5th June 2004, 16:00-17:00
KammerChor Heddesheim / Under the Direction of Frank Aranowski

Recording by T.RayBullard(raytheapostle@yahoo.com)
Source:Gefell m300/Gefell M930/Schoeps MK2S/AKG 426B>>>DAV BG-2(x2(4 ch preamps))>>>>Mytek Stereo 192(x4)>>>Zaxcom Deva IV HD Recorder
Format:   16 bit, 44.1khz
Transfer: Mirrored to the Deva internal DVD-Ram Drive/loaded DVD-Ram discs in my DAWs DVD Drive/Drag/Drop into PC Hard Drive>>Samplitude Pro v8.31>>Flac Frontend
Edits: All edits were done using Samplitude Professional V8.31
       1.)EQ/Low Cut to prevent LF Buildup
       2.)Cuts to remove tuning sections
       3.)Compressor/Limiter on the Stereo Mixdown as follows:1.17-to-1 compression ratio, -.3dB peak limiting,threshhold@-30, reaction at Peak, look ahead  1200 samples
1.)Gefell 930s ORTF Stage Right 6.5' high and about 15' from source(Woodwinds)
2.)Gefell M200 ORTF Stage Right 6.5' high and about 15' from source(Strings)
3.)Schoeps CMC62S OSS/Jecklin Disc about 13' High and 10' from source(Choir)
4.)AKG c426B (Crossed Hypercardiods) about 6' up and 10' from Source(Solists)

The Orchestra had about 50 members, the Choir 40. In addition, 4 soloists(Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass).

A typical Orchestra tunes to A=440 cycles per second. This conductors vision called for a tuning of A=446  to give the piece a lighter, more brilliant feel. 

Track Listing

1.)The Representation of Chaos

2.)In the Beginning

3.)Now Vanish Before the holy beams

4.)And God made the firmament

5.)The marv'lous work beholds amaz'd

6.)And God said:  Let the Waters

7.)Rolling in foaming billows

8.)And God said: Let the earth bring forth grass

9.)With Verdure Clad

10.)And the heavenly host proclaimed

11.)Awake the harp

12.)And God said: Let there be Lights

13.)In Splendor bright is rising now

14.)The heavens are telling


15.)And God said: Let the waters bring forth

16.)On mighty pens

17.)And God created great whales

18.)And the angels struck their immortal harps

19.)Most beautyful appear

20.)The Lord is great

21.)And God said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature

22.)Strait opening her fertile womb

23.)Now heav'n in fullest glory shone

24.)And God created man

25.)In native worth and honour clad

26.)And God saw ev'ry thing

27.)Achieved is the glorious work

28.)On thee each living soul awaits

29.)Achieved is the glorious work


30.)In rosy mantle

31.)By thee with bliss o bounteous Lord

32.)Our duty we performed now

33.)Graceful consort! At thy side

34.)O happy pair

35.)Sing the Lord ye voices all!

T.Ray Bullard - Heidelberg, Germany
raytheapostle@yahoo.com or acousticray@gmail.com
Early Show
La Do Da
Feeling That Way>
Too Late
On a Saturday Night
Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'
City Of the Angels
Do You Recall
Lady Luck
Wheel In The Sky
Opened The Door
Improvisation #1
Encore (Improvisation #2)

Kimmo POHJONEN, accordion, voice
Samuli KOSMINEN, accordion samples, voice samples
Trey GUNN, Warr guitar
Pat MASTELOTTO, rhythmic devices

Heikki ISO-AHOLA, surround sound design


Kimmo Pohjonen and Samuli Kosminen (Kluster) and Pat Mastelotto and Trey Gunn (from King Crimson and duo TU) join forces for the double duo formation KTU (pronounced K2).
Percussionist Pat Mastelotto and guitarist Trey Gunn have enjoyed successful careers with the band King Crimson, one of the worlds most dynamic, skillful and innovative bands. Their new duo known as TU explores and highlights the well-known Gunn and Mastelotto edge, energy, humour, imagination, phenomenal playing skills and dynamism in an improvisational setting. The first TU album was released in early 2004 followed by April appearances in Moscow.
Seeds for KTU took root at SXSW in Austin Texas in March 1999 when Kimmo Pohjonen shared a billing with Mastelotto/Gunn/Fripp's Project Three at the Electric Lounge. Plans for the quartet took shape over the next five years. KTU's aim is to combine the creative energies, edge imagination and other elements of the four players to make something new, different and musically explosive. Material is mainly comprised of compositions by Pohjonen and Kosminen, plus pieces by Gunn and Mastelotto and arrangements and improvisations by all four. Surround sound design and additional effects by Heikki Iso-Ahola.
KTU rehearsals and the World Premiere concert took place in Helsinki at the venue Nosturi in April 2004, followed by four concerts in Tokyo at Eggman. All concerts were recorded on multi-track with intention for future CD release. 
1-1. Intro 3:46
1-2. Carry On Wayward Son 5:22
1-3. Icarus-Borne On Wings Of Steel 5:44
1-4. Down The Road 3:29
1-5. Good Evening Introduction 1:28
1-6. Mysteries And Mayhem/ 4:12
1-7. Lamplight Symphony/ 2:30
1-8. The Wall 4:49
1-9. Introduction 1:38
1-10. Lonely Wind 6:55
1-11. What's On My Mind 3:33
1-12. Miracles Out Of Nowhere 6:44
1-13. Guitar Solo 3:24
1-14. Child Of Innocence 4:30
1-15. Introduction 1:07
1-16. Keyboard Improv/ Drum Solo/Magnum Opus 13:44
2-1. Song For America 9:45
2-2. Violin Solo 4:07
2-3. Cheyenne Anthem (Ending) 3:32
2-4. Belexes 4:45
2-5. Interview with Band Members 7:21
The Opening Act: Ambrosia
2-6. Make Us All Aware 6:30
2-7. Can't Let A Women 6:38
2-8. Holdin' On To Yesterday 6:12
2-9. I Wanna Know 7:45
2-10. World Leave Me Alone 4:33
Lineage: 24 track Master tapes  > Maxell XLII cassette with Dolby B  >
Wave via Soundforge > FLAC (6) Mixed December 1, 1991

Speed Corrected By Coasternut 16 July 2005

-> wav -> Cool Edit Pro -> Upsampled to 32 Bit 192 kHz -> Editing ->
Resampled to 16 Bit 44.1 kHz with .7 Dither Triangular Noise
Shaping C2 -> Foobar 2000 -> FLAC (Level 8)
Speed correction factor: 101.8


01. Intro - Song For America 07:08
02. Point Of Know Return 02:58
03. Paradox 04:38
04. Down The Road 04:22
05. Mysteries And Mayhem - Lamplight Symphony Segment 06:44
06. The Wall 04:41
07. Lonely Street 08:51
08. Dust In The Wind - Band Intros 05:11
09. Miracles Out Of Nowhere 07:03
10. Portrait (He Knew) 05:40
11. Carry On Wayward Son 04:36
12. The Magnum Opus 09:42
13. Bringing It Back 07:24

Total Time: 79:06

The Band:

Phil Ehart
Dave Hope
Kerry Livgren
Robby Steinhardt
Steve Walsh
Richard Williams

Canada Jam - The Lamplight Mix - Mosport Park, Ontario - August 26, 1978
I obtained one set of the 24 track master tapes from a storage facility in Canada
in the summer of 1991. (There were two tape machines running during the show)
 I have a friend who had a 24 track machine, and he gave me free studio time to do
a quick "on the fly" mix so I could enjoy the show.
This was the second time I mixed this show, and I have since given the masters to
Kerry Livgren who was happy to get them!
 I mixed to a Maxell LXII cassette with Dobly B noise reduction (it was the thing at the time).
There are very little effects added, and only a touch of reverb as I mixed.
There were only 4 mikes on the drums, and I wish I had more time to have tweeked
those to a more punchy place. Listening to this now, I also wish I had rolled off a bit
of the high end tape hiss.. Not alot, but you decide!
There are a couple of slight "glitches" that appear at about the 30 and 60 minute marks.
This was were the 30 minute 24 track reels ended, leaving a couple of second gaps
as the crew changed to a new reel. (This is why two machines were running at all times
so the "gaps" could be fixed ..
The best part of mixing those 24 track tapes was sitting there with only my friend,
listening to Steve Walsh's amazing voice isolated with nothing else through the system!
I had goose bumps.. This band has been one of my top 5 bands for 31 years!!

I hope you enjoy the recording! (as with everything I do, I wish I could do a re-mix
from the 24 tracks now.. I have more experience and feel I could do so much better!)
Manufacturer:	Black Rose Entertainment
Catalog: 		BRCD 2001-042-1/2
Matrix:		CCTD10930D / CCTD10930D
Barcode: 		none

Conversion:	my silver CD's > EAC > SHN
SHN-ed by:	kerrylives

Artwork and MD5's included

Disc 1:

01 [07:31] Song For America
02 [03:05] Point Of Know Return
03 [04:37] Paradox
04 [04:07] Down The Road
05 [04:42] Mysteries & Mayhem
06 [02:44] Lamplight Symphony (excerpt)
07 [04:28] The Wall
08 [07:59] Lonely Street

Ttl [39:13] 

Disc 2:

01 [05:37] Dust In The Wind
02 [01:06] Band Intro's
03 [06:25] Miracles Out Of Nowhere (fades out at the end)
04 [05:50] Portrait (He Knew)
05 [04:24] Carry On Wayward Son
06 [09:59] Magnum Opus 
07 [07:25] Bringing It Back

Ttl [40:46] 


This is an excellent soundboard recording of the original Kansas line up back in the 70's, including "smoking" Dave Hope and the maestro himself Kerry Livgren. What can I say... You can't go wrong with this one! Perfect clarity and wide stereo sound throughout. Without a doubt a must have for any fan! Our wayward sons take the stage for their only Canadian appearance during their Point Of Know Return tour in 1978. They play a blistering show which was recorded for their upcoming live album Two For The Show, as Robby mentions at the beginning of DITW. None of the tracks however were used for it. One of the highlights is Bringing It Back, which really pales the studio version. And that's exactly what Kansas is all about: being at their best playing live. Unfortunately there are two major cuts in this recording. The first one about 1 minute into The Wall, cutting out a minute and half or so and the other can be found about 3 minutes into COWS. This is a real shame especially seen the quality of this recording. One has to take this for granted however, unless a more complete pressing of this show surfaces. Also, during the band intro's the recording skips back a few seconds. This however can easily be corrected by doing some editing yourself before burning the files. To my knowledge this show has also appeared on an other (older) bootleg called Canada Jam. Since I never heard that one I couldn't tell if these flaws are on that one as well. Otherwise, this is a flawless and highly enjoyable recording. 




Disc 1
01. Intro 
02. Point Of No Return 
03. Icarus - Born On Wings Of Steel 
04. Paradox 
05. Hopelessly Human 
06. Cheyenne Anthem 
07. Dust In The Wind 
08. You Think You Got It Made 
09. Mask Of The Great Deceiver 

Disc 2
01. Miracles Out Of Nowhere 
02. Loner 
03. Anything For You 
04. Don't Open Your Eyes 
05. Got To Rock On 
06. No One Together 
07. Hold On 
08. Relentless 
09. Portrait (He Knew) 
10. Carry On My Wayward Son 
11. End Of The Road 
Audio Visions Live
Source: audience
Lineage: unknown Sony mic> Sony WMD3 analog recorder> Maxell XLII-100> SB Live> CD Wave> Flac frontend
Taper: PT

1- intro
2- Musicatto
3- Point of Know Return
4- Closet Chronicles
5- The Wall
6- Dust in the Wind
7- Cheyenne Anthem
8- On the Other Side
9- Lonely Street
10- Child of Innocence
11- Portrait (He Knew)
12- Carry On Wayward Son
13- Down the Road
"Arrow Rock" Festival
Sony MZ-NH1 incl. Coresound Cardioid mics

Opus Insert
Miracles Out Of Nowhere
Icarus - Borne On Wings Of Steel
Bringin' It Back / Down The Road
Point Of Know Return
Portrait (He Knew)
Dust In The Wind
Carry On Wayward Son

Schoeps MK41's(at DINA) on 8ft Mic Stand>Nbox>Edirol R-4 (@24Bit/96Khz)

Recorded by Flying_Gonz & Associates

Edirol R-4>Wavelab 5 (Fades & UV22HR Dither to 16Bit/44.1khz)>CDWAV>FLAC

WMGK Staff speaches
Desperate Times
Sparks Of The Tempest
Miracles Out Of Nowhere
Icarus II
Icarus (Borne on the Wings of Steel)
Elanor Rigby
Hold On
Point Of Know Return
Portrait (He Knew)
encore break
Dust In The Wind
Carry On Wayward Son 

This show will fit on 1 80 minute CD if you take off the WMGK speach track and the encore break track.
Source: SBD > Phillips CDR 
Lineage: CDR > EAC(Secure#) > FLAC 1.1.0 > Cd Wave > Cool Edit Pro 2.1 > Flac

Disc 1

Eddie's Dance		
Soul Vibration
Mighty Mouse
Criminal Mastermind
Family Tree **** With Rebirth Brass Band
Groove On

Disc 2

The Grunt >
The Bridge
The Big Payback
So Damn Funky
Encore: Flute Intro
Can You Feel It?
Set I
1 - Who Are You? . Soul Driftin'
2 - Mighty Mouse, Criminal Mastermind
3 - The Bridge
4 -The Hen , Apparently Nothing
5 - Ruff Tuff & Tumble > Contusion
6 - All the Brothers & Sisters
Set II
1 - So Damn Funky , Whip Whop
2 - Family Tree
3 - Because of her Beauty,
4 - Freedom,
5 - Los Los
6 - Fallin' > Groove On
Rich Man's Welfare
Bougenvillea > NYC
Bag of Funk
Because of Her Beauty
Whip Whop
Good for Me (and You)

Can You Feel It?
Cool Is Back

Karl Denson sx.
*Sista Teedy vcls.
**Billy Nershi gtr.
Chris Littlefield trmp.
David Vieth keys.
John Staten drms.
Ron Johnson bas.
Brian Jordan gtr.

Source: SBD>V3>TCD-D8

Transfer: Sony SDT-9000 (dds drive) >VDAT>Sound Forge 5.0>wav>shn

Taped and transfered by John Dove
Label: Blue Moon Records

Lineage: CDR>EAC(secure)>wav>flac(level 7)
Artwork, recording history, and lyrics available in the torrent!

Running Time: 74:53
File Size (flac): 401MB

Track List:

1. Babooshka
2. Kashka From Baghdad
3. Coming Up
4. Oh, To Be In Love
5. Playing Canasta
6. Snow
7. Ferry Me Over
8. Lionhearts
9. Violin
10. The Craft Of Love
11. Queen Eddie
12. In My Garden
13. Frightened Eyes
14. Never The Less
15. Goodnight Baby
16. So Soft
17. I Don't See Why I Shouldn't
18. Babooshka (Version 2)
19. The Kick Inside
20. Hammer Horror
21. A Rose Growing Old
22. Keep Me Waiting
23. Davy
24. Disbelieving Angel

25. Don't Put Your Foot On The Heart Brake
26. Kite
27. L'Amour Looks Something Like You
28. Strange Phenomena
29. Really Gets Me Going

Tracks 1-24 are home demos 1974.  25-29 are studio outtakes with the KT Bush Band 1975.

Hello KB fans.  Back again with the second and last of my Kate postings.  You were all great about sharing and your kind comments were much appreciated.  Sorry if the artwork gave anyone trouble.  I'll try to post it on the CD covers threads.  Should be no problems this time, though.

A little history is in order regarding this release for those who may not know the story (a much more comprehensive account is available in the torrent).  In 1972/73 Kate 
recorded several tapes of songs.  Twenty to thirty of these songs were presented to record companies by John Carder Bush's friend Ricky Hopper, at first without success.  Then Ricky Hopper presented the songs to David Gilmour. Gilmour noticed her talent, but also the bad tape recorder quality.   A recording session took place at Kate's house with Gilmour in 1973. Only Kate was recorded, accompanied by her piano, but with a better recorder. Gilmour has spoken at least twice about this session in interviews. “I did some recording at her house, her parent's
house...I know that one of the first songs that I noted was ‘The Man With the Child in His Eyes’, out of many songs that she had written. She was only 14, I think, when I met her, maybe just about 15.”  This may be the session Kate had in mind, when she later said, “Absolutely terrified and trembling like a leaf, I sat down and played for him. He came along to see me and he was great, such a human, kind person - and genuine.”  Gilmour has also said he “paid to have Kate go into a studio and re-record some fifty songs over again” possibly solo with her own piano accompaniment. Whether this refers to a separate studio session or the one with Gilmour and his musician friends as back-up is unclear.  In any event, in August, 1973, Kate was recorded at Gilmour's farm studio with two “Unicorn” band members, drummer Peter Perrier and bassist Pat Martin. Gilmour played electric guitar. According to Gilmour between ten and twenty songs were recorded. This tape was sent to EMI. 
The Saxophone Song
Room For The Life
Them Heavy People
The Man With The Child In His Eyes
L'Amour Looks Something Like You
The Kick Inside
In The Warm Room
Strange Phenomena
Hammer Horror
Kashka From Baghdad
Don't Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake
Coffee Homeground
In Search Of Peter Pan
Symphony In Blue
Feel It
James & The Cold Gun
Oh England,My Lionheart
Wuthering Heights

Kate Bush - with special guest Peter Gabriel
BBC TV Christmas Special broadcast on 28th December 1979
Recorded in October 1979 at the BBC Studios in Birmingham, England

Director: Roy Norton
Dancers: Gary Hurst, Stewart Avon-Arnold
Choreographer: Anthony van Laast

01. Violin
02. Symphony In Blue
03. Them Heavy People
04. Here Comes The Flood*
05. Ran Tan Waltz
06. December Will Be Magic Again
07. The Wedding List
08. Another Day*
09. Egypt
10. The Man With The Child In His Eyes
11. Don't Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake

(*) with Peter Gabriel

Pre-broadcast master D3 tape > DV tape > iMac (via Sony DV cam) > DVD


Source: ? (wished to remain anonymous)
DVD authoring: Willem Beens
Audio restoration, mastering and cover design: TM Productions

Notes on the audio remastering by Tom Morgenstern:

First of all, I had to realise that the video soundtrack was actually a mono recording, so I dropped one channel for the further processing. Then I treated it with the Cedar Cambridge suite (mainly NR4 noise reduction and de-buzzing - there was a slight hum audible at low volumes). Then I borrowed the first three Kate Bush Studio CDs and compared it to the video soundtrack. I found out that the recordings were sometimes almost identical, obviously remixes, some other were completely re-recorded or had new vocal parts at least. For instance I wondered why there were no violins to hear during "Violin" - the studio version had it, why not the BBC version which was otherwise a remix of the CD version? - I couldn't imagine a reason until I saw the video... so I used the CDs only as the sound reference for the EQing stage.
There were many small bumps and microphone pops here and there, mainly on the re-recorded vocal tracks. Obviously the Beeb engineers didn't care about it - I found it too annoying, so I removed it. At the last stage I added a sort of fake stereo effect, I had to use it carefully not to change the sound balance.

Taper: PT

Core Sound Binaurals>Archos Gmini 120>USB>WavLab>CDWave>FLAC Frontend

Size 742 MB FLAC

Keith Emerson - Keyboards
David Kilminster- Guitar
Pete Riley: Drums
Phil Williams: Bass

1- America
2- Country Pie
3- Hold On To A Dream
4- Bitch's Crystal
5- Touch and Go
6- Broken Amp Piano Interlude
7- Karelia Suite
8- ? piano solo
9- Occasion Alley
10- ? piano solo
11- Qango Story
12- Just Crazy

1- Lucky Man
2- Hoedown
3- Tarkus
4- Fanfare For The Common Man
5- Honky Tonk Train Blues (slow train)
6- Honky Tonk Train Blues (fast train)
SP-CMC-8 (Cardoids) -> Battery Box (no bass filter used) -> Sharp IM-DR80-B MD 
->Creative Audigy 2 -> CDWAV -> FLAC Level 8 

Seat Location: Floor, about 20 feet or so back from the right mains,
on the guitarist's side of the stage.

01 Intro
02 Hoedown
03 Living Sin
04 Bitches Crystal
05 Tarkus
06 Battlefield
07 ? (need help on this one)
08 Fanfare for the Common Man

Disc1: (63'20") 
01. Karn Evil 9, First Impression, Part 2
02. Piano Concerto 1 - 3rd Movm Toccata con Fuoco:
03. Living Sin;  
04. Bitches Cristal;  
05. Hoedown;  
06. Country Pie;  
07. Static;  
08. Rondò; 
09. Piano Improvisation and Fugue; 
10. Don Edito El Gruvia

Disc2: (63'29") 
01. Touch and Go; 
02. Lucky Man; 
03. America; 
04. Tarkus; 
05. Black Dog; 
06. Fanfare for the Common Man

Taper by capaldi
Mic: 2 x DPA4061; Record linear wav on compact flash card by Maycom HH 2nd > Dinamic Eqlz waves C4 > Flac
Pics: Canon EOS300D
Audiophile record N°78 from J-Plane vault - original artwork included
VCD format
Source : DSBD > DAT
Conversion : DAT > Tascam MK II > Waveterminal U2A > WAV > CDWAV > MKW > SHN (SHN > FLAC using SHNtool)

Disc 1 (60:01)
Set 1:
01 04:51 - The juggler
02 06:20 - Like a rolling stone
03 05:19 - Sally sullivan > Bad > Sally sullivan
04 04:14 - Jack a roe
05 04:18 - Relaxation station 
06 03:29 - Gentry Song 
07 05:50 - Living alone % 
08 06:06 - Anyhow anyway
09 03:55 - Mexicali blues 
10 03:43 - Fluffhead
11 07:43 - Get on up *
12 05:31 - Midnight moonlight > Help me somebody > Midnight moonlight 

Disc 2 (60:00)

Set 1: (Cont)
01 06:27 - In the middle 
02 02:40 - If i could >
03 01:02 - Down With Disease

Set 2: 
04 03:36 - Le freek >
05 04:06 - Sideways tree
06 03:45 - Time flack
07 06:26 - Best feeling
08 02:37 - Angel from montgomery > 
09 03:47 - Fearless 
10 04:43 - Shapes of change > 
11 04:15 - Fire on the mountain @
12 02:43 - Gold dust girl > @
13 03:13 - GDTRFB > @
14 05:01 - What i am @ 
15 03:46 - Fuel for the road 
16 02:29 - Redemption song

Disc 3 (41:24)

Set 2: (Cont)
01 03:49 - Passapatanzy
02 05:32 - Cavern > Jam
03 05:45 - Chillin' Like A Villian
04 05:12 - Jimmy thing
05 06:03 - A day that never was 
06 01:45 - Goodbye blue sky > $
07 04:41 - The river > 
08 03:38 - Turn in difference 
09 04:59 - Yoni 

%-Song name unknown
*-w/ streetbeater 
@-w/ Donna Roe (sp?) on vocals 
$- Pink Floyd 

Transfered DAT > Shn's & Info File created by Tim M. rmplurker@hotmail.com
It Must Be New York
The Knitting Factory, NYC

Core Sound Binaurals > SOny PCM1 > Optical link > Phillips stand alone

Disc one
1. Jericho
2. Tight to the Jar (new song)
3. Mr. My Go
4. The Girl I Left Behind
5. WIthout the Light
6. Nine Tail Whip (new Song)
7. Capman Boatman
8. Wandering Away
9. Unknown title (new song)

Disc Two
1. Fleashine
2. River Rat Jimmy
3. pre-encore applause
4. (encore) Katy
5. (2nd encore) Unknown title (new song)

Txt file:

Four new songs and the resurrection of the lap slide!!!! Hot diggety dog!
I usually tape with my mics hanging over the balcony, just to the left of the soundboard, but on this night the seats were taken, and anyway there was an electric fan mounted on the overhang. And it was rather loud (It was the third of fourth consecutive day of 95 degree heat - Kelly makes an early comment about how much nicer it is to be in here than outside). There were no chairs on the floor in front of the stage, so I had a choice to make - tape upstairs from behind the fan (not the best choice), downstairs right up against the stage (where I'd pickup more of the monitors than the stage speakers) or in front of the fan but on the floor (also not a good choice). I kind of stood smack in the middle of the floor, 10 feet from the stage and 12 feet from the fan. Had the fan not been there, I could have stood back a bit more and been right in the sweet spot. As it was, the recording came out a bit on the quiet side (I've learned over the years with KJP that the dynamics of his guitar/vocals make for a very tough read, and it's better to underrecord on the levels than go thru the ceiling (besides, his playing does that!).
IMHO, this show was sadly underpromoted, and being on a Tuesday night, the audience was rather sparse - maybe about 60 people in all; by the end, as people unaccountably left, I was rather conspicuous with my eyeglass mics and DAT in hand (you can here someone asking if I was recording between the first and second encore) standing in the middle of the floor.
All things considered - quite a stunning performance. It's such a treat to hear the slide guitar again after a two-three year hiatus.
FLAC (level 8, sector boundaries aligned)

Kenny Garrett: alto saxophone
Pat Metheny: guitars, guitar synthesizer
Nat Reeves: acoustic bass
Brian Blade: drums

1. Like Sonny (John Coltrane)
2. Pursuance (John Coltrane)
3. Giant Steps (John Coltrane)
4. Wayne's Thang (Kenny Garrett)
5. Sing A Song Of Song (Kenny Garrett)
Lineage - FM Tuner analogue - Cooledit - Flac TLH (compression 6) aligned
Duration: 58min 32sec








Kenny Garrett Quartet.

Kenny Garrett (sax) 
Benito Gonzalez (piano)
Nat Reeves (bass)
Jamire Williams (drums)
transfert usb2
taper: HZ

Kenny Neal (Vocal, Guitare, harmonica) 
Billy Branch (vocal, harmonica) 
Fredrick Neal (claviers) 
Darnell Neal (bass) 
Bryan Morris (batterie)
Marked Time
How Deep Is the Ocean
Long Suite 2005

Kenny Wheeler - trumpet
Hugh Fraser - conductor
Norma Winstone - voice
Gwilym Simcock - piano
John Parricelli - guitar
Dave Holland - double bass
Martin France - drums
Lee Konitz - alto saxophone
Evan Parker - tenor saxophone
Julian Arguelles - saxophones
Duncan Lamont - saxophone
Stan Sulzmann - saxophone
Ray Warleigh - saxophone
John Barclay - trumpet
Ian Hamer - trumpet
Henry Lowther - trumpet
Derek Watkins - trumpet
Gordon Campbell - trombone
Barnaby Dickinson - trombone
Richard Henry - trombone
Mark Nightingale - trombone
Originally released: 1998 (Only through the King Crimson Collectors' Club)


    * Robert Fripp (guitar)
    * Ian McDonald (woodwind, keyboards, mellotron, vocal)
    * Greg Lake (bass guitar, lead vocal)
    * Michael Giles (drums, percussion, vocal)
    * Peter Sinfield (illumination ) 


    * 6'20 21st Century Schizoid Man (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield)
    * 5'41 Drop In (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles)
    * 5'14 I Talk To The Wind (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield)
    * 3'20 Epitaph (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield)
    * 11'06 Travel Weary Capricorn (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield)
    * 12'28 Improv (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield)
          o including Nola (Arndt)
          o and Etude No 7 (Carcassi) 
    * 8'22 Mars (Holst arr. Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield) 

Bonus Track:
Croydon, Fairfield Hall, October 17, 1969

    * 18'41 Trees (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield)

Date Submitted: 24-Oct-98
By: Daniel Kirkdorffer (DanKirkd at aol dot com)

    "This is the first of DGM's Collectors' Club releases, and although the quality of the recording is at times quite terrible, the quality of the performances are at times quite extraordinary.

    "Fripp however provided his warnings about the poor quality of this audience recording, and releasing this material through the club allows it to find an audience that hopefully can hear through the noise and enjoy the music. A general release would never fly, and it is doubtful King Crimson fans will be able to obtain this recording legitimately through any other means than the Collectors' Club.

    "In that light, this review is for those curious about what they missed, so here are some tidbits of interest.

    "The CD contains over 71 minutes of music. Probably due to the exceptionally poor quality of certain parts of the recording, 21st Century Schizoid Man and Epitaph are 'joined in progress'. The first notable recording is I Talk To The Wind, heard live for the first time on an official King Crimson release. The track's quality is quite decent, probably due to it being a quieter piece than some of the sonic thunder and distortion of the other tracks. The unnamed improv is also quite remarkable, as each player takes center stage in turn. Fripp's piece is clean and promising, and Giles drum solo blows you away. As always Ian McDonald's sax playing live shows just how restrained the studio recordings were for his talents. And then there is Mars, as intense as ever. So much so, at one point it sounds like an audience member can be heard screaming his head off as if he can't take the building of the audio onslaught any more!

    "Finally a few words about music not credited (in a way). Unlike on the Epitaph release, Fripp does not separately list the track Mantra, which here makes up the first 7'33 of Travel Weary Capricorn. Additionally the bonus track Trees, previously unreleased, segues into part of the Birdman suite that McDonald and Giles recorded on their collaboration released after they left King Crimson, and then segues into the instrumental part of Pictures of a City/A Man, A City, which accounts for the bulk of the 18 plus minutes of the bonus track.

    "Overall, this is a very interesting release, and a good way to get the Collectors' Club rolling." 

Date Submitted: 28-Oct-98
By: Arturs Kalnins (kalnins at almaak dot usc dot edu)

    "This is a wonderful release. I urge people to listen past the bad sound. After a minute or two I get so engrossed in the performance that the sound quality becomes completely irrelevant.

    "This now surpasses Plumpton as my favorite 1969 KC performance. Schizoid man is very intense, probably equal to Plumpton, but the first real treat is I talk To The Wind. I never liked the version much on itCotCK - very leaden. In contrast this version breathes with some nice interplay between guitar and drums. in addition, the vocals convey more emotion than the studio version.

    "This album also sports my favorite version of Mantra/TWC. The intro of mantra, full of subtle guitar, sounds like a prototype for today's indie low-fi bands. I wonder if Windy & Carl or Tortoise ever listen to this stuff or did they come up with this sound independently? Improv is also great, with some cabaret jazz, a pastoral flute/guitar piece, and a very Yes-like raveup closing out the piece. Fripp and Lake really have Banks and Squire's sound down on this one. Or is it the other way around?

    "The "bonus track" Trees really does have awful sound quality, but fripp did warn us about this. Here, I just pretend the bad sound is a conscious attempt to be ambient or something and the piece is fairly enjoyable.

    "I never thought I'd be saying this but I would continue to buy more Live 1969 Crimson because I discover great new music from each concert. Until last year, I would have rated the Lark's Tongues Crimson far above the original lineup, but not anymore!" 

Date Submitted: 3-Nov-98
By: Dave Scott (loobyds at tcc dot on dot ca)

    "I just received my disc yesterday. Boy does this sound terrible, but you know what, I love this CD. Even though the sound is sonically a mess. The music is both beautiful and terrifying at the same time. It is great to hear I Talk to the Wind live for the first time. Mars, one of my favourite KC songs is a masterpiece of mystery & mayhem. Everyone is in fine form, especially Ian's sax work. Wouldn't it be great if these guys got back together for one last hurrah. If you haven't joined the club, stop what you are doing right know and join. You won't be sorry. Great work Robert & David." 

Date Submitted: 5-Nov-98
By: Michael Goodall (goodall at earthling dot net)

    "I've just popped in Live at the Marquee and while the recording is quite distorted during the more intense passages (not a complaint, just an observation - we had been warned) , the quiet moments on the disc (I Talk to the Wind, the mellotron during Epitaph, and especially the guitar & flute on Travel Weary Capricorn) are exceptional. You can almost feel the painstaking restoration work that must have been needed to bring out the music. If you were unhappy with some of the lower fidelity heard on parts of Epitaph, this disc will probably be a disappointment. But if you are looking for more examples of how fantastic KC must have been live in 1969, you will love Live at the Marquee." 

Date Submitted: 9-Nov-98
By: Nick Bradey (nick at bradey dot freeserve dot co dot uk)

    "This is an interesting historic release. The sonic quality is reasonable on the numbers from the Marquee club, but the bonus track "Trees" is very distorted . Nonetheless, this is a worthwhile release, and makes an interesting addition to the 4Cd set "Epitaph".

    "The improvisation consists of "Mantra" segued with "Travel weary Capricorn", but there are distinct variations from the versions on "Epitaph".

    "It is a pity that "Moonchild" does not appear, but hopefully a live version will surface in the future. The packaging is very good, and the sleeve notes, as usual, are worth reading." 

Date Submitted: 5-Dec-01
By: Mike Cohn (flashpreservation at yahoo dot com)

    "This was the first KCCC release I got. No, the sound quality is not great, worse than the Moles Club show, but what do you expect for 1969? The performance is still amazing...definitely better than those Fillmore shows from the Epitaph set (which are still very good). The only thing is that my copy seems to be missing Epitaph entirely, as the last 14 minutes of Trees. Does anyone else have this problem!? Or is Epitaph just added on to the beginning of Travel Weary Capricorn? Someone email me and help me! Anyways, this is a great release, and well worth the purchase. The sound is distorted, but nothing a bit of re-EQ couldn't fix. Don't pass this up: just sit back in your chair and let the energy and power of this show devour you." 


Date Submitted: 10-Oct-99
By: Richard Royston (troyston at snet dot net)

    "No-one seems to have mentioned the lovely melody of the first part of Trees (to 4:07). Not cosmic or jaggedly angular, just one of those transcendent melodies Crimso and Fripp have inexplicably been able to come up with over the years. And the way the melody reprises in a much heavier fashion (at around 14:15) anticipates the structure of 1974's Starless (another transcendent song, but that's another story)." 

Not for trade
Originally released: 1998 (Only through the King Crimson Collectors' Club)


    * Robert Fripp (guitar, mellotron)
    * Mel Collins (sax, flute, mellotron)
    * Boz Burrell (bass guitar, lead vocal)
    * Ian Wallace (drums, backing vocal) 


    * 9'47 Pictures of a City (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield)
    * 9'08 Cirkus (Fripp, Sinfield)
    * 6'39 Ladies of the Road (Fripp, Sinfield)
    * 10'20 Formentera Lady (Fripp, Sinfield)
    * 14'06 The Sailor's Tale (Fripp)
    * 10'25 21st Century Schizoid Man (Fripp, Lake, McDonald, Giles, Sinfield) 

Not for trade
01	Improv: The Rich Tapestry of Life	29:49
02	Exiles	7:53
03	Larks' Tongues in Aspic (part 1)	6:54

a mono recording

not for trade
CD: Atlanta 1973 Real Stereo, Sirene-005, n.d. (2003?)

Lineage: Silver > wav (EAC 0.95b4, secure mode) > flac (flac 1.1.2, level 8, verify)

1. Doctor Diamond [4:03]
2. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part One [12:12]
3. MC [2:38]
4. Easy Money [7:20]
5. Improvisation #1 [4:51]
6. Exiles [6:53]
7. Book of Saturday [2:56]
8. Improvisation #2 [5:02]
9. Talking Drum [6:40]
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two [7:21]

Robert Fripp, John Wetton, Bill Brufford and David Cross
This gig appears to be a testimony to the recuperative powers of John Wetton’s constitution. Having been out partying in the company of David Enthoven and Richard Palmer-James the night before in Munich, he still manages an impressive performance on Doctor Diamond and indeed throughout the rest of the gig. Though the good Doctor would forever elude them in the studio it seems that the band really beginning to find the soul of this song in concert. Fracture has a risky quality tonight; Bruford is in an adventurous mood whilst David’s tron is a touch out of tune. However he wreaks havoc on the Hohner by way of compensation as Fripp and co rock out. Short but terribly sweet, one can’t help but wonder where the improv with its gorgeous violin outing might have ended up had it not been prematurely guided into the direction of Exiles. Whilst the improv Augsburg appeared on the 21st Century Guide To King Crimson, this is the first time the whole concert has been made available.
Disc Number 1
1.  	Dr Diamond    	  	 5.21
2.  	Lament	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.10
3.  	Easy Money	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.13
4.  	Fracture	  [PREVIEW] 	 11.02
5.  	The Night Watch	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.28
6.  	The Great Deceiver	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.48
7.  	Starless	  [PREVIEW] 	 11.19
8.  	Improv Augsburg	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.33
9.  	Exiles	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.37
10.  	Larks' Tongues In Aspic Pt II	  [PREVIEW] 	 2.52

Bill Bruford - Drums, Percussion
David Cross - Violin, Viola, Mellotron, Electric Piano
Robert Fripp - Guitar, Mellotron
John Wetton - Bass Guitar & Lead Vocal

Not for trade. Purchase this recording at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=5&show=927
1st Gen Audience Analog>CDR>EAC>SHN   

01  No Pussyfooting
02  Easy Money
03  Lament
04  Fracture
05  Improv
06  Talking Drum
07  Larks' Tongues In Aspic (part II)
08  21st Century Schizoid Man

Note: These shows are true first gen copies. At one time I had the taper's name but have lost it over the years. 
The taper has long ago left the trading scene. These are the best copies I think one could find of these shows.
The CDR was made from original transfer WAV files. So only one DAE is in this lineage.
Extraction was done on a Plextor 16/10/40a with correct offset for this drive(+99).
 Though this particular line-up were edging closer to oblivion, listening to this full show 30 years after the event, the energy levels are astounding. In his journal from the time RF described the show as "Tired. Lifeless. Lacklustre” Maybe Fripp’s estimation of the gig was informed by his recovering from mild food poisoning, the cumulative effect of prunes and a boil in his ear!

It seems nobody was happy this particular night. Sound engineer George Chkaintz had trouble with the sound in the recording truck, roadie Tex is frightened to turn down Wetton’s amp despite the discreet urgings of other members of the band and crew, Fripp is giving tour manager Dik Frasier grief,and the promoter isn’t best pleased because the band haven’t done an encore!

Despite all of this, the concert isn’t anywhere near as bad as Fripp and others judged it at the time. LTIA rips and roars like an angry beast, and the exquisite lead lines during Exiles compensate for the liberties taken with some of ithe timing. Fracture is a major event with Wetton and Bruford seemingly in a deathmatch race to see who can reach the end of the song first. Thankfully Fripp and Cross manage to keep up with them! The improvs are robust in character and prove that even with all of the problems and politics in the band, Crimso hit escape velocity: the second one in particular gives a gently-inclined Cross a chance to move out from under the overbearing rhythm section. Oh, and did I mention that Starless is a must-have belter?

Mixed directly from the multitracks, with the exception of those improvs, having been previously pressed into active service on The Great Deceiver box set, this is the first time the entire concert has been made available.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Walk On	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.56
2.  	Larks' Tongues In Aspic Pt II	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.26
3.  	Lament	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.03
4.  	Exiles	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.22
5.  	Improv: Is There Life Out There?	  [PREVIEW] 	 14.14
6.  	Easy Money	  [PREVIEW] 	 2.22
7.  	Improv: Its For You But Not For Us	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.37
8.  	Fracture	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.54
9.  	Starless	  [PREVIEW] 	 15.44

Bill Bruford - Drums, Percussion
David Cross - Violin, Viola, Mellotron, Electric Piano
Robert Fripp - Guitar, Mellotron
John Wetton - Bass Guitar & Lead Vocal

not for trade. purchase from http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=5&show=420
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)
txt file:
This CD-r release is from cassette tapes that I got in trade many years ago.

Mics and Recorder unknown>
Cassette generation unknown>
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR  > WAV >CD Wave Editor > SHN

Robert Fripp: Guitar
Adrian Belew: Guitar, Drums and Lead Voical
Tony Levin: Bass, Stick, Synth and Vocal
Bill Bruford: Acoustic and Electric Drums and Percussions

disc 1

1981-05-07 Polytechnic Manchester, UK

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Elephant Talk #1
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Frame By Frame
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Elephant Talk #2

disc 2

1981-05-08 Liverpool University

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   (Fripp greeting)
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Red
6.   Elephant Talk #1
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Frame By Frame
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
12. (applause)
13. Elephant Talk #2

disc 3

1981-05-10 Her Majesty's Theatre, London

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Frame By Frame
6.   (Fripp speaks)
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Elephant Talk
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2

disc 4

1981-05-13 Captain Video, Paris France

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Jingeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudusai
7.   Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Discipline

disc 5

1981/05/15 Paradiso, Amsterdam

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. (applause)
12. Red

I removed all gaps which were a result of tape flip and change.   I also made a slight speed correction.
I did the editing, mastering, digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the SHN's.

Don't rename directories or file names if you share this.

Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

FRONT1-2.JPG	933.48 KB
FRONT3-4.JPG	933.68 KB
FRONT5.JPG	933.12 KB
BACK1-2.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK3-4.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK5.JPG	   3.02 MB
DISC1.JPG	913.34 KB
DISC2.JPG	913.76 KB
DISC3.JPG	913.65 KB
DISC4.JPG	913.67 KB
DISC5.JPG	913.75 KB
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471).txt	6.13 KB
Discipline (KC) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471) Artwork-Text.md5
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t01.shn	  1.69 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t05.shn	35.79 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t06.shn	26.30 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t10.shn	47.48 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t11.shn	31.41 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2.md5	   962 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t01.shn	11.63 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t02.shn	42.74 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t03.shn      2.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t04.shn	45.07 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t05.shn	41.92 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t08.shn	59.95 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t10.shn	36.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t11.shn	38.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t12.shn	  8.19 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t13.shn	33.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t01.shn	  3.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t02.shn	41.58 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t03.shn	41.17 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t04.shn	41.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t05.shn	36.25 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t06.shn	  9.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t07.shn	27.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t08.shn	60.10 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t09.shn	43.54 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t10.shn	33.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t11.shn	41.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4.md5	   814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t01.shn	  4.05 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t02.shn	42.15 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t03.shn	46.26 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t05.shn	39.28 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t07.shn	72.12 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t08.shn	54.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t09.shn	38.40 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t10.shn	53.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t11.shn	41.14 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5.md5	   888 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t01.shn	19.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t02.shn	42.55 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t03.shn	42.20 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t04.shn	45.06 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t05.shn	33.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t06.shn	23.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t07.shn	54.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t08.shn	42.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t09.shn	32.82 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t10.shn	43.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t11.shn	30.04 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t12.shn	43.51 MB

Total number of files  = 76
Sum of file sizes = 2266284742 Byte

Please don't alter the sound of this recording.  If you want to do something find a better quality tape of the show and work from that. Don't just take what I have done and screw with it.

For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3 or any other format which degrades the
quality of the music.

                                          February 15, 2005             T________
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

This CD-r release is from cassette tapes that I got in trade many years ago.

Mics and Recorder unknown>
Cassette generation unknown>
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR  > WAV >CD Wave Editor > SHN

Robert Fripp: Guitar
Adrian Belew: Guitar, Drums and Lead Voical
Tony Levin: Bass, Stick, Synth and Vocal
Bill Bruford: Acoustic and Electric Drums and Percussions

disc 1

1981-05-07 Polytechnic Manchester, UK

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Elephant Talk #1
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Frame By Frame
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Elephant Talk #2

disc 2

1981-05-08 Liverpool University

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   (Fripp greeting)
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Red
6.   Elephant Talk #1
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Frame By Frame
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
12. (applause)
13. Elephant Talk #2

disc 3

1981-05-10 Her Majesty's Theatre, London

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Frame By Frame
6.   (Fripp speaks)
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Elephant Talk
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2

disc 4

1981-05-13 Captain Video, Paris France

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Jingeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudusai
7.   Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Discipline

disc 5

1981/05/15 Paradiso, Amsterdam

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. (applause)
12. Red

I removed all gaps which were a result of tape flip and change.   I also made a slight speed correction.
I did the editing, mastering, digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the SHN's.

Don't rename directories or file names if you share this.

Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

FRONT1-2.JPG	933.48 KB
FRONT3-4.JPG	933.68 KB
FRONT5.JPG	933.12 KB
BACK1-2.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK3-4.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK5.JPG	   3.02 MB
DISC1.JPG	913.34 KB
DISC2.JPG	913.76 KB
DISC3.JPG	913.65 KB
DISC4.JPG	913.67 KB
DISC5.JPG	913.75 KB
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471).txt	6.13 KB
Discipline (KC) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471) Artwork-Text.md5
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t01.shn	  1.69 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t02.shn	39.68 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t03.shn	46.81 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t04.shn	44.01 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t05.shn	35.79 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t06.shn	26.30 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t07.shn	58.11 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t08.shn	51.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t09.shn	39.91 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t10.shn	47.48 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t11.shn	31.41 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2.md5	   962 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t01.shn	11.63 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t02.shn	42.74 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t03.shn      2.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t04.shn	45.07 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t05.shn	41.92 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t06.shn	36.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t07.shn	25.93 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t08.shn	59.95 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t09.shn	45.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t10.shn	36.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t11.shn	38.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t12.shn	  8.19 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t13.shn	33.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t01.shn	  3.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t02.shn	41.58 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t03.shn	41.17 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t04.shn	41.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t05.shn	36.25 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t06.shn	  9.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t07.shn	27.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t08.shn	60.10 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t09.shn	43.54 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t10.shn	33.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t11.shn	41.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4.md5	   814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t01.shn	  4.05 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t02.shn	42.15 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t03.shn	46.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t04.shn	45.67 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t05.shn	39.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t06.shn	26.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t07.shn	72.12 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t08.shn	54.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t09.shn	38.40 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t10.shn	53.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t11.shn	41.14 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5.md5	   888 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t01.shn	19.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t02.shn	42.55 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t03.shn	42.20 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t04.shn	45.06 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t05.shn	33.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t06.shn	23.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t07.shn	54.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t08.shn	42.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t09.shn	32.82 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t10.shn	43.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t11.shn	30.04 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t12.shn	43.51 MB

Total number of files  = 76
Sum of file sizes = 2266284742 Byte

Please don't alter the sound of this recording.  If you want to do something find a better quality tape of the show and work from that. Don't just take what I have done and screw with it.

For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3 or any other format which degrades the
quality of the music.

                                          February 15, 2005             T________
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

This CD-r release is from cassette tapes that I got in trade many years ago.

Mics and Recorder unknown>
Cassette generation unknown>
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR  > WAV >CD Wave Editor > SHN

Robert Fripp: Guitar
Adrian Belew: Guitar, Drums and Lead Voical
Tony Levin: Bass, Stick, Synth and Vocal
Bill Bruford: Acoustic and Electric Drums and Percussions

disc 1

1981-05-07 Polytechnic Manchester, UK

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Elephant Talk #1
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Frame By Frame
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Elephant Talk #2

disc 2

1981-05-08 Liverpool University

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   (Fripp greeting)
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Red
6.   Elephant Talk #1
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Frame By Frame
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
12. (applause)
13. Elephant Talk #2

disc 3

1981-05-10 Her Majesty's Theatre, London

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Frame By Frame
6.   (Fripp speaks)
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Elephant Talk
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2

disc 4

1981-05-13 Captain Video, Paris France

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Jingeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudusai
7.   Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Discipline

disc 5

1981/05/15 Paradiso, Amsterdam

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. (applause)
12. Red

I removed all gaps which were a result of tape flip and change.   I also made a slight speed correction.
I did the editing, mastering, digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the SHN's.

Don't rename directories or file names if you share this.

Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

FRONT1-2.JPG	933.48 KB
FRONT3-4.JPG	933.68 KB
FRONT5.JPG	933.12 KB
BACK1-2.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK3-4.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK5.JPG	   3.02 MB
DISC1.JPG	913.34 KB
DISC2.JPG	913.76 KB
DISC3.JPG	913.65 KB
DISC4.JPG	913.67 KB
DISC5.JPG	913.75 KB
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471).txt	6.13 KB
Discipline (KC) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471) Artwork-Text.md5
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t01.shn	  1.69 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t02.shn	39.68 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t03.shn	46.81 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t04.shn	44.01 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t05.shn	35.79 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t06.shn	26.30 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t07.shn	58.11 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t08.shn	51.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t09.shn	39.91 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t10.shn	47.48 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t11.shn	31.41 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2.md5	   962 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t01.shn	11.63 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t02.shn	42.74 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t03.shn      2.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t04.shn	45.07 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t05.shn	41.92 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t06.shn	36.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t07.shn	25.93 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t08.shn	59.95 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t09.shn	45.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t10.shn	36.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t11.shn	38.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t12.shn	  8.19 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t13.shn	33.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t01.shn	  3.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t02.shn	41.58 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t03.shn	41.17 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t04.shn	41.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t05.shn	36.25 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t06.shn	  9.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t07.shn	27.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t08.shn	60.10 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t09.shn	43.54 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t10.shn	33.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t11.shn	41.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4.md5	   814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t01.shn	  4.05 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t02.shn	42.15 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t03.shn	46.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t04.shn	45.67 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t05.shn	39.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t06.shn	26.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t07.shn	72.12 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t08.shn	54.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t09.shn	38.40 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t10.shn	53.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t11.shn	41.14 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5.md5	   888 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t01.shn	19.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t02.shn	42.55 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t03.shn	42.20 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t04.shn	45.06 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t05.shn	33.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t06.shn	23.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t07.shn	54.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t08.shn	42.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t09.shn	32.82 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t10.shn	43.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t11.shn	30.04 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t12.shn	43.51 MB

Total number of files  = 76
Sum of file sizes = 2266284742 Byte

Please don't alter the sound of this recording.  If you want to do something find a better quality tape of the show and work from that. Don't just take what I have done and screw with it.

For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3 or any other format which degrades the
quality of the music.

                                          February 15, 2005             T________
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

This CD-r release is from cassette tapes that I got in trade many years ago.

Mics and Recorder unknown>
Cassette generation unknown>
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR  > WAV >CD Wave Editor > SHN

Robert Fripp: Guitar
Adrian Belew: Guitar, Drums and Lead Voical
Tony Levin: Bass, Stick, Synth and Vocal
Bill Bruford: Acoustic and Electric Drums and Percussions

disc 1

1981-05-07 Polytechnic Manchester, UK

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Elephant Talk #1
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Frame By Frame
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Elephant Talk #2

disc 2

1981-05-08 Liverpool University

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   (Fripp greeting)
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Red
6.   Elephant Talk #1
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Frame By Frame
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
12. (applause)
13. Elephant Talk #2

disc 3

1981-05-10 Her Majesty's Theatre, London

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Frame By Frame
6.   (Fripp speaks)
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Elephant Talk
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2

disc 4

1981-05-13 Captain Video, Paris France

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Jingeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudusai
7.   Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Discipline

disc 5

1981/05/15 Paradiso, Amsterdam

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. (applause)
12. Red

I removed all gaps which were a result of tape flip and change.   I also made a slight speed correction.
I did the editing, mastering, digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the SHN's.

Don't rename directories or file names if you share this.

Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

FRONT1-2.JPG	933.48 KB
FRONT3-4.JPG	933.68 KB
FRONT5.JPG	933.12 KB
BACK1-2.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK3-4.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK5.JPG	   3.02 MB
DISC1.JPG	913.34 KB
DISC2.JPG	913.76 KB
DISC3.JPG	913.65 KB
DISC4.JPG	913.67 KB
DISC5.JPG	913.75 KB
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471).txt	6.13 KB
Discipline (KC) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471) Artwork-Text.md5
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t01.shn	  1.69 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t02.shn	39.68 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t03.shn	46.81 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t04.shn	44.01 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t05.shn	35.79 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t06.shn	26.30 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t07.shn	58.11 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t08.shn	51.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t09.shn	39.91 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t10.shn	47.48 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t11.shn	31.41 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2.md5	   962 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t01.shn	11.63 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t02.shn	42.74 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t03.shn      2.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t04.shn	45.07 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t05.shn	41.92 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t06.shn	36.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t07.shn	25.93 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t08.shn	59.95 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t09.shn	45.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t10.shn	36.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t11.shn	38.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t12.shn	  8.19 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t13.shn	33.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t01.shn	  3.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t02.shn	41.58 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t03.shn	41.17 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t04.shn	41.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t05.shn	36.25 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t06.shn	  9.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t07.shn	27.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t08.shn	60.10 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t09.shn	43.54 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t10.shn	33.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t11.shn	41.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4.md5	   814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t01.shn	  4.05 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t02.shn	42.15 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t03.shn	46.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t04.shn	45.67 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t05.shn	39.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t06.shn	26.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t07.shn	72.12 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t08.shn	54.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t09.shn	38.40 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t10.shn	53.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t11.shn	41.14 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5.md5	   888 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t01.shn	19.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t02.shn	42.55 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t03.shn	42.20 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t04.shn	45.06 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t05.shn	33.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t06.shn	23.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t07.shn	54.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t08.shn	42.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t09.shn	32.82 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t10.shn	43.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t11.shn	30.04 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t12.shn	43.51 MB

Total number of files  = 76
Sum of file sizes = 2266284742 Byte

Please don't alter the sound of this recording.  If you want to do something find a better quality tape of the show and work from that. Don't just take what I have done and screw with it.

For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3 or any other format which degrades the
quality of the music.

                                          February 15, 2005             T________
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

This CD-r release is from cassette tapes that I got in trade many years ago.

Mics and Recorder unknown>
Cassette generation unknown>
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >
CDR  > WAV >CD Wave Editor > SHN

Robert Fripp: Guitar
Adrian Belew: Guitar, Drums and Lead Voical
Tony Levin: Bass, Stick, Synth and Vocal
Bill Bruford: Acoustic and Electric Drums and Percussions

disc 1

1981-05-07 Polytechnic Manchester, UK

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Elephant Talk #1
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Frame By Frame
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Elephant Talk #2

disc 2

1981-05-08 Liverpool University

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   (Fripp greeting)
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Red
6.   Elephant Talk #1
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Frame By Frame
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
12. (applause)
13. Elephant Talk #2

disc 3

1981-05-10 Her Majesty's Theatre, London

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
4.   Red
5.   Frame By Frame
6.   (Fripp speaks)
7.   Matte Kudasai
8.   The Sheltering Sky
9.   Indiscipline
10. Elephant Talk
11. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2

disc 4

1981-05-13 Captain Video, Paris France

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Jingeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudusai
7.   Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. Discipline

disc 5

1981/05/15 Paradiso, Amsterdam

1.   (intro)
2.   Discipline
3.   Red
4.   Thela Hun Ginjeet
5.   Frame by Frame
6.   Matte Kudasai
7.   The Sheltering Sky
8.   Indiscipline
9.   Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part 2
11. (applause)
12. Red

I removed all gaps which were a result of tape flip and change.   I also made a slight speed correction.
I did the editing, mastering, digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the SHN's.

Don't rename directories or file names if you share this.

Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471)

FRONT1-2.JPG	933.48 KB
FRONT3-4.JPG	933.68 KB
FRONT5.JPG	933.12 KB
BACK1-2.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK3-4.JPG	   3.09 MB
BACK5.JPG	   3.02 MB
DISC1.JPG	913.34 KB
DISC2.JPG	913.76 KB
DISC3.JPG	913.65 KB
DISC4.JPG	913.67 KB
DISC5.JPG	913.75 KB
Discipline (King Crimson) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471).txt	6.13 KB
Discipline (KC) 1981-05 (5 Of A Kind) (T-1471) Artwork-Text.md5
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t01.shn	  1.69 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t02.shn	39.68 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t03.shn	46.81 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t04.shn	44.01 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t05.shn	35.79 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t06.shn	26.30 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t07.shn	58.11 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t08.shn	51.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t09.shn	39.91 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t10.shn	47.48 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d1t11.shn	31.41 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2.md5	   962 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t01.shn	11.63 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t02.shn	42.74 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t03.shn      2.08 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t04.shn	45.07 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t05.shn	41.92 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t06.shn	36.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t07.shn	25.93 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t08.shn	59.95 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t09.shn	45.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t10.shn	36.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t11.shn	38.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t12.shn	  8.19 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d2t13.shn	33.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3.md5          814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t01.shn	  3.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t02.shn	41.58 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t03.shn	41.17 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t04.shn	41.87 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t05.shn	36.25 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t06.shn	  9.08 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t09.shn	43.54 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t10.shn	33.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d3t11.shn	41.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4.md5	   814 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t01.shn	  4.05 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t02.shn	42.15 MB
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disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t06.shn	26.49 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t07.shn	72.12 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t08.shn	54.36 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t09.shn	38.40 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t10.shn	53.38 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d4t11.shn	41.14 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5.md5	   888 Byte
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t01.shn	19.33 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t02.shn	42.55 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t03.shn	42.20 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t04.shn	45.06 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t05.shn	33.31 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t06.shn	23.51 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t07.shn	54.28 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t08.shn	42.26 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t09.shn	32.82 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t10.shn	43.29 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t11.shn	30.04 MB
disciplineKC1981-05 (T-1471) d5t12.shn	43.51 MB

Total number of files  = 76
Sum of file sizes = 2266284742 Byte

Please don't alter the sound of this recording.  If you want to do something find a better quality tape of the show and work from that. Don't just take what I have done and screw with it.

For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3 or any other format which degrades the
quality of the music.

                                          February 15, 2005             T________
Late Show

As requested by the_vargan here is a reseed of booomboom's flac files, as I downloaded them, including the artwork scanned from the bootleg "Earth Gravity."
I have included an ffp.txt file and a new md5 file along with this updated text file.
This is my first attempt to torrent albeit a torrent that is no longer on the tracker.  If I can get this right who knows what I may be able to conjure up.
Of course many thanks to two of the kings of KC here on the Dime: booomboom & the_vargan for sharing their wealth of Crimson shows & related material.

original torrent's text file:
1st copy from master tape>CDR(Philips CDR570)>wave(EAC)>flacf(8)
Got this tape in a trade in 1981 and transfered it to CDR 1999.
Good Quality,good showgreat early version of Satori ...
King Crimson played in three days (5/6/7/.November 1981) five shows
at the Savoy,I have three of them and will seed them in the next days
by request of "The Vargan".Hope you enjoy the music.Artwork is included.

Have fun booomboom

The Band :

Robert Fripp - guitar
Adrian Belew - guitar,vocals
Tony Levin - bass,back,voc.
Bill Bruford - drumming

Setlist :

01.Intro 03:54
02.Discipline 05:41
03.Thela Hun Ginjeet 08:10
04.Red 06:50
05.Matte Kudasai 04:13
06.The Sheltering Sky 10:34
07.Neal And Jack And Me 07:27
08.Frame By Frame 05:13
09.Neurotica 08:04
10.Elephant Talk 05:11
11.Drum Solo /Indiscipline 08:57
12.Santori In Tangier 05:55
13.Larks Tongues in Aspic Part II 06:26
 1st copy from master tape>CDR(Philips CDR570)>wave(EAC)>flacf(8)
 Align on sector boundaries
 Got this tape in a trade in 1981 and transfered it to CDR 1999.
 Very Good Quality,fantastic show & a great early version of Satori In 
 Tangier & a fantastic version of Elephant Talk.
 King Crimson played in three days (5/6/7/.November 1981) five shows
 at the Savoy,for quality listen to MP 3 samples.
 upped 11.07.2007 by booomboom

 The Band :

 Robert Fripp - guitar
 Adrian Belew - guitar,vocals
 Tony Levin - bass,back,voc.
 Bill Bruford - drumming

 Setlist :

 01.Discipline 07:18
 02.Thela Hun Ginjeet 07:54
 03.Red 07:18
 04.Matte Kudasai 04:14
 05.The Sheltering Sky 11:01
 06.Neal And Jack And Me 06:50
 07.Neurotica    06:06
 08.Frame By Frame 05:05
 09.Elephant Talk 05:07
 10.Drum Solo /Indiscipline 09:48
 11.Santori In Tangier 06:43
 12.Larks Tongues in Aspic Part II 06:54
original silver CD>wave(eac)>shn(mkw)
Very good recording.  Probably audience, maybe soundboard

The Band:
Robert Fripp - guitar
Adrian Belew - guitar
Bill Bruford - drums
Tony Levin - bass, stick

01. Frippertronics
02. Discipline
03. Thela Hun Ginjeet
04. Red
05. Matte Kudasai
06. The Sheltering Sky
07. Frame by Frame

01. Manhattan (The Howler w/ no vocals)
02. Percussion Intro
03. Indiscipline
04. Neal and Jack and Me
05. Elephant Talk
06. Lark's Tongues in Aspic, Part II
 A sprightly performance from all parties on this last night at Berkeley. As usual Belew makes it sound all too easy whilst the Levin bass demon doesn't so much play the material as possess it. Here the Beat-era stuff sounds noticeably buoyant and a touch more exuberant than its studio counterpart. Certainly Neil and Jack and Me and a demented Neurotica consume energy like there's no tomorrow. It's one thing to be able to make a big noise and play fast. It's another thing entirely to be able to consistently perform such demanding numbers with this kind of pinpoint accuracy. Exemplary stuff.

This recording was first released as part of the King Crimson Collectors Club but at the wrong pitch. That problem is now corrected.
Disc Number 1
1.  	Waiting Man	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.49
2.  	Thela Hun Ginjeet	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.00
3.  	Red	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.33
4.  	The Howler	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.10
5.  	Frame By Frame	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.10
6.  	Matte Kudasai	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.39
Disc Number 2
1.  	The Sheltering Sky	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.36
2.  	Discipline	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.42
3.  	Neal and Jack and Me	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.03
4.  	Neurotica    	  	 5.48
5.  	Elephant Talk	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.36
6.  	Indiscipline	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.45

Adrian Belew - Guitars, Drums, and Lead Vocal
Bill Bruford - Acoustic and Electric Drums & Percussion
Robert Fripp - Guitar
Tony Levin - Bass, Chapman Stick, Synth, and Backing Vocal

not for trade. purchase at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=6&show=519
1. Waiting Man
2. Thela Hun Ginjeet
3. Matte Kudasai
4. The Sheltering Sky
5. Neil And Jack And Me
6. Elephant Talk
Bonus Tracks:
7. Indiscipline
8. Heartbeat
9. Larks' Tongues In Aspic (Part II)

not for trade
Here’s King Crimson in fine fettle near the half-way point of what would be their last American tour for eleven years.

Entry of the Crims is a particular robust affair. The sonic brutality perpetrated in this track evokes memories of Beat’s Requiem. Uncompromisingly fierce, it segues into a better than usual LTIA Pt III (full of vim and vigour) which in turn gives way to a thrashingly savage Thela, with Tony Levin providing VFM entertainment. Fifteen minutes of pure Crim mayhem and an astonishingly bold start to a gig.

Other aural highlights include a progtastic-sounding Industry (courtesy of a way-cool Bruford backbeat) and a frenzied Indiscipline wherein Adrian, even more gregarious than ever, demonstrates his command of his instrument (including its attendant hands-free technology) and crowd control.

The set here is broadly the same as Absent Lovers although this show boasts a really belting version of The Sheltering Sky, with Fripp hitting all kinds of sky-high inspirational octaves and whatnot.

One possible reason for the lack of variation in the running order might be due to the fact that KC were by this stage in their career using a click track in order to keep strict tempo on several numbers.

The concert presented here has been taken from two separate but incomplete bootlegs and nicely stitched together by DGM engineer, Alex “Stormy” Mundy, in order to recreate what the punters would have heard that night. What it lacks in sonic fidelity, it more than makes up for with its tremendous atmosphere.

Truly, this is one of the great KC take-no-prisoners shows.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Entry Of The Crims	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.50
2.  	Larks' Tongues In Aspic Pt III	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.08
3.  	Thela Hun Ginjeet	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.41
4.  	Red	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.56
5.  	Frame By Frame	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.28
6.  	Matte Kudasai	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.43
7.  	Industry	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.46
8.  	Dig Me	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.09
9.  	Three Of A Perfect Pair	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.43
10.  	Indiscipline	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.56
11.  	Sartori In Tangier	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.32
Disc Number 2
1.  	Waiting Man	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.38
2.  	Man With An Open Heart	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.38
3.  	Sleepless	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.34
4.  	Larks' Tongues In Aspic Pt II	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.09
5.  	Discipline	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.03
6.  	Heartbeat	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.35
7.  	The Sheltering Sky	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.47
8.  	Elephant Talk	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.12

Fripp Belew Levin Bruford
Audio Source: Good Quality Bootleg

not for trade. purchase from http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=6&show=564
H.O.R.D.E. Festival

Schoeps MK2S > Rbox > Tascam DA-P1 > Zefiro ZA2 > Sound Forge 4 > CD Architect > CD > EAC > SHN

Recorded by John Horzepa, Bill Reutelhuber and David Avery
Mastered by David Avery

Band line-up

The Double Trio
Robert Fripp: Guitar and Soundscapes
Adrian Belew: Guitar and Voice
Trey Gunn: Touch guitar and backing Vocals
Tony Levin: Bass, stick and Backing Vocals
Bill Bruford & Pat Mastelotto: Acoustic & Electric Percussions


1. Conundrum
2. Thela Hun Jinjeet	
3. Red
4. Dinosaur >
5. Dinosaur (end)
6. Waiting Man
7. Soundscape > B'Boom > Thrak
8. Vrooom / Coda: Marine 475
9. Elephant Talk
10. Larks' Tongues In Aspic Part II 

Sound: B
01. Into The Frying Pan
02. The ConstruKCtion of Light
03. The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum
04. Heaven & Earth
05. Dinosaur
06. One Time
07. Cage
08. Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
10. FraKCtured
11. ProzaKC Blues

01. Lark's Tongue in Aspic: Part IV ->
	Coda: I Have a Dream
02. Three of a Perfect Pair
03. Deception of the Thrush
04. Heroes
    GREETING: “From R. Fripp”

Sound Board > WAV > CDWav > FLAC FrontEnd
01. ProzaKC Blues
02. The ConstruKCtion of Light
03. The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum
04. FraKCtured...
05. ...FraKCtured
06. Dinosaur
07. One Time
08. Cage
09. Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
11. Heaven & Earth
12. Into The Frying Pan

01. Larks' Tongues In Aspic: Part IV ->
      Coda: I Have A Dream
02. Three of a Perfect Pair
03. The Deception of the Thrush
04. Heroes

Sound Board > WAV > CDWav > FLAC FrontEnd

  1. Larks' Tongues In Aspic: Part IV ->
      Coda: I Have A Dream
  2. The ConstruKCtion of Light
  3. ProzaKC Blues
  4. FraKCtured
  5. Dinosaur
  6. One Time
  7. Cage
  8. The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum
  9. Into The Frying Pan

  1. The Deception of the Thrush
  2. Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream
  4. Three of a Perfect Pair
  5. Heroes

Sound Board > Sony DAT TDC-D8 @44 > RMR D100 > WAV > CDWav > FLAC
Excellent audience recording, good show.

Lineage: Traded cdr>EAC>wav>Flac level 8

1. Into the Frying Pan
2. The ConstruKction of Light
3. Improvisations
4. Dinosaur
5. One Time
6. Vrooom
7. FraKctured
8. The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum

1. Improvisations
2. Cage
3. Larks' Tongues In Aspic, Part IV
4. Coda: I Have A Dream
5. Three Of A Perfect Pair
6. Deception Of The Thrush
7. Sex, Sleep, Eat, Drink, Dream

Robert Fripp: Guitar and Soundscapes - Adrian Belew: Guitar, Voice and Words - Trey Gunn: Stick and backing Vocals - Pat Mastelotto: Acoustic & Electric Percussions
“The Paris show, tonight, was a true winner” enthuses Trey Gunn in his diary at the time. “The audience gets a nine out of ten in my book. (Nobody gets a ten, so be happy Paris.) They were fantastic. They came purely to listen and receive. And that is a true treasure for a musician. The band also played very well. I couldn't say if it was our best played show. But, overall it was great.”

In the past, Gunn and Fripp have had diametrically opposing experiences of a show whilst on the very same bandstand. So what did the Happy Gigster of Dorset make of it? “This audience was, for me, the best audience of the tour: supportive, considerate, sophisticated, responsive, engaged, active… In response to their support & demand, we gave a good performance. Not perfect, but when you take a shot, sometimes you miss. Somehow, that doesn't always matter & tonight it didn't.”

This leg of the tour was producing some great results with the band really delving deep into the music: The material from TCOL is bedded down and there’s a real authority to the performance. Even the muffed notes in the frenzied section of FraKctured have the frisson of an on-the-ropes comeback. Of all the shows currently available on DGM Live, from this tour, Paris (to these ears at least) is probably the hottest date of the lot. It’s no wonder therefore that when it came to cherry picking the best tracks for the Heavy ConstruKction box set, ProzaKc, Larks’ IV and Thrush were taken from this gig. The five minute improvisation, Sapir, from HC set appears in its full unedited 13 minute form.
Highly recommended.
Disc Number 1
1.  	Into The Frying Pan	  	 6.42
2.  	The ConstruKction Of Light	  	 8.43
3.  	ProzaKc Blues	  	 5.25
4.  	Improv	  	 14.07
5.  	Dinosaur	  	 5.33
6.  	One Time	  	 5.37
7.  	Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream	  	 5.05
8.  	FraKctured    	  	 9.13
9.  	The Worlds' My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum	  	 7.32
Disc Number 2
1.  	Cage	  	 5.35
2.  	Larks' Tongues In Aspic Pt IV	  	 13.56
3.  	Three Of A Perfect Pair	  	 3.54
4.  	The Deception Of The Thrush	  	 9.23
5.  	VROOOM	  	 6.24
6.  	Heroes	  	 6.08

Fripp Belew Mastelotto Gunn

Not for trade. Purchase this recording at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=13&show=800
It's a fact that Barcelona is one of the most exciting cities in Europe and it's also a fact that King Crimson is one the most exciting bands in concert. So, put these two incontrovertible facts together and we have ourselves a show with a real "Wow!" factor. This is King Crimson on take-no-prisoners mode at a sell out gig in a city they last played 18 years ago.

Throughout the concert they play fast and loose: Frying Pan is raw and edgy;
Pat unleashes the beast during Vrooom – refashioned here into a riotous collision between the V-Drum splashes and the front line.

Belew is simply astonishing throughout Oyster Soup: a wild vocal followed up by an even wilder solo that bends and screeches its way into every corner of the hall. At the end you'll hear a "Yo" with a West Country accent by way of endorsement.

Although a couple of minutes of the lengthy improv appeared on Heavy ConstruKction, you get the full monty here. It's a PM drum n' bass spectacular and when Fripp layers in the Seizure chords something really begins to open up in the music. Listen out for Gunn's outrageous solo over Bobby Willcox's walking bass – no wonder he gets a round of applause from the punters.

Please note that in addition to an edit of Improv 1, Sex, Eat, Sleep, Drink, Dream also appeared on Heavy ConstruKction.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Into The Frying Pan	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.51
2.  	The ConstruKction Of Light	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.46
3.  	ProzaKc Blues	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.31
4.  	Improv I	  [PREVIEW] 	 13.10
5.  	Dinosaur	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.34
6.  	One Time	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.08
7.  	Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.42
8.  	The Worlds My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.45
9.  	Improv II	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.13
10.  	Cage	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.14
Disc Number 2
1.  	VROOOM	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.08
2.  	Three Of A Perfect Pair	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.52
3.  	Deception Of The Thrush	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.52
4.  	Larks Tongues In Aspic Pt IV	  [PREVIEW] 	 12.57

Adrian Belew - Guitars, Vocals
Robert Fripp - Guitars, Soundscapes
Trey Gunn - Warr Guitar
Pat Mastelotto - Traps and Buttons

Not for trade. Purchase here: http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=13&show=801
What a difference a day makes. Here the band sound looser and, in places, somewhat distracted. "We had constant small mistakes: pedals pressed when they shouldn't be, or not pressed when they should have been; a monitor man looking away as he was needed so notes got dropped; effect programmes out of sequence or dumped" Fripp noted in his diary.

Certainly the mistakes produced some interesting arisings; in Vrooom there’s a head-on collision between Fripp and Belew resulting in tumbling freefall of guitars which they manage to pull out of but only at the last minute; Oyster Soup has an utterly wild ending and a tentative reading of FraKctured seems to vindicate Fripp’s assessment that "the centre managed to escape us, for no easily apparent reason."

Not everyone in the band agreed of course. Belew felt it to be a solid performance and he is on especially fine form tonight turning in some jaw-dropping solos on Oyster Soup and LTIA pt IV. Ade also leads off on the improvisation which Fripp later declared to be "the feeblest improv of this tour." Don’t believe a word of it. This is a good one, which you'll know as it was included (albeit in a remixed form retitled Beautiful Rainbow) on Heavy ConstruKction, as was tonight's Thrush. An uneven show for sure but not without merit or appeal.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Into The Frying Pan	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.29
2.  	The ConstruKction Of Light	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.37
3.  	Improv I	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.20
4.  	Dinosaur	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.00
5.  	One Time	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.43
6.  	VROOOM	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.36
7.  	The Worlds My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.46
8.  	FraKctured	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.12
9.  	Cage	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.37
10.  	ProzaKc Blues	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.02
Disc Number 2
1.  	Larks Tongues In Aspic Pt IV	  [PREVIEW] 	 14.20
2.  	Three Of A Perfect Pair	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.46
3.  	Deception Of The Thrush	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.33
4.  	Heroes	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.46

Adrian Belew - Guitars, Vocals
Robert Fripp - Guitars, Soundscapes
Trey Gunn - Warr Guitar
Pat Mastelotto - Traps and Buttons

Audio Source: Dat Tape Direct From Soundboard

Not for trade. Purchase here: http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=13&show=802
 As the European tour inched closer to its conclusion in London,Crimson delivered a tighter set than the preceding night in San Sebastian. Even so, it’s interesting to hear that Vrooom shares the same “phase shift” as Barcelona, only this time it seems the backline go out of phase with the front line. Was this a new arrangement being tried out or merely just a persistent brown moment brought about by dodgy monitoring?

Oyster Soup is brilliantly out of kilter in exactly the way it should be, rocking and rolling from side to side like a ship in a storm. Belew’s guitar is playful throughout offering up a sensational solo and a hilarious mid-song plea for no pictures.

Non-consensual photography and recording was a key factor in robbing this particular concert of one KC classic in particular. As Fripp noted in his diary at the time “As "FraKctured" came closer in the set, I was thinking: there has been some re-equilibration; perhaps the photography has stopped. The centre is coming together. We'll do "FraKctured". Then, flash. So, tonight no "Fractured"

Despite this set back there are a couple of strong improvisations (which appeared in a highly edited form on Heavy ConstruKction) which hint at the might-have-been nature of the ProjeKcts experiments. Listen out for arguably the strongest rendition of Heroes.Mastelotto blows off the doors at the back to great effect, moving the pulse of the tune to grind it out against the beat and the boys at the front who undaunted by Pat’s rhythmic detonations, manfully keep swinging.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Into The Frying Pan	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.32
2.  	The ConstruKction Of Light	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.09
3.  	VROOOM	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.18
4.  	Improv I	  [PREVIEW] 	 11.56
5.  	One Time	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.52
6.  	Dinosaur	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.39
7.  	The Worlds My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.29
8.  	Improv II	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.58
9.  	Cage	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.07
10.  	ProzaKc Blues	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.54
Disc Number 2
1.  	Larks Tongues In Aspic Pt IV	  [PREVIEW] 	 13.57
2.  	Three Of A Perfect Pair	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.49
3.  	Deception Of The Thrush	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.07
4.  	Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.14
5.  	Heroes	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.27

Adrian Belew - Guitars, Vocals
Robert Fripp - Guitars, Soundscapes
Trey Gunn - Warr Guitar
Pat Mastelotto - Traps and Buttons

Not for trade. Purchase here: http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=13&show=803
Source: Neumann mics>DAT

Set List:

Disc 1
1. Intro
2. Vrooom
3. Thela Hun Ginjeet
4. The ConstruKction Of Light
5. FraKctured 
6. Frame by Frame
7. One Time 
8. Improvisation 1
9. Improvisation 2
10. The World's My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum

Disc 2
1. Cage
2. Larks' Tongues in Aspic Part IV
3. Coda: I Have A Dream
4. Elephant Talk
5. I Left My Heart In San Francisco
6. Three of Perfect Pair
7. Deception of the Thrush
8. Red
9. Heroes 
Eyes Wide Open Tour
Fripp Belew Gunn Mastelotto
2CDs 91min 
DAUD>CSB>bass filter on>Sony D100>WAV>FLAC
1st Gen	

The Power To Believe I: A Cappella
Level Five
ProzaKc Blues
ConstruKction Of Light
Facts Of Life
The Power To Believe II
One Time
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With

Larks' Tongues In Aspic IV/Coda
Deception Of The Thrush
AUD > ? > CDR > EAC > FLAC(8)

1. preshow/soundscapes
2. Dangerous Curves
3. The ConstruKction of Light
4. Into The Frying Pan
5. Level 5
6. Deception of the Thrush
7. Larks' Tongues In Aspic, Part IV > Coda
8. Thela Hun Ginjeet
9. Red

Robert Fripp: Guitar and Soundscapes
Adrian Belew: Guitar, Voice and Words
Trey Gunn: Stick and backing Vocals
Pat Mastelotto: Acoustic & Electric Percussions
I saw this concert and I can honestly say I've seen anything better before or since. I received this recording of the entire show shortly afterwards from someone kind enough to send it to me for just blanks and postage. The sound is pretty good for an audience recording.

This version might have been edited (by myself) from the original cds I recieved. I say "might" because it's been a quite a while since I listened to the recording. I know I have the originals and I know I edited the original and burned copies of them. I could only find one pair of cds of this show (didn't search my entire collection since I don't have access to all of it atm). I don't know which one this is since neither of the copies were labelled (just shows how important it is to do it properly).

I'm pretty sure this is the edited version.. The difference from the original is:
1) The volume has been increased slightly (the original had a very low volume but it could be increased quite a bit without clipping). 
When listening to this version the volume was alright, so I'm guessing this is "my version" of this recording.
2) Applause and such has been moved after tracks instead of before them. If I'm not mistaken the original had a few tracks that didn't start until 1-2 minutes in.
Belew and/or Fripp (can't remember who) screwed up Red twice (Red In The Face Parts I & II) but got it on the third attempt. I'm fairly sure these bloopers were part of the Red track at first.

Track List:

Disc 1 (65 min):

Soundscape (9:22)
The Power To Believe I - A Capella (0:40)
Level Five (7:32)
The ConstruKction Of Light (8:37)
Facts Of Life (5:42)
ProzaKc Blues (5:28)
The Power To Believe II (8:21)
Dinosaur (7:19)
Elektrik (8:08)
Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With (3:54)

Disc 2 (46 min):

Dangerous Curves (5:32)
Larks' Tongues In Aspic (Part IV) (12:43)
The Deception Of The Thrush (7:40)
Frame By Frame (7:38)
Elephant Talk (4:28)
Red In The Face (Part I) (0:18)
Red In The Face (Part II) (0:31)
Red (6:57)
Touring with what many observers concluded was their strongest album for many years, the beastly Crim appeared to be in buoyant health as they played Europe, but as we all know, appearances can be deceptive. “Let Me remind you one more time, please don’t take a picture. Especially of him” says Adrian after a truly blazing Level Five.

Fripp’s aversion to flash photography had culminated in him repositioning his rig so that he was almost facing the band rather than have the audience in his sight-lines. Despite worries in his diary about the cumulative effect that all of this was having upon his playing and that of the group, Crimson still turn in a powerful performance.

True, Vrooom is somewhat tentative but an astringent rendition of Dinosaur, a cavernous-sounding PTBII (complete with sampled thunder) and a glistening Gunn solo during Deception provide plenty in way of compensation. The further into the gig you get the better the vibe between the musicians. Pretty much everything from Happy really cooks and in the case of Dangerous Curves seems to go beyond anything previously attempted to date.

Whatever reservations RF might have had about the concert one eyewitness reports that at the end of the evening “he went out from the darkness of the stage and applauded to everybody, to all the audience, as a farewell of a good performance, which is a not usual attitude on Mr. Fripp, like you know very well." Thanks to Jose Correa Caro and his 17 year old son who requested this concert be made available.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Announcement	  	 1.35
2.  	The Power To Believe I	  	 0.50
3.  	Level 5	  	 7.33
4.  	ProzaKc Blues	  	 5.20
5.  	The ConstruKction Of Light	  	 8.34
6.  	Facts Of Life   	  	 5.35
7.  	ELEKTRIK	  	 7.50
8.  	The Power To Believe II	  	 8.13
9.  	VROOOM	  	 4.18
10.  	Dinosaur	  	 6.15
11.  	Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With	  	 4.07
Disc Number 2
1.  	Dangerous Curves	  	 5.00
2.  	Larks' Tongues In Aspic Pt IV	  	 12.13
3.  	The Power To Believe III	  	 7.24
4.  	Frame By Frame	  	 6.30
5.  	The Worlds My Oyster Soup Kitchen Floor Wax Museum	  	 6.44
6.  	Red	  	 6.27

Fripp Belew Mastelotto Gunn

Not for trade. Purchase this recording at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=13&show=987
1 	L'aer du temp 	
2 	La Lune Planante 	
3 	Pleyel Retour 	

Performed by: 	Klaus Schulze
A very early radio broadcast. One of the historic classic concerts from the "Moondawn" tour.
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
Type the text for '4 November 2008'
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
No other info available.
Forest National (Vorst Nationaal), Brussels (bootleg)  	
28 November 1980
  	CD 1
1 	Track 1 	
2 	Track 2 	
  	CD 2
1 	Track 3 	
	  	Encore 1
2 	Track 4 	
	  	Encore 2
Recorded: 	28 November 1980, Forest National (Vorst Nationaal), Brussels, Belgium
First Release: 	-
Performed by: 	Klaus Schulze, Manuel Göttsching (guitar) & Tommy Betzler (percussion).
"Contact: UFO 80".
In the background of this concert a film (by Claus Cordes and Klaus Schulze) was showing. 
St. Thomas Kirche, Berlin (bootleg)  	
24 November 1981
1 	Track 1 	
2 	Track 2 	
3 	Track 3 	
Recorded: 	24 November 1981 in the St. Thomas Kirche, Mariannenplatz (Kreuzberg), Berlin
Release: 	-
Performed by: 	Klaus Schulze & Manuel Göttsching 
CD 1
1 	Track 01 	
2 	Track 02 	
3 	Track 03 	
4 	Track 04 	
  	CD 2
1 	Track 01 	
2 	Track 02 	
3 	Track 03 	
4 	Track 04 	
5 	Track 05 	
6 	Track 06 	
7 	Track 07 	
Recorded: 	17 February 1985, Batschkapp Frankfurter Kulturzentrum
First Release: 	-
Performed by: 	Klaus Schulze & Rainer Bloss 
Live under the Blue Moon (bootleg)  	
19 May 1997
1 	Intro 	
	  	Wolfgang Kraesze
2 	Set 1 (Carpe Diem) 	
	  	Klaus Schulze & Roelof Oostwoud
3 	Have Fun 	
	  	Klaus Schulze
4 	Set 2 	
	  	Klaus Schulze & Jörg Schaaf
5 	Set 3 	
	  	Klaus Schulze, Manuel Göttsching, Jörg Schaaf & Roelof Oostwoud
6 	Thank You 	
7 	Encore 	
	  	Klaus Schulze, Manuel Göttsching & Jörg Schaaf
8 	Goodbye 	
	  	Wolfgang Kraesze & Klaus Schulze
Recorded: 	19 May 1997, Studio A, ORB, from Radio Fritz, Berlin-Babelsburg
First Release: 	-
Performed by: 	Klaus Schulze(Minimoog, Roland JD-800, E-MU E4K), Jörg Schaaf (Cyber-6, Minimoog, Rave-o-lution, Polymorph), Roelof Oostwoud (vocals), Manuel Göttsching (Fender Stratocaster)
Concert and live broadcast "Die Klaus Schulze Nacht". Announcer: Wolfgang Kraesze.
No info
1  	An electronic heatwave  	
2 	The dub side of the Solar Moon 	
	  	Solar Moon featuring Klaus Schulze
Recorded: 	21 August 1999, Müngersdorfer Schwimmstadion, Köln, Germany
First Release: 	-
Performed by: 	Klaus Schulze & Solar Moon Soundsystem
Forty other acts were signed for this festival, mostly DJs who performed their techno music on four stages for an audience of 15.000. Klaus was scheduled for 11.30PM, but appeared at 0.45PM. He gave an excellent performance from around the Contemporary Works I set.
There also was a combined performance of Klaus Schulze with the Colonian DJ/Musician collective 'Solar Moon'.
1. Intro by Fripp
2. Inductive Resonance
3. Trap
4. Heptaparaparshinokh
5. Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx I
6. Boy At Piano
7. Christian Children Marching, Singing
8. Dislocated
9. unreleased song ?
10. Minor Man
11. Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx II
12. Ooh! Mr. Fripp

Robert Fripp: Guitar
Barry Andrews: Organ
Sara Lee: Bass
Johnny Toobad: Drums
2 Source AUD

Eddie's Notes:

This is a combination of two audience recordings:

Source 1, Unknown gen -> DAT -> CD-R 
Source 2, 3rd gen -> DAT -> CD-R

Source 1 has better sound and was used where possible. Source 2 was used
for a part of Dazed and in various places between songs.

Source 1 is the better known recording, the one described by Luis Rey as
"three-dimensional". The sound is nice but the recording suffers from
instability in one channel, resulting in a panning effect that is quite
off-putting in places. The version I have used is of unknown generation.
I have come across numerous copies of this source that claim to be 2nd,
3rd gen etc., but they have sounded inferior.

There is, for example, a version available in trading circles as "2nd
gen -> DAT -> CDR" on which the channel problems have been eliminated
by, for the most part, throwing away the unstable channel and producing
a mono version consisting of the stable channel only. Not only does this
lose the impressive stereo of the recording, but it also has a
detrimental effect on the overall sound quality as, for some reason, the
channel with the dropouts has a warmer sound with more bottom end. I was
looking forward to hearing the recent Live Remains "Cold Sweat" release
as I had read some good reviews but, on listening to it, I was
disappointed to find that it appeared to have been made from this "mono"
version. It seems to be a commonly held opinion that this release is an
improvement over previous releases such as Cobla's "Custard Pie", but I
can't agree. Not for the first time, I have to conclude that people are
far too quick to proclaim any new release as an upgrade without actually
bothering to compare it to earlier versions.

I did consider using more of source 2 for the parts of the show that are
worst affected by the channel dropouts, such as Rain Song and Dazed, but
the sound is clearly inferior on source 2. It was a difficult decision,
and one that had put me off tackling this show on a number of previous
occasions, but my preference in the end was to use all available
material from source 1. The channel dropouts are an annoyance but, in my
opinion, it was much better to live with them than to get rid of them
but also lose so much that is good about this recording. Those who find
the channel dropouts unacceptable are welcome to disagree and to prefer
other versions of the show, such as Cold Sweat.

CD 1
1. Rock and Roll
2. Over the Hills and Far Away
3. Black Dog
4. Misty Mountain Hop  
5. Since I've Been Loving You	
6. Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp
7. The Song Remains the Same
8. The Rain Song

CD 2 
1. Dazed And Confused
2. Stairway To Heaven
3. Whole Lotta Love (medley)
4. Heartbreaker

Dazed And Confused
Stairway To Heaven
Moby Dick
Whole Lotta Love
Dancing Days
Rock and Roll
Sick Again
Over the Hills and Far Away
In My Time of Dying
The Song Remains the Same
The Rain Song

No Quarter
Trampled Underfoot
Moby Dick

Dazed and Confused
Stairway to Heaven
Whole Lotta Love
Black Dog
(Empress Valley) 
Original Silvers [EVSD 263/264/265]>EAC>TLH>FLAC
Track listing: 

Disc one (54:22): 
(1) Rock and Roll (4:07) 
(2) Sick Again (6:14) 
(3) Over The Hills And Far Away (8:18) 
(4) In My Time Of Dying (12:15) 
(5) The Song Remains The Same (5:35) 
(6) The Rain Song (8:59) 
(7) Kashmir (8:54) 

Disc two (65:33): 
(1) No Quarter (31:47) 
(2) Trampled Underfoot (8:03) 
(3) Moby Dick (25:43) 

Disc three (54:56): 
(1) Dazed and Confused (33:13) 
(2) Stairway To Heaven (12:33) 
(3) Heartbreaker (9:10) 


When this boot originally surfaced in early 2004, it was a BIG deal in the Zeppelin collecting community. For many years, the best-sounding Zeppelin soundboards in circulation were either horrid performance (e.g. Cleveland 4/27/77) or mediocre performances with poor setlists (e.g. Europe 1980). A flood of boards has arrived in the last few years which, fortunately, sonically do the band justice and capture the band at their height. 

This is the best of the bunch, in my opinion. March 1975 was a special time for the band as they played a string of high-energy, brilliant performances culminating in a three-night run at the L.A. Forum. This show had always been an afterthought by collectors because the common audience recording circulating from this night was quite mediocre (Mike Millard must have had other plans that night). However, in its full sonic, stereo-soundboard glory, this one's a must-have. 
Disc 1
1. Rock 'n' Roll
2. Sick Again
3. Over the Hills and Far Away
4. In My Time of Dying
5. The Song Remains the Same
6. The Rain Song
7. Kashmir
8. No Quarter (audience patch at very end)

Disc 2
1. Tangerine (from 1975-05-24)
2. Going to California
3. That's the Way
4. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
5. Trampled Underfoot
6. Moby Dick
7. No Quarter (from 1975-05-24)

Disc 3
1. Dazed and Confused
2. Stairway to Heaven
3. Whole Lotta Love
4. Black Dog
5. Heartbreaker
6. Communication Breakdown
7. Tangerine (audience, from 1975-05-25)
Soundboard recording
"Bringing Down The House" Empress Valley SD 2003

1. The Song Remains the Same 
2. Sick Again 
3. Nobody's Fault But Mine 
4. In My Time of Dying 
5. Since I've Been Loving You 
6. No Quarter 
7. Ten Years Gone 
8. The Battle of Evermore 
9. Going to California 
10. Dancing Days
11. Black Country Woman 
12. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 
13. White Summer / Black Mountain Side 
14. Kashmir 
15. Over the Top / Moby Dick 
16. Guitar Solo 
17. Achilles Last Stand 
18. Stairway to Heaven 
19. Whole Lotta Love
20. Rock and Roll
Silver Rarities Master Series

My Silvers > EAC > WAVE > SHN

Disc 1
2.The Song Remains The Same
3.Sick Again 
4.Nobody's Fault But Mine 
5.Over The Hills And Far Away 
6.Since I've Been Loving You 
7.No Quarter

Disc 2
1.Ten Years Gone 
2.The Battle Of Evermore 
3.Going To California 
4.Black Country Woman 
5.Bron-yr-Aur Stomp 
6.White Summer-Black Mountain Side 
8.Moby Dick

Disc 3
2.Jimmy Page Guitar Solo
3.Achilles Last Stand
4.Stairway To Heaven
5.Whole Lotta Love-Rock And Roll
Tarantura 2000 [TCD-YUZUKI-3]
3 cd

Silvers > EAC > WAVE > SHN

Disc 1
2.The Song Remains The Same
3.The Rover Intro 
4.Sick Again 
5.Nobody's Fault But Mine 
6.Over The Hills And Far Away 
7.Since I've Been Loving You 
8.No Quarter

Disc 2
1.Ten Years Gone 
2.The Battle Of Evermore 
3.Going To California 
4.Black Country Woman 
5.Bron-yr-Aur Stomp 
6.White Summer
7.Black Mountain Side 
9.Trampled Underfoot

Disc 3 
1.Out On The Tiles-Moby Dick
2.Guitar Solo
3.Achilles Last Stand
4.Stairway To Heaven
5.Whole Lotta Love
6.Rock And Roll

This is the new Tarantura release of the Forum show with Keith 
Moon joining the group at the end of the show. 

 The bulk of this show was taped by Mike Millard (from Sick Again onward)
The story goes he accidentally hit the pause button and missed the very beginning of the show.
 The sound quality is excellent on the Millard portion. 
 This show is considered by many to be one of the very best from the 1977 tour. Check out the No Quarter, it alone is worth the download.

This double-DVD set includes over five hours of never-before-available concert and performance footage from Led Zeppelin, spanning the years 1969 to 1979. While enthusiasts have been trading poor quality versions of this material for years, this marks the first archival video release to contain any footage of the band playing live. The main feature on the first disc includes highlights of the band's legendary set at the Royal Albert Hall on January 9, 1970. If there was ever any doubt of the power and intricate legerdemain of Jimmy Page (guitar), Robert Plant (vocal/harmonica), John Paul Jones (bass/keyboards/mandolin), and John Bonham (drums), this performance will silence all detractors. The dozen songs from this show are derived primarily from their first two LPs with a few well-chosen covers thrown in for good measure. One particularly interesting inclusion is Plant's spontaneous incorporation of a few lines from Neil Young's "Down by the River" and "On the Way Home" during an epic "How Many More Times." Supplementary shorts on disc one feature a promotional video for "Communication Breakdown" -- with the band miming to a pre-recorded audio track -- a half-hour mini-show for Danish Television, a clip of "Dazed and Confused" from the British TV program Supershow, and a pair of tunes ("Communication Breakdown" and "Dazed and Confused") for the French TV show Tous en Scene. The second DVD fast forwards to the '70s and continues with a trio of main attractions and a slew of extras. First up is a composite video for "Immigrant Song," which contains some amateur footage married to a previously unissued live version of the song. This is followed by outtakes from the motion picture Song Remains the Same (1976), which finds the quartet at Madison Square Garden in 1973. The oft-bootlegged 1975 Earls Court is up next highlighted by acoustic renderings of "Going to California" and "That's the Way." The last extended set finds Zep during their triumphant return to England in 1979. It would ultimately be a bittersweet affair as it was likewise their final performance in their homeland prior to the death of Bonham the following year. Extras on disc two include a few interview clips, promotional videos for "Over the Hills and Far Away," and "Travelling Riverside Blues" -- both circa the Led Zeppelin (1990) four-CD box set.
  	  	1 	  	We're Gonna Groove 	Bethea, King 	 
  	  	2 	  	I Can't Quit You Baby 	Dixon 	 
  	  	3 	  	Dazed and Confused 	Page 	 
  	  	4 	  	White Summer 	Page 	 
  	  	5 	  	What Is and What Should Never Be 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	6 	  	How Many More Times 	Bonham, Jones, Page 	 
  	  	7 	  	Moby Dick 	Bonham, Jones, Page 	 
  	  	8 	  	Whole Lotta Love 	Bonham, Dixon, Jones, Page ... 	 
Composed by:	Bonham, Dixon, Jones, Page, Plant
  	  	9 	  	Communication Breakdown 	Bonham, Jones, Page 	 
  	  	10 	  	C'mon Everybody 	Capehart, Cochran 	 
  	  	11 	  	Somethin' Else 	Cochran, Sheeley 	 
  	  	12 	  	Bring It on Home 	Dixon, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	13 	  	Immigrant Song 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	14 	  	Black Dog 	Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	15 	  	Misty Mountain Hop 	Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	16 	  	Since I've Been Loving You 	Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	17 	  	The Ocean 	Bonham, Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	18 	  	Going to California 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	19 	  	That's the Way 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	20 	  	Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 	Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	21 	  	In My Time of Dying 	Bonham, Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	22 	  	Trampled Under Foot 	Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	23 	  	Stairway to Heaven 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	24 	  	Rock and Roll 	Bonham, Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	25 	  	Nobody's Fault but Mine 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	26 	  	Sick Again 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	27 	  	Achilles Last Stand 	Page, Plant 	 
  	  	28 	  	In the Evening 	Jones, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	29 	  	Kashmir 	Bonham, Page, Plant 	 
  	  	30 	  	Whole Lotta Love 	Bonham, Dixon, Jones, Page ...
source: DSBD
transfer: CDR (from trade)>EAC>WAV>FLAC

Disc 1 - total time 58:48

01. tuning
02. Disco
03. Living In the Country*
04. I'm Going Back To the Old Home@
05. The Collins Missile
06. William Powell
07. talk about Leo's manager
08. Rings#
09. talk about Frizz Fuller
10. From Pizza Towers To Defeat%
11. I Can't Hang
12. Standing In My Shoes
13. Last Steam Engine Train^
14. talk about CD's early working title
15. Te Veo

Disc 2 - total time 43:06

01. tuning
02. Cripple Creek
03. talk about Clone
04. Clone
05. Middle of the Road
06. Corrina Corrina&
07. Car Carrier Blues
08. Ya Mar~
09. Encore I: Deep River Blues**
10. Encore II: Eight Miles High@@

*Pete Seeger cover
@Carter Stanley cover
#Eddie Reeves and Alex Harvey cover
%Robert "Frizz" Fuller cover
^John Fahey cover
&Mississippi John Hurt cover
~Cyril Ferguson cover
**Doc Watson cover
@@Roger McGuinn, David Crosby and Gene Clark cover

Txt file:

Comments:  this is a super SBD of a really fun show - these two guys are obviously enjoying playing together!  As could be expected, there's lots of offbeat humor packed into the between-song banter, as well as some truly inspired jamming!

I chose to keep the track breaks that were on the discs as I received them, rather than break all the banter into separate tracks (like I usually do)

Enjoy! - Zeb
Source: Schoeps MK41(DINA)->KC5->CMC6->Tascam HD-P2 (24/96)
Lineage: Wavelab 6(resample,dither)->cd wave->flac
Taped by: Jon Merin
Transferred by: Jon Merin

Disc 1
01.  Intro
02.  One Better
03.  Mac 1
04.  Rumble
05.  Tooth
06.  Vernon
07.  1 Step Beyond
08.  Drums*

Disc 2
01.  Whales and Woe
02.  Cosmic Highway
03.  Holy Mackerel
04.  Eyeball
05.  Crowd
06.  Pudding Time (encore)
07.  Iowan Gal (encore)
08.  Lust Strings (encore)

(*With Calvin Weston on Drums
AUD:  Neumann KM 140's (next to front of sbd on balcony)>PCM-M1@48khz w/20db>DA40>20 Band eq>CDRW700

Thela Hun Ginjeet 
Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
A Little Help from my Friends
Shattering Song
Climbin up the Ladder 
16 Shells from a Thirty-Ought Six
Highball with the Devil
2000 Light Years from Home
Shine on You Crazy Diamond
Tomorrow Never Knows

Featuring Les Claypool, Robert Walter, Will Bernard on guitar, Cochemea Gastelum on sax and flute, Mike Clark on drums

Sound: A-
Show: A
Source:	Schoeps 4v > VMS5u > Tascam DA-P1 (it is also listed at db.etree.org as
		DAUD Schoeps MK4V > VMS5u > Apogee AD1000 > TCD-D8)

Disc One:

01) 17:26	Jam>Thela
02) 09:09	Ding Dang
03) 04:51	Long in the tooth
04) 10:31	Hendershot>toys tease(jimbo!)
05) 06:22	Monkey Boy
06) 07:59	Highball>
07) 10:40	Drums>
08) 05:29	Jam>highball

Disc Two:

01) 07:39	Running the gauntlet
02) 18:09	2000 light years>Is it Luck? tease>CygnusX-1>2000 light years
03) 15:51	Cosmic highway
04) 12:01	E: David Mackalaster I
05) 08:40	E: Whamola(with Les's kids)
Disc 1
01 Acid Rain
02 Kindred Spirits
03 Biaxident
04 Freedom of Speech
05 Improv Jam #1
06 Another Dimension 

Disc 2
01 State of Grace
02 Universal Mind
03 When the Water Breaks
04 Improv Jam #2
05 Rhapsody in Blue
06 Osmosis > Paradigm Shift
Tracks 1-9 Source: PRE-FM (Master 1/2 Track Broadcast RR) > 
Mastering (Custom Analog & Digital 10/04) >WAV
Tracks 10-12 Source :FM rebroadcast on WLIR > reel > reel >
m-audio transit > cool edit > cd wave editor 

1: Rock n' Roll Doctor 
2: Two Trains 
3: The Fan 
4: On Your Way Down 
5: Spanish Moon > 
6: Skin It Back > 
7: Fat Man In The Bath Tub 
8: Oh Atlanta 
9: Willin' 
10:Cold Cold Cold >
11:Dixie Chicken >
12:Tripe Face Boogie

Txt file:

FROM THE LITTLE FEAT SITE : ( this is the running order on my present copy,minus willin )

Date: 9/19/1974   Location: Ultrasonic Studios (WLIR) - Hempstead, NY 
Rock and Roll Doctor, Oh Atlanta, Two Trains, The Fan, On Your Way Down, 
Spanish Moon > Skin It Back > Fat Man In The Bathtub, Willin’, 
Cold Cold Cold > Dixie Chicken > Tripe Face Boogie 
The bootlegs known as "Electrif Lycanthrope" and "Encore Performance" are from this show..
This show is incorrectly traded as 9/14/74
Set I
1. Band Intro
2. When It's Sleepy Time Down South
3. Back Home Again in Indiana
4. A Kiss to Build a Dream On
5. The Bucket's Got a Hole In It
6. Blueberry Hill
7. Tin Roof Blues
8. Stuttin' with Some Barbecue
9. Swonderful
10. Billy Kyle Piano Jam!
11. The Man I Love
12. My Sweet Baby
13. Big Mama's Back in Town
14. Love That Man
15. Baby it's Cold Outside
16. Stompin' at the Savoy
Set II
1. Intro/Announcements
2. The Life of Didley Rambo - Dirge
3. The Life of Didley Rambo - March
4. It's So Good
5. Up the Lazy River
6. Shadrack, Meshack, Abendigo
7. When the Saints Go Marching In
8. High Society
9. Billy Kyle Piano Solo II
10. Dumb, Dumb, Dumby
11. Post Show Interview with L.A.
12. Struttin' With Some Barbecue (filler)

Sound: A- (surprisingly good considering the vintage)
Show: A
Dini Saluzzi - bandoneon 
Louis Sclavis - clarinettes 

Duetto 1 (2:57)
Tsur Gui/Tango  (9:34)
Duetto 2  (6:40)
Duetto 3   (7:40)
Announcement LS  (0:26)
Milonga del Angel/La Muerte del Angel (inc)(Piazolla) (20:01)

(TT= 47:20 - incomplete show)

source: FM
lineage: ? > CD > EAC > flac > CDwav > flac level 8 > Dime

This show was seeded on EZT well over a year ago.  I cannot remember who the original seeder was, but maybe Neetelbaers could help out?
This came as three tracks with the following titles and track lengths:

Duetto 1/Tsur Gui/Tango  19:12
Duetto 3   7:40
Milonga del Angel/La Muerte del Angel (Piazolla)/Duetto 2  20:28

The first track clearly consisted of three 'pasted' tracks. Each was separated by applause, which was cut short, and added to the next track, as if the original taper had cut out the announcer's comments. This made for rather abrupt transfers, so I decided to separate the tracks once again.
I also separated the announcement at the beginning of the (original) third track and made it into a separate track.
I removed two 2-second gaps after track 1 and track 2.

According to the original setlist, Tango should now be the third track, but actually it is the second part of track 2 (compare it with the version on 'Chine' (1987)). 
In his announcement LS says they are going to finish the set with the 2 Piazolla tracks mentioned. He does not mention 'Duetto 2'.  I assume some thing went wrong with the labeling (maybe the announcer made a mistake?) and it seems very plausible to me that the third track is therefore 'Dueto 2', esp. as it is followed by 'Duetto 3'. Notice that there is no applause between track 3 and track 4, so maybe they originally were one longer track.
The last track fades out, and I have no idea how much of the show is missing.

The sound is excellent, so is the playing: very relaxed, with a strong Argentinian flavour.

As always, Enjoy!
Louis Sclavis - bass clarinet, soprano sax
Vincent Courtois - violoncello

1. Maputo (?) (12:20)
2. Ann (0:45)
3. Hommage à Lunes Matube (12:15)
4. unknown (13:39)
5. L'affrontement des prétendants (6:54)
6. unknown (9:54)

TT: 55:51

Sound: A/A- (low fm hum)
Source: DRS 2 "Jazz Live" / 2006
Lineage: FM > tape > minidisc > analogue to HD > GoldWave > FLAC (8,asb,verify)

FM intro (2:36)
FM outro (0:09)

Note: from Sclavis' announcement #2, it seems that if #1 is indeed only "Maputo", two tracks are missing.

FM > WAV (Wavelab) > FLAC (frontend level 8)

Louis Sclavis (bass clarinet, soprano sax)
Marc baron (alto sax)
Maxime Delpierre (guitar)
Paul Brousseau (keyboards, sampler)
François Merville (drums)

L'imparfait des langues:

1. Le verbe  10:02
2. Archéologie  12:15
3. Le long du temps  8:31
4. L'idée du dialecte  14:56
5. Story over phrases  3:49
6. Palabres  8:49
7. Le long du temps (short version)  3:41

Compositions by Louis Sclavis

Broadcast: Jazz été, France Musique, july 9, 2006

FM > WAV (Wavelab) > FLAC (frontend level 8)
Jazz sur le Vif, France Musique, 27 june 2007
Talk by Xavier Prévost

Louis Sclavis (soprano sax, bass clarinet)
Marc Baron (alto sax)
Maxime Delpierre (guitar)
Paul Brousseau (keyboards, sampler)
François Merville (drums)

1. Raisonnance  9:44
2. Archéologie  12:53
3. Syllogisme  9:53
4. L'Idée du Dialecte  18:39
fm > dat? > cdr > eac > flac frontend > flac

01. unknown
02. unknown
03. unknown
04. unknown
05. unknown

Louis Sclavis - soprano sax/clarinet/bass clarinet
Jean-Luc Cappozzo - trumpet
Vincent Courtois - cello
Bruno Chevillon - bass
François Merville - drums
Jean Luc Capozzo - trumpet
Louis Sclavis - clarinets, soprano sax
Vincent Courtois - cello
Bruno Chevillon - bass
François Merville - drums

1. Willisau Today (10:28)
2. Maputo (13:59)
3. Possible (8:47)
4. Homage à Matoub Lunès (18:30)
5. unknown (3:44)

TT: 55:30

Recording Engineer: Martin Pearson
Source: DRS broadcast / 2002
Lineage: FM > (tape >?) Minidisc > analoge to HD > CDR > EAC (secure) > FLAC (8,asb,verify)
Source:  BBC FM > Aiwa 640 record > Aiwa 880 replay > Yamaha 1300 HD recorder
Editing: Only fade in / out of each set and L/R balance correction
Transfer AMQR CDR > EAC > Nero 6 > Flac Frontend (level 6)
Quality: A+, with relatively little hiss for this vintage

A wonderful performance from Bath Festival of this rare Sclavis group. If you
expect a 'Hot Club' type session, think again! There is some serious fiery playing
from everybody and you don't notice the absence of drums for a moment.

Louis Sclavis      - clarinet, bass clarinet
Dominique Pifarély - violin
Marc Ducret        - 6 and 12-string guitars
Bruno Chevillon    - double-bass

Set 1 (47:51)
13:16 Sensible
07:40 Hop!
13:37 Bafouée
13:16 Abrupto

Set 2
10:43 Elke
12:09 Chromo 3
16:20 Seconde
04:32 Beata
00:39 Outro
Bo Ramsey- guitar, slide guitar
Kenny Vaughn- guitar
Richard Price- bass
Fran Breen- drums

Soundboard recording
Lineage: CDR>EAC>Wavetrim>TLH>SBE & FLAC>BT

Disc one:
01. Pineola
02. Something About What Happened When We Talk
03. Car Wheels On A Gravel Road
04. Lake Charles
05. Drunken Angel
06. Greenville
07. Metal Firecracker
08. Still I Long For Your Kiss
09. Right In Time
10. Passionate Kisses
11. 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten
12. Concrete And Barbed Wire
13. Can't Let Go

Disc two:
01. Hot Blood
02. Joy
03. Changed The Locks
04. Disgusted
05. Down The Big Road Blues
06. Come To Me Baby
07. Sweet Old World
08. Little Angel, Little Brother
09. Jackson
10. Crescent City
11. Side Of The Road
12. Nothing In Rambling
Source: Pre-FM [these files mixed and tracked by The Grape]

Disc One
01. Drunken Angel
02. Ventura
03. Car Wheels On A Gravel Road > [misc. intros]
04. Fruits Of My Labor
05. Those Three Days
06. Blue
07. Sweet Side > [band intros]
08. I Lost It
09. Still I Long For Your Kiss
10. Righteously
11. Joy
12. Changed The Locks
13. Essence
14. Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings

Disc Two
01. Side Of The Road
02. Lake Charles
03. Crescent City
04. Greenville
05. Something About Happens When We Talk
06. American Dream
07. Get Right With God
08. I Envy The Wind
09. Big Road Blues
10. Hard Time Killing Floor Blues

An Imperfect Gravy Recording (IPG-020)

Lineage: Soundboard > Sharp MD-MT90(S) > HHb CDR-830 > CDR > WAV (EAC) > FLAC Level 8 (TLH)

Sound Quality: Excellent

Disc One:
1.   Cowboy Singer
2.   One Good Reason
3.   The Tide
4.   Secret Journey
5.   [talk]
6.   Loch Lomond
7.   Don't Mind Me
8.   Life Is Beautiful
9.   Ten Year Night
10.  The Red Thread

Disc Two:
1.   Mary And The Soldier
2.   I Had Something
3.   Scorpion
4.   Guilty As Sin
5.   [talk]
6.   This Is Home
7.   Land Of The Living
8.   [talk]
9.   A Song About Pi
10.  Written On The Back Of His Hand
11.  Broken Things
12.  Just You Tonight
13.  By Way Of Sorrow

Lucy Kaplansky - vocals, acoustic guitar

This recording was made with the knowledge and permission of the artist. If you like what 
you hear, please support Lucy by going to shows and purchasing her official releases.
la county
good intentions
crying shame
all my love is gone
give me back my heart
nobody knows me
she makes me feel good
brown-eyed handsome man
north dakota
she's already made up her mind
since the last time

if I had a boat
she's hot to go
you can't resist it
simple song
here I am
she's no lady
friend of the devil
Source:  Soundboard DAT

T01 Instrumental
T02 I Don't Know
T03 LA County
T04 Good Intentions
T05 Flyswatter
T06 Crying Shame
T07 All My Love Is Gone
T08 Give Me Back My Heart
T09 Nobody Knows Me
T10 She Makes Me Feel Good
T11 Brown-Eyed Handsome Man
T12 North Dakota
T13 She's Already Made Up Her Mind
T14 The Last Time

T01 Church
T02 She's Hot To Go
T03 ?
T04 You Can't Resist it
T05 Simple Song
T06 Here I Am
T07 She's No Lady
T08 Friend Of The Devil
[[On Ratings]]
[[Tag Cloud]]
[[Acoustic]] [[Alt-Country]] [[Americana]] [[Bluegrass]] [[Blues]] [[Classic Rock]] [[Classical]] [[Folk]] [[Funk]] [[Fusion]] [[Indie]] [[Instrumental]] 
[[Jam Band]] [[Jazz]] [[New Wave]] [[Post-Rock]] [[Progressive Rock]] [[Rock]] [[Singer Songwriter]]
Source: FOB, 30' from stage: AKG481 (cardiods XY100) > Apogee MME > D8
Transfer: D8 > Tascam CDRW4U CDR > EAC (secure/offset) > SF45 > CDWAV > CDR (or SHN w/MKW)
Recorded and Transferred by Jason Espie

Malian kora musician, Mamadou Diabate is a member of the Mandinka West African jeli (musician caste) family. His musical lineage goes back seven centuries to the time of Sunjata Keita, the conqueror of the Malian empire.
Now based in the United States, Mamadou performs around North America and Europe. Interested in bringing the kora to new audiences, he has played with jazz and other contemporary artists, however he remains rooted in the traditions of the Manding kora and his griot heritage. He is one of a handful remaining kora players that are keeping alive the kora tradition. 
 To listen to Mamadou in performance is to experience the beauty of the kora.

Mamadou Diabate was born in 1975 in Kita, a Malian city long known as a center for the arts and culture of the Manding people of West Africa. As the name Diabate indicates, Mamadou comes from a family of griots, or jelis as they are known among the Manding. Jelis are more than just traditional musicians. They use music and sometimes oratory to preserve and sustain people's consciousness of the past, a past that stretches back to the 13th century when the Manding king Sunjata Keita consolidated the vast Empire of Mali, covering much of West Africa. The stories of these glory days and the times since remain important touchstones for people today, not only for the Manding, but for many citizens of Mali, Guinea, Gambia, and Senegal. So to be born to a distinguished jeli family in Kita is already an auspicious beginning. 
Mamadou's father Djelimory played the kora, the jeli's venerable 21-string harp. He was widely known as N'fa Diabate, performing in the Instrumental Ensemble of Mali and recording on the National Radio of Mali. At the age of four, Mamadou went to live with his father in Bamako, where the Ensemble was based. When it came time for him to return to Kita and go to school, Mamadou knew that the kora was his destiny. His father had taught him how to play the instrument, and from there he listened and watched and devoted himself to practicing the kora, to the point that his mother worried that he was not concentrating enough on school. When she took it away, it only reduced his interest in studying, and he quickly resorted to making his own kora so he could continue.
Before long, Mamadou left school and began playing kora for local jeli singers, and traveling throughout the region to play at the ceremonies where modern jelis ply their trade, mostly weddings and baptisms. When he was fifteen, Mamadou won first prize for his kora playing in a regional competition and instantly became something of a local celebrity. The next year, he went to Bamako, and under the tutelage of his famous kora playing cousin, Toumani Diabate, he worked the jeli circuit, backing singers at neighborhood weddings and baptisms and entertaining the powerful at the city's posh Amitié Hotel. Toumani gave his cousin the nickname "Djelika Djan" meaning "Tall Griot," a reference to Mamadou's impressive physical stature. The name has stuck.
In 1996, a touring group from the Instrumental Ensemble of Mali offered Mamadou the chance to travel to the United States with a group of Manding musicians and cultural authorities. Following a successful tour, Mamadou decided to continue his work in the United States and, since then, he's made his home in and around New York. Mamadou gets frequent invitations to perform with visiting Malian stars including Ami Koita, Tata Bambo Kouyate, Kandia Kouyate, and Babani Koné. He has performed at the United Nations, Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Museum, and at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington. In addition, he's delved into uncharted waters, jamming with all manner of expert musicians, including jazz luminaries Donald Byrd and Randy Weston, Zimbabwean legend Thomas Mapfumo, and blues masters Eric Bibb and Guy Davis. Mamadou's recording credits have expanded as he has laid tracks with artists ranging from Irish soloist Susan McKeown, jazz bassist Ben Allison, and Benin's celebrated Angélique Kidjo.
 Mamadou says that his father advised him to listen to all the best kora players and to learn from each one. The kora itself came to Mali from Gabu, the region centered between Gambia, Senegal, and Guinea Bissau, and the Malian kora tradition has always put a premium on holding onto the old ways while constantly innovating and developing the art.
Lineage: cdr > EAC > WAV > FLAC Frontend level 8
Likely a WLIR broadcast

1 - Spirit in the Night
2 - The Time is Right
3 - Father of Day, Father of Night
4 - Captain Bobby Stout~Glorified Magnified
5 - Well, Well, Well
6 - Quinn the Eskimo

Total Time: 65:38
Disc 1
1-Silver Thunderbird
2-Walking In Memphis
3-Ghost Train
4-Saving The Best For Last
5-29 Ways
6-Perfect Love

Disc 2
1-Isn't That So
2-Dig Down Deep
3-True Companion
5-Tupelo Honey 

WNEW broadcast
Sound: A- (sounds a little compressed)
Show: A
Marcin Wasilewski - piano
Slawomir Kurkiewicz - bass
Michal Miskiewicz - drums

1. Blues Written by Ornette Coleman
2. Catorna
3. Arpeggiata
4. Baniera Eccentrica
5. Ballad by Krzysztok Komeda
6. Quara

Source: FM > Nakamichi CR5/Maxell MX cassette tape > Cool Edit Pro > cdr > eac (secure) > flac
8 tracks

Marco Benevento - Keys
Skerik - Sax and oddities
Marc Friedman - Bass
Ari Hoenig - Drums
DJ Olive - Turntablisms

1-1. Radio Announcement #1 0:26
1-2. Grendel 17:27
1-3. Radio Announcement #2 0:13
1-4. Garden Party Intro 0:29
1-5. Garden Party 6:49
1-6. Script For A Jester's Tear 8:55
1-7. Assassing Intro 0:30
1-8. Assassing 7:28
1-9. Charting The Single 5:14
1-10. Forgotten Sons Intro 0:40
1-11. Forgotten Sons 10:33
1-12. Market Square Heros 4:19
1-13. Margaret (incl. Jean Genie & The Web 6:35
1-14. He Knows You Know 5:36

"So Here We Are Once More"

	The Reading Rock Festival is one of the most important annual rock music events in 
Brittain. It began in 1961 as a jazz event at Richmond Athletic Ground in Surrey, England. 
Artists performing at that time included Mike Cotton, Tubby Hayes and the Clyde Valley Stompers.
 Each year the festival grew in popularity and attendance. By 1963, there was a shift towards a 
Blues style with Muddy Waters and The Rolling Stones highlighting that event. In 1964, the 
festival was renamed the National Jazz & Blues Festival. In 1965, even the Beatles’ John Lennon 
and George Harrison were seen to attend, though they did not perform. As the event grew in size 
and importance many of the most popular rock bands of the time were drawn to perform at the 
annual event. The Who in 1966, Jethro Tull in 1968, and both Pink Floyd and Yes in 1969. 
	As it evolved, new sites were used to host the festivities. In 1968 it was held at 
Kempton Park Racecourse.  1969 saw it was moved to the Plumpton Racecourse in Sussex, and 
finally in 1971, the festival was moved to Reading England. Despite the continued inclusion of 
more and more progressive rock and rock bands, the festival was renamed once more in 1972, 
becoming the National Jazz, Blues, and Folk Festival. In 1975 posters advertised the event as 
The National Jazz, Blues and Rock Festival. By that time, Genesis and Yes had both appeared 
twice and audiences had grown to an impressive 25,000. In 1978 the title of the event was 
finally changed to “The Reading Rock Festival”, but some thought it should be the Reading Mud 
Festival. 1971, 1977 and 1979 were marred by mud and rain but fortunately for Marillion in 1983 
the skies were clear. “Reading Rock 1983” was the second time that Marillion had played the 
festival. Just one year before, the band not only performed there, but announced their new 
record contract with EMI; a fact that Fish reminds the ’83 audience during this performance. 
By 1982 the English music scene was clearly moving away from progressive rock and more to the 
beginnings of heavy metal. At the time, Marillion shared the stage with Iron Maiden, Michael 
Schenker and Blackfoot. 1983 was no different as the line-up listed below demonstrates. Yet 
Marillion’s performance along with Pallas, Pendragon, Twelfth Night and The Enid shows that 
progressive rock was still an important force in the music of England at the time.
	Most of Marillion’s set was broadcast over the radio by the BBC. Only "Market Square 
Heroes" and "Margaret" are missing. This performance also marks the very last complete 
performance of “Grendel”, one of their most famous and popular songs. But Marillion was on the 
rise. Playing this prestigious event two years in a row symbolized their increasing popularity 
and was a springboard to many important events to come. Fish once commented, “Playing the 
Reading Festival was one of the greatest days of my life.”

Notes from the Re-Master
	This concert came from three sources. We were told that it was broadcast in England over 
two different nights. Only "Market Square Heroes" and "Margaret" are missing from the broadcast. 
These two songs were included from an audience source recording we obtained. The first nights 
broadcast included the first two thirds of the show. The second broadcast included the last two 
thirds. Clearly there was overlap. The best of both sources was used to reconstruct that part of 
the show but the radio announcements from the first show were left in. During this commentary 
the announcer makes reference to the 46 minute broadcast which only applies to the first night’s 
broadcast, not the full length of the performance. At the beginning of Grendel, some 
music-sounding noise is heard during the first minute of the slow guitar introduction. We 
believe this was actually at the concert because the audience seems to react favorably when it 
stops. The audience recording of the two missing songs was patched into the proper chronological 
	The baseline quality of all three recordings was quite good. However one source had a 
prominent hum throughout. This required a frequency specific inversion and subtraction technique 
to eliminate. Once removed, the rest of that recording was full spectrum with audible music 
signal up to 14,000 Hz. A small amount of noise reduction was needed for the second half of the 
show. Radio transmission interference disrupted the music only briefly and only a couple of 
times. Pops and clicks were minimal and tonality required no alteration in the radio broadcast 
section. The audience recording section did need hiss reduction and tonality adjustment to match 
the radio broadcast sections as well as possible.
Please Weed. http://from1fan2allothers.com


Disc 1
1.1- Radio Introduction :55
1.2- Concert Introduction 1:07
1.3- He Knows You Know 6:33
1.4- Garden Party 7:49
1.5- Script for a Jester's Tear 10:31
1.6- Three Boats Down From the Candy 5:37
1.7- Assassing 7:37
Disc 2
2.1- Chelsea Monday 10:09
2.2- Forgotten Sons 12:46
2.3- Market Square Heroes 7:00
2.4- Charting the Single 10:08
2.5- Radio Conclusion :39 
Total Disc 80:35

Marillion "German Script"

Fish Vocals
Steve Rothery Guitar
Peter Trewavas –Bass
Mark Kelly –Keyboards
Jonathan Mover –Drums 

1983 was an important year for the band Marillion. In January they made their first appearance on
 television. This was followed by the release of their first album Script for a Jester’s Tear 
which reached number 7 on the British music charts. They were voted the best new rock band of 
1982 by the English music magazine Sounds; and at this point in their career they had given over 
200 performances to a growing number of enthusiastic fans. 
           They toured the United States twice and played at many rock festivals both on the 
European continent and in the U.K. Concerts were not only well attended but were also well 
reviewed. Though some saw the band as a poor clone of Genesis, fans saw Marillion as an important cornerstone of progressive rock at the time.  The influential paper Melody Maker wrote: "Every song [from Marillion] is a mini-drama scripted in the florid language expected by its audience”.  Another sign of their popularity was that their concerts at the Hammersmith Odeon were sold out two nights in a row that year. They used the opportunity to film videos for official release in addition to the new material that was soon to be released on their second album Fugazi. On October 1st, they traveled to Germany to give yet another performance on the continent.
           But all was not will with band. They made the decision to fire their drummer Mick 
Pointer and since that time had tried a number of different musicians as replacements. This 
decision did not come easily. Mick was one of the founding members of the group. His decision 
to join the band Electric Gypsy in 1977 was the beginning of the formation of Silmarillion; the 
name they used before shortening it to just Marillion. When the ax did fall, he was initially 
replaced with former Camel drummer Andy Ward. During the months of May through August Marillion 
continued to tour with Andy providing the percussion. However Andy was eventually replaced with 
John Martyr who himself only lasted through September. At this point the band followed the 
recommendation of their producer Nick Tauber and auditioned an American named Jonathan Mover. 
At 21 years old he was still impressive enough to earn the job but fate was not with him. His 
only performance with Marillion is the October 1st concert recorded on this CD. After the 
performance he was replaced by Ian Mosley who has kept the position to this day.
            The performance in Germany that night was well received. Fish alternated between 
speaking English and German both during the songs and while talking to the audience. The set 
consisted of most songs from the Script release as well as one particular song from their new 
album, the song ‘Assassing’.  Lead singer Fish explained in an interview the musical origins of 
this song, “with ‘Assassing’, I found the basic pattern on a tape of Islamic drum rhythms Peter 
Hammill gave me on the "Script" tour early '83”. But according to Guitarist Steve Rothery, 
“‘Assassing’ was really a lyric about Fish sacking the ex-members [drummers] of the band. In the 
song, he is the assassin who comes along and destroys people. It is quite a nasty lyric... Fish 
did have a lot of influence, but all the changes that were made in the band were made for the 
right reasons.”
           The Band’s “performance” that night did not seem to end with the fall of the curtain. 
Back at the hotel, Marillion were not exactly the best of guests. John Arnison, the band’s 
manager was quoted as admitting, "My worst experience with Marillion was getting pinned to a wall
 in Germany [that night] by two police officers with guns, a fireman with an axe and a hotel 
manager demanding my passport because the group had let off fire extinguishers and completely 
devastated the whole of the floor. Things like this seem to keep happening." It was a night in 
Germany that many will never forget.

 Notes from the Re-Master            

           The recording was originally broadcast so a good soundboard mix was available. The 
hiss level was quite high and needed to be reduced. Clicks and pops were frequent and were 
removed. Stereo balance and tonality were quite good and therefore were not altered. Set 
listings for this concert include ‘charting the single’ as the final song of the evening. This 
was obtained from a separate source along with the German Radio announcer introduction and 
concluding remarks. These were all spliced into the show. The total time was over 80 minutes 
so we at PRRP had to decide whether to have a 1 CD or 2 CD release. A 1 CD release was possible 
if we removed the Radio announcer but we chose to leave all relevant material in the show and 
produce a 2 CD show.
A zimmy21 recording !!
Source : SP-CMC-10 > battery SP-SPSB-1 ( 107 Hz ) > Dat Sony TCD-D8 > Pioneer CD recorder > EAC > Wav > Flac Frontend > Flac

Disc 01   :   71.42 minutes

01. Right now
02. Red staggerwing
03. Michaelangelo
04. I dug up a diamond
05. Born to run
06. Red dirt girl
07. band introduction
08. Done with Bonaparte
09. Romeo and Juliet
10. Song for Sonny Liston
11. All that matters
12. Donkey town
13. This is us

Disc 02   :   48.37 minutes

01. All the roadrunning
02. Boulder to Birmingham
03. Belle Starr
04. Speedway at Nazareth
05. Why worry
06. So far away
07. Our Shangri - La
08. applause
09. If this is goodbye


Core Sound heb mics > DAC24/96 > hp5500 pda
Recorded at 24 bit 88.2 KHz, reduced to CD quality using SoundForge 7.0

Recorded from stalls block B3.


Mark Knopfler (Guitar / Vocals)
Emmylou Harris (Guitar / Vocals)
Guy Fletcher (Keyboards / Musical Director)
Danny Cummings (Drums)
Glenn Worf (Bass)
Matt Rollings (Piano / Organ / Accordeon)
Richard Bennett (Guitar) 
Stuart Duncan (Fiddle / Mandolin)



01. Right Now
02. Red Staggerwing
03. Michelangelo (EH)
04. I Dug Up A Diamond
05. Born To Run (EH)
06. Red Dirt Girl (EH)
07. Band introductions
08. Done With Bonaparte
09. Romeo and Juliet
10. Song For Sonny Liston


01. Belle Starr
02. This Is Us
03. Boulder To Birmingham (EH)
04. All The Roadrunning
05. Speedway At Nazareth
06. If This Is Goodbye
07. So Far Away
08. Our Shangri-La
09. Why Worry
Mark Knopfler - Copenhagen 10.06.1996 soundboard


1. Intro 
2. Darling pretty 
3. Walk of life 
4. Imelda 
5. The bug 
6. Rudiger 
7. Je suis desole 
8. Calling Elvis 
9. I'm the fool 
10. Last exit to Brooklyn 
11. Romeo and Juliet 
12. Sultans of swing


1. Done with Bonaparte 
2. Father and son 
3. Golden heart 
4. Cannibals 
5. Telegraph road 
6. Brothers in arms 
7. Money for nothing 
8. Ole, ole 
9. The long highway
10. Going Home (Local Hero)

Additional comments:
Perfect soundboard recording! Unlike the previous version, all songs are in perfect sound and the concert is 100% complete. No missing ending of Romeo and Juliet this time and finally Long Highway and Going Home are featured on this recording.  Just before Long Highway, Mark Knopfler says: "We will be thinking of you on the way up to Oslo... "  Truely a great concert with good dynamics, highly recommended is you want a good impression of the Golden Heart tour in perfect sound. Available on two CD-R's.
Taper:		Rob Katz (robkatz at erols dot com)	
Source:		Audio-Technica 450 HE > DA-P1 (48k)
Conversion:	DA-P1 > TC Electronics - Triple C > ZA2 > SoundForge > CDWAV > SHN. 
Location:	Mics set up Left of Stage, Behind Soundboard

Disc One 
Set One
01:	Welcome to the Machine @			-	01:07
02:	The Beast in Me					- 	04:55
03:	So Long Suzanna					- 	02:49
04:	Goin to the Country				- 	03:40
05:	Faith on the Table				- 	04:13
06:	Diggin Me Diggin You				-	04:19
07:	Where Did I Go Wrong				-	06:16
08:	Free World					-	05:45
09:	Hallelujah					-	07:01
10:	Over My Head					-	04:17
11:	Let it Be  #					-	01:54
12:	Things You Do to Me				-	07:41

Set Two
13:	With a Little Help From My Friends #		-	07:03
14:	Caught in the Rain				-	05:03
15:	Can't Stop Thinkin About You			-	07:06
16:	Angeline					-	05:31	

Total:							-	78:40

Disc Two 

Set Two, cntd

01:	Freedom of the Road				-	04:56
02:	Diner						-	04:21
03:	Young & Beautiful				-	04:13
04:	Interlude					-	01:03
05:	13 Step Boogie					-	05:36
06:	Elephant's Memory				-	04:46
07:	My Maria (one verse)   >			-	02:15
08:	Gypsy Woman	  				-	09:00
09:	Glory Bound $	  >				-	07:31
10:	Wish You Were Here / Goodbye Romance *		-	03:00
11:	Encore Break					-	02:15
12:	Intro						-	00:45
13:	Candy						-	07:23
14:	False Start >					-	01:14
15:	Black Sheep					-	05:50
Total:							-	64:08

@ Pink Floyd cover
# Beatles cover
$ Into "San Francisco" by Scott McKenzie
* Pink Floyd / Ozzy Osborne covers

General Notes:
Whole show is Martin solo
You will need an 80 minute cd-r to burn disc 1 of this show.
Set I
JAM ->
Set II
ICU ->
(2nd ENCORE):
Source Audience. Sound A-

Max Roach-drums 
Odeon Pope-tenor sax 
Cecil Bridgewater-trumpet 
Tyrone Browne-bass 

Set list help please

01. Title 14:20
02. Title 10:58
03. Title 13:08
04. Drum Solo 4:30
05. Speaker MR/Calvary 14:06

Total 57:03
Here you'll get a proshot DVD from TOAD's PLACE
in NEW HAVEN, CONNETICUIT, USA 1991. It was filmed
by the stage crew with only one camera. The audio
came from soundboard, so we have the rare chance
to see & hear Meat with his old, powerful
voice in big quality.

1. Out Of The Frying Pan ( 13:05 )
2. Masculine ( 12:06 )
3. You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth ( 15:36 )
4. Midnight At The Lost And Found ( 6:41 )
5. All Revved Up With No Place To Go ( 8:41 )
6. Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad ( 13:46 )
7. Bat Out Of Hell ( 12:34 )
8. > Introductions ( 4:37 )
9. Paradisse By The Dashboard Light ( 17:11 )
10. Rock And Roll Medley ( 14:09 )

Technical dates:

TV System > PAL
Attribute > 24 Bits, 720 x 576, 4:3
Frames > 25 per sec.
Data > Variable Bit Rate ( max. 6500 kbps )
Total Duration > 01:58:32.04
Menue & Chapters > yes, each song
Fingerprint > yes
Size: 3,99 GB

Trade > CD-r > CDnGo > WAV > Flac Frontend > Flac

Line Up: 
Meat Loaf - Vocals / Acoustic guitar 
Patti Russo - Vocals
David LeScott (?) - Guitar
Kasim Sulton - Bass
John Machli - Drums
Tommy Grislam (?) - Piano / Keyboards
Ray Anderson - Keyboards / Guitar
Pearl Aday - Backing Vocals

Track Listing

Home By Now
No Matter What / Should Have Been Home By Now
Life Is A Lemon
Dead ringer For Love
I'd Lie For You, (and that's the Truth)
I'd Do Anything For Love, (but I won't do that) 
Lawyers Guns and Money

Rock N Roll Dreams
Is Nothing Sacred
Paradise By The Dashboard Light
--encore break--
[Meat goes acoustic] / Sixteen Tons / Band Intros / Sixteen Tons (cont)
Modern Girl (2 min tease)
Midnight At The Lost And Found

Honkytonk Women, (Sung by various members of the band)
Oh Darling, (Patti Russo lead vocals)
Heartache Tonight
I Love Rock N Roll, (Pearl Aday lead vocals) 
Hot Summer Night / Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad
You Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth
Bat Out Of Hell
[--encore break--
Summertime Blues
Roll Over Beethoven
	  	1 	  	Life Is a Lemon (And I Want My Money Back) 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	2 	  	Mercury Blues 	Douglas, Geddins 	 
Composed by:	Douglas, Geddins
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	3 	  	Dead Ringer for Love 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	4 	  	Testify 	Griffin 	 
Composed by:	Griffin
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	5 	  	All Revved Up With No Place to Go 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	6 	  	You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth (Hot Summer Night) 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	7 	  	Couldn't Have Said It Better 	Michael, Sixx 	 
Composed by:	Michael, Sixx
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	8 	  	Two Out of Three Ain't Bad 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	9 	  	Out of the Frying Pan (And into the Fire) 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	10 	  	For Crying out Loud 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	11 	  	Paradise by the Dashboard Light 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	12 	  	I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That) 	Steinman 	 
Composed by:	Steinman
Performed by:	Meat Loaf, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
  	  	13 	  	Bat out of Hell 	Steinman
Updated source: Schoeps cmxy4v
[had been erroneously marked
Source: SBD + Schoeps CMC64 + EW tc-40k > D7]
Transfer: Tascam DA-20 MK II > Audiophile 2496 > Sound Forge 7 >
CD Wave > Flac Level 8
Transfer by: Mike Vescovo (shackaholic_AT_gmail)

Disc One:
01. Improv >
02. Disrobe
03. Chris & Tam
04. Start/Stop
05. Gonzo
06. Sugarcraft
07. The Golden Lady
08. Chinoiserie

Disc Two:
01. Toy Dancing*#
02. Africa*>
03. Everyday People*

(w/ DJ Logic
(* w/ Marc Ribot
(# slight glitch at 3:22
Early Show

unknown/new (blues)
unknown/new (dark blues)
The Letter
Rise Up
After the Onsen
New New Orleans
Everybody Poops

Late Show

Norah 6
What'd I Say
unknown/new (far east)
Seven Deadlies
unknown/new (chef ballad)
Tuttie Ma
Wiggly's Way
Hey Joe

* thanks to Scott Gordon & Bill Mulvey for the help

source: Neumann AK40/LC3/KM100 > MP2 > M1 @ 16/48 (FOH/DFC/ghettORTF)
transfer: Tascam DA-20 > Hosa OLD-276 > Spark XL 2.8.2 (resample/tracks/fades) > xACT > FLAC
taped & transfered by jeffrykennedy@gmail.com

Disc One: 
01.  Jam
02.  Chubb Sub
03.  Coconut Boogaloo 
04.  Start / Stop 
05.  Is There Anybody Here That Loved My Jesus 

Disc Two:  
01.  "TBA" 
02.  Brigas Nunca Mais >  
03.   "Untitled-Ya"  
04.  Blue Pepper *  
05.  Bubblehouse 
06.  filler:   12-11-1998 - Latin Shuffle 

'* - w/ Skerik on sax (from Critters Buggin and Tuartara)
Source: FOB on lip of stage DFC > mics run on 7' stand ORTF > Neumann AK 40 > LC3KA > KM100 > AD1000 > D8
Transfer: D8 > Delta DiO 2496 > Samplitude 2496 > CDWAVE > SHNv3

Taped, transferred, and seeded by John D'Auria

Disc 1
Set I
01. Intro > Smoke
02. Improv >
03. Felic
04. Improv > 
05. Big Time
06. Is There Anybody Here That Love My Jesus?

Disc 2
Set II
01. Macha
02. Partido Alto
03. Brigas Nuncas Mais
04. The Dropper
05. Seven Deadlies
06. Africa
07. Bass Solo

Disc 3
Set II continued
01. Shacklyn Knights
02. Night Marchers
03. Crosstown Traffic
04. Gonzo (a)

(a) Billy Martin walks up the the mics on the lip of the stage and plays directly into them.

Sound: A
Show: A
Silent Anticipations
Baby Toes
Watching My Life Go By
Rickover's Dream
Breakfast in the Field
Face Yourself
Aerial Boundaries
The Funky Avacado
Come Together
Lineage: Master->DAT->CD->FLAC

Disc 1
1.  Eminence Front
2.  India
3.  Buffalo Stance
4.  Because It’s There
5.  (Titles, Talk & Tuning)
6.  Ritual Dance
7.  Road to Return
8.  Rickover’s Dream
9.  I Carry Your Heart
10. Silent Anticipations

Disc 2
1.  Autobiographical Suite: The Naked Stalk /
The Jealous Tunnel / The About Face March
2.  ?
3.  Ragamuffin
4.  Funky Avocado
5.  She Drives Me Crazy
6.  (Talk & Tuning)
7.  Aerial Boundaries
8.  Rootwitch
9.  60’s ‘Medley’
1. Jitterboogie [2:42]
2. Lucky Star [3:57]
3. Because It's There [4:27]
4. Face Yourself [6:25]
5. Dirge [5:27]
6. Sapphire [4:36]
7. Bouree [2:53]
8. Ritual Dance [2:37]
9. Rickover's Dream [5:44]
10. India [5:10]
11. Rough Wind In Oklahoma [5:49]
12. Syrinx [2:49]
13. Silent Anticipations [5:28]
14. A Love Bizarre [5:23]
15. Follow Through [5:11]
16. All Along The Watchtower [3:21]
1. Jitterboogie (2:45)
2. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (6:31)
3. Ritual Dance (2:47)
4. Because It's There (4:29)
5. Face Yourself (5:52)
6. Like a Rolling Stone (8:16)
7. Root Witch (2:42)
8. Jabberwocky (4:43)
9. Rickover's Dream (5:47)
10. Free Swingin' Soul (3:53)
11. Silent Anticipations (6:48)
12. Oklahoma! (1:41)
13. Gimme Shelter (5:34)
14. No Expectations (6:24)
- encore -
15. All Along the Watchtower (5:44)

Recording and production by Jeffro

Source: Sony CFS-EW60 (FM) > 
analog > Sony D10 Pro II.

Transfer: Sony PCM-R300 > NJB3 > SHN
Editing: Cool Edit Pro
01 (12:18) Beginning to melt
02 (05:39) Claire Eyes
03 (11:25) Plain Dressed
04 (05:26) Two Steps to Nowhere
05 (05:07) The drowning Dream
06 (06:34) Claude's Mirror Listing
07 (02:13) Nubian Clouds
08 (03:57) Bestial Cluster

Playing Time : 52:39

Bestial Cluster Live

Mick Karn  bass and clarinet
David Torn guitars, loops 
Steve Jansen percussion
Richard Barbieri keyboards

The track titles are how I got them. Some of them are obviously titled differently than they should be, but I left them alone for originality with the original boot. There was also some artwork floating around the internet for this show a while ago.
Mike Millard, nicknamed "Mike The Mic" was an avid bootleg recorder in the 1970s and 1980s, recording mostly Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd concerts in California, especially at the Los Angeles Forum. He taped virtually every show at the Forum from 1974 to 1980.

Starting with a basic mono recorder in 1974, Millard upgraded to a Nakamichi stereo recorder with AKG Acoustics microphones for the 1975 Led Zeppelin shows in the area. He often used a wheelchair to conceal his equipment, pretending to be disabled. Unlike most 1970s audience bootlegs, Millard's recordings are noted for their great sound quality, and are to this day considered some of the finest audio bootlegs available.

Millard's recording of the Led Zeppelin concert on June 21, 1977 at the Forum (allegedly taped from row number 6) was released under the title Listen To This Eddie, and remains one of the best-known Led Zeppelin bootlegs. His recording of the opening number from the concert, "The Song Remains The Same", was included in the promos menu of the Led Zeppelin DVD.

Mike Millard took his own life in 1993. 

The fan recording of a concert is really an extension of taking snapshots of your heroes. Back in the ‘60s and ‘70s recordable media was just making its way into households as a consumer electronic device, either an expensive reel-to-reel deck or a convenient cassette recording deck. Just imagine sneaking one of those into a concert these days. More likely, the stealth recorder of choice today would be a mini-disc recorder or your handphone. Small enough to fit your pocket.

But Michael Millard was different. He arrived early at concerts near his home, pulled out a wheelchair from the boot of his car and proceeded to wheel himself into the arena as an invalid. He managed to secure front row "seats", almost always front and centre. Hidden underneath his wheelchair was a Nakamichi stereo cassette deck hooked up to two high-quality AKG mics. Security guards in those days were probably unaware of such goings on.

His recordings were much sought after for their quality - capturing the expanse of the stage plus the great ambience of the halls. His close proximity eliminated any echo from his recordings. All the instruments recorded right off the front speakers. Plant’s voice is crystal clear. But Millard had a habit of marking his tapes when he copied them for another collector or fan. He would, for instance, lower the levels when transferring the audio to a VHS tape or lower the volume in mid-song when making a cassette copy. It has been said he detested bootleggers who pressed up his recordings onto vinyls or CDs to sell. To that end, he kept a log of all the trades he made with clear indications of what markings he did to the tapes. That way, he knew which of his trades were sent to bootleggers.

He worked as a custodian in a public school. In a fit of depression, he committed suicide in 1990. His friends say he destroyed all copies of his Led Zeppelin recordings. What has survived are the first generation copies he made and shared freely with other Zep fans. These are what are now being traded back and forth.

Millard was active from 1974 to the ‘80s and was said to have taped shows by Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Yes, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Jethro Tull and even Kansas. To date, we have never found a copy of his Who or Tull recordings. The non-Zeppelin masters are known to be in possession of Millard’s family. Hopefully, someday they will be shared again.

This particular March 11 show has appeared many times before on the following bootlegs:
California Graffiti (Masterport),
California Sunshine (Badgeholders),
Long Beach Arena Complete (Confusion),
Long Beach 1975 (Flying Disc & LSD),
Pussy & Cock (Tarantura),
Standing In the Shadow of Midnight (Empress Valley), &
Zeppelin L (Akashic)

Of all the boots, probably the best and most complete is Masterport’s California Graffiti which is at the proper speed with the complete introduction and all onstage banter by Robert Plant. Millard also recorded the shows on March 12 and March 14. But that’s another story.
The Orchestral Hergest Ridge I
The Orchestral Hergest Ridge II

Trade CD --> EAC --> wav --> flac frontend --> flac level 8
Sector Boundaries Aligned
Ripped and encoded June 20th, 2005

Like The Orchestral Tubular Bells before it, this was arranged and conducted by David Bedford. The BBC recorded the premiere, performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra with Steve Hillage (a member of the Kevin Ayers band) on guitar, on December 9th 1974. This was broadcast on television in early 1975.

A performance by the Scottish National Orchestra at the Kelvin Hall, Glasgow on May 5th 1976 (also featuring Hillage, Andy Summers - later of The Police - took part in other performances) was recorded by Radio Clyde. Virgin purchased the rights to this recording, with the intention of releasing it. 

The album was never released, possibly for several reasons. The Orchestral Tubular Bells was not a commercial success, and Mike is absent from all recordings of the Orchestral Hergest Ridge. Watching the television broadcast of the 1974 performance, Mike laughed at Steve Hillage's playing, and so he may have vetoed its release for this reason.
	Taurus I
	Platinum I
	Platinum II
	Tubular Bells II
	Sailor's Hornpipe
	Tubular Bells

Trade CD --> EAC --> wav --> flac frontend --> flac level 8 > DIME

On 31 October QE2 was issued.

The primary consequence for Mike of the second tour was pecuniary. Post QE2, he said, "I'm not into losing money any more. You know, in that first tour I really wanted to take the whole thing on - now I'd have somebody to look after the orchestra. They're nearly all MU members and they nearly went on strike on us about eight times. As soon as they see a TV camera they start demanding money. I've even thought about doing gigs completely by myself."

Mike did a long interview with Mal Reading on Independent radio reflecting on a number of key themes for his live work.

"It's extremely difficult music to do live because if you want to do it properly you've got to have at least fifty people. It might mean having four guitarists, and I've tried it like that, I've tried doing it half orchestral live and what I have since ended up with is just having very few people who are committed to this particular sort of music. And I feel it's there in spirit even if it doesn't sound like the record. That has been the most satisfying thing way of doing it is to get a manageable amount of people, musicians who are totally committed to the music."

"For QE2 what I did with the band that I took out in March was 12 people. You see the first time was 50, then it went down to 12, and I found that even twelve was too much, too many people. So its been refined down to six people including me, and it's the strongest it has ever been. If somebody had told me two years ago that I could get by with six people I would have said no, rubbish. But it is in fact easier because there's more communication and you've got more time to talk to each other. Particularly because there are so few people everybody has to give out more. If you've got lots of people you tend not to do so much as if there was just a few of you.

"I found it worked better on the road to have a more Socialist attitude with the people I was working with by giving them a share in the profits and things like that, making the whole show their show, our show. Rather than what I had done on a previous tour, which was - I was the boss, you've got to do what I say to get your wages - all I found that did was leave me a little bit out in the cold and caused bitter resentment. I want to share things in my own music, particularly live performances."

Mike's experience was tempering his philosophy in terms of man management, but it is clear that at this stage there is still a tension for him between reproducing to perfection the recorded music, and refreshing this with interpretative versions to fit the live mix. He seemed reconciled to moving ahead with fewer musicians mainly because it was cheaper and easier.

December 20, Germany: Dortmund [tv shows]

On 20 December 1980 Maggie Reilly sang Silent Night, Holy Night for the first time at Dortmund, Westfalen Halle. 
Taurus I
Tubular Bells, pt. 2/The Sailor's Hornpipe

Tubular Bells, pt. 1
Tubular Bells 2

There’s an old joke about the tourist in NYC who asks a elderly man, “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?”, to which the man replies, “Practice, practice, practice!” On March 1, 1993, I got there by winning tickets from WDRE (WLIR) to see the US premiere of Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells II. Lucky for us, someone in the audience had a very good set of stealth mikes. 

Some bits of useless trivia about the show:

The main band included five guitarists, one of which doubled on fiddle and another who doubled on banjo, three keyboard players, a computer programmer (also playing trombone), one pianist, one bassist, one drummer, one percussionist, one mandolin player, four vocalists, an MC, and, of course, mike on every guitar he could find . . . and bells. The complexity of the piece required a conductor, complete with score and baton.

Mike wore tuxedo, tails, and white sneakers.

The applause at about 25:50 is the MC’s entrance.

The chrome bells were mounted on a raised platform at the back of the center stage. Mike picked up the mallets and climbed the two steps to the bells just as the MC introduced them (29:00) – the spotlights reflecting off the bells were almost blinding.

The applause at 47:00 is for the fully uniformed bagpipe band marching onto the stage. They start playing about a minute later.

The studio album doesn’t include any real tubular bells. Mike used a computer to process some toy bells to get the sound he wanted. This live recording and the official Edinburgh Castle video are the only places to hear the piece performed with actual tubular bells. Additionally, the Edinburgh video has been (poorly) overdubbed in several places, so this is the only “true” live recording of the piece.

Trade history:
progsters offered 2007-08-04
Miles Davis (tpt)
George Coleman (ts)
Herbie Hancock (p)
Ron Carter (b)
Tony Williams (d) 

1 Intro 9:16 
2 Autumn Leaves (J. Prevert-J. Mercer-J. Kosma) 11:11 
3 So What (M. Davis) 11:15 
4 Stella by Starlight (N. Washington-V. Young) 14:15 
5 Walkin' (R. Carpenter) 12:36 
6 The Theme (M. Davis) (with applause) 1:18 

TT 50:46


Losin's website at 

September 20, 1963 (5 items; TT = 50:29) 
County Fairgrounds, Monterey CA 
Soundboard recording 
Miles Davis Quintet 

Miles Davis (tpt); George Coleman (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d) 

Autumn Leaves (J. Prevert-J. Mercer-J. Kosma) 11:11 
So What (M. Davis) 11:15 
Stella by Starlight (N. Washington-V. Young) 14:14 
Walkin' (R. Carpenter) 12:36 
The Theme (M. Davis) (with applause) 1:13 

Autumn Leaves
CD: So What SW-042

So What
CD: So What SW-042

Stella by Starlight
CD: So What SW-042

CD: So What SW-042

The Theme (with applause)
CD: So What SW-042


The Quintet played the Monterey Festival at the beginning of a month or two in California; during that time Davis spent a lot of time collaborating with Gil Evans on the music to accompany Peter Barnes's play The Time of the Barracudas. Some of this music, probably only a fraction of what was recorded, was issued on Mosaic MQ11-164 and Columbia CXK 67397.

The Time of the Barracudas opened at the Curran Theatre in San Francisco on October 21. Ralph J. Gleason's review in the San Francisco Chronicle (October 24) was not a rave: "Miles Davis' music is used in 'Time of the Barracudas' all right and it's a good thing it is, since the play at the Curran has little else to recommend it."

The Davis Quintet was booked for three weeks at the Jazz Workshop in San Francisco (September 3-22), but the show was closed down on the 18th: the owner was charged with "employing a minor" -- Tony Williams! Other activity: Royce Hall, UCLA (September 28); It Club, Los Angeles (October 3-13); Adams-West Theatre (October 11-12 -- these were "after-hours jam sessions" scheduled for 2-6 am).
'Round Midnight
No Blues
I Fall in Love Too Easily
On Green Dolphin Street
The Theme

ORTF radio broadcast, but likely taken from pre-broadcast reels.
Miles Davis Quintet
Miles Davis (tpt); Wayne Shorter (ts); Herbie Hancock (p); Ron Carter (b); Tony Williams (d)

"Agitation" and "Footprints" were not broadcast and do not appear on any issued recordings of this date. The opening ascending run and set-up for the theme to "'Round Midnight" is missing on JMY and Golden Age of Jazz. In addition, the tunes are wrongly indexed on JMY: 1. 'Round Midnight (8:05); 2. No Blues (13:05); 3. Mascalero [sic] (8:40); 4. I Fall in Love Too Easily (9:00); 5. Riot (5:30); 6. Walkin' (9:40); 7. On Green Dolphin Street (16:50); 8. The Theme (0:40).

So...I retracked this using Adobe Audition.

Trade history:
jazzvines: offered 2007-08-04
Bitches Brew
It's About that Time
I Fall in Love Too Easily
Sanctuary/The Theme

from a Berlin TV broadcast
Miles Davis
Wayne Shorter
Chick Corea
Dave Holland
Jack DeJohnette
Late Show

Honky Tonk
What I Say
It's About That Time

Funky Tonk

Miles Davis
Gary Bartz
Keith Jarrett
Michael Henderson
Ndugu Leon Chancler
Don Alias, James Mtume Foreman

ORTF > ? > DAT@48kHz > S/PDIF and M-Audio Audiophile 24/96 soundcard > WAV > Soundforge 6.0 > CD WAV > FLAC

Sound: B+
Show: B+
Miles Davis (tp, p)
Bill Evans (ss, ts, fl, p)
Mike Stern (g)
Marcus Miller (b)
Al Foster (d)
Mino Cinelu (pc)
Back Seat Betty 09:55
My Man's Gone Now 11:13
Aida 13:44
Ife 11:27
Fat Time 07:45
Jean Pierre 13:39
Jean Pierre 06:50

Taped and transferred by Simon Shepherd
Miles Davis (tp, p)
Bill Evans (ss, ts, fl, p)
Mike Stern (g)
Marcus Miller (b)
Al Foster (d)
Mino Cinelu (pc)

Back Seat Betty 14:01
My Man's Gone Now 10:31
Aida 17:04
Ife 13:33
Fat Time 12:25
Jean Pierre 13:22

Taped and transferred by Simon Shepherd
Miles Davis (tp, p)
Bill Evans (ss, ts, fl, p)
Mike Stern (g)
Marcus Miller (b)
Al Foster (d)
Mino Cinelu (pc)

Back Seat Betty	14:37
My Man's Gone Now 09:52
Aida 18:47
Ife 13:23
Fat Time 10:54
Jean Pierre 15:40

Taped and transferred by Simon Shepherd
Perfect Way
New Blues (Star People)
Human Nature
Time After Time
Miles talks
The Senate
Me and You

This is an excellent sounding audience recording - A digital master from the pre-DAT era! Nakamichi cm700 microphones (with modified power supplies) > Sony F1 PCM Beta digital master > Beta PCM clone > standalone HHB CD recorder > Toast Titanium CD extraction > DigiDesign Pro Tools > xAct (Flac level 8 with sector boundaries verified). md5 file created with checkSum+.

Not from usual boot source which is off-pitch (slowed down by 2-3 percent).

Original taper: "Digital Dave" (I bet some of you remember this guy)
In a Silent Way
New Blues (Star People)
Perfect Way
The Senate/You and Me
Human Nature
Miles talks

Time After Time
Movie Star
Funk Suite (Heavy Metal part one)
Heavy Metal
Don't Stop Me Now
Miles talks
Venue music

Miles Davis: Trumpet, Keyboards
Kenny Garrett: Alto Sax, Soprano Sax, Flute
Adam Holzman: Keyboards (right)
Joe “Foley” Mc Creary: Lead Piccollo Bass Guitar
Joey De Francesco: Keyboards (left)
Benny Rietveld: Bass Guitar
Marilyn Mazur: Percussion
Ricky Wellman. Drums

PA SBD>MCA (Sony TCD 5MP, Sony HF, no Dolby)>D.N.E. (single end NR)>Aural Exiter>CAS (PB: Nakamichi LX-3)>Marian Marc 2 (Setting: 24 bit/ 64 Khz)>HDD>Remaster with WaveLab 7.0, using Sonic Foundry Noise Reduction at highest solution, and other 32 and 64 bit plug ins, down sampling to 16 bit/44.1 khz, normalisation to -0.01 db>CD WAVE (tracking)>FLAC Frontend.
Broadcast: 2006-08-16
Performance date: 2006-01-27 

Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>Nero WaveEditor (for levels only +6db)>flac 

Conducted by JoAnn Falletta
Edgar Meyer, db 

Announcer 0:57
Kodaly: Galanta Dances 16:57

Announcer 1:08
Bottesini: Double Bass Concerto No. 2 in B minor
Movement I-allegro moderato 6:06
Movement II-Andante 5:59
Movement III-allegro 5:18

Announcer 0:54
Meyer: Double-Bass Concerto in D
Movement I 5:27
Movement II 5:43
Movement III 5:02

Announcer 0:54
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances 
Non allegro 11:11
Andante Con Moto. Tempo Di Valse 9:11
Lento Assai - Allegro Vivace 13:00

Total Time: 87:52
Disc 1 Set 1
01-Harder They Come
02-Better Place
03-Mountain Top
04-Cats Down Under the Stars
06-Speed Train
07-It Shows
08-Irie Treehouse->Girls House->Irie Treehouse

Disc 2 Set 2
09-Shakedown Street->
10-B's D->
11Shakedown Street
13-Rubin & Cherise
14-Grey Bri
16-Washed In Blue

Source: Mackie 1402vlzpro SB/NakCM300CP1>Behringer UB1832FX-Pro>Archos AV420
Lineage: Archos AV420>USB>Goldwave5.12>Flac1.1.2a
Recorded by: <a href="http://www.myspace.com/shivaho" target="_blank">Shiva Ho</a>
Notes: Naks xy 9' up 5' center stage Matrix
C.C. Rider
Avalon Blues
Nobody's Dirty Business
Make Me A Pallet On Your Floor
Stack-O'Lee Blues

traded from JK
<<closeAll>><<permaview>><<newTiddler>><<newJournal 'DD MMM YYYY'>><<saveChanges>><<tiddler TspotSidebar>><<slider chkSliderOptionsPanel OptionsPanel 'options »' 'Change TiddlyWiki advanced options'>>
1.  Superheroes Of BMX
2.  Xmas Steps
3.  May Nothing But Happiness Come Through Your Door
4.  Summer
5.  New Paths To Helicon pt. 2
6.  Small Children In The Background
7.  Stanley Kubrick
8.  Ex-Cowboy
9.  Christmas Song
10. New Paths To Helicon pt. 1
11. Like Herod

source: Core Sound Binaurals > B.Box > Sony TCD-D7 > DAT master > Tascam DA20-mkII > Hosa coax/optical > Zoltrix Nightingale optical 
transfer card > Cool Edit Pro > dEQ > resample 48k->44.1k > CD Wave > FLAC (level 8)
1. You Don't Know Jesus
2. Mogwai Fear Satan
3. Star Wars
4. Cody
5. Christmas Steps
6. C# (Hunted By A Freak)
7. Yes! I Am A Long Way From Home
8. Helicon 1
9. 2 Rights Make 1 Wrong
10. Like Herod


Recording: soundboard > Sony PCM-M1
Extraction: CD-R (unknown generation) > EAC v0.95b1 (secure) > FLAC Frontend 1.7.1 (level 8)
Laswell bass solo

Nils Petter Molvær - tr
Bill Laswell - b
Eivind Aarset - g
Hamid Drake -dr
Aiyb Dieng - perc
Early and Late shows

Early Show:
Hard Travellin' (All)
Intro Tom Russell > Blue Wing
South Coast (Ramblin' Jack)
Intro Chris Smither > Link Of Chain
Intro Dave Alvin > New Highway
Gallo Del Cielo (Tom Russell)
Buffalo Skinners (Ramblin' Jack)
The Devil's Real (Chris Smither)
California Snow (Dave Alvin)
Railroad Bill (Ramblin' Jack)
The Last Bar On Earth (Tom Russell)
Cup Of Coffee (Ramblin' Jack)
Hold On (Chris Smither)
Blackjack David (Dave Alvin)
Isn't It A Pity When Irish Girls Grow Up (Tom Russell)
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (Ramblin' Jack)
Winsome Smile (Chris Smither)
King Of California (Dave Alvin)
Do Re Mi (Ramblin' Jack)
E: Wabash Cannonball/Train So

Late Show:
Show Intro > Hard Travellin' (All)
Beyond The Blues (Tom Russell)
Song Intro (Ramblin' Jack)
Pastures Of Plenty (Ramblin' Jack)
Can't Shake These Blues (Chris Smither)
Song Intro (Dave Alvin)
West Texas Woman Blues (Dave Alvin)
Song Intro (Tom Russell)
The Sky Above, The Mud Below (Tom Russell)
Song Intro (Ramblin' Jack)
Friend Of The Devil (Ramblin' Jack)
Song Intro (Chris Smither)
High Heeled Sneekers > Big Boss Man (Chris Smither)
Mary Brown (Dave Alvin)
East Virginia (All)
The Last Bar On Earth (Tom Russell)
Waiting For A Train (Ramblin' Jack)
Caveman (Chris Smither)
Dry River (Dave Alvin)
Song Intro (Tom Russell)
Throwing Horseshoes At The Moon (Tom Russell)
1913 Massacre (Ramblin' Jack)
I Am The Ride (Chris Smither)
(I Won't Be) Leaving (Dave Alvin)
Do Re Mi (All)
Dixie Darling (Encore) (Ramblin' Jack)
Wabash Cannonball/Train Medley (Encore) (All)
Applause > 2nd Encore Intro
Railroad Bill (Encore) (All)
Set I
Hard Travelin' (all)
Blue Wing (TR)
Pretty Boy Floyd (JE)
Link Of Chain (CS)
New Highway (DA)
When Irish Girls Grow Up (TR)
Winsome smile (CS)
South Coast (JE)
Blackjack David (DA)
East Virginia (all)
Out In California (TR)
Waiting For A Train (JE)
The Devil's Real (CS)
Dry River (DA)
Dixie Darling (JE)
Set II
Railroad Bill (all)
The Sky Above, The Mud Below (TR)
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (JE)
Rock 'n Roll Doctor (CS)
Wanda And Duane (DA)
Veteran's Day (TR)
A Cup Of Coffee (JE)
Caveman (CS)
California Snow (DA)
The Eyes Of Roberto Duran (TR)
1913 Massacre (JE)
Love You Like A Man (CS)
King Of California (DA)
Do Re Mi (all)
Wabash Cannonball/The Promised Land/The Wreck Of The Old '97 (all)
with Dave Alvin, Chris Smither, Ramblin' Jack Elliott and Tom Russell
No info
Early show
Set I
1- Suzanne Ciani- ?
2- Suzanne Ciani- Rain
3- Suzanne Ciani- The Velocity of Love
4- Maximum Grooves- Cactus
5- Maximum Grooves- Hypnotized
6- Joe Gallivan and Graham Haynes- ?
7- Bernie Worrell and DJ Logic- ?
8- Bernie Worrell and DJ Logic- ?
9- Keith Emerson- Happy Birthday to Rick
10- Rick Wakeman (with Jordan Rudess)- excerpts from Six Wives and Journey

Set II
1- Pamelia Kurstin- ? (on Theremin)
2- Eumir Deodato and Steve Molitz- Also Sprach Zarathustra
3- Stanley Jordan- ?
4- Stanley Jordan- ?
5- Stanley Jordan- ?
6- Bob Moog Speech
7- Keith Emerson- America
8- Keith Emerson- Hoedown
9- Keith Emerson- Tarkus
10- Keith Emerson- Fanfare for the Common Man
Source: Soundboard
Quality: A+

CD Trade > EAC (wav) > FLAC Frontend encode level 7 > You (Enjoy!).

Bill Bruford: Drums
Patrick Moraz: Piano


CD 1 (Lenght: 42:16)
01. Blue Brains
02. Hazy
03. Eastern Sundays
04. Cachaca
05. Galatea
06. The Drum Also Waltzes

CD 2 (Lenght: 40:59)
01. Improvisation on 3 Notes
02. Children's Concerto
03. Any Suggestions
04. Piano Solo
05. Improvisation
06. Black Silk

pablodrums (July 10, 2007)

NDR Bigband & Nguyên Lê 

Nguyên Lê: Guitar, Co-Arrangement
Maria Pia de Vito: Vocals
Gary Husband: Drums
Michael Gibbs: Arrangement, Conductor



01. NDR Info Intro & Introduction by Moderator [1:51]
02. Speak To Me - Breathe [6:43]
03. On The Run [3:09]
04. Time [08:34]
05. Breathe Reprise [1:18]
06. Introduction by Moderator [1:38]
07. The Great Gig In The Sky [8:31]
08. Money [7:18]
09. Introduction by Moderator [1:00]
10. Us And Them - Any Colour You Like [7:53]
11. Bain Damage [4:09]
12. Eclipse [2:24]
13. NDR Info Outro [0:22]

Total time: 54.50 min.
One Of these Days,
Before I Go,
Southern Dew,
En Fuego

3 Tenors,
Velvet Pouch,
On The Sun,
Don't Think Twice,
Bo's Blues,
Painted Moon,
Mountain Aire
Jungle Strut
Set I
1. intro
2. Sweet Brandy Wine
3. Painted Moon
4. Double Clutch
5. Get Behind The Mule
6. Downstream
7. Bo's Blues
8. Bridge Of The Gods
Set II
1. Daddy Long Legs
2. Journey Man
3. Evergreen
4. En Fuego *
5. Locomotive Breath**
. Border Ghost (a long tail to tell)
2. Velvet Pouch
3. Three Tenors
4. Fearless
5. Gelstream
6. Calypso

Broadcast date: 2006-06-08
Performance date: 2005-02-??


Announcer 3:25
Mahler - Symphony #7 - Song of the Night
Langsam (Adagio) - Allegro risoluto, ma non tropppo 25:07
Nachtmusik I. Allegro moderato 17:35
Scherzo. Schattenhaft 10:40
Nachtmusik II. Andante amoroso 14:04
Rondo-Finale. Tempo I (Allegro ordinario) 19:18

Total Time: 90:12
Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac
Mstislav Rostropovich, conductor
Maxim Vengerov, v

Disk 1
Announcer 3:46
Shostakovich: Violin Concerto No. 1 in A Minor Op. 77
nocturne: moderato 12:55
scherzo: allegro 7:04
passacaglia: andante: 11:11
cadenza 3:30
burlesque: allegro con brio 5:16
Total Time: 43:44

Disk 2
Announcer 3:52
Symphony No. 10 in E minor Op. 93
Moderato 28:32
Allegro 4:30
Allegretto 13:43
Andante - Allegro 13:54
Total Time: 64:32

From the program notes:

Violin Concerto No. 1 (1945-48)
It was a dangerous time for music when Shostakovich was completing his First Violin Concerto— during Stalin’s regime, a month after the notorious Zhdanov Decrees had censured the composer for “bourgeois, formalist deviations.” It would be seven years before the dedicatee, David Oistrakh, premiered it. Two months later, he joined the Philharmonic for the U.S. première. From ominous Nocturne to spectacular Burlesque, it has become a masterpiece for all time.

Symphony No. 10 (1953)
Here is music as political statement: Shostakovich himself said his Tenth Symphony is “about Stalin and the Stalin years. The second part, the scherzo, is a musical portrait, roughly speaking.” It is demonic, loud, violent. In the third movement he embedded his initials D- S-C-H as a kind of musical code; the resulting triumphant theme crushes the tyrant’s music in the wild finale. Shostakovich is dancing on Stalin’s grave.
Sir Colin Davis, conductor
Ian Bostridge, t
Glenn Dicterow, v

Disk 1
Announcer 1:54
Berlioz: Les Nuits d’été op. 7 
Villanelle 2:34
Le Spectre de la rose 7:01
Sur les lagunes 5:50
Absence 5:53
Au cimetiere 6:47
L' Ile inconnue 4:17
Total Time: 34:20

Disk 2
Announcer 3:00
Mozart: Serenade in D, K. 250, Haffner, for violin & orchestra.
Allegro maestoso - Allegro molto: 7:16
Andante 8:55
Menuetto 11:26
Rondeau: Allegro 5:22
Menuetto galante 18:40
Total Time: 54:41

From the program:

HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803-1869)
Les nuits d’été (Summer Nights) (1843-56)
Berlioz, a master at setting moods and painting with colorful sounds, composed these songs on six texts by the French romantic poet Théophile Gautier: “Street Song ,” “The Specter of the Rose,” “On the Lagoons,” “Absence,” “In a Cemetery,” and “The Unknown Isle.” Just the titles of these exquisite love songs evoke languor, longing and melancholy.

Serenade No. 7, K. 250, “Haffner” (1776)
The Haffners were one of Salzburg’s most prominent families. In July of 1776 Sigmund Haffner, the former mayor, commissioned the 20-year-old Mozart to compose music for a pre-nuptial party for his daughter Marie Elisabeth. It was a full evening of festive summer entertainment, brilliantly scored, from the entrance march of the musicians through multiple movements that accompanied eating, dancing, chatting. Listen for some humorous “rustic” notes appropriate to the outdoor setting.
Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Sir Colin Davis, conductor
Soile Isokoski, s
Mitsuko Uchida, p

Announcer 0:08
Mozart: La Clemenza di Tito Overture 5:20
Announcer 3:15
concert aria, Ch'io me scordi di te...Non temer, amato bene K. 505 10:57
Announcer 4:45
Piano Concerto No. 26 in D, K. 537, Coronation
Allegro 14:39
Larghetto 6:20
Allegretto 11:12
Announcer 0:46
Sibelius: Luonnotar 10:31
Announcer 0:34
Symphony No. 3 in C major Op. 52
Allegro moderato 11:16
Andantino con moto, quasi allegretto 11:26
Moderato - Allegro (ma non tanto) 8:46

Total Time: 100:02

From the Program:

Overture to La clemenza di Tito, K. 621 (1791)
In August of 1791 (just three months before his death) Mozart was on his way to Prague, to the coronation of Emperor Leopold II as King of Bohemia. He still hadn’t completed the commission for the opera in honor of the occasion, La Clemenza di Tito, and brought along an assistant to help finish it. Many of Mozart’s works were performed during the festivities, but this opera did not find favor. Today, we usually hear this wonderful overture.

“Ch’io mi scordi di te?” Scene with Rondo for soprano, orchestra and piano obbligato, K. 505 (1786)
Mozart composed this dazzling aria for the 1787 farewell concert by Anna (Nancy) Storace, who had been concertizing on the continent. Mozart himself at the keyboard accompanied the charming English mezzo—for whom he had a deep affection. The dedication on the score reads “from your servant and friend,” and the text sums up Mozart’s feelings: “How could I forget you? …Don’t fear, beloved, my heart will always be yours.”

Piano Concerto No. 26, K. 537, “Coronation” (1788)
Despite its name, this concerto was not performed at the official coronation ceremonies of Leopold II as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Mozart was not asked to attend. In hopes of an invitation, he traveled to Frankfurt and organized his own performance of this style gallant work—graceful, spirited, brilliant. He wrote to his wife: “It was a splendid success from the point of view of honor and glory, but a failure as far as money was concerned.”

JEAN SIBELIUS (1865-1957)
Luonnotar (1913)
Finland’s national epic, the Kalevala, weaves a magical creation myth. The maiden Luonnotar plunges into the river that flows through the cosmos, and soon a golden-eyed duck approaches her to seek a nesting site on her knees. When three brooded eggs accidentally fall into the water, the yolks, whites, and broken shells become the sun, moon and stars. Sibelius captures nature at its most elemental and haunting in this vocal score.

JEAN SIBELIUS (1865-1957)
Symphony No. 3 (1904-07)
When Sibelius got away from the lures of the “big city,” Helsinki, and moved his family to a new home, named “Ainola” in honor of his wife, he could finally resume his creative activities. Invigorated by the change, he also began to speak with a different symphonic voice in his Third Symphony—one in which “a profound logic … creates an innerconnection between its various motives.”
Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Lorin Maazel, conductor
Pierre Laurent Aimard, piano

Disk 1
Announcer 2:26
Carter: Dialogues (NY Philharmonic premiere performance) 16:06

Announcer/Interview 4:39
Stravinsky: Concerto for piano & winds
Largo / Allegro / Piu moso / Maestoso 8:30
Largo 8:02
Allegro 5:31
Total Time: 45:14

Disk 2
Announcer 2:22
Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique Op. 14 
Reveries-Passions (Largo-Allegro agitato e appassionato assai) 14:23
Un bal (Valse. Allegro non troppo) 6:03
Scene aux champs (Adagio) 17:49
Marche au supplice (Allegro non troppo) 7:32
Songe d'une nuit de sabbat (Larghetto -Allegro-Dies irae-Rondo du Subbat(Un peu retenu)- Dis irae et 6:53
Total Time: 55:05

From the program notes:

Dialogues (2003)
Elliot Carter, a giant of contemporary music, envisions Dialogues to be “a conversation between the soloist and the orchestra.” After its London première, The Guardian raved: “A magnificent work…The hugely demanding piano writing packs a real punch and some of the confrontations between soloist and orchestra get quite heated, even though a reconciliation is suggested in the luminous final pages.” About the composer the Evening Standard proclaims: “…the imagination remains fertile, the sheer exuberant energy extraordinary.”

Concerto for Piano and Winds (1923/24)
Stravinsky himself performed this concerto in Paris, a product of his “neo-classic” period (“in the style of the 17th century—that is, the 17th century viewed from the standpoint of today,” he explained.). At the première he had a scary memory lapse just before the second movement: “I suddenly realized that I had entirely forgotten how it started. I whispered this to Koussevitzky [the conductor]. He glanced at the score and whispered the first notes. That was enough to restore my balance.”

HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803-1869)
Symphonie fantastique (1830)
It was love at first sight when the 23-year-old Hector Berlioz saw Irish actress Harriet Smithson perform the roles of Ophelia and Juliet. “The impression made on my heart and mind by her extraordinary talent, nay her dramatic genius, was equaled only by the havoc wrought in me by the poet she so nobly interpreted…It was too much. By the third act, hardly able to breathe—as though an iron hand gripped me by the heart—I knew that I was lost.” The result: a work of unprecedented orchestral colors and effects used to tell his “fantastic” story: “A young musician of unhealthily sensitive nature and endowed with a vivid imagination has poisoned himself with opium in an attack of lovesick despair. The narcotic dose he has taken was too weak to cause death, but it has thrown him into a long sleep accompanied by the most extraordinary visions. In this condition his sensations, his feelings and his memories find utterance in his sick brain in the form of a melody in his mind, like a fixed idea which is ever returning and which he hears everywhere.”
Lorin Maazel, conductor
Evgeny Kissin, piano

Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 (41:07)
Adagio un poco mosso
Rondo allegro

R. Strauss: Don Juan (18:13)
R. Strauss: Suite fr der Rosenkavalier (20:28)
By the Time I Get to Phoenix
I'm Gonna Kill That Woman
Long Train Suffering
Your Funeral, My Trial
She Fell Away
Long Time Man
Knockin' on Joe
Jack's Shadow
Sad Waters
From Her to Eternity
Messiah Ward
Hiding All Away
Easy Money
Babe, You Turn Me On
Get Ready for Love
O Children
Carry Me
There She Goes, My Beautiful World
Red Right Hand

The Weeping Song
God Is in the House
Stagger Lee
The Mercy Seat
source - astra sat > nexus-s > hdd > nero wave editor > flac 
(astra sat uses MPEG1 Layer 2/320 kbps)

nik baertsch - piano, fender rhodes 
kaspar rast - drums 
björn meyer - bass
andi pupato - percussion 
sha - bassclarinets

01. modul 32 10:28
02. modul 36 15-16
03. modul 33 11:08 
Source:  BBC FM broadcast > Aiwa 640 3-head cassette master > CD-R recorder (Philips 570)
Editing: None other than Fade in / out
Transfer >wav (Nero 7 with jitter reduction) > Flac Frontend (level 6)> flac
Quality: A+  with just a little background FM hiss

Broadcast on BBC Jazz on 3 a couple of weeks after recording, this is Nils performing
numbers from his Khmer and Solid Ether CDs with a group that turn in arguably as
powerful and dynamic a performance ever from Nils, sounding more Laswell-like Alternative
Rock / Dub (which I prefer) than his later more Jazz / ambient samples style. 

This is a complete continuous recording from the Jazz Cafe, unlike that identified at 
molvaer.de which is incomplete, has tracks from several sources that appear not to be
the full duration and are a different (audience?) mix.

All this should make this an essential to listeners new or Molvaer enthusiasts, so...

...Enjoy this fantastic performance !!

Set List

08:36 Ligotage
03:49 Platonic Years
06:16 Tragamar
12:04 Khmer
09:44 Access / Song of Sand I
04:58 Tion
07:44 Onstream
06:40 Song of Sand II > Ligotage (exit sample) 

59:47 = Total Time

Nils Petter Molvaer - Trumpet
Eivind Aarset - Guitar
Audun Erlien - Bass
Rune Arnesen - Drums
Per Lindvall - Drums
Sven Persson - Sound Design
DJ Stangefruit - Turntables

1. Thanks to Fred and Weisi at molvaer.de for help and sound samples to compare.
2. db.etree.org indicates copies of this concert do exist, unlikely of the same quality.
3. Not aware that this has been posted on Dime before
4. Great artworks included, courtesy of the efforts of member dsgtrane (David)
5. Set list is best effort from db.etree, molvaer.de and my own official issue CDs
1. Unknown
2. Unknown
3. Platonic Years
4. Tragamar
5. Khmer
6. Song of Sand II
7. Tlon
1. Intro
2. Ligotage
3. Platonic Years
4. Tragamar
5. Khmer
6. Song of Sand
7. Kakonita
8. Tlon
Little Indian
Song Of Grief
Axis Of Ignorance
Dead Live
Hurry Slowly
Simply So
Nils Petter Molvaer - trumpet, electronics
Jan Bang - samples, loops, electronics
DJ Strangefruit - turntables

Recorded exclusive at the BBC Studios on 2004-08-20
Broadcasted by BBC "Late Junction" on 2004-08-24 and by BBC Scotland "Be-Bop to Hip-Hop" on 2004-09-08
Solid Ether
Little Indian
Axis of Ignorance
Song of Grief
Copyright © 2007 - 2009 bjm
Somewhere out of a memory of lighted streets on quiet nights
Sound and show ratings irritate the hell out of me, but one feels obligated to provide some sort of relative guide by which shows may be compared. Sound ratings on bts are loosely based upon those given at the ministry of information. Over time, though, one realizes that comparing audience recordings to soundboard or broadcast recordings is akin to comparing adriana lima to that hot CPA on the fifth floor - both of them distract you, but they're in completely different classes, if not genera. 

This stratification of the inherent quality limitations of different sources should be kept firmly in mind when considering the ratings assigned here at bts. A "B+" audience recording may lack annoying audience sounds and have clear vocals and electric instruments, but chances are the drums still sound like pounded soggy cardboard. A "B+" soundboard recording may be a tad dry, but the vocals will likely be devoid of "audience harmonizing". On the other hand, there are some phenomenal audience-sourced ROIOs out there . . .

Lastly, it has been my experience that one's ears become more sympathetic to a recording the longer it plays. This is complicated by the tendency for some recordings to actually improve during the course of a show, consequent of the taper tweaking the settings in the wild. So a show that starts out as a B may endear itself after a few songs, earning an A-. It's all terribly unscientific. 
1. Windowpane 
2. In My Time Of Need 
3. Death Whispered A Lullaby 
4. Closure 
5. Hope Leaves 
6. To Rid The Disease 
7. Ending Credits 
8. Weakness 

1. Benighted
2. To Bid You Farewell
3. Soldier Of Fortune (Deep Purple Cover)
4. Face Of Melinda
Chronology MCMXCIV - MMV A Live Observation By Opeth

Taper: Distortion
Source: Danish Pro Audio 4601s > Danish Pro Audio MPS6020 > Sony SBM-1 (Todd Mod, SPDIF Out) > M-Audio Microtrack 2496 (SPIDF In @ 16/44.1)
Transfer: M-Audio MicroTrack 2496 > USB 2.0 > Sound Forge 7.0 (levels and fades) > .WAV > .FLAC (Level 8)
Notes: The 3rd and final show of the Chronology set tour. 

Under The Weeping Moon [Orchid - 1995]
The Night And The Silent Water [Morningrise - 1996]
The Amen Corner [My Arms, Your Hearse - 1996]
White Cluster [Still Life - 1999]
The Leper Affinity [Blackwater Park - 2001]
A Fair Judgement [Deliverance - 2002]
Deliverance [Deliverance - 2002]
Windowpane [Damnation - 2003]
Closure [Damnation - 2003]
Ghost of Perdition [Ghost Reveries - 2005]
The Baying of the Hounds [Ghost Reveries - 2005]
The Grand Conjuration [Ghost Reveries - 2005]
Demon of the Fall [My Arms, Your Hearse - 1998]
Taper:		Vamprecords  (www.vamprecords.com)
Source:		Audience Recording -> Custom made Cardioids -> Batterybox -> Sony MZ-RH10

		Disc 1

		01. Ghost of Perdition
		02. White Cluster
		03. The Amen Corner
		04. The baying of hounds
		05. Closure
		06. Under the Weeping Moon

		Disc 2

		01. The Grand Conjuration
        	02. The Leper Affinity
		03. Band Introduction
		04. Deliverance
		ArtworK:	Yes[X]	No[ ]

Opeth are:

Mikael Åkerfeldt-Guitars, Vocals (1990-)
Peter Lindgren-Guitars (1991-)
Martin "Axe" Axenrot  (2006-)
Martin Mendez-Bass (1997-)
Per Wiberg (2005-)

FM > WAV (Wavelab) > FLAC (frontend level 8)
Jazz Live, TSF, 13 august 2007
Talk by Jean-Charles Doukhan

Franck Tortiller (vibes, composition, direction)
Vincent Limouzin (vibes, marimba, electronic)
Patrice Héral (drums, electronic, voice)
Claude Gomez (samples, mix)
Yves Torchinsky (double bass)
Jean Gobinet (trumpet, flugelhorn)
Joël Chausse (trumpet, flugelhorn)
Eric Séva (tenor & soprano sax)
Jean-Louis Pommier (trombone)
Michel Marre (tuba)

1. Ouverture  7:57
2. Electrique (based on Bitches Brew & On the Corner of Miles Davis)  10:42
3. Sometimes it Snows in April (Prince)  12:23
4. Les Angles  8:43
5. Last Call Before Midnight  6:53 (cut out)
1. Intro 1:36
2. Lonely Woman 12:52
3. Clergyman's Dream 19:10
4. Sadness 4:13
5. Falling Stars 15:39
1. Baby I Love You*
2. All Your Love (I Miss Loving)*
3. uptempo instrumental*
4. Otis patter*
5. midtempo instrumental (The Time Has Come?)*
6. Buddy Guy intro > uptempo instrumental*
7. Five Long Years*
8. Look Over Yonder's Wall
9. The Things I Used to Do
10. I Smell a Rat
11. Gambler's Blues

'*Tracks 1Ð6 and the beginning of track 7 are from the original Dime source, probably AUD cassette>?. The rest are Pre-FM SBD>VHS Hi-Fi>Peak Pro 5.2 for tracking>flac
Og Ha Be
Dots Thots
Dissolution (The Clouds Disperse)
White Rhino Tea

The Space Between Your Ears
The Thrubbe
Kick Muck
Sniffin Dog
Irish Jig
SBD > ? > CDR > Nero Wave > Flac

01. Og-Ha-Be
02. 0-1 Dots
03. White Rhino Tea
04. Astro Cortex
05. Vitavoom
06. There's a Planet Here
07. Myriapod
08. Throb > Erpland

01. Dissolution > Beard Od Joy
02. Kickmuck

Fantastic sound
DAUD AKG CK91 (ORTF) > Lunatec V2 > D8 > SGI Indy > Soundforge/CD Architect > CDR(0) > EAC(secure) > flacFrontend(8) > Torrent

Recorded and transfered by Vince Palese

Cat DNA, Eternal Wheel, Sploosh, Papyrus, Snake Pit, Oolite Groove > Citadel Jam, Oddentity, Myriapod, Spice Doubt, Dissolution, White Rhino Tea > The Throbbe
A very nice, well recorded show from the US 1999 tour.  I must admit that this tour was the first
for me as an Ozric fan, and after seeing the House of Blues show in Chicago, and collecting
recordings of shows, those from this tour are among the most near and dear.

This is the first stop on the 1999 US tour, and is somewhat unusual in that the lead out from
Ahu Belahu is the tune Papyrus.  While they performed Papyrus 6-7 times during the tour,
most of the recorded shows in circulation feature the Ahu Belahu -> Myriapod segue.

This is an audience recording which I would grade A or 9/10 depending on how you rate
such things.  Chance are, if you've heard any other '99 tour recordings, they are, in general,
beautifully recorded (think NYC 7-9/10, Cleveland 7-16, Chicago  7-18)...

I received this show in a trade from [possibly] Mark Mayhall, and it was part of an Erpnotes 
(Ozric mailing list) CD tree entitled Erptree Vol. 5.  Mark Mayhall executed the artwork, but
I was faced with a dilemma.  The original back cover had an incorrect set listing.  So,
what do I do - leave the artwork, very cool, as it is, or do I modify the artwork and change
the set listing to reflect the correct one?  I decided in favor of the latter. 

Extraction details:
Generated disc image with EAC ==> Ripped tracks with Sound Forge 7.0 ==> FLAC Level 6

Now, the set list - more controversy.  The show as I received it has this:

Disc 1

1. Intro -> O-i
2. Erpland
3. Oddentity
4. Snakepit
5. Ahu Belahu -> Papyrus
6. Oolite Grove -> Citadel Jam
7. Sploosh!
8. Eternal Wheel

Disc 2

1. Sultana Detrii
2. Chinatype
3. Dissolution (The Clouds Disperse)
4. Spice Doubt
5. White Rhino Tea
6. The Throbbe

BUT - here's the set list according to Pete Wibrew's gig guide:

1. Intro -> O-i
2. Erpland
3. Oddentity
4. Snakepit
5. Ahu Belahu ->Papyrus
6. Oolite Grove -> Citadel Jam
7. Sultana Detrii *
8. Chinatype *
9. Sploosh! *
10. Eternal Wheel *
11. Dissolution (the clouds disperse) *
12. Spice Doubt
13. White Rhino Tea
14. The Throbbe

The only thing I can say is that the breaks between the songs on my discs are 
"natural", especially between Chinatype -> Dissolution.  If there's an edit there I 
don't hear it.  I decide not to fiddle with set list order.

Anyway, the band is:

Shreddy Eddy Wynne - guitar, keys
Jumpin' Jon (Champignon) - flutes, vocalizations, twirling, clever patter
Seaweed - synths
Rad - drums
Zia Gelani - bass
Source: AT853a (cardioid) > Samson PM4 > Denecke PS-2 >
Hosa MIT-435 Line Transformer >
Sony SBM-1 (line in) > Creative Labs NJB3

Location: @ SBD, 3' RoC, on stand @ 8', ORTF

Transfer: NJB3 > firewire via Notmad Explorer 8.5.4a >
CD Wave v1.93.3 > Wavelab v4.0 (fades) > FlacDrop

1 set + encore

Disc 1 [66:44]
1. Intro/Jurassic Shift [14:00]
2. Chewier [5:46]
3. O-I [6:26]
4. The Domes of G'Bal/Synth Jam [9:52]
5. White Rhino Tea [8:53]
6. Pyramidion [13:50]
7. Celtic Jam [7:52]

Disc 2 [54:38]
1. Plasmoid [16:24]
2. Tidal Convergence [10:42]
3. Oakum [8:26]
4. Sploosh [8:51]
5. The Throbbe [10:15]
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WLIR Pre-FM #39
Passport with Larry Coryell

No Set List
|''Description:''|Extends TiddlyWiki options with non encrypted password option.|
|''Date:''|Apr 19, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D ]]|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.2.0 (Beta 5)|
version.extensions.PasswordOptionPlugin = {
	major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 2, 
	date: new Date("Apr 19, 2007"),
	source: 'http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#PasswordOptionPlugin',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	license: '[[BSD open source license|http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#%5B%5BBSD%20open%20source%20license%5D%5D]]',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0 (Beta 5)'

config.macros.option.passwordCheckboxLabel = "Save this password on this computer";
config.macros.option.passwordInputType = "password"; // password | text
setStylesheet(".pasOptionInput {width: 11em;}\n","passwordInputTypeStyle");

merge(config.macros.option.types, {
	'pas': {
		elementType: "input",
		valueField: "value",
		eventName: "onkeyup",
		className: "pasOptionInput",
		typeValue: config.macros.option.passwordInputType,
		create: function(place,type,opt,className,desc) {
			// password field
			// checkbox linked with this password "save this password on this computer"
			// text savePasswordCheckboxLabel
		onChange: config.macros.option.genericOnChange

merge(config.optionHandlers['chk'], {
	get: function(name) {
		// is there an option linked with this chk ?
		var opt = name.substr(3);
		if (config.options[opt]) 
		return config.options[name] ? "true" : "false";

merge(config.optionHandlers, {
	'pas': {
 		get: function(name) {
			if (config.options["chk"+name]) {
				return encodeCookie(config.options[name].toString());
			} else {
				return "";
		set: function(name,value) {config.options[name] = decodeCookie(value);}

// need to reload options to load passwordOptions

if (!config.options['pasPassword'])
	config.options['pasPassword'] = '';

		pasPassword: "Test password"
Cichy Zapada Zmrok
Tam Gdzie Nie Siega Wzrok
Mania Mienia
Szepty I Lzy
Przyplyw, Odplyw, Oddech Czasu
Piosenka Dla Stasia
Are You Going with Me?
This Is Not America
Polskie Drogi
Na Calej Polaci Snieg
Audience recording by A, Milan
Coordinated by peterweng
Uploaded by Opus42

Pat Metheny Guitars
Brad Mehlday - Piano
Larry Grenadier - Bass
Jeff Ballard - Drums

01: Unrequited
02: Cherokee

03: Meldau talks
04: The Sound of Water
06: Metheny talks
07: Vera Cruz

01: Say the Bothers Name
05: I'll Remember April
Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny "Missouri Sky Duets"

Excellent audience recording

Pat Metheny - guitars, 42-string guitar
Charlie Haden - acoustic bass

01. (Introduction)  0:41
02. Last Train Home (Pat Metheny)  5:17
03. Into The Dream (Pat Metheny)  4:30
04. Waltz For Ruth (Charlie Haden)  6:17
05. Our Spanish Love Song (Charlie Haden)  7:31
06. First Song (Charlie Haden)  7:24
07. The Moons Is A Harsh Mistress (Jim Webb)  5:01
08. Message To A Friend (Pat Metheny)  5:31
09. The Precious Jewel (Roy Acuff)  3:01
10. Farmer's Trust (Pat Metheny)  7:15
11. Two For The Road (Henry Mancini)  6:31
12. (Charlie's remarks)  1:58
13. Blues For Pat (Charlie Haden)  9:55
14. Lonely Woman (Horace Silver)  6:56

Total Time: 1:17:49
Pat Metheny: guitars
Charlie Haden: acoustic bass

CD 1
01. Last Train Home (Metheny)
02. (applause)
03. Don't Know Why (Harris)
04. Song For The Boys (Metheny)
05. Into The Dream (Metheny)
06. Bass Solo
07. Waltz For Ruth (Haden)
08. Our Spanish Love Song (Haden)
09. First Song (Haden)
10. The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress (Webb)

CD 2
01. Message To A Friend (Metheny)
02. The Precious Jewel (Acuff)
03. The Calling (Metheny)
04. Two For The Road (Mancini/Bricusse)
05. He's Gone Away (traditional)
06. Charlie's Remarks
07. Blues For Pat (Haden)
08. Cinema Paradiso (Morricone)
FM>BootCD(Bugsy034)>EAC>WAV>FLAC(6)>Hard drive>DIME

Sonny Rollins, tenor saxophone
Pat Metheny, guitar, guitar synthesizer
Alphonso Johnson, electric bass
Jack DeJohnette, drums

Coconut Bread (Sonny Rollins)
Don't Stop The Carnival (Sonny Rollins)
McGhee (Sonny Rollins)
Pat Metheny "Bright Size Life" Trio, LIVE!

Remastered Edition: August 5, 2007


Pat Metheny/G
Jaco Pastorius/B
Bob Moses/D

Track Listing:

01 - Round Trip > Broadway Blues (Coleman) (08:12.824)
02 - Bright Size Life (Metheny) (06:27.453)
03 - Unity Vilage (Metheny) (05:36.476)
04 - All The Things You Are (Kern) (11:22.447)
05 - Portrait of Tracy > Continuum (Pastorius) (10:33.800)
06 - Omaha Celebration (Metheny) (08.11.770)
7 - All Is You (???) (13.24)

Tracks 1-5: June 16, 1976, Jazz Workshop, Boston MA
Tracks 6-7: July 4, 1975, Pooh's Pub, Boston MA

Remaster Attempt By: JMZ93


1.  There was practically no musical information present above 6K, not even cymbals, so I could apply some pretty drastic EQ cutting to reduce the several generations of tape hiss.  

2.  Slight EQ applied to left channel only, to boost Jaco's fundamentals a bit. (anything below 120HZ)

3.  Corrected pitch which  was approximately 60 cents (60/100 of a semitone) sharp for tracks 6, 1-5 were about 20 scents sharp.  Also swapped channels of track 6 so sound sources are now in the same relative locations as track 7.  Removed, one at a time, about a thousand little clicks/pops on Pat's side for tracks 6-7.

4.  Increased pitch of track 7 approximately 10 scents to bring it closer to standard tuning (A4=440HZ).  I would love to have more highs in track 7, but there is almost nothing there to work with, probably lost over time due to all the cassette copying.

5.  Trimmed leading and ending tape hiss and noted new track times in .txt file.
Pat Metheny "80/81" Band

FM broadcast (A)
FM -> ?? -> CDR -> EAC (secure mode) -> Sound Forge 7.0 (DC offset corrected) ->
FLAC Frontend (Level 8, SBEs OK)

Pat Metheny - guitar, guitar synthe
Dewey Redman - tenor saxophone
Mike Brecker - tenor saxophone
Charlie Haden - acoustic bass
Jack DeJohnette - drums

Disc 1 (42:14)
1. Broadway Blues (Ornette Coleman)  26:21
2. Every Day (I Thank You) (Pat Metheny)  15:53

Disc 2 (67:45)
1. Offramp (Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays)  40:16
2. Turnaround (Ornette Coleman) [fades out]  27:30

Total Time: 1:49:59
Pat Metheny "80/81" Band

FM broadcast (A+)

Pat Metheny - guitar, guitar synthe
Dewey Redman - tenor saxophone
Mike Brecker - tenor saxophone
Charlie Haden - acoustic bass
Jack DeJohnette - drums

1. Turnaround (Ornette Coleman)  31:37
2. Offramp (Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays)  37:55

Total Time: 69:32
FM>BootCD(Bugsy034)>EAC>WAV>FLAC(6)>Hard drive>DIME

Sonny Rollins, tenor saxophone
Pat Metheny, guitar, guitar synthesizer
Alphonso Johnson, electric bass
Jack DeJohnette, drums

Coconut Bread (Sonny Rollins)
Don't Stop The Carnival (Sonny Rollins)
McGhee (Sonny Rollins)
Disc One (67:47):
1. Last Train Home (6:23)
2. Go Get It (2:12) Duet with Antonio Sanchez
3. Phase Dance (7:57)
4. The Bat (5:07)
5. Proof (10:04)
6. As It Is (8:07)
7. How Insensitive (13:32)
8. The Gathering Sky (14:24)

Disc Two (66:16):
1. You (8:47)
2. First Circle (9:25)
3. Introductions (3:29)
4. Scrap Metal (8:20)
5. Another Life (9:26)
6. On Her Way (12:40)
7. Into The Dream (4:40)
8. Are You Going With Me? (9:29)

Disc Three (43:57):
1. Bright Size Life (6:15)
2. The Roots Of Coincidence (7:58)
3. A Map Of The World / In Her Family (9:41) 
4. Outros (0:51)
5. Minuano (Six-Eight) (6:33) 
6. Encore Break (2:08)
7. Song For Bilbao (10:29)

Pat Metheny : Electric and acoustic guitars, guitar synthesizer, 42-string guitar, Pikasso guitar
Lyle Mays : Piano and keyboards
Steve Rodby : Acoustic and electric basses
Richard Bona : Vocals, percussion, guitar, electric bass, kalimba
Cuong Vu : Vocals, percussion, trumpet, xylophone
Antonio Sanchez : Drums

Sony ECM Series stereo mic >Sony MD deck

CDR/SHN Transfer:
- MD analog out >Sony R-500 DAT deck with Super Bit Mapping at 44.1 kHz >HDD via coax 
- Edits and digital equalization made with SoundForge 6.0 and CoolEdit Pro 2.0
- CD Wave >MKW Audio Tools 0.97 Beta 1 >SHN

January 2003
No Setlist

Audience Recording
Sony MD Walkman MZ-N707 + Mic Sony ECM 717 > Sound Forge Wav > Flac Level 5

Taped & upped by Gonzalo
Pat Metheny
Lyle Mays
Mark Egan
Dan Gottlieb

(unidentified low-generation analog source) > CD-Rs > EAC (secure mode) > WAV > FLAC (sector boundaries aligned)

Total time 131:37
776 MB

Disc 1 (52:25)  
early show - used by WIBA-FM as soundcheck prior to late show broadcast  
01. Phase Dance (fades up)  7:55
02. O Grande Amor >  6:35
03. (solo guitar improvisation) >  2:58
04. Lakes  4:15
05. (Pat's remarks)  0:51
06. River Quay  6:12
07. Bright Size Life  3:56
08. Meantime  9:39
09. (Pat's remarks)  0:32
10. Wrong Is Right (fades out)  3:39

11. (WIBA-FM between-show interview with Pat)  5:48

Disc 2 (38:33)
late show - WIBA-FM broadcast, part 1
01. (announcer introduction) / Phase Dance  8:27
02. (Pat's remarks)  0:24
03. April Joy  4:24
04. Unity Village >  4:11
05. (solo guitar improvisation) >  2:58
06. The Windup  2:18
07. (Pat's remarks)  0:31
08. The Epic  15:16

Disc 3 (40:39)
late show - WIBA-FM broadcast, part 2  
01. Unidentified #4 (incorporating the theme from "The Way Up")  8:59
02. Jaco  5:31
03. (Pat's remarks)  0:21
04. San Lorenzo  10:56
05. (Pat's remarks and Group member introductions)  0:44
06. Lone Jack  8:48
07. American Garage  5:16

"Unidentified #4" has some dropouts.
1. Phase Dance (Metheny/Mays) 7:49
2. unidentified (Circus Music) (Metheny/Mays) 7:22
3. Unity Village (Metheny) 6:34
4. Guitar Solo -> The Windup (Keith Jarrett) 5:05
5. The Epic (Metheny/Mays) 17:46
6. Jaco (Metheny) 5:04
7. American Garage (Metheny/Mays) 4:10

Notes :
Location and exact date are unknown, but maybe June 1979, somewhere in U.S.A. as the Bootleg says so.
Although, I saw this one listed as "June 30, 1979 Chicago, IL" or "Blue Note", I'm not sure yet.
Also, the source is unknown, but it's likely FM or Soundboard source.

Track2 is described as "Missouri (Pat Metheny)" in the Bootleg. But I don't know where the title came from.
According to the Pat Metheny Group - The PMG Companion, Volume1 created by Jim Leonard,
this tune has no title yet.

Here's the details for this tune from the PMG Companion Vol.1 :
Metheny introduced this tune by saying it had been written for a soundtrack. (Was the film 
released?) Although the piece had no title yet, he said, the Group was referring to it as 
"circus music," because the scene for which it was written was set at a circus. It was played 
in almost every show in 1979.

Pat Metheny - guitars
Lyle Mays - piano, keyboards, synthesizer, autoharp
Mark Egan - bass
Dan Gottlieb - drums
1. Phase Dance
2. Airstream
3. April Joy
4. Medley (Unity Village > Florida Greeting Song > House of the Rising Sun > The Windup)
5. The Epic
6. James
7. Old Folks
8. Jaco
9. The Magician's Theater
10. San Lorenzo
11. (Cross the) Heartland
12. American Garage
1. Phase Dance
2. Airstream
3. April Joy
4. Medley (Unity Village > Florida Greeting Song > House of the Rising Sun > The Windup)
5. The Epic
6. James
7. Old Folks
8. Jaco
9. The Magician's Theater
10. San Lorenzo
11. (Cross the) Heartland
Pat Metheny: guitars, guitar synthesizer, electric sitar
Lyle Mays: piano, synthesizers
Steve Rodby: acoustic bass, electric bass
Paul Wertico: drums
Armando Marçal: percussion
Pedro Aznar: vocals, guitars, percussion

Total time 116:27

Disc 1 (59:28)
01. (Pat - Intro) 1:36
02. Have You Heard (Pat Metheny) 6:26
03. Every Summer Night (Pat Metheny) 7:23
04. Naked Moon (Pat Metheny) 5:24
05. Better Days Ahead (Pat Metheny) 5:42
06. Airstream (Pat Metheny / Lyle Mays) 7:17
07. Question And Answer (Pat Metheny) 6:56
08. James (Pat Metheny / Lyle Mays) 5:48
09. How Insensitive (Antonio Carlos Jobim / Vinicius De Moraes) 7:46
10. Last Train Home (Pat Metheny) 5:07
Disc 2 (56:58)
01. Third Wind (Pat Metheny / Lyle Mays) 9:33
02. Pat - Warmup - The Road To You (Pat Metheny) 4:20
03. Untitled (Pat Metheny) 1:05
04. Lonely Woman (Horace Silver) 3:19
05. The Road To You - 1st take (Pat Metheny) 6:00
06. The Road To You - 2nd take (Pat Metheny) 6:27
07. Spring Ain’t Here (Pat Metheny) 7:05
08. Beat 70 (Pat Metheny / Lyle Mays) 4:58
09. Half Life Of Absolution (Pat Metheny / Lyle Mays) 14:07

Re-mastered by Bruce MacKenzie. 
1. Chris (This Is Not America)
2. The Way Up ~ Opening
3. The Way Up ~ Part One
4. The Way Up ~ Part Two
5. The Way Up ~ Part Three
6. Pat's Remarks

1. Are You Going With Me?
2. Last Train Home
3. Lone Jack
4. Roots Of Coincidence
5. Always & Forever
6. Farmers Trust
7. Pat's Remarks
8. Proof
9. Minuano (six-eight)

Pat Metheny ~ Guitars
Lyle Mays ~ Keyboards
Steve Rodby ~ Bass
Antonio Sanchez ~ Drums
Cuong Vu ~ Trumpet, Misc.
Gregoire Maret ~ Harmonica, Misc
Nando Lauria ~ Guitar, Misc.

Core Sound Stealth Binaural Microphones > Sharp MD-DR480H(S) >
Sound Forge 7.0 (transfer & mastering) > CDWave > mwkSHN

This show is the very first of the warm-up gigs for the tour
and contains the first live performance of "The Way Up."
Guitar Solo
The Way Up Opening
The Way Up Part 1
The Way Up Part 2
The Way Up Part 3
What Do You Want?
Always And Forever
Farmer's Trust
Lone Jack
Are You Going With Me?
The First Circle
(It's Just) Talk
Minuano (Six-Eight)

Minidisc > Phillips Standalone Cd Recorder > EAC > MKW > SHN

Pat Metheny - Guitars, Guitar Synthesizer
Lyle Mays - Keyboards
Steve Rodby - Acoustic & Electric Basses
Antonio Sanchez - Drums, Percussion, Electric Bass
Cuong Vu - Trumpet, Guitar, Vocals, Percussion
Gregoire Maret - Harmonica, Vocals, Guitar, Percussion
Nando Lauria - Guitar, Vocals, Percussion, Trumpet
Pat Metheny ~ Guitars
Lyle Mays ~ Keyboards
Steve Rodby ~ Bass
Antonio Sanchez ~ Drums
Cuong Vu ~ Trumpet, Vocals, Percussion, Misc.
Gregoire Maret ~ Harmonica, Vocals, Percussion, Misc.
Nando Lauria ~ Guitar, Percussion, Vocals, Misc.

1. Chris (This Is Not America)
2. The Way Up ~ Opening
3. The Way Up ~ Part One
4. The Way Up ~ Part Two
5. The Way Up ~ Part Three
6. Pat's Remarks

1. What Do You Want?
2. All The Things You Are > James
3. Lone Jack
4. Are You Going With Me?
5. Last Train Home
6. Roots Of Coincidence
7. Always & Forever
8. Farmers Trust

1. Pat's Remarks
2. First Circle
3. Encore Applause
4. (It's Just) Talk
5. Minuano (Six-Eight)

Core Sound Stealth Binaural Microphones > Sharp MD-DR480H(S) >
Sound Forge 7.0 (transfer & mastering) > CDWave > mwkSHN

Not For Commercial Use
This Recording Is To Be Traded Freely

The show was recorded about 10 or 12 rows back from center stage.
The crowd is a bit noisy during Chris, but quickly quiets down
as TWU begins and remains cooperative (at least from a taper’s
standpoint) for the balance of the show.  The Center For The
Arts at SUNY Buffalo is a great sounding venue and it’s
comfortable too!  I’ve recorded there previously (pmt_2003-11-08)
and am happy to say I’ve been satisfied with the results both times.

This is the second recording of this performance to surface.  The
first recording was seeded as a torrent on EZT just two days after
the show on Feb. 19 by "geo981010."  It’s wonderful that the show
was available to all so quickly.  I inserted about 1 minute of the
applause from the first recording immediately after the TWU to 
cover a mini-disc swap.  Many thanks to the taper.

While Pat states that this the first show of the "official" tour it
is actually the fifth show of the tour.  There were four warm up
gigs at Penn State (Feb. 12), Lancaster, PA (Feb. 13), Potsdam, NY
(Feb. 14), and Johnson, VT (Feb. 15).
Kuumbwa Jazz Center 30th Anniversary Celebration presents:
Pat Metheny Group
"The Way Up" World Tour

Total time 154:21
841 MB

disc 1 (77:14)
01 This is Not America/Chris  3:20
02 The Way Up: Opening  4:57
03 The Way Up: Part One  28:57
04 The Way Up: Part Two  21:18
05 The Way Up: Part Three  9:56
06 (remarks)  3:50
07 (Go) Get It  4:53

disc 2 (77:17)
01 James  7:17
02 Lone Jack  8:59
03 Are You Going With Me? (prelude)  3:25
04 Are You Going With Me?  9:34
05 Last Train Home  5:33
06 The Roots of Coincidence  7:51
07 Always and Forever  8:57
08 Farmer's Trust  8:27
09 (remarks)  1:38
10 Minuano (Six-Eight)  6:54
11 Song For Bilbao (encore)  8:38

Sonic Studios DSM1 mikes -> Sound Professionals preamp ->
Creative Nomad Jukebox 3 line in -> 
digital cleanup, SANDE -> FLAC w/o SBE; by TomP

  This performance was recorded direct to hard disk as
a CD-format (16x44) wav file. Mikes were near the stage, 
so the sound is immediate and audience noise is minimal. 
  There's been no lossy compression of any kind (incl. no
dynamic compression) or audio CD extraction. The bass has 
been equalized very carefully (SANDE) to offset the 
auditorium's effects (the in-room response had a couple 
big peaks and valleys). 
  Nothing has been removed except some extended applause 
after TWU, around Roots, and before the encore. All of 
Pat's remarks are intact.

Other adjustments were:
- The two quiet songs near the end (Always, Farmer's Trust) 
  were boosted to save a trip to the volume knob at playback.
- There was a technical problem recording Roots (d'ohh !). 
  A section near the start has been patched with the 2005-3-21 
  version. Thanks (again) to Clay for that. The noise floor 
  is higher for this track.
- some small attenuations for audience/noise.

Two minutes into the opening track (Pat's baritone guitar
solo) the rest of the band approaches the stage through the
audience, playing small glockenspiels etc. as a "toy instrument 
procession." By chance the procession routed right past the 
mikes, so you hear them pass by, walk backstage and go to 
their instruments: a nice you-are-there effect :-)

Pat Metheny guitars, guitar synthesizer, 42-string guitar, electric sitar
Lyle Mays piano, synthesizers, guitar
Steve Rodby acoustic bass, electric bass
Antonio Sanchez drums, percussion, electric bass
Grégoire Maret harmonica, vocals, guitar, electric bass, percussion, marimba, kalimba
Cuong Vu trumpet, vocals, guitar, percussion, marimba, glockenspiel
Nando Lauria guitars, vocals, percussion, vibraphone, flugelhorn, melodica, kalimba

Source : FM Radio>AAA sound recorder>WAV> Goldwave (edit talking)>FLAC

Disc 1

Lone Jack (Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays)
Are You Going With Me ? (Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays)
Last Train Home (Pat Metheny)
The Roots Of Coincidence (Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays)
Always And Forever (Pat Metheny)
Farmer's Trust (Pat Metheny)
Minuano (Six-Eight) (Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays)
Song For Bilbao (Pat Metheny)

Disc 2

The Way Up (Pat Metheny/Lyle Mays) (30 mins)
Welcome to Volume 2 of The PMG Companion, a series of compilations that gather together
the best available versions of the many compositions the Pat Metheny Group has performed
in its history that have not appeared on commercially available albums by the PMG. Included
are unreleased originals, standards and covers, and PMG treatments of material Metheny
has released outside the Group.

For this volume the criteria were expanded to allow for the inclusion of "bonus tracks" -
live versions of songs that do have PMG studio recording counterparts. This approach, if
contrary to the ground rules established for Volume 1, made it possible to compile "The
Travels Companion." When you combine this two-disc set with the live double album Travels
(recorded at various locations in 1982), you have at your fingertips a commercial quality
recording of every piece of music the second lineup of the PMG performed in concert during
its remarkably prolific two-year history.

In the second half of 1980, while the PMG were on a six-month hiatus from touring and in the
process of making a change in personnel, and continuing through 1981 and 1982, a seemingly
endless stream of inspired compositions flowed from the pens of Metheny and his frequent
collaborator, Lyle Mays. Many of these pieces grew out of purposeful experimentation, the
writers having made a conscious decision to push themselves into previously unexplored
areas. Several of the new works were recorded by Metheny and Mays in September of 1980,
with special guest percussionist/vocalist Nana Vasconcelos of Brazil, and released on the
duo’s pivotal As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls in early 1981. Another album’s worth
of new material would appear early in 1982, with the release of the re-formed PMG’s landmark
Offramp (recorded in October of 1981 with original member Dan Gottlieb, new member Steve
Rodby on bass, and Vasconcelos, returning as a special guest). Seven more compositions,
recorded after the Offramp sessions, dominated the live Travels album. There were other
songs performed in 1981 and 1982 that went unrecorded until years later, after they had been
revisited and reworked, or that remain unreleased as of this writing. All of those are
included here. The PMG Companion, Vol. 2, along with Metheny’s groundbreaking double album,
80/81 (recorded in May of 1980, between PMG tours of North America and Europe), Metheny’s
and Mays’ As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls, and the PMG’s Offramp and Travels albums,
stand together as a testament to the tremendous growth of the composers during this period,
and to a work ethic that, especially in Metheny’s case, continues to this day.

In much of their adventurous new material, Metheny and Mays were expressing themselves,
sonically, in ways they never had before, as well. This was due to the almost simultaneous
introduction of two revolutionary synthesizers, which the two are credited with having
pioneered in live performance. No one in attendance at a 1981 PMG concert will soon forget
his or her first exposure to the raw, trumpet-like cry of Metheny's new Roland GR-300 guitar
synthesizer, which he would strap on early in the set for the full-throttled frenzy of his
role in the Group’s soon-to-be-recorded tribute to Ornette Coleman, “Offramp.” A few songs
later, Metheny would pick up the Roland again, this time to render, in a far more lyrical
but equally spectacular fashion, a building passion and an exhilarating release that,
heretofore, would have been impossible for him to convey in a like manner, in his and Mays’
mesmerizing tour de force “Are You Going With Me?” (featured on Offramp, and in a live
version on Travels).

Mays, meanwhile, had added the computer-based Synclavier to his growing keyboard arsenal. A
combination digital recording system and synthesizer, with a sampling rate much higher than
the analog synthesizers of the day – higher than standard compact discs, in fact - it
provided Mays with the ability to trigger pre-recorded backing tracks, or to synthesize, via
the Synclavier’s keyboard, life-like recreations or imaginative permutations of any sound
he and Metheny needed in order to fully realize their visions for their new compositions.
Examples of such sampling choices included individual instruments (for instance, Mays’
“harmonica” solo in “Are You Going With Me?”), lush beds and orchestrations, and special
effects, such as the circling helicopters, falling projectiles and multi-tracked
manipulations of Vasconelos’ ethereal voice heard in live versions of “As Falls Wichita,
So Falls Wichita Falls” (a version is included on Travels) and – minus the helicopters –
here, in the 1982 arrangement of “Mars.”

Metheny and Mays employed the new synthesizers judiciously, choosing to expand on the
distinctive stylistic foundation they’d forged in the first incarnation of the PMG. They
also countered their increased use of synthetic sounds with a greater number of organic
ones: percussion, the human voice, and, most notably, the acoustic bass. Metheny’s and Mays’
integration of new instruments and technologies has continued in the years since, but,
thanks to an adherence to their original philosophy, the practice has never altered that
which, elementally, has made the music of the PMG so unmistakably their own.  

Before we get to the music, please join me in acknowledging the continued dedication of my
partners in this endeavor, Charles Fredericks and Ted Foos. Charles brought the raw tracks
(a fair number of them from 25-year old cassette tapes) to a state I didn't think possible
when we began this project. Even though many of the tracks were taped using the same
recording equipment from night to night, the physical condition and the audio properties of
each tape – and, sometimes, even the sound engineer’s mixes – were, to understate it,
inconsistent from tape to tape. Somehow, using the Travels masters as his guides, Charles
brought all of these tracks into line with one another, so that they now sound "of a piece"
when heard together. Ted was there with us all the way, listening in as the raw tracks were
chosen and then as they underwent transformation. Once we'd reached the point where we could
begin to envision the final product – when it was finally decided that the bonus tracks
would be included and the sequencing of the discs was firmly established - Ted began the
process of creating his comprehensive artwork package, which is every bit the worthy
successor to the outstanding package he designed for The PMG Companion, Vol. 1.  

The three of us would like to extend a very special thanks to our new friend, Jay Vachon. A
fan of Volume 1, and an audio engineer who specializes in restoration, Jay contacted us late
in the process to offer any technical assistance we might need. Rather than “simply” achieve
the near-impossible goals we set for him – most notably, to find a way to bring down the
overbearing volume level of the acoustic bass in a few of the tracks without disturbing the
volume levels or the tonal qualities of the other instruments – Jay kindly put every minute
of every track under his microscope and made additional contributions whenever possible.  

Finally, we’d like to thank our dear friend of longstanding, fellow PMG fan Claudia Milesky.
Back in 2002, Claudia presented us with a wondrous old shoebox full of 25-year old,
off-brand cassette tapes. Extraordinary examples of not being able to judge books by their
covers, these battered, brittle old tapes were dubs of cassettes recorded by the PMG from
their own soundboard in 1981 and 1982. Charles transferred and then mastered the few
complete shows we found in the box, and they were made available to collectors not long
after the tapes were in our possession. These were the widely circulated 1982 Rochester,
Michigan concert (well represented here) and the early and late 1982 Norman, Oklahoma shows
(also represented here). One of the two cassettes was, sadly, missing from the other shows,
but the uncut or otherwise unflawed performances we were able to cull from the tapes we did
have greatly expanded the universe from which this collection could be compiled. The
significance of Claudia’s gift to the overall quality of this compilation cannot be

All involved hope you will enjoy and value this addition to your PMG library. Please
remember that volumes of The PMG Companion are never to be used for personal gain. Any
attempts to sell copies via eBay or other means will be thwarted to the best of the
abilities of the international PMG fan community, to whom this series is humbly dedicated.

Jim Leonard ~ July 2006

Pat Metheny: Guitars, Guitar Synthesizer, Synclavier Guitar prototype
Lyle Mays: Piano, Synthesizers, Organ, Autoharp, Synclavier
Steve Rodby: Acoustic and Electric Bass
Dan Gottlieb: Drums
Special guest Nana Vasconcelos: Percussion, Voice, Berimbau

Disc 1:

01. Better Days Ahead (early version) (Metheny, or Metheny-Mays)
    07:00 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, March 1, 1981)

Credited solely to Metheny when it finally appeared on the PMG’s 1989 album, Letter From
Home, this early draft, performed only in the late-winter and spring of 1981, may have
included compositional input from Mays. Gone from the 1989 studio version and subsequent
live performances was the fanfare-like bridge, which serves, first, as the introduction,
and then reappears mid-song to preface Mays’ piano solo. Also gone was the delicate
down-tempo section, heard just before the second appearance of the bridge.

“Better Days Ahead” was the only new song performed in 1981 and 1982 to feature Rodby on
the electric bass. Apart from the contributions of Vasconcelos, in its instrumentation (and,
perhaps, from a compositional standpoint, as well) it is this piece, of the new ones, that
is the most reminiscent of the music of the original PMG. On those nights when it appeared,
“Better Days Ahead” was played second, after the traditional opener, “Phase Dance.” Of those
available for inclusion, this - one of its first performances - was judged to be the
“definitive” version.

02. The Windup (late-1981 arrangement) (Keith Jarrett)
    07:43 (Victoria, British Columbia, November 7, 1981)

Although an exciting performance of this early PMG set list staple appeared on Volume 1, the
Group’s late-1981 arrangement of “The Windup” merits inclusion here. Earlier in the year,
performances began with an improvised guitar and percussion duet, which would segue directly
into a full-ensemble statement of Jarrett’s demanding theme. By November, when the PMG
emerged from studio sessions for the Offramp album to perform shows in northwestern North
America and then Japan, a momentum-building, full-ensemble improvisation had been added to
the introduction, between the guitar/percussion duet and the theme. This performance is one
of the few available to feature the expanded introduction.  

It should be noted that “The Windup” had been used in the first years of the PMG as Mays’
piano feature in a three-part suite, linked to Metheny’s feature (usually “Unity Village”)
by a solo guitar improvisation. By 1981 the song stood alone, and appeared far earlier in
the set. “The Windup” was the second selection of the night, after “Phase Dance,” or the
third, on those occasions in the late-winter and spring of 1981 when the early version of
“Better Days Ahead” was played.

03. Turnaround (Ornette Coleman)
    08:25 (Seattle, Washington, November 9, 1981)

In May of 1980, Metheny recorded a trio version of this straight-ahead Ornette Coleman blues
with Charlie Haden (bass) and Jack DeJohnette (drums) for his fourth Pat Metheny album,
80/81. Although it remained, for the most part, a vehicle for guitar trio when it was added
to the PMG’s repertoire in 1981, Mays did contribute acoustic piano to the opening and
closing theme statements.

Rodby was given an extraordinary number of soloing opportunities (by PMG standards) during
the 1981 and 1982 tours, and this performance of “Turnaround” features the first of a number
of his bass solos to be found in this collection. Of the many versions available for
inclusion, this one was chosen on the merits of Metheny’s and Rodby’s jubilant solos, and
for having the added distinction of being the only performance in which Metheny can be heard
providing the bassist with subtle structural support while he improvises.

Metheny still favors “Turnaround” in trio and other outside-the-Group settings, sometimes
using it to open concerts. He recorded a second studio version with saxophonist Joshua
Redman, Haden, and drummer Billy Higgins for their 1993 album-length collaboration, Redman’s

04. Unidentified #6 (incorporating the theme to “Au Lait”) (Metheny-Mays)
    18:05 (Providence, Rhode Island, March 11, 1981)

Although Metheny had already thrilled audiences with his new Roland GR-300 guitar
synthesizer several times by this point in early-1981 concerts, this is the instrument’s
first appearance here. Mays can also be heard for the first time in this collection – and
to very good effect – making use of the capabilities of the Synclavier.

How does one begin to describe this wacky, wonderful, shape-shifting monster, certainly one
of the most peculiar long-form compositions in the PMG songbook? In its scope, and in its
attempt to tie together a variety of disparate themes and forms – from Metheny blowing over
the insistent swing of a John Lee Hooker-like boogie that morphs into a more straight-ahead
jazz figure anchored by a walking bass line, into a section featuring a march rhythm (not
unlike the one used in Letter From Home’s “Every Summer Night”), into another complete
run-through of the opening movement (this time with Mays as the soloist), into the effective
transition Gottlieb executes with his focused drum solo, into Mays’ haunting theme to “Au
Lait” (which would be embellished by Metheny later in the year for the co-written version
found on the Offramp album), into Rodby’s pathos-heavy acoustic bass solo (listen, also, for
his humorous nod to Paul Chambers’ bass line to Miles Davis’ “All Blues” just before he
invites the rest of the Group back to the proceedings), and back into the boogie again for
the finale - it is this piece, more than any other, which foreshadows the approach Metheny
and Mays would take when composing their 2005 album-length opus, “The Way Up.”

Like the early draft of “Better Days Ahead,” “Unidentified #6” was performed only in the
late-winter and spring of 1981.

05. Mas Alla (Beyond) (early version) (Metheny)
    08:31 (Rochester, New York, June 26, 1981)

This beautiful ballad wouldn’t find its “voice” - or its title - for a couple of years,
when Pedro Aznar joined the Group. Aznar, from Argentina, would write and sing (angelically)
Spanish lyrics for Metheny’s melody, and the song in its final form would find just the
right home as “Mas Alla (Beyond)” on the PMG’s 1984 album featuring Aznar, First Circle.

More an effective “vocal colorist” than an accomplished singer like Aznar, Vasconcelos
struggles with Metheny’s melody in this early version, for which he wrote lyrics in his
native language, Portuguese. Perhaps due to his inability to fulfill Metheny’s aspirations
for the piece, this performance is one of only two known attempts during Vasconcelos’
two-year stay with the Group. The Roland, the Synclavier, and the berimbau (on which
Vasconcelos mimics wildlife sounds, like those heard the following year in the pastoral
“Farmers Trust”) figure prominently.    

06. (It's Just) Talk (early version) (Metheny)
    07:17 (St. Louis, Missouri, July 20, 1982)

Most of the raw ingredients of what would become “(It’s Just) Talk” on the PMG’s 1987 album,
Still Life (Talking), are here, but the song wouldn’t be finished until Metheny and Mays
were writing the film soundtrack to John Schlesinger’s political thriller, The Falcon And
The Snowman, and trying to come up with a theme for one of its main characters, Daulton Lee.
(The composers ended up writing another, more appropriate theme for Daulton.) Unlike the
studio recording, which includes a piano solo, Metheny is the lone soloist in performances
of the early version. Vasconcelos is heard on congas, accentuating the tune’s Latin flavor.

The early version of “(It’s Just) Talk” appeared occasionally in the summer and fall of
1982. Of the performances available for inclusion, this one was chosen for featuring Metheny’s
most lyrical improvising, which commences almost immediately and continues for most of the

07. More Kansas City (Metheny)
    09:41 (Berkeley, California, July 30, 1982)

Also introduced in the summer of 1982, “More Kansas City” (sometimes incorrectly identified
on collector’s set lists as “K.C. Blues”) is a swinging tribute to the storied jazz-centric
Missouri city near Metheny’s hometown of Lee’s Summit. The young guitarist appeared on many
an accomplished musician’s Kansas City bandstand while still in high school, and credits
those experiences with aiding in his rapid development. Like “Turnaround,” this blues is
primarily a vehicle for guitar trio, with Mays contributing to the opening and closing theme 
statements. Again, it features an acoustic bass solo by Rodby with support from Metheny, who
chords softly while the bassist improvises.
“More Kansas City” was performed sporadically through the end of the 1984 First Circle
tour, after which it disappeared from the Group’s set lists. Like the PMG’s cover of Keith
Jarrett’s “The Windup” and “Unidentified #6,” it remains unreleased. Metheny did revive the
tune in 1993 for his tour with Joshua Redman, but it did not appear on Wish, their
accompanying commercial release.       

08. Six And Eleven (Metheny, or Metheny-Mays)
    08:37 (New York, New York, November 24, 1982)

Still another composition that remains unreleased, this exercise in equal parts abandon
and finesse was performed only in October and November of 1982, at the same concerts that
introduced “Travels,” “Extradition,” “Farmers Trust,” “Goodbye,” “The Fields, The Sky” and
“Straight On Red” (all of which - along with “Song For Bilbao,” introduced earlier in the
year - can be found on Travels). It’s a fascinating piece. After the Group’s precise
ensemble playing of the tricky theme, Mays lays out while Metheny shreds on the Roland
a la “Offramp,” with Rodby and Gottlieb providing propulsive rhythmic support. Rodby
eventually falls away, too, leaving Gottlieb’s muscular drumming to serve as Metheny’s
lone accompaniment. Towards the end of Metheny’s solo Rodby returns, and then Mays re-enters
for the second theme statement and his piano solo. One of the most interesting aspects of
the composition is that, while Metheny takes things pretty far “outside” during his solo,
Mays chooses to play it straight during his turn, revealing the “inside” characteristics at
the heart of the piece.

The title may be a reference to the traditional broadcast times of local TV newscasts in
U.S.A.cities. At the time the piece was written, Metheny was involved in a romantic
relationship with a reporter for WBZ-TV in Boston, Massachusetts.

Disc 2:

01. Broadway Blues (Ornette Coleman)
      07:30 (Rochester, Michigan, July 14, 1982)

“Broadway Blues” appeared on Metheny’s 1976 debut, Bright Size Life (with Jaco Pastorius,
bass, and Bob Moses, drums), but it wasn’t until 1982 that the PMG performed it on stage.
All of the other songs on Bright Size Life (except “Omaha Celebration,” which Metheny did
play occasionally as part of an improvised solo guitar medley) had been given the Group
treatment during the years of the original lineup, and performances of each appeared on
Volume 1. In the summer of 1982, “Broadway Blues” replaced “The Windup” in the set and was
given a close-to-identical arrangement - introduced, as was “The Windup,” by an improvised
guitar and percussion duet. Of the versions available for inclusion, this performance
features one of Mays’ most memorable solo piano improvisations, distinguished by its
inventive variations on Coleman’s theme.

02. solo Synclavier guitar prototype improvisation (Metheny) 03 :22 >
03. Mars (later retitled Close To Home) (1982 arrangement) (Mays) 12:20
      (Norman, Oklahoma, July 22, 1982, late show)

On the summer 1982 tour, “As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls,” and the stage-setting
solo guitar improvisation that preceded it, were replaced in the set list by this pairing. 
Mays’ “Mars” was given the full Wichita treatment, going so far into Wichita territory as
to use the same type of swirling, Synclavier-generated chords in its new introduction that
we hear at the end of the studio version of “Wichita.” Perhaps “Mars,” written in 1979, was
originally intended to be side two of Metheny’s and Mays’ joint studio venture. Even its
title, and the title “Close To Home” that Mays gave it when he recorded it for his debut
album, can be interpreted to support this theory (if one views Mars as a possible home for
Earth’s inhabitants, after Earth “falls”). Connected or not, this poignant reading stands
as the “definitive” performance of the 1982 Wichita-like arrangement of “Mars.”

Metheny had begun using the portable, computer-based Synclavier as a mobile “recording
studio” and composing tool in 1981. From the beginning, he was interested in working with
New England Digital to develop a fret board-controlled system, similar to Mays’
keyboard-controlled system, which would allow it to be used in live performance. By the
summer of 1982, New England Digital was sending Metheny prototypes to try out on the road.
The first attempt had no strings - it was played by tapping the neck with both hands, in
the technique popularized by guitarist Stanley Jordan - and it didn’t work properly when
Metheny’s hands were sweating. Subsequent prototypes had strings, but it wasn’t until later
in the year, when New England Digital created an interface for the Roland, that the
Synclavier guitar was born. What we hear here is almost certainly one of the prototypes
with strings.

For the summer 1982 concerts, Metheny used the Synclavier guitar prototype to play “vibes,”
and improvised a lead-in to “Mars” that was similar in effect to those he’d played on
electric guitar as a lead-in to “Wichita.” By happy coincidence, this exquisite performance
of “Mars” is prefaced by one of Metheny’s most melodious improvisations.         

Bonus Tracks:

04. James (Metheny-Mays)
      08:33 (Burlington, Vermont, March 12, 1981)

What makes this performance of “James” such a rarity is that, of the many played in 1981
and 1982, this is the only available version to include the Mays-composed introduction that
opens the Offramp studio recording. The introduction serves as the perfect launching pad for
this tribute to the music of James Taylor, and, perhaps due to its inclusion here, this
performance comes closest to capturing the special, relaxed feel of the studio version. 

05. Offramp (Metheny-Mays)
      08:32 (Rochester, New York, June 26, 1981)

As previously noted in the foreword, “Offramp” was 1981 audiences’ first exposure to
Metheny’s new Roland GR-300 guitar synthesizer. A tribute to Ornette Coleman and the impact
of his revolutionary harmolodic theory, the piece does have an underlying structure that,
among other things, allows the ensemble to start and stop on a dime each time the difficult,
precision-intensive theme rolls around. Mays, by way of the Synclavier, doubles Metheny’s
Roland during the theme statements, and the two instruments sound so much alike as to be
practically indistinguishable.

While most performances were characterized by Metheny’s blazing, pedal-to-the-metal Roland
blowouts, this version was chosen for inclusion on the basis of his solo, especially in the
early going, having more of a lyrical quality, with a greater emphasis on phrasing. (Listen
for his short, playful reference to Coleman’s “Broadway Blues.”) Another interesting
difference is the almost hesitant way in which the Group coalesces again after Rodby’s
“free” solo, finally playing the first chorus of the closing theme statement in what sounds
like half time. Gottlieb seems to have been particularly moved by this version of “Offramp."
This is the only performance of the many available in which he adds an “exclamation point”
(an extra snare shot) after its dead-stop conclusion.

06. "It's For You" (Metheny-Mays)
      07:35 (Rochester, Michigan, July 14, 1982)

Here’s the “definitive” full-Group performance of a fan favorite from Metheny’s and Mays’
As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls. The most notable difference between the
Metheny/Mays/Vasconcelos studio version and the live PMG arrangement - in that Metheny
contributed a bass track to the studio recording - is the always welcome presence of
Gottlieb’s drumming. Live versions, of course, also featured a satisfying resolution,
whereas the studio version fades while Metheny is still soloing.  

The widely circulated Rochester, MI show exhibited the best sound when choosing some of the
raw tracks for this compilation, and, in the case of this tune, Metheny’s acoustic guitar,
heard in the opening sections, had a fuller, more natural sound than other contenders. This
performance, happily, also features one of Metheny’s most exhilarating “It’s For You” solo

07. The Bat part II (Metheny-Mays) 04:08 >
08. solo berimbau improvisation (Vasconcelos) 02 :23 >
09. Ozark (Metheny-Mays) 04:54
      (Norman, Oklahoma, July 22, 1982, early show)

Since 1978, a PMG concert wouldn’t have been complete without one of their trademark
three-part suites. In 1981 and 1982, “The Bat part II” (found on Offramp) and “Ozark”
(found on As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls) were linked by a solo berimbau
improvisation. An instrument of amazing versatility in a master’s hands, Vanconcelos’
berimbau figured prominently in the studio versions of both pieces.

The Group’s re-imagining of a composition Metheny had recorded with Charlie Haden, Jack
DeJohnette and saxophonists Dewey Redman and Michael Brecker for 80/81, “The Bat part II,”
is a reflective, through-composed piece, and was played virtually the same way every night.
This performance of the suite was chosen on the strength of Vasconcelos’ berimbau
improvisation and for Mays’ beautiful piano solo in the rolling “Ozark.”  

10. Jaco (1981-1982 arrangement) (Metheny)
      06:01 (Rochester, Michigan, July 14, 1982)

A new arrangement of “Jaco” made it’s debut in 1981 and, by the summer of 1982, appeared as
the last song of the set proper, before the encores. It features a faster tempo, altered
instrumentation, a yelping Vasconcelos, a mid-song drums and congas duet, and a new section,
heard before the false ending, that recalls Weather Report’s “Birdland.” Another point of
difference is the absence of a guitar solo. Instead, as befits the song’s namesake, Rodby
is the lone soloist, this time on electric bass. Rather than take a decidedly Jaco-like
approach, Rodby plays a string-popping solo on a bass guitar with frets.

This perennial favorite from 1978’s eponymous Pat Metheny Group album was retired from PMG
set lists in late 1982 with the introduction of “Straight On Red” (found on Travels), which
employed the same type of mid-song interlude for drums and percussion.  

11. (Cross The) Heartland (Metheny-Mays) 07:29
12. American Garage (Metheny-Mays) 03:37
      (Rochester, Michigan, July 14, 1982)

These two favorites from 1979’s American Garage album were used as the encores (or, as the
final encores, once “Song For Bilbao,” found on Travels, was introduced) in 1981 and 1982.
Again, the Rochester, Michigan show provides the “definitive” performances with which to
close this compilation.

Compilation - Jim Leonard
Remastering – Charles Fredericks and Jay Vachon
Graphics – Ted Foos
FM>BootCD(Bugsy034)>EAC>WAV>FLAC(6)>Hard drive>DIME

Pat Metheny, guitars, guitar synthesizer
Charlie Haden, acoustic bass
Billy Higgins, drums

Broadway Blues (Ornette Coleman)
The Good Life (Ornette Coleman)
James (Pat Metheny, Lyle Mays)
The Calling (Pat Metheny)
Lonely Woman (Horace Silver)

(radio) (55 min.)
Lineage: SBD > ? > CD-R > EAC (Secure Mode) > SoundForge 7.0 * > FLAC
SoundForge was used to remove two minor glitches in "Change of Heart" (around 0:40 & 3:10)

Pat Metheny - guitars, guitar synthesizer
Dave Holland - acoustic bass
Roy Haynes - drums

Disc 1
1. H & H (Pat Metheny)
2. Question And Answer (Pat Metheny)
3. Change Of Heart (Pat Metheny)
4. Law Years ( Ornette Coleman)
5. Farmer’s Trust (Pat Metheny)

Disc 2
1. Lonely Woman (Horace Silver)
2. The Calling (Pat Metheny)
3. All The Things You Are (Jerome Kern / Oscar Hammerstein)
4. Cantaloupe Island (Herbie Hancock)
Estival Jazz 2004

Last Train Home
Song for the Boys
Into the Dream
So May It Secretly Begin
Number 13

Always & Forever
Number 3
Lone Jack
Lonely Woman
Question & Answer

Pat Metheny - guitars
Christian McBride - bass
Antonio Sanchez - drums

Pat Metheny - guitar, guitar synthesizer, 42-string guitar
Christian McBride - bass
Antonio Sanchez - drums
Marian McPartland - piano

Set List

01. Dialogue  4:36
02. Bright Size Life (Pat Metheny)  3:55
03. Dialogue  5:18
04. So May It Secretly Begin (Pat Metheny)  4:40
05. Dialogue  3:32
06. Ambiance (Marian McPartland) *  4:23
07. Dialogue  5:11
08. (Go) Get It (Pat Metheny)  3:22
09. Dialogue  2:34
10. Question & Answer (Pat Metheny)  6:01
11. Dialogue  2:05
12. Police People (Ornette Coleman)  2:57
13. Dialogue  2:35
14. Turnaround (Ornette Coleman) **  4:25
15. Outro  0:10

(* Marian McPartland Solo
(** Pat Metheny Trio with Marian McPartland

Jazz guitar hasn't been the same since a young player named Pat Metheny burst onto the scene in the 1970s. 	
Born Aug. 12, 1954, in Lee's Summit, Mo., Metheny started his musical career on trumpet at age 8. He switched over to the guitar when he was 12 and rapidly began mastering his instrument. 

At age 14, Metheny won a guitar contest sponsored by Downbeat magazine that brought him to a jazz camp in Decatur Ill. It was the first time he'd been away from his family for an extended period of time, but he was able to meet and play with like-minded youngsters as well as some of the guest faculty -- who included Marian McPartland. 

A year later, Metheny was gigging around Kansas City with some of the city's best musicians. His career took off when he joined with Gary Burton's band at the tender age of 18, an opportunity Metheny likens to being asked to play with the Beatles. Metheny stayed with Burton's band for three years during which time he also began teaching, first at the University of Miami and a year later at the Berklee School of Music. He was the youngest teacher ever hired at each of those universities. 

In 1978, Metheny recruited pianist Lyle Mays, with whom he'd worked in Burton's group, to form his own band, the Pat Metheny Group. The two continue to collaborate on PMG projects and have recorded 15 albums, 7 of them grammy winners. A tireless player, Metheny has also worked along side jazz greats including Herbie Hancock, Charlie Haden, Ornette Coleman, Roy Haynes and Joshua Redman. Metheny has also released a number of solo and trio works. 

In addition to his unique playing and composing style, Metheny has been a pioneer in the use of new musical technology and unconventional instruments. Synthesizers, midi technology, guitar effects and a collection of custom guitars remain a Metheny hallmark.
Quality A (traded for this from someone in France 
           looking for an A+, but this is only an A. Few had DATS then.)

1 Question & Answer
2 Law Years
3 Broadway Blues
4 Farmer's Trust
5 Lonely Woman

1st Gen Cassette -> Nak DR-1 -> Audiophile 2496 -> 
  Soundforge 7 -> wav -> flac
Pat Metheny
Track 1 Icebox 
Track 2 ?
Track 3 ?
Track 4 Omaha Celebration

Terje Rypdal Band
Track 5 ? 
Track 6 ?
I'm in You
Definition of a Dog
When God Created the Coffee Break

Behind the Yashmack
Believe Beleft Below
Dodge the Dodo
'Round Midnight
CD Trade > EAC (wav) > FLAC Frontend encode level 7 > You (Enjoy!).
Bill Bruford: Drums
Patrick Moraz: Piano

01. Improvisation / Hazy
02. Eastern Sundays
03. Presentation
04. Cachaca
05. Improvisation
06. Improvisation
07. Presentation
08. Cachaca
09. Children's concerto
10. Blue Brains / Improv.

Lengh: 54:09

ARTWORK Included

NOTE: Please you have patience for download this show, because I use the computer of my work and in the night this computer it's off! Sorry!

Paul Bley - Gary Peacock - Paul Motian
unknown venue,
Essen, Germany

Paul Bley - piano
Gary Peacock - acoustic bass
Paul Motian - drums

setlist n/a

1. ? (12:16) (PB solo)
2. ? (08:04) 
3. ? (08:05) 
4. ? (03:46) 
5. ? (15:23)
6. ? (05:47) 
7. ? (08:32)
8. ? (04:26)
9. ? (05:21)

TT: 1:11:45 

Sound Quality A+  
original txt:

BBC Blues Sessions

Volume 1 (2006)

All tracks FM (external aerial) > Denon Tuner > stand alone Pioneer PDR609 CDR > WAV > FLAC

All studio session tracks on this volume are from the Paul Jones Show on BBC Radio 2.

The dates after the track names are the broadcast dates but the session tracks for individual BBC shows would have been recorded in one session.
Extra session tracks appear on the website for the programme but they are not always of the best sound quality and none are included here.
Paul Jones generally plays three out of the four recorded session tracks in one programme and will sometimes play the fourth track at a later date.

1. All Through the City - 4th May 2006
2. She's A Wind Up - 4th May 2006
3. Too Much Trouble - 4th May 2006
4. Instinct To Survive - 21st September 2006

5. Sundown - 15th June 2006
6. Blues For Yesterday - 15th June 2006

7. Crow Jane - 29th June 2006
8. All I Do - 29th June 2006
9. I Wish I Knew (How It Would Feel To Be Free) - 29th June 2006

10. Teasin' Brown - 6th July 2006
11. Bang Bang Lulu - 6th July 2006
12. Mississippi Boll Weevil - 6th July 2006

13. Highway Blues > Key To The Highway - 13th July 2006
14. A Gambler's View - 13th July 2006
15. How Long - 13th July 2006
16. I Don't Want You No More - 13th July 2006

17. Back Pocket - 20th July 2006
18. If You Wore Blue - 20th July 2006
19. Mexican Cowboy - 20th July 2006

I previously uploaded the first three tracks of this disc but the fourth track of the Dr Feelgood session hasn't been uploaded here before.

There has been a very good reaction to track 18. It hasn't been officially released as yet but Paul Jones has played the track three times due to the high volume of favourable mail.

Here's a link to the web page:
BBC Blues Sessions

Volume 2 (2006)

All of my own tracks: FM (external aerial) > Denon Tuner > stand alone Pioneer PDR609 CDR > WAV > FLAC

All studio session tracks are from the Paul Jones Show (unless stated otherwise) on BBC Radio 2.

The dates after the track names are the broadcast dates but the session tracks for individual BBC shows would have been recorded in one session.
Extra session tracks appear on the website for the programme but they are not always of the best sound quality and none are included here.
Paul Jones generally plays three out of the four recorded session tracks in one programme and will sometimes play the fourth track at a later date.

1. Take Me Back - 3rd August 2006
2. Sunflower River - 3rd August 2006
3. Lucky Charms - 3rd August 2006
4. Son House - 5th October 2006

5. People Gonna Talk - 31st August 2006
6. I'll Walk Away - 31st August 2006
7. Talkin' 'Bout My Love - 31st August 2006
8. No Smoke Without Fire - 3rd September 2006 - From Andy Kershaw Show on BBC Radio 3
9. Watch & Chain - 3rd September 2006 - From Andy Kershaw Show on BBC Radio 3
10. Kick It Around - 12th October 2006 (Paul Jones Show)

11. Sparkle Paradise - Live At Cambridge Folk Festival 2006 - From BBC Cambridge FF Broadcast 3rd August 2006
12. Mobile - Live At Cambridge Folk Festival 2006 (Paul Jones Show Broadcast 7th Sept 2006)
13. Louisiana 1927 - Live At Cambridge Folk Festival 2006 (Paul Jones Show Broadcast 7th Sept 2006)
14. That's Enough Of That Stuff - Live At Cambridge Folk Festival 2006 (Paul Jones Show Broadcast 7th Sept 2006)

15. River Of Joy - 12th October 2006
16. The Backwater Blues - 4th January 2007

Not all of these tracks are pure blues but they all fall within the remit of what Paul Jones will feature on his weekly R&B show.

Tracks 11 to 14 are not 'session' tracks as such but were featured by Paul Jones instead of the weekly session.

Track 11 is from torrent  #117606  Various Artists - 2006-07-xx Cambridge Folk Festival Highlights *Upgrade*, edited by me for gain & fades and included here because my FM copy from that broadcast has some drop-out in one channel.
All other tracks are my own recordings.

Here's a link to the web page:
BBC Blues Sessions

Volume 3 (2006)

All tracks are my own recordings except 10, 11 & 12.
Lineage for my own tracks: FM (external aerial) > Denon Tuner > stand alone Pioneer PDR609 CDR > WAV > FLAC
I grabbed tracks 10, 11, 12 from a previous Dime torrent - sound quality is the same as my own recordings and the lineage was FM>CDR
Tracks 1 to 3 have appeared on Dime before, recorded and uploaded by someone else.

All studio session tracks are from the Paul Jones Show (unless stated otherwise) on BBC Radio 2.

The dates after the track names are the broadcast dates but the session tracks for individual BBC shows would have been recorded in one session.
Extra session tracks appear on the website for the programme but they are not always of the best sound quality and none are included here.
Paul Jones generally plays three out of the four recorded session tracks in one programme and will sometimes play the fourth track at a later date.

1. The Blues Is In The House - 27th July 2006
2. I Was Raised On The Blues - 27th July 2006
3. Don't Throw Your Love On Me So Strong - 27th July 2006

4. Lookin' Out - 14th September 2006
5. Midnight Mile - 14th September 2006
6. Blues For Billie Holliday - 14th September 2006

7. Not One Bad Thought - 21st September 2006 (Paul Jones Show)
8. Keeper Of The Fire - 21st September 2006 (Paul Jones Show)
9. Did Domebody Make A Fool Out Of You - 21st September 2006 (Paul Jones Show)
10. Who You Gonna Hoo-Doo Now - From Mark Lamarr Show 30th September 2006
11. Scratch My Back (shortened Version) - From Mark Lamarr Show 30th September 2006
12. Do You Have A Garter Belt - From Mark Lamarr Show 30th September 2006

13. Last Night - 28th September 2006
14. So Rare - 28th September 2006
15. Missing You - 28th September 2006

Here's a link to the web pages:
BBC Blues Sessions

Volume 4 (2006)

All tracks are my own recordings.
Lineage: FM (external aerial) > Denon Tuner > stand alone Pioneer PDR609 CDR > WAV > FLAC
I've uploaded tracks 4 to 6 previously but this version is edited to remove the DJ chat.
Track 6 is cut and faded (the whole track wasn't broadcast).

All studio session tracks are from the Paul Jones Show on BBC Radio 2.

The dates after the track names are the broadcast dates but the session tracks for individual BBC shows would have been recorded in one session.
Extra session tracks appear on the website for the programme but they are not always of the best sound quality and only the broadcast tracks are included here.
Paul Jones generally plays three out of the four recorded session tracks in one programme and will sometimes play the fourth track at a later date.

1. Workin' Overtime - 5th October 2006
2. Can't Help Falling Apart (feat. Paul Jones) - 5th October 2006
3. She Takes More Than She Gives - 5th October 2006
4. Love So Deep - Live At Cardiff Coal Exchange 11th October 2001
5. Go The Distance - Live At Cardiff Coal Exchange 11th October 2001
6. Walkin' In The Rain (Cut) - Live At Cardiff Coal Exchange 11th October 2006

7. Woke Up Dreaming - 19th October 2006
8. Walk In My Shadow > So Many Roads > Bridge To Better Days - 19th October 2006 (16 Mins)
9. Just Got Paid > Dazed & Confused instrumental section - 23rd November 2006 (9 mins)

10. Woop Yes We Are - 26th October 2006
11. Julius Junior - 26th October 2006
12. Everybody - 26th October 2006

Track 9 is as yet un-released and is pretty much essential listening for anyone with the slightest interest in blues rock. It's attracted the biggest ever response to a session track on Paul Jones' show.

Here's a link to the web pages:
BBC Blues Sessions

Volume 5 

All tracks are my own recordings.
Lineage: FM (external aerial) > Denon Tuner > stand alone Pioneer PDR609 CDR > WAV > FLAC,
except track 15 and possibly one of the Cambridge tracks which came from digital tv at 256kbps.

All studio session tracks are from the Paul Jones Show on BBC Radio 2 unless stated otherwise.

The dates after the track names are the broadcast dates but the session tracks for individual BBC shows would have been recorded in one session.
Extra session tracks appear on the website for the programme but they are not always of the best sound quality and only the broadcast tracks are included here.
Paul Jones generally plays three out of the four recorded session tracks in one programme and will sometimes play the fourth track at a later date.

Angela Brown & The Mighty 45's
1. People Will Be People - 2nd November 2006 
2. Either Way We Lose - 2nd November 2006
3. You Didn't Want What You Had - 2nd November 2006

Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes (Cardiff tracks were Broadcast on The Bob Harris saturday night show)
4. The Fever - Live At Cardiff Coal Exchange 14th October 2001
5. Tired Skin - Live At Cardiff Coal Exchange 14th October 2001
6. I Don't Wanna Go Home - Live At Cardiff Coal Exchange 14th October 2006
7. Key To The Highway (Paul Jones show session) - 9th November 2006
8. Into The Harbour (Paul Jones show session) - 9th November 2006
9. C'mon Caroline (Paul Jones show session) - 9th November 2006
10. Nothin' But A Heartache (Paul Jones show session) - 9th November 2006

Eric Bibb
11. Stagger Lee - 16th November 2006
12. Got To Do Better - 16th November 2006
13. Destiny Blues - 16th November 2006
14. Going Down Slow (from Jools Holland's radio show & with Jool's Rhythm section) - 27th November 2006 
15. In My Father's House (from Jools Holland's 'Later' TV show) - Broadcast 8th December 2006
16. The Needed Time - Cambridge Folk Festival 2002
17. Shingle By Shingle - Cambridge Folk Festival 2002
18. Good Stuff - Cambridge Folk Festival 2002

I've uploaded tracks 16 to 18 on Dime previously as part of a Cambridge Folk Festival compilation.

Track 16 has not been officially released. 'The Needed Time' appears on an official Cambridge Folk Festival album but it was a performance from an earlier year.

Here's a link to the Paul Jones web pages:

In case you missed the link in my comment on volume 4, here's a link to another blues show that features regular sessions.
These include Joe Bonamassa and Eric Bibb amongst others.
The audio is at 95kbps and therefore recordings of this British Forces Broadcasting Service show can't be uploaded here.
You can download podcasts to your i-pod or listen to the streaming audio.
Like Someone in Love
How Deep is the Ocean
What is this Thing Called Love
My Heart Belongs to Daddy
Body and Soul

Paul Motian [d]
Bill Frisell [g]
Joe Lovano [ts]
Lee Konitz [as]
Marc Johnson [b]

Show: A
Sound: A
Paul Motian (dr)
Bill Frisell (g)
Joe Lovano (ts)
Jim Pepper (as, ss)
Ed Schuller (b)

Disc 1:
1. Five Miles to Wrentham
2. White Magic
3. The Story of Maryam
4. Yahllah
5. The Sunflower
6. 9x9

Disc 2:
1. Etude
2. Mandeville
3. Drum Music
4. Psalm

fm or sbd > ? > cdr > eac (secure) > flac
Air a Danser
Music For A Found Harmonium
Yodel 1
Cutting Branches For A Temporary Shelter
Isle Of View (Music For Helicopter Pilots)
Another One From The Colonies
White Mischief
Salty Bean Fumble
Paul's Dance
Number 1 to 4
Prelude and Yodel
Chartered Flight
The Ecstasy of Dancing Fleas
Band Intros
Giles Farnaby's Dream
E: The Toy


A DoinkerTape
Source: Ex- Stereo Audience Recording

01: All Want To Be (Is By Your Side)
02: Penny For Your Thoughts
03: Baby I Love You Way
04: Baby(Somethin's Happening)
05: Doobie Wah
06: Lines On My Face
07: Show Me The Way
08: I Wanna Go To The Sun
09: You Don't Have To Worry
10: It's A Plain Shame

01: Do You Feel Like We Do
02: Band Introduction
03: Road Runner ~ Signed, Sealed And Delivered(I'm Yours)
04: Jamping Jack Flash
05: I'm In You 

Peter Frampton: Guitar, Vocals
Bob Mayo: Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Stanley Sheldon: Bass
John Siomos: Drums
It's A Plain Shame
Doobie Wah
Lines On My Face
The Lodger
I Wanna Go To The Sun
Do You Feel Like We Do
Jumpin' Jack Flash
White Sugar
Shine On
JEMS Master

Disc One:
01. Here Comes The Flood
02. On The Air
03. Moribund The Burgermeister
04. Waiting For The Big One
05. A Song Without Words
06. Excuse Me
07. Solsbury Hill
08. Ain't That Peculiar
09. Why Don't We

Disc Two:
01. Humdrum
02. Slowburn
03. All Day And All Of The Night
04. Here Comes The Flood
05. Modern Love
06. Down The Dolce Vita
07. Back In NYC

Peter Gabriel               Keyboards, Vocals   
Dusty Rhodes (Robert Fripp) Guitar 
Steve Hunter                Guitar
Tony Levin                  Bass      
Larry Fast                  Synthesizer 
Alan Schwartzberg           Drums
Phil Aaberg                 Keyboards 
Jim Maelen                  Percussion

Peter Gabriel's first solo tour, with a great band in tow.   Television 
opened the show (see separate torrent for their set).   The first album 
the tour supported was a surprise to Genesis fans and the tour even more 
so,  moving away from his previous group's more prog rock tendencies.  
The covers in this show may have been the most interesting part of the set.   
Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" and the Kinks "All Day And All Of The 
Night" were both very faithful to the original versions and only "Back In 
NYC" provided a look back at Genesis (who had played the same hall a month 
earlier).   Robert Fripp's muscular playing (from behind a curtain just off 
the stage) was also a unexpected surprise, seeming a world away from King

The tape came out great,  location is everything.   The first 15 seconds of 
track one sound a little rough, but then it sharpen's up nicely.   
Teac M-100 mic>Sony 153SD>Wavelab>Flac8   
1.1 Here Comes The Flood (Piano Version) 2:57
1.2 On the Air 4:08
1.3 Moribund The Burgermeister 4:47
1.4 Waiting For The Big One 7:53
1.5 A Song Without Words 3:53
1.6 Excuse Me 3:20
1.7 Solsbury Hill 5:17
1.8 Ain't That Peculiar 5:17
1.9 Why Don't We 7:08
1.10 Humdrum 4:19
1.11 Peter Talking 1:11
1.12 Slowburn 5:20
1.13 All Day And All Of The Night 4:12

2.1 Here Comes The Flood (Band Version) 4:12
2.2 Modern Love 4:37
2.3 Band Introductions 1:09
2.4 Down The Dolce Vita 10:36
2.5 Back In N.Y.C. 7:37
Bonus Track
2.6 Peter Gabriel Interview-Piccadilly Radio 
(April 1977-Manchester,UK) 15:56

Peter Gabriel - Lead Vocals, Piano, Flute and Percussions
Dusty Rhodes (aka-Robert Fripp - Guitars & Effects
Steve Hunter- Lead Guitars
Tony Levin - Bass Guitars, Stick, Backing Vocals
Larry Fast - Synthesizers 
Alan Schwartzberg - Drums, Percussion and Backing Vocals
Phil Aaberg - Keyboards and Backing Vocals
John Maelen - Percussion and Backing Vocals

    The tempest had died down. It was done.  Peter Gabriel had left Genesis in 1975 after The LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY tour and was now about to embark upon a whole new venture as a solo artist.  Phil Collins was the new lead singer of the band Gabriel had left behind, and with the albums A TRICK OF THE TAIL and WIND AND WUTHERING, both released in 1976, Genesis were enjoying new levels of success in album sales and concert attendances.  This prompted mixed feelings for their ex-frontman, as he would later explain: “It felt kind of strange for me. I mean, I was very happy for the guys because I knew they could make it without me but it’s strange how the way people feel about you can change so fast. When I was with Genesis, just because of the costumes and the stage shows, people assumed that I ‘was’ Genesis, that I was doing everything, which was a faulty vision that I constantly fought to dispel. But when I had left and the band was reaching new heights, people started to assume that I had done nothing, which was a bit ego-bruising, to say the least !”…
   With that in mind, Peter Gabriel now had to prove that he could stand alone and create his own musical world.  No easy task after such an incredible run with as great a band as Genesis was then, but Gabriel was never a man to shy away from a challenge From the very start, he knew that he had to be as different from Genesis as possible, Both musically and visually - no more long and syncopated musical suites, no more batwings and flower masks.  The last months of 1975 and the first half of 1976 were spent at his home in England, resting with his family and slowly writing new material on the piano.  Having dug deep into his own musical background, he created a very special collection of songs, each of which had a distinct personality of its own, and he set about recording his first solo album.  In an effort to get away from the archetypal ‘English’ rock sound, Gabriel sought the help of American producer Bob Ezrin, well known for his work with Alice Cooper and Kiss.  Most of the resulting album was recorded at Soundstage studio in Toronto, Canada. Ezrin’s involvement in the project undoubtedly helped bring forth the raw sound that Gabriel was looking for, but it was the choice of musicians in his new recording band that would ultimately make this first solo album such a departure from Gabriel’s previous recorded work.
   Steve Hunter’s harsh guitar licks and Allan Schwartzberg’s heavy drums were as far removed from the Hackett-Collins combination as could possibly be imagined, while Larry Fast’s discrete synthesizer work couldn’t be further away from Tony Banks’ huge presence on the keyboards. Add Tony Levin, an amazing bass player with a unique style of his own, and the brilliant ex-King Crimson guitarist Robert Fripp (who would insist on staying in the shadows, both on the album and the ensuing tour when he was referred to only as ‘Dusty Rhodes’), and you have all the elements needed to create an album as different from Genesis and progressive rock in general as a fly is from a windshield !  To further accentuate the contrast, Gabriel would also bring in orchestral arrangements for one of the songs, another first for the ex-Genesis angel.  One could still hear vague musical remnants of Peter’s days with Genesis in songs like “Moribund The Burgermeister” and “Down The Dolce Vita”, but for the most part, this first solo effort was very fresh in its overall approach and it came as a delightful surprise to Peter Gabriel fans the world over.  The advertising campaign which accompanied the release of the album in February 1977 advised listeners to ‘Expect The Unexpected’.  Wise words indeed.
   With the album and first single “Solsbury Hill” achieving deserved success, March 1977 saw Gabriel taking his new music out on the road.  Electing to avoid using costumes and elaborate stage choreography, Gabriel’s voice, body and music would now be the only weapons he would use to try and conquer a whole new audience.  The set list consisted of the new album in its entirety, along with early versions of new songs that would later appear on his second album, and even a few covers.  By the time the tour reached the UK, the following month, “Why Don’t We?” had been dropped from the set, never to reappear live or in a recorded version.
   Was the surprisingly heavy interpretation of Genesis’ “Back In NYC” as an encore a concession to his older fans ?  Only Peter could tell us but after playing “The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway” on the 1978-79 tour for his second album, no more Genesis song would ever be included in the set list of a Peter Gabriel show.  The man was intent on making it on his own !  And it all began with the 1977 tour for his first album, from which we proudly bring you this exceptional recording of what was only Gabriel’s sixth ever solo performance.  We most certainly hope that you are going to enjoy it as much as we do.

PRRP Staff

Notes from the Re-Master
            This recording comes to us as a CD copy of the master pre-FM reels. The show was initially broadcast in the Cleveland area which has lead to a number of versions of the recording being available to the public. But this is the first time, to our knowledge; this pre-FM source has been available. Despite its Pre-FM status there was still quite a bit of noise in this recording. Multiple techniques of noise reduction were tried but eventually an inversion-subtraction method was found to be most effective. This noise cancellation technique was variably applied throughout the show as needed to reduce the perceived noise. Manual removal of pops and clicks was necessary as was selective removal of an occasional buzz.
            Tonality also needed a bit of adjustment. The original source was quite deficient in the bass and sub-bass components. Those were boosted. There were sections with prominent bass drum where even further bass enhancements were needed. Other sections were a little excessive in the treble range. Rather than a global treble reduction, a dynamic de-esser in the high treble range seemed most effective. This technique smoothed both the excessive sounding “SS” when sung and the occasional piercing character of the high toned instruments.
            Track gaps were found and removed. Some audience noise was reduced in volume but not was cut in length. The discs were re-balanced because the interview was added at the end of the show. This required a mix-pasting of the original cut in the show but fortunately, no patch was necessary as the cut occurred during applause. Finally, a small amount of echo was added to enhance the sound. Since this was a soundboard recording the presence was a bit dry and the sound character of a truly live performance was lacking. Adding a bit of echo helped to correct this problem.
            The Interview section had quite a bit of noise that needed reduction. Two different techniques were used to accomplish this. The tonality also needed adjustment. Bass was reduced and treble/midrange was enhanced to better understand the dialogue. Frequent pops and clicks occurred and were manually removed. Finally, the Right channel was suppressed compared to the left and so the two channels were re-balanced.

Sound: A
Show: A
Unknown source > Silver CD > wav (through EAC) > flac (level 8)

01 Here Comes The Flood
02 On The Air
03 Moribund The Burgermeister
04 Waiting For The Big One
05 A Song Without Words
06 Excuse Me
07 Solsbury Hill
08 Ain't That Peculiar
09 Humdrum
10 Slowburn
11 All Day And All Night
12 Here Comes The Flood
13 Modern Love
14 Down The Dolce Vita
15 Back In NYC

This is my first try at seeding, so please let me know if I got
anything wrong.

I picked this disc up somewhere in Europe over ten years ago
(somewhere in Italy, if I remember correctly). I've never seen it 
mentioned on the net. The sound quality is outstanding. I would imagine 
that it's soundboard or pre-FM. It's a great performance too. Peter talks
a lot and tells some interesting stories between songs, and Robert Fripp 
does some spectacular guitar work. The drunken audience is enthusiastic 
and, for the most part, not too annoying. And lastly, the cover art is 
beautiful, one of my all time favorites. Highly recommended if you're at 
all into PG.
Audience recording, taped by Craig Wood, master tape -> transferred by me

Disc 1:

1.  Peter Gabriel Introduction - 2.07
2.  Here Comes the Flood - 2.14
3.  Slowburn - 5.11
4.  Moribund the Burgermeister - 5.34
5.  Modern Love - 5.18
6.  Indigo - 4.37
7.  Humdrum - 4.45
8.  White Shadow - 4.41
9.  I Heard It through the Grapevine - 9.41
10. Excuse Me - 5.22
11. Waiting for the Big One - 7.07

Disc 2:

1.  Band Introductions - 1.15
2.  Solsbury Hill - 5.25
3.  Down the Dolce Vita - 6.22
4.  On the Air - 5.01
5.  All Day and All of the Night - 5.04
6.  Here Comes the Flood - 8.30
7.  Back in N.Y.C. - 6.31
8.  Animal Magic - 5.01

Total Running Time: 56.54 + 43.12 = 100.06

This recording was in the making for quite some time. I've heard various versions, and did multiple transfers. Luckily, all this waiting was positive, as by then, I was offered the master tape, recorded by Craig Wood. It's definitely the best version of this particular gig, one which is not circulated very much, and has gaps in nearly every version.

It's an interesting gig as it's got an early Animal Magic as the second encore, only done sporadically on the second leg of the 1977 tour. With this song included, I think this is a nice addition to any Peter Gabriel collection, and rounds off the set of Manchester 1977 gigs nicely. Actually, all three Manchester 1977 gigs (one in April, two in September) have been MUPPETed now.

I won't give many show info in the notes this time, as there's some great liner notes by Peter Nicholls included in the artwork. Check them out! :)


Craig's master tapes were transferred, with azimuth adjusted for optimum reception, to the computer.

Speed was corrected as it ran a tad too slow.
Then the recording went through a series of three steps of noise reduction. The reason behind this is that several steps are more precise and more careful than reducing in one go, giving a better result in the end, with less artifacts. First the computer-noise was removed (almost inaudible, but at least it filters out these sounds before going to the next step), then the hiss of the tape itself, and finally the hiss of the recording, which is always louder than the tape-hiss itself.

Since the recording was mono, I copied one channel to the other to create a pure mono recording.
EQ was then applied.

The recording seemed to have some auto-dynamic-control, so manually volume restoration was done, to introduce dynamics back into the gig.

Then multiband compression/expanding was done.

After this, some work on the stereo image was done, to prevent having an dull mono recording. Some slight multitap delays were added as well as two different reverbs. All of this was very subtle, but just enough to open up the recording a little.

The recording was finished by running it through Ozone to put some proverbial 'icing on the cake'. The final step was the L2 to normalize the recording.

Fade-ins and fade-outs were applied, the recording was then converted back to 16-bits again, and cut-up in tracks, on CD sector boundaries.


Thanks to Craig Wood for lending his master tape to the project!
Thanks to Peter Nicholls for lending his tape (even though it didn’t get used in the end) and for the liner notes!
Thanks to Casimiro Baldanza for helping out with the cd-labels in the artwork!
As always, hope you enjoy this remaster!

Jesper Moonen
July 30, 2006

If you have any comments, a question, or perhaps even have an unusual Gabriel recording (on tape, CD, or anything else), which you would like to offer to the project, just send me an e-mail at sledgehammer86 AT hotmail DOT com
On The Air
Moribund The Burgermeister
Here Comes The Flood
White Shadow
Waiting For The Big One
I Don't Remember
Solsbury Hill
Modern Love
The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway

Disc 1:

1. Intruder - 6.05
2. The Start - 1.53
3. I Don't Remember - 4.28
4. Solsbury Hill - 7.07
5. Family Snapshot - 4.35
6. Milgram's 37 - 5.16
7. Modern Love - 4.21
8. Not One of Us - 5.26
9. Lead a Normal Life - 5.48

Disc 2:

1. Moribund the Burgermeister - 4.42
2. Mother of Violence - 4.32
3. Humdrum - 3.53
4. Band Introductions - 1.35
5. Games without Frontiers - 6.18
6. And through the Wire - 4.29
7. I Go Swimming - 4.21
8. Biko - 8.07
9. On the Air - 5.11
10. Here Comes the Flood - 2.18

Total Running Time: 90.25

The Cardiff 1980 recording is a bit of an odd one. It is special because it is one of
the very few professional recordings of the "China 1984 Tour" (as the Melt Tour was
called officially). However, for a soundboard-recording it has a lot of problems. There's
a fair amount of hiss. The first half of the show missed one channel already from the
beginning on (this was on the master tape), and the second was in stereo. Also the first
half of Moribund is sadly missing. Apart from these flaws, the recording is really muddy 
and misses clarity.

Still, this recording got my interest. About a year ago I got a complete copy of this
gig in a trade. I was happy to find this, because the usual circulating version, The
Watcher, was incomplete. What was the most interesting was that one of the previously
missing tracks, Moribund the Burgermeister had some great stereo effects during the
"I Will Find Out" part. Games without Frontiers, which was missing too on The Watcher
featured some nice stereo synths as well. The new complete recording also offered Here
Comes the Flood and the band introductions. Another interesting moment that was edited
out on The Watcher, was the introduction to Family Snapshot, which was plagued by
technical problems.

Sadly, this complete recording was plagued by other flaws: hiss reduction and speed
correction were used. Both with bad results: the hiss reduction was so high that all
the highs were completely gone, and the speed correction introduced all sorts of

Later on, I found a new source, which was 2 CD-rs made from a 4th gen. recording.
I also got a tape, but this was too hissy to use. I decided to use the 4th gen.
as the base of the remaster (see WHAT WAS DONE?).

Back to March 7, 1980. Peter and some members of the band had the flu that night.
Peter decided to use a vacuum-machine to get his voice in better shape, which seemed
to work to some degree.

The first disc is in mono, but the second disc is in stereo. Some of the synthesizer
pads and effects sound wonderful in stereo. Especially Humdrum, and And through the
Wire have a nice warmth to them, because of these synths. As said before, Moribund the
Burgermeister has a great stereo vocal effect.

This recording is FAR from perfect, but as it as one of the very few professional
recordings of the Melt Tour, it has some historical value, and is worth trying out if
only for Peter's "I Will Found Out" in Moribund :)


The first part of the recording was in mono. Therefore I used the best channel, with
the most high frequencies, which was the left one. I copied this channel to the right
After that equalization was done. Following to that was multiband-compression, which
I used to get some more of the high frequencies, and to keep the hiss at a minimum.
To create 'artificial stereo' I used a trick with phasing which makes a stereo sound out
of a mono sound.
Some final equalization was done. Also, the subharmonics were removed, as well as the
>16kHz range, which didn't contain any music at all.
Since the recording sounded very sterile I added a little bit of reverb (which also
helped a little to warm up the sound and get the vocal a little more to the front)

The second part of the recording was in stereo. The process done was basically the same,
although I did use both channels of course.
There was a problem with the balance of the two channels. In one channel, the high
frequencies and the low frequencies were too low, while the mid range was too high.
The opposite happened on the other channel. This was corrected.
After that equalization, multiband-compression and final equalization were done, as
well as removing the subharmonics and >16kHz-range. Some different values were used
during the equalization and the multiband-compression because of the different sound
during this part.
There was also a small speed problem on the second part of the show. During Moribund
the speed was right but at the end of the disc the speed was about one note too high.
This was corrected.
Some volume restorations were done.
Finally some reverb was added here as well.

A few words of talking after Lead a Normal Life and the first three seconds of Moribund
were not on the 4th gen, so I used the above-mentioned 'hiss reducted/speed corrected'
to fill this gap.

The Genoa audience recording was used to fill in the gap in Moribund.

There were two gaps inbetween the songs near the end, which were corrected.

Finally, fade-outs were apllied and the recording was normalized. Then the recording was
cut-up in tracks, sector-boundary aligned.


Thanks to David Dunnington for providing the 4th gen. recording.
Thanks to Eric Hall, for helping find info and the best sources of this recording.
Thanks to everyone who listened to the small remastered samples and suggesting
improvements on the sound.

Hope you enjoy this remaster!

Jesper Moonen
May 3, 2004 (three days before seeing Gabriel in Rotterdam! :))
Please Weed. http://from1fan2allothers.com


1.1 Rhythm of the Heat 7:46
1.2 I Have the Touch 5:50
1.3 I Go Swimming 4:51
1.4 Family Snapshot 5:36
1.5 The Family and the Fishing Net 8:42
1.6 Shock the Monkey 7:09
1.7 Not one of us 7:29
Disc - 47:23

2.1 Lay your hands on me 8:30
2.2 Solsbury Hill 4:36
2.3 PG talks during technical F*k Up 2:33
2.4 Intruder 5:40
2.5 John has a Headache 5:32
2.6 Kiss of Life 5:22
2.7 San Jacinto 9:58
2.8 On the Air 7:44
2.9 Humdrum 4:36
Disc - 54:31 

Peter Gabriel - Lead Vocals, Piano and Percussion
John Ellis - Lead Guitars, Percussion and Vocals
Tony Levin - Bass Guitars, Stick, Percussion and Vocals
Larry Fast - Keyboard
Jerry Marotta - Drums and Percussion

“Shock The Rhythm”

    The Stanley Performing Arts Center opened September 10, 1928 and has been the premier 
showplace for Central New York ever since. Thomas Lamb, a prolific theater architect, designed 
this 2,945 seat movie palace for the Mastbaum chain of theaters. The theater was named for 
Stanley, one of the Mastbaum brothers. The design of the theater is dubbed "Mexican baroque" 
because of its unique blend of styles. The terra cotta and tiled mosaic exterior shows the 
Mexican influence, while Hapsburg lions, Indian faces, and a multitude of angels and putti 
(cherubs) grace the lavish baroque "gold leaf" interior of the theater. The Moorish influence 
is apparent in the star-splashed ceiling and the twisted columns on each side of the stage. 
There is even an art-deco look to some of the drapery treatments in the organ lofts.
    It's was a cold night in Utica that evening as it always in Central NY during November. 
But this night was about to heat up as a sold out Stanley Theatre of mostly college students 
we in attendance. The concert was promoted by Mohawk Valley Community College thus this is the 
liberated name of the boot in the trade community.
    Peter used this theatre to his advantage as he open the concert with “Rhythm Of The Heat”, 
Peter and the band marched up to the stage banging drums from the back lobby of the Stanley. 
Peter wore the “Monkey make-up”.  During “Shock The Monkey” This is the first tour he 
crowd-surfed during “Lay Your Hands On Me” . This was surely the highlight of the show as he 
passed right over me as I sat in the 12th row, a fan in attendance said. During "San Jacinto 
he used a reflected light off a hand-held mirror into the another high point for me.  Peter 
wore the black martial arts type outfit with white knee pads.

Notes from the Re-Master

This was a low volume audience recording. For unexplained reasons the volume for either channel 
would just drop precipitously for 10-30 seconds on occasion. These problems were corrected. One 
complete dropout occurred one minute and four seconds into the song ‘I Have the Touch’. This was 
very brief but to cut it out would have disrupted the tempo of the song in that section. Since 
there was no signal at all, no other fix –short of patching over it- would have worked. For this 
reason it was left in its original state. 
        Hiss was quite significant when the concert volume was amplified and therefore this noise
 was reduced. The bass was somewhat lacking so this component of the frequency spectrum was 
boosted. The frequency range was expanded to about 10 kHz from the original 7.5 kHz maximum. 
Given the acoustics of the auditorium, ambience was quite good and therefore unaltered. Audience 
applause was understandably loud and therefore reduced in volume when present. The occasional pop
 was also removed.
red rain
more than this
secret world
games without frontiers
mercy street
digging in the dirt
don't give up
the tower that ate people
growing up
shock the monkey
solsbury hill
signal to noise
in your eyes
come talk to me
father, son
Sony ECM 719->Sony Hi-MD Walkman MZ-RH910 set on linear PCM (44.1 KHz/16 bits-> Transfert with Sonicstage to wav files-> Converted To Flac in Flac  FrontEnd 1.1.2(level 8, align on sector boundaries, verify)

1 Rhythm Of The Heat
2 On The Air
3 Intruder
4 D.I.Y.
5 I Have The Touch
6 Washing Of The Water
7 Blood Of Eden
8 We Do What We're Told (Milgram's 37) 
9 I Don't Remember
10 No Self Control
11 Moribund The Burgermeister
12 Family Snapshot (German )

1 Not One Of Us (hybrid..German/English)
2 Mother Of Violence
3 I Grieve
4 Big Time 
5 Steam
6 Lay Your Hands On Me
7 Solsbury Hill
8 Sledgehammer
9 In Your Eyes

This first gig of the first Peter Gabriel tour since the Still Growing Up Tour in 2004 was a real gift for the fans. One would know for a few weeks before the show that Gabriel was about to play a few songs chosen by fans on an internet poll. But no one would expect a whole show of rarities, some of them never played since 1978...
A few mistakes may be heard during this set, as you could expect from a first gig, Steam being the most obvious.

The recording was done from centre, 15m from stage. Heavy rain can be heard during the first part. 
Enjoy ! 

not for trade
Track Listings

1. This is the Picture
2. San Jacinto
3. Shock the Monkey
4. Games Without Frontiers
5. No Self Control
6. Mercy Street
7. Sledgehammer
8. Solsbury Hill
9. Lay Your Hands on Me
10. Don`t Give Up
11. In Your Eyes
12. Biko

Total Time: Approximately 90 minutes

- Peter Gabriel / lead vocals, keyboards
- Tony Levin / bass guitar, stick, vocals
- David Rhodes / guitar, vocals
- Manu Katche / drums, vocals
- David Sancious / keyboards
Releases information

VHS Virgin Home Video, 3-50189 (U.S.)
VHS Virgin, VVD 626 (U.K.)
Laser Disc Virgin Music Video, PVLM-5 (Japan)

Out of print. Transferred from either VHS or LD.

not for trade
EFDVDPG04. From the TV show of the same name.
Set I
Disc 1 (77:19):
Set 1

Pharoah Sanders-tenor sax
William Henderson-piano
Robert Hurst-bass
Ralph Penland-drums
Dwight Tribble-vocals
Bobby Hutcherson vibes

1. Announcement 2:05
2. A Love Supreme (Coltrane) 17:30
3. The Creator Has A Master Plan (Sanders-Thomas) 8:20

Charles Lloyd-tenor sax
Bobby Hutcherson-vibes
Julian Lage-guitar
Larry Grenadier-bass
Tony Austin-drums
Kamau Daaood-recitation on track 5

4. Charles Lloyd Announcement 2:50
5. Poem by Kamau Daaood 9:37
6. Announcement 1:08
7. unknown title 12:34
8. unknown title 13:07

Charles Lloyd-tenor sax
Pharoah Sanders-tenor sax
William Henderson-piano
Robert Hurst-bass
Ralph Penland-drums
Dwight Tribble-vocals
Bobby Hutcherson vibes

9. Prayer For Master Higgins 10:08
Set II
Disc 2 (66:38)
set 2

Pharoah Sanders-tenor sax
William Henderson-piano
Robert Hurst-bass
Ralph Penland-drums
Dwight Tribble-vocals
Bobby Hutcherson-vibes

1. Introduction :57
2. My Favorite Things (Rodgers-Hammerstein) 24:32
3. Save Our Children (Sanders) 10:17

Bobby Hutcherson-vibes
William Henderson-piano
Robert Hurst-bass
Ralph Penland-drums

4. unidentified 7:26
5. announcement 5:13

Charles Lloyd-tenor sax
Bobby Hutcherson-vibes
Julian Lage-guitar
Larry Grenadier-bass
Tony Austin-drums
Kamau Daaood-recitation on track 6

6. Poem by Kamau Daaood 9:43
7. High Chair 7:45
8. announcement 0:45
Disc 3 (51:04)
1. unidentified 15:09
2. unidentified 15:06
3. announcement 0:49

Charles Lloyd-tenor sax
Pharoah Sanders-tenor sax
William Henderson-piano
Bobby Hutcherson-vibes
Julian Lage-guitar
Larry Grenadier-bass
Robert Hurst-bass
Tony Austin-drums
Ralph Penland-drums
Dwight Tribble-vocals

4. Prayer For Master Higgins 16:33
5. Billy Higgins closing announcement 3:27
Benefit Concert for Billy Higgins
1. I Don't Care Anymore
2. Only You Know and I Know
3. I Cannot Believe It's True
4. This Must Be Love
5. Against All Odds
6. Inside Out
7. Who Said I Would
8. You Know What I Mean
9. If Leaving Me Is Easy
10. Sussudio
11. Behind the Lines
12. Don't Lose My Number
13. The West Side
14. One More Night
15. In the Air Tonight
16. Band Introductions
17. Like China
18. You Can't Hurry love
19. It Don't Matter to Me
20. Hand in Hand
21. Take Me Home
22. People Get Ready
23. It's Alright
Type	Pre-FM
Quality * A+
Media	2CD-R
Track #	Track Name	Track Length
1.1	Two Hearts	06:00
1.2	That's All	04:38
1.3	In The Air Tonight	07:25
1.4	Invisible Touch	05:33
1.5	The West Side	08:12
1.6	Against All Odds	05:13
1.7	Hand In Hand	08:48
1.8	Always	04:43
1.9	Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me	04:00
1.10	Sussudio	08:12
1.11	Watch What Happens	02:28
1.12	Somewhere Over The Rainbow	03:39
1.13	People	03:37
2.1	Old Devil Moon	02:34
2.2	The Lady Is In Love With You	01:45
2.3	There'll Be Some Changes	03:49
2.4	Milestones	07:03
2.5	Drum Duet	04:42
2.6	Los Endos Suite	 09:11
Total Running Time: 1:41:32
Source: SBD (24 Track Recording Mix) -> Master Dat (44.1k) via Charlie Miller

Transfer Info:
Dat (Sony D8) -> RME Hammerfall Digiface -> Sony Vaio C1VP ->
Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> SHN (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs SHN)

Transfered and Edited By Charlie Miller

-- All disc changes are seamless.

Set 1:
d1t01 - Help On The Way ->
d1t02 - Slipknot! ->
d1t03 - Franklin's Tower
d1t04 - Wish You Were Here ->
d1t05 - Tennessee Jed
d1t06 - Stella Blue
d2t01 - Alligator

Set 2:
d2t02 - Bertha ->
d2t03 - Prince Caspian ->
d2t04 - St. Stephen ->
d2t05 - The Eleven ->
d2t06 - Unbroken Chain
d3t01 - Chalkdust Torture ->
d3t02 - Mountains Of The Moon ->
d3t03 - Scarlet Begonias ->
d3t04 - Fire On The Mountain

d3t05 - Donor Rap
d3t06 - Band Intros
d3t07 - Ripple

Phil Lesh - Bass
Steve Kimock - Guitars
John Molo - Drums
Trey Anastasio - Guitar
Page McConnell - Keys
Donna Jean Godchaux-MacKay - Vocals


HARVESTED proudly presents for your weeding and listening pleasure, "Dawn Of The Piper." Here's a little bit of info about this release.

'Dawn Of The Piper' is a collection of material from the Syd/Floyd years. For decades, there have been numerous sources for this material, on vinyl and CD RoIOs, and I can still remember the 1st one I bought...."Unforgotten Hero" (which was released as a picture disc on VINYL). It was through that LP that I heard Scream Thy Last Scream and Vegetable Man for the first time (this was in the late 70's), as well as some of the early Top Gear performances. Some of this material was re-released on my Total Eclipse box set for Great Dane (anyone heardof this?) and they were my best sources at the time (this was about 5 years ago).

Better sources have turned up over the past few years on such RoIOs as Rhamadan, A Saucerful Of Outtakes, and Tales From The Psychedelic Dundgeon, just to name a few. I wanted to take the best from all these new sources and compile them onto one CD to represent this time period. I DID NOT want this release to be an ALL INCLUSIVE effort! This means that I didn't want to include all 3 versions of VegMan or other titles which had different stereo and mono versions. I did not want this to be a reference disc or a CD encyclopedia....I wanted this to be an enjoyable "LISTENING" experience...something that you could put into your CD player and listen to all the way through. Besides, there is already a huge project underway (14 CDs!) that will be the all-inclusive project. I also did not want to include any of Syd's solo stuff (maybe a future release) or interviews (such as hans Keller's classic one from Look Of The Week) or small tidbits (like the Carlisle radio snippet). Sure, there are a few things absent (like the Flaming single version), but one can only fit so much material onto a CD, and decisions had to be made as to what would be included.

There were SO MANY people that helped out on this one, and I wish I could thank them all, but some have requested to remain anonymous. In just the last month or so, I have received startling upgrades, some that my cynical mind doubted would be! So, here is a rundown of all the tracks and the sources from whence they came........

1)Lucy Leave
2)King Bee

These 2 tracks have appeared on numerous releases; from Fish Out Of Water to A Saucerful Of Outtakes (my previous choice for the best quality). I have recently received a source from a VERY low tape gen that is better than anything I have previously heard (which does not come from a RoIO source). The only problem was that the 1st note of Lucy was missing, but HARVESTED has fixed that minor glitch. The fuller dynamics of these tracks put them ahead of the pack.

3)Interstellar Overdrive

Taken from the film San Fransisco 1968. I have a master video source professionally transferred from the original film. Our engineer took this source a step further by enhancing the sound and cleaning up a bit of noise from the film's optical soundtrack.

4)Arnold Layne

Ya know, there are so many different ALs to choose from and I definately wanted to include one of them. There are the pristine stereo releases (Relics) and the mono version (The Singles from the Shine On box), but I took Mr Fitch's suggestion (which I think is BRILLIANT), of using the ORIGINAL SINGLE! This version is taken from the original 45 and was recorded directly onto my hard drive. This way, you won't hear a remixed perfect stereo version (like Relics) or the mono version that was later released. What you WILL hear should be pretty much the same thing as if you'd bought the single when it came out in 1967 played it at home for the 1st time (but probably with better stereo equipment : )

4)Candy and a Current Bun

This alternate lyric version was sourced from the Rhamadam RoIO.

6)Pow R Toc H
7)Astronomy Domine

These tracks are from the Look Of The Week BBC TV show. Our source was a PAL master from a more recent broadcast.....can't get too much better than this!

8)See Emily Play

Sourced from a low gen tape. The fade out of this song is a bit longer (approx 5 seconds) and you might just hear a few things that you've never heard before : )


This was also sourced from a low gen tape and starts off with a curious little sound effect. Better than the Rhamadam RoIO.

11)Apples And Oranges
13)Mathilda Mother
14)The Gnome

All of these tracks are from an early BBC session. Thanks to a fellow Echosian, I was given a copy of the tape that was supplied to the BBC for a rebroadcast, because the BBC did not have a copy at the time. All other releases of this material pretty much stem from this tape, most likely with many generations added. The BBC supposedly did not rebroadcast A&O, maybe because of a slight techincal whistle which can be heard during the song.

We've also "cleaned up" these tracks as best we could, balancing levels, a bit EQ'ing, and cleverly replacing missing notes at the start of some songs (Scarecrow). One thing HARVESTED never does is to "blanket" a track with noise reduction (like No Noise). There are subtle ways to remove a bit of hiss, but I'd rather hear hiss rather than lose some significant sound. Determining the noise reduction (which is often rejected) is usually our longest process.

15)Scream Thy Last Scream
16)Vegetable Man

These tracks were also sourced from a low gen tape. Hands down best quality of these stereo versions. STLS even includes the countdown and post-song gibberish.

17)Reaction In G

I wanted to include at least one "live" performance track, and this one was an early staple. This source is from a very low gen tape. The instrumental tracks from this show fair MUCH better than the ones with vocals (which are quite distant), so I chose this cool jam session to be included.

18)Pow R Toc H
19)Scream Thy Last Scream
20)Vegetable Man
21)Jugband Blues

A low gen tape source was used for the Floyd's final BBC session with Syd. Though a bit on the "hissy" side (especially during the quiet parts), the sound is still better than anything I've heard. I really didn't like the fact that I was ending this incredible compilation with the tracks that were the poorest sound quality of the lot (I'd grade them a VG+) but we refused to blanket the sound with noise reduction. It's a bit disturbing to hear the wall of hiss emerge during the end coda of JB, but when Syd chimes in with "And the sea isn't green..." it still sends shivers up my spine. A perfect way to end the CD.     -orangemaze@aol.com
01  Lucy Leave
02  King Bee
The original 5-member Pink Floyd line-up.  With Bob Klose on lead 
guitar and Syd Barrett on rhythm guitar.  Possibly recorded at 
Regent Sound studio around May 1965 (according to Bob Klose ­
whose memory seems a bit better than Nick Mason's on the

03  Interstellar Overdrive
Taken from the film "San Francisco".  Recorded at Thompson
Private Recording Studios on 31 October 1966 (or there about).

04  Arnold Layne
05  Candy and a Currant Bun
Taken from the original acetates demoed to EMI.  Recorded at Sound 
Techniques studio from 23-25 January 1967.  After hearing
these acetates, EMI signed Pink Floyd to a recording contract
on 1 February 1967.
When they created this Arnold Layne acetate, they cut out the
organ solo.  I don't know why they did that.
Knowing that EMI would object to the drug references in the
lyrics to Let's Roll Another One, Syd rewrote them to create
this Candy and a Currant Bun acetate.  EMI still objected to
the "I'm high" lyrics anyway.  So the band had to go back to
Sound Techniques and rerecord it.

06  Interstellar Overdrive
Recorded live at UFO on 27 January 1967 by Granada TV (not 20
January has erroneously reported in some sources).  This version
is cut as per the editing for the program "Underground: Scene
Special".  Interestingly, this version lacks the narrator
commentary that appears in the final broadcast version.
First broadcast on 8 March 1967 (not 7 February as erroneously
predicted by Melody Maker).

07  Interstellar Overdrive
Taken from the French EP released 11 April 1967.  Pink Floyd
attempted to create a shorter version of IO especially for France 
during a recording sessions on 16 March and 22 March 1967.
These were abandoned.  The French version was edited from the same 
source used for the LP (recorded 27 February 1967), just
a different mix.

08  Flaming
Taken from the US single, released 2 November 1967.  The
original US release of Piper at the Gates of Dawn did not
include the song Flaming.  It was released later as a single.
This version of Flaming comes from the same recording used
for the UK version (16 March 1967) but has a slightly different

09  Pow R Toc H
10  Astronomy Domine
Taken from the BBC's "Look of the Week" television program
(14 May 1967).

11  See Emily Play
Taken from acetate #2 of 21 May 1967 recordings made at Sound
Techniques.  Two acetates are known.  They are numbered 1 and 2
based on the order in which they were discovered.  This second
acetate features a slightly extended ending.

12  Experiment
Much about this recording is unknown, including the title.
Traditionally, it's been called Experiment (as we do here) or
Sunshine.  But that was before anyone learned what Sunshine
really was.

13  Sunshine
Sunshine is really the last section of Matilda Mother.
Matilda Mother had been rerecorded on 7 June 1967.  However,
Norman Smith decided that the instrumental section in the
middle was too long.  During an editing session on 29 June,
he literally cut the tape into three pieces.  The first part
was called "Matilda Mother", the second part (the part being
deleted) was called "Wondering and Dreaming", and the third
part was called "Sunshine" (based on a convenient lyrical
reference at that point).  Parts one and three were then
spliced together to create the official version.  On the
stereo release, the "Sunshine" lyric in the left channel gets
overpowered by the "For all the time spent in that room" lyric
that predominates the right channel.  To better hear and
appreciate "Sunshine", I've made a mono version of just the
left channel starting at the splice point.

14  Scream Thy Last Scream
Recorded at Abbey Road on 7 August 1967.  This track is taken
from a stereo mix done my Peter Jenner in 1974.

15  Set The Controls
16  Reaction in G
Taken from the BBC's inaugural "Top Gear" Radio 1 program
aired on 1 October 1967 (not from a pirate radio rebroadcast).
The tracks were recorded at the BBC's Playhouse Theatre on
25 September 1967.  The DJs heard on these tracks are
Pete Drummond and John Peel.  Both DJs were former Radio
London DJs (which had shut down on 14 August 1967).  Note,
the Marine Offenses Act (which took effect 15 August 1967)
made these offshore pirate radio stations illegal.

17  Vegetable Man
Recorded at De Lane Lea on 9-11 October 1967.  This track
is taken from a stereo mix done my Peter Jenner in 1974.

18  Remember a Day
This instrumental version of the song is taken from the DVD
of the Syd Barrett spoof film "Remember a Day" starring
Darryl Read.  Recorded at De Lane Lea on 9-11 October 1967.

19  Apples and Oranges
Recorded at Abbey Road on 26-27 October 1967.  This track is
the stereo version taken from the Masters of Rock LP.

20  Pow R Toc H
Taken from the BBC's "Top Gear" Radio 1 program aired on
31 December 1967.  The track was recorded 20 December 1967
at the BBC's Maida Vale studio.  Although this track appears
on our BBC Archives 1967-1969 release, it is not the same.
The BBC archives version is taken from a rebroadcast of the
show and has the ending significantly cut short.  This
track here on Dawn of the Piper rev A contains the entire
song from the recently uncovered original broadcast.
Source: Psychedelic Games for May (snap-01) LP > AR ES-1 Modified Turntable . Shure V15 Type III Cartridge > Modified Dynaco PAS-II RIAA Tube Pre-Amp > Canare Cable > SBM-1 @ 48khz > D7 > Archive DDS Transfer > 48khz .wav > 48khz SHN

01 Lucy Leave
02 King Bee
03 See Emily Play
04 Arnold Layne
05 Candy and A Currant Bun
06 Flaming
07 Pow R Toc H
08 Astronomy Dominie
09 Interstellar Overdrive
10 Reaction In G
11 Stoned Alone
12 Vegetable Man
13 Scream Thy Last Scream

Original Sources used to make LP:  
66/67 EMI Acetates (1,2,3,4) 
27 Feb 67 Sound Techniques Studios, Chelsea, London (6,7) 
67 BBC 'Look of the Week' Broadcast (7,8,9) 
July 67 Broadcast from Carlisle, Scotland (10,11) 
Oct 67 de Lane Lea Studios, London (12) 
Aug 67 de Lane Lea Studios, London (13)   

1. Pow R Toc H/Intro by Robert Robinson (0:46)
2. Hans Keller Intro (1:06)
3. Astronomy Domine (3:56)
4. Roger & Syd Interviewed by Hans Keller (3:53)
5. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (3:34) 
6. Reaction In G (0:40)
7. Flaming (2:47)
8. The Gnome (2:26)
9. The Scarecrow (2:14)
10. Matilda Mother (3:28)
11. Vegetable Man (3:35)
12. Scream Thy Last Scream (3:47)
13. Jugband Blues (3:53)
14. Pow R Toc H (4:32)

Tracks 1 to 4: Recorded BBC TV Centre, London, 14th May 1967; broadcast 14th May 1967.

Tracks 5 to 10: Recorded at BBC Playhouse Teatre, Northumberland Avenue, 25th September 1967; broadcast 1st October 1967 and 5th November 1967

Tracks 11 to 14: Recorded at BBC Studios, Maida Vale, London, 20th December  1967; broadcast 31st December 1967.

Transferred from the Sodium Haze Records LP "Dolls House Darkness" (SODA 69)

Lineage: LP record > Audio CD-R > WAV > FLAC Level 8 > You!

TURNTABLE: Linn Sondek LP12 (1987) with Lingo 2 power supply, Cirkus suspension
ARM: Linn Ittok LVIII
CARTRIDGE: Linn Klyde rebuilt by Expert Stylus Co
PRE-AMP: Naim NAC 72 with K phono boards
CONNECTS: Naim black SNAICs, Chord Chrysalis
CD RECORDER: Marantz DR700

Recorded straight from the turntable. I have not altered the sound in any way. There is some surface noise but generally I always think by trying to take it out you make things sound worse! So I left it in.
Master Cassette* > DAT (x5) > flac
frontend > flac

"EL Source"

'*This recording is said to come from a master recording, but there is some noticeable hiss.  This may be from the age and condition of the recording. The comparison to  "Wonderful Wonderful Copenhagen" reveals that this is a brighter recording without any processing, while WWC is the victim of some heavy NR.  It also appears that WWC runs too fast.
danlynch 2005-03-18

1. Stoned Alone  [06:43]
2. Arnold Layne   [04:01]
3. One in a Million  [06:40]
4. Matilda Mother  [06:58]
5. Scream Thy Last Scream  [05:36]
6. Astronomy Domine  [07:44]
EARLY show
processed from 1st gen audience tape

length:  66:30

 1. Let There Be More Light   8:45
 2. Interstellar Overdrive   11:06
 3. Set the Controls   12:47
 4. A Saucerful of Secrets   14:40

Pop Fest, Rome  5 May 1968 FM
	taken from DAT of rebroadcast of the master tape
 5. Astronomy Domine   8:05
 6. Roger Waters interview   2:17
 7. Set the Controls   8:48

LATE show
processed from 1st gen audience tape

length:  77:08

 1. Keep Smiling People   11:28
 2. Let There Be More Light   9:16
 3. Set The Controls   13:39
 4. Flaming   5:38
 5. A Saucerful of Secrets   12:59


     Piper Club, Rome  19 April 1968 FM
 6. Interstellar Overdrive   6:14
 7. Astronomy Domine   2:26

     French TV  21 September 1968 (lip-synch?)
 8. Let There Be More Light   4:04

     "More" mixes (as used in the film)  March 1969
 9. Main Theme   3:07
10. Cymbaline   5:21
11. Seabirds (non-LP)   3:50


 Disc 1:
  1. Daybreak (part 1)			 6:16	(Grantchester Meadows)
  2. Work				 8:39	(unreleased instrumental)
  3. Afternoon				 5:25	(Biding My Time)
  4. Doing It				 5:18	(Syncopated Pandemonium*)
  5. Sleeping				10:55	(Quicksilver)
  6. Daybreak (part 2)			 2:25	(Grantchester Meadows reprise)

 Disc 2:
  1. The Beginning			 4:35	(Green is the Colour)
  2. Beset By Creatures of the Deep	 8:25	(Careful with that Axe, Eugene)
  3. The Narrow Way			 4:46	
  4. The Pink Jungle			 4:18	(Pow R. Toc H.)
  5. The Labyrinths of Auximenes	 8:30	(unreleased instrumental)
  6. Behold the Temple of Light		 6:42	(unreleased instrumental)
  7. The End of the Beginning		 5:49	(Storm Signal/Celestial Voices)
  8. Interstellar Overdrive (encore)	11:14	

*I've seen three other possibilities for the actual official release of Doing It: Up the Khyber, Grand Vizier's Garden Party, and Party Sequence.

This is the first performance of the concept concerts "The Man" and "The Journey."  Quality is not the best, but the  performances are very different from the Amsterdam show.  It is 2 CD's and Interstellar Overdrive is performed as an encore.  There are many differences between this and the Amsterdam show: 1) the song that would become Cymbaline (called Nightmare) has not yet become separate from Sleep(ing).  2) Daybreak (part two) is very different. 3) The Labyrinths of Auximenes does not yet contain the bass line that can be found in latter parts of post-Syd performances of Interstellar Overdrive (perhaps because IO was performed at this concert) and thus is very different from the version on the Amsterdam show. Interstellar Overdrive is a very good version with some neat guitar riffs about 5 minutes in. Although sound quality is just one step above horrendous, this concert is very historical in terms of the 1969 shows.

Silver CD -> Direct CD-R Copy -> WAV (MMJB) -> SHN (mkwACT) -> YOU!
"Hilversum 3 Radio were recording this show for a future broadcast, but after
a microphone failure early in the show the band were forced to perform an
instrumental set and as a result the show was never broadcast"

So we've got a short set of 4 numbers with absolutely no vocals, but the SQ
is amazing, even before you take the age of the recording into consideration.

01.	Interstellar Overdrive	04:19
02.	Set The Controls For The Heart of The Sun 12:25
03.	Careful With That Axe, Eugene	10:10
04.	A Saucerful of Secrets	13:00

SBD > unknown gen tape > WAV > FLAC
Part I - The Man
Disc One:
1. Introduction 1:00
2. Daybreak 8:11
3. Work 3:53
4. Teatime 3:34
5. Afternoon 5:13
6. Doing It 4:03
7. Sleep 4:37
8. Nightmare 9:14
9. Daybreak (Part Two) 1:21

Part II - The Journey
Disc Two:
1. The Beginning 4:55
2. Beset By The Creatures Of The Deep 6:27
3. The Narrow Way 5:13
4. The Pink Jungle 4:48
5. The Labyrinths Of Auximenes 6:39
6. Behold The Temple Of Light 5:31
7. The End Of The Beginning 6:54

Free Range Pigs (FRP CDR-007/008)
This is the complete soundboard source as recorded by Hilversum 3 Radio

Pre-FM SBD > ? > Free Range Pigs CD-R > ? > .shn

Part I - The Man
Disc One:
1. Introduction                          1:00
2. Daybreak                              8:11
3. Work                                  3:53
4. Teatime                               3:34
5. Afternoon                             5:13
6. Doing It                              4:03
7. Sleep                                 4:37 
8. Nightmare                             9:14 
9. Daybreak (Part Two)                   1:21

Part II - The Journey
Disc Two:
1. The Beginning                         4:55
2. Beset By The Creatures Of The Deep    6:27
3. The Narrow Way                        5:13
4. The Pink Jungle                       4:48
5. The Labyrinths Of Auximenes           6:39
6. Behold The Temple Of Light            5:31 
7. The End Of The Beginning              6:54

       Studio sessions recorded in Rome, Nov-Dec 1969

CD1: (65:50)
1. Heart Beat, Pig Meat (soundtrack version)            3:11
2. Heart Beat, Pig Meat (film version)                  2:54
3. Riot Scene                                           6:24
4. Fingal's Cave                                        1:51
5. Crumbling Land (with rock intro)                     1:46
6. Crumbling Land (film version)                        0:36
7. Crumbling Land (soundtrack version)                  4:13
8. Crumbling Land (extended version)                    5:50
9. Crumbling Land (full mix)                            5:11
10. Unknown Song (soundtrack version)                   5:59
11. Unknown Song (rough mix)                            6:49
12. Unknown Song (full mix)                             6:57
13. Country Song (humming version)                      2:11
14. Country Song (harpsichord version)                  1:20
15. Country Song (soundtrack version)                   4:38
16. Country Song (full mix)                             5:54

CD2: (72:57)
1. Love Scene #1                                        6:34
2. Love Scene #2 (rough mix)                            6:22
3. Love Scene #2 (full mix)                             6:53
4. Love Scene #3                                        7:52
5. Love Scene #4 (soundtrack version)                   6:43
6. Love Scene #4 (full mix)                             6:49
7. Love Scene #5                                        6:42
8. Love Scene #6 (soundtrack version)                   7:25
9. Love Scene #6 (full mix)                             7:25
10. Come In Nr.51, Your Time Is Up (soundtrack version) 5:00
11. Come In Nr.51, Your Time Is Up (film version)       5:05

CD1 1-7-10-15, CD2 5-8-10:
   "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CDs
CD1 2-6, CD2 11: "Zabriskie Point" LaserDisc
CD1 4-8-11, CD2 2: "Omay Yad" RoIO CD
CD1 3-5-9-12-13-14-16, CD2 1-3-4-6-7-9:
   "A Journey Through Time & Space" RoIO CD

Tracks from the RoIOs were carefully remastered:
- speed corrected
- levels, balance and EQ adjusted
- unwanted noise cleaned

Tracks from the "Zabriskie Point" LaserDisc were slightly
cleaned (some static noise carefully removed).

                          DETAILED INFORMATION

ZP     = Zabriskie Point
ZP97   = "Zabriskie Point" extended soundtrack released by Rhino in 1997
OY     = "Omay Yad" RoIO CD
AJTT&S = "A Journey Through Time & Space" RoIO CD
UZP    = "Ultimate Zabriskie Point" RoIO CDs

Number of tracks:
There are 27 tracks, while on some other similar projects (e.g. UZP)
there are 29 tracks for the Zabriskie Point sessions. The explanation
is quite simple: on AJTT&S there are 2 unnecessary tracks (11 and 15).

AJTT&S track 11 is an extract of AJTT&S track 04 (this is exactly
the same as track 04, the difference is that track 11 fades out
after one minute). On UZP, there is the same duplication: UZP CD2
track 12 is exactly the same as the beginning of UZP CD2 track 09.

AJTT&S track 15 is taken from ZP97 (it fades in slightly later, but
it's clearly the soundtrack version). On UZP, there is the same
mistake: UZP CD1 track 15 is identical to the soundtrack version
(UZP CD1 track 12).

The titles used for the tracks were taken from official sources as
often as possible. The only exception is "Fingal's Cave", for which
no official title is known, therefore the tentative title from the
original "Omay Yad" RoIO LP manufacturers was kept.

The correct title for "Rain In The Country" from OY is "Unknown Song".

"Oenone" from OY is actually one of the attempts for "Love Scene"
(as explained in David Fricke's liner notes on the ZP97 booklet).

"Riot Scene" title was preferred above "The Violent Sequence", because
there is no evidence that Pink Floyd ever used "The Violent Sequence"
as the title, and David Fricke (who clearly had access to the multi-
track tapes) refers to this outtake as being "Riot Scene", on the
official ZP97 booklet.

The tracks marked "soundtrack version" are taken from ZP97.
The tracks marked "film version" are taken from ZP LaserDisc.
The two tracks marked "rough mix" are taken from OY.

On AJTT&S, most of the outtakes are not really "alternate versions",
but rather "alternate mixes" (i.e. same take as on the official
version, but differently mixed). Apparently these mixes contain all
the tracks from the multi-track tape, while on the official versions
some tracks were left out of the mix. This is why these alternate
mixes from AJTT&S are called "full mix" here.

More details about the different versions are given below.

Numbering of "Love Scene" outtakes:
Here is what we know from official sources:
- Pink Floyd made at least 6 attempts for "Love Scene"
- #4 is the quiet piano piece
- #6 is the blues piece
- the outtake known as "Oenone" was an earlier attempt for "Love
  Scene" (refer to David Fricke's liner notes in the ZP97 booklet),
  therefore it's one of the first 3 attempts

On AJTT&S, tracks 7-8-9 seem to come from a continuous tape (there
is no tape cut). Since track 7 is "Love Scene #4" and track 9 is
"Love Scene #6", it is logical to assume that track 8 is "Love
Scene #5".

On AJTT&S again, tracks 10-11-12 could be also from a continuous tape
(even if track 11 fades out early). This is why it was assumed that:
- AJTT&S track 10 = "Love Scene #1"
- AJTT&S track 11 = "Love Scene #2" (intro only, the complete version
  being on AJTT&S track 4)
- AJTT&S track 12 = "Love Scene #3"

Tracks order:
The songs were organised to follow the movie. This is why:
- CD1 begins with "Heart Beat, Pig Meat"
- CD2 ends with "Come In Nr.51, Your Time Is Up"
- "Riot Scene" is placed after "Heart Beat, Pig Meat" and
  before "Crumbling Land"
- "Love Scene" is placed on CD2, just before "Come In Nr.51"

The way the other songs are placed is a matter of taste. "Unknown
Song" and "Country Song" follow "Crumbling Land". "Fingal's Cave"
cannot be attributed to a specific scene (it could be an attempt
for the final scene, but it could also be an attempt for the riot
scene). It is placed on CD1 track 4, just after "Riot Scene", to
contrast with the quietness of the preceding track. It offers also
an interesting transition with the following track (the rock intro
of "Crumbling Land" and "Fingal's Cave" have some similarities).

For each song, the different versions were organised in order to
have a progression between the versions. When different takes were
available, the earlier takes come first. For a same take, the official
version comes first, because rough mixes and full mixes often reveal
other recorded tracks, not kept in the official mix (e.g. the vibes
during "Love Scene #4", the piano and additional percussion during
"Unknown Song", a second drums track with tempo mistakes during
"Crumbling Land").

Description of the versions:

The "film version" is an alternate mono mix. The intro (before the
first organ notes) is longer than on the soundtrack version. The
sounds and background noises are differently mixed (especially the
orchestra snippets). The last part is edited.

The only available version is an outtake. This song is often called
"The Violent Sequence" by the fans, although there is no evidence
that this title was used by Pink Floyd. It was played live during
shows in early 1970 (with bass and drums). The song later re-emerged
as "Us And Them".

The only available version is an outtake. The title was given by the
manufacturers of the "Omay Yad" RoIO LP.

The first version is an early take, where there is a solid rock intro,
directly followed by the song itself. In fact only the first verse of
the song was recorded during this early take.
Curiously, the "film version" comes from the early take mentioned
above, and not from the final take that appears on the soundtrack.
The "extended version" is basically the same as the soundtrack
version, but the ending with cars and street noises is uncut.
The "full mix" version is from the same take as the soundtrack
version, but here all the tracks are in the mix, even tracks with
some experimentation (e.g. a second drums track with mistakes).

The "rough mix" version (entitled "Rain In The Country" in OY) comes
from the same take as the soundtrack version (recorded 06Dec69), but
there are edits here and there, and some instruments not mixed in the
official version can be heard here (percussion, piano). The lead
guitar is different.
The "full mix" version is also from the same take, with all the tracks
in the mix and without edit.

The "humming version" and "harpsichord version" are early attempts.
The "full mix" version is from the same take as the soundtrack
version (recorded 12Dec69), but is slightly differently mixed. This
version is also uncut and is more than one minute longer than the
soundtrack version.

"Love Scene #1" is just organ and guitar.
"Love Scene #2" is much more elaborated, with more keyboards, more
guitar tracks, vibes and percussion. The "rough mix" version
(entitled "Oenone" in OY) has some edits and does not include all
the tracks. The "full mix" version has all the tracks in the mix,
including an explicit sex scene, with "vocals" from Roger and David!
"Love Scene #3" is another take, with similar instrumentation.
"Love Scene #4" is a quiet piano piece (recorded 16Nov69), overdubbed
with vibes. The soundtrack version only includes the piano, while the
"full mix" version has the overdubs.
"Love Scene #5" is a vibes duo.
"Love Scene #6" is a blues piece, played by the whole band (recorded
16Nov69). The "full mix" version is from the same take as the
soundtrack version, but is slightly differently mixed (note that the
piano is on the left at the beginning and the suddenly moves to the

This song is actually "Careful With That Axe, Eugene" revisited.
The "film version" is an alternate mono mix. The organ is louder in
the mix, and one guitar track is edited out.

Tracks Mapping:
Here's a table with the correspondences between the tracks and the
RoIO sources: AJTT&S and OY. For info, the corresponding track in
the UZP project is also indicated.

Heart Beat... (soundtrack version)    |        |      |  01  |      |
Heart Beat... (film version)          |        |      |  02  |      |
Riot Scene                            |   02   |      |  10  |      |
Fingal's Cave                         |        |  02  |      |  14  |
Crumbling Land (with rock intro)      |   06   |      |  07  |      |
Crumbling Land (film version)         |        |      |  06  |      |
Crumbling Land (soundtrack version)   |        |      |  03  |      |
Crumbling Land (extended version)     |        |  04  |  05  |      |
Crumbling Land (full mix)             |   14   |      |  04  |      |
Unknown Song (soundtrack version)     |        |      |  12  |      |
Unknown Song (rough mix)              |        |  05  |  14  |      |
Unknown Song (full mix)               |   01   |      |  13  |      |
Country Song (humming version)        |   03   |      |      |  03  |
Country Song (harpsichord version)    |   05   |      |      |  04  |
Country Song (soundtrack version)     |        |      |      |  01  |
Country Song (full mix)               |   13   |      |      |  02  |
Love Scene #1                         |   10   |      |      |  10  |
Love Scene #2 (rough mix)             |        |  01  |      |  13  |
Love Scene #2 (full mix)              |   04   |      |      |  09  |
Love Scene #3                         |   12   |      |      |  11  |
Love Scene #4 (soundtrack version)    |        |      |      |  07  |
Love Scene #4 (full mix)              |   07   |      |      |  08  |
Love Scene #5                         |   08   |      |  11  |      |
Love Scene #6 (soundtrack version)    |        |      |      |  05  |
Love Scene #6 (full mix)              |   09   |      |      |  06  |
Come In Nr.51... (soundtrack version) |        |      |  08  |      |
Come In Nr.51... (film version)       |        |      |  09  |      |
X-ref: „Heartbeat, Pigmeat”, „Croydon 18.1.70

Disc 1:

  1. Astronomy Domine  (9:00)
  2. Violent Sequence  (15:10)
  3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun  (14:03)
  4. The Amazing Pudding  – Cut  (24:31)
  5. Careful With That Axe, Eugene  (10:56)

Disc 2:

  1. The Embryo  (9:36)
  2. Main Theme From 'More'  (13:58)
  3. Biding My Time  (5:56)
  4. A Saucerful Of Secrets  (16:53)

Bonus Track: December 22nd, 1970 – City Hall, Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK 

  5. Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast  (24:46)

Quality (1-6): 4
Green is the color
Careful with that Axe, Eugene
The Violent Sequence
Biding My Time
The Amazing Pudding
Doin' It
Main Theme from More

1. The Embryo
2. Main Theme from More
3. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
4. Sysyphus

1. Project Birmingham, feat. variations of:
    Heart Beat, Pig Meat
    The Violent Sequence (aka Us And Them)
2. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
3. The Amazing Pudding (aka Atom Heart Mother)

From Harvested's RonToon:

For those who are interested, here's some of the details of Project 
Birmingham (which will be our NEXT release...Ed promises to be 
wedding in time for X-Mas). I initially started working on this 
almost 2 years ago. I had three sources to choose from; the vinyl 
bootleg LP "Violence In Birmingham" (the longest of the 3), "The 
Violent Pudding" released by JS&TBD, and a low gen analogue tape. 

I mainly used the old analogue tape as my source and spliced in the 
additional material from the vinyl release, which gives you a few 
more minutes of AHM. I then tweaked the Hell outta this one, 
balancing and boosting channels, patching lost moments and applying a 
custom EQ to the whole thing. There was still an unacceptable amount 
of hiss left, and for the 1st time I was willing to go with some 
major noise reduction and give it a try.

I sent the files I had been working on to Chris Burns in NYC. Chis 
had some professional audio equipment and volunteered to lend his 
skills to the project. The NR greatly reduced the hiss, but created 
an artifact that gave the impression of listening through a long 
drain pipe. Still, I felt that this was an improvement over all that 

The data CDs were next sent to Marc-Oliver who has a built in radar 
detector for speed correction. He worked on each track, making sure 
that the pitch and speed were accurate. The next step was more 
difficult. Marc had trouble mailing it back to me as customs busted 
the package (pretty trivial with what's going on in the world today)! 
Eventually, the CDs got back to Ed via France, no less.

I was glad to be finally done with this one.... until a better source 
came along!!! As soon as I heard the quality of this new recording, I 
knew I would have to scrap all the work that was done and start all 
over again. Which I did........

There was still hiss on this new source, but not as bad. AND, I was 
able to hear some subtleties that I hadn't heard before. I also took 
a new approach to remastering this show as well. I didn't want to use 
any NR this time as I felt that some EQing would do the trick.

There seemed to be some strange anomolies with the source that I also 
would like to mention. During some songs, the hiss seems to oscilate 
in and out like a whirlwind effect. It's really not too terrible and 
only rears it's ugly head in a few places for a short period of time. 
In other places it just cuts in and out...almost as if someone was 
playing with the Dolby button while making the dub (although I was 
assured that this was not the case). These sudden "bursts" were also 
very difficult to smooth out and I only had limited success at times.

After re-assembling the entire show, I cross-dissolved different EQ 
applications over the entire piece. During the quieter parts I 
brought the high end down, for the louder parts I boosted the bass 
and midrange a bit. Next, it was back to balancing and boosting 
levels again and all the general work I had done before. Lastly, I 
speed corrected the entire thing, using M-O's previous effort as a 
reference. I'm sure that the speed will be pretty close, although it 
does vary from time to time.

This performance has an incredible setlist, one of my favorites, and 
it's mostly instrumental! If you can make it through the opening 
minute of Embryo (which is totally distorted and over-saturated), 
you'll be in for a real treat for what follows. You will also find 
that Sysyphus and AHM (aka The Violent Pudding) are now complete, and 
the missing bits were NOT sourced from an alternate show. However, Dr 
FrankenToon did "cheat" to make them complete ; )



>>From Harvested's Ed P.:

Hello Again,

The air is thick with anticipation.

Harvested's next release will be available soon, I promise.

I wanted to take a few moments to discuss Project Birmingham and make a request
to the group.

For the benefit of those that are a little less knowledgeable than others, I'll
go over a little of the history of this show.

Basically, the February 11, 1970 performance in Birmingham has produced the most
infamous Pink Floyd RoIOs of all time. Why is that?

It's a combination of two factors -- the set list and the sound quality.

After completing the 'Man and the Journey' tour in 1969, and before settling
down to the standard setlist that would become the 'Atom Heart Mother' tour, the
band was very experimentative with their setlist and even included songs from
their most recent project -- Zabriskie Point.

The setlist:
The Embryo
The Main Theme from More
Careful With That Axe, Eugene
Heart Beat, Pig Meat
The Violent Sequence
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
The Amazing Pudding

Of these songs, Embryo, Careful, and Set the Controls were quite common numbers
in Floyd shows; but the others...

Variations of Quicksilver and Moonhead had been standard numbers during the Man
and the Journey performances. But this was not an M&J performance. These
tracks here, in their normal form, are quite rare.

The Main Theme from More, Heart Beat Pig Meat, and The Violent Sequence are
equally rare tracks without caveat. Variations of these songs did not appear in
M&J or other tours.

Although Atom Heart Mother would become standard faire, it's precursor - The
Amazing Pudding - is quite rare as well. There are subtle and not so subtle
differences between TAP and AHM. Best of all, the Birmingham performance
includes a 4 minute long drum solo by Nick Mason!

Last, but not least, is Sysyphus. This track is unique to this show!!! No
other RoIO date has it.

Obviously, this one-of-a-kind setlist makes a recording of this show a must have
in every RoIO collection. But what makes this show infamous is the sound
quality. It sucks!

I bought the 2LP Violence in Birmingham RoIO fifteen years or so ago. Now that
was a painful listening experience. The show was very very hissy, saturated,
and distorted. Add to that, vinyl pops, speed problems, and losses from a high
gen tape source... yuck!

Ron Toon to the rescue.

As Ron posted before, Ron acquired a very low gen tape source a couple years
ago, converted it to CD and speed corrected it and was almost ready to release
it, when he acquired an even lower (2nd?) gen tape and redid the whole effort.

This is what I've been working with. It's got no clicks, no pops, no speed
problems. The sound is full. You can hear subtle things that were lost on
later generation tapes. But the original problem remained: HISS.

I've been very carefully dehissing the show. Painstakingly applying just the
right amount to preserve the fidelity of the music and not create any noise
reduction artifacts.

The weeding will begin very soon. As always, Ron and I enjoy the work we do and
are happy to pass it along. But, because of the importance of this show and the
effort we've put in to produce it, Ron and I have decided to alter the weed
rules on this one slightly.

After you receive this show, you should listen to it before offering up copies
to the group. When you make your weed offer post, you should include your
comments/thoughts/observations about it as part of the offer post. And not just
a one-liner. Put some effort into composing a paragraph (or more). Thanks.

Stay Tuned,

>>From Harvested's Ed P.:

Hello everyone,

I hope everybody's poised for a great 2002. Best wishes to you all.

First, many thanks to everyone that's been posting reviews of our latest
release, Project Birmingham. We definitely appreciate it. But, I'd like to
remind those continuing this weed that posting a "full review" isn't a
requirement. Just a paragraph of your thoughts/comments/observations... But
the more the merrier.

Second, I'd like to bring up the topic of applause and the lack of it in this

Has anyone noticed the relationship between when the last note of a song is
played and when the audience starts to applaud?

A well behaved audience usually withholds their applause until the song ends. 
And I would certainly consider the Birmingham audience to be well behaved that

On Embryo, the applause starts 2 seconds before the last note.
On More, the applause starts 2 seconds after the last note.
On Careful, the applause starts at the same time as the last note.
On Sysyphus, the applause starts 7 seconds before the last note.
On PB, the applause starts 3 seconds after the last note.
On Controls, the applause starts 2 seconds after the last note.
On AHM, the applause starts 2 seconds before the last note.

Although Ron did a superb job faking the endings to Sysyphus and AHM; in my
opinion, the fake applause added to the end of the faked Sysyphus ending comes
in too soon. I assume this was intentional, a necessary part of the illusion. 
If the applause were to come in 2 seconds after the end, like it probably did in
reality, the fakery would probably be noticeable.

Another topic concerns the lack of applause in PB. The first three parts of PB
all segue into each other nicely. However, between the end of the third part
(Moonhead) and the start of the fourth part (TVS), there are 24 seconds of
silence (that's right twenty-four). Was The Violent Sequence a separate track? 
Did the audience not notice the end of Moonhead as the end of the piece and
thereby forget to applaud? Or was the band still doing something on stage
during this lull (like the pause for the footsteps in Cymbaline) to indicate to
the audience that the piece was continuing?


>>From listener Pat B.:

allow me to stir this pot up a bit. disclaimer: i haven't heard PB yet, but
i did spend an obscene amount of time fiddling with a different low gen
source of this show (which eventually became the JS+TBD release "the violent
pudding", thank you again scott j.) and there should not be any "silence"
before us&them/the violent sequence. i had to crank the levels to an extreme
degree on that particular section to make out what was going on, but there
SHOULD be some extremely quiet piano happening there. i suspect there was a
spotlight or something on rick to let people know that the piece continued.
perhaps this bit was lost to the noise reduction?... (if you have TVP, refer
to the end of track 10 'moonhead' after the tom-tom stops. there IS a bit
of piano going on there, buried under that mountain of hiss.)

on a side note, nobody has mentioned this: THE PIANO!!?!? did they really
drag a baby grand PIANO around the british midlands in winter for this leg
of the tour? or did they only play this tune in halls that had one
available? that would be my theory as to why this piece was dropped from the
setlist so early after it's introduction only two weeks before....



>>From listener Ryan D.:

Hello all,

Violence in Birmingham was one of the first ROIOs I ever received. I was 
still relatively unfamiliar with early Floyd- I did have all of the albums, 
however I didn't listen to them much. Even after hearing Main Theme on ViB 
I thought that the label was a misprint- I believed that i was listening to 
a long jam on the intro to Let There Be More Light. Regardless, Violence in 
Birmingham quickly became my favorite show to listen to- it was just *so* 
different, so unique.

When I first heard about JS+tBD's release of ViB as The Violent Pudding I 
knew that I would want to get my grubby paws on it. My tape of ViB was 
pretty much useless in this day and age of digital media, and it was an nth 
generation tape to boot. It sounded like shit. TVP was a godsend. The sound 
quality was much better (though, as the liner notes state, 'it still sounds 
terrible') and I began to pick up on nuances that could not be heard on my 
old cassette.

Now comes Project Birmingham. And after two-plus listenings all I can say 
is this: WOW!

I read all of the technical jargon that RonToon posted last month about how 
he had put the show together. Not being an audiophile of any sort I didn't 
understand half of what Ron said he was doing to the show- but I did know 
that this release would surely have to surpass TVP in quality (I's assume 
Ron wouldn't release it otherwise). And surpass TVPs quality it surely does.

I took out my copy of TVP and listened to the first minute or so of Embryo. 
Ignoring the distortion and saturation that plagues this section, I 
listened to the music. On TVP it seems as if the notes blend together- 
there is no articulation. It sounds like I am on the other side of a giant 
wall while Pink Floyd plays toward the opposite direction.

This isn't quite the case on Project Birmingham. Five seconds into the 
opening of Embryo I knew we had a winner of a show. The notes were 
separate, for the most part, and now, instead of just being on the other 
side, I have my ear up against the wall, waiting for someone to call out 
'would you touch me'.... erm... yeah. Anyways, you can play this show LOUD 
and it will sound good- I look forward to being able to listen to it in my 
car, where previous versions of the show were difficult on the ear.

The whirling hiss Ron mentioned seems to me to only be noticeable when Nick 
is playing the cymbals. I do not know what it is about their tone, but they 
seem to bring that whirling effect out a little bit.

Another thing I want to comment on is how great of job Ed has done getting 
rid of the little pops and clicks that were prevalent on TVP. I understand 
that these are different sources (I think) so the task may not have been as 
daunting, but as of my third listen I have yet to hear any little excess 
noise- no pops, no clicks, no farts, nothing. This is a clean show.

I'll refrain from commenting on the performance as I think I do a horrible 
job at reviewing music, but I do want to point out that the rendition of 
CWTAE on this set reminds me greatly of the Oakland '77 performance, and 
that's not a bad thing, that's... a good thing! :^D

Now, Ron, I really want to know what you did to complete Sysyphus and TAP. 
I had always assumed that these bits were lost forever. You hint at 
doctoring them a bit in your original posts on the matter, but you state 
that it's not a Frankenshow (god I love that word) of different dates. So I 
venture to guess that you copied and pasted completed parts of each tune 
over the missing sections, but that's a lot of space to fill, especially in 
TAP, which jumped from 9:42 on TVP to over 25 minutes on PB. What's your 
secret, dude?!

>>RonToon's response to Ryan D.:


If you don't like to know how magic trick are done,
please avoid the rest of this post ; )

To answer Ryans question (and thanks for the great post, dude ; )

<< Now, Ron, I really want to know what you did to complete Sysyphus 
and TAP. 

Ryan was correct in remembering that I said that this was indeed
a Frankenshow, and those 2 song were now complete, but not used
from alternate sources or shows.

Sysyphus was a no-brainer. It almost kinda works too. The end of
the piece basically reprises the main theme that is played during the
the 1st section. If you listen carefully, you can hear my segue. 
From that point on, it'll stick out like a sore thumb.

TAP was trickier. The source was much longer than 9:25....in
fact, it plays out all the way through Nick's drum solo. I
listened to a few other performances of TAP within a week's
period to see how they were completing the piece after Nick's
drum solo. Again, previous sections were reprised and repeated.
Nick's solo end's with a drum roll re-introducting the main
theme again. I just segued (I rarely do hard "cuts") together
the next few sections that were repeated during the other
performances. I think my edit is fairly true to the other
complete performances as the ending of TAP on PB is comprised 
of 4 individual sections. 

Now go enjoy the show and don't think of this all to much.

And, as Dr Frankentoon once said...."IT'S ALIIIVE!"

>>Ryan D's final thoughts:

>Warning: SPOILERS

I'll repeat this-


>Sysyphus was a no-brainer. It almost kinda works too. The end of
>the piece basically reprises the main theme that is played during the
>the 1st section. If you listen carefully, you can hear my segue.
> From that point on, it'll stick out like a sore thumb.

I did notice this in my first listen, but I'll disagree that it sticks out 
like a sore thumb. It's noticeable, especially with headphones, but it's 
very well done and I doubt unsuspecting listeners would even notice.

> I think my edit is fairly true to the other
>complete performances as the ending of TAP on PB is comprised
>of 4 individual sections.

Well, Ron, you've done a masterful job at creating something out of 
nothing. It is definitely rewarding to be able to hear a 'complete' TAP 
when I listen to this show. The cut on all other versions of the Birmingham 
show was always a big letdown- it's like there was no reward for having the 
patience to listen to such a low quality recording. It's like having Echoes 
cut out just before the big climax prior to the final verse. It was 
disappointing. But now I can rejoice in knowing that I have a 'complete' 
recording of the show.

And speaking of 'complete', I fear that with Ron's fine handiwork now out 
for public consumption that some misguided fellow will get a hold of it, 
make a few copies, and start marketing it as, 'For the first time 
ever! Pink Floyd's Legendary show in Birmingham- the COMPLETE recordings!' 
or somesuch and make a few bucks off of it. Hopefully we'll be able to 
discover any type of this activity early. Or maybe I'm just a worrywart.

Thanks again, Harvested crew for another fine release.


The Embryo
Careful with that Axe, Eugene
Set the Controls
Atom Heart Mother (untitled)
A Saucerful of Secrets
Interstellar Overdrive
Grantchester Meadows
Astronomy Domine
Atom Heart Mother

Green Is the Colour
Careful with that Axe, Eugene
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
A Saucerful of Secrets
Interstellar Overdrive

Harvested HRV016
a mono recording

The Embryo
Fat Old Sun
Green Is the Colour
Careful with that Axe, Eugene
Atom Heart Mother

HRV CDR 007 (Disc 01)

disc 1:
Astronomy Domine
A Saucerful of Secrets

disc 2:
Interstellar Overdrive
Fat Old Sun
Green is the Colour
Careful With that Axe, Eugene
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

This is two discs in audio format, but it fits nicely onto a single CD in
shorten format.  Thus, weeding obligations are 3 weedlings for shorteners
and 2 weedlings for audio.

In my opinion, the sound quality is excellent.  And if you consider the
advanced age of this recording, you may want to call it superb.  But that
only applies to the first 97% of the show.  The last three minutes of Set
the Controls appears to be patched from another (inferior) source.

In addition to my normal click and pop elimination, I also removed a
chirping sound from those last 3 minutes.  This noise appears to have been
an artefact from some dehissing done long ago on this patch.
AUD SRC1 Master>DAT>CD-R>FLAC>WAV(speed adjusted)>FLAC

Astronomy Domine
Green is the Colour
Careful with that Axe, Eugene
Fat Old Sun

Saucerful of Secrets
welcoming the orchestra
Atom Heart Mother*
Interstellar Overdrive**

'*patched two small cuts in AHM using Sing To Me Cymbaline cd. EQ used on last half of AHM (sound was inferior to the first half).
'**speed corrected & declicked IO from Sing To Me Cymbaline cd. (IO was missing from this "master>dat" source).

Artwork included.
Astronomy Domine 
Fat Old Sun 
Atom Heart Mother 
Just Another 12 Bar 
More Blues

From EMI acetates

Harvested (HRV CDR 029)

Disc 1:
01 Careful with that Axe, Eugene (11:46)
02 Fat Old Sun (14:47)
03 The Embryo (10:18)
04 The Return of the Sun of Nothing (24:13)

Disc 2:
01 Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (14:04)
02 Cymbaline (11:29)
03 A Saucerful of Secrets (19:14)
04 Astronomy Domine (07:34)
05 Blues (06:43)
2nd gen -> DAT clone (mine! dat gens unknown) -> Tascam DA20mkII -> coax -> ZA2 -> .wav

digitally recorded from dat to hardrive at 48kHz, resampled to 44.1kHz w/Cool Edit Pro
SHN'd with mkw-act, NO DAE in the uploaded SHN lineage

disc 1:
  Green Is The Colour                          3:53
  Careful With That Axe, Eugene               11:48
  Fat Old Sun                                 14:58
  AHM introduction                             0:42
  Atom Heart Mother                           17:49
disc 2:
  Echoes                                      25:11
  Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun   14:25
  Cymbaline                                   11:56
  A Saucerful Of Secrets                      21:06

Label:  Zeus Z 20102701/2

Lineage:  Audience (Low)>CDR>WAV (EAC, Logs Included)>SHN

Disc 1:
1.  Green is the Colour
2.  Careful With That Axe, Eugene
3.  Fat Old Sun
4.  Atom Heart Mother

Disc 2:
1.  The Return Of The Son Of Nothing
2.  Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
3.  Cymbaline
4.  A Saucerful Of Secrets

Sound Quality:  EX
Pink Floyd - Black Wizard

Montreux, Switzerland - September 17/18, 1971 - SCS - SB 5
Track List:

1. Echoes
2. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
3. Set the Controls For the Heart of the Sun

CDA > DAE on a Plextor PX760A > FLAC(level 8) > You

Part of the "Speed Corrected Series", this release has been fixed to reflect the proper pitch. The cover art states that the original was "off by 3.2%".

Pink Floyd - White Witch

Montreux, Switzerland - September 17/18, 1971 - Digital Floyd - Aud 3
Track List:

1. Cymbaline
2. Atom Heart Mother
3. A Saucerful of Secrets

CDA > DAE on a Plextor PX760A > FLAC(level 8) > You

Part of the Digital Floyd "Speed Corrected Series", this release has been fixed to reflect the proper pitch.

Disc 1 (July 16, 1970):
 1. John Peel Intro			 0:28
 2. The Embryo				10:42
 3. Fat Old Sun				 5:51
 4. Green is the Colour			 3:23
 5. Careful with that Axe, Eugene	 8:27
 6. If					 5:48
 7. Atom Heart Mother			25:08
 Total					59:47

Disc 2 (September 30, 1971):
 1. John Peel Intro			 0:42
 2. Fat Old Sun				15:01
 3. One of These Days			 7:43
 4. The Embryo				10:46
 5. Echoes				26:32
 6. Blues				 4:57
 Total					65:41

The original version of this show saw only limited distribution. We were
waiting to see if Adrian Maben would be successful in releasing this show on
DVD (see below). Now that this appears to be highly unlikely. We are going
forward with the general release of this title.

The audio quality is excellent. Ron grabbed the audio direct from his

But this is a rev A release. It is not exactly the same as the previous
version. Ron did a little tinkering, then I did a little deglitching, and then
Marc-Oliver helped with the speed correction.

I was surprised that a Laserdisc recording would need speed correction. But
according to Marc-Olivier, PAL to NTSC conversion screwups are quite normal.

In keeping with Harvested's mission statement of producing 'Live' events only,
all inbetween track chatter and DSotM studio tidbits have been removed. You
won't hear Nick asking for his pie on this one :-) Just pure uninterrupted

Track 1: Intro
Track 2: Echoes part 1
Track 3: Careful With That Axe, Eugene
Track 4: A Saucerful of Secrets
Track 5: One of These Days I'm going to Cut You into Little Pieces
Track 6: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Track 7: Mademoiselle Knobs
Track 8: Echoes part 2

Enjoy the show.
1. Careful with that Axe, Eugene
2. Fat Old Sun
3. Atom Heart Mother

1. The Embryo
2. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
3. Cymbaline
4. Blues

Trade history
DL Yeeshkul 2007-07-28
CD 1:
The Embryo
Fat Old Sun
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Atom Heart Mother
One of These Days

CD 2:
Careful with that Axe, Eugene

FRP CDR-022/23
The Travel Section
Home Again
The Mortality Sequence
Us and Them
The Lunatic Song
One of These Days
Careful with that Axe, Eugene

Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Childhood's End


Disc 1
 1. Breathe
 2. The Travel Sequence
 3. Time
 4. Home Again
 5. The Great Gig in the Sky
 6. Money
 7. Us and Them
 8. Any Colour You Like
 9. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse

Disc 2
 1. One of these Days
 2. Careful with that Axe, Eugene
 3. Echoes
 4. A Saucerful of Secrets
 5. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

Bowl de Luna Rev.A (May 2001)
The rev.A release is from a different source than the rev.0 release.  Instead of speed correcting our previous version, I have received a new version that I believe is better than the masters that I used before.

Here are the differences between this rev A release and the original version of Bowl De Luna:
Foremost is the change in speed. The original ran somewhat fast. The difference can be seen in the track timings:

BdL disc 1
rev0 revA
01 Breathe 2:37 2:42
02 The Travel Sequence 4:30 4:33
03 Time 5:29 5:46
04 Home Again 1:00 1:02
05 The Great gig in the Sky 4:18 4:26
06 Money 5:59 6:13
07 Us and Them 7:19 7:33
08 Any Colour You Like 4:27 4:35
09 Brain Damage 3:40 3:47
10 Eclipse 1:45 1:51
----- -----
41:09 42:32

BdL disc 2
rev0 revA
01 One of These Days 8:40 8:58
02 Careful With that Axe, Eugene 11:05 11:39
03 Echoes 24:59 25:39
04 A Saucerful of Secrets 14:31 15:01
05 Set the Controls... 12:27 12:57
----- -----
71:43 74:16

A little math shows about a 3.5% increase in run time. Also note that StCftHotS has been moved to its proper position in the setlist: the encore. The original disc 2 track order of OoTD, CWtAE, StCftHotS, Echoes, ASoS was erroneous.

This was discussed a while back. ASoS is the final song of the 2nd set (with the big fireworks display), and StC is the encore. The songs are in this order on the master tape, and StC WAS played as an encore for several shows around this period. All the "experts" agree that rev A does indeed have the correct running order.

For those nit-pickers like me that own a copy of the original release and are concerned about the numerous (snap, crackle, pop, fizz, fizz) undesirable noises in this recording, let me say this...

The majority of the glitches in the original are not of digital origin and therefore still exist in rev A. For example, that series of thumps at the very beginning of Echoes are still there. Those sounds are not digital in nature and are unfixable.

Normally, I update the database section with glitch information for each release. Let me say that for BdL rev A, there are no digital glitches per se. I will not be creating a list for the static and feedback and other analog stuff (too much work fo something so meaningless).
Dark Side of the Moon

One of These Days
Careful with that Axe, Eugene
A Saucerful of Secrets
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
One of these days
careful with that axe, Eugene
Childhood's End

Total time: 50:29
Man of Leisure Music (MoLM)
Low gen SHN clone of master tape
Remastered by Danalog

Dark Side of the Moon

One of These Days
Careful with that Axe, Eugene
Childhood's End

This is speed-corrected and de-hissed, with some boosting having been done to the upper sound range. This is a complete concert, and includes "Childhood's End", which is missing from other versions of this great concert. The newly fixed up track of "Childhood's End" was broadcast on WRPI radio 17Jul03, which MoLM has marked as the re-release date of this remastered ROIO.

Show: A+
Sound: B+
[disc 1] 					(65:30)
01. Echoes 				(23:00)
02. Obscured By Clouds			(06:43)
03. When You're In				(09:10)
04. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun	(14:04)
05. Careful With That Axe, Eugene		(12:33)

[disc 2]					(59:58)
01. Speak to Me				(02:07)
02. Breathe				(03:03)
03. On the Run				(05:51)
04. Time					(05:55)
05. Breathe (reprise)			(01:05)
06. Great Gig in the Sky			(04:56)
07. Money				(06:02)
08. Us and Them				(07:44)
09. Any Colour You Like			(06:39)
10. Brain Damage				(03:50)
11. Eclipse				(02:41)
12. One of These Days			(10:05)

Original Notes: 
I originally received this as audio wavs, after a couple years i 
extracted it for this seed.  using eac and accurate stream, the entire show extracted fine except for d2t10 (braindamage) - i only got the first 2 minutes of it.  using burst mode i was able to get the whole track.  the first time i used burst it produced a pop at 1:20, but then the second time it came out ok. i compared the two burst versions by inverting and mix-pasting the two 
versions on top of each other - the difference were almost non-existent, except for the pop in the first burst version.  then i mix-pasted the 2nd burst version over the accurate stream version - almost no differences, just a few small minor pops i couldn't even hear in the "differences-only" mix-paste result file - let alone in the burst mode version.  so i used the first two minutes of the accurate stream version, then tacked on all but the first two minutes of the 2nd burst mode version, to create a "flawless" version d2t10. enjoy -davepeterson
An excellent 2-CDR set of the show from March 11, 1973 at the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto. This show has long been well-known among Floyd fans as 
a very strong performance by the boys, but remarkably has never made it to disc until now. This set evidently gets its title from the man who shouts something like "Yeeshkul!" (I have no idea what it means) at least six or seven times over the course of the show. Fortunately, he almost never shouts it during the songs, and overall audience interference is minimal during this whole show. 
And a hell of a show it is, especially the first set, which is one of the best sets I've ever heard from the Dark Side-era Floyd. Sound quality is very high; whoever did this one took a lot of care over it, and it shows -- it sounds decidedly better than my tape, which is pretty good as it is. There's almost no hiss or distortion, and the speed is perfect. (Of course it's not a professional recording, but it's still quite good for a 25-year-old audience tape.) There's a small edit in Great Gig in the Sky, but it's handled nicely, 
and doesn't really disrupt the song too much at all. (Echoes also cuts in a minute or so into the song, shortly before the drums enter.) The stereo imaging on this tape is unusually good, with parts of Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun featuring some of the best stereo effects I've heard on an audience tape (and some say it's the best version of Set the Controls ever). The packaging is minimal but thoughtful, featuring pictures taken from the concert (and nice black leaf-masking on the front cover). All in all, a great set! - MT 
Source and digital transfer: Wojtek's Page Of Bootlegs
Revision and correction: Eugene's Axe



Original Release:  1973 r.

Media: 4 CD-R

X-ref: „Obscured By The Moon”,
       „Waterbury Master”,
       „Waterbury 1973”,
       „Radio City Music Hall”,
       „Dark Side Of Radio City”,
       „New York 17.3.73”.

Source: March 18th, 1973 – The Palace Theater, Waterbury,
              Connecticut, USA.

Album notes:

A part of the world tour, promoting album „The Dark Side Of The Moon”.
Collectors' edition - two complete recorders: 2nd and 3rd. Recording
mastered from rare, genuine low generation analog tapes.
Discs' division compatible with the course of the show. Carefuly indexed.
Revised copy. Balanced. Speed corrected. 
Discs 1 & 2: from rare low gen tape, Audience recorder 3.
Discs 3 & 4: from rare low gen tape. Audience recorder 2.

Lineage (both sources): A Cass 2&3[Low]>SBLive>WAV>CoolEditPro>EAC>SHN.


Disc 1:
  1. Obscured by Clouds  (5:15)
  2. When You're In  (9:18)
  3. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun  (15:19)
  4. Careful With That Axe, Eugene  (13:11)
  5. Echoes  (24:29)

Disc 2:
  1. Speak To Me  (1:47)
  2. Breathe  (2:51)
  3. On The Run  (5:29)
  4. Time / Breathe Reprise  (6:55)
  5. The Great Gig In The Sky  (5:50)
  6. Money  (6:04)
  7. Us And Them  (7:35)
  8. Any Colour You Like  (7:07)
  9. Brain Damage  (3:07)
 10. Eclipse  (1:45)
 11. One Of These Days  (9:16)

Disc 3:
  1. Obscured by Clouds  (4:09)
  2. When You're In  (7:36)
  3. Tuning  (1:29)
  4. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun  (14:21)
  5. Tuning  (1:23)
  6. Careful With That Axe, Eugene  (14:08)
  7. Echoes  (22:51)

Disc 4:
  1. Speak To Me  (2:15)
  2. Breathe  (2:54)
  3. On The Run  (5:21)
  4. Time / Breathe Reprise  (6:53)
  5. The Great Gig In The Sky  (5:59)
  6. Money  (5:36)
  7. Us And Them – Cut inside  (2:34)
  8. Any Colour You Like  (6:54)
  9. Brain Damage  (3:40)
 10. Eclipse  (1:43)
 11. One Of These Days  (7:50)

Quality (1-6):  5.

Catalogue:  No info.
Artwork: Wojtek.

Disc 1:
01 Obscured By Clouds
02 When You're In
03 Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
04 Careful With That Axe, Eugene
05 Echoes

Disc 2:
01 Speak To Me
02 Breathe
03 On The Run
04 Time
05 Breathe (Reprise)
06 The Great Gig In The Sky
07 Money
08 Us And Them
09 Any Color You Like
10 Brain Damage
11 Eclipse
12 One Of These Days
Low Gen Analog > DAT (?) > CDR (?) > EAC > SHN

Disc 1
01. [13:04] Obscured By Clouds > When You're In
02. [14:16] Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
03. [11:56] Careful with that Axe, Eugene
04. [23:59] Echoes

Disc 2
01. [04:22] Speak to Me
02. [03:01] Breathe
03. [05:47] On the Run
04. [08:53] Time > Breathe reprise (break at end)
05. [06:33] The Great Gig in the Sky
06. [07:27] Money
07. [08:00] Us and Them
08. [08:37] Any Colour You Like
09. [03:40] Brain Damage
10. [01:57] Eclipse
11. [09:02] One of These Days


possibly a lossy source

from the txt:
Comments: This is obviously from a very low generation tape copied to DAT. Minimal hiss, quite clean, without 
a lot of noticeable editing. The left channel is a bit choppy, but the right channel is quite smooth.
Complete show with a few breaks in the master tape. The taper was likely having a few problems with his deck. 

During the tuneups between 'When You're In' and 'Set The Controls', the taper clearly says "yeeshkul" into
the microphone...perhaps he was the same taper who captured the 11 March show of the same name? Chances are
that he was, and he was accompanied by the same friend who made inebriated noises and burps during the 
earlier 'Yeeshkul' show, since he repeats them in this recording.

At the end of 'Breathe (Reprise)'--Track 4--there is a break, which is covered by Track 5. Track 5 is obviously
from a different tape, or perhaps a backup machine that the taper or his friend had. You can hear the same 
chap shouting "yeeshkul" again during the first few notes of 'Us And Them'. Quality of the second tape is a 
bit better than the first.
Obscured By Clouds/When You're In
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Careful with that Axe, Eugene

Dark Side of the Moon
One of These Days
Shine on you Crazy Diamond
Raving and Drooling

Harvested (HRV CDR 022)

Disc 1:
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-IX)
2. Raving And Drooling
3. You've Got To Be Crazy
4. Speak To Me
5. Breathe
6. On The Run

Disc 2:
1. Time
2. The Great Gig In The Sky
3. Money
4. Us & Them
5. Any Colour You Like
6. Brain Damage
7. Eclipse
8. Echoes

Roger Waters:	Bass, Vocals
David Gilmour:  Guitar, Vocals
Rick Wright:    Keyboards
Nick Mason:     Drums

Dick Parry:        Sax
Carlene Williams:  Vocals
Vanetta Fields:    Vocals

Remarks: This is the Harvested reissue of Black Holes In The Sky (known as Rev A.).  Quite a bit of care and cleanup has taken place to lower the number of known glitches on the Rev 0 release from 51 to 13 on disk 1 and from 77 to 13 on disk 2.

Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Raving And Drooling (Sheep), and You've Got To Be Crazy (Dogs) were unreleased at that time and the latter two especially were prototype pieces during this tour.  Sheep and Dogs wouldn't appear in a studio form until about 3 years later.

This was also the debut tour for Mr. Screen (the big circle screen that Dave got to keep in the Pink Floyd 1987 LTD. settlement) and you can hear the audience reacting to the images being displayed at certain points during the show (mostly during the end of DS0TM).
Possibly the worst ROIO title ever.

Disc 1:

01. Shine on, You Crazy Diamond 
02. Raving and Drooling
03. You've Got to be Crazy
04. Speak to Me
05. Breathe
06. On the Run

Disc 2:

01. Time
02. The Great Gig in the Sky
03. Money
04. Us and Them
05. Any Colour You Like
06. Brain Damage
07. Eclipse
08. Echoes

Entire show speed corrected with Cooledit Pro 2.0.
T Seager, 04/04.

This is Highland HL017/018, which is essentially a speed-corrected clone of "Black Holes in the Sky" from Great Dane.
Harvested Records (HRV CDR 033)

01. Speak To Me
02. Breathe
03. On The Run
04. Time
05. The Great Gig In The Sky
06. Money
07. Us And Them
08. Any Colour You Like
09. Brain Damage
10. Eclipse
11. Echoes

Liner notes:

In the spirit of our previous "BBC Archives" series (after "BBC Archives 1967-1969" and "BBC Archives 1970-1971"), Harvested is proud to finally present "BBC Archives 1974"! In 1974, the BBC taped the second set (The Dark Side On The Moon) and the encore (Echoes) of the Floyd performance at Wembley Empire Pool, on November 16. However, Echoes was never broadcast, and for many years only the DSOTM set was circulating from broadcast sources.

In recent years, recordings taken from the BBC pre-FM tapes began to circulate, some of them including the long lost soundboard version of Echoes. However, none of these RoIOs are fully sonically satisfactory in our opinion. Most of them are processed and used some kind of noise reduction, sometimes very slightly (the Sirene releases), and other times more heavily (the Winston remasters, "Time In London") The rare, unprocessed versions currently circulating, like the "FM Pre-Master" Russian bootleg, are pleasant but not without a certain amount of hiss, which reveals that the lineage was not without some generational loss. The hiss from the unprocessed versions available until now is probably one of the reasons why so much NR was used on the various remaster projects.

After much research, Harvested found a superior source, totally unprocessed, with much less hiss than the other unprocessed versions circulating until now. A spectral analysis of the audio file showed that this source was very pure and could be the result of direct transfer from the BBC masters.

However, it is well known that the BBC mastering of that concert sounds rather dry and flat, especially the DSOTM set and our source was no exception. Therefore, we felt this new source needed the "Harvested treatment," in order to make this recording really shine, with good dynamics. The remastering was done very carefully in an attempt to leave the music intact, avoiding NR, dehissing, or any other processing that would generate artifacts. The majority of the remastering work consisted of adjusting the audio levels, balancing the recording when needed, and bringing more clarity and depth by applying specific EQ settings here and there. The final result sounds great to our ears and this version boasts excellent dynamics and a well defined high end without the flaws present on most of the other sources. This CD is free from all NR artifacts, the amount of hiss is minimal, and the low frequency noise that can be clearly heard on all of the currently circulating versions of Echoes (especially during the quiet parts) is not present here.

"BBC Archives 1974" brings you this famous BBC recording in its most complete form (the lines,"I've been mad for f*cking years...," as well as the applause and tuning between Eclipse and Echoes are present), offering the best possible quality for your listening pleasure! "

For those of you who'd like to know how this Harvested version compares with other pre-FM RoIOs from the same concert, comparative analysis is detailed here after.


The Harvested Team.

"BBC 74 Remastered" (Winston Remaster #1)

It includes only DSOTM, with the lines "mad for f* years" during Speak To Me. During the loud parts, this remaster sounds really good, however some dynamic NR was used, which affects all the parts where the music is quieter. A typical example can be heard just before David sings the 1st verse of Breathe, or during the lines "home, home again" of Breathe Reprise: there's a sudden drop of clarity, with cymbals muffled, when the level of the music is lower than a certain treshold. This annoying effect is also disturbing during the intro of Time, the second half of TGGITS, the central part of ACYL, the verses of BD, ...

Harvested's "BBc Archives 1974" does not have all these artefacts and has a better defined clarity, even during the loud parts.

"BBC Completely Revisited" (Winston Remaster #2)

This 2CD RoIO includes an audience recording for the 1st set and a pre-FM master source for the 2nd set and encore. DSOTM is very similar to the previous remaster ("BBC 74 Remastered"), with all the quiet parts altered by NR. The 2nd CD includes Echoes, as well as the tuning and applause between Eclipse and Echoes. Echoes suffers from a constant low frequency noise, not too disturbing, but noticeable anyway during the intro and the seagull part (this is the case for all the versions of Echoes on the other pre-FM RoIOs). It seems that less NR was used for Echoes, compared to DSOTM, as there is no obvious artifact. However, a spectral analysis shows that some processing was used for frequencies around 18kHz.

Harvested's "BBC Archives 1974" has a better sound, especially during the quiet parts (the beginning of the reprise after the seagull part is a perfect example). And on Harvested's version, the low frequency noise is not present.

"Time In London" (TSPDP09)

Complete DSOTM and Echoes, with the "mad for f* years" line in Speak To Me, but the tuning between Eclipse and Echoes is  slightly shorter than on other RoIOs.

Same remarks as for the Winston remasters: the NR process that was applied ruins the quiet parts. The effect is even worse on "Time In London", as the NR was used more heavily. For instance, the high frequencies are cut as soon as their level is below a treshold. As a result, the end of the cymbals sound (during the sustain) is often cut abruptly. A spectacular example can be heard around the "staying home to watch the rain" lines: on any unprocessed source, one can hear that Nick is using a ride cymbal, but on "Time In London", it's as if Nick was playing the hi-hat! Also, the process to "dynamise" the recording makes the recording sound too artificial, even if at first impression it's very punchy. A direct comparison between "Time In London" and an unprocessed source clearly shows that "Time In London" sounds rather un-natural.

And again, Echoes has the low frequency noise, present on the other RoIOs.

These flaws and artefacts are not present on Harvested's "BBC Archives 1974", which sounds much more natural.

"Wembley 1974 Pre-FM Master" (Sirene-009)

This RoIO includes DSOTM and Echoes (with the low frequency noise again), as well as the applause and tuning between Eclipse and Echoes. However, on that version the lines "mad for f* years" are edited out.

As usual, Sirene used some processing during remastering, but compared with the other remasters above, this version was processed rather carefully. The sound is really good despite the processing, although Harvested's "BBC Archives 1974" sounds brighter.

On the Sirene release, Echoes is apparently from mp3 origin.

"Wembley 1974 FM Premaster" (Russian bootleg)

This obscure bootleg, remastered by Pink Robert, contains only DSOTM (with the "mad for f* years" lines), but shows no sign of heavy processing. The sound is bright and clear, very natural, without artifact. However, there's a certain amount of hiss, probably revealing some gens in the lineage.

Harvested's "BBC Archives 1974" offers slightly better clarity in terms of sound definition (due to lower gen), with much less hiss.
Dark Side of the Moon

1-1. Sheep 12:02
1-2. Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) 1:32
1-3. Dogs 18:22
1-4. Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) 2:06
1-5. Pigs (Three Different Ones) 17:42
2-1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (1-5) 13:35
2-2. Welcome To The Machine 7:50
2-3. Have A Cigar 5:25
2-4. Wish You Were Here 6:30
2-5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (6-9) 15:41
2-6. Money 9:31
2-7. Us And Them 7:41

"Here Come the Pigs!"

	Pink Floyd were ready with their new album “Animals”. The album was recorded during the 
summer and fall of 1976 in a new studio built in Islington, North London and contained both old 
and new material. Ever since the end of 1974, and all the way through the many legs of the 1975 
tour, the band frequently performed ‘Raving and Drooling’ and ‘You’ve Gotta Be Crazy’, two brand new songs that failed to make the final cut of “Wish You Were Here”. Reluctant to throw away such good material, the band re-structured the two unreleased songs around the concept of the new album, respectively re-naming them ‘Sheep’ and ‘Dogs’. New material written to accompany those two older number included “Pigs (Three Different Ones)” and a two-part song called ‘Pigs on a Wing’. Roger describes this as a love song to his wife Carolyne. Other motivations for the album, according to Waters, included moralist Mary Whitehouse and the rising conservative politician Margaret Thatcher. Both received the brunt of his scathing sarcasm.
	As always, the band wanted the world to take notice of their new work. They adopted the 
new floating pig mascot for both symbolic and practical reasons. The cover of the new album 
shows the pig floating over the London Battersea power station. To get this picture, the graphic
 artist wanted to superimpose the pig into a standard picture. The band had other plans and 
insisted that a 40 foot helium filled Zeppelin of a pig be made, inflated, and launched over 
the site.This spectacle was arranged with a film crew, tethering crew and even a sharp shooter 
in case the giant pig broke loose and needed to be shot down. Unfortunately, the first day’s 
attempt was unsuccessful due to weather. The next day the photographs were taken but before 
they would return the zeppelin to the ground, the wind broke the tethering lines and the huge 
inflatable pig was loose. This problem was further complicated by the fact that no one 
remembered to ask the sharp shooter to come back for the second day. The pig floated around 
London for quite a while before landing in a field near Canterbury. Though it was obviously 
unplanned, the band could not have asked for a better publicity event.
	This brings us to the present PRRP release. Dortmund, Germany, January 23rd 1977 was to 
witness the very first show of the 1977 Animals Tour. The new album was to be released the day 
of this performance, therefore no one in the audience was very familiar with the new material. 
Saxaphonist Dick Perry joined the band again on this tour, while Terrance “Snowy” White was 
asked to provide back-up rhythm guitar. Pink Floyd once more split the show into two sets. The 
first set consists of the whole “Animals” album while the second presented –for the first time- 
the complete “Wish You Were Here” album. Two encores were also provided, both taken from the 
“Dark Side of the Moon” album. The combination provided an excellent chronicle of the Pink Floyd 
approach to music at the time and received a warm reception for this very enthusiastic German 

Notes from the Re-Master

	The source for this audience recording is generally good but a number of problems needed 
to be fixed. For some reason, many of the songs were spliced together, making an abrupt cut 
during the audience applause. We presume this was done to shorten the recording but none the 
less we had to smooth these transitions in order to maintain the flow of the concert. The hiss 
level was quite high so it was localized and reduced. The sound quality was good with music 
signal clearly present up to 11,000 Hz but the tonality needed adjustment. The low treble range 
was particularly harsh and piercing during Gilmour’s guitar solos and the saxophone leads. 
Selective attenuation of those frequencies reduced this audible annoyance. At rare times the 
bass overwhelmed the other instruments and needed to be reduced as well.
	During a five minute segment on disc 2 the left channel lost significant treble. This 
was restored as well as possible. At the end of “shine on you crazy diamond” the recorder 
probably had battery failure since the pitch and tempo fall noticeably. This was adjusted to be 
consistent with the rest of the show but brief variations remain. Conversely, during a section 
of disc 1 the tempo and pitch are unusually increased. This section was slowed back to the 
tempo and pitch of the rest of the show. Many brief dropouts occurred. Some were removed while 
others were pasted over to be less noticeable.

Raving and Drooling
Gotta Be Crazy
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Have a Cigar
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Dark Side of the Moon
Millard tape > DAT > CDR(1) > EAC (secure mode) > flac(8)

Disc 1:

1. Raving and Drooling
2. You Gotta Be Crazy
3. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts I-V
4. Have a Cigar
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts VI-IX

Disc 2:

1. Speak to Me
2. Breathe
3. On the Run
4. Time
5. Breathe Reprise
6. The Great Gig in the Sky
7. Money
8. Us and Them
9. Any Colour You Like
10. Brain Damage
11. Eclipse
12. Echoes

This show has been bootlegged (pressed to silvers) as "The Late Great Millard Tapes". The bootleg is not in the linage of this show. I guess you could call this pre-bootleg.

Notes from Mustardpie:

Torrented by The Hirsute Swine at The Traders' Den, 2004-11-28 Torrented by Mustardpie at Easytree, In the forum on this show at The Traders' Den (http://www.thetradersden.org/forums/showthread.php?t=974&page=1&pp=20), The Hirsute Swine said that he extracted these files from a CDR with EAC in secure mode. The log files are included in this torrent. The CDR was made from a DAT that was a copy of a single Millard tape. The original linage listed as MIllard Master > DAT [...] suggests that Millard recorded the DAT--that's probably is not quite so. "Tape mastered by Millard" would likely be more accurate. This recording is nevertheless a pre-bootleg source with known lineage. As such it should be superior to the various bootlegs made from potentially higher generation sources. HRV CDR 026 "Cruel but Fair" (currently a dead torrent at Easytree: http://www.easytree.org/torrents-details.php?id=8618&hit=1) is made from a Millard tape, but without lineage. "The Late Great Millard Tapes", Highland HL644/645/646 (3 disk set) is another bootleg of this recording, but of unknown lineage, and files from that bootleg circulating amongst traders may have been remastered and transcoded (see http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.kerr/other_PF.htm). The files in this torrent are more directly straight from the source tapes. The only file in the original torrent that I have modified this text file. I modified the lineage in the light of information from the poster of the original torrent, and I added these notes. The FLACs, fingerprints and .log files are exactly as I have received them from the original torrent. I offer this torrent here only to share this great recording of a great show to a wider audience.
Disc 1

1.  Raving and Drooling
2.  You've Gotta Be Crazy
3.  Shine On You Crazy Diamond (1-5)
4.  Have A Cigar
5.  Shine On You Crazy Diamond (6-9)
6.  Speak To Me
7.  Breathe
8.  On The Run
9.  Time
10.  Breathe

Disc 2

1.  The Great Gig In The Sky
2.  Money
3.  Us and Them
4.  Any Colour You Like
5.  Brain Damage
6.  Eclipse
7.  Echoes
Raving and Drooling
Gotta Be Crazy
Shine on You Crazy Diamond 1 - 5
Have a Cigar
Shine on You Crazy Diamond 6 - 9
Dark Side of the Moon
Never Buy Or Sell a PRRP! Visit http://prrp-music.com


1-1. Raving and Drooling (Sheep) 12:54
1-2. You Gotta Be Crazy (Dogs) 13:35
1-3. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I-V) 12:13
1-4. Have A Cigar 4:30
1-5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (VI-IX) 11:53
Total Time 55:05
2-1. Speak to Me 5:35
2-2. Breathe 2:45
2-3. On The Run 4:48
2-4. Time 5:03
2-5. Breathe (reprise) 1:01
2-6. The Great Gig In The Sky 5:58
2-7. Money 8:25
2-8. Us And Them 7:01
2-9. Any Colour You Like 8:18
2-10. Brain Damage 3:48
2-11. Eclipse 3:48
2-12. Echoes 22:04
Total Time 78:34
Roger Waters - Bass and Vocals
David Gilmour - Guitars and Vocals
Rick Wright - Keyboards and Vocals
Nick Mason - Drums and Percussion

"Echoes Of The Stage"
Pink Floyd was in the middle of their second American Tour of 1975. They had just finished two shows at the Nassau Coliseum before arriving at the Boston 
Garden in Massachusetts. This tour would feature much of the new material that was to be released later that year on their new album Wish You Were 
Here. The tracks for the album were actually recorded between the tours. Versions of ‘Shine On You Crazy Diamond –parts 6-9’ were played during the 
1974 French and British tours but the audience in Boston on June 18th  was going to  hear the full song, parts 1 through 9, including the bridging song 
‘Have a Cigar’ during the first half of the show. Two other unreleased songs were also part of the set list at this time. The first was called ‘Raving and 
Drooling’. This song begins the concert and later becomes ‘Sheep’ for the Animals album, released in 1977. ‘You Gotta Be Crazy’ is performed next and 
also finds itself on the Animals album, re-titled as ‘Dogs’. The remainder of the material for this concert is from Dark Side of the Moon with ‘Echoes’ as an 
            The Year 1975 was a difficult time for the members of Pink Floyd. During an Interview in October of that year, Roger Waters was asked why it took 
two years for the band to make another album after Dark Side of the Moon. The response: “There was an abortive attempt to make an album without 
using any musical instruments. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but it didn't come together. Probably because we needed to stop for a bit…. [I] 
think it was that when Dark Side of the Moon was so successful, it was the end of the road. We'd reached the point we'd all been aiming for ever since 
we were teenagers and there was really nothing more to do in terms of rock 'n roll….. And Wish You Were Here came about by us going on in spite of the 
fact we'd finished”.
            Despite apparently reaching artistic satisfaction the group went on to make Wish You Were Here. Waters noted, “We did some rehearsals in a 
rehearsal studio in Kings Cross, and started playing together and writing in the way we'd written a lot of things before. In the same way that 'Echoes' was 
written. 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' was written, with odd little musical ideas coming out of various people. The first one, the main phrase, came from 
Dave, the first loud guitar phrase you can hear on the album was the starting point and we worked from there until we had the various parts of 'Shine On'
 finished. When we got into the studio, January '75, we started recording and it got very laborious and tortured, and everybody seemed to be very bored 
by the whole thing. We pressed on regardless…..” 
            Most fans believe that the song ‘Shine On You Crazy Diamond’ is about former band member Syd Barrett. When asked about this, Roger said, “It 
was very strange. The lyrics were written -- and the lyrics are the bit of the song about Syd, the rest of it could be about anything -- I don't [know] why I 
started writing those lyrics about Syd...I think because that phrase of Dave's was an extremely mournful kind of sound and it just...I haven't a clue ... but it 
was a long time before the Wish You Were Here recording sessions when Syd's state could be seen as being symbolic of the general state of the group, 
i.e. very fragmented…. By taking 'Shine On' as a starting point, and wanting to write something to do with 'Shine On' i.e. something to do with a person 
succumbing to the pressures of life in general and rock 'n roll in particular...”         
                This was the type of feeling that would later cause Roger Waters to leave the band permanently. However, further hints of dissatisfaction 
lingered even during this time. When asked if Pink Floyd would perform live again, he responded, “I've really no idea...not unless something fairly 
stupendous happens. I've been through a period when I've not wished to do any concerts with the Floyd ever again. I felt that very strongly, but the last 
few weeks I've had vague kind of flickerings, feeling that I could maybe have a play. But when those flickerings hit the front of my mind I cast myself back 
into how f___ing dreadful I felt on the last American Tour with all those thousands and thousands and thousands of drunken kids smashing each other to 
pieces. I felt dreadful because it had nothing to do with us -- I didn't think there was any contact between us and them. “
            This last sentiment was the motivation for one of the band’s most well known works The Wall. Roger Waters and the band did go on to play more 
concerts but their mood and feelings continued. Some say that they were the defining influences on their songwriting at the time. 
Notes from the Re-Master
            The recording we used for this project is generally known as the “second source” or the Boston Garden Master. There is a well circulated copy of 
this source available but our copy of the source came straight from the master cassette. The owner of this cassette is a good friend of one of PRRP’s 
contributors. The music fan who contributed the source for our Boston Yes show from 1979 (PRRP 028) and Providence Yes show from 1977 (PRRP 034) was 
able to get us a fresh new copy of this master cassette tape. Many thanks to him for his efforts.
            The project actually started with a remastering of the common version of the Boston Garden Master. Once the new version became available, 
a second remaster was produced and we compared the quality of the two remastered recordings. It was concluded that the source and remaster from 
the new master was clearly the better recording.
            The major problem with the recording was the tonality. Both guitar solos and saxophone leads were harsh and un-enjoyable. At the same time, 
the baseline tonality of the show during quiet and low volume segments seemed to be balanced. The solution was to use a frequency specific dynamic 
filter that would adjust tonality during these harsh segments. Other adjustments were made to enhance the detail as well as the sub-bass components. A 
light hiss reduction was used to remove this noise and both clicks and pops were removed manually where needed. After working with both sources it 
was clear that there were few imperfections in the better master source. Dynamics were enhanced throughout the show as necessary. After the first set, 
Roger Waters says that the band will take a break. We decided to end disc one at that point and to place all of set two plus the Echoes encore on disc 
two. This decision does result in two CDs with very different lengths but it is consistent with the performance which we felt was most important.

01: Raving And Drooling 12.42
02: You've Gotta Be Crazy 13.40
03: Shin On Pt. 1-5 12.31
04: Have A Cigar 5.02
05: Shine On Pt. 6-9 12.00
06: Speak To Me 3.02
07: Breathe 2.59
08: On The Run 5.00
09: Time 7.03


01: Great Gig In The Sky 6.02
02: Money 9.12
03: Us And Them 7.16
04: Any colour you like 9.16
05: Eclipse 3.52
06.Brain Damage 2.07
07: Echoes 26.22 

Sound: B
Show: A (nice guitar timbre on 'dogs')

01: Raving And Drooling 12.42
02: You've Gotta Be Crazy 13.40
03: Shin On Pt. 1-5 12.31
04: Have A Cigar 5.02
05: Shine On Pt. 6-9 12.00
06: Speak To Me 3.02
07: Breathe 2.59
08: On The Run 5.00
09: Time 7.03


01: Great Gig In The Sky 6.02
02: Money 9.12
03: Us And Them 7.16
04: Any colour you like 9.16
05: Eclipse 3.52
06.Brain Damage 2.07
07: Echoes 26.22 

Label: Harvested Records
Release: HRV CDR 013 Rev. A

Name: A Pair Of Frankforters 
Format: shn
Discs: 2

Pink Floyd 
A Pair Of Frankforters 
Festhalle Frankfurt,West Germany

a01  	Sheep  	  	 	 	 	
a02 	Pigs On The Wing (part 1) 	 				
a03 	Dogs 	 				
a04 	Pigs On The Wing (part 2) 	 				
a05 	Pigs (Three Different Ones) 	 				
b01 	Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts I - V) 	 				
b02 	Welcome To The Machine 	 				
b03 	Have A Cigar 	 				
b04 	Wish You Were Here 	 				
b05 	Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts VI - IX) 	 				
e01 	Money 

Band Members:

David Gilmour
Nick Mason
Roger Waters
Richard Wright

Dick Parry
Snowy White	 				



Name: A(0) > DAT Master Clone 
Format: shn
Discs: 2
Recording: audience / recorder 2
Lineage: A(0) > DAT Master Clone > WAV > SHN
Generation: Master
Length: 114:54 Mins

Pink Floyd

Date: 27 January, 1977
Location: Festhalle, Frankfurt, West Germany
Source: A(0) > DAT Master Clone > WAV > SHN
Rating: EX+

Set One:
	1. Tuneups 1:44
	2. Sheep  11:56	 					
	3. Pigs On The Wing (Pt. 1)  1:26			 	 
	4. Dogs	20:10					
	5. Pigs On The Wing (Pt. 2)  2:33			 
	6. Pigs (Three Different Ones) 	16:47	

Set Two and Encore
	1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 1-5)  13:35	
	2. Welcome To The Machine  8:21			 
	3. Have A Cigar	 5:43				 
	4. Wish You Were Here  6:35				
	5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 6-9)  16:53
	6. Money  9:04

Total: 114:52

seeded by fatoldpig

Name: California Pigs 
Format: shn
Discs: 2

Pink Floyd
Festhalle, Frankfurt,  
West Germany 
May 7, 1977

"California Pigs" - label/origin unknown

Disc One:

   1. Sheep
   2. Pigs on the Wing (pt 1)
   3. Dogs
   4. Pigs on the Wing (pt 2)
   5. Pigs (Three Different Ones)

Disc Two:

   1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (pt 1-5)
   2. Welcome To The Machine
   3. Have a Cigar
   4. Wish You Were Here
   5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (pt 6-9)
   6. Money

Source: Audience

CD Reference:
California Pigs

LP Reference:

Yet another Misdated roio found out by littlesheep    -orangemaze  

Quality: VG+/EX-

* Cover says 1977 May 7 - Anaheim Stadium, Anaheim, California but this is obviously not the Anaheim May 7 performance - Mr. Waters is supposed to shout 30-10 during the Anaheim gig but there’s no trace of numbers in this recording, neither hidden through his raving cries …

this is the Frankfurt January 27 show from the alternate *complete* recording (different than Frankfurt 1.27.77 - Welcome To The Machine).
Excellent sound quality; speed seems at times a bit slow... I don't know why but the speed problems are always detectable on Pigs ... bah ...
some editing inaccuracies that might have been avoided (if not due to a real problem of the source) : the 2 SYOCD fade out, 1-5 before the sax solo, SOYCD 6-9 near to the end.


Name: From The Masters 
Format: shn
Discs: 2
Recording: audience / Recorder 2
Lineage: Philips mic>Telefunken R2R>Master[Reel]>DAT[4]>cdr[?]
Length: 115:00

Lineage : M[REEL]>DAT[4]>CD-R 

Great sound! This is easily one of the best sounding shows from the European leg of the tour (probably the best one!). The performance is really solid throughout the show, and the sound can easily reach in the "Ex" spectrum, so I'd make this Ex. Some recordings don't include Sheep, but this one does although it sounds different from the rest of the tracks, a bit saturated at places I'd say. The whole thing seems a tad thin on the bass. I don't know if it's because of the positioning but there's a different feel to this show than others from the European leg. This is highly recommended.     -

Review: From The Masters 
01 Sheep 13.46 
02 Pigs On The Wing Part 1 2.07 
03 Dogs 19.29 
04 Pigs On The Wing Part 2 2.06 
05 Pigs (Three Different Ones) 16.53 
01 SOYCD (parts 1-5) 13.34 
02 Welcome To The Machine 8.21 
03 Have A Cigar 6.33 
04 Wish You Were Here 5.33 
05 SOYCD (Parts 6-9) 16.49 
06 Money 9.27 
TOT LENGTH: 115.00

This is 100% recorder 2 (same as California Pigs etc...)
long portion (soundscape if you prefer) before Sheep and all the greetings are included!... no songs cut at the very end here as well ... 
the sound is really crispy, an Excellent recording, long and exciting ... very nice crowd too.
California Pigs, compared to this, seems to run a bit slow so the difference in length is more than the actual 3 minutes.

Waters does not say any number here.



Name: Heartbeat, Pigmeat 
Format: shn
Discs: 2
Recording: rec1
Release: MoLM
Lineage: LP> PS-LX250H> STR-DE895> HK CDR26> EAC> SHN

Fourth performance of 55 Animals Tour Concerts. 
Second night of two gigs at the Frankfurt venue. 
Mastered to disc from a meticulously preserved vinyl source by Flynn of Man of Leisure Music (MoLM). Marbled grey and charcoal discs, first released in 1987 by Crazy Diamond Productions, and titled "Welcome to the Machine." Nice picture of Dave on the cover and Mr. Screen on the back. 
Sony PS-LX250H turntable, running through a Sony STR-DE895 receiver with an optical connection to a Harman/Kardon CDR26 component burner. 
From the condition of the vinyl to the clarity and fullness of sound, this roio is a must for serious collectors of Pink Floyd's 1977 Animals Tour. While it's an incomplete show (90% of Sheep is missing and there are no encores), it's arguably the best sounding source from this specific date. With all the totally unknown gen source stuff in circulation, here's a SHN of the real deal. 
Roger does not "number" this show during Pigs (3do).


Name: REEL[0]>DAT[4]>CDR>SHN
Format: shn
Discs: 2

Label: -


Sheep (13:46) 
Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) (2:07) 
Dogs (19:29) 
Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) (2:26) 
Pigs (Three Different Ones) (16:55) 

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5) (13:34) 
Welcome To The Machine (8:21) 
Have A Cigar (6:33) 
Wish You Were Here (5:33) 
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9) (16:51) 
Money (9:27) 
Total length: 115 min 02 sec

Source: REEL[0]>DAT[4]>CDR>SHN

Quality: EX

All tracks: Festhalle, Frankfurt, West Germany. January 27th, 1977.

Sheep > Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) > Dogs >
Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) > Pigs (Three Different Ones) ><

[ROGER: Thank you. We'll be back in 20 minutes. Zwanzig minuten.]

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5) > Welcome To The Machine > Have A Cigar >
Wish You Were Here > Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9)

[ROGER: Thank you. Good night.]
[DAVID: Thank you.] ><


[ROGER: Thank you again.]
[DAVID: Allright.]


European Tour
January 23rd-March 31st, 1977

Roger does not shout any number on 'Pigs (Three Different Ones)'.

Great sound! This is easily one of the best sounding shows from the European leg of the tour (probably the best one!). The performance is really solid throughout the show, and the sound can easily reach in the "Ex" spectrum, so I'd make this Ex. Some recordings don't include Sheep, but this one does although it sounds different from the rest of the tracks, a bit saturated at places I'd say. The whole thing seems a tad thin on the bass. I don't know if it's because of the positioning but there's a different feel to this show than others from the European leg. This is highly recommended.

David Gilmour - guitar, vocals
Roger Waters - bass, vocals
Richard Wright - keyboards, vocals
Nick Mason - drums, percussion
Dick Parry - saxophone
Snowy White - guitar

Name: Two Frankfurters 
Format: flac
Discs: 2

Pink Floyd - Two Frankfurters  	 
Frankfurt, West Germany
27 January 1977

No Label

01. Sheep (11:49)
02. Crowd (0:25)
03. Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) (1:25)
04. Crowd (0:45)
05. Dogs (18:51)
06. Crowd (1:21)
07. Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) (2:27)
08. Pigs (Three Different Ones) (17:25)

01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5) (13:01)
02. Welcome To The Machine (8:36)
03. Have A Cigar (5:53)
04. Crowd (0:43)
05. Wish You Were Here (5:47)
06. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9) (17:10)
07. Crowd (1:06)
08. Money (8:35)

Quality: VG+

European Tour
January 23rd-March 31st, 1977

Roger does not shout any number on 'Pigs (Three Different Ones)'

Sheep > Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) > Dogs >
Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) > Pigs (Three Different Ones) ><

Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5) > Welcome To The Machine > Have A Cigar >
Wish You Were Here > Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 6-9)

ROGER: Thank you. Good night.
DAVID: Good night. ><


David Gilmour - guitar, vocals
Roger Waters - bass, vocals
Richard Wright - keyboards, vocals
Nick Mason - drums, percussion
Dick Parry - saxophone
Snowy White - guitar


Format: shn
Discs: 2
Recording: audience

AUD(src2)>LP>PCM(declicked, fades removed/music rejoined*)>CD-R>EAC>SHN
*music fades at end/start of LP sides so the fades were
removed and the music rejoined to recreate the original recording.
this RoIO is missing a great part of Sheep and the entire Money (same as Frankfurt 1.27.77 - different source than Two Frankfurters)
01 Sheep - very last part 1.58 
02 Pigs On The Wing Part 1 2.07 
03 Dogs 19.28 
04 Pigs On The Wing Part 2 2.28 
05 Pigs (Three Different Ones) 16.50 
01 SOYCD (parts 1-5) 9.45 
02 Welcome To The Machine 8.24 
03 Have A Cigar 5.43 
04 Wish You Were Here 6.17 
05 SOYCD (Parts 6-9) 15.52    -littlesheep
Set I
Pigs on The Wing Part I
Pigs On The Wing Part II
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Set II
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)
Welcome To The Machine
Have A Cigar
Wish You Were Here
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX)
Us And Them

Careful With That Axe, Eugene
Original notes:

Oh, the storied history of Animal Instincts...

Ron Toon released AI (rev0) to the world sometime during the last millennia.  Long before Harvested had a QA department.

It was my discussions with Ron concerning the clicks, pops, and other glitches in AI (rev0) that led to my joining the team. One of my earliest contributions was to deglitch AI and the first rev A edition was released.

As the years went by, a much lower generation source for this show emerged.  My first knowledge of its existance was the RoIO Mr Pig.  Although the SQ on Mr Pig was better than AI (you can hear many subtleties not detectable on AI revA), Mr Pig had other problems, like clipping, gaps during the tape flips, unbalanced, etc.  So the thoughts of doing a rev B began.

That was two years ago...

About six months ago, we decided to do it.  We got another source, a better source than Mr Pig.  One that didn't have the clipping problem.  Then Marc-Olivier went to work.

Marc-Oliver spent quite sometime remastering this new source and expertly patching the tape flips.  Then it was my turn.

I recently finished doing the deglitching and sent a copy to Richard to start the weed.

So here it is!  Animal Instincts rev B (HRV-CDR-014) Pink Floyd recorded live at the Oakland Coliseum, May 9, 1977.

Disc One:
Pigs On The Wing (part 1)
Pigs On The Wing (part 2)
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts 1-5)
Welcome To The Machine

Disc Two:
Have A Cigar
Wish You Were Here
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts 6-9)
Us And Them
Careful With That Axe, Eugene

For me, the highlight of this show is SoYCD6-9. It's the best version of this song ever.

For those of you that already own a copy of AI, you know that a bonus track is included at the end of disc two.  This being the studio version of Pigs on the Wing with Snowy White providing a bridge between the two parts.  AI rev0 and revA simple included a copy of this song as it was released on Snowy White's Goldtop CD.  Well...

We've changed this too for AI revB.  Now you have the original version (the Pink Floyd mix) as it appeared on the original 8-track tapes, transferred to digital direct from an original 8-track tape. This version is different than the Goldtop version (the Snowy mix).

Enjoy!  Harvested is proud to once again provide the definitive edition of this classic performance.

Bobnote: No "Pigs" bonus track included.
Set I
Pigs on The Wing Part I
Pigs On The Wing Part II
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Set II
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)
Welcome To The Machine
Have A Cigar
Wish You Were Here
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX)
Us And Them

Pink Floyd  	a01  	Sheep  	0  	 	 	 	Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	a02 	Pigs On The Wing (part 1) 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	a03 	Dogs 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	a04 	Pigs On The Wing (part 2) 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	a05 	Pigs (Three Different Ones) 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	b01 	Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts I - V) 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	b02 	Welcome To The Machine 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	b03 	Have A Cigar 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	b04 	Wish You Were Here 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	b05 	Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts VI - IX) 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	e01 	Money 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	e02 	Us And Them 	0 				Lyrics
	Pink Floyd 	e03 	Drift Away Blues 	0 				Lyrics

Recorder 2
This is a raw, unremastered library tape that got
loose from the Man of Leisure Music (www.molm.org)
collection and subsequently traded around and
weeded on the Floydartifacts Yahoo Group.
Remastered by Danalog.  Speed correction, dehissing
and some other tweaks by Danalog of MoLM.

This version uncirculated, untraded as of 01Jan06.
First night of the five performances at the Nassau
Coliseum in Uniondale, Long Island, Nassau County,
New York.
Recorded without anyone's permission
Sourced through a trade with DG

Re-released as part of The Definitive Wall Series
by Man of Leisure Music (MoLM).  The series includes
dates from 08Feb80, 25Feb80, 27Feb80, 09Aug80, 18Feb81,
19Feb81 and 16Jun81.

The show starts out with a bit of source tape damage, but
if the listener is patient, the sound problems clear up
and the show, overall, is of very good sound quality.  It
is also one of the finer performances of The Wall by the

One of the funnier moments in roio recording happens during
"Nobody Home."  At approximately 2:28 into the track, where
a woman asks for the taper's mic, thinking it's a pipe she
can use. "Is that a pipe you've got there?"  the taper is
asked twice.  He responds: "No, it's a microphone."
Re-mastered, speed corrected amd de-hissed by Danalog
of Man of Leisure Music circa 1999.  Uncirculated, untraded
as of Jan. '06.
Fourth of five show performed at this venue.
Eleventh performance of 31 scheduled dates.

Originally the soundtrack to a very poorly shot
video of the Wall concert, the source soundtrack
was re-mastered by Danalog of Man of Leisure
Music (MoLM) in April of 1999.

Source: Flynn's Floydbrary

Re-released by MoLM in 2001 as one of the seven shows
that comprise The Definitive Wall Series.  Other dates
include 08Feb80, 25Feb80, 09Aug80, 18Feb81, 19Feb81
and 16Jun81.
In the Flesh?
Thin Ice
Another Brick in the Wall part 1
The Happiest Days of Our Lives
Another Brick in the Wall part 2
Goodbye Blue Sky
What Shall We Do Now?
Young Lust
One of my Turns
Don't Leave Me Now
Another Brick in the Wall part 3
Goodbye Cruel World

Hey You
Is There Anybody Out There
Nobody Home
Bring the Boys Back Home
Comfortably Numb
The Show Must Go On
In the Flesh
Run Like Hell
Waiting for the Worms
The Trial
Outside the Wall 

"Home Piggy Home"
Digital Reproductions

Sound: A/A+ (stunning, esp. for an audience recording at NC in 1980)
Show: A
Opening Night of six 1980 London performances

This is one of TWO separate recordings known
to exist for this same night.  This version was
sourced through a trade with DG in the GDR.

Danalog of Man of Leisure Music speed-corrected,
equalized and edited the show.
Label:	Man of Leisure Music (MoLM)
Source:	MF Floydlive archives

14th performance of the 31 Wall Tour concerts.
Second night of six concerts held at Earls Court
performed August 4th through 9th, 1980.

This roio is dedicated to Mike F, Founder of
the former listserv "Floydlive." It was the
predecessor to Floydartifacts, and the listserv
that truly launched large-scale free trading of
high quality live Pink Floyd.

As one of the earliest subscribers, we watched the
birth and coming of age of the whole live music weeding
process.  Floydlive also was the vehicle that made
MoLM one of the names synonymous with quality live
Pink Floyd roios.

Speed-corrected and lightly tweaked by none other than
Danalog of MoLM, who, by the way, did not see his shadow
last week.  Sourced by Flynn in a trade with MF before
he disappeared without a trace.

Source CDs are of unknown origin and generation,
but verified as 05Aug80 using the "Wall Identifier"
at www.molm.org

My guess is that whomever is reading this knows the
setlists, so I'm skipping it this time.

Label: Distributed by Man of Leisure Music
(MoLM), from 1st generation clones of the
Master CDRs

SQ: A/A+   1st quality audience recording

Source Information:

It is with a huge amount of gratitude to the
taper, who reached out to MoLM and freely
shared this true gem, in a trade for other
rare PF roios.

Yes, this is sourced directly from the taper.
The source audio CDs used are 1st gen clones
of the master discs.

The original analog recording was made
with a Technics stereo microphone covered
with a black sock and a Sony stereo
cassette recorder.

Comments from the taper:

"I was seated to the left of the stage,
half way back, and used a Technics Single
Point Stereo Microphone with the Sony
TC153SD Cassette deck, which was quite a
hefty machine in those days. I used the
same equipment for the last concert (17Jun81),
where I sat right at the back, so the 1981
recording is more distant than this 1980 show."

DISC ONE (54:13):

01 Announcements			2:04
02 In the Flesh				2:58
03 The Thin Ice				2:45
04 Another Brick in the Wall, pt 1	3:54
05 The Happiest Days of Our Lives	1:48
06 Another Brick in the Wall, pt 2	6:09
07 Mother				7:42
08 Goodbye Blue Sky			2:36
09 Empty Spaces				5:22
10 Young Lust				4:37
11 One of My Turns			3:30
12 Dont Leave Me Now			4:03
13 Another Brick in the Wall, pt 3	1:15
14 Goodbye Cruel World			5:24

DISC TWO (51:33):

01 Hey You				4:21
02 Is There Anybody Out There?		2:53
03 Nobody Home				3:08
04 Vera					1:33
05 Bring the Boys Back Home		1:18
06 Comfortably Numb			7:31
07 The Show Must Go On			2:37
08 'Announcements'			2:34
09 In the Flesh				4:59
10 Run Like Hell			6:48
11 Waiting for the Worms		4:17
12 Stop!				0:29
13 The Trial				6:02
14 Outside the Wall			2:57


This is a superb upgrade, especially in sound. This has Mono and "Fake" Stereo. Picture quality is not the greatest upgrade but is definitely better than previous dvds of this show. Disc 1 also contains some very cool extras such as ticket stubs, venue info, storyboards, and more with the album music in the backround. Disc 2 also contains a bonus with the band and others talking about the shows and concept of the wall, very cool. 
by Man of Leisure Music (MoLM) December 21, 2001.

Other dates in the series include 08Feb 80,
25Feb80, 27Feb80, 18Feb81, 19Feb81 and 16Jun81.

Performed live at London's Earls Court, 09Aug80
Last night of the concert series that ran from
04Aug80 to 09Aug80.  Apparently, the first set
is from the 8th, but I've not confirmed that.

This is actually the audio soundtrack from the
professionally shot video from the same date.

This is truly a "must have" for serious Pink Floyd
collectors, because this roio is the only 'soundboard'
roio recording in circulation at present.

Since it is not a very low generation source, there
are still a number of flaws in the recording, perhaps
most annoying of which is the "hum" in the recording
at the start of the second set.  Despite its draw-
backs, this is still a wonderful recording to have.

We here at MoLM truly hope you enjoy this roio as
much as we have.
Outstanding sound quality: A-

Man of Leisure Music (MoLM) www.molm.org

Sixth of eight performances that ran
from 13Feb81 through the 20th.

Sourced by DG of the GDR.  He's the best.

Re-issued by Flynn of MoLM as part of
"The Definitive Wall Series" (DWS), weeded
out onto Floydlive listserv Music on
December 21, 2001.

Other dates from the DWS include 08Feb80,
25Feb80, 27Feb80, 09Aug80, 19Feb81 and
Seventh of eight performances that ran
from 13Feb81 through the 20th.

Speed corrected and remastered by Danalog.
Re-issued as part of "The Definitive Wall
Series" (DWS) by Man of Leisure Music on
December 21, 2001.

Other dates from the DWS include 08Feb80,
25Feb80, 27Feb80, 09Aug80, 18Feb81 and

Unfortunately, this version is missing the
short , final set one track "Goodbye Cruel World".

I have made several attempts to find this track,
but every other version I come across does not
have as good  sound quality.  To make a long story
short, I've never added the missing track.
Twenty-sixth concert date of the tour.

There were 31 concert dates over a 16 month period
from February of 1980 through mid-June of 1981.
Venues included Los Angeles, New York (Long Island),
London and Dortmund.

This is the final night of the eight German shows.
Sound quality is definitely above average throughout -- 
for an audience recording.  The taper seems to be some
distance from the stage, and the high end seems a bit
thin, but overall, this is a very collectible bootleg.

Remastered from forbidden vinyl by Danalog, and is a
Man of Leisure Music (MoLM) product.  To date, (Feb'05)
it has not been part of any MoLM re-release or actively
weeded out on any listserv.
Second to last performance of the Wall tour.
Second to last concert with the lineup of
Waters, Gilmour, Mason and Wright.

Thirtieth of thirty-one scheduled dates,
twenty-ninth actual performance.

Remastered by Danalog and re-issued by Man
of Leisure Music as one of seven Wall concerts
entitled "The Definitive Wall Series (DWS)."
The DWS was first released in audio on the
Floydlive listserv December 21, 2001.  This is
an SHN re-release of the DWS.

The dates from the DWS include:

09Aug80 (audio and video)
This was the very last performance of Echoes. Floyd NEVER played it again.*


Sec 2 Row 20 seat 11 Jam Presents (Main Floor)
Recorder: Sony TC-D5M ANALOG
Tape: Maxell XL-II-S C-90 Dolby Off
Mics: AKG 460 B w/ ULS 61 capsules w/Elbows at 90 degrees

Played back on TC-D5M machine (Not Exact Unit, but calibrated)>
Chord Co. Cables
Pre-amp: Naim 52
CDR Recorder (Stand Alone): Marantz CDR-600 (Philips CDR-101) 
CDR: Taiyo Yuden Gold 74-ZY
Master CDR>
PC Drive: UltraPlex40max SCSI
EAC>FLAC>To You Guys, enjoy, RB

All my uploads are exactly as the master...RAW! This includes all
if any...gaps, cut songs, pops and bad tracking. But if I were you,
don't let this discourage you to download. 

Disc 1 
(1) Shine On You Crazy Diamond 
(2) Signs of Life 
(3) Learning To Fly 
(4) Yet Another Movie/Round and Around 
(5) A New Machine Pt. 1 
(6) Terminal Frost 
(7) Sorrow 
(8) Dogs of War 
(9) On The Turning Away 

Set II/Disc 2 
(1) One Of These Days 
(2) Time 
(3) On The Run 
(4) Wish You Were Here 
(5) Welcome To The Machine 
(6) Us and Them 
(7) Money 
(8) Another Brick In The Wall Pt. II 
(9) Comfortably Numb 
(10) One Slip 
(11) Run Like Hell 
Pink Floyd "The Forgotten Concerts" Part 1 "First New York Appearance" Brendan Byrne Arena (Meadowlands) 1987-10-10 master AUD tape

Now, THAT'S a mouthful! Let's call this, uhh... recorder 3. The one you haven't heard. That one.

I need to take you back, to when it was all new, to when the group hadn't played in seven years and nobody was sure they would play again, to where we could walk past scalpers commanding incredible prices, and say smiling "*I've* already GOT mine!" The excitement of that evening seemed to live among the crowd. You can hear it in their voices on this recording. Although loud, the audience is swimming with the music. The band seem equally as impressed and excited.

I hadn't listened to this recording in a very long time. To be truthful, I had difficulty in locating it. Instead of being separated, like all the other masters I have (hint hint), it was in another drawer in an old TDK vinyl box.

You won't be impressed - at first. Frankly, the fidelity of the audience alone does not sound great. But then that music settles in like a warm, cozy blanket, overwhelming and stunning the crowd. Remember, no one had heard them in so long. The recording sort of tucks you in and surrounds you. It seems to be everywhere you look. The vocals, although surrounded by echo, are in themselves rather clear. Although a bit flat, this is a great recording, to be blasted as loud as you can!

This concert was recorded on a unique cassette deck. Phenomenally expensive at $550 when it was bought around 1983, this German Fisher walkman-style recorder had auto-reverse recording. It had the ability to sense when the foil was about to appear, and to madly switch directions on the spot. As a result, the two sides can be spliced with almost no loss of material. There is less than two seconds missing of this concert!

This torrent is the first part of two or three rather special Pink Floyd concerts. As you may have gathered, this show isn't in wide circulation. I don't know why.

You will notice that this show is rather different than the more-widespread 1994 tour. It simply isn't as polished and as tight sounding. To me, that's a relief. The later shows tend to sound rather clinical and airless to me, when compared to this performance. Do they to you also?


Signs Of Life
Learning To Fly
Yet Another Movie
A New Machine Part 1
Terminal Frost
A New Machine Part 2
Dogs of War
On The Turning Away


One Of These Days
On The Run
Wish You Were Here
Welcome To The Machine
Us And Them
Another Brick In The Wall
Comfortably Numb
One Slip
Run Like Hell

Lineage -> SA90 x2 Tascam Pro 112 MkII with line balanced outputs->Sound Forge ->Flac

There was no sound card used. The new setup goes directly to the bus.

Enjoy! (part 2 is coming... sometime... )

A DoinkerTape


For the first time in the history of all that is Pink Floyd, HHO is proud to present the most complete version of the Atlanta Omni footage. This video contains the complete performance of the A Momentary Lapse of Reason album and all of the classic Floyd songs performed except Welcome To The Machine, Another Brick in the Wall part 2, and Money. The source for the DVD is from a VHS tape, the video is near broadcast quality.

DVD 1:
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Signs Of Life
Learning To Fly
Yet Another Movie/Round and Around
A New Machine Part 1
Terminal Frost
A New Machine Part 2
The Dogs of War
On the Turning Away

DVD 2:
One of these Days
On the Run
Wish you were Here
Us and Them
Comfortably Numb

Thanks to these people from Yeeshkul:
DVD Authoring by Sydb
Video capture by Arnold_Layne
Artwork by Gabi

This dvd supercedes HHODVD001 - Omnipresent.
Disc 1
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond I-V
2. Signs of Life
3. Learning to Fly
4. Yet Another Movie > Round and Round
5. A New Machine I
6. Terminal Frost
7. A New Machine II
8. Sorrow
9. The Dogs of War
10. On the Turning Away

Disc 2
1. One of These Days
2. Time
3. On the Run
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Welcome to the Machine
6. Us and Them
7. Money
8. Another Brick in the Wall part 2
9. Comfortably Numb

Tracked by Marek (EAC > Adobe Audition > FLAC) July 2005
Sound: A+ (may contain SBEs but I didn't hear them)
Show: A
DVD-R transfer from OOP Laserdisc

Pink Floyd "The Forgotten Concerts" Part 3 "The Unreleased Pre-Concert Tape" Frankfurt Festhalle 1989-06-21 master AUD tape Burnable Version

Here are the original notes for that torrent.

						This concert is for Shuki Sen

Welcome to perhaps the final part of the "Forgotten Concerts" series,and the rarest of the three shows. The entire 1989 European tour is rare to collectors, and this show has something even more special. For a while before the concert, there was a custom tape played for the audience. It consists of, for lack of better words to describe it, a jungle with birds and thunderstorms and airplanes buzzing the audience. This tape, I have found out, was made by Mr. Gilmour and Co. especially for this show series. I had the good fortune of capturing almost the entire thing from the audience. I'd like to give it to all of you as sort of a present for sticking with me for the previous two torrents.

For me, this concert has much more emotional baggage surrounding it, perhaps more than anything else I've ever uploaded. The mechanics of digitizing, splitting, and uploading it were very easy. What's becoming much more difficult is in describing the circumstances around it in a manner which you will also understand:

I had left the American Air Force in 1983. After actually being in Wiesbaden when the American hostages returned home after 444 days in Iran, and then later, under different circumstances, being group-forced to sign papers (discredited by the Reagan administration after the news media got hold of them) stating that anything I might publish be first cleared by the CIA, I was emotionally and physically drained. Germany, which had been fun for an American serviceman in 1978, had turned into an unhappy, oppressive experience. Anti-American feelings were peaking, in a way that hasn't repeated itself in Germany. There were "No Americans" signs posted in many places, people wouldn't talk to you, you couldn't go downtown because quote "50,000 people were demonstrating in an anti-American rally", my car was vandalized, courses in "counter-terrorist driving" were given, we all had to carry cards which identified Russian diplomats and we had to know how to stop them... it went on and on, and I'm not even describing the asshole management for my particular job. 

You get the picture. When I left in 1983, I swore I would never go back.

I did have one tiny advantage while I was there. I wanted to know what people around me were saying, especially about me. I took a German class to get started. Get this: My instructor spoke English with a British accent. I *learned* German with a British accent! I could sometimes pass myself off as British in a Gasthaus and let my guard down a little. There, I learned one thing I want to pass on to you, before we get to the concert: The news, as broadcasted on television and written in the newspapers, is a slice of a much larger pie. No matter which angle your particular country, or television station, or newspaper, or fellow man spouts, it's just a cut. And, sometimes, a really small, vicious one at that.

While in Germany, I found a thriving underground music-collecting scene. Especially at the flea-markets on specific Saturdays, there were many live-tape traders. I have talked about that in great detail in previous torrents. One of them has stayed with me, for life it seems. He supplied the LPS for the "Pictures of Pink Floyd" restoration project. This is sort of my gift back to him as well.

I met my ex-wife in Germany as well. Her American father and German mother lived in Mainz, across the water from Wiesbaden. She would go back on a yearly basis, but I never would. What finally got me to go in 1989, was reconnecting with my German trading friend, and this concert.

The Germany I found as an ex-serviceman in 1989 was far different than the one I had left in 1983. Many of the US Service Bases, which had been in existence since 1946, were in the process of being closed. "The Problem" was leaving, in droves, never to come back. The few military people I did meet were living a more comfortable lifestyle, as the pressure that had existed for me was no longer. When I returned again in 1997, one of the places I had been was now unrecognizable as apartments, another had tall weeds growing in the broken pavement. The enormous building there, built by the French for the Kaiser, and later used by the SS, was now rotting in the breeze with broken windows. 

So be it.

There was a problem to record concerts at the Frankfurt Festhalle in 1989. The security there was very tight, and all bags were inspected. There was one oddity, though. You couldn't bring in recording equipment, of course, but you could bring in your lunch or dinner.

When I was growing up, there were these great cookies called Lorna Doones. They were two flaky crackers with a lemon filling. They were also roughly the same size as cassettes. After scouring a German marketplace, I found an equivalent. The end of the package was carefully peeled open with a kitchen knife, about half of the cookies were removed (several were eaten), the bare, wrapped cassettes were put into the middle, and the remainder of the cookies were put back on top. When the package was closed, it was undetectable.

Three enormous rolls were bought at the corner bakery. Two of them were stuffed with meat, cheeses, and mustard. They were wrapped in aluminum foil. The third roll was hollowed out, and the cassette deck was put inside. As the shape was somewhat different, plastic bags were rolled and put into the sides before the third roll was wrapped. From outside appearances, you couldn't tell them apart. Even the weight was about the same, I later had trouble figuring out which one was not to eat. It passed through security without them taking a second look inside the bag. I had made a point of not speaking to the guards.

Devious little sucker, eh? Auf Die Krumme Tour!

The Frankfurt Festhalle, if you have never been there, looks like an American high-school gymnasium, or a basketball court with no seats on the sides. It has a small balcony upstairs which runs along all four walls. The roof has a small rotunda in the middle. The acoustics are horrible. There were also no seats on the floor downstairs, and the concert was general admission, meaning that you could be anywhere you wanted to be. The show was set up for quadrophonic sound. There were speakers on the sides, in the back, and across the stage. Since most of the earlier Pink Floyd audience recordings were missing some of the effects, I chose to stand square in the middle of the hall, near the mixer. Unfortunately, the vocals were mixed to the front only. It shows in the resulting recording. The instrumentation is really, really clear, but the vocals are slightly down and echoey in the mix.

I had this thing at the time about absolute quality in recording. I had borrowed this stupid duck-bill yellow baseball cap, which I wore at the show. It was the only baseball cap I could find. There were none in the stores. The microphone was clipped facing upward on the brim, and I stood motionless for the three hours of this show in one position.

This tape still sounds mighty fine after all these years. I hope you enjoy it.

Lineage 2x Denon HD-M 100 Metal cassettes ->German Fisher deck with auto-reverse record->Sound Forge 6.0 ->Flac

This concert was converted to 16 bit using Sound Forge's Noise Shaping Technology.


"The Tape"
Signs Of Life
Learning To Fly
Yet Another Movie
A New Machine Pt 1
Terminal Frost
A New Machine Pt 2
Dogs Of War
On The Turning Away
One Of These Days
On The Run
The Great Gig In The Sky
Wish You Were Here
Welcome To The Machine
Us And Them
Another Brick In The Wall
Comfortably Numb
One Slip
Run Like Hell

There are occasional distortions, but they are caused by the audience only. The music is fine.


A DoinkerTape
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Great Gig in the Sky
Wish You Were Here
Comfortably Numb
Run Like Hell

Label KTS 294/95

Original silver CD-DA>Plextor Premium CD-R->EAC 0.95b3->wav 44/16-> Trader's Little Helper>FLAC level 6


      Disc 1:
       1. Astronomy Domine                      4:01
       2. Learning To Fly                       5:14
       3. What Do You Want From Me              4:17
       4. Take It Back                          6:11
       5. Lost For Words                        6:09
       6. Sorrow                                9:48
       7. A Great Day For Freedom               5:00
       8. Keep Talking                          6:57
       9. One Of These Days                     6:09
      10. Shine On You Crazy Diamond I-V       11:31
      11. Breathe                               2:51
      12. Time/Breathe Reprise                  7:04

      Disc 2:
       1. High Hopes*                           8:17
       2. Wish You Were Here                    6:17
       3. Another Brick In The Wall II          6:27
       4. The Great Gig In The Sky              4:47
       5. Us And Them                           7:58
       6. Money                                 8:56
       7. Comfortably Numb                      8:52
       8. Hey You                               4:37
       9. Run Like Hell                         7:25
      10. Astronomy Domine I   **               4:03
      11. Astronomy Domine II  **               5:17

Artwork included

      David Gilmour  Guitars, vocals
      Nick Mason     Drums
      Rick Wright    Keyboards, vocals

      Guy Pratt    Bass/vocals        Durga McBroom     Backing vocals
      Jon Carin    Keyboards/vocals   Sam Brown         Backing vocals
      Tim Renwick  Guitars            Claudia Fontaine  Backing vocals
      Gary Wallis  Percussion         Dick Parry        Saxophones

High Hopes (*) has an edit near the beginning that is present on the original CD. The bonus tracks (**) are from the sound check.

Markbot's comments: I bought this at the beginning of the 1994 tour and was very happy with the sound quality. It claims to be a DDD recording, but who knows. Now you have it for free.

Uploaded by Markbot 08/03/06
Unknown Linage
Incredible Audience Recording
Artwork Included


Disc 01
01. Astronomy Domine
02. Learning To Fly
03. What Do You Want From Me
04. On The Turning Away
05. Take It Back
06. Coming Back To Life
07. Sorrow
08. Keep Talking
09. One Of These Days
10. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)
11. Breathe

Disc 02
01. Time
02. High Hopes
03. The Great Gig In The Sky
04. Wish You Were Here
05. Us And Them
06. Money
07. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
08. Comfortably Numb
09. Hey You
10. Run Like Hell

I believe that this is the remastered version of the boot called “Pigs Over Beantown”, being that the original digital source has been cleaned up.  I didn’t think that it was possible to improve on the “Pigs” quality, but here it is.  If I am incorrect, I am sure that someone will let me know.

Enjoy…share freely!


1)  Astronomy Domine
2)  Learning to Fly
3)  What Do You Want From Me
4)  On the Turning Way
5)  Take It Back
6)  Coming Back to Life
7)  Sorrow
8)  Keep Talking
9)  One of These Days
10)  Shine On YOu Crazy Diamond
11)  Breath in the Air


1)  Time
2)  High Hopes
3)  The Great Gig in the Sky
4)  Wish You Were Here
5)  Us and Them
6)  Money
7)  Another Brick in the Wall
8)  Comfortably Numb
9)  Hey You
10  Run Like Hell
11)   Eclipse - Bonus Track ***

'*** Recorded July 18, 1994 at Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ ***
Just a fantastic analog recording I played over and over again. Dead center 
32 rows back main floor front of board. It has to be one of the best from 
the tour. My buddy Rusty got every recording from the tour and has repeated 
over and over that this one beats them all! This is the debut of the master 
CDR version from the master tapes right here. I was very excited dropping this
baby down. This will crank on your best stereo system more then three times. 
Gilmour at his best sound on this one. I did have to cut some of the crowd 
between the encores to fit on these one of a kind Golds TY.


Main floor centre about 30 rows front of mixing board.
Recorder: Sony TC-D5M analog cassette:
Tape: Sony UX-Pro 100 minute tape recorded side A only!
Mics: AKG 414 ULS-B (cardioid) Using AKG B-18 48-volt Phantom Power boxes

**Played back on identical machine>**
Pre-amp: Naim NAC 52
CDR Recorder: Marantz CDR-600 (original Philips).
CDR: Taiyo Yuden Gold Satin 74-ZY
PC Drive: UltraPlex40max SCSI
EAC (1.8X speed extract OR slower)> FLAC> To You Guys, enjoy, RB

All my uploads are exactly as the master...RAW! This includes all
if any...gaps, cut songs, pops and bad tracking. But if I were you,
don't let this discourage you to download.

Astronomy Domine
Learning To Fly
What Do You Want From Me
On The Turning Away
Poles Apart
Take It Back
Keep Talking
One Of These Days
Shine On You Crazy Diamond I-V
Breathe (reprise)
High Hopes
The Great Gig In The Sky
One Slip
Us And Them
Wish You Were Here
Another Brick In The Wall Part 2
Comfortably Numb
Hey You
Run Like Hell
01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
02. Learning To Fly
03. What Do You Want From Me?
04. On The Turning Away
05. Poles Apart
06. Take It Back
07. Sorrow
08. Keep Talking
09. One Of These Days
10. Astronomy Domine

01. Breathe
02. Time
03. Breathe (reprise)
04. High Hopes
05. The Great Gig In The Sky
06. Wish You Were Here
07. Us And Them
08. Money
09. Another Brick In The Wall
10. Comfortably Numb
11. Hey You
12. Run Like Hell

Total length: 152 min 22 sec

David Gilmour - vocals, guitars
Richard Wright - keyboards, vocals
Nick Mason - drums, percussion
Tim Renwick - guitars
Jon Carin - keyboards, vocals
Gary Wallis - percussion 
Guy Pratt - bass, vocals
Dick Parry - saxophone
Durga McBroom - backing vocals
Sam Brown - backing vocals
Claudia Fontaine - backing vocals
Source: unknown


01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond [13:00]
02. Learning To Fly [5:47]
03. What Do You Want From Me? [4:13]
04. On The Turning Away [7:21]
05. Take It Back [6:06]
06. Coming Back To Life [6:32]
07. Sorrow [11:09]
08. Keep Talking [7:17]
09. One Of These Days [8:12]


01. Astronomy Domine [4:37]
02. Breathe [2:55]
03. Time/Breathe (Reprise) [6:31]
04. High Hopes [7:49]
05. The Great Gig In The Sky [5:11]
06. Wish You Were Here [5:45]
07. Us And Them [6:26]
08. Money [9:48]
09. Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2) [7:25]
10. Comfortably Numb [10:52]
11. Hey You [5:11]
12. Run Like Hell [6:53]

Total Length: 149 Mins
Free Range Pigs (FRP CDR-024/25)

Disc One:
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
2. Learning To Fly
3. High Hopes
4. Take It Back
5. Coming Back To Life
6. Sorrow
7. Keep Talking
8. Another Brick In The Wall (Part Two)
9. One Of These Days

Disc Two:
1. Speak to Me - Breathe
2. On The Run
3. Time - Breathe (Reprise)
4. The Great Gig In The Sky
5. Money
6. Us And Them
7. Any Colour You Like
8. Brain Damage
9. Eclipse
10. Wish You Were Here
11. Comfortably Numb
12. Run Like Hell

In November of 2001, our friend David Le Hunte (aka Massed Gadget) sent us a copy of this show from
what was then known as the best recording of this date. I spent some time cleaning it up
and, ultimately, improved its sound quality. Notably, 'Speak To Me' was over seven minutes long with about six
minutes being just the heartbeat...

Anyway, back to our story. While on the job, our pal Gonzo set out to find the best possible recording, and
over time uncovered the master that we've used for this release. It comes from a generous taper who wishes
only to be known as JCE (oooh, the mystery) to us. However, he has our deepest thanks and appreciation for
this rare find. To my ears, this is the finest audience recording of the 1994 European Tour.

Show Notes:
This show was indeed the "Last Bell" to date for Pink Floyd as a group, as this is the final 1994 show that
they performed, as well as the last full performance of Dark Side Of The Moon. The show was a benefit for
Greenpeace, Amnesty International, and others. The recording is an enjoyable listen from start to finish.

Technical Notes:
This is a powerful document that stands on its own, since it is possibly one of the best audience recordings
of the 1994 Division Bell Tour. The crowd was rather quiet that night, which contributed to a very decent
recording that boasts excellent quality throughout. There is nice mix and balance throughout. The only very
minor wart is the short tape flip during the early lead-in to 'Sorrow'; other than that, the show is complete.

Taper's Comments:
This was the last of 14 nights that the Floyd performed at Earls Court, London, and the final night of the
Division Bell tour--and as of today, the last time that Pink Floyd played live. During the run of the shows,
the metal heads from the Division Bell album and CD cover were on the top of the entrance overhang at the
front of Earls Court, so as you came out of the tube station, they just loomed above you--they were huge!
The stone heads from the cassette cover, equally huge, were inside the foyer just behind one of the VW Golf
Pink Floyd cars that had been produced--I guess it was one of the 30 Golfs that were imported into the UK.

I had got a ticket for this night because my ticket for the second night (13/10/94) was in Stand 8 which had
collapsed on the opening night of the Earls Court shows (12/10/94). The two stands that collapsed weren’t
replaced until the 17th I think, which was the rescheduled date for the show cancelled on the 12th. I couldn’t
make that night--had to be back at work--but I was given a full refund AND a ticket exchange. The only show
for which they had tickets left was for the last night, and I jumped at the chance. So this was a free show for
me ;-)

The show was recorded on my old Aiwa personal stereo with an Aiwa mic that came with it. It was the one that I
used for quite a few of the '94 shows. The mic was a small stereo mic, which was clipped to the peak of a Pink
Floyd tour baseball cap. My seat was about midway back on the right hand side, on the first block that rose
from the floor--Block 6.

Whereas most of the '94 shows had the huge silver construction in the centre of the stadiums that included the
mixing desk and the glitter ball, at Earls Court that wasn’t there. The glitter ball was suspended from the
ceiling and was, in effect, upside down. When it came down and opened up, the effect was far better than at
any other venue that I saw the show. As during the Wall shows, the ceiling had loads of flags hanging
down--this time with the various head emblems that were on the artwork rather than the hammers. Apparently
they were there to help the sound!

For me, this was the best '94 show that I saw, the performance of DSOTM was great, and the band seemed to
really enjoy the show. Dave also embellished on quite a few tunes--'Sorrow', 'Run Like Hell' and 'One Of
These Days'. There was a much lighter mood in the arena. The shows following the stand collapse had a tense
atmosphere, and the performances were very staid and workmanlike, whereas this seemed to be a very relaxed

Dave’s comment at the end was one that he used a few times: “We’ll see you again one of these days,” which
seemed true at the time as there were rumours of a European tour in '95-like they had done in '89 after the
MLOR World Tour. At the very end of the show, after the encore and during the applause, the three backing
singers appeared on stage dressed in cleaning maid outfits and brooms and swept Dave, Nick and Rick off the

On leaving the arena, all I really noticed was that three banks of four searchlights--one at each side of
Earls Court and one on the roof--were shining their very powerful lights into the clear London sky, as people
made bleating noises as we were herded down into the tube station. Enjoy the show! JCE, 30/01/03

The exact lineage for this recording is: Aiwa Cassette>Aiwa Mic>Master Cassette>CDR>EAC>CEPro>CDWav>SHN.

Jim Canale (bigpig@freerangepigs.com) and Free Range Pigs would like to thank the following people
for their contributions to this effort:

JCE who recorded the show for us and preserved it flawlessly.
Massed Gadget who sparked our interest in this project and got us started on it.
The Pentagon Pig for providing Project Coordination and Quality Assurance.
Aleksi Manninen for providing us with the gorgeous Artwork.

Without these guys, none of this would have been possible.
This is a 644MB mpg file, capturing the entire Floyd set. I don't know the source (HDTV, web, etc.).

Speak To Me >
Wish You Were Here
Comfortably Numb

1 - Lucy Leave (uncredited) 02:51
2 - I'm a King Bee (written by Moore recorded by Slim Harpo) 03:03
Recorded : London, late 1965
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : "A Fish out of Water" RoIO CD & "Outtakes from Outer Space" RoIO CD
These two (unreleased) songs appear on a two-sided 7" acetate discovered early 1988.
Whilst some experts consider this as a fake, Miles reproduces in his book a setlist
including "Lucy Leave" for the gig the band played on October 14, 1966.

3 - Let's Roll Another One (Barrett) 03:09
Recorded : London, Mike Leonard's house, January 1967
Primary source : cassette recording
Source for the tree : unkown gen copy
Instrumental rehearsal for the song that later became "Candy and a Currant Bun". This
rehearsal took place at Mike Leonard's house and was recorded by Irene Winsby.

4 - Arnold Layne (Barrett) - acetate 02:34
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, January 23-25, 1967
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : "Anthology II" RoIO CD
Fades in 2 seconds after the actual start, strange edit skipping organ solo.

5 - Arnold Layne (Barrett) - mono 02:53
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, January 23-25, 1967
Primary source : "Arnold Layne" single (1st single), released March 11, 1967
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

6 - Arnold Layne (Barrett) - fake stereo 02:51
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, January 23-25, 1967
Primary source : "The Best of the Pink Floyd" compilation, released 1970
& "Masters of Rock" compilation, released 1973
Source for the tree : "Works" CD

7 - Candy and a Currant Bun (Barrett) - acetate 01:59
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, January 23-25, 1967
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : "Anthology II" RoIO CD
Alternate lyrics ("please just walk with me" while on the regular single version it's "please
just f*** with me"), different verse structure, no organ and guitar solos.
Some people refer to this version as being "Let's Roll Another One" from October 1966 sessions at
Thompson Recording Studios, but since the instrumental tracks are the same as the regular single
version, this probably comes from the same January 1967 sessions at Sound Techniques Studios.

8 - Candy and a Currant Bun (Barrett) - mono 02:43
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, January 23-25, 1967
Primary source : "Arnold Layne" single (1st single), released March 11, 1967
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD
On the "Masters of Rock" compilation released 1973, there was a mistake in the title:
"Candy and a Current Bun".

9 - Interstellar Overdrive (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) - demo 06:57
Recorded : ?
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy
This obscure demo is probably a fake. However, it has acquired a certain fame in the
trading circle of Pink Floyd fans. We included it here, in order to let you make your own
opinion. Some say it was recorded on a cheap cassette recorder, by two guys playing
guitar simultaneously, sometime during the 80s. Note that the first riff after the intro is
identical to the bass riff that can be heard on the "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" version,
and that earlier versions of the song (on "San Francisco" soundtrack or "Tonite Let's All
Make Love in London" soundtrack) don't contain this particular riff. This leads to the
conclusion that this "demo" was probably recorded after the release of "The Piper At The
Gates Of Dawn" album.

10 - Interstellar Overdrive (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) - CBC version 10:43
Recorded : London, early January 1967
Primary source : CBC Canadian Radio broadcast, early 1967
Source for the tree : "Stone Rust" RoIO CD & "Dark Globe" RoIO CD
& "The Sights And Sounds Of Syd Barrett's Pink Floyd" RoIO CD
This obscure studio version of "Interstellar Overdrive" was used during an interview
broadcast in early 1967 by CBC Canadian Radio.

11 - Interstellar Overdrive (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) - Abbey Road outtake 00:40
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, March 14-15, 1967
Primary source : Capital Radio broadcast ("Pink Floyd Story"), December 1976 - January 1977
Source for the tree : unknown gen from Capital Radio broadcast
Outtake from "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" sessions.

12 - Interstellar Overdrive (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) - mono single version 05:13
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, March 14-15, 1967
Primary source : "Arnold Layne" French EP, released 1967
Source for the tree : "Anthology II" RoIO CD
This version is unique, because it only contains the basic track, without overdubs. It
fades out before the actual end of the song.

13 - Scarecrow (Barrett) - Abbey Road outtake 01:05
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, March 19-20, 1967
Primary source : Capital Radio broadcast ("Pink Floyd Story"), December 1976 - January 1977
Source for the tree : unknown gen from Capital Radio broadcast
Outtake from "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" sessions. All the instruments are heavily
undermixed. This is nearly an unplugged version ?.

14 - Scarecrow (Barrett) - mono 02:07
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, March 19-20, 1967
Primary source : "See Emily Play" single (2nd single), released June 16, 1967
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

15 - Astronomy Dominé (Barrett) - Abbey Road outtake 03:26
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, April 11-12, 1967
Primary source : Capital Radio broadcast ("Pink Floyd Story"), December 1976 - January 1977
Source for the tree : unknown gen from Capital Radio broadcast
Outtake from "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" sessions. It includes an interview with
Floyd's manager Peter Jenner.

16 - See Emily Play (Barrett) - actetate 02:49
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, May 18 & 21, 1967
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : "Dawn Of The Piper" RoIO CD
This version is very close to the regular one, there are only slight changes in the mix
(vocals are undermixed, organ is more in the front...) and the very end is uncut.

17 - See Emily Play (Barrett) - mono 02:52
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, May 18 & 21, 1967
Primary source : "See Emily Play" single (2nd single), released June 16, 1967
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

18 - See Emily Play (Barrett) - fake stereo 02:49
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, May 18 & 21, 1967
Primary source : "The Best of the Pink Floyd" compilation, released 1970
& "Masters of Rock" compilation, released 1973
Source for the tree : "A CD Full of Secrets" CD

19 - Flaming (Barrett) - mono 02:43
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 7 & 27, 1967
Primary source : "Flaming" US single (3rd US single), released November 2, 1967.
Source for the tree : "A CD Full of Secrets" CD
"Flaming" was not on the first US release of "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" album, and
was then released as a single. This version is different from the regular (stereo) mix:
background noises are mixed much louder.
In fact, this version is identical to the version on the mono edition of "The Piper at the Gates of
Dawn" album. Curiously, on the 30th Anniversary Mono Edition CD released in 1997, one chord of
the final chords sequence was edited out.

20 - Untitled (uncredited) 01:31
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, 1967
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Dawn Of The Piper" RoIO CD
This untitled outtake was probably recorded around the same time "Jugband Blues" and
"Vegetable Man" were recorded.
On a lot of circulating copies, the title of this outtake is "Sunshine", but it's wrong ("Sunshine" was
a working title for something that was later included in "Matilda Mother", and no outtake ever
surfaced for this track). On some other copies, the title of this outtake is "Experiment".

21 - Silas Lang (Barrett) 02:39
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, 1967 or 1968
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Vegetable Man, Where Are You" RoIO LP
There's a strong debate about the exact origin of this obscure outtake. Some think it was
recorded by the Floyd during the "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" sessions, in June 1967.
Other think it comes from a solo Barrett session in May 1968. This outtake contains the
early chords of Syd Barrett's song "Swan Lee (Silas Lang)". Note that the piano and jazz
tunes may be due to a technical error while dubbing the original multitrack master tape
onto cassette.

22 - Scream Thy Last Scream (Barrett) - mono 04:27
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, August 7-8, 1967
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy
This was intended to be the A-side of Pink Floyd's fourth single (after "Apples and
Oranges" single). But due to Syd's departure from the band, it remained unreleased.


1 - Scream Thy Last Scream (Barrett) - stereo 04:30
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, August 7-8, 1967
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : "Dawn Of The Piper" RoIO CD
On this version, the instruments and vocals are mainly mono. However, some stereo
effects can be heard, especially on the background noises (high pitched voices).

2 - Vegetable Man (Barrett) - mono 02:23
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, September 5-6, 1967
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : "Magnesium Proverbs" RoIO CD
This was intended to be the B-side of "Scream Thy Last Scream" single.

3 - Vegetable Man (Barrett) - alternate mono 02:28
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, September 5-6, 1967
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy
Alternate mono version, with more laughter at the end, without echo and delay.

4 - Vegetable Man (Barrett) - stereo 02:23
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, September 5-6, 1967
Primary source : EMIdisc acetate
Source for the tree : "Dawn Of The Piper" RoIO CD
Stereo version, with background vocals and delays effects mixed louder.

5 - Remember A Day (Wright) - mono short version 02:39
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, October 5-6, 1967
Primary source : "Remember A Day" US promo single, released August 19, 1968
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from "Remember A Day" promo single
This version fades out before the last verse.

6 - Apples and Oranges (Barrett) - mono 03:03
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, October 30 - November 1, 1967
Primary source : "Apples and Oranges" UK single (3rd UK single), released November 18, 1967
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

7 - Apples and Oranges (Barrett) - stereo 03:00
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, October 30 - November 1, 1967
Primary source : "The Best of the Pink Floyd" compilation, released 1970
& "Masters of Rock" compilation, released 1973
Source for the tree : "A CD Full of Secrets" CD
Curiously, on "A CD Full of Secrets", the right and left channels were inverted, comparing to the
original stereo version on "The Best of the Pink Floyd" and "Masters of Rock".

8 - Paint Box (Wright) - mono 03:44
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, October 30 - November 1, 1967
Primary source : "Apples and Oranges" UK single (3rd UK single), released November 18, 1967
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

9 - Paint Box (Wright) - stereo 03:30
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, October 30 - November 1, 1967
Primary source : "The Best of the Pink Floyd" compilation, released 1970
& "Masters of Rock" compilation, released 1973
Source for the tree : "Relics" CD
Faster ending fade out.

10 - Let There Be More Light (Waters) - mono edit 02:59
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January 17-18, 1968
Primary source : "Remember A Day" US promo single, released August 19, 1968
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from "Remember A Day" promo single
There's an edit during the intro, the 2nd verse ("Now is the time to be aware...") is
missing, the beginning of the instrumental part after the last verse was cut, and there's
an early fade out.

11 - Corporal Clegg (Waters) - video version 02:50
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January 31, 1968
Primary source : Belgian promo video
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from Belgian promo video
This mono version has an alternate ending: the last chorus (just after "His boots were
very clean") and the following instrumental part are alternate takes from the regular

12 - It Would Be So Nice (Wright) - mono 03:43
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, February 12-13 & March 5-12-21, 1968
Primary source : "It Would Be So Nice" single (4th single), released April 12, 1968
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD
Due to the "Evening Standard" mention in the original lyrics, the Floyd was forced to
return in the studio to change it into "Daily Standard". The original "Evening Standard"
version doesn't seem to have surfaced.

13 - It Would Be So Nice (Wright) - promo edit 03:12
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, February 12-13 & March 5-12-21, 1968
Primary source : "It Would Be So Nice" UK promo single, released April 12, 1968
Source for the tree : ?
The central "It would be so nice" chorus is only sung once, and the first lines of the
second verse ("Everybody cares about the weather ... what a waste of time") are edited.

14 - It Would Be So Nice (Wright) - fake stereo 03:39
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, February 12-13 & March 5-12-21, 1968
Primary source : "The Best of the Pink Floyd" compilation, released 1970
& "Masters of Rock" compilation, released 1973
Source for the tree : "A CD Full of Secrets" CD
Curiously, on "A CD Full of Secrets", the right and left channels were inverted, comparing to the
original fake stereo version on "The Best of the Pink Floyd" and "Masters of Rock".

15 - Julia Dream (Waters) - demo 03:14
Recorded : ?
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy
This obscure demo is probably a fake. However, it has acquired a certain fame in the
trading circle of Pink Floyd fans. We included it here, in order to let you make your own
opinion. It has surfaced on the same tape that contains the (fake) demo of "Interstellar
Overdrive" (one can hear the beginning of "Interstellar Overdrive" right after the end of
"Julia Dream"). So, this was probably recorded by the same guys.

16 - Julia Dream (Waters) - mono 02:31
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, February 12-13 & March 23, 1968
Primary source : "It Would Be So Nice" single (4th single), released April 12, 1968
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

17 - Julia Dream (Waters) - stereo 02:35
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, February 12-13 & March 23, 1968
Primary source : "Relics" compilation, released May 14, 1971
Source for the tree : "Relics" CD

18 - Point Me at the Sky (Waters, Gilmour) - mono 03:35
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 3-4, 1968
Primary source : "Point Me at the Sky" UK single (5th UK single), released December 17, 1968
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

19 - Point Me at the Sky (Waters, Gilmour) - fake stereo 03:32
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 3-4, 1968
Primary source : "A CD Full of Secrets" promo sampler CD, released 1992
Source for the tree : "A CD Full of Secrets" CD

20 - Careful with that Axe, Eugene (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) - mono 05:43
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 3-4, 1968
Primary source : "Point Me at the Sky" UK single (5th UK single), released December 17, 1968
Source for the tree : "The Pink Floyd Early Singles" CD

21 - Careful with that Axe, Eugene (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) - stereo 05:42
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 3-4, 1968
Primary source : "Relics" compilation, released May 14, 1971
Source for the tree : "Relics" CD

1 - Astronomy Dominé (Barrett) - live short version 04:00
Recorded : live, Bromley, Technical College, April 26, 1969
& Birmingham, Mother's Club, April 27, 1969
& Manchester, College of Commerce, May 2, 1969
Primary source : "The New Spirit of Capitol" sampler, released 1969?
Source for the tree : "The New Spirit of Capitol" sampler
"Ummagumma" live version with early fade out.

2 - Embryo (Waters) 04:37
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, April - June 1969
Primary source : "Picnic - A Breath of Fresh Air" Harvest sampler, released June 1970
Source for the tree : "Works" CD
This version is often considered as a demo. In fact, it was recorded during the
"Ummagumma" studio sessions at Abbey Road, but it was not included on the album,
because the band later decided to organise the studio disc in four parts (one part for
each member). This song first appeared in June 1970 on "Picnic - A Breath of Fresh Air"
Harvest sampler, without the band's agreement. In 1983, this version was included on
"Works" Canadian compilation, this time with the band's agreement.

3 - Biding My Time (Waters) 05:14
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, April - June 1969
Primary source : "Relics" compilation, released May 14, 1971
Source for the tree : "Relics" CD
This is the other song that was recorded during the "Ummagumma" studio sessions, but
was not included on the album. This track was part of "The Man & the Journey" concept
suite that the Floyd used to perform in 1969.

Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered together in a Cave and Grooving with a Pict
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, April - June 1969
Primary source : "Ummagumma" album, released October 25, 1969
Source for the tree : "Ummagumma" 1994 remaster CD
Length :
4 - "this is pretty avant-garde isn't it" 00:09
During Roger Waters' speech at 04:32, this sentence can be heard on the right channel
(you have to play the song at half speed to hear it properly).
5 - "and the wind cried ... " 00:06
There was a strong debate about what Roger says at the very end of the track: "And the
wind cried Mary ? Marion ? Back ? ". Make your own opinion before Dave thanks you ;-)
Note : it is also said that at some point Roger says "Bring Back My Guitar", but we haven't been
able to find this sentence during the song (or nothing that could be clearly identified as this).

6 - Moonhead (uncredited) 05:47
Recorded : July 10, 1969
Primary source : BBC TV broadcast, July 20, 1969
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy
This unreleased track was recorded by the band for the BBC TV broadcast during the
night of the first moon landing (July 20, 1969). The show was subtitled "What if it's just
green cheese". Note that the bass line later developed into the central part of "Money".

Atom Heart Mother (Mason, Gilmour, Waters, Wright, Geesin) - announcements
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, 1970
Primary source : "Atom Heart Mother" album, released October 10, 1970
Source for the tree : "Atom Heart Mother" remaster CD
7 - "here's a loud announcement" 00:05
This sentence was probably said by Ron Geesin (co-composer of the track) and can be
heard at 17:28.
8 - "silence in the studio" 00:06
Another sentence by Ron Geesin. Can be heard at 19:08

9 - Green is the Colour (Waters) - live 03:52
10 - Careful with that Axe, Eugene (Waters, Wright, Gilmour, Mason) - live short version 03:42
11 - Embryo (Waters) - live short version 02:08
12 - Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (Waters) - live short version 05:19
Recorded : live, Hamburg, Muzikhalle, Grosser Saal, February 25, 1971
Primary source : "Hamburger" RoIO LP
Source for the tree : "Pink Floyd In Concerto" Italian single
These 4 tracks come from an Italian single entitled "Pink Floyd In Concerto" that was
released as a bonus with the "Gong" magazine, sometimes in the 70's. This one plays
extracts from a bootleg LP ("Hamburger"). When the powers that be found it was
bootlegged music, they tried to stop the magazine selling, but some copies went through.
The single was later re-released as a bonus with another bootleg LP ("A Special Treat").
Here's what the front cover of the single says: "Supplemento al No 1 anno 4o di 'GONG'
mensile di musica e cultura progressiva. 'PINK FLOYD IN CONCERTO' 16 minuti di musica
live da monaco di baviera".

13 - "Relics" radio advert #1 00:58
14 - "Relics" radio advert #2 00:58
Recorded : ?
Primary source : radio broadcast
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from radio broadcast

15 - "Meddle" radio advert 00:57
Recorded : ?
Primary source : radio broadcast
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from radio broadcast

16 - One of These Days (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) - demo #1 04:49
Recorded : 1971?
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Granny Takes A Trip" RoIO CD
Nick Mason's words "One of these days I'm going to cut you into little pieces" are
repeated all through the song. The voice in the background all along the track is the one
of Jimmy Young, an English DJ who was disliked by the band and is the inspiration for
the song. This Jimmy Young speech was also used during live performances in late 1974,
when the band played a tape of this speech (in loop mode, with increasing tempo) before
the song "Raving and Drooling" (early version of "Sheep").

17 - One of These Days (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) - demo #2 06:49
Recorded : 1971?
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Granny Takes A Trip" RoIO CD
This second demo is more structured, and Jimmy Young is not talking in the background.
Note that some Floyd experts think these 2 demos could be a fake.

18 - One of These Days (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) - mono edit 03:28
Recorded : London, Morgan Studios, 1971
Primary source : "One Of These Days" US promo single, released 1971
Source for the tree : "One Of These Days" US promo single
Various short edits all along the song.

19 - Fearless (Gilmour, Waters) - mono edit 03:13
Recorded : London, 1971
Primary source : "One Of These Days" US promo single, released 1971
Source for the tree : "One Of These Days" US promo single
There's only one verse, which is mainly the first verse of the original version (until "just
wait a while for the right day"), where the last lines were replaced by those of the second
verse ("and as you rise ... faces in the crowd"). This version also fades out early.

20 - Roger the Hat interview 07:30
Recorded : 1972
Primary source : Capital Radio broadcast ("Pink Floyd Story"), December 1976 - January 1977
Source for the tree : unknown gen from Capital Radio broadcast
All though "The Dark Side of the Moon" album, you can hear the voices of people
interviewed by the band. Here, Roger the Hat (who was a roadie for various rock bands)
is interviewed by Roger Waters. On the album, you can hear his voice during "On the
Run" ("Live for today, gone tomorrow, that's me, hahaha…") and during "Us And Them"
("Short, sharp shock …").


1 - Breathe (Waters, Gilmour, Wright) - mono 02:51
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "The Dark Side Of The Moon" US promo EP, released 1973
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from "Breathe" promo single

2 - On the Run (Gilmour, Waters) - outtake 06:10
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 1972
Primary source : "Live At Pompeii" film
Source for the tree : "Live At Pompeii" LaserDisc
Studio outtake with interview segments. You can hear a keyboard jam in the first part
and then a nearly finished mix in the second part.

3 - Time (Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour) - demo 06:05
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "From the Other Side" RoIO CD
Rough mix from "The Dark Side of the Moon" recording sessions. Longer rototom intro.
The instrumental part after "you missed the starting gun" has no guitar solo. It fades out
at the beginning of "Breathe - reprise" (just before the words "Home, home again").

4 - Time (Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour) - stereo edit 03:26
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "Us And Them" single, released 1973
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from "Us And Them" single
Shorter rototom intro, most of the central guitar solo is missing, rototom outro in place of
"Breathe - reprise".

5 - Time (Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour) - mono edit 03:32
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "The Dark Side Of The Moon" US promo EP, released 1973
Source for the tree : "The Dark Side Of The Moon" US promo EP
Same as previous edit: shorter rototom intro, most of the central guitar solo is missing,
rototom outro in place of "Breathe - reprise".

6 - Money (Waters) - demo 01:38
Recorded : 1971
Primary source : BBC Radio One interview with David Gilmour, broadcast July 28, 1992
Source for the tree : "Pinkie Milkie" RoIO CD
Extract of Roger's early demo of the song. He plays a double tracked acoustic guitar
while singing over the top.

7 - Money (Waters) - stereo edit 03:59
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "Money" single, released May 5, 1973
Source for the tree : "Money" 1993 UK Promo CD
The intro is shorter, the central part of the sax solo is edited, as well as parts 2 & 3 of the
guitar solo (quiet part and theme reprise).

8 - Money (Waters) - "soft" stereo edit 04:02
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "Money" US promo single, released May 1973
Source for the tree : "Money" US promo single
Same as previous edit, plus "shit" edit during the sentence "Don't give me that do goody
good bullshit".

9 - Money (Waters) - "soft" mono edit 03:59
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "Money" US promo single, released May 1973
Source for the tree : "Money" US promo single
Same as previous edit: the intro is shorter, the central part of the sax solo is edited, as
well as parts 2 & 3 of the guitar solo and the word "shit" during the sentence "Don't give
me that do goody good bullshit".

10 - Money (Waters) - alternate "soft" mono edit 03:10
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "The Dark Side Of The Moon" US promo EP, released 1973
Source for the tree : "The Dark Side Of The Moon" US promo EP
Shorter intro, no sax solo, edited guitar solo, plus "shit edit" during the sentence "Don't
give me that do goody good bullshit".

11 - Us And Them (Waters, Wright) - demo 05:27
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "From the Other Side" RoIO CD
Sax solo is not mixed on and off, no echo on vocals, different piano part at the end.

12 - Us And Them (Waters, Wright) - outtake 06:10
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 1972
Primary source : "Live At Pompeii" film
Source for the tree : "Live At Pompeii" LaserDisc
Studio outtake with interview segments. The work in progress…
Note that in the film (at 04:05), an extract of "Eclipse" is inserted before David Gilmour
says "It's an imagery we'd like to dispel…". We have reported this extract at the end of
this disc.

13 - Us And Them (Waters, Wright) - stereo edit 03:18
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "Us And Them" US promo single, released February 4, 1974
Source for the tree : "Us And Them" US promo single
Various short edits during sax solos, no third verse, fade out during piano solo.

14 - Us And Them (Waters, Wright) - mono edit 03:18
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "The Dark Side Of The Moon" US promo EP, released 1973
Source for the tree : "Us And Them" US promo single
Same as previous edit: various short edits during sax solos, no third verse, fade out
during piano solo.

15 - Brain Damage / Eclipse (Waters) - demo 03:24
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "From the Other Side" RoIO CD
Fades in the middle of the song. No laughter after the first sentence. Guitar solo all along
the track. No voice during the bridge between "Brain Damage" and "Eclipse".

16 - Brain Damage (Waters) - outtake 07:08
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 1972
Primary source : "Live At Pompeii" film
Source for the tree : "Live At Pompeii" LaserDisc
Studio outtake with interview segments. This version has guitar parts similar to the demo

17 - Brain Damage (Waters) - outtake 01:16
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, November 1972
Primary source : "Live At Pompeii" film
Source for the tree : "Live At Pompeii" LaserDisc
Length : 01:16
Studio outtake with interview segments. Slightly different bass line. Note that in the film
this track is inserted between the two "Us And Them" parts.

18 - Eclipse - "mysterious ending tiny music" 00:30
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, June 1972 - January 1973
Primary source : "The Dark Side of the Moon" album, released March 24, 1973
Source for the tree : "The Dark Side of the Moon" MFSL CD
At the very end of "The Dark Side of the Moon", you can hear at very low level (below
the tape hiss level) some notes of music. Some think it's a Beatles tune, some don't ;-).
Even if it's easier to remove it than keep it, all the remastered editions of the album have
this "default".

1 - Merry Xmas Song (uncredited) 02:05
Recorded : ?
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "All Movement is Accomplished" RoIO CD
Impromptu song, probably sung by Nick Mason, with John Peel and Alan Stiles (Floyd
roadie to whom the song "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast" on "Atom Heart Mother" album is
dedicated). Some say it was recorded during the Zabriskie Point sessions in Rome,
December 1969. Other think it's from 1974 or 1975. One thing is almost certain though:
it must have been recorded in December... ;-)

2 - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Gilmour, Waters, Wright) - part 1 03:52
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Have A Cigar" French single, released 1975
Source for the tree : "Have A Cigar" French single
It fades out just before "Syd's theme" (the "four notes" guitar riff).

3 - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Gilmour, Waters, Wright) - promo edit 06:09
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" promo single, released 1975
Source for the tree : "Anthology I" RoIO CD
This version fades in during Part 3 (last guitar solo before vocals), continues with the first
verse of Part 4 ("Remember when you were young ... you legend, you martyr, and
shine"), then jumps to Part 7 (third verse: "Nobody knows where you are ... for truth and
delusion, and shine"), and fades out during the end of Part 8.

4 - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Gilmour, Waters, Wright) - 1981 edit 10:35
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "A Collection of Great Dance Songs" compilation, released November 23, 1981
Source for the tree : "A Collection of Great Dance Songs" CD
Part 3 (last guitar solo before vocals) is skipped, Part 4 and Part 7 are linked (so that the
three verses are continuous), and there's a fade out after the last verse (just before Part

5 - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Gilmour, Waters, Wright) - UK short version 04:48
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Selected Tracks from Shine On" UK promo CD, released 1992
Source for the tree : "Selected Tracks from Shine On" UK promo CD
On the promo sampler, this version is called "radio edit", but it's in fact a short version of
the song (there is no "edit"): it fades in at the beginning of Part 4 ("Remember when you
were young ...") and fades out at the end of Part 5 (sax solo).

6 - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Gilmour, Waters, Wright) - US short version 05:13
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Shine On - Selections from the Box" US promo CD, released 1992
Source for the tree : "Shine On - Selections from the Box" US promo CD
This version is also called "radio edit" on the US promo sampler, although it's slightly
different from the "radio edit" on the UK promo sampler. Again, there's no "edit" and it's
in fact a short version: it fades in during the end of Part 3 (last guitar solo before vocals)
and fades out early during Part 5 (sax solo).

7 - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Gilmour, Waters, Wright) - "storm" mix 27:48
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy
Parts 1 to 9 linked together, remixed with storm noises in the background. It is said that
this track was remixed by or for the BBC, but it is probably a fake. However, it has
acquired a certain fame in the trading circle of Pink Floyd fans. We included it here, in
order to let you make your own opinion.

8 - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Gilmour, Waters, Wright) - "to the galaxy" 01:22
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" radio show
Source for the tree : unkown gen copy
During one of the scenes in the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" radio series (an
adaptation of Douglas Adams' novel), the opening of "Shine on you Crazy Diamond" can
be heard in the background and one of the characters (Arthur) says "Ford, do you realize
that robot can hum like Pink Floyd ?".

9 - Have A Cigar (Waters) - short version 04:13
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Have A Cigar" Italian single, released 1975.
Source for the tree : "Have A Cigar" Italian single
Note that the various European releases of this single have shorter or longer versions:
the French promo juke-box single is 04:50 long (it's nearly the complete version), the
Belgian single is 04:24 long and the Italian single is 04:13 long. All these European
versions fade out during the final guitar solo.

10 - Have A Cigar (Waters) - stereo edit 03:36
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Have A Cigar" US single, released November 15, 1975
Source for the tree : "Have A Cigar" US single
Four bars intro instead of eight bars (two small edits in the guitar and keyboards first
themes), plus an early fade out during the final guitar solo.

11 - Have A Cigar (Waters) - mono edit 03:33
Recorded : London, Abbey Road Studios, January - July 1975
Primary source : "Have A Cigar" US promo single, released November 15, 1975
Source for the tree : "Have A Cigar" US promo single
Same edit as above: four bars intro instead of eight bars, plus an early fade out during
the final guitar solo.


1 - "Animals" radio advert 00:57
Recorded : ?
Primary source : radio broadcast, 1977
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from radio broadcast

2 - Pigs on the Wing (Waters) - parts 1 & 2 03:21
Recorded : London, Britannia Row Studios, 1976
Primary source : "Animals" 8-tracks cartridge, released January 1977
Source for the tree : "Gold Top" Snowy White's compilation CD
On the US 8-tracks cartridge release of the "Animals" album, both parts of "Pigs on the
Wing" were linked by a guitar solo played by Snowy White. This enhanced track was only
released on CD in 1995, on Snowy White's compilation "Gold Top".

3 - Pigs (Three Different Ones) (Waters) - short version 04:05
Recorded : London, Britannia Row Studios, 1976
Primary source : "Pigs (Three Different Ones")" Brazilian promo single, released 1977
Source for the tree : "Pigs (Three Different Ones)" Brazilian promo single
This version fades out after the 2nd verse.

4 - The Wall - "loop message" 00:04
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "The Wall" album, released November 30, 1979
Source for the tree : "The Wall" MFSL CD
Roger says two bits of sentence at the very end and the very beginning of "The Wall":
"Isn't this where … we came in ?".

5 - Another Brick In The Wall part 2 (Waters) - single version 03:10
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" single, released November 16, 1979
Source for the tree : "Anthology I" RoIO CD
This version has four extra bars at the beginning (rhythm guitar intro that doesn't appear
on the album because of the abrupt transition between "The Happiest Days of our Lives"
and "Another Brick in the Wall part 2") and fades out during the guitar solo.

6 - Another Brick In The Wall part 2 (Waters) - 1981 single version 03:47
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "A Collection of Great Dance Songs" compilation, released November 23, 1981
Source for the tree : "A Collection of Great Dance Songs" CD
Same four bars intro as the original single version, but it fades out later, after the end of
the guitar solo (during the teacher's shouts).

7 - Empty Spaces - "backwards message" 00:19
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "The Wall" album, released November 30, 1979
Source for the tree : "The Wall" MFSL CD
There's a backwards message at the start of "Empty Spaces": "Congratulations, you have
just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer at the Funny Farm, care of
Old Pink, Chalfont". Then David shouts "Roger, Carolyne on the phone".

8 - Young Lust (Waters, Gilmour) - single version 03:56
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" Italian single, released 1979
Source for the tree : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" Italian single
+ "Off The Wall" US radio promo EP
This version has some unreleased intro bars (on the album the track starts with the
lyrics) and doesn't fade out with the phone call. Note that there's a special US promo mix
(on "Off The Wall" radio promo EP) that doesn't have the intro bars, but has the same

9 - One of my Turns (Waters) - single version 03:39
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" single, released November 16, 1979
Source for the tree : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" single
No intro crossfade with "Young Lust" (no phone tone at the beginning) nor outro
crossfade with "Don't Leave Me Now".

10 - Comfortably Numb (Gilmour, Waters) - demo 02:34
Recorded : 1978
Primary source : BBC Radio One interview with David Gilmour, broadcast July 28, 1992
Source for the tree : "Total Eclipse" RoIO CD
David Gilmour's demo tape.

11 - Comfortably Numb (Gilmour, Waters) - edit 03:57
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "Run Like Hell" US single, released June 1980
Source for the tree : "Run Like Hell" US single
Final guitar solo is stuck to the end of the first verse (no first guitar solo, no second

12 - Run Like Hell (Gilmour, Waters) - single version 03:40
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "Run Like Hell" US single, released June 1980
Source for the tree : "Run Like Hell" US single
No croud noise during intro and outro. Only one guitar theme before the first "Run, run,
run, run…" instead of two, but it is repeated twice at the end (after the scream) instead
of once. The "hunt" part is edited.

13 - Run Like Hell (Gilmour, Waters) - promo mix 04:42
Recorded : April - November 1979
Primary source : "Off The Wall" radio promo, released 1979
Source for the tree : "Off The Wall" radio promo
No crowd noise during intro and outro. Intro theme (before the guitar theme) is twice as
long as on the album. Guitar theme is repeated twice after the final scream, instead of

14 - Money (Waters) - 1981 version 06:41
Recorded : London, New Roydonia Studios, 1981
Primary source : "A Collection of Great Dance Songs" compilation, released November 23, 1981
Source for the tree : "A Collection of Great Dance Songs" CD
This is a new version, re-recorded by David Gilmour due to contractual reason.

15 - Money (Waters) - 1981 edit 05:33
Recorded : London, New Roydonia Studios, 1981
Primary source : "Money" UK single, released 1982
Source for the tree : "Anthology I" RoIO CD
No sax solo.

16 - When the Tigers Broke Free (Waters) - single version 02:53
Recorded : 1982
Primary source : "When the Tigers Broke Free" single, released July 26, 1982
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - The Wall Berlin '90" promo CD
This song is the only soundtrack extract from "The Wall" movie that was eventually
officially released. In the film, it was split into two parts (with more choir intro and
outro). The orchestra is mixed louder on this version, which also has more drum rolls.

17 - Bring the Boys Back Home (Waters) - single version 01:40
Recorded : 1982
Primary source : "When the Tigers Broke Free" single, released July 26, 1982
Source for the tree : "Total Eclipse" RoIO CD
This song was re-recorded for the film, without Roger's voice (there's only the choir). On
this single version, the orchestral bridge is longer than on the album version (also note
that the flute theme is not in the film version) and with three reprises of "Bring the boys
back home", when there's only one on the album.

18 - "The Final Cut" radio avert 01:05
Recorded : ?
Primary source : WKLS radio broadcast, Atlanta, March 17, 1983
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from radio broadcast

19 - Not Now John (Waters) - obscured version 04:23
Recorded : 1982
Primary source : "Not Now John" single, released April 30, 1983
Source for the tree : "A CD Full of Secrets" CD
Since the original version has lyrics that say "F*** all that", David Gilmour came back in
the studio to make a radio-friendly version ("Stuff all that") for the single release. Note
that they just recorded "Stuff all that" loud enough to drown the original, which is still
there. The intro is slightly different from the album version (no laugh), and this version
fades out before the lyrics "Where's the fucking bar John?".

20 - Not Now John (Waters) - promo edit 03:46
Recorded : 1982
Primary source : "Not Now John" Argentinian promo single, released 1983
Source for the tree : "Not Now John" Argentinian promo single
This version is not obscured (it has the F*** word). It begins directly with the vocals (no
intro), and the lines "Hold on John, I think there's something good on … it could be
reusable shows" were skipped.

21 - The Hero's Return (Waters) - parts 1 & 2 03:54
Recorded : 1982
Primary source : "Not Now John" single, released April 30, 1983
Source for the tree : "Total Eclipse" RoIO CD
The second part, with additional lyrics, is only available on the single.

1 - Learning to Fly (Gilmour, Ezrin, Carin, Moore) - demo 01:22
Recorded : 1986
Primary source : BBC Radio One interview with David Gilmour, broadcast July 28, 1992
Source for the tree : 3rd gen copy from BBC Radio One broadcast
This is Jon Carin's demo. Jon Carin met David Gilmour in 1985, during "Live Aid". He
played keyboards with the Floyd (in studio and on tour) from 1986 to 1994. He also
played keyboards, guitars and did some vocals on Roger Waters' "In The Flesh" Tour, in
1999 and 2000.

2 - Learning to Fly (Gilmour, Ezrin, Carin, Moore) - edit 04:19
Recorded : 1987
Primary source : "Learning to Fly" US single, released September 15, 1987
Source for the tree : "Learning to Fly" UK CD single
The instrumental part before the last verse ("Above the planet on a wing and a prayer
...") is edited (6 bars instead of 10 during the "checklist"). This version also fades out
slightly earlier than the regular one.

3 - The Dogs of War (Gilmour, Moore) - edit 05:34
Recorded : 1987
Primary source : "A Momentary Lapse of Reason Official Tour CD" US promo, released 1988
Source for the tree : "A Momentary Lapse of Reason Official Tour CD"
Shorter intro (2 themes instead of 8). Note that the end is not mixed with the beginning
of "One Slip" as on the album.

4 - One Slip (Gilmour, Manzanera) - edit 03:58
Recorded : 1987
Primary source : "Learning to Fly" UK single, released October 3, 1987
Source for the tree : "Learning to Fly" UK CD single
This version begins with the first drum hit (the "clocks noises" part of the album version
is skipped). The rototom intro is edited (4 themes instead of 8) and doesn't have the
background keyboards. The central part with bass solo is edited (2 themes instead of 4).
The last chorus is repeated and the fade out happens during the second one (on the
album version, after the last chorus, there's a reprise of the bass solo and then the song
fades out).

5 - On the Turning Away (Gilmour, Moore) - edit 03:54
Recorded : 1987
Primary source : "On the Turning Away" UK promo single, released December 7, 1987
Source for the tree : ?
The quiet fretless bass lines, just before the last verse, are edited out. The first part of
the final guitar solo is edited. Early fade out.

6 - The Dogs of War (Gilmour, Moore) - live 07:24
Recorded : live, Atlanta, the Omni, November 5, 1987
Primary source : "One Slip" single, released 1988
Source for the tree : "A Momentary Lapse of Reason Official Tour CD"

7 - On the Turning Away (Gilmour, Moore) - live 06:54
Recorded : live, Atlanta, the Omni, November 5, 1987
Primary source : "On the Turning Away" 12" single, released November 24, 1987
Source for the tree : "On the Turning Away" CD single
It was filmed and used for "On the Turning Away" video.

8 - One Slip (Gilmour, Manzanera) - live 05:24
Recorded : live, Atlanta, the Omni, November 5, 1987
Primary source : "One Slip" video
Source for the tree : "One Slip" video
Note that this live version was never officially released. It's only available from TV

9 - Run Like Hell (Waters, Gilmour) - live 07:27
Recorded : live, Atlanta, the Omni, November 5, 1987
Primary source : "On the Turning Away" single, released November 24, 1987
Source for the tree : "On the Turning Away" CD single

10 - Wearing the Inside Out (Wright, Moore) - LP version 06:26
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "The Division Bell" LP, released March 30, 1994
Source for the tree : "The Division Bell" LP
This LP version is different from the CD version, with a slight change in the lyrics: the
first lines of the second verse ("I murmured a vow ... when I think aloud") were added to
the first verse, and the rest of the second verse ("Extinguished by the light ... with an
empty smile") was left out, so that the LP version has a longer first verse, and no second
verse between "This bleeding heart's not beating much" and "I'm creeping back to life...".

11 - Take it Back (Gilmour, Ezrin, Samson, Laird-Clowes) - edit 04:54
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "Take it Back" single, released May 16, 1994
Source for the tree : "Take it Back" CD single
Edits during the intro (5 chords instead of 9), the central part (8 chords instead of 16)
and the outro (4 chords instead of 8).

12 - Take it Back (Gilmour, Ezrin, Samson, Laird-Clowes) - extended 07:05
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "Take it Back" French promo single, released 1994
Source for the tree : "Take it Back" French promo single, released 1994
Extended ending.

13 - Keep Talking (Gilmour, Wright, Samson) - radio edit 04:54
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "High Hopes / Keep Talking" UK single, released October 17, 1994
Source for the tree : "High Hopes / Keep Talking" UK CD single
Late fade in (the first 24 seconds from the original version are missing). The guitar and
keyboards solos in the middle of the song are both shortened. Early fade out.


1 - Lost for Words (Gilmour, Samson) - clean version 04:56
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "Lost for Words" US promo single, released 1994
Source for the tree : "Lost for Words" US promo CD
The "f***" word in "please gonna f*** myself" is censored by a "beep". Early fade out.

2 - High Hopes (Gilmour, Samson) - radio edit 05:13
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "High Hopes / Keep Talking" UK single, released October 17, 1994
Source for the tree : "High Hopes / Keep Talking" UK CD single
Edits during the piano/bells intro (2 themes instead of 4), during the central instrumental
part with acoustic guitar (2 themes instead of 4) and during the ending guitar solo. Note
that the "radio edit" on the French single is 5 seconds shorter (2 more bells ringings were

3 - High Hopes - "phone call" 00:11
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "The Division Bell" album, released March 30, 1994
Source for the tree : "The Division Bell" CD
At the very end of "The Division Bell" album, there's a phone conversation between Steve
O'Rourke (Floyd's manager) and Charlie (Polly Samson's son; Polly married David Gilmour
in 1994). This conversation was probably incidentally recorded by the answering machine
at Gilmour's house.

4 - David Gilmour interview 13:36
Recorded : March 26, 1994
Primary source : "Take it Back" Australian promo single, released 1994
Source for the tree : "Take it Back" Australian promo CD
This is an "answers only" interview, where David Gilmour is supposed to answer 8
different questions. The questions are available on a separate sheet provided with the
promo CD:
Question 1: Where was your new album, The Division Bell, recorded ?
Question 2: How was the recording of this album different from the previous Pink Floyd
album ?
Question 3: How did you arrive at the title The Division Bell ?
Question 4: Do you enjoy putting on such enormous concert events ?
Question 5: Let's talk about the songs on the album. On "What Do You Want From Me"
the music was written by you and Richard and the lyrics were written by you
and Polly Samson. Could you tell us how this wame about ?
Question 6: There's an incredible instrumental on the album. Could you explain how you
came up with the music and the title to "Marooned" ?
Question 7: How did you come up with "Wearing The Inside Out". I see that Dick Parry
plays saxophone on this song ?
Question 8: "Keep Talking" is an amazing song. It's being played on the radio almost
constantly. Are you happy with the response that song is getting ?

5 - Soundscape (uncredited) 22:07
Recorded : 1994
Primary source : "P*U*L*S*E" cassette, released 1995
Source for the tree : "P*U*L*S*E" cassette
This track consists of various ambient noises and is probably an extract of the (longer)
tape that was played before the Floyd shows during the Division Bell Tour. Somewhere in
the middle, an extract from "Cluster One" can be heard. It is not available on
"P*U*L*S*E" CD and LP releases.

6 - Astronomy Dominé (Barrett) - live 04:46
Recorded : live, Miami, Joe Robbie Stadium, April 30, 1994
Primary source : "Take it Back" single, released May 16, 1994
Source for the tree : "Take it Back" CD single
First song from the first night of the Division Bell Tour.

7 - One of These Days (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) - live 06:55
Recorded : live, Hannover, Niedersachsenstadion, August 17, 1994
Primary source : "High Hopes / Keep Talking" UK single, released 1994
Source for the tree : "High Hopes / Keep Talking" UK CD single

8 - Wish You Were Here (Waters, Gilmour) - live edit 03:52
Recorded : live, Rome, Cinecitta, September 20, 1994
Primary source : "Wish You Were Here" French promo single, released 1995
Source for the tree : "Wish You Were Here" French promo CD
This is an edit of the "P*U*L*S*E" version: it fades in at the beginning of the acoustic
guitar solo (at 01:42 on "P*U*L*S*E" CD), and there's a short edit during the last
guitar/voice duo, after the last verse (the segment 04:29-04:43 on the "P*U*L*S*E" CD
version was cut).

9 - Coming Back to Life (Gilmour) - live edit 03:59
Recorded : live, London, Earls Court, October 13, 1994
Primary source : "Coming Back to Life" US promo single, released 1995
Source for the tree : "Coming Back to Life" US promo CD
This is an edit of the "P*U*L*S*E" version: the instrumental guitar intro is missing (the
song begins with the first lines "Where were you ..."), and it ends just after the last verse
(skipping the final guitar solo).

10 - One of These Days (Waters, Wright, Mason, Gilmour) - live 06:45
Recorded : live, London, Earls Court, October 16 & 20, 1994
Primary source : "P*U*L*S*E" cassette, released 1995
Source for the tree : "P*U*L*S*E" cassette
This is not the same live version as the one available on "High Hopes / Keep Talking"
single. It's available on "P*U*L*S*E" cassette and LP releases only.

"San Francisco"

1 - Interstellar Overdrive (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) 15:44
Recorded : Syd Barrett's garage, 1967
Primary source : "San Francisco" film, released 1968
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from the film

"Tonite Let's All Make Love in London"

2 - Interstellar Overdrive (Barrett, Waters, Wright, Mason) 16:40
3 - Nick's Boogie (Barrett, Mason, Wright, Waters) 11:43
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, January 11-12, 1967
Primary source : "Tonite Let's All Make Love In London... Plus" CD, released 1990
Source for the tree : "In London 1966*1967" CD
The original soundtrack album was released July 19, 1968, and contained a 3 minutes
extract from "Interstellar Overdrive". The full length version of "Interstellar Overdrive"
was released for the first time in 1990, on "Tonite Let's All Make Love In London... Plus"
CD, along with the unreleased "Nick's Boogie".

"The Committee"

4 - The Committee Pt.1 (uncredited) - backwards version 00:35
5 - The Committee Pt.1 (uncredited) 00:35
6 - The Committee Pt.2 (uncredited) 01:09
7 - The Committee Pt.3 (uncredited) 02:55
8 - The Committee Pt.4 (uncredited) 01:24
9 - The Committee Pt.5 (uncredited) 02:06
10 - The Committee Pt.6 (uncredited) 00:49
11 - The Committee Pt.7 (uncredited) 02:38
12 - The Committee Pt.8 (uncredited) 03:30
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, April 1968
Primary source : "The Committee" film, released 1968
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from the film
The first track of the film was in fact recorded backwards. We inverted this track, so that
you can hear the song as it was recorded (track 4). Track 5 is the track as it appears in
the film.
Note that part 7 is an early version of "Careful With That Axe, Eugene".


13 - Main Theme (Waters, Wright, Gilmour) - film version 03:39
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, March 1969
Primary source : "More" film, released 1969
Source for the tree : "More" video
On the film, the slide guitar that can be heard on the regular version was edited out.

14 - Seabirds (Waters) 03:50
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, March 1969
Primary source : "More" film, released 1969
Source for the tree : "More" video
This song doesn't appear on the album.

15 - Cymbaline (Waters) - film version 05:18
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, March 1969
Primary source : "More" film, released 1969
Source for the tree : "More" video
This version has alternate lyrics, and the vocals are sung in a very different way than on
the album ("head voice").

16 - Hollywood (Gilmour) 00:38
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, March 1969
Primary source : "More" film, released 1969
Source for the tree : "More" video
Short instrumental track, not included on the album.


1 - "More" outtakes 05:42
Recorded : London, Sound Techniques Studios, March 1969
Primary source : BBC broadcast ("Laying Down Tracks"), June 1969
Source for the tree : unknown gen from BBC broadcast
This is in fact a documentary about the multi-track recording technique, broadcast by the
BBC in June 1969, under the title "Laying Down Tracks". One can hear outtakes from the
"More" recording sessions: first, some unreleased instrumental music, then "Cirrus Minor"
and at last the keyboards intro to "Main Theme".
On some RoIOs, this BBC docmumentary is wrongly referred as being "The Committee" soundtrack.

"Zabriskie Point"

2 - Heart Beat, Pig Meat (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 03:10
Recorded : Rome, November - December 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point" soundtrack, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD

3 - Heart Beat, Pig Meat (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) - film version 02:55
Recorded : Rome, November - December 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point" film, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point" LaserDisc
Alternate mono mix. Extended intro (before the first organ notes). Sounds and
background noises are differently mixed (especially the orchestra snippets). The last part
is edited.

4 - Crumbling Land (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 04:13
Recorded : Rome, November - December 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point" soundtrack, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD
This song was described by David Gilmour as "a kind of country and western number
which he [Michelangelo Antonioni, the film's director] could have gotten done better by
any number of American bands. But he chose ours... Very strange".

5 - Crumbling Land (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) - extended 05:44
Recorded : Rome, November - December 1969
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Omay Yad" RoIO CD
This version is basically the same as the regular version from the soundtrack album, but
the ending with cars and street noises is uncut.

6 - Crumbling Land (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) - film version 00:36
Recorded : Rome, November - December 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point" film, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point" LaserDisc
Alternate mono mix, with different vocal tracks.

7 - Come in Number 51, Your Time is Up (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 04:59
Recorded : Rome, November - December 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point" soundtrack, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD
"Careful With That Axe, Eugene" revisited.

8 - Come in Number 51, Your Time is Up (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) - film version 05:10
Recorded : Rome, November - December 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point" film, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point" LaserDisc
Alternate mono mix, organ mixed louder, one guitar track edited out. Note that the
"reprise", after the abrupt cut, only appears on the LaserDisc version.

9 - Love Scene - Version 4 (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 06:43
Recorded : Rome, November 16, 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD, released 1997
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD
Pink Floyd made at least 6 attempts to compose music that could fit in the desert sex
sequence of the film. Finally, none of the Floyd's versions was chosen (the music
accompanying the love scene in the film was composed and played by Grateful Dead's
guitarist Jerry Garcia). Version 4 is a quiet instrumental piano piece, played by Rick

10 - Love Scene - Version 6 (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 07:24
Recorded : Rome, November 16, 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD, released 1997
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD
Version 6 is a totally different approach than version 4. This is a blues jam, played by the
whole band, not very far from the blues number they used to play during their live
performances in 1970 and 1971.

11 - Unknown Song (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 06:00
Recorded : Rome, December 6, 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD, released 1997
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD
The acoustic guitar duo has some themes from "The Narrow Way Part 1". The bass lines
appearing in this outtake were later developed in "Atom Heart Mother" ("Funky Dung").

12 - Rain in the Country (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 06:45
Recorded : Rome, December 6, 1969
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Omay Yad" RoIO CD
Alternate take from "Unknown Song" (same basic track, but different lead and overdubs,
different edits). The title "Rain In The Country" was probably given by the "Omay Yad"
RoIO LP manufacturers, where this outtake first surfaced.

13 - Country Song (Waters, Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 04:37
Recorded : Rome, December 12, 1969
Primary source : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD, released 1997
Source for the tree : "Zabriskie Point - Extended Soundtrack" CD

14 - Oenone (uncredited) 06:21
Recorded : Rome, November - December, 1969
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Omay Yad" RoIO CD
"Oenone", from Greek mythology, is the name of a nymph deserted by her husband,
Paris, for Helen of troy. Some prefer to spell this outtake "Oneone", because it would be
pronounced "oh-nee-oh-nee", the same way as the end of Zabriskie Point's director
name, Michelangelo AntONIONI. This title was probably given by the "Omay Yad" RoIO
LP manufacturers, where this outtake first surfaced.

15 - Fingal's Cave (uncredited) 01:49
Recorded : Rome, November - December, 1969
Primary source : ?
Source for the tree : "Omay Yad" RoIO CD
"Fingal's Cave" is the name of a large cavern on Staffa islet in the Hebrides, West
Scotland. This title was probably given by the "Omay Yad" RoIO LP manufacturers, where
this outtake first surfaced.

"The Body"

1 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Our Song (Waters, Geesin) 01:33
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD

2 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Stone (Waters) 02:13
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD
This is in fact the main theme of the soundtrack, that appears on several other tracks, in
different forms. This version is an acoustic song: acoustic guitar, bass and Roger Waters'

3 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Soft Stone (Waters, Geesin) 01:53
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD
Instrumental version of the main theme, with violins arranged by Ron Geesin.

4 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Breathe (Waters) 02:55
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD
This is not the song from "The Dark Side of the Moon" album, but curiously it also begins
with "Breathe in the air...". This is in fact "Sea Shell And Stone" part 2.

5 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Stone (Waters) - film version 02:39
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "The Body" film, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - Rarities Volume Three" RoIO CD
Alternate take, directly from the film. Note that there are sometimes two vocal lines
instead of one on the regular version. If you listen carefully, you can hear some birds in
the background, in fact this is exactly the same tape that was used at the beginning of
"More" (probably an Abbey Road standard tape, since the same birds can be heard on
songs from other artists, like the Beatles, the Kinks, Kate Bush...).

6 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Sea Shell and Soft Stone (Waters, Geesin) - film version 00:58
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "The Body" film, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - Rarities Volume Three" RoIO CD
Alternate take, directly from the film.

7 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Breathe (Waters) - film version 03:05
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "The Body" film, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - Rarities Volume Three" RoIO CD
Alternate take, directly from the film. Note that there are sometimes two vocal lines
instead of one on the regular version. The birds from "More" can be heard again in the

8 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Chain of Life (Waters) 03:59
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD

9 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - The Womb Bit (Waters, Geesin) 02:15
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD

10 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Body Transport (Waters, Geesin) 03:14
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD

11 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Give Birth to a Smile (Waters) 02:41
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "Music from The Body" soundtrack, released November 28, 1970
Source for the tree : "Music from The Body" soundtrack CD
Another variation on the main theme. But this time, this is a song performed by all the
four Pink Floyd members.

12 - Roger Waters & Ron Geesin - Give Birth to a Smile (Waters) - film version 02:22
Recorded : 1970
Primary source : "The Body" film, released 1970
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - Rarities Volume Three" RoIO CD
Alternate take, directly from the film. No female backing vocals.

"Live At Pompeii"

13 - "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #1 00:19
14 - "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #2 00:59
15 - "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #3 00:57
16 - "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #4 00:56
17 - "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #5 00:33
18 - "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #6 00:58
19 - "Live At Pompeii" radio advert #7 00:29
20 - "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #1 01:01
21 - "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #2 01:00
22 - "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #3 01:06
23 - "Live At Pompeii" goofy ad #4 00:59
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "Radio Ads For Pompeii Movie" US promo EP, released 1974
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from "Radio Ads For Pompeii Movie" US promo EP

"La Vallee"

24 - Obscured by Clouds (Waters, Gilmour) 01:00
Recorded : France, Château d'Hérouville, 1972
Primary source : French radio broadcast, February 27, 1972
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from French radio broadcast
Outtake from "Obscured By Clouds" recording sessions. One can hear some keyboard
parts not appearing on the regular version.

25 - Free Four (Waters) - short version 03:30
Recorded : France, Château d'Hérouville, 1972
Primary source : "Free Four" US promo single, released July 10, 1972
Source for the tree : "Free Four" US promo single
Early fade out.

26 - Free Four (Waters) - film version 02:08
Recorded : France, Château d'Hérouville, 1972
Primary source : "La Vallee" film, released 1972
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from "La Vallee" video
Directly from the film. This version has an extra verse.

27 - Instrumental (uncredited) 01:37
Recorded : France, Château d'Hérouville, 1972
Primary source : "La Vallee" film, released 1972
Source for the tree : 1st gen copy from "La Vallee" video
Directly from the film. This short instrumental track was not included on the album.


28 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.1 (Waters) 01:22
29 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.2 (Waters) 01:22
30 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.3 (Waters) 01:04
31 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.4 (Waters) 02:44
32 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.5 (Waters) 00:56
33 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.6 (Waters) 00:30
34 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.7 (Waters) 03:01
35 - Roger Waters - Magritte Pt.8 (Waters, Gilmour) 01:43
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "Magritte" documentary film, 1978
Source for the tree : "Magritte" video
From a biography of Belgian surrealist painter René Magritte. Although this documentary
was first released in 1978, it is possible that the music has been recorded several years
before. For instance, during Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4, the strange keyboards sounds are
very similar to those one can hear during "On The Run" sequence of "Live At Pompeii",
where Roger Waters is trying to get different sounds from the synthesizer (this could
make sense, since both "Magritte" and "Live At Pompeii" were directed by Adrian Maben).
Some attribute these low-pitched pulses to Adrian Maben himself, although he's not
credited as music composer for this documentary. The song that can be heard during
Part 5 and Part 6 seems to be an unreleased song performed by Pink Floyd. Part 8
contains an extract from "Obscured By Clouds".
Note that we didn't include the whole documentary soundtrack here, we just took the
snippets containing music by Roger Waters (most probably). So, parts of the
documentary are missing, but the music is uncut.

"The Hit"

36 - Roger Waters - The Hit (Waters, Clapton) 03:39
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "The Hit" film, released 1985
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - Rarities Volume Three" RoIO CD
The title track of this film was written and performed by Roger Waters and Eric Clapton.


"When the Wind Blows"

1 - Roger Waters - The Russian Missile (Waters) 00:09
2 - Roger Waters - Towers of Faith (Waters) 06:59
3 - Roger Waters - Hilda's Dream (Waters) 01:35
4 - Roger Waters - The American Bomber (Waters) 00:07
5 - Roger Waters - The Anderson Shelter (Waters) 01:12
6 - Roger Waters - The British Submarine (Waters) 00:13
7 - Roger Waters - The Attack (Waters) 02:52
8 - Roger Waters - The Fallout (Waters) 02:04
9 - Roger Waters - Hilda's Hair (Waters) 04:20
10 - Roger Waters - Folded Flags (Waters) 04:49
Recorded : 1986
Primary source : "When the Wind Blows" soundtrack, released October 30, 1986
Source for the tree : "When The Wind Blows" soundtrack CD

"White Of The Eye"

11 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.1 (Fenn, Mason) 02:06
12 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.2 (Fenn, Mason) 01:42
13 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.3 (Fenn, Mason) 01:18
14 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.4 (Fenn, Mason) 01:01
15 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.5 (Booker T. & the MGs) 02:38
16 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.6 (Fenn, Mason) 02:24
17 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.7 (Fenn, Mason) 03:14
18 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.8 (Fenn, Mason) 01:31
19 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.9 (Fenn, Mason) 01:15
20 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.10 (Fenn, Mason) 00:37
21 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.11 (Fenn, Mason) 00:50
22 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.12 (Fenn, Mason) 01:24
23 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.13 (Fenn, Mason, Hank Williams Jr.) 02:04
24 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.14 (Fenn, Mason) 02:08
25 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.15 (Fenn, Mason) 02:02
26 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.16 (Fenn, Mason) 00:40
27 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.17 (Fenn, Mason) 00:42
28 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.18 (Fenn, Mason) 00:08
29 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.19 (Fenn, Mason) 00:17
30 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.20 (Fenn, Mason) 00:30
31 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.21 (Fenn, Mason) 00:31
32 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.22 (Fenn, Mason) 01:44
33 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.23 (Fenn, Mason) 01:57
34 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.24 (Fenn, Mason) 01:09
35 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.25 (Fenn, Mason) 00:39
36 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.26 (Fenn, Mason) 01:26
37 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.27 (Fenn, Mason) 00:27
38 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.28 (Fenn, Mason) 01:30
39 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.29 (Fenn, Mason) 02:30
40 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.30 (Fenn, Mason) 01:12
41 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.31 (Fenn, Mason) 01:09
42 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.32 (Fenn, Mason) 00:39
43 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.33 (Fenn, Mason) 01:27
44 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - White Of The Eye Pt.34 (Fenn, Mason) 03:32
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "White Of The Eye", released 1988
Source for the tree : "White Of The Eye" video
Part 5 is a song called “Slim Jenkins’ Joint”, written by Booker T. & the MGs, and
performed by Nick Mason and Rick Fenn. During Part 13, one can hear a short extract
from a song by Hank Williams Jr., entitled "A Country Boy Can Survive".
Note that we didn't include the whole soundtrack here, we just took the snippets
containing music performed by Nick Mason and Rick Fenn. So, parts of the film are
missing, but the music is uncut.

"La Carrera Panamericana"

1 - Run Like Hell (Gilmour, Waters) 00:49
Recorded : New York, Nassau Coliseum, August 19-23, 1988
Primary source : "La Carrera Panamericana" film, released 1992
Source for the tree : "La Carrera Panamericana" LaserDisc
This version of "Run Like Hell" is in fact a short extract from the "Delicate Sound of
Thunder" version, with a new recorded ending.

2 - Country Theme (Gilmour) 02:00
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "La Carrera Panamericana" film, released 1992
Source for the tree : "La Carrera Panamericana" LaserDisc

3 - Small Theme (Gilmour) 07:22
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "La Carrera Panamericana" film, released 1992
Source for the tree : "La Carrera Panamericana" LaserDisc

4 - Big Theme (Gilmour) 04:10
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "La Carrera Panamericana" film, released 1992
Source for the tree : "La Carrera Panamericana" LaserDisc

5 - Carrera Slow Blues (Gilmour, Mason, Wright) 02:19
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "La Carrera Panamericana" TV broadcast
Source for the tree : 2nd gen copy from "La Carrera Panamericana" TV broadcast
This song was taken from the BBC TV broadcast of the film (it's not on the LaserDisc or
video release, although it's listed at the end of the tracklist).
Since the music was slightly re-organised on the broadcast version of the film, the talking that
can be heard during "Carrera Slow Blues" is in fact a part of the talking that's placed somewhere
during "Big Theme" on the LaserDisc version.

6 - Mexico '78 (Gilmour) 04:04
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "La Carrera Panamericana" film, released 1992
Source for the tree : "La Carrera Panamericana" LaserDisc

7 - Pan Am Shuffle (Gilmour, Mason, Wright) - full length version 08:09
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "La Carrera Panamericana" film, released 1992
Source for the tree : "La Carrera Panamericana" LaserDisc
and 2nd gen copy from "La Carrera Panamericana" TV broadcast
The song "Pan Am Shuffle" appears at different places during the film: first at the
beginning of the film, then during the ending credits. Besides that, the length of the
credits varies on the different versions of the film (LaserDisc, video or TV broadcast):
since the song fades out on both LaserDisc and video releases, only the broadcast
version of the film contains the very end of the song.
So we combined several parts of the LaserDisc and the TV broadcast, to have the full length version.

"Ruby Takes a Trip"

8 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.1 (Gilmour) 01:26
9 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.2 (Gilmour) 00:23
10 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.3 (Gilmour) 00:54
11 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.4 (Gilmour) 01:00
12 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.5 (Gilmour) 00:17
13 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.6 (Gilmour) 01:05
14 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.7 (Gilmour) 00:34
15 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.8 (Gilmour) 01:22
16 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.9 (Gilmour) 02:30
17 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.10 (Gilmour) 00:24
18 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.11 (Gilmour) 00:40
19 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.12 (Gilmour) 01:34
20 - David Gilmour - Ruby Takes A Trip Pt.13 (Gilmour) 01:03
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "Ruby Takes a Trip" TV broadcast, 1992
Source for the tree : "Take a Trip to the X-Files" RoIO CD
Part 9 and Part 10 contain a monotonal piece of music, with a slide guitar theme that's
not very far from "One Of These Days".
Part 11 is "On The Run" revisited.Note that we didn't include the whole soundtrack here,
we just took the snippets containing music by David Gilmour.
So, parts of the film are missing, but the music is uncut.

"The Art of Tripping"

21 - David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.1 (Gilmour) 00:15
22 - David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.2 (Gilmour) 00:21
23 - David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.3 (Gilmour) 00:48
24 - David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.4 (Gilmour) 00:51
25 - David Gilmour - The Art of Tripping Pt.5 (Gilmour) 00:24
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "The Art of Tripping" TV broadcast, 1993
Source for the tree : unknown gen copy from "The Art of Tripping" TV broadcast
The musical score by David Gilmour only consists of short snippets.
Note that Part 4 contains the same piece of music as Part 7 and Part 8 of "Ruby Takes A Trip".

"The Colors of Infinity"

26 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.1 (Gilmour) 03:41
27 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.2 (Gilmour) 02:09
28 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.3 (Gilmour) 00:56
29 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.4 (Gilmour) 00:35
30 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.5 (Gilmour) 00:34
31 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.6 (Gilmour) 03:15
32 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.7 (Gilmour) 00:20
33 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.8 (Gilmour) 00:13
34 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.9 (Gilmour) 02:29
35 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.10 (Gilmour) 03:11
36 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.11 (Gilmour) 00:37
37 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.12 (Gilmour) 02:10
38 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.13 (Gilmour) 00:56
39 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.14 (Gilmour) 00:44
40 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.15 (Gilmour) 01:37
41 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.16 (Gilmour) 00:25
42 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.17 (Gilmour) 01:34
43 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.18 (Gilmour) 01:32
44 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.19 (Gilmour) 04:06
45 - David Gilmour - The Colors of Infinity Pt.20 (Gilmour) 01:35
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "The Colors of Infinity" video, released 1997
Source for the tree : 1St gen copy from "The Colors of Infinity" video
Length :
This film is a documentary about fractals and The Mandelbrot set.
For this soundtrack, David Gilmour re-used some pieces from his previous soundtracks.
Part 2 and Part 20 contain the same piece of music as Part 9 and Part 10 of "Ruby Takes A Trip"
(slide guitar theme, a la "One Of These Days").
Part 6 is basically the same as Part 2 and Part 3 of "Ruby Takes A Trip" (slow theme).
Part 9 and Part 10 contain the same piece of music as Part 3 of "The Art Of Tripping"
(keyboards with high pitched guitar on the top, a la "Marooned").
Part 15 is the same as Part 11 of "Ruby Takes A Trip" ("On The Run" revisited).
Note that the theme that can be heard during Part 12 is very similar to the central part of "High Hopes".
Note that we didn't include the whole documentary soundtrack here, we just took the
snippets containing music by David Gilmour.
So, parts of the documentary are missing, but the music is uncut.




"The Dybbuk of the Holy Apple Field"

1 - Roger Waters - Knocking on Heaven's Door (Dylan) 02:25
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "The Dybbuk from the Holy Apple Field" film, released 1998
Source for the tree : "The Dybbuk of the Holy Apple Field" film

"La Leggenda del Pianista Sull Oceano"

2 - Roger Waters - Lost Boys Calling (Morricone, Waters) 05:17
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "La Leggenda del Pianista Sull Oceano" Italian soundtrack, released 1998
Source for the tree : "La Leggenda del Pianista Sull Oceano" Italian soundtrack CD
This song contains the theme used throughout the rest of the film, composed by Ennio
Morricone. For "Lost Boys Calling", Roger Waters wrote the lyrics and probably did the

3 - Roger Waters - Lost Boys Calling (Morricone, Waters) - new version 05:18
Recorded : ?
Primary source : "Legend Of 1900" soundtrack, released 1999
Source for the tree : "Legend Of 1900" soundtrack CD
The Italian film was released worldwide in 1999, with the English title "Legend Of 1900".
A new soundtrack album ("Legend Of 1900") was released, and the version of "Lost Boys
Calling" is slightly different from the version on the Italian soundtrack.
The vocals were re-recorded, and a guitar solo by Edward Van Halen was added.
Curiously, there's also a slight change in the lyrics: during the last verse, Roger sings "when I hear those seabirds cry", while on the Italian soundtrack version, it's "when she hears those seabirds cry".

1 - Jokers Wild - Why Do Fools Fall in Love (uncredited) 01:52
2 - Jokers Wild - Walk like a Man (uncredited) 02:11
3 - Jokers Wild - Don't Ask Me (What I Say) (uncredited) 02:55
4 - Jokers Wild - Big Girls Don't Cry (uncredited) 02:15
5 - Jokers Wild - Beautiful Delilah (uncredited) 01:54
Recorded : 1965
Primary source : "Jokers Wild" mini LP, released 1965
Source for the tree : "Jokers Wild" RoIO CDR
Jokers Wild was a band formed during the mid-60s, featuring David Gilmour. The other
musicians were John Gordon (guitar), Clive Welham (drums), Tony Sainty (bass) and
David Altham (vocals). In 1965, they recorded a one-sided mini LP with these 5 songs.
Note that David Gilmour played in other bands before joining Jokers Wild:
The Newcomers (early 60s) and then The Ramblers (in 1962-1963).

6 - David Gilmour - There's No Way Out of Here (Baker) - stereo edit 03:32
Recorded : France, Superbear Studios, 1978
Primary source : "There's No Way Out of Here" UK single, released May 25, 1978
Source for the tree : "There's No Way Out of Here" US promo single
The second verse ("There are no answers here ...") and the second chorus ("There never
was there an answer ... without seeing") were deleted.

7 - David Gilmour - There's No Way Out of Here (Baker) - mono edit 03:34
Recorded : France, Superbear Studios, 1978
Primary source : "There's No Way Out of Here" US promo single, released August 19, 1978
Source for the tree : "There's No Way Out of Here" US promo single
Same edit as above: the second verse ("There are no answers here ...") and the second
chorus ("There never was there an answer ... without seeing") were deleted.

8 - David Gilmour - Like a Rolling Stone (Dylan) 01:42
Recorded : David Gilmour home studio, 1983
Primary source : BBC Radio One interview with David Gilmour, broadcast July 28, 1992
Source for the tree : "Solo Works Vol.2" RoIO

9 - David Gilmour - Blue Light (Gilmour) - edit 03:52
Recorded : Paris, Pathe-Marconi Studios, 1984
Primary source : "Blue Light" UK single, released February 13, 1984
Source for the tree : "Blue Light" US promo single
The instrumental part with percussion, just after the first chorus, is edited (4 bars instead of 8).
The organ solo (by Deep Purple's keyboardist Jon Lord) is edited (4 bars instead of 8).

10 - David Gilmour - Blue Light (Gilmour) - vocal version 06:10
Recorded : Paris, Pathe-Marconi Studios, 1984
Primary source : "Blue Light" 12" promo single, released 1984
Source for the tree : "Blue Light" 12" promo single
This is an extended and remixed version.
The new mix is obvious, especially on
percussion, vocal lines and guitar effects.
There are 8 guitar themes added just before the first verse.
After the organ solo, there's a new instrumental part with bass and percussion.
The final guitar solo is extended.

11 - David Gilmour - Blue Light (Gilmour) - instrumental version 06:13
Recorded : Paris, Pathe-Marconi Studios, 1984
Primary source : "Blue Light" 12" promo single, released 1984
Source for the tree : "Blue Light" 12" promo single
This is another extended version, almost totally instrumental (one can hear "she's a blue light" somewhere though).
The structure is completely different from the previous
extended version.

12 - Roger Waters - For the First Time Today (Waters) - parts 1 & 2 02:48
Recorded : Olympic, Eel Pie & the Billiard Room, February - December 1983
Primary source : "5.06 am (Every Strangers Eyes)" single, released June 1984
Source for the tree : "Selections from the Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking" promo sampler
Part 1 and Part 2 are linked on this version, while there are in different places on the
album (with Part 2 on side one and Part 1 on side two!).
The end of Part 2 fades early (just at the beginning of the "stay with me" sequence).

13 - Roger Waters - 5.01 am (The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking) (Waters) - extended 05:22
Recorded : Olympic, Eel Pie & the Billiard Room, February - December 1983
Primary source : "5.01 am (The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking)" 12" single, released 1984
Source for the tree : "5.01 am (The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking)" 12" single
There's an alternate guitar solo in the middle of the song, followed by a sax solo that isn't
on the album version.
The last part with the repeated female vocal lines "these are the pros and cons of hitchhiking"
has 2 added lines (just after "oh babe, I must be dreaming again"): the first one with a saxophone
bit, the second one with a guitar bit.
The following lines are the same as on the album.

14 - Roger Waters - 5.06 am (Every Strangers Eyes) (Waters) - edit 04:54
Recorded : Olympic, Eel Pie & the Billiard Room, February - December 1983
Primary source : "5.06 am (Every Strangers Eyes)" single, released June 1984
Source for the tree : "Selections from the Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking" promo sampler
On the album version, right at the beginning of the song, there are two guys that can be
heard in the background, asking to turn the Juke Box down.
One of the two guys says "hey, turn that f*** Juke Box down".
This sentence was edited out on the single version.

15 - Roger Waters - Across the Universe (Lennon) 02:34
Recorded : London, BBC TV, December 5, 1985
Primary source : "Tribute to John Lennon" BBC TV show
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - Rarities Volume One" RoIO CD
This version features Andy Fairweather-Low on guitar.

16 - Roger Waters - Radio K.A.O.S. - "loop message" 00:05
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "Radio K.A.O.S." album, released 1987
Source for the tree : "Radio K.A.O.S." CD
The very end and the very start of "Radio K.A.O.S." have a sentence by Jim Ladd: "That's
... back to the beginning".

17 - Roger Waters - Radio Waves (Waters) - edit 03:43
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "Radio Waves" single, released May 11, 1987
Source for the tree : "Radio KAOS off the Air" RoIO CDR
Shorter intro, without the words of Jim Ladd. Early fade out.

18- Roger Waters - Radio Waves (Waters) - extended 06:58
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "Radio Waves" 12" single, released May 11, 1987
Source for the tree : "Radio KAOS off the Air" RoIO CDR
Jim Ladd's words at the very beginning were edited out. The intro has 4 more bars. An
instrumental part was added between the intro and the first verse (one instrumental
chorus, one instrumental verse and one chorus with female vocals, singing "radio").
Another instrumental part was added between the second chorus and the guitar solo
(with some voices, including a loud sentence "The Fish Report with a Beat, in stereo!").
The ending is different from the regular version: there's no fade out, it ends abruptly with
the words "in stereo".

19 - Roger Waters - Me or Him (Waters) - demo 06:39
Recorded : the Billiard Room, 1986
Primary source : Rockline interview, broadcast September 21, 1987
Source for the tree : "Roger Waters - Rarities Volume One" RoIO CD
This demo is close to the final version.




1 - Roger Waters - The Fish Report With A Beat 01:36
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "Radio K.A.O.S." Video EP, released 1987
Source for the tree : "KAOS On The Road" RoIO CDR

2 - Roger Waters - 4 Minutes (Waters) - video edit 03:02
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "Radio K.A.O.S." Video EP, released 1987
Source for the tree : "KAOS On The Road" RoIO CDR
The intro is different from the regular version: the noises are different, and the vocals
begin with the female vocals ("Sometimes I feel like going home"), while the first verse
sung by Waters alone was deleted ("After a near miss on the plane ...").
Applause was included at the end.

3 - Roger Waters - The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid) (Waters) - video edit 04:39
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "Radio K.A.O.S." Video EP, released 1987
Source for the tree : "KAOS On The Road" RoIO CDR
The ending of the song is different (the choir section ends very early, without fading out
with the morse code as on the album).

4 - Roger Waters - Going to Live in L.A. (Waters) 05:51
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "Radio Waves" single, released May 11, 1987
Source for the tree : "Radio KAOS off the Air" RoIO CDR

5 - Roger Waters - Back to Radio (Waters) 04:41
Recorded : the Billiard Room, October - December 1986
Primary source : "The Tide is Turning (After Live Aid)" 12" UK single, released November 16, 1987
Source for the tree : "Radio KAOS off the Air" RoIO CDR

6 - Roger Waters - Money (Waters) - 1987 version 06:12
Recorded : the Billiard Room, July 14, 1987
Primary source : "The Tide is Turning (After Live Aid)" UK single, released November 16, 1987
& "Sunset Strip" single, released 1987
Source for the tree : "Radio KAOS off the Air" RoIO CDR
This is a "live in the studio" version, sung by Paul Carrack. Applauses were added in the

7 - Roger Waters - Molly's Song (Waters) - live 03:17
Recorded : live, Inglewood, The Forum, September 20, 1987
Primary source : "Who Needs Information" US single, released 1987
Source for the tree : "KAOS On The Road" RoIO CDR
This song was sung by backing vocalist Doreen Chanter, during the "Radio KA.O.S. Tour".
No studio version has surfaced, although it is said that Roger Waters and the Bleeding
Heart Band recorded it for the follow up to "Radio K.A.O.S." (that was never released).
However, a short extract from this song can be heard in the background during "Four
Minutes", on the "Radio K.A.O.S." album.

8 - Roger Waters - Another Brick in the Wall part 2 (Waters) - 1990 version 05:29
Recorded : June 1990
Primary source : "The Wall Berlin '90" US promo, released 1990
Source for the tree : "The Wall Berlin '90" US promo CD
Studio version, re-recorded by Roger Waters & the Bleeding Heart Band some weeks
before the Berlin concert.
Note that some background noises and guitar effects were directly taken from the song
"Is There Anybody Out There?" (on "The Wall" album).

9 - Roger Waters - Another Brick in The Wall part 2 (Waters) - live edit 04:01
Recorded : live, Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, June 18-21, 1990
Primary source : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" UK single, released September 10, 1990
Source for the tree : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" CD singleLead vocals by Cyndi Lauper.
The 2nd guitar solo and the following keyboards solos were edited out.
The song ends differently: the two lines "All in all it's just another brick in the
wall" and "All and all you're just another brick in the wall" were added right after the
guitar solo, to end the song abruptly (instead of the music fade-out and teacher's
screams on the live album).

10 - Roger Waters - Young Lust (Waters, Gilmour) - live edit 03:38
Recorded : live, Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, June 18-21, 1990
Primary source : "Pieces from The Wall" UK promo, released 1990
Source for the tree : "Pieces from the Wall" UK promo CD
Lead vocals by Bryan Adams. The intro is shorter (the guitar/drums part has 2 bars
instead of 4). The keyboard solo (between the guitar solo and the last chorus) was edited

11 - Roger Waters - Run Like Hell (Gilmour, Waters) - potsdamer mix 06:12
Recorded : 1990
Primary source : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" UK single, released September 10, 1990
Source for the tree : "Another Brick in the Wall part 2" CD single
This is a completely new version, with new vocals by Roger Waters and a lot of dance
and beatbox rhythms. Some samples from the original guitar riffs and the "hunt" part
were used. The rest is almost keyboards only.

12 - Roger Waters - The Tide is Turning (Waters) - live edit 04:32
Recorded : live, Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, June 18-21, 1990
Primary source : "The Tide is Turning" UK single, released November 19, 1990
Source for the tree : "The Tide is Turning" US promo CD
On this version, all the instrumental tracks were re-recorded (there's no orchestra or
piano, and the guitar lines are different from those on the live album).
Only the vocals from the guests were kept (Roger re-recorded his own vocals).
The chorus after the second verse was edited, and the following instrumental part was edited out.
The last chorus (with "oh, oh, oh, the tide is turning" without drums) has 2 lines instead of 8.
version fades out early.

13 - Roger Waters - What God Wants part 1 (Waters) - video edit 04:51
Recorded : 1992
Primary source : "What God Wants part 1" single, released August 24, 1992
Source for the tree : "What God Wants part 1" CD single
The intro is shorter: the first part with female vocals ("What God wants, Got gets, God'll
help us all") was edited out, and the lines "What God wants, God gets" (during the first
guitar solo) are sung only twice (instead of 3 times on the album version).

14 - Roger Waters - Perfect Sense - "backwards message" 01:49
Recorded : 1992
Primary source : "Amused to Death" album, released 1992
Source for the tree : "Amused to Death" CD
Roger Waters wanted to use some lines and "breathing effects" from Stanley Kubrick's
"2001 : A Space Odyssey", but Kubrick refused. This explains the backward message at
the beginning on "Perfect Sense": "Julia, however, in the light and visions of the issues of
Stanley, we changed our minds.
We have decided to include a backward message. Stanley, for you, and for all the other book
partners... (screamed sentence)".

15 - Roger Waters - Three Wishes (Waters) - radio edit 04:17
Recorded : 1992
Primary source : "Three Wishes" UK single, released 1992
Source for the tree : "Three Wishes" UK CD single
The instrumental intro before the first verse was edited out. The long instrumental part,
between the last vocal lines and the ending guitar solo, was edited out.

16 - Marianne Maithfull - Incarceration of a Flower Child (Waters) 05:31
Recorded : Oxnard, the Teatro, July 1998
Primary source : "Vagabond Ways" Marianne Faithfull album, released June 14, 1999
Source for the tree : "Vagabond Ways" Marianne Faithfull CD
This is the song Roger Waters "offered" to Marianne Faithfull.
It was composed during the early Floyd days, in 1968.
It begins with the words "Do you remember me, how we used to be...", exactly the same words
than those used by Waters in "Your Possible Pasts", on "The Final Cut" album.
Note that this song features Roger on bass synth.

1 - Zee - Confusion (Wright, Harris) - single version 03:36
Recorded : Cambridge, Rectory Studio, 1984
Primary source : "Confusion" UK single, released March 12, 1984
Source for the tree : "Confusion" UK single
This version is slightly remixed (some keyboard lines are added during the verses) and
edited (shorter intro, early fade out).

2 - Zee - Confusion (Wright, Harris) - extended 06:21
Recorded : Cambridge, Rectory Studio, 1984
Primary source : "Confusion" 12" UK single, released March 12, 1984
Source for the tree : "Confusion" 12" UK single
Longer intro and new extended ending.

3 - Zee - Eyes of a Gypsy (Harris) 04:10
Recorded : Cambridge, Rectory Studio, 1984
Primary source : "Confusion" UK single, released March 12, 1984
Source for the tree : "Confusion" UK single
Also available on the cassette release of "Identity" album.

4 - Zee - Eyes of a Gypsy (Harris) - dub 04:11
Recorded : Cambridge, Rectory Studio, 1984
Primary source : "Confusion" 12" UK single, released March 12, 1984
Source for the tree : "Confusion" 12" UK single
This version is completely remixed, with most of the vocal lines edited out.

5 - Rick Wright - Night of a Thousand Furry Toys (Wright, Moore) - inverted gravy mix 08:31
Recorded : France, Studio Harmonie, 1996
Primary source : "Broken China" UK promo CD, released 1996
Source for the tree : "Broken China" UK promo CD
Instrumental remix, by William Orbit with Matt Ducasse.

6 - Rick Wright - Runaway (Moore) - r. wright's lemonade mix 07:04
Recorded : France, Studio Harmonie, 1996
Primary source : "Broken China" UK promo CD, released 1996
Source for the tree : "Broken China" UK promo CD
Instrumental remix, by the Orb.

7 - Rick Wright - Runaway (Moore) - leggit dub 07:01
Recorded : France, Studio Harmonie, 1996
Primary source : "Broken China" UK promo CD, released 1996
Source for the tree : "Broken China" UK promo CD
Another instrumental remix, by the Orb.

8 - Nick Mason & Rick Fenn - Lie for a Lie (Fenn, Mason, Peyronel) - extended 05:54
Recorded : London, Britannia Row Studios N1 & Basement Studios SW14, 1985
Primary source : "Lie for a Lie" 12" single, released 1985
Source for the tree : "Lie for a Lie" 12" single
The intro has four bars instead of two. During the verses, soft keyboards (strings sound)
are added in the background. The second chorus is extended, with a new part during
which David Gilmour and the female choir are answering to each other.
After the third chorus, there's a new acoustic guitar solo.
This is a DTS surround upmix of AHM.
CD-R format.
Contains a digi-squeal at the end of FOS :-(

Back when this title was orginally released, Marc-Olivier did an exhaustive
comparison between it and the RoIO known as "At Dawn v4.00". He found
neither entity to be superior to the other. Each one had its strong points
in different areas and he suggested an amalgamation of the two.

A little later, we also learned that the speed used for Scream Thy Last
Scream and Vegetable Man were incorrect.

Another flaw existed with the 1967 sessions. These were originally mono
broadcasts. But due to "old age" of the tapes, the original BBC6769
Harvested release had some channel balance problems.

All this, and more, has been fixed on the 'rev A' release. Here's a
track-by-track breakdown...

Track 01 - Flaming
Our original release was a little hissy. The "At Dawn" version had been
equalized to eliminate the hiss, but this was overdone and resulted in a
"bassy" track. I've reequalized our original track. The rev A version is
not hissy and not bassy either. The balance has been recentered to mono

Track 02 - Scarecrow
The balance has been recentered to mono.

Track 03 - Matilda Mother
The "At Dawn" version was slightly clearer than our original. This rev A
release uses the "At Dawn" version with the balance recentered to mono.
Ron also reFrankentooned the first note. In addition, the tray artwork has
been updated to give the correct spelling of 'Matilda'.

Track 04 - The Gnome
Again, the "At Dawn" version is used here as it had slightly better SQ. We
used our version to restore the start of the song that was missing on "At
Dawn". The balance was recentered to mono.

Track 05 - Pow R Toc H
The balance was recentered to mono.

Track 06 - Vegetable Man
The "At Dawn" version is used here. And the balance was recentered. But
that's not all...This is the biggest change on this release. The speed has 
been significantly slowed down.

The recent Omnibus special on Syd Barrett and the Pink Floyd included some
snippets of Vegetable Man. The RoIO used for this BBC show came direct
from the BBC Archives. As such, we feel we may have found a valid speed
reference. The speed of Vegetable Man on our rev A release matches that
used in the Omnibus special. This is a lot slower than you're probably
used to hearing for this song. But, it is very nice and natural. Enjoy!

Track 07 - Scream Thy Last Scream
A balance recentered, speed corrected version sourced from "At Dawn" is
used here.

Track 08 - Jugband Blues
A balance recentered "At Dawn" version is used here.

Track 09 - Let There Be More Light
Our original unchanged.

Track 10 - Murderistic Women
Our original unchanged.

Track 11 - Julia Dream
"At Dawn" version used. Pop at 1:09 fixed.

Track 12 - Massed Gadgets of Hercules
"At Dawn" version used. Pop at 0:24 fixed.

Track 13 - Point Me at the Sky
Our original version with the original patch job at the beginning
rebalanced to have a more natural transition. Glitch at 2:36 fixed.

Track 14 - Embryo
Our original unchanged.

Track 15 - Baby Blue Shuffle in D Major
Our original unchanged.

Track 16 - Interstellar Overdrive
Our original unchanged.

Track 17 - Daybreak
Our original unchanged.

Track 18 - Nightmare
To conform with the Man and the Journey theme of this performace. The
title 'Cymbaline' has been changed to 'Nightmare' in the revised artwork.
The song is our original unchanged.

Tracks 19/20 The Beginning / Beset By Creature of the Deep
Our originals unchanged.

Track 21 - The Narrow Way
Our original unchanged.

So, as you can see, this new version of BBC Archives 1967-1969 has a lot to
offer. Let the weeding begin.
Dark Side Of The Moon
From the original 1/2" Master Tapes

This is the real deal. not the usual Q8 or SQ versions with all their limitations
(limited bandwidth on the Q8, Matrixed surround on the SQ etc) but a genuine transfer from the original master tapes.
Finally you can hear Alan Parson's mix as it was always intended to be heard in studio quality audio.
The only "liberty" we have taken here is an additional .1 track. You can make up your own mind as to
whether or not it is a worthwhile addition.
It also features all new artwork in both sections specially created for this DVD-Audio release
The disc will play on all DVD players, as it is a DVD-Audio/Video "hybrid" containing the following:

MLP Lossless at 24/96 Resolution in 4.1

DTS from 24/48 Source files
Dolby Digital from 24/48 Source files

Additionally, it is possible to play both the lossy streams from DVD-Audio players.
Each type has it's own menus. What you can access is dependant entirely on your player.

All Authoring, Encoding, Post Production and design is exclusive to this release.

Trade history:
2007-08-12 received in trade

 A DVD-Audio review by Nicholas D. Satullo
In 2003, High Fidelity Review trumpeted one of surround music’s best moments, the release of Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the Moon‘ as a 5.1 SACD. While by all accounts the disc enjoyed enormous popularity among surround music enthusiasts, there were two immediate questions presented: What would it have sounded like if released as a DVD-Audio disc? And what about the original quadraphonic mix by sound engineer Alan Parsons? The debate over the two competing surround formats was fresher then, and there was a thirty year allegiance to the 4.0 quadraphonic mix of original surround engineer Alan Parsons, a mix that was never endorsed by the group itself, but which had itself become a cult classic since the release of this giant work in 1973.

Now, from the anonymous environs of “Obsolete Productions” (read: Bootleg Land) we are greeted with a response of sorts to those questions, the DVD-Audio release “from the original [q]uadraphonic master tapes” of a 96/24 DVD-Audio disc, purporting to be the original Alan Parsons quadraphonic mix, except with a low frequency track added. Thus, while the Parsons quad mix was 4.0, this particular rendition is 4.1. The mystery engineer, who advises High Fidelity Review of a professional background in sound engineering, has privately verified what the bootleg label reads, i.e., that this disc is from the original quad master tapes. In addition to an MLP 4.1 track, the disc also can be played from conventional DVD players in either DTS or Dolby Digital, each boasting the same 4.1 mix, albeit in the lower 48kHz resolution. Alas, the particular disc I had on hand could only play the first 1:11 opening sequence of ‘Dark Side of the Moon‘ in either DTS or Dolby Digital, so it is really only the higher resolution version on which I can comment.

From a standpoint of fidelity, it would be difficult to argue against the quality of this production. After several side-by-side listening comparisons of the 4.1 MLP version against the Guthrie SACD, it’s generally a toss-up as to overall sound quality, although I’d give the edge on the LFE track to the SACD, though that observation could simply be a function of what I perceived to be a more robust bass on the SACD. Judging from earlier bootleg DTS versions of the Parsons mix, the sonic quality of this release was in a different league, and on par with the shining clean rendition of the SACD – that alone bestows high praise on it. While the attendant claims of being based on the original quadraphonic tapes cannot be verified, listening to the disc inspires belief. Since I was limited to only tiny snippets of the DTS or Dolby Digital mix, the most I can say of the differences between the high resolution version and either of the other versions were at best subtle, if at all audible.

But by putting the Parsons mix on a level sonic playing field with the Guthrie SACD, the inevitable point of inquiry is to compare the surround mixes. In that respect, some general observations are in order.

There is little question that the Parsons mix is gutsier, more discrete than the Guthrie mix. As Parsons has explained, “I tend to work on the outsides when I mix for surround. A lot of people choose to go into the room, but that’s asking for clarity problems - it clouds things up. In my quad mix of Dark Side, I liked the idea of action happening in all four channels.”¹

Notwithstanding the additional sense of discrete material, several side by side listenings kept driving home another general point: Both mixes still permit the great music to dominate the experience without drawing undue attention to the surround mix itself – the comparisons between the mixes was often an analysis of subtleties, not bright-line distinctions. To no small degree, angels and pinheads come to mind.

Despite a reserved center channel use in the SACD, the absence of center channel information in the Parsons mix contributes to one of the largest differences between the mixes. Four stereo soundfields might avoid “a stereo experience with ambience” (Parsons’ reference to the Guthrie mix), but the sense of ambience that even a reserved center channel creates is something that, in the contrast between the surround mixes, often caused me to prefer the SACD. The more discrete mix certainly “grabs” the listener more readily, but several listening sessions can induce an appreciation for the wider and fuller soundstage that gets presented, even when the center channel plays a subtle role (and for those interested in surround-sound easter eggs, I noticed for the first time that the opening clink of the cash register in ‘Money’ on the SACD comes from the center channel – but only once).

The difference in the mixes plays tricks on the ears. After convincing myself that the output levels were a notch lower on the DVD-Audio, I tested this with an SPL meter. The result was that, if anything, the output levels were a hair better than the SACD. Perhaps that suggests that the wide soundfield of the SACD actually is a bit muddier, and therefore only seems louder, but I still can’t detect a bit of mud in the Guthrie mix. While the DVD-Audio perhaps matches its fidelity, I certainly can’t say that it betters it, except in certain places.

But the more discrete quadraphonic mix caused me to prefer it in several passages. ‘On the Run’ is a good example of how the more discrete mix permitted a much crisper sense from the drums. Likewise, in both ‘Time’ and ‘Money’ the more discrete bass seemed plucked more succinctly, though this may just as well be a function of the outstanding fidelity of the DVD-Audio version. In ‘Us and Them’, the more discrete vocals from the front mains also gave it clarity that seemed a notch better than the mix on the SACD. While the LFE channel on the DVD-Audio is authoritative and emphatic, I thought the bass on the SACD more robust. Nonetheless, the bass that is not deferred to a subwoofer is generally more discrete from the main speakers on the DVD-Audio. Incidentally, the LFE on the DVD-A version is just filtered bass from the remaining channels.

The SACD remains wider, fuller, gentler, but more lush. In cuts like ‘Speak to Me’, or ‘Any Colour You Like’, the wide soundfield fills the room and envelops the listener, much more than anything on the DVD-Audio. The gentle saxophone solo on ‘Us and Them’, one of the only truly discrete uses of the center channel on the SACD, offers an experience that seemed to me distinctly preferable to the use of the front mains on the DVD-Audio.

For the purist who wants to listen to the quadraphonic mix without the LFE channel that’s been engrafted on it, one can simply turn off the subwoofers. That particular experiment seemed to me to assault the notion that one should stick to the “original intent” of the artist, because the LFE channel added so much in the contrast between the two. Our mystery sound engineer explained the preference for the additional channel with the highly technical explanation that “it sounds better.” I happily agree.

Putting these mixes side by side invites confusion. While even the most subtle differences are notable, it’s easy to change one’s mind over which mix gets preferred, even from passage to passage within certain songs. It’s likewise easy, when listening to the mixes repeatedly, to engage in abundant flip-flopping on which is preferable. That the band members rejected the Parsons mix – then and now – is certainly capable of adequate response by those who prefer the quad mix, but it’s a formidable fact in the analysis. As Guthrie pointed out shortly after the release of the SACD, “the band asked for some changes, but thankfully none of them were major. And there was very little in terms of the placement of instruments. It’s crucial for fans to understand that this mix has the band’s input and endorsement.”¹ An easy retort to those who prefer the Parsons mix is the one given by Guthrie: “The band listened to that quad mix and elected not to use it.” ¹

The release of the Guthrie SACD remains the high moment in high-resolution surround music, and the real reason for that has always been one thing: the music of ‘Dark Side of the Moon‘. The sheer strength of that music makes even this bootleg release something significant, although boasting significance in the realm of high-resolution multichannel audio has unfortunately become an exercise of the dearest modesty. Replete even with one feature that the Guthrie SACD can’t match – a video slideshow corresponding to each song -- surround enthusiasts have a mystery guest to thank for a most pleasant charitable donation. The disc is unavailable to anyone else in the whole world, unless they are one of the few who have access to the internet.

¹Tales from the Dark Side, Sound And Vision Magazine, May 2003

© Nicholas D. Satullo ~ 12/09/06
enough said
For those who are interested. Here is the info related to the Reeling series.
This was first weeded on Floyd Artifacts by "eskimospy" in 2006.
I have had both sets for a while. Couldn't torrent them though.

The original Post on Floyd Artifacts on 28/08/2006

A little while ago, I received a remarkable offer - Would I be interested
in some Pink Floyd related audio material ? What I received was a box of DAT
tapes and CDs. Most of the material came to my friend from several of
Europe's most famous collectors back in the late 1980s / early 1990s. These are
sorts of people who own the actual master reels of many of the more popular
RoIO recordings. These European collectors dubbed significant amounts of their
collections for my friend. But, as life has sped up and the years have grown
long, he just hasn't had much motivation to listen to any of them any more &
was hoping to find a way of sharing the material with others.

Happily enough, I happen to know someone with a professional DAT deck -
one with a digital output. B-) So, he transferred all of the DATs to .wav
files and then .flac-ed them. They're all *exactly* the same as the original
tapes - the same sampling rate, the same length, etc. Some are at 48 kHz,
which is actually better than CD quality (44.1 kHz). So, to make a reasonable
audio CD, you'd have to sample down to 44.1 kHz and cut into tracks.

Obviously, I thought it might be nice to compare these recordings to
previously circulating versions. I spread them around to a few friends with
collections. The general consensus was that the DATs tended to be slightly
longer (mostly more audience noise) and sound slightly to moderately better than
previous, highly circulated versions. But, to be completely fair, often
there weren't other versions to compare to (as was often the case with my

Also, I happen to own a master reel containing two concerts from the
middle 1980s. I had this professionally transferred relatively recently.

All of the material fits nicely on 7 DVDs.

What I would like to do is to make this a giant group project ... to
invite everyone into the Closet, if you like. My proposal is that if you choose
participate in this weed and if you already own a previously circulating
version of one or more of these tapes, you should provide a comparision report
the rest of us. This could be a simple email to this group - or a small text
file placed in the "files" section of this forum. If you are especially
taken with a particular tape and choose to create a proper audio project
into tracks, creating cover art, etc), I would love to encourage that
behaviour, so please get in touch!

The rules of this forum require that I send separate Weed Open emails for
each individual title that I wish I have tracked. Since reweeding 7 DVDs in a
pile is a lot to ask of people, I thought it might be best to weed them all
individually. But, since members might be willing to do more than 1 title, I
have no personal objection to people signing up for more than 1 weed. It's
entirely up to you. Just because you reply to all 7 emails doesn't mean that
you'll win them all, though... But, you absolutely won't win them if you don't

I have 2 copies of each of the 7 DVDs burned & ready to go.


PS: Please note these these 7 DVDs all come from reel-to-reel -> DAT -> audio
files. The box that I got from my friend contained loads of CDs as well. If
these first 7 DVDs weed well & we get lots of comparision reports, I'll weed
out the CD-sources as well... and, there are some good ones in there....

PPS: You may also note that I have not actually given you a list of the exact
dates of the recordings..... This is not unintentional. B-) I will send a
list of the dates / contents to the "files" section of this forum after I mail
the disks. So, hang in there... All will be clear soon...

.................................................. ..............

The Information that followed.

This set of text files represents all of the information that I have
regarding these materials. The tapes / CDs were often not marked
terribly well. It may well be that some recording dates are incorrect.
If you catch a problem or think you have additional information,
please pass it along !

You may wonder, for example, whether (for those cases where there is
both a DAT source and a CD source for a given show) whether the one
was made from the other or whether they represent different sources ?
Well, I am sad to have to say that the answer is that I do not know
the answer. It's going to require a lot of patient work to cypher it
all out. I have preserved *everything* - just in case there are
unusual sources or weird variations in the pile.

I have listened to many of the tapes and there are some really
wonderful recordings here. And, that's really the point.... to pass
along The Good Stuff to all of the other Floyd-Heads out there in
FloydArtifacts land. It's an excuse to dig out those old CDs. It's an
excuse to play those RoIOs at high volumes (all the better to compare
to other versions..) It's an excuse to do some old-fashioned trading.
Have a good time ! Communicate anything interesting that you discover!

DAT Transfers
DVD 1 -

Tape 1: 28/2/70 - 1' 25" 19/11/74 - DSOTM + Echoes (1' 18")
Tape 2: Roger Waters - Mars Music Amphitheater, West Palm Beach, FL - 6/3/00
Tape 3: Floyd - Earls Ct. 5-18-73 Pt. 1
Tape 4: Pink Floyd - County Stadium, Milwaukee, WI - 6/22/75 Set 1

Scott's Reel -
This reel contains recordings made off-air in Chicago, IL on WXRT.
The original recording media was a reel-to-reel tape. This was professionally transferred to several audio CDs. I ripped the audio to .wav and converted to .shn. For the Roger Waters concert, I divided it into tracks for convenience.

Roger Waters - Radio City Music Hall, NYC, New York - 28 March 1985
David Gilmour - Stabler Arena, Allentown, Pennsylvania
(with Sue Evans on percussion) - 12 July 1984

DVD 2 -

Tape 1: Pink Floyd - 5/7/75 (2nd Source) | 26/6/71 (2nd Source)
Tape 2: Pink Floyd - 25/2/77 Paris | 15/3/77 I Wembley, UK
Tape 3: Pink Floyd - Lund 3/20/70 Off Master
Tape 4: Pink Floyd - Aachen 7/12/70 From Master | San Tropez 8/8/70 From Master
Tape 5: Pink Floyd - Kraligen Pop Fest 6-28-70 1st Gen
Tape 6: Pink Floyd - Philly 9-26-70 (From Master)

DVD 3 -

Tape 7: Pink Floyd - Tokyo 3/7/72 (1st Gen)
Tape 8: Pink Floyd - Dusseldorf 11-14-72 (From Master)
Tape 9: Pink Floyd - Radio City, NY 3-17-73 (From Master)
Tape 10: Pink Floyd - CLeveland 6-25-77 (From Master) | Copenhagen 9-13-67 2nd Generation
Tape 11: Roger Waters - New World Music Theater, Tinley Park, IL 7/8/00

DVD 4 -

Tape 12: Roger Waters - Ice Palace Arena, Tampa, FL 6/2/00
Tape 13: Pink Floyd - London 11-4-73 | Earls Court 5-18-73 Pt. 2 | 5-19-73 Pt. 2
Tape 14: 4-14-00 Is There Anybody Out There b/c special pt. 4
Tape 15: Pink Floyd - Earls Court 5-19-73 Pt. 1
Tape 16: Pink Floyd - Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria 2/1/77 (AOD3)
Tape 17: Pink Floyd - Sporthalle, Boblingen, West Germany 11/15/72 (A1D2)

DVD 5 -

Tape 18: Pink Floyd - Festhalle, Frankfurt, West Germany 11/16/72 (A3D1)
Tape 19: Pink Floyd - Festhalle, Frankfurt, West Germany 11/17/72 (A3D1)
Tape 20: Pink Floyd - Kiel Opera House, St. Louis, MO 3/6/73 (A1D3)
Tape 21: Pink Floyd - Utrecht, NL 28/12/68 | ? Southampton, UK 22/6/69 | Manchester, UK 22/6/69
Tape 22: Pink Floyd - Croyden, UK 18/1/70 | Wembley, UK 15/3/77 part 2

DVD 6 -

Tape 23: Pink Floyd - Lund, Sweeden 20/3/70 | Amsterdam, NL 22/5/72
Tape 24: Pink Floyd - Montreux, SWZ 21/11/70
Tape 25: Pink Floyd - Wien, Austria 12/10/73 | Portsmouth, UK 21/1/72
Tape 26: Pink Floyd - Earls Court, London, UK 19/5/73
Tape 27: Pink Floyd - London, UK 16/11/74

DVD 7 -

Tape 28: Pink Floyd - Los Angeles, CA 26/4/75
Tape 29: Pink Floyd - Boston, MASS 18/6/75 | Rotterdam, NL 20/6/71
Tape 30: Pink Floyd - Knebworth, UK 5/7/75
Tape 31: Pink Floyd - Niedersachsenhalle, Hannover, West Germany 3/15/70 (A1D2) 2nd Brittish Rock Meeting Insel Grun
Tape 32: Pink Floyd - Parc des Expositions, Colmar, France 6/24/74 (A0D3)

Reeling In The Floyd CD Sources DVD#1- DVD #5
DVD 1 -
Ann Arbor 71 Oct 28 - 2nd gen
Bristol 1974-Dec-14 - 2nd gen
Charlotte, SC 72-April-16 - 2nd gen
Hunter College 1971-Nov-3 - 1st gen
Radio City 1973-March-17
Roger Waters - KemperArena - Kansas City 1999-Aug-28 (disc 3 and soundchecks only)
St. James Hall 1969-March-27

DVD 2 -
Roger Waters - Soundchecks 1999-Aug
Roger Waters Interviews 1999
West Palm Beach 1999
Zurich - 1977-Feb-4 - off master

DVD 3 -
69 Amsterdam 17-Sept-69
69 Plumpton 8-8-69 first generation
69 Port Talbot 6-12-69
69 RAH 6-26-69 first generation
72 Tokyo
73 Chicago 3-7-73
73 Columbia 6-20-73 first generation

DVD 4 -
73 Dark Side Of Radio City 17-March-73
75 Boston
75 Olympia Stadium Detroit MI 6-24-75
75 The Coliseum Seattle WA 4-10-75
77 Chicago Soldier's Field 19-6-77
94 P3
99 Roger Waters Interviews

DVD 5 -
00 Roger Waters 7-8-00 World
99 Where's Rolf 7-23-99
721114 - dusseldorf
Fragments Of Floyd
Russell Gate Tapes
Syd Barrett Compilation
BBC Radio 1 - Marc Radcliffe Show

1. Introduction
2. Radioactive Toy
3. Burning Sky (part 1) & interview
4. Burning Sky (part 2) & interview
5. Always Never

Paired with 1995-01-30 and 1996-05-14
Up The Downstair
Always Never
Radioactive Toy
Burning Sky
Not Beautiful Anymore
BBC Radio 1 - Marc Radcliffe Show

1. Introduction
2. The Moon Touches Your Shoulder
3. The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase One, part 1) & interview
4. The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase One, part 2)
5. The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase Two)

Paired with 1993-12-06 and 1996-05-14
This a slightly improved version of a recording originally downloaded on Dime some time ago (and not available anymore). The left channel on the original recording was much quieter than the right one so I fixed the levels using NGwave. Also, I made seperate indexes for Is Not and Always Never.

The following information comes from the original seeder:
"I traded this show into my DAT collection many years ago; I have no real information on where it came from.  Lineage, as far as I can tell, is soundboard -> DAT (48K) -> WAV."

01 The Sky Moves Sideways (12:37)
02 Is Not (5:35)
03 Radioactive Toy (10:32)
04 Moonloop (10:12)
05 The Moon Touches Your Shoulder (4:31)
06 Always Never (5:24)
07 Dislocated Day (5:13)
08 Burning Sky (11:51)
09 Up The Downstair (10:06)
total time - 76:05

Steven Wilson - guitars, vocals
Richard Barbieri - keyboards
Colin Edwin - bass
Chris Maitland - drums, percussion

This a very good early performance by the band. Some of the more interesting moments are a great version of Burning Sky and a performance of The Moon Touches Your Shoulder that is much more similar to the studio take, than the totally reworked live version known from the Coma Divine album. Also, watch out for th hilarious band introduction after Moonloop.
Idiot Prayer
The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase One)
Waiting (Phase One)
The Nostalgia Factory
Dislocated Day
The Moon Touches Your Shoulder
Always Never
Up The Downstair

Voyage 34
Radioactive Toy
BBC Radio Newcastle

1. Waiting (Phase One)
2. Radioactive Toy

Paired with 1993-12-06 and 1995-01-30
Idiot Prayer
The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase One)
Waiting (Phase One)
The Nostalgia Factory
Up the Downstair
Voyage 34 (Phase One)
Linton Samuel Dawson

Show: A
Sound: B - clear instruments, good separation, but some annoying chatter as well
The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase I)
Waiting (Phase I + II)
The Sleep of No Dreaming
Up the Downstair
Solo by the Smoke Machine
The Moon Touches Your Shoulder >
Always Never
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Voyage 34
Not Beautiful Anymore
Even Less (extended version)
Waiting pt.1
Sleep of No dreaming
The moon touches your shoulder
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy

Txt file:
This is one of the most special shows I've ever attended, and I remember it with fondness for various reasons. First of all,
it has been the very first Porcupine tree weed ever circulated under the name of 'Even Less rehearsals' back in 2000, when
I used to do these sort of things to make as many new fans as possible of the music of PT.

Just imagine PT playing in front of you, with no more than other 40 people in the venue. Steve Wilson playing 15 centimeters
from you, with wonderful music and lots of surprises. The band was quite big in Italy back then, but unfortunately the same
night Lynyrd Skynyrd was playing Milano after several years of absence from Italy, so most of the audience was there.

I entered the venue during the soundcheck and the music the band was playing was totally new and unknown to me. They were
jamming instrumentally for a new piece called 'Even Less'. The whole of the soundcheck was spent trying this track. And then
the show: 'Even Less' was played for the very first time, in its early, extended version, with different lyrics. A shock.

A friend from the security allowed me to stay in front of the stage with my Sony Pro. After a few adjustment with the 
recording level, the sound was almost perfect, at least for an analogue recording.

The bad news was that something went wrong after Moonloop: probably I pushed the 'pause' button and did not realise it 
untill it was time to change tape. That's why two tracks for that night weren't recorded: Sever and Voyage 34 which closed 
the official set. Fortunately I managed to tape the encores.

I keep saying that THAT band does not exist anymore. It was a time where Porcupine tree could make you dreaming during
their shows, entering a world of wonderful music. It was a time where the band could play in front of 40 people, more or
less like it would happen if they played in your living room. THAT band will never come back, unfortunately. So sit down,
relax, and enjoy that dream.

Sound quality: 10- / 10 (in my ears but especially in my heart)


Even Less
Waiting - Phase 1
Waiting - Phase 2
Sleep of No Dreaming
Up the Downstair
Always Never

Voyage 34
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Ambulance Chasing
This Is No Rehearsal
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Not Beautiful Anymore
Nine Cats

Last six songs are from 1998-04-18 in Utrecht, except for Nine Cats, which is taken from a promo tape.
Even Less
Waiting (Phase One) >
Waiting (Phase Two)
The Sleep Of No Dreaming
Up The Downstair
This Is No Rehearsal
Ambulance Chasing
The Moon Touches Your Shoulder >
Always Never
Voyage 34
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Even Less
Piano Lessons
Up the Downstair
Don't Hate Me
Nine Cats
Pure Narcotic
Smart Kid

Voyage 34
Slave Called Shiver
Tinto Brass
The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase One)
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Even Less
Piano Lessons
Waiting (Phase One)
Up The Downstair
Don't Hate Me
Baby Dream In Cellophane *
A Smart Kid
Voyage 34 (Phase One)
Slave Called Shiver *
Tinto Brass
The Sky Moves Sideways

Nine Cats
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Disc 1:
1. Intro
2. Even Less
3. Piano Lessons
4. Waiting (Part 1)
5. Up The Downstair
6. Don't Hate Me
7. Signify
8. Pure Narcotic

Disc 2:
1. A Smart Kid
2. Voyage 34
3. Tinto Brass
4. The Sky Moves Sideways (Part 1)
5. Nine Cats
6. Dislocated Day
7. Radioactive Toy

Conversion : CDr > EAC > Mkw > SHN [Edit]> WAV > FLAC (level6)
Disc One:

1. Even Less
2. Piano Lessons
3. Waiting (Part One)
4. Up The Downstair
5. Don't Hate Me (introduction)
6. Don't Hate Me
7. Signify
8. Pure Narcotic
9. A Smart Kid
10. Voyage 34

Disc Two:

1. Slave Called Shiver
2. Tinto Brass
3. Sky Moves Sideways (Phase One)
4. Nine Cats
5. Dislocated Day
6. Radioactive Toy

Even Less
Piano Lessons
Up The Downstair
Don't Hate Me
Voyage 34
Tinto Brass
The Sky Moves Sideways
Radioactive Toy
Even Less
Piano Lessons
Waiting (Phase One)
Up The Downstair
Don't Hate Me
Pure Narcotic
Nine Cats
Voyage 34 (Phase One)
Slave Called Shiver
Tinto Brass
The Sky Moves Sideways (Phase One)
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Even Less
Piano Lessons
Waiting (phase I)
Up the Downstair
Dont' Hate Me
Baby Dream in Cellophane
A Smart Kid
Voyage 34 (phase I)
Slave Called Shiver
Tinto Brass
The Sky Moves Sideways (phase I)
Dislocated Day
Radioactive Toy
Russia On Ice
Waiting (Phase One)
Don't Hate Me
Four Chords That Made A Million
Pure Narcotic
Where We Would Be
A Smart Kid
Even Less
Piano Lessons
Tinto Brass
Slave Called Shiver
Up The Downstair
Dislocated Day
Voyage 34

A very good performance, but the crowd noise makes this virtually unlistenable. :-(
Lightbulb Sun
Four Chords That Made A Million
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Russia On Ice
Up The Downstair
Pure Narcotic
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Sleep Of No Dreaming
Tinto Brass
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Up The Downstair
The Sleep Of No Dreaming
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Russia On Ice
Pure Narcotic
Where We Would Be
Tinto Brass
Voyage 34 (Phase One)

Sound: B+
Show: A
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Up the Downstair
Sleep of No Dreaming
Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before it is Recycled
Russia On Ice
Pure Narcotic
Where We Would Be?
Tinto Brass
Voyage 34

Sound: A-
Show: A
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Up The Downstair
Lightbulb Sun
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Russia On Ice
Pure Narcotic
Where We Would Be
Tinto Brass
Voyage 34 (Phase One)
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Up the Downstair
Lightbulb Sun
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Russia On Ice
Pure Narcotic
Where We Would Be?
Tinto Brass
Voyage 34
Radioactive Toy
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Up The Downstair
Lightbulb Sun
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Russia On Ice
Pure Narcotic
Where We Would Be?
Tinto Brass
Voyage 34
Radioactive Toy
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Up The Downstair
Lightbulb Sun
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Russia On Ice
Pure Narcotic
Where We Would Be
Tinto Brass

Stop Swimming
Voyage 34 (Phase One)
Radioactive Toy

Also have this an audience-shot DVD.
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Lightbulb Sun
Where We Would Be?
Waiting (Phase One)
The Sleep Of No Dreaming
Tinto Brass
Stop Swimming
Pure Narcotic
Up The Downstair
Russia On Ice
Radioactive Toy

Lineage: CDr (received in trade)-->EAC (secure)-->FLAC Front End (Compression Level 8)
The Creator Has a Mastertape
Buying New Soul
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
The Sound of Muzak
Wedding Nails
Pure Narcotic
Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth
Stop Swimming
Strip the Soul

Dark Matter
Tinto Brass
Blackest Eyes
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
The Sound of Muzak
Pure Narcotic
Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Stop Swimming
Strip the Soul

Buying New Soul
Wedding Nails
Dark Matter
Tinto Brass

"A Fire to Feed"
July 24, 2002
Bowery Ballroom

Source: audience
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals> Sony DAT D7> 7-pin> SB Live> Wave Lab> CD Wave> Flac Frontend
Taper: PT
Transferred by: newspaper
Covers: prjt2501
Blackest Eyes
Buying New Soul
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
The Sound of Muzak
Wedding Nails
Pure Narcotic
Hate Song

Band introductions
Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Strip the Soul
Dark Matter
Tinto Brass
Blackest Eyes
The Sound Of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Wedding Nails
A Smart Kid
Heart Attack In A Layby
Strip The Soul
Dark Matter
Tinto Brass
Blackest Eyes
The Sound of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled
Wedding Nails
Russia on Ice
The Creator Has a Mastertape
Heartattack in a Layby
Strip the Soul
Waiting (phase I)
Tinto Brass
Blackest Eyes
The Sound of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Wedding Nails
Last Chance to Evacuate the Earth Before It Is Recycled
Stop Swimming
The Creator Has a Mastertape
Heartattack in Layby
Strip the Soul

Waiting(Phase 1)
Tinto Brass

LLD_153 lists this as a SBD with the following info:


Resseded and re-indexed.

disc 1 (58:26)
01 Blackest Eyes (4:54)
02 The Sound Of Muzak (6:05)
03 Gravity Eyelids (7:40)
04 Even Less (7:15)
05 Slave Called Shiver (5:33)
06 Wedding Nails (5:59)
07 Last Chance To Evacuate The Earth Before It Is Recycled (5:07)
08 Shesmovedon (5:21)
09 SW talks: inappropriate T-shirt (1:47)
10 Hatesong (8:40)

disc 2 (39:06)

01 Stop Swimming (6:41)
02 The Creator Has A Mastertape (5:48)
03 Heartattack In Layby (4:43)
04 Strip The Soul (7:16)
05 crowd noise / SW talks (2:26)
06 Waiting Phase One (4:45)
07 Tinto Brass (7:24)

Richard Barbieri - keyboards
Colin Edwin - bass
Gavin Harrison - drums, percussion
Steven Wilson - guitars, lead vocals
with: John Wesley - guitars, backing vocals
Blackest Eyes
Sound of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Wedding Nails
Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled

Stop Swimming
Heartattack in a Layby
Strip the Soul
Dark Matter
Tinto Brass
Blackest Eyes
Sound Of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Even Less
Slave Called Shiver
Wedding Nails
Last Chance To Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled

Hate Song
The Creator Has A Masterpiece
Heartattack In A Layby
Strip The Soul
Dark Matter
Tinto Brass
Intro >
Blackest Eyes
The Sound of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Even Less
Pure Narcotic
Russia on Ice
Waiting (Phase One)
Strip the Soul
Heartattack in a Layby
Wedding Nails
Blackest Eyes
The Sound Of Muzak
Gravity Eyelids
Even Less
Pure Narcotic
Russia On Ice
Waiting (Phase One)
Strip The Soul
Heartattack In A Layby
Wedding Nails
Disc 1  68:32
Intro-Creator has a master tape
Sound of muszak
Gravity Eyelids
Blackest Eyes
Slave called shiver
Happy Birthday Andy
Heart Attack in a Layby

Disc 2 16:18
Strip the soul
Blackest Eyes
Gravity Eyelids
Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before it is Recycled
Russia On Ice
The Moon Touches Your Shoulder
Wedding Nails
Even Less
01 Blackest Eyes
02 The Sound Of Muzak
03 Gravity Eyelids
04 Trains
05 SW Interview

Television broadcast
Disc One

1. Intro, 5:15
2. Blackest Eyes, 4:40
3. Shesmovedon, 5:21
4. Gravity Eyelids, 9:09
5. Futile, 6:15
6. Even Less, 6:32
7. Slave Called Shiver, 6:05
8. Fadeaway, 5:23

Disc Two

1. Hatesong, 8:41
2. Russia On Ice, 12:27
3. A Smart Kid, 5:22
4. Crew Introductions, 2:52
5. Strip The Soul, 9:32
6. Wedding Nails, 6:05
7. Trains, 7:51

Steven Wilson - Guitars, Lead Vocals
Richard Barbieri - Syntheiszers, Electronics
Colin Edwin - Bass
Gavin Harrison - Drums, Percussion
John Wesley - Guitars, Backing Vocals, Lead Vocals on disc one, track 8
Mikael Akerfeldt - Lead Vocals on disc two, track 3

Audience recording

A very good recording despite some feedback during 'Shesmovedon' and 'A Smart Kid.' The last night of the shared Porcupine Tree/Opeth bill. Porcupine Tree was
the first to go on this night. Opeth's Mikael Akerfeldt came onstage to sing lead vocals on 'A Smart Kid.'
Intro (Revenant)
The Sound Of Muzak
A Smart Kid
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Burning Sky
Mellotron Scratch
Blackest Eyes
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Even Less

The Sound Of Muzak
A Smart Kid
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Burning Sky
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Blackest Eyes
Even Less

Taper: Thommi
Location: ~15 meters/50 ft. away from stage, FOB/center
Source: Dynamic Audio Cardioids > DA-120F > Sony MZ-NH700 (mic in)
Transfer: Digital - Sony MZ-NH700 (Hi-SP) > USB > SonicStage 2.1 > .wav > WaveLab 4.0 (EQ, Fades) > CD Wave (tracking) > FLAC Frontend 1.7.1 (level 8) > .flac
Gen: 0


01 - Revenant - 3:10
02 - Deadwing - 9:32
03 - Sound Of Muzak - 5:47
04 - Lazarus - 4:05
05 - Halo - 5:58
06 - A Smart Kid - 5:34
07 - Hatesong - 9:36
08 - Arriving Somewhere But Not Here - 13:05
09 - Fadeaway - 5:11
10 - Shallow - 4:58
11 - Mellotron Scratch - 7:27
12 - Blackest Eyes - 4:32
13 - Even Less - 6:26
14 - Encore Break - 3:00
15 - Shesmovedon - 5:32
16 - Trains - 6:55

Notes: This was my first ever taping experience and Porcupine Tree concert at the same time. In  comparison to some other Deadwing shows before and after the Munich gig, the band put on an even greater performance without any flaws, musically. Technically there have been some guitar issues (as usual?) e.g. during the heavy part of Arriving Somewhere But Not Here, which can be noticed if you listen closely. Impressed by the concert itself, I was as well pleased with the clear  sound of my recording which is indeed a result of the great acoustics at the Elserhalle! Thanks a lot to 'Distortion' for the mics! 

Furthermore this is the second and better version of my recording. After half a year, I eq'ed the raw file again and was able to do a better job with it. In comparison to the first version, I removed the hiss which was audible during calmer parts, fixed the channel problem as the left  channel was louder than the right one (especially at the first few songs) and dropped treble. 
Tracklist CD1: 
The sound of muzak 
A smart kid 
Arriving Somewhere but not Here 
Burning Sky 
Mellotron Scratch 

Tracklist CD2: 
Blackest Eyes 
Even Less 

I taped directly this very crowded show (few hundreds of people were left outside without a ticket!) with a Sony MD with Aiwa microphone. Sounds 9 out of 10. I re-equalised the sound with SoundForge with a definitive improvements. This version has never been traded before so you should consider it as brand new. It is NOT the poor-sounding version that circulated here a while ago.
Apologies to who have tried previously to download the show and got stuck at 99.9%...I had a problem! Now hopefully everything should be ok!

Sound: B+
Show: A
Sound Of Muzak
A Smart Kid
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here

The Start of Something Beautiful
Blackest Eyes
Even Less
The Sound Of Muzak
A Smart Kid
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Set II
Mellotron Scratch
Blackest Eyes
Even Less
01 Intro
02 Deadwing
03 The Sound of Muzak
04 Lazarus
05 Halo
06 A Smart Kid
07 Hatesong
08 Arriving Somewhere, But Not Here

01 Fadeaway
02 Burning Sky
03 Shallow
04 Start of Something Beautiful
05 Blackest Eyes
06 Even Less
07 Shesmovedon
08 Trains

TAPER: skua
LOCATION:        5 Feet Behind Soundboard, just right of Center Stage
LINEAGE:         SP-CMC-2 > SP-SPSB-6 (69Hz Bass Rolloff) >Archos Gmini 120 (via analog line in) > WAV
PROCESSING:      WAV > WaveLab5 (cuts/fades/EQ/compressor/limiter)> CDWave (tracking) > WAV & CUE
then - 
WAV > FLACFront (8/verify) > FLAC for electronic trading
or - 
WAV & CUE > EAC > CD-R Audio for disc trading

bobnote: a very good audience recording of a stand-out performance. the soloing during hatesong and shesmovedon are most excellent, and steve's voice is dead-on throughout.
Sound of Muzak
Stop Swimming
Hate Song
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Strip The Soul
Mellotron Scratch
Blackest Eyes

Lineage: MasterDat> STAudio 24/96 card> 24bit.wav>.flac
Recorder: Sonic Studios> Sony tcd D100> 20ft cos
Released 7-05

[Edit] Two serious pops and clicks during track 1 (1:19) and 11 (2:55) removed with 
Adobe Audition (Flac > WAV > Flac (6))

Sound: A-
Show: A
Intro by Steve Hogarth
Sound of Muzak
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Strip the Soul (w/keyboard solo by Steve Hogarth)
Blackest Eyes
Open Car
Blackest Eyes
Don't Hate Me
Mother & Child Divided
Buying New Soul
So Called Friend
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Heartattack In a Layby
The Start of Something Beautiful
[crowd noise before encores]
Sound of Muzak
Radioactive Toy
Open Car
Blackest Eyes
Don't Hate Me
Mother And Child Divided
Buying New Soul
So Called Friend
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Heartattack In A Lay By
The Start Of Something Beautiful
The Sound Of Muzak
Radioactive Toy
Open Car
Blackest Eyes
Don't Hate Me
Mother and Child Divided
Buying New Soul
So Called Friend
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Heartattack in a Layby
The Start of Something Beautiful

Radioactive Toy

Source: audience
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals> Archos Gmini 120> usb> Wave Lab> Cd Wave> Flac Frontend
Taper: PT
Transferred by: newspaper
Covers by: prjt2501
Open Car
Blackest Eyes
Don't Hate Me
Mother and Child Divided
Gravity Eyelids
So Called Friend
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
Heartattack in a Layby
The Start of Something Beautiful

Radioactive Toy
Blackest Eyes
Mother And Child Divided
So Called Friend
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
The Sound Of Muzak
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Radioactive Toy
2 nd source; great quality (except for some wind!)

Sony MZ-NH1 / Cardioid Mics / WAV / FLAC 

No equalizing used at all!!!
Just the sound 'as it was'.  

Second Source of this great prog rock band.
My buddy Kips1963 and I had made an agreement:
I would tape Pavlov's Dog at the rockgarden (outside),
and he would tape P.T. at the Rockpalace (in the tent).
Finally, P.T. showed up outside, where I had no windcaps
attached to my mics.
So some wind may be heard. Nevertheless, this is a great 
recording incl. some great pics!

Some artwork is greatly appreciated.
Please use some of my pics.

1.  Intro
2.  Open Car
3.  Blackest Eyes
4.  Lazarus
5.  Hate Song
6.  Don't Hate Me
7.  Mother And Child Devided 
8.  Arriving Somewhere 
9.  Halo

Fear Of A Blank Planet
My Ashes
Sleep Together
Open Car
The Sound Of Muzak
Buying New Soul
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
The Start Of Something Beautiful

E: Halo
Blackest Eyes
 Fear Of A Blank Planet
My Ashes
Sleep Together
Set II
Open Car
The Sound Of Muzak
Buying New Soul
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Blackest Eyes
Fear Of A Blank Planet
My Ashes
Sleep Together
Open Car
The Sound Of Muzak
Buying New Soul
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Blackest Eyes
Fear Of A Blank Planet
My Ashes
Cheating The Polygraph
Sleep Together
Open Car
The Sound Of Muzak
Buying New Soul
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
The Start Of Something Beautiful

E: Halo
Blackest Eyes
Fear Of A Blank Planet
My Ashes
Cheating the Polygraph
Sleep Together
Open Car
The Sound Of Muzak
Buying New Soul
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here
The Start Of Something Beautiful

E: Halo
Blackest Eyes
Fear Of A Blank Planet
Drown With Me
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Blackest Eyes
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together

E: Mother And Child Divided
Even Less
Fear Of A Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
A Smart Kid
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together
Even Less
Mother & Child Divided
Fear Of A Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
Half Light >
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together

E: Even Less
Mother & Child Divided
01. Intro / Fear Of A Blank Planet 
02. Lightbulb Sun 
03. My Ashes 
04. Anesthetize 
05. Open Car 
06. Gravity Eyelids 
07. Drown With Me 
08. Sentimental 
09. Blackest Eyes 
10. Half-light
11. Sever 
12. Way Out Of Here 
13. Sleep Together 
14. Even Less 
15. Mother & Child Divided 
16. Halo 

Lineage: Aiwa microphone CM-DS6 > Sony Net MD MZ-N910 > Audigy Soundblaster > HD > SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave > 
FLAC Frontend (level 6) 

Steve Wilson - guitars, vocals, keyboards
Richard Barbieri - keyboards
John Wesley - guitars, vocals
Colin Edwin - bass
Gavin Harrison - drums

This is volume 2 of the celebration for release #100 of LDB Master Series. I taped this one while I was in the UK on
business. Having seen a few shows from the UK tour, I have selected this one because I was very pleased with it. I was
sitting on the first row on the balcony, so it was great to see the show properly and with no obstacles. The music was very
nice; it has been at least 6 years I hadn't seen the band in such top form. The new tracks from the Fear Of A Black Planet
album sound great on a live rendition. SW was obviously pleased to have such a warm reaction from his hometown audience;
after many years of touring it must have been somehow strange to be able to come back to his house and not sleeping on the
tour bus, since he lives a few subway stations away from Kentish Town!
Some peaks of the show: Anesthetize is wonderfull, so powerful. But also I few surprises such as Drown With Me and Half Light
that were played for the first time during this tour. Apparently, A Smart Kid has been dropped from the setlist.
The show sounds very good; I don't know if you hear them in the recording, but during the show I could clearly hear two
as*****s always talking behind me during quiet sections.
Next volume will definetely close my Master Series; it will be another surprise for you.


 Fear Of A Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
Half Light
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together

Even Less
Mother And Child Divided
Fear Of A Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
Half Light
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together

Mother & Child Divided
Fear of a Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Mellotron Scratch
Drown with Me
Blackest Eyes
Way Out of Here
Sleep Together

Mother & Child Divided
Fear Of A Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together
Mother & Child Divided
 Fear Of A Blank Planet
My Ashes
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together
Set II
Lightbulb Sun
Open Car
Mellotron Scratch
Drown With Me
Even Less
Blackest Eyes
Mother & Child Divided
Fear of A Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Mellotron Scratch
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
A Smart Kid
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together

Mother and Child Divided
Taper: The Oilman (long live the Oils!)
Total Length (approx) 1 hour 57 minutes 45 seconds

Recorded about 20-25 feet from stage, left of center (basically straight out from Steven's keyboard)

LINEAGE: SONY MZ-R55 /Sony ECM907 stereo mic/Converted to WAV in SoundForge 6.0 (and Split into Tracks)>Convertyed to FLAC (level 8) with Flac Frontend

ARTWORK is available at http://www.cdr.vplay.co.uk/ptmw1.html  (as of this typing the cover is only complete but the rest will soon follow)


Fear Of A Blank Planet  
Lightbulb Sun  
My Ashes  
Open Car  
Gravity Eyelids
Drown With Me

Blackest Eyes    
Way Out Of Here  
Sleep Together   

Mother and Child Divided

Show notes- There was a small skip in the minidisc master in FOABP, which I trimmed out, I'll leave it to the picky ones to find it, but most will not hear it. I did not notice any other such
 anamolies but I also have only finished recording this 15 hours ago! Steven had a great story about a girl who they had met at this venue in 2005 as she was a huge fan and she died tragically
 12 days after meeting the band. He dedicated Blackest Eyes to her, I didn't know what he was going to say so I took the opportunity with him talking to switch my minidiscs to not miss any music
 which worked, you can hear him say before when the song starts. "this is for Arielle" and I believe her mother was in the crowd. 

The Rave hisorically has had lousy sound from the many concerts I had attended in the past, but since my last show there, they have put it a new sound system and it seemed much improved
from my memories of the muddy sound there. I was pretty happy with how this came out!

Fear of a Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
Half Light
Way Out of Here
Sleep Together

Mother and Child Divided
 Fear Of A Blank Planet
My Ashes
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together
Set II
Lightbulb Sun
Open Car
Mellotron Scratch
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
Half Light
Even Less

Mother And Child Divided

taper: 		DaGobert
ICQ:		165-726-126
url: 		http://www.taperssection.com

source:		MBHO MBP 603 A / KA 200 N > CoreSound Mic2496 > M-Audio Microtrack2496 (@24bit/48kHz) > SanDisk eXtreme III 8GB
mic config: 	in hat, DINA (17cm, 90°)
location:	standing in the first row behind the soundboard which was about 1,5m higher than the front area of the club
transfer:	SanDisk eXtreme III > USB2.0 > PC > Cool Edit Pro 2.1 > Flac Frontend 1.7.1 Etree Edition (Level8)
editing:	Cool Edit Pro 2.1:	

		• fade-in/out
		• tracking
		• +3.5dB boost on the left channel
		• removing some clicks/pops
		• normalizer: 130%
		• dithering to 16bit/44.1kHz

24/48 version also on LLD_228
Ambient Intro
Fear of a Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Gravity Eyelids
Drown with Me

Blackest Eyes
A Smart Kid
Way Out of Here
Sleep Together
Even Less
Mother and Child Divided
Fear Of A Blank Planet
Lightbulb Sun
My Ashes
Open Car
Mellotron Scratch
Drown With Me
Blackest Eyes
Half Light
Way Out Of Here
Sleep Together

E: Even Less
Mother And Child Divided
Recorded from: "YleX Live" show from YleX FM on September 13th 2007 by jaanal
Lineage: FM > Sony HI-MD (PCM Mode) > Sonic Stage 4.0.>WAV > FLAC lvl8

Disc 1:
01 - announcer intro		[0:25]
02 - Way Out Of Here	[7:18]
03 - Sleep Together		[7:19]
04 - announcer		[0:27]
05 - Blackest Eyes		[4:35]
06 - Open Car		[4:43]
07 - Trains		[4:33]
08 - announcer outro		[0:36]

Other notes:
The broadcasted audio was mixed by no other than Steven Wilson himself and I must say that it sounds awesome. Anesthetize was also broadcasted a day before from the same festival, but wasn't included in this broadcast.  Note that this is an upgrade without the static during Way Out Of Here or the small skip during Sleep Together that was present in the version previously available.
Wandering Star
Mourning Air
Half Day Closing

Only You
All Mine
Glory Box
Sour Times
encore break
Western Eyes
Only You
Glory Box
Western Eyes
Sour Times

Sound: A
Show: A

Set I
Rain Birth (Intro) / Appena un Po'
Per Un Amico
Maestro della Voce [Dedicated to Demetrio Stratos]
Out Of The Roundabout
Alta Loma
La Luna Nuova
Piano Spot/Dove... Quando (part 1)
Il Banchetto
Acoustic Guitar Spot
Dolcissima Maria
Set II
La Carrozza Di Hans
Scary Light
Violin Jam
Giacomo Rossini's William Tell Overture
Impressioni di Settembre
E' Festa / Celebration
(FM) SBD>??>CD

Memorial Drive
Still There'll Be More
Nothing That I Didn't Know
Simple Sister
Luskus Delph
Shine On Brightly
Broken Barricades
Whaling Stories
Juicy John Pink
A Salty Dog
Whiskey Train
Power Failure 

Gary Brooker Piano/Vocal  
Chris Copping Organ/Bass/Vocal
Robin Trower Guitar/Vocal
Barrie James Wilson Drums
Shine on Brightly
In The Wee Small Hours of Sixpence
Still There'll Be More
All This And More
Magdalene (My Regal Zonophone)
Quite Rightly So
Power Failure
Pilgrims Progress
Simple Sister
A Salty Dog
Repent Walpurgis
In The Autumn Of My Madness
Look To Your Soul
Grand Finale 
The VIP Room
Pandora's Box
A Robe of Silk
Grand Hotel
Wall Street Blues
The Blink of an Eye
Robert's Box
Fellow Travelers
Shine On Brightly

Simple Sister
Shadow Boxed
Quite Rightly So
band intros
The World Is Rich
Beyond the Pale
An Old English Dream
A Salty Dog
Whiskey Train
A Whiter Shade of Pale
Repent Walpurgis (cut)

It’s just over eight years since the cutting edge division of KC’s R&D projeKct got on stage at Poor David’s to boldly go in search of the groove. Fortunately for us they find it in abundance. Masque 1 is an exploration of light and shade, highs and lows, heaven and earth – the Thrush-like flourishes on top of Fripp’s luscious string chords early into the piece provide one of the gig’s most sublime moments.

You can hear them finding their feet, getting settled and then flying off into space: this version of Seizure is amongst the best you’ll ever hear. Heavy ConstruKction presages some of the themes and textures which Gunn and Mastelotto would revisit many years later with KTU.
Although the energy levels for the second set dip in comparison to the frenzied highs of the first, the reflective musing of Masque 5 and a burning ProjeKction (aka Frying Pan from TCOL)with a top-notch top Gunn solo will reward the patient listener.

In his diary, Fripp notes that it was “a mixed affair,” adding “Trey figured that about half the performance worked. For an improvising outfit, that's a good hit.”
Some of this material first appeared on the P3 disc of the ProjeKcts boxset though this is the first time it has been available in its unedited form.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Masque 1	  [PREVIEW] 	 21.17
2.  	Contrary ConstruKction	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.30
3.  	Seizure	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.20
4.  	The Deception Of The Thrush	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.41
5.  	Heavy ConstruKction	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.06
Disc Number 2
1.  	Introductory Soundscape	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.17
2.  	Masque 5	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.30
3.  	Masque 11	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.55
4.  	Light ConstruKction	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.31
5.  	ProjeKction	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.02
6.  	VROOOM	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.10

Fripp Mastelotto Gunn

not for trade. available at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=11&show=775
Fripp Gunn Belew

West Coast Tour
2CDs 90min

Soundscapes > Sus-Tayn-Z
Vector Shift
Vector Shift
Vector Shift

Deception Of The Thrush
Vector Shift
Contrary ConstruKction
With nearly a dozen gigs under their belt on their second American tour, the most widely travelled King Crimson ProjeKct arrived in Ohio with all guns blazing. In addition to all their road miles, P2 get to cover a lot of musical ground as well: one minute it’s heavy house, the next, heavy rock sprinkled with some heavy jazz noodling, but mostly it’s just all kinds of heaviness flying at you in one hair-raising blast after another. The band are really on fire tonight.

Trey Gunn’s verdict on the performance pretty much sums it up "Wow! Excellent show. I would give this as our best playing to date. The sound was fantastic, so we had a tremendous amount of leeway in the different directions we could take the music tonight. And, boy, we did take them!"

An element of the show was famously included on the Live Groove CD as a hidden track wherein the crowd’s reaction to Mr.Clueless of Cleveland taking a picture of the band in action is documented in all its gory glory.
Disc Number 1
1.  	Vector Shift To Planet Cleveland I	  [PREVIEW] 	 2.02
2.  	House II	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.07
3.  	X chayn jiZ	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.54
4.  	Vector Shift To Planet Belewbeloid	  [PREVIEW] 	 2.16
5.  	Light ConstruKction	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.11
6.  	Heavy ConstruKction	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.00
Disc Number 2
1.  	Sus tayn Z	  [PREVIEW] 	 19.37
2.  	Sus tayn Z Reprise	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.28
3.  	Contrary ConstruKction	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.54
4.  	Vector Shift To Planet Cleveland II	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.30
5.  	House	  [PREVIEW] 	 2.49
6.  	Deception Of The Thrush	  [PREVIEW] 	 12.08
7.  	Dinosaur	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.26
8.  	VROOOM	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.34

Adrian Belew - V-Drums
Robert Fripp - Guitar
Trey Gunn - Touch Guitar

Not for trade. Purchase from http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=10&show=756
On the road P2 were busily threading together the compositional strands that had emerged at King Crimson’s ill-fated Nashville Sessions in 1997. Whereas that had ended in a creative and personal stalemate, P2 was an altogether more joyful proposition. Had you been lucky enough to see P2 in action, you couldn’t help but notice how happy and excited all three musicians were to be together on stage.

Although Fripp and Gunn continually dazzle with their laser-guided salvos, it’s Belew behind his array of V-drums who often sets the tone for what’s to come, challenging his bandmates. Almost mischievously Belew sets off at a dizzying tempo on Contrary ConstrucKtion. After the main theme, Fripp and Gunn pause, smiling at each other as if to say “what the hell do we do with this?” What they do of course is rip it up and that’s exactly what’s needed.

Not all of it works – how could it?. Fripp and Gunn can be heard grasping for a line now and then – Light ConstruKction plods to no great effect and in the second set, House II proves hard to nail after the oblique and cautious Vector Shift. But hey, this is work in progress. Freed from the restrictions of repertoire they take liberties, kick back and have fun in a way that we hadn’t seen when these players were in the confines of the Double Trio.

Sadly none of Adrian’s solo spot between sets was recorded although his splendid rendition of Dinosaur has been preserved for posterity.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Introductory Soundscape	   	 5.43
2.  	House I    	  	 9.21
3.  	Sus_Tayn_Z	   	 9.32
4.  	Vector Shift To Planet Belewbeloid	   	 2.22
5.  	Light ConstruKction	  	 7.03
6.  	Contrary ConstruKction	   	 7.20
Disc Number 2
1.  	Heavy ConstruKction	   	 7.06
2.  	Vector Shift To Planet Somerville	   	 3.02
3.  	House II	  	 6.08
4.  	X_Chayn_Jiz	  	 8.08
5.  	The Deception Of The Thrush	   	 10.51
6.  	Dinosaur	   	 6.41
7.  	VROOOM	   	 5.45

Fripp Belew Gunn

Not for trade. Purchase this recording at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=10&show=1162
Kick off  band for NF05 . First of two bands playing that evening.
Taper nycsteve
Sharp MT 770 ,soundpro mics Mastered with Goldwave ,tracked with Cdwave Editor
SHN expands to 2 audio discs
Disc1 9tracks  79:37
Disc2 3tracks  20:14

Set List not avail at time of Release
Gear: Sony DCR-HC17E (MiniDV Cam)
Tapes: Maxell DVM80SE & Panasonic DVM60 (SP Mode)

Location: 3 meters from the the stage, between the center and the left-hand side.

Software used: SoundForge 6 (for normalization) and mkw Audio Compression Tool 0.97 BETA 1

Disc 1: 49:15
01 Intro 3:08
02 Alt. More Worlds Than Known 7:28
03 Relics Of The Tempest 5:05
04 Totus Nemesis 5:37
05 Axolotl 5:45
06 Quantum Leapfrog 10:24
07 Words Of Honor 4:50
08 Occasion Of Your Honest Dreaming 6:58

Disc 2: 53:36
01 Heavenly Man 10:20
02 On The Eve Of The Great Decline 8:33
03 When The Rains Come 8:41
04 Skont 8:01
05 Death Of Mother Nature Suite 10:20
06 Belexes 7:41

Proto-Kaw's extraordinary story in a nutshell: 

In the early 70's, the band Kansas went through three transformations. The sound of the band changed along with the the group members. The band the world came to know as Kansas was actually the third version of the band. Proto-Kaw is the renamed, reformed second version.

Formed in 1971 and disbanding in 1973, "Kansas II" played mostly original material written by Kansas composer and guitarist Kerry Livgren. After Kansas II disbanded, the group went their separate ways with Kerry gaining notority with the famous Kansas and the others assuming normal lives working in education, sales and the media. Most did not speak with each other for 30 years and many did not play music during this span, until the resurrection of the band starting with the release of their original lo-fi rehearsal recordings on CD on the Cuneiform Records label, titled "Early recordings from Kansas 1971-1973". (Interesting to know is this was initiated when Kerry found out these rather poor quality recordings were circulating on the net around the year 2000. He then decided to remaster the songs and release them himself, but not whithout consulting the other band members and asking for their approval.) What makes this story truly unique however is that the former band members decided, after Kerry had initiated the first contact in thirty years, to record some brand new material along with a number of old compositions from the early seventies that never saw the light of day before, thus becoming their first and long overdue studio album titled "Before Became After" (2004). This highly acclaimed album further sparked their enthousiasm and "The Wait Of Glory" (2006) followed, being hailed as an even greater album.

And that's how Proto-Kaw really came about; due to the unauthorised circulation of some leaked recordings on the internet!

About this recording:

To promote their "The Wait Of Glory" album (and because Proto-Kaw were now on the German/American InsideOut label) they embarked on a short european tour, or "european invasion" like they called it themselves. The band played 5 shows in small club settings in 4 countries as a double headliner act with scottish proggers Pallas. After having to overcome some technical difficulties with the rented equipment during the first show in Bochum (Germany) the remainder of their shows turned out to be enormously successful, especially the ones in Verviers (Belgium) and Zoetermeer (The Netherlands), and Kerry (called "The Maestro" by those in the know, hence the title of this recording) surrounded by his resurrected old/new band was shining once again as the prog-legend he is. To capture and preserve this unique event some dedicated Kerry adepts were able to film the Zoetermeer gig up close to the stage without being caught. The audio part of those DV tapes is presented here in this release. Since the built-in camera's mics were used it may not be up to par with some of the more expensive audio rigs out there used by other tapers. But despite the recording being a little "hot", it came out excellent for a DV cam and captures the music and atmosphere of that evening in a very enjoyable way.

Set I
Band On The Run*
What The Funk
Give Me Some Truth**>
Slow Merge
Every Night*
Nobody Told Me**
Are You Experienced?
Happy Birthday
Set II
Ode To Matt^>
Attraction To Shade Ditty
China Cat Sunflower>
Phaddy Boom Baddy
Instant Karma**
8 Miles High>
Riders On The Storm^^>
8 Miles High>
Mrs. Vanderbilt*
Wild Pack Of Asscracks>
Drum Solo (+encore break)
Beef Barley

Darol Anger ~ violin
Joe Craven ~ Percussion
Mike Marshall ~ Mandolin,Guitar
Todd Phillips ~ Bass
Tony Trischka ~ Banjo
(*Tim O'Brien ~ Mandolin, Vocals)

Source: SBD > fm > jvc hi-fi vhs > sony d7
Transfer: Tascam DA-20 > Sek’d Prodif Plus > Soundforge 5.0 (resampled 48 > 44.1) > Cdwav (tracking) > mkwaudio (SHN)

01. Intro by Dallas & Darol Anger
02. Bluegrass Breakdown
03. Little Jaco
04. Dysentery Stomp
05. The West Point Of The Eno
06. Wedges
07. Grant Wood
08. Descend From The Mountain
09. Andre, Check Out His New Shoes
10. Come Hither Goober
11. There Are No Overdubs In Heaven
12. Ride the Wild Brains
13. Hey Joe*
Source: DSBD DAT x ?
Transfer: Panasonic SV-3700 > Audiophile 2496 > @ 24 Bit to WaveLab >
16 Bit > CD Wave  > EAC > Flac June 11, 2006
Transfers by Bill Koucky

1.    Intro, Tuning
2.    Nine Pound Hammer
3.    The Jeremy Reel
4.    Banter
5.    Tennessee Twister
6.    Band Intros
7.    Big Monk
8.    Big Gravel
9.    Midnight On The Stormy Deep
10.    Garlic & Sapphires
11.     ?  >
12.    Hot Nickels
13.    Banter
14.    Third Stone From The Sun
15.    Crowd & Craziness
Encore w/ Guests
16.    Farewell Blues

Total Time        66:04

Darol Anger        Fiddle
Mike Marshall        Mandolin
David Grier        Guitar
Todd Phillips        Bass
Peter Wernick        Banjo

Joe Gravin
Tyler Everson
Members of the Nashville Bluegrass Band   
Source: (2) AT 4041's > Graham-Patten DMIC-20 > Hosa ODL 276 > Creative Nomad JB3 [44.1]
Config: 70*, 4" spacing 	Location: DFC, behind soundboard, 8ft high  
Transfer: JB3 [usb] > PC > CDWAV > FLAC (417mb)
Recorded & Transfered by K. Januszak (januszak@hotmail.com) & S. Nochajski (nochajski@gmail.com)

01 -00:18.19- intro
02 -06:48.04- ?
03 -04:44.71- ?
04 -06:56.35- ?
05 -03:24.37- band intros
06 -05:31.19- In The Lion's Den
07 -03:24.12- New York Chimes
08 -05:27.28- Stroll The Mudbug
09 -03:46.41- Ride the Wild Turkey
10 -04:15.23- ?
11 -09:44.36- Hot Nickels
12 -04:44.68- ?
13 -04:08.25- Old Dirt Clod
14 -07:07.10- Big Monk
15 -09:56.19- Third Stone From The Sun
16 -00:58.35- E: (banter)
17 -01:55.16- Blue Moon Of Kentucky
18 -02:49.30- ?
 -86:01.03- total

David Grier - guitar
Tony Trischka - banjo
Mike Marshall - mandolin
Darol Anger - fiddle
Todd Phillips - bass
FM > Analogic Satellite Receiver > VHS Recoder Philipps > Stand Alone Burner > WAV > FLAC level 8

01. Something Changed
02. The Night Minnie Timberley Died
03. Help the Aged
04. Sorted for E's and Wizz
06. The Fear
07. I Love Life
08. This Is Hardcore
09. Sunrise
Party in the Park II

1. [02.18] Intro by Ray White
2. [04.41] Two Lane Highway
3. [03.23] Let Me Love You Tonight
4. [03.51] I'll Be Damned
5. [05.52] Amie
6. [05.46] Pickin' to Beat the Devil
7. [05.46] I'm Almost Ready
8. [11.56] Ain't Livin' Long Like This

Sound: A
Show: A
Recorded: Tracks 1-15 recorded live at Page Auditorium, N.C., September 25, 1984. Tracks 16-22 are "bonus" tracks from an unidentified performance. 
Quality: Page Auditorium tracks: very good soundboard but mastered slightly too fast Bonus tracks: substandard sound 
Format: CD 
Notes: The liner notes state: "This recording was supposed to be R.E.M.'s last album on the I.R.S. Records label. However, Michael Stipe, the band's 
vocalist did not want it released" (end quote). Although this CD contains much of the same show as the boot LP "We Are Having a Heavenly Time," the CD 
is not mastered from the LP. For example, Stipe's comment at the beginning of the show about having a cold is on the CD but not the LP. Also, Driver 8, 
originally on the LP, but which contains a mid-song sound glitch, is missing from that set here. 

7 Chinese Brothers/Catapult/Radio Free Europe/9-9/ Gardening at Night/Windout/Letter Never Sent/Kohoutek/ So. Central Rain/Rockville/1,000,000/Hyena
/ West of the Fields/Old Man Kensey/Second Guessing/Hyena/ Letter Never Sent/Driver 8/Old Man Kensey/Pretty Persuasion/ 1,000,000/Second Guessing/ 

WB Promo 2CDR-set sent out to radiostations
Excellent soundboard recording
This is NOT the widely spread FM sourced recording***

CD-R -> EAC -> CDWAVE -> FLAC Frontend 1.7.1 -> FLAC

Encoded by Matthijs

Disc 1:

01 Finest Worksong 
02 These Days 
03 The Wake-Up Bomb 
04 So Fast, So Numb 
05 Exhuming McCarthy 
06 Animal 
07 Sweetness Follows 
08 Bad Day 
09 World Leader Pretend 
10 Strange Currencies 
11 Losing My Religion 

Disc 2:

01 At My Most Beautiful 
02 She Just Wants To Be 
03 Walk Unafraid 
04 Man On The Moon 
05 Life And How To Live It 
06 Welcome To The Occupation 
07 Nightswimming 
08 Final Straw 
09 Permanent Vacation 
10 Imitation Of Life
Source: FM (Swiss Radio DRS 3)
Lineage: Lineage: FM > Archos Multimedia Center > HD > Flac 7


01. What's The Frequency, Kenneth?
02. The One I Love
03. The Outsiders
04. Drive
05. Wanderlust
06. Driver 8
07. Animal
08. Leaving New York
09. Everybody Hurts
10. Electron Blue
11. Electrolite
12. Orange Crush
13. Walk Unafraid
14. Losing My Religion
15. Imitation Of Life
16. The Great Beyond
17. I'm Gonna DJ
18. Man On The Moon

Again i had to remove the station ID's. Think i deleted all 8!!!....pretty smooth, but sometimes...well, it's ok :)
Also maximized and EQ'd (just a little little little bit, as always).
First track of the set was Bad Day, which wasn't in the broadcast. This show was voted No.1 by the listeners of DRS3 as the best Swiss Festival show this year (QOTSA i seeded was No.2). REM played their second show that day (been at Live 8 some hours before).


Obertu (aka Sakul)
Poor Black Mattie
Long Haired Doney
Fireman Ring The Bell
Boogie Chillen
Shake 'Em On Down
Walkin Blues
Story Time
Whiskey & Women
Poor Boy
Goin' Down South
Jumper On The Line
Goin Away Baby
Dust My Broom
Let My Baby Ride
Hoochie Coochie Man
Start The Fire
Who Do You Think
Gentle Art Of Swimming
Everything Was Not Enough
Trying To Kiss The Sun
Wasted Land
World Through My Eyes
Tell Me Why
Day On My Pillow
Hole In The Sky
I Don't Know
Crazy Lane

Contains the opening act "The Amber Light" as filler.  A kabi225 recording.
Lineage: SONY ECM-717>SONY TCD-D100>SONY POC-DA12P>Philips CDR 765 audio hi-fi stand-alone CDrecorder>CD-RW>NERO>CD-R
Transferred: From CD-R to FLAC Level 8 by SF
Taped and transferred by Lee Hart
leehookem21 at yahoo dot com

Source: AKG 483 (DINa @7') > Warm Mod UA5 > Jb3 on ice (SVU-1)
Transfer: JB3 (firewire) > Creative Playcenter > Soundforge 7.0 (fades) > CDWave (tracking) > flac level 6

01 Be Be Your Love
02 Letter Read
03 Known For Years
04 tech issues
05 Paper Doll
06 tech issues
07 Collide
08 Worn Me Down
09 Sunday Afternoon
Source: Satellite (PRE-FM) > DAT >CD-R

CD-R > shn done with EAC (all tracks 100%) and mkw audio toolkit.

Disc One:
Morning Bell
Karma Police
The National Anthem
In Limbo
No Surprises
My Iron Lung
Dollars and Cents
Bishop's Robes
Talk Show Host
Kid A 

Disc Two:
You And Whose Army
How To Disappear Completely
Paranoid Android
Everything In Its Right Place
Pyramid Song
Exit Music
Knives Out
Big Ideas
Nice Dream

compiled by solomon berger 09-02-01 
pre-FM SBD > ? > CD-R > cdparanoia III 9.8 > Mac G4 > xACT1.4b28 (FLAC8)

CD 1
1. improvisation > Hat and Cane
2. Gaya
3. Waltz for Debby
4. Inside Inside > Janet

CD 2
1. Veldt
2. bass solo
3. Sustained Release
4. unidentified title
5. Jamaica Stopover
6. Burly Hello
7. Tramonto
8. unidentified title
9. unidentified title

Ralph Towner - Classical and 12-String Guitars, Piano
Gary Peacock - Double-Bass
Ralph Towner
Track 1 ?
Track 2 ?

Ralph Towner & John Abercrombie
Track 3 ?
early show

SBD>???>CDR>EAC>FLAC6>(w/sector align)

1. Ralph`s Piano Waltz
2. Tramonto
3. Take Four
4. Timeless
5. Beppo
FM>???>CDR>EAC>FLAC 6(w/sector align)

1. Les Douzilles
2. Beppo
3. Spirit Lake
4. Janet
5. Waltz for Debby
6. Improvisation
7. Nimbus
8. I fall in love too easily
9. Jamaica Stopover
10. ???
11. Nardis
Les Douzilles
A Breath Away
Saverio's Theme
Spirit Lake

I Knew It Was You
Jamaica Stopover
I Fall in Love Too Easily
Silence of a Candle
Joyful Departure
No Title
Green And Golden
Tale Of Saverio
Jamaica Stopover
The Reluctant Bride

SBD>???>CDR>EAC>FLAC6(w/sector align)
DAUD>HD>CDR>EAC>FLAC 6 (w/ sector align)


1.  If
2.  The Pendant
3.  Come Rain or come Shine
4.  Solitary Woman
5.  Jamaica Stopover
6.  Always by your Side
7.  The Lizards of Eraclea
8.  The Prowler
9.  Veldt
10. Green and Golden
11. Toledo
12. Oleander Etude
13. Good-bye Pork Pie Hat
14. Anniversary Song

CD 2

1. Nardis
2. Anthem

Ralph Towner     -guitar
LDB Master Series #37 

1. Introduction (in italian)
2. If 
3. The Pendant 
4. Come Rain or come Shine 
5. Solitary Woman 
6. Jamaica Stopover 
7. Always by your Side  
8. The Prowler 
9. Veldt 
10. Green and Golden 
11. Good-bye Pork Pie Hat 
12. Oleander Etude 
13. Anniversary Song 
14. Nardis 
15. Anthem 

Ralph Towner - 6 & 12 strings guitar

Setlist is not 100% accurate. Any help is appreciated.

I know there are many Oregon / Towner fans around, so I thought it would be a nice gift to seed this one, which I recently
recorded in the courtyard of an antique church in Ganna, close to the boarder between Italy & Swizerland.
If you want to have a look at this beautiful place where Ralph has played, go here: http://www.badiadiganna.it

The show was very intimate and enjoyable. About 100 people and Ralph in front of us with his 6 and 12-strings guitars. He
played beautifully. Too bad he did not play 'My man's gone now' from his last Time Line record.

My microphone was placed very close to the speakers, hence the good sound quality. It was on the ground, so you can hear
sometimes people's feet beating the floor. I would rate this recording 9+ out of 10. 

Lineage: Sony Net MD MZ-N910 > Aiwa microphone CM-DS6 > Audigy Soundblaster > HD > SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave > 
FLAC Frontend (level 6) 
DAUD>HD>CDR>EAC>FLAC 6 (w/sector align)

CD 1
1.  Catching up
2.  Toledo
3.  Allways by your side
4.  Solitary woman
5.  Jamaica stopover
6.  The lizards of Eraclea

CD 2
1.  Green and golden
2.  Come rain or come shine
3.  The reluctant bride
4.  Good bye pork pie hat
5.  Oleander etude
6.  The velt
7.  Tramonto
8.  If
9.  Nardis
10. Witchi-Tai-To
11. Joyful departure
Sound: A/A-

Ralph Towner: piano, acoustic guitar
Phillip Catherine: acoustic, electric-guitar
Trilok Gurtu: voice, percussion

1. Long Blue Coun
2. Janet (Catherine/Gurtu Duo)
3. Janet Two (Towner solo)
4. Eternal desire
5. Towner/Gurtu Duo
6. Trilok Gurto solo
7. untitled
Raq is...
Jay Burwick (bass guitar/vocals),
Chris Michetti (guitar/vocals)
Todd Stoops (keyboard/vocals),
Greg Stukey (drums)

Set 1:
City Funk
Sound Chuck
Lovely Rita^
Donkey Show
Whipping Post #

Set 2:
Late Night>
Have a Cigar>Late Night @
Son of Mr. Greengenes *
Walking in Circles
Echidna's Arf *%
Sweet Cream Butter
Said & Done

When I Come Around &

^ The Beatles
# Allman Brothers
@ Pink Floyd
* Frank Zappa
% 1st time played 
& Green Day

Source: DAUD
Schoeps MK41>Huber(custom preamp)>mod sbm-1>m1
Transfer: Dat master is DA-20mkII>
rme digi96/8pst> CDwav Editor >flac(level8)/mp3@160kbps

taped and transferred by Cliff Kaelin
Thanks to Scotty G. for the gear!
Acoustic Trio Show

No Son of Mine
Along the Way
Firth of Fifth (piano solo section) > A Whiter Shade of Pale
The Carpet Crawlers
[PA problems - break]
[PA problems - break]
Land of Confusion
That's All
Do the Locomotion
Another Day
In the Air Tonight

Follow You Follow Me
Sunshine & Butterflies
Not About Us
Goodbye Baby Blue
Cry If You Want To
Another Cup of Coffee
Swing Your Bag

Sound: B+/A- (a little bit of audience chatter from the 12 or so people in the club)
Show: A
Intro "O, Fortuna" 
Can You hear me ? 
Carpet of the sun 
Opening out 
Day of the dreamer 
Midas man 
Northern lights 
WXRT FM Broadcast

Chick Corea: Keys
Bill Connors: Guitar
Stanley Clarke: Bass
Lenny White: drums 

T1 Chick Intro>Hymn Of The 7th Galaxy
T2 Drum Solo
T3 Theme To The Mothership
T4 After The Cosmic Rain
T5 Children's Song #1
T6 Piano Solo
T7 Senor Mouse 
T8 The Game Maker

*Really good Sound on this one with just some noticible FM noise in the quiet spots. Strong A-!

WXRT FM Broadcast>?>CDR in trade>EAC>edit w/ CD Wave Editor>FLAC

I got this in a trade about 10 years ago on a generic CDr w/ no tracking. Since I was tracking & reburning it, I thought I would share with those who don't have it already. Everybody sounds great here but it's RTF- so of course.


A SwissBird , SimplexSimplicissimus & superMAX release: 

Soundboard > DAT > 1st copy > eac > wave > flac frontend 
(align on sector boundaries Level 8) > 
torrent on www.dimeadozen.com

Size : 390 MB 
(incl. artwork)

 Invocation (Intro)
Ngad`a Ndutu
Bisso Baba
Percussion Solo
Te Dikalo
Set II
Richard Bona - Bass, Vocals
Aaron Heick - Saxophone
Etienne Stadwijk - Keyboards
Ernesto Simpson - Drums
Samuel Torres - Percussion
Gregg Fine - Guitar

Lineage: SBD > ? > CD-R > EAC > WAV > FLAC

Solo show. Includes opening act (Amy Rigby) as disc 2 filler.

Disc 1 (71:52):
01. Confession
02. Easy Street
03. Next Best Western
04. Money For Floods
05. The Ballad Of Mary Magdalen
06. Arrowhead
07. Hideous Grin
08. Wisteria
09. Fishing
10. Lazy
11. You Stay Here

Disc 2 (73:58):
01. Reunion Hill
02. Sonora's Death Row
03. Are You Happy Now?
04. Transit
05. Sing Me Back Home
06. Summer Wind, Cotton Dress

Amy Rigby (opening act):
07. Beer and Kisses
08. Cynically Yours
09. Balls
10. Keep It To Yourself
11. The Summer Of My Wasted Youth
12. Rode Hard
13. Invisible
14. 20 Questions
15. Magicians
Set I
The Courier
Memory of You
The Kenworth Of My Dreams
Willin' (Lowell George)
The Next Best Western
A Summer Wind, A Cotton Dress
You Stay Here
Set II
The Ballad of Mary Magdalen
Are You Happy Now
Sing Me Back Home (Merle Haggard)
Waiting for the Storm
Kenworth of my Dreams
The Next Best Western
Reunion Hill
She's in Spain and I'm in Pain

You Stay Here
Ballad of Mary Magdalene
Hobo Song
Cold Missouri Waters
Summer Wind, Cotton Dress
Che Guevara T-Shirt
Grey Green
Last Fare of the Day
Reunion Hill
Ballad of Mary Magdalene
Cold Missouri Waters
Are You Happy Now
Angels Rejoice
St. Delores

With Lucy Kaplansky & Tracy Grammer
FM Intro | Fenario
Waist Deep In The Big Muddy
Che Guevara T-Shirt
Cancion Sencilla
There Goes Mavis
Hazel's House
Next Best Western
Reunion Hill
A Summer Wind, A Cotton Dress
Waiting for the Storm
The Last Fare of the Day
America (Paul Simon)
So Says The Whipporwill
01. Don't Tempt Me
02. Gypsy Love Songs
03. Valerie
04. When the Spell Is Broken
05. Two Left Feet
06. Al Bowly's in Heaven
07. Waltzin's for Dreamers
08. Talk
09. Here Without You
10. Talk
11. Turning of the Tide
12. Band Intros
13. A Bone Through Her Nose
14. Pepper in the Brandy/The Seven Colored Linnet

01. Wall of Death
02. Jennie
03. The Angels Took My Racehorse Away
04. You Can't Win
05. Talk
06. Jerusalem on the Jukebox (with Henry Kaiser)
07. Nearly in Love
08. applause
09. I Still Dream
10. Crash the Party
11. Slow Down (with Henry Kaiser)

KBCO Interview, Studio B, Boulder, August 8, 1988
12. Interview
13. Two Left Feet
14. Interview
15. Waltzin's for Dreamers
16. Interview
17. Turning of the Tide
18. Interview

S.F.: Cassette SB master > 3rd Generation Cassette > M-Audio Transit > CoolEdit > CDWave Editor > FLAC
Interview: Cassette Pre-FM SB master > 3rd Generation Cassette > M-Audio Transit > CoolEdit > CDWave Editor > FLAC



DPA 4060 > 11 DB CABLE > SBM-1 >
Party in the Park II

1. [06.25] David McNamara intro/Bob Cranes intro/Guitars and Women
2. [04.10] It Ain't Funny
3. [03.47] Teenage Love Affair
4. [04.03] Man in the Middle
5. [08.04] Jump, Jump, Jump
6. [04.36] Let Me In
7. [03.56] Uncomplicated
8. [12.19] Rock & Roll, Hootchie Koo

Sound: A
Show: B
PRR12 - Riverside - 2006-04-20 - WillemII, Den Bosch, NL (Shine On) [flac]
Lineage: Sony ECM-719 => Sony MD MZ-R700 => Wavelab 3.0 => Flac Frontend (Level 8)
Recorded by: PROGTROL
Artwork by PROGTROL (photos by Harold and www.riverside.art.pl/)

First released on 2006-04-22 through www.Dimeadozen.org

Great sound (much beter than my first Riverside recording (Live Syndrome / PRR07)
and a great show from these fabulous Polish boys.

Thanks to Silvercock for giving me the ticket for my birthday,
Harold for the picture, Gollum for the beer (Cheers!). 

Enjoy and share freely 

Disc one 
01.Shine On You Crazy Diamond / Conceiving You 
02.Out Of Myself 
03.Reality Dream I 
04.Second Life Syndrome 
05.Artificial Smile 
06.I Believe 
07.Acronym Love 
08.Reality Dream II 

Disc two
01.Dance With The Shadow 
02.The Curtain Falls 
03.The Same River 
04.Reality Dream III 
05.Loose Heart 

1. Transcendental Music Corporation
2. Swastika Girls
3. Wind on Wind
4. Wind on Land
5. Wind on Water
6. Wind on Lava
7. Wind on Fire
8. Evening Star
9. But Not for You
Original notes:

1st show:

I've got about 30 and this is the one I keep listening to, for almost 30 years now.

I got a tape of this show in September 1978.
I was told then that it was of the 1st show of the evening.
It was, I believe, Fripp's first live performance since he disbanded King Crimson after a show in Central Park on July 1, 1974.
You can only imagine the pent up demand.
Due to popular demand a 2nd show was added later that evening.

Years later a recording of the later show surfaced.
Keep your eyes peeled for that one.
Now, 28 years later, there seems to be some debate about which show is which. I stand by this one being the first just because that's what the guy I got it from (Cosmophonic Beam Machine - does anybody remember him?) said all those years ago.
This recording also has a freshness and spontaneity to it that the other  show (I think) lacks. I can not be sure though. And anyway, does it really matter?

I just made them up.
Can you figure out what the inspiration for the titles was?
It's not too tough a puzzle. 
If you are from the era of 12" circular black plastic wafers you'll be better equipped.
"Reflect on it" a bit :-)
or, ask your Dada

01 Endless Reflection 23:22
02 Futurist Manifestations 11:45
03 Camel 6:21
04 Father's Cards 11:47
05 1,928 Days 9:28
06 Mooncowisms (Entr'acte)	8:08

Mooncowisms was actually performed in the middle of the show as a sort of intermission.
I've put it at the end just because I find it a bit jarring in the midst of the Frippertronics.
I'm sure it was a VERY different thing if you were there in the Kitchen that night a long, long time ago.

As I said I had a tape of this show 7 months after the performance.
Unfortunately I lost that tape in a move and this recording comes from a clean vinyl boot that I got sometime in the early or mid 1980s.
Since I listened to my original tape incessantly for a few years I can say with assurance that the vinyl is a faithful reproduction of that tape.

audience > vinyl > cassette > CD-R > Appleworks > FLAC via xAct

2nd show (?) 


I just made them up. 
What is the source of the titles?
A little puzzle (should be very easy) to tickle your synapses.

01 Raven Tinges 31:11
02 Staring Even 13:11
03 A Ring, Steven 17:31
04 Mooncowisms (Entr'acte) 19:00
Mooncowisms was actually performed in the middle of the show as a sort of intermission. 
I've put it at the end just because I find it a bit jarring in the midst of the Frippertronics. 
I'm sure it was a VERY different thing if you were there in the Kitchen that night a long, long time ago. 

Unfortunately, this show will not fit on 1 CD. 
It's about a minute too long.
The Mooncowisms is much longer than the early show (19 minutes long here vs. 8 minutes of early show) 
audience > cassette (don't know how many generations) > CD-R > Appleworks > FLAC via xAct 

IS THIS THE 1st or 2nd SHOW?:
I got a tape of the first Kitchen show (Torrent  #62269) in September 1978. 
I was told then that it was of the 1st show of the evening. 
It was, I believe, Fripp's first live performance since he disbanded King Crimson after a show in Central Park on July 1, 1974. 
You can only imagine the pent up demand to see Mr. Fripp perform. 
Due to the long line of folks outside the kitchen a 2nd show was added later that evening. 

After many years of waiting a recording surfaced of the later show.
You are currently reading about it. 
Now, 28 years later, there seems to be some debate about which show is which. 
I believe that this is the 2nd show.
I don't know for certain which one is which and anyway, does it really matter? 
This CD-r release was made from a cassette tape I got in trade in the early 80's.

Mics and recorder unknown >
cassette generation unknown >
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
Sony PCM-R500 DAT Recorder >
Sony DAT Tape >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >

I removed all gaps which were a result of tape flip and change.  I made a speed correction because my cassette copy ran fast.

I did the editing, mastering, digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the SHN's.

For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3

                                                    September 3, 2003             T________
"Small Mobile Unit Tour"



1. Improv/solo
2.  unknown Noodles
3. false start
4. Duets With Oneself

Robert Fripp: Gibson Les Paul, Frippertronics
Solo Frippertronic

6 pieces
TOTAL TIME 77 minutes

If you're leeching this then you probably know that no titles were given to any of these improvised performance.

THE PERFORMANCE:Back to the site of the very first solo Frippertronics shows.

typical clandestine audience cassette job One of, I think, the nicer sounding shows

LISTEN TO A SAMPLE BELOW No remastering has been done.
If someone would like to clean it up and reseed, go for it.

audience > tape (unknown # of generations) > CD-r > FLAC 8 via xAc

I've been collecting these Frippertronics shows off and on since September 1978 when I got his 2/5/78 show. Oft times there are several versions of a show, some more complete, or more chopped up then others. There is also some discrepancy regarding "is this the actual tape from (fill in the blank)"

Frankly, I don't care.
I think this tour produced some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard, EVER.

I'll take any that I can find.

I offer what I have with all the information known to me.If you've got a better version, seed it. If you have more accurate information, please add it in a comment.
Early show and Late show
Solo Frippertronics


I am not positive, but there may be a bit missing from this. I offer what I have. If anyone has a longer tape, please seed it.

THE SOUND: typical clandestine audience cassette job
Fair sounding
(T- 1068)

This CD-r release was made from cassette tapes I got in trade in the early 90's, they are 1st generation.  Frippetronics and Q & A session.

Mics and recorder unknown >
1st generation cassette >
Playback Deck: Tascam 130 >
Nikko 32 Band EQ >
Akai DR16 Digital Hard Disk Recorder >
Sony PCM-R500 DAT Recorder >
Sony DAT Tape >
HHB CDR-800 Compact Disc Recorder >

I put the broken songs back together and removed all gaps which were a result of tape flip and change.

I did the editing, mastering, digital transfer and the artwork for this version of this show.  Please keep the artwork and text file, unaltered, together with the SHN's.

For Trade or Give Away only - Do not Sell - Do not encode as MP3

                                                    August 27, 2003             T________

909 (Intro Loop) (0:54) ®

1934 (6:09) ©

1933 (14:54) ©

1932 (8:54) ©


1931 Over 1934 (6:07) ®

1930 Over 1933 (14:46) ®

DISCUSSION II Over 1932 (2:32) ®

1929 Over 1777 (4:48) ®

1929 Over 1983 (14:03) ® (a)

Solo Frippertronics

7 pieces

TOTAL TIME 68 minutes
no info
 FM>audio tape>CDR(PhilpsCDR570)>EAC>flacf(8)
 Got this tape in a trade,first copy from master,excellent
 quality,listen to MP3 sample.Some different music
 played by Robert Fripp and Friends.You can hear Mr.Fripp
 solo with his Frippertronics,a Project called "Firepower"
 that`s Robert Fripp and Trey Gunn,Robert Fripp with the
 California Guitar Trio,Robert Fripp with CGT and Trey
 Gunn and Patricia Leavitt with an a capella song.Great
 music,great quality,great musicians,what do you want
 more ? Enjoy some great Fripp stuff.Sorry,no correct
 setlist,any help mor than welcome.

 Musicians :
 Robert Fripp     - guitar,Frippertronics,Loops
 Trey Gunn        - stick,bass
 California Guitar Trio : 
 Bert Lams        - guitar
 Hedeyo Moriya    - guitar
 Paul Richards    - guitar
 Patricia Leavitt - voice

 Setlist :
 01.Radio Intro    - 00:36
 02.Robert Fripp about the program and
    the musicans   - 01:09
 03.Frippertronics - 07:39
 04.Asturias(Fripp,Gunn,CGT) - 02:55
 05.Firepower(Fripp,Gunn)    - 09:40
 06.Radio Speaker            - 00:53
 07.Radio Speaker(PT.2 of the show )- 00:47
 08.Fripp & CGT       - 02:56
 09.Fripp & CGT       - 01:43
 10.Fripp & CGT       - 01:51
 11.The Moving Force(Patricia Leavitt) - 01:59
 12.Fripp & CGT       - 05:05
 13.Fripp & CGT       - 02:16
 14.Fripp & CGT       - 01:56
 15.Frippertronics    - 07:39
 16.Fripp left the stage
    loops are hearing  - 00:29
 17.Fripp Interview    - 00:51
 18. Radio Outro with  
    live Frippertronics - 01:57 
Soundscape peformance
On the 21st November 1996, Robert, David Singleton and Hugh O'Donnell made their way from DGM HQ near Salisbury to a restored Victorian railway station in Bath. The trains had stopped arriving at Green Park Station a long time ago, replaced instead by a steady stream of shoppers visiting the various market stalls and supermarket nestling beneath its broad iron arches.

With his Soundscapes being relayed in quad around the space, Fripp spent three hours in cold November temperatures slowly building up sounds observed by an audience that included former Crim, Michael Giles and collaborator, Peter Hammill. The performance had been scheduled to last eight hours but was cut short by a combination of the team’s late arrival and over 100 complaints from the public. "Nominally, these focussed on the volume. One stallholder threw up" recalled Robert in his sleevenotes. "Our overall impression was that it would be better for us to stop, and even better for us to stop very soon."

What is presented on November Suite is a quad recording condensed into stereo, and a three hour performance edited down to an hour. Yet despite its reduced circumstances, this is one of Robert’s most beguiling Soundscape releases to date, with November Suite IV in particular being amongst the most poignant of Fripp melodies to ever grace the air and well worth the price of admission on its own.

Originally released in 1997, with no plans to reissue it on CD, it is now available as a download. The extensive artwork that accompanied the album will be made available as a PDF for viewing on your PC at a later stage.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Green Park Suite I Platform One	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.44
2.  	Green Park Suite II Platform Two	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.20
3.  	Green Park Suite III Platform Three	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.50
4.  	Green Park Suite IV Platform Four	  [PREVIEW] 	 2.14
5.  	November Suite I	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.29
6.  	November Suite II	  [PREVIEW] 	 2.13
7.  	November Suite III	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.53
8.  	Green Park Suite V Platform Five	  [PREVIEW] 	 9.13
9.  	Green Park Suite VI Platform Six	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.52
10.  	Green Park Suite VII Platform Seven	  [PREVIEW] 	 4.38
11.  	November Suite IV	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.56
12.  	Green Park Suite VIII Platform Eight	  [PREVIEW] 	 0.57
13.  	Green Park Suite IX Polychromatic Park	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.15
14.  	Green Park Suite X Technicolour Park	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.21

Robert Fripp

Not for trade. Purchase at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=14&show=1217
aud > ihp120 > ecm717 > wav > wavblab4.0(multibandcompressor) > wav > shn

1. Soundscapes (27:40)
AUD MD Sony Mz-R37/Aiwa Mic  Ts - Cm22  > Line in Sound Blaster > Soundforge 7.0b Wav > Ape > FLAC

1. Soundscapes (20:12)
After five dates supporting Porcupine Tree in early June, Fripp peeled off on his own to play eight days in and around the east coast. This was gig number six.

Joining him on that tour was Hellboy supremo and Four Quarter Maintainer, Tom Redmond, who described the Centre for Ethical Culture as a “wonderful performance space.”

Soundscape fan, Hugh Shiebler, who attended several gigs from this tour recalls “Tonight there was raw emotion, the contrasts between darks and lights at times almost unbearable. We had a few moments of full-throttle knob-twirling abandon, similar to parts of "Radiophonics" and some of the early Argentina 'scapes, little symphonies of noise, pulsing scrunched and strangled into werning, whirring bursts. At those points I was reminded a bit of some of the ThrackAttack improvs, with their sense of boundaries having been transgressed, feeling that anything could happen.”

This was a Q&A show (although sadly this is not available) and Robert began the second half by playing a recording of one of the Soundscapes he performed at the WTC in 2000. Hugh Shiebler,who had been at that show as well, describes the impact of hearing this music in its new context. “It was extremely moving, and I know that I was not the only one in the audience who felt that. We were instantly connected with all of the horror that had intervened on 9/11, but we were also paying our respects. Or so it felt to me anyway. It seemed as if Robert's talk about the future reaching back to the heal the past was actually being demonstrated for us in real time. Quite profound.”

With his customary understatement, the guitarist wrote of this performance “A good show for me, with new ideas. A very generous audience, Crafties & old friends in the audience, even a good question or two.”

Buyer beware: there are several pops and clicks dotted about, as well as a touch of distortion on tracks four and five. Part of this concert (track5)was used on Fripp's Love Cannot Bear album released in 2005.
Disc Number 1
1.  	NY I Threshold	  	 1.54
2.  	NY II Queer Space	   	 10.30
3.  	NY III Coda	   	 2.10
4.  	NY IV Threnody	   	 11.15
5.  	NY V Affirmation	   	 13.15
6.  	NY VI Closure	   	 1.03
7.  	NY VII Foreboding	   	 9.33
8.  	NY VIII Resolution    	  	 8.46


Not for trade. Purchase this recording at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=14&show=1183
This is an edited version of Fripp's first public performance of 2006 in the tiny All Saints' church in the Wiltshire village of Broad Chalke. Though some of the titles look familiar don't be fooled into thinking that Fripp is going over the same ground as before. Rather, he's delving deeper into the areas he'd mapped out during last year's December Suite. Time Stands Still and At The End Of Time fly to another time and space altogether. Along with the luxuriant Pastoral and the intriguing Queer Space Whole Tone, they all contain some of Fripp's most emotive and yearning soloing to date. Graciously unfolding over nearly 80 minutes, the concert builds to a satisfying, if slightly abrupt, conclusion suggesting there was definitely something special going on at All Saints' to make those old church stones sing all the way up to heaven. File next to Blessing Of Tears, November Suite, WFC, Wulfren 2005 i.e. essential.

The tone probes which are available from the same day elsewhere on the site do not appear in this performance.

From Robert's diary

A gentle event, I believe. No idea how it might have been for the audience. The 90 minutes of music may have been 60 too many for some of those present, but the event is always more than the music. Sometimes, the event happens while the music doesn't quite. Sometimes, the music is superb & the audience doesn't connect to it. And those are only two of the possible ways that performance might happen.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Threshold Bells	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.34
2.  	Time Stands Still	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.49
3.  	Queer Jazz Symmetrical	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.54
4.  	Promenade	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.56
5.  	Future Shift	  [PREVIEW] 	 1.23
6.  	At The End Of Time	  [PREVIEW] 	 12.03
7.  	Promenade	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.00
8.  	Queer Space Whole Tone	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.58
9.  	Promenade	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.43
10.  	Pastoral	  [PREVIEW] 	 8.06
11.  	Queer Jazz Minor	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.30
12.  	Coda Promenade	  [PREVIEW] 	 3.10

Not for trade. Purchase this recording at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=14&show=1058
Though this is probably not the kind of thing that Chuck Berry had in mind when he sang “but he could play the guitar just like ringing a bell”, it’s an apt enough description of Glass And Breath.

There’s none of Fripp’s trademark soloing or those orchestral manoeuvres in the dark night of the soul that characterises much of his Soundscapes work. Rather, this is minimalist mood music revolving around a repetitive chiming motif, reminiscent sometimes of Brian Eno’s Neroli, particularly in terms of its careful use of space and atmosphere.

Those who prefer Fripp’s more full-blooded forays in guitar-land will be disappointed at the lack of thrills or spills on display here. Making his other solo works sounds as cluttered as a Scott Bradley score in full-flight, this is in essence an ambient piece: complimentary music to leaven the day and refresh the musical palate.

1.  	Glass And Breath I	  	 20.06
2.  	Glass And Breath II	  	 20.18
3.  	Glass And Breath III	  	 19.45


not for trade. purchase from http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=14&show=1167
 Taken from his recent tour of Argentina this is a feature-length excursion into the walk-on music created by Robert to tune the air as the audience enters the venue.

Labelled a sound sculpture, it resists the usual soothing effects commonly associated with the ambient genre. Even more austere than his minimalist Glass And Breath release from earlier in 2007, there’s a spreading of unease and ambiguity across the surface of this music. Though you could hardly call it aggressive, nevertheless there’s something about this track that it is prickly to the touch, resistant to any reassuring cadences and their implicit promises of certainty and resolution.

Whatever pensive thoughts may have accrued during the listening of the first track, Splash is like having cold water thrown between your ears and snaps you out of it sharpish!
Disc Number 1
1.  	Sound Sculpture Buenos Aires 8 June 07	  	 1.10
2.  	Splash Buenos Aires 8 June 07	  	 0.49

available for free at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=14&show=1155
It’s the penultimate day of Robert and the LoCG’s run in Argentina and it opened with what was described by Alain Pinero as Soundsculptures – minimal, sparse motifs drifting in and out of the foreground as the audience enters the venue. To these ears this is operating in a similar territory to the recently released Glass and Breath album. This and the short Time Stands Still make up what could well be described as an aural tapas on house and hot off the press. Buen appetito.

1.  	Sound Sculpture Buenos Aires 9 June 07	  [PREVIEW] 	 20.26
2.  	Future Shift	  [PREVIEW] 	 0.43
3.  	Time Stands Still	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.05
4.  	Circulation Buenos Aires 9 June 07	  [PREVIEW] 	 0.46

All previews are MP3 192kbps

Robert Fripp

available for free at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=14&show=1156
A final recording from Fripp’s stint in South America with the League of Crafty Guitarists and it’s another of what Robert describes as a soundsculpture.

Unlike the previous sculpture from the 8th June at ND Ateneo, things here are not so terse or angular. The individual components of the piece are easily identifiable: voices, synth-bass, bells, strings and a sonar-type ping that echoes off into space. Taken together it builds up to a small but perfectly focused ambient album.

With the cycle of differing loops always moving in complimentary directions, the atmosphere throughout is both balanced and serene. Music for your equilibrium indeed.
Disc Number 1
1.  	Sound Sculpture Buenos Aires 10 June 07	   	 48.29
2.  	Circulation Buenos Aires 10 June 07	  	 0.46

Robert Fripp LCG

Not for trade. Purchase this recording at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=14&show=1175

Yamanashi Blues
Melrose Avenue
Kan-non Power
An Easy Way
Moving Force
Walk.Don't Run
Chromatic Fantasy
Eye of the Needle
Urban Scape
Kan-non Power
"Kan-non Power" (IT Pluto PLR CD 9324)

Robert Fripp-guitar, frippertronics
Trey Gunn-grand stick
Bert Lams-acoustic guitar
Hideyo Moriya-acoustic guitar
Paul Richards-acoustic guitar, e bow guitar
Musicians in Mr. Fripp's Dance Band:
Robert Fripp - guitar
Barry Andrews - organ
Sara Lee - bass
Jonny Toobad - drums

A description of the LOG lifted from Elephant Talk:
"The music is about as far from King Crimson as Mr. Fripp has ever gone: every track has a simple dance beat, and the band members stick very close to the song riffs throughout. The trio of Andrews, Lee, and Toobad provide a strong, solid backing. Like the Crafties, they put down a "song" which Fripp plays over. Fripp's fret work is VERY fast, but not especially complicated: he often plays note patterns that move up and down the neck exploring various keys. Only occasionally does he break into a real "solo".

"We cannot call this music timeless: it is very 1980. (The riff to the title track, of which, by the way, there are three versions, sounds much like PIL's Keith Levine.) But that it captures a certain time and place is, along with some great playing, the recording's strength. It is also a good example of Mr. Fripp's highly respected "rock" playing during this purely non-Crimson period ("Scary Monsters" is another). New wave musicians and fans were very interested in Fripp, despite his connection to what was then thought of as "Dinosaur Rock". This disc shows us why that was so." 
(for complete text: http://www.elephant-talk.com/rfmusic/thrang.htm)

Tape (aud/1st or 2nd gen) > TotalRecorder 24/192,000 + splitting + depth conversion to 16/44,100 > Volume adjustment + Waves L3 MultiMaximizer in Audition > dbAmp flac encoder (level 6)

Overall sound quality: B+
Plenty of crowd noise. Track 15 is applause with silly taper commentary.

NB 1: Most of my recordings were received as tape or cd-r trades. I can't vouch for the source or generation of any recording not made by me and marked as being copied from the "Master" (this is NOT one). Sound quality is a qualitative judgement.
  tape(1st gen.)>CDR(Philips CDR 570)>wave(EAC)>flacf(8)
 Align on sector boundaries

 From a tape trade in 1980  1st copy from the taper.Really great
 performance from Fripp & LOG,very good to exc.quality,listen
 to MP 3 samples.Uncirculated show,found it with some more rare 
 tapes in my tape chaos box.Any help with the missing tracks from
 the setlist is welcome.I know all the songs but I have to much 
 Fripp & LOG in my head and feet to recognize the name of the songs.
 upped by booomboom 10.07.2007

Robert Fripp    -   guitar
 Barry Andrews   -   organ
 Sara Lee        -   bass
 Jonny Toobad    -   drums

 setlist :

 01. Inductive Resonance 
 02. Trap 
 03. Heptaparaparshinokh 
 04. Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx II 
 05. Fripp speaks
 06. Boy At Piano 
 07. Christian Children Marching, Singing 
 08. Dislocated 
 10. Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx III 
 11. Minor Man 
 12. Farewell Johnny Brill 
 13. Eyes Needle 
 14. Inductive Resonance 
 15. encore 1
 16. encore 2 (fades out)
(Early Show)

FM Simulcast Recording

	disk one: (Early Show) 
01 WLIR Introductions > Saint Stephen (9th, 10th, 11th & 12th verse) >
02 Cumberland Blues >
03 Friend of The Devil >
04 Crooked Judge >
05 Yellow Moon >
06 New Speedway Boogie >
07 Mason's Children >
08 New Speedway Boogie
09 China Cat Sunflower (1st & 2nd verse) > ? > The Eleven (3rd verse) > China Cat (3rd verse x2)
10 Eyes of The World (3rd & 4th verse) >			
11 Broke-down Palace	> 		
12 (Bye-Bye Baby Blackbird ?) > 			
13 Sugaree >			
14 (Bye-Bye Baby Blackbird ?) > 			
15 Sugaree >			
16 What's Become of The Baby ? >			
17 Blues For Allah (tease)			
18 Wharf Rat
	disk two: (Early Show continued)
01 Ramble On Rose >			
02 Bertha			
03 Cruel White Water			
04 Rum Runners
05 Tiger Rose
06 The Buddy Holly Story > Chantilly Lace > Peggy Sue > Buddy Holly Story
07 Truckin' >
08 Ripple > 		
09 Boys In The Barroom			

Robert Hunter - guitar, vocals 
Larry Klein - bass 

FM Simulcast > Jerry Moore's 7 1/2 ips Reel Master > Analog to Digital Transfer and tracking by Rob Berger > CDR
 1. Shine It All Around
2. Black Dog
3. Freedom Fries
4. When The Levee Breaks
5. All the King's Horses
6. Takamba
7. Tin Pan Valley
8. Gallows Pole
9. The Enchanter
10. Whole Lotta Love
11. Another Tribe
12. Morning Dew [cut]
13. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
14. Mighty Rearranger
Robert Plant - vocal, harmonica
Skin - acoustic & electric guitar
John Baggott - synthesizer
Billy Fuller - bass guitar
Clive Deamer - drums
Justin Adams - guitar

traded from JK
Source: SBD
Recorded by: RRFB Crew
Lineage: AIFF-C files (via ftp transfer from RRFB) > 
	River Past Audio Converter 6.5 (convert AIFF files to WAV files) > 
	Cool Edit Pro (render as one track, edits) > CD Wave (tracking) > Shntool > 
	Flac Frontend (level 8)
Transferred by: Tom Mullinix

Disc 1: (48:25)
01.) (0:40)  tuning
02.) (15:33) Jailbird > Axel F > Jailbird
03.) (11:22) Ted's Jam 
04.) (9:51)  Squeeze > 
05.) (3:05)  Dont Worry, Be Happy > 
06.) (3:22)  Squeeze > 
07.) (1:12)  Isn't She Lovely > 
08.) (3:15)  Squeeze

Disc 2: (61:58)
01.) (14:03) Papa Was A Rolling Stone >
02.) (24:41) ^Nobody
03.) (10:34) Road Bus Jam
04.) (12:37) +Shake Your Hips

Disc 3: (52:41)
01.) (8:46)  *Good Times, Bad Times >
02.) (8:04)  *Purple Haze >
03.) (9:47)  *~I Need More Love >
04.) (7:15)  *Walk This Way
05.) (15:11) Roll Up
06.) (3:33)  encore break

Disc 4: (50:33)
01.) (13:43) Why Should I Feel Lonely >
02.) (7:57)  Billie Jean > 
03.) (7:09)  Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
04.) (6:48)  Soul Refreshing 
05.) (11:33) Going In The Right Direction >
06.) (2:03)  War Pigs >
07.) (0:50)  Going In The Right Direction
08.) (0:25)  band intros

The Band:
-Robert Randolph - guitars, vocals
-Marcus Randolph - drums
-Jason Crosby - keyboards, violin
-Danyel Morgan - bass, vocals, guitar

(*) with Daniel Sproul on guitar (Rosehill Drive)
~ with unknown guest harmonica player from the Mishawaka crew.
+ with many girls from the crowd dancing onstage with the band.

^ with Instrument Switch Jam.
- One long set.
- Sold out show.
- The show started at 3:45pm and ended at 7:25pm.
- The band played for nearly 4 hours with only about 3 minutes for an encore break
- Opening act: Rosehill Drive.
- Show 2:00pm; Ticket Price: $20.25
- The decision for guest guitarist (Daniel Sproul) to play with RRFB seemed very spontaneous.  
  Rose Hill Drive was off to the side of the stage watching RRFB play.  Robert motioned 
  for Daniel to get his guitar and come onstage.  Daniel played for a song or two, and 
  started to walk offstage after that.  Robert looked at him as if, 'what else do you 
  have to do.... stay and play', then Robert put his hat on Daniel's head and he stayed 
  up to play guitar for a few more tunes.

Mastering Notes:
- Originally there was a dropout in 'Nobody', and a brief dropout in 'Roll Up'.
 These were fixed with Cool Edit Pro.
- Fades added to the beginning and ending of the show.  Splits between discs are seamless.

(***Publicly released with permission from Robert Randolph and the Family Band's crew.***)

Flac File Size: 1449 MB


Nick Lowe 		bass vocals
Dave Edmunds 		guitar vocals
Billy Bremner 		guitar vocals
Terry Williams 		drums

Although the "official" Rockpile line up which was solidified in 1976 and consisted of Nick Lowe, Billy Bremner and Terry Williams,  Rockpile was actually the title of guitarist Dave Edmunds' (formerly of Love Sculpture) 1972 debut solo album. The musicians for that album, which included former Love Sculpture bassist John Williams, drummer Terry Williams (formerly of Man) and guitarist Andy Fairweather-Lowe (formerly of Amen Corner) toured briefly in early '72 as Dave Edmunds And Rockpile. Later on in the year Edmunds launched another tour as Rockpile with Pick Withers (who would later join Dire Straits) on drums. This initial Rockpile helped kick off U.K.'s pub rock movement which included such bands as Ducks Deluxe and Brinsley Schwarz.	

Brinsley Schwarz bassist Nick Lowe met Edmunds and Williams on the pub circuit and Edmunds produced Brinsley Schwarz's last album in '74. Nick Lowe made contributions to Edmunds 1975 album Subtle As A Flying Mallet. In '76, session guitarist Billy Bremner joined and the "official" Rockpile went on tour as the opening act for Bad Company.

The group made an appearance at The Concert For The People Of Kampuchia which featured a slew of rock acts from Queen to Paul McCartney And Wings. Their live version of Little Sister featured Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant on vocals. Although Nick Lowe's Labour Of Lust and Dave Edmunds' Repeat When Necessary (both released in '79) were recorded with Rockpile, the group only recorded and released one album under the Rockpile moniker in 1980 which charted at #27 and included the hit single Teacher, Teacher. As Rockpile started their 1981 tour, they had a bitter split. Edmunds and Lowe resumed their recording and production work, Terry Williams joined Dire Straits and Billy Bremner temporarily replaced the late James Honeyman-Scott in The Pretenders.

Info borrowed from http://members.tripod.com/rant58/id280.htm

Setlist : 

01 Down Down Down *
02 Back To Schooldays *
03I Knew The Bride When She Used To Rock And Roll *
04 They Call It Rock *
05 I Love The Sound Of Breaking Glass *
06 Here Comes The weekend *
07 A Mess Of Blues *
08 Promised Land
09 Juju Man
10 I Hear You Knocking
11 Heart Of The City
12 Let's Talk About Us

Part of these recordings come from the taped broadcast on June 16 1978 and from a rebroadcast from October 13 2001 (*)

Also added are two jingles Nick Lowe made for the radio show.

FM > Audacity > Cassette > CD WAVE Editor > FLAC

Another one from the box of old tapes !!

Up to Me
Take Me Away
She Don't Care About Time
Mr. Tambourine Man
Hickory Wind
Bag Full of Money (aka The Ballad of DB Cooper)
So You Want to Be a Rock and Roll Star
Take a Whiff
Mr. Spaceman
Roll Over Beethoven
Bo Diddley
Jolly Roger
Chestnut Mare

WLIR Reel Master > M-Audio Transit > Cool Edit > CD Wave Editor > Flac >CD-R

 	Roger Waters  	a01  	Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun  	0  	 	 	Lyrics  	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a02 	Money 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a03 	If 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a04 	Welcome To The Machine 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a05 	Have A Cigar 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a06 	Wish You Were Here 	0 			Lyrics 	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a07 	Pigs On The Wing (part 1) 	0 			Lyrics 	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a08 	In The Flesh 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a09 	Nobody Home 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a10 	Hey You 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a11 	The Gunners Dream 	0 			Lyrics 	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b01 	4:30AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b02 	4:33AM (Running Shoes) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b03 	4:37AM (Arabs With Knives And West German Skies) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b04 	4:39AM (For The First Time Today, part 2) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b05 	4:41AM (Sexual Revolution) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b06 	4:47AM (The Remains Of Our Love) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b07 	4:50AM (Go Fishing) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b08 	4:56AM (For The First Time Today, part 1) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b09 	4:58AM (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b10 	5:01AM (The Pro's And Con's Of Hitch Hiking) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b11 	5:06AM (Every Strangers Eyes) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b12 	5:11AM (The Moment Of Clarity) 	0 			Lyrics 	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e01 	Brain Damage 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e02 	Eclipse 	0 	

a01  	Welcome To The Machine  	8:40  	 	 	 	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a02 	Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun 	9:04 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a03 	Money 	8:28 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a04 	If 	4:12 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a05 	Wish You Were Here 	6:52 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a06 	Pigs On The Wing (part 1) 	1:19 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a07 	Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert / Southampton Dock 	3:00 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a08 	The Gunners Dream 	7:09 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a09 	In The Flesh? 	4:50 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a10 	Nobody Home 	4:34 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a11 	Have A Cigar 	5:21 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a12 	Another Brick In The Wall - part 1 	3:14 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a13 	The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 	1:23 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a14 	Another Brick In The Wall - part 2 	4:49 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b01 	4:30AM (Apparently They Were Travelling Abroad) 	3:13 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b02 	4:33AM (Running Shoes) 	4:26 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b03 	4:37AM (Arabs With Knives And West German Skies) 	3:28 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b04 	4:39AM (For The First Time Today, part 2) 	3:21 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b05 	4:41AM (Sexual Revolution) 	6:05 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b06 	4:47AM (The Remains Of Our Love) 	3:49 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b07 	4:50AM (Go Fishing) 	7:24 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b08 	4:56AM (For The First Time Today, part 1) 	1:37 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b09 	4:58AM (Dunroamin, Duncarin, Dunlivin) 	3:09 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b10 	5:01AM (The Pro's And Con's Of Hitch Hiking) 	6:08 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b11 	5:06AM (Every Strangers Eyes) 	5:25 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b12 	5:11AM (The Moment Of Clarity) 	2:30 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e01 	Brain Damage 	3:43 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e02 	Eclipse 	2:50 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e03 	Radio Announcment 	1:56 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e04 	5:01AM (The Pro's And Con's Of Hitch Hiking) 	5:20 	

Finally, a complete high quality recording of this show! The sound is
clean throughout, but has quite a bit of dynamic range compression due
to being broadcast. Excellent sound overall. Roger's voice is "off" on
this night, which causes the pro's and cons set to suffer a bit. The
band is just fantastic (that's really what I think), with lots of energy
on the older material of the first set. Having said that, Mr. Clapton
was missed in spots.

I suppose this should be noted; there seems to have been some problem
with the broadcast during the first three songs. Some sort of strange
phase shifting comes and goes throughout, and disappears during
money. I suspect this was some sort of holophonic-pilot-error but who
knows. The show was broadcast this way, so don't blame Harvested... :)

Two nice bonus tracks-
1) a pre-show interview where Roger demonstrates the stereo hoo-hah
of holophonics
2) the 12" single version of 5:01am (The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking)
which is quite interesting- different solos from mr. clapton and mr.

sound: 9/10
performance: 7-8/10 (the first half is better, imho)

yet ANOTHER fantastic Harvested production. Kudos all around.


What I like about this show is that it actually, in a
musical sense, sounds reaally great!  I've got a few
roios from Rog's first tour, with and w/o Slowhand.
Generally, the band sounded better with EC, but I
generally had a hard time listening to them a lot
because the arrangments were not too slick, in my

Now, yeah, Rog was trying to something new, to evolve
the sound of his music, and to establish his own
identity.  But it seemed to be a struggle.

But this concert seems to be where Rog's band really
got it together - very tight, the arrangments flow,
and the soloing is great too.  I've always enjoyed Mel
Collins in all the work he has done, and he really
shines on here, if you like his brand of sax work in
conjunction with Rog's material.

My only fault would be with some of the really heavy
reverb on some of the tracks - must be part of the
"Holophonics" stuff.


Since this recording comes from Ron Toon's personal tape
(from the WW1 live broadcast on March 28, 1985), it can
be *certified* as being the *March 28* concert at Radio
City Music Hall.

In fact, I already had another RoIO CD called "Hitchhiking
To Radio City", that claimed to come from the same live
broadcast. However, one year ago, there was some discussion
about this RoIO, and I think I remember that someone posted
an email (on Echoes or private, I don't remember), saying
that he was the taper of that show, and that he taped it from
audience! After what this guy said, and considering the fact
that audience is very loud in this recording, some people
(myself included) began to believe that "Hitchhiking To Radio
City" was an audience recording.

Yesterday evening, I compared the brand new "Radio City Or Bust"
with my old "Hitchhiking To Radio City" (with headphones, track
by track), and I can say that they come from the same broadcast!
Of course, "Radio City Or Bust" has a much better sound quality
(Ron Toon's tape is incredibly good!), but the audience noises
and the music are exactly the same. Note that the speed is
slightly too fast on "Hitchhiking To Radio City".

In fact, audience is very loud in the mix, but this is clearly a
soundboard recording (I think that they placed some mics inside
the hall, to have a "live" feeling during the broadcast).
During the first 3 songs, there's some synchronization problem
between drums and vocals (or maybe this is due to a lot of music
feedback from audience mics, with some delay).

Then I played another RoIO CD: "In The Pink". This one is clearly
taken from a broadcast too, but the audience is much lower in the
mix (music seems a little bit "brither" also), and almost every
track from "In The Pink" is *different* from the version of the
WW1 live broadcast (not only the mix): some instrumental parts,
especially during the solos, are clearly different.
The only exception is "Brain Damage / Eclipse", which seems to
come from the same performance (there's the same mistake on the
guitar at about 01:30), although with a slightly different mix.

So, my conclusions are the following...
1) "Radio City Or Bust!" and "Hitchhiking To Radio City" come from
   the WW1 live broadcast ("Radio City Or Bust" has better sound
   quality and has the correct speed). This is the March 28 show.
2) "In The Pink" probably comes from a later broadcast, and
   includes versions from different shows: "Brain Damage / Eclipse"
   comes from the March 28 concert, other tracks probably come from
   the 2 other shows at Radio City Music Hall (March 26 and/or 27).



Ok now my unheld-back review:
First of all: Sound quality...GREAT!! You can tell due to some background
broadcast artifacts that its off radio but once into the show you forget
about that. Clarity is awesome though.

Welcome To The Machine... Ok the echo thing can go but otherwise this is a
great performance. The woo-woos dont get too bad and the music is great.

Set The Controls.. Ok the echo is getting rather annoying. Can we Pllllease
add just a bit more of that awful 80s flutey thing?? UGGGHHH! Set the
controls for kill kill kill! :) I always wished hed just do this simple
like the old versions. Seems Roger never was one to learn the value of
simplicity in some places. Ok on to the next one...

Money... STOP THAT BLASTED ECHO!!!! This was a radio broadcast? Man! it
sounds like 3 cds running at once in differnt parts of the house at
different speeds. This is a chore to sit through. And rather than woo-woo's
this version is all wooooooomoneyyyyeyyeyeyyy....UGHHHHHH I cant take it. I
am skipping this track..

If.. Ok now this is beautiful :) very gently sung..very emotional. THIS is
what I like about Roger live-not the big production songs but the emotional
moments like this :) AND THE ECHO IS GONE NOW! Thank you soundman!!

Wish You Were Here...Ok the piano? Uh, different but um it dont do it for
me. The way he sings it is so different from the original I love so much.
Oh well. Its decent though. Different enough to enjoy but it dont give me
chills like Gilmour's voice does when i hear it :) And please kill that
extra "OOooooohhh how I wish, how i wish you were here, oooohhhhh". It dont
fit IMHO!

Pigs On The Wing...Also beautiful. SHUT UP audience! Sung a bit different
at the end also :)

Final Cut Suite..I like the bomb segue from POTW into this from "..Desert".
very cool. Ive always liked this better live. It seems more urgent sung
live..and an a nice medley the way he does this all like a bigger song scheme.

Gunner's Dream.. At this point Im thinking "Wow if only that TFC concert
fantasy had been true". Vocals are excellent on this one especially. Seems
he really was into singing this stuff. But damn those whistlers! And that
"dreeeeeeeam" part gets me every time :) Now if only PF had played this
live as a band. But his band seems to do so well replicating the album
sound, yet had to change the rest sooo much! I wish theyd stick closer to
the original sounds.. i know they are capable, rather than sound showy to
go "This is mine! See I changed it".But enough on that..on to..

In The Flesh...I love his "Silence!!!" bit :) But then this one gets all
glitsy and woo-wooey and the drums get all happy bouncy sounding. When he
played this on the last tour it had a lot more paranoia sound in the way it
was played..I tend to like it that way. But then this song was always ment
to be a mockery of sorts right? But his vocals are very good on this one.
And his "shooowop shoowop!!!" bit made me die laughing :) But saxaphone?
ummm.. and the big wailey rock solo at the end? umm...

Nobody Home... Ok then Roger gets serious again :) But that echo from hell
is back. About everything in the beginning of this song is echoed sooo
loud...ehhhh not too happy bout that. But his vocals are outstanding on
this and it has lately become one of my dear favorites off The wall. The
extra drums and sax dont bug me too much on here...they seem to be
tastefully placed. And his manical laugh in this song adds alot :)

Have A Cigar...Why is it everytime I hear this by Roger i think it's "Money
For Nothing"? I dont think Ive ever truly enjoyed a live version of this
song. Especially this one. and the "Love yooooooooou" woo-woos dont help.
Also, why's it always so fast? If he slowed it down to album speed it may
come off more strongly i think. To me it always sounds rushed when he does
it. And whats the funky solo in the middle--that aint right!! Uggghhh!
Wheres James brown to go "wooooooWWWW! Heeeeaaaahhhhyyy!"? Neeeexxxtttt!!!

ABITW1->ABITW2...Ok then the "He's that Pink Floyd guy" fans get part two
of why they are there. I do always get more pyched for this hearing part
one before part 2 :) Drunk people cannot clap on time!!! that is a fact.
Part 1..very coool and dramatic as always. To me its necessary to drive
part 2 to how it should sound.I like how they substitute cool use of
atmosphere in part 1 in place of Gilmours solo rather than replicate it
badly :) I never thought Id enjoy ABITW this much out of a disc of Floydian
stuff by comparison :) :) I like how Happiest is sung here. It doesnt sound
low and jokey like normally it does live. It sounds serious. His band does
pretty decent on this one.

so that was all in all good for a PF tribute band of musicians led by their
furiously disgruntled former frontman..
ok now the real test..what Waters was out to prove...

Pros & Cons Set...

First of all - i give the man credit. Not just anyone can pull off a second
set of a show with stuff hardly anyone really knows...

4:30 Cool Intro..dramatic..very awesome use of effects..great vocals..good
guitar! This isnt Clapton at this point right? I give him credit--sounds
very close to the album :)

4:33 Oh man!--chills all around. This is my favorite bits on the album.
Vocals are dynamic. At this point I want to see what the audience sees!
Wait and an added bit?? I dont remember the last bit being there.

4:37 I like the use of effect at the intro of this. Also a fave of mine.
Vocals are great and even listening you get a feel of the dream atmosphere
going on..I bet especially with the quad effects so prominent. And i love
how you can hear the scream very loudly on this.

4:39 Greeeeat solo! sure this aint clapton? Its moments like this album
that I wish Rog would stick to solo works in concert. He has such emotional
urgency singing these songs :) I like the bridging sax solo here. At least
on this material the instruments work well :)And more extra stuff :) And
more "Oooooh babe!" than you can shake a pig at!

4:41 I like how this is blended into rather than the hard start on the
album. Dreams usually segue rather than dramatically change...at least the
way I dream :) It helps me take in the story better :)

4:47 Very cool--nice return to the first musical theme again :) Backup
singers are very soothing on this.I like how the instrumental passages are
lengthened on this album played live. Very tasteful and great solos.

4:50 Then we go fishing. Why? Who knows. Dreams are funny that way :) The
blues solo is smokin'! I wish the album segued the way the show did here :)
The "F*ck it then!!!!" woo-woo part always cracks me up :)

4:56 Back to the beginning part 2 again or something. Beautiful vocals and

4:58 Very sad song..seems to lose its luster when followed by such as
flashy song as the next one.

5:01 Get down get funky! :) Great jamming by the band. This song has always
sounded a bit jokey to me, but then maybe its supposed to be. Yoko Oh No!!!

5:06 My emotional high point of this set. Please tell me this one wasnt
lipsynced like it was last year. I was so saddened by that. But oooohhh
man. this song gives me the chills every time.

5:11 The beautiful coda. That last bit to let you know it was just a
dream..or was it? I'm up giving the standing ovation and I'm not even there :)

All in all-- he has proved himself. But we had to wait an hour for it. What
I cant see is why an encore of Brain Damage. good song but he just gave us
a full album pouring with emotion! Id be happy if the show ended there.
There was no encore on The Wall live! none needed! it seems to spoil the
remaining sparks of memory of the whole piece you just witnessed. My
opinion completely of course.

BD/Eclipse is played well but so different and again showy sounding? Why?

Well the P+C disc will be lodged in the changer for a while. The rest will
probably collect dust..except to take it off to see that really nice album
art. Seems harvested Cds always have the damn nice artwork :)

Even though I have my opinions on this--damn fine work on this Rontoon! You
remain the king of the PF Roio!


Review :

 ROGER WATERS : RADIO CITY OR BUST ! (Harvested 019) ­ 2 CDs

Rather than a review track by track I will give you my impressions and what
are - IMO - the highlights of this show :

First, I'd like to say that the drummer is great. This is Andy Newmark,
who played 5 years ago before the show on John Lennon's last album, "Double
Fantasy", in 1980 and on the last track on the "Final Cut" LP, "Two Suns In
The Sunset", and obviously on "The Pros And Cons..." LP.
There is a lot of echo on the drums, and that sounds great.
"WELCOME TO THE MACHINE" is a great and awesome version, so is "SET THE
CONTROLS FOR THE HEART OF THE SUN"; the arrangements of these songs are very
good and interesting.
"HAVE A CIGAR" is a GREAT version. Roger's voice is great. The way is
singing the song is FANTASTIC. This is THE BEST live version of this song
that I have heard; a better voice than on all the live version that Pink
Floyd did from this song during the '74 and '75 tour or the "In The Flesh"
'77 tour.
It is very interesting and surprising to hear Roger's voice on "Wish You
Were Here" and Roger singing "If" 15 years later after the one and only live
performance from this song that Pink Floyd did for the BBC in 1970.
"Money, "Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)" are good, but without David
Gilmour's guitar, the song are OBVIOUSLY not the same, and therefore a bit
disappointing. "The Happiest Days Of Our Lives" would be OBVIOUSLY not the
same without Roger's voice too ! :)
Roger voice during the "Pros And Cons" set is GREAT. Even if this is not
Clapton that played guitar, it sounds very good. "The Pros And Cons Of Hitch
Hiking" song is played at a faster tempo.

There is a BONUS TRACK : an alternate extended long mix with a different
guitar solo and saxophone in the middle of the song "The Pros And Cons Of
Hitch Hicking". The sound quality is perfect : SUP !

As for THE SOUND QUALITY of the show I must admit that I excepted something
a little better considering it is said to be a broadcast; and after having
discovered another great Harvested release, KAOS ON THE ROAD, with a perfect
sound quality (SUP). You can hear the crowd and there is some background
noise, and Roger's voice is sometime too distant too my taste, but it adds
to the feeling of being there.
I would rate the sound quality : a steady EX+

 	Roger Waters  	a01  	Radio Waves  	5:03  	 	 	 	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a02 	Welcome To The Machine 	8:20 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a03 	Who Needs Information 	7:25 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a04 	Money 	5:58 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a05 	In The Flesh 	3:27 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a06 	Have A Cigar 	3:05 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a07 	Pigs (Three Different Ones) 	3:40 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a08 	Wish You Were Here 	4:54 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a09 	Mother 	7:29 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a10 	Mollys Song 	3:17 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a11 	Me Or Him 	5:03 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a12 	The Powers That Be 	4:09 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a13 	Call from the hall 1 	3:37 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b01 	Going To Live In LA 	7:14 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b02 	Sunset Strip 	4:09 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b03 	Fish Report with a Beat 	2:13 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b04 	Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert 	1:05 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b05 	Southampton Dock 	2:20 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b06 	Arnold Layne 	2:58 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b07 	If 	3:49 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b08 	5:06AM (Every Strangers Eyes) 	5:06 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b09 	Not Now John 	4:42 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b10 	Another Brick In The Wall - part 1 	4:02 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b11 	The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 	1:17 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b12 	Another Brick In The Wall - part 2 	5:27 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b13 	Nobody Home 	4:11 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b14 	Home 	7:03 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b15 	Four Minutes 	4:06 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b16 	The Tide Is Turning (After Live Aid) 	6:31 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b17 	Band Introduction 	1:10 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e01 	Breathe 	4:03 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e02 	Woof Woof 	1:12 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e03 	Brain Damage 	3:45 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e04 	Eclipse 	3:18 				Lyrics
Pink Floyd "The Forgotten Concerts" Part 2 "The Other Pink Floyd" Roger Waters Live at the Brendan Byrne Arena (Meadowlands) 1987-11-04 master AUD tape featuring Paul Carrack and Andy Fairweather-Low, with DJ Jim Ladd

Well, a few weeks later, we were back at the Meadowlands again, for the "Nyah Nyah!" concert. "Nyah Nyah" is an American gesture: point the ball of your thumb against your nose and rotate your palm with the fingers up. That, and saying the above while spitting is considered fun by children and intoxicated adults who wish to convey insults while indicating that someone else's superiority is, in fact, pure crap. Perhaps, if you aren't from our fair country, and are from some other fair country of your own, you use this or a like-minded gesture or phrase - to catch up with the other person, that is. Even if it's only in your own mind...

This is one weird concert. The "Billy" concept seemed funny in 1987. Now, it's just strange. Never mind that the startling arrangements of the classic Pink Floyd material are presented in a fashion that Messrs. Gilmour and Co. could never dream of, and that Mr. Water's vocals remind me of, say, later day Syd Barrett in concert - the new stuff is couched in sort of a "Wargames" (the movie, that is) meets Gerald Scarfe story line about the world ending by means of someone or something named Billy, who is constantly interrupting poor Jim Ladd's radio show.

Unlike the Meadowlands Floyd concert previously posted, this time the hall was more than half empty. The first few minutes finds us walking around, trying to find better seats. This is why the recording constantly adjusts itself, before settling down to a reasonably good audience rendition. In fact, it sounds a bit better than the previous post, mostly due to the lack of people in the audience. No wonder no one has this show on their trade-list... there weren't that many people there in the first place.

You will notice that the first track after the break is entitled "Mr. Waters Takes Questions". The stage allowed for an announcer's booth, where RW parked himself for a few minutes for a question and answer session. Were the people asking the questions shills? Hmmm. They certainly were chosen in advance. I never did figure out how. One guy who did ask Mr. Waters was wearing a pink felt pig hat, complete with a tail. "Mr. Pig". I could see him from my seat. After the concert, he passed me by, smoking a cigarette, with a look of someone who had just contemplated God.

(sigh) By the way, there's an off-the-cuff "Set the Controls" which they did just to be cheeky.


Intros: Call from the Hall, Tempted
Radio Waves
Welcome To The Machine
Who Needs Information
In The Flesh
Have A Cigar
Pigs (three different ones)
Wish You Were Here
Molly's Song
Me Or Him
The Powers That Be
Mr. Waters Takes Questions
Going To Live In LA
Sunset Strip
Fish Report With A Beat
Get Your Filty Hands Off My Desert
Arnold Layne
Every Stranger's Eyes
Not Now John
Another Brick In The Wall
Nobody Home
Four Minutes
The Tide Is Turning
Band Intros
Set The Controls
Breathe and Breathe Reprise
Brain Damage

This is the master cassette. Lineage is the same as part one.


A DoinkerTape

Radio Waves
Welcome to the Machine
In the Flesh
Have a Cigar
Wish You Were Here
Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
Southampton Dock
The Powers That Be
The Fish Report with a Beat

Molly's Song
Another Brick in the Wall>
The Happiest Days of Our Lives>
Another Brick in the Wall
Brain Damage

Get Back to Radio
Radio Waves
Going to Live in L.A.
4 Minutes
The Tide Is Turning

Towers of Faith
Folded Flags
Txt Notes: I got this in a snail trade in 1999 from the guy that taped it.  I didnt keep records then, so I have no Idea who the taper was, just that he was from Ohio.
He told me that he ripped it straight from the DAT Master and mailed it to me.  There are some track seperation problems (two songs in one track) but this is exactly how I got it.  I haven't changed it in any way, just ripped it into my PC with EAC and then compressed with Flac.  The sound is phenomenal for an Audience Recording.  
Doyle does incredible work in "Dogs".  A version that must be heard to be beleived. I think I remember seeing a recording of this show somewhere else, but I dont know if it's from the same source.

Gen:DAT Master (AUD)->CDR->EAC->Flac->YOU

Disc One
1. In the Flesh? 4:45
2. The Thin Ice 2:30
3. Another Brick In the Wall-Part 1 3:38
4. Mother 5:57
5. Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert 1:10
6. Southhampton Dock 2:24
7. Pigs On The Wing-Part 1 1:17
8. Dogs 16:48
9. Welcome To The Machine 7:28
10. Wish You were Here 5:02
11. Shine On you Crazy Diamond-Parts 1-5

Disc Two
1. Breathe 3:29
2. Time/ Great Gig In the Sky 7:24
3. Money 6:26
4. Every Strangers Eyes 5:41
5. The Powers That Be 5:28
6. What God Wants 6:25
7. Perfect Sense-Part 1 4:00
8. Perfect Sense-Part 2 3:14

Disc Three
1. It's A Miracle 8:29
2. Amused To Death 9:21
3. Happiest Days Of Our Lives/Another Brick In The Wall-Part 2 7:24
4. encore break 3:20
5. Brain Damage/Eclipse/Band Intros 7:37
6. Comfortably Numb 8:22

# Disc1

    * 101 - In The Flesh.flac 29 Mb
    * 102 - The Thin Ice.flac 14 Mb
    * 103 - Another Brick In The Wall part 1.flac 21 Mb
    * 104 - Mother.flac 28 Mb
    * 105 - Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert.flac 5 Mb
    * 106 - Southampton Dock.flac 13 Mb
    * 107 - Pigs On The Wing part 1.flac 6 Mb
    * 108 - Dogs.flac 97 Mb
    * 109 - Welcome To The Machine.flac 42 Mb
    * 110 - Wish You Were Here.flac 24 Mb
    * 111 - Shine On You Crazy Diamond.flac 82 Mb
    * 112 - Speak To Me.flac 4 Mb
    * 113 - Breathe.flac 14 Mb
    * 114 - Time.flac 33 Mb
    * 115 - Breathe (reprise).flac 6 Mb

# Disc2

    * 201 - The Great Gig In The Sky.flac 6 Mb
    * 202 - Money.flac 38 Mb
    * 203 - Every Strangers Eyes.flac 29 Mb
    * 204 - The Powers That Be.flac 33 Mb
    * 205 - What God Wants part 1.flac 37 Mb
    * 206 - Perfect Sense part 1.flac 23 Mb
    * 207 - Perfect Sense part 2.flac 20 Mb
    * 208 - It's A Miracle.flac 44 Mb
    * 209 - Amused To Death.flac 43 Mb
    * 210 - The Happiest Days Of Our Lives.flac 10 Mb
    * 211 - Another Brick In The Wall part 2.flac 37 Mb
    * 212 - Brain Damage.flac 23 Mb
    * 213 - Eclipse.flac 20 Mb
    * 214 - Comfortably Numb.flac 48 Mb

 Roger Waters  	a01  	In The Flesh  	0  	 	 	 	Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a02 	The Thin Ice 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a03 	Another Brick In The Wall - part 1 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a04 	The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a05 	Another Brick In The Wall - part 2 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a06 	Mother 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a07 	Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a08 	Southampton Dock 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a09 	Pigs On The Wing (part 1) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a10 	Dogs 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a11 	Welcome To The Machine 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a12 	Wish You Were Here 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a13 	Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts I - V) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	a14 	Shine On You Crazy Diamond (parts VI - IX) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b01 	Speak To Me 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b02 	Breathe 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b03 	Time 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b04 	The Great Gig In The Sky 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b05 	Money 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b06 	5:06AM (Every Strangers Eyes) 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b07 	The Powers That Be 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b08 	What God Wants, Part 1 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b09 	Perfect Sense, Part 1 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b10 	Perfect Sense, Part 2 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b11 	It's A Miracle 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b12 	Amused To Death 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b13 	Brain Damage 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	b14 	Eclipse 	0 				Lyrics
	Roger Waters 	e01 	Comfortably Numb 	0 	
Disc One:
 	 1. In The Flesh 				 4:49
	 2. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives		 1:43
	 3. Another Brick In The Wall (Pt. 2)		 3:35
	 4. Mother					 5:10
	 5. Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert		 0:57
	 6. Southampton Dock				 2:12
	 7. Pigs On The Wing (Pt. 1)			 1:20
	 8. Dogs					16:27
	 9. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun	 8:04
	10. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 1-5)	11:51
	11. Welcome To The Machine			 7:43
	12. Wish You Were Here				 5:19
	13. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 6-9)	 9:58
						Total:	79:08	
Disc Two:
	 1. Speak To Me		  			 0:58
	 2  Breathe (In The Air)			 2:23
	 3. Time					 5:17
	 4. Breathe (Reprise)				 1:01
	 5. Money					 6:16
	 6. 5:06 AM (Every Stranger's Eyes)		 5:15
	 7. Perfect Sense (Pt. 1)			 4:26
	 8. Perfect Sense (Pt. 2)	 		 2:59
	 9. The Bravery Of Being Out Of Range		 4:48
	10. It's A Miracle				 8:25
	11. Amused To Death				 9:00
	12. Brain Damage				 3:56
	13. Eclipse - Introductions			 3:20
	14. Comfortably Numb				10:10
	15. Flickering Flame				 7:14	
						Total:	75:28	

Roger Waters		Vocals, Guitar, Bass
Andy Fairweather Low	Guitar, Bass, Vocals
Snowy White 		Guitar
Chester Kamen 		Guitar, Vocals
Andy Wallace 		Keyboards
Harry Waters 		Keyboards, Guitar
Graham Broad 		Drums
Nick Mason		Drums (Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun)
Norbert Stachel 	Saxophone, Irish Flute
Katie Kissoon 		Vocals
PP Arnold 		Vocals
Carol Kenyan 		Vocals

Comments: This is the first time that Nick played in front of a live audience since the 1994 Floyd tour, and the first time 
that Roger played with any of his old mates since the Wall tour. Truly a historic show, as well as a nice recording.
In aid of the Country Alliance '02

1. Introduction
2. Ca Ira Overture
3. Wish You Were Here
4. Flickering Flame
5. Comfortably Numb

The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra - conducted by Rick Wentworth
Roger Waters - guitar, bass guitar, vocals 
Andy Fairweatherlow - guitar
Snowy White - guitar
Chester Kamen - bass guitar
Graham Broad - drums
Harry Waters - keyboards
Andy Wallace - keyboards
Ian Ritchie - penny whistle
PP Arnold - backing vocals
Katie Kissoon - backing vocals
Carol Kenyan - backing vocals

Ovall rating: 9/10

MarekB <zamki>


From http://www.rogerwatersonline.com/tours_whip_craic.html

With a full orchestra in place and the splender of the Royal Albert Hall, Roger gave a long awaited debut to his opera, Ca ira. The piece carried all the hallmarks of Roger's rock compositions, and even to the untrained operatic ear, the sense of drama and atmosphere could be sensed. A full 5 minute overture was played as Roger watched on. 
The orchestra, conducted by Rick Wentworth, stayed on stage to add gusto to Roger's three rock n roll tracks. Flickering Flame sounded particularly polished, one would imagine the studio version may have some orchestral input.
Q. But surely you've observed the fates of rockers who dabble outside the genre. When Paul McCartney put out "Liverpool Oratorio," the classical aficionados threw stones and his fans scratched their heads. What makes you think this will be different?
A. I understand the knives will come out; that's inevitable. But one of the problems that people in the classical world have is how many recordings of Mahler or Beethoven symphonies can you make? They're always looking for new music, but many of the new serious composers are into academic forms, which strike some people as sterile and cold. I think I've made a work that is melodic and emotional; I think I've done something that can move people. The libretto is very much relatable to my earlier work, because it has that humane element. Chiago Tribune 1999.  
Notes- Recorded from left balcony seeing the stage > Sharp IM-MT 899H(S) with Sony ECM 717 mic>USB via Sony SonicStage to HDD>convert to WAV>split into tracks and converted to FLAC (level 8) in DBpoweramp.

Great gig!! Roger in good shape. Gunner's dream, Have a cigar and Sheep best songs of the concert!

Enjoy in the format of your choice, but try and keep it lossless.


CD 1
In the flesh 
Shine on you crasy diamond
Have a cigar
Wish you were here
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Gunner's dream 
Southampton dock
Fletcher memorial home
Perfect sense
Leaving beirut

Speak to me/Breathe/On the run
A great gig in the sky
Us and them
Any colour you like
Brain damage

The happiest days of our lives
Another brick in the wall II
Bring the boys back home
Comfortably numb 
LDB Master Series #33 

In The Flesh
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Leaving Beirut
Have A Cigar
Wish You Were Here
Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
Gunner's Dream
Southampton Dock, 
Fletcher Memorial Home
Perfect Sense 1 & 2

Speak To Me
On The Run
The Great Gig In The Sky
Us And Them
Any Colour You Like
Brain Damage

Band Introduction
The Happiest Days of our Lives 
Another Brick In The Wall
Bring The Boys Back Home
Comfortably Numb

This is the second night in Verona and indeed the third gig of the tour. At one point it started raining but you won't 
notice it in the recording. Sound quality is extremely good. I did not alter it any way: what you hear is what I recorded.
The show was good, I really had a good time. the setlist did not change from the previous night.

Lineage: Sony Net MD MZ-N910 > Aiwa microphone CM-DS6 > Audigy Soundblaster > HD > SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave > 
FLAC Frontend (level 6) 

Sound quality: 10- / 10 (IMO!)


Here you have the complete show from Cork which for me is the best show I ever saw. I decided to spit this into 3 discs I feel it works better this way. A great night and i'm so glad my buddy John and I made the long journey for this show. The recording is not upto my usual standards but I think it didn't come out too bad at all......enjoy! Mark

with special guest on DSOTM - Nick Mason

taper: Unidexter
Rig: At 831b > Low Z - High Z transformer > PCM-M1 DAT
Location: Floor in front of right tent mast

==CD ONE==
01.  Intro
02.  In The Flesh
03.  Mother
04.  Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
05.  Shine On You Crazy Diamond
06.  Have A Cigar
07.  Wish You Were Here
08.  Southampton Dock
09.  The Fletcher Memorial Home
10.  Perfect Sense
11.  ~~Power Failure~~

==CD TWO==
01.  Intro
02.  Leaving Beirut
03.  Sheep
04.  Speak To Me
05.  Breathe
06.  On The Run
07.  Time
08.  Breathe (Reprise)
09.  The Great Gig In The Sky
10.  Money
11.  Us And Them
12.  Any Colour You Like
13.  Brain Damage
14.  Eclipse

01.  Band Introduction
02.  The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
03.  Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2)
04.  Vera
05.  Bring The Boys Back Home
06.  Comfortably Numb

The band :-

Andy Fairweather Low – Guitar
Snowy White – Guitar
Dave Kilminster – Guitar and Vocals
Graham Broad - Drums
Jon Carin – Keyboards
Harry Waters – Hammond
Ian Ritchie - Saxophone
Katie Kissoon, PP Arnold and Carol Kenyon – Background Vocals

Dave Kilminster played the scat/guitar solo in WYWH.
LDB Master Series #39 


Rai Uno broadcast (live)

In The Flesh 
Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
Shine On You Crazy Diamond 
Have A Cigar 
Wish You Were Here 
Southampton Dock, 
Fletcher Memorial Home 
Perfect Sense 1 & 2 
Leaving Beirut 

This is all has been broadcasted, which is the first set. Apparently, Waters did ot allow the radio to broadcast the most
interesting part, where Nick Mason joined the band for Dark Side of the Moon. Hope that a complete audience version can be
available soon. Meanwhile, here it is the broadcast. At the time I upload this one, the show hasn't finished yet, which makes 
this upload probably the quickest seed ever!

As usual, I've edited out the nasty dj chatter (this time there were even TWO dj's talking bullshit, instaed of one!) to
let you enjoy the music only. I left the commentary during the spoken introduction to 'Leaving Beirut' because you can hear
Roger's voice (although covered by the fucking translation).

Listen to Roger's dedicating 'Wish You Were Here' to Syd, and try not to cry, if you can...

Shine on, crazy diamond.

Lineage: Sanyo FMT-3510L FM tuner > Audigy Soundblaster > HD > SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave > 
FLAC Frontend (level 6) 
PinkRoioShn - CDR-017 (PRS-CDR-017)
source/lineage: audience / SP-BMC-12 mic’s (Croakies) > SP-SPSB-1 (Battery Boost
                Box w/ Bass Roll-Off at 95Hz) > Sony MZ-RH10 Hi-MD (PCM) >
                Hi-MD[M] > Sonic Stage 3.0 > wav > cd wav (tracking) > TLH > flac
Disc 1 - Set 1:

01. Pre-show entertainment [1:28]
02. In the Flesh [4:47]
03. Mother [5:13]
04. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun [6:46]
05. Shine On You Crazy Diamond [8:52]
06. Have A Cigar [5:06]
07. Wish You Were Here [5:52]
08. Southampton Dock [2:40]
09. The Fletcher Memorial Home [4:13]
10. Perfect Sense Parts 1 and 2 [7:25]
11. Leaving Beirut [9:55]
12. Sheep [10:58]

Disc 2 - Set 2:

01. Speak to Me [1:11]
02. Breathe [2:45]
03. On the Run [3:53]
04. Time [5:37]
05. Breathe (Reprise) [1:10]
06. The Great Gig in the Sky [4:45]
07. Money [6:25]
08. Us and Them [7:53] 
09. Any Colour You Like [3:25]
10. Brain Damage [3:56]
11. Eclipse [2:32]
12. Band Introduction [2:17]
13. The Happiest Days of Our Lives > Another Brick in the Wall (Part. II) [7:33]
14. Vera [1:16]
15. Bring the Boys Back Home [2:09]
16. Comfortably Numb [7:44]
tot length: 137:46  

taped by : Rob (The Human Mic Stand)
released by: buffalofloyd 
artwork by: flyingpig

It still amazes me how we get such great shows and great recordings from places
you might not normally expect... from India no less!!!  The crowd was ultra
excited on this night and rightfully so.  Roger also seemed in good spirits and
genuinely honored to be there.

A seperate and special thanks and appreciation has to go out to the taper Rob
(The Human Mic Stand) for his phenominal efforts to bring us this incredible
document.  He has given us some great recordings that span the past 20 years and
here is another to add to the list. Thank You!!!



this is the NTSC version of the March 18, 2007 Roger Waters concert in Argentina.   It is recorded directly from the video screen feed and the soundboard (complete with click tracks and audio cues for the band)
Label:	SoulPanicRecordings/Pink Floyd Traders Center (SPR-CDR-027-028/PFTC-CDR-003)
Source:	Sony TCD-D7, SP-SPSB-6 Battery Module w/ bass roll off (set at 195Hz) & SP-BMC-2 stereo mini microphones, 
	Maxell HS-4/90s tape (master) > PC (Adobe Audition) > WAV > Flac (Level 8 Align on sector boundaries)
Seated: Sec 8 Row R Seat 23
Recorded, Transfered, Mastered and Artwork by: SoulPanic
Pictures used for artwork provided by: fatoldpig

Disc 1:

01. In The Flesh (05:02)
02. Mother (05:12)
03. Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun (06:46)
04. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (08:48)
05. Have A Cigar (05:10)
06. Wish You Were Here (05:20)
07. Southampton Dock (02:36)
08. The Fletcher Memorial Home (04:14)
09. Perfect Sense, Pts. 1 and 2 (07:39)
10. Intro to... (01:01)
11. Leaving Beirut (08:58)
12. Sheep (11:08)

Disc 2:

01. Speak to Me (01:22)
02. Breathe (02:47)
03. On the Run (03:33)
04. Time (07:04)
05. The Great Gig in the Sky (04:50)
06. Money (06:37)
07. Us and Them (07:40)
08. Any Colour You Like (03:24)
09. Brain Damage (03:51)
10. Eclipse (05:07)
11. Band Introductions (01:59)
12. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives (01:38)
13. Another Brick In The Wall, Pt. 2 (05:55)
14. Vera (01:08)
15. Bring the Boys Back Home (02:16)
16. Comfortably Numb (07:48)

Total Length: 139:39

This was a fantastic show!  Was great to see Dark Side performed in its
entirety for the first time by a member of Pink Floyd.
The rear speakers are very apparent during my recording since I was closer
to them then I was the main speakers.  But is still a very nice recording
in my opinion.


Please do NOT reencode to any other lossless format or remaster, make part of a matrix
or any sort of surround sound mix (DTS etc).  Depending on who you are, how you ask and
what you want to do with it, we MAY release the raw source to you to work with.  Mp3s or
other lossy formats may be made for personal audio systems (Eg Ipods, Mp3 players etc)
but do NOT share them online or off with anyone.  Keep it Lossless!

Note to EBAY Sellers.  Try and die.

Caroline Dale,
Mun Floyd,
The Royal College Of Music Brass Ensemble,
The Canticum Chorus with Mark Forkgen

Yellow Cow Records - YCCD015B

Artwork included (and please leave it that way!)

Audience recording: Front Row, Centre.
Lineage: Sony MZ-R90/ECM 719 -> HD via Cooledit (completely raw transfer).


01. Introduction (spoken)
02. Untitled Piece for Ten Brass
03. Ron Geesin (spoken)
04. I'm Not As Old As I Used To Be (Grand Piano)
05. Aphorisms & Poems (spoken)
06. Fight Or Flight ('Eastern' Banjo & Cello)
07. Conversation Piece With Banjo
08. Blue Blackbird (Bass Marimba & Choir)


01. Atom 'art Mother (spoken)
02. Atom Heart Mother Suite;
    Father's Shout
    Breast Milky
    Mother Fore
    Funky Dung
    Mind Your Throats Please

Brought to you by the nice people from Yellow Cow : )
Roy Buchanan's Last Show

01 Short Fuse
02 Country Boy
03 Jack the Ripper
04 Susie Q
05 Peter Gunn
06 Down By the River
07 Beer Drinking Woman
08 When a Guitar Plays the Blues
09 Honky Tonk
10 Good Golly Miss Molly
11 Green Onions
12 Hey Joe
13 Purple Haze
14 Messiah Theme
15 Sunshine of Your Love
16 Drowning On Dry Land

Roy Buchanan - guitar
Tommy Hambridge - drums
Carey Riegler - bass

This is Roy's last show. He died a week later. On the night of August 14, 1988 Roy was arrested for public intoxication and taken to the Fairfax County (Virginia) Adult Detention Center. Official accounts say that Roy hanged himself in his cell by his shirt. Some of his family and friends believe that the official account doesn't tell the whole story.
Disc One / First Set (1:05:34):
1. H&H - 13:00
2. Autumn Leaves - 15:15
3. James - 7:35
4. Night Turns Into Day - 9:53
5. Good For The Soul - 8:46
6. Roy Talks - 3:20
7. Vera Cruz - 7:40

Disc Two / Second Set (1:17:43):
1. Blues M45 - 19:22
2. Solar - 18:40 Q&A (6 seconds)
3. Question and Answer - 13:34
4. Roy Jokes - 6:48
5. All the Things You Are - 10:58
6. Summer Nights - 8:17

Pat Metheny - guitars
Donald Harrison - alto saxophone
Peter Washington - bass
Roy Haynes - drums

DAUD [Sonic Studios DSM-6S >Sony TCD-D7] @48 kHz

DAT clone >.wav via S/PDIF and Audiophile 2496 >CoolEdit
Set I
Amazing Things
Edge Of The World
Healer In Your Heart
The Greatest Flame
Move A Mountain
Harvest Moon
Dream Fields
Precious Years
Every River
Flower Of The West
Set II
Song Of The Earth
The Cutter
Cnoc Na Feille
Skye/On The Edge
Siol Ghoraidh
Pride Of The Summer
An Toll Dubh
An Ubhal As Airde
Loch Lomond

Stage Announcements 0:30
Finding My Way 5:07
Best I Can 3:03
Need Some Love 3:24
In the End 6:19
Fancy Dancer 3:54
In the Mood 3:25
Bad Boy 5:41
Here Again 8:02
Working Man 9:13
Drum Solo 3:09
What You're Doing 4:33
Garden Road 3:07

Finding My Way
Best I Can
What You're Doing
Fly By Night
Here Again
Bad Boy
Working Man
Drum Solo
A Passage to Bangkok
By-Tor and the Snow Dog/
Something for Nothing
The Trees
Cygnus X-1
Closer to the Heart

A Farewell to Kings
La Villa Strangiato
Working Man/
Bastille Day/
In the Mood/
Drum Solo

Introduction 0:39
Anthem 4:18
A Passage To Bangkok 4:10
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 5:22
Xanadu 12:25
Something for Nothing 4:38
The Trees 4:42
Cygnus X-1 10:32
Hemispheres 18:36
Closer to the Heart 3:28

Circumstances 4:26
A Farewell to Kings 5:40
La Villa Strangiato 10:20
2112 18:54
Working Man 2:26
Bastille Day 1:44
In the Mood 2:42
Drum Solo 5:12


01 - Anthem  4:43
02 - A Passage To Bangkok  3:56
03 - Bytor And The Snowdog  4:57
04 - Xanadu  12:39
05 - Something For Nothing  4:21
06 - The Trees  4:50
07 - Cygnus X-1  10:13


01 - Hemispheres  18:25
02 - Closer to the Heart  3:31
03 - Circumstances  3:52
04 - A Farewell To Kings  5:32
05 - La Villa Strangiato  10:12
06 - 2112 Overture / Temples / Discovery / Presentation /
     Soliloquy / Finale / Intro to Working Man 18:45
07 - Working Man  3:07
08 - Bastille Day  1:40
09 - In The Mood  2:44
10 - Drum Solo  3:16
Anthem 4:30
A Passage To Bangkok 3:57
By-Tor And The Snow Dog 5:31
Xanadu 12:41
The Trees 5:12
Hemispheres 16:57

Closer to the Heart 4:02
A Farewell to Kings 5:36
La Villa Strangiato 10:36
2112 18:23

Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1013 
Media: 2 CDr 
Time: 43:54, 67:54 
Catalog: Digital Reproductions: DR 91279-8 
Source: Audience (1st Gen)

2112   16:24
A Passage To Bangkok   3:57
By-Tor And The Snow Dog   5:34
Xanadu   12:34
The Spirit Of Radio   5:24

The Trees   5:03
Cygnus X-1   10:14
Hemispheres   16:34
Closer To The Heart   3:32
Freewill   6:02
Working Man   3:35
Finding My Way   0:23
Anthem   1:41
Bastille Day   1:30
In the Mood   2:42
Drum Solo   6:07
La Villa Strangiato   10:30

Average Rating: Audio: 8 

The Digital Dan
   (Audio - 8) 

Taken from a first gen analog source, this is a rare show form the brief Semi Tour of Some of the Hemispheres tour. These shows served as a preview and warm up for the recording of the Permanent Waves album. This concert has a great performance of both books of Cygnus and worth having for that alone. There are a couple of sources for this concert. One is a very distant audience recording with a lot of echo and poor resolution. The other is a much closer audience tape. The sound is very "in your face" and the signal is quite strong. It does sound a little compressed and doesn't have the stereo separation of the Oslo '79 show. The instruments are quite clear and very well resolved. This is an excellent recording in both sound and performance. Definitely better than the majority of audience Hemispheres shows in circulation. As with all Digital Reproductions recordings, it's only available via free trade and never for sale. Just visit the trading links section to find people that will gladly trade this recording for free.    (2001-06-24)
2112   15:07
Freewill   5:56
By-Tor and the Snow Dog   5:17
Xanadu   12:55
The Spirit of Radio   5:19
Natural Science   8:40
A Passage to Bangkok   3:58
The Trees   5:04

Cygnus X-1   8:18
Hemispheres   14:17
Closer to the Heart   3:16
Beneath, Between and Behind (cut)   2:43
Jacob's Ladder   7:29
Working Man   3:28
Finding My Way   0:22
Anthem   1:39
Bastille Day   1:27
In The Mood   2:39
Drum Solo   6:19
La Villa Strangiato   9:47

Catalog: Gypsy Eye: GE-170
Source: Soundboard
Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1030


01 - 2112 Overture / Temples Of Syrinx   5:51
02 - Freewill   5:58
03 - Bytor And The Snow Dog   5:25
04 - Xanadu   12:37
05 - Limelight (Pre-Release)   5:03
06 - The Trees   4:41
07 - Hemispheres: Prelude
08 - Closer To The Heart   3:18
09 - Beneath, Between And Behind   3:04
10 - Tom Sawyer (Pre-Release)   4:47
11 - Jacob's Ladder   9:01
12 - A Passage To Bangkok   4:06
13 - Natural Science   6:27

01 - 2112 Overture, Temples Of Syrinx
02 - Freewill
03 - ByTor And The Snow Dog
04 - Xanadu
05 - Limelight
06 - The Trees
07 - Hemispheres Prelude
08 - Freewill
09 - Closer To The Heart
10 - Beneath, Between And Behind
11 - Tom Sawyer
12 - Jacob's Ladder


01 - A Passage To Bangkok
02 - Natural Science
03 - Bastille Day
04 - Anthem
05 - 2112
06 - Lakeside Park
07 - Working Man
08 - In The Mood
09 - In The Mood
The Spirit of Radio   5:54
The Enemy Within   4:40
The Weapon   7:34
Witch Hunt   4:48
New World Man   3:57
Distant Early Warning   6:08
Red Sector A   5:24
Closer to the Heart   3:34
YYZ   3:12
2112: Temples Of Syrinx   1:48
Tom Sawyer   4:43
Vital Signs   4:53
Finding My Way   1:11
In The Mood   2:31

Sound: A+
Show: A

Ripped from the GUP Laserdisc
Disc One:

The Spirit Of Radio (5:02)
Subdivisions (5:30)
The Body Electric (5:52)
The Enemy Within (4:43)
The Weapon (8:04)
Witch Hunt (6:07)
The Big Money (4:54)
New World Man (4:40)
Between The Wheels (5:55)
Red Barchetta (6:25)
Distant Early Warning (6:40)

Disc Two:

Red Sector A (5:50)
Closer To The Heart (4:37)
Middletown Dreams (5:51)
YYZ (2:15)
Drum Solo (5:57)
2112 (The Temples Of Syrinx) (1:49)
Tom Sawyer (5:46)
Red Lenses (5:24)
Vital Signs (4:50)
Finding My Way (1:12)
In The Mood (2:32)
Interviews (23:53)
Bookmark:  	http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1496
Catalog: 	Moose Records: 598-03/04
Source: 	Audience

The Spirit Of Radio   5:57
Limelight   5:03
The Big Money   6:04
New World Man   4:18
Subdivisions   5:43
Manhattan Project   5:58
Middletown Dreams   5:09
Witch Hunt   5:08
Red Sector A   5:20
Closer To The Heart   5:55
Marathon   6:35

The Trees   4:57
Mystic Rhythms   5:37
Distant Early Warning   6:55
Territories   6:24
YYZ / Drum Solo   8:50
Red Lenses   2:19
Tom Sawyer   5:50
2112: Overture   4:24
2112: Temples Of Syrinx   2:05
Grand Designs   5:04
In The Mood   3:12
Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1741


01 - Intro   0:46
02 - The Big Money   5:57
03 - Subdivisions   5:24
04 - Limelight   4:19
05 - Marathon   3:03
06 - Turn The Page   7:02
07 - Prime Mover   4:50
08 - Manhattan Project   5:32
09 - Closer To The Heart   5:03
10 - Red Sector A   5:36
11 - Force Ten   4:56
12 - Time Stand Still   5:44


01 - Distant Early Warning   6:40
02 - Lock And Key   6:26
03 - Mission   5:47
04 - Territories   6:17
05 - YYZ   3:13
06 - Rhythm Method   6:26
07 - Red Lenses   :26
08 - The Spirit of Radio   4:54
09 - Tom Sawyer   5:35
10 - 2112 Overture   4:13
11 - 2112 Temples of Syrinx   1:53
12 - La Villa Strangiato   5:24
13 - In The Mood   3:04
Set I
Intro 0:48
The Big Money 5:52
Subdivisions 5:14
Limelight 4:41
Marathon 6:42
Turn the Page 4:34
Prime Mover 5:21
Manhattan Project 4:58
Closer to the Heart 4:13
Red Sector A 5:36
Force Ten 4:51
Time Stand Still 4:55
Distant Early Warning 6:10
Set II
Lock and Key 6:11
Mission 5:29
Territories 3:44
YYZ / Rhythm Method 8:56
Red Lenses 0:25
The Spirit of Radio 4:49
Tom Sawyer 5:28
2112 6:00
La Villa Strangiato 5:11
In the Mood 3:11 

Sound: A/A-
Show: A
Disc 1
01. Force Ten 5:01
02. Freewill 4:05
03. Distant Early Warning 4:25
04. Time Stand Still 6:22
05. Subdivisions 5:34
06. Marathon 6:48
07. Red Barchetta 6:58
08. Superconductor 5:19
09. Show Don?t Tell 6:50
10. The Pass 5:08
11. Closer To The Heart 5:13

Disc 2
01. Manhattan Project 5:12
02. Xanadu 6:52
03. YYZ 3:19
04. Drum Solo 5:01
05. Scars 4:53
06. War Paint 5:54
07. Mission 5:41
08. Tom Sawyer 5:53
09. The Spirit Of Radio 4:56
10. 2112: Overture 3:22
11. La Villa Strangiato 4:07
12. In The Mood 2:06
13. Wipeout / Jazz Bass 1:02 
Catalog: Digital Reproductions: DR-50890
Source: Soundboard (1st Gen DAT Clone)

Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1279


01 - Force Ten   3:57
02 - Freewill   4:03
03 - Distant Early Warning   4:22
04 - Time Stand Still   6:18
05 - Subdivisions   5:32
06 - Marathon   6:44
07 - Red Barchetta   6:57
08 - Superconductor   5:18
09 - Show Don't Tell   6:39
10 - The Pass   5:05
11 - Closer To The Heart   4:57


01 - Manhattan Project   5:12
02 - Xanadu   6:50
03 - YYZ   3:17
04 - Drum Solo   5:11
05 - Scars   4:42
06 - War Paint   5:54
07 - Mission   5:40
08 - Tom Sawyer   6:31
09 - The Spirit of Radio   4:57
10 - 2112 Overture   3:21
11 - La Villa Strangiato   4:51
12 - In the Mood   2:13
13 - Pipeline / Jazz Bass   0:48
Force Ten 3:57
Freewill 4:03
Distant Early Warning 4:22
Time Stand Still 6:18
Subdivisions 5:32
Marathon 6:44
Red Barchetta 6:57
Superconductor 5:18
Show Don't Tell 6:39
The Pass 5:05
Closer to the Heart 4:57

Manhattan Project 5:12
Xanadu 6:50
YYZ 3:17
Drum Solo 5:11
Scars 4:42
War Paint 5:54
Mission 5:40
Tom Sawyer 6:31
The Spirit of Radio 4:57
2112: Overture 3:21
La Villa Strangiato 4:51
In the Mood 2:13
Pipeline / Jazz Bass 0:48

Disc One:

Intro 0:51
Force Ten 4:47
Freewill 4:02
Distant Early Warning 4:24
Time Stand Still 6:09
Subdivisions 5:27
Marathon 6:42
Red Barchetta 6:52
Superconductor 5:16
Show Don?t Tell 6:41
The Pass 5:07
Closer To The Heart 5:03

Disc Two:

Manhattan Project 5:17
Xanadu 6:54
YYZ 3:19
Drum Solo 5:12
Scars 4:32
War Paint 5:51
Mission 5:42
Tom Sawyer 5:54
The Spirit Of Radio 4:55
2112: Overture 3:22
La Villa Strangiato 4:53
In The Mood 2:16
Wipeout / Jazz Bass 1:03
Intro/Force Ten   5:02
Limelight   4:21
Freewill   4:02
Distant Early Warning   4:29
Time Stand Still   6:00
Dreamline   5:10
Bravado   7:01
Roll The Bones   6:03
Show Don?t Tell   6:17
The Big Money   6:16
Ghost Of A Chance   5:33

Subdivisions   4:07
The Pass   4:59
Where?s My Thing?   5:12
The Rhythm Method   7:28
Closer To The Heart   4:45
Xanadu   6:34
Superconductor   5:09
Tom Sawyer   6:06
The Spirit Of Radio   4:56
2112: Overture   3:22
Finding My Way   2:08
La Villa Strangiato   3:17
Anthem   1:42
Red Barchetta   1:35
The Spirit Of Radio (Reprise)   0:41

Force Ten
Distant Early Warning
Time Stand Still
Roll The Bones
Show Don't Tell
The Big Money
Ghost of a Chance
Vital Signs
The Analog Kid
The Trees
Where's My Thing
The Rhythm Method
Closer to the Heart
Tom Sawyer
The Spirit Of Radio
Intro/Dreamline 6:39
The Spirit of Radio 4:54
The Analog Kid 6:07
Cold Fire 4:29
Time Stand Still 5:39
Nobody's Hero 5:03
Roll The Bones 6:09
Animate 7:27
Stick It Out 5:15
Double Agent 5:26

Limelight 4:39
Mystic Rhythms 6:05
Closer to the Heart 5:35
Show Don't Tell 5:20
Leave That Thing Alone (intro) 1:14
Leave That Thing Alone 4:50
Drum Solo 7:29
The Trees 5:18
Xanadu 10:29
Hemispheres: Prelude 0:22
Tom Sawyer 5:20
Force Ten 4:39
YYZ 5:04
Bravado 6:55

Stick It Out
Double Agent
Mystic Rhythms
Closer To The Heart
Show Don't Tell

Film Intro
Leave That Thing Alone
Drum Solo
The Trees
Hemispheres: Prelude
Tom Sawyer / YYZ
Cygnus X-1
Media: 3 CDR
Time: 55:08, 55:14, 50:41
Catalog: Watch Tower: WT 2002083/84/85
Source: Soundboard
Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1268


01 - Dreamline   4:04
02 - The Big Money   6:34
03 - Driven   4:59
04 - Half The World   3:58
05 - Red Barchetta   6:50
06 - Animate   6:38
07 - Limbo   5:27
08 - The Trees   5:13
09 - Red Sector A   5:33
10 - Virtuality   5:52


01 - Nobody's Hero   5:44
02 - Closer To The Heart   4:28
03 - 2112   20:38
04 - Test For Echo   7:04
05 - Subdivisions   5:35
06 - Freewill   5:35
07 - Roll The Bones   6:10


01 - Resist   4:44
02 - Leave That Thing Alone   4:38
03 - The Rhythm Method   7:15
04 - Natural Science   8:15
05 - Force Ten   4:50
06 - Time And Motion   5:02
07 - The Spirit of Radio   4:59
08 - Tom Sawyer   5:10
09 - YYZ   5:48
Catalog: Voodoo Records: VR9923/24/25
Source: Audience
Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1255


01 - 2001 Intro   1:12
02 - Dreamline   5:07
03 - The Big Money   6:59
04 - Driven   5:15
05 - Half the World   3:52
06 - Red Barchetta   7:01
07 - Animate   7:09
08 - Limbo   5:27
09 - The Trees   5:28
10 - Red Sector A   5:22
11 - Virtuality   6:10
12 - Nobody's Hero   5:05
13 - Closer To The Heart   5:04


01 - 2112   21:29
02 - Test For Echo   6:52
03 - Subdivisions   5:40
04 - Freewill   5:43
05 - Roll the Bones   6:28
06 - Resist   4:27
07 - Leave That Thing Alone   4:42
08 - The Rhythm Method   8:05
09 - Natural Science   8:08


01 - Force Ten   4:54
02 - The Spirit of Radio   5:32
03 - Tom Sawyer   5:19
04 - YYZ   5:10
Catalog: Sirius Records: SIR0250/0251/0252
Source: Audience (DAT Master Clone)
Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1253


01 - Thus Spake Zarathustra   1:33
02 - Dreamline   5:09
03 - The Big Money   6:58
04 - Driven   5:11
05 - Half The World   3:59
06 - Red Barchetta   7:03
07 - Animate   6:47
08 - Limbo   5:46
09 - The Trees   5:30
10 - Red Sector A   5:23
11 - Virtuality   5:57
12 - Nobody’s Hero   5:22


01 - Closer To The Heart   5:07
02 - 2112   21:24
03 - Test For Echo   7:18
04 - Subdivisions   5:41
05 - Freewill   5:43
06 - Roll The Bones   6:19
07 - Resist   4:38


01 - Leave That Thing Alone   4:48
02 - Drum solo   8:02
03 - Natural Science   8:11
04 - Force Ten   4:48
05 - The Spirit Of Radio   4:58
06 - Tom Sawyer   5:54
07 - YYZ   5:13
Source: Soundboard Clone of DAT Master

Most likely you have heard, or at least heard about, this soundboard recording from the first leg of the Test For Echo tour. The source for this release is closer to the master than anything previously circulated. Therefore, it has a much cleaner, fuller and brighter sound. It is the complete show with excellent stereo sound quality. This is a must have for any collection.

Some have said this source is a ALD (Assisted Listening Device) others have claimed it's a true sound board. This is the second version of this I have received, the first did sound like an ALD device, this one however sounds like a true sound board.

Disc 1
2001 Intro 
The Big Money
Half The World 
Red Barchetta 
The Trees 

Disc 2
Red Sector 
Nobody's Hero 
Closer to the Heart

Disc 3
Test for Echo 
Roll the Bones 
Leave That Thing Alone 
The Rhythm Method 
Natural Science 
Force Ten 
The Spirit of Radio 
Tom Sawyer 
YYZ/Cygnus X-1 

Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1194


01 - Thus Spake Zarathustra   1:37
02 - Dreamline   5:01
03 - Limelight   4:29
04 - Stick It Out   5:12
05 - Driven   5:15
06 - Half The World   3:55
07 - Red Barchetta   6:50
08 - Animate   6:52
09 - Limbo   5:19
10 - The Trees   5:28
11 - Virtuality   5:47


01 - Nobody's Hero   5:22
02 - Closer To The Heart   5:24
03 - 2112   21:25
04 - Test For Echo   6:57
05 - Freewill   5:38
06 - Red Sector A   5:11


01 - Roll The Bones   6:39
02 - Resist   4:27
03 - Leave That Thing Alone   4:47
04 - The Rhythm Method   8:29
05 - Natural Science   8:07
06 - Force Ten   4:46
07 - The Spirit of Radio   4:54
08 - Tom Sawyer   6:30
09 - YYZ   4:21
10 - Cygnus X-1   0:33
Thus Spake Zarathustra 1:48
Dreamline 5:05
Limelight 4:26
Stick It Out 4:58
Driven 5:19
Half The World 3:54
Red Barchetta 6:54
Animate 6:55
Limbo 5:24
The Trees 5:35
Virtuality 6:25
Nobody's Hero 5:04
Closer to the Heart 5:30

2112 21:22
Test for Echo 7:11
Freewill 5:37
Red Sector A 5:16
Roll the Bones 6:06

Resist 5:02
Leave That Thing Alone 4:48
The Rhythm Method 8:44
Natural Science 8:08
Force Ten 4:42
The Spirit of Radio 4:55
Tom Sawyer 6:20
YYZ 4:22
Cygnus X-1 0:47

Catalog: Sirius Records: SIR0640/0641
Source: Audience (DAT Master)
Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1160


01 - The Three Stooges Intro   0:54
02 - Tom Sawyer   4:53
03 - Distant Early Warning   4:58
04 - New World Man   4:04
05 - Roll The Bones   6:53
06 - Earthshine   5:34
07 - YYZ   4:52
08 - The Pass   5:13
09 - Bravado   6:09
10 - The Big Money   6:11
11 - Between Sun & Moon   4:56
12 - Vital Signs   5:00
13 - Natural Science   8:15
14 - One Little Victory   6:33
15 - Driven   5:15


01 - Ceiling Unlimited   5:59
02 - Secret Touch   6:57
03 - Dreamline   5:07
04 - Red Sector A   5:20
05 - Leave That Thing Alone   4:58
06 - Drum Solo   7:30
07 - Resist   4:34
08 - 2112 Overture / Temples of Syrinx   6:52
09 - Limelight   4:28
10 - La Villa Strangiato   8:34
11 - The Spirit of Radio   6:23
12 - Bytor And The Snow Dog   4:29
13 - Cygnus X-1   3:11
14 - Working Man   5:21
Three Stooges   0:26
Tom Sawyer   4:51
Distant Early Warning   4:48
New World Man   4:03
Roll The Bones   6:38
Earthshine   5:35
YYZ   4:41
The Pass   5:06
Bravado   6:15
The Big Money   6:06
Between Sun & Moon   4:47
Vital Signs   5:03
Natural Science   8:30
One Little Victory   7:14
Driven   5:17

Ceiling Unlimited   5:58
Secret Touch   6:50
Dreamline   5:09
Red Sector A   5:19
Leave That Thing Alone   4:53
Drum Solo   7:48
Resist   4:23
2112: Overture/Temples of Syrinx   6:51
Limelight   4:30
La Villa Strangiato   8:48
The Spirit of Radio   6:07
By-Tor and the Snow Dog   4:26
Cygnus X-1   3:05
Working Man   5:19

 Taper's Notes

Well, here's my last show for the summer venues. This is another nice recording. My seats were right in front of Ged, in the second section back, row 3 (right center). Not sure what that translates to row wise but it was pretty close (30th row?). The sound was incredible there, much better than Hartford and Scranton. Center is key. I of course, missed most of the stooges, again, as it seems the guys never start at the same time. Oh well. Al was having problems with his radio pack just off stage thus, the delay in the start. Nice to hear the end of the stooges theme. Great versions of New World Man, The Pass and Vital Signs. Minor seat incident during RtB as someone came late and the row wouldn't move down enough so I was in the aisle a little and the security was on me fast. Thankfully the guy was freakin' clueless looking right at me not seeing a thing (croakie mounted mics). I kept my head forward and looking at Ged the whole time. We finally squeezed in. The rant in La Villa is my favorite of the shows I've heard so far and it's where the title comes from... It's perfectly timed and the transition is amazingly perfect, almost rehearsed. Al thought he was having technical problems with the White Gibson in the encore (he kept looking over at the tech for the first 20 sec or so) but thankfully everything was OK. He just blazed on it. One other vivid memory is Al just wining on the guitar during the beginning part of Cygnus, using the pedals, building it up, and then just doing his patented "pull back" on that first big set of chords and coming front-center... just a smooth move (you had to be there). Thanks to SCOTT for hooking me up with a ticket for my bro. This one will be vined and I'll take some audio B&P's on this. Check the FTP site as well for downloading. Great job again by the Sirius team. Source: AT933 Cardioid->SP Battery Box (flat)->(line in) Sharp MD-MT877    (2002-10-12)

Catalog: Digital Reproductions: DR 71202-4
Source: Audience (DAT Clone)

Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1154


01 - Three Stooges Intro 0:55
02 - Tom Sawyer 4:54
03 - Distant Early Warning 4:55
04 - New World Man 4:01
05 - Roll The Bones 6:46
06 - Earthshine 5:35
07 - YYZ 4:59
08 - The Pass 4:58
09 - Bravado 6:08
10 - The Big Money 6:28
11 - Between Sun And Moon 4:40
12 - Vital Signs 4:59
13 - Natural Science 8:33
14 - One Little Victory Intro 1:20
15 - One Little Victory 5:31
16 - Driven 5:14


01 - Ghost Rider 5:52
02 - Secret Touch 6:54
03 - Dreamline 5:12
04 - Red Sector A 5:20
05 - Leave That Thing Alone 4:52
06 - The Rhythm Method 8:26
07 - Resist 3:59
08 - 2112 Overture / Temples of Syrinx 6:51
09 - Limelight 4:30
10 - La Villa Strangiato 8:44
11 - The Spirit of Radio 6:07
12 - Bytor And The Snow Dog 4:32
13 - Cygnus X-1 3:11
14 - Working Man 5:14
Disc 1:

Three Stooges :55
Tom Sawyer 4:43
Distant Early Warning 4:52
New World Man 4:03
Roll The Bones 6:52
Earthshine 5:37
YYZ 4:47
The Pass 5:03
Bravado 6:07
The Big Money 6:12
Between Sun & Moon 4:51
Vital Signs 4:52
Natural Science 8:35
One Little Victory 7:03
Driven 5:10

Disc 2:

Ghost Rider 5:51
Secret Touch 6:59
Dreamline 5:16
Red Sector A 5:16
Leave That Thing Alone 4:56
Drum Solo 7:39
Resist 4:32
2112: Overture/Temples of Syrinx 6:50
Limelight 4:31
La Villa Strangiato 8:50
The Spirit of Radio 5:47
Bytor and the Snow Dog 4:37
Cygnus X-1 3:13
Working Man 5:30

Taper's Notes:

Equipment: (2) Audio Technica 933 cardioid mics > 
(2) Audio Technica 8532 power modules > 
Sony PCM-M1 DAT recorder

Location: Section RIGHT, row D, 4th row in front of Geddy.

This was a great show, and the last show before my break from August 
to October for seeing Rush in 2002. After the tremedously long drive to the 
8/1 show the day before (from FL no less!), this was a bit more relaxing 
for me. It was also great to witness this show with 2 of the 3 at Sirius Records!  

As for the sound quality on the show recording, all I can say is WOWZERS!!!!! 
It blew me away the first time I heard it and still blows me away after hearing 
it many times!

The title is a bit of a joke on my LONG roadtrip. Just a day before this show 
I was hauling a$$ right by this same place, I actually stopped off the same 
exit to get gas on 8/1 as my hotel would be on 8/2! After driving through 
Maryland Heights on 8/1, driving all the way across MO into Kansas, then 
the next morning driving all the way BACK again it seemed like "the time is now again" 
all over again.  

Of course, even after all the driving for this trip, it was well worth it for me 
to get this recording. I'd like to thank Joe at Sirius for mastering this show 
from my DAT and both him and Curtis for being at the show to see it with me. 
And thanks once again to Sirius Records for releasing it. Enjoy!  
Catalog: Rush-Signals Production: #RSP-020824-1
Source: Audience (DAT Clone)

Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1128


01 - Tom Sawyer   5:25
02 - Distant Early Warning   4:53
03 - New World Man   4:01
04 - Roll The Bones   6:20
05 - Earthshine   5:31
06 - YYZ   4:44
07 - The Pass   5:01
08 - Bravado   6:07
09 - The Big Money   6:07
10 - Between Sun And Moon   4:53
11 - Vital Signs   4:53
12 - Natural Science   9:57
13 - One Little Victory   5:31
14 - Driven   5:12


01 - Ceiling Unlimited   5:58
02 - Secret Touch   6:54
03 - Dreamline   5:20
04 - Red Sector A   5:16
05 - Leave That Thing Alone   4:55
06 - The Rhythm Method   7:53
07 - Resist - Acoustic version   4:33
08 - 2112 Overture/The Temples of Syrinx   6:47
09 - Limelight   4:29
10 - La Villa Strangiato   9:00
11 - The Spirit of Radio   5:23
12 - Bytor And The Snow Dog   4:46
13 - Cygnus X-1   3:08
14 - Working Man   5:21
Media: 3 CDR
Time: 68:03, 52:58, 46:47
Catalog: Digital Reproductions: DR 10202-9
Source: Audience, DAT Master
Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=917


01 - Tom Sawyer   5:15
02 - Distant Early Warning   5:00
03 - New World Man   4:05
04 - Roll The Bones   6:43
05 - Earthshine   5:41
06 - YYZ   4:54
07 - The Pass   4:58
08 - Bravado   6:19
09 - The Big Money   6:17
10 - Vital Signs   4:47
11 - Freewill   5:36
12 - Natural Science   8:29


01 - One Little Victory Intro   5:00
02 - One Little Victory   5:31
03 - Driven   5:14
04 - Ghost Rider   6:05
05 - Secret Touch   6:59
06 - Dreamline   5:15
07 - Red Sector A   5:20
08 - Leave That Thing Alone   4:57
09 - The Rhythm Method   8:36


01 - Resist   4:44
02 - 2112 Overture / Temples of Syrinx   6:59
03 - Limelight   4:32
04 - La Villa Strangiato   10:11
05 - The Spirit of Radio   6:57
06 - Bytor And The Snow Dog   4:38
07 - Cygnus X-1   3:14
08 - Working Man   5:33
Intro 2:40
Finding My Way 1:06
Anthem 1:35
Bastille Day 0:46
A Passage to Bangkok 1:09
Cygnus X-1 1:11
Hemispheres Prelude 0:42
The Spirit of Radio 5:00
Force Ten 4:47
Animate 5:54
Subdivisions 6:22
Earthshine 6:00
Red Barchetta 6:54
Roll the Bones 6:07
Bravado 6:11
YYZ 4:46
The Trees 5:45
The Seeker 3:46
One Little Victory 6:32

Intro 4:41
Tom Sawyer 5:00
Dreamline 5:01
Secret Touch 7:25
Between the Wheels 6:01
Mystic Rhythms 5:21
Red Sector A 5:09
Drum Solo 8:29

Resist 4:20
Heart Full of Soul 2:48
2112 Overture/The Temples Of Syrinx/Grand Finale 8:06
La Villa Strangiato 9:33
By-Tor and the Snow Dog 4:27
Xanadu 6:56
Working Man 6:43
Summertime Blues 3:46
Crossroads 3:12
Limelight 4:35
Outro 1:41

Catalog: Simple Man Productions: SMP-080
Source: Audience, DAT Master


01 - Intro   2:34
02 - R30 Overture   6:37 
03 - The Spirit Of Radio   5:11 
04 - Force Ten   4:48
05 - Animate   5:57
06 - Subdivisions   6:17
07 - Earthshine   5:44
08 - Red Barchetta   6:54
09 - Roll The Bones   6:08
10 - Bravado   6:15
11 - YYZ   4:49
12 - The Trees   5:58 
13 - The Seeker   4;19
14 - One Little Victory   5:31 


01 - Darn that Dragon Intro   3:08
02 - Tom Sawyer   5:09
03 - Dreamline   5:07
04 - Secret Touch   7:32
05 - Between The Wheels   6:04 
06 - Mystic Rhythms   5:23
07 - Red Sector A   5:10
08 - Drum Solo   8:11


01 - Resist   4:48
02 - Heart Full Of Soul   2:44 
03 - 2112 Overture / Temples Of Syrinx / Finale   8:10
04 - La Villa Strangiato   9:33 
05 - Bytor And The Snow Dog   4:41
06 - Xanadu   7:08
07 - Working Man   6:54 
08 - Summertime Blues   3:44 
09 - Crossroads   3:13
10 - Limelight   4:53
11 - Outro   0:20

Production Notes
This was my first and last visit to Jones Beach.  I had been warned about the weather and the wind in particular but nothing could have prepared me for this night.  The wind and the rain were just atrocious!  Now the fact that Hurricane Charlie was just off the coast and the fact that my seat was about 20' from the water certainly didn't help but gesh!  You'll not only hear the wind during the show but you can also actually hear the wind moving the sound around the venue as it travels from one channel to the other.  Sort of a neat effect and it certainly highlights the stereo effects but not the way you want to do it.

Thanks goes out to Neph for the artwork.  Thanks! 

This recording was produced by fans, for fans and is never to be sold. If you like this recording, support the artists and purchase their official releases! Released January 2006 on The Alien Shore - http://p078.ezboard.com/bthealienshore.  As is the Simple Man norm, this show will be traded freely to all comers.
Media : 3 CDr (2 CDr shn)
Taper : ninjadave
Source : MD Master (SP CMC-8 (AT933)->BB->Sharp MD-MT877)
Location: Section 302, Row 6, Seat 15 (Left Center)
Mastering : SiriusJoe
Grading : Very nice...
Catalogue : Snow Dog Productions (SDP~006)
Artwork : Daneck

Disc 1
01 - Intro 2:32
02 - R30 Medley 6:38
03 - The Spirit of Radio 5:04
04 - Force Ten 4:49
05 - Animate 5:57
06 - Subdivisions 6:12
07 - Earthshine 5:44
08 - Red Barchetta 6:51
09 - Roll the Bones 6:09
10 - Bravado 6:16
11 - YYZed 4:49
12 - The Trees 5:47
13 - The Seeker 3:51
14 - One Little Victory 6:32

Disc 2
01 - Darn That Dragon Movie 5:12
02 - Tom Sawyer 5:05
03 - Dreamline 5:08
04 - Secret Touch 7:18
05 - Between the Wheels 6:08
06 - Mystic Rythms 5:27
07 - Red Sector A 5:10
08 - O'Baterista (Drum solo) 8:33

Disk 3
01 - Resist 4:32
02 - Heart Full Of Soul 2:55
03 - 2112 Overture/The Temples Of Syrinx/Grand Finale 8:09
04 - La Villa Strangiato 9:54
05 - By-Tor And The Snow Dog 4:34
06 - Xanadu 7:14
07 - Working Man 6:53
08 - Summertime Blues 3:46
09 - Crossroads 3:14
10 - Limelight 4:47
11 - Outro 1:22
Catalog:  	Rusherman Productions: RMP-081804-M
Source: 	2 Master DAT sources

Intro   2:44
Finding My Way   1:05
Anthem   1:33
Bastille Day   :46
A Passage to Bangkok   1:10
Cygnux X-1   1:12
Hemispheres Prelude   :44
The Spirit of Radio   5:06
Force Ten   4:47
Animate   5:59
Subdivisions   5:41
Earthshine   6:21
Red Barchetta   6:46
Roll The Bones   6:09
Bravado   6:16
YYZ   4:50
The Trees   5:41
The Seeker   4:20
One Little Victory   6:01

Darn That Dragon Intro   3:09
Tom Sawyer   4:58
Dreamline   5:05
Secret Touch   7:12
Between The Wheels   6:18
Mystic Rhythms   5:25
Red Sector A   5:08
Drum Solo   8:33

Resist   4:48
Heart Full of Soul   2:54
2112 Overture/The Temples Of Syrinx/Grand Finale   8:03
La Villa Strangiato   9:44
By-Tor And The Snow Dog   4:36
Xanadu   7:01
Working Man   6:57
Summertime Blues   3:48
Crossroads   3:13
Limelight   4:46
Outro   :54
Sony minidisc > core sound cardoid mics > soundblaster live > PC > cdwav to split > soundforge 7 to remaster
convert with dbpoweramp to SHN
Taped & mastered by Burnboy

Disc 1
R30 Overture: Finding My Way > Anthem > Bastille Day > A Passage to Bangkok > Cygnux X-1 (Prelude) > Hemispheres (Prelude)
The Spirit of Radio
Force Ten
Red Barchetta
Roll the Bones
The Trees
The Seeker
One Little Victory

Disc 2
That Darned Dragon
Tom Sawyer
Secret Touch
Between the Wheels
Mystic Rhythms
Red Sector A
Drum Solo

Disc 3
Heart Full of Soul
2112: Overture > Temples of Syrinx > Grand Finale
La Villa Strangiato
By-Tor and the Snow Dog  >
Working Man
Summertime Blues
Intro 2:43
R30 Overture 6:42
The Spirit of Radio 5:10
Force Ten 4:52
Animate 5:59
Subdivisions 6:18
Earthshine 5:49
Red Barchetta 6:58
Roll the Bones 6:08
Bravado 6:17
YYZ 4:50
The Trees 6:10
The Seeker 3:33
One Little Victory 6:33

Darn That Dragon Intro 3:12
Tom Sawyer 5:09
Dreamline 5:10
The Secret Touch 7:20
Between the Wheels 6:12
Mystic Rythms 5:29
Red Sector A 5:10
O Baterista 8:56

Resist 4:42
Heart Full of Soul 2:53
2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx/Grand Finale 8:08
La Villa Strangiato 9:17
By-Tor & the Snowdog 4:39
Xanadu 6:49
Working Man 7:02
Summertime Blues 3:39
Crossroads 3:14
Limelight/Outro 4:48
Disc 1 
01 - Intro
02 - R30 Overture
03 - The Spirit of Radio
04 - Force Ten
05 - Animate
06 - Subdivisions
07 - Earthshine
08 - Red Barchetta
09 - Roll the Bones
10 - Bravado
11 - YYZ
12 - The Trees
13 - The Seeker
14 - One Little Victory
Disc 2 
01 - Darn That Dragon Intro
02 - Tom Sawyer
03 - Dreamline
04 - The Secret Touch
05 - Between the Wheels
06 - Mystic Rythms
07 - Red Sector A
08 - O Baterista
09 - Resist
10 - Heart Full of Soul
Disc 3 

01 - 2112 Overture
02 - 2112 The Temples Of Syrinx
03 - 2112 Grand Finale
04 - La Villa Strangiato
05 - By-Tor & the Snowdog
06 - Xanadu
05 - Working Man
06 - Summertime Blues
07 - Crossroads
08 - Limelight
This is the corrected version of this show.

Hey everybody!
 Since I didn't know I was making the last torrent of this same show without aligning the sector boundries when I converted the original cdr burn into flac files I thought I would use the same discs when I created a "fixed" version of the same show. I left the layout for the 3 cds in the same basic format so that you could use the artwork for the "Overnight Delivery" (which I have included with this torrent).....even though when I re-cut the corrupt tracks in question I lopped off a few more seconds the second time around but suprisingly the 2nd disc has the same time as the original torrent! But that is a minor issue..... thanks to Prestorush for creating them! Unfortunely you will not be able to use any of the files from other version on this seed as the fingerprints do not match any of the files that did not have SBEs. I decided to copy the original text file that is pasted below since I'm sure the original torrent will be banned after this one is posted. I'm sorry if I wasted anybody time and bandwidth but it was out of ignorance and not by trying to cut corners. I also included the text from where I ran the flac files through Trader's Little Helper's shntool to make sure the SBE's was not in this upload! I am very happy that in spite of my mistakes that 1200+ people have grabbed this and seem to be very happy with the recording but now it is time for me to post the "fixed" version up to upgrade the old!



Hey Everybody!
 I hope you are as excited about this torrent as I am making it! What a great way to start off the "Snakes And Arrows" tour! But as with most concerts this one did have a lot of mis-steps before I got to the venue. I did take a half a day off from work to allow myself plenty of time to get to the show incase anything went wrong....and I glad I did! After getting lunch @ Bojangles I got on I-75 from Lovell Road at 1:50pm for what should have been about a 3 hour drive. When I got down to about the 45 mile marker traffic came to a dead halt! After creeping  just a few miles while relaxing to Gov't Mule's "Life Before Insanity" it was an accident......a semi was on it's side and took Southbound I-75 down to 1 lane so I know some of the people coming from Tennessee and all points North prolly missed most of the first set if they didn't leave early like me! After making it thourgh that I'll be damned if traffic didn't come to a standstill again before getting to Chattanooga..... a car had caught on fire! It was a litte after 4pm when I finally crossed the Georgia state line! The rest of the trip was uneventful and mad it into the parking lot right at 6pm after dealing with "Rush Hour" traffic (no pun intended!). I met up with a friend of mine who brought her sons to the show (thanks for the $4 bottle of water Marie!) and hung out by the sound board where their seats was....until the owners of the sets showed up to claim them! I moved back to my seat (Sec 205 Row JJ seat 15) and unlike the recent Roger Waters show was around some well behaved humans and I was very pleased with the sound I was getting as I was on Alex's side of the pavillion (but was still somewhat centered in the amphitheatre) and with the exception of the 2 dickheads who kept entering and leaving the row for beers I couldn't have asked for better taping conditions for the seat I had! I have decided to call this torrent "Overnight Delivery" as I'm sure you have seen the express delivery service who has the same name as the band and I was "Driven" to get this up as soon as possible for a few reasons....
(1) it is a great show and people will want it ASAP and
(2) Rush seems to have a good base of tapers who do quality work and there is always multiple sources for the Atlanta shows.....so I want to get mine out first
(3) For my friend Danny (dan1972) who I wished could have been at the show with me......wait until Noblesville, Cincinnati & Columbus!
and last but not least for GeddyOnDime who has went beyond the call of duty to post the finest Rush audio that is out there!

I did include the "Thunder" prompt in for those who want to have the show as they heard it (and as a "heads up" for all the other tapers!). I split the 2nd set before "Summertime Blues" at the same peak that "Hope" ends on so if you want to make it a seamless recording for your computer (or if you choose to try & edit it to fit on 2 cds for your "personal" use). 

I'm sure there will be others to be offered but for now here is mine..... please be kind when comparing recordings as I do know that other people can do better work and if you are harsh with your "criticism" it may prevent somebody from posting a really great recording or discourage future taping. I like to think I'm pretty thick skinned but some shows I thought was garbage that I taped when I just started out have had some really good comments from people who was really glad to get them!

Just my 2 cents.....


Rush 2007-06-13 HiFi Buys Amphitheatre Atlanta GA FIXED VERSION
Sony PCM-M1 > Aiwa CM-TS55 > Maxell HS-4/60s > 
Phillips CDR200 > CDR > EAC > FLAC

Taped by Jerry B aka "The Govner"

Disc 1 65:36
First Set

Track01 Video Intro
Track02 Limelight
Track03 Digital Man
Track04 Entre Nous
Track05 Mission
Track06 Freewill
Track07 The Main Monkey Business
Track08 The Larger Bowl
Track09 Secret Touch
Track10 Circumstances
Track11 Between The Wheels
Track12 Dreamline
Track13 Intermission

Disc 2 68:15
Second Set

Track01 Thunder (End of Intermission prompt)
Track02 Video Intro
Track03 Far Cry
Track04 Workin' Them Angels
Track05 Armor And Sword
Track06 Spindrift
Track07 The Way The Wind Blows
Track08 Subdivisions
Track09 Natural Science
Track10 Witch Hunt
Track11 Malignant Narcissism
Track12 Neil Peart's Drum Solo
Track13 Hope

Disc 3 33:12
Second Set (cont)

Track01 Summertime Blues
Track02 The Spirit Of Radio
Track03 Tom Sawyer
Track04 Audience
Track05 One Little Victory
Track06 A Passage to Bangkok
Track07 YYZ
Track08 Video Outro

Overall time 166:59.11 
Sirius Records - SIR0540/0541/0542

Source: Audience Master

Recording Equipment: (2) Audio Technica 933 cardioid mics >
(2) Audio Technica 8532 Power Modules > Edirol R09 recorder

Location: Section 102, Row M (13th row center)

Taper: KingLerxst
Mastering: SiriusJoe

Disc One (65:49)

Intro 2:50
Limelight 4:34
Digital Man 6:39
Entre Nous 5:28
Mission 5:48
Freewill 5:50
The Main Monkey Business 6:22
The Larger Bowl 4:50
Secret Touch 7:34
Circumstances 4:06
Between The Wheels 6:03 
Dreamline 5:39

Disc Two (61:21)

Intro 3:41
Far Cry 5:23
Workin' Them Angels 4:50
Armor And Sword 6:37
Spindrift 5:42
The Way The Wind Blows 6:30
Subdivisions 6:04
Natural Science 8:18
Witch Hunt 4:46
Malignant Narcissism 2:23
Drum Solo 7:01

Disc Three (35:00)

Hope 2:08
Summertime Blues 4:24
The Spirit Of Radio 5:10
Tom Sawyer 7:46
One Little Victory 5:31
A Passage to Bangkok 3:49
YYZ 5:00
Outro 1:09
Sirius Records - SIRD0010/0011/0012 

NTSC 4:3 720x480
Disc 1 Bitrate = 7600 kbps
Disc 2 Bitrate = 8000 kbps
Disc 3 Bitrate = 8000 kbps

16bit/48khz LPCM 

Video Taper: Scott
Audio Taper: KingLerxst 
DVD Production: SiriusJoe 
Artwork: KingLerxst 
Coordination: Cobohall76

Disc One:

Digital Man
Entre Nous
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Between The Wheels

Disc Two:

Far Cry
Workin' Them Angels
Armor And Sword
The Way The Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt

Disc Three:

Malignant Narcissism
Drum Solo
Summertime Blues
The Spirit Of Radio
Tom Sawyer
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok


This is an audience video, shot from the back of the lawn.  
It's almost entirely a full stage shot.  There are no closeups,
but the video screens more than make up for that.  There are 
virtually zero obstructions, just the occasional person walking
past the camera, and it's tripod-steady almost all the time, so
it's very nice to watch and provides a great document of this 

The audio track is from the same source as the Tastes Like Chicken
CD release, but has been remastered for the DVD.

Due to tape flips the video is missing for a few seconds at the
beginning of Dreamline and Malignant Narcissism, and the taper 
turned the camera off too soon at the end of the show and missed
most of the outro video.  These cuts were too short to bother with 
filling in still pictures, so I just left the video blank at 
those points.  Other than that, it's a complete recording with 
no missing or chopped-up songs.
Taper: Bluntforcetrauma
Lineage: DPA 4022>Denecke PS2>Hosa MIT (canare 1/4")>RCA 1/4">(Oade mod 6DB)Edirol r-09
Conversion: PB>Peak>normalize>BBE maximizer>L3 ultramaximizer>24bit/44.1khz dithered>16bit/44.1khz>SBE>xact

thanks doug

24 bit recording available

Disc One  

Digital Man  
Entre Nous  
Getty talk
The Main Monkey Business  
Mckenzie talk
The Larger Bowl 
Secret Touch 
Between The Wheels 

Disc Two 

Far Cry  
Workin' Them Angels  
Armor And Sword 
The Way The Wind Blows 
Getty talk 
Natural Science  
Witch Hunt  
Malignant Narcissism  
Drum Solo

Disc Three 

Summertime Blues  
The Spirit Of Radio 
Tom Sawyer 
Encore break
One Little Victory  
A Passage to Bangkok  

Lineage: Sound Professionals SP-BMC-12 mics > Sound Professionals Low Noise Gain Stereo Preamp (Bass Rolloff 0 dB) > Archos Gmini 402 > PC > Sound Forge 9.0 > Audacity > dB PowerAmp > FLAC 

VIP Box 13, Row 1, Seat 5...approximately 75' from stage and directly in front of the soundboard 

Recorded by Foetus300 - "From a womb with a view!"


01 - Intro 
02 - Limelight 
03 - Digital Man 
04 - Entre Nous 
05 - Mission 
06 - Freewill 
07 - The Main Monkey Business 
08 - Mckenzie Brothers Video 
09 - The Larger Bowl 
10 - Secret Touch 
11 - Circumstances 
12 - Between The Wheels 
13 - Dreamline
14 - Video 
15 - Far Cry 
16 - Workin' Them Angels 
17 - Armor And Sword 
18 - Spindrift 
19 - The Way The Wind Blows 
20 - Subdivisions 
21 - Getty: "Hi Canada!" 
22 - Natural Science 
23 - Witch Hunt 
24 - Malignant Narcissism 
25 - Neil Peart Drum Solo
26 - Hope 
27 - Summertime Blues 
28 - The Spirit Of Radio 
29 - South Park Video
30 - Tom Sawyer 
31 - Encore Break 
32 - One Little Victory 
33 - A Passage to Bangkok 
34 - YYZ 

If you wish to burn to CD, the discs would be:
Disc 1 - Tracks 01 - 13
Disc 2 - Tracks 14 - 25
Disc 3 - Tracks 26 - 34

Just a little EQ and volume boost and a cliiping fix during the explosion during Far Cry (which nearly scared me out of my skin!) ... no noise reduction.

Notes - This is my first Rush show taped... I think it turned out pretty darn good. Check it out! 

I started recording the intermission but decided not to complete it due to all of the talkers nearby and...nature was calling. I must remember NO BEER the next time I tape Rush (which will most likely be in Pittsburgh on June 25). Regretably, I turned my recorder off just seconds before the ending video. Otherwise this is the complete show and no breaks except for a fadeout/in after Dreamline and the 2nd video (the intermission I cut out).

PLEASE!!! Do NOT encode this to MP3 to share. It really cheapens all the hard work I put into this. 

I would like to thank Jack "Charley Brown" Walworth for assisting me with not getting caught by the gang at the SBD and as well as trying to keep some of the woo hoo'ers nearby a little quiet (as well as the clappers). 
Title: The Snakebite DVD
Media: 1 DVD
Catalog: T&D Services  TDS061607

Source: Audience Recorded Audio with Photos from Tampa & West Palm Beach
Date: June 16, 2007
Time: 162 Min.
Location: Ford Amphitheater, Tampa, FL. USA 

1. Intro
2. Limelight
3. Digital Man  
4. Entre Nous  
5. Mission
6. Freewill 
7. The Main Monkey Business  
8. The Larger Bowl 
9. Secret Touch 
10. Circumstances  
11. Between The Wheels 
12. Dreamline  
13. Intro  
14. Far Cry  
15. Workin' Them Angels  
16. Armor And Sword 
17. Spindrift
18. The Way The Wind Blows 
19. Subdivisions
20. Natural Science
21. Witch Hunt
22. Malignant Narcissism
23. Drum Solo
24. Hope
25. Summertime Blues
26. The Spirit Of Radio
27. Tom Sawyer
28. One Little Victory
29. A Passage to Bangkok
30. YYZ
31. Outro

Artwork by Nephronic

Video (photos)
352 x 240
29 fps (NTSC)
763 Kbps 
PCM Stereo
24 Bit 
48,000 kHZ

Notes: Thanks to Bluntforcetrauma for his wonderful recoding and all the photographers for their great pictures.
Source: SP-BMC-12 (omnis in croakie mounts, 8th row, dead center)>Radio Shack Volume Control attenuator>Sony RH910 Hi-MD (Hi-SP)
Transfer: Sony Sonic Stage (USB Upload)>Audacity>FLAC

tape and transfer: mrsoul

set1t01 ...Limelight (I was late getting to my seat but it's cool to listen as I get closer to the heart...)
set1t02 Digital Man
set1t03 Entre Nous
set1t04 Mission
set1t05 Freewill
set1t06 Main Monkey Business
set1t07 The Larger Bowl
set1t08 Secret Touch
set1t09 Circumstances
set1t10 Between The Wheels
set1t11 Dreamline

set2t01 Snakes and Arrows intro
set2t02 Far Cry
set2t03 Working Them Angels
set2t04 Armor and Sword
set2t05 Spindrift
set2t06 The Way The Wind Blows
set2t07 Subdivisions
set2t08 "Hello Canada" movie
set2t09 Natural Science
set2t10 Witch Hunt
set2t11 Malignant Narcissism
set2t12 Drum Solo
set2t13 Hope
set2t14 Summertime Blues
set2t15 The Spirit Of Radio
set2t16 Tom Sawyer

set2t17 crowd
set2t18 One Little Victory
set2t19 A Passage To Bangkok
set2t20 YYZ

Enjoy the music, trade freely, NEVER FOR SALE. Please only trade lossless files like FLAC or WAV, do not make copies of mp3 files for circulation copies.  

SBEs corrected (see included log) and new md5 checksum created in Trader's Little Helper by Sancho (AKA zengomi); otherwise, it's as I d/l'd it from The Trader's Den.

NB: I don't burn to CDs, so when I fixed the SBEs I loaded all the files into TLH in the correct order.  Sorry if that screws ya up, but TLH is free, eh  ;-)
Source: Audience Master
Recording Equipment: Sony MD-HD recorder
Seat Location: 7th Row Center

Taper: Brett
Mastering: Soundtrack Pro 
Artwork: Coming Soon

Production Notes: 

Taper says:  "Call it "Throwing Marshmallows at Alex is Not Recommended" Someone from the first couple of rows did - at least they looked like marshmallows - and he was escorted off the premises."

Show was originally uploaded by taper to Usenet in full wav format.  Crazyrunner downloaded show files from Usenet, verified file integrity using included par2 files, compressed wav files using flac (align on sector boundaries), created md5, ffp and text files, and contacted taper to get full recording info and permission to seed in lossless format.

Recommended layout if burning to audio CD:

Disc 1: Tracks 01 - 12
Disc 2: Tracks 13 - 22
Disc 3: Tracks 23 - 29

01 Intro
02 Limelight
03 Digital Man
04 Entre Nous
05 Mission
06 Freewill
07 The Main Monkey Business 
08 The Larger Bowl
09 Secret Touch
10 Circumstances
11 Between The Wheels
12 Dreamline
13 Far Cry
14 Workin' Them Angels
15 Armor And Sword
16 Spindrift
17 The Way The Wind Blows
18 Subdivisions
19 Natural Science
20 Witch Hunt
21 Malignant Narcissism
22 Drum Solo 
23 Hope
24 Summertime Blues
25 The Spirit Of Radio
26 Tom Sawyer
27 One Little Victory
28 A Passage to Bangkok
29 YYZ
Taper: TDB
Location: 11th Row Pit, Left stack
Source: at829cws (~6' in hat, ~90 degree split)->Custom Battery Box->iRiver h120d (rockbox)
Transfer: iRiver h120d->USB->PC
Processing: Normalizing (to -0.1db), fade in and fade out applied using SoundForge 8.0. 
Conversion: CDWav 1.93.3 for track splitting and Flac16 Conversion @ level 5

Disc 1 (Set I)
01. Set I Intro
02. Limelight
03. Digital Man
04. Entre Nous
05. Mission
06. Freewill
07. The Main Monkey Business
08. The Larger Bowl (A Pantoum)
09. Secret Touch
10. Circumstances
11. Between The Wheels
12. Dreamline

Disc 2 (Set II)
01. Set II Intro
02. Far Cry
03. Workin' Them Angels
04. Armor And Sword
05. Spindrift
06. The Way The Wind Blows
07. Subdivisions
08. Natural Science
09. Witch Hunt

Disc 3 (Set II Con't)
01. Malignant Narcissism
02. Drum Solo
03. Hope
04. Summertime Blues
05. The Spirit Of Radio
06. "South Park Intro"
07. Tom Sawyer
08. One Little Victory
09. A Passage to Bangkok
10. YYZ
11. Outro 

Thanks to Scott for use of the gear.
Thanks to Tom G. for the ticket, the crabcakes, the dip and the beers!
Snowdog Productions SDP~010  [Artwork in Production]

Taper:      David Murray [ninjadave] 
Mastering:  SiriusJoe [Sirius Records]
Location:   Section 103, Row S, Seat 21 [Left and Left of PA]
Config:     Audience stealth - Mics in Beret style hat
Source:     SP CMC-8 [AT933] cardioid ~> SP BB [flat] ~> Edirol R-09 [Line In ~ WAV 24bit/44.1kHz]
Conversion: Master WAVs ~> PC ~> Editing/Tracking ~> Dither to 16bit ~> FLAC Level 8
Editing:    Cool Edit [fades, normalization, etc.]
checksums:  www.MD5Summer.org ~ FLAC checksums

.....Geddy Lee ~ vocals, bass and keyboards
.....Alex Lifeson ~ backing vocals, electric and acoustic guitars and mandola
.....Neil Peart ~ acoustic and electric drums and percussion 

DISC ONE ~ 66:10
01..02:51..[Bad Dreams]
03..06:45..Digital Man
04..05:24..Entre Nous
07..06:21..The Main Monkey Business
08..04:53..The Larger Bowl [a pantoum] 
09..07:42..Secret Touch
11..06:08..Between The Wheels

DISC TWO ~ 62:07

01..03:22..[The Madness of King Lerxst]
02..05:23..Far Cry
03..04:52..Workin' Them Angels
04..06:39..Armor and Sword
06..06:33..The Way The Wind Blows
08..08:29..Natural Science
09..04:48..Witch Hunt
10..02:26..Malignant Narcissism
11..07:09..The Professor's Drum Solo

DISC THREE ~ 35:32

02..04:26..Summertime Blues
03..05:12..The Spirit Of Radio
04..07:44..Southpark Lil Rush~>Tom Sawyer
05..05:56..One Little Victory
06..03:54..A Passage To Bangkok

My first show on the tour, and you can tell as I did not know the setlist and a few of the tunes were 
really nice suprises for me. Flying solo on this one as my fiance couldn't make the show as she had
to watch the kids...so the extra ticket was sold for beer money and in that regard...i was standing out
front of the venue selling this seat and a kid no more than 18 starts talking to me about the show,
he heard the soundcheck, DEW was played, etc. don't know him from adam. i get to my seat, the same 
kid is sitting two seats over in the same row. weird shit. he is the one you can hear me talking too
at the beginning of Spindrift...and the woo hoo "holy shit" guy (mostly during the new stuff).
Ged had had a good vocal night. a notch below my Pgh IMO. the oh so slight pause in Digital Man
is in the master. enjoy the show. 

Big thanks again to SiriusJoe for the mastering, he did a great job bringing out the best in this.

NO ARTWORK YET - It is on its way, I will post it here in the comments when done.

TRADE FREELY but please, do not trade in MP3 or other lossy format. Thanks to those who pay it forward and share it back. 

Upped by NINJADAVE - July 2007
Lineage: Sound Professionals SP-BMC-12 mics > Sound Professionals Low Noise Gain Stereo Preamp (Bass Rolloff 0 dB) > Archos Gmini 402 > PC > Sound Forge 9.0 > Audacity > TLH > FLAC, check SBE and create FFP and MD5

Section 2, Row F, Seat 33... 6 rows from Alex's side of the stage...approximately 35' from stage. 

Recorded by Foetus300 - "From a womb with a view!"


01 - Intro 
02 - Limelight 
03 - Digital Man 
04 - Entre Nous 
05 - Mission 
06 - Freewill 
07 - The Main Monkey Business 
08 - Mckenzie Brothers Video 
09 - The Larger Bowl 
10 - Secret Touch 
11 - Circumstances 
12 - Between The Wheels 
13 - Dreamline
14 - Video 
15 - Far Cry 
16 - Workin' Them Angels 
17 - Armor And Sword 
18 - Spindrift 
19 - The Way The Wind Blows 
20 - Subdivisions 
21 - Getty: "Hi Canada!" 
22 - Natural Science 
23 - Witch Hunt 
24 - Malignant Narcissism 
25 - Neil Peart Drum Solo
26 - Hope 
27 - Summertime Blues 
28 - The Spirit Of Radio 
29 - South Park Video
30 - Tom Sawyer 
31 - Encore Break 
32 - One Little Victory 
33 - A Passage to Bangkok 
34 - YYZ 
35 - Outro Video

This recording is designed to play seemless. If you wish to burn to CD, the discs would be:
Disc 1 - Tracks 01 - 13
Disc 2 - Tracks 14 - 25
Disc 3 - Tracks 26 - 35

Just a little EQ and volume boost and a cliiping fix during the explosion during Far Cry ... no noise reduction.

Notes - Great seats almost ruined by not so great company. The talkers were chatting a bit early but settled down as the show went on. Other than that, I think it sounds pretty good. Check out the samples!

I would like to thank Jack "Charley Brown" Walworth for assisting me the name (I was wondering if I was going to be the first to make a play on "Snakes on a Plane!"). I also want to thank my fiancee Jude for hanging in there during her first Rush concert. She stood with me nearly the entire time and brought me refreshments without me asking. What a trooper! By the way, she says this is the best concert she has ever seen. 
Taper = BennyBlanco - aka ScreamingSlave (ETS) - aka - Eric (Mastering By My Good Friend Sid Narged)
Source: CSB > CSB Batt Box No Rolloff > SONY MZ-RH910 (PCM)
Location: Sec 6 Row Z Front Center Of Stage Behind Soundboard 
Transfer: SONY MZ-RH910 > Sony Sound Forge 9.0 (Slight EQ) > FLAC.

Notes: Amazing Show Insane almost 3hour Rush Experience !!!!!
Some Mild Wind noise in a few tracks from the breeze which was needed with almost 
20K people and 93 degree weather!!!!!
Amazing sound IMHO.

CD 1

1. Video Intro [02:42]
2. Limelight [04:33]
3. Digital Man [06:52]
4. Entre Nous [04:52]
5. Mission [06:16]
6. Freewill [5:46]
7. The Main Monkey Business [06:30]
8. Mckenzie Brothers Video [00:31]
9. The Larger Bowl [04:20]
10.Secret Touch [07:29] 
11.Circumstances [04:04]
12.Between The Wheels [06:30]
13.Dreamline [05:25]

CD 2

1. Video Intro [02:54]
2. Far Cry [05:19]
3. Workin Them Angels [04:50]
4. Armor and Sword [06:38]
5. Spindrift [05:28]
6. The Way the Wind Blows [06:45]
7. Subdivisions [05:49]
8. Natural Science [09:05]
9. Witch Hunt [04:51]
10.Maligant Narcissism [02:23]
11.Drum Solo [07:09]
12.Hope [02:16]

CD 3

1. Summertime Blues [04:17]
2. The Spirit of the Radio [05:13]
3. Tom Sawyer [06:18]
4. One Little Victory [06:27]
5. A Passage to Bangkok [03:49]
6. YYZ [5:05]
7. Video Outro [00:44]
Lineage: Sony ECM-719===Sony TCD-D7=Sony DG90P===Tascam DA-20 MKII

CD 1

1.  Video Intro
2.  Limelight
3.  Digital Man
4.  Entre Nous
5.  Mission
6.  Freewill
7.  The Main Monkey Business
8.  The Larger Bowl
9.  Secret Touch
11.Between The Wheels

CD 2

1.  Video Intro
2.  Far Cry
3.  Workin Them Angels
4.  Armor and Sword
5.  Spindrift
6.  The Way the Wind Blows
7.  Subdivisions
8.  Natural Science
9.  Witch Hunt
10.Maligant Narcissism
11.Drum Solo

CD 3

1.  Summertime Blue
2.  The Spirit of the Radio
3.  Tom Sawyer
4.  One Little Victory
5.  A Passage to Bangkok
6.  YYZ
7.  Video Outro

Taper: Farve4

Trade freely, Torrent, Share on Hubs, Make Covers, Support the artist!

Convert to lossy format, Sell
Source/Lineage: Sony ECM-MS907>Sony D8(via mic-in)>DAT>CEP(via line-in)>Wave>Flac level 6
Source/Lineage (disc 3, tracks 10-17): FM>Cool Edit Pro (via line-in)>Wave>Flac level 6
Location: Section 204, Row Y, Seat 3
Recorded by: Al (moderndaywarrior2112@yahoo.com)
Artwork by: Stephen Harrison (Thanks Stephen!)
Modern Day Warrior Recordingzzz*****

Disc 1 (total time 66:06)
01. Intro
02. Limelight
03. Digital Man
04. Entre Nous
05. Mission
06. Freewill
07. The Main Monkey Busines
08. The Larger Bowl
09. Secret Touch 
10. Circumstances 
11. Between The Wheels 
12. Dreamline 

Disc 2 (total time 62:13)
01. Second Set Intro 
02. Far Cry 
03. Workin Them Angels 
04. Armor and Sword 
05. Spindrift 
06. The Way the Wind Blows 
07. Subdivisions 
08. Natural Science 
09. Witch Hunt 
10. Maligant Narcissism 
11. Drum Solo 

Disc 3 (total time 59:28)
01. Hope
02. Summertime Blue 
03. The Spirit of the Radio 
04. Geddy "Cartman" Lee
05. Tom Sawyer 
06. One Little Victory 
07. A Passage to Bangkok 
08. YYZ 
09. Outro 
10. Inside S & A Part 1*
11. Inside S & A Part 2*
12. Inside S & A Part 3*
13. Inside S & A Part 4*
14. Inside S & A Part 5*
15. Inside S & A Part 6*
16. Inside S & A Part 7*

Inside Snakes & Arrows was broadcast on 105.5 WDHA NJ on April 29, 2007

I went to this show last minute as a couple of friends of mine called me and had an extra ticket (Thanks Mark & Dave). My seats were dead center but in the last section so the sound is a bit distant but the crowd was pretty well behaved so it's not that bad, UNTIL Subdivisions, some dude comes and stands in the aisle near me and whistles pretty damn loud. So it pretty much ruins Subdivisions, and a little of the drum solo, but thankfully he doesn't stay in the aisle very long. At the end of disc 3 I've included "Inside Snakes & Arrows" radio special that I recorded myself. The official songs were removed from the S & A special. Enjoy.
Source/Lineage: Sony ECM-MS907>Sony D8(via mic-in)>DAT>CEP(via line-in)>Wave>Flac level 6
Source/Lineage (disc 3, tracks 10-12): FM>Cool Edit Pro (via line-in)>Wave>Flac level 6
Location: Orchestra E, Row TT, Seat 15
Artwork by: Stephen Harrison (Thanks Stephen!)
Recorded by: Al (moderndaywarrior2112@yahoo.com)
Modern Day Warrior Recordingzzz*****

Disc 1 (total time 65:29)
01. Intro
02. Limelight
03. Digital Man
04. Entre Nous
05. Mission
06. Freewill
07. The Main Monkey Busines
08. The Larger Bowl
09. Secret Touch 
10. Circumstances 
11. Between The Wheels 
12. Dreamline 

Disc 2 (total time 62:50)
01. Second Set Intro 
02. Far Cry 
03. Workin Them Angels 
04. Armor and Sword 
05. Spindrift 
06. The Way the Wind Blows 
07. Subdivisions 
08. Natural Science 
09. Witch Hunt 
10. Maligant Narcissism 
11. Drum Solo 

Disc 3 (total time 39:27)
01. Hope
02. Summertime Blue 
03. The Spirit of the Radio 
04. Geddy "Cartman" Lee
05. Tom Sawyer 
06. One Little Victory 
07. A Passage to Bangkok 
08. YYZ 
09. Outro 
10. Geddy Lee Phone Interview Q104.3 FM *
11. Geddy, Alex & Neil tell you to call NOW!!! ^
12. I'M A WINNER!!!!! ^

* Geddy Lee phone interview was broadcast on Q104.3 NY on April 5, 2007 
^ Contest from Q104.3 NY

Had a great recording on this particular night. I think I was pretty much in the "sweet spot" facing the right speaker stack above Geddy. Crowd was well behaved around me and the recording came out spectacular IMO. I didn't even have to apply any eq to this recording as I feel it didn't need any. I do have one gripe about this tour and it's because I feel Alex is to low in the mix. I hope as the tour progresses the soundman will fix this. There was really no wind on this night which is a rarity for Jones Beach because usually it's a wind tunnel in there. I nearly wet my pants when Geddy pulled out the Rickenbacker for A Passage To Bangkok! I tacked on a Geddy interview  I recorded off the radio onto disc 3 along with the contest the station was running to give away tix for the show. I actually won tix also! That's my name you hear on the last track. I actually ended upgrading my tix because my friend Tom couldn't make it. .I dedicate this recording to my beautiful wife Tina, who was with me this night, and she was well behaved because of my taping exploits. Thanks sweetheart, I love you!

*Enjoy and trade freely*
*Please do not encode to MP3 except for personal use*
Disc 1:
Set I:
01) Intro
02) Limelight
03) Digital Man
04) Entre Nous
05) Mission
06) Freewill
07) The Main Monkey Business
08) The Larger Bowl
09) Secret Touch
10) Circumstances
11) Between The Wheels
12) Dreamline
Set II:
13) Intro
14) Far Cry
15) Workin’ Them Angels
16) Armor And Sword

Disc 2:
01) Spindrift
02) The Way The Wind Blows
03) Subdivisions
04) Natural Science
05) Witch Hunt
06) Malignant Narcissism
07) Drum Solo
08) Hope
09) Distant Early Warning
10) The Spirit of Radio
11) Tom Sawyer
12) One Little Victory
13) A Passage to Bangkok
14) YYZ
Source: Audience Master
Lineage: Edirol R-09 / Core Sounds mics / Cd Wave Editor / FLAC 8 / You
Location: 17th row Geddy side
Taper/Mastering: zoso-shane69
Encoding: crazyrunner
Artwork: nephronic

Disc One 
01) Intro
02) Limelight
03) Digital Man
04) Entre Nous
05) Mission
06) Freewill
07) The Main Monkey Business
08) The Larger Bowl
09) Secret Touch
10) Circumstances

Disc Two
01) Between The Wheels
02) Dreamline
03) Set 1 End/Far Cry
04) Workin' Them Angels
05) Armor and Sword
06) Spindrift
07) The Way The Wind Blows
08) Subdivisions
09) Geddy
10) Natural Science
11) Witch Hunt
12) Malignant Narcissism

Disc Three
01) Neil
02) Hope
03) Distant Early Warning
04) The Spirit Of Radio 
05) Tom Sawyer
06) Crowd Awaits
07) One Little Victory
08) A Passage To Bankok
09) YYZ part 1
10) YYZ part 2
11) YYZ part 3

Production Notes:

First off, this reording goes out to Audioarchivist at the Den and GoD at Dime. Without their constant advice and support these shows would be nowhere near as good as they are. Hats off to these guys and this is my thanks for the work they do in the trading community.  

Good weather and all is going well in line. As I get close to the entrance my Edirol slides down my friggin pantleg and panic sets in. Ridiculous as they're not even checking for anything!! Big bag checks, other than that I could have taken a human head in. After the painful and very unecessary extraction of equipment I set up shop in section 103 row 2 seats 1&2. About 17 rows from stage Geddy side. Everything pretty much went smooth until intermission. In the end I just let the thing record through the whole show. This included the walk, line and urinal talk in the men's room!! Of course I've deleted the intermission here! Only problem came during YYZ. The Edirol can only record 2GB at a time so when it hit it's limit there is a slight cut as it switched over to fresh bytes. In the end I love this recording. I've done nothing to alter the sound so if anyone wishes to remaster have at it. Just re-post so I can get a copy. Distant Early Warning was performed at ths show.
SOURCE: Schoeps MK41 > actives > NBox > Edirol R-09 @ 24bit/48kHz
LOCATION: Middle Terrace, Right of Center
TRANSFER: Edirol R-09 > Sound Forge 8.0 > CD Wave
LINEAGE: 24bit/48kHz > 16bit/44.1kHz > FLAC (Level 6)
RECORDED BY: "Josephine"

As a result of one of my more brilliant moves, the introduction/lead in as well as the first 5 or 10 seconds of "Far Cry" are missing from the second set.

I'd suggest burning this onto three discs:  Set 1 on one disc, Set 2 split between Tracks 12 and 13.

Set 1

  01. Snakes and Arrows Intro
  02. Limelight
  03. Digital Man
  04. Entre Nous
  05. Mission
  06. Freewill
  07. The Main Monkey Business
  08. The Larger Bowl
  09. Secret Touch
  10. Circumstances
  11. Between The Wheels
  12. Dreamline

Set 2

  01. Far Cry 
  02. Workin' Them Angels 
  03. Armor And Sword 
  04. Spindrift
  05. The Way The Wind Blows
  06. Subdivisions 
  07. Natural Science 
  08. Witch Hunt 
  09. Malignant Narcissism
  10. Drum Solo
  11. Hope
  12. Summertime Blues
  13. The Spirit Of Radio
  14. South Park does Tom Sawyer ->
  15. Tom Sawyer
  16. One Little Victory
  17. A Passage to Bangkok
  18. YYZ

~ Dedicated to my son Jack ~
Taped By: K. Hermann
Catalog: None
Format: FLAC
Discs: 3 CDR
Lineage: Sony ECM-DS30P>Batt Box>Nomad Jukebox 3 | Post processing done with Samplitude and Waves plug-ins (minor eq'ing and compression)
Source: AUD
Disc One
1. Limelight (4:48)
2. Digital Man (6:55)
3. Entre Nous (5:31)
4. Mission (5:41)
5. Freewill (6:08)
6. The Main Monkey Business (6:40)
7. The Larger Bowl (eh)(4:22)
8. Secret Touch (7:55)
9. Circumstances (3:49)
10. Between the Wheels (6:06)
11. Dreamline (5:29)

Disc Two
1. Far Cry (5:25)
2. Workin Them Angels (4:51)
3. Armor and Sword (6:37)
4. Spindrift (5:52)
5. The Way the Wind Blows (6:32)
6. Subdivisions (6:45)
7. Natural Science (8:26)
8. Witch Hunt (4:41)
9. Malignant Narcissism (2:22)
10. Drum Solo (8:12)

Disc Three
1. Hope (2;!5)
2. Distant Early Warning (4:55)
3. The Spirit of Radio (5:11)
4. Tom Sawyer (6:16)
5. One Little Victory (5:36)
6. A Passage to Bangkok (3:57)
7. YYZ (5:02)


This is a recording that almost wasn't.  They almost confiscated my digital recorder at the gate, but I passed it off as a CD player.  Then, during the show, there were security guards walking back and forth near me all the time.  Because of that, during Spindrift, I came very close to getting busted, but somehow evaded detection.  Then, unfortunately, because of my lack of stealth, there is a bit of 'mic handling' noise in the recording, particularly in between songs.  Sorry aboot that.  To add to all that, there was quite a bit of wind (and my cheap windscreen would not stay on the mic) but somehow there is no wind noise!  The whole time I thought 'if this turns out ok I'm lucky'. What a relief, the show turned out great!  The crowd was ecstatic the whole time.  Enjoy the show, there's lot's of genius captured in this recording!

Please do not sell this show or trade it in MP3 format.  If you do I will no longer share my shows.
ROW 207 HH 14
LINEAGE: Sony MD MZ- N707 Sony Condeser Mic ECM-MS907

A Big Fat OrangeCat Recording and Cover.

Here it is. The show from last night. A great show it was.
This is a pretty good recording. Not too many talkers. A small bit of Limelight is missing because I was having trouble getting my MD to start recording.
I also included the cover art I made.

Please don't convert this to a crappy MP3.

Disc One
01. Limelight
02. Digital Man
03. Entre Nous
04. Mission
05. Freewill
06. The Main Monkey Business
07. The Larger Bowl
08. Secret Touch
09. Circumstances
10. Between The Wheels
11. Dreamline

Disc Two
01. Intro. 
02. Far Cry 
03. Workin' Them Angels 
04. Armor And Sword 
05. Spindrift
06. The Way The Wind Blows
07. Subdivisions 
08. Natural Science 
09. Witch Hunt 
10. Malignant Narcissism
11. Drum Solo

Disc Three
01. Hope
02. Distant Early Warning
03. The Spirit Of Radio
04. Tom Sawyer
05. One Little Victory
06. A Passage to Bangkok
07. YYZ
08. Outro

Recording info:
Sonic Studios[DSM-6S/L] > Sonic Studios[PA-6LC3(-45)] > Edirol R-9 (16/44.1)

Taping Location:
SEC 101, ROW F, SEAT 6 (8th row, center section, near the aisle, stage left)

Transfer info:
16/44.1 WAV>Soundforge 7 [volume boost]>CD Wave[track split]>Traders Little Helper (1.1.1)[flac 8]

CMM-079 (Chris Milazzo Master)

Disc 01:

[01] [02:16] Intro
[02] [04:36] Limelight
[03] [06:40] Digital Man
[04] [05:31] Entre Nous
[05] [05:41] Mission
[06] [06:05] Freewill
[07] [06:34] The Main Monkey Business
[08] [04:22] The Larger Bowl
[09] [07:57] Secret Touch
[10] [03:50] Circumstances
[11] [06:05] Between The Wheels
[12] [05:28] Dreamline
 TT: [65:10]

Disc 02:
[01] [02:48] Intro
[02] [05:22] Far Cry
[03] [04:51] Workin' Them Angels
[04] [06:35] Armor And Sword
[05] [05:53] Spindrift
[06] [06:28] The Way The Wind Blows
[07] [06:36] Subdivisions
[08] [08:27] Natural Science
[09] [04:52] Witch Hunt
[10] [02:08] Malignant Narcissism
[11] [07:27] Drum Solo
 TT: [61:27]

Disc 03:
[01] [02:13] Hope
[02] [04:51] Distant Early Warning
[03] [05:58] The Spirit Of Radio
[04] [05:19] Tom Sawyer
[05] [01:06] (encore break)
[06] [05:24] One Little Victory
[07] [03:50] A Passage to Bangkok
[08] [05:54] YYZ
 TT: [34:35]

We were close enough that you can hear the spurts of fire at the beginning of Witch Hunt.

I tried to minimize the explosion in One Little Victory by lowering the volume to equal the rest of the show.  It is a bit inelegant,
but it may help save your speakers!

Torrented 14 August 2007.
Seed #79 from my master collection.
Smirnoff Music Center
Dallas, Texas
Aug. 11, 2007

Quality: VG++ - Exc. audience
Lineage: CoreSound LC binaurals > Sony MZ-NF810
               > ACL 3.0 > WAV > FLAC 8
Taper: Mike Rowefoen
Transfer/encoding: joeyjay
No artwork, sorry
File size: 918 MB


DISC ONE (65:35)
1. Intro 
2. Limelight 
3. Digital Man 
4. Entre Nous 
5. Mission 
6. Freewill 
7. The Main Monkey Business 
8. The Larger Bowl 
9. Secret Touch 
10. Circumstances 
11. Between The Wheels 
12. Dreamline 

DISC TWO (61:36)
1. Intro 
2. Far Cry 
3. Workin' Them Angels 
4. Armor And Sword 
5. Spindrift 
6. The Way The Wind Blows 
7. Subdivisions 
8. Natural Science 
9. Witch Hunt 
10. Malignant Narcissism 
11. Drum Solo 

DISC THREE (34:43)
1. Hope 
2. Distant Early Warning
3. The Spirit Of Radio 
4. Tom Sawyer 
5. One Little Victory 
6. A Passage to Bangkok 
7. YYZ / Outro 

Taper notes: Ol' Mike is happy with the way this
came out. The sound was loud but clear, no
overpowering bottom end. Too many shows at
this place have the bass and kick drum overmiked,
shaking you to the bone. OK for Scorpions, I guess,
but Rush got it right. Result: a really good recording.
Crowd around was respectful (thank you, Rush fans!),
lots of bopping, lots of air drumming, but not much
chatter at all. One of Ol' Mike's better recordings at a
big venue. You'll hear Geddy mention the heat (once),
but that doesn't begin to cover how sweltering it was.
It truly was a battle of wills for Ol' Mike to hang in there;
gotta thank St. Andrew for delivering the gratis bottles
of water during "The Larger Bowl" or we might not
have survived - at least the complete recording! 

joeyjay notes: Ol' Mike pretty much said it all. Great job,
and it was hotter than sweltering. Not much air moving
around, at least under the covered-seats part of the venue.
Rush even went on a half-hour later than the scheduled 
starting time to let the sun go down. Ol' Mike didn't mention
that they had to sop him up with a mop, wring him into
a bucket and carry him home. Anyway, a fine recording.
Crank it up. Enjoy. On with the show ...
Sony PCM-M1 > Aiwa CM-TS55 > Maxell HS-4/60s > Sony PCM-R300 > 
Sony STR-DE945 > Philips CDR 200 > CDR > EAC > FLAC

Taped by Jerry B aka "The Govner"

Disc 1
First Set

Track01 Video Intro
Track02 Limelight
Track03 Digital Man
Track04 Entre Nous
Track05 Mission
Track06 Freewill
Track07 The Main Monkey Business
Track08 The Larger Bowl
Track09 Secret Touch
Track10 Circumstances 
Track11 Between The Wheels 
Track12 Dreamline 
Track13 Intermission

Disc 2
Second Set

Track01 Video Intro
Track02 Far Cry
Track03 Workin' Them Angels
Track04 Armor And Sword
Track05 Spindrift
Track06 The Way The Wind Blows
Track07 Subdivisions
Track08 Natural Science
Track09 Witch Hunt
Track10 Malignant Narcissism
Track11 Neil Peart's Drum Solo
Track12 Hope

Disc 3 
Second Set (cont)

Track01 Summertime Blues
Track02 The Spirit Of Radio
Track03 Tom Sawyer
Track04 Audience
Track05 One Little Victory
Track06 A Passage to Bangkok
Track07 YYZ
Track08 Video Outro
Opening Video
Digital Man
Entre Nous
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Between the Wheels

Lerxst Video
Far Cry
Workin' Them Angels
Armor and Sword
The Way the Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Malignant Narcissism
Drum Solo
Distant Early Warning
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
YYZ/Outro Video
Catalog: Digital Reproductions: DR 30386

Bookmark: http://www.digitalrushexperience.com/database/review.php?RecordingID=1498


01 - The Spirit Of Radio   4:08
02 - Limelight   4:14
03 - The Big Money   5:33
04 - New World Man   3:55
05 - Subdivisions   5:05
06 - Manhattan Project   4:56
07 - Middletown Dreams   4:52
08 - Witch Hunt   4:23
09 - Red Sector A   4:53


01 - Closer To The Heart   4:27
02 - Marathon   6:09
03 - The Trees   4:30
04 - Mystic Rhythms   5:06
05 - Distant Early Warning   6:15
06 - Territories   6:12
07 - YYZ   2:24
08 - Drum Solo   5:05
09 - Red Lenses   2:14
10 - Tom Sawyer   4:34
11 - 2112   5:24
12 - Grand Designs   4:46
13 - In The Mood   2:29
Set I
Tom Sawyer (with Three Stooges intro)
Distant Early Warning
New World Man
Roll The Bones
The Pass
The Big Money
Between Sun and Moon
Vital Signs
Natural Science
Set II
One Little Victory
Ceiling Unlimited
Secret Touch
Red Sector A
Leave That Thing Alone
Rhythm Method (drum solo)
Resist (unplugged)
La Villa Strangiato
The Spirit of Radio
By-Tor and the Snow Dog
Cygnus X-1
Working Man

broadcast by BBC Radio 3, 2006-8-04

sound quality good, A/A- (slight fm hiss)

Joshua Redman - tenor saxophone
Renee Rosnes - piano
Eric Harland - drums
Matt Penman - bass
Andre Hayward - trombone
Nicholas Payton - trumpet
Miguel Zenon - alto saxophone & flute
Bobby Hutcherson - vibraphone and marimba


Title Parallelogram
Composer Joshua Redman

Title Maiden Voyage
Composer Herbie Hancock (Arr. Gil Goldstein)

Title Sudoku
Composer Nicholas Payton

Title Imminent Treasures
Composer Bobby Hutcherson

More information about the San Francisco Jazz Collective can be found at www.sfjazz.org 
Broadcast date: 2006-07-15
Performance date: Feb. 2, 4, 5 - 2006

Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Conducted by Gerard Schwarz
Jane Giering-De Haan (soprano)
Carolyn Kahl (mezzo-soprano)
Russell Harris (tenor)
Clayton Brainerd (bass-baritone)

Disk 1
Announcer 2:20
Strauss - Quartet & Finale from Mozart's "Idomeneo" 10:47

Announcer 2:16
Tchaikovsky - Suite No. 4, 'Mozartiana', Op. 61 In G Major
Gigue, K574: Allegro 1:30
Menuet, K355: Moderato 5:11
Preghiera: Andante non tanto (Ave verum corpus, K618 after a transcription by Liszt) 5:03
Theme et variations: Allegro giusto: 14:50
Total Time: 42:01

Disk 2
Announcer 2:22
Mozart - Mass in C minor KV427 "Great Mass" (9 files - OK, I have problems with vocal splits.)
Gloria in excelsis Deo  
Laudamus te  
Gratias agimus tibi  
Domine Deus  
Qui tollis peccata mundi  
Quoniam tu solus Sanctus  
Jesu Christe  
Cum Sancto spiritu  
Credo in unum Deum  
Et incarnatus est 
Adagio and Fugue in C minor KV546 (Mozart)
Total Time: 65:02 
Sex Mash (Zony Mash meets Sex Mob)
December 12, 2000
Berkeley, CA @ Blake's

SBD Matrix: SBD (mono) + AUD (MG M300s, front of stage, overhead) ->
Mackie 1202-VLZ -> Tascam DA-P1 -> DAT -> Mac (Peak/Jam) -> CDR
Recording and CD-R mastering by Michael Zelner

disc 1 (56:02)
Zony Mash:
Wayne Horvitz	keys
Timothy Young	guitar
Keith Lowe	bass
Andy Roth	drums

1. intro
2. Spice Rack
3. Happens Like That
4. Sex Fiend [Zorn]
5. Forever ->
6. Bad Traffic
7. Whip It [Devo]
8. Prudence RSVP

disc 2 (60:19)
Sex Mob:
Steve Bernstein	slide trumpet
Briggan Krauss	alto sax
Tony Scherr	acoustic bass
Kenny Wollesen	drums

1. tuning/intro
2. [vamp tune]
3. Hurdy Gurdy Man / L'il Liza Jane
4. intro
5. House of the Rising Sun
6. Ruby Tuesday

disc 3 (35:20)
Sex Mash: Sex Mob w/ Horvitz & Young
1. intro
2. Live and Let Die ->
3. Macarena ->
4. Goodnight Irene ->
5. Not Boweevil
Art Force
New Electric India
Cubic Space Division
Rainbow At The Edge Of Time
Tibet > Karmapa Chenno (Don Cherry Medley)
The Shape Of A Word / Band Intros
Anthem To An Interstellar Cloud
Watercourse Way
Brown Rice
Lord Buddha's Hammer
Head On Fire 
1. Tape intro
2. Shadowdance -> Vajra
3. Watercourse Way
4. Ariki (Hummingbird Spirit)
5. Shaman Song
6. The Big Song
7. Above The Wailing Wall
8. Snowline
9. A Thousand Teardrops
10. New Electric India
11. Brown Rice
12. Blues Jam

Chuck Greenberg - Woodwinds, Lyricon
G. E. Stinson - Guitar
Phil Maggini - Bass
David Lewis - Keyboards
Stuart Nevitt - Drums
Steve Kindler - Violin
1. Tape intro / Shadowdance ->
2. Vajra
3. Watercourse Way
4. Ariki (Hummingbird Spirit)
5. Shaman Song
6. The Big Song
7. Above The Wailing Wall
8. Snowline 
9. A Thousand Teardrops
10. Band Intros
11. Word From The Village
12. New Electric India
13. Brown Rice
14. Blues Jam

Chuck Greenberg - Woodwinds, Lyricon
G. E. Stinson - Guitar
Phil Maggini - Bass
David Lewis - Keyboards
Stuart Nevitt - Drums
Steve Kindler - Violin
Little Black Mess
Bossa Nova
New Casablanca
I Close My Eyes
I Don’t Care
The Fat Lady Of Limburg
Mexican Boyfriend
Gone 2 Far
The Goodnight Moon
Lost In A Dream
Baby Girls

FM > Soundblaster live line-in > wav > Nero > CDR > EAC > Wav > dbPowerAmp > FLAC
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals> Sony DAT D8> SBLive>WavLab>CDWave>Flac Frontend
Taper: PT
Transferred by: newspaper

Disc One
1- vaka
2- fyrsta
3- samskeyti
4- salka
5- nybattery
6- njosnavelin
7- svefn

Disc Two
1- milano
2- hafsol
3- olsen
4- pop
5- (applause)

jón þor (jónsi) birgisson (vocals, guitars),
kjartan (kjarri) sveinsson (keyboards),
orri páll dýrason (drums)
georg (goggi) holm (bass).

backed by a string quartet
Sony ECM719 -> SonyTCD-D7 -> Soundblaster Live Platinum (optical in) >Wavelab -> CD Wave Editor -> EAC v0.95 beta 1 -> FLAC frontend v1.7.1 Etree Edition

Disc 1
01 Introduction
02 Glósóli
03 Ny Batteri
04 Svefn-g-Englar
05 Sæglópur
06 Sé Lest"
07 Miláno

Disc 2
01 Gong
02 Andvari
03 Vaka
04 Vidrar vel til Loftárása
05 Hafssól
06 Popplagid
Ný Batterí
Vaka (Untitled #1)
Njósnavélin (Untitled #4)
Með Blóðnasir
Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása

Popplagið (Untitled #8)
Sonic Studios DSM-6S/L > PA-6LC3B(170) > Sony M1 DAT

Ný Batterí
Með Blóðnasir
Olsen Olsen
Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása
Popplagið (Untitled #8)
Taper: Ed
Source:	Neumann AK40 > LC3 > KM100 > Bumblebee MiAGi-II Silver Cables > Optimod V3 > NJB3/44.1khz > IEEE-1394 > CD Wave Editor > FLAC
Location: Front Balcony DFC
Mics: Cardioids in hat, I was trying for a pattern, but failed.

Ný Batterí
Með Blóðnasir
Olsen Olsen
Viðrar Vel Til Loftárása

Popplagið (Untitled #8)

shh . . . listen
booting the system
After the success of playing Seattle’s Crocodile Cafe in 2005, Bill Rieflin reconvened his Slow Music project in May 2006 for a short tour of America’s West Coast. As on their previous outing, the concept behind the group was simple enough: the music would be entirely improvised, it would take it’s time to explore emergent ideas, avoid the urge to fill in the empty spaces created by such an approach, and as Bill put it in an interview at the time, “you also have to pace yourself, so that you don’t shoot your wad in the first few minutes.”

The initial caution in the first of two sets here mirrors Rieflin’s instructions. The group – and this really is the sound of a group – make careful and considered contributions. The air is ultimately reflective, governed by short interactions wherein motifs are picked up and passed around for inspection, modification and incorporation into the bigger picture.

The second set’s percussive explorations and occasional jolts have a more forceful mood, which allows REM’s Peter Buck to soar away on some old-school glissando guitar. Though the overall mood created by this electro-acoustic hybrid may be sedate, don’t be fooled into thinking that it lacks intensity or drama. The combination of a group in search of their collective muse ably supported by an extremely attentive audience means that there are plenty of sparks flying by to intrigue and maintain interest.Stunning.

Disc Number 1
1.  	Improv I	  [PREVIEW] 	 17.43
2.  	Improv II	  [PREVIEW] 	 11.25
3.  	Improv III	  [PREVIEW] 	 12.15
4.  	Improv IV	  [PREVIEW] 	 7.42
Disc Number 2
1.  	Improv V	  [PREVIEW] 	 5.27
2.  	Improv VI	  [PREVIEW] 	 15.25
3.  	Improv VII	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.25
4.  	Improv VIII	  [PREVIEW] 	 10.40
5.  	Improv IX	  [PREVIEW] 	 6.08

Peter Buck:guitar
Robert Fripp:guitar
Bill Rieflin:keyboards & Samples
Hector Zazou:keyboards & Samples
Matt Chamberlain:Drums & Percussion
Fred Chalenor:acoustic bass

Not for trade. Purchase at http://www.dgmlive.com/archive.htm?artist=21&show=1087
source: matrix
SBD + Neumann U-87Ai cards (ORTF) > Digidesign Digi002 rack >
Pro Tools LE 6.4, 4 track at 24 bit/96kHz (fades, SBD time-delayed to match aud, bounced 
to 16b/44.1k at tweak head/highest resampling) > CDwav > FLAC

recorded by Dave schall

Disc 1:
01. Passing By >
02. Miss Piggy
03. Fall and Forget
04. While You Break
05. Hey You > (Pink Floyd)
06. Nobody Home (Pink Floyd)
07. Sibley's Opus >
08. Drums

Disc 2:
01. Shixote's Happens
02. Wally Sparks >
03. drum groove >
04. Rainbow's Cadillac >
05. I Am Who You Are >
06. Merchant of Groove >
07. Dreams We Dream
08. E: Make Believe

There was one small break in set 2 (I think it was in Wally Sparks) due to a buffer
underrun on my laptop...10-15 seconds of jam were lost, and thusly edited in post.

Several tunes were premiers...possibly the entire first disc up to the drum solo.
DRS FM-broadcast /Swiss Radio/
FM > CDs > EAC > WinOnCD 5 [tracking] > flacfrontend [flac]
Solomon Burke - voc
Brett Collin Farkas - guit
Eddie Towns - bs
David Paul Lopez - dr, perc
Millard Jackson - keyb
Rudy Copeland - B-3 hammond organ
Dan Rabinovitz - tp
Thomas S. Cortez - tp, flugelhorn
Carle W. Vickers - tp, alto sax, tenor sax 
Joseph Kalet - sax, harmonica
Bernard E. Baisden - trombone
Rrok Jakaj - violin
Solomon Burke Jr. - back voc

01 Radio Intro 					01:39
02 Peach						05:32
03 Nothin´ But The Blues 				04:01
04 Down In The Valley 				02:38
05 Diamond In Your Mind				03:59
06 None Of Us Are Free				02:50
07 A Change Is Gonna Come				03:37
08 I Wish I Knew					03:17
09 If I Had A Hammer				03:18
10 Soul Searching					03:45
11 Call Me					06:21
12 Got To Get You Off My Mind > Havin´ A Party	05:12
13 Sittin´ On The Dock Of The Bay > Spanish Harlem	04:53
14 Fa-Fa-Fa (Sad Song)				01:52
15 Unknown Song *				03:55
16 Hit The Road Jack *				01:25
17 Band Introduction				03:19

01 I Will Survive **				03:25
02 Don´t You Feel Like Crying			02:00
03 Stage Banter					03:10
04 Devil In Me *** > Georgia On My Mind ***		06:45 
05 Tutti Frutti > Shake Rattle & Roll			03:25
06 What Did I Say ****				05:06		
07 May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You		02:45		
08 Don't Give Up On Me				03:34
09 Everybody Needs Somebody			03:49
10 Radio Outro					01:23

Barbara Mason - voc *
Candy Burke - back voc, voc **
Zuccero - voc *** / ****
Van Morrison - voc ****
Pattie La Belle - voc ****

I´ve got this as 2 one-track CDs from a trading friend in the switzerland.
I took the fotos for the artwork from a TV broadcast (AVO Sessions).
FM > DAT > wav > flac level 8 a.s.b. > torrent
Incomplete show as aired by Swiss radio DRS 3

recorded and edited by tsc

total time 64:10

01 - I need your love in my life 03:28
02 - Always keep a diamond in your mind 04:18
03 - Cry to me 02:40
04 - Georgia on my mind 04:43
05 - Got to get you off of my mind > Having a party 05:48
06 - Only you 03:57
07 - Proud Mary 03:40
08 - Don't give up on me 04:42
09 - Soul searching 04:31
10 - Try a little tenderness 06:28
11 - I will survive 03:00
12 - Wonderful world 04:26 
13 - Soul medley (If you need me>?>I can't stop loving you) 04:25
14 - Soul medley II (Sittin' at the dock of the bay>fafafafafa>Stand by me>Spanish harlem) 02:47
15 - A Rose is just a rose 01:41
16 - Rock'n'Roll medley (Long Tall Sally>Lucille>Shake Rattle and Roll>Tutti Frutti 03:28
1. Back at the Chicken Shack (band only)
2. Every Day I Have the Blues
3. Don't Throw Your Love On Me So Strong ( title??)
4. I'm Goin' Home (Where Women Have Meat On their Bones)
5. Your Love is Like a Cancer
6. I'll Play the Blues for You
7. She's Cold Blooded
8. Band intros
9. ????? ( title?)

partial band personnel:
Son Seals- guitar, vocals
John Powell- trumpet
Red Grosenger (?)- sax
Willie Hayes- drums
Dave Specter- guitar
???- flute
Party in the Park II

1. [02.50] I'm So Anxious
2. [06.50] Talk to Me
3. [07.26] Murder
4. [06.01] Got to Get You Off My Mind
5. [05.14] Take It Inside
6. [03.29] Long Distance
7. [06.11] Vertigo
8. [05.36] As Time Goes By
9. [09.22] Broke Down Piece Of Man/The Fever

Incomplete show. Missing:
Why Is Love Such A Sacrifice
I Don't Want To Go Home
Havin' A Party
Trapped Again

Sound: A
Show: B
Split Squad
May 29,2006
Summer Camp 2006,Chillicothe, IL
Late Nite Barn

Source: Schoeps MK41(DINA)->KC5->CMC6->V3->Tascam HD-P2 (24/96)
Lineage: Wavelab 6(resample,dither)->cd wave->flac
Taped by: Jon Merin
Transferred by: Jon Merin

Disc 1
Split Squad 1 
01.  Meeting in the Aisle (Radiohead) >
02.  Achilles Last Stand (Led Zepplin)
03.  You Know What I Mean (Jeff Beck)
04.  Shoot First
05.  Watching Wheels (John Lennon)
06.  In the Ghetto (Donnie Hathaway) >
07.  Syncopated Strangers
08.  Po-Jama People (Frank Zappa)
09.  Bridge of Sighs (Robin Trower)
10.  Bodhisattva (Steely Dan)

Disc 2
Split Squad 2
01.  intro
02.  Moth (moe.) > 
03.  The Trooper (Iron Madien)
04.  In the Street (Big Star)
05.  All In Time* > 
06.  Bring You Down* (moe.) > 
07.  All In Time*

Disc 3
01.  Shook You All Night Long (AC/DC)
02.  Havah Negilah (trad.) > 
03.  Long Island Girls Rule (moe.) > 
04.  drums^ > 
05.  Life During Wartime^^ (Talking Heads) > 
06.  Farmer Ben (moe.) > 
07.  Moth (moe.)
08.  crowd
09.  The Weight$ (The Band)
10.  Night Moves (Bob Seger)$

first Umphrey's and moe. Split Squad: Joel, Jake, Andy, and Ryan teamed up with Chuck and Vinnie
second Umphrey's and moe. Split Squad: Brendan and Kris teamed up with Al, Rob, and Jim
(*) with Fire On the Mountain (Grateful Dead) and Meat (moe.) teases
(^) just Jim and Kris
(^^) with Joel
($) acoustic; with both squads performing outside of the Barn
( Disc 01 )
( 01 ) Chart Radio Intro              0:08.33
( 02 ) Intro - At The End Of The Day  0:56.71
( 03 ) The Good Don't Last            7:47.38
( 04 ) Thoughts ( Part I )            6:20.29
( 05 ) Chart Radio Intermission       1:07.72
( 06 ) At The End Of The Day         17:49.60
( 07 ) Skin                           3:32.70
( 08 ) Chart Radio Intermission       1:35.21
( 09 ) The Distance To The Sun        5:39.28
( 10 ) The Healing Colors Of Sound    3:20.28
( 11 ) Thoughts ( Part II )           5:05.20
( 12 ) Solo Ryo Okumoto               9:55.15
( 13 ) Chart Radio Intermission       1:31.20

( Disc 02 )
( 14 ) The Great Nothing             26:19.06

                         Total Time  91:09.61

Missing Encores, Not Broadcasted.

Neal Morse (vocals, acoustic guitar, piano, synthesizer)
Alan Morse (electric guitar, cello, samples, vocals)
Ryo Okumoto (Hammond organ, Mellotron, vocals)
Dave Meros (French horn, upright & electric basses, vocals)
Nick D'Virgilio (drums, percussion, vocals).
1. Intro
2. Chicago At Night
3. Fitted Shirt
4. Lines in the Suit
5. Small Stakes
6. Everything Hits At Once
7. You Gotta Feel It
8. Utilitarian
9. Minor Tough
10. Something to Look Forward To
11. Paper Tiger
12. Someone Something
13. Metal Detektor
14. Idiot Driver
15. Anything You Want
16. The Way we Get By
17.Back to the Life
18. Car Radio
19. Me and the Bean
20. Jonathon Fisk
21. Vittorio E.
22. All the Pretty Girls go to the City
23. Take A Walk
24. Loose

Taper: David Carmean
Acquisition: SBD (Crest Audio X-Eight) -> Shure A15LA -> MP-2 -> PCM-M1
Post/Mastering: David Carmean
Sequence: PCM-M1 -(s/pdif)-> Echo Mia -> Cool Edit Pro -> SHN
Post/Mastering notes: Dumped to Cool Edit in 32-bit mode. Manually removed some short bursts of distortion that looked like the band's mic limiter overloaded when Britt screamed into the mic at the end of J.Fisk and Loose (CEP click/pop remover); boosted 3dB with very tiny amount of limiting with Waves L1-UltraMaximizer+, which also dithered to 16 bits with their "Ultra" noise shaping.

Sound: A
Show: A
01. Fitted Shirt
02. Small Stakes
03. Me & the Bean
04. Lines In The Suit
05. 30 Gallon Tank
06. Something To Look Forward To
07. The Two Sides Of Monsieur Valentin
08. Anything You Want
09. Back To The Life
10. Paper Tiger
11. Someone Something
12. Everything Hits At Once
13. Take A Walk
14. Metal Detektor
15. My Mathematical Mind
16. I Could See The Dude
17. You Gotta Feel It
18. The Way We Get By
19. Loose (Stooges)
20. Vittorio E
21. Government Darling
22. Jonathon Fisk
23. All the Pretty Girls go to the City
24. Lowdown (Wire)
Opening / In Quintessence
Pulling Mussels (From the Shell)
Black Coffee In Bed
Another Nail In my Heart
Mumbo Jumbo
If I Didn't Love You
I've Returned
Messed Around
I Can't Hold On
Tears of a Clown
Take Me I'm Yours

WLIR broadcast
St. Paul Chamber Orchestra
Truls Mørk - cello

Announcer (2:03 + 0:19)
Arnold Schönberg: Chamber Symphony No. 2, Op. 38
1. Adagio (8:49)
2. Con Fuoco (12:15)

Announcer (0:12 + 0:15)
Robert Schumann: Cello Concerto in A, Op. 129 (24:10)
I. Nicht zu schnell
II. Langsam - Etwas lebhafter - Schneller
III. Sehr lebhaft - Kadenz - Tempo I

Announcer (0:33 + 0:09)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony No. 36 in C, K. 425 (Linz)
Adagio - Allegro Spiritoso (10:10)
Andante (08:30)
Menuetto - Trio (03:12)
Presto (07:11)

Announcer (1:29)
 Garage Band 1969
Buried the Pope
Wake Up Sally
The Big Heat (with Ralph Carney)
Peg and Pete and Me
Coming On Down to the BBQ
God Sleeps in a Caboose
King for a Day
Police Call
Luther Played Guitar
Alibi Room
Robbers, Bandits, Bastards and Thieves
Femme Fatal
Mexican Radio
Just Drive She Said
Call of the West
Ring of Fire
Monsters of the Id
Only a Hobo
Down in the Boondocks
I Got a Big American Problem
Sail Away
Stan Ridgway Drywall Project:
Stan Ridgway - guitar, vocals
Pietra Wexstun - keyboards, vocals
Rick King - guitar, bass, vocals

AT853 > AT8531 > TODDR MOD SBM-1 >JB3 > Soundforge 8 > flac
taped by blastroknow
New Heaven is spelled the same way as the artwork.

trade cdr>>>wav>>>flac 5

Track 01     5:11   Shine On Brightly
Track 02     6:17   Forces
Track 03     4:40   Change In Time
Track 04   10:53   Lady of the Lake
Track 05     6:12   Breath and Thunder
Track 06     9:53   Fountains

i got this cd from a trade with someone in France several years ago. This cd wasn't released by the band and was never listed on thier Web site. Also the track times are different than the Concert Classics, Vol. 5 listed here

This cd kind of resembles The Concert Classics, Vol. 5 however, the Concert classics was never approved or sanctioned by Starcastle either according to Web sites. 

There is only 6 tracks on this cd and not 8 tracks listed on The Concert Classics, Vol. 5

The original artwork I received is included however, the artwork has the wrong times listed.
for 3 Trumpets, 2 Keyboards, 2 Bass Guitars, 2 Percussionists and Electronics 


Dominik Blum (CH): Hammond Organ/Analog Synthesizer/Piano
Gerard Bouwhuis (NL): Sampling Keyboard/Piano
Marino Pliakas (CH): Bass Guitar
Pete Wilson (UK): Bass Guitar
Lucas Niggli (CH): Drums/Percussion
Remo Signer (CH): Drums/Percussion
Reijer Dorresteijn (NL): Trumpet
Louis Lanzing (NL): Trumpet
Bob Koertshuis (NL): Trumpet
David Dramm (USA): Live Electronics

In 2000, the Dutch/German/Belgian festival Novembermusic gave composer David Dramm carte blanche to create an evening-length work for their three-city festival. The Amsterdam-based American composer has assembled a team of musicians from Switzerland, England and the Netherlands for his most ambitious instrumental work to date, Orange Slice.
Orange Slice borrows its intensely psychological character from the life and work of the visionary American artist, Gordon Matta-Clark (1943-1978). Matta-Clark is known for his audacious cuttings of abandoned buildings in New York, Antwerp and Paris. Using chainsaws, Matta-Clark created architectural sculptures of light and form, using basic shapes like spirals, wedges and crescents. Slicing through seilings, floors and walls, often from roof to ground floor, Matta-Clark cut most of his early buildings without permission, working at night. His improbable combination of 70s punk esthetic and a strong formal clarity is echoed in the massive, churning textures within the sharply articulated structure of Orange Slice. The three movement form of Orange Slice uses grand pianos whose large chords are often electronically distorted to produce feedback, virtuoso Hammond organ playing, shimmering bass guitar harmonics and long, sustained snare drum rolls which are timbrally enriched and accented with special preparations. The trumpets play both on and offstage, preferably in a back balcony behind the audience.
The hand-picked ensemble performs this marathon-scale work without a conductor. The keyboard/bass-guitar/drums trio STEAMBOAT SWITZERLAND, equally at home with the most complex modern music scores as with powerfull rock-influenced improvisations, forms an important role within the group. Paired with each player from Steamboat Switzerland is a second player of the same instrument. The Dutch pianist Gerard Bouwhuis has played in nearly every influential ensemble in Holland including Hoketus and Loos. Bass guitarist Pete Wilson is a founding member of the English Isbreaker ensemble and is internationally known for his high-energy renderings of music such as Micheal Gordon'sTrance.
Complemented with a strong Dutch trumpet trio that includes soloist Marco Blaauw (or Louis Lanzing) and Orkest de Volharding member Reijer Dorresteijn, the Orange Slice band is made up of players that combine passionate interpretions of modern music with a driving, pop music sensibility.

Sound: A
Source: DRS 2 "Neue Musik im Konzert" / 2002
Lineage: FM > minidisc > HD > CDR > EAC (secure) > FLAC (8,asb,verify)

Dominik Blum - hammond organ
Marino Pliakas - electric bass
Lucas Niggli - drums

1. SAM HAYDEN: dB (i-vii) 62:07
improvised segments by Steamboat Switzerland

2. Sam Hayden interview (17:42) [mono, recorded before the performance)

TT: 79:49

Sound: A/A-
Source: DRS 2 "Neue Musik im Konzert" or "CH Musik" / 2001
Lineage: FM > (Tape? >) Minidisc > analogue to HD > GoldWave > FLAC (8,asb,verify)

Note: I deleted ca. 35sec of applause following the concert, so this would fit onto one CDR
Capricorn Records (CR2045)

SBD > boot > ? > SHN

March 10, 1974, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA
01 Do It Again
02 Rikki Don't Lose That Number
03 Any Major Dude Will Tell You
04 King Of The World 
05 Barrytown
06 My Old School
07 Pretzel Logic 

March 9, 1974, Sopwith Camel, Glendale, CA, or unknown venue, San Diego, CA
08 Do It Again
09 Rikki Don't Lose That Number
10 Any Major Dude Will Tell You
11 King Of The World 
12 My Old School
13 Bodhisattva
14 The Boston Rag 

The band:
Jeff Baxter: guitar
Walter Becker: bass
Denny Dias: guitar
Donald Fagen: piano, vocals
Jim Hodder: drums
Royce Jones: vocals
Michael McDonald: vocals
Jeff Porcaro: drums

This was posted on STG in November 2003.  These are the same SHN files that were seeded then.

The location of the March 9 tracks is uncertain.  The artwork says San Diego, but everyone knows
how unreliable bootleg artwork can be.  Steely Dan websites list them playing in Glendale and/or 
San Diego on that date.

http://www.andymetzger.com/album/tour74.htm says:

3/9 Glendale, CA (Sopwith Camel)
3/9 San Diego, CA

http://www.broberg.pp.se/sd_metalleg.htm says:

Sopwith Camel, Glendale, CA. or 
San Diego, CA. March 9, 1974 says:

Venue: Sopwith Camel
City: Glendale
State: California
Date: March 9, 1974
FM (cuts in)
Kid Charlemane
Bad Sneakers
Do It Again
Cousin Dupree
What A Shame About Me
Sonic Studio DSM-6S/L Mics> Sony D 8 DAT> Sony RMR100 transfer> Roland VS1680> 

Taped from from Q, far  right side 

Recorded by The Nightfly

Disc One:
01 - Instrumental
02 - Time out of Mind
03 - Bad Sneakers
04 - Two Against Nature
05 - Janie Runaway
06 - Hey Nineteen
07 - Haitian Divorce
08 - Peg
09 - Babylon Sisters
10 - Bodhisattva

Disc Two:

01 - Dirty Work
02 - Josie
03 - Aja
04 - FM
05 - Kid Charlemagne
06 - Pretzel Logic
07 - My Old School
     Instrumental Outro
It's A Sin To Tell A Lie
Banana Republics
Turnpike Tom
Old Smoothies
Daley's Gone
The I Don't Know Where I'm Going But I'm Going Nowhere In A Hurry Blues
Mind Your Own Business
The Vegetable Song (The Barnyard Dance)
Video Tape
Two Lovers
Can't Go Back
One Bite Of The Apple
Men Who Love Women Who Love Men
Little Mouse (Melvina Reynolds)
Is It True What They Say About Dixie?
Spoon River
Death Of A Salesman
Lincoln Park Pirates
City Of New Orleans
Old Fashioned (missing)

Land of a Thousand Autumns
Please Don't Touch!
Racing in A
Carry On Up the Vicarage
Ace of Wands
Hands of the Priestess
Icarus Ascending

Optigan/A Tower Struck Down
Spectral Mornings
Star of Sirius
The Lovers/Shadow of the Heirophant
I Know What I Like

Sound: C
Show: Hard to tell. The sound is awful.
1.1 Please Don't Touch 07:59 
1.2 Tigermoth 04:00 
1.3 Every Day 06:53 
1.4 Narnia 04:58 
1.5 The Red Flower Of Tai Chi 03:50 
1.6 Ace Of Wands 07:22 
1.7 Carry On Up The Vicarage 04:01 
1.8 Blood On The Rooftops / Horizons 03:16 
1.9 Kim 02:51 
2.1 Optigan / A Tower Struck Down / Spectral Mornings 12:16 
2.2 Star Of Sirius 10:30 
2.3 Shadow Of The Hierophant 10:16 
2.4 Clocks 05:26 
2.5 I Know What I Like (Cut) 07:45 
  Total Running Time :  1:31:23 
The Air-Conditioned Nightmare
Funny Feeling
Ace of Wands
Picture Postcard
The Steppes
The Red Flower of Tachai/Tigermoth
Overnight Sleeper

A Tower Struck Down
Spectral Mornings
Land of a Thousand Autumns/Please Don't Touch
Band Intro
The Show

   Quality * A-  
  Media 1CD-R 
Track # Track Name Track Length 
1.1 Horizons 02:06 
1.2 Time Lapse At Milton Keynes (incl. extract from Blood On The Rooftops) 04:33 
1.3 Bay Of Kings 05:13 
1.4 Calmaria 03:37 
1.5 Hands Of The Priestess 04:21 
1.6 Jacuzzi 03:06 
1.7 The Barren Band (incl. intro to Hairless Heart) 03:15 
1.8 Tales Of The Riverbank (incl. extract from Two Vamps As Guests) 02:27 
1.9 Second Chance 02:58 
1.10 Koto Improvisation (incl. extracts from The Arrival & Lost Time In Cordoba) 04:16 
1.11 Petropolis 02:43 
1.12 Kim 02:16 
1.13 Pierrot (cuts in) 02:05 
1.14 Concert For Munich 03:23 
1.15 The Journey 03:03 
1.16 Ace Of Wands 04:05 
1.17 Cradle Of Swans 03:41 
1.18 Jazz On A Summers Night 04:18 
1.19 Horizons 03:24 
1.20 Kim 02:36 
  Total Running Time :  1:07:26 
DISC ONE (51:33)
1-Myopia/Los Endos/Ace Of Wands/Hackett To Bits
2-Camino Royale
3-Vampyre With A Healthy Appetite
4-Flight Of The Condor (Sierra Quemada)
5-Take These Pearls
6-Always Somewhere Else
7-In The Heart Of The City
8-Walking Away From Rainbows
9-There Are Many Sides To The Night

DISC TWO (41:26)
1-...In That Quiet Earth
2-Dark As The Grave
3-A Trusting Serenade (The Dealer)
4-Depth Charge
5-Every Day
6-Acoustic Set
7-Blues Jam

Lineage: Unknown (received in trade on CD)

Sound quality: Excellent audience recording 

Artwork: Included

Steve Hackett: Acoustic & Electric Guitars, Harmonica, Vocals
Julian Colbeck: Keyboards, Vocals
Doug Sinclair: Bass
Hugo Degenhardt: Drums, Percussion
LDB Master Series #35

Mechanical Bride
Serpentine Song
Watcher of the Skies/Hairless Heart /
Camino Royale
Pollution / The Steppes
Acoustic Set / Walking Away from Rainbows

Please don't touch /
Firth of Fifth
The Wall of Knives / A Vampyre with a Healthy Appetite
Spectral Mornings
Brand New
Myopia / Los Endos
In That Quiet earth
In Memoriam

Lineage: Sony Net MD MZ-N910 > Aiwa microphone CM-DS6 > Audigy Soundblaster > HD > SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave > 
FLAC Frontend (level 6) 

Nice show that I managed to tape while I was in germany for some time. A good mix of Genesis & solo stuff, old & new. The
audience was very wild and requested an extra, unplanned, encore at the end of the show.

1.1 Audience  
1.2 Valley Of The Kings  
1.3 Mechanical Bride  
1.4 Circus Of Becoming  
1.5 Frozen Statues  
1.6 Slogans  
1.7 Serpentine Song  
1.8 Ace Of Wands  
1.9 Hammer In The Sand  
1.10 Acoustic Set  
1.11 Second Chance  
1.12 Blood On The Rooftops  
2.1 Audience  
2.2 Fly On A Windshield  
2.3 Please Don't Touch  
2.4 Firth Of Fifth  
2.5 A Dark Night In Toytown  
2.6 Darktown  
2.7 Brand New  
2.8 Air Conditioned Nightmare  
2.9 Every Day  
2.10 Clocks  
2.11 Spectral Mornings  
2.12 Myopia / Los Endos 
Set 1 

01. "Valley Of The Kings"
02. "Mechanical Bride"
03. "Circus Of Becoming"
04. "Frozen Statues" (inst.)
05. "Slogans"
06. "Serpentine Song"
07. "Ace Of Wands"
08. "Hammer In The Sand" (keyboard solo)
09. "Acoustic Medley" (incl. "Classical Gas" and "Horizons")
10. "Second Chance"
11. "Blood On The Rooftops"
Set 2 

12. "Fly On A Windshield"/"The Broadway Melody Of 1974"
13. "Please Don't Touch"/"Voice Of Necam"
14. "Firth Of Fifth" (inst.)
15. "A Dark Night In Toy Town"
16. "Darktown"
17. "Brand New"
18. "Air Conditioned Nightmare"
19. "Every Day"
20. "Clocks"
21. "Spectral Mornings"
22. "Los Endos"
1.1 Valley Of The Kings 07:25 
1.2 Mechanical Bride 07:50 
1.3 Circus Of Becoming 03:19 
1.4 Frozen Statues 03:35 
1.5 Slogans 04:09 
1.6 Serpentine Song 08:04 
1.7 Ace Of Wands 06:50 
1.8 Hammer In The Sand 04:19 
1.9 Acoustic Set 03:15 
1.10 Horizons 02:02 
1.11 Second Chance 05:02 
1.12 Blood On The Rooftops 06:25 
2.1 Fly On A Windshield 04:20 
2.2 Please Don't Touch 04:32 
2.3 Firth Of Fifth 04:07 
2.4 A Dark Night In Toytown 03:41 
2.5 Darktown 06:04 
2.6 Brand New 06:21 
2.7 The Band 01:10 
2.8 Air Conditioned Nightmare 05:17 
2.9 Every Day 06:33 
2.10 Clocks 08:31 
2.11 Spectral Mornings 06:38 
2.12 Myopia / Los Endos 09:10 
  Total Running Time :  2:08:39 

The movement site gives this A+. Valley of the Kings is unfortunately distorted in places and not A+ but after
that this is an excellent recording. Enjoy!
CD 1:
1. Acoustic Medley #1
2. Tales of the Riverbank (Andante in C - played in G)
3. Tribute to Segovia
4. Metamorpheus Medley / Bay of kings
5. Classical Jazz
6. Black Light / The Barren Land
7. Skye Boat Song
8. Pease Blossom

CD 2:
1. Band Introduction
2. Jacuzzi
3. Bacchus
4. Alto Flute Intro / The Red Flower of Tai Chi Blooms Everywhere / Hands of The Priestess 
5. After the ordeal / Hairless heart
6. M3
7. Imagining / Second chance
8. Jazz on a summer's night
9. Next time around
10. Introduction
11. Kim
12. Avant Dernière Pensées (E.Satie)
13. The Journey
14. Ace of Wands
15. Walking Away From Rainbows
16. Gnossiennes Nº. 1

Steve Hackett: acoustic guitar
John Hackett: flute, alto flute
Roger King: keyboards
Steve Hackett: guitars
John Hackett: flutes
Roger King: keyboards

Sony MZ-NH1 (lossless) + CS bins > SonicStage > Sony wav Conversion Tool > Soundforge > wavgain > dbPowerAmp > FLAC

Solo Set:
Classical Gas
Tribute to Segovia
Andante in G (Giuliani)
Metamorpheus medley > Bay of Kings
Mexico City > Black Light > Barren Land
Skye Boat Song

Trio Set:
Bacchus (including Firth of Fifth)
Improv > The Red Flower of Tai Chi Blooms Everywhere > Hands of the Priestess
After the Ordeal > Hairless Heart
Imagining intro > Second Chance
Jazz on a Summer's Night
Next Time Around 
Satie medley
The Journey
Ace of Wands

Walking Away from Rainbows
Gnossiennes No. 1
Central Studios 1990
DVD1 - Episode 4, Originally broadcast 22nd January 1983, Appearing with Suzi Quattro
My Baby / CC Rider
Episode 6, Originally broadcast 19th February 1983
Camino Royale / Interview / Hackett's Bogey
DVD2 - Gastank Outtakes
Steve Hackett
Camino Royale - Take 1 / Camino Royale - Take 2 / Camino Royale - Take 3 / Camino Royale - Take 4 / Camino Royale - Take 5 / Camino Royale - Take 6 / Rick Wakeman intro - Take 1 / Blues Jam - Take 1 / Blues Jam - Take 2 / Blues Jam Reprise - Take 2
Suzi Quattro
My Babe - Take 1 / My Babe - Take 2 / My Babe - Take 3 / Rick Wakeman intro - Take 1 / Rick Wakeman intro - Take 2 / CC Rider - Take 1 / Steve Hackett interview - Take 1
Bottom Line, NY
1. Luck Of The Draw 0:55
2. Bareback 3:28
3. Dorothy 3:26
4. Meadow Rag 2:49
5. Misty 1:48
6. Sweet Thunder 3:17
7. Windy And Warm 3:23
8. Glory Of Love 2:06
9. Cactus Boogie 2:40
10. Country Mix 4:10
11. Second Initial 4:34
12. Masquerade 2:27
13. Diary Of A Man Who Disappeared 3:39
14. Look Over Your Shoulder 3:55
15. Sketches In The Sun 4:56

1. Mood For A Day 4:46
2. Corkscrew 4:30
3. Beginnings 5:01
4. Heritage 3:32
5. Georgia's Theme 3:01
6. Galliard 1:18
7. Classical Gas 3:44
8. Vultures In The City 5:17
9. Running The Human Race 4:45
10. Soon 8:03
11. Ram 2:23
12. Valley Of Rocks 3:28
13. Clap 4:14
14. Siberian Khatru 5:58
15. Blinded By Science 4:37
16. Surface Tension 5:49
Master: DSM6S > Panasonic PVGS120 miniDV camcorder
Transfer: MiniDV > FireWire > iMovie > 16-bit stereo, 48kHz audio extraction > Sound Converter (aiff to wav) > CDWave (track splits only) > xACT > FLAC (level 8)
Taping location: Directly behind soundboard
Taper: TT

Kohno Spanish classical guitar:

d1t01 Surface Tension
d1t02 The Ancient excerpt
d1t03 Little Galliard
d1t04 Corkscrew
d1t05 Classical Gas
d1t06 J's Theme
d1t07 Vivaldi Concerto In D (Second Movement)
d1t08 Mood For A Day

Scharpach custom 12-string:

d1t09 Vivaldi Four Seasons (Winter)
d1t10 Masquerade
d1t11 And You And I intro/Turn Of The Century outro
d1t12 Sketches In The Sun

Portuguese 12-string:

d1t13 Nine Voices

Martin 6-string steel cutaway:

d2t01 In The Course Of The Day
d2t02 To Be Over
d2t03 Ram
d2t04 Goin' Down That Road (?)
d2t05 Intersection Blues
d2t06 Second Initial

Line 6 Variax electric:

d2t07 A Drop In The Ocean
d2t08 Chet Atkins piece
d2t09 Whispering/Dorothy/Meadow Rag

Fender lap steel:

d2t10 Soon
d2t11 Your Move

Martin 6-string steel cutaway:

d2t12 Clap
Blue Guitar Concert

Tracks 01 thru 14 = Steve Howe
Tracks 15 thru 20 = Steve Howe and Martin Taylor

AUD > Sonic Mics > Sony DAT TDC-D8 @44 > RMR D100 > WAV > CDWav > FLAC 

FOB (centre 20th row)




01. The Introduction
02. Refried Funky Chicken
03. Talk
04. On the Pipe
05. Pride o' the Farm
06. What If
07. Odyssey
08. Cruise Missle
09. Tuning/Talk
10. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
11. Tuning/Talk
12. The Whistle

01. Ice Cakes
02. Mountain Waltz
03. Huron River Blues
04. The Bash
05. Cruise Control
06. General Lee
07. Don't Want You No More > It's Not My Cross to Bear

Audience cassette > Reel > M-Audio Transit > CoolEdit > CDWave Editor > Flac
The Desert Music

Ulster Orchestra, Thierry Fischer cond.
BBC3 broadcast
Disc one:

Disc two:
Disc one:

Disc two:
01. Even Less
02. A Smart Kid
03. Small Fish
04. Fadeaway
05. Gravity Eyelids
06. Where We Would Be
07. Shesmovedon
08. Trains
09. Nine Cats
10. Last Chance to Evacuate Planet Earth Before It Is Recycled/Pure Narcotic
11. Disappear
12. Blackest Eyes
13. Feel So Low (with Aviv Geffen)
14. Buying New Soul
15. Waiting
16. Stars Die

solo acoustic
Even Less
A Smart Kid
How Is Your Life Today?
Moment I Lost
The Day Before You Came

This was a special one-off concert to tie-in with the international release of the Blackfield album. Blackfield played for around an hour and Steven Wilson played a short solo set. Special guests for the show were Anathema, who performed an unplugged set for the occasion.

Sony ECM717 Clip-On Mic > Sony MZR90 MD > CDR > EAC (Secure Mode, Offsets Corrected) > FLAC (Level 8, Sector Boundaries Aligned)
Swingin' Pig Records - In Memoriam

Disc 1

1. Testify 
2. So Excited 
3. Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) 
4. Pride And Joy 
5. Texas Flood 
6. Love Struck Baby 
7. Mary Had A Little Lamb 
8. Tin Pan Alley 
9. Little Wing 
10.Third Stone From The Sun 
12.Rude Mood 
13.Tell Me 
14.In The Open 

All shows are FM Radio shows and perfect quality. SBD A +++ !!!!
1. Say What 
2. Testify 
3. Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) 
4. The Things (That) I Used To Do 
5. Honey Bee 
6. Mary Had A Little Lamb 
7. Couldn't Stand The Weather 
8. Cold Shot 
9. Tin Pan Alley 

1. Love Struck Baby 
2. Tell Me 
3. Texas Flood 
4. Wham 
5. Stang's Swang 
6. Lenny 
7. Pride And Joy 
8. Rude Mood 
Sam Bush - Mandolin
Jerry Douglas - Dobro
Bela Fleck - Banjo
Edgar Meyer - Bass
Mark O'Connor - Violin


Set 1:
1-Another Morning
3-Future Man
4-Pink Flamingos
5-Duke Cookie
6-One Winter's Night
8-'Round About Midnight
9-Sailin' Shoes

Set 2:
1-Lochs of Dred
2-No Apologies
4-Blue Men of the Sahara
5-Emphysema Two Step

Source: MBHO 603's > DMic20 > DA-P1(@48) - Tapers section on the floor(DFC 3 Ft behind SBD).
Transfer: Dat Master > PCM-R300 > Digital Optical > Waveterminal U2A > Sound Forge 4.5 > CDWAV > mkwACT 0.97 > .shn
Recorded By: Matt Varady
Transferer: Brian Hormann(grout@gotglitter.com)

Disc 1
 Set 1: 
01. Stayin' Alive > 
02. Vacate
03. Breathe
04. Best Feeling > 
05. Fuel for the Road
06. Night Fever # > 
07. Alligator Alley
08. Franklin's Tower
09. Freeker by the Speaker > 
10. You Should Be Dancing 

Disc 2
 Set 2: 
01. Rhythm of the Road 
02. Black Clouds 
03. Up the Canyon
04. Galactic

Disc 3
01. Little Hands > 
02. Rollover* > 
03. Time Warp $

 Set 3: 
04. Land's End > 
05. "Countdown Ballon Drop" >
06. Miss Brown's Teahouse +
07. "Group Hoot" and Banter

Disc 4
01. Mouna Bowa
02. Shantytown* > 
03. Time > 
04. Breathe > Jam > 
05. Dudley's Kitchen
06. Dirk 
07. Crowd & Banter
08. Desert Dawn
09. Space Oddity > 
10. Restless Wind 

Entire first set with Keller Williams
# Keller Williams solo
$ with Keller Williams and Liza Oxnard on vocals 
* unfinished
+ Poping sounds are from Ballons.

First Time Played: Stayin' Alive (Bee Gees cover), You Should Be Dancing (Bee Gees cover), Time Warp (Richard O'Brien cover from the Rocky Horror Picture Show), Time (Pink Floyd cover), Breathe (Pink Floyd cover, first verse only), Space Oddity (David Bowie cover)
This show was lined up by a group of young German students of music education at Hanover University of music and drama. The concert - containing songs by Genesis, Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel - was a unique event. The band rehearsed just for this one special evening.

CD 1:

01 - Turn It On Again
02 - Lilywhite Lilith
03 - Old Medley
04 - Fading Lights
05 - In The Cage (Medley)
06 - Afterglow
07 - Separate Lives
08 - Digging In The Dirt
09 - Domino

CD 2:

01 - Throwing It All Away
02 - Mama
03 - I Can't Dance
04 - In Your Eyes
05 - Don't Give Up
06 - Take Me Home
07 - Father Son

All signals were captured on an Alesis HD24 harddisc recorder.
Note: This recording contains no additional overdubs!

If you would like to learn more about it, take a look at:
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SOURCE: KEXP UNCOMPRESSED (1411 kbps) WMA Stream  > CD Wave (@ 44.1kbps/16bit) > FLAC 

8 tracks, sorry no setlist, any help appreciated

This was lunchtime concert exclusively for KEXP Club members (i.e., people who donated a certain amount to the station during their pledge drive, I think)

Quality is superb, the KEXP uncompressed stream is true CD quality, better than FM.
Source: BBC FM broadcast > CD-R recorder (Pioneer 609)
Editing: Fade in / out and -2dB Nero noise reduction
Transfer >wav (Nero 7 with jitter reduction) > Flac Frontend (level 6)> flac
Quality: A Recording, FM hiss is audible in quiet passages

This was a broadcast by BBC Jazz on 3 from the Purcell Room, London. Little detail
is available, but it is a great early performance by this enigmatic group, one
continuous set in which I placed 4 episodic track markers, but these may have no
relation to actual titles.

Searching the web for set lists was fruitless, only a date entry in db.etree, but
other trade lists give this an A+

The night was particularly noisy one for FM hiss, which is audible in quiet passages,
so I broke my golden rule and applied just -2dB of Nero noise reduction, enough to
take the edge off the noise, but not affect sonics to any great extent so ... Enjoy! 

Ståle Storløkken - Keyboards 
Arve Henriksen - Trumpeter, electronics
Helge Sten - audio virus
Jarle Vespestad - drums, electronics

1 - 13:35
2 - 19:30
3 - 10:27
4 - 17:21

Total time = 60:53min

1. Date from Museum of Recordings and db.etree.org, BBC database not available
Quality:	VG FM, 8/10
Conversion:	Silver CD -> ? -> CDWave (split boot into individual tracks, removed commercials) -> FLAC -> FLAC Frontend 
		-> WAV -> CoolEdit2000 (removed diginoise, moved up CUE points) -> Nero -> CDR1 -> EAC -> FLAC Frontend 
		(level 7 encoding) -> FLAC

01. DJ Intro
02. Give A Little Bit
03. Bloody Well Right
04. Sister Moonshine
05. From Now On
06. Hide In Your Shell
07. Poor Boy
08. Dreamer
09. Fool's Overture

I downloaded this many moons ago, from either the Dime or EZT.  After much procrastination, I took the time to remove all 
the clicks that were present in the prior torrent.  To help identify the lineage of this torrent, here's what the previous 
seeder included in his info file:

"So, I've looked up in every online Supertramp and KBFH discography, and connot find that this has been officially released 
anywhere. I got this from Easytree a year or so ago, and it was from the original disc (= GOOD), but included all of the 
commercials and was not split into tracks (= BAD). So I used CD wave to cut into tracks and remove the commercials, and the 
result is 51 minutes of the boys on their 'Even In The Quietest Moments' tour. A few rarer tracks ('Sister Moonshine' and 
'Poor Boy'), and all of the tracks sound great. Do not have the venue or date--if any one has this info, please chime in."

Basically, someone had put up the concert as one large file with no track breaks.  This guy then splits them up, removes the 
ads, and torrents that.  In the message thread, someone came up with the date and venue, so I include that info here.  For 
my part, as mentioned, clicks were taken out.  Whether they were present on the master, or added through a poor digital 
extraction, I am not positive.  I tend to think they were digital related.

For the first time on any boot I uploaded, I don't have any artwork for this.  Didn't have the time or energy to make it.  
If someone would be so kind as to make a half decent set, and upload it to the thread, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks to all the people who have uploaded Supertramp and Hodgson torrents here on the Dime.  Let's try and get diginoise-
free boots out there.
Disc #1 46:21
1. 4:43 Crazy
2. 5:47 Ain't Nobody But Me
3. 2:40 Breakfast In America
4. 5:59 Bloody Well Right
5. 4:05 It's Raining Again
6. 4:39 Put On Your Old Brown Shoes
7. 6:47 Hide In Your Shell
8. 7:30 Waiting So Long
9. 4:11 Give A Little Bit

Disc #2  51:25
1. 7:08 From Now On
2. 3:44 The Logical Song
3. 6:10 Goodbye Stranger
4. 3:31 Dreamer
5. 7:10 Rudy
6. 11:12 Fool's Overture
7. 5:27 School
8. 7:03 Crime Of The Century
1. A.I.R.
2. Since Feeling Is First
3. Ida Lupino
4. Vashkar
5. Mane Na
6. Sing Me Softly of the Blues
7. As You July Me
8. Tarana
9. skies may be blue; yes
10. Maggie and Milly and Molly and May
Disc #1

   1. Lucy Leave, 10/65, acetate
   2. King Bee, 10/65, acetate
   3. Interstellar Overdrive, 10/31/66, demo
   4. Mike Leonard interview w/Floyd beneath, 12/17/67
   5. Interstellar Overdrive, (Love In London Soundtrack), edit/mix used in film, 1/12/67
   6. Nick's Boogie (Love In London Soundtrack), 1/12/67, stereo enhanced
   7. Interstellar Overdrive, (Love In London Soundtrack), LP edit, 1/12/67
   8. Matilda Mother, Live at UFO, 1/20/67, TV w/voiceover
   9. Interstellar Overdrive, Live at UFO, TV (McCartney interview afterward)
  10. Let's Roll Another One, 1/22/67, rehearsal
  11. Instrumental, 1/22/67, rehearsal
  12. Arnold Layne, 1/28/67, acetate
  13. Candy And A Currant Bun, 1/28/67, acetate
  14. Interstellar Overdrive, 2/27/67, French "Arnold Layne" EP mix
  15. Row R Toc H and commentary, 5/14/67, BBC TV
  16. Astronomy Domine, 5/14/67, BBC TV
  17. See Emily Play, 5/23/67, stereo enhanced 


Disc #2

   1. Arnold Layne, 2/27/67?, stereo enhanced
   2. Candy And A Currant Bun, 2/27/67?, stereo enhanced
   3. Remember A Day, 5/9/67, mono
   4. See Emily Play, 5/21/67, acetate, alt. ending
   5. Flaming, 6/29/67, mono single mix
   6. Instrumental (aka Beechwoods), 9/4/67?
   7. Set The Controls... concl. 8/7/67 (Syd's part)
   8. Scream Thy Last Scream, 8/7/67, Peter Jenner 1974 mix
   9. Scream coda ("Dark Side Of The Moo" boot, dubious authenticity)
  10. Vegetable Man, 10/67, Peter Jenner 1974 mix
  11. Flaming, 9/25/67 BBC
  12. Scarecrow, 9/25/67 BBC
  13. The Gnome, 9/25/67 BBC
  14. Matilda Mother, 9/25/67 BBC
  15. Reaction In G, 9/25/67 BBC
  16. Set The Controls, 9/25/67 BBC
  17. Jugband Blues, 10/24/67, mono
  18. Scream Thy Last Scream, 8/7/67, Malcolm Jones 1987 mix
  19. Vegetable Man, 10/67, Malcolm Jones 1987 mix
  20. Apples And Oranges, 11/15/67, stereo, "Masters of Rock" LP
  21. Paint Box, 11/12/67, stereo
  22. Vegetable Man, 12/20/67, BBC (80s rebroadcast, proc. from 1st gen)
  23. Pow R Toc H, 12/20/67, BBC (80s rebroadcast, proc. from 1st gen)
  24. Scream Thy Last Scream, 12/20/67, BBC (80s rebroadcast, proc. from 1st gen)
  25. Jugband Blues, 12/20/67, BBC (80s rebroadcast, proc. from 1st gen)
  26. Julia Dream, 2/13/68, "Masters of Rock" LP mix (echoed vocals, louder backing track), stereo enhanced
  27. It Would Be So Nice, 3/21/68 stereo enhanced
  28. Julia Dream, 2/13/68, stereo< 


Disc #3  (length -- 78:23)

      Star Club, Copenhagen, 9/13/67, clone of 1st gen audience tape

   1. Reaction In G  06:19
   2. Arnold Layne  03:15
   3. One In A Million  06:03
   4. Matilda Mother  06:03
   5. Scream Thy Last Scream  05:21
   6. Astronomy Domine  07:29

      Hippy Happy Fair, Oude Ahoy, Rotterdam, 11/13/67, clone of 1st gen audience tape

   7. Reaction In G  04:12
   8. Pow R Toc H  11:37
   9. Scream Thy Last Scream  04:44
  10. Set The Controls  09:02
  11. Interstellar Overdrive  14:21 


Disc #4  (length -- 77:02)

   1. In The Beechwoods backing track 1967 (1st gen from 3/69 Mason interview, digitally enhanced) 04:49
   2. Vegetable Man 1967 mix (1st gen from 3/69 Mason interview, digitally enhanced) 02:35
   3. Vegetable Man 1967 rehearsal (1st gen from 3/69 Mason interview, digitally enhanced) 02:47
   4. Silas Lang backing track 5/6/68 02:52
   5. Lanky, Part II (aka Rhamadan) 5/14/68 01:37
   6. Golden Hair instrumental, 1988 Gareth Cousins mix 5/28/68 01:58
   7. Swan Lee backing track, Malcolm Jones alt mix 6/8/68 00:56
   8. Swan Lee backing track 6/20/68 02:44
   9. Clowns and Jugglers take I, alt mix w/studio chat 7/20/68 02:46
  10. Swan Lee fragment, with vocal 4/10/69 00:45
  11. Opel studio chatter 4/11/69 00:27
  12. Love You take II 4/11/69 01:21
  13. Clowns and Jugglers take II, keyboard mix 5/3/69 01:35
  14. Long Gone take II 7/26/69 01:50
  15. Dark Globe choral version 7/27/69 Jenner 1974 echo mix 02:59
  16. Dark Globe choral version 7/27/69 Jones 1987 clean mix 02:58
  17. Maisie take I, false start 2/26/70 00:24
  18. Maisie take II, alt mix, extra vocals 2/26/70 03:00
  19. Rats take I, false start w/studio chatter 6/5/70 01:08
  20. Wined and Dined takes I & II edit w/studio chatter 6/5/70 01:40
  21. Terrapin (Olympia, London, processed from 1st gen) 6/6/70 04:09
  22. Gigolo Aunt (Olympia, London, processed from 1st gen) 6/6/70 05:19
  23. Effervescing Elephant (Olympia, London, processed from 1st gen) 6/6/70 01:17
  24. Octopus (Olympia, London, processed from 1st gen) 6/6/70 05:13
  25. Baby Lemonade (BBC) 2/16/71 02:15
  26. Dominoes (BBC) 2/16/71 02:51
  27. Love Song (BBC) 2/16/71 01:29
  28. "Boogie" 8/13/74 01:32
  29. If You Go, Don't Be Slow 8/13/74 02:34
  30. "Ballad incomplete" 8/13/74 00:24
  31. fragment 8/13/74 00:05
  32. "Slow Boogie" 8/12/74 02:59
  33. John Lee Hooker 8/12/74 03:53
  34. "Fast Boogie" 8/12/74 01:21
  35. "Boogie #2 (More Echo)" from Darryl Read EP 8/13/74 00:20
  36. Was That OK? 8/74 00:04 


Disc #5

   1. "Sound Opinions," WXRT-FM, Chicago January 3, 2001 Length: 78:52 (condensed from a 2-hour program)
   2. Radio show / discussion devoted to Syd Barrett: A retrospective of his career, tracing his influence on Pink Floyd through all eras of the band's history. To our knowledge, the first-ever radio program -- on commercial American airwaves, anyway -- devoted solely to Syd (and Pink Floyd in relation to Syd).
   3. Hosted by Jim DeRogatis (author of "Kaleidoscope Eyes," the definitive history of psychedelic rock from 1960s through 1990s, and "Let It Blurt," pioneering biography of Lester Bangs), and Greg Kot. Includes previously-unheard interviews with Gilmour and Mason. 


Disc #6 - Interviews + Miscellaneous tracks (length -- 79:54)

   1. Pink Floyd interview w/Interstellar Overdrive (CBC) 1/67 10:35
   2. Barrett/Waters interviewed by Hans Keller (BBC-TV) 5/14/67 03:43
   3. Syd, unknown studio chatter 1970? 00:06
   4. Waters interview, Stockholm (Tonarkvall P3) 9/10/67 02:56
   5. John Peel, Waters, Jenner interviews (1970s FM) 04:02
   6. Jenner interview, one channel of Piper underneath (1970s FM) 06:08
   7. Jenner, Mason, Gilmour interviews (1970s FM) 06:29
   8. Pink Floyd interview Blackpool, UK 03/21/69 04:58
   9. Pink Floyd interview NYC 09/28/70 05:57
  10. Waters interviews Roger The Hat (for "Dark Side" background voices) 1972 07:36
  11. Paul Breen interview (BBC) 10/27/88 05:18
  12. Octopus rough mix (Malcolm Jones fragment) 6/13/69 00:25
  13. ytpmE sescapS (hidden msg on "The Wall") 1979 00:20
  14. eeL nawS (excerpt) 6/8/68 00:31
  15. seonimoD (solo as Syd played it) 7/14/70 03:35
  16. Terrapin (London 6/6/70, faster tape) 03:42
  17. Gigolo Aunt (London 6/6/70, faster tape) 04:47
  18. Effervescing Elephant (London 6/6/70, faster tape) 01:20
  19. Octopus (London 6/6/70, faster tape) 04:53
  20. sampling loop #1 ("One In A Million") 00:06
  21. sampling loop #2 ("Pow R Toc H") 00:36
  22. sampling loop #3 ("King Bee") 00:04
  23. Scream Thy Last Scream excerpt (chipmunk voices at 16rpm) 01:21
  24. My Little Red Book (Love, 1966) the riff that inspired Int Overdrive 00:15 


Disc #7 Interviews (length -- 76:57)

   1. Nick Mason interview (1995) for the book, "Kaleidoscope Eyes" 47:51
   2. David Gilmour interview (1991) promoting the "Shine On" box set 27:32
   3. Nick Mason interview (1986) excerpt 01:31 


Disc #8 "Esoterica" (length -- 79:24)

   1. Corporal Clegg (Belgian vid mix, 31Jan68) 2:53
   2. Paintbox (Belgian vid mix) 3:29
   3. Set the Controls (Belgian vid mix) 4:53
   4. It Would Be So Nice (promo single edit, 21Mar68) 3:15
   5. Julia Dream (echo mix, 13Feb68) 2:32
   6. Let There Be More Light (promo single edit, mono) 3:01
   7. Remember A Day (promo single edit, mono) 2:42
   8. Vegetable Man (mono mix, 11Oct67?) 2:32
   9. It Would Be So Nice (stereo enhanced) 3:41
  10. Relics LP, radio ad #1 1:03
  11. Relics LP, radio ad #2 1:03
  12. No Man's Land (spoken, semi-audible) 17Apr69 1:06
  13. Octopus (Malcom Jones fragment, 13Jun69) 0:25
  14. Octopus (Left channel mix, unplugged version) 3:45
  15. Love You (Right channel mix, with synth) 2:28
  16. Rats (Right channel mix, more guitar) 2:57
  17. Gigolo Aunt (Left channel mix, more guitar) 5:47
  18. Wined And Dined (Left channel mix, unplugged) 2:59
  19. Wolfpack (Right channel mix, more guitar) 3:45
  20. Let's Split (edit, minus the "mistakes", 14Jul70) 1:37
  21. soesimoD (the solo as Syd played it, 14Jul70) 3:35
  22. eltiT oN (04Sep67) 1:17
  23. eeL nawS (Malcolm Jones fragment, 08Jun68) 0:32
  24. secapS ytpmE (The Wall secret message, 1979) 0:21
  25. My Little Red Book riff (Love, 1966 -- inspired IO) 0:15
  26. Steptoe & Son/Old Ned (TV theme, also inspired IO) 2:29
  27. Interstellar Overdrive ("Love In London" edit/mix, 12Jan67) 9:43
  28. Scream Thy Last @ 16rpm (chipmunks become Syd) 1:21
  29. AMMusic - Later During A Flaming Riviera Sunset (edit, AMM Jun66) 3:56 


Disc #9 "Distorted View" (length -- 77:48)

Syd / Pink Floyd OOPS (Out Of Phase Stereo) Mixes-

These are fan-created remixes. These are NOT session outtakes. OOPS is a process by which a home user can remix a stereo track, thus revealing musical details that were less evident in the commercial mix. Depending on how the original track was put together, the differences may be subtle or dramatic, varying from song to song and in different parts of the song.

To better understand the OOPS effect, go here:
a href=http://www.beatletracks.com/btoops.html

and then here:

This CD consists of nearly every available stereo Pink Floyd track Syd is either on or ever been rumored to be on. (We left off "See Saw" and "Jugband Blues" because there were volume jumps and and other oddities that wouldn't hold up to repeated listening.)

   1. Astronomy Domine 4:12
   2. Lucifer Sam 3:07
   3. Matilda Mother 3:08
   4. Flaming 2:46
   5. Pow R Toc H 4:26
   6. Take Up Thy Stethoscope and Walk 3:07
   7. Interstellar Overdrive 9:42
   8. The Gnome 2:13
   9. Chapter 24 3:42
  10. Scarecrow 2:11
  11. Bike 3:22
  12. Scream Thy Last Scream (1974 mix) 4:41
  13. Vegetable Man (1974 mix) 2:31
  14. Paint Box 3:29
  15. No Title (04Sept67) 1:36
  16. Apples and Oranges 3:06
  17. Remember A Day 4:33
  18. Set The Controls 5:28
  19. Corporal Clegg 4:13
  20. Scarecrow (Left channel, not OOPS) 2:08
  21. Astronomy Domine (Left channel, not OOPS) 4:05 


Disc #10 "OOPS I Did It Again." (length -- 79:36)

This is the best of the Barrett solo material, as rendered into out-of-phase stereo.

More tracks could be included, but the OOPS process didn't always yield a particularly interesting mix, and considerations of space won out.

It goes without saying that acoustic songs could not be used. With nothing to work with beyond a guitar and a vocal, OOPS is beside the point. By necessity, this disc features Syd with a band, or at least some overdubs.

(CDs 9-10 feature a few single-channel mixes left over from CD8, noted as such. These are not OOPS mixes, but feature one channel of the original panned to stereo. A few of these tracks are good enough to stand alone as such, and so we present them this way.)

Every OOPS and mono track in HYGIY 8-10 has been rendered as a dual-signal expansion: one channel is a mirror image of the other. For the listener, this means a richer soundfield and a more natural ambience than could be expected from pure mono, yet without any obvious attempt at a stereo result from a mono source.

   1. Late Night, take 2 (slide guitar) 3:14
   2. Swan Lee (backing track) 2:44
   3. Golden Hair, take 5 2:18
   4. Clowns And Jugglers 3:28
   5. No Good Trying 3:26
   6. Love You 2:30
   7. No Man's Land 3:03
   8. Dark Globe (choral version) 2:58
   9. Here I Go 3:12
  10. Octopus 3:48
  11. Golden Hair 2:00
  12. Late Night 3:11
  13. Swan Lee 3:14
  14. Rats (Left Channel, not OOPS) 2:57
  15. Gigolo Aunt, take 9 3:48
  16. Baby Lemonade 4:12
  17. Dominoes 4:10
  18. It Is Obvious 3:00
  19. Rats 3:02
  20. Maisie, alt mix 3:00
  21. Gigolo Aunt 5:48
  22. Wind And Dined 2:59
  23. Wolfpack 3:41
  24. Effervescing Elephant 1:55
  25. Golden Hair (instrumental) 1:56 

Disc #11 - Photo CDRom
This is a CDRom that you can browse from home on your PC as if yuou were on the internet but dont need to be connected to the net! It features many galleries of Syd Barrett photos for your enjoyment.


Disc #12 Omnibus - Crazy Diamond - VCD
This VCD tells the story of early Pink Floyd and Syd Barrett. Well worth having in your collection.


Disc #13 VH1 - Crazy Diamond - VCD
This VCD is similar to the one above but there is extra footage like the American Bandstand performance as well as additional editing of the programme. Well worth having the two of them.


Disc #14 - Pink Floyd - The Story (1994) - VCD This VCD is similar to the one above but there is extra footage like the American Bandstand performance as well as additional editing of the programme. Well worth having the two of them.


Disc #15 - Let's Try It Another Way

   1. Astronomy DomineJohn McKeag
   2. Arnold LayneMark Zampino
   3. Effervescing ElephantSwedish Whistler
   4. Candy & a Currant BunFull Dimensional
   5. Interstellar Vegetable ManDinar Bandosu
   6. Mathilda MotherTony Favazza
   7. FlamingKeith Jordan
   8. RatsJohn Cavanagh
   9. Baby LemonadePitt Reeves
  10. Wined and DinedVertigo Poets
  11. Dark GlobeCartensis
  12. One In A MillionTony Fitzgerald
  13. Gigola Aunt (Live)La Marque Jaune
  14. Golden HairJeremy Winkie
  15. Long GoneThe Cosmic Cult of Damien Youth
  16. No Man's LandST37
  17. Word SongVortis
  18. Long Dark ScarecrowRectoplasm
  19. OpelLuciano Chessa
  20. TerrapinAlan Bishop 


Disc #16 - VCD

   1. Syd.s First Trip 1966 11:02
   2. San Francisco movie featuring unique 10/66 Interstellar Overdrive soundtrack 15:53
   3. Scene Special - It's So Far Out It's Straight Down with unique early version of Matilda Mother soundtrack & 1/27/67 Interstellar Overdrive from UFO) 29:41
   4. History of Rock excerpts - merged US and BBC versions 4:10
   5. Peter Whitehead Interview 3:49
   6. Mike Leonard - 3/21/68 Pathe newsreel 2:42
   7. Scarecrow outtakes (silent) 3:24
   8. Nick Mason interview (1995) for the book, "Kaleidoscope Eyes" 47:51 


Disc #17 VCD

   1. Interstellar Overdrive & Nick's Boogie from Tonight Lets All Make Love In London Laserdisc 29:49
   2. Arnold Lane promo 2:49
   3. Look of the Week 9:42
   4. Scarecrow promo 2:09
   5. Apples and Oranges with brief interview - American Bandstand 3:24
   6. Tomorrow's World (excerpt) from 12/67 1:52
   7. Jugband Blues promo 3:09
   8. Christmas On Earth Continued 12/22/67 from Joe Cocker promo film (silent) 0:36
   9. Syd Barrett - Lost in the Woods - 1969 home video 1:32
  10. Shine On excerpt - Dave & Rick talk about Syd 1:07
  11. Syd Barrett - Day So Dark So Warm - stalker video 12:48 


Disc #18 MP3 CDRom
Syd / Pink Floyd OOPS (Out Of Phase Stereo) Mixes-

-random notes-
It's damn near impossible to assemble the definitive comp of Syd covers, so we didn't try. What we have here is a wide selection of faves and obscuros for every taste. We have the Okey-Pokey Band (first Syd cover EVER) ripping through "See Emily Play" and we have Three To One ripping off the Okey-Pokey band years later. We have a half- accidental live cover from Tangerine Dream. We have Area Code emptying out a half-empty Buffalo dive with "Astronomy Domine." There's a cover of "Echoes," included because... well, they covered *Echoes*...! (There were *two* covers of "Echoes" to choose from, in fact. Count your blessings.) You'll appreciate some, you'll hate some, you'll ignore a lot of them.

Fine. This is the do-it-yourself volume of HYGIY. Take what you like, load it onto your MP3 player, burn your own CD, whatever. Most songs are by Syd. Others are about him. Others are early Floyd. We're not fussy; this is Casual Day.

Here are comments on a few of the songs, when we could think of something to say. More notes can be found in individual folders elsewhere on the disc. Enjoy.

This California band somehow considered Roger Waters to be a kindred spirit; they opened their 1985 album "Panic Station" with this excellent cover of "Point Me At The Sky." Features Arthur Barrow (ex-Zappa) on keyboards. No obvious Syd connection but a fine cover nonetheless.

An early-1980s "real music" band from Buffalo, NY, playing "Astronomy Domine" at the now-defunct McVan's on 4/20/81. McVan's had been the first rock club in the city, premiering such diverse talents as Little Richard, Foreigner (as Black Sheep), Hendrix (pre-Experience), Frank Sinatra, John Cale, the B-52s. At this point it was a punk dive on the skids. This is the last known instance of "Astronomy Domine" being played there.

This isn't quite on the level of Pat Boone covering Little Richard, but only because Syd saw a lot of money from it, enabling him to move to London's fabulous Chelsea Cloisters. I'm glad this exists, and it's too historic to omit, but the track hasn't aged very well. It appeared on "Pinups," Bowie's oldies-remake album of 1973.

It turns out Marianne is old friends with Roger Waters of all people. In 1999, she finally got around to asking if he'd care to donate a song to her new album. He eventually came up with "Incarceration Of A Flower Child," supposedly written in 1968 and his first-ever song about Syd. Both the music and the lyrics suggest he revised it afterward. Rewriting songs about Syd is something of a hobby with him. ;)

America's premier psychedelic band (on a major label anyway), they've been playing the occasional Syd cover for years. The earliest we're aware of is their rendition of "Opel" from 1994. It had been intended for this collection, but they stretch out the coda for eight minutes... that's great if you're already a fan, but it wouldn't win them any new ones. Here they are doing "Lucifer Sam." All well and good, but what you really want is to run out and buy one of their albums. Any album from 1993 onward will do. Go ahead: buy a Flaming Lips album. All things will be revealed unto you. We'll wait right here until you get back.

>From the 1973 "As He Stands" album, this is another of those no-Syd-but-oh-well. Geesin didn't rate Syd at all but he thought highly of Waters, enough to record "To Roger Waters, Wherever You Are." It was too much fun to leave out, so here 'tis.

I can't even remember where this came from. I believe somebody emailed it to me, but it was some time ago. Another fine version of "Lucifer Sam," more laid-back than many (semi- acoustic), but retaining that "Secret Agent Man" feel. He has a track on HYGIY15 as well.

This is the singer from Soft Cell. His "Terrapin" imagines it's Burt Bacharach on Mars. Surprisingly it works--for maybe four minutes. This goes on for 4:18.

>From "Neil's Heavy Concept Album," this version of "The Gnome" is everything one could hope for after having read the liner notes. (I could never get through them, but dig those horns!)

Their "Flower Power" album was the sort of thing you'd see in the bargain bin for $1.99 in the drugstore. A concept album: anonymous session musicians recreate recent chart hits. The liner notes go out of their way to reassure us there really is a place for this sort of album. (Would YOU buy an album whose liner notes are half-apologetic about its very existence?) All kidding aside, it's reasonably well done. This sort of LP would do quite well in countries like Paraguay, where kids couldn't tell the difference. However, this was aimed at the American market, which makes "Emily" a curious selection. (Whoever compiled it may have been connected with Tower Records on some level?) It's notable for being THE very first known cover of a Syd or Pink Floyd song. All the tunes on the LP charted in mid-1967, so this would have been produced a month or two after that.

The problem with assembling a comp like this is that everybody does "Lucifer Sam." Even so, nobody does it like Shockabilly. Nobody ever will. Recorded in 1984, now it belongs to the ages.

"Monolight" (conclusion), from the LP "Encore." Live in North America, March/April 1977. The piece takes up an LP side, and this is the end--after the usual festivites, a piano takes up the main four-chord theme of "Celestial Voices." The band picks it up from there, for a pleasant two or three minutes. They don't get any further than those four chords, but we could count it as a cover version nonetheless. Homage. The liner notes to their first LP ("Electronic Meditation," 1969) mention "Saucerful Of Secrets" as an influence.

What's this??? We thought nobody else even *knew* about the Okey-Pokey Band. We were wrong. Three To One not only copped the same crappy album, they stole... errr, they sampled? they appropriated the Okey-Pokey version of "See Emily Play" and made it their own. (Just barely.)

   1. HYGIY 18 contents:
   2. 360s - Long Gone
   3. Acid Casualties - Point Me At The Sky
   4. Architectural Metaphor - Echoes
   5. Area Code - Astronomy Domine (4/20 1981 McVan's, Buffalo NY)
   6. At The Drive-in - Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk
   7. Awaken - Left Alone (Ballad Of Syd Barrett)
   8. Kevin Ayers - Oh! Wot A Dream
   9. David Bowie - See Emily Play (1973)
  10. Chandeen - Apples and Oranges
  11. Changelings - See Emily Play
  12. Cleaners From Venus - Song For Syd Barrett (1984)
  13. Damned - Arnold Layne
  14. Doglegs & Feet - Effervescing Elephant
  15. Eden - Jugband Blues
  16. Electric Hellfire Club - Lucifer Sam
  17. Elevator Through - No Good Trying
  18. Marianne Faithfull - Incarceration of a Flower Child (1968 Waters song about Syd)
  19. Faraday Cage - Set The Controls/Storm
  20. Matthew Fischer - Octopus
  21. Flaming Lips - Lucifer Sam (London 22Jan03)
  22. John Frusciante - Jugband Blues (live Paradiso)
  23. Ron Geesin - To Roger Waters Wherever You Are
  24. Grapes Of Wrath - See Emily Play
  25. Half Japanese - Candy and a Currant Bun
  26. The Iditarod + Drekka, Ring & Peter Scion - Julia Dream
  27. In the Woods - If it's in You
  28. LaMarque Jaune - Lucifer Sam
  29. Jeff the Hobo - Feel
  30. Jesus and Mary Chain - Vegetable Man
  31. Lightning Seeds - Lucifer Sam
  32. Livid - Love Song
  33. Los Planetas - Baby Lemonade
  34. Lost & Profound - Dark Globe
  35. Love & Rockets - Lucifer Sam
  36. Mandra Gora Lightshow Society - Point Me At the Sky
  37. Marc & the Mambas - Terrapin
  38. Mike McInnis - Effervescing Elephant
  39. Melting Euphoria - Point Me At The Sky
  40. Melvins - Interstellar Overdrive
  41. Minimal Compact - Late Night
  42. Moonboy - Matilda Mother
  43. Neil the Hippie - The Gnome
  44. Okey-Pokey Band - See Emily Play (1st Syd cover version, 1967)
  45. Pearl Jam - Interstellar Overdrive
  46. Peter Principle - No Man's Land
  47. Placebo - Dark Globe
  48. Primal Scream - Vanishing Point - Burning Wheel
  49. Quasimojo - Late Night
  50. Replicants - No Good Trying
  51. Ritalin - Scarecrow
  52. Shockabilly - Lucifer Sam (1984)
  53. Skullflower - Golden Hair
  54. Slowdive - Golden Hair
  55. Smashing Pumpkins - Terrapin
  56. Smell of Incense - (Smell Of) Interstellar Overdrive
  57. Soundgarden - Dark Globe
  58. Sprout & The Orange - Set The Controls
  59. St.Hubbins - 9 Miles High - Light Globe (Syd tribute)
  60. Tangerine Dream - Monolight, concl - live Spr77 (Celestial Voices)
  61. This Mortal Coil - Late Night
  62. Three To One - See Emily Play
  63. Wellwater Conspiracy - Lucy Leave
  64. Widespread Panic - Astronomy Domine Jam (incomplete)
  65. Wondermints - Arnold Layne
  66. Worms - A Tribute to Syd

  67. Interstellar Overdrive (1986)
  68. Interstellar Overdrive (1986 outtake)
  69. Interstellar Overdrive--> Porpoise Mouth (Davis, CA 10Jun87)

  70. Dominoes - 18Jan02
  71. Terrapin - 22Jun01

  72. Let's Split
  73. Let's Split (live Austin 1992)

  74. Love You (unknown show)
  75. Love You (10May91 3rd gen sbrd)

  76. A Star Too Far (A Lullaby for Syd Barrett)
  77. A Star Too Far (1994, Space Daze compilation)
  78. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

  79. Dark Globe
  80. Dark Globe (live in Italy)

  81. Nile Song
  82. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

  83. Astronomy Domine (Mar80 London "Two Halves")
  84. Vegetable Man (Maxwell's, Hoboken NJ, 06Sep80)
  85. Astronomy Domine (Maxwell's, Hoboken NJ, 06Sep80)
  86. Gigolo Aunt (live 1980)
  87. Vegetable Man (studio)

  88. 1974
  89. Arnold Layne
  90. Chapter 24 (live)
  91. Dark Globe (live)
  92. Dominoes 1
  93. Dominoes 2
  94. Long Gone
  95. Surgery
  96. The Man Who Invented Himself (1981 mix with horns)
  97. Wolfpack

  98. Interstellar Overdrive
  99. Interstellar Overdrive (Boulder, CO 30Jul95)

 100. Bike (live)
 101. I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives (live)
 102. I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives (original)
 103. I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives
 104. Matilda Mother (live)
 105. Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun

 106. Lucifer Sam
 107. Afterinbetweentime (fanclub flexidisc, first release as 3 O'Clock)

      TRUE WEST:
 108. Lucifer Sam
 109. maS reficuL (rare 1983 single, 500 made)

 110. Psychedelic Punkaroo
 111. Psychedelic Punkaroo (live w/Plasticland, 22Oct88 Chicago)
 112. You Reached For The Stars

 113. Astronomy Domine
 114. Astronomy Domine (Stockholm 14Oct99)
 115. The Nile Song 


Disc #19 Apocrypha (length -- 79:51)

Most of these are credited to Syd or Pink Floyd, although if they were REALLY Syd or PF they wouldn't be here. Common sense dictated it was easier to list them as you see them than to put quotation marks around every other word. When in doubt, consult the Liner Notes--SHN copies of this disc come with nine pages of twisted tales, explanations and debunkings.

   1. Twink - Enter The Diamonds 2:05
   2. Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine Demo 4:03
   3. Sun Ra, Keith Moon & Syd - Stonehenge '69 Solstice Jam 4:42
   4. The Beatles - The Candle Burns (Peace Of Mind) 3:13
   5. Syd Barrett - Susan's Lungs 0:49
   6. The Beatles - Pink Litmus Paper Shirt 0:39
   7. Pink Floyd - Julia Dream Demo 3:04
   8. Syd Barrett - Interstellar Overdrive Demo 6:24
   9. Syd Barrett - Bob Dylan's Blues Demo 2:00
  10. Syd w/The Beatles - What's The New Mary Jane 3:13
  11. Syd Barrett - Milky Way (alternate mix) 3:04
  12. Syd Barrett - Cinnamon Toast 3:41
  13. Pink Floyd - See Emily Play (Top of the Pops 7/67) 2:45
  14. Pink Floyd - Piggy Back Demo (edit) 2:38
  15. Syd Barrett - Chooka Chooka Chug Chug 0:35
  16. Syd w/Kevin Ayers - "Oh Is That...Is That Ummmm" 0:13
  17. Syd w/Soft Machine - Esther's Nose Job edit (live 3Feb70) 5:35
  18. Pink Floyd - Scream Thy Last Scream, mono mix 6:02
  19. Pink Floyd - Vegetable Man, mono mix 2:36
  20. Syd Barrett - Last Ever Recording Session 1975 1:10
  21. Pink Floyd - Take Up Thy Stethoscope Demo 3:00
  22. Pink Floyd - Stanley The Simpleton 1:12
  23. Syd w/Steve Took - Molecular Lucky Charm (edit) 5:30
  24. Syd w/Steve Took - Syd's Wine (edit) 4:30
  25. Pink Floyd w/Hawkwind (BBC) - Heckty Skies (edit) 7:06 

Video Disc #3

   1. Astronomy Domine promo - Belgium TV 2/18-19/68 4:11
   2. Scarecrow, Corporal Clegg, Paintbox, Set The Controls - Belgium TV 2/18-19/68 13:01
   3. See Emily Play - Belgium TV 2/18-19/68 2:46
   4. Astronomy Domine - Bouton Rouge, French TV 2/24/68 2:30
   5. Flaming - Bouton Rouge, French TV 2/24/68 2:47
   6. Set The Controls - Bouton Rouge, French TV 2/24/68 0:34
   7. Apples & Oranges promo 2:58
   8. It Would Be So Nice promo 1:03
   9. Set The Controls from All My Loving movie 1968 3:25
  10. Let There Be More Light & Flaming 11/26/68 ORTF French TV 7:07
  11. Let There Be More Light promo 1:52
  12. Point Me At the Sky promo 3:02
  13. Set the Controls 1968 - Roger comments 0:34
  14. Sysphus promo 1:02
  15. Set the Controls & Saucerful of Secrets - Kralingen Pop Fest 6/28/70 10:19
  16. Saucerful of Secrets - Le Ballet de Marseille - French TV 1971 1:20
  17. Careful with that Axe Eugene & Saucerful of Secrets with Ballerinas - Soiree French TV broadcast 1/2/71 0:35
  18. Careful With That Axe - Sydney TV 1971 2:15
  19. Interview & Set the Controls promo - GTK ABC 8/15/71 6:06 320 One of these Days promo 5/4/73 3:30 


Video Disc #4

   1. Atom Heart Mother - early July? 1971 Japan 15:17
   2. Careful with that Axe Eugene - Earl's Court 5/18/73 7:48
   3. Breathe - Earl's Court 5/18/73 2:17
   4. Set The Controls - Earl's Court 5/18/73 9:03
   5. Roland Petit - Dans Pink Floyd Ballet - 1/13-14/73 38:10 
Talk Talk, Dum Dum Girl, Life's What You Make It, Mirror Man -> Does Caroline Know, Chameleon Day -> Living In Another World, It's You (Give It Up), It's My Life. Encores: I Don't Believe in You, Such A Shame. 

Notes from the source files:
Mark Hollis: Vocals
Paul Webb: Bass & Vocals
Lee Harris: Drums
David Rhodes: Guitar & Vocals
Danny Cunmmings: Percussion
Phil Reis: Percussion
Ian Curnow: Keyboards
Rupert Black: Piano
Mark Feltham: Harmonica

This is not the official release from the same venue and tour, it has different tracks,
and I also have compared the tracks which are duplicated, they are definitely different versions.
It does not appear to be the same as the other Hammersmith 1986 show either, which I torrented a couple of months ago.

I have seen two dates listed as Hammersmith 1986 shows, but have no more information on if they did more performances,
or which ones were recorded, broadcast, or formed the official release.

FM broadcast > cassette tape > CDR > trade x? > EAC used to extract the .wav files > Soundforge (tracks 1 & 8 only)

When this was transferred to CD the record levels were slightly too high, so the peaks do clip a little,
but not so that the recoding is marred by this. The definition in the levels suggests that the original tape
recording was done with the record levels set correctly.

I have done some repair work to track 8 which had a tape flip in the end section. A couple of bars from the other
Hammersmith 1986 recording I have are spliced in. When the recording started again, it was initially in one track
only, and the levels started to distort for a second, then another gap.

I have kept all of the original recording, and done my best to equal out the levels and sound. It sounds as though
the tape may have been a bit worn at the start.

The source was so distorted, or changed in sound quality so much that a clean, unnoticeable patch could not be achieved,
but since this was in the harmonica solo, I wanted to keep as much of the performance true to that nights performance,
rather than dub in a clean section, but with a different performance.

I have also included the unedited version of this track, in case you wish to use that instead.

I have tidied out a short half word from the start of track 1, ' ...alk', and added a short fade in.
01 Take me to the river
02 tuning
03 No Compassion
04 tuning
05 Happy Day
06 I Feel it in My Head
07 Tentative Decisions
08 tuning
09 The Book I Read
10 tuning
11 Who Is It
12 tuning
13 Uh-oh, Love Comes to Town
14 tuning
15 Buildings on Fire
16 Psycho killer

Source:UHER CR134 w/AKG A200D microphone -> master cassette -> 
cdrw - EAC -> HD -> cooleditpro -> FLAC
(Known as "The Grape" tape, after the original taper...)
01. Artists Only 
02. Stay Hungry 
03. Cities 
04. Paper 
05. Mind 
06. Heaven 
07. Electric Guitar 
08. Air
09. New Feeling 
10. Love Goes to a Building on Fire 
11. Found a Job > 
12. Psycho Killer
13. crowd noise 
14. Life During Wartime
15. Take Me to the River

SBD problems towards the end of Artists Only. Show is complete, as far as I know.

Original extraction 04/20/2003. Archive disc recompressed to flac 2006-03-02.
source: SBD
transfer: CDR (from trade)>EAC>WAV>FLAC

Disc 1 (set 1) - total time  45:18

01. (05:11)  Psycho Killer
02. (04:09)  Heaven
03. (02:18)  Thank You For Sending Me An Angel
04. (03:20)  Building On Fire
05. (04:51)  Book I Read
06. (05:29)  Slippery People
07. (04:55)  Cities
08. (04:55)  Big Blue Plymouth (Eyes Wide Open)
09. (04:16)  Burning Down The House
10. (05:40)  Life During Wartime

Disc 2 (set 2) - total time  73:27

01. (05:50)  Making Flippy Floppy
02. (05:26)  Swamp
03. (06:20)  What A Day That Was
04. (05:27)  This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody)
05. (05:29)  Once In A Lifetime
06. (05:43)  Big Business >
07. (02:52)  I Zimbra
08. (06:46)  Houses In Motion
09. (07:40)  Genius Of Love (Tom Tom Club)
10. (06:08)  Girlfriend Is Better
11. (08:24)  Take Me To The River
12. (07:08)  Crosseyed And Painless
Lineage: Master cassette > cassette > HD
Encoding: CDWave > flac frontend > flac 
Taped by: a friend of a friend
Transfered by: Pantagruel 

File Size:  708 MB (FLAC)


Disc One [54:47]

01 [06:15] Psycho Killer
02 [04:07] Heaven
03 [02:21] Thank You For Sending Me An Angel
04 [03:17] Love-> Bldg On Fire
05 [04:44] The Book I Read
06 [05:04] Slippery People
07 [03:55] Cities
08 [04:16] Big Blue Plymouth
09 [04:04] Burning Down The House
10 [05:39] Life During Wartime
11 [05:55] Making Flippy Floppy
12 [05:10] Swamp

Disc Two [61:35]

01 [06:30] What A Day That Was
02 [05:16] This Must Be The Place
03 [06:00] Once In A Lifetime
04 [05:12] Big Business->
05 [03:19] I Zimbra
06 [06:39] Houses In Motion
07 [06:38] The Genius Of Love
08 [05:39] Girlfriend Is Better
09 [08:37] Take Me To The River
10 [07:45] Crosseyed And Painless


I don't know the details of how this was recorded, except to say that it was a relatively high-end portable cassette deck with hand-held external mics.  There are a couple of odd little flaws, but this is for the most part a pretty nice recording job.

Finally, this is simply one of the best concerts I've ever seen.  Hope you enjoy it.  Check out samples below.  Oh, and you may want to clear some space in front of your stereo for dancing.
01. Part One 16:36
02. Part Two 18:20
03. Oszillator Planet Concert (May 1971) 08:05

Essen Grugahalle composed and performed by Edgar Froese, Conrad Schnitzler, and Klaus Schulze. (The date and lineup for this performance is unconfirmed.)
Ossiach Austria composed and performed by Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, and Steve Schroyder.

Produced and released by the tadream discussion group (P) 2004
Essen 1968 (tracks 1 to 2) FM broadcast remastered by Whoopy Snorp.
Ossiach 1971 (track 3) taken from rare "Ossiach live" LP.
Cover by Maff.
Tangerine Leaves Set III

Disc 1:
01: Part One (42:16)

Performed by Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Steve Shroyder.
Produced and released by the tadream discussion list (P) 2005.
Fourth generation audience recording remastered by Whoopy Snorp.
Cover by Maff. Tangerine Leaves concept and coordination by Tangerinedreamer.
Converted to SHN by Leah Cim, using Exact Audio Copy and mkw Audio Compression Tool.
Produced by fans for fans - never sell or buy; trade freely.
Disc 1:
01. Klangwald 1 [37:22]
02. Klangwald 2 [40:40]

Performed by Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Peter Baumann.
Produced and released by the tadream discussion list (P) 2004.
Two tracks which were not broadcasted in the Nachtmusik im WDR show.
Remastered by (Side Effects) and Whoopy Snorp. Very special thanks to Filip V.
Cover by Maff. Tangerine Tree concept and coordination by Tangerinedreamer.
Converted to SHN by Leah Cim, using Exact Audio Copy and mkw Audio Compression Tool.
Produced by fans for fans - never sell or buy; trade freely.
Disc 1:
01: Part One (44:11)

Disc 2: 
01: Part Two (18:32)
02: Part Three (22:26)

Performed by Edgar Froese, Chris Franke and Peter Baumann.
Produced and released by the tadream discussion list (P) 2003.
Audience recording remastered by (Side Effects) at Studio Positivland.
Cover by Maff. Tangerine Leaves concept and coordination by Tangerinedreamer.
Converted to SHN by Leah Cim, using Exact Audio Copy and mkw Audio Compression Tool.
1. Saint Ouen 73, Part One	52:38
2. Saint Ouen 73, Part Two	41:00
Total running time	93:38

Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
1.	Sheffield 74 	44:02
Total running time	44:02
Recording date	October 29th, 1974
Recording site(s)	City Hall (Sheffield)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Tangerine Tree Volume 2: Sheffield 1974 presents the only good sounding audience recording from TD's first British 1974 tour. Still very experimental and calm, it is of interest for those who also like the non-sequenced music of Tangerine Dream.
In 2003, all material of this volume has been made officially available through the release of The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 1.

With Tangerine Tree VIII, released in late 2005, this CD-R has been replaced by a much clearer sounding version of this concert, remastered directly from the master tape, while the originally released version had been taken from a low generation copy.
1.	Reims 74, Part One	46:29
2.	Reims 74, Part Two	37:45
Total running time	84:14
Recording date	December 13th, 1974
Recording site(s)	Cathedrále Notre-Dame (Reims)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann

Tangerine Tree Volume 30: Reims 1974 presents a remastered version of the famous bootleg Live! Improvised! of the even more famous concert at the Reims cathedral in December 1974. Due to the careful remastering the Tangerine Tree version is supposed to have an even better sound quality than the excellent sounding bootleg that was itself mastered from a radio broadcast.
1.	West Berlin 76 [Titled Electronic Rock At The Philharmonics]	31:31
Total running time	31:31
Recording date	June 27th, 1976
Recording site(s)	Philharmonie (West Berlin)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
			Tangerine Tree Volume 8: Berlin 1976 features a remastered and superb sounding FM broadcast recording of the famous performance at the Berlin Philharmonics which was used for the official TDI album Soundmill Navigator (released 2000). But this one is the real concert as it was performed, without any overdubs or added sounds like on the official release.
Volume 8 was the last CD of the first set of Tangerine Tree. Due to the big success among TD fans some months later the second set was released, starting with Volume 9.

In 2003, all material of this volume has been made officially available through the release of The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 1.
1.	Nottingham 76, Part One 	33:45
2.	Nottingham 76, Part Two 	32:17
3.	Nottingham 76, Part Three 	13:43
Total running time	79:45
Recording date	November 8th, 1976
Recording site(s)	Albert Hall (Nottingham)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
			The first bunch of Tangerine Tree (consisting of volumes 1 to 8) was opened with a great audience recording of the Nottingham concert of November 8th, 1976, being part of TD's extensive UK tour in autumn 1976. The sound quality is excellent -- in fact this is one of the best sounding TD audience recordings of the seventies. The third track was taken from the bootleg Collected Endings, that had heavy problems with the source tape: Because of the tape recorder running out of power during the concert, the recorded music became faster and faster when playing the tape with correct speed. This flaw was corrected during the remastering for Tangerine Tree Volume 1: Nottingham 1976, thus this CD presents the almost complete concert in a previously unheard sound quality.
This release made the bootleg Me-Rad and part of Collected Endings obsolete, which consist of material from the same concert, but of less excellent sound quality.
In 2004, all material of this volume has been made officially available through the release of The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 2.

With Tangerine Tree VIII, released in late 2005, this CD-R has been replaced by an even better version of this concert, remastered directly from the master tape, while the originally released version had been taken from a second generation copy.
1.	 Brussels 76.2, Part One	28:40
2.	Brussels 76.2, Part Two	20:56
3.	Brussels 76.2, Part Three	14:32
Total running time	64:08
Recording date	November 16th, 1976
Recording site(s)	L'Ancienne Belgique (Brussels)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
			Tangerine Tree Volume 31: Brussels 1976 features another great concert of the late 1976 tour. The sound quality of this audience concert is very good with the exception that it is very bassy in places. Most likely the taper stood very near to one of the loudspeakers and the tape machine could not handle the bassy sequencer sounds. Still it is a very enjoyable and fascinating recording.
Together with Tangerine Tree Volume 27: Brussels 1976, this release made the bootleg Danger Live obsolete, which consists of material from the same concerts, but incomplete and of less excellent sound quality.
1.	Cherokee Lane [1977 live version, titled Part I]	13:03
2.	Detroit 77, Part Five [1977 live version, titled Part II]	14:29
3.	Monolight [1977 live version, titled Part III]	22:15
4.	Detroit 77, Part Three [1977 live version, titled Part IV]	19:59
5.	Detroit 77, Part Six [1977 live version, titled Part V]	6:52
6.	Detroit 77, Part Four [1977 live version, titled Part VI]	14:37
7.	Detroit 77, Part Seven [1977 live version, titled Part VII]	11:55
Total running time	103:10
Recording date	March 31st, 1977
Recording site(s)	Ford Auditorium (Detroit)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
			Two days after starting their North American tour in the city of Milwaukee on March 29th, 1977, Tangerine Dream gave an outstanding performance in the Detroit Ford Auditorium, a concert that can be best described as 'Heavy Metal Electronics', as it contains some of the most vicious and furious guitar work by Edgar Froese that has been heard so far.
Maybe he wanted to pay tribute to Detroit's punk music heroes The Stooges, whose singer Iggy Pop was mentioned in the credits of Edgar Froese's solo work Macula Transfer. Compared to the excellent audience recording as presented on Tangerine Tree Volume 25: Detroit 1977, the official Encore double album release sounds almost tame, and it seems that the frantic Detroit audience transported Tangerine Dream to new creative heights, such is the intensity of this concert.

With Tangerine Tree VIII, released in late 2005, the original release has been replaced by Tangerine Tree Volume 25: Detroit 1977, a new version of this recording, offering a clearer sound, being remastered from a first generation recording.
1.	Cherokee Lane [1977 live version]	19:11
2.	Monolight [1977 live version]	23:42
3.	Montreal 77, Part Three	24:18
4.	Montreal 77, Part Four	23:39
5.	Montreal 77, Part Five	11:33
6.	Montreal 77, Part Six	12:29
Total running time	114:52
Recording date	April 9th, 1977
Recording site(s)	Place des Arts (Montreal)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann
During Tangerine Dream's North American Encore tour of 1977, two of their concerts were thankfully broadcast over radio. The first was the concert at the Washington Lisner Auditorium on April 4th (see Tangerine Tree Volume 4: Washington 1977), and Montreal Palace des Arts followed soon after on April 9th. The still existing CHOM-FM radio station aired the complete show, and despite some minor technical flaws (and the disturbing comments from the CHOM-FM presenter during some of the tracks), Tangerine Tree Volume 18: Montreal 1977 is able to present another outstanding performance from the Froese/Franke/Baumann line-up.
The quality of the music alone would justify an official release as it has all the trademarks which made Encore such a fan favourite. For the North American tour, Tangerine Dream always began their concerts with variations on Cherokee Lane and Monolight, which were then followed by music which was, for the most part, completely improvised. The band also appeared onstage with Laserium, an outfit that produced laser light spectacles. Laserium effects were used again for the Cyclone tour in the following year. 
Of all the shows Tangerine Dream performed during this tour, nine audience recordings and two radio broadcasts are known to exist; all show a group at their creative peak. 
This album has been officially re-released as Montreal - April 9th 1977.
1.	 Introduction	4:02
2.	East Berlin 80, Part One	37:29
3.	East Berlin 80, Part Two	45:50
4.	East Berlin 80, Part Three	13:41
Total running time	101:02
Recording date	January 31st, 1980
Recording site(s)	Palast der Republik (East Berlin)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
			Playing two concerts on January 31st, 1980 to a crowd of approximately 3,000 people in the 'Palast der Republik' in East Berlin, this legendary performance 'behind the Iron Curtain' was the first live appearance for Johannes Schmoelling, taking place just a few weeks after he joined Tangerine Dream in late 1979 and a few months before the release of the album Tangram. The concert was part of the 22nd 'DT64-Jugendkonzert' series (youth concerts organized by the DT64 radio station), and the complete evening show was broadcast on East German radio in February 1980 (and again later in 1989).
The music featured on Tangerine Tree Volume 17: East Berlin 1980 is for the most part still unreleased officially, with only the first twenty minutes of the second set being more or less identical to Quichotte, Part Two as released on the album Quichotte (1980) of the GDR label Amiga and its international re-release Pergamon (1986). The source of this volume was a tape copy taken directly from a reel-to-reel master recording which no longer exists.

This release replaces several bootleg versions taken from this broadcast recording that emerged on the market during the eighties and nineties (including the vinyl release Staatsgrenze West and several releases on MC and CD-R).
1.	Logos Intro [1981 live version, titled Logos Part One (Extended Version)]	9:53
2.	Edinburgh Castle [1981 live version, titled Sobornost (Edinburgh Castle)]	7:55
3.	Digital Times Suite [1981 live version]	15:32
4.	Bondi Parade [1981 live version]	13:16
5.	Mojave Plan [1981 live version]	26:34
6.	Thermal Inversion [1981 live version]	11:30
7.	Remote Viewing [1981 live version, subtitled (Intro)]	1:50
8.	Force Majeure [1981 live version, subtitled (Excerpt)]	3:40
9.	The Price [1981 live version]	2:31
10.	Kiew Mission [1981 instrumental live version, subtitled (Encore)]	7:17
11.	Choronzon [1981 live version, subtitled (Encore)]	10:08
Total running time	110:06
Recording date	October 25th, 1981
Recording site(s)	City Hall (Newcastle)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
			While Tangerine Tree I was somewhat focused on the mid-seventies, the second part, consisting of Volumes 9 to 16, features, among others, three complete concerts of 1981/1982. The first one, as Tangerine Tree Volume 10: Newcastle 1981, was part of the 1981 British Isles tour that took place between October 15th and 29th and included 15 concerts. In comparision to the European tour in January/February of the same year (see Tangerine Tree Volume 14: Paris 1981) the set was nearly totally rewritten. Only the last twenty minutes of the first set had survived, now being the closing part of the second main set, having the opening minute of Remote Viewing inserted before Force Majeure. The second set opened with an extended version of Mojave Plan from the forthcoming album White Eagle (1982), at the time unreleased. The first set consisted of completely new material, most of it still officially unreleased. Surprisingly, from today's view, with the exception of the short excerpt from Remote Viewing only the two encores Kiew Mission and Choronzon (the latter in a drastically extended version) were taken from the then current studio album Exit (1981).
This release made the bootleg Space & Spheres and the second half of Space Trucking obsolete, which were released on vinyl only and featured only parts of the concert. Furthermore they were recorded in mono, while the Tangerine Tree release now has stereo separation, and the tape speed has also been adjusted, because the original was 3-4 minutes too fast.
In 2004, all material of this volume has been made officially available through the release of The Bootleg Box Set Vol. 2.

With Tangerine Tree VIII, released in late 2005, the second CD-R of this release has been replaced by Tangerine Tree Volume 10: Newcastle 1981, featuring a sharper and more dynamic version of the second half this concert.
1.	Convention Of The 24 [1982 live version]	9:39
2.	White Eagle [1982 live version]	4:39
3.	Ayers Majestic [1982 live version]	7:22
4.	Logos Velvet [1982 live version, titled Logos, Part One]	6:02
5.	Bondi Parade [1982 live version]	13:25
6.	Mojave Plan [1982 live version]	25:32
7.	Thermal Inversion [1982 live version]	11:50
8.	Remote Viewing [1982 live version, part of the track Thermal Inversion]	1:12
9.	Force Majeure [1982 live version]	3:49
10.	The Price [1982 live version]	2:49
11.	Choronzon [1982 live version]	11:21
12.	Midnight In Tula [1982 live version]	4:29
13.	Radio Moderation [Titled Outro]	1:19
Total running time	103:28
Recording date	February 22nd, 1982
Recording site(s)	Regent Theatre (Sydney)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
Tangerine Tree Volume 37: Sydney 1982 presents a quite popular radio broadcast which was in parts previously released on bootlegs. It was recorded during the Peter Stuyvesant Festival in Sydney on February 22nd, 1982. The recording quality is excellent in most places and an improvement compared to all existent bootlegs. The first part this concert was already officially released by TD as Sohoman (1999), but that version was heavily overdubbed.
The four concerts Tangerine Dream played during their Australia tour had a tracklist different from that in late 1981 and late 1982, including all four compositions from the then brand new album White Eagle.
This release made the bootleg Leprous Appearance On Wednesday / Dreaming obsolete, which consists of the first set from the same concert, but of much less excellent sound quality.

This album has been officially re-released as Sydney - February 22nd 1982.
1.	Logos Intro [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part I]	4:32
2.	Logos Cyan [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part I]	2:29
3.	Heritage Survival [1982 live version]	5:30
4.	Mirage [1982 live version]	2:30
5.	Sign In The Dark [1982 live version]	5:02
6.	The Night In Romania [1982 live version]	4:01
7.	Dreamscape [1982 live version]	6:15
8.	Choronzon [1982 live version]	8:22
9.	Tangent [1982 live version of Section 1, subtitled (Excerpt)]	3:40
10.	Mojave Plan [1982 live version of Section 1 and Desert Part, subtitled (Excerpt)]	10:28
11.	Logos Velvet [1982 live version, titled Logos Part II]	7:06
12.	Logos Red [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part III]	8:20
13.	Logos Blue [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part III]	5:19
14.	Logos Black [1982 live version, titled Logos Part IV]	4:45
15.	Logos Green [1982 live version, titled Logos Part V]	4:39
16.	Logos Yellow [1982 live version, part of the track Logos VI]	7:18
17.	Logos Coda [1982 live version, part of the track Logos VI]	2:58
18.	Midnight In Tula [1982 live version]	4:37
19.	White Eagle [1982 live version]	5:54
20.	Dominion [1982 live version]	6:08
Total running time	109:53

Recording date	October 31, 1982
Recording site(s)	Fairfield Hall (Croydon)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
			Tangerine Tree Volume 12: Croydon 1982 presents the Croydon concert of 1982, being part of the European tour that took place between October 17th and November 25th, 1982. During this tour Tangerine Dream's famous concert at the London Dominion Theatre was recorded and released as Logos Live in the same year. That album became one of the most-loved live recordings among TD fans, but only the opening of the first set and the major part of the second set plus one of the three encores made it to the record. One possible reason for this might be that much of the unreleased material was used for the soundtrack music of the movie The Keep that was planned to be released in 1983, while other material, like the excerpt of Mojave Plan and the two encores White Eagle and Midnight In Tula, had already been released on the studio album White Eagle (1982). The Croydon concert now is a complete audience recording of very good sound quality, specially remastered for release as most of the other volumes of Tangerine Tree. The London concert mentioned above was later released as Tangerine Leaves Volume 1: London 1982.
1.	Logos Intro [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part One]	3:58
2.	Logos Cyan [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part One]	2:27
3.	Heritage Survival [1982 live version]	5:27
4.	Mirage [1982 live version]	2:31
5.	Sign In The Dark [1982 live version]	4:22
6.	The Night In Romania [1982 live version]	4:24
7.	Dreamscape [1982 live version]	6:17
8.	Choronzon [1982 live version]	8:30
9.	Tangent [1982 live version of Section 1, subtitled (Excerpt)]	3:32
10.	Mojave Plan [1982 live version of Section 1 and Desert Part]	7:45
11.	Logos Velvet [1982 live version, titled Logos Part Two]	7:18
12.	Logos Red [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part Three]	7:53
13.	Logos Blue [1982 live version, part of the track Logos Part Three]	5:14
14.	Logos Black [1982 live version, titled Logos Part Four]	4:48
15.	Logos Green [1982 live version, titled Logos Part Five]	4:34
16.	Logos Yellow [1982 live version, titled Logos Part Six]	6:51
17.	Logos Coda [1982 live version, titled Logos Part Seven]	2:31
Total running time	88:22

Recording date	November 15th, 1982
Recording site(s)	Internationales Congress Centrum (Berlin)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling

Edgar Froese
Paul Haslinger
Ralf Wadephul

Disc 1:

1. Mothers Of Rain 5:54
2. After The Call 5:48  
3. Tyger  5:08
4. Alchemy Of The Heart 4:18
5. Papyrus (Piano) 3:59
6. Phaedra 88 4:38
7. Live Miles 10:31
8. Logos 88 6:01
9. Parabola 14:22 (tape flip 6 seconds into song -missed about 4 seconds of music)

CD #2 

1. Table Bay 2:25
2. Nomads Scale 9:15
3. CatScan 5:06
4. Atlas Eyes 5:17
5. Marakesh 8:12
6. Eden’s Gate 1:32
7. Ghazal 7:48 (tape change 1 min 6 seconds into song - missed 4-5 seconds of music. Remaining part of show from my VHS copy of master tape)
8. Alexander Square 5:06
9. The Silent League 1:44
10. Canyon Voices 7:21
11. Optical Race  3:37
12. Edgar Thanks Crowd 0:39


Recorded using Realistic's best portable stereo cassette deck at the time with their powered stereo external microphone.

Disc 1 tracks 1 thru Disc 2, 1 minute and 6 seconds into track 7 -TDK SA90 High Bias Cassette (The Master). The balance of the show is from my VHS copy of the cassette master tapes. My master cassette of part 2 is lost, thanks to a bitter ex-wife - or should I say NO THANKS!  The VHS copy of masters is a Maxell XL-HIFI 120

Cassette Master/VHS copy of 2nd Master ->Wav File PCM 48kHz 16 bit 1536kbps ->FLAC using Trader's Little Helper (level 8) ->You
Notes about the show:

This was a free concert, sponsored by a Dallas radio station that changed formats, thus the title "Free From Dallas".  Andy Summers opened up the concert.  He had just released Mysterious Barricades.
The show does have some minor flaws other than the tape flips.  The part of the show that the VHS tape was used to create these files have several periodic "fuzzy" sounds for a brief moment.  It is the sound you get when the tracking needs adjusting on your VCR, however I suspect the problem is in the tape and not the VHS player as it has automatic tracking.  I am in the process of tracking down a cassette copy of my master cassettes from one of my friends who attended the show with me but lives several states away.  I've emailed him but no reply on whether he still has his copy and if the copy has been played or he made a copy of his copy to listen to.  Until I hear back from him and discover those unknown facts, this is as good as it gets.
1.	Marakesh [1990 live version]	8:32
2.	Atlas Eyes [1990 live version]	3:57
3.	Gaudi Park (Guell Garden Barcelona) [1990 live version]	5:02
4.	Cat Scan [1990 live version]	4:27
5.	Teetering Scales [1990 live version]	3:19
6.	Lily On The Beach [1990 live version]	4:17
7.	Nomad's Scale [1990 live version]	8:33
8.	Daybreak On The River Spree [1990 live version]	3:37
9.	Longing For Cashba [1990 live version]	9:26
10.	Mount Shasta [1990 live version]	4:28
11.	Alaskan Summer [1990 live version]	3:27
12.	Wall-Street [1990 live version]	3:17
13.	Hitchhikers Point [1990 live version]	5:00
14.	Long Island Sunset [1990 live version]	7:24
15.	Alchemy Of The Heart [1990 live version]	4:27
16.	Alexander Square [1990 live version]	7:04
17.	Ruling The Waves [1990 live version]	5:38
18.	Berlin Summer Nights [1990 live version]	4:24
19.	House Of The Rising Sun [1990 live version]	6:31
20.	Edgar's Closing Words	0:55
Total running time	103:45
Recording date	February 20th, 1990
Recording site(s)	Werner-Seelenbinder-Halle (East Berlin)
Composer(s)	Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Johannes Schmoelling, Paul Haslinger
Musician(s)	Edgar Froese, Paul Haslinger, Jerome Froese, Linda Spa, Hubert Waldner
The sixth set of the Tangerine Tree fan project starts with a brilliant and complete audience recording with a sound quality that might even be better than that of the FM broadcast of this unique performance. Tangerine Tree Volume 49: Berlin 1990 was released about the same time as the official album East which was released as a single CD only, featuring only one the five encores. At least three of these missing tracks were made available to a small number of fans on the limited East (Bonus Disc) release. Anyway, the Tangerine Tree release features the complete concert including all encores, so it is a nice counterpart to the official album.

49r replaces the audience recording with a remastered broadcast source.
1-5. Symphony No. 2, "The New Era", Op. 11, 1977 (50:35)
Recorded in Grieghallen, Bergen, Norway, 08/25/1978 
Filharmonisk Selskaps Orkester , Per Dreyer (cond.) Terje Rypdal (guit.), 
Palle Mikkelborg (tr.), Sveinung Hovensj¯ (bass), HÂkon Graf (keyboards), 
Jon Christensen (dr.)

6. Eternal Circulation, Op. 1, 1970 (20:53) 
Recorded in Urfremført i Universitetets Aula, Oslo, Norway, 05/28/1971 
Filharmonisk Selskaps Orkester, UNM-koret og Kringkastingsorkesteret, 
Dorothy Dorow, soprano, Marius Constant, cond. Arnulf Hegstad cond., choire,
plus Jan Garbarek Quartet

Traders notes:
I received this set in a trade awhile back. I have no source or lineage for any of
the performances, although I would assume that most everything is FM sourced.
It all sounds good, but there are minor flaws scattered throughout.

For the complete Opus list of Terje Rypdal, see this great page:
1. In Autumn, Op. 15, 1979 (32:34) 
Recorded in Bergenz, Østerrike (Austria) 01/24/1981
Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Herbert Weissberg, cond., Terje Rypdal (guitar), Palle Mikkelborg, (trumpet).

2-5. Piano Concerto No. 1, Op. 14, 1979 (31:53) 
Recorded in Oslo Konserthus, 04/09/1980 (Bækkelunds 50th ann.)
Filharmonisk Selskaps Orkester, Karsten Andersen, cond. Kjell Bækkelund and Kjell Ingebretsen, grand piano, electric piano
1-2. Il CanzoniŠre, (The Songbook), op. 71, Music to poems by Francesco Petrarca, 1998 (17:57). 
Recorded in Universitetets Aula, Oslo, Norway, 10/16/1999
Grex Vocalis, Carl Hogseth, cond. Christian Kjos, piano, Rune Klakegg, synth, Vemund
Bergland, rotales. 

3-4. Symphony no. 4, Op. 35, 1986 (30:55)
Recorded 11/09/1987 (location unknown)
Bergen Filharmoniske Orkester, dir ; Christian Eggen.

5-7. A.B.C., Op. 22, 1981 (13.19). 
1. Adventure (03:02), 2. Bedtime Story (03:21), 3. Celebration (06:55). 
Recorded 04/14/1985 (location unknown)
Jostein Stalheim, accordion, Kringkastingsorkesteret, Sverre Bruland, cond.

8. Christmas Music for Strings (Julemusikk), Op. 13, 1978 (11:31). 
Recorded 10/25/1979 (location unknown)
Kringkastingsorkesteret, dir; Sverre Bruland
1. Modulations, Op. 19, 1_980, (12:33). 
Recorded in Frimurerlogen, Trondheim, Norway, 11/03/1981
Trondheim Kammerorkester, Jiri Starek, cond. Sigmund Groven, harmonica soloist. 

2-4. Telegram for Chamber Orchestra, Op. 27, 1982 (19:29) 
Recorded in Hilversum, Holland (Radio NOS), 05/06/1983
 Deltaensemblet, dir ; Jurriataan Roentgan, Iver Kleive, synth. 

5-6. Concerto for electric guitar & keyboards, 1982 (28:05)
Recorded in Konserthus, Oslo, Norway 05/??/1983 
Terje Rypdal (guit., flute), Iver Kleive, (keyboards). 

7. Shadows, Op. 16, 1980 (14:18) (from vinyl). 
Recorded 12/02/1981 (location unknown)
Brynjar Hoff, Oboe, Filharmonisk Selskaps Orkester, Michael Schoenwandt, cond. 
1-3: Deja-Vu, Op.54 (for soprano sax, bass clarinet, baritone sax,
electric guitar and string orchestra) (1991) (33:02)
Recorded at Grenoble Jazz Festival, Grenoble, France, 03/05/1992
L'Orchestre des pays de Savoie. cond. Christian Eggen + Terje Rypdal (guitar), John Surman (soprano/baritone saxes, bass clarinet), Barre Phillips (bass), Pierre Favre (drums)

4. The Prayer (1991?) (20:01)
Recorded at Grenoble Jazz Festival, Grenoble, France, 03/05/1992
L'Orchestre des pays de Savoie, cond. Christian Eggen + Terje Rypdal (guitar), John Surman (soprano/baritone saxes, bass clarinet), Barre Phillips (bass), Pierre Favre (drums)

5.  The Illuminator, Op.42 (electric guitar, percussion, woodwinds, brass, double bass, keyboards) (1987) (14:10)
Recorded Hamburg, Fabrik, 03/18/1988 
NDR Big Band + Terje Rypdal (guitar), O.H. Gioertz (keys?), Jon Christensen (drums)
1-3. Symphony No. 3, Op.21 (1981) (39:19)
Recorded in Oslo Norway, 06/07/1982
Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Per Dreier

4-5. In Autumn, Op. 15, (1979) (32:36) 
Recorded in Koln, Germany, 09/24/1982
WDR Orchestra, Terje Rypdal (guitar), Palle Mikkelborg (trumpet)

6. A Duet for Electric Guitar and Organ (incomplete, 4:05) 
Recorded at NRK-TV, Oslo, Norway, 01/24/1987

Additional Notes by Graham  
This torrent contains a cleaned-up version of the set. The following changes were made:

All Tracks 
1. Removed numerous gaps caused by defective audio extraction
2. Applied continuous noise filter 

Track 5 
1. Removed numerous sawtooth clicks and interference towards end of track

I believe that the results of this cleaning are generally positive, although, because the gaps in the tracks represent missing audio data, some of the removed gaps cause noticeable audio "jumps". 
Additional feedback will be welcomed.

(Original Torrent)  FLAC --> WAV --> DC5 Live (audio cleanup) --> FLAC 

Original Notes by Erin

I received this set in a trade awhile back. I have no source or lineage for any of
the performances, although I would assume that most everything is FM sourced.
It all sounds good, but there are minor flaws scattered throughout.

The personnel information provided is partially from my trade partner, and partially
from http://www.jeffgower.com/rypdal/verkliste.html , although I'm sure some information
will be incomplete.

For the complete Opus list of Terje Rypdal, see this great page:
Festival XX Rassegna di Nuova Musica, broadcast 21 August 2005 on Radio3

In C

FM > Wav (SoundForge) > FLAC
Ethan Iverson (p)
Reid Anderson (b)
David King (d) 

BBC Jazz on 3

01. Keep The Bugs Off Your Glass And The Bears Off Your Ass (7:01)
02. Every Breath You Take (6:34)
03. Everywhere You Turn (5:09)
04. Boo-Wah (5:41)
05. Dirty Blonde (4:27)
06. Flim/Guilty (12:25)
07. Smells Like Teen Spirit/Silence Is The Question (16:52)
08. Neptune-The Planet (6:22)
09. Iron Man (6:58)
10. Band intro (1:53)
11. Heart Of Glass (6:33)

Reid Anderson - Bass
Ethan Iverson - Piano
David King - Drums

Disc 1:
1. Big Eater
2. Do Your Songs, Die Like A Dog, Play For Home
3. talking
4. Anthem For The Earnest
5. The Loria (the Pixies)
6. Time After Time (Cyndi Laupher)
7. talking
8. The Empire Strikes Backward
9. Let Our Guard Grow
Disc 2:
1. Quadraped
2. talking
3. Flip
4. Street Woman (Ornette Coleman)
5. Dirty Blond
6. talking/ band introductions
7. Laying A Strip For The Higher Self Straight Mind
8. Prehensile Dream
9. We Are The Champions (Queen)

sony ECM-DS70P mic 
sharp md701
left side of stage, 2nd table back
soundforge 6.0 > wav > shn > wav > flac

Recording notes:
Unfortunately there were minidisc errors during
the second set and I had to keep switching discs:
disc 2, track 4 fades in
disc 2 track 7 is cut in the middle, I put the 2
pieces together, but it is noticable
disc 2 track 9 fades out, I ran out of minidisc space
Schoeps CMXY4v > Lunatec V3 > D8 > CD > EAC > WAV > SHN
Taped and transferred by Pete Costello

01. Rhinoceros Is My Profession
02. Big Eater
03. Three Flames
04. Velouria
05. Anthem for the Earnest
06. Do Your Sums/Die Like a Dog/Play for Home
07. The Empire Strikes Backwards
08. Street Woman
09. Dirty Blonde
10. Layin' a Strip for the Higher Self State of Mind 
Publisher:  Dr. Ebbetts
Reference :PCS 7088
Date :2006
Made In :USA
Quality :Excellent Stereo
Booklet & packaging :
Total duration: 47:24

From the Doc's announcement:

The trend has continued. THE most requested project for the Dr. Ebbetts Sound System is STILL the remastering of the famed BLUE BOX set released from Decmeber, 1978. As I have written several times before, for many, this set offers what is considered to be among the best representation of the original UK stereo releases. Therefore, Ebbetts concludes the "stagger release” of the original UK stereo LPs from the BLUE BOX set (save for Rarities) with today’s announcement.

The Ebbetts catalogue has always offered both the MOBILE FIDELITY and ORIGINAL UK STEREO versions of the British titles. Indeed, up until December of last year, the audio used in each of these sets were identical. The only thing that differentiated, for example, the MFSL version of “Please Please Me” from the standard UK issue of the same title in the Ebbetts catalogue was the artwork. Otherwise, the two were identical. That changed with the Decmeber, 2005 Dr. Ebbetts announcement. Continuing with today's announcement, the MFSL audio masters will stay exactly as they have been, sourced from the actual MFSL vinyl releases. However, the standard UK stereo issues, complete with the original artwork, will slowly be phased in to have the BLUE BOX transfers used as their source material. To many, the MFSL CDs are the best sounding releases around … but to others, they are too bright with a bit too much EQ on either end of the spectrum, as applied by the geniuses who master these things. To many, the BLUE BOX releases are smoother and more natural sounding and better represent the Beatles recorded work. That’s up to you, of course, but soon, the BLUE BOX will stand to represent the original stereo UK titles. These are NOT upgrades, unfortunately. These are brand new titles. HOWEVER, once the BLUE BOX set is complete, the MFSL set will be redone, complete with new artwork.

These new BLUE BOX releases replicate with FAR MORE accuracy, the artwork of the original releases, right down to the EMITEX logo on the back. Many of you have older version of the artwork and will need these. Even if you do have the new artwork, the audio is brand new.
Publisher:  Dr. Ebbetts
Reference :SHZE 117
Date :2004
Made In :USA
Quality :Excellent Stereo
Booklet & packaging :HQ color inserts replicating the orginal German stereo LP.
Total duration: 33:03

It is much heralded amongst Beatle people for being a version of that first LP that has not been subjected to any processing or equalization. In effect, it is advertised as the "truest" and "purest" vinyl represntation of the initial 14 Beatle songs ever offered in long play form. It has been sourced from a beautiful copy of the original LP.

Same track listing as "Please Please Me".
Publisher:  Dr. Ebbetts
Reference :PCS 7096
Date :2006
Made In :USA
Quality :Excellent Stereo
Booklet & packaging :HQ color inserts replicating the original UK stereo album. Disc is a silver CD-R with thermal lettering.
Total duration: 35:10

From the Doc's announcement:

The trend has continued. THE most requested project for the Dr. Ebbetts Sound System is STILL the remastering of the famed BLUE BOX set released from Decmeber, 1978. As I have written several times before, for many, this set offers what is considered to be among the best representation of the original UK stereo releases. Therefore, Ebbetts concludes the "stagger release” of the original UK stereo LPs from the BLUE BOX set (save for Rarities) with today’s announcement.

The Ebbetts catalogue has always offered both the MOBILE FIDELITY and ORIGINAL UK STEREO versions of the British titles. Indeed, up until December of last year, the audio used in each of these sets were identical. The only thing that differentiated, for example, the MFSL version of “Please Please Me” from the standard UK issue of the same title in the Ebbetts catalogue was the artwork. Otherwise, the two were identical. That changed with the Decmeber, 2005 Dr. Ebbetts announcement. Continuing with today's announcement, the MFSL audio masters will stay exactly as they have been, sourced from the actual MFSL vinyl releases. However, the standard UK stereo issues, complete with the original artwork, will slowly be phased in to have the BLUE BOX transfers used as their source material. To many, the MFSL CDs are the best sounding releases around … but to others, they are too bright with a bit too much EQ on either end of the spectrum, as applied by the geniuses who master these things. To many, the BLUE BOX releases are smoother and more natural sounding and better represent the Beatles recorded work. That’s up to you, of course, but soon, the BLUE BOX will stand to represent the original stereo UK titles. These are NOT upgrades, unfortunately. These are brand new titles. HOWEVER, once the BLUE BOX set is complete, the MFSL set will be redone, complete with new artwork.

These new BLUE BOX releases replicate with FAR MORE accuracy, the artwork of the original releases, right down to the EMITEX logo on the back. Many of you have older version of the artwork and will need these. Even if you do have the new artwork, the audio is brand new.
Publisher:  Dr. Ebbetts
Reference :PCS 7009
Date :2005
Made In :
Quality :
Booklet & packaging :
Total duration: 35:10

From the Doc's announcement:

By far, THE most requested project for the Dr. Ebbetts Sound System is the remastering of the famed BLUE BOX set released in Decmeber, 1978. To many, this set offers among the best representation of the original UK stereo releases. To that end, Ebbetts has decided to begin “stagger releasing” the original UK stereo LPs from the BLUE BOX set.
The LPs from which these new masters are sourced are unplayed until now.

Now, let me explain this BLUE BOX project and how it fits into the Ebbetts catalogue..
The Ebbetts catalogue has always offered both the MOBILE FIDELITY and ORIGINAL UK STEREO versions of the British titles. Indeed, up until now, the audio used in each of these sets were identical. The only thing that differentiated, for example, the MFSL version of “Please Please Me” from the standard UK issue of the same title in the Ebbetts catalogue was the artwork. Otherwise, the two were identical. That will now change. Starting today, the MFSL audio masters will stay exactly as they have been, sourced from the actual MFSL vinyl releases. However, the standard UK stereo issues, complete with the original artwork, will slowly be phased in to have the BLUE BOX transfers used as their source material. To many, the MFSL CDs are the best sounding releases around … but to others, they are too bright with a bit too much EQ on either end of the spectrum, as applied by the geniuses who master these things. To many, the BLUE BOX releases are smoother and more natural sounding and better represent the Beatles recorded work. That’s up to you, of course, but over the next few months, the BLUE BOX will stand to represent the original stereo UK titles.

These new BLUE BOX releases replicate with FAR MORE accuracy, the artwork of the original releases, right down to the EMITEX logo on the back. Many of you have older version of the artwork and will need these. Even if you do have the new artwork, the audio is brand new.

The second title from the BLUE BOX remasters to be released. Sweet sounding and one of the Beatles’ best. This release replicates with FAR MORE accuracy, the artwork of the original releases, right down to the EMITEX logo on the back. 
Publisher:  Dr. Ebbetts
Reference :PCS 7027
Date :2006
Made In :USA
Quality :Excellent

From the Doc's announcement:

By far, THE most requested project for the Dr. Ebbetts Sound System is the remastering of the famed BLUE BOX set released in Decmeber, 1978. To many, this set offers among the best representation of the original UK stereo releases. To that end, Ebbetts has decided to begin “stagger releasing” the original UK stereo LPs from the BLUE BOX set.
The LPs from which these new masters are sourced are unplayed until now.

Now, let me explain this BLUE BOX project and how it fits into the Ebbetts catalogue..
The Ebbetts catalogue has always offered both the MOBILE FIDELITY and ORIGINAL UK STEREO versions of the British titles. Indeed, up until now, the audio used in each of these sets were identical. The only thing that differentiated, for example, the MFSL version of “Please Please Me” from the standard UK issue of the same title in the Ebbetts catalogue was the artwork. Otherwise, the two were identical. That will now change. Starting today, the MFSL audio masters will stay exactly as they have been, sourced from the actual MFSL vinyl releases. However, the standard UK stereo issues, complete with the original artwork, will slowly be phased in to have the BLUE BOX transfers used as their source material. To many, the MFSL CDs are the best sounding releases around … but to others, they are too bright with a bit too much EQ on either end of the spectrum, as applied by the geniuses who master these things. To many, the BLUE BOX releases are smoother and more natural sounding and better represent the Beatles recorded work. That’s up to you, of course, but over the next few months, the BLUE BOX will stand to represent the original stereo UK titles.

These new BLUE BOX releases replicate with FAR MORE accuracy, the artwork of the original releases, right down to the EMITEX logo on the back. Many of you have older version of the artwork and will need these. Even if you do have the new artwork, the audio is brand new.
Publisher:  Dr. Ebbetts
Reference :PCS 7067
Date :2006
Made In :USA
Quality :Excellent Stereo

From Doc's annountment from Dec. 2006:

The trend has continued. THE most requested project for the Dr. Ebbetts Sound System is STILL the remastering of the famed BLUE BOX set released from Decmeber, 1978. As I have written several times before, for many, this set offers what is considered to be among the best representation of the original UK stereo releases. Therefore, Ebbetts concludes the "stagger release” of the original UK stereo LPs from the BLUE BOX set (save for Rarities) with today’s announcement.

It is VERY necessary for me to point out, as I did in my last announcement, that the LPs from which these new masters are sourced were supplied to me by a very good friend to the Ebbetts project – a VERY patient and valued friend. There are many, many NEW people part of this project now, so this next paragraph will ONCE AGAIN explain how this BLUE BOX REMASTERS series works. If you already have it down - and I suspect that most of you do - please feel free to skip this. This is simply a run through for those who may not know how it works or those who may need a refresher. The Ebbetts catalogue has always offered both the MOBILE FIDELITY and ORIGINAL UK STEREO versions of the British titles. Indeed, up until December of last year, the audio used in each of these sets were identical. The only thing that differentiated, for example, the MFSL version of “Please Please Me” from the standard UK issue of the same title in the Ebbetts catalogue was the artwork. Otherwise, the two were identical. That changed with the Decmeber, 2005 Dr. Ebbetts announcement. Continuing with today's announcement, the MFSL audio masters will stay exactly as they have been, sourced from the actual MFSL vinyl releases. However, the standard UK stereo issues, complete with the original artwork, will slowly be phased in to have the BLUE BOX transfers used as their source material. To many, the MFSL CDs are the best sounding releases around … but to others, they are too bright with a bit too much EQ on either end of the spectrum, as applied by the geniuses who master these things. To many, the BLUE BOX releases are smoother and more natural sounding and better represent the Beatles recorded work. That’s up to you, of course, but soon, the BLUE BOX will stand to represent the original stereo UK titles. These are NOT upgrades, unfortunately. These are brand new titles. HOWEVER, once the BLUE BOX set is complete, the MFSL set will be redone, complete with new artwork. Those upgrades will definitely be free. But that’s for another time.

These new BLUE BOX releases replicate with FAR MORE accuracy, the artwork of the original releases, right down to the EMITEX logo on the back. Many of you have older version of the artwork and will need these. Even if you do have the new artwork, the audio is brand new.
Source:    SBD + Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6 (ORTF, Onstage, DFC @ 3') > 
           Mackie 1202-VLZ > Apogee AD500E > Sony D8
Transfer:  DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude > CDWAV > SHN
Taped and Transfered by Jeff Kempka & Pastor Tim

Disc 1

1.  Intro
2.  Signed, Sealed, Delivered
3.  Texas Fireball
4.  Take The World By Storm
5.  House Of Wu
6.  Red Sneakers
7.  50:1
8.  Bloodhound

Disc 2

1.  Jazz 88
2.  Ridin' High *
3.  This Could Be The Last Time *
4.  Puerto Rico
5.  1/2 Past One
6.  I Love it When You Drink Tequila
7.  S.O.S. >
8.  Kashmir >
9.  Another Brick In The Wall >
10. S.O.S.

Disc 3

1.  Funky Bug
2.  Red Sky >
3.  Al jam >
4.  Red Sky
5.  We're Not Gonna Take It 
6.  Pre-Encore Banter
7.  Keys ** >
8.  Shine On You Crazy Diamond ** >
9.  Us & Them ** >
10. Comfortably Numb **
11. Thank You's... 
Taper: t4oo6l
Location:  Mics Placed 8' up 6' back in line with the right stack
Source: Coresound Binaurals (roll off @ 120hz) > Nomad Jukebox 3
Transfer: NJB3 > Firewire > .wav > Steinberg Wavelab (levels / tracking) > Flac Frontend > .flac (level 5)

Set 01:

01. In The Flesh? (3:24)
02. The Thin Ice (2:26)
03. Another Brick in the Wall [Part I] (3:07)
04. Happiest Days of Our Lives (1:18)
05. Another Brick in the Wall [Part II] (5:50)
06. Mother (5:56)
07. Goodbye Blue Sky (2:22)
08. What Shall We Do Now (3:34)
09. Young Lust (3:38)
10. One of My Turns (3:27)
11. Don't Leave Me Now (4:19)
12. Another Brick in the Wall [Part III] (1:26) 
13. Goodbye Cruel World (0:59)

Set 02:

01. Hey You (4:59)
02. Is There Anybody Out There? (2:22)
03. Nobody's Home (3:11)
04. Vera (1:07)
05. Bring the Boys Back Home (1:22)
06. Comfortably Numb (7:36)
07. The Show Must Go On (2:52)
08. In the Flesh (4:10)
09. Run Like Hell (4:47)
10. Waiting For the Worms (3:35)
11. Stop (0:26)
12. The Trial (5:45)
13. Outside the Wall (2:52)
14. Band Intro's (1:31)

Set 03:

01. Intro (0:38)
02. Pigs On the Wing [Part I] (1:21)
03. Astronomy Domine (3:42)
04. Time (4:42)
05. Have A Cigar (5:34)
06. Dogs (17:22)
07. Money (9:32)
08. Wish You Were Here (6:16) 
09. Brain Damage (4:00)
10. Eclipse (2:26)


I was pretty happy with how the sound turned out. The band's tech David and the house tech Reed did a fine job mixing the sound.  Both are great guys and I appreciate their help and kindness. No equalization or compression was applied, only a level increase using Wave's Master's Tools L2 Ultramaximizer via Wavelab.  There are no fades, except for the start of set 1 and the end of set 3.  The sets might not seamlessly join as there was 10-15 minutes of non-music removed before the beginning of set 2 and set 3.

Die hard Pink Floyd fans take note now - The Company has taken certain liberties here and there throughout the songs.  I assure you it's nothing to be concerned about.  Please don't complain that this or that part is not exactly how it was performed by PF.  Thanks.  

I also recorded a sbd of the show, but the power grid at the club coupled with poor instrument or cable connections gave an annoying buzz throughout the quiet parts of the show.  The club in a bit famous for the buzz, Danko Jones had a lot to say about it last time he was there, pretty funny too.  Anyway, I won't be torrenting the sbd as this source sounds much better, but if there is a desire for the sbd you can always get in contact with me.  Enjoy the show!

The band (as they announce themselves on their website):

Joe Trainor - voice, piano, cool hair
Joe "Spherz" Testa - guitar, voice, rocking
Chuck Kuzminski - rhythm guitar, always surprising snarky comments
Steve Kuzminski - keyboards, 16-minute increment clock watcher
Kevin Niemi - bass, goatse freak
Ben E. King - drums, wayward traveler, cute redhead
Shawn Trainor - voice, echo chamber, cute redhead #2
Jill Knapp - voice, auxillary bass, cute redhead #3
Matt Casarino - voice, sax, huge guns, babe magnet
Genevieve Van-Catledge - voice, lingerie consultant
Steve Weatherman - voice, final consonant conducting
Transfer: CD-R from trade > EAC > FLAC Level 8
Sound Quality: A+  The most pristine recording I believe that's in my collection.  Almost too crisp at times with unparalleled channel separation.  One can literally hear the pick hitting the guitar strings.

I can't imagine this show hasn't made the rounds on Dime but a search of Eagles, MTV, and Unplugged has netted no returns.  At least I've done my due diligence ensuring to the best of my ability that it hasn't been uploaded in the last few months plus.  I also ran it past the Mods checking to see that it wouldn't get banned for any reason.  One downside of The Eagles live is their reluctance to vary their songs one iota from the album which indeed makes it somewhat tougher to verify that none of them appeared on the officially released Hell Freezes Over DVD & CD.  In cases such as this, I rely on my ears and the fact that even The Eagles can't intro/outtro a song in the 'exact' same manner two nights in a row.  This is another cd that I've listened to for years and the songs are in fact from the alternate or second night as it's called from their historic comeback performance on MTV (or Empty-V as I call it...).

If I am allowed to share this and all goes well, I implore those of you who haven't heard this to please listen at least once to this concert in headphones.  Am I the only relic on the planet who still owns a pair and uses them?  Some of the finest times that I can remember in my youth were spent studying all The Beatles albums while donning a pair of 'cans' to borrow the recording industry vernacular.  For this particular gem you can clearly hear the boys tuning up, checking mics, and even turning to one another for support.  Their insecurities on the one hand are understandable yet the other side of me screams "You guys are The Eagles for heaven's sake"!!!  I believe that right after they lay down the first couple of tunes someone eerily says "we're back" in an attempt to lay to rest those same uncertainties about being able to start up the machine again (to quote Neil Peart).

Some of the highlights for me are:

o  Right before 'The Best Of My Love' an enthusiastic fan screams "Hey Joe, how ya doin"???  To which a startled Walsh quips back "I'm freaking out man"!

o  Towards the end of the show, I apologize for forgetting what track, a drunk female creates some commotion causing Glenn to chide that "he remembers his first beer, too".  A wonderful line that I admit to have stolen and used a time or two in similar situations.

o  The Great Don Henley (and neighbor to my parents who live in Dallas) flubbing the lyrics to 'Get Over It'.  To hear his deadpan response post-song of "well I fucked that up, but let's move along" is also worth the download of this set.  It's chronicled for all to hear - Don Henley messed up!

o  Favorite test of speaker separation?  'Life In The Fast Lane'.  I present to you Joe Walsh in your left ear and Don Felder in your right.  Stunning...

So let's get going and have some fun with this.  To quote Glenn Fry again right before 'Peaceful Easy Feeling':  Check one, two.  Check one, two...

Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts and please have fun listening (in headphones, remember?). And as always don't convert to MP3 or sell.  That's not cool nor is it right.



 1. Peaceful Easy Feeling
 2. Best of My Love
 3. Tequila Sunrise
 4. Help Me Thru The Night
 5. The Heart Of The Matter
 6. Love Will Keep Us Alive
 7. Learn To Be Still
 8. Hotel California
 9. Strings Soundcheck
10. Wasted Time
11. Wasted Time Reprise
12. Lover's Moon
13. Pretty Maids All In A Row
14. I Can't Tell You Why
15. The Girl From Yesterday
16. New York Minute
17. The Last Resort
18. Introductions
19. Take It Easy
20. One Of These Nights
21. In The City
22. Heartache Tonight
23. Life In The Fast Lane
24. Get Over It
25. Desperado 

The Great Don Henley - vocals, percussion
Glenn Fry - vocals, guitar, keyboards
Joe Walsh - vocals, guitar
Don Felder - guitar
Timothy B. Schmidt - vocals, bass
And a marvelous supporting band that never gets enough credit!
Soundboard Recording (hardware unknown) -> Silver CD ->
Exact Audio Copy -> FLAC Front End


Hotel California
Victim Of Love
New Kid In Town
Wasted Time
Pretty Maids All In A Row
The Girl From Yesterday
I Can't Tell You Why
New York Minute
Ordinary Average Guy
Lyin' Eyes/One Of These Nights


Tequila Sunrise
Help Me Through The Night
Love Will Keep Us Alive
The Heart Of The Matter
You Belong To The City
The Boys Of Summer
Funk #49
Dirty Laundry
Smuggler's Blues
Life's Been Good
All She Wants To Do Is Dance
Heartache Tonight
Life In The Fast Lane


Get Over It
Rocky Mountain Way
Already Gone
Take It Easy

According to the CD label, this recording comes to you courtesy of Red Robin Records.


Glenn Frey
Don Henley
Don Felder
Joe Walsh
Timothy B. Schmit

A perfect soundboard recording from the Eagles 1994 Hell Freezes Over tour. I believe this to be a soundboard instead of an FM broadcast because as far as I know they never did any FM broadcasts from this tour other than the MTV special. One of the more popular recordings from their 1994 tour, I haven't seen this on DIME yet so I thought I'd share it. Couple of things to note: first, on disc 1 the last track has both "Lyin' Eyes" and "One Of These Nights" on it. No idea why these were not split up, but this is how I got it. These are original silver CD's BTW, NOT CD-R's. Second, you may be able to fit these onto 2 discs - again this is how I got it, on 3 discs and so I've never changed it. Third, there is artwork out there. I can't upload it but this is a very popular CD so I'm sure a little searching on the internet and you can find something. This was the set list through-out most of the 1994 and 1995 tour. 
"Hotel California"
"Tequila Sunrise"
"Help Me Through the Night"
"The Heart of the Matter"
"Love Will Keep Us Alive"
"Learn to be Still"
"Pretty Maids All on a Row"
"The Girl from Yesterday"
"Wasted Time"
"I Can't Tell You Why"
"New York Minute"
"The Last Resort"
"Take it Easy"
"Life in the Fast Lane"
"In the City"
"Get Over It"

Not for trade - commercial release
source 1:  schoeps mk4v (cardioid) > vms02ib > edirol r4 (24/96) (sleepypedro and the_meekster)
soundforge 8.0 (dither, resample, tracking, fades) > shntool > flac
SBD>CDR>EAC>Flac Fronted

Setlist :

01 The Magic Circus of Zeb
02 Big Puzzle
03 Atomic Prince
04 Retropolis By Night (featuring Hasse Bruninsson)
05 Sounds of Violence
06 Train to Nowhere
07 Den Skrattande Grevinnan (Kaipa)
08 Inget Nytt Under Solen (Kaipa)
09 The Flower King

Excellent sounboard recording of The Flower King's on Rockpalast.  Not much lineage info except the fact that it is a soundboard with a record date of 10 May 1996 .  Many thanks to Brian and all at the Plantation for this and all the other great TFK shows and, of course, to Roine and the guys for the great music.  Enjoy!
Source: audience
Lineage: Sony DAT D7> SB Live> Wavelab> CD Wave> Flac Frontend
Taper: PT
Transferred by: newspaper

1- Retropolis (fades in)
2- Church of Your Heart
3- Big Puzzle
4- Sounds of Violence
5- There is More to this World
6- The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway

1- Your Own Special Way
2- Back in the World of Adventures
3- Judas Kiss
4- In the Eyes of the World
5- The Flower King
6- Stardust We Are (excerpt)

Roine Stolt- guitar, vocals
Hasse Froberg- guitar, vocals
Michael Stolt- bass, vocals
Jaime Salazar- drums, vocals
Robert Engstrand- keyboards
Source: Soundboard Feed & Audio Technica AT-822 Stereo Mic > Dat > Wavelab > Flac frontend

D1-T1. Intro                           ( 3:12)
D1-T2. Church Of Your Heart            (10:22)
D1-T3. Garden of Dreams                (46:06)
D1-T4. Rumble Fish Twist/Bass Solo     (14:52)

D2-T1. Road to Sanctuary               (16:30)
D2-T2. I Am The Sun                    (14:57)
D2-T3. Happy Birthday Roine            ( 1:53)
D2-T4. Stardust We Are                 (31:31)
CD #1 - 69:56
1. Intro - 3:17
2. Church Of Your Heart - 10:16
3. Garden Of Dreams - 46:38
4. Drum Solo - 5:36
5. Rumblefish Twist - 4:07

CD #2 - 74:21
1. Bass Solo > Twist End - 6:24
2. Road To Sanctuary - 16:34
3. I Am the Sun - 14:05
4. Sounds Of Violence - 6:52
5. Stardust We Are - 30:24

Aud minidisc master > wav > flac > torrented to you 
1. Intro
2. Compassion
3. Last Minute On Earth
4. In The Eyes Of The World
5. Love Supreme
6. Cosmic Circus / drum solo / Babylon
7. The Blade Of Cain
8. A Vampire's View
9. Days Gone By

1. Band intros
2. Church Of Your Heart
3. The Truth Will Set You Free
5. I Am The Sun
5. Stardust We Are (pt 3)

Mastering notes:

1. EQed:	0 - 400hz	-3db
		400 - 1000hz	-2db
		1000 - 20000hz	 0db
2. Timeworks Mastering Compressor  + 14db

3. 2 small drop-outs in Cosmic Circus + IATS repaired
Audience Mini Disc-Master>Acoustica Wave Editor>HD>CDWav>FLAC Frontend, Level 8>3CDR's (AUDIO) or 2CDR's (FLAC)
Recorded F.O.B. (left site of the stage), with a SHARP Mini Disc Recorder and with a AIWA-CMDS6 microphone

Roine Stolt - Guitars and Vocals
Hasse Fröberg - guitars, Vocals and Percussion
Tomas Bodin - Keyboards
Jonas Reingold - Bass Guitar
Marcus Liliequist - Drums

Intro (Check In)/Paradox Hotel
Hit Me With A Hit>
Last Minute On Earth/In The Eyes Of The World
Jealousy/What If God Is Alone
Pioneers Of Aviation
Love Supreme
The Truth Will Set You Free    +
Introducing The Band
Touch My Heaven
Mommy Leave The Light On/End On A High Note
Life Will Kill You
I'm The Sun (part one)
Blade Of Cain
A Kings Prayer (incl. Hey Jude)

I've patched-in a ca. one minute long snippet from another recording of this concert to          complete the missing music of a Mini Disc-flip
   	Please try to locate the patch  :- )) !!
Disc 1
1. Check In / Paradox Hotel
2. Hit Me with a Hit
3. Last Minute on Earth/In the Eyes of the World
4. Jealousy
5. What If God Is Alone
6. Pioneers of Aviation (incl. drums/percussion & bass solo)
7. Love Supreme

Disc 2
1. The Truth Will Set You Free
2. Touch My Heaven
3. Mommy Leave the Light On
4. End on a High Note
5. I Am the Sun (parts I & II)
6. A King's Prayer/Hey Jude
1. Intro  –  Check-in
2. Paradox Hotel
3. Hit Me With A Hit
4. Last Minute On Earth
5. In The Eyes Of The World
6. Jealousy
7. What If God Is Alone?
8. Pioneers Of Aviation

9. Love Supreme
10. The Truth Will Set You Free
11. Touch My Heaven
12. Mommy Leave The Light On
13. End On A High Note
14. Life Will Kill You

15. I Am The Sun
16. The Blade Of Cain
17. A King’s Prayer

0’00 > 38’52 (tracks 1-7) Holger Hühne’s MD recording
38’52 > end  (tracks 7-17)  Gary Williams' recording :  Sony RH10 Hi-MD in PCM sound

(Panasonic WM-61A binaurals > battery box > 2 x Sony RH10 Hi-MDs in Linear PCM sound
> usb transfer > Goldwave > Timeworks Mastering Compressor > FLAC / SNH)

(the join is at d1 t7 5'54)
The Frames
October 22nd, 2005
Park West
Chicago, IL

Taper: Brian Emerick <shadowraven@gmail.com>
Source: AT853's -> Batt Box -> JB3
Conversion: JB3 -> WAV (no DAE) -> Sound Forge 8.0 -> CDWave -> WAV -> FLAC Frontend
Location: 10' stand on right stack

Disc 1:

01: Intro					00:29
02: Keepsake					06:44
03: Dream Awake ->				03:34
04: Finally					05:45
05: Lay Me Down					03:48
06: What Happens When the Heart Just Stops	06:19
07: God Bless Mom				08:20
08: People All Get Ready			06:45
09: Seven Day Mile				04:13
10: Happy ^					05:26
11: Too Many Sad Words Make A Sad Sad Song	03:22
12: Pavement Tune ->				06:51
13: Fake					04:47

Totals:						66:23

Disc 2:

01: Your Face / Shine On You Crazy Diamond !	05:52
02: Revelate ->					03:56
03: Underglass					02:54
04: Friends and Foe				06:29
Encore 1:
05: Leave *					04:06
06: Come and Find Me @				04:44
07: Star Star %					06:36
Encore 2:
08: Fitzcarraldo				07:48
Encore 3:
09: The Man in Me & ~				05:54
Encore 4:
10: Last Goodbye (tease) $ ->			01:15
11: Red Chord					06:20

Totals:						55:54

^ Sam on piano
! Pink Floyd
* Glen solo
@ w/Josh Ritter
% "Run" (Snow Patrol)
% "Most Beautiful Widow in Town" (Sparklehorse)
% "Pure Imagination" (Willy Wonka)
~ Bob Dylan
& w/Josh Ritter, Sam Kassirer, and Zack Hickman (tuba)
$ Jeff Buckley

Notes:  panned to center because of the off-balance sound.  otherwise sounds pretty damn good. :)

thanks to Reid for lending me the gear!!

compiled by brian emerick on 10/24/05.
Richard Thompson
Ralph McTell
Dave Pegg
Dave Mattacks

SDB master>cassette>cdr>eac(secure mode)>FLAC(level 8)

This is a very good soundboard recording of the GP's farewell performance.  
This version has cuts in the first and last songs of both discs, as they were 
present on the taper's original.  

There is a version circulating where the missing portions were replaced with 
bits from the official GP's release from Broughton's Castle and from the 
official Fairport video from the next night. 
Because at least two of these performers are dead set against anything of 
theirs being used, particularly official material, I won't circulate that one. 
So, here is the unadulterated soundboard recording, as is.

Here's the setlist. I'll try to get some art up here in the next 24 hours.

You're Gonna Need Somebody
Red Apple Juice
Going, Going, Gone
Zimmerman Blues
Together Again
Pretty Boyd Floyd
I'm the One You Need
Barnes Morris
I Fall To Pieces
Honky Tonk Blues
Take a Message To Mary
Penetentiary Bound

Don't Do It
Love Grows
I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
Saturday Rolling Around
Steel Guitar Rag
Cut Across Shorty
Save the Last Dance For Me
Great Balls of Fire
Hang Up My 'N Roll shoes
Lawdy Miss Clawdy
High School Confidential


Party in the Park II

1. [07.39] Dennis McNamera intro/School Days
2. [02.39] New York Survivor
3. [03.10] Taking It to Detroit
4. [03.31] Does It Make You Feel Good
5. [03.36] Mr. Mechanic
6. [03.25] Victory In Space
7. [03.52] Tasty
8. [09.15] Klash-Ka-Bob > drum solo
9. [04.49] guitar intro >
10. [05.18] Local Zero

...simply terrific
yeah, i was there

Sound: A
Show: A+
1. Trouble in Paradise 3.49
2. Wireless 4.49
3. Fightin' On the Same Side 2.36
4. All You Zombies 3.58
5. Drop Your Eyes 5.07
6. Rescue Me 5.14
7. Point Yer Little Pinky 3.49
8. The Israelites 3.07
9. Bombscare 3.14
10. Trenchtown Rock 4.57
11. Downtown 5.45
12. Talk Too Much 6.52 

Total time: 53:19

Very rare soundboard recording at Emerald City in Cherry Hill, NJ, 1981. 
Recorded some two years before the release of "Amore" the show captures what partly seems 
like a different band than later. And OK, two members were switched before "Amore", 
but more apparent perhaps are the obvious Reggae and Ska influences that can be found 
here in songs like "Trenchtown Rock" (Bob Marley cover), "Drop Your Eyes" and 
"The Israelites" (a cover of the biggest hit from Desmond Dekker and The Aces which 
was the first succesful Reggae act reaching top 10 in the US with this song in 1969). 
Although different to later Hooters-shows, it is still a great live band that can be
 heard here, and the early versions of "All You Zombies" and "Fightin' On The Same Side" 
makes one feel somewhat "home" if nothing else does. Contains some unreleased songs. 
Wireless is also a very rarely performed song. "Drop Your Eyes" is sung by John Kuzma 
whom John Lilley replaced in 1983, John Kuzma used to do some writing and would get 
a few songs per show to sing. Good sound for such an old and rare recording! Available on one CD-R. 
FM>Cass>Adobe Audition>Flac

01 - South Ferry Road
02 - Engine 999
03 - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
04 - Where Do The Children Go
05 - All You Zombies
06 - Johnny B
07 - Fightin On The Same Side
08 - Karla With a K
09 - Blood From A Stone
10 - Nervous Night (Fade Out)

11 - Nervous Night (Cont'd - Fades In)
12 - Day By Day
13 - And We Danced
14 - (Encore Break - DJ Speaks)
15 - One Way home
16 - Hard Rockin Summer
17 - Who's that Girl
18 - (Encore Break - DJ Speaks)
19 - Washington's Day

This is directly from the 1st gen tape of the FM broadcast.
The original taper sent the tape to me for digital conversion.
There were some volume issues on the first 3 songs. I used Adobe Aud. to adjust the volume levels the best that I can.
Audience recording about 15 feet from the left side of the stage

SP-CMC-7 Cardioid mics>Sony TCD-8 DAT>
PCM>CDR>EAC>WAV>FlacFrontend Level 7>FLAC


1. Funk #49
2. Take A Look Around
3. Midnight Man
4. Stop
5. You're Gonna Need Me
6. The Bomber


1. The Ashes,The Rain and I
2. Asshton Park
3. Tend My Garden
4. Walk Away
5. Lost Woman
6. Going Down
7. Rocky Mountain Way
No Wow!
Black Rooster
Cat Claw
Dead Road 7
Hate the way U love
Hate the way U love, part 2
Good Ones
Kissy Kissy
Fried My Little Brains
Dropout Boogie (Captain Beefheart cover)
FM recording of the Kill's second Black Session onthe french public radio France-Inter. 
I have removed the speaker's speeches between the song and mixed the last 2 seconds of each song with the first 2 seconds of the following one.

Lineage : FM->line-in (Creative soundblaster)->Creative recorder->wave->Neto wave edit->Nero Burning rom->CDR->CDex->wave->DBpowerAMP->FLAC

Tracklisting :

No wow !
Black Rooster
Cat Claw
Dead road 7
Hate the way you love
Hate the way you love part 2
The good ones
Kissy Kissy
Fried my little brain
Your love is a deserter
Passion is acurate
Rodeo town
Drop out boogie
Soundboard -> Unknown -> .wav file -> .flac

Disc One:

1. Dedicated Follower of Fashion
2. Sunny Afternoon
3. Do It Again (acoustic)
4. Intro -> Countdown -> Till the End of the Day
5. All Day and All of the Night
6. Low Budget
7. Celluloid Heroes
8. Apeman
9. Scattered
10.Death of a Clown
12.Dead End Street

Disc Two:

13.Come Dancing -> Father Christmas (ditty)
14.Aggravation -> New World -> Aggravation
15.You Really Got Me
16.Gallon of Gas (jam) -> Welcome to Sleazy Town
17.Deutschland (ditty) -> Lola
19.Twist and Shout
High Hopes
Welcome To The Machine
Pigs On The Wing (Part 1)
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
Fat Old Sun
In The Flesh
The Thin Ice
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1)
The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Us And Them
Fletcher Memorial Home
Young Lust
Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
Wish You Were Here
Brain Damage
Comfortably Numb

Recorded by Keith Litzenberger & Nick Carbonetta
Source: Schoeps MK4V's>nbox>Edirol R-09
Location: On the back rail of the PIT dead center.

R-09>WL5(Fades & UV22HR Dither to 16/44.1)>CDWav>FLAC
AKG C414B-XLS (Subcardioid)Canare Star Quad cables>Apogee Mini-MP>Edirol R-4 CH 1 & 2
Schoeps MK4V's>Schoeps KCY 250/5I cable>Schoeps VMS02IB>Edirol R-4 CH 3 & 4

FOB on Micstand @12ft Dead center at back of the Pit.

Postproduction: Edirol R-4>Soundforge 8 (Fade in/out, mix 60% AKG:40% Schoeps)>Wavelab 5 UV22HR dithering to 16bit/44.1khz>CD WAV>FLAC


1st Set:

Signs Of Life>
Learning To Fly
Speak To Me>
Breathe (Reprise)
Coming Back To Life
Pigs On The Wing (Part 1)
Pigs (Three Different Ones)
The Post War Dream
The Final Cut
The Happiest Days Of Our Lives>
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)
Childhood's End
On The Turning Away

2nd Set:

Shine On You Crazy Diamond>
Let There Be More Light 
Wish You Were Here
Empty Spaces
Young Lust
The Trial
Outside The Wall


One Of These Days
Cabbage Alley
Thank You Falettin Me Be Mice Elf
Lively Up Yourself
Middle Of The Road
People Say
It Ain't No Use
E: Hey Pocky Way

traded from JK
The Moody Blues Mega-Rare Restored Vinyl "Grande Toure" LA Forum 1972-11-1 and 1974-01-30

First of all: Forget about what the discographies say where these shows were recorded and which tracks are on what date. 

They are wrong, wrong, WRONG!!!!

The first two tracks on this incredible album are most probably from the November 1972 concert at the LA Forum. The rest of the tracks are absolutely and definitely a cut up and rearranged version of the LA Forum show on 1974-01-30, and you can tell anyone else who has a differing opinion that I have the facts proven from a most reliable source. Although I can't go into the details, you can sort of prove it for yourself: The group had just returned from a tour of Japan. Check out the track listings on any of those shows - it's track by track the same after the first two songs on this album. The first two tracks were also not performed at all on the 1974 west coast tour.

As for the performances - heavenly!!!!! 

Here is the verified setlist for January 30:

Intro/Higher and Higher
Out And In
The Story In Your Eyes
One More Time To Live
Tuesday Afternoon
Legend Of A Mind
Watching And Waiting
Eternity Road
Discussion about Japan trip
Melancholy Man
Are You Sitting Comfortably?
The Dream
Have You Heard? Pt1
The Voyage
Have You Heard? Pt2
Nights In White Satin
I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock And Roll Band)
Ride My Seesaw

Here's the setlist for this album:


After You Came
When You're A Free Man


Are You Sitting Comfortably?
The Dream
Have You Heard? Pt1
The Voyage
Have You Heard? Pt2
Higher And Higher
Out And In
Legend Of A Mind
I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock And Roll Band)

A Simple Game (this studio track is DELETED as it has appeared on an official release)

As you can see, the beginning of the show has been moved to the second side of the LP. Why that is, is anybody's guess - maybe the geniuses at TAKRL thought it tracked better that way.

Lineage: TAKRL LP -> Pitch correction on turntable ->Sound Forge ->FLAC via FLAC frontend, level 6, sectors aligned and verified. 


A DoinkerTape
This is a very good audience recording of one of the last performances with 
Mike Pinder. His mellotron is very prominent throughout the show. The 
performance is excellent, with tracks from each of the "classic seven" albums.
I don't know the exact date and venue, but based on the band's comments, they 
are in Japan. They played several dates in Japan in January 1974. 

Lineage: ?->CD-R->EAC->wav->FLAC frontend->FLAC


Disc 1

1.Higher And Higher
2.Out And In
3.The Story In Your Eyes
4.One More Time To Live
5.Tuesday Afternoon
6.Legend Of A Mind
7.Watching And Waiting
8.Eternity Road
9.Melancholy Man

Disc 2

1.Are You Sitting Comfortably
2.The Dream
3.Have You Heard (Part 1)
4.The Voyage
5.Have You Heard (Part 2)
6.Nights In White Satin
7.I'm Just A Singer (In A Rock and Roll Band)
9.Ride My See-Saw

Justin Hayward	guitar vocals
Mike Pinder	keyboards vocals
Ray Thomas	flute sax vocals
John Lodge	bass vocals	
Graeme Edge	drums
trade cdr > >wav >> flac 8
Title = Supergroups in Concert

Cd 1
1.Stepping In The Slide Zone (5:47)
2.Tuesday Afternoon (4:59)
3.Twilight Time (3:40)
4.The Day We Meet Again (7:58) splice
5.Story In Your Eyes (3:42)
6.I'm Your Man (5:18)
7.Top Rank Suite (4:26)
8.Isn’t Life Strange (7:09)
9.Driftwood (5:27)
10.I'll Be Level With You (4:24)
11.Gypsy (4:18)
12.Survival (5:09)
13.The Balance (4:22)cut

Cd 2
1.Just A Singer In A Rock N Roll Band (4:47)
2.Nights In White Satin (6:19)
3.Timothy Leary (12:38)
4.Question (7:04)
5.Ride My See Saw (4:56)

Justin Hayward: guitar, vocals
John Lodge: bass, vocals
Ray Thomas: flute, vocals
Graeme Edge: drums
Patrick Moraz: keyboards
Sitting at the Wheel
Gemini Dream
Tuesday Afternoon
The Voice
Going Nowhere
Steppin' in a Slide Zone
The Story in Your Eyes
Hole in the World
Under My Feet
Painted Smile
Reflective Smile
Veteren Cosmic Rocker

Talking Out of Turn
Running Water
Isn't Life Strange?
Blue World
I'm Just a Singer in a Rock and Roll Band
Nights in White Satin
Legend of a Mind
Ride My See-Saw

Trade history:
RnRLive: offered 2007-08-04
Gemini Dream
The Voice
Rock ’n’ Roll Over You
Tuesday Afternoon
Your Wildest Dreams
The Story in Your Eyes
The Other Side of Life
Isn’t Life Strange
Veteran Cosmic Rocker
I’m Just a Singer
Nights in White Satin
The Moody Blues Live at Jones Beach with the Long Island Philharmonic Orchestra 1993-07-17 wonderful AUD master

For once the wind cooperated, and a great show resulted. It's clear as a bell.

Orchestral Introduction
Spoken Word
Tuesday Afternoon
For My Lady
New Horizons
Lean On Me
Voices In The Sky
Say It With Love
Emily's Song
I Know You're Out There Somewhere
The Story In Your Eyes
Lovely To See You Again
Your Wildest Dreams
Isn't Life Strange
The Other Side Of Life
I'm Just A Singer In A Rock And Roll Band
Nights In White Satin
Legend Of A Mind
Thank You's By The Band
Ride My Seesaw

Lineage Sony D3 -> Sound Forge ->cdr ->FLAC

A DoinkerTape
Milano 2004-04-22
Torino 2005-01-17
Chris Abrahams - piano, keyboards
Tony Buck - drums, percussion
Lloyd Swanton - acoustic and electric bass

01 Red Chief

FM > cassette > CDR > EAC > WAV > Audacity (minor track editing) > FLAC
Source: FM > ? > CDR > EAC > FLAC Level 8
WAV > FLAC by: Mike Vescovo (shackaholic@gmail.com) on 11/22/05

Disc One
Early Show
01. Improv

Disc Two
Late Show
01. Improv
Chris Abrahams - piano
Lloyd Swanton - bass
Tony Buck - drums

Necks-Wels 2004 46:26

AUD > cassette > CDR > EAC > WAV > Audacity (track length editing) > FLAC
quality: B
early show

Shake & Fingerpop
Tripe Face Boogie
Bright Lights Big City
Meet Me In The Bottom
Memo From Turner
Teenage Nervous Breakdown

late show

Bring It On Home
Can't Get Next To You
Next Time You See Me
Little By Little
That's Alright
Tripe Face Boogie
Red Hot Mama
It Hurts Me Too
Madison Blues
Shake Your Moneymaker

traded from JK
Hurry Sundown >
Cold & Lonesome Feeling >
Freeborn Man
Love at First Sight
Hope You Don't Mind
Stick Around For Rock & Roll >
Waterhole >
There Goes Another Love Song
Green Grass & High Tides

WLIR Pre-FM #35, listed as Suffolk Forum, Commack (some sites list this show as Nassau Coliseum)

Sound: A/A-
Show: A

Pre-FM SBD > Nak 550 > Maxell UDXL2 (no NR) via Peter Hedeman
Transfer: MC > Nak CR7-A (azimuth adjust) > SBM-1 (s/pdif) > Lynx Studio Technology One (soundcard) > Soundforge 4.5 > CD Architect 4.0f > Redbook CDR
Tracklist				total playtime 57:41

01.) Instrumental					2:54
02.) Weihnachtskaat vun nem Flittche vum Eijelstein 	4:18
03.) Wärm Bier & köhl Wiever				5:43 (last 60sec with Radioedit)
04.) En d'r Nohbarschaff				3:12
05.) Ohne wiever besser dran				4:41
06.) Jogging Botz voll bloot				3:38
07.) Dut pad						0:23
08.) Maat Höösch					4:57
09.) Rude Jolf						4:36
10.) 16 Memme en d'r Vringmaschin			4:09
11.) Met Fremde kein Verdrääch	(+M.R.)			3:38
12.) Die Seel nit verträäch (only M.R.)			4:13
13.) Helau / Radioedit					5:03
14.) Du kanns nix daför wenn Du Dräumst			4:39
15.) Schön dich ze sinn					1:32 (fade out)

Note: - WDR 3 Kulturnacht -

A german group from cologne around the singer Gerd Köster 
sing in "kölsch" songs from Tom Waits.

Source:  1.GEN / FM incl. Artwork  T0233FM
Great set by the power pop KINGS...who can still rock out some.
Sound is 7.5-8/10

Lineage: AUD BSM-7s > MM-EBM-1 > JB3 > HD > Nero > Flac > Y'all


01 Playing With Jack
02 How Long Will It Take?
03 Making Time
04 I'll Get Lucky
05 Every Day Things
06 Great Big World
07 Break The Ice
08 Hush
09 Hobo
10 Lost Time
11 Women
12 Oldest Story In The World
13 Everywhere At Once
14 I Want What You Got
15 I Can Only Give You Everything
16 Zero Hour
17 Magic Touch
18 Million Miles Away
19 Come On Now
20 Dizzy Miss Lizzy
21 Crowd/Encore
22 Now
23 In this Town

If you delete the crowd noise, this will fit on a single cdr.  I wanted to include it for the complete-ists......
Not certain of the setlist- any help appreciated

Can't Stand Losing You
So Lonely
Fall Out
Hole In My Life (w/ Fixing A Hole)
Truth Hits Everybody
Message In A Bottle*
Next To You

Can't Stand Losing You >
Day-o (banana Boat Song)
Can't Stand Losing You
Truth Hits Everybody
So Lonely
Fall Out
Born In The 50's
Hole In My Life
Be My Girl-Sally
Next To You
Another from the WLIR archives

1. DJ Intro
2. Next to You
3. So Lonely
4. Truth Hurts Everybody
5. Walking on the Moon
6. Hole in My Life
7. Fall Out
8. Bring on the Night
9. Message in a Bottle
10. The Bed's Too Big Without You
11. Peanuts
12. Roxanne
13. Can't Stand Losing You
14. Landlord
15. Born in the '50s
16. DJ  
Next To You
So Lonely
Truth Hits Everybody
Walking On The Moon
Hole In My Life
Fall Out
Bring On The Night
Visions Of The Night
The Bed's Too Big Without You
Message In A Bottle
Born In The 50's
Be My Girl>
Next To You (reprise)
Audience Master Cassette 
Nakamichi  CM 300 SG > Sony D5m > Maxell UD XLI
Playback: Nakamichi 680ZX > Tascam CD RW5000  CD > shn

From the original info file:

"Here's a little gem I blew the dust off of recently. The last night of the tour, and if I remember correctly, they opened the tour at this venue as well. Unsure of the exact taping location, but its nice and clean, very little audience noise. 


01) Voices Inside My Head 1:30
02) Message In A Bottle 3:54
03) Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic 3:55
04) Spirits In The Material World 3:56
05) Intros 1:09
06) Hungry For You 3:11
07) When The World Is Running Down.. 4:33
08) The Bed's Too Big Without You 5:00
09) DeDoDoDo DeDaDaDa 5:33
10) Demolition Man 5:41
11) Shadows In The Rain 6:40
12) Bring On The Night 6:14
13) One World (Not Three) 4:30
14) Invisible Sun 4:35
15) Roxanne 6:26
16) Crowd 1:30
17) Don't Stand So Close To Me> 12:23
    Can't Stand Losing You>
    Regatta De Blanc>
    Be My Girl
18) So Lonely 5:23
Disc 1
Jumping Jack Flash 
Let's Spend The Night Together 
She's So Cold 
Oh No Not You Again 
As Tears Go By 
Tumbling Dice 
Rain Fall Down 
Night Time Is The Right Time 
Band Introductions 
This Place Is Empty (Keith) 
Happy (Keith) 

Disc 2
Miss You (to B-stage) 
Rough Justice 
Get Off Of My Cloud 
Honky Tonk Women (to main stage) 
Sympathy For The Devil 
Paint It Black 
Start Me Up 
Brown Sugar 
You Can't Always Get What You Want (encore) 
Satisfaction (encore) 

The title says Soundboard (I doubt that) 
It's a really good recording 9/10 
conducted by Sir Andrew Davis; 
Nexus Percussion Ensemble--
Bob Becker
Bill Cahn
Robin Engelman
Russell Hartenberger
Gary Kvistad

Takemitsu: From Me Flows What You Call Time


Holst: The Planets
I. Mars, the Bringer of War – Allegro - 7:09
II. Venus, the Bringer of Peace – Adagio - 8:05
III. Mercury, the Winged Messenger – Vivace - 3:49
IV. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity – Allegro giocoso - 7:49
V. Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age – Adagio - 9:53
VI. Uranus, the Magician – Allegro - 5:38
VII. Neptune, the Mystic – Andante* - 7:03 

Patrons walking into Davies Symphony Hall for Thursday night's San Francisco Symphony concert could tell right away that something out of the ordinary was afoot.

There were multi-colored ribbons stretching from the stage all the way across the orchestra section to the first tier, with chimes hanging from the ledge. On stage, there was percussion everywhere -- bells, gongs, drums and mallet instruments of all kinds, sprawled across the front and back of the playing area.

What brought all this hardware together was the first Symphony performance of "From me flows what you call Time," Toru Takemitsu's large- scale 1990 opus for percussion ensemble and orchestra. The Canadian ensemble Nexus, for whom the piece was written, served as soloists, with Sir Andrew Davis conducting the orchestra.

Anyone expecting a percussion lollapalooza, though, full of rhythmic vitality and the loud thwacking of drums, would have been surprised.

At nearly 35 minutes, "From me" is larger in size and rhetoric than many of the composer's pieces, but it boasts the same kind of gentle delicacy that informs nearly all of Takemitsu's music. Textures are sparse and crystalline, the harmonic language consonant, the melodic phrasing wispy and lyrical.

What's most distinctive about the piece is its theatrical sense of ritual. After an extended, meditative flute solo (hauntingly delivered by Robin McKee), the five soloists -- Bob Becker, Bill Cahn, Robin Engelman, Russell Hartenberger and Garry Kvistad -- made their entrance through the audience, walking with slow stateliness and giving little pings with small handheld cymbals.

At the composer's direction, they were dressed in color-coded outfits of red, blue, white, green and yellow (pursuant to some kind of cosmological theme that wasn't easy to decipher). Even the setup of the instruments and the succession of solos looked meticulously choreographed.

In form, the piece is essentially a concerto -- though one from which any hint of conflict is characteristically absent. The percussionists do their thing, sometimes in tandem and sometimes individually; periodically the orchestra weighs in with a sweet-tempered chorale. At the midpoint and again at the end, two percussionists tug on the ribbons to make the chimes sound from the back of the hall.

It's all perfectly lovely, and Davis led a canny, translucent performance. But to these ears, Takemitsu's music, both in this case and elsewhere, only rarely transcends prettiness. Those tinkly rock gardens of sound always cast a spell on first hearing; they begin to cloy, though, well before 35 minutes have passed.

Given the nature theme in the piece -- the five percussionists are meant to represent the elements of sky, water, fire, earth and wind -- Gustav Holst's astronomical suite "The Planets" made a funny but apt companion piece. And Davis' forthright, fervent reading drew a sharp contrast between Holst's rude energy -- bordering here and there on the obvious -- and Takemitsu's endlessly refined vapors. There were some rough spots, including a blowsy beginning to "Jupiter" and some awkward near-misses in the quick "Mercury" and "Uranus" movements.

But most of the piece exuded the necessarily healthy ruddiness, from the thrillingly aggressive "Mars" to the elusive, shimmery textures of the final "Neptune" (Holst's suite, written in 1916, predates the discovery of Pluto, to say nothing of Sedna). Luxuriant solos by concertmaster Alexander Barantschik and cellist Michael Grebanier only added to the seductive charms of "Venus."
Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Conducted by Gerard Schwarz
Chris Olka, tuba

Announcer 0:29
Kodaly: Dances of Galánta 15:36

Announcer 0:52
Jones: Tuba Concerto (World Premiere)
Total Time: 40:59

Disk 2
Announcer 1:00
 Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 in B minor Op. 74 "Pathètique" 
Adagio - Allegro non troppo 17:11
Allegro con grazia 7:44
Allegro molto vivace 8:48
Finale 10:06
Total Time: 44:41

A preview of the concert from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer is here: http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/classical/254451_tuba05.html

Other previews and reviews are here:
Lineage: fm>SoundBlaster>wav>flac

Here are some familiar works. For the Strauss piece, I only split it where there were clear splits. The movements flow into each other, for the most part, and I wasn't comfortable trying to split them. Enjoy!

conducted by Gerard Schwarz

Haydn: Symphony No. 96 in D, Miracle
Adagio - Allegro  
Menuetto: Allegretto - Trio - Menuetto  
Finale: Vivace (assai)  

Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor Op. 67
Movement 1: Allegro con brio  
Movement 2: Andante con moto  
Movement 3: Allegro  
Movement 4: Allegro  

R. Strauss: Thus Spoke Zarathustra op. 30
Of the Backworldsmen  
Of the Great Longing  
Of Joys and Passions  
The Song of the Grave  
The Dance Song  
The Convalescent  
The Dance Song  
Song of the Night Wanderer  

Total Time: 89:26
Conducted by Gerard Schwarz

Announcer 2:03
Schoenfield: Sinfonietta 14:44

Announcer 2:06
Copland: Billy the Kid Suite

Announcer 2:29
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4 in F minor Op. 36
Andante sostenuto- Moderato con anima 18:54
Andantino in modo di canzona 10:01
Scherzo 5:27
Finale (Allegro con fuoco) 8:51

Total Time: 85:27
Total Time w/o Announcer: 78:49
The Thing > Baby Talk > Old Eyes > Awake Nu

Swedish saxophonist Mats Gustafsson fronts the high octane scandinavian trio The
Thing. Gustafsson has been at the forefront of the recent resurgence of Scandinavian
contemporary jazz, and has worked extensively in Chicago with American reed master
Joe McPhee and progressive European saxophone legend Peter Brötzmann. Mats is
supported by the great Norwegian rhythm section of Paal Nissen-Love on drums and
Ingerbrigt Håker-Flaten bass.
Disc One : 

1. The Black Overture > 
2. Matter Of Pride 
3. TV Is King
4. Think About Me
5. Sports Fans & The Hooterettes
6. Dancers Intro > Amnesia >
7. Amnesia cont. > Mr Hate
8. What Do You Want From Life >
9. Attack Of the 50ft Woman >
10. Smoke (La Vie En Fumer) >
11. Mondo Bondage

Disc Two :   

1. Don't Want To Wait Anymore
2. Sushi Girl
3. Power Tools
4. Tube Talk  
5. Business Men
6. Talk To You Later
7. Let's Make Some Noise > Weebee Dance > Stand Up And Shout
8. The Tubes World Tour >
9. Drums Solo > The Tubes World Tour

Encores :

10. I Saw Her Standing There > 
11. White Punks On Dope 

Master cassette > Nakamichi >  amplifiers > tascam audio cdrw750 > cd > computer > plex tool professional XL > wav > flac. 

Recorded, transfered, & uploaded by 38f on Dime, August 2007.  
Aint' No Words for the Things I'm Feeling
The Girl in the Swing
Universal Hall
This Light Is for the World
Peace of Iona
Strange Boat
Medicine Bow
Be My Enemy
Glastonbury Song
Fisherman's Blues
The Whole of the Moon

1. Without God
2. Call Him By His Name
3. Joyful Sounds
4. I Shall Not Be Moved
5. NYC Freaks
6. Blood on that Rock
7. Waiting for My Wings
8. I'll Fly Away

Source: B&K 4022's->Sonosax SX-M2->AD2K->HHB1Pro->.shn->.wav->SoundForge->FLAC
Text file: This is a "merge" of two previously torrented versions of this
excellent Thomas Dolby show.  The bulk of the recording comes
from the (supposed) pre-FM version, most recently re-seeded


The remainder (and in my opinion, the more interesting) of 
these tracks came from jfowler27's excellent master recording 
of the original FM broadcast, found here:


Thanks very much to jfowler27 for seeding this rare alternate
version, and for kindly giving me permission to seed this 
"merge" version.

My alterations to either of these recordings have been minimal.
I used Cool Edit to crossfade tracks in and out between the
two recordings, and to my ear the transitions sound pretty
good.  Aside from that, all I have done was to separate out the
fragment of "Get Out of My Mix" from the end of "Europa and the
Pirate Twins".

As a bonus, I have added one final track to the torrent.  It's
a very rare live version of "Urges", taken from a Los Angeles
show in May 1984.  Not FM quality, but a very listenable
audience recording and worth it for the rareness factor.

Track listing:
1. "Flat Earth" intro. tape (FM)
2. White City (FM)
3. Dissidents (pre-FM)
4. The Flat Earth (pre-FM)
5. One of Our Submarines is Missing (pre-FM)
6. The Puppet Theatre (pre-FM)
7. New Toy (pre-FM)
8. Airwaves (pre-FM)
9. I Scare Myself (pre-FM)
10. Hyperactive (pre-FM)
11. Europa and the Pirate Twins (pre-FM)
12. Get Out of My Mix (fragment) (pre-FM)
13. She Blinded Me With Science (pre-FM)
14. Commercial Breakup (FM)
15. Windpower (pre-FM)
bonus track:
16. Urges (live in Los Angeles May 17, 1984)


TRACKS LABELED "FM" - FM:cassette > Edirol UA-1A USB > 
CoolEdit 2000 > CD Wave > SHNTool (sector boundaries verified)
> Trader's Little Helper > FLAC 

TRACKS LABELED "pre-FM" - (minimal info. in original torrent,
simply labeled "pre-FM" in the torrent file, with possible
hiss reduction but that is original to the source - sorry!)

BONUS TRACK: Cassette recording > my copy received in trade
(generation unknown) > Nero Burning ROM > Cool Edit (volume

To create the "merge" > all tracks imported via Nero Burning
ROM > Cool Edit > 1 second crossfade between sources (except
a deliberate 2 second gap prior to the bonus track, as it
is from an entirely different performance)
Key to Her Ferrari
One of Our Submarines
Pulp Culture
Europa and the Pirate Twins
My Brain Is Like a Sieve
I Scare Myself
Hot Sauce
May the Cube Be with You
She Blinded Me with Science
Wind Power

WBCN live FM broadcast -> Cassette -> unknown transfer method -> CD-R
Tim Berne quintet
t1 15:22
t2 11:05
t3 13:36
t4 11:02
t5 The Ground Floor 
(TT 61:11)

Tim Berne - reeds
Herb Robertson - trumpet
Brussels Phil - guitar
Ratzo Harris - bass
Tom Rainey - drums

source: audience
lineage: unknown > CD > EAC > flac level 8 > Dime

This comes from a somehow under-documented era in Berne's career.  The show comes a year after Berne's then last group effort, 'Mutant Variations', but sounds completely different. 1984 was the year of 'Theoretically', my first encounter with Berne, and the last track was taken from that album, albeit in a rather different rendering as this is a full-blown quintet compared to the album's sparse duo-setting. It would take another year before the three soloists, with a different rhythm section, would record Herb Robertson's first album, 'Transparency'.  All this history just to say that - lacking a setlist and an official recording - this music is very hard to pinpoint.
The music is, neverthless, fresh, daring and adventurous, with more than a hint to the 1987 'Fulton Street Maul' quartet.  I add a review from the New York Times, written by Jon Pareles, published on 19 February 1984:

The Tim Berne Quintet takes marvelous liberties with its tunes. At Roulette on Friday, Mr. Berne, an alto saxophonist and composer, defied the conventional theme-solos-theme format of most jazz sets. 
While everyone in the group got a chance to solo, the tunes were continually turning themselves inside out and upside down, elapsing in a dreamlike, open-ended series of shifting textures. 
There were duets by Mr. Berne and Herb Robertson on trumpet, or by Ratzo Harris on bass and Tom Rainey on drums. There were floating chords, in a long-breathed ballad, for saxophone, trumpet, bass and Brussels Phil's electric guitar. At one point, Mr. Berne and Mr. Robertson carried the melody while the rest of the quintet improvised; at another, Mr. Berne played a sustained solo as Mr. Robertson sputtered in double time. 
The group's most striking soloists were Mr. Berne, with his deep tone and songful phrasing, and Mr. Brussels, who played glassy, sliding chords and oddly fitting electronic sounds. But the full group's subtle dynamics, under Mr. Berne's control, were just as impressive. 

The sound is a pretty good audience, B+ probably, which is quite good considering this is 22 years old.  The playing is - needless to say - a solid A.
Source:  BBC FM broadcast > CD-R recorder (Philips 570)
Editing: None other than Fade in / out + applause removal (Easy CD Creator)
Transfer: >EAC > Flac Frontend (level 6) > you
Quality: A++ with very little FM hiss

Broadcast on BBC Jazz on 3, this is a fantastic dynamic performance by Big Satan and is
the first broadcast from the Vortex, the second in 2006 having been posted here a few 
weeks ago.

To my ears at least, this is the more varied and enjoyable of the two, the later being more
precise and analytical playing, whereas this has more muscular and free playing.

Quality of recording is one of my best and now I've managed to get EAC running, no Nero or
Plextor glitches here as I listened to the .flacs off my PC burner so ...Enjoy!!

18:03 Bobby Raconte une Histoire
11:35 ?
13.51 Lanex et Miseve
15:01 Description du Tunnel

Tim Berne - alto &  baritone sax
Marc Ducret - guitar 
Tom Rainey - drums 
Source: BBC DAB (192khz) broadcast > HD recorder (Yamaha CDR-HD1300)> AMQR CD-R80
Editing: None other than Fade in / out before writing to CD-R
Transfer >wav (Nero 7 with jitter reduction) > Flac Frontend (level 6)> flac
Quality: Digital all the way to you, so EX+

1 [10:49] Uncle (Tim Berne)
2 [12:03] Histoire (Marc Ducret)
3 [10:58] Cause & Reflect (Tim Berne)
4 [10:53] L'Ombra Di Verdi (Marc Ducret)
Aud>CDR in trade>Xact>flac

Tim Berne, alto and baritone
Michael Formanek, bass
Chris Speed, tenor and clarinet
Jim Black, drums

six tracks
Recorded: April 18th. 1993
Broadcast: March 11th. 1994

Source:  BBC FM broadcast > Aiwa 640 3-head cassette master > HD recorder (Yamaha 1300)
Editing: Fade in / out, crossfading of tape flip
Transfer AMQR CD-R > EAC > Flac Frontend (level 6)> flac
Quality: A+  with just a little background FM hiss

Broadcast on BBC Jazz on 3 some eleven months after recording, this is Tim Berne's Caos Totale 
group, with guest Django Bates, performing numbers from both their CDs including a number,
Impacted Wisdom, specially commissioned by Birmingham Jazz.
Copies of this concert are owned by at least one Dime member or other traders, but in a shorter
100min form, but this is the complete concert with just an unnoticeable tape flip 4:32min from 
the end of track 3 - bet you can't spot the join !

...Enjoy this fantastic performance !!

Set List

Disk 1
15:07 Bass Voodoo
22:51 Luna
29:36 It Could've Been A Lot Worse

Disk 2
50:53 Impacted Wisdom
00:48 Station announcer

Tim Berne	- Sax
Bobby Previte	- Drums
Mark Dresser	- Bass
Herb Robertson	- Trumpet, Cornet & Flugelhorn
Steve Swell	- Trombone
Marc Ducret	- Electric Guitar

+ guest: Django Bates - Piano, Keyboards & Tenor Horn

Credits / Notes:
1. Lovely artworks courtesy of member 'angela' - super job!!
      see also: http://www.wulfware.de/covers/Index3/TiBe930418.htm
2. Concert details as provided by member 'ssalevy' - thanks!
3. No glitches, burnt .flacs and listened on my PC burner to check.
Source:  BBC FM broadcast > CD-R recorder (Philips 570)
Editing: Fade in / out and -2dB Nero noise reduction (1999 only)
Transfer >wav (Nero 7 with jitter reduction) > Flac Frontend (level 6)> flac
Quality: A++ Recording, very little FM hiss audible

Here is a wonderfully powerful performance by this particular Tim Berne Trio - and much requested by Dime members - recorded with huge dynamics and pristine quality from a BBC 'Jazz on 3' broadcast from the Spitz, London in 2002.

Everybody seems to call the group Hard Cell (as does the db.etree entry) although at the time this group was called the Shell Game both by the BBC and their first official CD, recorded around this time, which contained a track called Hard Cell. On the second CD, the group called themselves Hard Cell and had a track called Shell Game just to confuse us - so we will just stick with the name that is now best known.

Tim Berne - alto sax
Craig Taborn - electric piano & electronics
Tom Rainey - drums

Set List

07:21 - Huevos
13:16 - Mr. Subliminal
34:28 - Sigh Fry
12:01 - Heavy Mental
00:16 - Applause > band members

Total time = 67:25 min
Performed November 19th, 2003
Re-broadcast June 2nd, 2004 

Source:  BBC DAB (192khz) broadcast > HD recorder (Yamaha CDR-HD1300)
Editing: None other than Fade in / out on Yamaha
Transfer AMQR CD-R80 >wav (Nero 7 with jitter reduction) > Flac Frontend (level 6)> flac
Quality: Digital all the way to you, so EX+
Science Friction

Tim Berne    - alto sax 
Tom Rainey   - drums 
Craig Taborn - keyboard 
Marc Ducret  - guitar 
David Torn   - guitar, samplers, and electronics (guest)
Arte Saxophone Quartet 

Beat Kappeler     - baritone saxophones 
Beat Hofstetter   - alto saxophones 
Andrea Formenti   - tenor and alto saxophones 
Sascha Armbruster - alto soprano and baritone saxophones 

Disk 1
01:27 - Intro (station announcer - Jez nelson)
30:15 - Untitled (Still) - Science Friction + Arte: Jazz on 3 Commission (first performance) 
01:31 - Applause > Band members > Station announcer
11:43 - Repulsion - Arte Saxophone Quartet

Total time = 44:57min

Disk 2  (Science Friction Quartet + special guest David Torn)
06:04 - Vangundy's Retreat
10:20 - Shell Game 
04:40 - Traction 
06:03 - Mrs Subliminal 
12:16 - Heavy Mental
01:02 - Outro (Tim Berne > station announcer)

total time = 40:26

1. Artworks beautifully produced by member 'dsgtrane' (David) - Thanks!!!
2. Details as provided on the BBC Jazz on 3 web site
3. Entry in db.etree just gives performance date
4. Disk time includes 2sec. run-in and may display as 2sec less, but don't worry, it is OK 
set 1  (59:33)
t1 25:56
t2 8:41
t3 24:58

set 2  (53:39)
t4 46:23
applause + band intros  1:06
encore  6:11

Tim Berne - reeds
David Torn - guitar, effects
Bobby Previte - percussion

source: audience
lineage: unknown > wav > flac level 6 > wav > CD > EAC > CDWAV > flac level 8 > Dime


I was ready to seed this show last week when out of the blue Punkjazz seeded his version. His version was twice as long as mine: apparently I only had set 2, whereas he had both.
However, on comparing his second set to mine, it quickly became apparent that his was about 7 and a half minutes shorter.  Apart from some stage-antics at the beginning, the set lacked the band intros and the encore.
So here it is, on general request, the complete show. 
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DOWNLOADED PJ'S VERSION: the first CD are exact copies of his first 3 tracks, so when you drag these tracks from his seed into this seed (CD1 folder), you don't have to download the entire show again.  I also left his fingerprints, so you can verify.
Alternatively, if you have a tracker that allows for single file downloads, you can select only D2 t2-3 and add them to the first track.
CD2 contains Punkjazz's 4th track, only just a little longer, the applause/intro track, and the encore.

Sound is excellent, playing is satanically superb!  Enjoy!!

total time 1:51:12

Source:  BBC FM broadcast > Aiwa 640 3-head cassette deck, Sony HF-ES C90 master, Dolby C and HX
Editing: Nero 6 - Impulsive FM glitches and almost all applause removed, plus track / flip cross-fading
Transfer > Philips CDR-570 audio CD-RW recorder > Nero 7 inc. jitter reduction > Flac Frontend (level 6)
Quality: A+, with relatively little hiss for this vintage

This is my very favourite Tim Berne grouping which shows Tim and Hank at their most free, but still 
harmonic best, spiralling up into the statosphere whilst Joey nails the beat and all around around it
like Jaki Liebezeit (of Can) at his wildest! 

Their use of electronics is unusual but certainly not out of place, bringing to mind earlier experiments
by Robert Wyatt on drums / vocalising.

The ensemble playing is also evocative of the entire Soft Machine, whilst without any doubt forming the
style and direction that has led to today's Tim Berne groups, Big Satan, Hard Cell and Science Friction.

This is about as good as it gets from Tim Berne - Enjoy !!

Tim Berne - alto sax
Hank Roberts - cello, electronics and Harmonizer
Joey Baron - drums & electronics

Set list:
09:51 - Telex Blues
09:46 - Hong Kong Sad Song
11:22 - Ethiopian Boxer
06:19 - Aspetta
12:29 - The Plank
13:17 - Sanctuary

63:06 min = Total time

1. No entry on db.etree and the BBC database is not available, so some details are limited
2. Announcer said the broadcast was 3 weeks after Power Tools at Crawley - anybody know details?
3. As far as I know, this is the first time this performance has been posted
4. Track details are as announced by the BBC presenter and/or Tim's 3 related official CDs
5. One slight glitch still remains at around 3.45 on track 4
5. Great Artworks courtesy of member 'angela' - Thanks !!
see also http://www.wulfware.de/covers/Index3/TiBe8809xx.htm
Party in the Park II

1. [05.06] Couldn't I Just Tell You
2. [04.24] One World
3. [03.48] Bag Lady
4. [05.53] The Wheel
5. [07.50] Hang On Sloopy

Sound: A
Show: A

Can't Complain
D.B. Cooper
Betty Was Black(Willie Was White)
You Think You Know Somebody
Statistician's Blues
Forty-Five Miles
Long Year
Vinyl Records
Crooked Piece Of Time*
Moondawgs Tavern
Beer Run
Set I
Can't Complain
Tillamook County Jail
Easy Money
Yesterday's and Used to Be's
D.B. Cooper
Ballad of the Kingsmen
This Land is Our Land
TV Guide
Nightrider's Lament
Statistician's Blues
Doublewide Blues
Play a Train Song
All My Life
Vinyl Records
To Beat The Devil
Alright Guy
Conservative Christian...
45 Miles
Sideshow Blues
Better Than Ever Blues, Part 2
Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Set II
A Very Short Time
Late Last Night
sbd > Nomad Jukebox 3 [wav, 44,1 kHz, +7db]
transfer: JB3 > CDWav [track splitting] > Trader's Little Helper > flac [level 8, sector boundaries aligned]
taped and transferred by finalharvest

[77:00 minutes]
01 Age Like Wine
02 45 Miles
03 Ballad Of The Kingsmen
04 Tension
05 Sunshine
06 D.B. Cooper
07 Tillamook County Jail
08 Easy Money
09 Broke
10 Can't Complain
11 This Land Is Our Land
12 Play A Train Song
13 Anywhere
	encore 1
14 Alright Guy
15 Incarcerated
16 Conservative Christian Right-Wing Republican Straight White Amerian Males
	encore 2
17 Enjoy Yourself

support: The Believers [www.thebelieversusa.com]
attendance: 180 

thanks to Todd and his tour manager Dave for giving me persmission to record the show
thanks to Craig for letting me record from the soundboard
sbd > Nomad Jukebox 3 [wav, 44,1 kHz, +7db]
transfer: JB3 > CDWav [track splitting] > Trader's Little Helper > flac [level 8, sector boundaries aligned]
taped and transferred by finalharvest

[75:41 minutes]
01 Can't Complain
02 45 Miles
03 Tension
04 Ballad Of The Kingsmen
05 Horseshoe Lake
06 You Think You Know Somebody
07 Play A Train Song
08 Moondawg's Tavern
09 Age Like Wine
10 Waco Moon
11 Tillamook County Jail
12 Easy Money
13 Alright Guy
14 Nashville
15 Statistician's Blues
16 Doublewide Blues
17 Incarcerated
18 Conservative Christian Right-Wing Republican Straight White American Male
19 Enjoy Yourself

thanks to Todd and his tour manager Dave for giving me persmission to record the show
thanks to Nigel for letting me record from the soundboard
Source: SBD> Sony D8
Transfer: Sony D8> Oade 7 pin/ digital out> Phillips CDR775> CDR> 
          Sound Forge 5.0> CDWav> Flac Frontend> FLAC (with md5 checksums) 
Taped by: Cecil Duncan (unataper@yahoo.com)


Disk 1-
01- Living in the USA [Chuck Berry] 
02- Alcohol and Pills
03- [If Tomorrow Never Comes story] 
04- If Tomorrow Never Comes
05- Tension > Three Little Birds [Bob Marley] 
06- Tillamook County Jail
07- [Kingsmen intro]> Ballad of the Kingsmen
08- [K.K. Rider story] 
09- Don't It Make You Wanna Dance [Rusty Weir] 
10- Statistician's Blues
11- This Land is Our Land
12- Play a Train Song

Disk 2-
01- I Spoke as a Child 
02- Alright Guy
03- Doublewide Blues
04- Incarcerated
05- Conservative Christian... 
06- Living in the USA [Chuck Berry]

Encore :
07- crowd noise>
08- Easy Money > It's Only Rock 'n' Roll [Rolling Stones] 
09- Enjoy Yourself

This show was opened by Peter Cooper and Molly Thomas 
who both joined Todd for several songs in his set. 
No info on this other than what is listed below.


1. Fish and Whistle (2/19/04)
2. Please Don't Bury Me (10/25/01)
3. Daddy's Little Pumpkin (10/25/01)
4. Living in the Future (6/14/02)
5. Speed of the Sound of Loneliness (2/19/04)
6. That's the Way That the World Goes Round (9/22/01)
7. Crooked Piece of Time (6/14/02)
8. Illegal Smile (11/17/00)
9. Angel from Montgomery (7/11/03)
10. Maureen, Maureen (2/19/04)
11. The Accident (12/30/04)
12. Paradise (12/11/04)
13. Diamonds in the Rough (5/20/99) 
Around and Around
Jammin' Me
Runnin' Down a Dream
Time Is On My Side
Call Me the Breeze
Cabin Down Below
Diddy Wah Diddy
Slaughter on Tenth Avenue
Listen to Her Heart
I Won't Back Down
The Date I Had
I Found My Baby
Serves You Right to Suffer
Boogie Chillin'

It's Good to Be King
Green Onions
You Are My Sunshine
Ain't No Sunshine
On the Street
I Want You Back Again
Little Maggie
Angel Dream
Guitar Boogie Shuffle
Even the Losers
American Girl
You Really Got Me
County Farm

You Wreck Me
Shakin' All Over
Mary Jane's Last Dance
You Don't Know How It Feels
I Got a Woman
Free Fallin'
Bye Bye Johnny
Louie Louie
It's All Over Now
Alright for Now

Sound: A+
Show: A+
Taper: KingReptile

Equipt.: Schoeps MK4s>N-BOX>Sony TCD-D100  

Transfer: Tascam DA-20 MK> (S/PDIF) > Audigy 2 ZS Platinum > Sound Forge6 .0 > CDWave>Flac Level 8
No Adjustments straight transfer

01 Listen To Her Heart
02 You Don't Know How It Feels
03 I Won't Back Down
04 Free fallin'
05 Saving Grace
06 Mary Jane's Last Dance
07 I'm A Man
08 Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac cover)
09 Handle With Care (Travelin' Wilburys)
10 Band Intro
11 Stop Draggin My Heart Around with special guest Stevie Nicks
12 I Need To Know (Stevie Nicks)
13 Melinda
14 Square One
15 Insider (Stevie Nicks)
Disc 2
01 Learning To Fly
02 Don't Come Around Here No More
03 Refugee
04 Running Down A Dream
05 Encore (Crowd Noise)
06 You Wreck Me
07 Gloria
08 American Girl

SPECIAL THANKS to Nick (Schoepsnabox) for the rig loan Enjoy!!!
CD 1

Intro/Listen To Her Heart^
You Don't Know How It Feels
I Won't Back Down
Free Fallin'
Saving Grace
Last Dance With Mary Jane
I'm A Man (Yardbirds Cover)
Oh Well (Fleetwood Mac Cover)
Handle With Care (Traveling Wilburys)
Band Intro's / Stop Draggin' My Heart Around *
I Need To Know *

CD 2

Tom Speaks / Fooled Again (I Don't Like It)
Square One
Insider *
Learning To Fly *
Don't Come Around Here No More *
Runnin Down A Dream
You Wreck Me
Mystic Eyes (with House in the Woods tease)
American Girl*

* w/ Stevie Nicks 
^ = Slight Cut In Track Only Error in disc
Audience Is Loud At Times But A Damn Fine Recording Of A Great Concert IMO !!!!!!


!!!!!!Do Not Sell This Recording Or Encode it to a lossy format such as MP3!!!!!!
This Recording Is For Sharing And Trade Purposes Only!!!

LAWN CSB>CSB Batt Box>Sony Hi-MD MZ-RH910>WAV>WAVLAB/Edit>Flac
Recorded & Encoded By Benny Blanco

This is untouched if anyone feels they can clean it up a bit feel free to I wont take 
offense as its my first Recording all i ask is please list me as the orginal recorder 
and do not encode to a lossy format :)

Intro by Martin Mull
Warm Beer & Cold Women
Eggs & Sausage
Emotional Weather Report
Better Off Without a Wife
audience stereo dolby master (Maxell UD C120) 
2 Sony ECM 33P microphones (handheld first row left orch) > Sony TC-152 cassette deck.  
recorded by Jerry Moore and Dennis Anderson. 

Master Cassette >  Nakamichi Dragon (Dolby B) > HHB CDR830plus. 
EAC > Sound Forge 6.0 > CD Wave > Flac Frontend.  Transfer and editing by Anne Cohen 3/2006.

Disc One:

1. Emotional Weather Report
2. tuning and talking
3. Eggs And Sausage
4. Drunk On The Moon
5. New Coat of Paint
6. San Diego Serenade
7. Pasties And A G-String
8. intro. Better Off w/o A Wife 
9. Better Off Without A Wife
10. Fumblin' With The Blues
11. story Nat'l City, CA
12. The Ghosts of Saturday Night
13. Lookin' For Saturday Night

Disc Two:

1. Diamonds On My Windshield
2. Please Call Me, Baby
3. Depot Depot
4. intro. story
5. Semi Suite
6. Virginia Avenue
7. Nighthawk Postcards (From Easy Street)
8. introduce ensemble
9. Warm Beer And Cold Women
10. goodnight
Standin' On The Corner
I Never Talk To Strangers
Pasties And A G-String
Invitation To The Blues/Eggs And Sausage
Depot, Depot
Jitterbug Boy
Step Right Up
I Wish I Was In New Orleans/Small Change
The Piano Has Been Drinking
Emotional Weather Report
Medley: Jack & Neal/California, Here I Come
Tom Traubert's Blues
Tom Waits: vocals, piano, guitar
Frank Vicari: tenor sax
Danny "Dwight" Mann: bass
Chip White: drums, vibes, percussion
Disc 1
1. I Don't Wanna Grow Up
2. Black Wings
3. Goin' Out West
4. 16 Shells From a 30.06
5. Such a Scream
6. Jesus Gonna Be Here
7. Earth Died Screaming
8. Tango Till They're Sore
9. A Little Rain
10. Broken Bicycles
11. Back in the Good Old World
12. Invitation To the Blues
13. Johnsburg, Illinois
14. On the Nickel
15. Christmas Card From a Hooker in Minneapolis
16. All Stripped Down
17. The Ocean Doesn't Want Me
18. In the Coliseum

Disc 2
1. Innocent When You Dream
2. Cemetery Polka
3. Falling Down
4. That Feel
5. Singapore
6. Heartattack and Vine
7. Filipino Box Spring Hog
8. Big Joe and Phantom 309
9. Gun Street Girl
10. Time
11. Lucky Day
12. Walk Away
13. The Fall of Troy
14. Tom Traubert's Blues
A WOLF HiQuality remastering effort 

DSBD >DAT-M >DATx2 >Audiowerk-8 DigiCard >wav >mkwACT v0.97 b1 >shn 
>wav >WaveLab (Digital Remastering) >wav >mkwACT v0.97 b1 >shn 
>shorten v3.3 >wav >FLAC v1.0.3 (with sector alignment option set) >flac 
>wav >shorten v3.3 >seekable shn (no DAE) 

Disc 1 
1.Walk away 
2.Sixteen shells from a thirty ought six 
3.Downtown train 
4.Strange weather 
6.Gun Street Girl 
7.I can't wait to get off work 
8.A little rain 
9.Tango till they're sore 
10.House where nobody lives 
11.Hang down your head 
Disc 2 
1.Heartattack and wine 
2.Jockey full of bourbon 
3.Hold on 
4.Filipino box spring hog 
5.The heart of Saturday night 
6.Jesus gonna be here 
7.Nineth and Hennepin 
8.Goin' out west 
9.Johnsburg, Illinois 
10.Innocent when you dream 
Wolf dedicates this digital remastering 
of a pure digital recording to BRUNO 
Archival Recording & Preservation: Unknown
Initial Mastering: BRUNO
Digital Remastering: WOLF
Artwork: WOLF
Tree Administration: Rolf 

Recorded for VH-1 Storytellers

Tango Till They're Sore
Hang Down Your Head
Ol' 55
Strange Weather
Hold On
Picture In A Frame
Can't Wait To Get Off Work
House Where Nobody Lives
Get Behind The Mule
Chocolate Jesus
What's He Building
A Little Rain
Downtown Train
Black Wing
Jesus Gonna Be Here
Jersey Girl
Chocolate jesus
Tango Till They're Sore (different take)
Hang Down Your Head (different take)
Disc 1 and Disc 2, tracks 1 to 7, recorded on July 14, 1999.
Disc 2, tracks 8 to 13, recorded on July 13, 1999.

Lucky Day Overture And Fragments From Step Right Up
Black Rider
Jockey Full Of Bourbon
Jesus Gonna Be Here
Get Behind The Mule
Walk Away
Chocolate Jesus
Hold On
Eyeball Kid
What's He Building
A Little Rain
Invitation To The Blues
Hang Down Your Head
Tango Till They're Sore
Innocent When You Dream
Sixteen Shells From A Thirty Ought Six
Shore Leave
Filipino Box Spring Hog
Come On Up To The House
House Where Nobody Lives
The Heart Of Saturday Night
Goin' Out West
I Can't Wait To Get Off Work
Picture In A Frame
Who Are You
Heart Attack And Vine

Trade history:
2007-08-09: Offered on vinelist
disc one
01.black rider intro
02.jockey full of bourbon
03.jesus gonna be here
04.in the colosseum
05.heart of sat night
06.get behind the mule
07.chocolate jesus
08.down down down 
09.hold on
10.eyeball kid
11.tango till they're sore
12.a little rain
13.cemetary polka
14.invitation to the blues

disc two
01.the briar and the rose
02.innocent when you dream
03.16 shells from a 30.06
04.gun street girl
05.who are you
06.straight to the top
07.i'll shoot the moon
08.filipino box spring hog
09.what's he building
10.heartattack and vine
11.jersey girl
12.house where nobody lives
13.take it with me

Audience cdr in trade  
disc one:

Jesus Gonna Be Here
Jockey Full of Bourboun
Earth Died Screaming
Get Behind the Mule
Strange Weather
Hold On
Angels in Heaven
Chocolate Jesus
Murder in the Red Barn
Goin' Out West
Tango Till They're Sore
Warsaw 5 a.m.
Picture in a Frame
Cemetery Polka
Invitation to the Blues

disc two:

Innocent When You Dream
16 Shells from a Thirty-Ought Six
Gun Street Girl
Who Are You
I'll Shoot the Moon
Come On Up to the House
Lucky Day 

tom waits - vocals guitar piano bullhorn
larry taylor - upright bass 
smokey hormel - guitars banjo mandolin
danny mc.gough - keyboards
angrew borger - drums percussion

a waitswatcher production 2005 -
Theater des Westens, Berlin  15. Nov. 2004

Disc 1:

01.  Make it rain
02.  Don't go into that barn
03.  Lost at the bottom of the world
04.  Hoist that rag
05.  Sins of the father
06.  Top of the hill
07.  Trampled rose
08.  All the world is green
09.  Misery is the river of the world

Disc 2:

01.  God's away on business
02.  Alice
03.  Table Top Joe
04.  Metropolitan glide
05.  Get behind the mule
06.  Day after tomorrow
07.  Shake it
08.  Johnsburg, Illinois
09.  Lost in the harbour
10.  Lucky day
11.  Jockey full of Bourbon
Radio 1 FM Broadcast (9.8.2005) MaCD (Tascam CD-RW 700) > EAC > CDwave > FLAC

Disc 1
Hoist that Rag
Make It Rain
Jockey Full of Bourbon
Don't Go Into That Barn
Sins of the Father
Ping Pong Ball Story
Straight to the Top
God's Away on Business
Misery's the River of the World

Disc 2
Eyeball Kid
Walk Away
Metropolitan Glide
What's He Building In There?
Shake It
16 Shells from a Thirty-Ought-Six
Trampled Rose
House Where Nobody Lives
Dead Ringer Story
Lucky Day

Sound: A
Show: A
Disc 1:

Make It Rain
Hoist that Rag
Shore Leave
God's Away on Business
Who's Been Talkin'/'Til the Money Runs Out
Blue Valentine
Lucky Day
Tango 'Til They're Sore
House Where Nobody Lives

Disc 2:

Don't Go Into that Barn
Lie To Me, Baby
Whistling Past the Graveyard
9th & Hennepin
Trampled Rose
Get Behind the Mule
Murder in the Red Barn
Shake It
Goin' Out West
Day After Tomorrow
Heartattack & Vine/Spoonful

source: Roland "Edirol" R-09 Wave recorder, Core Sound Stealthy Cartioids.
position: center floor, slightly left

wav - cool edit pro - applause level reduced to -2.7MB - pan/expansion - normalize - split tracks - flac
Orphans Tour

- disc  1 -

Make It Rain
Hoist That Rag (Tom on maracas)
Shore Leave (Tom on maracas)
I Ain't Goin' Down to the Well No More (Tom on electric guitar)
Yesterday Is Here (Tom on electric guitar)
God's Away on Business
Who's Been Talkin'/'Til The Money Runs Out
2:19 (Tom on megaphone)
Dead and Lovely
Tom on piano with Larry Taylor on bass:
Tango 'Til They're Sore
House Where Nobody Lives
The Ocean Doesn't Want Me Today
Invitation to the Blues

- disc  2 -

Whistling Past the Graveyard
Heartattack and Vine/Spoonful (Tom on electric guitar)
Shake It (Tom on electric guitar)
It Rains on Me (Tom on guitar)
Lie to Me, Baby
Trampled Rose
Get Behind the Mule (Tom on electric guitar)
Murder in the Red Barn (Tom on electric guitar)
Going Out West
Day After Tomorrow (Tom solo on acoustic guitar)
Sins of the Father (Tom on electric guitar)

edited by waitswatcher
artwork included

This torrent is especially dedicated to 'arctic Ross', you know why... ! ;-)

Very nice audience recording, thanks to the anonymous taper !
Coming from the same source as the Atlanta recording, this one sounds much better to me.
Once again only slight rework in order to stay close to the master and to get this up quickly.

wav - cool edit pro - split tracks - reduced audience level from - 2,30 to - 3,38 MB - normalized to 98 % - flac ( level 8 )

I cut out two very annoying and heavy distorted screams that must have been from a person right next to the mics - hope you dont find out where it was... ;-)
Tomasz Stanko - trumpet
Bobo Stenson - piano

1. Tales from a Girl (Tomasz Stanko) 6:16
2. Come Sunday (Duke Ellington) 10:07
3. So What (Miles Davis) 7:56
4. Miniature (Bobo Stenson) 8:03
5. Announcement BS (0:34)
6. Solar (Miles Davis) 7:02
7. Announcement BS (0:12)
8. Morning Heavy Song (Tomasz Stanko) 6:18
9. African Flower (Duke Ellington) 9:05
10. Sleep Safe and Warm (Krzystof Komeda) 4:59

TT: 60:37

Sound: A
Source: DRS 2 broadcasts / broadcast 2006-09-03 or 2006-09-04 (#1,10), re-broadcast, 2006-03-31 (#2-9)
Lineage: FM > minidisc > analogue to HD > GoldWave > FLAC (8,asb,verify)

A smaller portion of this concert was broadcasted during the live broadcasts on DRS 2, most probably on Saturday evening. These duo concerts (three per year) take place on Saturday afternoon, but DRS 2 is live on air for the evenings only (usually a couple of hours behind the actual events on stage). Thus the second source (#1,10 & duplicated tracks #2-4) are prob. from 2006-09-03.
Then later DRS does re-broadcasts of all concerts in their "Jazz Live" show, friday night, ca. 22:35-23:35 - that's the source of #2-9 & fm intro/outro.
My guess is that the above setlist is complete - usually these duo concerts are not as long. If anything is missing, that would be just one, maximum two short tunes. #10 being sort of a Stanko staple, it would have made a good encore, but I don't know for sure.

Full setlists of both sources:

re-broadcast ***

FM intro (2:43)
1. Come Sunday (Duke Ellington) 10:07
2. So What (Miles Davis) 7:56
3. Miniature (Bobo Stenson) 8:03
4. Announcement BS (0:34)
5. Solar (Miles Davis) 7:02
6. Announcement BS (0:12)
7. Morning Heavy Song (Tomasz Stanko) 6:18
8. African Flower (Duke Ellington) 9:05
FM outro (0:22)
TT: 49min (music only)

(live) broadcast ***

[beginning of concert]
1. Tales from a Girl (Tomasz Stanko) 6:16
2. Come Sunday (Duke Ellington) 10:07 [NOT INCLUDED, DUPLICATE]
3. So What (Miles Davis) 7:56 [NOT INCLUDED, DUPLICATE]
4. Miniature (Bobo Stenson) 7:42 [NOT INCLUDED, DUPLICATE]
[from later in concert]
5. Sleep Safe and Warm (Krzystof Komeda) 4:59
TT: 37min
Cain's Brand
Hungry Howl
A Farewell to Maria
Maldoro's War Song
White Ballad

Tomasz Stanko (tp), Bobo Stenson (p), Anders Jormin (b), Tony Oxley (d)
Tomasz Stanko-trumpet
John Surman-baritone sax, bass clarinet
M. Makarski-violin
Anders Jormin-bass
Dino Saluzzi-bandoneon
Jon Christensen-drums
Set I
1. Soul of Things I - Soul of Things IV
2. Soul of Things VII - Soul of Things XI
3. Soul of Things X
Set II
1. Unknown
2. Unknown
3. Unknown
4. Soul of Things VI
5. Soul of Things III
Tomasz Stanko - Trumpet
Marcin Wasilweksi - Piano
Slawomir Kurkiewicz - Double-Bass
Michal Miskiewicz - Drums
Set I
Roberto Zucco
Little Thing Jesus
Set II
White Ballad

The RFH foyer pieces:

Tomasz Stanko - trumpet
Marcin Wasilewski - piano
Slawomir Kurkiewicz - bass
Michal Miskiewicz - drums
Opening Comments
Little Thing
Song for Sarah
Conversation with Stephen Graham
Knife in the Water - album track
Conversation with Stephen Graham
Ballad for Berndt - album track
Elegant Piece
Die wesheit part 1
Die wesheit part 2
1. Kattorna
2. Little Thing
3. Euphoria
4. Witkacy
5. Celina

Tomasz Stanko - Trumpet
Marcin Wasilweksi - Piano
Slawomir Kurkiewicz - Double-Bass
Michal Miskiewicz - Drums
Source: Oktava MC012(cards, XY90)> Sonosax> ModSBM1> D8@ 32 (oops ...)
Transfer: DAP1>u2a>SF4.5(upsample to 44.1, level 4of4)>cdwav>>mkwACT.97>flac
Taped, tracked, flac'd by Smark
Transfer by: ericB

Disc 1
01 - Sleepless
02 - Pieces of the Sun
03 - Geronimo
04 - crowd, banter (Bill the drunk ...)
05 - Ooze
06 - Peter Gunn

Disc 2
01 - Ever The Sun Will Rise
02 - banter
03 - Tequila
04 - banter
05 - Phobos
06 - Give Peace a Chance
07 - Back In NYC
08 - banter
09 - Utopia
10 - crowd (fade out/in)
11 - Black Dog
12 - Elephant Talk

Tony Levin: Bass, Stick, vocals
Larry Fast: Synth
Jesse Gress: Guitar
Jerry Marotta: Drums, vocals, guitar
3rd Night of the Resonator Tour

Tony Levin
Pete Levin
Jesse Gress
Larry Fast
Jerry Marotta

Sony MZ-NH1 HiMD (Uncompressed PCM 44.1) ->
Core Sound Stealth Cards ->
PC (Digital Wave Conversion) ->
Soundforge (Tracking) ->
SHNTool (SBE fixes) ->
DBPoweramp (FLAC)

01) Intro
02) The TLB Barbershop* 
03) Pieces of the Sun
04) Break it Down
05) Sabre Dance
06) Shadowland
07) What Would Jimi Do?
08) (They Long to Be) Close to Me **
09) Places to Go
10) Crisis of Faith
11) Phobos
12) Back in NYC
13) Utopia (Resonator Version)
14) Jerry Rant - Sit Down Stand Up
15) Sleepless

16) Crowd + Tony Talks Monkey
17) Fragile as a Song
18) On the Air
19) Elephant Talk
20) Don't Give Up

(* = different lyrics version of "The King Crimson Barbershop" from Frame by Frame boxset
(** = very silly mutated lyric version of "Close to You" by the Carpenters, an oldie from the Levin Brothers band the Clams

Sound: B-

Late Show

MiniDisk>CDR>wav (Easy CD Creator)>FLAC (Frontend 1.7.1)

Disk I

1. Pieces of the Sun
2. Break It Down
3. (Band Intros.)
4. Shadowland
5. What Would Jimi Do?
6. Sleepless
7. Close to Me (You)
8. Places to Go
9. Crisis of Faith
10. Phobos
11. Sabre Dance
12.  Black Dog

Disk II

1. Back in NYC
2. Utopia (Resonator Version)
3. Fragile as a Song
4. On the Air
5. Elephant Talk
6. Don't Give Up (Acapella)

The Band:

Tony Levin 
Pete Levin 
Jesse Gress 
Larry Fast 
Jerry Marotta 

Another show from the Resonator tour.  Enjoy!
Tony Levin
Pete Levin
Jesse Gress
Larry Fast
Jerry Marotta

equipment: Sony TCD-D100 DAT & Soundman OKMII-R in-ear microphones. 
Recorded & remastered by Datmaster

Disc 1:
-The TLB Barbershop
-Pieces of the sun
-Break it down
-Sabre Dance
-Band introduction
-What would Jimi do?
-Places to go
-Crisis of faith

Disc 2:
-Utopia (Resonator version)
-Back in N.Y.C.
-They drive me ape (those cellphone noises)*
-Fragile as a song*
-On the air
-Elephant talk
-Don't give up

BONUS: Jerry Marotta & Tom Griesgraber (support act)
-Waking the day
-77 times
-In a step
-El Prado*
-Jerry talks
-Ifs Jam

source:  Neumann km184> v2> sbm-1 (44.1 kHz)> optical 7pin> JB3 [DIN 90* FOB DFC]
transfer:  JB3> firewire> Sound Forge 6.0> cdWave> FLAC Frontend
taped/transfered by  Rob Clarke   RobClarke.km184  -AT- gmail.com

Line Up:
Tony Levin: Basses, Stick, vocals
Jerry Marotta: Drums, vocals
Pete Levin: Keyboards, vocals 
Larry Fast: Synth
Jesse Gress: Guitars, vocals

disc 1 (set 1):
01.  Barbershop intro.
02.  Pieces of the Sun
03.  Break It Down
04.  Shadowland
05.  Sabre Dance
06.  band intros
07.  What Would Jimi Do?
08.  banter
09.  Sleepless

disc 2 (set 2):
01.  Places To Go
02.  Beyond My Reach
03.  Crisis of Faith
04.  Phobos
05.  Back in NYC
06.  Utopia 
07.  crowd/thank yous
08.  encore intro
09.  Fragile as a Song
10.  On the Air
11.  Elephant Talk
12.  Don't Give Up (acapella)
Tony Rice - Guitar, Vocals
Wyatt Rice - Guitar, Vocals
Jimmy Gaudreau - Mandolin
Todd Phillips - Bass

01  Introductions
02  Ginseng Sullivan
03  Hold Wat'cha Got
04  Jerusalem Ridge
05  Devlin
06  My Favorite Things
07  Wayfaring Stranger
08  Alabama Jubilee
09  Never Meant To Be
10  Blue Railroad Train
11  Little Sadie
12  Home From The Forest
13  Midnight On The Stormy Deep
14  Church Street Blues*
15  Georgia On My Mind*
16  Blackberry Blossom

(*)Tony Solo

Recording: KOTO---
Pre-FM Master Reel > 48k DAT > CDR/SHN
Mastering/Notes: NashPhil---
Boosted & balanced levels. 
Recording Info:
Sonic Studios[DSM-6S/L] > Sonic Studios[PA-6LC3(-85)] > D7

Version 1:
Taping Location:
Sec B, Row U, Seat 8 (FOB, left of center)
Transfer Info:
Master DAT(48) > Sony 59ES > HHB CDR-850 (via Monster Digital Coax) > CDR > EAC[secure] > FLAC [level 8, verify, align on sector boundaries]
CMM-029 (Chris M. Master)
Version 2:
Taped and Mastered by: ToriphileMaria (toriphilemaria@gmail.com) & Tipharet (Tipharet@gmail.com)
Source:SP-CMC-8 (AT943)Cardiods > SPSB-1 (bass roll-off @ 160hz, line-in)> Sony  D100 (48kHz)
Transfer: DAT-Master > Sony D100 (SPDIF Out) > M-Audio Delta Audiophile 2496 (SPDIF In @ 48 kHz) > 
          WaveLab(Mastered,Resample @ 44.1kHz & Tracked) > .WAV > FLAC Frontend > .FLAC

Disc 1 [53:56]
01. Intro [2:07]
02. Lost Keys/Rosetta Stoned [15:12]
03. Stinkfist [5:56]
04. The Pot [7:31]
05. Forty Six & 2 [6:57]
06. Jambi [7:54]
07. Schism [8:16]

Disc 2 [50:14]
01. Eon Blue Apocalypse/The Patient [10:45]
02. Sober [8:15]
03. Lateralus [12:09]
04. Vicarious [11:01]
05. Aenema [8:01]

Track ID's made during DAT > CD transfer so they may not be perfect.

There are not many rock shows at this venue (built in 1926 it has seen the likes of Pink Floyd on the Dark Side of the Moon tour), but there should be more after this!

I usually do not set the bass rolloff to the middle position (85), but I thought my position (slightly under the balcony) would accentuate the bass - so there you go!  I'm glad I did as the bass was pretty heavy to begin with.

Hope y'all like it!

Source: CSB > Sony PCM-M1
Taped from the balcony, Row W, on the right/centre side

Disc 1:
01) Lost Keys >
02) Rosetta Stoned
03) Stinkfist
04) 46 & 2
05) Jambi
06) Schism
Disc 2:
01) Right In Two
02) Sober
03) Lateralus
04) Vicarious
05) Aenima
Tin Cans & Twine
In Sarah, Mencken, Christ and Beethoven There Were Women and Men
I Set My Face
Ten-Day Interval
Swung from the Gutters
La Jetee
Source: (DIN, 6 feet from stage) AKG 463 > V3 > D8 
Transfer: DA-P1 > Mod. x 2 UA-5 > Sound Studio
Taped and Transferred by DeMatt Harkins

 - DISC I - 
01  Intro > Crest (6:18)
02  In Sarah, Mencken, Christ and Beethoven There Were Women and Men (5:22)
03  Five Too Many (4:29)
04  Eros (4:48)
05  Djed (9:35)
06  Magnet Pulls Through > Eden 2 (5:17)
07  It's All Around You (4:56)
08  On The Chin (5:59)

 - DISC II - 
01  Stretch (You Are All Right) (5:04)
02  Unknown > Dot / Eyes (10:37)
03  Blackjack (5:25)
04  Seneca (8:02)
05  (Crowd) (1:53)
06  ? (5:07) 
07  I Set My Face to the Hillside (7:49)

A corner stage and a support column provided the close range
Source: Peluso CEMC6 w/ Cardioid Caps > Denecke PS-2 > Denecke AD-20 > Marantz PMD670

Transfer: Compactflash Card > Sandisk Card Reader > Audacity > CD Wave Editor > Flac Frontend

Taped by John Dewey (hammerhorror)

A special thanks to messo for the help with the setlist.

Disc One:

01. Intro
02. It's All Around You
03. Crest
04. Five Too Many
05. I Set My Face To The Hillside
06. Unknown > Dot/Eyes
07. Omnichord
08. Eros
09. Salt The Skies

Disc Two:

01. New Song
02. Magnet Pulls Through > Eden 2
03. Monica > In Sarah, Mencken, Christ, and Beethoven There Were Women and Men
04. Seneca > New Song
05. Swung From The Gutters
Source: audience
Lineage: Core Sound Binaurals> Sony DAT D7> SB Live> Wave Lab> CD Wave> Flac Frontend
Taper: PT
Artwork: Henny van Veenendaal

1- All of the Above 30.23
2- Magical Mystery Train 07.08
3- Strawberry Fields Forever 07.18
4- We All Need Some Light 08.02
5- Genesis Medley (Back in NYC, Watcher of the Skies, Firth of Fifth) 13.50

1- My New World 18.29
2- Encore Medley Intro: 00.35
3- There is More to This World 02.59
4- Go the Way You Go 04.16
5- The Great Escape 03.29
6- Finally Free 08.10

Neal Morse- vocals, keyboards, guitar
Roine Stolt- guitar, vocals
Pete Trewavas- bass, vocals
Mike Portnoy- drums, vocals

Sound: B
Show: A
Source: Aud->?->CDR->EAC(secure)->WAV->FLAC(5)

03.Gate of Dreams
06.Hardwinds Redux
07.Rune Song: The Origin of Water
08.The Glove/Tehlekei
09.The Joy of Molybdenum
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Originally a WLIR-FM radio broadcast, partially booted as "I8B4IFlew"
FM Reel-To-Reel source.


Another Time, Another Place
I Threw A Brick Through A Window
With A Shout
The Cry/The Electric Co./Send In The Clowns
I Fall Down
I Will Follow
An Cat Dubh/Into The Heart
Out Of Control

E1 Twilight
E2 11 O'Clock Tick Tock
E3 The Ocean

It's the entire show.

A DoinkerTape
Another Time, Another Place
I Threw a Brick Through a Window
A Day without Me
An Cat Dubh
Into the Heart
The Electric Co.
I Fall Down
I Will Follow
Out of Control
11 O'Clock Tick Tock/Give Peace a Chance
The Ocean
Disc 1
1. Out of Control
2. Twilight
3. An Cat Dubh
4. Into the Heart
5. Surrender
6. Two Hearts Beat As One
7. Seconds
8. Sunday Bloody Sunday
9. The Cry / Electric Co.

Disc 2
1. I Fall Down
2. October
3. New Year's Day
4. I Threw a Brick Through a Window
5. A Day Without Me
6. Gloria
7. Party Girl
8. Eleven O'Clock Tick Tock
9. I Will Follow
10. "40"

1 - 11 O'Clock Tick Tock ( Fades In )
2 - I Will Follow 
3 - Wire 
4 - MLK 
5 - The Unforgettable Fire 
6 - Surrender 
7 - Two Hearts Beat As One 
8 - Seconds 
9 - A Sort Of Homecoming 
10- Sunday Bloody Sunday 
11- Electric Co. ( Fades Out )

1- Bad  ( Fades In )
2- Indian Summer Sky 
3- October 
4- New Year's Day 
5- Pride 
6- Party Girl 
7- Gloria 
8- 40 

Disc 01

01) Stand By Me
02) Pride (In The Name Of Love)
03) M.L.K.
04) The Unforgettable Fire
05) Bullet The Blue Sky
06) Running To Stand Still
07) Sunday Bloody Sunday
08) Exit
09) In God's Country
10) Trip Through Your Wires
11) I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
12) The Electric Co./Light My Fire/Break On Through
13) October
14) New Year's Day

Disc 02

01) Gloria
02) Bad
03) Where The Streets Have No Name
04) I Will Follow
05) With Or Without You 
06) "40"

Nakamichi CM-300 mics and a Sony WM-D6 analog recorder.

Master tapes have been transfered to DAT, then to CDR with 
an optical transfer.
I removed all the gaps due to tape flips (using a crossfade)
and I normalized the levels to 0 db. No sound alterations performed.
Ripped with EAC secure mode and converted to Flac using
DBPowerAmp (Low compression).
Where the Streets Have No Name
I Will Follow
Trip Through Your Wires
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
The Unforgettable Fire
Sunday Bloody Sunday
In God's Country
Helter Skelter

New Year's Day
Pride (In the Name of Love)
Star Spangled Banner
Bullet the Blue Sky
Running to Stand Still
Silver and Gold
Spanish Eyes
With or Without You
Manufacturer: Silver Rarities
Catalog: SIRA 34/35
Complete Show: Yes

Disc 1: (50:30)
1. The Star Spangled Banner [0:50]
2. Bullet The Blue Sky [5:30]
3. Running To Stand Still (includes Dirty Old Town) [5:00]
4. God Part II [3:40]
5. Desire [3:00]
6. All Along The Watchtower [4:00]
7. All I Want Is You [6:10]
8. Where The Streets Have No Name [5:50]
9. I Will Follow [4:00]
10. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For [6:20]
11. MLK [1:50]
12. One Tree Hill [4:24]

Disc 2: (52:36)
1. Van Diemen's Land [3:20]
2. Out Of Control [4:25]
3. New Year's Day [4:40]
4. Pride (In The Name Of Love) [7:05]
5. She's A Mystery To Me [5:50]
6. Angel Of Harlem [4:10]
7. When Love Comes To Town [5:10]
8. Love Rescue Me [7:20]
9. 11 O'Clock Tick Tock [4:50]
10. With Or Without You [6:00]

Sound Quality:
Excellent soundboard. Track 2 of Disc 1 suffers from substantial distortion
and occasional dropouts. During Out of Control at 2:37, it seems as though
someone held down the fastfoward button, then released it (the word
"opinion"sounds like it's being hiccuped or `rapped'). Also during Love
Rescue me at 1:34 the sound is lost completely for a brief instance (this
error seems somewhat similar to what occurs at 2:37 during Out of Control).
At any rate, the prevailing notion that the only error occurs during "Bullet
the Blue Sky"--and that the rest of the recording is flawless is incorrect.
I think these errors should be mentioned in the review since many fans could
be mislead to think that the people they are trading with made errors while
recording this show.

This set captures the third night of The Point Depot shows in all it's
splendor. Most notable on this bootleg are the soundboard recordings of
"She's A Mystery To Me" (incorrectly labeled "Mystery Girl"), "All I Want Is
You", and "11 O'Clock Tick Tock". The excellent version of "With Or Without
You" interspersed with "Love Will Tear Us Apart" is not to be missed either!
This is believed to be the only widely-available bootleg of this concert and
is highly recommended to anyone who has the opportunity to obtain it. Tracks
6-8 performed with B.B. King.
This is the original pressing on this label.

info cortesy of:© 1999/2000 "For Love Or Money ? - A Guide To U2 Bootleg 
CDs" and Sascha Kremer
Set I
Zoo Station, The Fly, Even Better Than The Real Thing, Mysterious Ways, One-> Unchained Melody, Until The End Of The World, Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses, Trying To Throw Your Arms Around The World, Angel Of Harlem-> Dancing Queen, Satellite Of Love, Bad-> All I Want Is You-> Bullet The Blue Sky, Running To Stand Still, Where The Streets Have No Name, Pride (In The Name Of Love), I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For-> Stand By Me
Set II
E: Desire, With Or Without You, Love Is Blindness
Intro/Zoo Station
The Fly
Even Better Than the Real Thing
Mysterious Ways
One/Unchained Melody
Until the End of the World
New Year's Day
Trying to Throw Your Arms Around the World
Angel of Harlem
When Love Comes to Town
Stay (Far Away, So Close!)
Satellite of Love
Bullet the Blue Sky
Running to Stand Still
Where the Streets Have No Name
Pride (In the Name of Love)
Help/Ultraviolet (Light My Way)
With or Without You
Love is Blindness
Can't Help Falling in Love
I Will Follow
Even Better Than The Real Thing
Last Night On Earth
Until The End Of The World
New Year's Day
Pride (In The Name Of Love)
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
All I Want Is You
Staring At The Sun, Desire
Dancing Queen
Bullet The Blue Sky
Where The Streets Have No Name

If You Wear That Velvet Dress
With Or Without You
Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me
Mysterious Ways
One-> MLK
CD1 (1:11:34)
1. Pop Muzik
2. Mofo
3. I Will Follow
4. Gone
5. Even Better Than The Real Thing
6. Last Night On Earth
7. Until The End Of The World
8. New Year's Day
9. Pride (in The Name Of Love)
10. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
11. All I Want Is You
12. Staring At The Sun
13. Sunday Bloody Sunday
14. Miami / Bullet The Blue Sky

CD2 (0:55:47)
1. Please
2. Where The Streets Have No Name
3. Lemon (perfecto Mix)
4. Discothèque / Funkytown
5. If You Wear That Velvet Dress
6. With Or Without You
7. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
8. Mysterious Ways
9. One
10. Wake Up Dead Man
Silvers > EAC > FLAC

Disc 1
PA Music
Elevation Influx PA Intro
Beautiful Day
Until the End of the World
New Year's Day
New York
I Will Follow
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of
In a Little While
Stay (So Far Away, So Close)

Disc 2
Where the Streets Have No Name
Mysterious Ways
The Fly
Anti-Gun Message
Bullet the Blue Sky
With or Without You
Pride (In the Name of Love)
I Remember You
Walk On
Elevation Influx PA Intro > Elevation (from a Chicago show)
Beautiful Day (from a Chicago show)
Set: Elevation/Birthday, Beautiful Day, Until The End Of The World, New Year's Day, Stuck In A Moment, Kite, Gone, New York, I Will Follow, Sunday Bloody Sunday/Get Up Stand Up, In A Little While, Desire, Stay, Bad, Where The Streets Have No Name, Mysterious Ways, The Fly, Bullet The Blue Sky, With Or Without You, Pride, One/Wake Up Dead Man, Walk On

Before the show, Paul McGuinness confirms the rumour that the Elevation Tour will return to the US in the autumn, and that it will be an arena tour. Meanwhile in the Netherlands, an extra 45,000 tickets which are put on sale due to a change of venue sell out the same day.

The Edge wears a Chicago Bears T-shirt. Though his birthday was two days ago, Bono again includes some lines from Birthday into Elevation.

After New Year's Day, Bono elaborates on how PopMart was received in Chicago and what it meant to U2: "We're having an amazing time here in Chicago. This is the only ass-kissing you're gonna hear from me in while, but I cannot remember ever having not having an extraordinary amazing time in Chicago, so thank you. Last time at Soldier Field, all those nights, something turned around for us, something happened for us and Chicago was hip to that show in a way that few other American cities were, so let us kiss your ass. Twenty years ago, we played a place called the Park West here, this week twenty years ago. It was a dollar in, some things have changed..."

After In A Little While, Bono starts to introduce Stay, "This is a song off Zooropa, and," he pauses, "Edge wants to play Desire. It's a guitar thing." The band launch into Desire. Meanwhile, in the crowd, a fan called Jonathan Granger is holding up a sign saying 'Stay + Piano tonight?'. Jonathan had carried similar signs to Milwaukee and Indianapolis, where both Bono and Edge indicated they noticed him. In Chicago, Jonathan gets his big break. After asking him "You play the piano?" and having Edge strum something while asking "What key is this?" Bono invites Jonathan to the stage and Edge escorts him to the piano - while Bono introduces the song: "This is a... we made a couple of records in Hansa Studios in Berlin. It was the beginning of a really extraordinary time for us. We just kinda floated out there a little bit, but sometimes when you're right out there you find some interesting shit, you know what I mean? And Jonathan, if you're crap, you're off! Take it easy, simple. No flowery stuff to a U2 show, all right?" Afterwards, reviewers seem to think the whole thing was staged, based on the quality of the performance, but it wasn't "Far away, so dose, up with the static and the radio waves. It's satellite television, you can see Jonathan. Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast, Chicago," Bono sings, while Jonathan subtly lays down some warm keyboard textures to the song.

Another fan, a girl dressed up as a belly dancer, makes it to the stage during Mysterious Ways.

During Pride, Bono says: "The Chicago Peace Museum, keeping a record." U2 first visited the Chicago Peace Museum in 1983 when it was hosting the Unforgettable Fire exhibition, drawings made by survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings in '45. The band later donated their '83 white flags stage backdrop to the museum, for an exhibition entitled Give Peace A Chance.

A verse of Wake Up Dead Man is linked to One. Bono first starts off about an octave too high. He can't sing it that way, starts over, a little Iower, accompanying himself on guitar.


Trade history:
2007-08-09 offered on RnRLive
Beautiful Day
Until the End of the World
New Year's Day
New York
Out of Control
11 O'Clock Tick Tock
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Stuck in a Moment
In a Little While
I Remember You

Staring at the Sun
BAD/Wild Horses/40
Where the Streets Have No Name
Mysterious Ways
The Fly
Bullet the Blue Sky
With or Without You
Pride (In the Name of Love)
Walk On
Taped by George Wang

Beautiful Day
Until the End of the World
New Years Day
I Will Follow
Sunday Bloody Sunday
When Will I See You Again
Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of
Angel of Harlem

Where the Streets Have No Name
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Pride (In the Name of Love)
Bullet the Blue Sky
What's Going On
New York
Unchained Melody
Walk On

Sound: B
Show: A
Soundboard -> CDR -> EAC -> WAV -> FLAC Level 6

Beautiful Day
Until the End of the World
New Years Day
I Will Follow
Sunday Bloody Sunday
When Will I See You Again
Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of
Angel of Harlem

Where the Streets Have No Name
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
Pride (In the Name of Love)
Bullet the Blue Sky
What's Going On
New York
Unchained Melody
Walk On
City of Blinding Lights
The Ocean
Beautiful Day
Miracle Drug
Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own
Love and Peace or Else
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Bullet the Blue Sky
Running to Stand Still
Pride (In the Name of Love)
Where the Streets Have No Name

Zoo Station
The Fly
Mysterious Ways
All Because of You
I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For

1. Beautiful Day
2. Vertigo
3. One

(Disc 1) June 27, 1978 (El Mocambo - Toronto, Canada)
(Disc 2) August 8, 1978 (Penn's Landing - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) 

1-1. Alaska 2:10
1-2. Time To Kill 7:21
1-3. The Sahara of Snow 10:05
1-4. Carrying No Cross 9:58
1-5. The Only Thing She Needs 8:47
1-6. Thirty Years 8:56
1-7. In The Dead of Night  5:55
1-8. By The Light of Day 5:54
1-9. Presto Vivace and Reprise 4:03

2-1. Alaska 1:35
2-2. Time To Kill 7:25
2-3. The Only Thing She Needs 7:18
2-4. Carrying No Cross 9:53 
2-5. Forever Till Sunday 6:03
2-6 Thirty Years 9:20
2-7 In The Dead of Night  8:47
2-8 The Sahara of Snow 9:31
2-9 Ceasar's Palace Blues 4:25

John Wetton- Vocals-Bass Guitars
Eddie Jobson- Keyboards-Electric Violins
Bill Bruford - Drums & Percussion
Allan Holdsworth- Guitars

A Brief Encounter
	The Year was 1978. The disco beat of the Bee Gees had invaded America, punk rock was 
raging in Britain and Europe, and things were changing fast on the music scene. Progressive rock
 bands that had dominated the seventies were now labeled DINOSAURS by the new generation of music
 fans and quickly started to fade away. Big money was now ruling the music industry and 
established giants such as Yes, Genesis and even Pink Floyd had to come up with hits just to 
stay alive. Yet, in the midst of this great musical upheaval, a new band appeared, out of 
nowhere it seemed, holding the progressive torch very high. This band’s name was UK and their 
eponymous first album had just been released through EG records. New band, formidable music 
style, and a few familiar names. Who were these guys, and where did they come from?

	Bill Bruford, by far the most well known name of the four, began his career with the 
band Yes in the late sixties. In 1972 he left Yes to join King Crimson where he first meets and 
works with John Wetton. After three very productive years in K.C. and Robert Fripp’s still 
highly debated decision to fold the band, Bill lends a helping hand to his old Yes band-mate 
Steve Howe with his solo album, then joined Genesis for the 1976 A Trick of the Tail tour. In 
1977, Bruford collaborates with Allan Holdsworth on his first solo album Feels Good To Me which 
is released in August of 1977, after U.K. had formed.

	John Wetton, another quite familiar name, started out in a band called The Family in 
1971. After two albums with them he moved on to King Crimson. When K.C. dis-banded in 1974, 
John joined Roxy Music where he met Eddie Jobson for the second time, the later having joined 
K.C. briefly in 1975. Wetton also played briefly with Uriah Heep during that time.  Then, after 
helping his old Roxy Music band-mate Brian Ferry with his solo album In Your Mind in 1977, John 
was ready to form U.K.

            Allan Holdsworth was well known as a jazz-fusion guitarist. Before his work with 
U.K. he played with Jean-luc Ponty for the Enigmatic Oceans and Voyage albums. Prior to that, he
 had worked with Soft Machine and Gong. His first experience with his future U.K. band-mates was
 playing guitar for Bill Bruford's first solo album in 1977.

            Eddie Jobson has played keyboard and violin for many progressive rock and jazz-fusion
 groups. Prior to the formation of U.K. he was best known for his work with Roxy Music but also 
worked with Curved Air, Andy Mackay, Brian Ferry, Roger Glover, Dana Gillespie and Mike Heron. 
In 1975 he appeared on the King Crimson album USA where he added some overdubs. On this occasion,
 he first met with Bill Bruford and John Wetton, whom he would join in UK nearly three years 

            U.K.'s first album was recorded at Trident studios in London, England during December
 1977 and January 1978. A quite extensive World tour followed. UK’s first performance was 
April 29, 1978 at Southampton University. In the summer of 1978, the band toured Canada and the 
US, including  Toronto, Canada and Philadelphia, US, both shows presented here as a special PRRP
 package. At both concerts, many of the songs from their first album were performed as extended 
length versions with long instrumental segments added to accentuate the grand musicianship. Odd 
time signatures and stellar cohesiveness were the hallmarks of U.K.’s music and are clearly 
present during these shows. It is too bad that this particular UK line-up stayed together for 
only one year. Enjoy! 

Notes from the Re-Master
	Both shows are radio broadcasts and came from 1st generation sources. The fidelity was 
very good for both with music signal up to 16,000 Hz for each. The Toronto show required Hiss 
reduction throughout the whole show. A few notch filters were also needed to remove selected 
noise. Crackle also occurred intermittently and needed filtering. Applause was a little too loud
 in spots and was reduced in volume. At the end of a few songs the source faded to zero only to 
fade in again with applause. Applause was mixed into these faded segments in order to provide a 
smooth transition. Finally, Treble was reduced a bit to balance the tonality.
	The Philadelphia show did not require Hiss reduction but had may clicks and pops that 
required manual removal. Applause was smoothed and the whole show was normalized for volume. 
Finally, the two shows were originally tracked differently, especially with respect to the two 
songs Alaska and Time to Kill. Both were tracked to be consistent with commercially produced 
U.K. recordings.

Source:  Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6 (FOH) + SBD (Delayed via TC Electronics
         D-Two) > Allen & Heath WZ14:4:2+ > Apogee Mini-Me > USB out to
         Fujitsu Lifebook 2110 > Steinberg Wavelab 4.00c @ 24/48 > 
         resampled/dithered via Apogee UV22HR plugin to 16/44.1 >
         CDWAV > SHN
Taped and Transfered by Jeff Kempka, mixed by Kevin Browning.

Disc 1

Set 1
1.  Nothing Too Fancy >
2.  Divisions
3.  Smell The Mitten
4.  The Crooked One
5.  Ringo ^
6.  Prowler >
7.  Push the Pig                                                                                
Disc 2

Set 2
1.  Ja Junk >
2.  Jam * -> Drums **
3.  Hurt Bird Bath *
4.  Get In The Van
5.  Because >
6.  You Never Give Me Your Money >
7.  Sun King >
8.  Mean Mr. Mustard >
9.  Polythene Pam >
10. She Came In Through The Bathroom Window >
11. Golden Slumbers >
12. Carry That Weight >
13. The End ^

Disc 3

Set 3
1.  40's Theme
2.  Glory >
3.  countdown to 2003 >
4.  Auld Lang Syne ^
5.  Miss Tinkle's Overture >
6.  Mulche's Odyssey >
7.  Jam ***
8.  Professor Wormbog ^

Disc 4

Set 3 (cont)
1.  Der Bluten Kat >
2.  Glory >
3.  Hajimemashite
4.  Dump City                                               
5.  Orfeo
6.  Scenes From An Italian Restaurant ^
7.  Last Man Swerving >
8.  Der Bluten Kat
Encore 2:
9.  Mirro Speach
10. Her Majesty
Professor Wormbog
Jimmy Stewart
Utopian Fir
Jimmy Stewart
Utopian Fir
Sociable Jimmy
Heart and Soul
Push the Pig
Bright Lights
Smell the Mitten
Fussy Dutchman
Last Man Swerving
Ocean Billy
Peter Gunn
Source: AKG 460B/ck61 (FOB/DFC XY stand 7.5')->
Segue Dogstar Silver XLR's-> Lunatec V2->
Sony TCD-D10 Pro II
Transfer: Tascam DA-20->Monster Coax->Maudio 410->Wavelab 5.0->FLAC
recorded transfered and seeded by: Chris Hall orechall@gmail.com

Set I/Disc I

1. Higgins->
2. Robot World->
3. "Jimmy Stewart"*->
4. Much Obliged->
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond
6. Miss Tinkle's Overture->
7. Women Wine and Song
8. Plunger**

Set II/Disc II

1. Red
2. Resolution->
3. "Jimmy Stewart"->
4. Slacker
5. Nothing Too Fancy->
6. Pay the Snucka
7. Immigrant Song->
8. Pay the Snucka

Set II/Disc III

1. Got Your Milk (Right Here)->
2. Jazz Odyssey#->
3. Nothing Too Fancy.
4. Crowd Banter
5. Encore: Jajunk##

* w/ norwegian wood tease
** w/ lay down sally tease
# w/ Rhiannon teases
## w/ Against All Odds Jam
Source: DAB > Sony TCD-D8
Transfer: Sony TCD-D8 > CD Wave Editor

 Disc 1
01 Tribute to the Spinal Shaft>	03:39.04
02 Walletsworth> 		06:44.74
03 Tribute to the Spinal Shaft> 02:23.19
04 Plunger			13:07.61
05 Anchor Drops			10:38.74
06 Utopian Fir> 		02:57.09
07 Chitlins Con Carne> 		05:25.52
08 Utopian Fir> 		04:27.51
09 Jimmy Stewart> 		09:58.73
10 All in Time			13:33.25

 Disc 2
01 The Bottom Half		07:09.47
02 Kimble 			05:25.00
03 Higgins 			09:57.32
04 Roulette 			05:26.72
05 Bridgeless			14:52.54

Opening for Gov't Mule
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// upload functions

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// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
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// UploadLog
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//		true : logging
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//		-1 : no limit
//      0 :  no Log lines but UploadLog is still in place
//		n :  the last n lines are only kept
//		NaN : no limit (-1)

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bidix.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir,  backupDir) {
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// Utilities

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			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor > minor))  ||
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bidix.dirname = function(filePath) {
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bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
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// Initializations

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bidix.checkPlugin("PasswordOptionPlugin", 1, 0, 1);

// styleSheet
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// Options Initializations

// Backstage
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Source: soundboard > Sony MZ-NHF800 (autolevels, ATRAC3plus)
Transfer: USB > OMA > SonicStage > WAV > shntool (join wavs) >
          CDWave > FLAC
          d2t10 performed off mic, levels boosted in Audacity
Taper: Paul Hankins

Source: soundboard > Marantz CDR300
Transfer: CDR > EAC > unknown editing program > FLAC
SBE fix: FLAC > FLAC Frontend > WAV > FLAC Frontend (align on SBs) > FLAC
Taper: Fred Ellert

Disc 1:

01. Introduction
02. Enough to Go By story
03. Enough to Go By
04. WQKL story
05. Shasta
06. Hope on Fire
07. about Brian Webb
08. Leaving Atlanta ^
09. call for requests
10. Gravity (alternate arrangement)
11. Unwritten Letter # 1
12. Now Three story
13. Now Three *
14. Nothing Without You story
15. Nothing Without You *

Disc 2:

01. Eric’s Song
02. charades
03. Lullabye for a Stormy Night
04. teaching the Soon Love Soon parts
05. Soon Love Soon
06. I Don’t Feel So Well story
07. I Don’t Feel So Well *
08. Harbor
09. Homecoming
10. On the Turning Away #
11. On the Turning Away (from soundcheck; feedback at 0:22) #

* Will be uploaded later, when officially released.
^ Brian Webb cover from the album _Broken Folk_
  Distributed with permission. http://www.brian-webb.com/
# Pink Floyd cover

Vienna Teng: piano, vocal
Marika Hughes: cello, vocal
Alan Lin: violin, vocal
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar fullscreen closeTiddler closeOthers +editTiddler > fields syncing permalink references jump'></div>
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Nakamichi cm300(cp4) > Sony tcd-d3
taped by markp

Set I
Kyla Vuotti Uuta(soundcheck)
Tuulilta Tuleva
Oi Dai
Mie Tahon Tanssia
Outona Omilla Mailla
Set II
Kyla Vuotti Uuta Kuula
Pihi Neito
Vot I Kaallina
Several of these recordings originated as broadcasts on WLIR 92.7, back when it was the best station in the country. Over the past few years, the pre-broadcast tapes have been "liberated" to the public.
Warren Zevon

Excitable Boy
Accidentally Like a Martyr
Nighttime in the Switching Yard
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Lawyers Guns & Money
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
Johnny Strikes Up the Band
Werewolves of London
Mohammed's Radio
Tenderness on the Block
Excitable Boy
Accidentally Like a Martyr
Nighttime in the Switching Yard
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Desperados Under the Eaves
Johnny Strikes Up the Band
Tenderness on the Block
Mohammed's Radio
Excitable Boy
Werewolves of London
Accidentally Like a Martyr
band intros
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Lawyers, Guns and Money
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
(Opening for the Grateful Dead) 

Audience Recording
Lineage: Cassette [generation unknown] > hard drive [Nero Wave Editor] > Adobe Audition > 
CD Wave > FLAC Frontend
Sector Boundary Errors checked with Trader's Little Helper

01. Play It All Night Long
02. Bad Luck Streak in Dancing School
03. Johnny Strikes Up the Band
04. Excitable Boy
05. Gorilla, You're a Desperado
06. Werewolves of London
07. Carmelita
08. Jeannie Needs a Shooter
09. A Certain Girl
10. Band Intros
11. Poor Pitiful Me
12. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
13. Lawyers, Guns and Money
Vocals - Warren Zevon
Lead Guitar - John Wood
Bass - Larry Larson
Drum - Joe Daniels
Rhythm Guitar - Randy Brown

Disc One:
01 Intro
02 Johnny Strikes Up The Band
03 Overdraft
04 Certain Girl
05 Let Nothing Come Between You
06 Band Intros > Banter
07 Jeannie Needs A Shooter
08 Join Me In L.A.
09 Gorilla, You're A Desperado
10 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
11 The Envoy
12 Simple Man, Simple Dream
13 Bill Lee
14 Charlie's Medicine
15 Junglework
16 Play It All Night Long

Disc Two:
01 Lawyers, Guns and Money
02 Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School
03 Hula Hula Boys
04 Accidentally Like A Martyr
05 Mama Couldn't Be Persuaded
06 The Next Best Thing
07 Poor Poor Pitiful Me
08 Cadillac Ranch
09 Excitable Boy
10 Ain't That Pretty At All
11 Werewolves Of London
12 DeeJay Banter
13 Carmelita
14 I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
15 Outro
Johnny Strikes Up the Band
The Overdraft
A Certain Girl
Jeannie Needs a Shooter
[band intros]
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
The Envoy
Simple Man, Simple Dream [Souther]
Charlie's Medicine
Jungle Work
Play It All Night Long
Accidentally Like a Martyr
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Cadillac Ranch [Springsteen]
Excitable Boy
[banter] > Ain't That Pretty At All
Werewolves of London
Frank & Jesse James
Start Me Up (Rolling Stones)>>
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Reconsider Me
Detox Mansion
Bill Lee
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
Johnny Strikes Up The Band
Accidentally Like A Martyr
Tenderness On The Block
Boom Boom Mancini
Working In The Factory
Werewolves Of London
Not Fade Away (Buddy Holly)>>
Lawyers, Guns & Money
Early Show

Audience Recording
Lineage: Cassette [generation unknown] > hard drive [Nero Wave Editor] > 
Adobe Audition > CD Wave > FLAC Frontend
Sector Boundary Errors checked with Trader's Little Helper

Many thanks to Ronald R from Germany for sharing his tapes!

Disc 1
01 Interlude
02 Lawyers, Guns & Money
03 Banter
04 Jeannie Needs A Shooter
05 Reconsider Me
06 Trouble Waiting To Happen
07 Frank & Jesse James
08 The Factory
09 Roland Chorale
10 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
11 Johnny Strikes Up The Band

Disc 2
01 Band Intros / Banter
02 Boom Boom Mancini
03 Jungle Work
04 Tenderness On The Block
05 Accidentally Like A Martyr
06 Werewolves Of London
07 Dancing With Myself
08 Summertime Blues
09 Poor Poor Pitiful Me > Rose Of Alabamy > PPPM Reprise
01. Lawyers, Guns and Money
02. Veracruz
03. Jeannie Needs a Shooter
04. Reconsider Me
05. Trouble Waiting to Happen
06. Frank and Jesse James
07. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
08. Johnny Strikes Up the Band

01. The Factory
02. Boom Boom Mancini
03. Jungle Work
04. Tenderness on the Block
05. Accidentally Like a Martyr
06. Werewolves of London > 
07. Mohammed's Radio
08. Dancing with Myself > Summertime Blues > Poor Poor Pitiful Me

solo Warren
Two audience sources of the show (little guy and markp); neither one sounds particularly great, but markp is a bit clearer
aud->cdr->EAC->Cooledit retrack->FLAC level 6

Lawyers Guns and Money
Detox Mansion
Boom Boom Mancini
Johnny Strikes Up The Band
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
Jungle Work
Accidentally Like A Martyr
band intro
Sentimental Hygiene
The Envoy

Play It All Night Long
Ain't That Pretty At All
Raspberry Beret
Reconsider Me
Mohammed's Radio
Werewolves of London
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Excitable Boy
Jeannie Needs A Shooter

This was with the Little Feat rhythm section before they left his tour to reform their old band. 
Transferred from cassette to hard drive w/ Nero Wave Editor > Adobe Audition > 
CD Wave > Trader's Little Helper [check Sector Boundary Errors] > FLAC Frontend

01. Drop Down Mama
02. Boom Boom Mancini [banter]
03. Play It All Night Long
04. Frank and Jesse James
05. Band intros
06. The Factory
07. Carmelita
08. Mama Couldn't Be Persauded
09. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
10. Networking
11. I Can't Tell You Why [Vocal by Timothy B. Schmit]
12. Junko Partner
13. Hasten Down the Wind
14. Traveling Riverside Blues
15. Poor Poor Pitiful Me
16. Banter
17. What's New Pussycat?
18. Lawyers, Guns and Money
19. Werewolves Of London
20. Trouble [slight flutter at beginning of track]

"The Patrician Homeboys"
Dan Dugmore - Guitar, dobro, banjo, lap steel guitar, pedal steel guitar
Timothy B. Schmit - Bass, harmony vocals
SBD>HiFi VHS>Cassette>Sound Forge>wav>flac

Disc 1

01 Lawyers, Guns & Money
02 Splendid Isolation
03 Stop Breakin Down
04 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
05 One Woman Man
06 Carmelita
07 Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead
08 Factory
09 Poor Poor Pitiful Me

Disc 2

01 Hula Hula Boys
02 Accidently Like A Martyr
03 Rasberry Beret
04 Desperados Under The Eaves
05 Boom Boom Mancini
06 band intro & conversation
07 Winter Wonderland>
08 Werewolves Of London
09 AIn't That Pretty At All
Sony WMD-3/Aiwa CM-30A, SoundForge CD Architect XP4.0 convert to .WAV, Flac

01 Buster Douglas
02 Even A Dog Can Shake Hands
03 Poor Poor Pitiful Me
04 Boom Boom Mancini
05 I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
06 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
07 Sentimental Hygiene
08 Splendid Isolation
09 Detox Mansion
10 Reconsider Me
11 A Certain Girl
12 Transverse City
13 Run Straight Down
14 The Long Arm Of The Law
15 Turbulence
16 Werewolves Of London
17 Play It All Night Long
18 Lawyers, Guns And Money
19 Mohammeds Radio
Lineage: Cassette [generation unknown] > hard drive [Nero Wave Editor] > Adobe Audition > 
CD Wave > FLAC Frontend
Sector Boundary Errors checked with Trader's Little Helper

Many thanks to Ronald R from Germany for sharing his tapes!

Disc 1
01 Even A Dog Can Shake Hands
02 Poor Poor Pitiful Me
03 Boom Boom Mancini
04 I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
05 Roland Chorale
06 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
07 Sentimental Hygiene
08 Banter
09 Splendid Isolation
10 Detox Mansion
11 //Reconsider Me// [missing 3 verses]

Disc 2
01 Certain Girl
02 Band Intros
03 Transverse City
04 Run Straight Down
05 Long Arm Of The Law
06 Turbulence
07 Banter / WOL tease
08 Werewolves Of London
09 Play It All Night Long
10 Lawyers, Guns and Money
11 Mohammed's Radio [different source]
Lineage: Cassette [generation unknown] > hard drive [Nero Wave Editor] > Adobe Audition > 
CD Wave > FLAC Frontend
Sector Boundary Errors checked with Trader's Little Helper

Disc 1
01 Even A Dog Can Shake Hands
02 Poor Poor Pitiful Me
03 Boom Boom Mancini
04 I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
05 Roland Chorale
06 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
07 Sentimental Hygiene
08 Splendid Isolation
09 Detox Mansion

Disc 2
01 Reconsider Me
02 Banter
03 Certain Girl
04 Band Intros
05 Transverse City
06 Run Straight Down
07 Long Arm Of The Law
08 Turbulence
09 Banter
10 Werewolves Of London
11 Play It All Night Long
12 Lawyers, Guns and Money
13 Mohammed's Radio// [cut at 2:07]
Nakamichi cm300 > sony tcd5m 
transfer from master cassettes
taper: markp

01. Even a Dog Can Shake Hands
02. Poor Poor Pitiful Me
03. Boom Boom Mancini
04. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
05. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
06. Sentimental Hygiene
07. Splendid Isolation
08. Reconsider Me
09. Detox Mansion

01. A Certain Girl
02. band intros > Transverse City > Run Straight Down
03. Long Arm of the Law
04. Turbulence
05. banter > Werewolves of London
06. Play It All Night Long
07. Lawyers, Guns and Money
08. Mohammed's Radio
SBD>HiFi VHS>Cassette>Sound Forge>wav>flac

Disc 1
01 Lawyers, Guns & Money
02 Splendid Isolation
03 Stop Breakin Down
04 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
05 One Woman Man
06 Carmelita
07 Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead
08 Factory
09 Poor Poor Pitiful Me

Disc 2
01 Hula Hula Boys
02 Accidently Like A Martyr
03 Rasberry Beret
04 Desperados Under The Eaves
05 Boom Boom Mancini
06 band intro & conversation
07 Winter Wonderland>
08 Werewolves Of London
09 Ain't That Pretty At All

Sound: A
Show: A-
 Splendid Isolation
Lawyers, Guns And Money
Mr. Bad Example
Excitable Boy
Hasten Down The Wind
The French Inhaler
The Worrier King
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
Searching For A Heart

Boom Boom Mancini
Jungle Work
Piano Fighter
Werewolves Of London
The Indifference Of Heaven
Detox Mansion
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Summertime Blues
Play It All Night Long
Mohammed's Radio
SBD>SV3700(48K)>CardDeluxe>CoolEdit2k>WAV(44.1k)>CD Wave Editor>FLAC

Set One:
01 Splendid Isolation
02 Lawyers Guns And Money
03 Mr. Bad Example
04 Carmelita
05 Excitable Boy ->
06 Hasten Down The Wind
07 The French Inhaler
08 Worrier King
09 Roland Chorale (instrumental) ->
10 Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
Set Two:
01 Searching For A Heart
02 Boom Boom Mancini  
03 Piano Fighter ->
04 Werewolves of London
05 The Indifference of Heaven
06 Detox Mansion
07 Poor Poor Pitiful Me
08 Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead
09 Play It All Night Long ->
10 Mohammed's Radio

This show is classic Zevon with lots of banter between songs. It was mixed onstage through a small board (8 or 16 track) by the "Professor of Desire". I patched into the main board and got the "house mix". The levels are kind of all over and the mics used aren't so great except for Warren's vocal mic. I didn't do much editing. There are a couple of places between songs where mics are switched and I matched the levels to make them less noticeable although you can hear the change in sound. I also missed the first few notes of the second set. 
Lineage: Cassette [generation unknown] > hard drive [Nero Wave Editor] > Adobe Audition > 
CD Wave > FLAC Frontend
Sector Boundary Errors checked with Trader's Little Helper

Many thanks to Ronald R from Germany for sharing his tapes!

Disc 1
01. Splendid Isolation [fades in]
02. Lawyers, Guns and Money 
03. Band Intros
04. Excitable Boy [banter]
05. The French Inhaler [banter]
06. Detox Mansion [banter]
07. Not Fade Away
08. Banter 
09. Worrier King
10. Roland Chorale 
11. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner

Disc 2
01. Searching for a Heart 
02. Banter
03. Boom Boom Mancini 
04. Jungle Work 
05. Banter
06. Frank and Jesse James
07. Desperados Under the Eaves
08. Werewolves of London 
09. The Indifference Of Heaven
10. Poor Poor Pitiful Me <Rose of Alabamy>
11. Play It All Night Long
12. Mr. Bad Example
01. Mr. Bad Example
02. Carmelita > [banter and Dr. Babyhead intro]
03. [banter] > Figurine
04. Piano Fighter
05. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
06. [banter]
07. Don't Let Us Get Sick
08. Bujumbura
09. Play It All Night Long
10. [instrumental intro to...]
11. Boom Boom Mancini
12. [banter] > You Don't Know What Love Is [Raye/DePaul]
13. Mack the Knife [Blitzstein/Brecht/Weill] > Excitable Boy
14. Werewolves of London
15. My Way [Anka/Francois/Revaux/Thibault]
16. Lawyers, Guns and Money
17. Ring Them Bells [Dylan]
18. Mohammed's Radio
19. [banter] > Poor Poor Pitiful Me > Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead
I just finished up the Warren Zevon biography by his ex-wife Crystal
so I though I'd upload this previously uncirculated show I recorded.
This night found Zevon in a very light hearted mood in front of a rabid
yet repsectful crowd. It was a really fun show and one of the earlier of
shows I've recorded. Hope you enjoy it.

Source: Core Sound Binaurals > Aiwa AM-F70
Lineage: Turtle Beach Catalina soundcard > Cool Edit 2000 > CDR > EAC > Flac

01 - Intro
02 - Porcelain Monkey
03 - Detox Mansion
04 - Poor Poor Pitiful Me
05 - Even a Dog Can Shake Hands
06 - My Shit's Fucked Up
07 - Jeannie Needs a Shooter
08 - Junk Bond King
09 - Excitable Boy / Springsteen improv
10 - For My Next Trick I'll Need a Volunteer
11 - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner / 
     Werewolves of London
12 - Play It All Night Long
13 - From a Distance (Julie Gold)
14 - Lawyers, Guns and Money  
I Was In The House When The House Burned Down
Mr. Bad Example
Porcelain Monkey
Detox Mansion
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Hostage O
My Shit's Fucked Up
Jeannie Needs A Shooter
Excitable Boy
Seminole Bingo
For My Next Trick I'll Need A Volunteer
Don't Let Us Get Sick
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
Werewolves Of London
Dark Eyes
Play It All Night Long
Lawyers, Guns & Money
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
Lineage Unknown; rec'd as three .wav files, edited with Adobe Auditon,
split with CD Wave, encoded to FLAC

Disc One
01. I Was In the House When the House Burned Down
02. Mr. Bad Example
03. [banter]
04. Porcelain Monkey
05. Detox Mansion > [intro]
06. Poor Poor Pitiful Me 
07. [banter]
08. Hostage-O
09. My Shit's Fucked Up
10. Jackson  [with Jill Sobule]
11. Atlantic City  [Springsteen] 
12. Jeannie Needs a Shooter > [crowd chatter]

Disc Two
01. Excitable Boy
02. [banter]
03. Seminole Bingo > [banter]
04. For My Next Trick I'll Need a Volunteer
05. Don't Let Us Get Sick
06. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner >
07. Werewolves of London > [banter]
08. If You Don't Love Me, I'll Kill Myself  [Droge]
09. Play It All Night Long [applause and banter]
10. Fifth Dimension [Byrds]
11. I'll Sleep When I'm Dead 
12. Lawyers, Guns and Money
Detox Mansion
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
My Shit's Fucked Up
Excitable Boy
Seminole Bingo
For My Next Trick I'll Need a Volunteer
Don't Let Us Get Sick
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
Werewolves of London
Back in the High Life
Play It All Night Long
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
Disc One
01. Lawyers, Guns and Money
02. I Was In the House When the House Burned Down
03. [banter]
04. Searching for a Heart
05. Boom Boom Mancini > [banter]
06. Excitable Boy
07. Seminole Bingo
08. Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner
09. Don't Let Us Get Sick
10. [banter]
11. Hit Somebody! (The Hockey Song)
12. [banter]
13. Carmelita
14. Chimes of Freedom

Disc Two
01. Frank and Jesse James >
02. Hasten Down the Wind >
03. The French Inhaler
04. Desperados Under the Eaves > [banter]
05. My Shit's Fucked Up
06. Poor Poor Pitiful Me
07. Play It All Night Long
08. For My Next Trick I'll Need a Volunteer
09. Werewolves of London
Play It All Night Long
Johnny Strikes Up The Band
Excitable Boy
Jeannie Needs A Shooter
A Certain Girl
Sacrificial Lambs
Suzie Lightning
Don't Let Us Get Sick
Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
If You Don't Love Me, I'll Kill Myself
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
The Envoy
For My Next Trick I'll Need A Volunteer
Seminole Bingo
Accidentally Like A Martyr
Boom Boom Mancini
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
Lawyers, Guns And Money
Fistful Of Rain
Wooly Bully
Werewolves Of London

Sound: B-
Show: B
Source:  Peluso cemc6/ck41's(DINa,7',row hh, seat 107,deadcenter)>bm2p+mod ua-5>jb3(16/48)
Transfer:  jb3>creative playcenter>wavelab 5
Editing:  Resampled and fades in/out of sets with Wavelab 5, tracking in CDWave, flac frontend for encoding
Taped and Tranferred:  Jon Buffington (stirinthesauce@hotmail.com)

set 1/disc 1

1. Contentment 
2. One Arm Steve
3. Disco
4. Space Wrangler*
5. Drums(short)
6. Party at Your Mama's House*
7. Goin out West**
8. Junco Partner***
9. x-mas Katie***
10. Thought Sausage

set 2/disc 2

1. Life During Wartime***
2. North*
3. Mercy 
4. Nebulous
5. Drums
6. Monstrosity
7. Casa del Grillo

set 2/disc 3

1. I'm Not Alone
2. Slippin' into Darkness
3. Henry Parsons
4. Bowlegged*


5. Lilly
6. Papa's Home
7. Rock

(* with John Keane on pedal steel
(** with John Keane on guitar, Randall Bramblett on saxophone
(*** with Randall Bramblett on saxophone
Time: 70.07
Recorded with : Sbd > Fostex?> Coac > D7
Transferred: D8 > Optical > Magix Audio Cleaning Lab > Wav > Flac
Quality: A+
Taped and transferred By: MarkE


1. Forget The Flowers   
2. California Stars   
3. Hesitating Beauty   
4. New Madrid
5. James Alley Blues   
6. She's A Jar   
7. Passenger Side   
8. Christ For President   
9. I'm Always In Love   
10. I Got You (At The End Of The Century)   
11. Monday   
12. Kingpin   
13. Outtasite (Outta Mind)   
14. When The Roses Bloom Again   
15. Casino Queen  

Me and MikeyD went down to this show in Rockford to see wilco and they were great!! Funny story, We're hanging around the soundboard waiting for the soundguy (Adam) to ask for a patch, and when comes over, he says " Sorry , the guys are playin some new stuff tonight and didnt want board patches.. No prob, he had our stealth stuff too. Then he says... "But if you got some green bud, I can hook you up..." So then we were on the board... Adam had a ?Fostex? deck already on the board so we used that and the coax output to the other Dat, 2 bhoaerd masters and ran the small mics as well. Good times.. This board tape smokes, perfect all around. Great Kingpin as well.... Check it out and never sell or bastardize this recording ...
Mark E

Whiskey River 
Stay A Little Longer 
Good Hearted Woman 
Funny How Time Slips Away 
Crazy (Shannon Doyle vocal)
Night Life 
Pine Tops Boogie Woogie 
Old Flames Can't Hold A Candle To You 
Me And Paul 
If You've Got The Money I've Got The Time 
Working Man's Blues 
Help Me Make It Through The Night 
Me And Bobby McGee 
Loving Her Was Easier 
Bloody Mary Morning 

Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain 
Polka Instrumental 
Blue Skies 
All Of Me 
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys > 
Mamas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys 
Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground 
On The Road Again 
Always On My Mind 
All The Things You Are 
Will The Circle Be Unbroken>
Nelson Family Outro Jam 

Seven Spanish Angels 
City Of New Orleans 
To All The Girls I've Loved Before 
Luckenbach, Texas> 
Whiskey River Reprise 
Still Is Still Moving To Me 
Milk Cow Blues  

Comment Willie Nelson & Family.
Willies guitar sounds a little brighter here as he's not using "Trigger" but instead plays a Gibson Chet Atkins SST given to him as a gift from Chet Atkins. 
CD 1	

See Who I Am
A Dangerous Mind
The Promise
Stand My Ground
Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush Cover)
Mother Earth
Deceiver Of Fools

CD 2	

The Other Half
Our Farewell
Jane Doe
Ice Queen


Aquarius Orchester Version	 			

Special Guest: Autumn

The Coven
Gospels In Dusk
Gallery Of Reality
Silent Madness
The Green Angel
This Night
Summer´s End

Audience Recording

Silver > DbPowerAmp > FLAC
La Scala
Commercial release - not for trade

Commercial release - not for trade
1. Intro
2. 3am in Edradour
3. Inst
4. By the Wayside
5. Paella Grande
6. Crowfeathers
7. Inst
8. Clueless
9. The Queen of Argyll
10. Inst
11. These Are the Days
12. Inst
13. Balivanich

Lineage:  CSBs > Edirol RO9 > Soundforge (edits)

You can always rely on Wolfstone to put on a show.  This is the first of, hopefully, five shows from Runrig's Beat the Drum bash at Drumnadrochit.  Other acts captured were Julie Fowlis, Great Big Sea, Aberfeldy and the ever-mighty Runrig.

The British summer weather had relented and the rain was merely torrential.  In between tracks you can hear the rain, but the basic recording is excellent.  The new album, Terra Firma, is well represented in the setlist.  Sorry, I'm no use at tunes so any help with titles would be appreciated.  

Thanks to primula.  Above and beyond.  
Original 1971 album by the last Yardbirds incarnation, recorded at
the Anderson Theatre NY, NY, 30 March 1968, was withdrawn due to
legal action by Jimmy Page. It's a wonderful document of the
Yardbirds already in transition to the trademark Led Zeppelin
sound by way of the famous axe-wielder himself.
The wrongly titled I'm Dazed and White Summer would eventually
wind up on Zeps s/t debut album as Dazed And Confused & Black
Mountain Side.

Keith Relf - vocals, harmonica & tambourine
Jimmy Page - guitars
Chris Dreja - bass
Jim McCarty - drums & backing vocals

1. Train Kept a Rollin'
2. Mister, You're A Better Man Than I/Heartful of Soul
3. I'm Dazed
4. My Baby
5. Over Under Sideways Down
6. Drinking Muddy Water
7. Shapes of Things
8. White Summer
9. I'm A Man
A SwissBird & SimplexSimplicissimus release :

Soundboard > ReelToReel > DAT > 1st copy > eac > wave > flac frontend
(align on sector boundaries Level 8) >
torrent on www.dimeadozen.org

Size : 498 MB (incl. Artwork)

Setlist :

Disc 1 :

01. Wassamatter Baby [7:42]
02. Billingual Girl [5:10]
03. La Gringa [6:52]
04. El Burrito [5:27]
05. La Candela (Prendela) [9:10]
06. Percussionsolo [4:32]
07. Fire [4:42]
08. Chocolate [2:16]
09. Guajira (I Love U 2 Much) [6:05]

Disc 2 :

01. Solito Me Quede [6:57]
02. Band Introductions & Solos [18:47]
03. Tu Casa, Mi Casa [10:18]
04. Bellydancer [6:27]

Musicians :

Levin Andres - guitar 
Padron Ileana - vocals
Panagiotis Andreou - bass
Martinez Pedro - percussion, vocals
De La Fe Alfredo - vocals
Herrera Mauricio - percussion
Warner Orris - drums

I wanted to share another Close To The Edge tour show so I looked thru my tapes and found this gem. While its not a complete show (some songs are missing and there is no crowd noise between songs) and the sound quality is about a B+, I chose it because of a few features which fans will find interesting: 
a. during Siberian Khatru Steve Howe's pedal steel doesn't work so we get to hear his steel solo on regular guitar
b. also during Siberian Khatru Rick's mellotron sound for strings is not used during one section and we get to hear the choir sound instead; and later on he uses the organ instead of the mellotron until finally, I guess, it gets fixed during the end section.
c. the band loses the PA during I've Seen All Good People except for the bass which continues on like nothing ever happened; the PA comes back on and the the band picks up awkwardly and starts the song over.
d. Rick's solo spot pretty much mirrors the Yessongs version, but he adds Cans And Brahms in the middle

NOTE: there is a Highland boot of this show which I have not heard, but it claims to be the complete show. If someone has the complete show I would be much obliged if they would contact me. My tape version runs at 71 minutes.

1. Firebird Suite
2. Siberian Khatru
3. I've Seen All Good People
4. Heart Of The Sunrise
5. And You & I
6. Close To The Edge (incomplete)
7. Wakeman solo
8. Roundabout
9. Starship Trooper


CD 1
The Revealing Science of God
Comments about The Remembering
The Remembering

CD 2
Comments about The Ancient
The Ancient (Giants Under the Sun)
Comments about Ritual

There are two recordings of this show: one contains the entire concert except the encore, but it has several cuts in the music, lousy sound quality, and terrible speed problems. You become sea-sick from the constant pitch changes. This may seem appropriate for a live recording of Tales from Topographic Oceans, but it isn't desirable.

The other recording is this one. The bad news is that it only includes the four tracks from the new Yes album of early 1974, but the good news is that the quality is very good. The tape appears to have been made up close to the stage, a good thing since music recorded from across the arena at Madison Square Garden echoes like a sewer pipe. 

There is a little distortion in the original recording. At some points the bass overrides the rest of the sound, and in a few cases the audio is overdriven, either from the sound system or the recorder. None of this is too severe, and I minimized it as much as possible through the remastering process. There is also some tape hiss apparent in quieter parts of the music. Noise reduction was used sparingly to reduce this noise, but not enough to significantly lower the high-frequency response of the original tape.

This same recording was used for the vinyl double album bootleg "The Affirmatives," though the quality of the tape copy used for that pressing ran too fast and sounded like an AM radio tuned off-center. On that album, The Remembering was faded out before it ended. On this copy of the tape, it runs to the end of the song. 

The taper missed part of the introduction to The Ancient. I substituted the lower-quality tape here, as it contained the full introduction.

Usually, I undersell my remasters as I don't like hype and prefer people to listen and draw their own conclusions. I like to tell you all the little wrinkles and imperfections in the source so you know I didn't overlook them or cause the sound to be worse than the original. In this case, and modesty aside, I will say that this remastered recording will blow your hair off. 

Yes stopped playing all four sides of Tales after their Detroit show on February 28, 1974. Considering that this is the best recording of a complete live performance of the double album, I took the liberty of naming it as if it was the intended follow-up to their live triple disk vinyl album, "YesSongs." 

January, 2005

Disc 1
1.1 Firebird Suite  1:31
1.2 Siberian Khatru  9:06
1.3 And You And I  9:46
1.4 Close To The Edge  19:09
1.5 The Revealing Science Of God  21:37

Disc 2
2.1 The Remembering  21:22
2.2 The Ancient  19:23
2.3 Ritual  24:21
2.4 Roundabout  7:37


Jon Anderson –Lead Vocals- Guitars and Percussion
Chris Squire –Bass Guitars- Percussion and Vocals
Steve Howe –Lead Guitars and Vocals
Alan White –Drums and Percussion
Rick Wakeman –Keyboard

The Tale of an Epic ! 
            The year was 1973, one that would take on epic proportions in the world of 
progressive rock. Genesis would start Selling England by the Pound, Jethro Tull wrote a Passion 
Play, ELP conducted Brain Salad Surgery and Pink Floyd took us on a trip to the Dark Side of the
 Moon. A vintage year to say the least. What could Yes do but to follow this incredibly creative 
            After the huge public success and critical acclaim of their last two albums, 
Fragile and Close to the Edge, many thought that the band had found the right formula and would 
follow the same path. Instead, Yes went where no one expected them to go. The release of Tales 
from Topographic Oceans in November of 1973 came as a shock to many Yes fans and press critics 
alike, not to mention the big heads at Atlantic records who were rather reluctant to have it 
released in the first place. This double album consisted of only four songs which were based on 
Sanskrit Shastric scriptures. 
            The concept and Jon Anderson’s ethereal lyrics were met with mixed reviews, even 
from Fellow musicians within the band. Rich Wakeman for one was quite uncomfortable with it, as 
he recalls: “Experimentation is fine, but it’s something you should do in your own time as you’re
 writing and rehearsing the music, until that experiment is proven in your own mind. Once you 
know where things are going, then you can put that music on record.  The music of Tales was not 
proven in my mind. It wasn’t worked out !”
            Experimental or not, the album was finished just the same, and a gigantic tour to 
promote it lay ahead. Yes would perform some 75 concerts in 5 months. This tour started in 
Bournemouth, England on November 16th, 1973 and would end in Rome, Italy on April 23rd, 1974.

            The band had chosen to play the Whole of Topographic Oceans as well as the entire 
Close to the Edge album, with Roundabout as the encore. It was to be an endurance marathon for 
both musicians and fans. Chris Squire remarked, “Let’s just say it didn’t go down very well at 
all !”
            As the tour advanced, and Rick Wakeman became increasingly unhappy, the band 
realized that the entire Tales album was perhaps a bit too much for an audience to grasp all at 
once. At one point, The Remembering was just dropped from the set to make way for a couple more 
familiar songs like Starship Trooper. The grand concept was turning into a nightmare. Disgusted 
by the whole episode, Wakeman left Yes right after the tour, just as Bill Bruford had left a 
year previous after being fed up with the endless development of the Close to the Edge album. 
Tales from Topographic Oceans, has been, is, and probably will always remain the most 
controversial album in Yes’s huge back catalog, but to the avid Yes fan, the album and the tour 
that ensued were perceived as nothing but triumphant. Looking back on it now, one cannot help 
but be taken by the majestic grandeur of the music offered in these four songs. Live recordings 
from this tour are highly sought after by fans nowadays. 
            The present concert was recorded from the audience at the Cobo Hall in Detroit, 
Michigan, on February 28th, 1974, the second of a two night stay. Yes performed the whole Close 
to the Edge and Topographic Oceans that night, something that would become rather scarce soon 
thereafter. This recording has always been appreciated by avid Yes fans as one of the best 
performances of the Tales material, but has been marred by high hiss and noise levels. PRRP 
staff have done their best to remove as much offending noise as possible so that the mastery of 
this music can be more fully appreciated.

Notes from the Re-master:

Multiple sources were used to produce this show. They all originated from a single source, 
namely, an audience recording made the night of the performance. The majority of the show is a 
known second generation tape of the concert, with additional components merged into the base 
recording from a 3rd generation tape. A patch was needed in the song The Remembering due to a 
“tape flip” in the master tape during that song. This patch came from a performance in Boston 
two nights earlier on 2/26/74. The second generation source had cuts in the audience applause 
between some songs and actually cut some brief dialogue just before Roundabout. Patches were 
used to fix these omissions. 
Here’s a bit of history about the tapes of this recording used for this re-master, “The 3rd  gen.
 Cassettes most likely represent all of the tape that was recorded that night, while the  
confirmed 2nd  gen. was acquired on CDR and had a small amount of in-between song tape missing. 
There is an AWFUL lot of Hiss and what sounds like occasional tape damage on the 2nd gen, but 
the same damage is present in parts on the 3rd gen. as well. While the 2nd gen had more hiss 
and noise it still seemed to be the stronger of the 2 tapes. 

The way the tape was traded as a cassette was this:  Two 90min tapes.

Side A - Firebird/Sib khat/AYAI/CTTE
Side B - RSOG/Remembering
Side C - The Ancient/Ritual/applause
Side D - Roundabout

On the 3rd gen., there is quite a bit of applause NOT included on the 2nd gen. and it's most 
likely that the 2nd gen. source had Roundabout put on a "used" tape {which accounts for it 
sounding slightly different from the rest of the show). It was quite common when trading to 
just put an 8 minute encore as clearly-labeled filler on another tape.” 
            Once the sources were spliced, merged and mixed together the main goal was to reduce
 the “awful” amount of hiss and noise in this recording. The signal strength was strong with 
good detail and viable music signal up to 10,000 Hz. An occasional tape slip or stretch occurred
 and was corrected as well as possible, but still audible. Rare dropouts were short enough that 
they could be masked without too much trouble. The hiss was quite disruptive in many segments of
 the recording and seemed to get worse as the concert went on. There were also bursts of hiss 
that would occur from time to time as if someone was interfering with a radio signal –which was 
obviously not the case here since this was an audience recording. As always, a compromise needed 
to be made to remove as much noise as possible without damaging the audible music. With the 
noise reduced significantly, we can now hear Jon lead in the others at 19:28 of Ritual with 
“one, two, ready, go”. Many other details of the music are now audible and more clearly 
appreciated. The right channel amplitude was reduced 15% to compensate for an imbalance in 
channel signal strength and all songs were speed corrected which helped to adjust the tempo and 
Yes-"The Word Is Love"-Tarantura Box Set
From the original silver discs of the limited edition Tarantura 10 cd box set "The Word Is Love", stated to be from Mike Millard audience masters.
Set Two
March 19, 1974, Long Beach, California, Long Beach Arena
Disc #1-TCDY-2-1
1. Firebird Suite
2. Siberian Khatru
3. And You And I
4. Close To The Edge
5. The Revealing Science Of God
Disc #2-TCDY-2-2
1. The Ancient
2. Ritual
3. Roundabout
4. Starship Trooper
Firebird Suite
Sound Chaser
Close to the Edge
To Be Over
The Gates of Delirium
Your Move
Mood for a Day

Long Distance Runaround
Moraz solo
The Clap
And You and I
Sweet Dreams

From the box set "The Word Is Love," stated to be from Mike Millard audience masters.

888 MB shn

SBD > "Master FM" (unknown media) > remastered by SMT using unknown software > PRRP ReMastering*>shn

Notes from the Re-master:
Since the source for this concert is a radio broadcast, the sound quality is generally good to begin with. The actual
source was a CD version of the master tapes obtained from the broadcasting radio station WNEW. We would like to
thank Shaun Toole for providing his remastered source to us for this project.

Viable music signal was present up to 18,000 Hz. This is quite rare for progressive rock concerts available from the
1970’s and makes this recording quite unique. A radio transmission or microphone / patch cord buzz occurred in the
left channel off and on throughout the show and needed to be corrected. Fortunately, the buzz was specifically identified
in the frequency spectrum and was surgically attacked. This approach produced a minimal effect on the remainder of the
music. Pops and clicks occurred frequently and were manually removed. Radio announcer volume was out of proportion
to the music in some segments and needed to be adjusted. Finally, only a slight amount of noise reduction was needed
during quite segments.

*From the PRRP website:
All remastered works are made with Cool Edit Audio Processing Software. When the source is a CD, The music is
ripped using Exact Audio Copy software. 6-Head Hi-Fi VCR is used when the source is video tape. An Onkyo cassette
deck is used for cassette tapes and monster cables connect the sources to the Sound Blaster  Audigy computer sound
card. This allows 24 bit A/D conversion. The system itself is a Dell Pentium IV running at 2.8GHz.
Disc 1
1.1 WNEW / WMMB DJ’s Introduction  1:22
1.2 Intro / Apocalypse  1:16
1.3 Siberian Khatru  9:15
1.4 Sound Chaser  11:03
1.5 I've Seen All Good People  7:18
1.6 Gates Of Delirium  22:18

Disc 2
2.1 Long Distance Runaround  2:17
2.2 Patrick Moraz Solo  4:14
2.3 Steve Howe Solo – Clap  3:39
2.4 Jon Anderson Solo – Exerpt From Olias  3:49
2.5 Heart Of The Sunrise  11:29
2.6 Ritual  25:47
2.7 DJ Chatter #1  1:28
2.8 Roundabout  8:36
2.9 DJ Chatter #2  1:28
2.10 I'm Down  3:29
2.11 DJ Outro  1:34

Warm up band: Pousette-Dart Band
Broadcast on WNEW radio Live

Jon Anderson –Vocals
Chris Squire –Bass
Steve Howe –Guitar
Alan White –Drums
Patrick Moraz –Keyboard

The 1976 Summer Tour began May 28, 1976 in Roanoke, Virginia. The Roosevelt stadium concert
was number 16 in a tour that would include 54 shows. The band members had recently finished solo
projects and had reconvened to begin their biggest American concert tour to date. At the time there
was still an enormous interest in the material from their most recent album Relayer. Gates of Delirium
and Soundchaser, both from that album, were played in Jersey City that night. From one that was there:
“We were there in 6 inches of mud in ‘76 at Roosevelt stadium in New Jersey for RELAYER”.
–Notes from the Edge

“Gates of Delirium is a war song, a battle scene, but it’s not to explain war or denounce it, really. It’s an
emotional description with the slight feeling at the end of ‘do we have to go through this forever?’ There’s
a prelude, a change, a victory tune, and peace at the end, with hope for the future….” –Jon Anderson

“Sound Chaser is like this madman from hell…an indescribable mixture of Patrick’s jazzy keyboards
and my weird sort of flamenco electric, which I’m sure has never been done before and will probably
never be done again!” –Steve Howe

Strangely enough, “To Be Over”, the last of the three songs from “Relayer” had been dropped from the
set list for reasons unknown, perhaps to allow the band to include a few more of the old stage favorites
like “Siberian Khatru” and “Heart of the Sunrise”.

“The concert was originally broadcast on WNEW from New York. According to former WNEW-FM DJ Richard Neer
in his book, 'FM', there was no mixing of the show being done by the radio station engineers; the feed going out
over the air was what the guy doing Yes' sound sent out. (This was because the manager of WNEW at the time
was too cheap to pay Neer and a sound engineer companion of his the few hundred bucks extra they would have
charged to do an on-the-fly broadcast mix). Hence the rather interesting variations in sound quality as the show
progressed.” –Forgotten Yesterdays.com

Another enthusiastic fan recalled: “It was 100 degrees that day.  When we finally got to the stadium, there was
about a battalion of police off to one side.  The line of fans was about 10 abreast and went around the stadium.
The police had bullhorns and were telling people "no glass inside the stadium". When we got inside, there was
a hot air balloon tethered over the stage, with the cover FROM TALES FROM TOPOGRAPHIC OCEANS on it!
The opening was the Poussette Dart band. Between the opening and Yes, there were fireworks.  One of the
rocket stands fell over during launch and a rocket shot across the infield and blew up under a car! Finally, true
dark fell around 9:00 PM and Yes began to play. During the battle scenes in "Gates of Delirium", the laser
(electric green, dark blue) was shot into the audience in random, staccato bursts. Later, during "Soon", the laser
fanned out and spun over the audience, who craned up hands over their heads to touch the light.  -Notes From The Edge.

It is with great pleasure that we now bring you this remaster of a legendary performance by a legendary band.
Enjoy this great 1976 moment with Yes.
Disc 1 (running time: 52:35.40)
1.  intro
2.  Apocalypse
3.  Siberian Khatru
4.  Sound Chaser
5.  I've Seen All Good People
6.  Gates Of Delirium

Disc 2 (running time: 68:43.06)

1.  Long Distance Runaround
2.  Patrick Moraz solo
3.  Clap
4.  Harp Solo
5.  Heart Of The Sunrise
6.  Ritual
7.  DJ chatter
8.  Roundabout
9.  DJ Chatter 2
10. I'm Down
11. DJ wrapup

1-1. Firebird Suite 1:54
1-2. Parallels 5:53
1-3. I've Seen All Good People 7:11
1-4. Close To The Edge 19:15
1-5. Wonderous Stories 4:16
1-6. The Colours Of The Rainbow 1:18
1-7. Turn Of The Century  7:59
1-8. And You And I 10:10

2-1. Rachmoninov’s Piano Concerto  1:32
2-2. Going for the One 5:33
2-3. 'Flight' Jam 4:29
2-4. Awaken 15:35 
2-5. Roundabout 8:46
2-6 Yours Is No Disgrace 14:00

Jon Anderson –Lead Vocals, Guitars, Harp & Percussion
Chris Squire –Bass Guitars, Backing Vocals
Steve Howe –Lead Guitars, Backing Vocals
Alan White –Drums & Percussion
Rick Wakeman–Keyboard

Going for the One Country of Switzerland?
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Yes were off to Switzerland to record their new album, Going for the One. It was an 
escape from the tax man and the familiar surroundings of England. Patrick Moraz made the trip 
with Yes, back to his home country but did not stay with the band once they arrived. Things 
were just not working out between him and his band mates. Rick Wakeman was brought in to take 
over the keyboards again and the band was off! Skiing in the morning, recording in the afternoon;
 this was the typical day for them at the time. These recording sessions would produce one of 
the very best Yes albums ever! With plans to move back to a song oriented album Jon still 
directed the band in the production of one of their most impressive epics of all time: ‘Awaken’.
In an interview in 1977, Jon said, “…I had a chance to read a book called ‘The Singer’. It’s 
about this Star Song which is an ageless hymn that’s sung every now and again and that inspired 
this song. It’s also influenced by a book I read recently about the life of Rembrandt...” The 
song is also noteworthy for how it was recorded. Rick Wakeman was required to produce church 
organ for this piece. However, the only way to get this sound was to use a real church organ, 
located 10 miles from the studio. A rather unique way of recording this instrument was devised, 
they used a telephone line. As Rick recalls, “We did it that way because that’s the way things 
are done in Switzerland… Their telephone lines are the highest fidelity you can imagine…So we 
rented a phone line, I put on the cans (headphones) and away we went. The pipe organ was 
recorded direct into the studio. I listened back over the cans, drove back to the studio, cut a 
little overdub and that was it.”
The tour to promote the album began with a performance in Toledo, Ohio July 30, 1977. Yes travers
ed the United States playing 55 shows to sold out venues night after night. Many who attended 
were pleased to see Rick back with the band. The new material was well received both during the 
shows and on the charts of the time.&nbsp; In July of 1977 the album reached number one in England 
and number 8 in the U.S. After the tour of the states Yes returned to Europe to continue their 
tour; thirty-six cities in 45 days, a grueling schedule to say the least.
With some 68 shows under their belt on this tour, the band could do no wrong as they reached 
Gothenburg, Sweden on November 12, 1977. The concert featured on this PRRP release presents Yes 
at the height of their performance skill. The old material like ‘Close to the Edge’ is polished 
and performed flawlessly but still there is room for Steve and Rick to add some slight variation 
to their leads. At this point in the tour, the band is also very comfortable with the new 
material which they deliver with confidence and power. The spirits of the band also appear to be
 brighter as old conflicts have been put aside. Jon now feels comfortable adding the 
light-hearted ‘Colors of the Rainbow’ and the comedic ‘Rachmoninov’s piano concerto’ routine to 
the set. This last bit with Rich is reminiscent of the Peter Gabriel skits of Genesis. The more 
difficult days of the Tales From Topographic Oceans tour have been left behind and the band is 
bursting with new found energy. So listen closely and you will hear some of the best music ever 
performed by the band called Yes! 

Notes from the Re-Master
This is a wonderful audience recording of a great Yes performance. The taping was probably made 
from the middle of the performance theater because the acoustics of the room are quite apparent.
 The audience is quite respectful so there is little in the way of talking or excessive clapping.
 The quality of the recording is quite good. Viable music signal was found up to 14,000 Hz 
during the bell tones of ‘Awaken’. The noise level was moderate but noise was easily identified
within the spectrum and reduced. Many brief buzz/pop artifacts were also found and manually 
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The complete show is here with the exception of three gaps that arise during the 
taping. The first gap occurs at 43 minutes into the show, during ‘Turn of the Century”. The 
break is 19 seconds long so it is likely a tape flip. The second occurs at the beginning of 
‘Roundabout’ and is only 15 seconds long but its actual length is unknown because applause 
precedes it. Again, this is thought most likely to be a tape flip break but another gap is 
found in ‘Roundabout’ lasting 1 minute and 23 seconds. Whether there was a switch in tapes or 
taping problems will never be known. All three gaps were patched using segments of a Yes show 
from Long Beach California September 26, 1977. This source was chosen because it is also an 
audience recording with similar acoustics and is less than two months before this current show.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Finally, the show needed re-tracking because many songs were grouped together. The 
‘Firebird Suite’ was separated from the first song ‘Parallels’ and ‘Colors of the Rainbow’ was 
tracked separate from ‘Wondrous Stories’. On disc two, the brief segment of Rachmoninov’s Piano 
concerto was tracked distinct from ‘Going for the One’ and ‘Flight Jam’ was separated from 
From the original silver discs of the limited edition Tarantura 10 cd box set "The Word Is Love", stated to be from Mike Millard audience masters.
Set Five
Disc #1-TCDY-5-1
1. Young Persons Guide To The Orchestra
2. Siberian Khatru
3. Heart Of The Sunrise
4. Future Times/
5. Rejoice
6. Circus Of Heaven
7. Time And A Word/
8. Long Distance Runaround/Survival/
9. The Fish (Schindleria Praematurus)/
10. Perpetual Change/
11. Soon
12. Don't Kill The Whale
13. Madrigal
14. Clap
Disc #2-TCDY-5-2
1. Starship Trooper
2. Madrigal/
3. On The Silent Wings Of Freedom
4. Wakeman Solo
5. Flight Jam/Awaken
6. I've Seen All Good People
7. Roundabout

Disc 1:
Siberian Khatru 10:38
Heart of the Sunrise 11:30
Future Times/Rejoice 7:11
Circus of Heaven 5:48
Time And A Word (segment) 4:10
Long Distance Runaround (segment) 3:15
The Fish-Survival (segment) 5:41
Perpetual Change (segment) 4:54
Soon (segment) 8:33
Don't Kill the Whale 4:23
Madrigal 1 0:34
Clap 4:19

Disc 2:
Starship Trooper 10:45
Madrigal 2 1:33
On the Silent Wings of Freedom 8:56
Rick Wakeman Solo 6:21
Awaken 17:54
All Good People 8:48
Roundabout 9:12

Jon Anderson –Lead Vocals, Guitars, Harp & Percussion
Chris Squire –Bass Guitars, Backing Vocals
Steve Howe –Lead Guitars, Backing Vocals
Alan White –Drums & Percussion
Rick Wakeman–Keyboard

Here we go again.&nbsp;

            Yes had just finished a well deserved vacation. The new album, Tormato had just been released in September and the band decided to kick off 
the supporting tour in the United States. After 38 shows in 43 days of a North American tour they took a 15 day vacation. Now, rested, Yes were ready to 
begin a brief stretch of shows at the famous Wembley Arena –formally known as the Empire Pool- in their home country of Great Britain before returning 
again to America. As a 12,000 seat venue Wembley Arena required a bit of modification to accommodate the Yes show because the Tormato Tour was 
presenting Yes with a Theatre-In-The-Round circular stage. Six shows were performed over a five night period and this recording presents the performance 
from the third evening.
            Despite the changing attitudes and preferences within the music industry of the time, Yes were still considered the masters. The 1978 Melody Maker 
Poll gave top male vocalist honors to Jon Anderson. Steve Howe was voted top guitarist and Rick Wakeman was considered the top keyboardist. Chris 
Squire was also named top bassist. At the time of the Wembley gigs the band members knew of these award selections and looked forward to the 
awards ceremony which was to occur in less than 2 weeks time –on November 8th. You would think that Yes were on top of the world.
            And yet, 1978 was an unsettling time for the band. &nbsp;They knew of the Punk rock movement and understood that it could influence the popularity 
of progressive rock which had commanded so much attention throughout the 1970’s. The decision had already been made with the last album cover to 
give a new look to the band and use Hypgnosis artists rather than Roger Dean. The Tormato album continued with that idea over the objections of Steve
 Howe. Originally, Tormato was to be called Tor. The Yes-Tor album cover was to be a picture of the band in front of a famous rock in Devon, England 
called the Yestor. Instead, the band had their picture taken in a park near the recording studio, nowhere near Devon. To add to the deception, Chris
 Squire forgot his black leather jacket and had to wear one with someone else’s name on it. This was eventually fixed in post-processing but was not a 
good omen for the album or the band.
            Indeed, during 1978, Yes were also having internal problems of their own. Though the credits on Tormato tell a different story, Rick Wakeman insists
 that he wrote much of the material on the album, “…I wrote four of the nine tracks; mostly with Jon. But there were some publishing disagreements and
 a few problems. Never believe credits on any album. They’re all political.” And according to Chris Squire, the competition within the band extended to 
the music as well, “…It just seems to me like both Rich and Steve on that particular album were seeing which one could play more notes than the other 
one. That’s kind of how the guitar and keyboard parts were constructed on most songs, it seems…” Sadly, these disagreements would eventually lead to 
the break-up of the band in 1980. During an interview in 1984, Jon Anderson was asked about the cause of the break-up. He said, “We just had too many 
Chiefs and not enough Indians.” 
            But Yes still had a loyal fan-base, eager to see them perform material from the new album. A matinee show on the final day at Wembley was 
even added to the schedule to accommodate the demand. The show opens with the familiar ‘Siberian Khatru’ and ‘Heart of the Sunrise’. Both songs 
were played with power and emotion demonstrating the cohesiveness that Yes had achieved after so many years of playing together. Jon welcomes 
the crowd with a simple, “Welcome to Wembley”, as if to say: here we are again, ready to bring you the intricacies of Yes music that you have come 
to expect from us…on with the performance… The band then launches off into material from the new album. Both ‘Future Times/Rejoice’ and ‘Circus of 
Heaven’ are received well and help to change the mood after the frantic pace of the older songs. The big Medley follows and presents segments of 
many of the classic Yes moments from previous years. The highlights of the second half of the show are ‘Awaken’ and ‘On The Silent Wings of Freedom’. 
Both songs demonstrate that Yes can move beyond their old classics of ‘Close to the Edge’ and ‘Ritual’ and produce long, moving pieces that will 
become standards for the setlist in years to come.
            The 1978 tour was so successful that it was extended into the next year, despite the absence of a new album to promote. Shows were booked 
and fans flocked to see Yes in their prime. What a disappointment when the split occurred at the end of that year. Still, Yes continued on into the 1980’s, 
90’s and the twenty-first century eventually re-forming this line-up so future generations could hear songs created in 1978, a time when Yes were at the 
top of their game…..&nbsp;

Notes from the Re-Master&nbsp;

            The master recording for this event had recently become available and was the starting point for this remaster project. The most obvious 
problems with the recording were the flat dynamics and the speed error. Once the speed was corrected the tape and audience noise was attenuated 
using multiple techniques. Tonality adjustment was needed to compensate for the venue as much as possible and then the dynamics were enhanced to 
restore some natural variability to the sound. A ring was found during difference parts of the show and was notched. Re-tracking was used to separate 
each segment of the Big Medley. Overall, a nice result.
01. Opening
02. Siberian Khatru
03. Heart of the Sunrise
04. Future Times - Rejoice
05. Circus of Heaven
06. Medley (Time and a Word, Long Distance, The Fish, Perpetual Change)
07. Don't Kill the Whale
08. The Clap
09. Starship Trooper
10. On the Silent Wings of Freedom
11. Rick Wakeman Solo
12. Awaken
13. Chanson Pour Quebec
14. I've Seen All Good People
15. Roundabout

txt file:
Remastered** by thir13en

A killer Yes show, one of the better known boots from them, and right at the end of their big 70's run. Not too far away, like it or hate it, is the "Owner Of A Lonely Heart" years. For me, it wasn't as good as this. 

All the hits and then some!

This needed the boost, so it got it. Fuller, wider, maximized.
For the Yes enthusiast, this one will be hard to beat.
Source:  SBD>CD
Transfer:  CD>EAC>Flac (aligned on sector boundaries)

Disc 1
1. Intro (Close Encounters)
2. Siberian Khatru
3. Heart Of The Sunrise
4. Future Times/Rejoice
5. Circus Of Heaven
6. Medley: Time And A Word/Long Distance Runaround/The Fish/Survival/Ritual/Perpetual Change/Soon
7. Don't Kill The Whale
8. The Clap (Steve Howe solo)

Disc 2
1. Starship Trooper
2. On The Silent Wings Of Freedom
3. Rick Wakeman solo
4. Awaken
5. Tour Song
6. I've Seen All Good People
7. Roundabout
Please Weed http://from1fan2allothers.com


1.1 Introduction 0:55
1.2 Siberian Khatru 9:51
1.3 Heart of the Sunrise 11:39
1.4 Future Times / Rejoice 7:25
1.5 Circus of Heaven 5:07
1.6 Time and a Word 4:24
1.7 Long Distance Runaround 3:13
1.8 Fish 4:38
1.9 Survival 3:34
1.10 Perpetual Change 4:41
1.11 Soon 8:44
1.12 Clap (Extended Version) 6:01
Disc - 70:12

2.1 And You and I 10:59
2.2 Starship Trooper 12:04
2.3 Wakeman Solo 6:09
2.4 Awaken 17:29
2.5 Tour Song 2:50
2.6 All Good People 7:07
2.7 Roundabout 8:50
Disc - 65:28 

Jon Anderson - Lead Vocals, Guitars, Harp  and Percussion
Steve Howe - Lead Guitars and Vocals
Chris Squire - Bass Guitars and Vocals
Rick Wakeman - Keyboards
Alan White - Drums and Percussion

“Going Around”

            Yes were in the midst of a grueling 60 show US tour. Tonight’s performance was the 
43rd gig since the tour began in April and the 7th night in a row of scheduled work. Only the 
cancelled show in Kansas City 3 nights earlier –from an unstable roof- gave them a reprieve. But 
now they were in Chicago, a city they knew quite well. The band had played here 14 times before, 
if you include the performance the night before this one. The International Amphitheatre was 
also familiar to the band. They had played this venue 9 times before, with the last visit 
September 24th 1978. The setlist for tonight was quite similar to what was played during their 
last visit. For this evening, the guys would replace ‘Silent wings of Freedom’ and ‘Don’t Kill 
the Whale’ with ‘And You And I’ and a Tour song; the rest of the material would remain 
essentially the same.
            This tour marked the 10th anniversary for the band. The tour book used at the time 
makes reference to this with words from Dan Hedges: “With their tenth anniversary behind them, 
Yes, as strong as ever, are embarking on this tour, the opening event of their second decade. 
Although the band is looking to the future with the same kind of energy that has always made 
Yes so existing, it seems not a bad time to recap some of the events of the last ten years. 
As an on-going idea, Yes have been around for ten years now, yet they've collectively got 
this strange disinterest in most things remotely concerning their past. Sure, they'll walk 
out on stage and blast through 'Roundabout', 'Starship Trooper', 'Siberian Khatru', and 
'Close To The Edge'. That's music. They still love those as much as always, and they'll 
probably be playing some of them tonight. But when it comes down to things like times, 
dates, places, events, and slapping themselves on the back for past achievements, you'll 
more often than not get a mystified shrug with a "... but does it really matter?". Yes are 
totally aware that it's you - the people who buy their albums and come to see them - who are 
the main reason why Yes remain alive and well. Ten years on, they thank you for that.

Notes from the Re-Master

Generally, this was a very good radio broadcast recording. Noise reduction was only used in a 
few selected regions. The left channel volume was about 20% below the right consistently 
throughout the show. This was corrected. Crackle and pops were numerous and needed to be removed.
 Finally, a few tonality adjustments were made. All in all, a very good recording with strong 
music signal and great detail

Jon Anderson	 (Vocals)
Steve Howe	 (Guitars)
Billy Sherwood	 (Guitars)
Chris Squire	 (Bass)
Alan White	 (Drums)
Igor Khoroshev	 (Keyboards)

Firebird Suite
Siberian Khatru
Rhythm Of Love
Open Your Eyes
And You And I
Heart Of The Sunrise
Mood For A Day/Winter/Guitar Boogie/Clap
From The Balcony
Wonderous Stories
Khoroshev Solo
Long Distance Runaround/Whitefish/Alan White Solo/Ritual
Owner Of A Lonely Heart
I've Seen All Good People
Starship Trooper

The Best show in the tour
disc 1
1. Young Persons' Guide to the Orchestra
2. Close to the Edge
3. Starship Trooper
4. The Gates of Delirium
5. Leaves of Green (excerpt from "The Ancient")

disc 2
1. Heart of the Sunrise
2. Ritual (Nous Sommes du Soleil)
3. I've Seen All Good People
4. Roundabout

Jon Anderson
Steve Howe
Chris Squire
Alan White
Igor Khoroshev
with Symphony Orchestra
Nice audience recording.

Lineage: trade cdr>EAC>wav>flac level 8.

Disc One

1. Intro/Close To The Edge 23:46
2. Long Distance Runaround 5:56
3. Don't Go 4:30
4. Tour song 1:31
5. In The Presence Of 12:20
6. The Gates Of Delirium 24:24
7. Concerto in D 3:25
8. Mood for a day 3:17

Disc Two

1. Starship Trooper 14:57
2. And You And I 13:14
3. Ritual 31:04
4. I've Seen All Good People 10:29
5. Roundabout 8:24

Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire, Rick Wakeman, Alan White.
Remastered from a soundboard source and an audience source (thus the "remix")

CD 1 : 
Firebird suite
Siberian khatru
In the presence of
We have heaven
South side of the sky
The revealing science of God
Will o'the wisp/Leaves of green
The little galliard

CD 2 : 
"America the beautiful" tour song
Show me
Catherine Howard/Lure of the wild/Wonderous stories/And you and I (Cord of life)
Happy birthday to Howie
Heart of the sunrise
Don't kill the whale
Whitefish (The fish/Tempus fugit/On the silent wings of freedom/Soundchaser/The fish reprise)

CD 3 : 
Yours is no disgrace


Jon Anderson
Steve Howe
Chris Squire
Rick Wakeman
Alan White
Firebird Suite
Siberian Khatru
In The Presence Of
We Have Heaven
South Side Of The Sky
Heart Of The Sunrise

Don't Kill The Whale
Yours Is No Disgrace
Source: Sony DAT TCD-D8 with "Soundman" Rock II mic > CD audio > Sound Forge 7 > FLAC
Tape by: Mark Hughes

CD 1:
1  Firebird Suite
2  Going for the One
3  Sweet Dreams
4  Your Move/All Good People
5  Mind Drive (introduction)
6  Mind Drive
7  South Side of the Sky
8  Turn of the Century
9  Footprints
10  Mind Drive (reprise)
11 Yours Is No Disgrace
12 Wakeman piano solo
13 The Meeting
14 Long Distance Runaround
15 Wond'rous Stories (introduction)
16 Wond'rous Stories 

CD 2
1  Time Is Time (introduction)
2  Time Is Time
3  Roundabout (introduction)
4  Roundabout
5  Show Me
6  Owner of a Lonely Heart
7  Second Initial
8  The Rhythm of Love
9  And You And I
10 Ritual (introduction)
11 Ritual
12 Starship Trooper
Intro: Firebird Suite
Going for the One
Sweet Dreams
I've Seen All Good People
Mind Drive, pt. 1
South Side of the Sky
Mind Drive, pt. 2
Yours Is No Disgrace
Second Initial
Jane Seymour

Long Distance Runaround/The Fish
Owner of a Lonely Heart
Rhythm of Love
And You and I
Starship Trooper
Source:  SBD + AKGC414XLS > MOTU Traveler > Inspiron 5100
Lineage:  SONAR HS4 > SF 8.0 > CDA 5.2 > FLAC Frontend > FLAC

Recording & Transfer:  M. Dill (wanderingpoet@earthlink.net)

Set 1 

01 - Bloody Mary Morning #
02 - Sideshow Blues @ > 
03 - Shenandoah Valley Breakdown
04 - Long Time
05 - Red Rocking Chair >
06 - Kentucky Mandolin
07 - The Bolton Stretch
08 - Darkness and Light
09 - This Lonesome Heart
10 - Traffic Jam >
11 - Ten >
12 - Traffic Jam

Set 2

13 - High on a Hilltop >
14 - Steep Grade, Sharp Curve >
15 - Troubled Mind > 20 Eyes $ > Troubled Mind
16 - Jesus on the Mainline & > 
17 - Little Rabbit >
18 - Jesus on the Mainline
19 - Finally Saw the Light
20 - Idaho
21 - Yes She Do (No She Don't)
22 - 40 Miles from Denver
23 - It Takes a Lot To Laugh It Takes a Train To Cry *

24 - Snow on the Pines >
25 - Robot Jam >
26 - Snow on the Pines >
27 - Goodbye Blue Sky ^

28 - Granny Wontcha Smoke Some Marijuana **
29 - Four Walls of Raiford ##


# Willie Nelson cover
@ Todd Snyder cover
$ Misfits cover
& Mississippi Fred McDowell cover
* Bob Dylan cover
^ Pink Floyd cover
** John Hartford cover
## Lynyrd Skynyrd cover
DAT audience recording. The ladies of darkness return, with a  different vocalist than at the June 3rd '05 Catalyst show. I think  the original gal sounded a bit more like Robert Plant, the new singer  does do a good job though. Very enthusiastic crowd, and perhaps a  slightly better recording than the previous Catalyst show.
    taper: cujofats
    source: mm-mcsm-1>sony pcm-m1
Disc #1
1. We're Gonna Groove
2. The Rover
3. Misty Mountain Hop
4. Communication Breakdown
5. What Is And What Should Never Be
6. The Lemon Song
7. Rock "n" Roll
8. Custard Pie
9. Black Dog
10. The Ocean
11. Trampled Under Foot
12. Since I've Been Loving You
13. Whole Lotta Love
Disc #2
1. Heartbreaker
2. -applause
3. encore: Immigrant Song
[[TiddlyWiki|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]] © Osmosoft
Sony ECM719 > Sony MZ-NH1 > USB 1.1 > Wavelab v5.01a > CD Wav Editor > EAC v0.95 beta 1 > FLAC frontend v1.7.1

Pocket Revolution
Cold Sun of Circumstance
Stop-Start Nature
Instant Street
Fell Off the Floor, Man
Assault on Magnus
Real Sugar

If You Don't Get What You Want
Theme from Turnpike
For the Roses
Nothing Really Ends
Sun Ra (incomplete)
Alerte Incendie
Bad Timing
Sun Ra
What We Talk About
Suds & Soda
	Recorded, transferred & encoded by: Tristan Ruellan	

	Generation:	 	Aud>Audio Technica AT831s>Sony PCM-M1

	Lineage:	 	Aud
				>2xAudio Technica AT831
				>Home made battery Box
				>Sony PCM-M1
				>Sony PCM-R300
				>Spdif coax.
				>Presonus Firebox
				>Spark 2.82
				>Xact 1.58 (SBE fixed)

	total time:		1:03:33
	Fileset size:		365.4MB	

				t01: Theme From Turnpike 
				t02: Instant Street
				t03: Fell Off The Floor, Man
				t04: Sun Ra
				t05: Via
				t06: What We Talk About (When We Talk 
								About Love) 
				t07: Suds & Soda (with Steph Kamil) 
				t08: Nothing Really Ends 
				t09: Bad Timing 
				t10: Pocket Revolution (with Steph Kamil,
				 	Eva & Kapinga from Zita Swoon)				
				t11: Roses
Goodbye Enemy Airship
Classic Noodlanding
If I Only
Soul and Onward
All of this Is True
When Day Chokes the Night
Whit Light of
The Landlord Is Dead
End of Music
Source: Soundboard > Denecke AD-20 > S/PDIF Digital Input > Marantz PMD670

Transfer: Compactflash Card > Sandisk CF Reader > Audacity > CD Wave Editor > Flac Frontend

Taper / Upload: John Dewey (hammerhorror)


horns of a rabbit/ Auberge Le Mouton Noir
fredrecia (aborted)
the landlord is dead
Inner and Outer and Secret
goodbye enemy airship
End of Music
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Sonic Studio DSM P6S > DAT  

1. [02:24] Intro/Tuning/Crowd
2. [14:13] Moya
3. [11:38] Gathering Storm
4. [20:26] World Police

1. [15:44] Tazer Floyd (Rockets Fall on Rocket Falls)
2. [22:07] 12-28-99 > The Sad Mafioso
3. [06:51] Dead Flag Blues (outro)
Partial Soundcheck
Tazer Floyd
World Police
Dead Metheny
Blaise Bailey Finnegan III
I'm curious whether anyone subscribes to this site. If you do, let me know at bmaddock@gmail.com . Thanks.
Neumann KM140 (split 15' clamped to balcony rail) -> EAA PSP-2 -> Tascam DA-P1 

SHN: DA-P1 -> SGI Indigo^2 -> cdwave -> .WAV files -> SHN v3 (no EAC)
Taped and converted by Alex Prestin <wakko@bitey.net>

Disc 1:
Set I:
1. Intro
2. Rebubula >
3. Spaz Medicine
4. Akimbo

Disc 2:
Set I:
1. Captain America -> 
2. Recreational Chemistry 

Disc 3:
Set II:
1. Intro
2. Head ->
3. Kids

Disc 4:
Set II:
1. Hi & Lo ->
2. Brent Black ->
3. Meat ->
4. Head Reprise
5. Encore Intro

6. Money
Source: Schoeps CMC64V > Apogee AD-1000 (44.1) > DAT (at front-left of sbd)

Transfer: TASCAM DA-20MKII > ZA2 > wav > Cool Edit (normalize & fades) > shn
          by Bob Haas (rhaas131@home.com)

  Disc 1
 1  intro
 2  Somewhere Over The Rainbow
 3  Speak To Me
 4  Breathe
 5  On The Run
 6  Time
 7  Great Gig In The Sky
 8  Money
 9  Us And Them
10  Any Colour You Like
11  Brain Damage
12  Eclipse

  Disc 2
    Set II
 1  crowd
 2  Plane Crash
 3  Threw It All Away
 4  Opium
 5  Gone  

  Disc 3
 1  Moth >
 2  Meat

  Disc 4
 1  crowd
 2  Spine Of A Dog >
 3  Buster >
 4  Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead 
Tower Theater
Upper Darby, PA

Source: AKG 460/CK63 > MP-2 > TR_mod SBM-1 > Nomad Jukebox 3 (16/41)
Location: FOB Row PP Seat 103 (2nd seat from isle) Stand at 7' DIN configuration
Transfer: JB3 > firewire via  Notmad Explorer 8.5.7 > Wavelab 5 (track/fade) > Wav  > Flac
Recorded and transferred by: Chris Kantner ( justgup @ yahoo.com )

Disc 1
Set 1
01. Intro
02. Crab Eyes
03. Threw It All Away
04. Wicked Awesome *
05. Jam >
06. Akimbo
07. Biblical
08. Y.O.Y >
09. Down Boy >
10. Brent Black

Set 2
Disc 2
01. Intro
02. Spine of a Dog  > 
03. Lost Along the Way >
04. Time  > Be Careful with that Axe, Eugene >  @ 
05. Timmy Tucker >

Disc 3
01. Kids >
02. George
03. Not Coming Down > 
04. Wormwood >
05. Okayalright

* 1st time played
@ Pink Floyd covers
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Trio - Anna Maria Friman (Soprano); Linn Andrea Fuglseth ("Middle voice"); and, Torunn Ostrem Ossum ("Low voice")

Berkeley Castle, Select Roll 55, England 14th Century
2. Alma Mater/Ante Thorum 
3. Benedicta es celorum regina
4. De spineto Nata Rosa
6. Villemann og Magnhild - 13th Century
7. Toll - Trad.
8. Gardsjenta - Trad
9. MediaevalRoldandskvadet - 13th Century

Anon. England 14th century
10. Salve Mater misericordie
11. Salve Virgo virginum
12. Virga Ferax Aaron
13. Denne Jorda - Lillebjorn Nilsen
14. Den elskete Jerusalem - Trad. Vestfold
15. Krohn
Anon. England 14th century
16. Mater Christi nobilis
17. O Ceteris Preamabilis
18. Stella Maris Illustrans
19. Masurka
20. I mine kate ungdomsdagar
21. Det er tungint fri

Total Time: 55:15

These are the pieces listed in the program that is online. The announcer doesn't say which is which, and I think this is the order they broadcast them in, but it might not. This is truly beautiful music.